#like girl. obviously you feel better after sitting in bed instead of going to work that's how it's supposed to be alsjdhsjjdjdnd
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bubaboos · 4 months ago
i HATE being sick omg😤
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karikarasuno · 4 days ago
you're law's neighbor. well you and your boyfriend. who is currently stuffing the clothes you're throwing outside of your open door and into the lawn into his car. law pauses in his driveway. he's tired after a long shift at the hospital. he's been standing for the last twelve hours. he just wants to shower, stuff his face with whatever he has meal prepped in his fridge, and knock out in his bed for the next sixteen hours.
he's exhausted. but it seems like the only person having a more tiresome day than him is you. now you're throwing shoes out the door. expensive ones at that.
"i never wanna see you again, you disgusting fucking pig!" the last shoe you throw bounces off your boyfriend's open car door and knocks him straight in the head.
"i don't see why you have to act so crazy right now! it's not like i fucked the girl!" law winces. he's scared to get out of his car. he has one foot on the pavement, but he's seriously considering placing it back in his car and driving away.
except he wants to go home. he could always make a run for it, but the rage that's emanating off of you is enough to send shivers down his own spine. he stays put.
"oh, right, but sending her videos of you jacking off is so much better?!"
law inhales sharply and averts his eyes. yikes.
"it wasn't even that serious, i swear, babe. it meant nothing!"
law pinches the bridge of his nose. if only he could have been home an hour earlier like he was supposed to be. instead he was meant to sit here and suffer. while witnessing your suffering as well.
"to you, kid! it meant nothing to you," your voice cracks. law's chest twinges at the sound. he feels bad. "but obviously it meant something to me."
"can we just talk about this?" he pleads. it's a pitiful sight, really.
"no. clearly you're resourceful enough to find a new bitch, now why don't you find a therapist too if you wanna talk so fucking bad."
"don't be like that," said boyfriend, probably ex now, responds. "this isn't you."
you laugh. the sound is bone chilling. law is so close to being inside his home, he yearns for it so badly, but he cannot bring himself to move.
"you're right," you throw your hands up, defeated. annoyed. "this isn't me. but maybe if you weren't a cheating asshole the me you supposedly 'loved' would still be here. unfortunately for you, this is who you get and if you don't leave in the next five seconds i will absolutely take a fucking bat to your windshield!"
both your ex-boyfriend and law know you're being serious. the threat has so much anger within it that only a fool would think it's empty. so law isn't surprised when he hops into his car and speeds off. he's relieved actually.
you're still standing in your front yard when law finally exits his car. he sees the heavy rise and fall of your breaths. your hands are shaking. he's trying to make himself as small as possible. as not to disturb this already very awkward and delicate situation, but when you hear the closing of his car door, your head whips around to look at him.
he's frozen in place. your eyes are red and puffy. clearly, you've been crying. and you look as exhausted as he feels.
"men suck," you say, catching him completely off guard, before turning and slamming your front door behind you.
the next time law sees you, you're carrying boxes outside of your house. his stomach turns at the sight. purely because he hates the idea of getting used to a new neighbor. law enjoys familiarity. and you're familiar.
but as he's walking towards his car to head to work for the night, he sees someone else exit your home. law hates that he's so nosey because his steps slow enough to eye the man discreetly. he's got long blonde hair and is wearing a black medical mask. odd.
"thanks for picking up his shit, killer," you say with a huff as you toss the boxes into the back of the pick up truck that's parked diagonally across your driveway. really odd.
"for what its worth, kid hates that he hurt you," killer says, voice showing real sincerity. but you let out a sardonic laugh, hand dismissing the statement as you roll your eyes.
"trust me, the fifty phone calls makes that clear. but i'm done. you can't come back from that type of shit with me. there's no point if i can't trust him again."
killer (the name is scarily fitting) merely shrugs, "yeah, you've got a point. see you around, i guess."
"doubt it, but thanks again," you wave as you walk back up your driveway. you don't seem as devastated. it's been a few weeks. and the depth of sadness he would've expected to be hovering around you isn't as evident.
law unlocks his car. it beeps catching your attention. he can tell you want to say something, but he doesn't know if he should break the ice first. so instead the two of you stare at each other for a second longer than feels comfortable.
"sorry about the other day," you ending up saying in a hurry. just as he was about to turn away from you.
"what?" he asks, more so surprised by the fact that you're apologizing. to him.
"you know, the screaming and the throwing and the general bad vibes i'm sure i was putting out," you explain, awkwardly, but in a weirdly cute way.
"it's fine, really," he fumbles with his car keys, not really mentally prepared to be having a conversation. "no need to apologize."
"yeah, but i'm still sorry," you smile sheepishly, your hands running down the seam of your jeans.
"well, i forgive you?" his own face scrunches at his words. icky embarrassment filling his cheeks with heat.
you laugh though, not the same one as earlier. this one is mostly breath, barely a hum of amusement, as you give him the smallest of smiles. "i appreciate it."
you got a dog. he doesn't know when since his schedule has been a nightmare. but you got a dog, and a large one at that.
he's working in his garage on his blessed day off trying to change his oil before the sunsets when he hears your voice before he sees you.
"woah, your garage is so clean," you say in awe, your voice dreamy and slowed. when he turns to see you he doesn't expect to see the large brown dog wagging its tail enthusiastically at him.
"yeah, i'm not a fan of mess," he says, unsure of what else to even say.
"most people aren't, but this is like impressively clean. and of course you have a home gym," you respond, pointing at his tidy workout corner. "i mean you don't even wanna see the state of mine."
"it can't be that bad," he says to placate you, offering some type of reassurance.
"no, it's probably worse than you can imagine," you shake your head, the apples of your cheeks rounding as you smile at him.
"now you're scaring me," he teases, using a rag to clean oil off his hands. and you laugh again. this one different than any he's seen from you. it's bright and giggly as you drop your head and cover your mouth with a hand.
"you should be scared," you nod, your smile growing. but before he can respond your dog barks, perhaps for attention.
"oh, this is chopper," you introduce, " he looks scarier than he is, but he's the biggest baby."
he walks towards you, directly into the orange glow of the setting sun. he holds out a hand for chopper to sniff, "nice to meet you, chopper."
chopper licks him. "chopper says its nice to meet you too."
that makes a corner of law's lips lift. you're silly. he would've never guessed.
"and you are?" he asks, realizing rather belatedly that he doesn't know your name.
your head tilts with the same realization, "oh, you're right. i don't know your name either."
"i'm law," he says, holding out a hand before seeing that it's still stained black with oil and retracting it.
you say your name in return. the syllables running off your tongue familiarly. and he repeats it. he likes your name. it's pretty. it's fitting.
part two
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shaunamilfman · 11 months ago
Dating Vault Dweller Lucy MacLean
never written anything but yellowjackets before but her girlfailure energy and complete lack of skills has entranced me
insists on giving you a tour of her vault. you could see everything interesting just from standing and turning in a circle, but she just has to show you all the “best spots”. it's just corners with interesting cracks in them. 
takes you on little picnic dates because she read about them in her book club once. sitting around in the field eating canned tuna while people work around you but she's having a great fucking time. you've never seen her smile more. 
big-time yapper. can talk for hours about the most niche topics if you let her. by the time she's done you can name almost every major player in some small skirmish 300 years ago. she gets so excited when she notices you're paying attention to whatever she's talking about. The girl just lights up and talks so fast you've got to ask her to slow down
if you didn't like reading before you'd better learn to love it because you will be joining that bookclub. by the time you've gotten around to reading it Lucy's pretty much spoiled the whole thing by accident. she just wants someone to talk about the exciting bits with and gets ahead of herself. sheepishly avoids eye contact when you put the book down and sigh. 
she likes when you're good at things but lowkey resents when you're better at something than she is. you beat her out in riflery and she has such a strained smile when congratulating you on it. she hates not being good at something so much that she feels guilty for it. 
definitely said “Golly!” after your first kiss
loves to sit around on your bed and watch you get ready. it takes all of five seconds to get your outfit on but she insists it's one of the best parts of her day.
insists on showering together to “save water”. always gets a little handsy but still rushes you out on time because she feels bad at the idea of wasting water. 
Lucy wants to do anything and everything she can for you. she wants to impress you and show you how much she brings to the table, and the habit kind of just stays even after your relationship is well established. She takes a lot of pride in her skills and what better use for them than making life easier for her partner. 
So easily won over by praise. No matter how sad or upset she is, you can always cheer her up at least a little by telling her how smart or good at something she is. 
cannot be suave or subtle no matter how hard she tries. and she does, a lot. tries to hit you up with a one liner and tells the punch line first. tries to lean against the wall and stumbles face-first into it. makes you dinner and trips over the edge of a rug and drops it on your shoes. you just make her so nervous.
she's so blunt that it leads to the most awkward situations, but you almost prefer it to the havoc she brings when she purposely tries to be charming. 
cannot lie to save her life. she’ll definitely try if it means sparing your feelings but she's so obviously lying that it doesn’t matter much. all “wow… you did such a good job!” but she’s choking it out and cannot meet your eyes.
she's so attached to you. would follow you from room to room all day if she could get away with it. she needs such constant affection and gives so much in return that it's a little overwhelming at first.
definitely the type to lick her thumb and try to rub the dirt off your forehead with it. she's so embarrassing, honestly. fiddles with your clothes to make sure they're presentable. you're going to dinner with 20 other people all wearing the same outfit, but god forbid yours is a little wrinkly. 
you can always tell when she wants you to do something romantic for her because she'll leave out your nicest jumpsuit for you to wear as a hint. 
catches you watching her fix pipes and assumes you want to learn instead of just ogling her. tries to explain it and you're like “yeah? that's crazy…” till she finally gets the hint. always looks so proud when she realizes you find her attractive, even after you've been together for a while. 
lowers your guard with the most innocent-looking smile and then suddenly says “we should have sex” with all the subtlety of a train wreck. that awkward bluntness rearing its head again. can always trust Lucy to say the quiet part out loud. 
loves to flirt with you but she is so bad at it. doesn't recognize the fact that she's bad at it either. hits you up with the worst fucking line known to man and looks so quietly smug about it. 
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amorisxx · 5 months ago
Depending on how old you think Lily was in New Rochelle, by now, she’s either already in middle school or starting soon…
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I believe Tashi would adjust to it better than Art. Her younger years flew by for him because he was so busy with tennis. It’s hard for him to accept that she isn’t small anymore. He silently cries on the way home after dropping her off for her first day of middle school.
Sometimes, when he peeks into her room at night to check on her, he can’t help but stand there in the doorway, leaning against the wooden frame. He watches her back rise and fall as she breathes and he wonders if he can remember the last time his little girl asked him to sleep beside her.
Though Tashi is much more prepared for the transition, I think entering the preteen stage would mean more friction between Lily and her mom. She’s growing up and the constant talk about tennis probably starts to annoy her more than it did when she was younger. I can see her having moments of frustration where she openly talks nastily about tennis because she’s mad at her mom, and as her daughter, Lily is obviously the best suited to go head to head with Tashi.
But let’s not forget, that’s Art’s daughter. Art, who can have a mean streak when he’s feeling neglected. Maybe Tashi isn’t Art’s coach anymore but she’s still coaching tennis, so her life still revolves around the sport. Maybe 11 or 12-year-old Lily wishes her mom could be the one to host her friend hangouts (she doesn’t call them playdates anymore) instead of it always being the other kid’s mom. Or Art when there’s no other option. And if she weren’t so busy with tennis, then she’d be available for that.
Lily also feels like if her mom wasn’t a top tennis coach, then maybe she wouldn’t feel so much pressure to be the best at everything. When your dad’s a famous grand slam champion and your mom coached him to that level, being mediocre doesn’t really feel like an option. Even if they say they’re proud of you for whatever you do, or that they don’t care that tennis isn’t your thing, Lily knows the truth.
So, she fights with Tashi. Tells her that tennis is stupid. That she’d be happy if they abolished the sport entirely!
Anything to get a reaction.
It’s a phase that Tashi understands. She and Art talk about it in bed one night. Art tells Tashi that Lily just misses her. She’d told him herself.
Retirement probably gives Art the opportunity to step up. He still feels guilt every now and then because of the time he missed, but he and Lily would develop a closer knit relationship now that he has more free time. He draws with her in the evenings. Tries to help her with homework. Watches her favorite movies.
He learns how to style her hair. Has Tashi’s mom check his work. It takes him a couple tries to get it presentable. Lily would grumble that it’s “not how mommy does it.”
He takes her out on daddy daughter dates at least once a week. Their most frequented place is the ice cream shop, where he can actually indulge in it guilt free! By 10, Lily starts to roll her eyes at him when he inevitably dips his spoon into her serving, but she also steals a bite from his when he isn’t looking.
When he finds out about her first crush at 12, he’s surprisingly supportive. He crosses his feet on the coffee table and grins at her while her cheeks flush as she flops onto the couch.
Tashi walks into the room, pointing between them. “Okay what’s going on here?”
“Oh my goddd it’s nothing!!”
“Lily has a crush,” Art smirks.
“Dad!” She releases a loud groan into the pillow.
Tashi chuckles, sitting down to join them.
“Is that right Lily pad?”
Her voice comes out muffled. “It’s not a crush.”
Art smoothes his palm over her dark curls. “Hey, it’s normal to experience stuff like this.”
Another groan cuts him off.
“I’m serious,” Art laughs. “When I was your age, I uh, I also had my first crush.” Lily looks up at this.
Tashi reaches out a hand to rub up and down her arm.
Lily stares at him for a moment, face blank. “Dad, I know you’re talking about Uncle Patrick.”
Art’s jaw falls open. Tashi erupts into a fit of giggles. “Wow! She clocked you faster than I did!”
Now it’s Art’s turn to bury his face into the pillow as Lily and Tashi tease him about boarding school and boyhood crushes.
He rolls over to look at his girls. He thinks that if he can see them happy like this for the rest of his life, then he would have nothing else to ask for.
I’m sorry!!! I got carried away. But I hope you enjoy my random thoughts that turned into a blurb.
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sweetbillwriting · 7 days ago
Way Out of Line
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Character: Keith Toshko from Barbarian (2022) played by Bill Skarsgård.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: I know Bill looks young in this picture but it is actually from 2022! He just has great skin!
I knew it wouldn't be good. My mom had understood. My dad would have probably found an excuse as to why Keith and I sat like we did, but my mom was much more realistic and didn't walk around things. 
She led me to her and my dad's bedroom and closed the door. It took a few seconds for her to turn around, and I expected the worst, an awful angry face, but instead she looked at me in pity. I made a confused face and shrugged my shoulders.
“Honey…” she said with a sigh and looked at me tiredly. ”I know Keith is handsome, on top of that rich, but… You must stop trying to make him see you. He's going through a divorce, and to be frank, you're a child compared to him.” 
I looked at my mom with big eyes. She believed it was just me running after Keith. It was a good thing she didn't understand we were sleeping together, but it was also a bit of an insult. It felt like she couldn't believe Keith would want me. It felt like she made me into a stupid little girl when I actually was his mistress. His sexy, open-minded mistress that he got to spank and say the filthiest things to. I was not a little girl in his eyes. 
She sighed and looked away but then gave me a stricter look, like her energy to be kind had run out. 
“You will dress modestly, not search for contact, especially any body contact. You will stop acting like you need his help with everything. You can do your assignments without his help. Okay?” 
I looked down at the ground but nodded. I was just relieved she didn't know what Keith and I actually did. That she believed I had a one-sided crush on him was better.
She left the room without giving me a final look, and I walked to my bedroom. It was hard to know what I would do. Keith and I had just solved our problems, and I wanted to be close to him, but I knew my mom would keep an eye on me. She had kept an eye on me my whole life so it would be even worse, when she believed I made a fool out of myself in front of my dad's friend. I didn't even have my phone in my room, and it quickly became boring to just sit on the bed staring out into nothing. Of course, I could have turned on my TV, but why would I do that when I knew I wouldn't watch?
Minutes became hours, and when my mom let me know dinner was ready, I finally dared to join them on the lower floor. Even if I could feel Keith's eyes on me, I didn't dare to look at him. It felt like he stared holes into the side of my face, but realistically he only threw glances at me. He talked with my dad about one of his patients who he had problems diagnosing. I could hear a mix of wonder and irritation when Keith mentioned several diagnoses my father obviously hadn't even thought about. 
