#like eastern european blonde lol
carracerbarbie · 8 months
I'm thinking about going back to blonde, Is this a normal idea or is it the mental ilness?
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princess-nobody · 8 months
Avatar Rant: Snowy Region Na'vi
Am I the only one who doesn't like the fanon snow navi designs? Specifically this (I used shitty AI images I found off of pinterest to illustrate the point and to avoid using actual artwork from people 🩷):
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(Before I continue my God these are creepy 😭 AI genuinely cannot create Na'vi without them looking uncanny, disturbing and far too human)
I can understand why people choose the more predictable design philosophy – blonde hair, blue eyes, pale/white skin, pretty two pieces – because that's relatively how this sort of lifestyle has been portrayed to us in the media. Every movie or show set in a snowy region always features mostly eastern European characters, so naturally people decide that their snow na'vi must resemble eastern European people to a degree, and this bothers me.
Not because they look like white people (though that is like 25% why ngl) but because it just isn't realistic? Na'vi may be inspired by humans but they are still a different species living on a harsh and deadly planet that humans can't survive in, na'vi winter and snow would be excruciatingly difficult for them, and they would need to adapt to it.
I just don't see how they would be so thin and petite and pale, people say to blend in, but why? Only a handful of animals in arctic regions are actually white to blend in (polar bears, arctic foxes etc.) so wouldn't it make more sense to base them off of arctic animals from the ice age? Back then, animals were bigger, bulkier, with thicker skin and hair all over to protect themselves from the crippling cold – with that in mind, wouldn't snow na'vi be bigger than average na'vi, and bulkier too? Unlike regular na'vi, it would make sense that the snow ones actually have body hair all over, maybe even fur if you want to take it that far.
And if you're basing them off of INDIGENOUS people, then appearance, features and fashion wise, wouldn't it make more sense to base them off of the actual Inuit people of the arctic instead of Elsa from frozen 😭
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Because realistically why would they wear flowey dresses and two pieces in weather that is probably 80% worse than any winter humanity has ever faced... especially since na'vi are all inspired by different non-white/european indigenous communities, and yes... non-white/European indigenous people do in fact live in cold, snowy, arctic regions...
To add a little bit of pseudo-psychology to it, it may be done in an attempt from white avatar fans for the most part to feel closer to the na'vi by adding a white adjacent sub-species, as the closer to europeans the na'vi look, the more they see themselves within the na'vi. However, that is purely speculation lol.
Also, I do NOT think you are racist or anti-indigenous or anything of the sort if your headcanon for snow na'vi looks anything like the examples! You're allowed to draw and design what you want, and just because tumblr user princess-nobody doesn't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.
TLDR: Fanon snow na'vi don't make sense and confuse me lol. Imo snow na'vi would be big and bulky behemoths that are covered in thick body hair and wear large, figure covering warm clothing, not skinny little russian girls in ballet outfits LMAOOOO.
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exactlymaximumgarden · 3 months
what i did for love (jschlatt x reader fic)
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chapter 1: ...again!
summary: your broadway debut is finally here after years of working toward it. however, an unwelcome face is quick to crash the party. word count: ~1.3k warnings: fem!reader a/n: please don't yell at me if any of the details about the rehearsal process or whatever are factually incorrect. idgaf!!! all love ofc. also, this fic will (obviously) draw on a lot of material from a chorus line, so i’d suggest familiarizing yourself with the show while reading if you’re not already! not essential tho lol song: i hope i get it - a chorus line ensemble
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The first thing you noticed was how, no matter where you performed or for how long, you would never get used to the way the stage lights quite nearly blinded you.
Opening night of your leg of A Chorus Line opened in less than two weeks, and you couldn’t be more elated. For years, this had been your dream. To perform, to be onstage, to be on Broadway. And now here you were. The show was undergoing another revival, a more modern take on the iconic musical. The casting directors had issued an open call to all aspiring stars in New York City to scout some fresh talent. They’d mentioned something about wanting to find unknowns, some unrecognizable faces since you couldn’t keep casting the same people over and over. That would be overkill, they said. That was a no-go. Not here. Not in the big leagues or whatever.
Hell, you were lucky that you even made it past the initial round of callbacks. But if you had told the version of you almost a year ago that was stepping into those auditions for the first time that you were going to be chosen to play Cassie, one of the most prominent roles in the show, you probably wouldn’t have believed it. A whole dance number and song to yourself, plus the most dialogue out of the rest of the female characters? It was surreal.
And now, after months of rehearsals, the opening was just around the corner.
It was no secret that everyone involved was growing increasingly antsy the closer opening night drew. Your castmates were collectively full of a newfound energy you hadn’t witnessed from them yet. It didn’t help that today was the first day of full costumes, plus more light and music cueing. Somehow, the show coming together brought everyone’s moods up by a thousand.
These more upbeat vibes were made evident as the cast stood in the primary assigned formation, one next to the other all in a line close to the edge of the stage. You stood, unable to stop yourself from fidgeting with the scarlet tulle of your costume’s skirt while, out in the audience, the production team buzzed amongst each other with directives, ideas on what to cue next, and how. And those stage lights, those damn lights, bore down upon you. You had to tilt your head down to keep the rays from blaring directly into your eyes.
“Okay!” You were no sooner snapped out of your daze at the booming sound of your director Vanja’s voice from out in the audience. Vanja was a middle-aged woman who’d been raised to become a ballet prodigy. She was not only a seasoned dancer but a strict, dedicated spirit, which was only natural considering her upbringing. She was functioning as both director and choreographer, so she was undoubtedly the most strung-up out of anyone involved in the show, but for obviously different reasons. You squinted, trying to search for her limber figure out in the house, but your vision was obscured from your point on the stage. Her eastern European accent (from exactly where, you couldn't recall) oozed through her words like a thick molasses as she continued, “We will be running ‘At The Ballet’ next. Victoria! Step up, please.”
From your left, your castmate Victoria stepped forward. The tall blonde had been cast as Sheila, the character who sung the first section of the aforementioned song. Since the two of you were sandwiched directly beside each other in the line formation, you’d become quite close during the rehearsal process. “Yes?” Victoria answered coolly, not at all intimidated by Vanja’s demanding tone. You couldn’t help but envy her a little bit for that.
“We will start a couple of lines before the beginning of the song,” Vanja instructed. “Isaiah will prompt you.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Isaiah!” Isaiah was another member of the cast, having been assigned the role of Zach, or the director of the chorus line the show centered around. Zach was primarily unseen throughout the show save for a few particular scenes, so Isaiah, the lucky bastard, got to sit out in the house for most of the rehearsals. You couldn’t see where he was located either, but Vanja seemed to have spotted him, as you could hear her advise, “Start from, ah… start from, ‘Better, go on.’ Just after she’s taken her ponytail down, yes?”
You heard a deeper voice clearing their throat, indicating Isaiah was beginning to speak his assigned dialogue. “Better. Go on.” 
Victoria, meanwhile, squared her shoulders in an attempt to rapidly lock into character before reciting her own lines. “Oh, how she did it. Well, first, she took me to see all the ballets. And then, she gave me her old toe shoes, which I used to run down the sidewalk in. On my toes. At five. And then-”
Suddenly, the typically fluorescent stage lights dimmed to a faded mix of blue and purple. It would have been a very serene color combo had it not been for Vanja’s deafening voice cutting Victoria’s dialogue off. “Hold!” she yelled. “That light cue is too early! That is not supposed to happen until the music starts! Who did that? Tech! Who did that?”
As Vanja spat out her rampaging words, Victoria turned her head just slightly enough to make eye contact with you. She sent you a discreet side-eye as if to nonverbally say, ‘She’s crazy!’
At that moment, one of the members of the tech crew stuck his head out from the wings of the stage. You recognized his face considering you’d seen him around so often, but you never caught his name. “Sorry, ma’am!” he apologized with a rueful grin. “That was an accident. I’m trying to show the new guy the ropes.”
New guy?
Judging by the tone of Vanja’s voice instantly calming down, she seemed to grasp the situation. “Ah, the new techie boy?” she queried. “I haven’t gotten to see him yet.”
“Oh, he’s right here.”
Almost as if on cue, everyone in the cast’s head turned towards the wing, where a second head popped out from behind the curtain. Your eyes widened. No way.
The new guy in question donned a polite smile, his oak brown curls cascading down the sides of his face into mutton chops you recognized all too well. His golden-rimmed aviator glasses shielded his glinting eyes. “How’s it goin’?” he greeted sheepishly, and to your right, you heard your castmate Ari suck in a quiet gasp. Nobody ever spoke to Vanja so casually.
