#like double diamond getting seriously injured after skiing and starlight targetting him then
the-owl-tree · 1 year
Honestly, considering we know ponies like Troubleshoes where they see their cutiemark as a burden and can even lead to trouble for them (at least until the CMC helped him anyway), it really is a missed opportunity to not have more ponies like him in Our Town. Like yeah, Party Favor and Sugarbelle are nice and all, but what about say, a unicorn with a cutiemark in being a gardener coming to resent it because they were mocked for having an "earth pony" profession? An earth pony with a fashion related cutiemark who struggled because they couldn't make new designs as fast as their unicorn peers? Idk, it'd just be nice for her to use ponies actual insecurities against them- correct me if I'm wrong but we never learn the why of how the Our Town ponies joined, do we?
Maybe in the comics? i definitely know the show didn't touch on it. Which is a shame, might've made an interesting Starlight-townsfolk reconciliation episode if we got a glimpse of why they came.
I think the whole thing about "equality" was what the show tried to push as the key factor. but like. cutie marks don't automatically make you good at something. It's shown in the show that it requires work (and personal enjoyment in your mark) to really get the most of it. But the show makes it clear that this ideology is hypocritical and incorrect, and so is Starlight.
I definitely like the idea of it being compromised of ponies who are unhappy at their marks or confused by them. I think the tiny town was compromised of unhappy ponies who Starlight managed to isolate and preach to. Would be very interesting if we got some backstory on them, but I wonder if that might be too depressing or "dark" (for lack of a better word) for the generation. For now, hc's ahoy!
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