“Ehm, next weekend, I'm going to visit some friends that work at the theater in New York. I wondered if maybe Jacqueline wanted to join me. She's an actor after all.” 
I looked up at Keith with starlit eyes because it sounded amazing. And being alone with him again in some fancy suite would be even better. I looked at my parents; my dad looked at me with a smile, obviously excited for me, but my mom gave me a sour look, like it was my idea. 
“I will obviously take care of her. We will be together all the time. Just meet them, see a play, eat nice…” 
My mom looked at him skeptically now. I didn't know what she was thinking, but it felt like she started to understand.
“I'm getting jealous. Sounds awesome, right, honey?” Said my dad as he leaned back in his chair. My dad still thought about me as a little girl, so the thought of Keith being attracted to me probably didn't exist in his world. 
My mom cleared her throat. 
“Didn't you have schoolwork to do, honey?” She gave me a pointed, strict look. I tried to cover my disappointment and nodded. 
“I can help her with that; we will be finished before the weekend.” Keith smiled at me, and I smiled back because it sounded so good, and I forgot my mom's eyes were on me.
“Sounds good; if you finish in time, you can go. But you must be back for Sunday dinner. And no boys in the hotel room.” 
My dad joked about it because for him it was a silly thought that I would let an unknown boy into my room. What he didn't think about was that the man who had invited me to the trip, whom he knew so well, had every plan to share a bed with me. 
My cheeks became red. 
“Of course not…” 
“Then that's decided!”
My mom gave my dad a hard look, but he didn't notice; he just turned to Keith to talk about a car he wanted. Keith looked at me fast, a gaze full of triumph. I looked at him and couldn't stop myself from smiling with the same emotion.
Keith asked me for several days to let him come to my bedroom at night. I said no and settled to just study with him and make out. To avoid my parents, he had started to come to campus, but there were the sorority girls instead. He didn't care about what they thought and gave me intimate kisses on my shoulders, neck, and lips while we did my assignments together. I wore the shortest little black skirt I had with a simple pink cardigan without a bra, even though my mom had told me to dress modestly around him. If he looked from above, like he mostly did, he could see down my cardigan and see my nipples perk up in his presence. I had started to understand he liked me a bit girly and not too obviously sexy. He liked me with sexy, sweet things.
“Can't it irritate you?” he suddenly asked as he leaned back in his chair. 
“What?” I furrowed my brows. 
“That your parents talk to you like you were a teenager. You know, they don't decide what you do on your weekends. You're an adult.” 
I looked at his eyes, which were really serious now but also annoyed. I shrugged my shoulders. 
“They always have…” 
“But you're 21. If you want to fuck a 38-” 
I laid my finger over his lips, afraid a sorority girl would overhear. A few of them had seen me holding hands with a guy in the library and I had lied and said he was a 25 year old economics student, of course also religious. I couldn't say why I was so afraid to tell them the truth because I even thought about dropping out from the sorority but when those girls stood in front of me I felt such a strong need to do the right thing. 
“What?” Said Keith a bit irritated, he probably understood it was his age I had hushed him for. I gave him a quick look. He had leaned back in his chair next to mine, playing with a pen. He looked obviously irritated, clenching his jaw and a sour expression. It was the first time I had seen that face directed at me and looked at him worriedly.
“I never thought some fucking Christian girls should decide over my life. I should go so you don't have to worry about them seeing you with an old man.” 
“Keith…” I whined and took hold of his arm before he stood up. 
“I'm sorry. I… I will drop out as soon as I can. I don't want them to judge us. I just want you.” 
He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Don't do that for me. But what did you say to those girls who saw us then? That I was a creep taking your hand?” He smirked like he was amused by his words but also annoyed he even said them. I licked my lips and looked at his hands as they dragged over his jean-clad thighs. 
“I said you were a student. That you were 25 and an economics student.” 
It felt best to be honest and I recieved raised brows back then a surprised smirk. 
“No one can believe I am 25. I'm closer to 50 than 25.” 
With furrowed brows, I counted in my head 25 to 38, 13 years. 38 to 50, 12 years. Oh. But he looked much closer to 25 and the girls had believed me. 
“They believed me. They didn't ask more about your age, they just asked how long we had dated.”
Keith chuckled in disbelief, but he looked flattered, and it had obviously made him think about something else. I should remember that; that I could distract him with flattery.
We went back to studying, but out of nowhere he looked at me with big eyes. There was a boyishness over him, and he bit his lip with a smile.
“25?” He asked with a low voice. I smirked, amused, both by the question and also that he had an ability to look younger than me sometimes, but still be my Daddy. 
“25.” I said, dragging a hand through his messily pushed-back hair. 
If Keith's hands had wandered before, it was nothing compared to how he was after he heard he looked like a 25-year-old. I could even see some people staring when his hand crawled in under my cardigan while he made out with my neck. Even though I could feel tingling in several places in my body (especially between my legs), I steered him away with a giggle. It was better to get him to the car so he could go completely wild instead, but we were forced to wait a bit because he had gotten too excited. Too excited. I knew teenage boys could get hard in all kinds of different situations, but I hadn't expected it from a grown man, especially not someone as sweet and collected as Keith. I blushed at the thought that I had made him get like that, but also, by the location. He was in the campus library. 
“Are, are you finished?” I asked awkwardly. He had leaned back, and I couldn't see any signs he still was excited. He dragged his hands through his hair and looked at me. 
“Yeah… Sorry for that.” Keith looked a bit embarrassed with a strained smile before he stood up. 
You're the piece of gold. That flushes all my soul. Extra time, on the ground. You're my playground love.  Anytime, anyway. You're my playground love…
His hands caressed my cheeks and neck while our tongues slid against each other, deep inside our mouths. He breathed heavily while I moaned into his mouth.
We sat in his car's backseat, parked in one of our secret places. Me over one of his thighs while he sat with his legs spread. My hands lay on his chest, where they were safe. I didn't really dare to let them wander too much, even if I could notice Keith pushing out his crotch, hoping I would give him some attention. When Keith's hands moved down my back and then under my skirt, I knew what we would do. He gave me a hard clap on my left ass cheek, and even if I knew, I jumped in his lap.
“Lay down on your belly… In Daddy’s lap.” 
I swallowed hard, from both nerves and excitement. Something told me he would be rougher than he had been before, but still I laid down in his lap after he had helped me pull off my cardigan. When I had laid down, he helped me pull down my tights and panties. I could feel he was already hard, but I didn't dare to move even if I wanted to feel. 
Keith made a pleased humming sound when I lay there with my ass up. I waited in anticipation and nerves for him to spank me, but it didn't come. I looked back at him confused, and it was then he slapped my right ass cheek, like punishment for me looking at him. I jumped but let him do it again and again.
“I can be so annoyed at you…” He whispered and dragged his hand over my lower back. I wished he would do that to my bum to soothe the burning his spanking had given me, but his hand stayed on my back. 
“You make everything so hard… Your parents, your friends…” He spanked me again, harder this time, but now I moaned from a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure.
“I want you to say to them to go fuck themself.” His hand dragged down my ass cheek to my thigh, where he pushed them apart. I had a quick thought that it was he who made everything hard; he was the one who was married, but when his thumb started to drag over my groin, I lost all those thoughts and just enjoyed feeling him doing circles up to my ass. He spread my legs even more, then I felt him let a long thread of spit land on my asshole and drop down to my pussy. He did it again and let it land more directly between my outer lips. He dragged two fingers, shaped as a V, over and over my lips and up to my ass. It was teasing and mean that it was all he gave me, and after a while I begged him to give me more. It was then he spanked my pussy, and I made a loud, pained sound.
“That hurt!” I cried out. 
“Should I stop?” He asked and took his hands away from me. I got cold at once and missed his touch.
“Please don't stop, Daddy…” 
“I thought my girl didn't like it? I thought my girl didn't want to listen to Daddy anymore?” He sounded pleased, high on his power.
“I will always listen to Daddy… Please just… Daddy, please just fuck me…” I whined pathetically looking back at him while lifting my hips, hoping to entice him into giving me more. Keith smirked, then dragged a teasing thumb over my pussy and, with slow circles, found my clit to circle in the same way. 
“Do you know how tall I am? I can't fuck you in the backseat of a car. That's for short, little men. Daddy is tall and big.” 
I moaned, and when he sped up the rhythm, they became more erratic.
“But I could do it up against the hood…” He stopped giving me pleasure when I was close to an orgasm but also when I was the easiest to persuade. I looked back at him, and he wiggled his eyebrows playfully. 
“There are never people around here… No one will see.” He smiled and bit his lip and made me giggle with blushing cheeks.
“Okay, Daddy…” 
I had pain in my hips where the hood had hit over and over when Keith had slammed into me. When he noticed I was in pain, he had let me lie on the hood instead. He was a gentleman.  My cheeks became red everytime I thought about that moment but then he fucked me in the campus bathroom and several times in my bed while my parents were asleep. I never got used to being his center of attention, but I started to get comfortable being with him. Being sexual and free. 
It was the Thursday before we would go away on our trip, and I was prepared to pack my things because I (and Keith) had finished my schoolwork, so my parents couldn't say anything, but when I came home, it wasn't as calm as a regular Thursday would be. From the living room, I heard noises, voices, and laughter that sounded a bit forced. I walked to the dining room after I had taken off my outerwear and pulled in my white turtleneck in discomfort. 
There were just women talking, talking loudly and high-pitched, like they had been drinking a bit too much wine. My ears were right because when I walked into the dining room four of my mom's friends sat there together with my mom but also Keith. He sat on the edge of the table, leaned back, dressed in a gray t-shirt. They could see his bulking biceps and veiny forearms and how the wine glass looked small in his big hand. I could see they were watching him like he was a prey. They were all much closer in age to him than I was, and I could guess some of them, if not all of them, had experience of divorce. Keith didn't even look up at me when I came into the room; it wasn't until the others acknowledged me that he gave me his attention. 
“Hey Bunny!” Said my mom's friend Monica, who I knew had been divorced a year ago and celebrated her 40th birthday a couple of years ago. 
“Hey…” I said awkwardly.
“Get a soda and sit down with us!”  
I gave my mom a look, and she smiled at me. She had given me weird looks the whole week, but now, when four other women flirted with the man I wanted, she suddenly could smile. I looked at Keith, who looked as uncomfortable as me, especially when one of the women dragged her hand over his forearm, asking him if he wanted more wine. 
“I’ll have some wine,” I said with an attitude. Everyone reacted even if they didn't want to, but that I had that sort of attitude was something new for me. My mom cleared her throat but Monica took out a wine glass from the cabinet and let Parisia fill it with the burgundy liquid. I could feel Keith's eyes on me, but I just looked at Parisia. She was really attractive with her big curls and warm hazel eyes. She sat on his left side, and I wondered if he had looked down her deep neckline.
When the shock of my attitude and wine drinking had simmered, they continued to talk. They talked about New Age and spiritualism. All of the women were really positive to it, but I recognized Keith's face when he tried to not smirk. I wanted to look at him, meet his eyes, and smirk with him, but he looked at Parisia while she talked about her retreat to Cambodia. It was all a weird game where all of us analyzed each other; my mom looked at me, I looked at Keith, and he looked at Parisia. The other three women probably looked at Keith too, but it wasn't anything I noticed. 
“He's nothing for you, okay?” my mom said in French with a low voice and laid her hand over mine. “Keith is charming, sweet, and friendly, but you must understand it doesn't mean he has an interest in you. He's the same way to every woman. There is a reason he's in a divorce…” 
I pulled away my hand from her grip and looked at Keith sitting leaned back against the chair's back, smiling warmly at Parisia. 
“It's easy to like Keith. He's a sweet, attentive man, but it's just that. He's a man, and he needs a woman. You must stop forcing yourself on him. I don't want you to come home in tears from your trip because he has flirted around.” 
I looked down at my well-manicured nails, the pink heart ring on my index finger. When I was alone, I put it on my ring finger, pretending it was an engagement ring from Keith. I had thought about our fairytale wedding even if he hadn't even said he was in love with me. I looked up when I heard him laugh lowly; that laugh I thought he was saving for our private moments. I looked up and saw him give Monica his full attention. It felt like my heart moved from side to side painfully, like it tried to break free from the veins holding it down. I stood up so abruptly the chair fell and made a hard bang against the floor. Everyone got silent, but I didn't care. I hated him at that moment. I hated his lying, manipulative ass. Fuck him. Fuck Keith.
From the brush I could feel your soft stare. Serpentine wrapped around my hot skin. Through the roses I followed your call. Should've known this is how it would end…
I crawled down in bed just dressed in a pair of baby pink lace panties I had bought with my dad's money. I had taken off my makeup but had styled my hair so it could drape over the pillow in dreamy loose curls. I had my back towards the door with the cover so low someone behind me could see my whole naked back. I wore the earrings Keith had given me, even if it wasn't comfortable at all to lie on. I did it all for him, sure he would come crawling to me. He had said I was the only one for him. 
After having thought through my mom's words, I realized she just wanted me to forget him, but she didn't know he had been lying between my legs every night that week. How he looked me deep in the eyes while he forced his cock into me with brutal force. He would come to me, begging for forgiveness and then show how much he loved me. And I was right. 2.39AM He crept into my room and sighed when he saw the dreamy view I had created for him. I wanted him to just undress and join me in bed so we could make love and forget about what had happened, but I didn't hear him make a sound for a minute. 
“What did I do this time?” He asked tiredly. Even if I wanted us to just make up and make out, I felt a need for him to beg for forgiveness now when he asked. 
“Parisia? What is it with her?” 
“You flirted with her.” 
When I said the words, I became reminded of how deeply they had looked in each other's eyes and felt some sort of relief that I hadn't forgiven him too easily. He was an asshole. 
“I didn't flirt with her. I talked.” 
“No, you flirted with her.” 
“Fucking Christ, Jacqueline? Didn't we just talk about this? Where does this jealousy come from?” He had raised his voice a bit, and it made my stomach knot together. I didn't want him to be mad at me. 
“I… I…” I stuttered and moved in my place so the beautiful draping of my hair got destroyed. 
“Your mom wanted me to meet her single friends. What the fuck should I do? Say that I'm fucking her little virginal daughter? You don't want that. You don't want me to expose you like that.” 
I sat up carefully and looked at him. The cover secured by my armpits.
“You don't want that either. They're your friends.” 
“To be honest, I wouldn't care if it wasn't for my divorce. But also because of you. I know you're not ready for the drama. Your parents will try to tear us apart so fucking violently. They will say awful things about me and probably, if I know them right, make you feel dirty for it, and I don't want that for you…” He sat down on the edge of the bed while he talked and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I nodded a little because I could imagine he was right, especially if they knew I called him Daddy. 
“I love you, you know. Even if I'm married. Even if you're way too young. I can feel dirty sometimes, you know. I have never seen myself as the guy dating such a young girl, woman.” 
I looked at him like I was listening intensely, but I could just hear three words over and over in my head. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. 
My eyes teared while he talked; he probably believed I felt offended by his other words, so he moved closer to me so he could lay his arm around me.
“I love you too, Keith. I love you too, Daddy.” Even if he had just said he loved me as a woman, it felt younger hearing those words, and without even thinking about my nakedness, I crawled into his lap and hugged him tightly around his neck. My naked chest was pressed against him and my pussy sat just above his cock. 
“Baby girl…” Keith said with a chuckle as he played with my thong. I giggled girlishly and grinded against his crotch. Keith leaned back with a smirk and because my arms locked around his neck he pulled me with him. He played with my hair, smoothly dragged his hands down my back, and took a hold of my panties. I thought he would pull them off, but instead he pulled them up so it burned between my outer lips. I whimpered but looked at him with love. He removed me carefully from his lap so I sat next to him. A big hand unbuttoned the black belt he had cinching his navy blue slacks and pushed the pants down with his khaki boxers. His thick erection bounced out like a spring and stood out proudly, trying to reach the sky. Even if I had seen it so many times now, I blushed, especially because I knew what he was hoping for. A blow job. I had never done it, and the thought of it made me nervous. I just thought about what he expected. I would never be able to get all of him into my mouth and it was probably what he expected. I was afraid I wouldn't even be able to get his tip in because of its thickness. 
