#like give me red zane
kindaasrikal · 2 months
Lego ninjago but everyone is the green ninja and Lloyd is the guy who looks like the ugly version of a rainbow. Whats the opposite of rain. Uh
He’s a drybow. Sunbow? Cloud bow? Idk,he looks like a five year old boy slapped some colours together and said it was the rainbow. Wearing red,two shades of blue, black, and white. He cusses Wu out for his horrible sense of fashion, only to find out its cause of the fsm.
Wu and Garmadon had to suffer the same fate. Bright neon yellow and green, with some pink mixed in.
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so-sures-blog · 8 months
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icebound definition: surrounded, obstructed, or covered by ice.
In which Zane uses his element against the Overlord to save the city and his friends. Because it wasn’t about numbers, it was about family.
It is the end, and Zane knows it.
The Overlord is conquering Ninjago City, webs of gold stringing across buildings like Christmas lights and tying up his friends like flies. They struggle, but it is useless under the might of the Overlord.
Zane flips out of the way of a golden band reaching to ensnare him and lands on a roof. All of his friends are tied up, and only Zane is free. He knows what he has to do. He is the only one who can.
“Support me, friends. For one last time.”
He takes a running leap off the ledge, and Jay flips midair so his feet plant squarely on top of his. Then Cole, Lloyd, Kai, Sensei Garmadon, and Wu.
He soars, flying straight at the Overlord, and grabs onto his golden fangs.
Immediately, he feels its power, and its agony. Pain rips into every crevice of his body; his jolts rattle and shake and his wires spark under his skin.
“Let my friends go!” Zane shouts.
“Go where, Doomed Ninja?” The Overlord sneers. Its eyes, red and hateful, glare into him.
Zane writhes under the immense pain and power. His body cannot handle it, he knows, and he feels himself falling apart under it.
“The Golden Weapons are too powerful for you to behold. Your survival chance is low.”
But Zane isn’t trying to hold them. He’s trying to destroy them.
He thinks of his brothers. He thinks of PIXAL. He thinks of his father. He thinks of an old man with long white hair as pure as snow and ice blue eyes that visited him a long time ago, who had come and left as quickly as winter did and had breathed that power into him because he saw him worthy of it.
“This … isn’t about numbers … It's about family!”
The golden webs holding the Ninja fall and they escape. He can hear them screaming, telling him to let go, and he thanks them for that. Wu and Garmadon grab onto them and yank them back, away from the oncoming destruction.
His core — his heart — started reaching critical mass. Frost began creeping upon the Overlord’s fangs. Something blue and blinding in his heart freezes under his power, and Zane embraces it. It's his power. His choice.
“I am a Nindroid. And Ninja never quit. Go Ninja … go!”
He is the Master of Ice. He was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He stands for peace, freedom, and courage in the face of all who threaten Ninjago.
Frostbite burns his skin away; jolt and wires freeze under the cold; until he is left completely bare.
The last glimpse they get of Zane is him surrounded by a blizzard of his own making, bright and beautiful like a supernova. Burning blue and white with the terrible brilliance of his own determined choice.
Zane died; not as a machine, not as a human, not as a tool of anyone or anything — but as himself. Zane died to save the ones he loves.
And woke up as something completely different.
PIXAL climbs her way up the steep cliff side, careful to place her foot in secure crevices in case she slipped and fell from the icy mountain. Heavy snow blinded her vision as the blizzard whipped around her, but she kept her pace steady and sure.
It had been months since she had left Ninjago City and began her search. Months since Zane’s death and memorial. PIXAL knew, logically, that she should be back there, properly mourning him. But she could not.
He had never given up on her, not when she was under the Overlord’s control or when she was struggling with the newness of emotions.
And that meant she could never give up on him.
When she had first met Zane, she became more than a machine meant to function. He was vital to her, and she was a part of him.
She carried half his heart, and against all logical explanations, she knew he was still alive.
She did not tell the Ninja of her suspicions: the immediate aftermath of Zane’s loss had been devastating. She’d watched as the team fractured, splitting at the seams as they all fled their separate ways, too heartsore and dizzy with grief to do much otherwise. She did not tell Cyrus Borg where she was going either, for she knew if he begged her to stay, she would.
If she had told them she had seen a snowy wraith emerge from the destruction of the frozen, apocalyptic atmosphere on the rooftop, she would have been told she had imagined it due to her grief.
And while she was grieving, she was not imagining it. She is a Nindroid, and she did not have an imagination. PIXAL was built to observe, to analyze, to collect data and gather information. She built theories and hypothesized, not assumed.
So she followed the signs. She kept track of all weather anomalies that happened across Ninjago — sudden snowstorms, cold drops in temperatures that swept through small villages and towns. It led her all across the country until it ended here, with her climbing up the frozen, snow-peaked mountain.
Finally, PIXAL arrived at her destination.
The Ice Temple.
Slowly, she makes her way towards it. Her sensors indicate the temperature dropping the closer she gets. For a normal human, they would have already gotten frostbite without the proper equipment and numb with it, but PIXAL was made of metal. The cold did not bother her.
She peers into the glacial architecture, but does not enter. Or more like, she is unable to. It feels as if there is some sort of force of winter that is keeping her at bay.
“Zane?” Hope finds its way into the desperation of her voice. Freezing winds whip her hair out of its ponytail and against the purple circuits on her cheeks, but she barely notices. “Is that you?”
There’s nothing except for the howling wind, then her eyes catch movement. Slowly, almost like a ghost, a figure starts to come closer, making a shape against the blizzard.
If PIXAL had lungs, all the air would have rushed out of them.
A being made of pure winter floated in front of her. Formed of ice and frost and molded by the wind, it stood there and looked at her. Opaque ice carved the face that has been imprinted in her memory drives, the one she had traveled across the entire world to see again.
It was frozen, and beautiful, and Zane.
Inside her neural drive, alarms were blaring into her system, flashing behind her eyes. Warning: Severe weather alert. Temperature reaching sub-zero levels. Retreat into a warmer climate —
PIXAL shut off the notifications.
“Hello,” she says. Zane does not move. She dares a step closer. “Do you recognize me?”
He says nothing, so PIXAL continues on. It feels like their roles were reversed when they first met: she, the one struck speechless by the other’s beauty. Him, stoic to it all.
“I’m PIXAL, the Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Lifeform. I’m a … friend. I came searching for you to bring you home. There are things about you that you don’t understand. That you have yet to discover. I am here to help you remember.”
Zane is quiet, but she senses that he is listening. Something glowing in her chest aches.
“It is alright if you don’t remember me,” PIXAL says. She cannot cry, but is she would she could. She is still new to emotions, and many are overwhelming her: joy and grief and something fierce and pure deep in her heart. “I remember you. And we are still compatible.”
Zane tilts his head and drifts closer. The snow slows its fall, the wind stopping altogether. Snowflakes gently coat her hair. Now that he is closer, she can see the differences that make him unlike the old Zane: he doesn’t have the one dimple on the right side of his cheek, or the small beauty mark on his collarbone, or the tiny scar on his index finger from his shuriken.
But he is still Zane, even as an icy spirit.
She held out a hand. “Your brothers miss you very much. Will you come back with me, Zane?”
He is silent, staring at her. Unlike before, it is impossible to know what he is thinking. She gazes up at him, imploring. His eyes have no irises or pupils, so she is simply staring up at pinpricks of pure blue light.
Slowly, his hand reaches out of her.
A loud sound echoes across the ice, and out of nowhere chains of Vengestone come flying out and capture him.
Fear slams into her. “Zane!” PIXAL cries.
Ice races out from his body and across the chains as Zane struggles, but no matter what, he can’t break them.
PIXAL whips around to face the assailant.
A man in his thirties, wrapped in a thick parka to prevent the cold and wearing a red mask. He has shoulder-length brown hair and is wearing a dyed red straw hat, and under it she can see he is hiding an eyepatch.
“What are you doing?” PIXAL shouts. Anger — an emotion she rarely feels — burns through her.
The man lowers his gun and pulls out another one before she can even blink.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Just following orders.”
Before she can question what that means, he fires. A net tangles her limbs together and brings her down against the cold snow. Before she can fight against it, electricity courses through her.
And then everything went black.
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mouwrites · 6 months
hopefully requests are open rn, but just in case...
Can I request the Ninjas with a shy reader? Like someone who gets flustered really easily, doesn't know how to properly ask for affection, can't order for themselves at a restaurant, ect.
I think this is a really cute trope and I love seeing it in writing!
Oh I totally agree!! As a shy person myself I never get tired of seeing this trope hehe <3
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Shy s/o
I don't think you'll have to worry about asking for affection with him
If anything, you'll have to worry about asking for some space
Jay's super affectionate when it comes to romance, and he gets so lost in his loverboy haze that he won't see your "stop" signs unless you express them explicitly
But he does love seeing you all flustered
For him it's a sign that his love is getting to you (in a good way!)
He gets the biggest grin when he can make you blush, and he practically melts when you avert your gaze bashfully
"Aww, look at you being all shy. You're adorable."
Probably pinches your cheek too, that corny dude (we still love him though <3)
Jay can also be pretty anxious when it comes to social situations, but that goes out the window when it comes to you
Definitely will do the "excuse me they asked for no pickles!! >:(" thing, just for you <33
And he does NOT tolerate other people making you shy
As soon as he notices you're blushing or looking away because of someone else, he's at your side in an instant helping you escape the situation
totally not because he's jealous
He thinks it's cute that you're shy :)
He loves the way your cheeks turn pink when he complements you, or the way you fiddle nervously when you don't know what to say
You're so adorable to him
Whenever he manages to fluster you a bit, he gets a little grin and does an internal happy dance
But if he flusters you too much he feels bad
He doesn't want to actually breach any boundaries with you
But he's usually careful about that, keeping the affection pretty light so you don't get embarrassed (but he still gives you enough that you know he loves you <3)
Unfortunately that means that you're going to have to work up some real courage if you want something more
I feel like he's got this duality when it comes to social situations...
On the one hand, he has no trouble standing up for the ones he loves (you) when they need it
He'll totally step up for you when the time comes
But at the same time he's a little shy himself, and he's not going to do anything too drastic
Like if someone is making you uncomfortable, he'll just tug your sleeve and give you the "let's get out of here" look
He also thinks it's super cute that you're shy
But I feel like he'd also encourage you to stand up for yourself more often
He LOVES making you flustered though
It's just so easy
One wink and you're red as a firetruck... but he likes to get more creative than that
Compliments and pda galore man,,, someone stop this fiend
He does it because yes, it does make you all shy and that's adorable, but also because he wants you to build a tolerance to it (if that makes sense)
He wants you to become at least a little less shy, only for your own benefit
He's happy to stand up for you, or ask you what you need instead of you having to bring it up yourself, but what he'd really love is for you to have some initiative
The first time you compliment him back, or order your own food, he is OVER THE MOON
You thought he was affectionate before? Be prepared for a whole new level of love when he gets all proud like that
He still thinks it's cute when you get shy though, so he's not going to change you completely
Mans just wants you to have a bit more confidence!
Because you're amazing and you deserve that much at least 😤
He's chill with you being shy
Yes, he thinks it's cute, but he also recognizes it as a potential problem in your relationship
Not in a "something we might break up over" way though!! I must emphasize this!!
More in a "something I need to be conscious about" way
Like, he knows that you struggle sometimes, so he'll try to compensate :)
He'll ask you if you want affection, or just give it to you when he thinks you need it
He's already walking in front of you when you approach the fast food counter, ready to order for you
And in social situations he offers his hand for you to hold, not only for anxiety but so that you don't get separated
He doesn't mind doing any of this one bit btw :)
If anything, he sees it as a way to prove his love for you
But he's also not going to make a big deal about it or hold it over your head or anything
He does all of it as if it's the most casual thing in the world, and the longer you're together, that only becomes more true
Ofc he'd love to see you gain some confidence, but he's also totally fine being your social shield and advocate :)
Definitely teases you about how shy you are (specifically about how you get so cute when you're shy)
Never mind that he is also pretty shy
Literally all you have to do when he's teasing you is say "you're one to talk" and he's just like:
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But on a different note, he does like making you blush :)
He thinks it's cute when you get a little shy, but like Kai he also wants to see you gain a little confidence
His method is different though... prepare for a shower of affection and hype work
Always spends at least two minutes gushing about how gorgeous you are before going out
Dw, he waits for you to stop blushing before you actually go in public
But he makes you agree with him
"You're gorgeous!! Look in the mirror! No, seriously, look. Look how stunning you are!"
And you'll just get a shy grin, giving a little nod
Insecurity? not on his watch
And when you need to confront someone he'll do it, but he makes you come along
He'll hold your hand if you like though :)
no im not just saying this because im shy and i want her to love me
She loves being able to stand up for you, being your big strong gf <3
She practically jumps at the opportunity to protect you in social situations
Not to the point that she's overprotective, but you'll definitely feel her eyes on you when you get separated
And she also tries to stay in tune with your implied feelings, since you struggle to express them explicitly
She'll test the waters with remarks like "anything... frustrating happen today?" when she thinks you're mad, or "man, I don't know about you, but I could really use some cuddles..." when she thinks you need affection
She tries to open up opportunities like that for you; whether you take them or not is up to you
But she might get pushy if she's convinced about something, asking more direct questions like "okay, be serious with me: what's wrong?"
She'll make you look at her when you reply
She'll always understand your feelings, but what she doesn't understand is you hiding them from her
You'll have to learn to be a lot more candid and upfront (at least with her) when you date her
She's fine when you're shy in public, and even when you're shy in private to an extent, but what she won't tolerate is you closing yourself off from her
She just wants to know how you're feeling so she knows how to help :(
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Thank you so much for this request, I had a lot of fun with this one hehe! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
How would they ask you out for the first time? {Ninjago Addition}
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~ Lloyd Garmadon ~
He was teaching you new tricks he had learned, smiling proudly, but yet he had been more bashful with his ears red, which was unusual for him. This moment is interrupted to him being a hero, yet again, "We can continue later on, yeah." He says out loud to you but stopping at the door for a short second longer. "Let's call it a date, how about that?" Rushing down the hall after with a boyish grin on his expression.
~ Kai Smith ~
Of course, he had been the most confident about it. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer, reaching a hand out with your favourite flower handed to you. The infamous grin on his lips and a raised brow. "If you're free anytime soon, I could take you out. Hmm? What you say."
~ Cole Brookstone ~
Taking both your hands on his wishing on your whole attention as his face warmed up, "I've been thinking for a while.." Pausing as he himself needed to take a breath before continuing eye contact. "We should go out? Sometime in the upcoming free time, if you want." Laughing nervously, squeezing your hands carefully knowing his own strength.
~ Zane Julian ~
He had decided to go somewhat 'simple' with asking you out. There had been silence for a while with only you two standing on the deck of the ship. "I believe we should go on a date." Sounding more like statement than a question, deep down he was too nervous to even make eye contact at that very moment
~ Jay Walker ~
Simple. Simple as he walked up to you with a whole handful of flowers, chocolates, and a teddy. Wearing a black suit and a tie smiling sweetly standing there looking handsome as ever, "I hope you consider a date with me, on Friday at 6pm? I'll pick you up." Cocking his head to the side feeling as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
~ Nya Smith ~
Not only did she have a speciality with water and machine crafting, using what she knows of her water powers to write out her date proposals for when you joined her along the walk down the beach for a moment to relax. Doing her movements as a dark blush appeared on her face before looking back at you. "So?" She muttered nervously.
~ Morro ~
Often, was he grumpy, he seemed oddly less unpleased this evening. "Let's go out, I'll pick you up at 6." Crossed arms and a head turned to the side, not wanting to look weak in front of you, a scowl to be miss-matching how he actually felt. Especially since he thought so highly of you again, enough to even take you out.
~ Skylor ~
A few days before, she previously asked you to show up at the restaurant, saying she wanted you to try out a new recipe. When making sure she was the one who served your table, giving you a playful wink before leaving you alone. There laid a paper next to the bowl which was placed in front of you, which read, 'Taking you out on Friday at 6 xoxo Skylor.'
~ P.I.X.A.L ~
Knowing very well that you like, so she took time to get your favourite chocolate, which had been placing it in your hands with a simple tiny smile on her metal face. "I like you. Does thursday work for you?" Feeling as if her harddisk is about to overload.
~ Princess Vania ~
Sitting in the garden at her own palace, watching the sunset next to you. Reaching her own hand and placing it on your hand, with a soft squeeze gazing at you softly. "We should meet up another time, perhaps at night under the stars for stargazing?" Shuffling some golden hair behind her ear. Smiling softly.
~ King Benthomaar ~
There, he stood with flowers he had collected from the water searfice before meeting you. Toothy sharp grin with a blue soft blush as he voided eye contact, scratching the back of his neck and swallowing down the nervousness creeping up his features. "Hey, uhm... Would you want to maybe.. uh, go out? With me.. maybe." he chuckled quietly.
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user211201 · 5 months
Originally posted on 2020-05-27 by dumb-and-jocked
Unfortunately dumb-and-jocked's account has been deactivated.
If the original author ever reads this: thank you for all your works!
Zane wasn’t particularly excited about going out to his uncle’s ranch. The two had never really known how to connect, with one being from the East Coast and the other in rural Wyoming. Zane had grown up privileged in the urban lifestyle, with many stores, jobs, and more progressive influences around every corner. His parents were also a little richer than most, so he was able to enjoy a luxurious apartment all to himself while he attended Yale. Well... not all to himself. His boyfriend Kaeden visited so often he was practically a second resident, but Zane didn’t mind--he loved the attention.
Zane practically adored his modern lifestyle, and made sure to show it by never leaving a five-mile radius. This caused his parents to worry, assuming if he didn’t start now he’d never know how to go out on his own. Trying to help (like all parents did), his father spoke with his brother and the two set up a little spring vacation for Zane. When Zane’s father had proposed the idea, Zane didn’t exactly jump in excitement. In fact, he didn’t seem excited at all.
“Really?” Zane asked coarsely. “Spring break is for beaches, coasts, actual fun!”
“Zane,” his father replied coolly. “I didn’t raise you to be a leech off of my own money. Go out to your uncle’s ranch and give him a hand; earn something for once. And anyway, Wyoming’s great this time of year--you might enjoy it!”
“Can I at least bring Kaeden with me?”
His father’s eyes went down for a moment. Zane always had a lurking feeling that his father wasn’t truly alright with his only son being gay, his Western Christian roots molding him that way, but his dad always acted like he was accepting. Proving Zane’s point, he swore he could’ve seen his dad’s ears perk up a second after the proposal was made.
