#like fr we both have played explorers several times over
everything-pmd · 1 year
bro is it not common pmd knowledge that partner's dialogue in explorers is slightly different depending on their gender?? I mentioned this to a fellow pmd-liker friend and he had never heard of it in his life
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killianmesmalls · 3 years
On your comments about Jack: ye-es, in the sense that Jack is a character who definitely deserved better than he was treated by the characters. The way Dean especially treats him reflects very badly on Dean, no question. But, speaking as a viewer, I think the perspective needs to shift a little bit.
To me, Jack is Dawn from Buffy, or Scrappy Doo. He’s an (in my opinion) irritating kid who is introduced out of nowhere to be both super vulnerable and super OP, and the jeopardy is centered around him in a way that has nothing to do with his actual character or relationships. He’s mostly around to be cute and to solve or create problems — he never has any firm character arcs or goals of his own, nor any deeper purpose in the meta narrative. In this way, he’s a miss for SPN, which focuses heavily on conflicts as metaphors for real life.
Mary fits so much better in that framework, and introducing her as a developed, flawed person works really well with the narrative. It is easy for us to care about Mary, both as the dead perfect mother on the pedestal and as the flawed, human woman who could not live up to her sons’ expectations. That connection is built into the core of SPN, and was developed over years, even before she was a character. When she was added, she was given depth and nuance organically, and treated as a flawed, complex character rather than as a plot device or a contrivance. She was given a voice and independence, and became a powerful metaphor for developing new understandings of our parents in adulthood, as well as an interesting and well-rounded character. You care that she’s dead, not just because Sam and Dean are sad, but for the loss of her development and the potential she offered. So, in that sense, I think a lot of people were frustrated that she died essentially fridged for a second time, and especially in service of the arc of a weaker character.
And like, you’re right, no one can figure out if Jack is a toddler or a teenager. He’s both and he’s neither, because he’s never anything consistently and his character arc is always “whatever the plot needs it to be.” Every episode is different. Is he Dean’s sunny opportunity to be a parent and make up for his dad’s shitty parenting? Yes! Is he also Dean’s worst failure and a reminder that he has done many horrible things, including to “innocent” children? Yes! Is he Cas’s child? Yes! Is he Dean’s child? Yes! But also, no! Is he Sam’s child? Yes! Is he a lonely teenager who does terrible things? Yes! Is he a totally innocent little lamb who doesn’t get why what he is doing is wrong? Yes! Is he the most powerful being in the universe? Yes! Does he need everyone to take care of him? Yes! Is he just along for the ride? Yes! Is he responsible for his actions? Kinda??? Sometimes??? What is he???
Mary as a character is narratively cohesive and fleshed-out. Jack is a mishmash of confusing whatever’s that all add up to a frustrating plot device with no consistent traits to latch on to. Everything that fans like about him (cute outfits, gender play, well-developed parental bonds with the characters) is fanon. So, yes, the narrative prioritizes Mary. Many fans prioritize Mary, at least enough that Dean’s most heinous acts barely register. To the narrative (not to Cas, which is a totally different situation), Jack is only barely more of a character than Emma Winchester, who Sam killed without uproar seasons earlier. He’s been around longer, but he’s equally not really real.
I debated on responding to this because, to tell the truth, I think we fundamentally disagree on a number of subjects and, as they say, true insanity is arguing with anyone on the internet. However, you spent a lot of time on the above and I feel it's only fair to say my thoughts, even if I don't believe it will sway you any more than what you said changed my opinions.
I'm assuming this was in response to this post regarding how Jack's accidental killing of Mary was treated so severely by the brothers, particularly Dean, because it was Mary and, had it been a random character like the security guard in 13x06, it would have been treated far differently. However, then the argument becomes less about the reaction of the Winchester brothers to this incident and more the value of Jack or Mary to the audience.
I believe we need to first admit that both characters are inherently archetypes—Mary as the Madonna character initially then, later, as a metaphor for how imperfect and truly human our parents are compared to the idol we have as children, and Jack as the overpowered child who is a Jesus allegory by the end. Both have a function within the story to serve the Winchester brothers, through whose lens and with whose biases we are meant to view the show's events. We also need to admit that the writers didn't think more than a season ahead for either character, especially since it wasn't initially supposed to be Mary that came back at the end of season 11 but John, and they only wrote enough for Jack in season 13 to gauge whether or not the audience would want him to continue on or if he needed to be killed off by the end of the season. Now, I know we curate our own experiences online which leads to us being in our own fandom echo chambers, however it is important to note that the character was immediately successful enough with the general audience that, after his first episode or two, he was basically guaranteed a longer future on the show.
I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure why the perspective of how his character is processed by some audience members versus others has any bearing on the argument that he deserved to be treated better overall by the other characters especially when taking their own previous actions in mind. I’m not going to tell you that your opinion is wrong regarding your feelings for Jack. It’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, it harms no one to have it and express it. My feelings on Jack are clearly very different from your own, but this is really just two different people who processed a fictional person in different ways. I personally believe he has a purpose in the Winchesters’ story, including Castiel’s, as he reflects certain aspects of all of them, gives them a way to explore their own histories through a different perspective, and changes the overall dynamic of Team Free Will from “soldiers in arms” to a family (Misha’s words). In the beginning he allows Sam to work through his past as the “freak” and powerful, dangerous boy wonder destined to bring hell on earth. With Dean, his presence lets Dean work through his issues with John and asks whether he will let history repeat itself or if he’ll work to break the cycle. Regarding Cas, in my opinion he helps the angel reach his “final form” of a father, member of a family, lover and protector of humanity, rebellious son, and the true show of free will. 
From strictly the story, he has several arcs that work within themes explored in Supernatural, such as the argument of nature versus nurture, the question of what we’re willing to give up in order to protect something or someone else and how ends justify the means, and the struggle between feeling helpless and powerless versus the corruptive nature of having too much power and the dangerous lack of a moral compass. His goals are mentioned and on display throughout his stint on the show, ones that are truly relatable to some viewers: the strong desire to belong—the need for family and what you’ll do to find and keep it. 
With Mary, we first need to establish whether the two versions of her were a writing flaw due to the constant change in who was dictating her story and her relationship to the boys, which goes against the idea that her characterization was cohesive and fleshed-out but, rather, put together when needed for convenience, or if they both exist because, as stated above, we are seeing the show primarily through the biased lens of the Winchester brothers and come to face facts about the true Mary as they do. Like I said in my previous post, I don’t dislike Mary and I don’t blame her for her death (either one). However, I do have a hard time seeing her as a more nuanced, fleshed-out character than Jack. True, a lot of her problems are more adult in nature considering she has to struggle with losing her sons’ formative years and meeting them as whole adults she knows almost nothing about, all because of a choice she made before they were born. 
However, her personal struggles being more “mature” in nature (as they center primarily on parental battles) doesn’t necessarily mean her story has layers and Jack’s does not. They are entirely different but sometimes interconnected in a way that adds to both of their arcs, like Mary taking Jack on as an adoptive son which gives her the moments of parenting she lost with Sam and Dean, and Jack having Mary as a parental figure who understands and supports him gives him that sense of belonging he had just been struggling with to the point of running away while he is also given the chance to show “even monsters can do good”. 
I’d also argue that Jack being many ages at once isn’t poor writing so much as a metaphor for how, even if you’re forced to grow up fast, that doesn’t mean you’re a fully equipped adult. I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but I believe Jack simultaneously taking a lot of responsibility and constantly trying to prove to others he’s useful while having childish moments is relatable to some who were forced to play an adult role at a young age. He proves a number of times that he doesn’t need everyone to take care of him, but he also has limited life experience and, as such, will make some mistakes while he’s also being a valuable member of the group. Jack constantly exists on a fine line in multiple respects. Some may see that as a writing flaw but it is who the character was conceived to be: the balance between nature or nurture, between good and evil, between savior and devil. 
Now, I was also frustrated Mary was “fridged” for a second time. It really provided no other purpose than to give the brothers more man pain to further the plot along. However, this can exist while also acknowledging that the way it happened and the subsequent fallout for Jack was also unnecessary and a sign of blatant hypocrisy from Dean, primarily, and Sam. 
And, yes, Jack can be different things at once because, I mean, can’t we all? If Mary can be both the perfect mother and the flawed, independent, distant parent, can’t Jack be the sweet kid who helps his father-figures process their own feelings on fatherhood while also being a lost young-adult forcing them to face their failures? Both characters contain multitudes because, I mean, we all do. 
I can provide articles or posts on Jack’s characterization and popularity along with Mary’s if needed, but for now I think this is a long enough ramble on my thoughts and feelings. I’m happy to discuss more, my messenger is always open for (polite) discussion. Until then, I’m going to leave it at we maybe agree to disagree. 
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distortingbones · 3 years
oooh you tagging me on that canon divergence post made my brain go ‼️‼️‼️and actually helped me solve a plot problem I had!! So thank you!!!! And I’m so psyched that you’re invested 👀 fr tho i LOVE canon divergence so much holy shit, both reading and writing it… and like that is exactly how I write it, I’m like “oh what if X” and then suddenly im juggling plot changes like a fuckin clown
aaaaa i'm so glad!! and YES i am deeply invested, honestly do it all anew is my favorite currently-updating TMA fic!! each update has given me so much serotonin so thank you for that ☺️
i think canon divergence is SO fun!! altho i don't have the time to write fanfic these days i love how like. fanfic as a medium allows folks to break free from traditional storytelling mores and do something like rube goldberg a plot? when writing original stuff i obsess about making my plot as tight as possible to its central thesis and themes, whereas with fanfic you have the freedom to be looser, indulge in your "what if"s, play around with different themes, go on tangents, figure it out as you go.
and part of why i love your writing so much (both do it all anew and resigned though not to fate) is because you're really skilled at finding a balance between establishing strong themes, building a compelling plot that has a coherent and emotionally resonant arc, while also playing in the sandbox that is fanfic and indulging in what ifs. it results in a really satisfying story that leaves me going "YES this is how TMA could have been if it started the same but the story was built around different themes and told a different message."
and personally i go apeshit over do it all anew because i LOVE the questions you explore, which are touched on but never expanded in canon, like - how can shared trauma both bring people together AND push them apart? in canon we *see* the apocalypse's strain on jon & martin's relationship but also martin *tells* jon that their relationship is built on shared trauma. and canon doesn't explore and complicate that!! because there isn't space for it!!
but meanwhile in do it all anew, you start out like "ok so they sleep together because of the unknowing" which seems like the setup to a cut and dry "shared trauma brings people together." but then it isn't presented as a natural climactic moment of romantic connection in the face of danger, it's complicated by the reveal that the sex was a *performance* on jon's part because he felt like it was the only way to express his feelings. and it leaves martin with this tenuous connection to a partner he thinks is dead, that he then has to navigate on his own - making the aftermath of their making love something that's both deeply lonely and a thread of connection to a person he thought he'd lost forever. so bittersweet and tragic!!! and then when jon cuts the tether and they lose aamal, that's a shared trauma that *destroys* their relationship (i presume??? i know we're not quite there yet.) but then aamal coming back to them is a traumatizing event for her that is also the entire foundation for her forming a relationship with her fathers. augh it's so deliciously complicated!!