No way.
“Hello.” Surprisingly, Vanja didn’t seem to mind so much. Or maybe she was just giving him the pass since he was new. “What’s your name? I apologize, I never caught it.”
“Oh, uh, Jay. Lotsa people call me Schlatt, though.”
No. Way.
“Ah. Pleasure to meet you, Jay.” You could practically hear the smile in Vanja’s words. “Come see me when we take a break so I can properly speak to you.”
“Will do. Sorry ‘bout the lights. I’ll be more careful.” 
Your stomach churned. Why the hell was he here? Him, of all people? Victoria, sweet Victoria, somehow seemed to catch on to your less than enthused reaction. In your periphery, you could see her quirking up a brow inquisitively at your expression. You couldn’t even make eye contact with her. You were too busy staring at Schlatt, fighting to keep your jaw from dropping.
And of course the prick had to notice you.
It happened in a split second. As he retreated back behind the curtain, your gazes met. A stupid grin crept onto his face as he saw you, clearly dumbfounded by his very presence in the theatre. If you weren’t onstage right now in front of all these people, you would’ve lunged at him.
You heard Vanja’s voice once more as the lights returned to their normal cue, preparing to resume the scene, but it all might as well have been a distant echo. Somehow, someway, Schlatt had made his way back into your life after fighting for so long to keep him out of it.
Why him?
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next chapter
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tleeaves · 8 months
The Fictional Crush Line-Up For 2023 and Beyond
Was going to do this sooner (as in a review on the year based on the new or resurfaced interests I picked up, with aforementioned fictional crushes along the way), but I wanted to collect art for them all too and then I also had to try and remember them all. But here we are. If I'm missing any, I'll either have to edit and or reblog to include them.
See if you can spot any common threads (it may get trickier as the list goes on, just be warned). This goes almost in chronological order. But order does not in any way reflect my level of brainrot and obsession with each.
Consider yourself warned.
Victor Vale (Vicious by V.E. Schwab)
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Victor and his revenge story are kind of responsible for kick-starting my journey of self-rediscovery these past twelve months, in a strange and roundabout way. He made me want to stick up for myself and what I wanted out of life. Sure, he's extremely morally grey in a concerning way, and yeah, we don't normally encourage revenge, but I found him a comfort at a difficult time. But also, I could totally fix him (no one can and it's no one's responsibility, yet the sentiment is still there). I'm not usually one for blonds (I am a liar) but his cold aesthetic is oddly pleasing. There's nothing I understand more than an awe that rots into resentment and envy while maintaining the same thread of fascination with someone. "Victor Vale was not a fucking sidekick" is just a, mwah, chef's kiss line. Honestly, I have less of a crush on this guy, more of an understanding that I appreciate. Also, I haven't even mentioned the chronic pain implications and canon uses of his powers. But that might be for another time.
Viktor (Arcane: League of Legends)
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Another Viktor with chronic illness themes and whose (in LoL lore) regard for a partner in science goes sour over time as they pursue different objectives (not seen in the Netflix series yet, of course, it's too early for glorious evolution). This guy always comes back to rot in my brain, and I cannot wait for season 2 later this year to see what comes of his arc. I'm planning a fanfic involving him, Jayce, and maybe/sort of Jinx, based on a dream I had months ago but still have swirling in the soup that is my consciousness. There is something so pretty about this guy. If I was more confident in my sketching abilities, he'd end up being my muse way too often. Viktor's character to me is kind of a tragedy personified, and I love a good tragedy. Oh, and his voice actor?? Amazing. There's some debate over how authentic he sounds to Eastern Europeans, but the accent aside still, he sounds sooo good. I want to sit in on a lecture where he speaks about literally anything for two hours.
Kell Maresh (A Darker Shade of Magic; The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab)
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Usually, I don't talk about Kell because of how silly I feel like my crush on him is. I identify with Delilah "Lila" Bard throughout ADSOM and even Threads, so I hate further mentioning how much I actually think about Kell because I'd have to fist fight anyone who said I only relate to her because of Kell when that's not the truth. And yet, there's still enough differences between Lila and I for me to be like "if I had to pick a woman in the Schwabverse..." But also, MAYBE I JUST THINK KELL IS GORGEOUS, OKAY? 🫣 Maybe I like that he starts as a somewhat naive prince who's had things both easy and rough in life (wanting to be loved by the only family you know and not feel like you're only there to protect your adoptive brother whom your parents tried to tell you both was not actually your brother and you should stop treating each other as such is VALID, argue with the wall, also he's the bodyguard and eternal worrier (yes, worrying) for Rhy and he's taken lives way too young). Maybe I like that he fell first and fell hard for Lila (okay, but if we're getting into the nitty-gritty, she did flirt with him first multiple times, but she would never admit to actual feelings), that he's the male love interest without reservations for once, leaving it up to Lila and whether she's open to love for once in a story. And yeah, okay, maybe I like that he's actually some kind of a prince charming, the sort you always secretly dream about, you know? Shut up. I like his stupid magic coat too. He's clever, but occasionally actually unbelievably dumb, he's funny and witty yet he knows when to keep his mouth shut (and is usually the one hauling others out of a scrap because of their own smart mouths), he cares too much about his family, AND DID I MENTION HE ALSO HAS CHRONIC ILLNESS THEMES THAT BROKE MY DAMN CHRONICALLY ILL AND IN PAIN HEART? I've said too much already, but there. He's a guy.
Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man: Across The SpiderVerse)
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This is the one my sister teases me most about because she doesn't get it. To be honest with you all, even I don't know how to explain it. But this guy. Miguel. There is something about him that I just abdkjdjsdv, you know? Is it the tragedy? The moral greyness? The fangs? His insane height? Just his fanon self? The fucking muscles?? I don't know. But I will defend how interesting he is as an antagonist until the cows come home.
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
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Oh... boy. Sometimes, I realise I have a type. It's pretty guys who are hopeless romantics that write novels and poetry. Maybe it's just this one guy. But wow, it works on me. I'm writing a fanfic about him because I need to. There's only 400-odd words to it so far. It was not long after I met him in the game that I decided I had to wife him up. I planted that pomegranate tree early, because it's his favourite fruit for those who don't know, and he loves receiving them as a gift. I got ducks so I could give him their stray feathers. I learned how and when to find lobsters and catch crabs because he loves those too. If I'm out of gifts, I go get a coffee for him because every writer needs their sustenance. Literally, by Spring of Year 2, we were married, and I wondered if perhaps I might have been a little too single-mindedly pursuing every one of those cut scenes when I should have been taking it a bit slower and making it less of a mission. Don't know what to tell you, I went crazy. I fully believe in the headcanon that he gets up early just to go through his haircare routine. Is he pretentious? Maybe. Does he lay it on a little too thick that he's scared of dying alone? Well, okay, yes. Does it bother me that as a househusband he doesn't help out more on the farm? Occasionally. But there's also no one else I'd rather be with (and I developed a sprinkler system specifically so there was less work for me anyway and so now I don't mind at all when he isn't helping). And I can't believe my sister ever introduced me to Stardew Valley because I am now mentally ill about a videogame character made of pixels. Yes, I make wine just for him too. Hush. I spoil him daily now that we're married. Our first child is a son named Ernest. I was debating between Ernest and Edgar, and honestly, I think I should have gone with the latter, but I chose the former. All the dialogue from Elliott is so frickin' cute.
Astarion Ancunín (Baldur's Gate III)
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And do you know what the worst part about this one is? I still haven't actually played Baldur's Gate III. I know, I KNOW. A crime. I'm working on it. But you best believe I've watched every cutscene I can, every scrap of gameplay dialogue, all the choices, the different endings you can get with him (Ascended breaks my heart every time -- I don't care how hot he is, it's not what he would have wanted, he doesn't love you like he used to anymore, and he's not as happy as he could be), and I've listened to all the interviews with Neil Newbon and the writer for Astarion about him. This fruity traumatised vampire haunts me. I want to hold him gently and caress his face and tell him he's beautiful and what he looks like to me since he hasn't seen his reflection in centuries and I want to make sure he knows he's loved. I want him to bite me and drink my blood too, but that's not as important. Does it weird me out how much he reminds me of Prince Charming from the Shrek franchise and Preminger from Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper and then aesthetically Asra from The Arcana: A Mystic Romance? Yes. But Astarion's also his own character and I'm in love with his smile and goofy lines.