“That’s a great idea!” his dad cheered, almost too enthusiastically. “Now someone can relish in the same pain you’ll be experiencing.” Zane rolled his eyes in response to the sarcasm before walking out to his car.
Reflecting back on that moment, his father did seem a little more eager than usual, but Zane didn’t care. It was too late now, as the old pickup truck was pulling into the driveway of the ranch. A huge arch loomed above them, displaying “WELCH” in iron letters across the top. Back when it used to be his grandparents’ ranch, Zane’s father loved this place. He used to thrive as a cowboy, but once he got a taste of the other side of the Mississippi, he left the lifestyle behind him. The rest of the family seemed alright with the transition, with Zane’s uncle being the older brother anyway, meaning he would be taking the ranch, so they decided to let him roam. His uncle had now been running the ranch for almost ten years, just him, his wife, and a small crew to help with the daily tasks.
“Alright, boys, enjoy the trip,” the man in the front grunted as he halted to a stop. Kaeden and Zane slowly jumped out of the truck, grabbing their bags as they looked at the massive farm. Zane swore it looked bigger than the last time he was here, but that was to be expected. The last time he was here was a decade ago for his grandparents’ funerals, so there was probably going to be change. While Kaedan gazed around in awe, Zane spotted what--or who--he was looking for. Leaning against one looming building was a tall man wearing a blue button-up and worn-out jeans. His large boots were placed firmly on the ground and a barn wall, while a beige hat rested proudly on top of his head. He looked like a more muscular, worn-out version of his father, his similar salt and pepper stubble pulling the whole look together.
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“Zaney boy, is that yeu?” the man asked in astonishment, the southern accent as prominent as ever.
“Yeah, Uncle Treyton.”
Zane tried to sound enthusiastic, but he never felt like family with the redneck. Not only did the two have completely different perspectives, but they didn’t even look related. Zane didn’t share the same muscular body as the silver fox, but instead had a little too much meat on his bones. He also didn’t get the Welch height, with Zane’s lime-dyed hair barely even reaching his uncle’s neck.
“And this must be Kaeden Sargent, put it here!”
Zane’s uncle shoved a meaty hand in front of him and Kaeden quickly accepted. He was always more optimistic than Zane, putting his best foot forward into every situation. The tall, lanky man took the other’s hand and shook it vigorously, so much in fact that his ginger curls bounced in a rhythm. Fortunately, the baby fat surrounding his face allowed him to act a little childish.
“Firm, that’ll go a long ways here, son.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“Ah, y’all can call me Treyton.”
Kaeden and Zane exchanged looks at each other. For a Christian cowboy, he was awfully accepting of their relationship. Neither of them expected Zane’s uncle to be so understanding.
“Where’s Aunt Joelene at?” Zane inquired as they hauled their bags inside.
“Her and the lady folk already had a vacation planned, so she ain’t gonna be here this week. Just some good ‘ol male bonding!”
He led them to two guest rooms on opposite sides of a hallway, telling them to toss their individual bags into one or the other. Zane and Kaeden exchanged looks again, although this time it was for a different reason. They both knew they might be staying in different rooms, but not sleeping.
All of a sudden, the doorbell rang from the front of the house. After dropping their things, Zane and Kaedan followed Treyton back out to the front door. The trio wandered out to the foyer to see another cowboy smugly standing on the porch.
“Harry!” Treyton shouted as he swung the door open. “‘Bout time ya got here--the nephew’s in town.”
Harry looked over at Zane, inspecting him and then Kaeden with hawk eyes. His tight black shirt didn’t hide the impressive muscles from years on the farm. The same could be said for his faded jeans and massive belt buckle, both of which did nothing to camouflage his gargantuan pouch.
“Is yers that paddy?” he remarked with a deep voice, his accent as thick as Treyton’s. “Or the fag.”
“They’re both fags,” Treyton corrected. “The paddy’s his ‘boyfriend’.”
Kaeden patted Zane’s shoulder in a comforting way. Treyton’s language had just confirmed that they had signed themselves up for a long vacation.
“I don’t mean to be abandonin’ y’all so quickly, but the town’s rodeo’s goin’ on tonight and I’m a volunteerin’,” Zane’s uncle began. “Everythin’ there is free, so I expect to see y’all out there. It’ll be a great time!”
The two hicks strutted over to Harry’s old pickup truck, the engine roaring mighty proud as it came to life. Zane and Kaedan wondered how they hadn’t heard it coming down the driveway.
“Keys are on the counter!” Treyton hollered as they drove off. Kaeden smirked lowering his hand from Zane’s shoulder to his butt as they watched the other pair leave.
“Might as well taint your uncle’s house before we go to the rodeo.”
“You really want to go to that thing?” Zane whined, missing the hint.
“No, but we should,” Kaeden replied. “Until then, let me keep you entertained.” He then started kissing Zane’s neck passionately, dragging him down a hallway.
“Alright!” Zane giggled, following along. He loved his boyfriend.
— —
Kaeden and Zane hesitantly pulled into the parking lot, the dirt flying into the air as they parked the rusty pickup near the back. The whole event took place in some kind of stadium, but instead of a neatly trimmed field with shiny seats, there were wooden bleachers and a dirt floor. They weren’t particularly excited, going from hardcore sex to this dump, but as long as they were at each other’s sides they’d make it through. At least, that’s what Zane kept telling himself.
The two cautiously jumped out, wearing sweatpants and matching concert tees from an event they went to on their fifth date. Zane had thought that if they wore their most casual clothes, they’d blend into the crowd, but it turned out this was truly his first rodeo. Walking up to the front gate, they saw a rainbow of button-ups scattered among the stretched and stained tees. Hicks and cowboys galore excitedly hollered as they entered the rodeo grounds. The strange thing was, it seemed like people were gathering by color. Zane and Kaeden watched the red button-ups slowly separate from the yellow tees, who themselves avoided the purple plaid-clad group. Even with the odd formation, the pair stuck out like two weeds in a freshly-planted garden.
“Alright next!”
Zane and Kaeden had been so perplexed by the entire situation that they hadn’t noticed they had crossed the parking lot, gotten in line, and made it to the front.
“Zaney boy, ya made it!”
Zane’s uncle proudly stood behind a booth, waving as the boyfriends walked up. Harry was placed on the other side, his look much more calculating than Treyton’s inviting smile.
“Are y’all excited?” Uncle Treyton asked, his accent coming out stronger with each syllable.
“Totally,” Kaeden answered, assuming his other half wouldn’t.
“Let us just stamp y’all and yeu’ll be on in.”
“Wait, why are we the only one’s getting stamped?” Kaedan observed. Zane hadn’t noticed, but all the other attendees had gotten in without a mark.
“Remember how I said y’all are gettin’ in free tonight,” Treyton explained. “This is yer free ticket.”
They nodded their heads as Kaeden extended the back of his hand out to Zane’s uncle. Treyton solidly pressed a stamp down on his hand, the blue color left behind sinking deep into his pale skin like a tattoo. Zane proceeded to do the same for Harry, who marked his hand with a black darker than the night itself.
“What do the colors mean?” Zane questioned.
“Whatever ink we’re usin’.” Harry snarked, sending him on his way. Zane sighed as he strolled through the gate.
“I’ll be at a food stand later tonight so make sure to come and visit me!” Treyton shouted as they disappeared into the crowd.
“We can do this,” Kaeden whispered, grabbing Zane’s hand and dragging him to the stands. He sounded reassuring, but Zane couldn’t tell if it was for him or Kaedan himself.
“It’s just for tonight,” Kaedan continued, “After that, we won’t have to deal with Harry, or anyone for that matter. Except for your uncle of course.”
Zane grinned--his boyfriend always knew how to cheer him up.
“And besides,” Kaeden continued. “Look at how much we have to explore!”
It might have been a bit exaggerated, but there was a some space to venture. Besides the stands, there were a few porta potties, some food stands, and a big tent filled with gear for the local country radio station. The tent was their first destination, looking through all the merchandise and advertisements. Although they both hated country music, they had fun exploring the booth, even signing up for a raffle to a Chase Rice concert. Did they know who he was? No--but they didn’t care. Even though they got a few sideways glances from passing families and couples, they were actually enjoying their time at the rodeo. Zane and Kaeden were there to have fun just like everyone else.
The pair watched on as the participant was whipped off the horse’s back. The first few rounds had looked painful, but Kaeden and Zane eventually stopped flinching after every contestant. It was the sport after all, so they shouldn’t be worried unless everyone else was worried. The uncomfortable thing was, everyone at the rodeo did seem slightly on edge, but it wasn’t over the participants. Unsurprisingly, it was over them.
“Hey,” Zane said, elbowing his partner to grab his attention. “Is it me or is there something strange about the crowd here?”
“You mean how they’re all looking at us like we’re sick?” Kaeden asked, not tearing his eyes away from the next contestant.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“I don’t know, I mean…” Zane stumbled off, noticing Kaeden was still focused on the riders.
“Earth to Kaedan!” Zane snapped, finally snatching the other’s attention. “For example, did we miss out on some color-coded theme? Why is everyone segregated?”
Kaeden glanced around the stands, noticing what his boyfriend was talking about. Although everyone was clumped together, there were noticeable separations. It seemed like groups of men, women, and children were organized by the shading of their clothes. It was peculiar, but so were most small, rural towns.
“Calm down, babe,” Kaeden replied nonchalantly. “It’s probably just some cheerleading thing, you know? Like someone’s family wears orange because their their fanclub.”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense,” Zane conceded.
“You’re probably just paranoid from all the homophobia around here,” Kaeden reasoned. “But luckily, I know what’ll cheer you up.”
“Oh really,” Zane responded coyly.
“Definitely, meet me at your uncle’s food stand and I’ll get us some snacks.”
“Alright, but I’m gonna head to a restroom first.”
“Miss me!” Kaeden exclaimed as he rushed down the risers. Zane grinned, knowing he was lucky to have snagged his boyfriend.
— —
“Ah! Sorry,” Zane grunted as he shimmied out of the porta potty door, noticing the growing line that had assembled outside. He thought he hadn’t taken too long, but when one’s bowels beg for release, one has to give in. Walking with a little pep in his step, he eagerly bounced his way around the rodeo grounds to find his uncle’s food stand. Kaeden knew Zane had a soft spot for food, which was pretty evident by the soft spots around his hips. He was excited to see what he had gotten for him. After wandering around for a minute, he finally spotted his uncle stepping outside an old trailer.
“Uncle Treyton!” Zane shouted as he approached.
“Eh, Zane! What’s up? Enjoyin’ the rodeo?”
“I guess?” Zane replied honestly. “Have you seen Kaeden?”
“Ah yeah, he was my last customer for the night. I saw him walkin’ over to the picnic area,” Treyton grunted, locking the door to the trailer as he closed up.
“Thanks!” Zane responded, beginning to walk off.
“Hold on there, cowboy!” Treyton demanded, chuckling at his own irony. “I’m gonna be headin’ back to the ranch, gotta long day of work tomorrow, so make sure y’all don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds good, Uncle Treyton!” Zane started again, desperately wanting to get back to Kaeden.
“AND!” Treyton emphasized. “Harry wanted to see ya ‘bout somethin’ before ya left. He should be at the stables.”
“Great, thanks!” Zane tore off, almost kicking up the dirt behind him as he darted back towards the porta potties. He made it to the picnic area in record time, almost panting as he slowed down. The so-called “picnic area” was really just a group of tables resting behind the bleachers, with no real purpose besides having a surface to eat at. Zane searched for Kaeden, but it seemed like the place was totally empty. The only person he saw was a man sitting alone, ravenously scarfing down an order of nachos. He was wearing a blue plaid button-up and the same straight, overused jeans as every other man at the rodeo. He also adorned a cowboy hat, a quite brawny body, and a bulge much larger than both Kaedan and Zane’s combined. The cowboy looked to be in his late 20’s, but his brunette chin strap and mustache combo made him seem older. Zane approached the other man delicately, noticing the redneck’s very large boots tap eagerly as he chowed on his food.
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“Um, excuse me…” Zane mumbled quietly. “I was wondering if-”
“Zane!” the man jumped up from his seat. “I was worryin’ ‘bout you! Thought you might’ve gotten stuck er somethin’.” Zane shook his head, confused at who the low-pitched, southern gent was exactly.
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Zane, it’s Clayton!” he paused, waiting for Zane to remember.
“Clayton Sherman?” Zane was still bewildered, until something clicked in his head.
“Wait, Kaedan?”
“No, Clayton. Didja hit yer head or somethin’?”
Zane felt a little crazy, but something supernatural was pulling him towards this stranger. He didn’t know what the force was, but his curiosity guided him.
“One sec, just let me check something.”
Zane grabbed Clayton’s right hand swiftly, finding the same blue stamp that his boyfriend had received earlier. Although it had faded dramatically, it was good enough proof for Zane.
“Kaedan, what happened to you? How did you become like this? What happened after you left the stand?” Zane must have been hallucinating. There was no way his long, slim, ginger lover had become some horse-kickin’, tobacco-spittin’ cowboy, right?
“First off, it’s Clayton,” Clayton responded calmly. “And I did exactly what I said I would. I went to yer uncle’s stand and got us some food. He told me he’d give us ‘somethin’ special’ and slapped my hand, saying it would be on the house. Can you believe it? These darn nachos were free!”
“Alright,” Zane quickly remarked. “Then what?”
“Well, I waited for ya, but the nachos kept lookin’ at me. So, I thought ya wouldn’t mind if I took a bite. One bite became two, then three, and now we’re here.” Clayton showed Zane the empty box, beaming a childish smile.
“Kaedan, I don’t under-”
Suddenly, Zane grabbed his head as he felt a shock go through his skull. He grimaced as it coursed through his brain, causing him to shake momentarily before regaining his thoughts. As fast as the pain had come, it had disappeared too.
“Y’all ok there?” Clayton asked, patting Zane’s shoulder in a brotherly way.
“Yeah, I think so,” Zane blinked. “What were we talking about again?”
“How I ate all the food!” Clayton hollered, laughing at himself in a low guffaw. “We oughta get back to the rodeo though, Little Petey’s going up soon.”
“Little Petey?” Zane mumbled to himself as the two hoisted themselves up. At first, he didn’t recognize the name, but the more he thought about it, the more memories that seemed to appear. Little Petey was Clayton’s little brother of course! Both Clayton and Pete Sherman were expert horse riders, having both broken records for steer wrestling and bull riding. They’d also been the star quarterbacks for the town back in their prime, but now with Pete turning 26 and Clayton having his second kid on the way, they were ready to settle down and start (or continue) their families.
“Yeah! I gotta run on back to Cassie and Trevor. Nice seein’ ya round these parts again!”
Clayton tossed the empty carton into the trash and ran off back to the stands. Zane watched the man dash up the wooden bleachers to his wife and first boy, embracing them as he sat down to continue watching the show. He sunk right back into the cluster of blue, completely camouflaged by the other people in the crowd. Zane didn’t really know Clayton, just remembered him as someone who worked at his uncle’s farm. He seemed nice, but definitely not friend-material. He had a little too much homophobia and country in him. Zane stopped for a moment to correct himself. Clayton didn’t have a little too much; he had a lot of too much.
Deciding he had nothing else to do, Zane started heading back towards the parking lot. Although the event seemed kind of interesting, Zane was too lonesome to really find any joy in the situation. Even his uncle’s presence would’ve made him want to stay, but with no one there by his side, Zane decided to head out. Right as he stepped through the gate, he suddenly recalled his uncle saying something about Harry wanting to see him. He didn’t like Harry, and he assumed it worked the other way around too, but Zane knew he should respect his uncle’s wishes.
Zane stumbled into the area housing the horse stables, the place completely deserted besides the rolling tumbleweeds. Strolling past a few horse-buses, it didn’t take long to find Harry. He grinned as Zane approached, holding a lasso in one hand.
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“‘Bout time you got here, thinkin’ you got lost er somethin’.”
“Wish I would have,” Zane mumbled to himself as Harry tossed an arm around his shoulder. Harry suddenly seemed more cheery than he had been before.
“Did yer uncle tell ya what yer doing here?”
“No, but I hope it’s not too long; I’m getting tired.” To emphasize his point, Zane faked a huge yawn.
“Not that, fag,” Harry chuckled, dropping down one end of the rope. “I mean this vacation.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Back in high school, yer pops, uncle, and I used to be the studs of the town. Valuable players, intimidatin’ cowboys, 100% corn-fed beef. But when yer pops was offered an education out east, the three of us fell apart.”
“Yeah, so what?”Zane was uninterested, finding the cowboy’s bulge as the only thing appealing about Harry. Zane had a bad habit of checking out other men when he was single.
“Well,” Harry continued, dragging Zane into a stable. “When yer pops saw how off-track he had raised ya, he called up Treyton and I to put a little country in ya. We knew we were gonna have fun, but when ya brought along that Irish laddy too, that was just a cherry for the top.”
Zane shook his head in bewilderment. Who was Harry talking about? He had obviously come here alone.
“See, originally Treyton wanted you as part of his ranch, but when yer boyfriend came he decided to pass the sweeter treat off to me. I think yeu’ll really-”
“Woah, slow down a moment,” Zane rubbed his temples, losing track of everything.
“Ah, I fergot about the mental stuff,” Harry contemplated, thinking about how to explain everything. He had to find a way to explain it all to the boy.
“Remember how everyone in the stands was segregated by their clothin’ color?”
“Yeah?” Zane clearly remembered, as he had stuck out like a sore thumb, but he didn’t understand why this was important now.
“Well, they’re all branded to some ranch, that’s why they stick to one color.”
Harry’s answer made sense to him, but Zane was still visibly perplexed.
“Look at Kae- I mean Clayton Sherman,” Harry started. “He works for yer uncle’s ranch. What color to they wear?”
“Exactly!” Harry slapped Zane’s back, knocking the wind out of the other man.
“Every color here is for someone’s ranch. Blue is Welch, green is Smith, white for Johnson-”
“How... how many are there?” Zane stuttered, the pieces gradually coming together.
“10, ‘cluding myself,” Harry responded proudly.
“So what you’re saying,” Zane reasoned. “Is that these ranch owner’s ‘brand’ people to be part of their ‘ranch,’ claiming them as their property?”
“And why are you telling me this?”
“Thought you oughta know beforehand.”Zane was about to ask what that meant, but before he could speak, something clicked together in his head.
“You own one of these ‘ranches’?”
“The stunnin’ Mueller Ranch.”
