#fallout role play
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escapism-artiste · 7 months ago
Fallout Vault-Tec Character Template
Figured I would start putting some of the google docs templates for role-play characters I've created on here. This one is specifically for Fallout and is inspired by the Pip-Boy interface, specifically the one in Fallout 4!
If you want to use this template, my ONLY rule is that you keep the credit. I tried to make it small and unobtrusive. I would also appreciate if you liked and/or reblogged this post! Feel free to edit the template as you see fit for your character and your own purposes.
To use, click the link below, then on Google Docs go to File > Make a copy.
The Stats block is a drawing. Double click to edit. You may have to mess a little with the spacing on the first page to make it all fit properly.
If you have any questions, please DM me or send me an ask!
template | example
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Power Armor Punch Part Sixty Five
Teshteal: *notices the jealous ferret* Someone's a little grumpy pants. *opens Gilbert's cage and picks up the annoyed noodle. Playfully wiggles him back and forth* Hello mister grumpy noodle.
Gilbert: (A very jealous wiggly noodle, his eyes are completely focused on his Joyce as he licks his nose and shoots the two puppies the stink eye. The heck is she doing holding two little sausages that just cry, eat, and poop everywhere all day?!? Obviously he’s the better and the finest of the squiggly bunch, he’s the one who’s always been there for Joyce when she was having a difficult day and crying. It should be him cuddling her right now!!)
Joyce: (Too busy with the two little puppies to notice that her pet ferret is envious that she’s giving other creatures attention instead of holding him)
Nick: *nods and picks her up, gently supporting her from the backs of her thighs like he's holding a toddler* It's alright. I'm here.
Jasmine: (Wraps her arms tightly around her Dads neck and clings to him once again like a baby koala with a pitiful whimper. She opens her mouth to tell him about her horrible nightmares and the terror she felt from it and his sudden disappearance, but quickly closes her eyes instead as she hides her face in the crook of his neck and trembles)
Ma: (Sits up from the bed now that’s she no longer has to hold Jas, taking another tissue to wipe the waterworks from the teen off her before buttoning up her nightdress) “I’m afraid she had several nightmares that kept her up, it was a bit difficult to keep her calm throughout the night.” (Gives the girl a somber look as she stands)
Nick: *somberly* That's been the norm around here lately. *rubs the small of her back* Wish there was something I could do to make them go away.
Teshteal: *catches the look* Oh, you're a jealous noodle! Jealous little baby boy! *to Joyce* I think your son wants your attention.
Joyce: (Looks up from the bed, smirking at the two) “Ah, someone has let the green eyed monster take control. Well then, he’s gonna hate me later when-... EW-! STOP!” (Swats at her face when the puppies both jump up to lick the inside of her mouth when she speaks, sputtering and spitting into her arm) “That’s disgusting!” (Rises from the bed and runs out of the room to go wash her mouth in the bathroom) “I'll be right back!”
Puppies: (Try to follow her but are too afraid to jump off the bed so they just wiggle their little butts while yapping after her)
Teshteal: *jumps when Joyce yells at the puppies. He holds Gilbert close to his chest protectively and just stares at the door, every sense on high alert*
Jasmine: (Nuzzles as close as she can to her father, focusing the gentleness of his rubs as she sniffles)
Ma: “Mhm, not much of a surprise there. PTSD induced nightmares can be tricky to work through, especially with extreme cases such as hers.” (Leans down to grab Jasmine’s dress from off the floor) “Any idea why she decided to take this off? I figured it was because she was hot, but she refused when I offered to get a lighter set of pajamas.” (Airs it out, walking over to hang it up on he clothes rack she brought in next to the other coats and shirts she had washed and ironed)
Nick: I'm not sure. She has a tendency to deny herself nice things. Must be another symptom of her condition.
Gardio: Alright. After I connect this wire, I need you to stay as still as possible so I can install your new armor correctly.
Lucille: *nods* Okay!
Gardio: *connects the wire to her hand, soldering it in place*
Lucille: *eyes widen at the feeling of having a properly working arm again. If she concentrates she can get the blade to pop out just just above the wrist at the back* It works!
Gardio: Yes, and now for the armor. Retract your blade, please? *holds a piece of plating up with a slot cut into the side*
Lucille: *closes her eyes and gets her blade to go back into her arm*
Ma: “That sounds about accurate to how she acted prewar times, but that was usually for the benefit of one of her friends or siblings.” (Reaches into the mini fridge below the nightstand and pulls out one of the baby bottles with water, placing it on top just in case)
Jasmine: (Coughs and then chokes on a sob, clawing at Nicks shirt as she tightens her grip on him)
Ma: (Starts freshening up the room by opening the blinds to let some sunlight in and picking up anything that was dropped on the floor)
Gilbert: (Very confused noodle baby as to why he’s being held so tightly by the random guy who now faintly smells like his Joyce, but whatever…)
Joyce: (Quickly washes out her mouth in the sink then runs back into her room, trying to keep a serious face while glaring at the two puppies) “We need to work on boundaries…”
Puppies: (Toppling over each other on the bed, their little tails wagging even faster when they see she returns)
Joyce: (Can’t keep a straight face and she starts laughing again, not noticing her boyfriends expression)
Teshteal: *scooting back further on the bed with Gilbert still held tightly to his chest. He keeps staring at Joyce warily. He wraps his tail around himself*
Joyce: (Walks over to pet the two sausage babies, looking up and finally noticing Teshteal backing away and his expression. Her smile disappears and her face gets riddled with worry as she steps back towards the door) “Oh, what’s wrong…?”
Gardio: *starts fastening the armor to her arm and hand with pliers and bolts*
Nick: *pats her back sweetly* It's alright, kiddo...
Jasmine: (Shifts and whines with discomfort and fear from her nightmare and the pain from her wounds, the tears dripping down her face dampening Nicks shirt)
Ma: (To Nick as she pulls out another box of tissues) “Detective Chapel was kind enough to hold her while I briefly went downstairs to get somethings done. He did a wonderful job at keeping Rosie calm.” (Rubs her hands together) “I ought to go check up on everyone and get started with the day, do you need anything before I go? I’m sure Donny will be here soon.”
Nick: *sits in the rocking chair, dabbing away more of Jas's tears with tissues* If you have some more formula, I'm sure Rosie could use a meal. Otherwise, just keep that old lullaby playing. *kind smile at the older woman. He's not at all surprised at Gardio being able to keep her calm. The man was a big softy to any kid that was brought in to the station for safe keeping after a nasty domestic disturbance*
Jasmine: (Whines in complaint when she hears about the baby bottle again, hiding her face away in Nicks shoulder while refusing to be cradled like an infant as she clings to him)
Ma: (Nods and pulls out the baby formula bottle she had made the previous night and hands it to Nick, patting Jas’s back) “Here you go, Dad. Your little one needs all the nutrients she can get if she wants to feel better.” (Warmly smiles back at the two)
Jasmine: (Huffs in response, biting down on her tongue)
Ma: (Frowns at the girls stubbornness, remembering how she struggled in her sleep) “Maybe give Rosie some time to wind down first before feeding her.”
Nick: I think you're right. *sets the bottle aside for now*
Teshteal: *blinks, trying to reorient himself. Simply but quietly* You yelled.
Joyce: (Presses back against the door) “Not at you, at the dogs. And I meant it in a playful sense...” (Clasps her hands together, tucking her hair behind her ears nervously) “I’m sorry if I scared you...”
Teshteal: *realizes how nervous she is and gets off the bed. He walks over, still holding Gilbert to his chest* I'm sorry... It's me. I'm a jumpy hypervigilant mess that gets scared at even the most playful yells. It's a wonder I've lived this long being this scared.
Joyce: (Looks her boyfriend over with worried eyes, nodding her head after a moment and relaxes) “I was jumpy at first too when I first left the Institute…” (Reaches over to scratch Gilbert’s fuzzy head) “It’s okay, it takes some time to adjust.”
Gardio: *getting the tiny bits of fingercasing is difficult because it's so small. His hands may have less mass now but they're still pretty large*
Lucille: *has a smaller hand so she has to help him with attaching things.
Pirate: (Stretches out on the bed next to Donny in his room with a loud puppy yawn, forcing him further against the wall)
Donovan: (Mumbles with annoyance in his sleep, shifting to a more comfortable position while remaining pillowless)
Ma: (Gives them both a nod before leaving the room, heading into the attic to check on her other guests. She quietly stands at the top of the stairway with a small smile, not wanting to disturb the father and daughter working together)
Jasmine: (Whimpers and sniffles at her previous night terrors, feeling sicker and weaker by the minute as the repeating words drill into her head. She suddenly lifts her head so she can look directly at Nick, keeping her arms around him. She stares at the old synth while remaining silent and expressionless, her head tilted to one side inquisitively like she’s trying to read him. Or perhaps she’s trying to make a gateway straight into his soul with her haunting doll eyes that give a crystal clear view into her own tormented soul)
Nick: *catches that look and gives her a kind reassuring smile* I'm here, doll. I'm here. *gently strokes her hair with his good hand* Love ya, kiddo.