Settrigh "Sett" (Heartsteel; League of Legends)
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This... might be the lowest point, actually 💀 My sister would agree. Because it's not enough to crush on book characters, show characters, and videogame characters -- while technically this guy is a videogame character and was part of League of Legends waaay before the music video, it was the PARANOIA music video that got me. So, even fictional characters made/involved in music videos are not safe from my heart. Because, as I understand it, OG Sett is a bit different from Heartsteel Sett, and I've found I usually prefer reading about the interpretation of the latter in fanfic more than the former. I mean, I still really, really enjoy fanfics where he's The Big Boss of the pits, and or his other background/lore is included, but I've read some where his old personality is a bit Yikes. The golden retriever energy is my favourite era of his if we can call it that (I still headcanon him as a part fox Vastayan, you can't convince me otherwise so go argue with someone else about it, not me). And honestly, I think I might have read more fics involving Sett in 2023 than I did any of the other characters on this list. Which is saying something since he's not as popular as a few of them. He's a pretty guy and I wish to bite him. Lovingly.
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai)
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Oh woman. Mizu is... is... she's basically my wife. I know she's all our wife, but like just let me dream a little here. As soon as I finished the series, I was opening up Tumblr, Pinterest, and AO3, my holy trinity of fandom. My platonic wife was sending me TikToks of our shared fictional wife. Mizu can wind up non-binary, male, female, I honestly do not mind because I am in love with any version she is/becomes (for now, I interpret her as a woman in disguise, but if that changes, I'll absolutely change how I refer to Mizu). She is a tragedy wrapped up in revenge because of a rotten love and unfortunate parentage and time period. I want her as much as I want to be her. Also? I go insane over her little smiles and smirks. I LOVE when we got to hear her laugh, even if it was mostly the flashbacks (do not mention Mikio near me; if he wasn't already dead, I would kill him). Also, who doesn't hate their British/white half, ahaha, oh my god, I know mixed ethnicity is a hot topic for people who do not want POC whitewashed in media, and I fully understand that, but I do appreciate seeing parts of myself in mixed characters like the conflict between trying to be more like one side than another. I'll also admit it: she does indeed look hot covered in blood and carrying a sword. I'll see myself out the door. I've been wanting to write a fanfic about her but I'm still stewing over ideas. Mizu is also probably my first truly major crush on a fictional woman (other than my childhood crush on Helga Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost Empire). Vi from Arcane comes pretty close, but I see too much of myself in her that it gets weird.
We'll do some honourable mentions for characters from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim since I've gotten into that again.
Brynjolf, Hadvar, and Nazir, I wish I could mod my gameplay so I could marry you. The developers hated their men-loving gamers (I know the women-lovers complain about Serana, but she will never be as heartbreaking as Brynjolf, I don't care if she recognises proposals only to decline them). I mean, Brynjolf is the Tamriel equivalent of Scottish, he calls you "lass/lad", has got a smoothass voice, supports you through so much of the Thieves Guild questline, has a wicked sense of humour, and then when you finish the questline, it's all "sorry, lass. Got important things to do. We'll speak another time" 😭 You can't even recruit him as a follower. He says nothing when you wear an amulet of Mara. I play on a fucking PS4, I can't do mods to marry him or get more dialogue.
(By the way, on my most recent playthrough, Lydia died when I fought the troll on the seven thousand steps, and I am still mad about it. It used to be difficult for Lydia to die, that was why I brought her everywhere, and now I have to become Batman "I work alone". ESPECIALLY after Benor then died on the way up to Paarthurnax. I still can't believe that happened, I should have told him to stay behind and wait for my return.)
Also, every time I play, Derkeethus is so bugged, I can't even rescue him let alone marry the guy, which was disappointing because he seemed nice.
Argis the Bulwark, Vilkas, Farkas, Rayya, Aela the Huntress, and Marcurio, you are all marriageable and live in my heart always. Marcurio was the first I ever married, I think. Three guesses why I chose him (it's the sarcasm, wisecracks, and general sense of humour) (maybe the long hair too). Has anyone noticed how there doesn't seem to be marriageable options among the Khajiit characters?? Why do you think that is? I just checked the Skyrim marriage wiki and this is what it has to say in the trivia: 'There are no Khajiit spouses, however; since the majority of Khajiit in Skyrim are traders or travelers from Elsweyr, they probably have families back home. Additionally, Khajiit characters talk about home a lot, stating how much they miss it and how cold Skyrim is; thus, they probably do not want to marry and settle down in Skyrim.'
Heart-breaking. Oh well.
And that's the end of the line-up. If you read through this, Divines bless your goddamn soul. Psycho-analyse me based on them, I dare you. Or just judge me. I'd like to see either. And if you can find something in common about them all (you don't need to consider the honourable Skyrim mentions), please let me know, because I am personally at a loss.
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
Two Sauronbrand/Haladriel posts: 1) In terms of the Celebrian-Half-Maia theory, I find it interesting that not only was Arwen's fate tied to the One Ring, but Ellohir and Elladan (Celebrian's twin sons) were shown reforming Narsil for Aragorn. Could they have inherited the Smith Gene from their Dark Lord Grandfather... 🤔
2) I like that RoP made Sauronbrand have auburn/chestnut hair. His hair seemed even redder during his confrontation with Galadriel. Obviously, there's the fire connection and how his hazel-green eyes also change colors like a flame. But, also, in European and Middle Eastern folklore, red hair is associated with vampires, werewolves, and witches. Our Hot Baddie has been all three of these supernatural beings. If the RoP writers knew that folklore, I would be very impressed because it fit Sauron's mythos perfectly.
I noticed that too once that theory started up after the finale aired. I know the twins weren't named in the LOTR movies but most speculate that is them reforging Narsil and are in another scene in the extended editions standing behind Arwen. One was also blonde and the other a brunette. There also was a fan film called "Born of Hope" made that's on YT and tells the story about Aragorn's parents that the twins are also a part of and there's actually a resemblance there between the actors and Charlie, and not to mention there's a family of friends with Aragon's father and all the father & son have first name that start with Hal. LOL I know the elves also do smithing but is kind of weird now both boys easily did it, and Arwen's connection to the Ring.
I'm part Irish too and I've always heard things about people having red hair too for various different things, especially since it's common among Irish people (though I don't have it but did actually dye it red a few times as I wanted it LOL). I do know Sauron has been depicted with red hair before in various fanart, especially in his first form as Mairon so I just assumed it's part of the show as well and helps with the likely theory that the Halbrand form is actually the Mairon form and the base/main form Sauron reverts to as it's the original. It's very likely too that the writers know this as a lot of what Tolkien wrote in general is based off various mythologies.
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beevean · 1 year
hi, i set out today looking for fellow haters of the netflix castlevania show and it was honestly so tough, but amidst all the "why do people hate castlevania?? it's so great!!" circlejerks i finally found you. and thank god for it. i never played any of the games, so it's good to know at least that they make more sense in terms of characters and plot than that netflix shitshow
a friend who really loves it sat me down about a year ago and we watched the first three seasons or so together before i could finally escape it and never touched it again. i do like the animation and some of the fight scenes, but none of it comes even close to balancing out the corny dialogue, the lackluster character dynamics, and oh GOD the cultural faux pas. like?? why did they not google a single one of the romanian names they very frequently say? i heard at least three different mispronunciations of "târgoviște" and "greșit", and "țepeș" they somehow managed to get approximately half right (it's pronounced "tzeh-pesh", not "teh-pesh"). it's absolutely mind-boggling to me. wikipedia includes standardised phonetic spelling and google translate can just read it out to you. idk how it is in the games, but considering how big on alleged wokeness the netflixvania production team seems to be, they could at the very least have looked up these very basic and frequently used words once or asked a singular romanian for a pointer here and there
i am romanian, so obviously these things tick me off much more than they would someone who isn't. i just think that if they weren't going to pronounce anything right anyway and wanted to use a very generic western european backdrop (note: romania is in eastern europe), they could just as well have set the whole thing in a fake fantasy world and spared themselves some trouble. the houses look german. the priests and churches look catholic. there are way too many blonde people, especially for southern romania. i just don't like it at all
i hope you have great day btw 💞 thank you for lending me some new faith in humanity
Oh 🥺 I'm glad you sent me this ask <3 I feel that there are very few people who outright dislike NFCV (for the right reasons, at least), because you hear left and right about how not only it's excellent on every front, but So Much Better Than The Stupid games, Best Adaptation of All Time, and it kills me inside every time because am I stupid for not buying the hype? So yeah, thank you <3
I'm vindicated that you didn't like the show even without playing the games. The most common rebuttal against antis is "wah you just want the adaptation to be 1:1 with the games!" (or "wah you're just a bigot!", which drives me mad), but I always insist that the show fails on its own product as well. It's exactly as you say, and yes, I was also bothered by how every "foreigner" has an appropriate accent, but the Romanians speak in perfect British English. It wants to be inclusive but it ends up being confusing and lowkey xenophobic - what, Romanian doesn't sound sexy enough for you?