Keith pulled off the gray t-shirt he was wearing and leaned back on his elbows. It was so obvious what he wanted, and I really wanted to give it to him. He loved me. That sexy man loved me; of course I should suck his cock. Carefully, I took his length in my hand and looked at it terrified. I hadn't even gotten used to having it inside of me; now he would push it down my throat until I suffocated. 
I dragged my hand up and down his shaft with the pressure he had taught me, letting the palm of my hand roll over his tip while spitting down on his shaft. I could see in the corner of my eye Keith bite his lip.
“Say hello to Daddy's cock, baby… Kiss it a little…” he said sweetly. It was obvious he knew this was my first time, but I didn't feel embarrassed anymore. Keith liked that he was my first, so much we had deleted my earlier relationship from our mind. He was my first in everything. 
I giggled a little, kissed his tip, and looked up at him. Keith smiled warmly, fatherly at me, and then kicked off his pants completely so he could stand on his knees in bed with me on all fours in front of him. I kissed his tip again; it was just as blushed as my cheeks. Keith smirked like his little girl finally dared to say hello to a dog. It wasn't far from it because even if his cock couldn't bite, I acted like it could. 
“You want to lick it a little? Just the tip?” He said the last thing when he saw my nerves go up. I was a little doubtful, but Keith leaned down to be able to give me a soft kiss and hug one of my tits in his broad palm.
“It's okay, baby… You decide… Daddy just wants us both to have a nice time.” I looked into his big eyes and felt comfort and love radiate from him, and it made me continue to massage his member. 
“I want your cock in my mouth, Daddy.” Keith smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He straightened his back so I could look up at his broad chest and sharp v-line. I wouldn't lose that man, so before Keith was ready, I started to lick his tip like it was the best cherry lollipop I've tasted. Keith chuckled a little and played with my hair so he could see what I was doing.
“Continue down, yeah, lick every part of it…” he said lowly, and I did as he said, dragging my tongue all the way down to the root and then starting over again. While kissing and licking the underside of his length I looked at his balls. They were groomed, shortly trimmed and looked neglected while I worked his shaft. Did I dare? I didn't even dare to touch them really, afraid to be too rough with his crown jewels, but while looking up at Keith, who had now closed his eyes, the need to please him became bigger than my own childish fear. I worked my tongue down his shaft, his root but then continued down to lick his left ball with a broad tongue. I noticed his ass clenched, and he let out a loud exhalation. I continued to lick and twirl my tongue around his balls, and it made him actually moan. He didn't do that a lot. 
“Suck them, suck them hard…” Full of confidence in hearing him in pleasure, I dared to take one of his balls in my mouth. I didn't succeed in getting the whole one in because of its size, but I did my best sucking them. While I was lost in my job, Keith took my hand and laid it around his length and helped me jerk his slick cock. Surprised by how wet it was, I looked up and saw him dripping precum from his tip. My hand dragged through it, smearing him in his own liquid. It looked too good; he looked too good moaning with closed eyes, so intoxicated by confidence and power, I took as much of his length into my mouth. I was surprised how much I could take but also that I liked the feeling of being suffocated by him. My long hair got stuck in the stickiness and my wet lips, but neither one of us cared. I had a mission, and Keith was lost in pleasure. He looked down at me with heavy eyes and smirked a little while I bobbed my head up and down. If I knew he saw me with his precum around my lips, my cheeks red and my eyes running, I would have been self-conscious, even if he loved the view.
“Mm… Baby girl…” He said, strained just before he let out a longer moan than he had before. He clenched his ass cheeks again and gave my cheek a little push, but I didn't understand what he meant by it and felt his cum splattering down my throat. I swallowed hard, hoping I wouldn't need to gag or cough, but it was obvious I wouldn't be successful, and I pulled his cock out so I could gag and cough in a messy mix. Keith chuckled a little and leaned down to kiss my cheek even if they were wet from spit and his own juice. 
“You're so fucking cute… And sexy… Daddy's girl…” 
We stayed up all night, talking about our trip but also who we were when we were in high school. Keith said he was a nobody, he worked at the school radio and didn't want attention. I wondered if he didn't get that just because of his last name but he said he didn't get attention for that until he started college. We didn't talk about who he was in college, it was strange when he had spent that time with my father. 
I said I was the good girl in high school, good grades, a part of an acting group and a tutor. 
“I would have been in love with you. I loved the good girls that smelled like roses and lilacs.” 
I giggled at him. He lay stretched out in my bed, in just his boxers while I was sitting up, looking down at him. He had a hand behind his head so I could play with the hair in his armpit. 
“You're seventeen years older than me! If we were in high school together you would have been a teacher!” Keith looked at me with a dimpled smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I still would have been in love with you.” I made a face but smiled because it was also strangely sweet. 
“That would have been inappropriate!” 
“I know. That's the sort of power you have over me.” 
I giggled again and kissed him. He slipped his tongue so I did the same, he even let them wrestle outside of our mouths. Keith groaned and corrected his cock so I knew we would pause a little. I really had power over him. I laid down next to him on my side and Keith laid down the same way but turned to me. 
“Did you have a girlfriend in high school?” 
“A couple. I still was rich, you know,” he joked, making me laugh. 
“You're so much more than that, Keith-” by reflex I looked up when I heard a sound that sounded like my door opening, a sound Keith had made me excited to hear but Keith was laying in front of me. In the door opening stood my mom, looking at me laying just in lace panties and Keith in just his boxers. No one could miss what we had been doing that night because my sheets were all crooked. 
My mom's face was hard to read. Maybe she was shocked, or she was offended, appalled? 
“Mom…” I whispered desperately and sat up without covering myself up. Keith looked at me confused but then he sat up and turned towards the door. My mom looked at me for a few seconds before she looked at Keith. It was obvious he didn't belong in my sweet room. His strong manly hands shouldn't be on my young perky tits and I shouldn't put my young years on a man who had already lived his. I thought she would get angry, scream, call on my dad but she just looked at Keith then she closed the door silently. I turned my eyes to Keith while feeling strong anxiety and he looked at me with furrowed brows. I couldn't get a word out but Keith asked the question we both wondered: 
“Was that it?” 
Broken wings fall from my back. As the dirt begins to crack. Hold my waist as we fall below the garden. Oh gardener of eden. We fell from the heavens, the earth could not hold us. Gardener of Eden. The embers below set our hearts aglow. Oh Gardener of eden… 
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busycucumbermelon · 1 year ago
Come on, just paint one thing for me?…please love.
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 Summary: The man was determined to have a painting no matter what, and once he received one, he would always cherish it no matter the meaning. It would be a true treasure to him and a reminder of his ownership of the girl who created it.
 Warning: obsessive, delusional
Carmen gave you the north wing of his house, which is comprised of four rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, an art room, and a bedroom. Carmen gave you a few days to make these rooms your own before sharing everything with him. Obviously, your room would always be exclusively yours, but he could enter at his discretion.
He made sure that every window would be bulletproof, making it impossible for anyone to open them, both from the inside and outside. Occasionally, he would take you out of the room and air it out, knowing that your request to do so was likely just a ploy. It's a method he would have used if he was in the same situation, assuming that he was as innocent as you were in such a scenario.
But after the first time you asked him to air out the room, you decided not to do it for around two weeks. Anytime Carmen came in, you would either be sitting in bed or cooking food in the kitchen, making Carmen sad as you never painted anything for him. However, as you were still adjusting to your new environment, he felt it would be rude if he rushed you with a request to paint something for him, as he was sure it would eventually happen once you noticed how in love the two of you are, even though you already were well in Carmen’s mind at least 
Except at first, nothing significant really happens except for an increase in the amount of time you stay in your room and starting to go into a bit of a depression. This prompts Carmen to start spending nights in bed with you, initially just laying on the other side of the bed and picking up after you. But as time goes on and his patience begins to wear out, he starts doing small things like taking you out of your room to watch a movie together or have a day out. He even goes as far as hiring a team of professional cleaners to help tidy up your room.
During that time he’d show you how much the two of you were really in love. 
Instead of the two of you sitting apart with snacks in between, you sit pressed up close together and have snacks in front of you. If anything is out of your reach, Carmen will quickly grab it for you. He likes to be in control, which makes him feel like he can protect you better. In addition to that, Carmen also pushed you a bit more every day. After one week of movie nights and cuddling, he decided that he needed more attention and you weren't allowed to sleep in your own bed. This meant that you had to walk across the house to Carmen‘s room if you wanted to take a nap or anything. Unless you wanted to spend time with Carmen. that meant the only other room you could relax and let your guard down was in was your art room.
Carmen got the best of the best art supplies - various paintbrushes, canvases, easels, and sketchbooks. He knew that some artists don't use sketchbooks, but he got them just in case. As time went on, his bodyguards began to report that you were spending more and more time in your room, Carmen got super excited at this news.
Even though Carmen has gained a deep appreciation for art, there's still a slightly bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thinks about it. Although he enjoys it, he won't personally pick up a paint brush or a pencil to create it himself, since it brings him back to his childhood - a time which wasn't bad, but it still had its ups and downs. Despite that, right now, he's happy to have you, his sweet little dove, to provide for and live a lavish life with.
To avoid boredom, Carmen would sometimes spar with you or work on paperwork, never telling you what it was about. Instead, he would tell you that your fragile mind "shouldn't be burdened with such scary things like that." He even went as far as to say, "Who knows what would happen to you if you knew, but if you're really that worried, you could paint me something, for my legacy. You know, just in case."
After your brief conversation about his work, Carmen grew more and more hooked on you and your art. Whenever he came into the art room to find you sitting on the floor or mixing paint, he would ask if you're painting something for him. Even during your movie nights together, he'd occasionally ask if you are painting something for him. Eventually, you got annoyed at this constant question and finally decided to paint something, not for him, but for yourself.
Every time the question of your painting was brought up, every time you remembered your scenario, every time Carmen held you down for a movie, or curled up against you in bed, you decided to paint something - anything - to help you remember, remember before this. You decided on your painting being inspired by one of the places you wished to travel to so badly. It was an attempt to not forget and to create something you could cherish, even if only for a moment.
There was a castle in the background, with a greenhouse near the front, which was surrounded by lush trees and various flowers. Everything seemed to have grown to the fullest extent, except for a fog that floated through the area. Inside the greenhouse was a woman, with her hand pressed against the glass, desperately trying to escape. This was how you felt for nearly every moment, except when you were painting. In that moment, you felt truly free, perhaps even happier than anything else you had experienced.
Carmen knew what the purpose the painting served: it was meant to be a slap in his face. However, he still chose to hang it up in his office.
He would approach you from behind, hugging you whenever you were unaware. He laid his head on your shoulder and slowly rock back and forth as you both did various activities. He wished for you to open up to him and explain to him what your piece of art meant and why it was so significant.
“Hello my love," he would often hum lightly in your ear. You would attempt to respond firmly and tell him to leave you be, but your voice would always crack. Carmen would always respond with a chuckle and claim that he just wanted to know what you were painting or hear you speak. You would insist on being left alone to continue working but Carmen constantly attempting to persuade you to explain the meaning of your paintings. Carmen would claim that perhaps this next piece would be displayed in the dining room so you two could see it together during dinner.
Every day, Carmen would approach you in your art room, intent on hearing every explanation you gave regarding your paintings. It was clear that he was obsessive about you. He never allowed you to venture beyond your space on that floor, making your art room your whole world. Although painting was your precious escape, Carmen's obsession gradually intruded on that space. In time, you would come to realize your love for him. Carmen knew he needed time to wear you down until you were aware of your affection for him.
At some point, your resolve might break, particularly with the constant pressure from those around you, claiming how perfect Carmen is. They believed that you two are a perfect match together. For now, Carmen could deal with what he currently had with you, but he was confident that eventually, you would come to realize your feelings for him and love him as much as he loved you.
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coryothesub · 9 months ago
Better Now?
Hi, I’m back, not in the bestest place both physically and mentally and very sorry to everyone who has sent in lovely asks recently. I’ve resumed working on them, but for now I can offer a fully self indulgent semi-autobiographical oneshot about Dr. Sejanus Plinth (hey, we all know he wanted to be a medic so very fitting), which is heavily based on my first ever hospital experience.
No, I didn't have a hot doctor that looked like Sejanus, instead I was treated by a couple of pretty funky dudes, but the story about the two surgeries instead of one is completely true (they had to perform a 2nd one, bc they hadn't noticed everything that had to be fixed before the 1st one). Horny roommates are also based on very real persons and the post surgery pain as well as the sickness from the painkillers are unfortunately real (that's why I wasn't really able to write although I kinda wanted to). Oh and the weird tingling sensation around stitches during orgasm is also apparently a thing. Okay sorry for tmi let's get into the smut.
nsfw / mdni / doctor!sejanus / patient!reader / mentions of hospital and some real medical horrors
“Dr. Sejanus Plinth, I’m going to perform surgery on your broken leg and ensure a steady way to your recovery,” he stood at the foot of your bed on your first day at the hospital looking hella handsome wearing his little glasses and a snow white scrubs.
You were feeling shit scared since it was your first time at the hospital. He always tried to cheer you up, tell you a funny joke or take you on a little wheelchair ride. Your roommates said he was obviously flirting, but you always got flustered and brushed it off as professional niceness.
He was ever so clean and perfect, his dark curly hair impeccably styled and a trail of expensive cologne following him wherever he went. How could he possibly fall for the messy looking girl in the hospital bed? Your hair was dirty, you were sweating profusely from the sickening painkillers that probably made you stink.
You couldn't remember any time when you were in so much pain other than the first two days after the surgery. The only thing keeping you sane was  Dr. Plinth’s reassuring smile that appeared above the little curtain right after the surgery. He nodded at you and said “It’s over!”
You had taken it quite literally, not suspecting what was awaiting you in the coming days. Right after the anesthetics wore off the pain became so insufferable you were just silently crying in your bed feeling like your leg was about to explode from the inside.
The nurses pumped you full of painkillers until you dozed off and the first face you saw next morning was Dr. Plinth.
“You are such a good girl, you did so good,” he smiled softly and you weren't quite sure what he was referring to. Was it your performance of laying horizontally during the surgery? Well you didn't have much choice since the lower part of your body had been paralyzed by the anesthetics.
“That hot doctor, he’s totally into you,” your roommates teased, but you just tried to focus on the fact that you were set to get out of the hospital in two days.
Then the bad news came. Dr.Plinth stood at the foot of your bed, his face darkened by concern.
“There's this other thing. A rupture of ligaments. We were able to notice it only after the first surgery. I am afraid I'm gonna need to perform another one. I am really sorry for that.”
You literally felt like you were gonna burst out in tears, but you clenched your jaw, wanting to look stronger than you actually were.
“It's alright Dr.Plinth. What needs to be done has to be done,” you spoke calmly, but your mind was rehashing everything you were bound to go through again. The wait, the anesthetics, the excruciating pain in the first few hours and the discomfort every time you had to move your leg, even if only to sit up for a meal or go to the bathroom.
“How are you feeling today?” The next day you were woken up by the lively voice of Dr. Plinth. Despite your protests, he came to check on you every morning and since your first surgery sort of  failed, he also came in every evening. You weren't sure whether he did that out of guilt or other feelings.
“Have been better,” you sighed with a grim poker face that prevented him from telling whether you were angry with him or just tired.
“I'm so sorry the first surgery wasn't sufficient,” the poor young man started apologizing in front of your roommates. “You weren't supposed to go through that again.”
“It's alright Dr.Plinth,” you batted your eyes at him, making his pretty chubby cheeks blush immediately. “I know you would want only the best for me.”
His hand was resting on the pillow pile next to your casted leg and you ran your fingers over it, almost making him jump at the sensation.
Your roommates were watching the interaction with great interest, probably thinking you both were gonna start making out right then and there.
Feeling their gaze burning through his back, Dr. Plinth offered you a little wheelchair ride. A bit reluctant, you still got yourself out of the bed and let him help you get on the wheelchair.
“Where are you taking me? Do we need another x-ray or a CT scan?”
“No,” Dr.Plinth chuckled. “They don't perform tests at this hour, except for the emergency room. I wanted you to see this.”
He wheeled you to the end of the hallway and stopped at the large window where you could see nothing but endless forest continuing all the way to the horizon. A fiery red sun was sinking above the treeline making you gasp quietly at the sight.