Gardio and Lucille: *both too focused on their work to notice Ma.*
Lucille: You've gotten pretty good at robot modifications, Dad. And here I thought you only knew how to fix cars.
Gardio: Cars aren't all that different under the hood, sweety. Besides, you built that centry bot and robot build station in less than a few hours. I don't think you realize how impressive that is.
Lucille: *rolls her eyes* Please. That's nothing. Factories built robots in seconds-
Gardio: It usually took a skilled robot expert an entire day to cobble a protectron together back in the day.
Lucille: They were able to take their time, too. I don't have that luxury, Dad.
Teshteal: I don't know... it's been over a hundred years and I'm only just now feeling "normal."
Joyce: (Thinks it over with herself, trying to come up with the right words) “Well... How long have you been in good living conditions? That plays a big role in how you heal from trauma...”
Gilbert: (Wiggles in Teshteal’s arms, trying to reach for his Joyce now that she’s close. Obviously she’s upset about something, so now he’s needed as an emotional support raccoon scarf)
Ma: (Quietly leaves and heads into her sons room, carefully peeking her head in. She crosses her arms when she sees his current sleeping situation that can’t be too comfy) “Pirate.”
Pirate: (Lazily lifts her head with a low woof, like she’s responding to Ma with a “what” like she isn’t taking up all the bed space along with most of the blanket and pillow)
Ma: (Shoos Pirate off the bed, tenderly lifting up Donny and sets him down on the center of his bed on his pillow. She drapes the blanket back over him, tucking it in snuggly)
Jasmine: (Gets a little glimmer in her dead, dull eyes that are still dripping tears as she raises her hand to gently run her fingers down the side of Nick's cheek and neck, feeling the rough out texture of what makes up his skin. Her eyes slowly glaze over the cracks and wear and tear on the synthetic skin on his face and neck, blinking at the missing patches that expose his metal skeleton and the wires that run through his body. She’s not looking at him with judgment or with disgust, more with childlike curiosity than anything if one can even read her true emotions through her almost soulless deadpan expression)
Nick: *not changing his facial expression as she explores his face. His joints in his jaw can get pretty pinchy*
Gardio: *sighs defeatedly* I just think you're very good at what you do, sweetheart. Even if you don't think so. *pauses to pet her head*
Teshteal: *lets the noodle go to his owner so he can do his job* A day or so... I wandered a lot for most of my life then I lived in a dumpster next to my childhood home. It was cozy but it was also kind of... dirty.
Gilbert: (Immediately snuggles under his Joyce’s neck when he’s handed to her, sniffing her over to check that she’s alright)
Joyce: (Holds her fuzzy scarf close, listening to her boyfriend speak with more worry glistening in her eyes when she hears that he’s only been living “normally” for a day) “And you were alone out there….” (Reaches out to take his hand)
Teshteal: *doesn't stops her but his grip isn't tight. He's lost in his thoughts again* Yes... not that anyone would want me around. I'm too annoying and stupid. Everyone leaves or gets sick of me eventually.
Jasmine: (After a moment she takes Nick’s exposed metal hand in one of hers while keeping the other on his cheek, running her fingers over the frame of his palm and up his forearm where the skin had probably been torn off long before she showed up, blinking in thought. Next she takes his covered hand and intertwines her much smaller and softer fingers with his, holding them up slightly. She stares at their joined hands and the one on his face with a tilted head like she’s examining the vast contrast of his palish white skin and her warmer golden honey tone)
Nick: *gently nods at her holding his hands*
Jasmine: (Releases his hand and goes back to feeling his face and neck with both of her hands, tilting her head to the other side as her inquisitive eyes study the largest tears in his neck and forehead. She carefully traces her fingers over them, lightly brushing over his metal skull and jaw and the missing patches in his neck. If she was fully aware of what she was doing or even where she was, she’d apologize because she just started touching Nicks face and neck while staring intently at him out of the blue without at least asking first. But she doesn’t look a bit ashamed as she takes in a full profile of Nicks unique features, still just full of childlike curiosity but she’s not saying anything as her brain defaults to the basics of what she knows. It was another thing the vault taught her, to not ask questions, especially when you could figure out the answers for yourself. Better that everyone think you know nothing when you in fact know everything)
Joyce: (Gently squeezes his hand, looking at him with the most caring and sweet eyes) “Hey... I promise I’ll never just leave you like that. That's just horrible...” (Moves to pull him in close so she can comfort him)
Teshteal: You haven't seen me at my most insufferable. You'll see why people abandon me.
Lucille: *still helping her dad with her hand*
Nick: *wondering why she's doing this* You act like you've never seen my face before. We both know that's not true.
Jasmine: (Looks directly into his eyes as she slowly blinks without answering, her hand on his neck moving down to take his good hand once more and lock their fingers together. She leans forwards to affectionately press her forehead against Nick’s while her thumb strokes his cheek, her hand squeezing his as she closes her eyes) (Quietly and hoarsely) “Dad.” (Says it like she’s knighting him a title despite having calling him her father for the past few days out loud and even longer in her own head)
Joyce: (Puts her arm around her boyfriends shoulder, setting down Gilbert on the bed so she can cup his cheek and lift his face to her) "Teshteal, love..."
Gilbert: (Offended that he was just tossed onto the bed like nothing, his mouth dropping open. He tries to jump and make a fuss about it but he gets attacked by two mini sausages who see him as a loooong version of themselves)
Teshteal: *his sad, doubtful, and fearful eyes glisten with tears as he looks up at her beautiful face. How can she possibly love an unlovable monster like him?*
Nick: *that worries him but he's not showing it. Reassuringly* I'm here, doll...
Jasmine: (New tears well up in her eyes as her bottom lip trembles, her face briefly filling with pain and fear from her thoughts, but gets followed by recognition and deep fondness for her father. She lets go of his hand just so that she can wrap both of her arms tightly around Nick and hide her face in the crook of his neck) “Daddy…” (Just needed to cement who he was to her in her own fractured mind, make sure she doesn’t go on and rewrite him as anything less. Since she has no grip on reality, he's really the only person keeping her in it right now)
Joyce: (Slowly starts rubbing his shoulder, her emerald eyes sparkling with adoration) “If I can’t love you when you are at your worst, then I can’t say I truly care about you at all...”
Gilbert: (Squeaks in annoyance as he’s trampled and overwhelmed with puppy feet and kisses)
Teshteal: *a tear falls from his eyes. Voices scream that he doesn't deserve this kindness. This pure acceptance. That he's lucky Gardio himself put up with him before the war. He'll mess this up. He always does. She doesn't deserve that-*
Nick: *rubs circles in her back gently* It's okay, kiddo...
Jasmine: (Her mind blares and shrieks louder and adds more haze to her vision, but she just cuddles up closer with a small whimper. She then carefully rearranges herself so she’s cradled in Nick’s lap like a baby with her arms still around him, nuzzling back up against his chest with a small hum of content at the familiar scent of cigarette along with the sound of his inner machinery whirling. All signs that she is in the warm safety that is Dad)
Ma: (Downstairs warming herself some breakfast, frowning when she remembers that the med room is probably bloody again and is in need of cleaning along with the top of the lighthouse. They’ll have to replace the glass up there, which means ordering new ones from the main farm unless they can find some all the way out here)
Joyce: (Wipes the tear of his face) “And I mean it. I care about you as you are, Teshteal. Flaws and all.” (Opens her arms wide to offer a full hug with a gentle and warm smile) “Come here, if it’ll make you feel better…”
Teshteal: *carefully and shyly approaches to give his girlfriend a hug. Whispers* I always ruin good things... it's only a matter of time... *rests his head on her shoulder nervously*
Joyce: (Encases Teshteal in a tight embrace, slowly rubbing the back of his head and neck as she sways from side to side) “And what could you possibly do to ruin this? I already said I love you as you are, so what could change that?”
Gilbert: (Squeaks in annoyance on the bed, shooting daggers at the puppies that are keeping him from running back to his Joyce)
Puppies: (Have no clue that the strange noodle dog finds them ti be a nuisance, they just wanna play)
Nick: *just keeps reassuringly rubbing her back and shoulders to calm her down*
Jasmine: (Sniffles on some tears, briefly turning away from her Dad to cough in her arm before she returns to cuddling as close to him as she can. She would hide in his coat if he was wearing one to help her feel closer and more secure, but she instead just grips onto his shirt while taking deep breaths)
Teshteal: You have no idea what kind of monster they were turning me into... You saw those mutants. I barely broke a sweat. It only takes one specific word to make me snap and mindlessly kill every last living thing within a 100-mile radius. *closes his eyes tearfully* I was made to infiltrate, torture, and kill. All it would take is for someone to say the right word in the right way for me to hurt you. *grips her shirt tightly* You're making a deal with the devil by choosing to love me.