and another super compelling question being - is it possible to rebuild a relationship that has been irreparably shattered, if the cause of that shattering is belatedly softened/negated? or does the fact that you've had to live with the trauma and hurt and anger and sadness of that shattering for a long time make it so that even if the initial "problem" is solved, you can't undo the hurt you had to feel enough to access the love you originally felt for that person? in do it all anew this is obviously aamal returning to jon and martin several years after the fact. but the shattering-that's-belatedly-solved problem exists in canon as well, to a lesser extent, when jon dies and comes back, and when martin pushes jon away/chooses the lonely during s4 and then it turns out he's actually fucking with peter lukas. but canon never dives into the emotional aftermath of those events and how they affect jon and martin's relationship (safehouse fics do though so god bless fanfic writers).
and i'm really excited to see the moment where jon becomes the pupil because it's like. is it forgivable to choose saving countless strangers over saving your family, your child? is it forgivable to do the opposite? which choice is the greater evil? which is a question that AGAIN is touched on in canon but mag 200 is too damn short to really tackle it, plus in canon we don't see the aftermath somewhere else, PLUS i think the existence of a baby, an innocent who you love more than life and are responsible for, makes it SO much more complicated. like!!! how inconceivably guilty must jon feel about starting the apocalypse that he would choose to kill his daughter and his partner as an alternative to spreading the fears? how inconceivably guilty would he then feel when after it all, he goes against what he feels is right and he and martin STILL lose aamal? how inconceivably betrayed would martin feel that jon would choose strangers' lives over his family's? could he ever forgive jon for that? AUGH it's so TRAGIC and COMPLEX i can't wait to see what you do with it!!!
anyway that was accidentally an essay that i spent an hour tapping on my phone but. thank you for this fic!
P.S. if anyone else is reading this, do yourself a favor and read do it all, anew because it is STELLAR and jevonne crit20lesbian is a gift to this fandom ✨
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aces-reviews · 4 years
Mad Max: the Game and further thoughts
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Starring Ben Affleck’s Stunt Double
Released in 2015, several months after Mad Max: Fury Road, the game tells a side story that acts as a prequel to Fury Road.
The game opens with Max being overtaken by Scabrous Scrotus, Warlord of Gastown and a son of Immortan Joe.
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“Are you entitled to a settlement but need cash now? Call 1-800-Gas-Town!”
The Interceptor, Max’s shotgun and jacket, everything is taken by Scrotus’ hordes. Max manages to stab Scrotus in the head with a chainsaw (this game is rad), but nearly dies in the process. Max is then found by his unlikely savior, Chumbucket.
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Do not be fooled—Chumbucket might as well be named Cinnamon Bun
Chumbucket shows Max what we as an audience already knows: the Interceptor is fucked. But Chumbucket is building the ultimate wasteland machine, the Magnum Opus. He’s just been waiting for the right driver.
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This is not my Magnum Opus, but it’s close.
The game features a GIGANTIC MAP full of varied tasks: enemy camps to raid and convert, loot locations to pillage, and all kinds of things. You are also tasked with finding new parts for the Magnum Opus to make it the most badass machine on the road.
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You’ll spend about 60% in the car, doing your damnedest to control the car (which I found problematic at times), but also engaging in furious combat. Ramming attacks, your modified shotgun, and a harpoon (controlled by faithful Chumbucket), are your weapons against War Boys, Buzzards, and Roadkill dudes. The other 40% is spent on foot, exploring and fighting. Much like every other third person action title in recent memory, it uses a similar combat system as Batman: Arkham Asylum—you’re surrounded by enemies and beat the shit out of them, bouncing back and forth. That combat gets boring late in the game—once you’ve done it over and over again, it gets repetitive. There is a fight in a Thunderdome though, which was pretty dope.
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It took me quite a while to loot everything and clear all the threats from the world, which was nice. The story is engaging, and helps fill in a gap from Fury Road: the little girl in Max’s visions is a main character in the game (and you find out her ultimate fate). The final cosmetics you unlock in the game make Max look like he does in the first scenes of Fury Road.
All in all, I’d give the game a 7/10. I enjoyed it, but it has its problems. I also had a particular moment during a race that I thought I couldn’t overcome—but if you’re better at games than this old codger, you’ll be fine.
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On my way to tuck the homies in
On to theorizing.
When Fury Road hit, there was a lot of discussion about when it happens in the overall Mad Max timeline. There were several people who thought it came after Mad Max but before Road Warrior. The idea was that Toecutter survived his injuries and became Immortan Joe (Hugh Keyes-Bearne played both characters). The theory also posited that Rictus Erectus survives the crash of the War Rig and becomes Lord Humungus. I never liked that idea. I was more partial to the original thought that Lord Humungus was actually Jim Goose from Mad Max.
There were also theories that FR Max was actually the Feral Kid all grown up, having taken Max’s name and car. That’s why Max is so hesitant to say his name at the end—it’s the first time he’s ever called himself that!!
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Seen here, all grown up.
Again, not a theory I subscribe to, mainly because the first line in the movie is “My name is Max.”
If I have to subscribe to a theory, it’s this one:
The only two movies that feature the real Max are Mad Max and Fury Road. The first one is the origin story, so I feel pretty confident saying that. Fury Road is the only one with Max’s own narration at the beginning. He is telling the story. Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome are both told as legends of Mad Max. By that point, he’s become this mythical hero. It’s also possible that all this stuff happened to different people, but the tale-tellers make it about Max because he’s a cypher.
If they are all really him, I think it goes in this order: Mad Max/Road Warrior/the Game/Fury Road/Thunderdome. By Thunderdome, he’s aged and has grey in the hair, but also! He no longer has the leg brace, which he does have in Fury Road.
So there you have it! Our Mad Max series comes to an end. We hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of the Wasteland. Mind the water-seller on your way out, and remember to ride eternal, shiny and chrome!
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fromthefriars · 6 years
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Mistaken Identity (blog by Fr Jeremiah CFR)
I can’t remember exactly how old I was, but as a young boy I asked myself an important question: who am I? It appeared, at least to me, like a natural question. After all, I thought, what was the point of living if you didn’t know who you are? In my childlike innocence, I assumed everyone was fascinated by this question and that most people were eager to discover the answer. Needless to say, I was thoroughly confused to realize this was not so.
Many people, I learned, lived on the surface of life. They placed their hope in things like social status, athletic ability, physical appearance, etc. to reveal to them who they were. I often heard people say things like, “I am a doctor”, “I am an honor student” or “I am poor,” implying a person’s real identity was something exterior. Ignorant of any other possibilities, it was here that began my own journey of self-discovery.
Almost my entire childhood was consumed by baseball. Every spare moment was spent, either working on my pitching in my backyard, or at batting practice in some field near my house. After experiencing a tiny amount of success, I witnessed a bizarre set of associations begin to unfold: people were identifying me with baseball. I was the pitcher on this team, who helped win this game, who was turning this team around. Somewhat stunned by such dramatic conclusions, I looked past the irrationality of it all and began to digest every word that was spoken about this mysterious person who everyone was identifying as “me.” I was a good pitcher, athletic and helping my team win games, hence, I was a baseball player.
As I entered my teenage years, my identity as a baseball player proved insufficient. My feelings, emotions and even my physical appearance was in a constant state of change. Due to these sudden and often times radical changes occurring both within me and without, I became terribly insecure and afraid. It was during this time of turmoil where I encountered the power of music. I would read the lyrics of different songs, particularly rock songs, and felt understood. I could relate to the singer’s pain, confusion and desire for love.
Within weeks of this new discovery, I was teaching myself how to play guitar. A few months later, much to my surprise, I was playing in a band with three other guys. Before I knew it, we were playing gigs on a regular basis and people had, once again, begun to talk. “I love the lyrics you write,” people would say. “You are a great bass player, how did you get so creative?” Enjoying the way all this sounded I believed them. I was creative, artistic, and a good bass player: hence, I was a musician.
By the time I entered college, baseball and music had become a distant memory. Not content with the notoriety, minimal though it was, that baseball and music had brought me, I began to explore a new world of intrigue: philosophy. I had no desire for a career, an impressive resume or academic honors when I began college. I was genuinely seeking wisdom, yet as more people discovered that I was a philosophy major, another strange occurrence began to ensue: people began to label me as intelligent, wise and even spiritual. Never considering myself as having any of those qualities I began to wonder if maybe these people saw something about me that I didn’t. Since I enjoyed the way these acclamations felt, I decided they were right. I was intelligent, wise and spiritual, hence, I was a philosopher.
To say that I was desperate to find out who I was would be an understatement. This question gnawed at me continually, and like many of us, I looked for the answer in all the wrong places. As good as these things are, I never was, nor will be a baseball player, musician or philosopher. Likewise people are never just their careers, social status, or health. Our identity always transcends the categories of this world. “You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Put even more simply the apostle says, “your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).
St. Paul’s message is clear. We belong to God. All the many roles and functions we might play in this world cannot add to or alter the identity God has imprinted within us. A wealthy man I met during a parish mission expressed it this way: “I am a Christian, but the role I play in this world is that of a doctor.” Unfortunately, the temptation to find our true identity among the finite things of this world is always present. Often, when children leave home parents can experience an identity crisis since there are no longer any children to care for. After fulfilling such an important role for so many years, it is easy to identify oneself with that role. “I am a parent,” they might say, “what do I do now?” With no children to care for, they are forced to find a deeper answer to the question, “Who am I?”
Even now as a priest I am tempted to find my identity in the things of God rather than God himself. When I was a novice, a wise old priest used to say to us, “don’t inhale.” He was referring, of course, to any praise and admiration we might receive from preaching or by the witness of our religious life. He was reminding us, not that what was said was not true, but it wasn’t a complete picture. The danger is that by inhaling, i.e. believing what was said about us to be a reflection of our true identity, we would run the risk of attempting to solve the mystery of our identity without all the proper pieces. In essence, this priest was reminding us that the finite things of this world, good though they are, are incomplete and unable to reveal to us who we really are.
Over the past several years I have done a considerable amount of preaching, spiritual direction and writing where I have experienced being God’s instrument to bring healing, hope, and to awaken people to God’s love. In the midst of such “success” I am tempted to ignore the truth of God’s grace at work, and take, if not all, at least half the credit. “Yes,” a subtle voice says inside of me, “you are a great preacher, spiritual director and writer. This is who you are.” Thankfully, after so many failed attempts to identify myself among the things of this world, I am able to recognize exactly what this is: simply another case of mistaken identity.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos, by Sohrab Ahmari, (Convergent Books: 2021), 320 pages.
When the Revolution began its sweep through France in 1789, François-René de Chateaubriand was not yet 21. The young aristocrat, then a lieutenant in the French Royal Army, found himself torn: between the world into which he was born and the world now at its birth; between his sympathies for progress and the prestige afforded him by the ancien régime; between, in short, the known goods of tradition and the promises of liberation.