(also count your blessings that you managed to escape S4. Some of the plotlines enraged me like I can't convey in written word :) )
Eh, if incorrect pronunciation bothers you (and as an Italian who has seen what the English language does to their native tongue, I fully sympathize lmao), the games don't do much better. In one game the translator of the manual didn't know that Wallachia was a real place, they thought it was the fantasy town of Warakiya (which is how it's spelled in Japanese), and in another it's pronounced "woh-LAY-sha" lol. The chapels also look very Catholic for the aesthetic, even though the Orthodox Church exists (I'd wager that in Japan they're far less familiar with it). Overall, the settings in the games tend to be vaguer than in the show, rarely namedropped, except for two games set in Wallachia (the ones the show takes "inspiration" from) and two other titles set in Japan. The show tries a little harder, but hardly hides the historical inaccuracies and just went for the aesthetic as well :P
Same to you, anon 💕
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years
Hey babe <3 I know I asked for a Band of Brothers ship before (Dick Winters), but I didn't ask for a Pacific ship, so I thought I'd cover all my bases <3
About Me: – your gender/pronouns: Female, She/Her, but really sort of indifferent.
– your sexuality/gender preference: Also indifferent, but for the purposes of the ship, men.
– your main flaws and most defining traits:
My friend said it was my stubbornness, but my most defining traits based on her assessment are my hardworking behaviour, my hyper-independence, and my intelligence. I also like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour (wry/observant/playful) and am secretly quite giving and warm. For example, if someone does something for me, I'm old school and will usually write them a physical thank you note, or make them cookies.
I also am pretty solid at shooting down anyone who tries to go toe-to-toe with me, and I can usually read people pretty well. I easily cut off people who I mistrust or who think they're pulling one over me- I pretty much live by "If I cut you off, chances are you handed me the scissors." I don't sweat the small things and small slights. But if someone thinks because I don't sweat the small stuff they can walk all over me, they're sorely mistaken (I'm not a serial killer, I promise).
– your hobbies and pastimes: I like culture, so anything surrounding literature, history, architecture, you name it. I also like long walks in nature and sports/weight lifting (I used to play elite-level volleyball before my knees/ankles gave out (cause I'm old, wahay), but I like to just get outside in fresh air now and listen to music/make playlists on long walks. I like good coffee shops and places where it's just quiet and civilized.
•Optional: – your appearance: 6'0, athletic, just past shoulder-length ash brown hair with some face framing blonde highlights/money pieces. People say the prettiest part of my face are my eyes, which are pale green.
Some people who don't know me well see me as "aloof" or "intimidating"- probably just based on the fact that my Dad is Eastern European and I have natural RBF, but you get to know me, I'm sensitive and described at work as a "positive" person who's a "delight" to have around (their words in my quarterly review- not mine lol).
– your personality type (example: ENFP; Enneagram 7 or 7w6): I'm an INTJ , and an Enneagram 5. I forget what my wing "officially" is, but I feel Enneagram 5w6 is more fitting. I used to be more of the "philosopher" type in the past, but I feel life has forced me to bring practical solutions to the forefront.
I'm also a Virgo, but with a Leo Moon and a Leo Rising sign. Which basically means I like things organized and neat and plan ahead, but people assume I'm gregarious and probably more a "Leo" than I actually am. I can fake being an extrovert, while needing time on my own to decompress.
I've also always been between a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. I like learning for my own sake, just like the only person I'd be in competition with is myself. I'm never the type of person to step over someone else in order to accomplish my own goals- I work hard and let my work speak for itself, and let others who might be jealous or try to take me down fail on their own merits. I'm not a game player and I think it's honestly petty and stupid when people are, because I'm a good judge of character and 99.9 percent of the time I can see through someone's behaviour.
– any pet peeves: People who mistake kindness for weakness, people who don't smile at people when they make the effort, people who don't respect basic manners. Basically, people who are unnecessarily cruel for no reason.
– your love language: I just took this- acts of service, followed by works of affirmation. But I'm going to be honest- my heart swells when even coworkers or someone who's a friend does something to take something off my plate, or pays me back in some way by getting me a coffee or tea. (I'm a cheap date, what can I say).
Anyhow, work your magic, sweetheart, and thanks again <3
Hi again @currahee :)) I would love to give you a TP ship! I hope you like this one :)
I ship you with:
R.V. Burgin from The Pacific!
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Ship theme song: The Woman in Me by Shania Twain
this man admires you sm and has the most respect for you <3
you have no idea
you are the love of his life
but also just like a really good role model in work and life
and Burgie really likes that in a person
for Burgie, work and family are of equal importance
so he completely understands your inner drive to do well at work
and he doesn't mind taking on more of the domestic side of life while you go out and conquer the world
the first time that you take down some sexist prick in an argument
you can bet that Burgie totally had a hard on haha
"I literally married the hottest, most smart lawyer lady in the world!!"
is what he's screaming in his head the whole time
he also just loves when you start unraveling y'all's kids' arguments
y'know lol once they get to that precocious little goblin-mode age
this man will literally make some popcorn and just sit at the dinner table and watch it happen
basically, anytime that you're using your intellect or being objective in an argument is when Burgie realizes that he's so in love with you
he's the kinda guy who memorizes your coffee order
and then goes home and makes it for you exactly to your liking the next day
he also loves taking you to scenic places to go hike around Texas
he would 100% agree with your co-workers:
you are a total delight and the most positive person he's ever met
and the most beautiful ;)
your pale green eyes captivated him the first time you met
I'm pretty sure that our sweet Burgie is also an INTJ :)
you're both pretty good at hiding behind your "extrovert mask"
but at the end of the day, you both enjoy just staying in and reading to each other on the couch
Burgie isn't much of a game player either tbh
his mama taught him from a very young age to be intentional in his actions
and he is very much intentional with you
Burgie's mama also taught him that "please" and "thank you" are the bare minimum
he's a Texas Gentleman after all!
Burgie is also an acts of service kinda guy
he's incredibly handy
so any kind of household item that needs repairing
he's your guy to do it
or car stuff
he's all over that
his heart swells 3x when you write him a sweet thank you note
or make him his favorite dessert
Burgie considers himself the luckiest lad in the world to have you!
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ay-chuu · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well and you are looking after yourself as much as you can.
I was wondering if I could do the match/ship event, if you can ofc, you don't have to and hopefully you won't pressure yourself to doing it either, if you don't have the time/energy to do it then that's perfectly understandable and you don't have to do it.
So my name is Azrael or you can call me Az.
I have blond, curly hair about medium length, I have blue-grey eyes which sometimes look green depending on the light setting (aperantly, I don't see how they look green), I'm white, Eastern European to be exact, I wear a lot of black and grey because I like the colours.
I'm an aquarius, intp. I also have asd (autism spectrum disorder), dyslexia and sometimes I have troubles with my mental health.
My three favourite hobbies are drawing, cooking/baking and crocheting although I also enjoy reading and writing.
The three things I hate the most are the sound of people eating, when people see me as less than I am (for instance thinking I don't know anything or treating me as a child etc.) And when people actively damage the earth/other peoples' mental/physical/social health / animals etc.
Favourite game: chess, checkers
Favourite movie: Perfect blue, The graduate, Pianist, the land.
Favourite music genre: soft rock, hip hop, classical, jazz, Polish rock, what ever Kilar has going on, Indie, Opera and many more.
Favourite musical artist: Kilar, Will Wood, Tom Lehrer, Engelbert Hamperdinck, Chopin, John lenon, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Frank Sinatra, Leonard Cohen, Kult, Republika, Perfect, Mozart, Phil Collins, Foreigner, Arthur Andrus, Dmitri Shostakovich and, again, many more.
Favourite artist: Carl Vihelm Holsøe, Claude Monet, Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, Fyodor Vasilyev, Nikolai Galakhov, Vasily Vereshscagin, Isaak Levitan, Yu Feian, Hu Yefo, Jakub Schikaneder, Luigi Loir, Ilya Repin, Edouard Leon Cortes, Abbott Fuller Graves, Eugene Petit, Abraham Pether, Albert Bierstadt, Margaretha Roosenbom, Salvator Rosa, Yu Zhizhen, Shen Zhou, Dong Yuan, Ni Zan, Li Cheng
And the fandom: bsd
Take care of yourself and don't forget to hydrate, have a nice day.