Joyce: (Gently tilts her boyfriends face so he’s looking up at her, her emerald green eyes staring back at him thoughtfully) “But I know why you killed those mutants, it wasn’t for your own personal gain. And if you were to ever hurt me, I know it would never be on purpose. So what kind of monster are you guilty of being?”
Nick: *nods. Softly* Easy, doll... easy...
Jasmine: (Shifts uncomfortably, then raises her head to look at Nick with teary eyes. She makes the “T” sign and twists her hand side to side to sign that she needs to use the bathroom)
Nick: *nods* Alright. Read you loud and clear. *stands and takes her to the bathroom. He leaves the door gapped so he can keep an eye on her without invading her privacy*
Teshteal: *sniffs* The kind that finds joy in the kill. I do enjoy it in a sick sense. There's a... a rush. Raiders used to enjoy throwing me against feral ghouls and all sorts of things they could fight... including other people. And I loved every second of it until I realized what exactly I had done. You shouldn't trust me. *quietly* No one should...
Joyce: (Lightly taps the bottom of his chin) “I’ll be honest, I have a hard time believing that you really enjoyed that… Not after I’ve seen how kindhearted you are. And you say that you eventually realized what you were doing and stopped? That’s better than continuing killing…”
Jasmine: (Leans on the sink for balance and catches a warm sun beam on her face from the window above, making her stop with wide eyes. She feels a prickle on her skin that almost feels like a light buzzing massage, wheels turning in her head when it registers what this is and her mind muffles out everything else. She quickly uses the toilet and washes her hands, then snatches a towel from under the sink and wraps it over her shoulders to cover up as she carefully climbs out of the window and up onto the roof without making much noise, being small and nimble enough to do so and devoted hard enough to reach the sunlight that it becomes her primary goal, which means she temporarily forgets about her previous fears about being separated from Nick and the pain from her wounds)
Lucille: *testing her dexterity in her newly modified arm and hand* Wow. Nick would barely recognize his old arm. *making her hand into a first* You did good, Dad.
Gardio: *proud smile* Wouldn't have been able to do it without you...
Nick: You good in there? *checks and notices the window's open. Wordlessly rushes to it and looks outside to find her. He turns and leans his back out of the window to look up and catches a brief glimps of her feet* What is she doing up there? *climbs out himself*
Jasmine: (Doing her best to only let her knees, feet, and hands touch the dirty roof as she crawls to get away from the ledge, hissing through her teeth with the pain moving brings. She looks around and finds that a platform with a staircase that leads back to the ground was added to the top of the roof, her first though being that it’s a lookout point but then she sees that a double reclining sun lounger has been placed on the platform, making a nice place to relax and enjoy the breeze or the sun)
Nick: *from afar, but he's raised the volume of his voice so she can hear* Decided to get some fresh air, hm? Why didn't you just say so? *isn't all to opposed to her climbing on the roof- she's pulled more dangerous skits than this. Besides if it isn't hurting her, then why should he stop her*
Teshteal: ...I only stopped when they were dead. *wants her to realize just who she's holding. A monster. A demon. A bloodthirsty beast.*
Joyce: (Still swaying him lovingly side to side as she starts to pet his hair again to comfort him) “And how did you feel about that after it happened? Has it changed to how you feel now?”
Ma: (Finished her food and is cleaning the med room once again, scrubbing away any blood that was dribbled onto the floor or on the cot)
Jasmine: (Snaps out of it at the sound of Nick's voice and stops crawling, turning around to face him. She sits on her knees while she blinks to process her commanding thoughts that had almost completely taken a hold without her noticing. She points to the sun, then to the platform with lounge chair to try and help express and sort her jumbled mind) “…..…” (Suddenly whimpers loudly as she holds out her arms to her Dad to be picked up when it hits her that she is currently in extreme pain because of her wounds and at the fact that she's outside while only in her undies and a towel that's draped around her shoulders. A very stupid decision on her part, but she wanted to bask in the sunshine)
Nick: Okay, Rosie. *nods and scoops her up. He takes her to the lounge chairs and holds her in his lap so she can enjoy the sunlight*
Jasmine: (Raises her face to the warm sun, humming softly as she relaxes in her Dads arms completely and the fear melts away. It’s warm out today, winter finally kicking the bucket and letting spring arrive. She ends up tossing aside the towel so she can feel more of the suns rays on her, although she’s still covered in bandages)
Teshteal: I felt like I was some uncontrollable beast and now I'm not sure if it's even safe to be close to people...
Joyce: (Frowns a little) “But everybody needs somebody in their life… Besides, you seem pretty tame to me. If you were so uncontrollable, would you have hurt the girl for attacking Donny upstairs? For putting me in danger?”
Teshteal: Not necessarily for hurting him- but if the circumstances were right, the programming might push me to do so since she's a higher ranked soldier. Even though we're safeguarding each other.
Joyce: (Blinks a little in confusion) “I’m sorry, I’m a little lost. Higher rank…? Safeguarding? And higher ranked soldier? She’s a little girl.”
Nick: *glad this is soothing her. It is pretty nice out for a change*
Jasmine: (Starts peeling off her bandages around her waist and chest, working a little too harshly as she’s done in the past because she can’t really coordinate her motor skills properly. Her wounds are still aching like mad and some are even still bleeding a little when she moves)
Teshteal: That vault made soldiers out of anyone who had potential. The best ones were ranked highest but even that life was torturous. It only proved how physically capable you were of taking someone else's life. They tried to condition us to be predispositioned to want to kill each other. So... if it weren't for the fact we're free of them and that we've decided to safeguard each other, one of us would be dead by now.
Joyce: (Eyes widen even more and she clutches Teshteal tighter) “But you don’t actually want to kill her even if you’re conditioned to, you saved her. And she doesn’t want to kill you either…”
Nick: *grabs her hands to stop her* I don't know why you want to peel these off so badly this time, but you need to stop.
Jasmine: (Whines in complaint like a toddler, shaking her head vigorously but she doesn’t struggle like usual. She tries to point to the sun while her hands are restrained, then at the cuts on her body like she’s trying to say there’s a connection between the two)
Nick: *wonders if the sun helps heal her wounds* Alright. But you're gonna have to let me take them off for you. I'm worried you might make the wounds worse. *starts gently removing the bandages* Just don't start clawing at yourself, alright?
Jasmine: (Nods and calms down, putting down her hands to let him take off the bandages. She stares up at Nick with childlike eye, keeping her focus on him so she doesn’t see the words she carved into her own skin)
Teshteal: I can't say if she doesn't want me dead but I certainly don't want her to die. *sadly* If our programming overrides our want to protect each other then I can't say either of us are safe.
Joyce: (Pulls back slightly to look at her boyfriend) “…Have you discussed this with the rest of your group? What to do if things get out of hand?” (Takes a deep breath) “And can she actually kill you if she wanted…?”
Teshteal: Nick has the code words- he's one of the ones with authority over both of us. I assume he can stop us if things get out of hand. *quietly* I haven't told Dio, yet... but I don't think he needs to know. *even quieter as he looks away from Joyce, remembering how inferior he is to Jas* Nick might not be fast enough to use them if she tries to kill me. I'll probably die first...
Nick: *very carefully removes the bandages for her, revealing the wounds to the sun*
Jasmine: (Sighs with relief when the bandages are finally gone, she felt like a mummy with all of them tightly wrapped around her. A very uncomfortable and restricted mummy. She stretches out with an adorable sleepy kitten yawn, slowly running her hands over herself as she hums sweetly again at the sunbeams hitting her terribly marred skin. Pretty soon, the prickling that she felt on her face starts to spread to wherever areas are under direct sunlight, a sign that her boosted healing enhancements are starting to work)
Joyce: (Squeezes his hand, again remembering how Jasmine had fought Donny and had the upper hand even when she was horribly injured, and her brother had said she wasn’t trying to hurt him. It frightens her a little to think that the girl is capable of doing more) “…That “might” doesn’t sound like something we can just leave hanging in the air. Not if safety is a concern.” (Gently cups Teshteals face, deep concern in her eyes)
Teshteal: You don't understand... there's nothing that CAN be done once she's targeting you that way. If she can't control herself and goes in for the kill, no one can stop her. It's a lost cause, either way.
Joyce: (Almost fearfully) “There has to be something...”