As the violence rolled on, Chateaubriand’s choice grew less and less difficult. When he witnessed a mob parading the severed heads of its enemies through the streets, the falsity of the promise became undeniable. Running to the window, Chateaubriand shouted: “You brigands, is this what you mean by liberty?” He later wrote that he would have shot them there if he had had a gun. After a brief escape to America, the soldier returned to his homeland to fight on the side of the royalists. He would go on to become one of the great men of letters of the counter-revolution, with his seminal Génie du christianisme (The Genius of Christianity) playing a major part in the renewal of public Christianity in the Napoleonic era.
Sohrab Ahmari, op-ed editor of the New York Post and one of the most notable “post-liberals” to emerge from the wreckage of the dead consensus, recounts the story of Chateaubriand’s mugging by reality in the introduction to his new book, The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos. Much like the young Chateaubriand, Ahmari has witnessed the chaos of the liberal moment—though now in its twilight rather than its dawn—and can only ask the champions of the age, “Is this what you mean by liberty?”
This book, Ahmari’s third, follows From Fire by Water, a spiritual memoir of the writer’s journey to the Roman Catholic Church. The Unbroken Thread is ostensibly a defense of traditionalism in the form of 12 explorations of anti-modern thinkers, ranging from Aquinas to Andrea Dworkin. It is that, and an admirable execution to boot. At the same time, however, this book too contains an interesting element of autobiography: Throughout these 12 brief intellectual studies, the reader who has followed Ahmari’s work can track his attempts (perhaps subconscious) to answer the accusations of his critics and to sort out the same questions he first posed publicly two years ago.
In response to the charges of impracticality, Ahmari constructs a programmatic guide that, while not laying out particular temporal goals for the New Right, still instructs the post-liberal citizen on how to engage with his community, both living and dead. Clearly deeply conscious of the charges of tyrannophilia, he roots the entire project in a revised understanding of the very principle his opponents claim to prize.
Thus, as much as The Unbroken Thread is a book about tradition, it is also one about liberty: what it is, and what it isn’t. Though hardly the pragmatic policy platform demanded by his critics, the book does present the positive, alternative vision that Ahmari’s previous polemics failed to explore in detail. It becomes clear that his post-liberalism is not a denunciation of liberty per se, nor even of a political order that prizes it. It is, rather, a denunciation of a polity that does not even know what liberty really is.
If by liberty we mean the right to host drag queen story hour in a public library, then we could hardly blame men and women of good will for denying any claim to it. If by liberty we mean a life-long free-float in an ever-expanding sea of open possibilities then it would not, in fact, be proper to the dignity of man.
Some chapters of the book are devoted to debunking this modern conception of freedom and all its empty promises. An overview of the conflict between liberal Prime Minister William Gladstone and Catholic intellectual Fr. John Henry Newman over conscience and authority convinces that something more than Pelagian individualism is needed; that the atomic rationalism underlying modern liberalism, while promising to free the human person from undue constraints, cannot do that or anything else. A look at the relatively obscure German-Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas, a 20th-century authority on ancient Gnosticism, suggests the chaotic consequences of a liberationist rejection of bodily limitations. The treatment of Andrea Dworkin—which casts the radical, anti-porn feminist as a sort of “Augustinian moralist,” drawing her into a Christian tradition of sexual ethics she explicitly rejected—is particularly compelling in its use of a highly modern thinker to delegitimize the first and highest freedom of post-’60s liberalism: free love.
These chapters are meant to cast doubt on a concept of freedom that can include the psychological abuse of children and other acts of license that undermine the dignity of the human person. In doing so, they suggest that the supposed tyranny of confident moralism can hardly be as dangerous as the reigning tyranny of false freedom.
But what is true freedom? What should we mean by liberty?
To answer this question, Ahmari examines a few exemplary lives. The most obviously related to liberty is Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet dissident who frames Ahmari’s chapter “What is Freedom For?” Solzhenitsyn’s own life and his novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich depict stark contrasts between false freedom and true.
Ahmari’s most enthralling model of true freedom—because the most extreme—is Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish Catholic priest who volunteered to die at Auschwitz in the stead of a husband and father who had been chosen for execution. Ahmari’s young son, Max, for whom this book was written, is named in honor of the martyr. What Ahmari calls Kolbe’s “perfect freedom” is “freedom rooted in self-surrender, sustained by the authority of tradition and religion.” It is the freedom of achieving man’s intended end, of willingly surrendering to the Highest Good, in contrast to the false freedoms of a long and aimless, unmoored modern life.
Seneca’s “inextinguishable nobility,” he writes at book’s end, “appears so terribly distant amid the squalor and confusion of an age in which each of us risks becoming a paranoid Claudius or a gadget-wielding little Nero. It is far from clear that we might reach back and grasp something of that nobility.”
In the final image of a noble Roman resolute and dutiful in the face of death, one cannot help but hear echoes of Spengler’s soldier at Pompeii, who died at his post because nobody had relieved him. Yet Ahmari cannot muster even Spengler’s optimism, and his cynical conclusion does not quite match up with either our current situation or his own preceding 260 pages.
We find ourselves, almost exactly, in Seneca’s position. Our government is equal parts tyrannical and unstable. Any public morality has been corrupted by centuries of cultural erosion and a long string of political upheavals. It was only by claiming as his own a tradition whose moment had seemingly come and gone centuries past and in a foreign land that the Roman Stoic managed to stand against the spirit of his age, and so to earn the admiration of those who would do the same nearly two millennia later.
It was in spite of his circumstances—against the odds and the pressures of a hostile world—that Seneca, like Kolbe and Solzhenitsyn, found true freedom. It is incumbent upon us to do likewise, to reach back into the past for the fragile but unbroken thread that can bind and set us free.
Our prospects may be far from certain, but it seems fair to say that we have at least as much hope as the disfavored subjects of Nero, which may be as much hope as there ever is.
0 notes
spitelout · 7 years
As that makes sense, thank you for answering my questions! => Hmm this one might be a weird one but if when the gang have a run in with a new dragon who's breath has the ability to de-age anything it touches for a limited amount of time, how would Spitelout react to his son conning back a toddler again and staying that way for a few days? Espicially if his now toddler son would want/need his attention so often?
He would be unbelieving at first, then angry, it would probably take him a bit to realize Baby Snotlout doesn’t have his memory intact, hes just a baby again….Then he would fall right back into his old dad ways, making silly noises while trying to teach him how to use his bludgeon properly all over.
Because what greater pride is there in the Jorgensen family than to train the young to be just as good as their parents =3
He probably isn’t the most responsible parent, however. I mean…neither was Stoick, they both gave their children deadly weapons as their first gifts.
He was probably rougher than most people, I can see him putting Snotlout with Terrible Terrors to make them play fight and then beaming with pride over any scars the toddler might receive in the tussle.However, I can also see him reassuring the toddler as they cry that this is a good thing, that they will grow into a strong warrior and be able to tell the tale of when they beat a dragon as a baby. (In fact, I think thats where the idea of Stoick killing a dragon with his bare hands as a baby came from…exaggerated scar stories. It probably happened about the same way….with a Terrible Terror.)
Tbh, if such an event occurred, Hookfang would probably have to take over caring for the reborn Snotlout because I just dont believe Spitelout is capable of being a responsible adult with babies, he doesn’t understand how fragile they ARE compared to what they CAN BE.He, among other vikings in the tribe, were probably the type to put several babies in a ring and watch them fight.Vikings are communal - even in parenting, so its possible he often left Snotlout with anyone willing to watch him….The twins parents come to mind - which is probably why they spend so much time together as teens as well, they were raised together.However, its possible Snotllouts mother died later in his life and she raised him until he was able to walk and follow his father around. Perhaps she raised the tins as well - they do mention they’re orphans, but -shrugs- their pasts are pretty clouded in mystery too.
Unfortunately, with this in mind, the twins would probably convince Spitelout to let them watch baby Snotlout for a bit and…I think we can all guess how that would go.
Lets just hope Hookfang isn’t affected by this as well, bc that baby is going to need a guardian angel - especially a five ton angel of fangs and flame
Also , since your ask was so specific, heres a sorta drabble based around it.
There are few things that can surprise Spitelout these days, very few, but as the small viking - no, chieftain, Hiccup, stood awkwardly before him, he found himself at a loss. Hiccup was always presenting the tribe with surprises, and now, it seemed, he was presenting a very personal one to him.
Curious, and perhaps a bit bemused by the awkward chieftains shuffling he began the conversation, “What brings the chief of Berk to my door today?”
Hiccup scratched the back of his neck as he looked between the ground and Spitelouts gaze, “Uuuuuuh,” He took a deep breath and let it out, “Spitelout…” There was something heavy on his mind and he didn’t seem to know how to get it out.
“Yes, I am he. go on, boyyo.”
“While we were out exploring the islands, we encountered a dragon we had never seen before, it was amazing, it was - - ” Hiccup never had been the best at getting to the point, but Spitelout let him ramble; the lad really liked his tales, Stoick had too….
Luckily, Astrid stepped in, ah, what a great lass, always straight to the point. “What hes trying to say is, we found a new dragon and Snotlout being Snotlout, well,…” she trailed off, biting her lip as she held out a tightly wrapped bundle towards him, a Snotlouts helm delicately placed atop it.
Spitelout felt his brow furrow as his gaze trailed down to the bundle. There was a tightness in his chest that he refused to acknowledge. Had his boy really gotten himself-
He glanced up as Snotlouts Monstrous Nightmare waddled into view, it seemed anxious, but not particularly upset. Strange, that.
He became plagued with wary curiosity.
“Hes a bit…shorter than when we left this morning,” Astrid continued at last, a light chuckle in her voice,
He took the bundle in one burly hand and gingerly unwrapped it with the other.
He looked back up at the pair, who continued to watch him warily and awkwardly at the same time, he furrowed his brows deeper, trying to decipher what sort of game or joke they were playing at. He looked to them fr answers.
“Spitelout, this- this is your son.”
Spitelout chuckled heartily,  it was just some game they were playing, strange, he always assumed they were different from the twins. “I only ave the one, boyyo, don’t think I could handle anotha.”
“No, Spitelout, that is - this is Snotlout.” Hiccup insisted. “the dragon he battled had this strange…” he struggled to find words, “venom, I guess is the best word for it, that, when inhaled, reverses the aging process and turns people back into younger versions of themselves.”
Spitelout critically searched their faces for the lie, then stared down at the child in his hands, it looked back at him with familiar grey eyes.
“Gothi says theres a cure, but we have to find all the parts.” Hiccup hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “Until then, you need to take care of him…”
“Alrigh, Ill play your lil game, ” he sighed good-heartedly. He found it hard to believe such a thing could really happen, “But if ye needed  babysitta, all ye had to do was ask.”
Hiccup began to protest, but Astrid stopped him, pulling him away with one last wary glance behind her and leading him to their dragons.
Spitelout shook his head as their shadows vanished in the horizon, it seemed the pair still had a ways to go before they became parents of their own. He looked back down at the child and wiggled his fingers near their face making silly noises as he did so. The child gripped his fingers tightly, and a seed of doubt entered his mind.
He was angry at first, pacing the room as the Monstrous Nightmare coiled itself around the child and watched him carefully he didn’t doubt that the thing would light the entire archipelago on fire just to protect Snotlout, but he wasn’t concerned by its low rumble.
“Ow could you go an be so brash!” he scolded loudly, “I ave told yew time and time again, ye cant jus rush in blind!”