“And what color are you?”
Zane already knew the answer, hoping to distract the other man, but he wasn’t fast enough to dodge Harry’s launch. The older cowboy tackled Zane to the ground, the stench of hay and manure infiltrating Zane’s lungs as his face graced the dirt floor. Zane, not one to be athletic, surprisingly twisted himself out of Harry’s grasp, rolling sideways before getting up and escaping. He started running to his truck, desperately shuffling through his pockets to find the keys. Frantically scurrying away, he didn’t even notice his foot slip right out from beneath him.
Harry cackled heartily as he looked upon his captured prey, who was clawing at the rope helplessly. It seemed like a scene from an old western cartoon: the fool stepping into the lasso and getting caught. Harry had already tied the other end of the rope to a stable post, approaching Zane with a face gleaming with malice. Zane trembled in fear, giving up hope on flight and nervously accepting the fight. As Harry took the final steps, Zane's cowered timidly as he gave up. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he knew something was going to be over. Then, to Zane’s pure surprise, a hand stretched out to help him up.
“Come on,” Harry welcomed warmly.
Zane’s heart stopped. Was Harry… serious? Was this all some prank just to scare him? Zane didn’t know what was going on, but he decided that once he got out of this mess he’d stay in the sweet shelter of his uncle’s ranch. After the week was over, he was never coming back to this pathetic town, or Wyoming for that sake.
“Are ya gonna take it or what?”
Zane sighed, clasping his hand into Harry’s. As soon as they connected, Harry’s flowery smile instantly twisted back into the thorny smirk.
“It’s just too easy.”
Before Zane could react, Harry flipped the other’s hand over and tapped the black stamp. Instantaneously, time stopped around them. The whole moment felt electric, almost as if everything in existence had shifted, but it was simply only a light touch. Zane gasped as he got up, struggling to speak.
“What… what did you do?”
“Eh, nothin’ yeu’ll remember,” Harry chimed. Zane investigated the back of his hand, noticing a slight pulse as the black stamp began to fade. He was shocked to see the color slowly draining from it into his veins, noticing the same inky shade pumping into his bloodstream.
“Oh no,” Zane cried as a small crackling came from his knuckles. It sounded similar to an orchestra of crickets, the hundreds of minuscule pops signifying the growth of his average hands. Zane’s palms grew thicker at a sluggish pace, bloating with meat as his fingers grew into calloused sausages. Zane groaned in pain while his hands became paws, now feeling like he was wearing bulky, leather mittens instead of skin.
The raven color flew through Zane’s arms, gliding across his chest before venturing vertically. To Zane’s dismay, his unused tendons stretched intensely, expanding as they made room for the arriving muscular tissue. Biceps proudly emerged as their brotherly triceps erupted from underneath Zane’s flesh, causing him to writhe. His forearms gained some meat too before a tan wave swept across the surface of his skin. The classic shade darkened Zane’s pale skin as a field of hair was planted on top. Before long, Zane’s arms looked like an avid gym-goer’s, yet for some reason his mind told him they were from the farm.
After improving the upper appendages, the ink moved downwards, cutting through Zane’s chest. His deltoids pushed outwards as his collarbone expanded, barely extending his traps as his torso began to shift into the shape of a “T”. His pectorals ballooned outwards, forming into meaty packages with two perky nipples, obviously erect underneath his shrinking tee. After the pecs squared out, Zane moaned as a sturdy six pack pounded in, each abdominal packing a punch as it pushed forward. A light covering of fur erupted from his chest while the tan wave made sure to paint itself once more. Zane began panting for air violently, each breath sucking in a little body fat. It didn’t remove all of his fat, but enough to maintain something barely below a body-builder’s standards. His shirt also stitched itself back together, having been torn apart seconds before. The cheap concert tee grew black as it painted itself back onto Zane’s torso, the dusky color hiding its overuse.
Following were Zane’s legs, as the black blood dove deeper. His juicy thighs began to tighten, retaining their above-average size, but now containing more muscle than meat. After his quadriceps had hardened, his knees cracked violently, stretching out Zane’s calves to max him out at 6’2. The bottom of his sweatpants violently tore to reveal two meaty forelegs, both veiny, firm, and covered in a lathering of hair. His pale skin darkened as his legs were covered in a loose denim, locking away his lower appendages.
With Zane’s lower body now covered in an old pair of Wranglers, the ink took hold of his feet, which were currently snug in a pair of Sperry’s boat shoes, the only shoes he had brought with him. In an instant, the leather and cloth tore apart in the middle, blossoming open like a flower to reveal gargantuan Size 15 feet. Zane was appalled to see the hairy, meaty, and awfully rank monsters attached below his ankles, but to his luck, the shredded shoes began to reform. The leather gracefully became cowhide as it expertly resowed itself around Zane’s feet, traveling up to his midcalves to create two authentic cowboy boots. Zane however didn’t feel relieved, in fact all he could feel was the sweat of his massive feet filling up the shoes. His socks hadn’t reformed, so it appeared he was going commando in his boots.
The ink swam up to the top, touching up on any missed spots. After filling in Zane’s pits with a hearty amount of hair, the black blood filled in his neck, adding girth to support the maturing Adam’s apple. Vocal chords stretched as the Zane’s register reached new depths, causing him to violently cough and sputter as he adjusted, allowing the ink to shoot upwards. Zane cried out in pain as the black blood clutched his skull, pulling apart at the bones to give him a thicker head. While the baby fat was removed, his jaw was stretched horizontally, giving him a prominent chin just large enough for a cleft. His lips shrunk while his nose expanded, filling in along with his expanding brows. Zane’s eyes shifted from a bland brown to easy-going blue as his hair shaved away, leaving a no-effort buzzcut where a manicured mane once laid. The vibrant green color rapidly faded, giving way to a light brown that easily shaded in Zane’s new haircut and thickening chinstrap. Across his body, his skin tightened barely as his body packed on a few extra years. It wasn’t a noticeable difference, but Zane no longer had the same glow of young adulthood.
“Ah Lordee,” Zane grumbled, getting up as his language center reorganized itself. “What’d y’all do to me?”
“Well, there’s still one more thing to go,” Harry replied, watching Zane shakily ascend. When the other man stood straight, he now faced eye to eye with the other cowboy.
“What in tarnation is left?”
“Just give it a sec-”
“I ain’t got no time for games, I’m gettin’-”
Suddenly, Zane felt an electrifying pulse throughout his groin, the rest of the ink finally reaching his reproductive center. The black blood infiltrated his testicles, killing off the weak sperm as it overtook his pouch. Zane’s balls bloated as they became heavy with cowboy sperm, dropping dramatically due to the increased weight. The ink traveled into his medium-sized penis, engorging it almost instantly. At first, Zane felt like he was having the most powerful boner of his life, but he began to realize his dick was in fact growing. His member began pulsating with the foreign blood, elongating as it grew to a mighty 10 inches. In the back end, his buttocks blew up into two massive, hardened globes, pushing against the confines of one end of the jeans while his pouch took the other.
Losing all sense of reality, Zane furiously palmed himself through his jeans, the feeling of his newly-materialized boxer shorts rubbing against his sensitive tip driving him crazy. Precumming in seconds due to the pent up stress, Zane was too horny to realize what he was doing, or what he was losing. His prized Yale education evaporated like powdered milk into his ballsack. Next went his East Coast upbringing, his progressive ideas and urban lifestyle disappearing into the void that was his semen. In tow was his homosexuality, which was thrown into the fire inside his testicles. Even a sizeable chunk of his IQ was tossed into the mixing pot. Everything about Zane was sucked down into his sperm, ready to be expelled permanently.
“C’mon boy,” Harry shouted eagerly. “Ya know what ya want to do!”
Zane grunted as he groped himself once more, feeling a burst of static electricity coarse across his body. Grabbing a nearby fence, Zane steadied himself against the stable wall as he felt the rush coming.
A huge load of sperm coated the front of the Wranglers, causing the area beneath the giant belt buckle to darken dramatically. Not bothering to clean himself up, the young cowboy basked in the afterglow of ejaculation, truly content with himself. He adjusted his pouch one last time, with his other hand still secured to the fence.
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“There ya go, that felt better, didn’t it?” Harry slapped a hand around the other man, securing the black cowboy hat on top of the other’s head while doing so.
“Ah yeah, Sir, that one was a goodie,” the other replied, the two slowly making their way back to the main grounds.
“Tell me, Wayne, where the wife and kids at? Shouldn’t they be at the rodeo?”
“They are, Sir,” Wayne responded quickly. “They’re sittin’ near the back of the bleachers with the other ranch families.”
“Ah I see.”
Harry paused in front of the main gate, shuffling his hand through his pocket to find his keys and some Copenhagen chew.
“I best be headin’ out,” he stated. “We got a long day at the ranch tomorrow, lots of hay bale shipments to move out.”
“Sounds good, Sir.” Wayne extended his hand out, “I’ll see y’all bright and early tomorrow mornin’.”
“See y’all then, Wayne.”
The two vigorously shook hands, with Harry delighted to see the disappearance of a certain black stamp. They waved each other off as Harry walked back to his truck. After watching his boss leave, Wayne was elated to go back to his family, with one beautiful wife and three handsome sons to entertain. Turning 29 in a matter of days (his birthday shared with Pete Sherman’s, or “Little Petey” as the town called him), Wayne had already accomplished his major goal in life, growing the Woods family. It only seemed like yesterday that he and his wife were high school sweethearts, but now they owned their own little home with three rowdy chaps running around everywhere. It was going to be Wayne’s job to teach them the right morals just like how his father taught him. Over the years, he’d teach them about Christianity, voting Red, being country men, and how to swoon ladies. But, with the oldest one only in first grade, he thought it might be best to wait a bit longer.
Inspecting the bleachers, it didn’t take Wayne long to find his family. He ran up to them and sat down immediately, ready to keep enjoying the show. He quickly explained to his wife what his boss had wanted him for, saying Harry had just wanted an update on the coming fourth child. Wayne then kissed his wife passionately before giving his attention back to the rodeo, applauding as the last participant finished off the night.
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starhvney · 28 days
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: laurance, zane
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: drabble, fluff
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: these have been sitting in my drafts for a while lol
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𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ☆ playing about you by the 1975
little hands and feet dig relentlessly through grass as you and laurance search for any sign of a tiny amphibian hopping through the dirt. it was the nicest part of summertime to be outside, and the both of you had bounded out of the back door as soon as the small rain shower stopped. (despite his adoptive mother’s complaints about the mud that the two of you would inevitably track back inside.)
the sun was out again, though, beating it’s sun rays down on your little heads and warming the dew drops that had landed on your clothes. could she really be mad, when it was the perfect conditions to find the slimy creatures?
your eyes drift away from the task at hand, gazing up at the fluttering wings of dragonflies that flew by, racing around the sun rays that filtered through the large trees above your head.
a little “woah!” leaves laurance’s mouth—interrupting your childish wonder as he suddenly lifts both of his hands up to reveal a large croaking frog between his fingers.
“you caught one!” you squeal, hopping through the short distance of long grass and grabbing onto his arm to take a closer look.
“wanna hold it?” he offers, squinching his face as it begins to wriggle in his clutches.
you nod hesitantly, making a noise of discomfort as you feel the wet skin of the frog beneath your fingers. laurance makes a small noise of boyish disgust and amusement, leaning down to take a better look at it’s beady little eyes.
“will it turn into a prince if i kiss it?” you suddenly ask, turning the frog around to look at its wide face. 
the boy wrinkles his nose, giving you a funny look. “no. why would you want to, anyway?”
“so i can become a princess!”
laurance’s round eyes roll up, dark lashes stuck together from the humidity and sweat. you both had spent a lot of time outside this summer, so the ends of his hair strands appeared more sandy blonde than brunet.
“you already act like one, so why’s it matter?” he jokes in a silly voice, his hands sassily placed on his hips.
“hey!” you start, before a disgusted squeal leaves your lips as the frog pees on your palms. “ewww! he peed on me!”
you drop the frog to the ground, releasing him from his temporary prison as he hops away into his muddy freedom. laurance sighs as his new friend disappeared as soon as he came. 
“cadenza said that frog pee can give you warts,” he says, still staring at the place where the frog had left. “so you’ll be a scary witch instead of a princess.”
tears gather in your little eyes, and as laurance looks back at you, his own eyes widen in panic.
“i was just kidding!” the poor boy scrambled. “don’t cry!”
but it’s too late. tears fall down your round cheeks as you look down at your hands, blabbering about how you “didn’t want warts” and “didn’t wanna be a scary witch”.
he freezes for a moment, before grabbing your arm and guiding you to the hose faucet on the side of his house. turning on the faucet, your hands are doused into the cool water with his as he uses the pads of his fingers to scrub your hands clean.
“see? you’re a princess again, so don’t cry.”
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𝐙𝐀𝐍𝐄 ☆ playing treehouse by alex g
“just leave me alone!”
you freeze from your spot at the top of the treehouse ladder, peeking up through the hole in the floor to where zane was pouting in the corner. his chubby round cheeks are red, embarrassed tears pricking his eyes as he scratches at the freckles that spanned across his face.
“but why?” you ask, crawling up to the spot next to him.
“because! i don’t want to talk to anyone!”
“because garroth was being a butt head?”
the boy’s pouted lips pucker in amusement—poorly veiled as annoyance as he glances to you through his messy black hair. 
“well i think freckles are cool, so don’t listen to him.”
“you’re the only one who thinks that.” he mutters, shoving the lower half of his face into his grass-stained knees.
you cross your arms with a huff, hopping up to your feet. “nuh uh! do you think your mommy’s freckles look stupid?”
blue eyes go wide, zane’s head shooting up and mouth blubbering like a fish out of water.
“wh—no! of course not!” he shouts, the red from where his short fingernails had dug into his cheeks blending in with the blush that splotched across his face.
you stare at him with your hands on your hips, a small mischievous smile growing on your face. “well, apparently garroth does.”
dark eyebrows turn up on his forehead as he looks up at you in confusion, completely lost on your plotting line of thinking.
“…miss zianna would be upset if she found out garroth didn’t like her freckles.”
realization dawns on his face, eyes shining with a newfound eagerness before he slumps down again. “but then garroth will be upset that we tattled.”
“so? he’s the one who said freckles are stupid! we’re just telling her that’s what he said.”
you hold out you hand to his, and after a moment of hesitation he takes it, his pale and tiny chubby fingers wrapping around yours. the two of you practically tumble your way down the ladder and into the house, out of breath as you both sprint right up to zianna’s feet.
she’s lounging in one of the patio chairs, sipping on iced tea as she soaks up the sunshine. she didn’t have her usual gold jewelry on or any makeup covering her skin—revealing the few freckles that dotted across her own face.
“miss zianna, garroth said freckles are stupid!”
a small gasp leaves her lips as she brings a hand up to her chest, pulling up her sunglasses to get a better look at you. “did gargar really say that?”
you eagerly nod, zane following your lead
“no, no i didn’t!” shouts of protest travel across the yard, as the bright haired older brother tumbles his way through the grass to his defense. “i didn’t say that mommy!”
zianna turns her head to look over at the now flustered blonde, and you turn your head to zane with a wide cat like grin. “now run!”
the two of you burst into giggles, sprinting back to the treehouse as giddy adrenaline fills your little legs. you hear garroth whining to the boys’ mother as you both clamber back up the “secret” hideout’s ladder, catching your breaths once you reach the top.
zane no longer has that displeased look on his face, his grin wide in satisfaction at the tiny victory as he clasps his hands with yours.
“we got him!”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
taglist: @wasting-away-on-the-internet @valentique
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stargalaxxy · 3 months
˚♡˚𖥔˖Insecure!Lloyd x Reader
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ Lloyd has me in a chokehold I SWEAR I CAN WRITE FOR OTHER CHARACTE- (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ I think I'm gonna try for a Zane fic but oml I have so many scenarios running through my head with Lloyd I'm not even joking ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა But on frfr this takes place after the movie Lloyd is still hated but that oki bcs we love himmm ( ˶˘ ³˘(ˊᗜˋ*)!♡ Garmadon comes for dinner bcs I want them to be a big happy family!!o( ˶^▾^˶ )o ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆Now Playing: Dark Red by, Steve Lacy。☆
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  Insecure Lloyd is tired of being the hated boy in public eye, both in school and in Ninjago media. He has his team helping him and his sensei to calm his mind, as well as loving mother and somewhat now supportive overlord father that tries his best. But the stares of hatred that he gets, his extra mile of politeness that he forces out to not have people hate him more. The roll of eyes and groans he gets when he walks by a group of kids at school, and the constant berate that his friends get for being associated with him is unbearable.
  Insecure Lloyd, trying to find some light at the end of his tunnel. He should be grateful that he has a handful of friends or a loving mother, father, and uncle who are there to support him. But whenever he feels an ounce of happiness, just turning on the tv or phone to check social media instantly pummels his mood. Seeing videos of him sitting by himself at lunch and people making fun of him. Or being painted as a villain when he finally sticks up for himself from Chen, or just constant name calling from peers on school newsletters.
Insecure Lloyd just wants peace, a day that people like him, or even see him as the normal joe and show him a bit of stranger etiquette. He comes home drained shuffling to his room mumbling a hello to his mom and a nod to his father, that comes home for dinner. Laying his bag on the floor and falling face first into his pillow hoping the bad day would sink into his bed. Sometimes he wishes that he could do the same. Just sink in and never come out, but he knows that people don’t hate him for everything he does.
Insecure Lloyd finds peace when he’s out on patrol with his team doing ninja duties, hearing people excitedly look up at him as he beats up the next big villain brings purpose to his dark world. Seeing people post about his good deeds on social media is what makes him come back on the app. 
Seeing people idolize the Green Ninja gave insecure Lloyd the reason to get out of bed and deal with the people out in Ninjago city. 
Until he meets you,
You’re a transfer student from an all-girls boarding school. Used to living in a village in Jamanakai you weren’t used to a big city. It was overwhelming when students your age would come up to talk to you asking what it was like being in an all-girl school or to live in a small village. 
You spoke nervously as you tried to answer everyone in your class, the teacher seemed to notice and gives the grace of saving you. 
“Settle down class, I know a new student is exciting, so how about we show her around? For the first hour we have a free period. Do I have a volunteer to show our new friend around?” hands come flying up causing you to jump back. “Well, it seems we have plenty of volunteers~” your teacher sings as she smiles to you, “why don’t you pick, dear?” she pats your shoulder as she heads to her desk.
