#like all i’m saying is if that’s the reason it’d make sense. depending on his major
rosesradio · 8 months
i’m of the mindset that luke had suffered through his first year of college prior to the events of the lightning thief and was just using the whole kronos uprising thing as a way to procrastinate on his assignments, but it went a little too far and now he needs to write some apologetic emails to his professors asking for extensions and if there’s any way he can salvage his gpa
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suzukiblu · 2 months
"🍻❓" poll winner, "your honor uncuff me so I can high-five my life", aka "Billy and Damian and the whole soulmate thing". (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“You still can’t take me in,” Billy retorts, folding his arms and scowling at Batman again. He doesn’t care how many stupid bedrooms Batman has, because–“You’ve got a ton of kids and all of Gotham to worry about. You don’t even have time to do the paperwork, much less actually figure out how to keep me from just walking out the stupid door. And Fawcett needs me, plus our social services wouldn’t send me all the way to Gotham anyway!”
And Robin was already worried about his dad getting rid of him; there’s no way he’s gonna feel any better about his dad spending all that time on getting custody of another kid, his soulmate or not. Plus it’d be weird! It’d be super-weird, getting fostered by his soulmate’s dad! 
“You’re twelve,” Batman says like that is even slightly relevant to literally a single thing that they’re talking about. 
“I’m leaving. I’ll come back when I’m eighteen and can marry Robin,” Billy announces, glowering at him. “Good luck next time the apocalypse is magic or Superman gets mind-controlled or all the adults get kicked off the planet, ‘cuz everybody in Young Justice is too old to fix that for you now and I'm not gonna be around to.” 
“Technically the speedster and the clone are both under the age of ten,” Robin says. “They might manage a loophole.” 
“Oh, maybe,” Billy says, frowning in consideration. “I guess it depends on the spell, in that case? Well, or if it’s even a spell again at all, that’s–”
“Wait, you did get kicked off the planet then!” Flash protests indignantly. Billy gives him a withering look. He and Robin were talking. Also, isn’t it obvious what happened anyway? 
“Captain Marvel got kicked off the plant,” he retorts dubiously. “I just went back and forth whenever I transformed. Duh.” 
“How is that even possible?” Superman asks, looking stressed. “You were still twelve.” 
“Actually I was like eight then,” Billy says, because again, his age has literally nothing to do with anything, but whatever. “Well, eight and a half.” 
Superman puts his face in his hands, for some reason, which makes about as much sense as everyone keeping on bringing up that he’s twelve. Billy literally does not even care, at this point. Superman thinks he can’t even do his job. 
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elliottshusband · 1 month
My theory(?) regarding the Stan Twins This may be obvious or overthinking, but i’ve had this in my head for a day while i was half awake.
I apologize if this comes off very off, im trying to explain my reasonings
Ford was more of a villain to Stanley than Bill was (to Stanley)
This is gonna be such a mouthful. Anywho, To start off, everyone knows it; Stanley is the adventurous free spirited twin. This is basically the root of his entire character. Stanfordwas always the geek-nerdy-know-it-all, and sometimes the “better Stanley” if you understand what I’m saying, both being treated much differently despite being twins, with Ford getting the good given to him in life, while Stanley on the orher hand was as said before
Free Spirited.
And despite all that, all he wanted to be with was his brother. Given so, Stanley was given a rough life after being a teenager doing teenager shit, but doing one wrong costing Fords chance of a prestige college and a comfortable life for Stanley.
No one bats an eye when the smart kid does anything, not even when he disappears for 30 years.
The dumb free-spirit though? Kicked to the curb, given a hard life, and the relationship with his family ruined.
After Ford’s machine was broken, Stan was kicked out when all he really wanted was to be with his brother, since no one really thought he (Stanley) would be in college. And yet the “barely made it out” one is the one who saved his brother after so many years.
And what DIDNT he get from that?
A proper thank you.
It may or may not be well known about Ford being a near-canon person with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), due to behaviors and such he has expressed throughout the last season. Some factors could include the fact that Stanford had developed a dependency to alcohol during his inter-dimensional travels, yet it’d been seen on the website as well that Stanley also has some attachment to alcohol But to Stanleys dismay, not ONE legitimate sorry was expressed through the series. All he got when he finally brought back his brother was a slap to the face and a reprimanding, as if he didn’t want to be saved. This also factors in for the final episode.
Thank you (for no thanks)
Stanley, even in the last episode, never got a legit, from heart “thank you” from his own brother, Im genuinely not 100% about this part so im sorry. But once again, Weither it be for saving Ford, or literally sacrificing himself to destroy Bill. Stan never got the thank you he wanted.
Imagine, all you get for saving your beloved brother is a slap to the face and everything you remembered to be gone.
Despite the fact that Ford was gone for 30 years, he acted more like a “friend” towards the twins than an actual responsible figure. While Stan on the other hand, was “portrayed” as a con artist, cheap and (don’t know what else to use) money hungry(?), he did everything in his power to save the teins at every chance he could. Hell, to prove that he was so much better than he was portrayed to be, the final battle scene in Weirdmageddon 3.
Imagine being offered every single thing you could ever have, Money, power, but you decide to still destroy him, just to save the people you loved
Stan was a hero. Ford was the villain to Stan.
(Heres the original theory I wrote at 11 PM the other night inna discord server so it makes more sense)
ford was more of a villain to stannley than bill was to him in my honest opinion. emotionally and mentally for the most part.
yes bills a demon yes he literally tortured the shit out of ford but nobody bat an eye when stanley was literally thrown out, even though he was being a teenager doing teenager shit, always trying to stand up for himself when ford was acting out against him and just ford being a total narcissistic asshole towards him and never saying THANK YOU for saving him, always pointing out what he had done wrong (like fixing the portal or sm) while stan just wanted his brother back.
ford was an emotional villain towards stanley and stanley just let it happen. it could be seen as “how families act” but yet even in the last episode, ford once again was being an asshole and yet everyone blamed stanley for breaking out at him when stan was just seemed to be fed up.
despite all the times stanley messed up, he had always been the one with a free spirit, a loving one too. he spent 30 years fixing the portal up for his brother, was actually there for mabel and dipper multiple times (like the episode where Gideon gets ahold of the shack) and was actually caring, and yet ford was just, there for a bit before ultimately destroying everything again for Stanley.
but he did have a little bit of sympathy near the end for stan, upset when he had to erase his memories.
this may just be some stupid shitass rambling but its half past 11 and i need to brain spew on discord
hope yall enjoy
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maybe-limerence · 3 months
Royal Enchantment Academy pt. 2
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Pairing: GN! Moth fae! Darling x Yandere! Flower folk
A/N: I know this is super late, but I’m back. I’ll attempt to stick to my word of being back. Also, should I give the flower folk actually names?
Darling facts: Moth darling is freakishly tall (mentioned in poppy part) and shy (mentioned in all parts).
Trigger warnings: manipulation (iris), light smut (lily), MILD! self hatred (peony), violence (poppy). Hibiscus does no wrong, let’s all say thank you hibiscus.
Iris (He/They)
wisdom, hope, trust, and valor
Iris loves you. So so much. He’s such a gentleman, holding doors, always sticking up for you, offering to speak for you when you’re struggling to find words. Always doing it with a smile.
Iris’s obsession starts spiraling when you first start going to him, needing him. His tendency to show up out of nowhere becomes common. (of course he wasn’t stalking you! Just trying to keep you safe! Don’t you know it isn’t safe for sweet little moths like you? The world is scary, why not let him accompany you at least?).
Iris definitely feeds into your fear of people, slowly making you more and more dependent on him ‘til you’re basically his pet, never talking to anyone else, too scared. And they thrive on that fact.
“Darling, who was that you were talking to? Don’t you know they hate your kind? No no, it’s not your fault, but I’d suggest you stick with me when talking to them. You know, in case they try to hurt you. I’ll always protect you darling, I love you,”
(Personality Matches for IRIS: sweet, innocent, shy)
Lily (She/Her)
purity, innocence, rebirth, femininity and fertility
Lily and you only interacted once and it was awkward. Both of you are quiet and shy. When you finally stuttered out a compliment, her heart almost burst. Most people thought you were “weird” or “creepy” (you liked the darker parts of life, but that was just because of your species), but Lily found you gorgeous.
That night she couldn’t stop herself from smiling and touching herself, imagining it was your long fingers inside her cunt. She wondered if you would fuck her hard with your cock/strap or if you would make sweet love and oh look she came again!
Lily spiraled into obsession after that night. She always look effortless pretty, but amped it up to gain your attention (which worked but you were too shy to say anything, believing you were too scary for her. Oh if only you knew how badly she craved you). If you two ever, by some miracle, ever got together, be prepared for her constant want to be filled with you, dripping wet and restless. She’ll promise one round and keep going til you’re both passed out.
“P-please, one more round, just one more. We’ll stop after that, I promise. Please? Yes? I love you darling!”
(Personality Matches for LILY: kinky, kind, shy)
Peony (They/Them)
love, honor, happiness wealth, romance, and beauty
Peony was actually a little afraid of you. They found you beautiful, they find everyone beautiful, but they didn’t know you very well.
One day, you silently tapped their shoulder, startling them. They looked at you so scared that you felt disgusted in yourself, but you still gave them their watch. Peony looked incredulously at your gesture, and wanted to thank you, but you had already bolted out of the food court. The realization of their cruelty put them on the verge of tears.
Peony’s slip into obsession was when they saw you the next week (you avoided them for that long, not wanting to be looked at like that again). You looked worn and beat down, but still really pretty. Something about your slightly disheveled appearance sparked a sense to protect you (even though they were the reason you started hating yourself, but shhh don’t tell them that).