Nick: There. Better? *small smile down at the teen*
Jasmine: (Nods her head as she continues to stretch out, her eyes sparkling a little. She doesn’t normally use this method of healing as it requires her to strip down to her underwear or the equivalent of a two piece bathing suit then lay outside completely exposed in direct sunlight. Considering she’s normally dressed in layers and doesn’t even like removing her jacket when outside or in the presence of others, this usually would send splitting alarm bells in her head. Besides, why would she want to heal wounds that she purposely made to bring her relieving pain. But right now she has Dad watching over her and no one can see her up here unless they climb a tree so she feels completely safe, and she feels a little more compelled to heal her wounds this time around)
Ma: (Wonders if Nick would like to give his daughter some bone broth, its highly nutritious and should be easy on the girls stomach. She heads back to the guestroom to ask, finding them both gone. Puzzled she starts searching the house, checking everywhere except Joyce's room. When she finds no sign of them she heads into the attic and taps on the wall) “Do either of you two happen to know where Detective Valentine went? Both him and Rosalinda are missing from the room.”
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djwaglmuffin · 2 years ago
I think about Nora sometimes...
And I was thinking up different justifications for her knowing things like “how to handle a 10mm as soon as she steps foot out of the vault�� and I have a few theories that I like to RP with and so can you!
1. Nate, being ex-military, taught her most of her basic survival and weapon training skills. So, the population pre-bombs was probably preparing more for nuclear inferno. It also explains why we’re finding things squirreled away: more people thought they’d survive. 
2. mnemonic impressions left over from Kellogg: Amari said there might be some left over for Valentine, but she never said something from Kellogg wouldn’t be imprinted onto you as the sole survivor. And it makes sense: After that moment, the PC is expected to run into the glowing sea. (gameplay aside) This place is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places in the commonwealth and I feel like the pace of the whole game shifts after that. You can choose to run head first into the glowing sea, or (the way I play it) is you RP that, despite the fact that Kellogg was an evil, murderous pos, he wasn’t a LIAR. You got no reason to suspect Shaun is in danger or that you need to run off.
Also: Now that you know Kellogg is telling the truth about Shaun, you need time to rehearse your speech, find the entrance to the Institute, and maybe get to know your new home. Shaun is safe, you can relax. Until, of course, you actually get to the Institute.
Also, also: I like to RP that the people at The Slog helped Nora through the worst of her “home sickness”. It was Nick’s idea and gave him an opportunity to confront Danse about Nora’s mental state.
PS: I’m just rambling. I’m also ex-military myself and want to play FO4 with how I would personally do it.
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galoogamelady · 10 months ago
I downloaded New Vegas partially because of Buttons, partially because I love the show and want to get to know the games. I’ve never died so many times in the first ten minutes of a game. I accidentally stole a guy’s milk and now he won’t stop following me and shooting me 😭. Anyway, love your content!! Thanks for introducing me to Fallout!
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joehills · 10 months ago
Sunk Cost Fallodyssey
I spent $2.72 buying Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and was dismayed to discover that Codeweavers Crossover would only install, but not run the executable.
Unwilling to give up, I spent a few hours attempting different Crossover bottle tweaks before stumbling onto the existence of the Fallout: Community Edition project, a modern reimplementation of the game's engine with compatibility for modern computers.
At last, the game launched successfully, and I learned from the opening cinematic that war is transformative but static, and was allowed to access the character creation screen:
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Since I don't know anything about Fallout, I decided to create a character based on Kaladin Stormblessed from the Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive novels. In Sanderson's story, Kaladin is an unlucky son of a small-town physician somehow trapped in a cycle of being beaten within an inch of death while everyone else around him is killed, losing whatever job he had at the time, and ending up with a new job that is somehow more dangerous.
I started by lowering my character's luck stat to the game's floor of 1 (Very Bad), then re-investing the spare points into maxing out his endurance at 10 (Heroic) and bumping up his agility, charisma, and intelligence a bit each. I took a point out of perception because Sanderson's Kaladin usually needs obvious things explained to him.
For his three Tag Skills, I selected Melee Weapons, First Aid, and Doctor since Sanderson's Kaladin had training both as a spearman and as a physician.
For the first of his two optional traits, I selected Good Natured, which dropped his combat skills but boosted his First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter abilities. My other choice here was Jinxed, which causes both the character and everyone around them to roll critical failures more often.
I started the game and died a dozen times to random encounters in the wastes. I was still having fun, but admit that I was growing a bit discouraged when I finally found my first actual spear on a random corpse giant molerats were dining on family-style.
Since grabbing the spear and fleeing those molerats, things have been looking up! I hit level two and have reached Vault 15 with far fewer deaths. The vault itself seems to be in poor repair, but without a rope to drop down the elevator shaft, I may need to continue my adventure elsewhere...
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justdiptych · 10 months ago
The original Fallout had one group of raiders. That was the name the game map gave to them - 'Raiders' - but they were in fact known as the Khans. They were a relatively minor faction, being tied to quests in the first town the player is likely to visit, but we learn a lot about them in their brief appearance.
Many of the Khans are given names and dialogue, and will tell the player about their history - including how they came from the same place as the people of Shady Sands, Vault 15, and feel entitled to share in the town's wealth. Some see their raiding life as a way to claim control of the post-war world - ruling through strength and fear, believing that old ideas of morality died with the rest of the world. Others treat it as just another job - they support their group by trading, maintaining equipment, preparing food, and other everyday tasks.
In short, the Khans are a fully-realised community, as much a part of the story as any other. We learn that their brutal leader, Garl Death-Hand, took command after killing his abusive father. The player can kill him, or negotiate with him, or impress him with acts of cruelty, or even challenge his nihilistic views by convincing him that they're his father, back from the dead. Killing Garl and destroying his compound is treated as the best choice for the region as a whole, and is confirmed to have happened in the next game in the series, but it's certainly not the only option.
Fallout 2 has two groups of raiders. One - again marked 'Raiders' on the map - turn out not to be raiders at all, in that they're not attacking towns to steal their wealth. Instead, they're a mercenary company, hired by a disreputable businessman from one town (New Reno) on behalf of another town (Shady Sands again, now the capital of the New California Republic) to harass a third town (Vault City) to convince them that they need outside help in maintaining their defences. It's part of the game's major subplot about the three societies competing for control of northern California and western Nevada.
The other group are the New Khans, founded by Garl's son Darion after the original Khans' defeat. These Khans aren't nearly so fearsome as their predecessors - they mostly operate in secret, hiding behind a group of squatters who have moved into the ruins of Vault 15 and pretending to help them restore it for use. Darion is wracked with resentment over what happened to his father's crew and guilt for having survived, and his gang ultimately present little real threat to the outside world.
What I'm getting at here is that, in the world of Fallout as it existed in those early games, 'raiders' were not a major factor. There was one group who conducted raids as part of their regular economic activity, but only against particular communities - Shady Sands saw them as raiders, but to the Hub, they were just traders. Raiders only existed in a particular context - they had particular interests, beliefs and opportunities that would not always be possible or applicable.
Most of the games' conflict came not from the existence of raiders but from bilateral political and economic competition between groups with overlapping but not identical interests, which was reflected in their respective ideologies. We see this in Killian and Gizmo fighting to control the future of Junktown, and in the Master's attempt to reshape the world with the Unity while the different groups of New California try to retain their independence.
We particularly see it in Fallout 2, with its three-way battle for economic domination between the constitutional democracy of the New California Republic, the mafia-ruled narco-state of New Reno, and the elitist technocratic slave state of Vault City. Which of these groups continue to rule and expand, and which crumble, is what ultimately shapes the region's future - with control of Redding and its gold supply as the linchpin.
While the Enclave are the story's primary antagonists, they're chiefly characterised by their refusal to engage with this new socio-economic order - they believe that all outside authorities are illegitimate, and all outsiders non-human, and their only plan is to release a bioweapon into the atmosphere and kill literally everyone on Earth but themselves. The Enclave's defeat is necessary for New California's survival, but, otherwise, they change very little about how people live their lives. They're like Darion's New Khans on a larger scale - relics of a fallen order, robbed of their purpose, hiding in an old bunker and driven by nothing but resentment of having been left behind.
I might, in future, talk about the contrasting depiction of raiders in Fallouts 3, 4 and 76, and about New Vegas's use of raider and bandit groups like the Khans, the Legion, the Fiends and the White Legs. For now, I think I've made my point - that raiders are not a fact of life but a product of a particular place and time, and much less relevant to the universe of Fallout than other forms of competition and violence.