Oh geez,
You nervously scan the class as you didn’t want to upset or offend anyone with your picking. “Uh-um…” your eyes land randomly on a boy wearing a green hoodie staring out the window in the back of the class. You start walking up to him not seeming to have his attention yet as Lloyd didn’t expect anyone to approach him. 
“Uh-um, hi, can you show me around?” the class audibly gasp as even the teacher drops her coffee, you look around bewildered as Lloyd finally shoots up at the sudden shift in atmosphere.
Finally realizing you he looks around and points to himself unsure, “me?” you take a moment then nod your head assuring his uncertainty. Lloyd quickly gets up almost knocking down his chair, he curses nervously feeling he’s already making a bad impression. But when he looks up from steadying his chair, he sees your smile and a small chuckle that you try and hide behind your hand. 
It wasn’t a mocking laugh, or a pity smile, or fake! It was genuine, it made his cheeks warm and heart flutter. Puppy love visible in his eyes as he smiles at you as well nervously, when he finally gathers himself and walks out the classroom with you.
He shows you around the school and different rooms. It’s clubs and after school activities, at times Lloyd has to stop himself from taking second glances at you just to see your pretty smile, he’s never felt like this with anyone. 
You’re the first person to show him genuine kindness, sure you didn’t know him for who he was and relationship to his father. But that didn’t matter to him he just wants to talk to you more, so he boldly asks for your schedule, you smile as you hand it to him, peaking over his shoulder to see him scan your classes and lunch periods. His heart was gonna jump from his chest if you keep pressing against him.
“Oh, we have the same lunch!” he spoke a bit too excitedly as he shuts his mouth, you giggle, “really! That’s cool! Maybe we can talk some more during lunch!” it felt more like a question as you weren’t sure if Lloyd would be up for more of you. As you did choose him when he didn’t volunteer so you were hoping you weren’t getting on his nerves.
“Y-yea! I-I mean sure I don’t mind, sounds cool” he gives finger guns as starts walking backwards giving a nervous smile, when he turns around to stop facing you, he face palms himself. “That sounds great!” you follow him back to class noticing as free period was about to end, “Hey what’s your name?” you tilt your head to look at Lloyd’s blushing face as he finally lifts his head to face you. “I-It’s Lloyd” he plays with his hoodies string absentmindedly as he looks away from the corner of his eyes, you nod as you play with his name on your tongue.
“Okay, Lloyd! My names (y/n) let’s be friends!” smiling you walk beside him to class in comfortable silence. Lloyd however was racing thoughts in his head, a friend, he has a new friend! His smile gets bigger as he happily walks with a pep in his step alongside you. 
He never wants this feeling to go away!
You two spend more and more of your time together, both inside and outside of school. Lloyd is surprised at the fact of how you still don’t know about his reputation of being an overlord son.
You guys have been hanging out for a few months and nothing, the odd glares and flash of media that goes over your head you don’t ever notice. Or do you just not care?
Whatever it is Lloyd wants to keep it that way, 
“Hey, (y/n)! do you want to go and get some coffee?” Lloyd suggests as he stands by your locker. The school day had ended early for the beginning of spring break, “yea, I’m dying for something sweet~” you hum as you shut your locker having the last of your belongings before heading out with Lloyd.
“Mmm, but what about your friends? Don’t you have plans with them?” you met Lloyd’s friends the same week you met Lloyd, he introduced you to them and you all got attached to each other. 
“Oh, I’ll meet with them later” he shrugs and continues, you smile and grab your phone. “Okay, well my mom is asking for me, but it’ll totally be quick, I can message you when I’m done, and we can head to the café!” you hold out your phone showing your contact. It took Lloyd a moment to register what you said until he connects the dots, “y-you want my number?” he stutters out in disbelief his heart once again coming back to life.
“Yea! I-is that okay?” you nervously retract your phone in fear of overstepping, but in lightning speed Lloyd pulls out his phone and lets it scan your contact instantly putting in your number and information. 
You laugh as you both continue to walk,” Okay, Lloyd, I’ll see you then!” you hop onto your bus as you wave to him at the window. Lloyd looks down to his phone seeing your photo and number his cheeks grow red as he turns around a beat of excitement rushes through his body as he jumps.
Not caring if people stared or grumbled at Lloyd’s happiness, he could care less. Because now he had the girl of his dreams number!
After exchanging numbers, you and Lloyd would text nonstop, either about comics and manga, or new anime. Video games that were coming out, and new movies to see, it would go on to late at night to the morning before you guys would make plans to meet each other. He was constantly glued to his phone when you guys were a part,
“Uhp, there he goes again..” Jay teases as his team watches Lloyd take down a bad guy and sends a quick text to you,
“What, It’s my mom!” Lloyd shouts as he dodges another attack.  “Oh, yea when my mom calls, I send kissy faces to her~” Kai puckers his lips under his masks making kissing noises as the team laughs through the coms, Lloyd groans and rolls his eyes as they finally take down the last guy. 
“But seriously Lloyd, you’ve been getting distracted” Nya pops up behind him making Lloyd jump at her sudden appearance before sighing in defeat.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to bring you guys down.” Lloyd apologizes as his team comes around, “No way man, It’s awesome!” Kai shouts as he runs over to Lloyd as well, “seeing you happy and not mopey is great!” Kai continues as the team nods, “Yes, I as well have noticed your increase in mood Lloyd.” Zane drags the bad guys together as Cole ties them up nodding along silently. 
Lloyd blushes under his mask as he thanks the FSM that his friends can’t see, “so, who is she~” Kai slides up beside him as he wraps an arm around Lloyd who huffs a smile at his friends teasing. 
“No one just someone I met.” Lloyd tries to play it off as if they didn’t know who Lloyd spends majority of his time with.
“It is (y/n)” Zane interjects as if solving the riddle, Lloyd groans as his team giggles and ooo’s fall from their mouths. “haha! Yes!” Kai hops happily as they walk out from the alley to drop off the bad guys at the police station, “I knew it!” Nya adds on to her brother’s excitement as Jay smiles and Cole laughs. 
“How’d you know?” Lloyd jumps along the roofs with his team, “it’s not hard to piece you guys together, I mean c’mon man” Kai looks back as he grabs onto a pole to sit on dangling his legs.
He then flips back to see Lloyd who was upside down, “You two are always together” Kai grins as Lloyd pushes past him Kai pulls himself up as he continues. 
“You guys are so cute~” Jay coos as he too joins in on the teasing making Lloyd roll his eyes,  “Alright I get it, I suck at hiding my feelings” Lloyd huffs as they finally reach the police station and drop the criminals on an unsuspecting cop. He jumps in surprise until he looks up seeing the ninja turn back to the monastery,
“Suck at it? Dude your terrible!” Cole finally speaks as the team laughs at his joke, “ahhaha, you guys are hilarious” Lloyd grumbles as they finally take a break when they got far enough from the city.
Kai grips Lloyd’s shoulder removing his mask, “when are you gonna confess?” Kai had on a smirk not seeing Lloyd’s face drop under his mask and heart sinking. 
“Wh-what, no. no way, I can’t confess! She’ll hate me and she doesn’t even know who I am” Jay stops Lloyd’s ramble with his own shock, “she doesn’t know you’re a ninja!” Cole then comes beside him and smacks his head. “No dummy, Lloyd being Garmadons son.” Jay rubs his head from the heavy hit as Lloyd looks back, “well that too,” Jay sticks out his tongue at Cole as the earth ninja raises his fist to hit him again.
“No way, she’s totally into you, you guys are like attached to the hip” Kai wraps his arm around Lloyd taking off his mask finally seeing Lloyd’s emotions,
“But what if she doesn’t!” his anxiety was at its peak thinking about you rejecting him as he’d be losing you as not a lover but as a friend.
Kai looks away to try and find the right words landing on Nya who looked just as lost as he was. “Well, Nya you hang out with (y/n) all the time in science. What does she say about Lloyd” Nya hums in a hiding tone, “sorry that’s classified girl talk, I’d be tarnished as a woman to share (y/n) secrets” Kai huffs as he walks to Nya, “couldn’t tell, your more manly than me~” Kai teases being an older brother again as Nya laughs with him then splashes his face with water with an unamused expression.
Lloyd looks to the ground as Zane shuffles his way into the chaos, “what do you think Zane, do I have any chance with (y/n)?” Lloyd asks as a last-ditch effort. He watches Zane’s eyes glow and his body convulsing as it finds an answer to Lloyd’s question. 
“Calculating…” after a short second a ‘ding!’ sounds off, stating that Zane was done calculating. A piece of paper files from Zane’s mouth as the ninja gather around Lloyd. 
“Hey that’s great!” Kai shouts as Jay and Cole pat Lloyd’s shoulder in congratulations, “What’s wrong Lloyd?” Nya tilts her head as she noticed Lloyd wasn’t as happy as the rest were. 
“It’s ninety nine percent.” Lloyd states as facts, “yea, perfect chance to me” Kai smiles as Nya shushes him letting Lloyd talk,
“That one percent, anything can happen in that one percent of me confessing to (y/n)” Zane nods as he interjects, “Lloyd is correct, (y/n) can find many reasons to not share intimate feelings with you, she could find out your relation to Garmadon, she could have a hatred for ninja. Or she could be attracted to the same sex.” “Hey Zane?” 
“Yes Nya-“ 
“Not helping.” 
Nya quickly shuts Zane up as they notice Lloyds defeated look, “Lloyd of course anything can happen, but you gotta look at the positive. There are plenty of reason why she could accept your confession!” his team nods,
“you’re both reader dorks!”
“She talks nonstop about you!”
“You both are together all the time.”
“You both are very cute together.”
“Calculations do not lie, Lloyd.” 
He looks up to his friends as he finally breaks for a small smile, “thanks guys, I guess, I just feel like. I finally have someone that I like outside of friends and family, it feels different when I look at them. I want to be by their side, and I want them to feel the same way that I do. I just don’t want to lose the only outside support that I truly have with her.” Lloyd’s friends start to hug him, “aww buddy” Jay squishes himself into the hug as Zane even joins in hearing the groans and heaves from his tight hold.
“But thanks, you guys. I really appreciate the words.” Lloyd huffs out as he was caught in the middle of a group hug. His friends laugh at his struggle as they finally loosen up, “no problem, man!” Kai pats his shoulder with a grin as Cole nods, “yea, we’re here for you!” “Always Lloyd.” Nya smiles kindly as Jay nods.
“Alright let’s head back before sensei gives us chores to do for being late.” Kai starts walking as the group follows,
“I’m hungry” Jay huffs at Cole, “You’re always hungry!”
Later that night Lloyd continues to text you when he got home, when he sits for dinner, his dad was with him. Garmadon coming home for dinner wasn’t new, after settling some things Koko felt comfortable enough to let him back into their lives. If he promises to not try and take over the city,
They negotiated once month takeover attempts.
Lloyd takes one last glance at his phone as he swoons seeing the last text of the night from you,
“’Goodnight! : )’”
Of course it wasn’t much to the average person, but every time Lloyd saw your good morning texts or goodnight texts. He’d feel so happy that you would take the time to wish him a good night.
It was obvious to Garmadon that his son was in his own space calling it la la land to Koko thinking his son was possessed when he would come home with a huge smile. But his ex-lover would only shake her head and grin at him and state he was in love, 
Garmadon squints his eyes at his son who was mixing his food with that same smile on his face.
He was glad that his son was happy, he just didn’t know how to communicate with him that was appropriate. Being out of the loop as a father for seventeen years has had him catching up on some things.
Garmadon whines to Koko stating his son wasn’t cool anymore going on as now all he wants to do is be on his phone, Koko puts a hand on her hip as she watches the feared overlord pout under her as he laid on the tile floor.
“You should talk to him then, get to know the girl he’s talking to and give advice, y’know like how a dad would.” Koko turns to cut vegetables for dinner as Garmadon hums as if pondering on Koko’s foreign words. He instantly gets up as if have a eureka moment. 
“Hmm, Yea, I’ll give him advice!” Koko hums as Garmadon looks for something else to do, she finally snaps from her trance, “w-wait, Garmadon no you suck at advice!” 
But too late, his mind was set as when Lloyd came home from patrol he would talk to him during dinner,
And here they were. Lloyd in front of Garmadon still playing with his food, Garmadon clears his throat causing Lloyd to look up arching a brow over his cowlick. 
“So, your mother has told me you’re interested in someone.” His bottom hands fold together as if having an important meeting with one of his generals, Lloyd groans, “ugh, mom dad’s bothering me!” Lloyd calls as Garmadon stands over the table in shock, “wha- nu-uh!” Lloyd squints at his father as he sinks into his chair as if to get away from an embarrassing conversation.
“Garmadon, don’t make me get the broom.” Koko calls from the kitchen, “Wha-but I didn’t do! He-“ Garmadon huffs as he flops back down on his chair giving up as he looks to his son again who was now eating quickly.
���I just notice how…happy you seem, that’s all” Lloyd stops shoveling food in his mouth as he swallows, taking in his father’s words, seeing Lloyd stops Garmadon takes the chance to continue. “I…enjoy it when I see you happy, I hope you continue to feel this way.” Garmadon peaks to see Lloyd’s smile. Lloyd knew his dad was trying to make up for lost years, and every effort he made caused Lloyd to want to be near him. 
“Thanks dad” Garmadon takes a moment to process as a smile grows on the overlords’ lips, it was a toothy happy smile. The genuine enjoyment of his son thanking him and calling him dad.
“y-you’re welcome…son” Garmadon looks down at his plate as he scratches the table his smile still big.
There was a comfortable silence between the two, the only noises were the scrapes of Lloyd’s fork on his plate. 
“So, was that her texting?” Garmadon breaks it with more questions Lloyd sighs “yea, it was… she texted me ‘goodnight’” there was that la la land smile again as Garmadon hummed as if thinking of something that was upsetting him. He wanted to keep the comment to himself, but it slipped out,
“hm, probably to text other guys.” He mumbles out sassily,
And down went Lloyd’s mood plummeting, Koko wasn’t far as an audible gasp sounded from the kitchen fueling Lloyd’s sudden appropriate change of mood.
“Garmadon! Why did you say that you idiot!” Koko instantly got her spatula and smacked the back of Garmadon’s head. 
“Ack! What it’s true! It’s 7:30pm what person goes to bed at this hour?” Garmadon rubs his head as he squints at Koko, 
“People that have lives and don’t spend all night scheming to take over a CITY!!” Koko screeches her frustrations at her idiotic ex-husband as Lloyd slips under the table hearing another thwack and a groan from the overlord.
Later that night Lloyd sat in his room staring down at his phone, the ‘goodnight’ stared right back at him.
He sighs as he turns over, staring up at his ceiling, he drags his hands down his face with a groan thinking back on his dad’s words. He really had no filter, knowing this Lloyd probably should’ve expected something like that to fly out his mouth.
But damn did it hit hard.
Were you really texting other people?
He wouldn’t blame you if you were though, Lloyd thought about so many reasons as to why you would.
He could be boring you,
Annoying you, 
You might’ve wanted to talk to someone that didn’t have red eyes,
Or sharp teeth or was the son of an overlord.
Insecure Lloyd being insecure again. He forces his hands down as a tired sigh escapes his lips again as he rolls over one last time to go to sleep. 
Closing his eyes, he thinks of anything that would be better than this, anything that will take his mind off his constant worrying and sinking pit feelings.
Or the anticipation in his heart for you to text him again. But those were only thoughts, so he decides to sleep to continue his bullishness thoughts-
‘briing’ ‘briing’
Lloyd’s eyes shot up as he lifts his body up to search for his phone that was under the covers, looking down at it he sees your contact. He pauses for a moment as he ruffles his hair squinting at his phone as if the bright light was lying to him about who was calling. 
He clears his throat, he has never spoken to you on the phone before, but he knew his phone was ringing a bit too long so instead of worrying he slides the green dial and answers the phone.
“h-hey, Lloyd” it’s like Lloyd could hear your smile, as in turn he as well, the dark clouds disperse as he lays back down.
“Hey.” He couldn’t say anything else but a greeting, so happy that you called him, you giggle on the other line sending him soaring to cloud nine. 
“’m sorry for calling you, I didn’t know who else to call.” Lloyd could hear something moving in the background, were you now getting into bed?
“No no, it’s fine. I thought you were going to bed?” he inhales deeply as he turns over putting his phone on speaker, but still low enough so it didn’t wake his mom who was next door.
“I was, but I couldn’t” it was too vague for Lloyd to understand,
“What?” he asks as he hears a soft sigh fall from the other line, once again he hears fiddling in the background. Were you nervous about something?
“(y/n), is everything okay?” Lloyd asks unsure if he should be worried about your sudden call.
“n-no! everything is fine. I’m sorry, I’m just being stupid” you laugh softly, 
“Don’t say that, you’re not stupid, at least, you can’t be more stupid than me~” he jokes as you both quietly laugh.
Your laughter dies down, “…you’re smart too, especially in history” Lloyd’s face turns pinks as he hums. “You’re not bad at science” he compliments as well, 
You huff, “I tryy” you whine as Lloyd chuckles. “So, why did you call me again?” there was a pause on the other end.
It was long to where Lloyd thought you had hung up,
“I just, really wanted to hear your voice.”
It was simple, your voice quiet to where if Lloyd hadn’t paid attention, he would’ve missed it. But he heard it, and so did his heart. 
“Oh.” Was all he could say, his face red and heart stuttering, butterflies running wild and head spinning. 
“S-sorry, I don’t sleep well by myself, I used to call my friend, but she isn’t available. S-so I thought, maybe you’d be up. I just really wanna talk to someone, I don’t want to be alone.”
Like a river it came flowing down, your face completely red as you squeaked out each word. Wishing that Lloyd had that on recording just so he could hear each word repeated.
“Oki, let’s talk” Lloyd spoke so calmly as if his face wasn’t about to explode if you said anything else his heart might explode with it. 
“Oki” your smile grows bigger, “how is your night?” you ask starting conversation, Lloyd grins,
“It’s better now that you called.”
You guys have been talking for hours, mainly Lloyd leading with things that he likes, it got deeper as you both spoke about fears. Even Lloyd shed some light to his insecurities, it made him feel better to confide in someone to talk about what he worries about and for them to do the same. It was as if you two were taking each other’s garbage and throwing it out together, soon Lloyd is quiet for a little bit a comfortable silence hits the both of you. 
It was going on for a while as Lloyd assumed you went to sleep, your phone then hangs up. Lloyd had heard feet walking into your room and an older women’s voice presuming to be your mom stating how you must have fallen asleep on the phone.