“Oh darling, I wish I could make all the bad things go away, then it’d be just you and me. I love you,”
(Personality matches for PEONY: shy, quiet, selfless)
Hibiscus (any/all)
positivity, joy, and cheer
Hibiscus (my favorite !!) is honestly way too nice for his own good, I feel like you were his tutor, considering Hibiscus is… below average intelligence-wise. Hibiscus radiated positive vibes though, even if he has no thoughts in her head. Hibiscus was the first person to hear your laugh. As soon as he heard you let out an unashamed laugh, it was all over. You consume his mind, you live there rent free, good job, you now have a puppy.
But in all honesty, Hibiscus does everything for you, if only to see you happy (like a VERY toned down version of Iris).
Hibiscus’s spiral into obsession was when he first made you laugh even though you both got scolded by the librarian. They always thought you were pretty, just a little gloomy. But when she saw your happy face? God, he felt his heart was going to burst. They cancel plans for you, they take you out on “payments” (dates, basically), if they find something you might like (like a pretty rock or a piece of jewelry) they get it to give to you.
“Hey, look at this book! Oh, you’ve been wanting it for a while but it’s never in stock? I’ll get it for you! Yes, I know I got you a new outfit and some jewelry, so? Awe, you’re worried! It’s nothing, so put that worry out of your head. I love you!”
(Personality Matches for HIBISCUS: shy, smart, patient)
Poppy (He/Him)
sleep and peace
Poppy hated you at first, believing you were giving your species a bad reputation. Fae are supposed to be masters of manipulation and fighting, and you were too… weak. Though, one day, the gym teacher decided to do sparring as a unit. Everyone refused to be pair up with you considering the rumors about your kind and how you towered over everyone. Well, everyone except Poppy.
Poppy took you for a pushover, attempting to land aggressive blows on you, but you dodged and knocked him on his ass. When he tried to get up, you pushed him down so hard the air was knocked out of his lungs. And as he tried to catch his breath, his bitchy girlfriend yelling at you, he couldn’t help but fall in love.
You genuinely thought he hated you considering he often challenged you to fights, which you always said no too. He believed it to be you not wanting to hurt him, which he admired and thought was genuinely sweet of you.
Poppy’s obsession started that day you beat him in gym class, his hatred turning into addiction adoration. When Poppy eventually asks you out, two days after breaking up with his bitch girlfriend, you most likely turn him down, believing him to be making fun of you or want to use you as a relapse or something to get back at his ex. He believes you’re playing hard to get, and he loves that about you.
“C’mon, just one punch? No? Can I at least take you out sometime? Eh, whatever, I still love you.”
(Personality Matches for POPPY: Badass, calm, shy)
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strawbubbysugar · 9 months
In a Y/N fic with Hello and Goodbye, what would you say their little nickname would be for the reader?
It makes sense to me that Sun and Moon would say “Starlight”, cuz ya know, the whole celestial aspect of it all lol.
And in the rewrite, they say Junie for the most part (Which is SO cute by the way), but that’s obvs specific to June and can’t really be used for the reader
So what are your thoughts? I’ve been mulling it over for funsies for a couple minutes (I’m gonna let someone else do the honors of writing a fic, I am not the person for the job haha) but I haven’t really been able to come up with anything much. I had “Rainbow”, “Sunrise” and “Sunset” but idk if those are good or not??
Oooooh that’s a very very good question!! I think it’d really depend on the person for them.
I will say that if June is ever the object of desire his nickname for a y/n would be bug themed, most likely “lovebug”, like how he calls Hello honeybee and Goodbye firefly. Other options are highly customized. He’s a huge nickname guy. He sees you drawing? Doodlebug. sees you all cozy and bundled up? Caterpillar. Catches you humming to yourself? Cricket
For Hello I think a go-to nickname for him would be something along the lines of some kind of sweet food. Cupcake, sweet pea, peach sticks out to me for some reason
Goodbye isn’t someone who uses nicknames a lot, he prefers to use real names or omit names entirely. He feels a bit silly when he uses a nickname, but if he does use one, it would likely be animal related. Lamb. Pup. Fishie.
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roxtron · 5 months
Replaying through KH BBS again and naturally that brings me to the inevitable essay about Terra. I will forever be annoyed at people who treat him like an idiot for being manipulated by Xehanort, or literally just victim blame him and act like everything is his fault. So.. I wanted to write a bit of an analysis on who’s actually at fault here, going through notable cutscenes/reports in order to help show my points.
Starting off at the beginning of the game, we all know how it goes. Terra fails the Mark of Mastery exam, supposedly due to showing a glimpse of darkness. But I think it’s notable he never actually used darkness in that fight. Sure, you could see the particles around his arm during that cutscene, but he was able to get it to fade away before continuing to fight back. The darkness was there, but he WAS keeping it in check, he was fighting against it. He could’ve given into it to win the fight, as he does later in the game, but he didn’t. It was under control at this point, even if it emerged for a moment, he was still able to control himself.
Yet Eraqus finds this as enough of a reason to justify him failing the test, claiming he failed to keep the darkness in check. I already explained why I disagree with that idea but if you’ve played the games you’ll know Xehanort does kind of have a point about Eraqus, he’s too stuck in his belief that light is pure good and darkness is pure evil, he doesn’t understand there can be balance, shown with Riku later in the series.
Which leads me to the scene after that failure, Terra says he needs to be alone, and while he is, Xehanort shows up to talk to him about what just happened with Eraqus.
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“Why, you could train with him forever, and still..”
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“You’d never be a Master in his eyes.”
He directly tells him what he thinks. If there’s even a glimpse of darkness in Terra, Eraqus is never going to see him as worthy. It’s never going to be enough. Xehanort tries to keep this message more subtle here than when he repeats it later, but he’s still getting across the same point. Eraqus is wrong. I’m sure that’d give Terra some doubt of trust in him, the only other person that could reassure him he is worthy is the one talking to him now.
While there is reason to doubt him as well, Eraqus has sort of undone that. Ventus already seems cautious around Xehanort due to his past, (although I find that a bit odd, since Ventus hasn’t regained those memories yet. Maybe he just gets the sense it’s familiar? Regardless–) to my memory Aqua doesn’t seem to show any obvious signs of distrust until after Xehanort revealed his nature. I’d have to rewatch her cutscenes to be sure, but either way, Aqua and Terra don’t have the history Ventus does, they don’t have any view of Xehanort besides what Eraqus told them. And what did Eraqus tell them?
He told them Xehanort was his good friend, a guest, another Keyblade Master. It seems he’s only given the man praise, with little to no acknowledgement of what he’s really capable of. 
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“Considering how we had parted ways, I expected friction– but if anything, Eraqus seemed delighted to see me again.” (There’s more to the quote but the rest isn’t relevant to my point so I’m not gonna type it out.) - Xehanort’s Report 11.
Based on this report, it seems like Eraqus may not have had much doubt about Xehanort at the time either. A lot of the cutscenes referring to Xehanort before the events of the Mark of Mastery exam seem to indicate he convinced Eraqus he’d changed. While Eraqus may have been manipulated by Xehanort as well because of this.. I don’t think it excuses the role Eraqus plays in allowing Terra to fall into the same trap. Xehanort’s probably around his 80’s-90’s at this point, depending on the timeline.
(I’d have to double check but I’m too lazy to do it as it doesn’t really matter, even if 90 is older than 80 it’s really not enough of a difference that it’d change the point I’m trying to make.)
Eraqus seems to be around the same age as Xehanort, considering they’re both in the same class during the events of Dark Road, so obviously Eraqus is an adult, and has been for a long fucking time now. He’s old enough to have learned, and it was his responsibility to warn them about Xehanort, which he failed to do. Even if he fully believed Xehanort, he knew Xehanort’s past. He could’ve said something like “yeah, this is my good old friend, he’s just here for the exam, if he tries to talk to you about darkness don’t listen to him.” lol. Okay, jokes aside though, he could’ve given a vague warning like that, he can still tell them Xehanort is untrustworthy without going through everything he’s done. But nope, he decided to tell them only good things, what a great idea. Anyway, getting back to the cutscene I was talking about before.. 
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“You’re fine as you are.”
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“Darkness cannot be destroyed, it can only be channeled.”
He tells Terra what helps him feel better while also furthering his own plan. That he isn’t a failure, he’s fine the way he is. That darkness within him isn’t a flaw, it’s just something he needs to learn how to control. It doesn’t seem to sink in yet, but it’s still planting the seeds for Terra to follow that thought process later down the line.
Anyway, moving forward onto someone who is DEFINITELY at fault here, Yen Sid. When Terra goes to this world, they have the following conversation. I’ve cut out a few lines of dialogue because I want to focus on specific lines. 
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“I thought it best to seek the counsel of one wiser than myself.” The next lines mention Yen Sid no longer being a Keyblade Master, implying what Terra meant by this is that he trusted Yen Sid because of that title, even if it is now former. It further feeds into why Terra trusted Xehanort, he clearly looked up to other Keyblade Masters, and obviously wanted to become one. Since Terra feels the need to introduce his name here, it doesn’t seem like they’ve ever met, meaning he trusts Yen Sid solely because of that title and connection to Eraqus. If that’s enough to earn Terra’s trust, it makes sense that’d be his reasoning for trusting Xehanort too, right? 
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“And, like you, he is eager to use his Keyblade to set things right.” (referring to Mickey here but the way he’s directly compared to Terra makes this line accurate to both, so I’m using it.) I don’t have too much to say about this, I just find it interesting for what it says about his character, especially the word choice.. 