Hello honey, thank you so much for your wishes for myself, your understanding and your so kindly stating it! ( ◡́.◡̀)(^◡^ )
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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VIRGO AND AQUARIUS ARE ONE OF THE MOST SENSITIVE COUPLES CHANGE MY MIND. Ahem, I think Kunikida would fall in love with you after playing a round of chess with you LOL! Because he's very attracted to intelligence and you have a pretty attractive one (; The beginning of your relationship was a bit awkward because you both found it awkward to be comfortable with someone else, but things definitely got sweeter as time went by. INTP and ISTJ are a pretty harmonious couple, they're really diplomatic. By the way he's so in love with your eyes <3 -like me-
I definitely see Kunikida as someone who donates to people with disabilities or health problems and tries to help, even if he's emotionally naive. (": That's why he's pretty good with your health problems, always supports you, and if you ever feel bad or depressed about any trait you have, he will always be there to remind and support how wonderful you are by your side. He's the perfect husband material.
You love that his feelings are extremely pure and sincere. He never sees you down on himself/anyone alse, on the contrary, he always makes you feel like best creature even if it is wrong. He loves that you are quiet and intelligent, but also compassionate and understanding. You look like an old married couple to a lot of people LMAO IKSDFLADHLLFSDKH Ahh he's so goofy, I love him <3
All in all, he's pretty happy with you! Here are some of the memories I dream of for you: Helping children together who are having difficulties, chess tournaments that are played sometimes until the morning and always involve giggling, dinner prepared while listening to a playlist that goes from soft rock to hard rock, and finally, the afternoon's you do business side by side with your non-dominant hands clasping each other. <3
Hope you'll like it! <3
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gaymersasuke · 2 years
i think the missing nuance with the snow thing is so like. frustrating to me because the whitewashing accusations were something COMPLETELY separate to the "redwashing, blackwashing" comment they made. I hated that comment snow made, that was so offensive to me and I can understand why people would hate them now, but the art itself...wasn't a cut and dry situation.
It's hard because I want to defend the situation, that snow misidentifying naruto as white due to blond hair/blue eyes is an okay mistake and not indicative of racist leanings just because they're not caught up to date with all the information on whitewashing. But i also DONT want to defend them because the comment following that was cruel. ugh, but then i also DO want to defend them because always always always when there's accusations of whitewashing or other lesser-known forms of racism eastern europeans ALWAYS don't know these things and say offensive things by accident, and snow obviously didn't know what whitewashing was before this. But. Ugh. Me understanding their circumstances doesn't undo the hurt I feel at that comment and how I don't want to associate with them again. But i also don't want them to be dogpiled on.
lol. nuance is exausting but at least its human in its messiness ig
The full-body cringe the [color]-washing comment caused me.
Your feelings about it are right and valid, and it's up to you what you do with that. Her comment was insensitive and poorly thought-out.
Logically, we know that she isn't as caught up on whitewashing due to her background. At the same time, can you truly fault an ignorant comment made in the heat of the moment, from someone who was surely feeling persecuted? I choose to keep supporting their art, because I love art and I believe they aren't a truly harmful individual, despite not agreeing 100% with them.
Just, as you said, messy.
Since the first "draw Naruto as asian" accusation was made on bad faith, from that very moment, the person who sent that ask should've given up on educating Snow on the matter before everyone had some distance from the issue (if they ever intended on that).
Even that first ask wasn't necessarily right, because Kishimoto drew his characters with a myriad of features, and they are still Japanese. They can have a double lid and big bright green eyes and natural pink hair, and they are still Japanese. Drawing them as such doesn't make them less so.
It's complicated and messy and you can't say there's a villain and a hero here. The problem is when people blindly follow a black and white morality without stopping to think about it.
It is exhausting, but it's worth it to make up your own opinion with the available facts, rather than being a metronome of opinions based on who you see online.
If you chose to unfollow or block snow, your decision is right, and it's just as right if you chose to keep following them. Same as stylistic choices, what matters is that you know the reason you made that choice.
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theyluvkarolina · 14 days
baby dreams 🥺🥺 u dont know how bad i CRAVE being a mom and these dreams do NOTTT help a girl out
i had a dream where i had two kids (an older girl like 4 and younger boy like 1-2) and they were the cutest little things ever 😢😢 i had picked them up for prek and their dad (why r the dads' faces always fucking nonvisible??? like i couldnt see anything recognizable he was just a male 😭😭😭😒) was waiting at the park w a picnic ready
a detail abt the babies i did catch was that the girl looked just like me (dark hair dark eyes) and the boy was a dirty blonde and had dark eyes 🥺🥺 GOD GIVE MR BABIES (in 10 yrs lol)
i had another one where we were at the beach 🤕 babies giggling and being all cute is a big nono when ur ovulating. God should cut ts out tbh 😖😖
what were ur dreams like 🫡 bc everyone ive had talk abt baby dreams had such diff ones its adorable and hilarious at the same time ❣️
real picture of me waking up the next day boyfriendless and childless btw: 😍😍😍
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i remember that it was a sunny day and that i had a little girl 🥹
my husband(???) was holding her little hands and was teaching her how to walk on the woodchips of a playground 🥹
her name was Ksenia (a very eastern european name lol) she had brown hair, a sorta mix of blue and green eyes and such a beautiful smile :(
as for my husband, i remembered him having features but i forgot his face and what his face looked like. Y’KNOW WHAT I MEAN??
he had light brown hair and more green eyes rather than a blue but other than that everything was like a blur. all i know aside from that is that he know a different language that me, it was slavic but i wasn’t too sure on which one.
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nanalikessurveys · 9 months
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?)
My maternal grandparents but I'm not sure how long they've been married. At least 50 years.
Do you have any Eastern European ancestry?
Not that I know of. But I wouldn't be surprised if I have some Russian ancestry since I'm Finnish and a lot of my family is from the eastern parts close to the border.
Where is your car parked right now?
I don't have a car.
When did you last travel alone? Where were you going?
I went to Helsinki by train to meet my friend since she lives there.
Do you take your shoes off when you come inside?
What’s your favorite movie series?
I like the Back To The Future-trilogy and the Indiana Jones-movies.
How are you feeling today?
I feel fine. I had a boring day but I'm in a good mood. I had a nice christmas and spent time with my family.
Look to the right - what’s the first thing you see?
My water bottle on the nightstand.
^^ What does that thing remind you of?
It reminds me of drinking water. I started tracking my water consumption few months ago and in the beginning I realized how little water I drink daily, even though I thought I was drinking enough. At first it was hard adding more water into my daily consumption because it felt like I was drinking all the time and I had to use the bathroom a lot more but I've gotten used to it now. My skin has gotten better and my hair is so much healthier anddd I love it.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair?
I died my hair light brown/dark blonde when I was 13.
What is something that’s considered a luxury, but you wouldn’t want to live without?
A phone.
Do you want to move anytime soon?
Not really. I've thought about moving but I not super seriously. The rents here have increased so much and I've been really lucky to have this exact apartment. Like there's apartments that are half the size of mine, in shitty condition and in not-so-good parts of the town and the rents are like 200euros more than mine.
Did you have coffee this morning?
Not in the morning but I had two cups during the day.
How good/bad was the quality of education you received in high school?
It was good. I mean I don't have anything to compare it to but I know that my country has one of the best education systems in the world so I don't want to take it for granted.
What was the most interesting year of your life, and why?
I feel like the last 8-ish years of my life haven't been interesting at all. I'd say the year 2014 was "interesting" but not in a good way since that's the year my health went to shit and a bunch of things happened.
What was the first social media site you ever used?
Maybe Facebook. I was 13 and my friends told me to create a profile there so I did. I deleted it like a year later since I never used it and I honestly felt embarrassed because I didn't have many friends there.
Do you have any exes you really regret dating?
I have one ex and I don't regret dating him.
What brand of laundry detergent do you use?
I think the brand is called Neutral.
Are you prone to mood swings?
Have you ever lied on a resume? Or even in a job interview?
Not really but I've overexaggerated in a job interview a bit. But I feel like that's kind of what you want to do lol.
Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home?
My paternal grandpa but I haven't been to his house actually in a looong time. But he has some designer stuff in his home that look fancy.
What was the last thing you bought, other than food?
I bought presents for my family and my friend.
Do you smoke? Or vape?
I don't.
What are you dreading right now?
What brought about the end of the worst relationship you’ve been in?
I haven't had a bad relationship.
Where was the last place you spent the night other than your own home?
The hotel in Cyprus last summer.
Do you have any step- or half-siblings?
Have you ever been catcalled?
Few times yes.