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dykedvonte · 11 months ago
You wanna talk about House and Benny? Let’s talk about House and Benny. Let’s talk about how House says he saw Benny as a son figure ans a rightful successor to the strip. Let’s talk about how Benny was so charmed by House’s offer that he literally killed a man to get the position to agree to it. Let’s talk about how House was intentionally priming Benny and regrets not doing better, not for the wasted time but of Benny’s wasted potential, how it was misplaced. Let’s talk about how Benny didn’t question House’s leadership until the guy started going radio silent. Let’s talk about House and Benny:
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#cause realistically Benny had to be of an age house could project a parental view on when they first met and combined with how impulsive and#short sighted Benny is with his planning and way of operating makes me think he’s not as old as people headcanon cause he was the leader#the chairmen for 7 years so you have to subtract that from his current age meaning he was even younger and more impressionable to house cuz#how else would house see him as a good candidate if his backstabbing was already a thing seeing as house was aware of his plan from the#start so since house projects and acts like a man ranged late 40s to 50s I’d say Benny is max 25-27 by game start so they met when he was#still a teen cause a theme in the game surrounding older npcs ins a resistance to change and of course someone still young and okay with#change would take an offer such as Houses eagerly along with the fact Benny seems like okay with sudden change actually considering him#giving you the reigns when he thinks his goose is cooked#but this is all to say there was def an unhealthy projection on house part on the role he wanted Benny to play that was likely controlling#and the sudden silence as he tried to acquire the chip would only make Benny more inclined to rebel especially since he is still young and#impressionable if we take he’s only in his mid 20s#and before someone says he doesn’t look it he acts like that and some characters are supposed to be 26 and 37 and I bet you guessed wrong on#who the first time#fallout#fallout new vegas#mr house fnv#robert edwin house#benny fnv#benny gecko
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myapathyhaspeaked · 2 months ago
thinking about janus and remus’ friendships with virgil being doomed to fail because they were less “our personalities mesh well and we get along” relationships and more “we are stuck in this together and if i don’t have you i have nobody” thing, and also that things would have worked out better if their circle had been larger, like we don’t know exactly who orange is but as anxiety being only able to talk to someone who you can never tell is being completely honest or has an agenda and someone who likes to cause fear and discomfort for fun cannot be the best. like, yknow??????????
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kaorym · 8 months ago
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lunasuccor · 4 months ago
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Starting Fallout part 2 today at 4pm! Come check it out and follow for more HERE! <3
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alien-vampyre · 4 months ago
Where's all the love for this guy?
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archersartcorner · 1 year ago
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Back in Far Harbor gang… I get they probably didn’t want to extend a cutscene where the player had no control out too long, but I do wish in the Acadia meeting that you can eavesdrop on they brought up Nick 😭 but they do Not so here’s me making up scenarios. The Usual. 😏
#my art#described#fallout 4#dima#fallout 4 dima#nick valentine#also like the idea that Nick & Dima have internal fans and when they get Super Emotional u just hear WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHDBDJ#also playing with the idea that po is a psyker/has a ‘sight’ equivalent that’s. essentially just in-game save-scumming LMAO#rly hoping that’s not an idea I’m accidentally stealing from someone. PLS lemme know if someone else has used that and I just Forgot 😭#but ye essentially when faced with the more decisive moments. Po might just pass out and ‘experience’ all of the options -#- (akin to garnets future vision in SU I’d say!) and that helps him determine the best path forward#thought sometimes when it’s a smaller decision he doesn’t pass out. just experiences some light fatigue and then -#- ‘oh ya btw that trunk is trapped. yea you’ll get blowed up if you just open it.’ ‘…. well thanks for relaying that .0001 seconds before-#-I opened it PO.’#but anyway. all that to say that’s what Nick’s referring to when he said po probably ‘saw’ it and then encouraged the path#po meanwhile is upstairs looking through faraday’s diary - I mean uhhhhhhhhhh the other secret stuff. def not his diary#anyway. DiMA’s not biological but there is an importance to him to him and Nick’s relationship. he’s stupid protective of Nick -#- who probably doesn’t appreciate being the ‘little’ brother all that much. but that’s just how DiMA’s rationalized their ‘roles’#I just like em hehe
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sassenashsworld · 1 year ago
nothing is never simple with this two eh...
Power Armor Punch Part Fifty Nine
(Trigger Warning for suicide attempt and severe self harm)
Lucille: I killed so many innocent people-! *the left side of her vision fills with a damage warning*
Nick: *sees the warning too, reaching out for him to stop* Gardio, stop-!
Lucille: *suddenly a sharp pain shoot through her shoulder as her arm is pulled apart and wires yanked out of their spots, soldered or not. Winces and screams, stumbling forward then breaking into a sprint*
Gardio: *covers his mouth in shock at the severed limb before pursuing her again, tears rushing along his face at what he's just done* Lucille-!
Ma: (Gasps in alarm at this, clutching her gun to her chest. She gives a quick glance at Nick before also going after the young woman who’s now down an arm and probably defenseless in her mental state)
Jasmine: (Keeps the shard in her side, blinking off with a thousand yard stare as everything bottled up in her mind jumps out to attack her in droves)
Donovan: (Still trying to find the right moment to cross the room and take the gun away from the girl, but she’s so sharp that he can’t move much) “Rosalinda, can you tell me what you want and or need? Anything at all. Even if it sounds impossible to achieve, we can work on inching towards it together.”
Jasmine: (Wants to die first off, but she’s sure that’s not what Donny means… Maybe she wants to get through ONE day without thinking about or doing anything terrible or saddening, along with sleeping throughout the night without a single nightmare. Just a normal, stress free day for once, maybe a happy filled one if she can be that lucky. But first she’ll have to deserve it, and she never will. This living hell is her well earned consequence for her actions)
Donovan: (Desperately) “Ro-Ro, please. Give me something to work with here…”
Jasmine: (Growls lowly, closing her eyes while more tears spill down her face)
Nick: *frowns. He doesn't know what's gotten into the woman*
Gardio: *running as fast as he can* Lucille, please don't do this!!
Lucille: *making serpentine movements. Wants to get lost in the fog and never be found*
Gardio: *won't let her*
Teshteal: *waited for a moment but decides to get up* I think they're going to need my nose. Lucille's making a run for it for some reason. *runs out the door and starts sniffing for Lucille and the others*
Joyce: (Reaches out to her boyfriend as he scurries out of the room, then draws back her hand, realizing that she’s now alone in the house at night. She slowly looks around the empty air with wide eyes) “Oh god…” (Reminds herself that Donny said that there was nothing lurking outside, yet she’s still frightened. She strains her ears for the sound of a boat approaching, holding her breath)
Pirate: (At the bottom of the makeshift elevator to the lighthouse, whining up towards the top)
Donovan: (Backs up at the growling. He’s walking on eggshells here) “Okay then… How about we both sit down on the sofa and take a breather for a moment, or maybe just you while I stand here. You’re looking a little green around the gills…” (Not to mention covered in cuts and blood) “I don’t want you to faint…”
Jasmine: (Stamps her feet and shakes her head, putting the arm that has the shard around her waist while letting the glass dig into the skin of her lower waist)
Donovan: (Realizes that Jazzy is probably feeling exposed and freezing right now due to not having much on. He wishes he had his coat to give her, or anything at all) “Are you cold? We are high up and it’s breezy in here. I’d go fetch you a jacket but I can’t leave you alone…” (Holds out his hand in a offering for her to take it)
Jasmine: (Hisses presses her back further into the wall, tightening her grip on the gun to the point her entire arm shakes)
Donovan: (Puts up his hands again, showing a bit of fear on his face) “I’m not your challenger or opponent, Rosie. I just want to get you to safety first, then I can help you work through whatever is going on inside your head.”
Gardio: *still chasing after his daughter, but he's starting to lose sight of her* No, no, no, no-! Lucille!
Nick: *listening for gun shots at this point*
Teshteal: *gets close enough to the group in a matter of moments* I'm tracking her.
Gardio: *realieved look* Good man. *nods*
Lucille: *trips and falls on her face, sending Kellogg's gun flying* N-no. I have to finish it- *struggles to get up. Winces and realizes she twisted her ankle. She starts to cry in frustration*
Ma: (Stopped to take care of some wolves that came over, shooting them and bashing them with the fury of a mother protecting her child)
Joyce: (Stands and starts slowly moving through the house as her heart pounds, creeping up the stairway)
Donovan: (Remembers how the girl cried out for her father after she got banged up the the trappers and how she’s been clinging to him ever since) “…Would you like to go down together so you can be with Detective Valentine? He seems to care about you dearly, he’s been by your side since he got back.”
Jasmine: (Sniffles, her eyes glimmering slightly at the mention of her Dad)
Donovan: (Notices that the mention of Nick brings little Rosie back into the sunlight and so he continues) “You really like him, don’t you? He seems like a good principled man, and a loving father to you.”