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And oh look, someone else who’s aware of Xehanort’s past, and what does he do? He tells Terra to look for him. What the hell. Eraqus, you could at least give some benefit of the doubt for being manipulated due to their history as friends, but what kind of excuse can you give for Yen Sid? He doesn’t seem to have been directly spoken to at all, so I doubt Xehanort manipulated him too, and even if he did, how? There doesn’t seem to be any friendly history Xehanort could exploit to get him to feel sympathy or anything like that. Like I mentioned before with Eraqus, he should’ve said something. He knows Xehanort is up to no good, and he purposefully withholds that information. And if you think I’m joking, he literally says this in the next scene after Terra leaves the room. 
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“I had hoped, Xehanort, your heart would no longer lead you astray.” So he knows. He knows something’s wrong. He knows Xehanort’s history. Yet he actively chose to let everything unfold, he could’ve made some effort to prevent this, to warn Terra, and he didn’t. He just goes “damn Xehanort I can’t believe you’re still doing evil shit, that’s crazy.” to himself. Like, what?? Why would you wait until Terra leaves to say this? You’re not even gonna whisper it in front of him or anything? You didn’t find this relevant information for him to know? You see no problems with what’s happening here??? Anyway, moving on to the next scene.. Xehanort tells Terra his version of events, what he did to Ventus.  (Ugh.. Unfortunately tumblr's image limit means I have to split this into pieces, so.. (Part 1/5) I'll just add tags on the reblog with all the pieces so I can keep it 1 post.)
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cjbolan · 1 year
 Just finished Chapter 1 of Emily Windsnap and the Tides of Time. My thoughts so far...
I feel you, Emily. I’m sad too that your adventures are probably over.
Liz Kessler throws MAJOR shade at teachers XD. Perhaps she’s writing from personal experience. I literally laughed at some of the descriptions of Emily’s teacher. Particularly this line:
“’Succinctly as always, Aiden,’ Mrs. Porter said, in that special sarcastic way that teachers must learn at college, as they all do it.”
As a former student teacher, I can confirm she’s absolutely right.
This opening is like a clever inverse version of the first book’s opening. Both open with Emily at home in Brightport having a conversation with her mom, before going to school.Except where the first book opened with them having an argument, this last book opens with them being much friendlier with each other. Shows how far their relationship has come. I love that!
There’s also shades of Book 3 that I liked. It again opens with Emily going to school, and Emily afraid of a relationship ending. In Book 3 it was her parents’ marriage, here it’s her renewed friendship with Mandy. I do like the idea that for once, maybe it’s Emily’s own fault that she feels alone, for not being a good listener to her friend. 
I love the emphasis that being yourself is much easier said than done. IRL people say all the time that they don’t care what people think or that they’ll do whatever they want, then quickly give up doing exactly that. This isn’t always a bad thing, and heavily dependent on your situation. It makes perfect sense in Emily’s case where she now has 0 friends in school and possible enemies.  (SIDE NOTE: I do relate hard to Emily in this case. At her age, for a time I had only 1 real friend. We’re still friends now ^_^. )
YAAAAAY MORE RETCONNING *sarcasm*. Seems like Emily is attending only human school. What happened to her splitting her time between human and mermaid school? Wasn’t her school situation a huge looming conflict for about half the series? It was a huge point of conflict for her parents who fought each other about where she should spend more time, to the point it made Emily fear they would split up. If she were still attending Shiprock School, she probably  wouldn’t miss the sea and Shona so much because she could still enjoy those every day. I know Emily's feeling lonely because of Aaron and Mandy, but still...either Emily’s being overdramatic, or she really did quit mermaid school for some reason.
Jake again raises so many questions. We know he eats human food, so can all merpeople eat human food? Or is Jake the only one because he’s lived with humans and got used to it? What do you think his first time tasting human food would’ve been like? That breakfast table is way above water level so... does her ever eat with his family?  It’d be really sad if he couldn’t. Does he have a floating pool table? Does he eat off the floor? Would his family ever eat off the floor with him? Is there any way he could have a wheelchair or kiddie pool for him at the table?  For a mixed human-merperson family who actively brought together the two species, how on earth would they host both species in a place designed by and for humans only? Trap door aside, the merpeople who do visit are just trapped in that tiny bit of water, and the humans make 0 attempt to bring their activities closer to the water for merpeople to join them. And Jake is often described looking upward at people in that boat...he must have the worst neck pain ever. He deserves a nice neck pillow. Or maybe a neck massage XD.
But seriously, this is one reason Jake is one of my favorite characters. He  raises so many fascinating questions about the worldbuilding.
Funny I have a rock that looks just like Emily’s! Minus 2 stripes...
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Well, gonna keep on reading!
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another-dr-another · 11 months
dining hall (😨)
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Maeda, narrating - …It’s freezing out here…
Maeda - I’m usually dressed better when I go into the hallway, but I didn’t realize how cold it is with thin layers.
//The trio begins to walk to the dining hall. Hatano shudders a bit, pulling her jacket tight.
Hatano - It’s so cold out in the mornings…
Ōtori - Mhm… the kitchen is nice, once you get to it, for just that reason.
Ōtori - It’s always warm in there, even before the oven is going-
Ōtori - Though, that could be… is that Pavlov, or placebo, if I feel warm in the kitchen, because I’m used to the kitchen, and expect it to be warm.
Maeda - …Uh? Depends on if your temperature is actually rising, or if you just think it is… I think.
Maeda - I think Tsurugi is our best bet at getting a solid answer, now- or maybe Tomori, actually? I want to say she has some psychological knowledge.
Hatano - We could try checking your temperature…
Ōtori - Wouldn’t we need to check it now, to get a reading on what my base temperature is?
Hatano - I mean, we could go get a thermometer from the infirmary- if there’s one anywhere, it’d be in there, right?
Maeda - I remember when the infirmary was locked…
Maeda - …Wait, shit-
Maeda - The morning announcement hasn’t gone off yet, right? We all have to have woken up before it- I didn’t hear it, and I usually do, plus everyone else would’ve woken up.
Ōtori - …No, it hasn’t played…
Maeda - Then, we can’t get into the dining hall- the door will still be locked.
Ōtori - …Oh.
Hatano - Did you guys close the dining hall doors last night?
Ōtori - I wasn’t the last person out, but I think so, yes…
Ōtori - …
Ōtori - …But, uh… that doesn’t really matter. The doors should be open in…
//Ōtori checks his watch.
Ōtori - Two minutes.
Maeda - Really?
Maeda - I’d think more people would be waking up if it’s that close to the morning announcement… 
//Maeda thinks back to Tsurugi’s dorm- when he was walking, he saw more students, and they all seemed well and asleep. He believes he saw Tomori and Kobashikawa stir, but that was likely a response to the motion near them, from Maeda and Hatano walking by, respectively.
Ōtori - …It’s 7:28 right now, not 7:58.
Maeda - …Huh?
Maeda - I thought the dining hall opened when nighttime ended.
Ōtori - It used to, but Monokuma changed it awhile ago-
Ōtori - How else would Taira and I be getting breakfast done before everyone shows up?
Maeda - …
Maeda - Makes sense… I guess I never noticed.
//They’ve reached the dining hall doors- Maeda is still a bit bothered by the realization he didn’t notice the change, but gets ignored by Ōtori and Hatano. Hatano reaches to try and open the dining hall doors, to no avail- Ōtori checks his watch, and confirms.
Ōtori - 7:29.
Hatano - Dang…
Ōtori - Here, let me.
//Ōtori keeps one arm up, eyes trained on his watch as he moves his other hand to the door handle. Hatano steps back to give him space to open the door, and Maeda absentmindedly shuffles away, subconsciously following her lead. 
Ōtori - …There we are.
//Ōtori pulls the door open, stepping back with it to let Hatano and Maeda in first.
Maeda - Ōtori and Taira must get up early, then… I wonder if Taira’s up now…
Hatano - Hooray!
Hatano - You’re going to make coffee, right, Ōtori?
Ōtori - Mhm…
Hatano - Do you think you’ll do anything else for breakfast? I could try and help, since I’m here…
//Maeda shuffles along, mind in a hundred places at once, but present enough to keep his eyes glued to the floor to make sure he doesn’t trip over anyone’s feet.
Maeda - I think she was still asleep…
//Maeda gets lost in calling back what he saw in Tsurugi’s dorm… he could see Maki, but couldn’t see past her- similar to how Ōtori and Kobashikawa blocked his view of Hatano. Maki was making good use of the hair tie Maeda had given her; and speaking of Kobashikawa, Maeda recalls seeing him shifting around, before eventually settling once he found and subconsciously stole Ōtori’s blanket. Maeda could see Taira, of course, sleeping on her stomach, hair still in twin buns; and when he stood up, he saw Tomori, blanket pulled up by her face, leaving everything below her ankles exposed to the cold air. 
//Hatano gets through the door frame, and Maeda follows after, still lost in thought. Ōtori should have enough room to get in- but suddenly, Hatano stops.
Hatano - …
Hatano - ……….
Hatano - —----?
//Maeda remembers seeing Higa, though, being on the floor, he was mostly overshadowed by Uehara, nearest to Higa, and up on Tsurugi’s mattress. Higa’s hands had found their way by his head- a position which reminded Maeda of Tsurugi, who had found a way to get a hand tangled in Uehara’s hair, assumedly while they both slept. Which, in turn, reminded Maeda of Iranami’s hair, freed from its ribbon and hanging around her face when he finally saw her after leaving his bed. Throw in Ōtori and Hatano, and yes, Maeda can conjure up an image of every student, with all but the other two early-risers seeming peaceful as they slept in Tsurugi’s dorm.
Maeda - …
Maeda - ……….