“Now, Look at ye! Reduced to - to this! Well I ave news fer yew, Im not changing that diaper. Yew can change it yerself!”
The child sniffled, a cry beginning to bark from their throat.
“Oh don’t start yer cryin, Ive told ye about this before. Were Jorgensens! We don’t cry! We make other people cry!”  he tried to sound harsh, but there was a softness edging into his voice as tears streamed down the childs face.
The Monstrous Nightmare was growling now, a full fledged snarl that bared every single dagger-point fang in his head.
“Oi don’t ye start! Where were yewwhen this happened anyway?”
The dragon bulked at the accusation and simmered back into a low rumble.
Spitelout sighed as the childs screams ripped through his home. He wasn’t angry, he was frustrated, frustrated at himself.
Freya help him, he couldn’t raise a child alone.
Ignoring the dragon he plucked Snotlout from its coils and sang him the Jorgensen lullaby.
“its just wee scratch,” he reassured his son as the toddler screeched and flailed away from the terrible Terror. “Hopefully it will scar and then yewll have a story to tell when ye get older!”
The baby sniffled unconvinced, but curious. 
“Ye can tell em you got it grappling a berserker who tried ta kidnap the prodigy of the Jorgensens!”
The baby lit up as his father articulated this cheerily with his hands.
“But no one kin take a Jorgensen from the place he calls home, no one!”
He was happy to play father again, really he was, up until day three had passed and neither Astrid nor Hiccup had returned.
He was a busy man, incredibly busy, and also incredibly tired.
Did babies normally cry this much?
Spitelout did his best to comfort the babe, but it didnt seem Snotlout understood how great it was to be a Jorgensen, couldn’t see what a great warrior he would be one day….had been….
There was a ruckus upstairs, a series of dragon shrieks and the smell of burning wood. There were startled screams and the screams of a woken baby.
Spitelout rushed upstairs, ax at the ready as he prepared to defend his son.
the screaming stopped when he got halfway up, the house became eerily quiet, and chill went through him followed by a burning in his gut. Whatever was up there better have prayed to whatever god they believed in that no harm had come to his son.
Voices reached his ears, soft but with an annoying edge to it, the twins.
“Hes so cute now that he cant hit us~” Tuffnut purred as he let the small Snotlout play with his braids.
“Yea, and now that he cant talk!” Ruffnut laughed.
“Oh, hey, Spitey” Tuffnut noted blankly, unapologetic in the damage they had caused. “Mind if we take Snotlout out for a midnight flight?”
Edit: Annnnnd sorry but I ran out of juice here. -shrugs loudly- Its 1 am, I spent too much time on this as is. X3
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JavaScript is one of the most popular languages on the web. Even though it was initially developed just for web pages, it has seen exponential growth in the past two decades.
Now, JavaScript is capable of doing almost anything and works on several platforms and devices including IoT. And with the recent SpaceX Dragon launch, JavaScript is even in space.
One of the reasons for its popularity is the availability of a large number of frameworks and libraries. They make development much easier compared to traditional Vanilla JS development.
There are libraries for almost anything and more are coming out almost every day. But with so many libraries to choose from it becomes difficult to keep a track of each one and how it might be tailored specifically to your needs.
In this article, we will discuss 10 of the most popular JS libraries which you can use to build your next project.
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I think Leaflet is the best open source library for adding mobile-friendly interactive maps to your application.
Its small size (39kB) makes it a great alternative to consider over other map libraries. With cross-platform efficiency and a well-documented API, it has everything you need to make you fall in love.
Here is some sample code that creates a Leaflet map:
var map = new L.Map("map", { center: new L.LatLng(40.7401, -73.9891), zoom: 12, layers: new L.TileLayer("https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png") });
In Leaflet, we need to provide a tile layer since there isn't one by default. But that also means that can choose from a wide range of layers both free and premium. You can explore various free tile layers here.
Read the Docs or follow the Tutorials to learn more.
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This open-source library helps you create full-screen scrolling websites as you can see in the above GIF. It's easy to use and has many options to customize, so it's no surprise it is used by thousands of developers and has over 30k stars on GitHub.
Here is a Codepen demo that you can play with:
You can even use it with popular frameworks such as:
I came across this library about a year ago and since then it has become one of my favorites. This is one of the few libraries that you can use in almost every project. If you haven't already started using it then just try it, you will not be disappointed.
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One of the best animation libraries out there, Anime.js is flexible and simple to use. It is the perfect tool to help you add some really cool animation to your project.
Anime.js works well with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects and can be easily integrated into your applications.
As a developer it's important to have a good portfolio. The first impression people have of your portfolio helps decide whether they will hire you or not. And what better tool than this library to bring life to your portfolio. It will not only enhance your website but will help showcase actual skills.
Check out this Codepen to learn more:
You can also take a look at all the other cool projects on Codepen or Read the Docs here.
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I came across this library while searching for a way to implement a full-screen feature in my project.
If you also want to have a full-screen feature, I would recommend using this library instead of Fullscreen API because of its cross-browser efficiency (although it is built on top of that).
It is so small that you won't even notice it – just about 0.7kB gzipped.
Try the Demo or read the Docs to learn more.
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Working with date and time can be a huge pain, especially with API calls, different Time Zones, local languages, and so on. Moment.js can help you solve all those issues whether it is manipulating, validating, parsing, or formatting dates or time.
There are so many cool methods that are really useful for your projects. For example, I used the .fromNow() method in one of my blog projects to show the time the article was published.
const moment = require('moment'); relativeTimeOfPost = moment([2019, 07, 13]).fromNow(); // a year ago
Although I don't use it very often, I am a fan of its support for internationalization. For example, we can customize the above result using the .locale() method.
// French moment.locale('fr'); relativeTimeOfPostInFrench = moment([2019, 07, 13]).fromNow(); //il y a un an // Spanish moment.locale('es'); relativeTimeOfPostInSpanish = moment([2019, 07, 13]).fromNow(); //hace un año
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Moment.js Homepage
Read the Docs here.
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Hammer.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that lets you add multi-touch gestures to your Web Apps.
I would recommend this library to add some fun to your components. Here is an example to play with. Just run the pen and tap or click on the grey div.
It can recognize gestures made by touch, mouse and pointerEvents. For jQuery users I would recommend using the jQuery plugin.
$(element).hammer(options).bind("pan", myPanHandler);
Read the Docs here.
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Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It is super awesome and I use it for many of my projects. It can take your simple grid elements and place them based on the available vertical space, sort of like how contractors fit stones or blocks into a wall.
You can use this library to show your projects in a different light. Use it with cards, images, modals, and so on.
Here is a simple example to show you the magic in action. Well, not magic exactly, but how the layout changes when you zoom in on the web page.
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And here is the code for the above:
var elem = document.querySelector('.grid'); var msnry = new Masonry( elem, { itemSelector: '.grid-item', columnWidth: 400 }); var msnry = new Masonry( '.grid');
Here is a cool demo on Codepen:
Check out these Projects
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If you are a data-obsessed developer then this library is for you. I have yet to find a library that manipulates data as efficiently and beautifully as D3. With over 92k stars on GitHub, D3 is the favorite data visualization library of many developers.
I recently used D3 to visualize COVID-19 data with React and the Johns Hopkins CSSE Data Repository on GitHub. It I was a really interesting project, and if you are thinking of doing something similar, I would suggest giving D3.js a try.
Read more about it here.
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Slick is fully responsive, swipe-enabled, infinite looping, and more. As mentioned on the homepage it truly is the last carousel you'll ever need.
I have been using this library for quite a while, and it has saved me so much time. With just a few lines of code, you can add so many features to your carousel.
$('.autoplay').slick({ slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2000, });
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Check out the demos here.
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Popper.js is a lightweight ~3 kB JavaScript library with zero dependencies that provides a reliable and extensible positioning engine you can use to ensure all your popper elements are positioned in the right place.
It may not seem important to spend time configuring popper elements, but these little things are what make you stand out as a developer. And with such small size it doesn't take up much space.
Read the Docs here.
As a developer, having and using the right JavaScript libraries is important. It will make you more productive and will make development much easier and faster. In the end, it is up to you which library to prefer based on your needs.
These are 10 JavaScript libraries that you can try and start using in your projects today. What other cool JavaScript libraries you use? Would you like another article like this? Tweet and let me know.
0 notes
chrismdthings · 8 years
old tunes
The game night in the house was followed by a date night. The entire Saturday morning was spent moving the mattress back upstairs and fixing the bed, cleaning the entire house, and even running a few errands.
Then that night, Chris treated you to a night out.
Unknowing of what Chris was going to pull off for his surprise, he only told you to wear casual clothing, and then you hopped into his car. That night you two went to the nearest cinema, which was still quite far, and seen a film before taking part in some bowling after.
As you two left the bowling alley hand-in-hand, Chris a bit more upset than you were after you won two consecutive games, you two slipped back into the car. You then recalled a few moments during the night while letting the car heat up. There were some funny bowling moments within the couple of hours you two were there; such as Chris gutting like seven bowling balls in a row, you using the kiddie ramp a couple times that lead to strikes, the both of you discovering a bowling ball with like fifty holes, binge-eating two things of popcorn and dropping your drink on the floor, and then Chris making fun of you as you had to wear a pair of bowling shoes that were four-times the length of your feet because they didn’t have your size. 
Many would call that night a disaster, but you and Chris saw it as successful
You thought the night was over, that you and Chris would head back home and call it a night and immediately hit the bed, but it was clear that he had other plans.
“Do you wanna go somewhere?” Chris asked, leaning back against the head rest. You raised a brow.
“It sounds like you’re trying to take me somewhere to murder me.” You laughed, watching him throw the car into reverse and back out of the spot.
“Well, now that I think about it..” Chris teetered his head back and forth. “It wouldn’t be a bad place to murder somebody.” 
“That’s comforting.” You two laughed lightly. 
As Chris pulled the car onto the main road and headed in the opposite direction of where you two came from, he reached over and grabbed your hand, threading his fingers through yours. You embraced the silence that surrounded you, the only thing you could hear was the heat on full blast and the faint music in the background, but it was comforting.
The drive wasn’t took long, about fifteen minutes instead of the ten minute drive back home, and you watched as he took a turn down an unfamiliar road. You ran the pad of your thumb against Chris’, watching as the dense trees turned into the sight of water and cliffs through the fog on your window.
“Where have you taken me?” You asked cautiously.
“La Corbière,” Chris said in the most upright French accent, causing you to laugh. “It’s the first ever lighthouse of the British Isles made out of concrete.” 
“A lighthouse?” You grinned and a second later felt Chris press down on the break, and his hand broke away from yours for a second to park the car. 
Your eyes trailed to the windshield and you looked out to see a tiny white lighthouse in the distance from where Chris parked. The lighthouse was situated between two rocks on a tidal island, peeking out just slightly. 
It was dark out and a bright light emitted from the top of the lighthouse, making circles and casting a light on everything around it. Even though it was so far away in the distance, it was still beautiful.
Chris had parked the car in the closest possible parking spot, but it could never be close enough for you. It was right on the edge of the cliff where everything was visible, from the lighthouse to the tiny rock formations surrounding it like miniature islands. And just on the other side you could look west and almost see Guernsey.