“Beautiful, isn't it?” Dr. Plinth leaned down and you could feel his hot breath lingering on your neck. It seemed almost romantic.
“I come here and watch the sunset at every opportunity when I have the time during my shift. It helps me blow off the steam a bit.”
You turned your head to the side and looked into his soulful brown eyes. He looked even more handsome in high definition.
“It must be hard to work here,” you gave him a sympathetic look.
“Oh, it's just me, as much as I try I can't get myself desensitized to the whole process. I see people hurting every day. And when they hurt, I hurt. That's why I feel so damn guilty every time there's more pain that could have been avoided. Like your second surgery…”
He leaned down closer to you, his lips just mere centimeters from yours.
“I just want to make it up to you. I swear, if I could I would do anything to make you feel better.”
“Anything?” A glimpse of mischief sparked in your eyes.
Dr. Plinth swallowed thickly and nodded.
Quite unexpectedly you cupped his face and smashed your lips into his, something you had been longing to do for quite a time. His lips felt so soft and plump, even better than you could have ever imagined.
Dr. Plinth immersed himself into the kiss, parting his lips to allow your tongue to explore his velvety mouth.
When you two finally broke the kiss to catch some breath, he adjusted his glasses panting softly and looked deeply into your eyes.
“Dr. Plinth, your lips feel so soft,” you chuckled shyly, feeling a treacherous blush filling your cheeks.
“I think you can call me Sejanus at this point,” he looked flustered yet eager to continue your little adventure. 
Sejanus grabbed your wheelchair and opened the nearest door with a plack that said “Sanitary chamber”.
You found yourself in a small room stuffed with toilet tissue, different wipes and sanitary mats, the last rays of the setting sun breaking through the neat stacks of supplies.
Sejanus immediately connected his lips to yours again, his hands running up and down your sides underneath your t-shirt. You gasped as he cupped your naked breasts while gently sucking at your lower lip.
“You know, I could make you feel better in an even more effective way,” he whispered against your lips, his warm hand diving under the waistband of your pajama shorts.
You shivered at the sensation of Sejanus's skillful fingers pressing against your clit, discovering that you were already threathcerously wet.
“What an eager girl,” your doctor groaned as his digits massaged your sensitive bud at a steady place, causing you to let out a series of soft moans against his lips.
Sejanus kept a tight eye contact while letting his two fingers slide inside your squelching wet count while his thumb kept rubbing your clit. It was truly amazing how he managed to cover the whole field.
“Fuck, you’re really good with this!” You moaned as he trailed small kisses down your neck sucking harshly at the spot where it met your shoulder.
Sejanus chuckled mischievously.
“I'm a doctor, we are taught how to touch people in the correct manner.”
“God, did they teach you this at the medical school?” You threw your head back, feeling your legs shaking from the immense pleasure.
“No, princess” Sejanus let out a small laugh, nibbling at your earlobe. “I guess I figured that part out myself…”
Squelching sounds filled the small chamber as he kept fingerbanging you and you tried your best to stifle your moans to avoid the whole floor finding out about your evening shenanigans.
“Oh… Dr…. Sejanus, I’m gonna…” your attempt at building a sentence was cut off by a loud moan as you came all over his fingers, your body shaking and a weird tingling feeling echoing through your stitches.
“Better now?” Sejanus asked in a gentle voice after pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
You nodded, still coming down from your heights as you watched him grab one of the countless tissue packages and gently cleaning you off.
“There you go,” Sejanus smiled, turning your wheelchair back to the exit.
“Wait!” You gave him a concerned look. “Shouldn't I… Return the favor?”
Sejanus graced you with a soft smile, brushing a stray strand of hair off your forehead.
“This was me trying to make amends because I fucked up, remember? Plus, I have to get back to work.”
You pouted, wishing this moment would last longer. Sejanus noticed and tilted your chin up gently giving you a mischievous wink.
“Nobody said we cannot keep practicing this as a form of therapy though.”
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Power Armor Punch Part Sixty Five
Teshteal: *notices the jealous ferret* Someone's a little grumpy pants. *opens Gilbert's cage and picks up the annoyed noodle. Playfully wiggles him back and forth* Hello mister grumpy noodle.
Gilbert: (A very jealous wiggly noodle, his eyes are completely focused on his Joyce as he licks his nose and shoots the two puppies the stink eye. The heck is she doing holding two little sausages that just cry, eat, and poop everywhere all day?!? Obviously he’s the better and the finest of the squiggly bunch, he’s the one who’s always been there for Joyce when she was having a difficult day and crying. It should be him cuddling her right now!!)
Joyce: (Too busy with the two little puppies to notice that her pet ferret is envious that she’s giving other creatures attention instead of holding him)
Nick: *nods and picks her up, gently supporting her from the backs of her thighs like he's holding a toddler* It's alright. I'm here.
Jasmine: (Wraps her arms tightly around her Dads neck and clings to him once again like a baby koala with a pitiful whimper. She opens her mouth to tell him about her horrible nightmares and the terror she felt from it and his sudden disappearance, but quickly closes her eyes instead as she hides her face in the crook of his neck and trembles)
Ma: (Sits up from the bed now that’s she no longer has to hold Jas, taking another tissue to wipe the waterworks from the teen off her before buttoning up her nightdress) “I’m afraid she had several nightmares that kept her up, it was a bit difficult to keep her calm throughout the night.” (Gives the girl a somber look as she stands)
Nick: *somberly* That's been the norm around here lately. *rubs the small of her back* Wish there was something I could do to make them go away.
Teshteal: *catches the look* Oh, you're a jealous noodle! Jealous little baby boy! *to Joyce* I think your son wants your attention.
Joyce: (Looks up from the bed, smirking at the two) “Ah, someone has let the green eyed monster take control. Well then, he’s gonna hate me later when-... EW-! STOP!” (Swats at her face when the puppies both jump up to lick the inside of her mouth when she speaks, sputtering and spitting into her arm) “That’s disgusting!” (Rises from the bed and runs out of the room to go wash her mouth in the bathroom) “I'll be right back!”
Puppies: (Try to follow her but are too afraid to jump off the bed so they just wiggle their little butts while yapping after her)
Teshteal: *jumps when Joyce yells at the puppies. He holds Gilbert close to his chest protectively and just stares at the door, every sense on high alert*
Jasmine: (Nuzzles as close as she can to her father, focusing the gentleness of his rubs as she sniffles)
Ma: “Mhm, not much of a surprise there. PTSD induced nightmares can be tricky to work through, especially with extreme cases such as hers.” (Leans down to grab Jasmine’s dress from off the floor) “Any idea why she decided to take this off? I figured it was because she was hot, but she refused when I offered to get a lighter set of pajamas.” (Airs it out, walking over to hang it up on he clothes rack she brought in next to the other coats and shirts she had washed and ironed)
Nick: I'm not sure. She has a tendency to deny herself nice things. Must be another symptom of her condition.
Gardio: Alright. After I connect this wire, I need you to stay as still as possible so I can install your new armor correctly.
Lucille: *nods* Okay!
Gardio: *connects the wire to her hand, soldering it in place*
Lucille: *eyes widen at the feeling of having a properly working arm again. If she concentrates she can get the blade to pop out just just above the wrist at the back* It works!
Gardio: Yes, and now for the armor. Retract your blade, please? *holds a piece of plating up with a slot cut into the side*
Lucille: *closes her eyes and gets her blade to go back into her arm*
Ma: “That sounds about accurate to how she acted prewar times, but that was usually for the benefit of one of her friends or siblings.” (Reaches into the mini fridge below the nightstand and pulls out one of the baby bottles with water, placing it on top just in case)
Jasmine: (Coughs and then chokes on a sob, clawing at Nicks shirt as she tightens her grip on him)
Ma: (Starts freshening up the room by opening the blinds to let some sunlight in and picking up anything that was dropped on the floor)
Gilbert: (Very confused noodle baby as to why he’s being held so tightly by the random guy who now faintly smells like his Joyce, but whatever…)
Joyce: (Quickly washes out her mouth in the sink then runs back into her room, trying to keep a serious face while glaring at the two puppies) “We need to work on boundaries…”
Puppies: (Toppling over each other on the bed, their little tails wagging even faster when they see she returns)
Joyce: (Can’t keep a straight face and she starts laughing again, not noticing her boyfriends expression)
Teshteal: *scooting back further on the bed with Gilbert still held tightly to his chest. He keeps staring at Joyce warily. He wraps his tail around himself*
Joyce: (Walks over to pet the two sausage babies, looking up and finally noticing Teshteal backing away and his expression. Her smile disappears and her face gets riddled with worry as she steps back towards the door) “Oh, what’s wrong…?”
Gardio: *starts fastening the armor to her arm and hand with pliers and bolts*
Nick: *pats her back sweetly* It's alright, kiddo...
Jasmine: (Shifts and whines with discomfort and fear from her nightmare and the pain from her wounds, the tears dripping down her face dampening Nicks shirt)
Ma: (To Nick as she pulls out another box of tissues) “Detective Chapel was kind enough to hold her while I briefly went downstairs to get somethings done. He did a wonderful job at keeping Rosie calm.” (Rubs her hands together) “I ought to go check up on everyone and get started with the day, do you need anything before I go? I’m sure Donny will be here soon.”
Nick: *sits in the rocking chair, dabbing away more of Jas's tears with tissues* If you have some more formula, I'm sure Rosie could use a meal. Otherwise, just keep that old lullaby playing. *kind smile at the older woman. He's not at all surprised at Gardio being able to keep her calm. The man was a big softy to any kid that was brought in to the station for safe keeping after a nasty domestic disturbance*
Jasmine: (Whines in complaint when she hears about the baby bottle again, hiding her face away in Nicks shoulder while refusing to be cradled like an infant as she clings to him)
Ma: (Nods and pulls out the baby formula bottle she had made the previous night and hands it to Nick, patting Jas’s back) “Here you go, Dad. Your little one needs all the nutrients she can get if she wants to feel better.” (Warmly smiles back at the two)
Jasmine: (Huffs in response, biting down on her tongue)
Ma: (Frowns at the girls stubbornness, remembering how she struggled in her sleep) “Maybe give Rosie some time to wind down first before feeding her.”
Nick: I think you're right. *sets the bottle aside for now*
Teshteal: *blinks, trying to reorient himself. Simply but quietly* You yelled.
Joyce: (Presses back against the door) “Not at you, at the dogs. And I meant it in a playful sense...” (Clasps her hands together, tucking her hair behind her ears nervously) “I’m sorry if I scared you...”
Teshteal: *realizes how nervous she is and gets off the bed. He walks over, still holding Gilbert to his chest* I'm sorry... It's me. I'm a jumpy hypervigilant mess that gets scared at even the most playful yells. It's a wonder I've lived this long being this scared.
Joyce: (Looks her boyfriend over with worried eyes, nodding her head after a moment and relaxes) “I was jumpy at first too when I first left the Institute…” (Reaches over to scratch Gilbert’s fuzzy head) “It’s okay, it takes some time to adjust.”
Gardio: *getting the tiny bits of fingercasing is difficult because it's so small. His hands may have less mass now but they're still pretty large*
Lucille: *has a smaller hand so she has to help him with attaching things.
Pirate: (Stretches out on the bed next to Donny in his room with a loud puppy yawn, forcing him further against the wall)
Donovan: (Mumbles with annoyance in his sleep, shifting to a more comfortable position while remaining pillowless)
Ma: (Gives them both a nod before leaving the room, heading into the attic to check on her other guests. She quietly stands at the top of the stairway with a small smile, not wanting to disturb the father and daughter working together)
Jasmine: (Whimpers and sniffles at her previous night terrors, feeling sicker and weaker by the minute as the repeating words drill into her head. She suddenly lifts her head so she can look directly at Nick, keeping her arms around him. She stares at the old synth while remaining silent and expressionless, her head tilted to one side inquisitively like she’s trying to read him. Or perhaps she’s trying to make a gateway straight into his soul with her haunting doll eyes that give a crystal clear view into her own tormented soul)
Nick: *catches that look and gives her a kind reassuring smile* I'm here, doll. I'm here. *gently strokes her hair with his good hand* Love ya, kiddo.
Gardio and Lucille: *both too focused on their work to notice Ma.*
Lucille: You've gotten pretty good at robot modifications, Dad. And here I thought you only knew how to fix cars.
Gardio: Cars aren't all that different under the hood, sweety. Besides, you built that centry bot and robot build station in less than a few hours. I don't think you realize how impressive that is.
Lucille: *rolls her eyes* Please. That's nothing. Factories built robots in seconds-
Gardio: It usually took a skilled robot expert an entire day to cobble a protectron together back in the day.
Lucille: They were able to take their time, too. I don't have that luxury, Dad.
Teshteal: I don't know... it's been over a hundred years and I'm only just now feeling "normal."
Joyce: (Thinks it over with herself, trying to come up with the right words) “Well... How long have you been in good living conditions? That plays a big role in how you heal from trauma...”
Gilbert: (Wiggles in Teshteal’s arms, trying to reach for his Joyce now that she’s close. Obviously she’s upset about something, so now he’s needed as an emotional support raccoon scarf)
Ma: (Quietly leaves and heads into her sons room, carefully peeking her head in. She crosses her arms when she sees his current sleeping situation that can’t be too comfy) “Pirate.”
Pirate: (Lazily lifts her head with a low woof, like she’s responding to Ma with a “what” like she isn’t taking up all the bed space along with most of the blanket and pillow)
Ma: (Shoos Pirate off the bed, tenderly lifting up Donny and sets him down on the center of his bed on his pillow. She drapes the blanket back over him, tucking it in snuggly)
Jasmine: (Gets a little glimmer in her dead, dull eyes that are still dripping tears as she raises her hand to gently run her fingers down the side of Nick's cheek and neck, feeling the rough out texture of what makes up his skin. Her eyes slowly glaze over the cracks and wear and tear on the synthetic skin on his face and neck, blinking at the missing patches that expose his metal skeleton and the wires that run through his body. She’s not looking at him with judgment or with disgust, more with childlike curiosity than anything if one can even read her true emotions through her almost soulless deadpan expression)
Nick: *not changing his facial expression as she explores his face. His joints in his jaw can get pretty pinchy*
Gardio: *sighs defeatedly* I just think you're very good at what you do, sweetheart. Even if you don't think so. *pauses to pet her head*
Teshteal: *lets the noodle go to his owner so he can do his job* A day or so... I wandered a lot for most of my life then I lived in a dumpster next to my childhood home. It was cozy but it was also kind of... dirty.
Gilbert: (Immediately snuggles under his Joyce’s neck when he’s handed to her, sniffing her over to check that she’s alright)
Joyce: (Holds her fuzzy scarf close, listening to her boyfriend speak with more worry glistening in her eyes when she hears that he’s only been living “normally” for a day) “And you were alone out there….” (Reaches out to take his hand)
Teshteal: *doesn't stops her but his grip isn't tight. He's lost in his thoughts again* Yes... not that anyone would want me around. I'm too annoying and stupid. Everyone leaves or gets sick of me eventually.
Jasmine: (After a moment she takes Nick’s exposed metal hand in one of hers while keeping the other on his cheek, running her fingers over the frame of his palm and up his forearm where the skin had probably been torn off long before she showed up, blinking in thought. Next she takes his covered hand and intertwines her much smaller and softer fingers with his, holding them up slightly. She stares at their joined hands and the one on his face with a tilted head like she’s examining the vast contrast of his palish white skin and her warmer golden honey tone)
Nick: *gently nods at her holding his hands*
Jasmine: (Releases his hand and goes back to feeling his face and neck with both of her hands, tilting her head to the other side as her inquisitive eyes study the largest tears in his neck and forehead. She carefully traces her fingers over them, lightly brushing over his metal skull and jaw and the missing patches in his neck. If she was fully aware of what she was doing or even where she was, she’d apologize because she just started touching Nicks face and neck while staring intently at him out of the blue without at least asking first. But she doesn’t look a bit ashamed as she takes in a full profile of Nicks unique features, still just full of childlike curiosity but she’s not saying anything as her brain defaults to the basics of what she knows. It was another thing the vault taught her, to not ask questions, especially when you could figure out the answers for yourself. Better that everyone think you know nothing when you in fact know everything)
Joyce: (Gently squeezes his hand, looking at him with the most caring and sweet eyes) “Hey... I promise I’ll never just leave you like that. That's just horrible...” (Moves to pull him in close so she can comfort him)
Teshteal: You haven't seen me at my most insufferable. You'll see why people abandon me.