//Maeda realizes that something is wrong with his recollection. 
Maeda - …………………
//This causes two thoughts to come to his mind in near-perfect synchrony. 
Monokuma - A Body Has Been Discovered.
//First, Maeda realizes that he has gotten his memories a little bit mixed up! Because, no, he did not see all of those students in Tsurugi’s dorm. This first realization runs him cold, freezes him in place- turning Maeda as still as the student who seems to simply be resting their head. 
//Second, when he realizes just who he’s misplaced, he realizes just what Hatano had whispered. It was a hair above silence, and hidden under Monokuma’s announcement, but it’s so very clear. They’re staring him right in the face.
Maeda - …
//He doesn’t seem to have been wrong about the image of tranquility. But, he made a mistake- perhaps, in some attempt to shield itself, his brain took what he was seeing in the dining hall, swapped the backdrop for that of Tsurugi’s dorm, and edited out the puddle of blood pooled around the face, matted in the hair. 
//But, this isn’t the time to hide away from the truth. Quickly, Maeda pushes past the false understanding, and sees his pink-splashed reality for what it is.
Maeda - …
//Maeda hears one shaky breath from Ōtori- that alone is so much more than Maeda’s currently capable of. Maeda is barely able to accept that he’s seeing anything but a classmate simply resting their head.
//The shock isn’t stilling Hatano- when she speaks again, it’s no longer a whisper. It’s a shriek, expelling the shock, pain, and grief greater than a human is meant to hold. Hatano is full of energy and life. This cannot be said for the girl who is surrounded by so, so much blood. 
Hatano - IRANAMI!
Remaining Students: 10/15
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I got the motivation for this post from seeing a couple of Tiktoks that really annoyed me, although the sentiment is shared on this site as well. Basically just a rant post. 
This is specifically in reference to two situations; complaints about the lack of body paint for Ryan Potter’s Beast Boy on the set of Titans, and the translated costumes for the New Monster High movie coming out soon. However, I’m sure it’s applicable to a wide range of other media. I’m not annoyed that people feel let down or disappointed by these costumes. That’s a valid emotion and a natural reaction. What annoys me, is when people turn immediately to the nearest cosplayer page and go “they did so much better :( on such lower expectations :( the studio had a low budget :( but theirs was lower :( 
So I’m gonna say this loud and clear
First of all. A cosplayer only needs to worry about costuming one person. Generally themselves, and depending on how experienced they are, they already know their own size, what’s gonna look good on it and how it’s gonna fit. They’re only obliged to make one costume per event and how intricate or impressive it looks is up to them.
A costume designer for a movie or tv show has to make costumes for a cast of people they’ve likely never worked with before, take their sizes, do multiple fittings and then make sure those costumes are durable enough to last the entire shooting time and look good consistently.
 A cosplayer’s costume only needs to look good for about a day, and it’s completely within their means to shed bulkier items like wings, high-heeled shoes, crowns or wigs if they want to rest before a big photo shoot. A costume for filming needs to last for an entire shooting day, and then guess what? That actor needs to wake up the next morning and put it on, again. For a couple of weeks at least. It’s important that they’re comfortable. They can’t just take it off halfway through the convention. Adding to that, the costumer will likely need to make quite a few replicas of the costume in question, for different shooting days, and in different sizes for stunt doubles or stand-ins. 
Body paint rant: Yes I’m upset that Beast Boy isn’t green. You can be upset that Lagoona isn’t blue. But body paint is a whole different circus in an official workplace. I’ve done body paint for cosplay and seen body paint done for cosplay. It was irritable, caused horrific acne and my partner’s pink body paint for Mina started cracking halfway through the day, so we scrubbed it off. Cosplayers only deal with body paint for a day or two, not needing to worry about the back of their neck or up the arms because it only needs to look good for certain photograph angles.
Actors wake up early so they can sit in make-up for two hours to make sure it looks good from every camera angle and under heavy studio lights, which is then reapplied between every shot so it looks consistent. There’s a reason Jennifer Lawrence quit the Xmen films. I’m not surprised they didn’t have Lagoona be blue. That’s a horrible thing to do to a little girl, especially if you’re setting up to do that through her adolescence every couple of years for a huge franchise. I’m not surprised that Beast Boy isn’t green. If Ryan Potter’s skin is sensitive to the paint they used, it’d break out in massive acne or rashes that will plunge his chances of success in an industry that hinges on good looks. 
(Also; Many documented instances of actors having to quit films and tv shows because certain paints used, made them physically unwell and unable to perform). 
Cosplayers with more intricate cosplays do better, because it looks more impressive. Costumes in film and tv look better simpler, with a coherent sense throughout the whole production. Think of iconic film and TV looks. Leia’s white dress. Bella’s grey jacket. Cinderella’s ball dress. Less is more, because that translates better visually in a space where all of the different elements are competing for attention. Also, cosplayers are only accountable for what they buy and use. If they lose a prop, or a bead, or a piece of jewellery, they can be disappointed, but move on with their lives. Costumers have to be accountable for every little bit of intricate costume-dressing, and if they lose something or break something, that has to be reported to their boss and possibly come out of their paycheck, or worse, their reputation. 
The last thing I’ll say specifically refers to the Monster High costumes. I hold that costumer in high regard. It a perfect translation of cartoony, outlandish outfits the characters wear, made to suit, fit and be wearable by actual little girls. The cropped shirts, tightly-fitted pants and fish-net stockings the characters wore in the cartoon looked stylish and wonderful as a cartoon. But for the actual teen actors playing them, I think those outfits would have been inappropriate. It makes me sad when i see drawn redesigns of the live-action costumes and they just make the outfits skimpy again. Yeah, the costumes look a little cheap. Yeah, the grown-ass cosplayers look more cartoon accurate. But I could see a little girl being able to replicate live-action Clawdeen Wolf’s outfit so easily and she’s the actual target audience. 
(The production also has bigger problems than underwhelming costumes re; problematic director)
I’m not undermining cosplayers. They do a fantastic job of dedicating time, money and skills to look as good as they do. But they’re not costumers. They shouldn’t be lauded as costumers (unless they have TV and Film experience) and please acknowledge there’s a lot more that goes into making an outfit for film than just looking impressive visually. 
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xaracosmia · 2 months
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name / alias: mocha age: 30 pronouns: they/them ooc contact: givemeurbread on twt! other characters in xc: aoki renji and kazama afton, oc’s
name: the merc with a mouth, the regenerating degenerate, Deadpool! also known as Wade Winston Wilson. whattaya want next, my social? HA, funny, I don’t have one :] age: weelllllll if you take into consideration. yknow. Immortal, buuuuuut to make it easy on ya that fancy little experiment happened when I was 30. so young, I know, im just a baby! pronouns: gimme that sweet he/they ray series: marvel! Deadpool comics! canon point: ooh so here’s the FUN part, my funky widdle mods, I know all about canon points so let’s sprinkle in a dash of earth 616, and we’re gonna take a smidgen of my fellow Canadian’s canon and do the movies! Don’t worry, sweetums, no spoilers for my latest trek with Wolvie 🤫 app triggers: human experimentation, violence, gore, dismemberment (a lot) mental illnesses (mainly psychosis), cancer/terminal illness, mass death
Oh boy. Who’s do ya want? Haha, i’m just joshin’ ya! I like long walks on the beach, I’m a Jim looking for his Pam, im - okay fine, the angry little cup of coffee here wants me to stay on track. Sheesh. these don’t count for the three sentences, they say.
Wade (moi) can be very hard to describe. Idealistic? Sometimes! Loyal? Usually! Consistent? Hahahahaha no chance pal. Okay, okay, let the cuppa coffee say it.
He’s right; Wade is hard to pin down. He’s sassy, a hell of a smartass, and he’s sometimes quick to annoy. Usually the response is a verbal assault or a hail of bullets. Depends on the day. He acts tough, hell he is tough, but there’s still a core humanity deep down in there. He has a strong sense of his own morality and doesn’t hesitate to willingly clash if he feels something is wrong - and he’s got a knack for helping people who can’t help themselves, such as when he did a job for a teenage girl who could hardly pay his normal working fee. [Oh, that guy. What a creep! Handled my pizza with care though :] ]
Wade tries to do good… but not always for the right reason. He wanted — [wait don’t TALK about that. Yet. Another couple weeks BASICALLY what they’re saying is when I do a good deed, it aint always for me! … Man, depressing saying that out loud!]
And yet, there’s many times where he does do the right thing, just because it is the right thing to do. He hates to admit it, but Wade sometimes does the right thing even if it’d cost him his life. [Lookin’ at you Russel!] He’s loyal to his friends, even if he can be kind of a jerk to them [Look, I wasn’t LYING when I told Althea where the cure was!] But he really will go through hell and back to protect someone.
something your muse struggles with: Wade does not handle stressful situations well. he often acts incredibly impulsively or selfishly. examples are — [YES OKAY so I MIGHT have been a little excessive in resting on dozens of gallons of highly explosive material after my wife died. Or when I shot Francis even though I could have brought him to justice for his crimes. Or when I went into the weapon X program without consulting with Van— okay maybe you have a point there, my little Frappuccino.] that being said, impulse control and acting without exactly thinking.
your muse’s greatest strength: [Dashing good looks? An extensive martial arts history? The ability to not only shoot a .22 through a cheerio but the aim to pi—] WADE has a strong moral ground. It’s probably his greatest strength - he will give people the opportunity to do the right thing even if it costs him physical pain, or won’t be afraid to fight a fight he believes in even if it’s a lost battle already. His moral compass is a very big part of who he is and why he decides to try and do the right thing when he feels necessary.
history / background:
Alright, my little Americano, this is Wade’s story now! See, it all started when I was just a little boy in Canada… I was a sickly thing. And when puberty struck, I suddenly had these sickass claws of — wait what. That wasn’t me? That was Loga— god dammit.