How old were you when you started scheduling your own doctors appointments?
When I moved to live on my own, so I was 20.
Have you ever driven across an international border?
I don't drive myself but I've been on some road trips to northern Sweden and Norway with my family.
When was the last time you spoke to a neighbor?
I don't speak to my neighbors lol.
Is your best friend male or female?
When was the last time you washed your bed sheets?
Last week.
What do people always seem to think is weird about you?
I'm quiet and reserved.
Ever notice how high schools in movies/tv shows are portrayed way differently than in real life?
Yeah, but it's pretty reasonable. They want the shows and movies to be interesting. Real life high school life isn't that fun. < yeah exactly.
Do you ever braid your hair?
No I'm not good at braiding my own hair.
What food sounds the most appetizing right now?
Nothing, I'm tired and want to go to sleep :)
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survey--s · 1 year
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Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) My grandparents were married for about 65 years before my granddad passed away at 89.
Do you have any Eastern European ancestry? Nope.
Where is your car parked right now? On the opposite side of the street.
When did you last travel alone? Where were you going? I mean, I drove home from work yesterday if that counts as travel, lol.
Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? Yeah, we're a no-shoes inside home.
What’s your favorite movie series? Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean.
How are you feeling today? Tired - it's my one chance this week to have a lie-in and of course Mike woke me up at 5.40am -___-
Look to the right - what’s the first thing you see? The dog.
^^ What does that thing remind you of? Uhh, the dog? lol. He doesn't really remind me of anything else.
What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? I had like, blonde/amber highlights when I was a teenager.
What is something that’s considered a luxury, but you wouldn’t want to live without? Scented wax melts.
Do you want to move anytime soon? No.
Did you have coffee this morning? I've had three coffees already today, lol.
How good/bad was the quality of education you received in high school? The education was great but I hated school as a general rule.
What was the most interesting year of your life, and why? Uh, I guess 2020 was pretty interesting - for obvious reasons but also personally it was a year with a lot of changes.
What was the first social media site you ever used? Bebo or MySpace.
Do you have any exes you really regret dating? No. What brand of laundry detergent do you use? Just Tesco own brand.
Are you prone to mood swings? When I'm due my period, yeah.
Have you ever lied on a resume? Or even in a job interview? Not on a CV, but in an interview, yeah.
Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home? Ooh, this is a good question. I love Suzanne's house as it's always so neat and clean. Susie's is lovely and comforting too.
What was the last thing you bought, other than food? D-Mannose tablets for the cat, lol.
Do you smoke? Or vape? No, neither.
What are you dreading right now? I'm not dreading it, but I'm not really looking forward to feeding Jess - she's such a madam and was blocking the stairs/hissing at me last night hahah. I don't trust her so I had to just leave it - she tried to attack me the other day. For reference, Jess is a cat and she is the devil, lol.
What brought about the end of the worst relationship you’ve been in? He turned out to be a compulsive liar.
Where was the last place you spent the night other than your own home? Tracey's house on a pet sit.
Do you have any step- or half-siblings? Nope.
Have you ever been catcalled? Of course.
How old were you when you started scheduling your own doctors appointments? 18.
Have you ever driven across an international border? Yeah, to Scotland multiple times.
When was the last time you spoke to a neighbor? Yesterday or the day before, I think it was.
Is your best friend male or female? Female.
When was the last time you washed your bed sheets? Yesterday. They get washed/changed every Friday.
What do people always seem to think is weird about you? I have no idea. You'd have to ask them.
Ever notice how high schools in movies/tv shows are portrayed way differently than in real life? Sure, but most things in TV shows etc. are totally different to reality.
Do you ever braid your hair? Very rarely these days. I guess I do more often in winter to keep my hair off my face and out of the wind.
What food sounds the most appetizing right now? I'm not really hungry right now.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
okay so descriptions in a human au. incredibly long post lol
btw imma say fuck it and say they have unnatural hair colors to match their fur colors
icestar (bluestar): hmhmhm i imagine her being mixed (most of the characters will be if im being honest). shes middle eastern and south east european! maybe georgian or romanian (like me heh). she has bluish hair, but she is definitely graying. i imagine she dyes her hair, but her roots are gray and all her hair is gray as her mental state slips. she has a pixie bob. shes tall and slender but leanly muscled.
maplestar (firestar): i imagine him as somewhat shorter and muscular, but only buff as an adult. as an apprentice, hes slightly chubbier and soft looking. he is black, maybe mixed with pacific islander. he has curly ginger hair as an apprentice, but probably has locks as an adult. he also has facial hair as an adult. he probably has freckles.
foxtail (redtail): so their whole family line through adderfang is east asian but he is also mixed black. he's on the shorter side but well build muscle-wise. he has curly hair that's mostly black with a ginger streak. he is still trans as a human obviously lmao.
tigerclaw: he's a big fuckin boy. hes absolutely massive, height and muscle wise. i imagine him as mostly south european. as someone whos mom is italian, tigerclaw acts like every fucking italian man ever (/j lmao). he has long, shoulder-lengthed dark brown hair thats usually slicked back.
spottedleaf: again, as foxtail's sister, she is mixed east asian and black. she is also short and is rather slim with a rectangular body type. she usually has braids with bangs. i imagine she has a hairstyle that's half up in space buns. she also has a 'streak' of ginger in her hair.
boartusk (yellowfang): im glad everyone agrees that shes a slavic babushka. i imagine her as taller and plump but typically slouched over, especially during into the wild. shes an old lady! she has graying black hair that's usually partially covered and a very tired face. again, during into the wild shes somewhat disheveled but after she joins thunderclan, she becomes more comfortable and put-together.
lionheart: also a big boy. but more plump. like muscular fat if that makes sense. he's probably a bit taller than tigerclaw. dad bod and very friendly looking. he and his sister are mixed black and south asian. he has medium lengthed curly hair that's golden blonde. he definitely has a lot of facial hair as well.
erminestrike (whitestorm): like icestar, hes also middle eastern and southeast european. but he also is northern european from his dad's side. he has rather straight white hair. he's always very well-groomed and looks nice. he's also tall and thin like his aunt, and has a slightly athletic build. hes a pretty man.
flashfoot (runningwind): he's a lanky lad. got a real runner's build, obviously. hes mixed middle eastern and northern european. he has medium toned skin but is paler than his sister. he has dusty brown hair that's somewhat short and wavy, usually a bit messy. he looks tired most of the time.
mousefreckle (mousefur): shes shorter than her brother and plump/curvy. like i said, she's mixed middle eastern and northern european. and she has darker skin than her brother. she has thick, wavy dusty brown hair that she typically has in a ponytail. she obvious has freckles, hence her name lol.
willowcloud (willowpelt): i think i mentioned this in a post before when describing her sons as humans but she's mostly southeast asian. she's very motherly looking. shes tall and fairly muscular. even if she's kinda buff, she's soft looking and dresses femininely! she has thick, slightly curly pale gray hair. she usually has her hair in a bun.
leopardsmoke (leopardfoot): she looks a lot like her son, tigerclaw. shes incredibly tall and very muscular. kinda scary looking and intimidating! she's also southern european obviously. she has very sharp features. she has short, pin straight, very dark brown (almost black) hair. she usually styles her hair in a half-up half-down ponytail.
rosewish (rosetail): so since she is pretty much mixed with most of the clans as a cat, she is meant to be pretty racially ambiguous as a human. so her race isn't fully known. she has dark to medium-toned skin with short wavy hair. her hair is mostly brownish gray with a rosy red streak. she has sharp features.
patchsong (patchpelt): he is short and somewhat slim. i imagine him as being black with vitiligo. he has dark brown medium lengthed curly hair. he probably wears glasses as well. like foxtail, he is also still trans as a human lmao.
ferretfang (longtail): like his mother, he is racially ambiguous. he is quite lanky and slender. very fucking tall. probably around the tallest in the clan when hes an adult. he has shortish, spiky hair that's is layered. the top layers are silverish, while the bottom layers are sandy brown. she has sharp features and looks angry most of the time lol.
sandstorm: again, she is racially ambiguous like the rest of her family. she is tall like her brother. as an apprentice she is rather thin, but she beefs up a bit as an adult. as an apprentice, she has medium lengthed sandy hair that's very choppy. she probably cuts it herself. as an adult, she has slightly longer, more well-groomed hair. she has freckles.
darkpool (darkstripe): previously described him in a post. through his parents he is middle eastern, southeast asian, and european. he has medium toned skin. his black hair is straight and somewhat thinner, and is medium lengthed. usually he doesnt style it and is very flat. he wears glasses as an apprentice but stops as an adult. he is taller and thin.