“Here,” you turned your head away from the windshield and watched Chris pull out the aux-cord from the console between the seats. You took the cord between your fingers and he continued before you could ask what he wanted you to do; “play me some music that reminds you of your childhood.” 
You laughed, already having a song in mind before plugging your phone in. “You have no idea what you just got yourself into.” You said. “Because my childhood ranged from High School Musical to some moments with My Chemical Romance.” 
“Oh God,” Chris laughed, placing his hands on his face. 
You laughed even harder before finally finding one song in your playlist and clicking on it. Chris reached forward and turned up the volume and a second later Bowling For Soup’s 1985 blasted through the speakers.
“Are you serious? Your childhood?” Chris chuckled.
You shrugged and locked your phone back. “My brother would play this on the guitar all the time and I would sing along. And by sing, I just remember yelling Nirvana at the top of my lyrics when he would sing and pause for me.” You explained before starting to sing the song yourself. “DEBBIE JUST HIT THE WALL, SHE NEVER HAD IT ALL.” 
And for the next two hours, you and Chris sat in his car and sang along to what seemed like a million songs that reminded you of your childhood. You played We’re All In This Together, Thnks fr th Mmrs, Welcome To The Black Parade, Teenage Dirtbag, Everybody (Backstreet’s Back), Seven Nation Army, Ocean Avenue, All The Small Things, and Buddy Holly among several other songs.
Then there was the one point, during Elton John’s Tiny Dancer, that you and Chris got out of the car. He turned the volume up louder and you stepped out, leaving the doors open, and danced in the headlights together.
Chris spun you around, and you twirled, shaking your hips and laughing at his attempt to do so as well. Bohemian Rhapsody came on as well and you two stood at the edge of the drop-off, hand-in-hand, and sang the lyrics loudly to no one. “MAMA, OOOOOOOOH...” There were no telling how many cars that drove by you two that night, but it didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered was that you two were having more than enough fun.
The last song that come on your throwback playlist that night was Mr. Brightside. Chris and you couldn’t help but laugh and lean on each other for support at the first sound of the guitar and without hesitation, you two immediately sang together;
“I’M COMING OUT OF MY CAGE AND I’VE BEEN DOING JUST FINE. GOTTA, GOTTA BE DOWN BECAUSE I WANT IT ALL.” You held onto Chris’ hands, jumping up and down and singing the lyrics as loud as you possibly could. Chris was nodding his head along, laughing both with you and at you. 
Chris did follow along though, joining you at the chorus and belting out every word. The song was just not a part of your teenage years, but also Chris’. “DESTINY IS CALLING ME, OPEN UP MY EAGER EYES, CAUSE I’M MR. BRIGHTSIDE.” 
As the song ended, fading out into nothing as your playlist ended, you and Chris couldn’t contain your laughter anymore. You hiked a leg up onto the bonnet of his car, sitting down, and you pulled him into you by the material of his shirt. You were both laughing, unable to contain any emotions.
You two just danced in the freezing cold for fifteen minutes for no absolute reason other than you could. 
Chris stood between your legs at the bonnet of his car, you tilted your head back and smiled up at him. “Thank you for bringing me here tonight.” You said. “I loved every second of tonight.” You pursed your lips slightly and Chris chuckled before taking your face in his hands and pressing a light kiss against your lips.
“Would you want to come here some other time? Maybe in the mornings when we could explore the lighthouse?”
“Yeah, I would love that.” You admitted and Chris grinned
“I think we just found your new favorite place in Jersey.” 
You laughed and nodded. “It’s a close second.” 
“What’s first?”
“Our bed.” 
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
21 Best Things To Do in Asheville, NC
Surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains and located along the French Broad River, Asheville just might be the most beautiful city in the United States.
Take in the views of the city from the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway, and you’ll quickly see why it’s referred to as the Land of the Sky.
There are numerous things to do in Asheville and for such a small city, it really packs a punch when it comes to activities on offer.
Hiking in the mountains, feasting on southern cuisine, relaxing in hot springs, and sampling craft beer are just a few of the things you won’t want to miss. 
I’ve spent a lot of time in Ashville over the last decade, and in fact, my wife and I got married and had our honeymoon in here! It’s easily one of my favourite cities in the USA and a place I always look forward to visiting.
In this Asheville travel blog, I’m excited to share some of the best activities, attractions, and places to visit in the city!
1. Visit the Biltmore Estate
A visit to the Biltmore Estate definitely deserves the top spot on this list of things to do in Asheville.
This historic mansion was built between 1889 and 1895 by George Vanderbilt. It’s a great example of the Gilded Age and an absolutely stunning place to explore.
The Biltmore Estate is actually the largest privately-owned home in the US.
It features an astounding 250 rooms and is surrounded by picturesque gardens, ponds, and a lovely conservatory full of various plants and flowers.
After touring the estate and the grounds, be sure to drop by the winery. You can take a tour of the underground cellars, sample several different types, and pick up a bottle of your favourite wine to take home.
You can visit the Biltmore Estate every day from 9AM to 5PM. Tickets cost $70 for adults and $35 for youth with a free audio guide.
Pro tip – if you book your tickets at least a week in advance, you save $10! It’s about a 15-minute drive from downtown to reach the estate, which you can find on the map here.  
⇒ See Also: 15 Denver Attractions You Don’t Want To Miss
2. Take a Walking Tour
Whenever I’m in a new city, I love going on a walking tour to get to know the place. Asheville is a small city and is very walkable, so you can easily explore downtown on your own two feet.
Thanks to Explore Asheville, you can choose between two excellent self-guided walking tours of Asheville. They have an urban trail as well as an architecture trail that you can follow.
Both have interactive and printable maps, and the urban trail even has an audio guide as well.
If you’d prefer to go with a guide, you can sign up for the Tip-Based Asheville Walking Tour.
This excellent walking tour is about 2.5 hours long, taking you through downtown Asheville while covering all the highlights and insider tips on where to eat and drink (plus, some samples along the way). The cost is based on tips, so whatever you feel is appropriate. 
3. Drive the Blue Ridge Parkway
If you’re wondering what to do in Asheville, just jump in your car and take a cruise on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This National Parkway and All-American Road is part of the Appalachian Mountains and one of the most scenic drives in the country.
The Blue Ridge Parkway actually stretches through both Virginia and North Carolina. It’s 755 km (496 miles) long and is full of viewpoints, hiking trails, historic sites, and so much more. This is one of the most incredible places to visit on your trip to Asheville.
Every time we have people come to visit when we’re in Asheville, one of the first things we do is head out for a drive on the Blue Ridge. These amazing views really never get old, so I don’t mind going back every time we’re in town.
4. Climb Mt. Pisgah
As I mentioned, there’s a lot to see and do along the Blue Ridge Parkway. One of the best things to do in Asheville NC is hiking up the trail at Ms. Pisgah, which is easily accessible via the Parkway.
It’s about a 45 minute to hour-long hike to reach the top of Mt. Pisgah. While it’s not exactly an easy hike, it’s not too difficult. The hike is about 1.2 miles (1.85 km) to the top and there are plenty of places to rest along the way.
There’s a large TV tower at the top and an observation deck. From here, you can enjoy some of the best views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the city off in the distance. You can find the trailhead for Mt. Pisgah on the map here.
⇒ See Also: 21 Fun Things To Do in Detroit – An Insider’s Guide
5. Dinner With a View at Pisgah Inn
After hiking up Mt. Pisgah, you’re sure to work up an appetite. While you can certainly bring a picnic lunch to have on the Parkway, my vote goes to enjoying a meal at the nearby Pisgah Inn.
Grab a drink and head out to their observation deck while you wait for a table. They have plenty of rocking chairs where you can kick back and soak in the amazing views.
Having eaten here several times, I’ll give my recommendations for the fried green tomatoes and the walnut crusted mountain trout.
They’re open from 11:30-4 for lunch and then again from 5-9 for dinner. You can get directions and find the Pisgah Inn on the map here.
If you’d rather be up in the mountains than down in town, you might want to look into booking a room here. It’s pretty awesome when you can wake up and have the Blue Ridge Mountains right outside your window! 
6. Play Disc Golf
If you enjoy the great outdoors, one of the top things to do in Asheville is playing a round of disc golf.
For those unfamiliar with the sport, it’s just like golf but with a frisbee instead. The goal is to get your disc into a basket with the least amount of throws, and you can use a variety of different discs in the process.
The biggest difference between disc golf and regular golf is that it’s almost always totally free! That’s the case at nearby Richmond Hill, an excellent course and local hangout. Get directions and find the park on the map here.
If you’ve never played disc golf before and don’t have any gear, there are plenty of shops in Asheville where you can pick up a starter kit.
For about $10, you can get a driver, a mid-range disc, and a putter. Just try not to lose them on your first round. Most people write their name and phone number on discs as a precautionary measure.
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7. Feast on Southern Food
Asheville is home to plenty of amazing restaurants of all different styles. If you’re travelling here for the first time, I recommend sticking mostly to southern fare. After all, you’re in the south even though the State is North Carolina!
For brunch, a solid choice is Biscuit Head. Their slogan is “put some south in your mouth” and that’s exactly what you’ll do here. Choose your favourite biscuit (I love the pulled pork) and top it off with their various jams and butters. 
One of the best restaurants in Ashville, in my humble opinion, is Home Grown. This local eatery serves local food cooked by local people, so you know your money is going right into the local economy when you eat here.
I personally love their Redneck Pot Pie or buttermilk fried chicken. You can see Home Grown and much more in our “Streets, Beats & Eats” video on Asheville.
8. Drink Local Craft Beer
Asheville has been named Beer City USA on several occasions. There are over 40 breweries and beer pubs here in total! As such, sampling local craft beer should be high atop your list of things to do in Asheville NC.
Walking around Asheville, you’re never too far from a brewery. Some of the best places for a beer include Asheville Brewing Company, Burial, and Green Man. The best way to find your favourite brew is ordering up a flight to sample 4-5 different styles.
While they’re not exactly microbreweries, it’s also worth it to visit the Asheville locations of New Belgium and Sierra Nevada. The former has a scenic location right along the French Broad River, while the latter is a bit of a hike as it’s out by the airport.
If you want to take a tour of either, be sure to sign up well in advance! I’ve been to a lot of breweries, and these are two of the best I’ve ever seen.
9. Visit a Few Museums
If you’re downtown and aren’t quite sure what to do in Asheville, why not drop into one of the city’s museums for a bit? Whether you’re interested in art, science, or even pinball, there’s a museum for you here.
The Asheville Art Museum has recently had some major renovations and is bigger and better than ever!
It’s open from 10-5 Tuesday-Saturday and 1-5 on Sunday. It’s totally free to visit, but donations are very much appreciated. You can find the museum on the map here.
Just a block away, you’ll find the Asheville Museum of Science. They’ve got lots of cool exhibitions and displays that are fun for all ages. It’s open Monday-Saturday from 10-5 and from 1-5 on Sunday and costs $7-8 to visit.
If you love a good retro pinball machine or video game, you’ll definitely want to check out the Asheville Pinball Museum.
For $15, you can play as many games as you want on their 80+ machines. Hours vary depending on the day, but they’re typically open until 9PM. Get directions to the museum here.