Jasmine: (Nods a little, suddenly feeling guilt claw at her chest when she thinks of all the trouble Nick has gone through to keep her alive and healthy, how heartbroken he gets when he sees his daughter destroy herself)
Donovan: (Holds both of his arms out to her, watching with concern as she starts trembling like a leaf in a raging storm)
Jasmine: (Feels so undeserving of the tender love and kindness Nick gives her, all she’s done is scream and cry to him. Maybe in the long run her being gone will make room for someone else to take her place, someone who deserves a father as generous as Nick)
Teshteal: *sniffs the air and darts to Lucille* Found her!
Gardio: Thank god!
Lucille: *trying to scramble for the gun* Just let me die!!
Nick: *kicks the gun away* No can do, doll.
Gardio: *sits and pulls her into his lap*
Lucille: Please-!! *having one hell of a mental break. She's squirming and fighting her father*
Gardio: Why do you want to die so badly?!
Lucille: The world would be so much better without me in it to fxck it up!!
Nick: Lucille that's a load of shxt and you know it. You know where I'd be right now if it weren't for you? Vault 114, as the world's most bullet riddled coat rack, that's where! The whole Commonwealth would be living under the Institute thumb without ya. You've made this place better. Not worse.
Lucille: *tears up* But all the people I went through to do those things- they had families!
Nick: *sighs* They did... but I've rarely seen you murder a man in cold blood, if at all. It's always been self defense.
Lucille: *knows that isn't true. The Prydwen wasn't self defense. Everyone there were merely defending themselves* Please... just let this failure die...
Gardio: *holding her tightly as she struggles* You're not a failure. *tearing up again* Please, stop calling yourself that... *looks up to Ma for help briefly before kissing his daughter's hair frantically*
Ma: (Shrugs off her jacket and slings her shotgun on her back, kneeling down beside the two. She drapes it around Lucille before gently holding her from behind so it’s harder for her to struggle)
Donovan: (Smiles at her despite the fear boiling inside his chest) “I sure your mom would’ve loved him too. She would’ve loved that such a kind man was taking care of her wild baby girl.”
Jasmine: (Swallows a lump in her throat with a strained cry, her knees getting even weaker. He’s right, Mamá would’ve adored Nick if she could’ve met him… But what if Nick is next on the chopping block for her terrible curse? She’s already straining the poor old detective to his limits just as she did to her mother and aunt)
Donovan: (Knows that Jas can play tough girl and warrior face all she wants, but at the end of the day she still just wants to snuggle her parent for comfort when things get rough. She can’t resist that feeling no matter how much sass or aggressive hisses she throws at people)
Jasmine: (Slumps against the wall so she’s partly doubled over, still holding the gun to her head. He fingers are getting heavier over the trigger)
Donovan: (Takes another chance at trying to approach)
Jasmine: (Weakly) “Stay away from me! You cannot be close…” (Starts to sob again) “Do not be close to me, please…”
Teshteal: I'm going to head back. I left Joyce alone and I'm sure she's freaking out. *scampers off. He doesn't mention the scent of blood because Nick has a hand in this situation. Hopes Jas isn't dead*
Gardio: You got a law degree before the war. That wasn't an easy task! You helped people! That is the exact opposite of a failure!
Nick: Vault 88 would be just a pit in the ground with a messed up mad lady as overseer without you! God- Curie- she'd still be stuck in 81 all alone. What would your wife do if you suddenly vanished, Luce? *kneels. Softly, worried for his friend* What about your kid? He'll miss you something fierce. Geneveve, too. She'd never exist without you now she's singing in Goodneighbor.
Lucille: *freezes when she hears Curie's name then resumes struggling knowing they have safe lives ahead of them* They'd be fine-!
Gardio: *shakes his head fiercely, remembering losing his wife* No- Not Curie. Remember how it felt when you lost Nate? The pain? The overwhelming grief? I don't know who Curie is but do you really want to put her through that same hell?
Lucille: *clarity hits her at the mention of Nate and compares it to what her wife would go through... guilt washes over her face but not for the atrocities she assumes she's committed*
Nick: *nods* She needs you, Luce. You don't want to let her down by pulling the trigger, right?
Lucille: *nods, holding back tears*
Nick: Then, chin up. *smiles reassuringly* I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever.
Lucille: *sniffs* You've said that before...
Nick: And I'll say it again. As many times as you need.
Lucille: *just starts crying. Not even fighting anymore. Hearing him reassure her the same way he did right after killing Kellogg and finding out Shaun was in the Institute helps her more than the old synth knows*
Nick: Also you're still the best damn partner I've ever had. Can't let you die on me.
Lucille: *chokes out a laugh between her sobs. She'd smile and laugh at his remark if she wasn't relieving her pent up stress through her tears*
Gardio: *wonders if the worst is over for her. He prays it is...*
Ma: (Gently rubbing Lucille’s back, nodding along with what the two other men are saying)
Donovan: (Sees that he’s losing her again) “Don’t do that... It’s alright that you want comfort, it’s never been a weakness.” (Gives her a nod) “I won’t touch you, but you have to put down the gun, Rosie-Posie.”
Jasmine: (That’s not what she’s thinking at the moment, she doesn’t care how much she’s dressed or how much comfort she wants. She’s a danger to them, to everyone around her. Even if she’s not cursed, she’s sure as hell coded to kill people then spit on their corpses with a sick smile)
Donovan: (All he needs to do is to disarm the unstable girl, then he can carry her back downstairs kicking and screaming if that’s what it takes to bring her to safety. After that he’ll be sure Jas gets cleaned, bandaged, fed, then put back into bed even if she fights him on every turn. He saw that glimmer in her eyes, she’s IN there somewhere, and he’ll wait and care for her for however long it takes to set her free)
Jasmine: (Looks her childhood friend over, once again seeing the sweet goofy boy whom she loved to mess around with. He’s innocent, he has a good life here. She can’t taint that too, she can’t drag any of them down with her) (Coldly) “Turn around.”
Donovan: (Goes even more wide eyed, taking a step to her again as his heart pounds with dread) “What?!?”
Jasmine: (Through tears, shaking her head) “Turn the fuck around! Trust me, you do not want to see this.” (Takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, ready this time to follow through with what should’ve happened a long time ago)
Donovan: (Bolts forwards) “NO!!! DON’T!!!” (Grabs the girls arm and pushes it upwards high above her head just as she pulls the trigger, causing the bullet to go through the window instead)
Joyce: (Came outside to find Donny once she realized that she was probably safe, screaming when she hears the bullet shatter the glass from above) “DONNY!!” (Runs to the elevator and calls it down, panting)
Jasmine: (Goes feral when she’s kept from ending her life, her programming fighting skills taking ahold) “YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING!!! YOU WILL ALL BE DEAD IF YOU LET ME LIVE!!!” (Makes a move towards the other bullets still in the case)
Donovan: (Kicks the back of her legs to make her fall partially into his arms, trying to pry the gun and shard out of her hands)
Jasmine: (Throws herself forwards, sending them both into a tussle on the ground for the gun)
Joyce: (Takes the elevator up, yelping again when she sees the two struggling against each other) “Donovan!”
Donovan: (Snatches the teen by the waist and pulls her in) “Joyce! Go downstairs.” (To Jasmine who’s wrangling in his arms) “Calm down, baby! Please!”
Jasmine: (Tries to flip him over, but her arms are too weak to lift him up by that much) “GET THE FUCK OFF ME AND LEAVE!!”
Joyce: (Fearfully with an outstretched hand) “But-!”
Donovan: (Pins Jas by her arms to the ground, wincing as she kicks his groin) “NOW!”
Joyce: (Crying as she presses the button to go back down, so confused and scared for her brothers safety and the teens sanity. She puts her arms around her chest to hug herself tightly as she walks back into the house)
Jasmine: (Raises the thick shard to her neck, trying to slit it as she can’t reach the gun and death isn’t coming soon enough)
Donovan: (Holds her wrist in his, pulling back so the shard partly slices her shoulder instead) “Stop it!”
Lucille: *starting to calm down*
Nick: *heaves a sigh of relief* How about we get you back to the house. You never finished your food...
Lucille: *nods and croaks* Yeah...