Lloyd smiles down at his phone as he too closes his eyes, warm and fluffy feelings enter his chest. Falling asleep he decides to call you tomorrow morning to wish you a good morning text this time.
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AAAA I finisheddd hehehe ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ oki but frfr I hope you guys enjoyed I love seeing you guys like my other posts like it said it really motivates me to continue ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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crackedpumpkin · 17 days
𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝟎𝟔 |
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[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
“Tell me again why I need to come down?” You ask, exaggerating a loud sigh of annoyance. 
You can practically hear the way Cole rolls his eyes over the phone. “Zane asked me to call you down since he’s busy. Wouldn’t want to leave him hanging, would you?” 
The call had come before class started, just as you entered and placed your bag down in the empty seat beside you. To your surprise, Cole’s name appears on the phone screen. It’d been a couple days since you had dinner together after losing a bet, so receiving a call from him is lowkey a(n) (unwelcome) surprise. 
Upon picking up, a husky voice greets you with the barest of formalities before practically ordering you to come to the monastery after your lectures. As much as you hate to admit it, you blushed a little at his voice before clearing your throat and firing back a mean remark because c’mon, who said he could use animosity against the sun as an excuse to be rude to you?
“Unfortunately for you guys, I’m not so free as to travel all the way to the other side of Ninjago City on a whim.” Someone moves in the corner of your eyes, turning to see the girl who returned your wallet to you the other day wave sheepishly. 
You move away the bag, allowing her to sit down in the now-empty space. “Hey,” You greet her quietly, pulling the phone away from your ear and covering the mic while ignoring whatever Cole’s saying. 
“Hi,” She whispers back shyly, “It’s me, Holly.” She adds, noticing the quiet struggle you’re having trying to remember her name. Exhaling in relief, you smile sheepishly at her. “Don’t worry about it,” she says softly, turning to take out her materials and prepare for class. 
“You there? Hello?” 
Whoops. He’s annoyed now. 
“Yeah, I’m still here. So at a cafe then? I’ll text you the location. Okay class is starting soon see you bye!” 
You end the call in a hurry, pressing the red button just as Cole’s loud cry of protest starts. 
Placing it on the table, you pull out a notebook from your bag and some stationary before finally turning back to Holly who’d been minding her own business. “Sorry about that.” She tilts her head with a chuckle. 
“It’s fine,” She dismisses it easily. “I’ve heard rumours about this professor though, he always gives loads of group projects. My cousin told me writing a blog is a compulsory assignment.”
Dismay sets in at the thought of having to come up with writing an entire blog by yourself, slumping back in your seat with a loud groan. “Maybe it’s not too late to drop out of the course.” Your muttered words draw an unexpected laugh, taking unbridled joy at seeing Holly dissolve into a fit of giggles. 
“Mood. But hopefully, it won’t be that bad. Maybe we’ll even get partnered up!” The thought of doing the project with someone you at least know cheers you up somewhat, sitting up in your seat with mildly renewed energy. 
“I’ll get this straight. I have an attendance requirement of 75% - blame the university, not me. As long as you let me finish my lesson, I don’t really care what you do in class as long as it isn’t disruptive. Lastly, there’re extra credit assignments you can take in the course material.”
The professor enters with prominent dark circles around her eyes, scanning the people in her class before plopping down at her desk with a steaming cup of black coffee in hand and a laptop in the other.
Just as she finishes speaking, you notice a couple of students open their laptops and put on muted videos of Subway Surfers with their eyes still on the professor. She doesn’t seem to care at all like she’s mentioned earlier, taking a big swig of her coffee before she continues.
“I’m not contactable outside working hours because I have a life, but I’ll get back to you when I can. Additionally,” She pauses, looking around the room with a scrutinising eye. You stare at her blankly, waiting for her to continue. The tip of your pen barely brushes against the thin paper of your notebook, mildly taken aback by how aloof she is.
“Some of your relatives who’ve attended my lessons might’ve told you about my assignments. I’d like to make it clear that I’m changing it up this year. The first project you’ll be doing is starting a business. As long as you demonstrate that you understand the basis and foundation of all the stuff I’m teaching, the business can be about anything.”
The projector flashes for a moment, showing the bright screen of her laptop where she’d already pre-assigned partners beforehand. Your name appears next to Holly’s. Both of you turn to each other with excited grins. 
“Now, who’ll volunteer to be the TA?” 
The utter silence that falls over everyone should’ve been the first warning sign. It’s only after Holly pokes your arm with a pencil that you realise everyone’s looking at you. The professor follows their gazes, patiently waiting for you to respond. 
Just perfect.
Holly’s guilty smile suggests that she wouldn’t have volunteered on your behalf even if you are beginning to be friends. So, you lift your hand begrudgingly with a resigned sigh. “I volunteer as tribute.” 
The professor nods in approval, blinking almost owlishly as a realisation of sorts dawns on her. “Have I told you guys my name yet?”
Maybe it’s not too late to drop out after all.
— — — — — 
Musketeer [ 02:07 PM ]: has sent a location
Musketeer [ 02:07 PM ]: see u at 3
Cake Enthusiast [ 02:07 PM ]: are you srsly expecting us to rush down rn
Musketeer [ 02:08 PM ]: not rn but also dont u have dragons???
Cake Enthusiast [ 02:08 PM ]: yes and
Musketeer [ 02:10 PM ]: wowur so funny hahahhahahahah
Musketeer [ 02:10 PM ]: /sarcastic
Cake Enthusiast [ 02:11 PM ]: remind me why we have to be soulmates again
Musketeer [ 02:11 PM ]: we cld always not be
Cake Enthusiast [ 02:11 PM ]: thats fair
Musketeer [ 02:11 PM ]: anyw see u at 3
It’s been at least a month or so since you both found out you were soulmates, but neither of you had properly acknowledged what to do. After all, it’s awkward any time one of you brings it up even slightly as if it’s a tacit agreement to swerve around the topic. 
Through the banter and snarky remarks, there’s always an underlying question of ‘What are we?’ that haunts your conversations. Even now, you’re running away from it through text. Through text, of all things. Sure, you’re a coward, but you didn’t remember it being this bad.
Are you friends? Acquaintances? Enemies? 
It’s difficult to put a label on it, especially since he hasn’t revealed anything about his feelings towards the whole soulmate thing either. You’ve already made it pretty clear how you feel about it, but it’s almost unnerving how he hasn’t tried to address it either.
The closest label you can slap on the weird relationship between you is probably frenemies? You’re not entirely sure why you’re trying to define what you are even now, but the uncertainty of everything is slowly getting to you. 
It’s ironic how you’d always criticise webtoons and romantic movies for never communicating, yet it’s the exact same thing you’re doing right now. Wow. You truly are pathetic. 
You lift your head at the sound of your name being called. A sudden coldness presses against your cheek, shocking you out of your thoughts as you flinch away from it. Holly greets you with a warm smile, handing you the bubble tea she’s just held against your face.
“You looked kinda out of it. You didn’t even hear me call you.” Aiming the sharp tip of the straw at the cover, you swiftly poke a hole through it and take a long, slow sip. 
“Sorry,” you say through chews, the rubbery texture of the brown sugar pearls giving you something to focus on. “I was thinking about our project.” You can’t have anyone find out about your situation, especially not the students in this school. 
She brightens up at the mention, taking out her phone. “Right! I was thinking about it too! Would you like to meet up another day to brainstorm and sort it out?” She turns the screen around to face you, your name prominently displayed in a new contact.
You enter your number quickly on the screen, pressing call. The phone in your hand vibrates, her own number appearing at the top. “Sorry we can’t do it today, I’ve got an appointment.” 
“That’s okay.” She seems to not mind, shrugging it off easily. “I’ve got something else on too. My mom needs me to stop by the grocery store to buy some stuff for tonight.” She stands up from the seat. “I’ll text you the details and ideas.”
“Sounds good.” You wave her off, watching her leave with a smile. Holly doesn’t seem so bad. She’s nice, and pretty friendly too. The best part is that she’s never once asked you about the ninja either, even after overhearing your phone call this morning.
You pull out your phone and save her number, adding a little smiley face next to her name. It’s been a hectic day, but knowing you’ve got a potential friend in Holly makes it a bit brighter. With a final glance at the door where she exited, you gather your things and head towards the café, feeling a bit more optimistic about your project.
The walk there is about ten minutes according to Google Maps, though navigating through the roads is tricky. Kids on bikes delivering newspapers scare you at almost every turn, barely managing to avoid getting run over if not for their bells acting as a warning signal. 
At least the weather isn’t so bad today, you muse with a smile, enjoying the breeze. If not for the sudden appointment to meet, you would’ve probably gone to the park to find any stray cats or dogs to play with. 
Does he like cats?
Maybe not. He seems like a dog person. But then again, he does have a vibe that would draw cats to him. You could put it to the test perhaps. Damn it. You should’ve set the park as the venue to meet. 
The visual image of you picking him up and shaking him vigorously to use him as a magnet to attract cats and dogs makes you snort in pure amusement, only for your laugh to die down when you turn the corner. 
A jeep is parked right outside a jewellery store, where glass shards litter the sidewalk. The sound of rambunctious laughter fills the air as masked figures shove bags filled with necklaces and bracelets lined with glittering gems into the jeep’s open back. 
Your heart skips a beat, eyes widening at the sight of the chaos. One of the robbers, a hulking figure with a crowbar, leans casually against the shattered glass door, smirking as his companions continue their work.
But it’s not the robbers or the wreckage that makes your blood run cold. Among the masked figures is one that stands out—a familiar lean figure cloaked in dark clothing, a distinctive mask hiding their features. You recognize the thief instantly, the same one who’d caused a fiasco at the museum not too long ago, making off with a priceless artefact right under the noses of everyone. The memory of that night flashes through your mind—the smug glint in their eyes, the familiar gadget on their hand that caused a sinkhole….
You pause. Now that you think about it, if it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t have figured out Cole is your soulmate. So in retrospect, every moment of turmoil you’re facing with the acknowledgement of your fear and cowardice is their fault.
Now, here they are again, caught red-handed in yet another heist. The thief moves with an effortless grace, tossing a heavy bag into the jeep before turning back to the store. Even from this distance, you can sense the arrogance, the thrill they take in outsmarting everyone around them. Your hands clench into fists at your sides, a mix of anger and determination bubbling up.
What are the odds of running into them again? And why here, of all places? Your mind races, torn between the urge to call for help and the reckless impulse to intervene right then and there. 
As you edge closer, careful to avoid stepping on any glass shards and pressing your back to the wall, the thief’s head turns slightly, as if sensing your presence. You freeze, holding your breath, hoping to remain unnoticed.
The thief pauses, glancing around with narrowed eyes, but the robbers' loud banter covers any noise you might have made. Well, that is, until you get so caught up in the moment that you forget your phone isn’t on silent. 
“Motherfucker-” You mutter, scrambling in a panic to silence Cole’s call. Your chest practically collapses from the shaky exhale after, before holding your breath in a sudden wave of panic. 
A quiet crunch echoes through the street, the sound unnaturally loud in the stillness. Slowly, you look up, eyes widening at the sight of the thief standing right outside the store, the other robbers gathered around. 
For a moment, you lock eyes—or at least, you think you do, through the mask. An awkward silence hangs in the air, thick and heavy. Your tongue darts out, licking your suddenly dry lips as you desperately try to find a way to escape from the situation.
“So…A great day for robbery, am I right?” The stuttered laughter that tumbles past your lips twists your insides into a nervous knot. Lifting your hand, you gesture to the group. “Carry on then, as you were.”
Silence continues to plague the next few seconds, already severely regretting even opening your mouth at all as the robbers behind the thief glance at each other with uncertainty. The thief studies you closely, their piercing gaze stopping when they widen their eyes. A spark of recognition flickers in the air, and you swear you see the thief's lips twitch into a smirk beneath the mask. 
The audacity of this bitch-
Just as you decide to drop your stuff and book it, a familiar voice cuts through the air. "Hey! What’s going on here?" You whip around to see Cole rounding the corner, eyes narrowing as he takes in the scene. 
Relief washes over you, knowing you’re not alone, but it’s quickly replaced by a renewed sense of urgency. The robbers have spotted him too, and you can see the tension in their stance from recognising the ninja, readying to fight or flee.
Cole, they’re armed!” you shout, moving to his side. “I think,” you add quickly, correcting yourself. The masked thief’s gaze lingers on you for a second longer, before they turn to the jeep, making a split-second decision.
He shoots you a quick glance, his voice low and steady. “Stay back,” he warns, already moving in front of you. His stance shifts, ready for a fight, his eyes locked on the thieves. “This isn't your lucky day,” he calls out to them, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as he sizes up the situation.
“Let’s go!” the thief orders, their voice sharp and commanding through the distortion filter. The robbers scramble, abandoning the last of the loot in their haste to jump into the jeep. Engines roar to life, tyres screeching as the vehicle speeds off into the night, leaving behind the shattered jewellery store and a trail of broken glass.
“Wait, that’s not how it’s supposed to go-” 
“Shut up and go after them!” He yelps, caught off guard by your forceful grab of his wrist, practically dragging him to chase after the car. “Summon your dragon or something! I don’t know,” you say desperately through rapid pants, the jeep getting further away with each passing second. 
“I know what to do!” He retorts with a scoff, making the swift decision to tug you toward him, scooping you up in his arms before doing a front flip. His dragon materialises in an instant, roaring loudly as it flies after the jeep. You blink, the nausea catching up in an instant as you press yourself against his chest, his shirt gripped tightly in your hands.
Slow, deep breaths, you chant to yourself. The moment of weightlessness when he’d suddenly grabbed you was terrifying. It wasn’t the heights or motion that had your stomach churning, but more of the loss of control of your senses in that split moment. 
Either way, the musky bergamot scent on his collar mixed with the weird presence of vanilla icing helps calm your racing heart down. “Are you done sniffing me yet?” Your eyes snap open, shifting into an upright position in an instant as you shove him away. 
Clearing your throat, you focus your gaze on the jeep that’s a few feet ahead. “Can you go any faster?” 
It takes a second for him to respond. “Yeah.” Your clear refusal to turn around and reveal the mortifying shade of red that colours your entire face. You don’t even turn that red when you drink alcohol or exercise. 
“Really though?” 
His sudden question makes you turn, the offended tone in his voice making you momentarily forget about the heavy flush in your cheeks. “You just had to use that song?”
The moment when your phone rang loudly pops back into your mind, grinning widely with all embarrassment long gone at the reminder. “Can you blame me though? It was perfect. I don’t even have to tell who it is when I pick it up.”
“The band made an appreciation song once,” he sighs, shaking his head. “Whatever. What’s got you so worked up about them anyway? I can just let Kai know to take over.” He pauses at your furrowed brows and tightly drawn lips, taking the hint to fall silent and wait for your explanation.
“The one with the mask… They’re the thief I ran into at the museum. The one who stole the scroll and made a hole in the ground.” His eyes widen at your explanation, inhaling sharply through his teeth with a wince. “That’s why we have to catch them. Isn’t that your job, anyway?”
He shoots you a glance, rolling his eyes. “Yes, that is my job. One that I don’t get paid too well for, by the way.” You blink, the corner of your lips turned down into a sceptical frown.
“Don’t you get sponsorships and stuff? Zane told me about how you guys were models for this protein bar.” 
“Don’t even start,” he groans, tilting his head back with an exasperated huff. “I couldn’t go anywhere without seeing the posters.” The dragon swerves to make a hard right, and you almost fall off the saddle if not for his quick reflexes.
“If you wanted to get off, you could’ve just asked,” he states in a sassy manner. You’d love to smack the smug smirk off his face, but at what feels like twenty feet in the air, you're not about to take that risk. Instead, you settle for a grumpy scowl, letting his arm act as your seat belt.
Cole’s dragon swoops lower, bringing you both closer to the ground as the jeep speeds away with the stolen goods. You grip the dragon’s saddle tighter, frustration and determination swirling within you.
“Honestly, it’s like these guys want to get caught,” you mutter under your breath, your eyes locked on the jeep. The thief with the mask is leaning out of the vehicle, seemingly unfazed by the height of the dragon above them.
“They're probably professionals,” Cole replies, his tone light but focused. “But that’s what makes catching them all the more fun.”
“Fun?” you scoff, shooting him a look. “You call this fun?”
He grins, the wind tousling his hair as he manoeuvres the dragon with practised ease. “C’mon, you’ve gotta admit, there’s a thrill to it. Besides, you’re not exactly sitting back and watching.”
You roll your eyes, but you can’t deny the adrenaline pumping through your veins. “Fine, maybe a little,” you admit begrudgingly, though your mind is still on the thief.
As the jeep turns sharply down an alley, Cole’s gaze hardens. “C’mon Rocky,” he urges, the dragon barely acknowledging him with a soft growl. His arm tightens around your waist, pulling you closer as it descends. 
Unfortunately, he fails to mention one tiny detail—his plan to dematerialize the dragon upon landing. So, when you both hit the ground and the dragon vanishes, your hands flail, searching desperately for anything to grab onto. Fortunately, his arm is still securely around you.
Well, now it’s more like he’s carrying you by the waist, your legs and arms flailing helplessly in midair. You’re left with an expression of pure, unfiltered defeat as you dangle from his grasp like an oversized sack of potatoes.
“For your information, I’m not enjoying this ninja process.”
He barely acknowledges you with a hum, gently setting you back down onto solid ground. He takes a step back, the earlier warmth of his body heat gone in an instant. You dust yourself off, trying to play off the utter ridiculousness felt from earlier. 
The jeep is heading down the alley toward you both. He readies his stance, eyes narrowed from under his gi (when did he even put on the hood, anyway?). You copy him unsurely, knees bent and arms held up in a defensive stance. “Won’t they run us over?”
He snorts. “They wouldn’t dare. I’m the Earth Ninja! They know better than to do that!”
The jeep doesn’t slow down.
“You might know that,” the loud purring of its engine doesn’t decrease. In fact, it does the exact opposite as it speeds up. “But do they??”
With each millisecond that passes, the confidence in his eyes begins to waver. You take a deep breath, blood rushing through your veins in a roaring symphony. At the very last second, you push him out of the way and crash to the ground, landing squarely on top of him.
As you land on top of him, the thief at the wheel locks eyes with you through the open window. Their smug gaze practically beamed through their mask, even honking a couple times as they stick a gloved hand out the window in a mocking farewell.