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10. Explore the RAD (River Arts District)
For art lovers, one of the top things to do in Asheville NC is visiting the RAD (River Arts District).
Hundreds of artists have galleries and studios in this area along the French Broad River. It’s a really fun place to explore for a while, especially on the weekends.
On the second Saturday of each month, the RAD is a very lively place. There are demonstrations, workshops, wine tastings, live music, and a lot more. There’s even a free trolley that you can ride as you bounce around the different venues.
Whether you’re interested in painting, ceramics, photography, or jewelry, you’ll find something to enjoy in the RAD.
While you’re over here, be sure to drop in another excellent local craft brewery — Wedge. You can find the River Arts District on the map here. 
11. Fun on the River
Speaking of the French Broad River, there are lots of fun things to do there. Well, at least during the warmer months. There’s not much going on in the dead of winter…
One of my absolute favourite things to do in Asheville is tubing down the river.
The best way to enjoy the Homer Simpson of water sports is by signing up with this tubing experience. It’s like a floating pub crawl!
I won’t’ give it all away, but it’s a lot of fun and you can also bring your own beverages to put in the onboard cooler. Click here for details.
If you’d prefer a bit more activity than just lazily floating down the river, you can also rent a kayak or a SUP (stand up paddleboard). There are a few different places that rent boards as well as tours you can sign up for to get out and enjoy a day on the river.
12. Listen to Buskers
Walking around downtown Asheville, you’re sure to hear a lot of music. Some of it may be coming out of shops and bars, but more often than not, it’s actual musicians jamming in the street!
It’s very common to see people “busking” on the streets of Asheville. Busking is when you play music in public and simply open your guitar/violin/keyboard case to take tips from passersby. 
The various musicians busking around downtown Asheville really add to the eclectic atmosphere of the city. If you enjoy the music, stop for a while to listen and toss a few bucks in to show your appreciation. 
13. Day Trip to Hot Springs
If you’re looking for some good old-fashioned R&R on your trip to Asheville, then you may want to add in a day trip out to the town of Hot Springs, NC. It’s not just a clever name, as the small town is home to some amazing hot springs.
It’s about a 45-minute drive from downtown Asheville out there, and it’s well worth it.
The Hot Springs Resort & Spa has amazing mineral baths and spa services. After a busy couple of days exploring the city, a nice massage and a soak in the hot springs is just what you need.
The resort has a variety of different options, so be sure to check their website for details.
Just be sure to book in advance, as it’s a popular place. They also have several different choices for on-site accommodation if you’re interested. You can get directions to the Hot Springs resort on the map here.
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14. Join the Friday Drum Circle
One of the coolest things to do in Asheville NC, for both visitors and locals alike, is joining in the weekly drum circle. People of all ages and backgrounds come out to enjoy this fun and free event.
The drum circle goes on every Friday at Pritchard Park downtown. People usually start showing up around 5 and it gets bigger and bigger until the whole park is packed with people drumming, dancing, and singing.
Even if you don’t have a drum of any kind, it’s a good time. You can just dance to the music and enjoy connecting with people. Once the drum circle wraps up, you’re smack dab in the middle of downtown Asheville on a Friday night.
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15. Shop at the Grove Arcade
If you’re looking to do a little shopping before you leave Asheville, be sure to swing by the Grove Arcade downtown. This building has a very interesting history, which I recommend you read before going there!
At the Grove Arcade, you’ll find a very diverse array of shops, including the Batter Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar, Nutz About Fudge, the Woodrow Instrument Company, and much more.
In addition to all the great shops inside, there’s also the Outdoor Artists Market. You’ll find paintings, clothing, jewelry, and local honey, among other things. The Grove Arcade is open from 10-6 Monday-Saturday and noon-5 on Sunday.
16. Treat Yourself at the Grove Park Inn
For those who enjoy the finer things in life, a trip out to the Grove Park Inn is a must when visiting Asheville. In case you were wondering, yes, it is the same Grove who started the shopping arcade.
E.W. Grove is known as the “father of modern Asheville.” He was a self-made millionaire who moved here in 1910 and opened this grand inn soon thereafter. A hundred years later, and it’s still going strong as one of Asheville’s premier resorts.
Even if you don’t splurge on a room at the inn, it’s well worth it to pay a visit here.
Book yourself a nice spa treatment and then grab a hand-crafted cocktail and a bite to eat at their Sunset Terrace Lounge, or choose one of the many other options for wining and dining. 
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17. Take a Hike
By far one of the most popular things to do in Asheville is hiking.
If you’ve got your own wheels and are willing to drive 45 minutes to an hour outside of town, you have tons of options for excellent hiking trails.
In addition to the aforementioned Mt. Pisgah trail, other great options include Catawba Falls, the Devil’s Courthouse, or Max Patch. A hike to the latter can be rewarded with a trip to the hot springs, as it’s a pretty short drive between the two.
There really are tons of options for hiking in Asheville with varying difficulty and distance from town. Just check this awesome Asheville trail finder to figure out which option is best for you!
18. Explore the North Carolina Arboretum
Another fantastic choice for spending time outdoors in Asheville is the North Carolina Arboretum. Here you’ll find some lovely cultivated gardens, a bonsai exhibit, hiking & biking paths, and much more.
It’s a great place to spend a couple of hours, especially on a nice day.
Actually, the arboretum is also a solid choice in the colder months thanks to the Winter Lights display they put up. The place really turns into a winter wonderland from late November until the end of the year.
The arboretum is open from 8-7 in the fall/winter and from 8-9 in the spring/summer. They don’t charge an entrance fee per person, but rather charge a flat fee of $14 per vehicle to enter. You can find them on the map here.  
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19. Go on a Ghost Tour
One of the spookiest things to do in Asheville is going on a ghost tour. Haunted Asheville has a few different options for chilling, thrilling tours that are fun for the whole family.
On their classic walking tour, you’ll learn the stories behind some of Asheville’s most haunted spots from a resident ghost expert. Tours usually run at 8PM and sometimes there’s another one at 9. Tickets cost $23 for adults and $15 for children 9-14, while those under 8 go for free.
Another option is their Biltmore Village Mystery Tour. Apparently, you learn about a kangaroo that appeared from another dimension on this tour. Sounds cool to me!
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20. Sundowners at Sky Bar
After a busy day of exploring Asheville, there’s no better place to watch the sun go down with a nice adult beverage than SkyBAR.
Grab a cocktail and take in the amazing views from this rooftop bar, and you’ll see why Asheville really is the Land of the Sky.
While there are some quality beer and wine choices on the menu, this place is all about the cocktails. I personally recommend their Mixed Berry Mule or the Peach Ginger Whiskey Sour. You really can’t go wrong with any of the options.
SkyBAR is located in the historic Flatiron Building in downtown Asheville.
Half the fun of visiting there is going up in the old school elevator, which still requires an operator. They open at 5 during the week and an hour earlier on the weekends. 
21. See a Show
No matter what night of the week it is, there are plenty of shows going on in Asheville. Take your pick between theatrical performances, stand-up comedy, live music, and more. 
The live music scene is one of the things I love the most about Asheville.
The city has several venues that range in size and style, so you get all sorts of different acts coming to town. Some of the best places to see music here include the Asheville Music Hall, Salvage Station, and the Orange Peel.
Be sure to check the calendar and see what’s playing when you’re in town.
During the warmer months, you’ll also find many different outdoor events and festivals happening in Asheville.
One such festival is Shindig on the Green, which takes place all throughout the summer at Pack Square Park. There are free shows most Saturdays as well as lots of informal jam sessions and other fun things going on.
Now You Know What to Do in Asheville NC!
Well there you have it. I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at one of my many homes away from home.
Asheville is such a cool city with so much to offer, whether you’re into the great outdoors, epic adventures, the arts, or just chilling out. Whatever you do, there’s always lots of amazing beer, food, views, and music!
Images in this article courtesy of Shutterstock.com. 