flintstripe (graystripe): also described him in a post. like his brother he is middle eastern, southeast asian, and european. he has darker skin that darkpool but he still has a medium skin tone. he has grayish hair that's also medium lengthed, but more choppy and layers. usually, he pulls it into a ponytail when he's an adult. he is shorter and plump.
raven (ravenpaw): he is mixed black and northern european. he is shorter and thin. kinda awkward looking, especially as an apprentice. but he grows into himself after he escapes to the farm. he probably also beefs up a bit on the farm, but isn't really buff and is more athletically built. he has medium lengthed hair as an apprentice, but has shorter hair as an adult. he also probably wears glasses like his dad.
dustcloud (dustpelt): he is also mixed black and northern european like his brother. he is short as well, but is more average built. he probably needs glasses but doesn't wear them. i imagine he has braces as an apprentice. he has short dusty brown hair. most likely in an undercut or something like that.
frostberry (frostfur): i imagine her as north european. very, very pale lmao. she's also thin and flat. she hair long white hair that's straight at the top with slight waves at the bottom. she has slightly sharp, dainty features. i imagine she looks somewhat fairy-like. along with her pale skin, she probably has flushed cheeks most of the time and long eyelashes.
brindleface: again, since shes related to spottedleaf and foxtail in my rewrite, she is asian. but i imagine her as mixed southeast and east asian. she has long brown hair with a blonde streak. she looks very very pretty and feminine... shes the type of ladies who wears pretty sundresses with big bows and big sunhats.
goldenflower: she is very much a mom and she looks like it. she is tall and plump. but i also imagine shes also quite strong. she is black and south asian like her brother. she has a long golden afro. sometimes she pulls it into a low ponytail. the anime mom hairstyle but bipoc edition lmao. she has very soft facial features.
speckledawn (speckletail): old mom! she's black. she's tall like her children lionheart and goldenflower. but she's also more average in body type. she has a curly bob thats golden brown and graying. she probably has freckles.
sparrowpelt (halftail): he is middle eastern. he has short, well-groomed dark brown hair. he is tall and slim like his son flashfoot. since cats' tails help with balance, he might have had a head injury that fucks with his balance.
smallear: he is a short and plump. he is south asian. he has grayish white hair that is cut rather short. idk he probably just has small ears still lmao.
foggygaze (one-eye): she is northern european. she is short and plump like her daughter mousefreckle. she has white hair thats medium length and wavy. and has freckles.
dapplestep (dappletail): she is mixed black and southern european. she has vitiligo. she has brown and blonde hair. her hair is long and curly, but it's also graying.
thrushlight (thrushpelt): he is also mixed black and southern european like his sister. he has lighter, medium toned skin than her. he has short lighter brown hair that's also graying. he has freckles.
ok now to cats who are born or are kits during the arc
cindershine (cinderpelt): she is mixed black, south asian, and european. she has lightish medium toned skin with freckles. she has gray hair thats thick and curly. she has similar dainty features like her mother but is plumper like her dad. she probably wears glasses. she is also still trans lol.
brightheart: she is also mixed black, south asian, and european. she still has the scar across her face. though it is most likely stab wounds in a human au. she has short, straight hair as an adult. her hair is gingerish gold. she is well build and tall. she has freckles.
swiftpaw: he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. he has small patches of vitiligo. he has curly, dark brown hair thats in an undercut. he probably cuts it himself. he probably has patchy facial hair like the typical teenage boy facial hair lol.
lynxrunner: she is also mixed black, south asian, and southern european. as an apprentice, she has long, curly hair. but as an adult, she cuts it short. her hair is dusty goldish brown. she is tall but surprisingly thin and twiggy, unlike both of her parents.
brackenshade (brackenfur): he is eastern european and middle eastern. he is lightish medium toned skin with a lot of moles. he has short, wavy bluish hair. he is pretty tall but only slightly muscular. has more of an athletic build than being bulky.
thornsnap (thornclaw): he is northern european. he has pale skin. he has gingerish brown hair thats usually slicked to one side and is well-kept. he has a pretty average build but is slightly muscular. he is also average in height. he definitely has thick eyebrows lmao.
mallowtuft (cloudtail): he is mixed black (and maybe pacific islander) and east asian. he is fairly tall and plump. but also kinda like lionheart, he has a semi muscular dad bod. he has very long, white locs that he pulls up into a bun. as a kit and apprentice, he has unkempt curly hair.
ashflake (ashfur): he is mixed southeast asian, east asian, and european. he is quite short and thin, with a delicate build. probably slightly underweight. he has medium lengthed, choppy hair with messy layers. he has dusty brown hair. his hair obscures his eyes sometimes. he has freckles. he wears glasses.
ferncloud: she is also mixed southeast asian, east asian, and european. she is also rather short but more plump and curvy than her brother. she definitely looks more healthy than him. she has thick, slightly wavy brown hair with blonde highlights.
brambleclaw: he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. as an apprentice, he has medium lengthed, golden brown locks that obscures his eyes sometimes. as an adult, though, he has shorter, buzzed hair and facial hair. he is tall and muscular like his father.
tawnyspark (tawnypelt): she is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. she has vitiligo. she has long braids that she pulls half-up into a ponytail. she has blonde streaks in them. she is tall and muscular as well and has sharp features.
snowspeckle (snowkit): he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. he has rather dark skin. he rather plump and quite tall. he has medium lengthed, curly white hair. he is deaf and has a hearing aid.
stormheart (stormfur): he is mixed middle eastern, southeast asian, and european (both from his mother and father's side). he is plump like his dad. though he has shorter, messy dark gray hair. he looks kinda messy most of the time and is very comfy all the time lol.
featherbreeze (feathertail): even though she's only temporarily in thunderclan, ill include her. shes also mixed middle eastern, southeast asian, and european (both from her mother and father's side). she has long, wavy silver hair. she is tall and slender. she is also blind in my rewrite, and typically carries a white cane.
squirrelflight: she also is possibly born during the first arc so ill include her and her sister. she is mixed black (maybe pacific islander), and all of sandstorm's mess jfskdf. she has darkish medium toned skin. she has curly dark ginger hair that she usually pulls into a ponytail or into space buns. she has a lot of freckles. she is plump and curvy.
leafpool: yeah so i gotta include her too. she is mixed the same races as squirrelflight. she is tall and thin, and is very twiggy. she has long, straight hair thats mostly brown with a blonde streak. she usually has it half up half down. she is also trans.
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mega-aulover · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the fan theory that Prim is actually Peeta’s half sister bc Mrs. Everdeen slept with Mr. Mellark. Would explain a lot
Dear Anon,
I have to say I took my time answering this one because it touched a nerve. Because I’m biracial.  Even though my parents are both Latin, my father was white (He was pale and turned red in the sun) and my mother is dark-skinned. Growing up I loathed those boxes that said what are you, white black native america, ect. 
There are a lot of people who would like, never guess that I and my sisters were siblings. Because we each look so radically different. My skin tone is lighter than my mother's but I’m still dark. My hair is wavy curly and with a good blowout, I have straight hair. 
My middle sister’s hair is courser and she needs chemical relaxers to make her hair straight. She has olive skin and dark brown eyes. My baby sister is white with auburn hair and light brown eyes, her daughter has blond hair and blue eyes. When you lined us up you could see the similarities. However, when you separated us, there is no way would say those three chicas are siblings. Cause we just don’t look alike. (Side note we sound the same if we opened our mouth - we can impersonate each other- I’ve got proof! Sigh when I was a teen and boy crazy my middle sister used to answer the house phone and well...let’s just say I never had a boy who liked me cause she’d burp and fart on the phone!)   
I digress.
So it is possible that if my parents chose to have another child, it could have been pale with blond hair because on both of the family we both have European ancestry. My mother’s grandmother was an Irish woman named Deloris Kelly and it came out in her DNA. On my father’s side, we have Spanish and Eastern European ancestry.  (yup I’m a wonderful mix lol)
Genetics is a wonderful thing. 
Taking the question into account, I know that within the fandom that there have been stories written about Prim being Mr. Mellarks child a drunken night whoopsies, or something to that effect. I don’t believe this could happen because of the way the Everdeen women grieve for the men that they love. They’re the type who do not fall in love easily, but when they do, they fall hard. Both Katniss and her mother openly fell to pieces when the men they loved were removed from their lives. 
If Mr. E would have been found, I greatly believe she would have acted like Katniss when Peeta came back from the Capitol. Both women have the same emotional capacity whereas Prim is more likely stoic. (my personal head canon) 
However, if we look at the text we know that the Seam is most likely a mix of Covy, Merchant, and some other group that settled in the Seam. So Mr. Everdeen is a mix already.   