Frustration bubbles up inside you, and before you can stop yourself, your fist connects with whatever’s beneath you. Unfortunately, that happens to be Cole’s abdomen. His pained hiss snaps you out of it, and you turn to see his grimace. Deciding not to give him an apology after almost getting the both of you run over, you ignore his outstretched hand in a request for help.
“You said they wouldn’t run us over!!”
He takes a deep breath. “Well,” he starts, looking from you to the jeep, “I was wrong.”
You’ve gotta be kidding me.
He groans as he sits up, the sting of your punch still lingering. “But in my defence, who actually tries to run over a ninja?” He gives you a lopsided grin, though you can sense the irritation bubbling beneath its surface.
You don’t give him a moment to recover. “Them, apparently.” Jittery annoyance fuels your pacing. “Can’t we go after them again? Where’s Rocky?”
“I’d love to, but,” he finally manages to stand. “Someone decided to punch me and leave me winded.”
"Don’t blame me for saving your life," you snap. The adrenaline is still thrumming through your veins, making your hands shake as you shove them into your pockets. "Besides, you’re the one who said they wouldn’t dare."
Cole rolls his eyes, his expression softening when he spots the slightest tremble that you try to hide. "Okay, fair point. But we’ve gotta figure out our next move before they get too far."
You stop pacing, turning to face him. "Right, so where’s Rocky? Or are we gonna jog after them like idiots?"
He glances around the alley, his brow furrowing. "Rocky needs time to recharge after dematerializing, so we’re on foot for now." He catches the look on your face and quickly adds, "But I’ve got an idea. There’s a shortcut through the market district. If we hustle, we might catch up before they get too far."
You let out an exasperated sigh, but you nod, already mentally preparing for the sprint. "Fine, lead the way. But if we end up lost, I’m blaming you."
Cole chuckles, already starting down the alley at a fast jog. "Trust me, you’re gonna love my shortcuts."
As you follow him, the banter between you eases some of the tension. Despite the annoyance simmering beneath the surface, there’s a strange comfort in the rhythm of your bickering. You might not be thrilled about this whole soulmate business, but in moments like this, you can almost see why fate would pair you two together.
The roar of the jeep’s engine is familiar to your ears, practically sensing it coming down the last of the twists and turns he’s led you through. “C’mon!” You urge him quickly, sprinting the last few metres to see the jeep turn the corner.
You glare through the windshield at the thief whose eyes widen in pure shock, not having expected you to get there so quickly. Satisfaction makes your heart calm, spotting Cole’s narrowed eyes filled with determination.
He skids to a stop beside you, lifting his arms and slamming them into the ground. The earth rumbles, responding to his will. A crater forms instantly in the jeep’s path. The driver has no time to react, plummeting into it. The jeep flips violently, crashing into the far side. 
A plume of smoke is sent up from the impact, and you begin to approach it before flinching when it explodes right in front of your eyes. Instinctively shielding yourself from the debris, you turn to look at Cole in disbelief.
“That wasn’t me!” He denies vehemently, holding his hands up innocently and shaking his head as the jeep behind you is engulfed in flames. The smell of burnt rubber and gasoline fills the air, onlookers whispering to each other and taking out phones to record the scene.
You take a tentative step forward, sharing a glance with him as you approach the wreckage. You squint through the haze, expecting to see the robbers either unconscious or scrambling to escape.
The embers die down, someone having grabbed a fire extinguisher and extinguished the flames until all that’s left is smoke. But when it clears, you find the jeep completely empty, save for the stolen jewellery scattered in the backseat. The robbers have vanished, leaving behind only the glittering spoils of their heist.
“They’re gone,” you mutter, half in disbelief. Cole steps closer, examining the wreckage with a frown.
“Must’ve bailed right before the crash somehow,” he says, his tone laced with frustration. He turns to you, the remnants of the battle still lingering in his tense posture. “At least we got the jewellery back.”
You nod, though your eyes linger on the destroyed jeep, wondering just how close you were to catching them. The tension in the air slowly dissipates as the reality of the situation sinks in, but the mystery of the robbers’ disappearance only adds to the unease.
The aftermath of it all is pretty straightforward. The jewellery is returned to the store owner, though Cole gives you a stern glare when he catches you discreetly trying to negotiate for a reward. Frowning in defeat, you give up when he threatens to tell Master Wu.
“You’re still a snitch, y’know.” He takes a sip from the bubble tea in his hands. Your bubble tea, in fact. The ice had already melted a long time ago so the drink was already horribly diluted, but he still insisted on finishing it instead of throwing it away.
“Even if I am,” he exhales slowly, his slow strides matching your lazy walking pace. “At least we kind of got a look at them. Maybe Zane can draw a composite sketch. I’ll let Jay know to update the police stations, and for Kai to keep a lookout during his patrol.”
“Teamwork really does make the dream work.” 
“Yeah, I guess we do make a good team.” Your playful grin falters at his response, looking away from him to the buildings opposite. The words held no ulterior hidden meaning, yet the thrumming of your heartbeat distracts you from properly focusing on the conversation.
A moment of hesitation is all he needs to grab your wrist, steps slowing to a halt. Your eyes flit from his hand to his concerned eyes, barely able to breathe. He watches you carefully, lips parting and closing as he tries to organise his thoughts. Finally, he formulates a proper sentence, uttering the exact one you’ve been dreading to hear.
“I think we need to talk. About us.”
Taglist: @candyquokka @mossy-mika @em-100 @cursedreader @alicesmile1 @alexa24 @raegreenie4 @burdeningbitch @viennasthings @cadencannot @ml3zqo @nanasemo @certified-cole-simp @beescomet @theblindhag @mitbin24 @sweetlittlebumblebree @brooklyniswriting @cantbecreative @something-else3 @iinlovewithfictionalppl @itz-mooonlight @jebesovovise @ryeheep @letthelightin2112 @classically-bored
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asherbakugou · 4 months
Your First Kiss
Jiang Kai | Kai Kalama (She/They)
Reader was sat on the floor of her apartment, leaning back against Kai's legs as he flipped through channels on the tv. They had a new sketch due in two days, so they were hoping for inspiration.
The parameters for the project were pretty simple; primary color (red, yellow, blue), one accent color (gold or silver), and female model.
Above her, Kai suddenly leaned over them to look in their eyes, "What if you did something based of Azula? You know, from Avatar. She's got red and gold in her design doesn't she?"
Blinking, Reader turned it over in her mind before nodding. Focusing back on him, she was unsurprised to find his gaze on their lips. Doing their best to not let him know that they saw his gaze, they spoke, "That's good. She does have red, though its more maroon but I can tweak the colors a bit to fit the parameters. Thank you, Kai."
He flushed, leaning back as Reader fought to hide a wider smile. For nearly three months, since they'd begun hanging out, she'd noticed how his eyes constantly strayed to their lips or how focused he'd get whenever they spoke. It was sweet, and was defintely not helping their crush. So today, they decided to do something about it.
Later, after dinner, Kai was at the door preparing to leave. "Well, I guess I should leave a pretty person all alone in their apartment to work on their project." He winked making Reader laugh.
"Kai . . ." Reader trailed off, summoning all of their confidence. "Tell me if you don't want this."
Cupping his face, Reader pulled him down a little as they reached up a bit to press a kiss against his lips. Their lips slotted together perfectly, fitting like puzzle pieces. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, as Kai had frozen in shock.
"Sorry. I thought–"
Kai interrupted her this time, slamming their lips back together as he pushed her against the wall beside the door, hands falling to their hips as Reader wrapped their arms around his neck to keep him close.
Reader couldn't help but notice that he tasted like cinnamon, likely from the gum he loved to chew on all the time. Kai noticed how Reader tasted like the fruity wine they'd had with dinner and nearly moaned at the taste.
Pulling away, but not pulling apart completely, he pressed their heads together. "So, can I take you on a date?"
"Time, date, and place?"
"Next Saturaday, 7, and you'll see."
"I'll see you then, Kalama," Reader teased, seperating. Kai obediantly stepped outside, reverantly touching his lips when the doors closed.
Zane Julien (She/Her)
Zane mediatated peacefully to the quiet sounds of Reader painting, her playlist, and the soft humming. He felt at peace in the whirlwind that was her studio, eventually opening his eyes to see what she was painting.
It was the Aurora Borealis, with a wolf pack tilting their heads back to howl in unison. He was amazed by the motion you'd managed to capture in the painting.
"It looks incredible," Zane complimented, startling Reader into nearly dropping her palette.
"Oh shit!" He was quick to catch it, much to her relief. "Oh thank the dragons. Thank you for the compliment, and the catch."
"Do not thank me, it was my fault for startling you."
"You still caught it for me. So I'm going to thank you. Thank you Zane," Reader stated, smiling as she took the palette back.
Zane smiled softly, starstruck as she turned back to the painting. Standing just behind her, he remembered something Nya had said he should do, based on his feelings and how Reader acted around him.
'Ask permission to kiss her, then take her on a date. But don't push her.'
"Reader," Zane said, quickly catching her attention. She turned to him, setting her pallette down to give him her full attention. "I have a question, but I do not wish for you to feel pressured."
"I wouldn't let myself he forced into anything," Reader agreed, tilting her head.
"Of course." Zane hesitated, stepping closer, flustering her. "May I . . . May I kiss you, Reader?"
Reader seemed to freeze, soft lips parting in surprise. After waiting for nearly thirty seconds, Zane was disappointed by the lack of answer but took it in stride. "I apologize, I did not—"
"Was my asking an issue?"
"No, no!" Reader interrupted, waving her hands around. "You don't need to apologize! I was just surprised! Promise! You're not normally so outspoken, so . . ."
"Just a surprise."
"You still have not answered the question," Zane noted, tilting his head slightly. Blushing, Reader ducked her head down in emberresment.
"I-yes. Yes, you can . . . you can kiss me," Reader whispered, standing a little taller as Zane stepped into their space.
Slowly he pressed their lips together, not wanting to rush and accidentally hurt her. The kiss was soft, chaste and made Reader pleasantly cold as Zane felt his core warm in pleasure. Pulling away, he found his own smile widening when he saw Reader looking at him with a wide smile of their own.
"May I take you out? On a date?"
"Y-yes! Yes!"
"Then tomorrow? At 7?"
"I shall pick you up then," Zane decided, still smiling. Giggling Reader stepped into his space to sink into a hug.
"I can't wait."
Cole Brookstone (They/Them)
The stars were bright as Reader and Cole laid in a grassy meadow Cole had taken them too. Head resting on Cole's stomach, Reader had a surprisingly good view of Cole's reaction every time he spoke lowly, in order to keep the peace of course.
Tonight was Ninjagos Festival of Stars, recently adopted from the Serpentine but neither of them were fans of large crowds and wanted to see the stars and fireworks alone. So Reader had packed a nighttime picnic, with Cole hovering over their shoulder in anticipation.
Mooncakes, Star shaped iced cookies, and multiple blackberry flavored treats. They'd also brought along their starry night themed drink, with blueberries, bananas, and kiwi syrups to make it a stunning array of colors.
Cole had, of course, nearly devoured his portion in a half hour as Reader talked about their day, and some issues they'd noticed recently, eating far slower.
"So, what made you invite me out to watch the stars? Is it just 'cause ya knew I'd bring ya food?" Reader asked, without opening their eyes.
"What, no! All of the others wanted to go to the festival and celebrate, but I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. I'd rather hang out with you," Cole admitted.
"Really? Me? Mr. Ninja wants to hang out with an uninteresting civilian?"
"Your not uninteresting, which I'm not sure is a word by the way. Your just . . . You're normal, and I need that in my life. And you're fun in a different way."
"Well, thank you for the compliment. Any specific reason you don't like festivals? Or is it private?"
Cole knew that all he had to say was that it was private and he would drop it, but he wanted to share. "My mom used to take me out to festivals all the time when I was younger. She had a piggy bank specifically for those days that I could add change too. It was my money to use to do whatever I wanted with during the festival. When she died, I stopped going. It doesn't feel the same anymore."
Reader was silent, thinking. "When I lost my parents, I no longer thought it was worth it. To live. It took me three years to truly start enjoying the world and some days its still hard." Glancing up, they met eyes. "If you ever decided you want to try, I'd be happy to take you. We could make it a date."
"A date?" Cole sat up, worrying Reader who sat up as well.
"It doesn't . . . have to be a date. Not if you don't want it to be."
"Well, what if I want it to be a date?"
Reader smiled, leaning closer as their eyes flicked towards Cole's lips. "I'd like that."
Smiling softly, Cole and Reader leaned closer together until their lips were barely a centimeter apart. "Would you be upset if I kissed you?" Cole asked, trying to hide his nerves.
"Not at all."
Grinning, Cole eagerly pressed their lips together, twisting until he was hovering over Reader. Fingers wove into his black hair, tugging him closer to them as they made out beneath the stars.
Cole eventually forced himself to pull out of their hold, lips glistening and red as he panted. Reader was not much better, shirt having ridden up at some point. "Well . . . that was not what how I thought tonight would turn out," Cole admitted with a goofy grin.
Reader laughed, eyes bright. "So, we still on for that date?"
Jay Walker (She/her)
Lightning flashed across the sky, followed closely by the crack of thunder, making Reader groan. She and Jay were both caught in the rain, having been taking a short break from working on one of his older Mechs.
"Well, this sucks," Reader grumbled, huddling beneath the glass cover of a bus station as Jay watched the lightning sparking in the sky with a strange sort of awe and reverance. Nudging him, she broke the spell cast by the bright flashes. "Everything ok, sparky?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just, ehehe, get a little excited during thunderstorms," Jay explained, allowing a spark to flit through his fingers in demonstration.
"That's . . ." Reader trailed off as lightning struck again, highlighting the sharp angular, boyish features Jay had, bringing out his freckles and auburn hair. "That's pretty cool. Don't think I'll ever get used to people fighting with elements though."
"Seriously? You've hung out with Nya for years, how is it still so weird!"
"I don't know! It just is!"
"Maybe you're the weirdo."
"Huh," Reader gasped, as if truly offended. Grabbing their imaginary pearls, she draped herself across the bench. "To slay me with such cruel words, oh how I die. Must this be the way death comes for me."
Jay laughed, plopping down behind her so she could rest her head on his thighs. He smiled down at her, trying hard to keep his blush down, and failing miserably.
"You're turning pink," Reader mused, poking his cheek as her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Is it because you've fallen for my beauty?"
Jay felt his lips twitch downwards when he heard the sarcasm. He was far less oblivious than people thought and he'd realized a while back that Reader did not think themselves pretty. Just . . . Average.
"Would that . . . be bad?"
Readers smile fell as she stared up at him in shock, "Jay . . ."
"I really want to kiss you."
"Then do it."
Leaning down, she reached up, meeting him in the middle. Neither noticed how the lightning seemed to cover the sky, with barely a secons between the flashes. They were too focused on the press of their lips, on memorizing how the others face felt beneath their fingertips.
Pulling away, Reader giggled, quickly joined by Jay. Their was no real reason to laugh but she was happy and so was he.
"So when can I take you on a date, Mr. Blue Ninja?" Reader asked, laughing at the look he gave her.
"Hey! I'm supposed to ask you out!"
"Too late." He tried to sulk but another kiss had him relaxing into a giddy smile. "Fine. I'll go out on a date with you."
"I'll plan a good date, scouts honor."
"You've never been a scout!"
Lloyd Garmadon (She/her)
Reader was happily pressed against Lloyd's side as they walked, liking the comfort of his arm draped over her shoulder. They'd gone windowshopping in the nearby mall for her hour break and were finishing up to walk back, not that Rufus would mind all that much if she was a few minutes late.
"Ooh, look at that," Reader said, pointing to a shoe store. In the display window were Ninja-themed shoes, with Lloyd's being the most prominent.
Lloyd saw what she was looking at and groaned, cheeks flushing, "Please tell me you're not going to buy those. They're like 100$."
Reader pouted, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, "But I thought you liked seeing me in your merch?" She'd noticed it a few weeks ago when she'd worn a green ninja shirt, seen how wide his eyes had gotten and how stuttery and blushy he'd gotten.
Just like right now.
"Wh‐well, of course, but still . . ." Lloyd trailed off, looking away to hide his face.
Giggling, Reader patted his bicep, pleased at the feel of muscle beneath the long sleeved shirt he wore. "I'm kidding, sweets. They're cute, but too expensive for my taste. Besides, I'd look better in one of the Green Ninja sweaters that one store was selling."
Somehow, Lloyd's blush darkened as he whined, "Reader."
"Lloyd," Reader cooed, delighting even further in his blush.
Suddenly, looking past him she spotted Ryker, very obviously looking around for someone. In a heartbeat their eyes met and he started towards her, making her freak out slightly.
He immediatley caught the change in her voice and followed her eyes to see where she was looking. Seeing Ryker, he cussed and pulled her towards a hallway between stores to try and hide.
"He already saw me," Reader admitted nervously. Lloyd watched the entrance, tense, as Reader tried to think up a plan.
Grabbing his shirt, she tugged him close until he was pressing her against the wall. Gaping down at her, he seemed frozen in place.
"Trust me?" Reader asked softly, eyes wide. Lloyd nodded, softening marginally.
"Of course."
Leaning up, she pressed their lips together making Lloyd freeze for only a second before he leaned into it. He gently cupped her cheek, keeping the kiss soft and slow as her own hands found their way into soft golden-blond hair.
Neither noticed when Ryker found them, nor when he realized just who was kissing Reader. Furious the man turned away and fled, stomping away as they stayed pressed together.
"So, sweets, when do you plan on taking me out?" Reader asked, breathless. Lloyd stared down at her, emerald eyes alight with awe.
"Friday, at 6. We're going somewhere fancy," Lloyd decided, smiling widely.
Reader giggled, using her grip on his head to tug him back down into a kiss, "Sounds good to me."
Morro (She/Her)
Morro was passed out on Readers couch, sleeping off the inherent exhaustion that came from his longer missions. She was curled against the side pressed against the couch, watching a movie on low so she wouldn't wake him.
Head resting on his shoulder, with his arm loosely wrapped around her side she couldn't help but blush, thinking about what people would say if they saw their position. It was intimate, even for friends. Her face had been warm the entire time they'd been cuddling, though she hoped he hadn't noticed.
Sudden movement from the hand on her hip startled her, making her glance down. Morro was rubbing at the exposed skin of her hip bone with his thumb.
"This alright?" He asked, voice a low rasp from just waking.
"Yeah," Reader mumbled, pressing her face into his chest. "Just fine. Perfect."
He chuckled, embarresing her further. They fell back into silence, though Reader's mind was running a thousand miles an hour.
"Hey, Morro?"