Okay okay. Really, it depends on whoever the writer was, but it all goes a little somethin’ like this!
Was just mom and I in Canada. Dear old pops took off so he can go chuck a fu— can I curse? When I was not old enough I lied about my age to get into the military. Special forces. They give you a LITERAL license to kill there, it was wild. They don’t let you do over the photo, mine is terrible. But, y’know, dishonorable discharges, didn’t wanna do some of the annoying shit (see also: wrong shit) they wanted me to do so that lovely little mark is on my record forever! Thanks, principal.
You know how stories go. Ya get somethin’ good and it’s yanked out from under ya. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer of uhhhh brain, spine, kidneys, god the list is long I don’t wanna read it all out. That’s when some scary looking man came by to get me to join his girl scouts and get some cool little super big boy powers!
Shit deal. 0/10. Would not recommend.
These little tests were grueling. So grueling that there was literally a pool people would bet on to see who would kick the bucket next - a Dead Pool. (See? Depends on your writer. Affogato here liked this one better.) Well, wouldn’t ya know it, good old Wade made it! My mutation formed, my cells constantly regenerated as soon as they killed the cancer cells. And my skin cells. And blood cells. And brain cells - do ya see where this is going? All my cells are supercharged, so I have a neat little healing factor just like my bestie Wolvie. It’s neat. Growing back limbs is a weird process. Makes for fun TikToks though.
Oh man, and the fun little journeys I’ve been on! Hawkeye and I had a few fun little journeys, I FINALLY got the call to the Show for little mouse man to expand my acting chops, saved the world once or twice (also killed it but that’s not gonna be canon here, don’t worry my little mod friends!) We can talk about the game but. Eh. That was more like a fever dream. A fun one!
But I’ve done it all, baby. Worked with the X-Men, my X-Force, did you KNOW I was also in Civil War?! … I mean I was hired to chase people who needed to register but. Details, details.
Lately? I go wherever the wind takes me… Or the little watermelon robot, in this case!
powers / abilities:
technically none!
inherent abilities:
Cellular Regeneration: Deadpool is only alive, in fact, due to this cellular regeneration. But basically, his cells are dying and regenerating at such an immense speed that, yes, he does heal and grow back bits and pieces, but it’s also the reason his skin is deformed. And it’s a little responsible for the whole, ya know. Slight psychosis. His brain cells also do this so some days it affects him worse than others. This is inclusive with other such things, like a higher resistance to toxins and poisons, the lack of fatigue since his muscles don’t produce the toxins that cause fatigue and aching, and making it extremely hard to feel the effects of alcohol. However, this isnt unlimited. If any of these things happen too fast within too short amount a time, it’s harder and harder for Wade to regenerate. The weapon X program didn’t exactly give him superhuman speed, strength, etc, but it is higher than your average human’s since he doesn’t feel the pain or effects a normal human would.
items / weapons:
Twin adamantium katanas: dual blades made from the strongest metal on earth! Damn near indestructible, bullet proof, badass.
Twin desert eagles: a bit of an excessive weapon, but Deadpool is a crack shot with his twin desert eagle pistols
Teleportation belt: A neat little belt that allows short to mid-range teleportation… when it likes to work. He’s still working out the kinks. Hey, he stole the belt, not the manual.
starting ability: Nada!
starting item: Teleportation belt!
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: god yes give this idiot roomies
You bet your butt im gonna add in those funky extra text boxes like in the comics.
Because I can and it’s Deadpool, yes, I am indeed going to be pulling inspiration from comics and movies.
Actually annoyingly sweet sometimes this man will raise his mask so Hawkeye can read his lips since he’s hard of hearing.
He has a daughter! Canonically. So, y’know, soft spot for kids.
We understand the game was well(ish) made and fun to play but given it’s a dumb as hell story so we are electing to mostly ignore it.
Did you know he looked up to Captain America. I think that’s both sweet and hilariously ironic.
Don’t worry he’s not gonna be some maniacal idiot just a regular idiot.
discord id: .maximum.effort.
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uramichislefttiddie · 3 years
Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan Alphabet
||Contains: Uramichi Omota + Iketeru Daga||
||Warnings: NSFW||
Reminder! Please don’t comment anything that implies your age, I cannot stop who reads this unfortunately but I can at the very least give out a warning that this contains nsfw content.⚠️
please forgive me I could not stop laughing whilst writing this, I had to skip specific words because it did not sound right to me and my childish behaviour😭
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Uramichi Omota:
A: Aftercare (how they treat you afterwards)
If anything all this man will want to do is try and get a good nights rest even if it means only a couple hours of sleep. He will make sure however you are cleaned up and are alright before he deals with himself. He’d never leave you to care for yourself, he always makes sure he cares for you first. He’s very touch starved meaning he makes sure he gets cuddles and kisses before you both drift off into a slumber!
B: Body (his fav part of his body and yours)
His favourite body part on himself most likely would be his muscles specifically his toned arms, I mean he’s a former gymnast so what can you expect? On you his favourite part would be either ass or thighs, the reason mainly being it’s something he can rest on, or another reason being he loves to mark your thighs up not caring if anyone can see, also he just genuinely likes groping your ass however he’ll only do that in privacy, he’d rather not have the risk of someone having just witnessed him groping your ass in public. In make out sessions always expect his hands to be roaming either along your thighs or ass there’s no other option it could be.
C: Cum (well I’m pretty sure you can gather what I mean)
Majority of the time he will make sure to not cum inside you meaning hell either do it over your face or body, however once in awhile if you allow him he will not pass up the opportunity to cum inside you. When I say once in awhile, Uramichi will try and make it near enough every time that you allow him to cum inside, he just loves the idea of having the risk you could end up with having his children. (Russian roulette type beat/j) and a plus to him is that if he can cum in you it means less cleaning to do.
D: Dirty Secret (a secret of theirs that they haven’t told)
Now I get a strong sense that this man really wants to try bondage with ropes especially, wether it be you that’s tied up or him he doesn’t care either way he really wants to try it. But he doesn’t want to scare you off by asking so he still hasn’t mentioned it and he doesn’t want you to start making fun off him about it💀 however you’ve had an inkling for awhile that he’s got something about being tied up.
E: Experiance (Do they know what they’re doing?)
Now he may be 31 years of age but this man has never gone past kissing someone before he met you. You were his first and oh boy he had no clue what he was doing, mainly because he was nervous and couldn’t comprehend what was truly happening. He has watched his fair share of porn etc but when it came down to actually doing it himself he mind had become fog. Overtime though he’s come to learn what you like best and least and has took that into account and now it’s as if he’s been doing it for years.
F: Favourite Position (which he prefers to do)
Now he’ll most likely switch between a mating press or doggy style. The reasoning for mating press is it allows him to be more face to face to you and he can see your face during it which turns him on even more. And let’s be real he more than likely has a breeding kink. So mating press + breeding kink = heaven to him. Now the reason for doggy style is because he loves having your bare ass slam against him and watching it jiggle when he slaps it. He also loves leaving marks on your hips meaning doggy style makes that all the easier.
G: Goofy (do they laugh or are they the serious type)
Uramichi is probably the type of be serious, he might laugh there and than every so often if something a bit funny happens but overall he’s pretty much serious and that’s just him.
H: Hairy (shave? Unshaven?)
Unshaven, however he will trim it if you ask him to, but seeing as he’s 31 I think he couldn’t care less about body hair as it’s normal and he just sees it as a waste of time to have to repeatedly shave.
I: Intamicy (how they’re like in bed)
80% of the time he will be rough, releasing out all the pent up anger and frustration, but he still makes sure your ok. Although there will be them days where he just wants to be more romantic than rough and his whole demeanour will have flipped upside down and he’ll be acting all lovey dovey. Plus most definitely a switch.
J: Jack Off (Do they? Or not?)
Nah, not really, if he’s in that type of mood and your not with him he’ll either wait or come meet you wherever you are so he can get relief.
K: Kink (What kinks they have)
Gagging, Breeding, Bondage, Dacryphilia, cockwarming
L: Length (how big they are)
He’s more girthy than long, he’s probably about 6 inches which is a good length all in all.
M: Motivation (what gets them going)
When you start whining at him for attention or if you raise your voice at him because oh boy that really does set off something in him when you raise your voice.
N: No (something they will not do)
Knife play or anything that could seriously harm you even by accidental.
O: Oral (which they prefer)
He prefers giving than receiving but once in awhile he’d just want you to be the one giving it to him and making him fall under your touch.
P: Pace (how fast they go)
He’s not necessarily fast but rather hard. By that I mean he will go full force into you where both yours skins slap against each other and where he will grunt a lot which oh boy is hot.
Q: Quicke (do they do them?)
Surprisingly he does them a lot seeing as he has work 6 days a week which really only leaves him with one day where it can just be you and him all day. So either he’ll do one in the morning or at night but it depends if he’s feeling too tired after work.
R: Risk (are they one for taking a risk?)
Now he’ll hate someone interrupting so he always makes sure you both do it where the chances of getting interrupted are reduced drastically, plus it’d be very embarrassing for someone to walk in. Usahara now always make sure to knock before making his grand entrance into his apartment. The risk of you getting pregnant kinda excites him in a way so you gotta watch out with this man.
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
On an average he can last around 2-3 rounds but on a very good day it feels like it’s never ending, he just needs that motivation if you get me.
T: Toys (do they use them)
No. He’s never really been into them and they’ve never sparked his interest.