Lucille: *still helping her dad with her hand*
Nick: *wondering why she's doing this* You act like you've never seen my face before. We both know that's not true.
Jasmine: (Looks directly into his eyes as she slowly blinks without answering, her hand on his neck moving down to take his good hand once more and lock their fingers together. She leans forwards to affectionately press her forehead against Nick’s while her thumb strokes his cheek, her hand squeezing his as she closes her eyes) (Quietly and hoarsely) “Dad.” (Says it like she’s knighting him a title despite having calling him her father for the past few days out loud and even longer in her own head)
Joyce: (Puts her arm around her boyfriends shoulder, setting down Gilbert on the bed so she can cup his cheek and lift his face to her) "Teshteal, love..."
Gilbert: (Offended that he was just tossed onto the bed like nothing, his mouth dropping open. He tries to jump and make a fuss about it but he gets attacked by two mini sausages who see him as a loooong version of themselves)
Teshteal: *his sad, doubtful, and fearful eyes glisten with tears as he looks up at her beautiful face. How can she possibly love an unlovable monster like him?*
Nick: *that worries him but he's not showing it. Reassuringly* I'm here, doll...
Jasmine: (New tears well up in her eyes as her bottom lip trembles, her face briefly filling with pain and fear from her thoughts, but gets followed by recognition and deep fondness for her father. She lets go of his hand just so that she can wrap both of her arms tightly around Nick and hide her face in the crook of his neck) “Daddy…” (Just needed to cement who he was to her in her own fractured mind, make sure she doesn’t go on and rewrite him as anything less. Since she has no grip on reality, he's really the only person keeping her in it right now)
Joyce: (Slowly starts rubbing his shoulder, her emerald eyes sparkling with adoration) “If I can’t love you when you are at your worst, then I can’t say I truly care about you at all...”
Gilbert: (Squeaks in annoyance as he’s trampled and overwhelmed with puppy feet and kisses)
Teshteal: *a tear falls from his eyes. Voices scream that he doesn't deserve this kindness. This pure acceptance. That he's lucky Gardio himself put up with him before the war. He'll mess this up. He always does. She doesn't deserve that-*
Nick: *rubs circles in her back gently* It's okay, kiddo...
Jasmine: (Her mind blares and shrieks louder and adds more haze to her vision, but she just cuddles up closer with a small whimper. She then carefully rearranges herself so she’s cradled in Nick’s lap like a baby with her arms still around him, nuzzling back up against his chest with a small hum of content at the familiar scent of cigarette along with the sound of his inner machinery whirling. All signs that she is in the warm safety that is Dad)
Ma: (Downstairs warming herself some breakfast, frowning when she remembers that the med room is probably bloody again and is in need of cleaning along with the top of the lighthouse. They’ll have to replace the glass up there, which means ordering new ones from the main farm unless they can find some all the way out here)
Joyce: (Wipes the tear of his face) “And I mean it. I care about you as you are, Teshteal. Flaws and all.” (Opens her arms wide to offer a full hug with a gentle and warm smile) “Come here, if it’ll make you feel better…”
Teshteal: *carefully and shyly approaches to give his girlfriend a hug. Whispers* I always ruin good things... it's only a matter of time... *rests his head on her shoulder nervously*
Joyce: (Encases Teshteal in a tight embrace, slowly rubbing the back of his head and neck as she sways from side to side) “And what could you possibly do to ruin this? I already said I love you as you are, so what could change that?”
Gilbert: (Squeaks in annoyance on the bed, shooting daggers at the puppies that are keeping him from running back to his Joyce)
Puppies: (Have no clue that the strange noodle dog finds them ti be a nuisance, they just wanna play)
Nick: *just keeps reassuringly rubbing her back and shoulders to calm her down*
Jasmine: (Sniffles on some tears, briefly turning away from her Dad to cough in her arm before she returns to cuddling as close to him as she can. She would hide in his coat if he was wearing one to help her feel closer and more secure, but she instead just grips onto his shirt while taking deep breaths)
Teshteal: You have no idea what kind of monster they were turning me into... You saw those mutants. I barely broke a sweat. It only takes one specific word to make me snap and mindlessly kill every last living thing within a 100-mile radius. *closes his eyes tearfully* I was made to infiltrate, torture, and kill. All it would take is for someone to say the right word in the right way for me to hurt you. *grips her shirt tightly* You're making a deal with the devil by choosing to love me.
Joyce: (Gently tilts her boyfriends face so he’s looking up at her, her emerald green eyes staring back at him thoughtfully) “But I know why you killed those mutants, it wasn’t for your own personal gain. And if you were to ever hurt me, I know it would never be on purpose. So what kind of monster are you guilty of being?”
Nick: *nods. Softly* Easy, doll... easy...
Jasmine: (Shifts uncomfortably, then raises her head to look at Nick with teary eyes. She makes the “T” sign and twists her hand side to side to sign that she needs to use the bathroom)
Nick: *nods* Alright. Read you loud and clear. *stands and takes her to the bathroom. He leaves the door gapped so he can keep an eye on her without invading her privacy*
Teshteal: *sniffs* The kind that finds joy in the kill. I do enjoy it in a sick sense. There's a... a rush. Raiders used to enjoy throwing me against feral ghouls and all sorts of things they could fight... including other people. And I loved every second of it until I realized what exactly I had done. You shouldn't trust me. *quietly* No one should...
Joyce: (Lightly taps the bottom of his chin) “I’ll be honest, I have a hard time believing that you really enjoyed that… Not after I’ve seen how kindhearted you are. And you say that you eventually realized what you were doing and stopped? That’s better than continuing killing…”
Jasmine: (Leans on the sink for balance and catches a warm sun beam on her face from the window above, making her stop with wide eyes. She feels a prickle on her skin that almost feels like a light buzzing massage, wheels turning in her head when it registers what this is and her mind muffles out everything else. She quickly uses the toilet and washes her hands, then snatches a towel from under the sink and wraps it over her shoulders to cover up as she carefully climbs out of the window and up onto the roof without making much noise, being small and nimble enough to do so and devoted hard enough to reach the sunlight that it becomes her primary goal, which means she temporarily forgets about her previous fears about being separated from Nick and the pain from her wounds)
Lucille: *testing her dexterity in her newly modified arm and hand* Wow. Nick would barely recognize his old arm. *making her hand into a first* You did good, Dad.
Gardio: *proud smile* Wouldn't have been able to do it without you...
Nick: You good in there? *checks and notices the window's open. Wordlessly rushes to it and looks outside to find her. He turns and leans his back out of the window to look up and catches a brief glimps of her feet* What is she doing up there? *climbs out himself*
Jasmine: (Doing her best to only let her knees, feet, and hands touch the dirty roof as she crawls to get away from the ledge, hissing through her teeth with the pain moving brings. She looks around and finds that a platform with a staircase that leads back to the ground was added to the top of the roof, her first though being that it’s a lookout point but then she sees that a double reclining sun lounger has been placed on the platform, making a nice place to relax and enjoy the breeze or the sun)
Nick: *from afar, but he's raised the volume of his voice so she can hear* Decided to get some fresh air, hm? Why didn't you just say so? *isn't all to opposed to her climbing on the roof- she's pulled more dangerous skits than this. Besides if it isn't hurting her, then why should he stop her*
Teshteal: ...I only stopped when they were dead. *wants her to realize just who she's holding. A monster. A demon. A bloodthirsty beast.*
Joyce: (Still swaying him lovingly side to side as she starts to pet his hair again to comfort him) “And how did you feel about that after it happened? Has it changed to how you feel now?”
Ma: (Finished her food and is cleaning the med room once again, scrubbing away any blood that was dribbled onto the floor or on the cot)
Jasmine: (Snaps out of it at the sound of Nick's voice and stops crawling, turning around to face him. She sits on her knees while she blinks to process her commanding thoughts that had almost completely taken a hold without her noticing. She points to the sun, then to the platform with lounge chair to try and help express and sort her jumbled mind) “…..…” (Suddenly whimpers loudly as she holds out her arms to her Dad to be picked up when it hits her that she is currently in extreme pain because of her wounds and at the fact that she's outside while only in her undies and a towel that's draped around her shoulders. A very stupid decision on her part, but she wanted to bask in the sunshine)
Nick: Okay, Rosie. *nods and scoops her up. He takes her to the lounge chairs and holds her in his lap so she can enjoy the sunlight*
Jasmine: (Raises her face to the warm sun, humming softly as she relaxes in her Dads arms completely and the fear melts away. It’s warm out today, winter finally kicking the bucket and letting spring arrive. She ends up tossing aside the towel so she can feel more of the suns rays on her, although she’s still covered in bandages)
Teshteal: I felt like I was some uncontrollable beast and now I'm not sure if it's even safe to be close to people...
Joyce: (Frowns a little) “But everybody needs somebody in their life… Besides, you seem pretty tame to me. If you were so uncontrollable, would you have hurt the girl for attacking Donny upstairs? For putting me in danger?”
Teshteal: Not necessarily for hurting him- but if the circumstances were right, the programming might push me to do so since she's a higher ranked soldier. Even though we're safeguarding each other.
Joyce: (Blinks a little in confusion) “I’m sorry, I’m a little lost. Higher rank…? Safeguarding? And higher ranked soldier? She’s a little girl.”
Nick: *glad this is soothing her. It is pretty nice out for a change*
Jasmine: (Starts peeling off her bandages around her waist and chest, working a little too harshly as she’s done in the past because she can’t really coordinate her motor skills properly. Her wounds are still aching like mad and some are even still bleeding a little when she moves)
Teshteal: That vault made soldiers out of anyone who had potential. The best ones were ranked highest but even that life was torturous. It only proved how physically capable you were of taking someone else's life. They tried to condition us to be predispositioned to want to kill each other. So... if it weren't for the fact we're free of them and that we've decided to safeguard each other, one of us would be dead by now.
Joyce: (Eyes widen even more and she clutches Teshteal tighter) “But you don’t actually want to kill her even if you’re conditioned to, you saved her. And she doesn’t want to kill you either…”
Nick: *grabs her hands to stop her* I don't know why you want to peel these off so badly this time, but you need to stop.
Jasmine: (Whines in complaint like a toddler, shaking her head vigorously but she doesn’t struggle like usual. She tries to point to the sun while her hands are restrained, then at the cuts on her body like she’s trying to say there’s a connection between the two)
Nick: *wonders if the sun helps heal her wounds* Alright. But you're gonna have to let me take them off for you. I'm worried you might make the wounds worse. *starts gently removing the bandages* Just don't start clawing at yourself, alright?
Jasmine: (Nods and calms down, putting down her hands to let him take off the bandages. She stares up at Nick with childlike eye, keeping her focus on him so she doesn’t see the words she carved into her own skin)
Teshteal: I can't say if she doesn't want me dead but I certainly don't want her to die. *sadly* If our programming overrides our want to protect each other then I can't say either of us are safe.
Joyce: (Pulls back slightly to look at her boyfriend) “…Have you discussed this with the rest of your group? What to do if things get out of hand?” (Takes a deep breath) “And can she actually kill you if she wanted…?”
Teshteal: Nick has the code words- he's one of the ones with authority over both of us. I assume he can stop us if things get out of hand. *quietly* I haven't told Dio, yet... but I don't think he needs to know. *even quieter as he looks away from Joyce, remembering how inferior he is to Jas* Nick might not be fast enough to use them if she tries to kill me. I'll probably die first...
Nick: *very carefully removes the bandages for her, revealing the wounds to the sun*
Jasmine: (Sighs with relief when the bandages are finally gone, she felt like a mummy with all of them tightly wrapped around her. A very uncomfortable and restricted mummy. She stretches out with an adorable sleepy kitten yawn, slowly running her hands over herself as she hums sweetly again at the sunbeams hitting her terribly marred skin. Pretty soon, the prickling that she felt on her face starts to spread to wherever areas are under direct sunlight, a sign that her boosted healing enhancements are starting to work)
Joyce: (Squeezes his hand, again remembering how Jasmine had fought Donny and had the upper hand even when she was horribly injured, and her brother had said she wasn’t trying to hurt him. It frightens her a little to think that the girl is capable of doing more) “…That “might” doesn’t sound like something we can just leave hanging in the air. Not if safety is a concern.” (Gently cups Teshteals face, deep concern in her eyes)
Teshteal: You don't understand... there's nothing that CAN be done once she's targeting you that way. If she can't control herself and goes in for the kill, no one can stop her. It's a lost cause, either way.
Joyce: (Almost fearfully) “There has to be something...”
Nick: There. Better? *small smile down at the teen*
Jasmine: (Nods her head as she continues to stretch out, her eyes sparkling a little. She doesn’t normally use this method of healing as it requires her to strip down to her underwear or the equivalent of a two piece bathing suit then lay outside completely exposed in direct sunlight. Considering she’s normally dressed in layers and doesn’t even like removing her jacket when outside or in the presence of others, this usually would send splitting alarm bells in her head. Besides, why would she want to heal wounds that she purposely made to bring her relieving pain. But right now she has Dad watching over her and no one can see her up here unless they climb a tree so she feels completely safe, and she feels a little more compelled to heal her wounds this time around)
Ma: (Wonders if Nick would like to give his daughter some bone broth, its highly nutritious and should be easy on the girls stomach. She heads back to the guestroom to ask, finding them both gone. Puzzled she starts searching the house, checking everywhere except Joyce's room. When she finds no sign of them she heads into the attic and taps on the wall) “Do either of you two happen to know where Detective Valentine went? Both him and Rosalinda are missing from the room.”
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sixhours · 3 months ago
bright spots - chapter 16
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Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Teen Words: 2.9k Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel & Ellie, Joel Miller, Ellie Williams, Marlene, canon divergence, hospital AU, medical stuff, blood, hurt/comfort, angst, canon-typical violence, vomiting, implied rape/sexual assault, I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
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Joel estimates it’s about fifteen feet from Ellie’s bed to the toilet, and in her current state, weakened from the fever and after days spent in bed, he thinks it might take about the same number of minutes just to get her there.
“I gotcha, I gotcha. Focus on your feet, not on me.”
“That’s what I’m doing, but it’s fucking hard–”
“You’re doin’ fine. C’mon, only–”
He looks behind him, gauging the distance. They’ve moved maybe five feet.
“Almost there,” he says instead.
“Yeah, right,” she huffs, frowning in concentration.
She takes another shuffling step, gripping his forearms hard enough that he has to force himself not to flinch. She should have a therapist, someone working with her on this shit, but the Fireflies obviously don’t care if she’s mobile. Fine with them if she rots in bed as long as the fungus thrives inside her.
A few minutes and many slow, shuffling steps later, they cross the threshold into the bathroom. She’s breathing harder than he’d like, but she’s still upright and holding most of her own weight, and she has enough dexterity to let go of him and brace herself on the bathroom sink. Progress is progress.
“Dude, I am not pissing in front of you,” she says.
“I can get one of the nur–”
He eyes the distance to the toilet, a whole three feet to the other side of the room that she’ll have to cross alone. Plus the sitting and standing and wrangling with her scrub pants.
“I’m fine,” she insists.
“Alright,” he sighs, retreating just outside the door. “I’ll be right here, okay? Call if you need me. Take it slow, and don’t try to–”
“I know how to fucking pee, Joel.”
He sighs again, leaving the door open just a crack so he can hear her.
“Fully closed!” she snaps.
“Right,” he mutters, biting his tongue. Then he settles in to wait, listening intently for the sound of her crashing to the floor, tries not to imagine her slipping on the tile. With his good ear pressed to the door, he can’t tell if she’s being extra quiet or just not moving at all. A minute passes and he hesitates before tapping lightly. 
“Ellie? You good?”
“I’m fine! Cover your fucking ears!”
He snorts, hears her swearing under her breath, so fucking embarrassing.
They’ve spent the last week attached at the hip until he wasn’t sure who was clinging to who. Rationally he knows she’s young and strong and her recovery is going well. The infection was more bark than bite, they caught it early, and it responded to antibiotics. But the part of him that once held his dying baby girl in his arms won’t be soothed by reason.