"Do you–" She cut herself off to sit up a bit to look him in the face. Morro's eyes were half-lidded but attentive. "Can I take you out? On-on a date?"
Morro's eyes sprang open as he gaped in shock. Fearfully, Reader began stuttering, "B-but not, not if you don't want too! Of course you don't have to agree! Just asking!" She tried to push the tears in her eyes back as Morro sat up, without saying anything.
With a gentleness few thought he was capable of, Morro rested a large hand on her cheek, forcing her to meet his dark grey-green eyes. "Can I kiss you?"
At her shocked expression, he laughed.
Still grinning smugly, he pressed their lips together, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her close. He barely let her come up for air before diving back in, like she was his air.
Finally he let them seperate, panting slightly, "I'm taking you out. Friday night, wear something you can walk in."
"O-okay." Eagerly she leaned back in for another kiss making his grin as he met her in the middle.
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honestly-mad-person · 7 months
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★ WARNINGS: cute names, masturbation, moans, dirty language, orgasms, cum
★ Characters: Xavier x fem!reader
★ Annotation: An alternative development of events after the post "Not for You". 1/2 parts. Zane will be next. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about Rafael, as I'm not really interested in him.
★ Synopsis: One evening you decide to surprise your boyfriend Xavier and call him via video call.
After finding Xavier's contact, you press the video call button and wait for him to answer, keeping your eyes on the screen. A minute later you see your boyfriend's sleepy face.
— Something happened? Why are you calling me – he asks in his voice hoarse from sleep.
— I just missed you, Xavie, – you deliberately keep the camera at your face level, not giving him a chance to see your surprise for him. – I'm sorry for waking you up.
— Nothing, I slept almost all day, – yawning, he rubbed his eyes. – Don't you want to come to my place?
— Uh... Actually, I would like to stay at home, – a smile appears on your face when you "suddenly" lower the camera down for a second.
She has time to show Xavier your new, almost transparent underwear of a delicate blue color, through which your nipples shine.
Bringing the camera back to his face, you stifle a laugh as you watch his eyes widen at what he sees.
— Stop! What is that on you? – his voice sounded more cheerful than a minute ago and sitting in his bed, he looked at your face on the screen.
— Nothing like that, – you hold back a laugh, pretending you don't understand what he's asking.
— I just saw it, — Xavier answers briefly with an interested expression on his face.
— Oh, you mean my clothes? – lowering the camera down, you show him your breasts, allowing him to see the underwear better.
The bra was indeed almost transparent, decorated with small patterns of white stars on the mesh fabric, through which your nipples were clearly visible.
You laughed, watching as Xavier stared at you, his mouth hanging open, as if hypnotized. His gaze shifted from one side to the other without blinking.
Tilting your head, you ran your fingers over the fabric. His eyes, glued to her hand, followed her every movement, as the tips of his fingers traveled along the area of ​​the cleavage from top to bottom.
Your smiling face appeared on the screen again. Confused by what he saw, Xavier didn't blink for a few more seconds. He quickly regained consciousness, shaking his head and getting out of bed.
— I'll be there soon, – he said and was about to end the call, but suddenly your voice made him stop.
— No, Xavier, wait! – giggling, you saw his puzzled expression again.
— Huh? – he asked, stopping and looking at the screen.
— You're not going anywhere, do you understand? – covering your eyes, you stretched out your hand behind the frame and a second later a glass of red wine touched your lips. - You stay at home.
— In what sense is this? – he asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
Now you had to endure his "puppy" look, which he constantly used on you to get what he wanted. His funny expression warmed your heart, making you smile again.
— I want us to talk to you like this, – you answered, watching his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
The main thing is to endure it.
— Why? Don't you want to be with me? Did I do something wrong? – he bombarded you with his questions while a worried expression appeared on his face.
— No, Xavie, – shaking your head, you took another sip of wine from the glass.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him silently watching you, waiting for an explanation. Teasing him like this was both fun and cruel at the same time, but you wanted to try something new with him and video call sex was the best way to do it.
— Xavie, go back to bed, please, – you said, licking your alcohol-moistened lips.
— W-why?
— Just go back...
Still staring at the screen, Xavier walked over to the bed and sat on it, holding out his hand, showing that he had complied with your request.
— Good boy, – teasing him, you noticed how his ears were slowly turning red as he stared intently into your face.
— Is this some new game of yours? – he asked hoarsely.
— Yes, and I think you'll like it, – nodding your head, you leaned back on your bed.
— I don't think I'd like it more than being next to you right now, – his eyebrows barely rose and with a slight nod, he showed his "puppy" look.
This made you bite your lip and you felt a faint pulsation down in your panties. Breathing in intermittently, your eyes narrowed.
— What would you do then if you were here now? – after asking him this, your hand, as if by accident, touched your neck and slowly went down, touching the nipple with your fingertips and disappeared behind the frame below.
Xavier watched her move carefully and his head seemed to twitch slightly as the hand disappeared from the screen. Still looking at you, he exhaled heavily and slowly raised his gaze to your face.
— What would I do? – he asked thoughtfully, looking away for a few seconds, looking at an unknown point.
— Yes, – you answered playfully, your hand raised the phone higher, already showing your stomach, keeping the lower part of your underwear a secret.
When Xavier's gaze returned to the screen again, he froze. He could clearly see your hand reaching down and disappearing off the screen, in the area of ​​your panties.
— Please... Let me come, – he asked, imagining how your fingers touch your pussy.
— No, Xavie, you can only watch me, – answered, you raised your hand to your lips and, licking the tips of your fingers, lowered your hand down again.
There was a soft whimper from the phone.
— What it was? – you asked playfully, biting your lip and looking at his excited face.
He really was like a dog who was being teased with his favorite toy and not allowed to play with it.
— Please… – whining again, he brought the phone closer to his face, looking into your every curve, every hollow, every protrusion. – I want... I want to be next to you now...
— You didn't answer my question, so… — you brought the camera closer to your face, punishing him for disobedience.
— No, no, no! No need! Bring it back! – he protested when the sight of your breasts, your tummy disappeared from the screen. – I’ll answer, just return...
— Hm... Maybe I'll have to finish the challenge after all and spend this time alone? – you continued to tease him.
— No! Wait! Please, please! I-I... I'll do anything you want!
You arched your eyebrows in surprise. For the first time you see him so confused, excited and "hungry".
— Do you promise?
— I promise, my little star, – he confidently nodded his head, and his expression returned to its usual expression.
— Then tell me, what would you do with me now? – still holding the camera to your face, you eagerly awaited his answer.
— If I had the chance to be around you, the first thing I would do is take your phone out of your hands so they only hold me, – Xavier said confidently, looking into your eyes. – Then, I would examine every centimeter of your beautiful body, I would truly appreciate how beautiful your underwear is now...
His voice, the words he spoke, caused a soft moan to escape your lips, but you continued to listen to him with interest. Xavier's eyes wandered over you as if you could disappear from his life at any moment, dissolve into thin air and this was his only chance to remember every feature of your face, imprinting it in his memory.
— I would give you the sweetest kisses I could, every centimeter of your face, arms, legs, body... There wouldn't be a place left that my lips wouldn't touch.
— You're so damn naughty when you say things like that, Xavier! – blushing, you laughed quietly and put the phone with the camera on your stomach, feeling how your heart rate quickened.
A soft exhalation, full of desire, came from the phone.
— My lil’ star… – his voice was heard again, so quiet and calm, as if nothing had happened between them until that moment. – Let at least my eyes enjoy you, if I am not able to do it myself.
Biting your lip, you still picked up the phone and saw your boyfriend again on the screen. His gaze brightened considerably.
— ... Okay, – you said quietly, and you felt your ears burning. – Continue, please.
— I would take your underwear off because I don't want anything else to touch your body other than my lips or my hands, – he said as casually as if you had asked him about the weather outside the window.
Squealing, you were once again surprised by what a wolf in sheep's clothing he was. How could he say something like that with that facial expression and intonation? Madness.
You felt the heat on your cheeks and decided to hide it by lowering the camera down. Biting the tip of your free hand, you turned your head away, not wanting to look at the screen so as not to embarrass yourself even more.
There was silence for a few seconds and, surprised by this, you still turn your gaze back to the phone. You see that your body is clearly visible in the frame: from your tight and juicy breasts, to the bottom of your stomach, to the place where Xavier loved to be so madly.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you held your breath. It was all in his eyes. In the look in which you saw his desire, his need, his warmth and love for you.
You could feel his ghostly touches, his hot kisses on your skin. Your body reacted treacherously to your thoughts and arching over, you saw your hips squeeze together, hiding your pussy from his view.
He never uttered a single word. You could just hear his heavy breathing on the other side of the screen.
— Xavier? – you called quietly, bringing him out of his trance.
— Star? Damn... – the same "puppy" look appeared on his face again. – Just look at what you have done.
You brought the phone closer to your face to see better and let out a soft moan as Xavier showed you how he was now spread out on the bed in his usual pajamas. The main focus he was pointing to was bulging in his groin area. He made several movements of his hips, imitating such familiar movements for you.
You felt a heat in the lower part of your stomach, which spread throughout your body and caused tremors in your limbs.
— Why are your hands shaking, lil’ star? – Xavier asked, slowly turning the phone to his face.
— Oh, you… – you whispered, holding back a moan. – This is my game and I want to play with you!
His laughter came from the speaker of the phone. So warm and dear to your ears that you could hardly resist inviting him to your place. No, you have to be patient.
— You wanted this yourself, didn't you? Who will take responsibility for their actions? – he asked in such a tone, as if he, the poor pet, had been thrown out into the street by his own owners.
— Xavie! – burst from your lips along with a short laugh. – Stop teasing me like that.
— It's not me, – shaking his head, he continued to look intently at your face. – Should I continue?
— Yes, – nodding, you sat on the bed and took a glass of wine and took a sip.
— I don't like that your lips are touching this cold glass, and not mine, – he said calmly, but these words sent shivers down your body.
You both knew very well what exactly mean these words. Your heart skipped a few beats.
— I would like them to touch me… – continued Xavier in his husky voice. – So warm and humid.
A low moan and a rustling off-frame reached your ears. Intrigued, you wanted to know what he was doing.
— Xavie, what are those sounds? – you purred, looking into his face.
— I don't understand what you're talking about, lil’ star, – he sneered, lifting the corner of his lips upwards.
He deliberately held the phone so that you could see his face and part of his shoulder. His gaze began to linger on something off-frame and as he returned to you, it seemed to darken even more with his lust.
Puzzles went through your head when you heard the rustling and his muffled moan again. Your mouth dropped open in surprise and curiosity. This scoundrel, who at first glance seemed like an untouchable angel, was in fact a demon, and what he was doing now off-screen confirmed this opinion.
A need was felt inside your womb. The body remembered Xavier and that made you even more confused. Blushing, you looked away, which your boyfriend soon noticed.
- Lil’ star? – he asked gently, tilting his head.
— I have a little problem here... – Your voice was low and the sight of you pouting your lips made Xavier's eyes widen again.
— What happened?
Without answering, you changed your position on the bed and spread your legs, placing the phone so that the camera was pointed at your pussy.
The muffled moan from the phone was heard again. Xavier was looking at your cunt through the mesh fabric of your panties, watching your own lustful secretions run down you.
- Damn... lil’ star... You have no idea how hungry I’m right now, - he moaned, licking his lips with his tongue. – I’m very hungry.
You could clearly feel the mood in his voice. Although he was saying something relatively sweet, something else came to your mind. You could literally feel his tongue on you, how he caressed you yesterday, how greedily his lips fell to your bosom, drinking every drop, how he licked his lips contentedly, like this now. How a satisfied smile appeared on his face wet from your juices and how he looked at you with an even more predatory look.
From these memories you felt that you flowed even stronger. Xavier exhaled noisily and you heard the rustle again.
Unable to restrain yourself, your hand skimmed over your breasts and went down, deftly climbing into your panties.
— Star… – whispered Xavier, covering his eyes.
Watching his camera shake, you moaned softly as your fingers brushed against the wet pussy. Their tips began to smear your perineal discharge with a light movement, moving up and down.
As the first moan left your lips, you also heard a raspy moan from the other side of the screen.
— I adore your pussy so much, I can to cum just watching what you're doing to yourself right now.
You took a more comfortable position on the bed for Xavier to see each one your movement. And he saw. His dark blue eyes watched your fingers as they circled around your clit and touched it causing you to shiver.
— Xavier…please…help me, – you whimpered, moving your hips, rubbing against your fingers.
— Help you, lil’ star? – breathing heavily, he put the phone on the pillow and, standing on top, looked directly into the camera.
The light from his table lamp gently touched his face. Whining, you nodded, holding the phone up. Now you could see each other as if you were actually in the same room right now.
— Then… – Xavier said in a hoarse voice, and this made you dizzy. – Enter yourself with your beautiful fingers...
The words seemed soft and pleading, but knowing his character made your body tremble even more. He didn't ask you to do it, he did ordered you do it. Keeping your gaze on his face, a moan escaped your mouth as first one of your fingers penetrated his hot bosom, followed by the other.
Your hand trembled, threatening to let go of the phone, but you only tightened your grip on it with your fingers.
— Xavier… – you moaned, arching your back as you started to move inside of you.
Propping himself up on the bed with one hand, Xavier let out a stifled groan. You could tell by the way he looked on your screen that his phone was lying in front of him, giving you a perfect view of your boyfriend.
You imagined yourself instead of the phone, how it bursts into your insides, how its head hits the cervix, and that made your heart beat even faster.
A memory flashed through your mind of you gently biting him as he pressed against your thighs, digging deeper inside you.
Groaning again, you arched over, closing your eyes for a few seconds.
— Move them slowly, star... Think about me and only about me, do you hear? – his voice was mixed with heavy and uneven breathing, wet slurps that you created together.
— I want your cock so badly right now… – a soft whisper left your lips and reached his ears, causing the veins on his arm to swell even more and his teeth to clench tightly.
— Fuck!... – he muttered, noticeably moving his other hand out of the frame. – Why can't I just take you and fuck you?
Your clouded gaze was directed at Xavier who was fucking his hand, imagining your wet insides as he leaned over the phone.
— Speed ​​up the pace... – he said in a hoarse and low voice.
— Ah, you're driving me crazy, Xavie… – Your hands became faster and the pad of your thumb touched your clit, stimulating it to make your body tremble even more.
— Then, we have it mutual, – with a barely perceptible smile, he closed his eyes, frowning his eyebrows. – Star, I want you so badly…
— Mh! – moaning, your body shuddered at his words. – Xavie... Please.. Keep talking...
In any other situation, Xavier would hardly have wanted to say much. He preferred action. Precise and confident.
But looking through the veiled eyelashes at your face, at the way you open your mouth in moans and especially at the way your breasts move in time with your movements, he could not ignore the desire of his lady.
— I want to feel your warmth, your heat, your moisture, how you squeeze me with your walls, how you moan in my ear, I want it all now, – his voice, hoarse with desire, found a response in your subconscious. – I want to fuck you until you lose consciousness, so that you cum again and again from my cock.
— Fuck, Xavier… Good.. So good… – you moaned, arching.
Your body began to tremble even more with each word he said, and a tight knot of tension tied inside you. Dangerously hot.
— I want your tight pussy to cum for me, lil’ star, – he hissed from the other side, quickening his pace.
— Not enough, – you whimpered, not feeling the same filling from your boyfriend's cock inside you. – I want your cock... F-fuck..
— Be a good girl and try harder, – groaning at the lust that was actively moving in his hand, Xavier closed his eyes, keeping your request to stay in bed in his head.
— Mhhh... – you moaned, writhing on the bed, penetrating your fingers deeper and deeper into you.
There was so much of your own discharge that your fingers were covered in it as you sloshed, making a mess on the bed. There was a muffled thump and you looked at the phone to see Xavier resting his palm on the wall.
Wave after wave you were covered with the inevitable orgasm that was about to descend on you like an avalanche.
— I can't take it anymore, – you whined, arching and moving your fingers faster.
— Cum for me, lil’ star, I want to see you cum, – Xavier said, sharing his girlfriend's desire.
Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that a vein in your neck popped as you threw it back, shuddering from the wave of pleasure.
Your walls squeezed your fingers, which made it difficult for you to move them each time. A moan stuck in your throat, unable to come out.
The hand was shaking, due to which the image on the screen became not clear, but Xavier's gaze still clearly saw how your hips trembled with orgasm, how more and more juice flowed out of you, and from this, with a soft growl, he himself reached the end .
Moving his hips, he thrust into his hand until a stream of hot, sticky cum shot out of him. A few drops hit the screen and camera, making the image blurry and pale. Breathing heavily, he collapsed onto the bed, feeling the results of his swinging at you running down his arm.
Unable to hold the phone, you set it aside, lying there with your eyes closed and trying to catch your breath. The body was still shaking, the remnants of the orgasm causing your womb to contract periodically.
— I love you, –  you whispered, licking your dry lips.
— I love you too, my little star… – replied Xavier, lying on the bed as well. – Can I come to you now?...
Your body twitched at his question. You felt a familiar pulsation inside again and looking at the ceiling, you smiled with satisfaction.
— I want to feel you inside me, – you replied and took the phone. – Waiting for you.
During that night, you came 3 more times because Xavier, full of burning lust for you, could not forget the sensations that covered him while you masturbated for him.
He fucked you with your face pressed against the bed then he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
— All the same, being inside you is much better and hotter, star.
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kindaasrikal · 16 days
Things the ninja fear, except they make zero sense:
Kai: I refuse to forget he’s afraid of elves. It’s a good thing Christmas doesn’t exist for them, he would NOT survive the groups of little kids dressing up as elves for it.
Zane: uneven floor tiles. They literally had one job and now he feels like pulling them out of the ground and putting them back in an organised pattern that fits. He has done this once before at the monastery at 5am and Wu had to, for the first time ever, hit him with his stick and tell him to go to bed.
Lloyd: Bunnies. Specifically ones with white fur and red eyes. It reminds him of Harumi and Garmadon a tad too much. And Akita. Every time it reminds him of Akita he actually just turns super depressed until he sees the red eyes and screeches onto the ceiling spider-man style.
Cole: bleach. He drank it as a kid, got caught, and was rushed to the hospital. He didn’t understand what was so serious but all the panic made him terrified of bleach, and most cleaning products that aren’t used for hygiene.
Nya: the colour yellow. Ironic, isn’t it?
(She once was in a house that was fully yellow as a child and couldn’t tell up from down and ended up sobbing like a baby. Kai had to sell all of the fully yellow things in their house.)