U: Unfair (are they fair)
He’s quite fair to be honest, he makes sure you both equally get what you both want but there can be times he can be a tease when he’s in one of them type of moods.
V: Volume (how loud they are)
Majority of the time he lets out grunts rather than moans, he gets embarrassed if he moans however after the time you told him you like it when does he doesn’t hold back anymore but like I said most of the time he grunts and breathes heavily.
X: X-ray (what they’re like under there)
Like I said, more girthy than long.
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
It’s shockingly quite high, although it may not show when he’s near you expect him to be quite touchy most of the time waiting for you to get the signal. In simple terms he’s quite the horn dog.
Z: Zzz (how fast they go to sleep afterwards)
I’ll say it straight. He goes to sleep incredibly fast, but he won’t before he makes sure your cleaned up and settled down!
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Iketeru Daga
A: Aftercare (how they treat you afterwards)
This boy will give you the best aftercare ever. You hungry? Ok he’ll go make something for you. You want to go for a drive? Ok he’ll take you for a drive. You want a shower/bath? Ok he’ll go prepare you one. You understand me now. He will double check your ok and cleaned up as best as possible. Will always make sure you’ve gone to the toilet afterwards and have had some water. Will fall asleep with you in his arms always whilst reading to you.
B: Body (his fav part of his body and yours)
His favourite part of his body will be his hands, not only because they’re pleasing to the eye but because he knows his long fingers can make you come undone very quickly and easily and that gives him somewhat of a boost. His favourite part of your body to him will be your lips, he loves the feeling of them when he kisses you or when your kissing him anywhere (😏 /j)
C: Cum (well I’m pretty sure you can gather what I mean)
He loves seeing his cum dripping down your face, the way it leaves a shine along your face just looks so pretty to him. So he prefers to cum over your face or in your mouth to where he can see it dripping down yourself. Don’t get me wrong he’d love to cum in you but he’s responsible and would rather wait until you both want a child so he doesn’t need to worry about getting you pregnant.
D: Dirty Secret (a secret of theirs that they haven’t told)
He likes to be choked. Awhile back you had no clue until you accidentally did and that’s when the game got even more interesting. He really just overall loves seeing you in charge.
E: Experiance (Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few girlfriends in the past but never gone as far as to do more than make out with them, he’s always said he’d save it for the when the right person comes along and he knows it the right person. But he very much does know what he’s doing, he knows how to make you feel good, he’s done plenty of research.
F: Favourite Position (which he prefers to do)
Reverse cowgirl. He absolutely loves you riding him and if it means reverse cowgirl it allows him to smack your ass and fondle it, also allows him to easily guide you with your hips. Damn he goes berserk when your in this position I tell you.
G: Goofy (do they laugh or are they the serious type)
Do I even need to say? Of course he’s going to be goofy, the man laughs at dick jokes. However once he starts laughing that’s it, he won’t be able to stop for awhile, it’s honestly become uncontrollable.
H: Hairy (shave? Unshaven?)
Honestly, he leaves it down to you and what you prefer, he doesn’t mind if you prefer shaven or not either way he’ll go with what you like.
I: Intamicy (how they’re like in bed)
Probably the slow but long stroke type of guy. He loves the way you start to become impatient and fidgety. He loves the look in your eyes when he’s facing you.
J: Jack Off (Do they? Or not?)
He only will if he hasn’t seen you for a few days or hasn’t been able to do anything with you. He prefers doing it with you actually.
K: Kink (What kinks they have)
Choking, Food Play, Cockwarming, Spit, Praise
L: Length (how big they are)
Longer than girthy, he reaches about 7.5 inches, he can definitely reach the high spots.
M: Motivation (what gets them going)
When you start to praise him, especially with “good boy” that will get him going almost immediately, it just switches something on in his mind so very quickly.
N: No (something they will not do)
He’s willing to try most things as long as you feel safe and he feels safe and you both know to be careful and know how far to go with everything.
O: Oral (which they prefer)
He prefers receiving than giving, he just loves being able to watch you go down on him and struggle. But when you want some he will be more than happy to give.
P: Pace (how fast they go)
Life I previously said, he’s the type of guy that goes slow but he makes sure he’s hitting all the right spots that you like and that gets you going.
Q: Quicke (do they do them?)
He prefers to not have them but if it comes down to it and you really want one he will do so, but don’t expect it to become a regular thing.
R: Risk (are they one for taking a risk?)
Oh he’s scarred many peoples eyes and mind because he simply “forgot” to lock the door and close the curtains/blinds. Poor Uramichi as if he hadn’t enough going on. He doesn’t really want to risk getting you pregnant though, so he will use a condom.
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
He can go for a straight 3 or more rounds, it normally stops when it’s you that can’t take anymore not the other way round, he always waits until you’ve had your pleasure before he’ll stop.
T: Toys (do they use them)
Now he’d never admit it, but before you two started being sexual he had quite the few toys. He most likely had a flashlight, tenga egg and a cock ring for example. Them type of ones.
U: Unfair (are they fair)
He’s the fairest of them all, he’d make sure your getting what you need and than sort himself out, he’s never once been unfair to you.
V: Volume (how loud they are)
Now…this mans a full on moaner and he has no shame about it. He honestly has that type of pretty moan too, where he whimpers at the same time and he will not look away either. Oh and if your the one sucking him off, be prepared because he can’t hold back at all, it’s honestly like heaven to him.
X: X-ray (what they’re like under there)
As already said he’s quite long compared to others, he reaches about 7.5 inches.
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Probably around average but if you get him going well-
Z: Zzz (how fast they go to sleep afterwards)
Will not go to sleep no matter what before you, it always has to be you that falls asleep first before he can fall into a slumber. He always wants to know your safe. And plus if you’ve fallen asleep he will clean you up if you haven’t already, and will leave some water and paracetamol next to you for when you wake up and if he leaves before you in the morning or wakes up before you he’ll always leave a little note next to you too.
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star-anise · 3 years
Oh goddamn my brain just exploded.
I just watched F. D. Signifier's video on "I Don't Dream of Labour" and just how much the whole discussion operates in a while different reality from the one in which Black American men and the concept of working for a living have historically existed.
His take is enormously well-informed and informative, and this isn't an idea that's of his calibre at all, it's just that his take on the context this discussion is happening in was so insightful that it shook something loose in my brain as relates to my own experiences. Mainly, it helped me contextualize a reaction I'd had last week, in a post about dream jobs outside of capitalism and whether it was okay for "engineer" to be one of them, in my background in white lower-middle class.
Like yes, I do have intellectual reasons for believing what I believe. My work experience, my research, my education in the social sciences, my curiosity about the world around me, my readings of Foucault, have all informed my beliefs that society has chronically devalued forms of labour that, in fact, it depends on so much that the entire system freaks the fuck out if those devalued workers realize that they're valuable enough to demand better.
Signifier's video helped me connect with some of my emotional reactions to socialist and utopian thought, and recognize just how much my views are also rooted in hard gnarly matter of my lived experience, and the lived experiences of the people who raised me.
I dream of labour partly because I've found a line of work that I love and that gives me meaning. But the other thing is, I dream of labour because of a bone-deep tiredness in me that says: If I don't do it, the work won't get done.
I'm a therapist, and the birth of my vocation as a therapist was in the years when I didn't have one or feel like I was allowed to ask for them, and neither did anyone else I knew, and the amount of terror and pain that we all lived with because of it would have ripped a hole in my ability to trust the universe if I hadn't decided to make myself the hero I needed. I say that if I do my work well enough I might contribute to enough social change that I'll put myself out of a job, but in practical reality, I don't think that will happen in my lifetime.
I digress. A few years after that, my mom admitted she had depression and went on disability leave from work because she was pretty damn bad. I remember when we got home after she'd picked me up from school one day, and while she was out of the house, her female friends had come to our house and gone to town on all the housework she'd been struggling to do (and then some; we knew things were different from the front door, because the floor of our mudroom sparkled in a way it never had before).
I remember it so much because I think it was only the second time in my life I'd seen her cry. Because it was so unexpected and such an amazing relief, this sense that someone else would step in and do the work for her. (Yes, my dad and older brothers and I pitched in, but everyone's expectations were that if the house was still standing at the end of our tenure it'd be a net win, and yes, I still feel ashamed for not having done more even if I logically couldn't have.)
This is part of what it means to say my gender is "farm wife". My ancestors were white settlers in western Canada, where farms were divided up in a grid pattern that guaranteed that homesteads would be pretty isolated. My grandmothers were children during the Great Depression. For their mothers, being a farmwife meant doing work their family depended on to survive, and knowing that until their oldest daughter got old enough, there was no one to do the work if they didn't. That sense of necessity lives in us still. My mom will endure a job she hates for ages, but feel unable to quit without having another one lined up. I still have "you do not have to fix it" on my phone lockscreen, because unsolved problems cry out to me in the voice of my terror when I was 13 and nobody was saving me.
The thought of coming home and finding my floor washed for me is so impossibly amazing I don't know how I'd even cope with it. The only person I can currently think of who'd actually do it is my mom. And she and I are still trying to sort out the toxic effects of this legacy, where we take on work because we feel we have to and then get angry when we aren't respected or rewarded for it, or try to avoid being the target of that anger by not asking for help we need. The thought of leaving work undone inspires such a deep, visceral level of fear and shame that it's hard to think around sometimes.
All of which helps me explain and understand my reflexive "Oh, fuck YOU" reaction to people who say that in the future robots will flip our burgers and burp our babies, but in the meantime, it's being corrupted by a neoliberal agenda to try to make the backbreaking work of ordinary people five pounds lighter. I am the enemy if I ever hire someone to wash the floor for me.