He thinks about Sarah, six years old and riding away on her bike, training wheels off as she weaved and wobbled, tamping down on the urge to chase after her and set her straight. He’d been forced to watch as she veered too far left, tipped, and landed in the hedge. All scrapes and bruises and teary demands to kiss it better before going again. He’d never had the time to be a helicopter parent before, but with Ellie, all he has is time.
It’s an all too familiar sensation, the feeling of watching his heart walk around outside his body, and lately, he’s worrying his bottom lip raw with the realization that Ellie is more than a kid he’s come to care for.
She’s his kid, just as much as Sarah was.
“Ellie?” he tries again when it’s been at least five minutes (maybe more like two) and he thinks he hears the water running.
“Oh my god, Joel, I’m almost done.”
“Alright, alright, I’m–I’m just–”
The door swings open and she leans on the frame, eyes shooting daggers at him.
“You wash your hands?” he says, for lack of anything more clever.
“Ugh! Yes, I washed my fucking hands.”
“Alright then, back to bed.”
She holds out an arm to brace herself against him but he fights every instinct he has and takes a step back. The training wheels have to come off sometime.
“Try it on your own.”
“C’mon, man, I’m tired.”
“You got enough energy to whine, you can get yourself to bed. You gotta build your strength back up, and you’re not gonna do that hangin’ off me.”
Jaw set and with a disgruntled growl, she takes her first shuffling step. Then two. It’s seven steps in before he relents and reaches out an arm to help steady her, one more before she takes it and leans on him more fully. He can feel the tremor in her grip.
“How is this so fucking hard?” she laments when she finally flops down onto the mattress with a groan. “Now I know how it feels to be old as dirt.”
“It’ll get easier,” he says, taking the seat next to her. “An’ I resemble that remark.”
“Yeah, you do,” she says with a sleepy smirk.
“Rest up and keep workin’ on it and you’ll be runnin’ circles around me in no time.”
She grumbles but doesn’t offer any further response, so he holds up her copy of Little Women. “Wanna read?”
“Yeah,” she sighs, burrowing into her bed. “But you read; my eyes hurt.”
It’s a common request now, when she’s too weak or headachy to read to herself. She’s dozing by the time he’s finished the chapter, so he dog-ears the page and sets it down. Smoothing the hair from her forehead, he leans down and presses a kiss there.
He tells himself he’s checking her temperature, but she hasn’t had one for days.
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“No time” turns out to be two weeks, give or take. They take walks around the ward, gauging her progress by the number of empty rooms they pass before she has to lean on him. Soon enough she can loop the floor before she needs a rest, and by week two she’s almost back to full strength.
Meanwhile, there are no more tests. Marlene and her asshole doctor make themselves scarce and thank fuck for that. Ellie doesn’t ask questions, and Joel doesn’t bring it up, hoping she’s finally starting to see the danger of Marlene’s influence. Maybe the fever, horrible as it was, burned some sense into her. He’s even started to hope that they could leave the Fireflies and get back to Jackson before cold weather sets in, but he holds out, telling himself she needs to rest and recover…and he needs more time to figure out how to navigate that conversation.
But then it all goes to shit.
He’d laid down to nurse a headache and must have dozed off, because he wakes to the sound of Marlene’s low voice on the other side of the curtain. Something in her tone sets his teeth on edge, and he waits, feigning sleep, trying to understand what he’s hearing.
“...but I know it’s not what you were hoping for.”
“She would be so proud of you, Ellie. We all are. Anna was so brave and…you’re so much like her.”
More silence. His gut twists, intuition bringing him to his feet, and he pulls back the curtain. Ellie is sitting up in bed, eyes red-rimmed, staring mutely at her hands in her lap.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says. “Everythin’ alright?”
She doesn’t answer. He looks at Marlene.
“What happened?”
“Nothing,” Marlene sighs, getting up with a wary eye toward Ellie. “Just…some hard truths.”
He’s trying to figure out what the hell that means, but Marlene ducks her head and leaves the room before he can ask. So he goes to Ellie and puts a careful hand on her shoulder.
“Ellie? Hey–”
“I’m fine, Joel,” she mutters.
“Y’don’t sound fine.”
“I said I’m fine,” she says thickly, swiping at her eyes.
He kneels, trying to look into her face, reaching for her hand. “C’mon, honey, talk to me.”
“Go away,” she whispers, so low Joel doesn’t catch it at first.
“What baby?”
“I said, go away,” she grits out, pulling out of his grasp and throwing herself onto her side, turning away from him, shutting him out.
He stands, rooted in place, numb. Wonders how everything went wrong, what changed in the short half hour his eyes were closed.
Marlene, he thinks, rage beginning to percolate in his veins. It’s always fuckin’ Marlene. This is Tommy all over again.
But it’s not. Because he’s not going to lose Ellie, too. He can’t.
With that, he turns and stalks out of the room and down the hall. He wonders what bald-faced lies she’s told her, wonders if he’s the subject this time or just collateral damage.
He finds Marlene in her office, shadows lining her face in the light of a single desk lamp, a half-empty glass of whiskey at hand. The guards flanking her door don’t block his way, but they don’t leave, either.
“The fuck did you say to her?” he demands.
Marlene doesn’t look up from her papers, even though she’s not writing. “I told her the truth.”
“What does that mean?”
A deep sigh. For her part, she looks almost regretful.
“She asked me about her father.”
He stiffens. He knows Marlene told Ellie things about her past, about her mother. He’d never heard anything about a father but that wasn’t surprising. Single parents were the rule, not the exception, and since Ellie had never brought it up, it didn’t seem right to pry.
“And?” he prompts, shifting uneasily from one foot to the other.
She looks at him, dark-ringed eyes and exhaustion in every crease and line of her face. She’s aged ten years since they first found the hospital, he thinks.
He can’t say he has much sympathy.
“At one point,” she begins, sitting back in her chair. “Anna was put in FEDRA lockup for a month. She was accused of affiliating with terrorists. At the time, we thought she was lucky to get off with a month in lockup and not a hanging…but I suppose it’s all relative.
“She came back...different. You know how ruthless the FEDRA soldiers could be,” she says, eyeing him.
He does know. He spent some time in lockup himself for one reason or another–late for curfew, drunk and disorderly once–and he remembers Tess saying it was always worse for women. But again, he tries and fails to find sympathy, bites his tongue on a snide retort. FEDRA was ruthless, but the Fireflies were hardly saints.
“They didn’t need a reason to keep her as long as they wanted. We think she was tortured, but she wouldn’t talk about it. They were trying to get her to give up the names of higher-ups…like me.”
He folds his arms. “So?”
“A couple months later…Anna took a pregnancy test,” she says, swirling the dregs of her drink and downing it. “You know the rest.”
Joel’s blood turns to ice.
“I told her to terminate the pregnancy,” Marlene says flatly. “A baby? In this shit? But she wouldn’t. Anna wasn’t religious, but she…she was an optimist. She was always…hopeful…like that. She wanted it.”
It, he thinks angrily, fists clenching. Even now, the girl who sat in the room down the hall was just it to this woman.
“Why the hell would you tell her somethin’ like that?”
“Because she asked. And she deserves to know the truth. She would have figured it out sooner or later.”
“That ain’t…that don’t make it right. You don’t get to…to decide that for her. Jesus, Marlene, everythin’ she’s doin’ for you–”
“For the cause.”
“You an’ your fuckin’ cause!” he snarls. “You’ve got nothin’ without that girl and now you go an’–”
“You don’t fucking understand,” she says, and her voice sounds close to breaking. “I see that girl, and I see…I see Anna. Anna would still be alive if–”
“No,” he growls. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth.”
“I see everything I lost.”
“She didn’t ask for any of this,” he fires back. “So don’t fuckin’ take that out on her.”
She sits back, sneering.
“You know, I haven’t been able to figure it out. Why you seem to have her wrapped around your little finger. Does she know who you are, Joel? Does she know the things you’ve done?”
“This ain’t about m–”
“I don’t think she does,” she cuts him off coldly. “And then, there’s you. In all the time I’ve known you, from everything your brother told me, you’ve been nothing but a cold-hearted killer. Unless…”
She cocks her head, eyes widening, shining with recognition.
“Tommy alluded to someone…but I never got it out of him. He was always so loyal to you, even after…I never understood it.”
“You wouldn’t,” Joel grits out, barely able to speak around the painful clench of his teeth.
“Was it a girl? Or a boy?”
His brow furrows, nostrils flaring.
“I’m guessing a girl. It’s the only reason I can think a bastard like you would care this much.”
He’s on her before he can stop himself, hand wrapped around her throat, pulling her up out of her chair and driving her back until she hits the wall with a thud. The sounds of rifles being cocked behind him ring in his ears but he doesn’t loosen his grip, the satisfaction of doing the thing he’s wanted to do ever since they got here.
“Go ahead,” she spits, almost smiling. “You kill me and they’ll put a bullet in your head before I hit the ground.”
He sneers, redoubles his effort just to hear the sound, that last gurgling, wheezing breath.
Her words are a croak. “She’ll…be…alone…”
That relaxes his grip, hand shaking as it is with the force of it. She grins then, draws in a lungful of air, and laughs, a wet, gurgling chuckle that turns Joel’s stomach. But he lets go, puts his hands up in surrender.
Marlene cups her throat, still that smug, self-satisfied grin.
“Go back…to your girl,” she rasps.
With a low growl, he turns on his heel and leaves, shouldering roughly past the guards. He doesn’t go back to their room. He walks down the hall, past the nurse’s station, past the stairwell, until he’s reached the next wing. He ducks into one of the empty rooms and presses his forehead to the cool concrete wall.
His chest is on fire, his fists refuse to unclench. He’s so fucking helpless, so useless he could sob. He can’t protect her from Marlene, can’t protect her from her own misguided sense of virtue, can’t stop this machine from moving forward and grinding away at her, taking pieces of her along with every ounce of blood, every biopsy. He’s so angry and there’s nowhere for it to go. And his rage does nothing for her. Fifty-seven years old but he still feels like that twenty-something kid with a world of responsibility on too-thin shoulders.
Ellie. His Ellie. The girl who saved him more than once, brought him back to life in a way he’s only just beginning to understand. She’s not going to survive this.
There’s only one option he can see.
He wipes roughly at his eyes and breathes through it, wrestles his fury into submission, tames it and gentles it, tells it to wait.
He’s going to need it to get them out.
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As soon as the words left Marlene’s mouth, she’d felt herself go numb.
Your father was a FEDRA soldier.
She’d understood the implication from the way she’d said it, disgust written on her face. Ellie doesn’t even have a name to go with the crime of her conception. Just ‘a FEDRA soldier.’ He could have been one of her instructors at school, one of the guards. He could be dead now.
She hopes he is.
She wasn’t stupid or naive; she’d been raised in a military school where control was the law. She knew that sometimes rape was used as a punishment, she knew which guards to avoid, she knew students who traded sexual favors for immunity. But she’d also had a modicum of shelter; Riley was a force, older and stronger and full of fury, with the kind of self-confidence that comes from having known the love of a family. And Ellie hasn’t asked, but she suspects Marlene was pulling strings behind the scenes to keep her out of trouble.
Violent heart.
David’s words come back to her, a black seed planted low in her gut back in the cold winter mountains, blooming like a poisoned flower in the light. She knows what he wanted from her, what he’d intended to do, what he would have done if she hadn’t chopped him to pieces.
But maybe he’d simply seen what others couldn’t.
She feels the badness in her like a physical thing, a cold stone stuck in her throat. Her mother suffered, and she suddenly hates her for that, hates this woman she’s never met who chose to bring her into the world knowing she was a half-child, half-loved, half-wanted. Left her with a cordyceps-riddled body and a single switchblade and a scar that runs deeper than the bite on her arm.
Now she kills every good thing she touches.
She curls up in her bed and lets her mind drift away. She doesn’t hear Joel return, but she can sense his presence, hovering at the edges, always there. He’s worried, she knows. He’s always worried. She vaguely thinks she heard yelling from down the hall, wonders if Marlene told him, if he knows her shameful secret.
Maybe he should have left her and saved himself the trouble. It’s only a matter of time before she hurts him, too.
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didyoulookforme · 4 months ago
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sight of you
part of give me a moment (aka stylist au)
because you’re his stylist, you of course have to help him get ready before shows. and this is one of those days. happens a few weeks after need you tonight.
warning: 18+, smut. he’s still a jerk. grammatical errors and typos likely.
au masterlist here
turns out you did end up seeing matty that night after you went down on him, part of you hoping that more would happen but nothing actually did. you guess you’d expected him to want to fuck (you’d obviously say ‘yes’) so you were taken by surprise when you just spent hours talking instead.
“are you enjoying yourself on tour?” yes.
“was this job what you expected it to be?” for the most part, yes.
“do you like this shirt i got?” to be honest, not really. doesn’t fit you properly but there’s another one that i think might look better. just ask me next time.
“last night was nice, y’know… ” really? 
“i, um, do want to see you. but i don’t want to hurt you.” you won’t.
but you knew all too well that was a blatant lie.
yes, you started to spend more time together. yes, you two would kiss for hours on end on some nights. yes, you swallowed his cum whenever you could. yes, you started having sex when your hands and mouths weren’t enough anymore. and yes, it did fucking hurt to see him come back from sleeping with someone else.
there were plenty of nights when you’d patiently wait on that same spot against the tour bus or even seated at the end of your hotel bed (when you had one) just in case matty showed up as he'd said he would. honestly, you preferred for him to not arrive at all than having to see him make his way with another girl. if that happened, he would just walk past, not giving you an ounce of attention. it was usually the women who would wave “hello” or compliment your dress instead, probably a garment you choose because he had previously loved it on you.
you knew the consequences when you decided to start having this thing, whatever you want to call it, with him. you understood he probably wouldn’t stop sleeping with others, but at least you were now one of them, too. 
“no strings attached, right?” yes, that's okay…
“matty, what exactly are you doing over there?”
you’d been focused on steaming his blazer, carefully smoothing out every wrinkle that when you caught sight of him in the mirror, you had to do a double take. he’s sitting at the vanity, shirtless, staring at his reflection as he seemingly applies paint on his stomach. guess he’s lost inside his mind as he doesn’t bother to answer, so you walk over to get a closer look.
“love me, huh? is that your favourite song now?” it’s definitely one of yours. “or are you really that desperate?”
he finally stands up to admire his work, capping your now ruined eyeshadow and tossing it into your makeup bag. “can’t hurt, darling.” in another reality, you’d be smacking that smug grin off his face, but in this world, he loves it when you try. go figure.
the letters stand out starkly on his pale skin, some of the loose powder already smudging at the edges. they’re messy, fading in places, and curiously it suits him. bold but never too precise. feels almost careless, like everything else he does.
love me.
such a him thing to do. put his need for attention out in the open even though he never has to worry about having a lack of it. not like dozens of girls don’t write that same line on cardboard signs they hold up night after night.
it’s a familiar dance between you two. him always needing to be the sole focus, you pretending it annoys you when really, it’s half the reason you’re so down for him. honestly, though, all you can do is laugh, rolling your eyes as you turn back to finish getting his garments ready.
but just as you start to walk away, you feel his arms snake around your waist, pulling you back to him.
“matty, if you mess up my shirt, i fucking swear...” you protest half-heartedly, trying to break free from his hold. however, you don’t really mean it. there’s something undeniably comforting about the way his chest feels pressed against your back, his breath warm against your neck, curls brushing against your cheek. weirdly feels like home, but you’re terrified to admit it.