Jay: crocodile’s. He had a dream when he was younger about a crocodile in his parent’s bed eating them under the blanket and he never got over it. Best part was that it wasn’t gory or detailed or anything, it more cartoony of a dream, but nevertheless he has had a vendetta against crocodiles from that day on.
Edit: Bonus+
Morro: flowers. As a child Wu read him a story about an evil flower that first started the fear, yet when he left the monastery he was no longer afraid. It was during his travels to find out how to become the green ninja that the fear sprouted again. Due to multiple events. He once ate a poisonous flower. He once came across a corrupted flower that was bigger than a mountain and liked to eat stuff. He once came across a cemetery covered in deadly flowers. He once got force fed incredibly sweet flowers. And he once had someone give him a bouquet of flowers, except that person had no idea that this flower can give some people severe allergic reactions. Yeah. He is terrified when he’s near flowers. He likes those really small ones that grow on the ground though if that helps.
Garmadon: the light. He hisses like a vampire when too much light hits either his skin or eyes.
Wu: pitch black darkness. Best believe you’ll find him half transformed into a dragon and in a corner with a spear when the light comes back on.
Skylor: beards. They look like rats nests to her. Specifically ones on people with bad hygiene, she will automatically back away and get close to throwing up in fear if that thing comes near. After seeing Wu’s beard care routine (cause you have to have one with a beard that long) Skylor has accepted Wu to be one of the people that her fear doesn’t apply to.
Pixal: weird scratchy floors, they feel disturbing to her at first, but during her first few weeks alive she watched a movie about creatures coming out of those exact same scratchy floors and she has never been the same. She sits on Zane’s or Cole’s shoulders when they’re near some of those type of carpets.
This was supposed to be fears that didn’t make sense and then I made them all make sense.
Best part, Jay’s fear was me projecting. Number 1 crocodile hater right here.
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tsc thoughts while reading (beware of spoilers) starting with -
david wymack my fucking beloved
also i never rlly liked/cared for thea but her scene with jean and her nickname for him was cute
chapter 3 thoughts:
jeremy being in awe of neil and the foxes is giving me life
fanfics with alvarez in them gonna go crazy now that we actually have a first name for her (and don’t have to invent one)
oh they rich rich (in reference to jeremy’s family butler?!)
jerejean first interaction!!!!
chapter 4:
omg sunshine court mentioned
having the sudden realisation that i can never read fanfics that have jean’s perspective or anything about the how the ravens work, raven!neil/aftermath of the kings men in the same way again
my neighbours are having a party and while i’m loving the music and absolutely jealous i’m not there, it’s really distracting me from reading
ngl i rlly miss neil and andrew and the foxes please let me see my family soon
‘ what you hold onto is less important than the act of holding on itself’ nora sakavic shut the fuck up you philosophical genius i’m gonna cry this is so real to me
renee i love u
i’m drinking red wine while reading and i think that’s appropriate… also i’m listening to that jean moreau playlist someone made and it’s mega depressing https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5zlPt63Ap0AjJQ1Ff5OKrd?si=75oEzLE8SO-bfJwewM8Evw&pi=a-ge04jIlVTJGY
this is so funny to only me but i’ve been hyperfixating on one direction again and zayn just dropped new music so everytime i read about jean’s raven roomate zane i think of one direction and confused myself a bit about what fandom i’m reading rn
fuck riko u sick fucking fuck u put jean into a box with a singular hole for air and left him to die u fucking cunt
jean’s ‘gift’ from the ravens with his broken magnets, blacked out postcards and angry letters is making me cry he deserves so much better
slowly realising that this book is gonna be super triggering lol whoops
a cool evening breeze 🥲
‘kevin saw nothingn but the court, but jean had stopped hoping for more than that years ago’ shut the fuckkkk uppppp i cant do this anymore kevin/jean relationship is so deeply important to me (i say this about everything)
chapter 5:
‘of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent’ ‘good morning to you too’ is so ‘morning sunshine’ ‘fuck you’ coded (neil and matt bromance confirmed)
the amount of mitski on this jean playlist is making me sick
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‘abominable cockroach’ aww jean u say the sweetest things 🥰❤️ neil loves u too babe
literally devouring every last scrap of information jean feeds us about neil - his slow, hungry, hateful smile and the madness in his eyes (neil baby i love u never change)
oh jean don’t diss aaron, do u know how many fanfics have been written about u two
tsc is confirmation that jean moreau will come into ur house and judge u based on the contents of ur fridge (and then throw out ur stash of lollies)
‘to have a real match as a palate cleanser’ jean is really trying to win my favour by borrowing neil’s sassiness huh (no wonder i love them so much together) ((and yes i know he’s BEEN sassy ok))
jean reaching for the tv screen as if he could save neil and describing andrew running for neil as if hell was on his heels is making me absolutely giddy idk whether to scream or cry i’m doing both and i’m giggling
I bet on losing dogs is so jean moreau coded omg
holy fuck nora, the moments after the raven/fox match when riko tries to kill neil is fucking amazingly written. reading from jean’s perspective as he watches the game on tv, the tension, the breathless anxiety and confusion of the scene is palpable i coukd fucking taste it, my chest is tight just reading it
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lovelaurs · 6 months
my own silly mystreet characters headcanon list!
has the worst "hear me out" takes you'll ever hear. like seriously. she can very much point to a yield sign and say "would" to everyone's dismay.
knows every line in moulin rouge as she is OBSESSED with the film. she and laurance preform the elephant medley as dramaticly as possible whenever they watch it for movie night.
obsessed with pre-endgame marvel movies.
ao3 writer! she writes fics for the nichest of fandoms, so she doesn't get that many reads.
one of the few reliable booktok users you can TRUST will give you a good recommendation to read!
obsessed with the movie megamind. like seriously. will talk to you for hours on and WILL defend the "sequel movie" and show because, in fact, they are NOT that bad.
can infodump about a topic he's interested in for hours on end.
actually really smart and kind, but ever since he found out he made zane insecure he tries to tone it down. he used to show off a lot but wants to make sure his brother shines as well.
carries stress balls on him so he doesn't use his strength unnecessarily.
always organizes group movie nights with all his friends.
loves to listen to and read AITA (am i the asshole?) reddit posts when bored.
an amazing listener, will listen to someone for hours on end and provide insight when needed (perfect for having a conversation with garroth).
loves gossiping. he has really good hearing so he tends to hear others share secrets nearby. he's like the wine aunt you just KNOW has the most interesting stories to tell.
likes to go on vacations a lot, explaining why he is absent sometimes during big group events.
he sometimes returns home to his family farm to take care of it when his parents are out of town.
he often voluntarily babysits caleb to impress aphmau and garroth with his caretaker skills (he's a showoff).
she loves the show big time rush and watches it in her freetime.
OBSESSED with musical theatre and visits broadway shows often. if the friends she brought along even DARE to suggest skipping the stagedoor? they receive a glare that could kill thousands.
adores singing and often sings in her room when the others aren't home.
continues to play volleyball with her friends after a long day of work (she's a freelance writer).
her music taste can range from alternative music like waterparks to kpop groups like red velvet!
an ao3 writer as well! she and Aphmau gift eachother fics from time to time! she mostly writes x reader fics for tumblr sexyman.
has taken a liking to cooking outside of baking! she especially likes to grill! she even wears an apron that says "kiss the cook" as well as a hat that says "fish fear me women love me".
watches any and all trending animated shows like tangled the series, adventure time, avatar, etc.
has her own tumblr blog where she writes reviews on shows and posts art! her page is quite popular.
dresses in mainly lolita fashion! she has a flare for the beauty of style and loves to recommend people styles and outfits whenever they go out shopping!
calls katelyn, zane, and dante hot nonchalantly
has attempted.
loves to bake and nana teaches him all kinds of recipes to make. he supplies the snacks at movie night.
takes taekwondo lessons. "can never be too careful" he says while living in a pretty standard upper middle class neighborhood. why is he like this.
works at a pet shelter and takes care of the dogs and cats left behind. he adopts any that have been there for years, thus making his house full of many different pets.
the designated driver for whenever they go out to clubs. he doesn't like to drink so he usually takes everyone home by the end of the night.
travis (the actual headcanons):
actually respects others and doesn't harass them like he did early on (that was a weird trope and i HATED it). he's just a flirt and if someone he flirts with flirts back he gets all flustered.
the group gamer. spends hours grinding on all sorts of games just to brag about it on his steam profile. specifically a fan of the spider-man games on playstation.
loves to cosplay! he, aphmau, and nana go to lots of conventions together in group cosplay. their last one was the powerpuff girls! they dragged garroth along and made him mojo jojo.
can recite everything and anything about the ninjago lore. this man is obsessed with any lego product or franchise and has many sets built in his room.
practices talking to himself in the mirror every morning to give him confidence. he has very low self esteem.
dream stan.
probably friends with dream.
uhhhh idk probably streams the song "mask" by dream.
minecraft streamer.
those are all my headcanons! i hope you enjoyed! (slandering mystreet aaron is a passion of mine i'm sorry)
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mouwrites · 8 months
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💜- Headcanons
💙- Oneshots
🩵- Blurbs/drabbles
Ninjas (+ Pixal) Reacting to Your Outfit in Prime Empire - 💜
Elemental Masters' Rocky Relationship With a Little Sister - 💜
Making Breakfast for the Ninjas - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Brainwashed - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Mad - 💜
Unintentionally Becoming the Ninjas' Little Sibling - 💜
Being the Ninjas' Little Witch Sister - 💜
How the Ninjas Act When You Get Captured - 💜
Ninjas With an Older Brother Figure - 💜
Cuddling With the Ninjas (+ Pixal) - 💜
Ninjas When You (Their Little Sibling) Are Taken - 💜
Ninjas When You Have Cold Urticaria (Cold Allergy) - 💜
Ninjas Finding You in Their Clothes - 💜
Ninjas Having a Nightmare Where You Die - 💜
Ninjas When You're Being Protective -💜
Ninjas (+ Pixal) With an Artist s/o - 💜
Ninjas With a Touch-Starved Partner - 💜
Ninjas With an s/o Who Gets Flirted With a Lot - 💜
Ninjas With a Sensitive Little Sibling - 💜
Kai, Cole, and Jay With an s/o That Can Turn Invisible - 💜
Ninjas With a Portugese s/o - 💜
Their Favorite Place to Kiss You - 💜
Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military - 💜
(Movie) Comforting (Transforming) Oni Lloyd - 💙
Cuddling With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Good Oni Reader - 💙
Lloyd With a Serpentine Hybrid Princess Reader - 💙
Lloyd and the Dragon Princess at a Ball - 💙
Lloyd Comforting You During a Thunderstorm - 💙
Lloyd Finding Out You're a Dragon-Oni Hybrid - 💙
Arguing With Your Brother Lloyd - 💙
Your Wedding Day With Lloyd - 💙
Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;) - 💜/🩵
Soulmate AU With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Tall Girlfriend - 💜
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident - 💙
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident Part II - 💙
Giving the Green Ninja Advice to Ask His Crush (You) Out - 💙
Cheering Up Lloyd After a Bad Day - 💙
Lloyd Proposes to You - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "Your hands are warm." With Lloyd - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "You're safe with me." With Lloyd - 💙
"You're Beautiful." and "You have no idea how cute you are." With Lloyd - 💙
"I'm yours. I'll always be yours." and "You're beautiful." With Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Winged s/o - 💜/🩵
Lunch? - 💙
Mercy (Shawn Mendes songfic) - 💙
Daddy Issues (The Neighborhood songfic) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) Part II - 💙
Cole Loving the Colors of Your Voice - 💙
Dating Cole Brookstone - 💜
"Please don't go." and "You're safe with me." With Cole - 💙
Hold On (Chord Overstreet songfic) - 💙
Comforting Part-Serpentine Jay - 💙
Jay Comes Home to Find You Sick - 💙
Kissing Jay Under the Mistletoe - 💙
Jay Finds Your Scars - 💙
Dating Jay Walker - 💜
Best Friend (Rex Orange County songfic) - 💙
Falling for the Mysterious Red Ninja - 💙
Comforting Kai After Seabound - 💙
Lloyd Sets You Up With Kai - 💙
Kai Sees You Get Hurt - 💙
Kai With an s/o Who's Health-Anxious - 💙
(Movie) Zane With a More Human-Like Nindroid - 💙
Zane Patches You Up - 💙
Zane Finding Out You Have a Birthmark - 💙
"Please don't go." and "Whatever happens, I'll be here." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know how much longer I can do this." and "Please don't go." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know what I'd do without you." and "Your hair looks so soft." With Zane - 💙
Nya With an Oni Spy - 💙
Nya's Upper Body Strength - 🩵
Dating Pixal - 💜
Reading With Pixal - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro Part II - 💙
Being Garmadon's Pupil Before and After He Was Evil - 💜
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(divider by saradika)
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lesbianalanwake · 19 days
Ok i didn't phrase that correctly, Alan could have asked like, Tim or somebody to help him write his way out of there and he didn't, he didn't ask for ideas or anything, which Door directly criticizes as well as the fact that Alan doesn't notice the people that want to help him get out of there. Like he could have said hey, help me save Alice to Tim or Zane, but he just put it on his own shoulders because he wanted the hero status, which is supported by the Eternal Deerfest. Like no he didn't do anything to get the dark to target him, but he didn't do anything to help himself out either, like asking the number of people down in the dark place for help or getting offended when they do try to help him (Tom Zane). His pride was that he felt that only he could help himself, if that makes sense
Tom Zane is the guy with the motif of continually trying to shove alcohol onto Alan, and is Red Flags all around, and Alan is responding to that like most people would. I wouldn't trust him either.
Alan continually forgets Tim.... Tim even comments on it. he does let Tim help him. he uses his map and supplies, and is comfortable enough to rest there with him. Tim is stuck there too and is focused on finding Door, not getting out.
who is Alan supposed to ask for help? he's surrounded by shadows that sometimes become people and attack him. he doesn't know Alice is there and guiding him, because she doesn't want him to know. the Casey in the Dark Place is hostile and unfriendly when Alan talks to him, and then dies. Alan reaches out to Jesse in the AWE DLC; she just can't do anything about it at the time. he accepts Ahti's guidance, even though Ahti is cryptic about it. he reaches out to Saga for help as soon as he's aware that she can help him, which causes what Door is actually pissed off about - putting his daughter in danger.
Door doesn't really know or care what's going on with Alan. he's blowing hot air because he's mad about Saga being drawn into the situation. I would even venture to guess that what Door is saying is more applicable to himself than Alan - if we take Hatch from QB into account, Door is presumably deeply stuck within the maelstrom of space-time, he schemes in a way that ultimately isolates him from people, he had bad blood with his wife's (?) family (though Tor and Odin admitted to their part in that), his own daughter has no idea of his existence or presence even though he clearly cares about her, and we only ever see him operate in facades and falsehoods. he is living in an isolated hell, whether he sees it that way or not, with no identifiable lifeline outside of it that hasn't been a bridge burned or a person unaware of his existence.
Door is probably the second-least reliable narrator (the first one being Tom Zane), and I think his statements are a reflection of himself.
Alan has many issues, and in the first game an unwillingness to accept help is one of them, but by the time of the second game, he is pretty desperate for someone's help. he's just not dumb about it (Zane), and he has every reason to doubt perceptions and appearances in The Place That Continually Fools Your Perceptions. he doesn't necessarily think that anyone else will write him out of it, because who can? who does? he isn't aware of anyone else who has both the capability and the willingness to do so. Alice does, but he doesn't know that.
his enduring flaws are really his tunnel vision and his attachment to despair (the same things that drive him into the lake for good in the first place), which in turn causes the Dark Place to warp and mirror that. he talks about hope in the second loop that we get to experience, because he has been utterly stuck in despair. going through the motions again and again because he's got a kernel of determination that won't easily let him give up, and because he knows how dire the consequences could be, when he remembers them, but at this point not really expecting anything to change (and so it doesn't stand a chance of changing at all). and Alice notably understands how to tug on those exact strings - tunnel vision and despair - to get him in a better position to get out and to break the loop into a spiral, knowing that Alan will latch on to any glimpse of her like a bloodhound and that witnessing her apparent "death" will push him over just the right edge at the right time.
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acesgarden · 6 months
16 Days of Birthday Fun; Day 1 - Lloyd Garmadon
It’s April 3rd, 15 days left and so to kickstart this project of mine i’m starting with one of my favorite and longest loving characters, Lloyd! Ngl they’re gonna be kinda short? Depending ig on the character.
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Type ->
Pairing ->
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
Warning ->
Lowkey catered towards me soooo hehe :) other then that OOC Lloyd.
Summary ->
Lloyd celebrates your birthday!
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• Ok ok, this man definitely gets excited for birthdays
• And a little sad but that’s only because he practically grew up at darkly’s before losing like most of his childhood 😭
• So he works his ASS off to create the best birthday party ever. Does his best to like sneakily ask for ideas and things you like;
“Hey, so what kind of like colors do you like? like what’s if a candle could be any color what would they be?”
“You are not planning my birthday.”
“How did you know?! I never mentioned birthdays.”
“Candles give it away.”
• On a similar note, he’d get all his needed information from Nya. Or Zane, he’d probably know too.
• It ended up being a small gathering consisting of you, the ninja, Sensei Wu and Misako. You invited a few friends or family members too.
• Lloyd planned it to be a suprise, but that failed. Though he did manage to keep the place it was at a secret.
• He rented out Laughy’s for it. Dareth probably would’ve left him have it but 🤷.
• Now onto the cake!
• He and Cole bake it together, no store bought for you!
• It’s a confetti cake! With buttercream frosting with little red heart.
• Nya saw a few on a pinterest board and showed it to them.
• And after cake issss presents!
• I’d say he’s pretty decent at it. Knowing what a person would want.
• He got you a few gifts: a Squishmellow, and The Tortured Poet’s Department.
• Y’all will be listening to it together (he is a swiftie in my eyes.)
• Overall the party was a success! Everyone had fun. You got lots of gifts and have atleast two slices left of the cake. Had to save it before Cole got to them.
• I can imagine Lloyd stealing you away near the end of the day, to watch the sunset on a roof. It’s all cute and stuff. Yall eat the last two pieces together. :)
The sun was setting overhead, of pretty oranges and pinks. A picnic blanket underneath yall, half eaten slices of cake forgotten along with their glasses of sparkling water. Taylor swift playing in the background as you lean against him.
Today had been perfect.
“Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you Lloyd, for making today special.”
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