I'm not sure that "Oh, fuck you" response is bullshit, though. Like, I feel like I'm supposed to say that my ideological enemy is the capitalist boss who mandates workloads, not the edgelord tankie who sends hatemail to insufficiently radical "liberals", but this entire thought process has just helped me formulate why I hate those goddamn tankies so fucking much.
The work of defeating capitalism is important and real and more people need to be doing it. But it's stark raving idiocy to pretend that it's the most important work there is, because before it comes the work of keeping people alive. The work of keeping people fed and clothed and housed, healthy and well, connected and cared about. And I'm always thrilled when I get to do so in a manner that also resists capitalism, but if the only people helping me do that are capitalists, that is who I'm going to fucking ally with. Because the work needs to be done, and I would like to die without the family curse of never feeling able to trust that people will survive if you pause for one moment making my bones glow in the dark.
So if your only reaction to that is to say I should heroically struggle in ideologically pure isolation because Capitalism Bad but also in Big Rock Candy Communism my work won't be necessary so it's not like you feel any need to help me?
Yeah, you're my enemy. Get out of my fucking way.
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Hello darling, you know we want to know more about Sai'rish and Sarfaraz
We want to know everything
Age, pronouns, favourite colour, who's human and who's not
The pretty ocs are conquering the world ✊️
Sai’rish Venedum-Mortiferous
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Sairish is dying but used to be a popular name within Islamic regions such as the middle east and southern Asia. The name itself means many things but its core is magical and glamorous.
She’s a viboran noble lady ( bastard child) and her other side is hidden for now.
Sai adores her name; it came purely from her mother, with no influence from her father or grandmother. The meaning that it’s a needed sunrise in times of darkness, that she herself means something mystical and beautiful. Adores it. Flattery gets you everywhere with home-girl.
Her nickname is Sai. others: sweetheart, birdie and scumbag.
Age immortal, however, she’s mainly written about from when she was young to her early twenties. 
On the other hand if I ever write a modern au she’s probably 37/39.
Again, how old she looks depends on when I’m writing her. But she’s one of those girls that’s adorable as a child, a literal doll but she grows up a bit too fast. You can see the maturity in her face, soon enough she always looks a couple of years older than she is.
Eye colour is this beautiful green, it’s striking, and it lulls your senses before she does strike.
She’s a blind bat, okay jokes her eyesight is fine. I just think it’d be funny if in the modern au shu or ayato try to show her something and she has to squint and go let me put on my glasses before she has any clue what’s going on.
Pretty girl she is, the beauty standard of regency. She’s a 5’5, curvy girl, all soft and warm. Every time she puts on that custom-made corset you know no one can raise their eyes past her collar bones.
She’s my pretty brown girl, beautiful bronze skin, think Rebecca Steam from monster high.
Her hair! Omg her hair. A big part of her mother’s race, the longer, thicker, shinier your hair is more people croon over you. It’s like the only beauty standard they really have. She has these thick goldilocks waves but she has shiny black hair, that looks red in the sunlight. It falls to the back of her thighs, since she’s unmarried, when she’s a child it’s kept in 2 braids over high on her head and falls majestically down her back, decorated with pearl pins. As she grows older she has these two braids that coil like snakes till they join together in a braid over her shoulder.
It’s this gorgeous thick braid, with multiple little strands braided, decorated with gold chains and amulets and strung with pearls and emeralds.
Whilst viboras don’t really care for leaving their hair open or not, very rarely will you see sai doing it because it is seen as unclassy or of lower standing even.   Again very rarily will you see it strung with flowers as its a sign of prostitutes where her mothers from.
There is however a special garland of flowers that she can attach to her hair but that's on the day she gets married.
And yeah, she makes her maids untie every single braid, comb it, oil and perfume it and tie it again before bed, only to wake up and comb it and wash it before tying it again. 
Current fav song: superbass by nicki minaj
Sarfaraz Ferdous von Nuremburg ( sarfaraz ferdous)
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Oh he’s a sad little bastard but what can you do? He tends to discard the von Nuremburg part of his name even though it's on his passport and his birth certificate.
Sarfaraz’s and his family are big romantics at heart. His name is another pretty popular islamic name, often meaning respected, blessed,king or pride. But the reason his father chose it was because it can also mean compassionate.
Ferdous is from his mothers side, it means heaven as it is literally on of the seven levels of heaven in islam. 
Sarfaraz likes his name, he doesn't really have any strong opinions on it, but he has this inexplicable need to live up to it. When he feels numbs or feels hopeless he goes out of his way to be kind or help someone. He feels guilty that his actions are done with an indulgent greedy intention but it keeps him going.
Sararaz doesn't have many nicknames, his parents would call him son or my boy. All the other nicknames he received as a child weren't very nice. Bullying is something he’s seen in the face far too many times.
Age : I write about him through the years but he’s in the same grade as ayato and yui so 16/17?
He looks pretty much his age, however due to his asian heritage. Hair growth is very easy for him so every 3 days or so his stubble is back, give him a week and he has a beard and looks like he can graduate university.
He stays clean shaven though
He’s my little wasian boy, he has these dark grey eyes that look almost black in the dark and pure silver in the light.
He has the slutty black wire glasses but only wears them for his lectures because he’s short-sighted.
My boy is tall, the german genes put him at 6’3 he's around 85/90kg it fluctuates, but he’s your gym bro except he knows how to cook food.
Ah he's a light skin brown kid closest i can think of was the face claim i gave him
You know his hair, it's curly and messy but he's working on it okay. (no literally he's cutting back on groceries to afford his specific shampoo)
He’s kept it long, in ponytails, he’s gotten the buzzcut, he's grown it out again. It is very much symbolic of his state in life. He heard somewhere hair carries trauma. So every time he needs to discard some weight off his chest he trims it. Currently it's at shoulder length in this messy mullet that he’s trying to work out.
Current fav song: no other heart by mac demero 
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hiii, this might seem weird but do u have any head cannons for when the reader is pregnant and how the Darkling would react?
a/n love this concept,, it's not weird at all!! i feel like there's so much here!! also i leave for college this month and im lowkey starting to freak out so ive been watching star wars movies for comfort 😭and now i have half a mind to write for them, especially the prequels (cough, cough,, anakin) 😭 😭 that should tell you where i am mentally
anyways lets get into the headcanons:))
- okay so like most of my headcanons, this is probably going to be all over the place bc i feel like so many different things could change how he would react. Like if the darkling x reader have been trying to get pregnant, or an unplanned pregnancy with someone he really likes, i also think whether or not the reader is a grisha affects his reaction too
- in general though, i think he'd lowkey have a breeding kink he'd def find something about the thought of you having his child really attractive bc for one thing, he wouldn't have to worry about being left alone and now he has an excuse to be a real 'protector'.
- also if youve read my other headcanons i am 100000% convinced that he has this thing where if he really likes someone he needs them to need him (let's all remember the whole 'i will strip you of everything you know and love speech until I'm your only shelter' speech he gave to Alina)
- also i kinda want to write a fic or blurb series or something that's just the darkling being super toxic in super thoughtful ways LMAO if that makes sense, like he's being super sweet but it's to make sure the reader is dependent on him
- and he def wants to be the protector to give himself some sense of assurance bc he's so desperate to not be alone anymore and bc the reader is the only person he has/loves, he wants to feel in control and like he's the less attached one
- okay,, let's get back to the pregnancy thing, anyways, your pregnancy is most definitely activating all of those senses and this was meant to be a sub plot but it kind of became it's own thing lol
- so lets get to the actual pregnancy reaction
if you two have been trying to get pregnant:
- when you tell him, he kind of like, pauses bc it's not every day that he gets surprised so it takes him a moment to register that he's experiencing shock lol, so he tenses and goes islent
- and then after he realizes that he's surprised and that it's bc of a good thing, he manages to relax
- meanwhile you're kind of freaking out bc he got so quiet?? you start to wonder if he's regretting ever wanting a child with you? and you're like two seconds away from a downspiral and then he...
- he touches your cheek and looks at you in a way you've never seen him look at anyone,, not even you
- the look is so warm and strong and full of fierce admiration that you feel foolish for ever thinking he didn't want this. And then he says something about how you're carrying his child and how he didn't realize he could adore you more and then he kisses you and it's all :)) warm:)
- he doesn't want anyone to know that he's expecting a child as long as possible bc of how many enemies he has and how he has to worry about you enough when people just know that you're his 'lover' (a title you never really liked, but one he tells you is necessary to make sure no one realizes the extent of his attachment)
- if you really want to tell your mother or someone of that relation, he won't be mad about it, but he just needs to know
- Genya is the only exception bc the darkling basically instructs her to look out for you,, but when you tell her she's like oh?? you guys just found out?