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5 Great Lessons You Can Learn From SEO 2019
Professional SEO providers can lift your site over your competition. If a person's business does not have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Internet marketing strategies, she or even he will need help through SEO experts. One of the particular most commonly asked questions, White colored hat SEO in layman's vocabulary is applying the right methods along with a legal method to boost your ranking plus increase your popularity. To help the client's future-proof their businesses plus maximize online Return on Purchase (ROI), we have caused the global partners to develop a good SEO methodology that aligns along with Google's recommended best practices. Off-page SEO will assist make your website most well-known and visible on the internet, so you can get even more traffic and users for your own website and product. You might be the proprietor of a growing and flourishing business, the webmaster of the dozen sites, the SEO professional inside a Web agency or the DIY SEO ninja passionate regarding the mechanics of Search: this particular guide is meant for a person. On their organization blog, Demand Wave also provides a great article about 2016's tops trends in B2B electronic marketing and SEO. A few explore some roles that interpersonal media plays in SEO. You will craft your own SEO strategy around the keywords and phrases that will lead customers in order to your most profitable products. Google for example, states that will the no follow link end up being taken literally as well because the link will not end up being followed at all however within reports done for SEO reasons it shows some conflict in order to this. By merging a new way to work along with SEO and prioritized lists associated with recommendations—not to mention competitor evaluation and keyword monitoring—Siteimprove SEO is usually your all-in-one tool to develop traffic, prove ROI, and effortlessly create content. All the SEO styles listed here may have started in late 2017 or earlier 2018, but their true advantage could be reaped in 2019. Google's David Mueller said on Twitter, along with the disclaimer of him placing his user hat on (ofcourse not Google hat), that relabeling older content as new, with simply no additional changes is a poor SEO hack. All of us associated with creatives, designers & developers function alongside our SEO & articles teams to ideate, research, style & create remarkable infographics and interactive content for brands that will get shared across the internet. Contemporary SEO strategy will be the process associated with organizing a website's content simply by topic, which helps engines like google realize a user's intent when looking. Page loading time is dependent upon Page Load speed, Web page loading time is one associated with the important factors in Mobile phone SEO 2017. Public Media as a platform can not be ignored in any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plan. Seo stands intended for search engine optimization, when a person are searching for an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search Engine Optimization Business then you needs to appear for various factors which may have a favorable and bad affect on your business. Deciding on the best key phrases is critical for successful SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and it is easy in order to choose the wrong ones through falling into the trap associated with optimization. Research engine search engine optimization, or SEO, is the procedure of enhancing your site's position in search results. Web Marketing SEO, and in specific, Google SEO is the essential. Get into your competitor's URL into the particular SEMRush search bar and you should end up being provided with a list associated with SEO keywords, with their ranks and traffic. About: Brighton SEO is made up of courses and a one-day search marketing conference. Before this change, the greatest practice was to avoid concealed content at any cost since it wasn't as effective regarding SEO (it was either as well much to crawl for the particular bot in some instances or even given less important by Search engines in others). This is due to the particular fact that you will require contents to be submitted in order to the websites for whom a person are working as an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, when you build the hyperlinks, you will need to offer Blog9T the profile information, and a person will also have to supply articles for submissions as nicely as numerous other types associated with written work. If you've actually searched for something online (and most of us have), a person already know read more regarding SEO than you think a person do. All of us already see this trend within several places, like extremely specific targeting of social ads -- some brands still approach SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and content creation with the one-size-fits all attitude. The traditional method to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via lookup engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 may still use many of these types of newly implemented tactics, but lookup engine optimization experts are in addition suggesting there will be a great deal more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile products, and the number will definitely proceed up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few textbooks that will help you conceptually understand the history of research You Will Never Thought That Knowing SEO 2019 Could Be So Beneficial!, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the many years. There are several methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you with a web research and find what they're searching for, you can receive a lot of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword analysis for the specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website. Siteimprove SEO incorporates sixty six unique SEO checks, including tests for missing meta descriptions, transliteration mistakes, broken links, outdated data files, poor readability, and links in order to unsafe domains. But when we're looking for a larger trend it's that SEO plus what we call real marketing” will continue to blur the particular lines between them as the particular job of the SEO gets that of a traditional marketing expert - having to understand the particular user, the competitors, the market and also the implementation part. Thanks for going to the world of Search Motor Optimization (SEO). For example, we regularly make content on the topic associated with "SEO, " but it's nevertheless very hard to rank properly on Google for such the popular topic on this acronym alone. What can this industry shifts show about the particular future of SEO and content material marketing? Search engine marketing (SEO) is on a move. Whether a person are an SEO Professional, Electronic Marketing Agency, SMB or Brand name, looking to increase your visitors or to monitor your website's evolution, this SEO software can provide you with best within class digital marketing strategy evaluation and insights for your company. Their expertise will be incredibly valuable because there will be plenty of science to SEO, plus it is constantly changing since search engines like Google keep on to update their algorithms. From a content viewpoint, I'd say one of the particular best ways to get SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value out of video is usually to focus your efforts upon addressing your customer's pain factors. It's maybe not an ideal SEO page title because of the multiple distinct services, however the structure might give rise to rankings for some long-tail keyword phrases. SEOs will have to collaborate carefully with designers and developers in order to prioritize technical SEO and functionality search engine ranking factors to achieve a competitive edge. Further SEO Smart hyperlinks allows you to set upward your own personal keywords and set associated with matching URLs. When search engine optimization SEO will not involve ethical practices, the particular website may have low presence on Google as well as be taken out from the Google index. An SEO technique is usually considered white hat if this conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deceptiveness. As an SEO, which indicates that you have to considerably raise your standards around high quality content and links in purchase to achieve top search motor rankings. Most SEO focuses on customization for Google's search engine, which usually dominates the overall search marketplace with a share of more than 90%. 7. Social indicators may even become more essential to SEO as time passes. Solitary Grain is really a electronic marketing agency that helps businesses like Uber, Amazon and Salesforce grow their revenues online making use of SEO plus paid advertising. This can be a growth chance intended for content marketing-specific agencies and the necessary and justified budget collection item for in-house SEO groups. SEO includes both technical and creative components needed to improve rankings, drive visitors, and increase awareness in lookup engines. PeepCon (which stands for The Householder's Conference”) seeks to teach workable SEO and digital marketing training. See how Matthew had taken a website from zero in order to one million visits in much less than a year, using the mix of blogging, content advertising, and SEO. Solid being familiar with of the keywords, questions, plus phrases your ideal customers make use of to find your products plus services is critical to efficient SEO. 34. Applying SEO practices (such keyword optimization) to social media marketing boosts discoverability when users search cultural platforms like Facebook and Youtube . com. Onsite SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide — If you the particular actual link, you will observe a opt-in button where a person can download the Onsite SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide. ” Matt Diggity will a lot of testing upon his own sites, which means this guideline reflects what on page strategies are working best for your pet. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO will be identifying issues that are harming search engine ranking positions plus reducing the traffic you receive through SERPs. User-generated content like reviews assist SEO through SMO, because this often comes in the type of social shares, likes, or even commenting, or common threads such as hashtags that point back in the direction of a brand. Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services offer a very focused online marketing approach, (it's not really like dropping off brochures upon front-porch steps or paying for a good ad in a local newspapers that could or may not really be seen by a feasible client that is actually fascinated in your products or services). A greater number associated with people will stick to tone of voice search, so SEO specialists may need to adjust to this particular relatively new kind of lookup. Seo or SEO is definitely a powerful method to generate targeted traffic to your internet site and hopefully increase your bottom part line. Whilst many marketing tactics rely upon you reaching out to your own audience, SEO gives you the particular power to achieve people whenever they are actively searching away information related to your solutions and products. Light hat SEOs the actual recommendations of Google and other research engines like google. As Google's search engine outcomes become increasingly monetized and various other platforms such as Amazon plus YouTube gain more SoV plus search volume, I think jooxie is overdue for the focus associated with SEO to shift far through Google. Traditional SEO is usually focused on building (keyword relevant) links and (keyword relevant) articles. The main reason they may sometimes misunderstood is because you will find a whole Internet underbelly of alleged SEO companies that you may pay to link to your own site on their networks associated with low-quality articles. However, before we obtain to our main event, I actually must note that after the 2017 edition of SEO developments launched last year on Lookup Engine Journal, we heard the couple of complaints about simply how long it was. After that your boss tells you if you're accountable for search engine marketing (SEO), too. Michael jordan Harling, SEO Specialist at Roman Blinds Direct, agrees with the particular consensus that voice search may be the trend in 2019. Screaming Frog SEO Index tool does it to suit your needs inside a few seconds, even regarding larger websites. SEOs also used to believe that buying links was the valid method of link developing; however, Google will now punish you for buying links within an attempt to manipulate page rank. Ultimately, achievement in SEO in 2018 plus forward will depend on developing amazing content and making this as easy as possible intended for search engines like google in order to understand exactly what that content material is all about. Answer: When you focus about SEO for voice search anyone need to create your articles around long tail keywords since people tend to use even more words in voice search. SEO is the practice associated with increasing the search engine ranks of your webpages so that will they appear higher in research results, bringing more traffic in order to your website. In the particular previous example, Bob's home web page might have the title, "Bob's Soccer Store - Soccer Sneakers and Equipment. " The name is the most important component of SEO, since it shows the search engine exactly exactly what the page is all regarding. 47. When creating SEO content material, keep the social layer within your mind. In case you have time to get good search engine optimisation education, after that combine this knowledge with greatest practices and you are upon your way to become a good SEO expert. 46. Use SEO practices in order to optimize your social media articles. 4. Mobile SEO plus Local Business: - As all of us mentioned before, users tend in order to search for local business upon the smartphones. Let's confirm our knowing of SEO basics with the one question quiz about the particular factors in search rankings: web pages, links and keyphrases. When it comes in order to Google SEO, the rel=canonical hyperlink element has become VERY IMPORTANT over the many years and NEVER MORE SO. To place the particular focus on the website website visitor, it has been suggested that will acronym SEO should indicate research experience optimization. It's important to remember in order to share content from your internet site or blog socially to provide it an SEO boost as well. Some Webmasters will spend thousands of dollars to a few so-called professional SEO expert in order to get their Websites on best in the rankings. It is constantly preferable to ask questions upon their SEO procedures and find out whether they have knowledge associated with keyword density or if they will have information about the most recent keyword research strategies and equipment. This combined expertise makes all of us uniquely qualified to present a good ethics-based, search engine-friendly SEO guide to teach you guidelines that will reflect the latest developments looking. They include important subjects like search motor success factors and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION relates to social media advertising. In order in order to make web pages appear in high positions in the search outcomes, SEO tries to shape the website according to Google's protocol. The major problem of SEO is the truth that there are billions associated with pages in the internet lookup engine indexes and your placement in the SERPS is reliant on a constantly changing criteria which is not published. Here's the truly great news: You don't have in order to have to be a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION wizard to make sure your own website is well positioned intended for organic search engine traffic. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the acronym for research engine optimisation. The particular search engines have refined their own algorithms along with this progression, numerous tactics that worked within 2004 can hurt your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today. Therefore, we also generate content on conducting keyword study, optimizing images for search motors, creating an SEO strategy (which you're reading right now), plus other subtopics within SEO. In 2018 there will be an actually bigger focus on machine understanding and SEO from data. ” Of course, the amplification aspect of things will continue in order to combine increasingly with genuine public relationships exercises rather than shallow-relationship hyperlink building, which will become more and more easy to detect by research engines like google. Seo (SEO) is often regarding making small modifications to components of your website. In my SEO post writing guidelines I suggest a person take your main keyword plus 3 or 4 other associated keywords and write at 3-4%. Some SEO specialists claim that will building links for SEO uses is pointless; others believe this role of backlinks for any internet site has continually risen through the particular years. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge part associated with any marketing strategy. This fresh paradigm of users relying upon voice search for many associated with their search needs will end up being a game changer for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. BrightLocal offers been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and boost their positions in the particular local search market since this year. Gowns where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO techniques In this article we clarify what local search optimization will be, and why using a nearby SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in add-on to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed within this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external elements that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're trying to end up being found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search expression you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize web sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. On this web page you'll find a list associated with 21 SEO insanely tactical methods that you can use in order to boost your engine rankings. 26% of respondents state email is the digital advertising channel using the greatest positive influence on revenue; SEO is 2nd (17%), followed by paid lookup (15%), social media (5%), plus online display advertising (5%). Along with an increased focus on consumer experience, Google has challenged the particular SEO community to pay even more attention to the entire encounter of a website and just how the content interacts with customers, rather than just the fundamental elements that most optimize towards. While that may not get solved in 2018, we want integrate the SEO group alongside other marketing, both compensated and owned initiatives. For example, a few businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. Luckily, you can find your very own broken links on site using the particular myriad of Tools available. Ask any SEO services company and they will tell a person that whenever a page will be searched, the major search motors spiders search it through hyperlinks. Effective SEO aims to improve research engine position, user visits, come back visits, and to improve transformation rates, which reflect the amounts of visitors who take preferred actions on the site. Wise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION activities transform your rankings in the particular search engine results page (SERP). This is the best goal for ecommerce SEO, plus the traffic those links may bring through will convert with a very high rate. You will become introduced to the foundational components of how search engines such as google work, how the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION landscape is promoting and exactly what you can expect in the particular future. The SISTRIX Toolbox consists associated with six modules 1) SEO, 2) Universal, 3) Links, 4) Advertisements, 5) Social and 6) Optimizer. Low-quality content can severely impact the achievements of SEO, within 2018. When your own SEO starts building strong reasons, competitors can start maligning your own SEO backlinks. ” With content marketing spend likely to reach $300 billion by 2019, this statistic is worrisome. Now the electronic marketing companies know how in order to use AI for SEO, plus in coming years AI will certainly dominate in developing the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies of the digital marketing and advertising companies. Ray Cheselka, AdWords and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Manager at webFEAT Complete, the design and SEO agency, states that in 2019 search purpose will continue to become even more important. Expert writers of SEO articles can take the time to study the particular industry or market market. 2 tools to help with nearby SEO are BrightLocal (for rankings) and MozLocal (for local research optimization). Concerning on-page SEO best practices, I usually link out to other quality related pages on other websites exactly where possible and where a human being would find it valuable. It includes a well known Routine Table of SEO Success Factors”, a 9-chapter guide to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics, and links to several from the site's most useful blog posts. An SEO on the web marketing strategy is a extensive plan to get more individuals to your website through research engines. Several search optimizers try to cheat Google by using aggressive strategies that go beyond the fundamental SEO techniques. Subscribe to the particular Single Grain blog now regarding the latest content on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, PPC, paid social, and the particular future of internet marketing. SEO can furthermore stand for search engine optimizer. Like the rest of the particular digital landscape, SEO marketing is usually continuously evolving. 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Announcing programme of the day!