Teshteal: *makes it back to the house and immediately goes to Joyce when he sees the frightened look on her face* Angel? What happened? What's wrong? *takes her shoulders in his hands, looking into her eyes*
Joyce: (Points behind her to the laundry room door that’s open, shaking all over as she stutters) “Donny… the little girl… gunshots… She’s trying to…” (Feels her knees buckle a bit, so fearful for her brother because of how strong Jas is and how feral she was fighting)
Jasmine: (Sobbing hysterically. Donny isn’t Nick, he doesn’t know about the shit she did. He doesn’t know what she’s capable of. He only sees her as that wide-eyed kid who’d bubble around town with a smile on her face. That kid is dead, she’s been dead since the moment she chose to go down this path when she told her mother off)
Donovan: (Also doesn’t know that Jazzy blames herself for the death of her family, or what happened to her baby and the four kids. He just sees his little sister having a major mental breakdown while bleeding from cuts that are shaped into horrible insults and words. He can give a guess where she was told these things, but he doesn’t have any details other than what he heard from Teshteal about the vault)
Jasmine: (Gets the rage back into her and she shoves Donny aside with all her might, running and sliding to the gun and the box with the bullets)
Donovan: (Recovers quickly with a grunt of pain, diving back to stop her as she expertly reloads the emergency pistol) “YOU NEED TO STOP!!”
Jasmine: (Shrieks as she is knocked against the cabinets, struggling to kick Donny again and get the gun pointed back to her head)
Donovan: (Doing everything in his power to not let Jazzy prematurely end her own life. He has to put his body weight on top of her in order to do this, wincing a bit when she screams a different note)
Jasmine: (Puts her legs around his waist and swings them both to the floor, her landing in the pile of shards)
Donovan: (Scrambles to get Jas out of the glass so she can’t use it or accidentally cut herself)
Gardio: Here. I'll carry you. *stands, bridal carrying his daughter, the remains of her arm under his own. Nods to the others* Lets go.
Ma: (Makes sure that her coat is nice and snug around Lucille before she kisses her head and nods back at Gardio, taking the lead in guiding them back to the house with her shotgun out. God help anyone who tries to mess with them right now…)
Teshteal: *catches her when he knees start to buckle* Whoa. Easy, love. Slow down and talk to me... *strokes her hair out of her face gently*
Joyce: (Grips onto Teshteal, heaving heavy breaths while her mind races to explain things clearly) “They’re fighting up there… I heard a gunshot. The girl was crying and she had the gun in her hands… She was covered in blood…”
Jasmine: (Puts the gun back up to her head, screaming with frustration when Donny once more pins her arm to keep it away from herself) “Stop it!!” (Glass cuts her skin while she swings and swats at the ghoul)
Donovan: (Takes the kicks and hits the teens gives him like a champ) “I’m not stopping, child!”
Jasmine: (Pulls the trigger on the gun again, smacking him across the face when he winces at the loud noise. She sits up and backs against the wall with the gun pointed at her head)
Donovan: (Cups his cheek and stands, pointing at her) “WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER SAY TO THIS?!?”
Jasmine: (Freezes, shaking all over as she glares at Donny with bloodshot eyes) “She would not say shit because I am not her daughter!”
Donovan: “Bullshit! She loved you with all her heart just as she did with Cosmos and Lilac! You know that!!!”
Jasmine: “And yet she is dead along with my siblings! Because of me! Just like what happened to my first adopted father! And my baby! And those kids!!! The people in the vault! Settlers!” (Looks down at herself, squeezing her eyes shut) “ALL OF THEM ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF MY FUCKED UP SELF!!!”
Donovan: (Goes partially jaw dropped at her confession that he has several questions about, then takes the opportunity to spring forwards to tackle her once more and hold her arm away from her head, kneeling over her for a better hold)
Jasmine: (Lost in a pool of red of all the people that have crossed her path and died for it) “YOU ARE NEXT ON THE LIST!!! I AM FUCKING PLAYING WITH ALL OF YOU!!! YOU WILL DIE IF I LIVE!!!” (Sobs harder while she gaps) “I am playing with you! I am playing the role of the victim so I can eventually take what I want and kill all of you one by one! Because that is what they made me for!!”
Teshteal: *flinches hearing gun fire. He quickly leads Joyce to the couch* Stay here. I'm going to go see if I can sort this out. *runs to the light house door, absolutely obliterating the lock by kicking it. He runs up and freezes at what he sees. Wonders if he can give commands in this instance but considering the situation he pulls out the tone of an officer giving orders* A-001, Reset!!
Joyce: (Winces at the sound of the door being forced open, crying into her hands while she waits for Ma to come home or for her brother or boyfriend to come back down and explain what’s going on)
Nick: *walking along side them. Still worried for Lucille*
Gardio: *Just wants her to be okay*
Ma: (Hopes her two kids are doing alright, and Jazzy too. Lucille had pointed out that Jas was missing from the sofa and she assumed Donny went after her. She’s getting a motherly sense that something is terribly wrong back at home, and so far that instinct hasn’t lied to her)
Jasmine: (Has completely lost it already and is breaking through several layers of coding while at the same time letting it control her so she just screams something incoherent at Teshteal. He’s suppose to be her target, he can’t have control over her)
Donny: (Has literally zero clue on how to respond to Jasmines previous statement as he’s missing so many pieces of the puzzle. He’s sure that Jas doesn’t want to kill anybody, but he’s afraid of agitating her further if he tries to argue) “Help me hold her, she’s strong-!”
Jasmine: (Growls lowly and kicks Donny in the stomach to get him off her) “LEAVE ME BE FOR YOUR OWN DAMN GOOD!! I AM NOT WORTH THE FIGHT!!”
Donovan: (Falls back a considerable distance with a groan. She’s definitely getting much stronger, there might’ve been a crack at that one) “And your dad?!? What does he have to say about this?!? This can’t be the first time you’ve tried pulling this off!!!”
Jasmine: (Halts again, staring down the barrel of the gun while waterfalls stream down her cheeks) “Daddy…”
Donovan: (Nods, breathing a pained sigh as he grunts from the impact) “Yeah. Surely he knows more about you, right? Yet he’s still staying firmly by your side.” (Puts up a hand to stop Teshteal from approaching Jazzy. He doesn’t want to lose her to aggression as she’s incredibly unstable and fragile)
Teshteal: *freezes, keeping away until the time is right*
Ma: (Picks up speed, glancing back at the two men. She slows down slightly after a few minutes so she can whisper to Nick as to not worry Lucille or Gardio) “I-… Something is wrong at home.” (Looks back ahead, trying not to move too fast) “After taking care of people for two hundred years as a constant parental and maternal figure, you kinda develop a very strong second sense than most. It’s like an actual tingle in your skull.”
Nick: *nods and prepares for the worst. He gets ready to use the Reset code again*
Jasmine: (Whimpers as she eyes the gun, staring at her vague reflection in the shiny black casing. So tempting…)
Donovan: “I don’t think Detective Valentine would want to see his little girl go out like this. And I can tell you that neither I or Ma want watch you go either.”
Jasmine: (Sniffles, shaking her head as she sits up and backs against the wall) “You care too much about me… You are not suppose to give a shit what happens to my pathetic and worthless self…”
Donovan: (Sighs) “And who told ya that? The same people who said those horrible things to you?” (Gestures at the engraved words on her skin that are leaking blood everywhere)
Jasmine: (Coldly) “They knew me better than any of you ever will. They knew exactly what kind of damage I am capable of causing on innocent lives.”
Donovan: (Steers the conversation away from that) “I think your dad gives a shit what happens to your physical and mental health, no matter what people have said in the past or will say in the future.”
Jasmine: (Blinks on her tears, losing control of her breathing a bit but she stays alert. It would be horrible if Nick came up and saw her body on the floor surrounded by her own blood and insides) (Softly) “Daddy…”
Donovan: (Holds out his arms to her, offering another choice once more) “Wouldn’t you much rather be downstairs with him? I know you’ve always loved to cuddle, you could be doing that instead of being up here freezing and blood soaked.” (Pleadingly) “Please baby, put down the gun… I swear on my life that we’ll be able to work this out bit by bit.”
Jasmine: (Sniffles again, shuffling in the pile of shards) “I am not a baby or a kid!”
Donovan: (Sad smile at the teen girl) “I’m 15x your age, Rosie. I’ve lived through several lifetimes and eras during the apocalypse. You’re just a little baby girl compared to me.”
Teshteal: *slowly approaches the two on all fours like a timid animal, pupils saucers, making his expression softer. Softly* Rosie... I don't want to see you like this. I don't like seeing you like this. *begging her softly* Please listen to him... please let him help you. *looks so worried for the girl*
Ma: (Soon the group comes up to the path that leads to the house. The main gate is wide open and she can see the modified Mr Handy still patrolling the premises)
Jasmine: (Blinks at Teshteal for a moment with trembling lips, remembering that she wanted to kill him in cold blood not too long ago, and when he came into the room she got a spark of that feeling from the programming. She shakes her head vigorously)
Donovan: (Still holding out his arms to the teen, inviting her to fall into an warm embrace)
Jasmine: (So badly wants to deep down inside, but there’s a million reasons why she shouldn’t. She thinks of her Dad, then what has happened to Lucille because of her... She’s destroying this family from the inside) “He is going to be next… This family will be next on the chopping block…”
Donovan: “You didn’t kill your family, Rosie. Those deaths are not on you.”