“just take it off, then.” his voice is just above a whisper, a combination of amusement and lust that sends a jolt of electricity straight to your heart. “plus,” he turns you around, capturing your lips in a kiss that’s fast, messy, just the way he seems to like it. “‘m pretty sure it is mine, anyway.”
there’s never been anyone who could take over every single cell in your body the way he does, and you can’t find it in yourself to deny him. his hands work at the buttons of your now stained shirt while his tongue invades your mouth, making you dizzy with need. he pulls away only long enough to shove the fabric off your shoulders, leaving you in a wine-colored bra. the same shade as your newly manicured nails. never a coincidence and he knows it.
the warmth of his gaze lingers on your chest, taking in every inch of your skin before his fingertips ghost over the mesh fabric, circling your nipples until they harden under his touch. you can practically feel the smirk on his lips before he leans down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth to roughly suck on it, leaving a damp mark behind when he has to kiss you again.
it doesn’t take long before you're straddling his thigh on the couch, your body already moving on its own, want overtaking reason at that second. “we don’t have time,” the words come out breathless as you grind on him, the friction delicious against your clit. matty's hands tighten on your hips, guiding your movements to become faster. “don’t really care. not like they can start without me anyway,” his lips brushing yours before pulling you into another kiss that only makes you want him more.
your body feels like it’s already burning from the inside out, every nerve on edge, your heart pounding as you nod in silent agreement, words no longer able to form. his fingers move with ease, undoing the clasp of your bra and finally freeing your breasts. the second his mouth is on your flesh once more, teasing and bitting, it’s like you’re completely under a messed up spell.
you can’t help the way you squirm, your hips rocking forward without a thought anymore, making a mess of the dark material you’d so carefully picked out for him that same afternoon. but you don’t even care. not right now, anyway. you just want focus on how good it feels, how his mouth on yours pulls these desperate little sounds from his throat, and how his hands somehow keep you grounded in reality, even though your body feels like it might fall apart at any minute.
leaning back, you arch just enough to give him a full view as you ride his thigh, your wetness now definitely soaking into his pants, the evidence of just how much you want him impossible to hide. his teeth pull at his bottom lip when he notices, and his fingers find your nipples again, pinching just hard enough to make you gasp. it’s too much, but you don’t want him to stop, not when your whole body is trembling, not when you can feel the pleasure building, relentless. and when you come, shaking and grinding hard against him, the rest of the world finally dissolves around you.
"jesus, fuck, you’re perfect," his voice low and rough. "need to be inside you. now." you don’t hesitate, your fingers rapidly moving to unbutton his pants. matty tears open a condom with his teeth, sliding it on while never breaking eye contact, the intensity now almost unbearable. as you sink down onto him, the stretch and pressure is heavenly. every inch of him hits just right, and it leaves you too dazed to think about anything else, just the way he fills you completely.
his hands grip your hips, guiding you, urging you to ride him faster. the leather couch beneath you creaks with every movement, but it's a distant sound compared to your high pitched moans and his countless praises. you can’t ignore how he watches you, his head tilted back but his stare locked on your chest, following every bounce of your breasts like he’s memorizing the way your body moves. his hands slide up your ass, fingers pressing into your skin just hard enough to leave a mark, and part of you likes that. knowing you’ll have a reminder tomorrow, a physical trace of this moment when he was completely lost in you and only you.
it feels like you're about to give out, your legs aching, but it doesn’t matter. every time he pulls you down harder, it sends a surge of pleasure through you, and the way his gaze now shifts from your breasts to your face. it’s like he’s seeing right through you, and it makes your pulse race even faster.
and just as you're getting near your release, teetering on that delightful edge, the door swings open. your heart nearly drops to your gut as george steps halfway into the greenroom. “hey, matty, i—" he freezes mid-sentence, eyes widening as they lock onto the sight in front of him. matty's arms wrap around you, pulling you close to shield your nakedness. you knew it was too late, though. 
“what in the actual fuck.” george’s voice is caught somewhere between shock and a laugh he can’t quite hold back. “holy shit, i knew it. i always knew something was up with you two.”
matty’s grip on you tightens. "get the fuck out, you idiot!” his almond coloured eyes are glued to yours, almost as if to make sure you’re okay, but you know he's annoyed.
“chill, i’m going. not like i wanna watch you go at it anyway.” george takes a step back but pauses just before leaving. “by the way, you’ve got, like, five minutes ‘til we’re onstage, so hurry the fuck up, yeah?” he's clearly amused as he slips out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
you’re breathless, cheeks burning with a mix of disbelief and fear, trying to act like george didn’t just walk in on you mid-fuck with his best friend. “well… that was…” you mutter, the awkwardness settling in alongside the fact that matty is still inside you.
"embarrassing?" a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he starts to move his hips again, his annoyance rapidly melting away. "hmm, maybe. but not gonna lie, it was also kinda hot." his pace quickens shortly after, pulling a sharp gasp from you. “sorry that happened, love," he adds, voice dripping with anything but apology.
“you—you’re not.” you nuzzle into his neck as it all starts to feel good once more.
“not even a little,” his hands grip your ass to pull you closer. “do feel kinda bad that he saw your tits, though.” he punctuates his words by biting gently on your ear, sending a fresh jolt of pleasure through your limbs.
you pull back to watch him, a teasing smile on your face. “maybe he liked what he saw and will finally sleep with me.” the suggestion hangs in the air, you trying to push him just a little.
“don’t think so, babe. these,” he squeezes both of your breasts before leaning forward to place open-mouthed kisses on them, “are all mine.” 
“please, like you don’t touch a different pair every night.” your grin immediately grows, but disappears just as quickly as he starts thrusting into you harder, faster.
you feel a pang of pain as he bites your nipple before looking up, putting on his best display of pleading puppy eyes that he can muster up.
“but i always come back to you, don’t i?”
you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much that matters to you, even if it's just an empty promise in the end. so you just urge him to fuck you harder until you are coming around him for the second time, almost—almost—forgetting about the fact that he won't always come back, even if he says so.
you barely take any time to steady yourself before you drop to your knees in front of him. your hands work quickly, removing the condom, before taking him in your hand, stroking slowly at first and grinning at the way his body responds to your touch. his eyelids flutter closed, his head tipping back as a deep groan escapes his lips, and you can feel the tension beneath his skin as he edges closer. it’s intoxicating, the way he’s laid out in front of you, on the verge of falling apart. you never grow tired of watching him come, that moment when he completely lets go.
your eyes meet his, everything else in the room falling impossibly still. his breath rises and falls on his chest, lips parted slightly, waiting, watching, always wanting. that’s the thing about matty: he’s always hungry for more, always craving something or someone, but never just for you. 
with a few more deliberate strokes, his body tenses, and you feel his release building. warm cum spills across his chest and stomach, painting his skin in long, messy streaks. you’re transfixed by the way it glistens, dripping down and covering the hairs on his navel. again, there’s always something so satisfying about seeing him like this, bare and undone beneath you.
more often than not you lick him clean because you want to taste every single bit of him. but today, you gather some of the cum with your fingertip, using it to trace over the words he wrote. love me. you touch each line and curve, smearing his release over the black pigment, the sticky mixture marking him. there’s a strange satisfaction in it, as if you’re claiming him in some small, invisible way.
matty’s eyes flicker open, watching you through heavy lids as your hand trembles. his chest moves rapidly, still catching his breath, but there’s something in his gaze, surprise, maybe even vulnerability, as you trace the words on his stomach for a second, third time. you don’t rush, letting your finger move slowly. the letters blend together in a mess of black powder and white, but the meaning is still there. love me.
you want to say it—i love you—but you can’t. not when he’s the way he is, not when you know he’ll be with someone else tomorrow, probably touching her the same way, kissing her the same way. it feels like handing him your heart just so he can continue to step on it.
yet his eyes are still on you, his hand moving to cup your cheek, pulling you closer. his thumb brushes your lip, and you almost break, almost let the words slip past. but instead, you press your forehead to his chest, trying to hide from the weight of it all, looking down at the mess you made. the mess that you’re a part of now.
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pxtched · 1 year ago
Responding to the requests request! I’m TERRIBLE at requests but you mentioned nerd!miguel and I’m a SLUT for dry humping. You can take the plot with your talented writing brain
tags - fluffy smut, established relationship, afab!reader, Sub!miguel softdom!reader.
cw - dry humping , semi-male masterbation , Cumming in pants.
a/n - new layout, omggg?!? And thank you anon, my motivation hasn’t been the best so it might not be good though I added some stuff, hope it’s to your liking mwah 😽 i DID NOT MEAN TO POST THIS THIS LATE IM SO TIRED IM SORRY YALL
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You and Miguel have been hanging around…secretly. You obviously can’t have your reputation ruined! What would people think? Seeing a popular person like you hanging around with a nerdy-nobody.
Though, you have been hanging around with Miguel more just not all the way. He sits at your booth next to you in lunch, one of your hands and his hands holding each other lovingly.
You can’t help but love him everyday. Yes, maybe at first you hated him and literally was disgusted of him…but you grown to love him. You feel shitty on how you treated him before but you’ll never say it.
Enough about the past, You and him are now in your booth. You’re gossiping with your friends about some girl, while he’s just doing your work and his. His eyes focusing on the work and also on you.
He’s holding your hand under the table as he works. He smiles as he hears you laughter, he wants to laugh with you and kiss your cheek. But since both of you guys are in public and he knows your reputation, so he just squeezed your hand gently with a soft smile on his face.
You look at him and smile, and when no one was paying attention you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek which made him blush and smile like an idiot.
It’s pathetic that a simple kiss can give him this effect but can he blame himself? It’s you, you’re his secret girlfriend! He adores you deeply and you do too. He just wants to go to your dorm and be with you, not with your friends.
Then after that, You were talking with MORE friends. He wants you and you, he immediately waits for you to be done talking. The growing need for you increasing every minute.
He follows you to your classroom and watches you leave, then he turns to his. He sits through his lecture, until he gets a text message from you. You sent him a text. “Hey miggy imma be with my friends for a while, not for long!!”
He frowns and puts his phone away, now he’s going to be alone for couple more hours? This isn’t making him feel better, it just makes him want you more.
When the day was over, he went to your dorm and went inside. He expected you to be there but quickly realized that your going to be gone for 30 minutes, maybe an hour?
He whines and closes the door, his nose is filled with your scent and it won’t leave him alone. It just drives him crazy. He has to deal with this, try his best too. He goes to your bed and sits down, he puts his hand down his pants to finally free his aching cock.
He bites his bottom lip as he puts his hand on his cock and starts moving slowly, thinking it’s your hand instead of his. He closes his eyes and think of you. He misses you so badly. He wants—no—he needs you.
He starts to go faster as he lets out whimpers, fuck. It isn’t working, it’s just making it worst. It’s like his own body is trying to edge himself! he can’t come without you, he needs you.
He stops and sighs, his face flushed as he puts his dick back in his pants and goes to the bathroom to wash his hands. He just has to be patient, he can do that. He done it before and he can do it again.
After 20 minutes you came back, he was doing some work on your desk to distract himself. You see him and smile. You close the door and kiss him on the cheek “missed you miggy” you say softly as you walk to your bed and change into more comfortable clothes.
He couldn’t help himself and watch you change into a t-shirt and some shorts, you noticed and giggle “like what you see?” You teased him and he blushed and turns his head away which makes you laugh.
You lay down on your stomach on your bed as you pull up your phone and scroll on TikTok, bored and have nothing else to do.
He gets up from the chair and walks to you, he gets on the bed and lay on you. His head in your neck as he closes his eyes and take in your scent. You think nothing of it and smile at him, but your eyes widen as you feel him slowly grinding on you. His hips rolling as his clothed dick grinds on your ass.
“Need you so badly baby, couldn’t come without you” he whimpers out as he kept on humping you. You let out a whimper as he increases his pace. “Fuck—love you so much” “love you, so much” he mumbles as he gives sloppy on your jawline and neck.
“Wait honey, let me turn around” you say as he backs off to give you room to do so. Once your on your back, you give him a smile and a nod to continue. His eyes widen as he smiled like he’s on cloud 9.
“Thank you, Thank you, thank you” he repeats as he aligns his clothes cock on your clothed pussy, “Te quiero, tanta mierda cariño” he says and you kiss him “love you too, but shush” you tell him and he chuckles.
He nods and started rolling his hips, feeling his tip hit your clit makes both of you moan. He bites his bottom lip to suppress his moans but he couldn’t, he lets out pathetic moans as he moves his hips faster.
Your legs wraps around his hips as you pull him into a deep, sloppy but passionate kiss. You moan in the kiss as he humps harder. His thrusts become sloppy and frantically as he lets out more moans and whimpers, your moans become high pitched as you feel the familiar knot in your core about to snap.
“I’m-im close Miguel!” You moan out as your face becomes warmer, he moans out “me too, come with me please” he says as he looks in your eyes, his glasses almost falling off of his face.
You kiss him sloppy as you came in your panties, he does the same as he comes in his underwear. He slumps on top of you, regaining his breath. You smiled and brush his hair with your fingers.
“Sorry for leaving you alone” you apologized as you kissed his jawline, he smiled back and responds “it’s okay, thank you so much.” He gives you a soft kiss on the lips.
You giggle and kiss him back. “Love you, you big dork.”
“Love you too mi alma.”
After a comforting silence, you Pat his shoulder to get his attention “let’s take a shower and let me change my sheets then we can cuddle.” He smiled and nodded as he gets up.
He loves you deeply, and you do too.
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🏷️ - @lxverrings , @luvrxbunny , @luxbub , @safixiovi , @syler-griffin , @jadeloverxd , @rxckstarss , @namorkawaiiwife
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Reblogs and comments help a lot, thank you for reading!
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jackpiastri · 2 years ago
accidentally drunk – cn21
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your first time drinking ends up going a little different from how clement had planned.
genre: fluff
pairing: female reader x boyfriend!clement novalak
warnings: mentions of alcohol, one tiny semi-sexual joke at the end
requested?: no
author's note: hello hello, jack (@httpiastri) here again! it's been over a week and i still haven't gotten an answer from tumblr support... anyways, i'm not the biggest fan of the first part of this one but i think it gets better towards the like middle. anyways #2, it's race week and i've been missing oscar so i can't wait for this weekend 😚
f2/f3 masterlist
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clement is sitting at the table in marcus's kitchen, deep into a discussion about one of his last races with felipe, when there’s a tap on his arm. "hey, clem?"
the frenchman turns his head, blinking at james standing behind him.
"i think you should go check up on your girl, mate."
clement cocks an eyebrow at his friend, who just points back out to the living room. putting down his drink on the table, he excuses himself before making his way out of the kitchen.
you and clement are different in a lot of ways. he is a professional racing driver, you don't even have your drivers license yet. he is a big chatterbox and makes friends anywhere and everywhere he goes, while you are a bit on the quieter side. he loves to go out drinking with friends, while you have never even had alcohol before – something clement found completely crazy for someone above the age of 20 in europe.
you work well as a couple despite these differences, of course. when he's traveling the world for racing, he always makes sure to spend a lot of time with you when he is back at home. when he sees you dropping out of a conversation with his friends, he tries to include you, yet makes sure not to pressure you. and when he gets completely shitfaced on a night out, you are the sober one, the one who makes sure he gets home safely, the one to force him to drink his water before bed.
it's not like you see yourself as someone who will never ever drink; you just haven't really seen the meaning or felt the need to try it. that was, until today.
after having a quite silly chat about it last week when you went out with clement and his friends, where james had dropped a drunken comment about you being too much of a "prude", you decided that maybe it was time. why not just give it a little taste today at the party in marcus's apartment?
and your whole experience has gone better than expected, clement thought. until this moment, at least.
he figured he wouldn't be the best of boyfriends if the first thing he let you drink was just straight up tequila. so instead, he started you off with a sweet homemade drink with a very low amount of alcohol, just to ease you into it and take the edge off it. you'd eventually warmed up to both the sensation and the taste, meaning you were agreeing to taste some of the stronger drinks his friends were offering you. half a shot turned into a full one, and you grew cuddly in clement's hold as you sat together on the couch.
he wasn't scared that you'd get too drunk or feel too bad – he was supposed to be by your side all night to make sure everything went smoothly. but a few hours in, your sweet little mouth had asked him to leave you and alice alone on the couch, saying the two of you needed some time alone for "girl talk". and how could he say no to you when you begged him with those gorgeous eyes of yours?
that's how he found himself in the kitchen, chatting to some friends, before he was interrupted and reminded of your presence. obviously, james telling him to go find you made him a little nervous. this was your first time, after all; how could he be sure nothing would go wrong when he wasn't by your side?
so when he sees you sitting up in the couch, seemingly alive and well, he relaxes a little.
he can hear your laughter all the way to the doorway, though, and you look like you're having difficulties with your balance even as you're just sitting. so, maybe everything isn't all well.
clement makes his way through the crowded room and when he comes closer, he can tell how forced alice's smile looks as she's nodding along to whatever you're babbling about. when she sees him, her smile turns into a relieved one instead. "oh!" she interrupts you and points up at him, making him raise his eyebrows. "look who it is, your boyfriend!"
you blink at her for a few seconds. "my boyfriend?..." you ask, before slowly turning your head to your side. it takes a while for you to realize who the person standing there is, but once you do, your entire face lights up. "my boyfriend!"