ELASTIC 2017                         
The conference will be opened at 10.30 by Dr. Larry Lynch Head of the School of Arts, Oxford Brookes University.
Guest Performers
Aaron Williamson and Brian Catling will be performing from 4.00-5.00
Aaron Williamson
Over the last 25 years, Aaron Williamson has created more than 300 exhibitions, performances, interventions, videos, installations and publications for galleries, museums and festivals including Tate Britain, Tate Modern and the Whitechapel Gallery in London, The Venice Biennale, and Nippon Performance Art festival in Japan.  He has lectured at numerous institutions in the UK and internationally, won a range of awards and published widely.
Brian Catling
Brian Catling is a sculptor, poet, novelist, filmmaker and performance artist.  He is Professor of Fine Art at The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford.  He has been exhibition work internationally since the 1970’s. In 2001 he co-founded the international performance collective WitW.  
Christopher Ansell
Title: Robert and Virginia
Location: Pink room
Time: 11.50-12.15
Biography: In performances Ansell negotiates the intricacies of verbal and bodily language. The gestures of language, the human body and the voice are choreographed in poetic compositions that disrupt the dominance of verbal communication. Influenced by a variety of theatrical practices, ranging from contemporary drag acts to eighteenth
century mime, Ansell explores the technologies of verbal and bodily performance.    
Ansell lives in Oxford and is currently a graduate student at the Ruskin School of Art.
GG Awin
Title: All My Friends Are Fucking Bitches
Location: Garden
Time: 2-4
Description: GG broadcasts a football match to you, playing with its own head. You can either join or watch.
Superfreakshow! I am wondering if we could be happy in a place like that?
Biography: GG Awin is a fine artist born in Poland, and working in performance, video and image making. Drawing on lowbrow and camp aesthetic, his work focuses on establishing artificial environments and hierarchy with the means of a role imposition, absurd and (direct) confrontation.
Clare Carswell
Title:  FAILTE
Location: Garden
Time: Durational
Description: This participatory performance work will attempt through interaction with an audience, to communicate aspects of the experience of homelessness and of the resultant sense of displacement whilst forced to live in temporary housing or in the homes of others.
Biography: Clare Carswell MA(RCA) works with performance and drawing to make works for the gallery and public space.  She curates the work of others at AYYO Contemporary Art, a gallery and project space near to Oxford.  She runs Art Pitch, a residential programme for UK and international artists and writes and lectures on contemporary art.
Shwanda Corbett
Title: Staircase
Location: Foyer
Time: 1pm
Description:  The staircase is a social structure for person(s) whom are transitioning from one place to another.  In economic thriving environments, a staircase is a brief nonverbal gathering of different social statuses.  In places of poverty, a staircase is a social gathering where opinions are heard.  The quality of the staircase and everyday functions determine its importance.  Staircases are a neutral place for different races and other social identities; however this excludes the physically disabled.  The transitioning mechanism is different because the stairs are not accessible to wheels.  This leaves the disabled individual out of the social experience.
Veronica Cordova de la Rosa
Location: Green room
Time: 2.00-2.15
Biography: Veronica Cordova de la Rosa is an artist-researcher. Her research is a search for artistic growth, knowledge production and how thought is processed in the studio space. She loves the general art public to discuss the merits of her research over coffee, in the press or online.
Al/ice/ex Donaghy
Title: The Cleaning of St. George
Location: Side Balcony
Time: Durational
Description: An improvised cleaning project reflecting on purity, nationalism and the abuse of labour.
Biography: I am interdisciplinary artist working mainly in performance with influences from Butoh dance, experimental writing/music and photography. My work often concerns political or social problems. Much my research and work focuses on restriction and restraint and it’s effect on mood/creation of performance and writing. I use this physical intervention in my work as a method of distraction from the actual act in hand.
Michael Dudeck
Title: L I B E R M E T A 1 . 0
Location: Dining Room
Time: All day
Description: Liber Meta is a durational ritual performance which marks the beginning of a three year project. The performance utilizes a new process I am calling "Neomedievalist Performative Illumination". I have spent the past 1.5 years writing the first "Holy Book" of my fictional interspecies queer religion, and it is my intent through the host of the Liber Meta performances to inscribe and illuminate a manuscript live over a series of durational performances.
Biography: Michael Dudeck is an artist and cultural engineer who decodes dominant cultural mythologies and re-codes them into contemporary fictions.
Sam Hall
Title: <3 Give <3 Me <3 More <3
Location: Garden  
Time:  1.30-2.00
Description: A carnival style multifaceted extravaganza!
Biography: Sam is currently studying and working in Oxford
Victoria Karlsson
Title: And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music
Location: Space by green room entrance.
Time: 1-4   One to one interaction with audience members. Each interaction taking between 10-20 minutes.
Description: This piece explores the idea of an inner world of sounds – sounds we hear as part of our thoughts, emotions, and desires.
Biography:  Victoria Karlsson is a sound artist interested in the emotional and subjective aspects of sound and art. Investigating sound as both an inner and outer experience, she explores how we think about, remember, dream about sounds, and how this influences our experiences of sounds in our everyday. She is currently undertaking a PhD Research Degree at University of the Arts, London. Her research investigates sounds in thoughts, asking if we hear sounds in our minds, what they mean to us and where they come from. Her work has been exhibited in the Barbican, the Institute of Contemporary Art and several other group and solo shows.
Peta Lloyd and Jemima Hall
Title: Elastication on Arrival
Location: Foyer
Time: 10.10- 10.30
Biography: Jemima is young, tall and blonde; Peta is not. This is their second collaboration. They are both students at Oxford Brookes University.
Robert Luzar
Title: Demonstration 1
Time: 11.15-11.45
Location: Pink Room
Biography: Robert Luzar is an artist, writer and educator. He is Senioe Lecturer in Fine Art at Bath Spa University and holds a PhD from Central Saint Martins.  He investigates notions of ‘event’ through performative drawing practices that are worked critically through video and installation. He exhibits globally in live-art events and art venues such as Torrance Art Museum (USA), Talbot Rice Gallery (UK), DRAWinternational (FR), Katzman Contemporary (CA), Red Head Gallery(CA) and Kunstlerhaus Dortmund (DE).  His writing on art and critical theory are published in journals and magazines, such as Mnemoscape, Desearch and the book Nancy and Visual Culture (Edinburgh University Press 2016).
Kate Mahony
Title: The unbelievable suspension of disbelief
Location: Foyer
Time: 3.30-3.40
Biography: Kate Mahony makes live performances and films that appropriate existing frameworks to see, when placed upon a foreign body, what animates certain social groups, ‘societies’, individuals and herself to ‘perform’.
Naomi Mishkin
Title: American Pussy Flag
Time: Durational
Biography: Naomi Mishkin is an artist from New York.  She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in Glass and is currently completing her MFA at the University of Oxford.
Joseph Morgan Schofield
Location:Gravel path in garden
Time: 2.30-3.15
Description: WITHSTAND//STANDWITH is a ritual burial of grief. It is an invitation to consider the ways we experience trauma, to process pain and to think about the future.
Biography:  Joseph Morgan Schofield is an emerging live artist working in body and task led performance art.  He makes consecrated performative actions.  He recently completed his MA Theatre and Performance at Queen Mary University of London.
Nunu Theatre
Location: Green Room
Time: 12.15-1.00
Description: Lord Boris is a piece on Brexit. It is a bedroom, living room piece, a delirium, and a dream, a dream in a dream. Something very sleepy in any case! A PROPHESY on Brexit! The piece includes experimental music, an 1880 Romanian text and a fish.
Biography: ‘Loneliness has made us express ourselves in another language’
The Nunu Theatre originated in Romania but is currently based in Bristol. Nunu is the only theater company in the UK to work exclusively with professionals actors who use English as their second language in performance.
Tess Tallula
Title: Ecstatica
Location: Robert Maxwell’s Bathroom (first floor)
Time: ‘a durational happening’, starting at 2.15.
Description: Spontaneous performance or invasion of privacy? 
Biography: Tess Tallula is half way through her fine art degree at Oxford Brookes creating thoughtful and frivolous installations, performances and films.
Robert Ridley-Shackleton
Title:  Just card and a bit of tupperwave
Location: Green room
Time: 2.15 – 2.35
Biography: The cardboard prince presents entertainment for 2016 and beyond.
Fay Stevens
Title: Malathyros VII
Location: Rear balcony
Time: 11.45-
Description: Part of an on-going work on place, time, memory, and remembrance.
Biography: I am an academic, curator, artist and writer. My archaeological work, performance and art practice is a process of excavation; an unravelling of layers of time, memory and substance. It is a phenomenological enquiry and experience, concerned with trace, elements, the senses, inscription and corporeal interplay. 
Austin Sherlaw-Johnson
Title: 2704 Card Pickup
Location: Green Room
Time: 11.00-11.15
Description: A performance lasting approximately 10 minutes.
Biography: Austin Sherlaw-Johnson is a composer and performance artist who works in a variety of media. Recent work includes: Explicit Sounds (six actions for one performer), Making a Box as Quickly as Possible (video), Anti-Conceptualism, (installation), John Cage and Teeny Duchamp Play Chess in front of a Live Audience (theatre piece for two performers) and You’re Beautiful (three three-minute pop songs for two performers).
Alexandra Trott
Title: ‘(in your Drawers)’
Location: Front foyer and toilets  
Time: Durational (recorded performance)
Description: Is this a performance? Are you still performing too? It doesn’t have to be private. Invite others to join you. Ignore the knocking – stay as long as you like.  Let’s spend time together.
Biography: Alexandra Trott is a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Theory at Oxford Brookes University.  Her white cube is a lecture hall, and she regularly performs in front of Fine Art students and art historians, presenting her interpretations of Modernist history.
Emma Williams and Hannah Oram
Title: Rebound
Location: Green room
Time: 2.25
Description: Emma and Hannah write letters to each other. In Rebound they explore a conclusive end to this dialogue.
Annie Wright
Title:  Facebook Song With thanks to The Police
Location: Pink Room
Time: 11.30-11.50
Biography: Coming from a Fine Art background, Annie enjoys working across disciplines and playing with socio-political issues.  She is interested in exploring the use of spoken word in installation and performance art.
 Zwann eï Collective
Title: ENDIOSADA   Location: Pink Room
Time: 3.00-3.45
Biography:  Faith «struggles insanely, if you will, for the possibility» as «without possibility it is as though a person cannot draw breath» (Sören Kierkegaard, The Sickness Unto Death) Such is the existential struggle: believing despite inevitable loss and despite the impossibility of any help. Believing is what prevents from perishing. Drawing from the themes of faith and belief, the performance Endiosada (literally entrusted by God) explores freely the points of contact between life devoted to the permanent quest for help and transcendence.
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