Jasmine: (Angrily snapping, getting frosty eyes once more) “YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT!!! As long as I am still here, your days are numbered!! I will keeping going batshit until someone dies!!!” (Shaking all over again, staring down at the gun) “I am not worth saving for the cost…”
Donovan: (Inching towards her, glancing at Teshteal as Jas is getting riled up) “You’re not doing us any favors by trying to go through with this!!! Please put down the gun, you’re not thinking about this the right way!!!”
Teshteal: You didn't get them sick... you had nothing to do with how they died. *sniffs, remembering his own family- all whiped out from the bombs. Their bodies nothing but silhouettes on the walls. That wasn't his fault. That was the fault of the war* I know what it's like... but you aren't responsible for things beyond your control. *keeps inching forward. Softly* The voices are wrong, Rosie... Why would the people who hurt us ever tell the truth?
Nick: I'll go on ahead. *walks in and notices Joyce on the couch with her face in her hands. He frowns at that then deeper as he sees the lighthouse door. He approaches it*
Joyce: (Raises her head when Nick comes in, relieved that he’s back. She points to the laundry room as he passes) “The girl has a gun… Donny and Teshteal are trying to help her…”
Jasmine: (Growls lowly at the two men, labeling them as threats) “You are wrong. They would not have died if I did not come into the picture in the first place.” (Closes her eyes again) “The voices are right, they have almost always been…”
Donovan: (Takes the chance at tackling Jasmine when he sees an opening as he’s the closest)
Jasmine: (Fires the gun twice when she feels herself being brought to the floor, screaming at Donny to get off as she kicks and punches with all her strength)
Donovan: (Has an incredibly hard time at keeping the feral girl under control, he can barely keep her on the ground for a second before she’s flipping him over and hitting at his chest while the glass on the floor cuts at him)
Joyce: (Yelps at the sound of gunshots as they echo loudly from the lighthouse, covering her mouth with both of her hands. She hopes none of those had hit anyone…)
Ma: (Hears them as well from outside, rushing up to the door in a panic) “JOYCE! DONOVAN!”
Nick: *charges up the stairs as soon as he hears the shots. As soon as he crosses the steps* A-001, ZERO DAY. *not taking any chances this time*
Jasmine: (Gasps when she hears that command word that tells her to go completely numb and neutral from her father, but her mind is so fragmented that she just crumbles to the glass covered floor in defeat. She curls into a ball with the gun clutched to her chest like a teddy bear, weeping loudly while trying to cover up as much as she can with her arms and legs)
Donovan: “Oww, damn…” (Winces as he slowly rises from the ground so he’s kneeling instead, brushing off the glass from his body. He’s sore all over now and has a killer headache, but it’s nothing a little radiation and rest can’t fix)
Nick: *picks her up, taking the gun out of her hands and tossing it aside. His mechanical heart sinks seeing the words. Softly, reassuringly, but pained* Come on, kitten. Let's get you patched up. *before he carries her out of the room to Donovan* When he's available, might want to ask Gardio to shoot some radiation your way. *heads down to the med room to start fixing her up. He'll snap her out of zero day when she's bandaged up. He'll keep reassuring her through out so she knows she's safe*
Donovan: (Taking a moment to regain himself after the fight) “Yeah, I’ll see if I can.” (Slowly stands and hobbles over to the sofa, glancing around at the now messed up room)
Gardio: *takes Lucille up to her room and lays her in bed*
Lucille: *winces* My my ankle...
Gardio: *pulls out some med-x and gives her a shot* Ssh. *sets her arm to the side* You're going to be alright.
Lucille: *whimpers a little* I'm sorry...
Gardio: *strokes her forehead* It's okay...
Ma: (Bursts into the house, immediately rushing over to Joyce) “Baby what’s wrong?” (Lifts the young women’s face to hers, looking her over) “Are you hurt? What happened?”
Joyce: (Puts her hands on Ma, taking a deep breath) “Rosie was fighting with Donovan, and she had a gun. Teshteal went up when he came back and now the girls father is with them as well.”
Ma: (Worried about everyone at the moment, there are three people she wants to attend to. Lucille has her father looking after her and Jas is with Nick, Teshteal, and Donny while Joyce is alone. So first she needs to calm down her daughter) “And you? You’re not hurt, are you?”
Joyce: (Shakes her head) “Just a little rattled, Donny didn’t let me come close but I saw them fighting and heard the gunshots.”
Jasmine: (Chokes on her sobs and starts kicking the air while swatting at her Dad with one hand while the other clutches a shard she picked up, her mind shattered enough and dead set on dying for everyone’s sake that she can partly break through her programming)
Nick: A-001, reset. *trying to get her to go limp just so it's easier to attend to her on his own. He lays her out in the med room and takes the glass shard away from her, tossing it in the garbage behind him*
Gardio: I'll be right back, sweetheart. *runs down into the med room and quickly grabs supplies. He doesn't dare look at Jas- he's had enough heart ache for one day*
Jasmine: (Weakly whimpers as she goes completely limp on the cot, still hiccuping on her cries. Her mind tries to go through a full recount, but all she sees is white and black splotches. She’d be terrified out of her mind if it was someone else standing over her while she’s probably at her most vulnerable state ever, but she isn’t scared even the slightest as it’s just Nick who’d never dream of hurting her)
Teshteal: *knows he can't help Jas... but he can help Joyce. He slinks back down to the living room. Timidly from near the end of the couch looking like a kicked pup, worried she might be mad at him for leaving her alone and not comforting her when he got back* Joyce...?
Ma: (Held Joyce close so she didn’t have to see Jasmine while Nick walked by, stifling a cry herself when she catches a glimpse of the bloodied girl. She looks up at Teshteal with a sad smile when he arrives, then down at her daughter to see what she wants)
Joyce: (Raises her head when her boyfriend returns, so relieved that Teshteal is alright. She pats the seat on the sofa besides her to invite him to sit) “Hi… Are you okay? How’s Donny doing?”
Ma: (Wondering the same thing, already giving Teshteal a once over with worried, motherly eyes)
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ferretteeth · 10 months ago
>New Vegas shown at the end of the Fallout TV show
>the Kings are in New Vegas
>aka a gang full of people who think Elvis was some sort of monarch and worship him by impersonating him
>led by a man who takes being Elvis a little too seriously
There’s only one man for the job
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justdiptych · 10 months ago
General Fallout gripe: it is weird how often the games assume that all drug use is recreational, rather than performance-enhancing. It's particularly weird, given that the only illicit drugs in the original game were performance-enhancing - steroids (Buffout), study drugs (Mentats) and some sort of secret rage-inducing military concoction (Psycho).
Nominally recreational drugs started appearing in Fallout 2 with Jet (super-meth with a side of shrooms). 2 also featured characters discussing other drugs - weed, coke, peyote - but they didn't appear as in-game items. A few more fun-style drugs have been added since then - Daddy-O, Day Tripper, and such - but they don't get as much attention as the Big 4 of Buffout, Mentats, Psycho and Jet.
So, people talk about using these chems to party, and assume the player does too. Troike in New Vegas says that his standard Saturday night entertainment is Buffout. Hancock in 4 says his favourite indulgence is Mentats. And... I'm not a drugs person, really, but are people really taking steroids to have a good time at the club? And, even if they are, why would they assume that's why the player is using them?
The player doesn't experience any of the pleasures their character is experiencing when they use chems, any more than they can taste the food their character is eating. They're most likely just using them to increase their stats - to pass a check, or do more damage in combat, or whatever. In short, as a performance enhancer. I assume that's why all those drugs discussed in 2 didn't actually appear in-game - because they wouldn't be useful stat-increasers and so didn't make sense to include as, effectively, RPG potions.
I feel like this might come down to maintaining a sense of familiarity and brand recognition - everyone knows Buffout et al. are the Fallout Drugs, so they get plugged in everywhere drugs are needed in the story, whether or not it makes sense. Plus, using the made-up, silly-sounding names helps avoid another morphine/Med-X fiasco (thanks to my country's ridiculous government and its persistent terror of any technology newer than the rotary telephone.)
In which case, well, credit to 4 for inventing some suitably-sillily-named recreational drugs... and I can only attribute it to that game's famously uneven design that it then failed to properly feature them in its story or draw much attention to them at all. I'd be interested to know who made them, who uses them, how they work! But, we got nothing - apparently, they're much less popular highs than combat enhancers and Ritalin.
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ner2106 · 5 months ago
Where others see danger, the Rangers see duty. Protecting the Republic, one mission at a time.
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⭐Our Future, Our Fallout - Together! Join Today!⭐
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