"here, have my seat," alice tells clement, standing up instantly. then she pats him on his back, wishing him luck before hurrying away in another direction.
he hesitantly sits down right next to you, a confused look spreading across his face. the confusion grows when you throw yourself over him, engulfing him in a big hug. "oh, hey there," he laughs, holding you tight. "how's it going?"
"so good. literally." one of his arms stays around your waist once you pull away from the hug. "i'm having the best time."
"oh, yeah?" you nod, reaching for a glass standing on the table and taking a big sip. "what are you drinking?"
you shrug, sipping on it some more. clement's nose scrunches up at the smell of the liquor from just sitting next to you.
when his fingers reach for the cup, you hold it away from him, showing off a big pout on your lips. he lets out another laugh. "i don't want to steal it from you. i just want to taste it," he lies, tilting his head and putting on his best puppy eyes. anything to get you away from that cup, he thinks. "just one tiny sip?"
you eventually oblige, and when he gets some of the drink in his mouth, he almost spits it out instantly. the liquid stings in his throat as he swallows, and he feels like just one gulp could be enough to make anyone completely wasted.
"what is this? where did you get this?" he asks, staring intently into the cup as if he would be able to guess it's content.
you look away, thinking long and hard. "i think..." you scratch the side of your head, trying to remember. "i thought this was my glass of water – i swear, it was standing right there – but someone must've taken the wrong one, so i took this one accidentally and i thought it tasted really good so i just kept on drinking. it's great, isn't it?"
clement looks at you, amazed both at your rambling and at the way your taste buds must've gone home for the day. "love," he puts the drink onto the table before letting his fingers brush away a few strands of hair that have fallen into your face. "that is actually the worst concoction i've ever tasted. how could you ever think that was good?"
you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. "that's mean."
clement's eyes soften. "i'm sorry, baby." his hand moves to cup your cheek and you instantly, as if out of instinct, lean into his touch. "i think i want to go home. would that be okay with you?"
"i want to stay."
your boyfriend lets out a sigh but he can't help but smile. "always when you want to leave a party, i leave with you, right? do you remember that?" you nod, but you still don't look quite pleased. clement would feel bad if he wasn't doing this for your own best. "i think you should come with me. we can snuggle up in my bed, maybe kiss a little? or do anything else you'd like?"
you look too cute like this, and clement feels this new type of feeling for you. some kind of... almost protective concern; he wants to take care of you. clement can't help but to lean forward to press his lips on yours, and you are finally smiling again once he pulls away. it's like your earlier emotions have disappeared in a snap, and you point to your lips to ask for another kiss. he kisses you again, and again, leaving several quick pecks to your lips before moving along your cheek, the tingling sensation leaving you giggling.
"let's go, then," he says, standing up and holding out his hand towards you. you take it in yours and let him drag you off the couch, but you instantly lose your balance. clement's hand finds your hip in the last second, holding you close to him as he tries to navigate through the crowd to the front door. "sweets, do you remember where you put your jacket?"
your confused eyes scan the piles of discarded outerwear, but to no luck.
"or even what jacket you brought?"
he isn't proud to say he can't remember it himself, but he too isn't perfectly sober. you can't remember what your jacket looks like either, to no surprise, so clement settles on just finding his own jacket and draping it over your shoulders.
"leaving so soon?" marcus pops into the hallway, a snicker leaving his mouth at the sight of you practically clinging onto clement.
"so late, i would say," your boyfriend answers. he's just about to lean down to ask you something when-
your eyes move up, gaze locking in on the kiwi man in front of you. "marcus!" you take a couple of quick steps forward, hugging him tightly. "thank you for this party, i had the best time! i mean, i don't really want to go home, but clem says that-"
marcus and clement make eye contact over your head, both struggling to keep themselves from exploding in laughter. "i'm glad you enjoyed it," marcus says, patting your shoulder as he pulls away from the hug.
you stumble over to your boyfriend who catches you in his arms as if you're a toddler about to trip and knock something over.
"do you have everything?" he asks, his hands reaching for your purse to make sure all of your necessities were still there. phone, wallet, keys, check check check. he looks up at marcus. "we'll probably be coming back tomorrow to pick up a jacket. maybe some other stuff, too. if she even wakes up by tomorrow."
marcus chuckles. "go for it. and good luck."
clement manages to get you down the building’s stairwell without any falling, and while you wait for the uber outside, he chuckles at the way your eyes close, a bright smile on your lips. "it's cold, but i'm not cold. like, the air is cold, but i'm not cold. how does that make sense?"
clement takes one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. "that's probably because you're wearing a jacket, sweetheart."
your eyes open to scan the material hanging from your shoulders. you frown. "what? but this isn't my jacket?"
"it's mine," he says, shaking his head at you. his free hand comes up to hold your cheek as you look up at him.
"wow! you gave me your jacket? clement novalak, you are the best man in the world. have i ever told you that before?"
"only in bed."
you don't seem to get the reference, because your blabbering continues. "well, i should tell it to you more often. every day. every hour? i should say it on an instagram story right now. that would be good, don't you think?"
clement is sure that you are going to regret this tomorrow. if you even remember any of it, that is.
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1xseo · 2 years ago
diluc not having enough time for you because of his packed schedule caused by a new important mission in snezhnaya and natlan.
even though you were aware about diluc’s hectic schedule, you didn’t expect for it to be this packed. you’ve given him alot of hints these past few days because of how sexually frustrated you were, yet, he’s thinking nothing of it and would always go straight to sleep after you shower him with affection, it made you insecure and doubt yourself thinking you’re not the one satisfying him anymore.
tired diluc that just got home thinking he would get greeted by his lovely s/o’s warm hug and kiss that he’s been looking forward to after a tiring day, instead, he got greeted by you pouting and sitting at the edge of the bed, obviously upset. his warm smile disappears as he watches you throw a tantrum in your shared room, packing your clothes while you shout things that sounds nonsense to diluc.
he lets you do your thing while he stands at the door stunned, thinking where all the things you’re saying came from, wanting to understand you since he’s afraid he might lose you even more if he opens his mouth. he watches you as you angrily grabbed your clothes towards your bag as he rethinks things that may be the reason why you’re angry when you’re just all over and pampering him the past few days, thinking that he never failed to send you messages and updates everyday when he’s away and never forgot to give you a kiss, so why? why were you mad? he thought you understood?
“this is so fucking unfair diluc, maybe there really is someone else out there that is satisfying you better than me,” you stopped and glanced at him who’s still looking at you stunned, you scoffed turning back to your clothes again “and you’re not even saying anything for fucks sake, do what you want. im staying over your brother’s that would treat me better than this and probably do me 10 times better than you do.”
well shit.
you stopped, realizing what you just said. you knew that he's insecure and hates getting compared to someone else so if you're trying to get him fired up then you're pretty much pressing the right buttons.
as diluc finally snaps, and starts to come towards you while you started to take back everything you said, stuttering "i-im sorry, you k-know i didn’t mean tha-“ you got cut off when he towers over you making you sit on the bed, looking at him with wide doe eyes. seeing him this close made his features more clearer to you, eyes tired and his expression is dark that it made you feel guilty about starting an argument that you feel like it didn't even made sense now.
“is that why you’re throwing a fucking tantrum like a child right now, my love? i don’t want to invalidate what you’re feeling but accussing me from things that i didn’t even do? and now you think my brother can satisfy you better?” diluc says in a raspy voice, you tried opening your mouth but nothing came out.
diluc scoffs pushing you to the bed making you gasp while he towers you once again “we’re going to have a proper talk tomorrow but what i need right now is your pretty mouth to scream nothing but my name and that dumb head of yours to think nothing but me. gon make sure to let kaeya hear downstairs, yeah? have to remind you again and again who you belong to even if it means fucking you till daylight."
your eyes widened when he mentioned kaeya was downstairs and starts to tear up from his mean words as he flips you on your stomach and pushes your head to the mattress with his hand while you hear his heavy breathing behind you and the sound of his belt unbuckling.
knowing you’re in for a long night, you just have to be good for him and take it like a good girl you are, just like he wants you to behave for him the first place.
you grinned on the mattress. looks like your plan worked out at the end after all. :)
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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obixwan · 3 years ago
have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways
pairings: mum reader x dad cody
word count: 800 ish
blurb: after missing the birth of his first child, cody comes home to his girls
warnings: Cody missing out on the birth of his baby, sad cody, dad cody, etc
notes: oh my god please forgive me… i know this isnt my best work but i’m crook as a dog and just wanted to publish something. my proffesor hasnt answered my request for an extension on my portfolio. Unedited. No beta. dying on my couch. send help
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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
The apartment is silent and Cody is exhausted. There is no laughing ringing through the hallways, no music bouncing off the walls as there so often was. In its silence, the apartment seems cold, empty, despite the shoes stacked by the hallway entrance. Cody kicks his own boots off, nudging them against the wall with his socked foot.
He tiptoes his way into the living room, dumping his field bag on the couch. He takes his helmet off, letting it drop out of his hands next to the bag. He strips off his armour, piece by piece. He’s careful to keep his noise to a minimum and tiptoes down the hallway, into the kitchen.
It’s empty. A fresh rack of starberry cupcakes sits on the counter, almost completely cool. Cody moves them into the containers he knows you use for cupcakes, and packs the rack away to be washed. He wipes the bench down and tip toes down the hallway again, through to your shared bedroom.
The sun is streaming through the curtains, making a perfect pool of warmth on the bed, where he finds you, asleep and softly snoring with your daughter curled up on your tummy, snoozing with you.
The baby, barely two months old, already has tufts of dark curls covering her little head. Her little hands are closed, fisted into your shirt. She’s dressed in the cutest little jumpsuit, a purple flowering pattern splattered all over it. Beside you, on the bed, the day bag is packed to go out. The baby’s orange blanket Cody picked up from an outer rim world and shipped while in the middle of space, is folded neatly beside the bag, ready to be sat on top, but you obviously never made it out the door. Cody’s heart swells, it feels like it could burst in his chest.
“Love the sun, just like your daddy, huh?” He reaches his hands out to the baby, before withdrawing. She wouldn’t know who he is. He doesn’t want to induce a bout of tears. Better to leave the sweet little thing, and wake you instead.
“Mesh’la,” He says, gently brushing stray strands of hair from your face, “I’m home.” He watches you as you stir, your hands instantly going to the small baby on your tummy, holding her as you sit up.
“Cody!” You say, surprise awaking your features.
Cody grins as he takes a seat next to you on the bed. He places a soft kiss on your cheek. “Hello my love.”
“I wasn’t expecting you until later tonight.” You say, returning his kiss. You look down at your daughter. “Do you want to hold her?”
Cody’s eyes widen, and he moves away. He hides his hands that have only held weapons as he crosses his arms. “Oh, no, no. Uh, I’ve never held a baby before.”
“Cody,” You say, frowning. “You’re her father. You’ve been great at everything, you’ll be great at this.” Before he can complain or refuse, the baby is shoved into his hands. “Support her head,” You tell him, showing him where to place his hands.
Cody is gentle. The baby doesn’t move, doesn’t squirm. She just settles into his hands, like this is the place she has been waiting to be. Cody’s heart swells again, his hands are almost as big as her little head and he marvels, how could this little thing be half of you and half of him? How could he, a thing breed for destruction, war, fighting, how could he make something so lovely, so small and pure? This is the greatest single achievement of his life.
Without taking his eyes off his baby girl, he asks, “Did you decide on a name?”
“I didn’t want to make a decision without you but… I’ve taken to calling her Lily… We can change it, if you want.”
A soft smile graces Cody’s lips, “My lovely Lily,” He says, placing a gentle kiss on the baby’s forehead. He closes his eyes, he can’t believe he missed the birth of the greatest thing in his life. The baby stirs as she wakes, and her eyes widen and she gives Cody the best toothless smile a baby can give.
“She knows her daddy,” You say, placing a hand on Cody’s shoulder and resting your head on it.’ Big golden eyes are staring up at Cody, and Lily babbles happily, almost as if she’s trying to catch Cody up on all he’s missed.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for the birth,” Cody whispers.
You tear your eyes from Lily, looking up at Cody. “My love, no need to be sorry. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years ago
for kinky hours can i request a continuation of mean daddy jk when she teased too much expecting to get fucked in return and instead got absolutely nothing. jk comes back home when it’s well after dark to find his baby deep in subspace just crying n begging for him to fuck her right, she can’t even get the words out she’s crying and whining so much for him to make it better.
I believe that anon got the inspo from this drabble!
tags: dd/lg themes so daddy!jk, just him being mean and degrading, name-calling
As a person who's constantly looking for more, expecting more, he doesn't like to be disappointed.
There are moments where he's playful and can have fun with your ministrations and teasings, but sometimes there are days where he just doesn't want to deal with anyone's bullshit.
In his dominant perspective, he doesn't expect a lot from you – honestly speaking. He just wants you to be his good submissive, and that's all he can ask to be satisfied. Aiding to his needs and wants is the key to his heart.
But he's unpredictable. You wouldn't know if he's in the mood to play or not.
After you'd just been teasing him all day during his work vacation, wearing tiny little skirts with no underwear, grinding your ass against his crotch whenever he allows you to sit on his lap, or just whispering the name 'daddy' in a seductive manner in his ear, he has little to no patience left.
"All right, that's it—" Jungkook moves away from you on the bed and stands up. You raise your brows in anticipation. "I've had enough of you today."
He stands up and grabs his car keys and wallet from the side table.
"Where are you going?" you ask meekly, lips pouting as you feel your heart clench. This isn't what you were foreseeing!
"None of your business. Go and be a slut without me."
"But..." you breath heavily, crawling to him with a desperate effort to lure him back to you, "Daddy, don't go!"
Jungkook smirks, "Aw, my baby girl wanted to get fucked? That's not happening anytime soon." Your hands reach to grab his hips, but he quickly moves away with a confused expression. "God, what a cockslut you are. Always needy for daddy's dick, huh? Don't you have something else to do than wanting to get stuffed and railed?"
He ignores your sad little cries, making his way to the door, "Don't wait for me." Jungkook gives you one final harsh glare before leaving you alone.
This is torture.
Nothing can make you feel good. Not the toys, nor your fingers. All your pussy wants were his cock.
The sound of the door swinging open was music to your ears, and you instantly jump up from the bed to wrap your arms around Jungkook's waist. You look at him with tearful, wide eyes.
"Daddy," you whimper, hugging him tighter.
Jungkook sighs deeply, dropping his things on the desk before turning his attention back to you, "Have you been playing with yourself?" He looks at all the toys you've spread out on the bed, "What do you want with me? Haven't you already made yourself cum, whore?"
Jungkook laughs darkly as you nod your head 'no'.
"I'm not in the mood."
He anticipated that cry that left your lips. Truthfully, he was already hard just by the thought of you begging and needing for his cock, and that it's the only thing that can make you cum.
Jungkook gasps as you suddenly grope his cock through his pants, your cunt getting wetter when you feel his throb against your palm. Your little mewls were pushing him further to just tease the living fuck out of you until you beg even harder for him.
His eyes turn into little slits, slapping your hand away from his dick. "Don't you dare start touching me without permission," he growls, holding your chin up with his thumb and pointer finger, "I can smell your arousal from here. That flimsy little skirt barely doing anything to cover you up."
Jungkook sits down at the edge of the bed and manhandles you until you were laid across his lap. With an unstable breath, you beg and beg for him to touch you – finally having him at close proximity after hours of being denied by his touch.
"Baby girl," Jungkook pouts, obviously mocking you, "you want daddy so fucking bad, don't you? Isn't he so mean to leave you alone and so horny?" his hand crawls down to flip your skirt up, revealing your bare ass and pussy. His eyes darken once he saw your dripping pussy, soaking your folds and clit.
He doesn't feel bad at all.
"You want my dick?" he whispers deeply.
You wiggle your hips in need, your whimpers getting louder. You can't even muster a single word from how horny and desperate you are.
"Hmm, I thought so. A wretched whore like you can't go a day without daddy's big cock. That's just..." he traces his middle finger on your folds, driving you crazy, "too bad."
I am so wet glad you came up with this request..
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