Given that Mr. E had a wider genetic gene pool and Mrs. E's gene pool is most likely has hardly any diversity - hers would be either dominant or recessive depending on skin, hair, eye, height ect. Genetics tells us that Katniss or Prim could have been born with a number of shades of skin, grey eyes or blue eyes, or even brown eyes. They could have dark hair or blond hair - in either a wavy, straight, or curly texture.  These variants show us that Katniss looks more like her father because at conception his genes were prevalent and Prim looks like her mother because her genes were more prevalent. All it takes is for two recessive genes to get together, or one dominant gene to basically take on a trait like an eye color. 
I know there are like 100 people out there who are like gene savvy most likely a geneticist - which I am not. I can only tell you that science is still advancing in the world of genes. You should check out the research that has come out of the human genome project. It’s fascinating stuff.
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piduai · 4 years
You live in japan, right? but you’re not asian or am i wrong? do you feel any sort of special treatment there, be it positive or negative? my friend used to live in japan for a couple of years for work, and she’s a blue eyed blonde girl, and men at her office were kinda weird... during the day they were all polite etc but if they went drinking at the end of the day several men always tried touching her hair, told her how she’s a “rare beauty” and shit like that... she stopped going to bars after work eventually because such things happened too often and made her really uncomfortable. most women were nice to her, but there also were a couple of girls who were either jealous or whatever and were giving her the silent treatment. i’m wondering if it was just a shitty workplace or if it’s something cultural for foreigners in japan? my friend ended up transferring and never wanted to come back cause even with all the things she genuinely enjoyed in japan, all those relationships with her colleagues left a bad taste in her mouth...
that’s right, i am eastern european. if you’re a foreigner (looking) you’re going to stand out a lot no matter where you go regardless of race but each breed of foreigner has its own stereotypes and attitudes, and men and women of the same ethnicity are treated very differently. 
i do get special treatment, both negative and positive. i can get away with a lot of stuff that japanese people couldn’t, you know rule-breaking, failure to adhere to norms, being individualistic, being ignorant, i’m extended the benefit of the doubt a lot and even if i do something blatantly stupid or wrong and a lot of people will just shrug and be like ‘well she’s foreign, it can’t be helped’. i work in an ultra traditional company with ruthless subordination and overwhelming corporate abuse but if i decide to use my legal days off, for example, i probably won’t get turned down or fired (tho i also get much more exploited than the locals). i sometimes get stuff or random small gifts for free (like in small locally owned cafes i got free coffee a couple of times, people gifted me veggies from their gardens upon seeing me walk down the street, co-workers sometimes bring me coffee or other drinks or snacks unprompted). people are generally kind, understanding and very helpful.
but yeah there’s the other side of the coin too. i am tall and very beautiful thus always attracted attention, but here it’s tenfold. for japanese men, white women are a p*rn category. my first 4 years here i lived in a tiny town in a prefecture not far from tokyo with a lot of old people and yakuza-owned businesses, the only other white women living there were employed by them, and if you’re a woman there’s only one way to make money for the yakuza. i’ve been approached by men during regular ass activities like walking or shopping asking me if i’m prostituting myself and if they can buy me. finding a (regular and non-teaching) job as a non-western foreigner female is difficult, and sexual harassment is pretty much guaranteed, i am extremely familiar with what your friend went through. my boss commented on my appearance during the interview which yeah was a red flag, but it only escalated. as i said my company is extremely traditional, there are very very few women, and most of my co-workers are men in their 40-50-60s. bossman routinely makes me go drink with him and his henchmen making it so i’m the only woman in a company of 5-10 dudes older than my father, one time he made me go to an important dinner with partners and seated me to his right so i can pour to him, and referred to me in front of the partners as ‘his beauty of a slave’. i’m often used for decorative purposes. there is no touching though because anti-sexual harassment laws were fortified in the last few years and he’s very wary of lawsuits, plus as i said i’m not small. 
women mostly avoid me, though. i’ve always been told that i’m extremely intimidating and look difficult to approach, and i guess here it’s the same... back in uni a friend told me that she initially was terrified of striking up a conversation with me because i seemed so intimidating, but again i don’t know how much of it is me being a foreigner and how much is just my natural energy because people told me the exact same thing in my uni in europe. doesn’t save me from unwanted male attention, though. i’ve been stalked to the point of involving the police, followed, harassed, assaulted, roofied a couple of times (long story), barely escaped being trafficked once (long story x2), my intimidating aura doesn’t stop them from hitting on me any fucking where including the gay district (there wasn’t a single time some dude hasn’t tried to hit me up there. like why do you even BOTHER coming here if you’re str8, i ask them this every single time and they’re all like ‘well, it’s fun’. good for you but why are you trying to pick women up here?????? go to shibuya or something), trying to approach me on the street, on the train, in stores, in lines, on the escalator... men are annoying in general but when you stand out like this you simply become a walking target lol. 
note that all of this and what your friend went through didn’t happen because we’re foreigners, it happens because we’re women. not that japanese men respect their women at all, most are proudly misogynistic unconditionally, BUT if your only encounters in your whole life with a particular category of people happens through p*rnography where you witness them being raped and humiliated on screen, it’s pretty damn difficult to consider them human when you meet people like them in flesh. because of that we have an ‘easy’, sex-happy, slutty image. white men aren’t told they’re ‘rare beauties’. white men don’t get groped on the street or asked if they’re willing to suck someone off for 10k yen. oh to be a white man here, most of the doors are open.
most people are still nice, though. as a foreigner you’ll be a foreigner for the rest of your life, an outsider, an alien, different, strange, unfamiliar, you’ll never be truly accepted or treated as one of their own, and it’s ok, it’s something that you’ll never be able to change and better come to terms with at an early stage. but people are nice. i absolutely love japan and am willing to put up with its negative aspects because to me the ones that i like outweigh them, but i do not blame your friend for choosing a different path, this really isn’t for everyone.
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So y’know how pjo is getting a series? I remember seeing a post w ppl arguing whether the di Angelos being Italian made them white or poc and anyway I figured I’d just ask an actual Italian lol. What d’you think
Buckle up my dear because we’re about to get deep into some Discourse™.
Short answer: ask any Italian, and they’ll tell you we’re not poc. 
Long answer: the term “poc” in itself is ambiguous. The literal translation of it, in Italian, is exclusively used to indicate black people. You wouldn’t look at a Chinese or Mexican person and call them “poc”. Generally speaking, we do not have that clear “white vs poc” mentality. And that’s not to say there’s no racism here, just that it isn’t coded the same way. Also, the term “poc” in the USA seems to have a cultural meaning as well as an ethnic one. The sentence “X is black but can pass as white” confused the heck out of me the first time I read it. “Poc” seems to kind of have grown into meaning “minority that is or has been oppressed in the USA”
So, are Italians poc? Well, if you consider the cultural meaning of the term, then I guess it could be true, because Italy has a very long story of emigration to the USA, and while I’m not sure what the present situation is, I know for a fact that masses of poor people coming from another country in desperate search of a job are never quite welcomed anywhere. 
If we only consider facial/skin features, while we’re surely not as pale or as blonde as northern europeans, we’re definitely more on the white end of the spectrum. And that’s not to say that there aren’t Italians who are poc, but the vast majority of us is white. Once again, we have a much longer history of emigrating from the country than being a country people migrate to, so while nowadays there are a lot of people who come here from eastern european countries, asian countries, south american countries and african countries, they haven’t been here long enough for many of their kids to be Italian*. Just to give you an idea, my mother was like in her 20s the first time she saw a black person, and she actually remembers that day because it was like a very new thing for her. 
Now, speaking of the Di Angelos specifically: a quick google search told me Nico was born in 1932 in Venice. Considering that at that time Italy was undergoing its most racist historical period (fascism), casting poc actors for them would imply that they were just as likely to get shit for being poc as they were for being children of hades.
What I do hope is that: 
1) They cast actors with actual Italian heritage. It’s not like there’s shortage of Italian families in the US (once again, so much emigration).
2) They don’t, for the love of God, play into the usual Italian stereotypes. Movies made in the US seem to have only two types of Italians: pizza makers, or criminals with heavy mafia undertones. Don’t do that. Especially the mafia undertones. Please. I would say I trust Riordan not to do this, but it all depends on how much power they give him.  
*for the record, this is also because being born here doesn’t give you citizenship. You’re Italian if at least one of your parents is, otherwise you can apply for citizenship when you turn 18 (iirc). 
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