- miss girl most definitely noticed like a day and a half ago after you cried bc she couldn't find you ice cream the other night 😭and she just assumed you knew but weren't ready to tell anyone
- okay so this what i think is his most problematic expecting father trait would be. So i just ranted about how important secrecy would be to him but he's also the most overprotective person in the entire world,, like he was bad before but once he knows your with child?? yeah, if a man asks you about the weather, he's done for
- he's next to you in a second, ordering either you or the man to do some asinine task
- if you get mad about this (rightfully so) or even just point out how nothing is wrong and you having a casual conversation with a man who isn't even looking at you sexually won't hurt you or the baby, he'll lose rationality
- it depends on how much you push, but it'd be super easy to make him super possessive bc like i said, being bonded by a child has made him so much more intense (and he was pretty intense before)
- and if you push too much he'll lowkey forget about how cautious he's trying to be with you and pin you against the nearest wall and say something along the lines of 'are you already forgetting you're mine? that i own you, body and soul--is my child growing in you not enough of a reminder? because i'll give you another one if you need it.' (AH--i want to write a whole fic based on this line)
- also if the reader is grisha, especially if she's a sun summoner/special grisha like him, he def talks about the power that they've created and how proud he already is and how he can't wait to train together and be the most powerful family in the world
- not everything is perfectly happy though, bc now he feels more pressure to complete his plan and establish the world he wants his child to be born into
- so sometimes when he's working extra hard or is extra aggressive for no reason, you have to work at calming him down and reminding him that the best thing he can do for his child is be there for them (and the child's mother,, lol)
- sometimes he'll respond by actually listening to you and trying to make up for his absence or his aggression by being extra soft until you finally forgive him
- you never last that long, it's hard to be mad at him when he's coddling you and whispering such sweet things about he's so happy to have you and your future child
- overall, his first reaction is to swell with emotion, which he isn't used to, and so he becomes super protective but also extra lovey and you know that his overreactions are just him trying to show that he cares about you and your future child more than anything
If the pregnancy was unplanned:
- the initial reaction is pretty similar, only his state of shock lasts longer
- like i said at the beginning, he's not used to being surprised and an accidental pregnancy is so much more surprising than a planned pregnancy
- this really sucks for you bc he's not exactly known for his patience so you just kinda sit there and genuinely wonder if you're going to be a single mom or if you're going to want to deletus the fetus or something
- but then he takes a step towards you and you see how he's looking at you and you just know that that fierceness has to mean something good
- and at this point you're scared and nervous and feel so alone so tears are pricking at your eyes,, so he wipes his thumb across your cheek to wipe away tears you won't let spill
- he then whispers something really sweet about how you two are now together forever, as you should be
- it's really relieving bc you felt so alone and uncertain and he's such a smooth speaker that by the end of the night, you feel like this is a good thing
- if youre still hesitant/weighing your options, he's not above trying to (gently) manipulate you into thinking that what he wants may be the only way
- by that,, i don't mean outright tricking you bc he means everything he says, but he def is pushing the keeping the baby agenda,, especially if you're a grisha,, and even more so if you're a grisha with similar power levels to him
- he won't get angry at first bc he's not so out of touch that he's unaware of how shocking a pregnancy is to a woman who wasn't planning one,, but his patience is limited and if you fight it too much he will get mad and yell
- but unless you really don't want to have a child, it won't get to that bc he makes the idea of having a baby with him sound so perfect?? like you genuinely don't understand how he did that
- he chases away all of your worries and assures you that youre not alone and that even though it isn't planned he wouldn't rather anyone else carry his child
- the initial conversation would probably end in you two sleeping together again bc he finds the fact that you're carrying his child so attractive and bc being aware of the pregnancy makes him more possessive
- it's also a good way to fight any of your doubts
- speaking of being possessive though,, i feel like he could be a little more possessive/protective of a reader who didn't plan on getting pregnant bc your relationship has been less established
- no one sees you as anything to him and he doesn't want to start rumors now bc it's important to him that his enemies don't find out about you or his future child so he doesn't want that to change
- but he almost forgets about all of those reasons each time he sees a man get a little too close,, especially if that guy is flirty
- it takes all of his will power to not just go 'she's mine and if i wasn't worried about the stress that witnessing something violent would cause our unborn child, you'd be dead already, but if you're not gone by the time i turn around, i'll forget about caution'
- lots of close calls ngl!! at one point youre like 'if it bothers you so much, maybe you should tell someone??' and he's like 'no,, maybe,, shut up' and then you raise one eyebrow and he just closes his mouth and is like 'i mean,, i'll kiss you to shut you up, haha--dont be mad'
- youre the one that's pregnant but sometimes you think he might be the one experiencing the mood swings i swear 😭
- so your little theory gets tested,, he's not the type to gossip with his besties and be like 'guess who's officially my girlfriend, i knocked her up but it's not like it sounds--'
- so he's like ig you can tell genya
- once again genya is like ?? yall thought you were keeping that secret? couldn't be me
- but having it a little out in the open helps ease him just enough that youre actually capable of consoling him when he becomes jealous
- still though,, he's quick to go into possessive/pregnancy kink sex
- youre most def not mad about it,, unless pregnancy has you particularly sore
- he's normally pretty understanding about that and def doesn't mind pulling his weight in the bedroom when he needs
- honestly he'd be really good at being a source of calmness at the beginning, but as time goes on he becomes more and more worried about finishing his plans bc he didn't expect to have a child right now
- so he'd be more adamant about working/becoming more tense and would be more difficult to console if it was an accidental pregnancy
- when you call him out on it--or on anything while your pregnant--it's frustrating for you both bc the number one thing everyone knows is stress is bad for baby, so he's trying to keep you calm without backing down
- these argument always end with one of you clinging to the other,, and then the more angrier of the two just like shuts up, rolls their eyes, and lets go of the argument...at least for now
- the main difference between an accidental and intentional pregnancy would probably be how you perceive him,, bc an intentional pregnancy means youve talked about things but since you havent talked about anything your shocked about how soft he becomes ??
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Derek x Reader
Requested by Anon
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December Event
Derek watched as you looked around his loft. He’d finally decoded to get a few bits of furniture. Though while you looked around the sparsely furnished room you couldn’t help but notice the lack of seasonal decor.
“Do werewolves celebrate christmas?” You asked curiously. Derek sighed and looked at you. He’d been sitting on his new sofa, pretending to read a book and watching you over the edge of it.
“Yes. Well… It depends on the werewolf. We used to when I was little.” Derek answered. “When you were little.” You said as you finished walking around. It hadn’t occurred to you that his lack of family might be the reason for celebrating.
“Yeah. I never really got it back then. We would just get together and eat a lot of food.” Derek shrugged casually.
“You didn’t like Christmas when you were little?” You asked him slowly and he shrugged again, this time not saying anything. It definitely hadn’t occurred to you that Derek even as a child wouldn’t have liked all the lights and decorations and being given gifts. Though you could imagine a younger Peter revelling in being given gifts for free.  “You’re skipping Christmas! Isn’t that against the law?”
“Well… why would I. Isaac is with Scott and Boyd went off with Cora. Not much point if it’s just me.” Derek put the book down as he spoke and frowned. You were looking at him with wide eyes. You seemed to be vibrating on the spot as you grinned at him.
“Derek!” you said with excitement.
“Yes?” He said hesitantly. The last time you’d looked at him like this, you’d hit a crazed werewolf with his car which totaled it, but did save the day.
“Derek! I’m spending christmas alone and you’re spending Christmas alone!” You said excitedly.
“Yeah. It’s just another day…” He started to say but you’d already picked up your bag off the metal table you'd dumped it on.
“Wait here! I’ll get all my decorations and… I guess my tv so we can watch movies and we can have christmas here!” You said cheerfully.
“But isn’t your place already decorated? It’d make more sense if I went with you?” Derek muttered. He started to stand but froze when he heard you coming back his way.
“That is such a good idea! You pack a bag and I’ll start your car and meet you down in the car park!” You said giddily. Derek smiled until he realised that you’d taken his keys. He grabbed a few things and shoved them in an old duffle bag and ran down the stairs of his apartment to stop you before you drove off without him.
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“Harry’s stylist, right?”
Summary: Harry and his personal stylist are great collaborators, on screen and off. She helps his visions come to life and in turn they’ve become close friends. As she helps him to bring his fashion dreams come to life during the Fine Line era, will some other dreams come to life as well?
Harry and his stylist go from colleagues to friends to lovers because they’ve been in love with each other from the jump
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this fit is very important to this part lmaooo - I literally have no idea what to call this lol, anyway I've been sitting on this for forever and I wanted to get something out for yall and i love this story there will be a part 2 when i get to a writing mood. I love this story bc its my literal dream - anyway!! pls enjoy and reblog and lmk what you think :)
Word Count: 14k | Warnings: swearing, drinking, tame for now, should be smut eventually - aka slow burn (what else would you expect from me at this point i guess)
part 2
“Hey, H, I just had a question about one of the SNL outfits? Do you have a sec?”
Harry looked up from his phone and raised his brows at his stylist, Y/N.
Y/N had worked with Harry previously. In photoshoots for Another Man magazine and his most recent Gucci campaign. As well as some other random times, such as one-off award show looks and specific appearances. However, this past summer Harry had hired Y/N to work fulltime for him, exclusively. He had told her that he was planning on releasing his second album in the winter and he wanted someone there to help him plan his clothes for music videos, award season, interview appearances, as well as tour outfits.
Y/N stood just inside the doorway of the room, leaning her back against the wall, looking expectantly at him. Her eyes were wide and her lips were pursed. She was dressed simply in a white satin skirt and a matching cropped button-up, they both had cream flowers embroidered on, paired with horsebit slim Gucci mules. Her style was eclectic, but she had definitely noticed an increase of Gucci in her wardrobe since starting her employment with Harry.
Y/N’s passion in life was fashion and clothes and she constantly worried that one of Harry’s outfits wouldn’t deliver as much as she wanted it to. He was quick to tell her not to worry so much though, as long as they both were happy with it, how could anyone else not love it. Plus, he’d always add, it didn’t really matter what anyone else thought. But as more and more events began to crop up, Y/N’s worry over her work grew. She had only been the head stylist for Harry on projects that were still underwraps - except for Lights Up which had been released a couple weeks ago now.
The first project she ever worked on with Harry as his full-time personal stylist was the Lights Up music video. She had never worked so closely with one person for so long on just one project. Harry was insistent in vision and came in the first day filled with ideas, what he imagined for the video's concept and how he wanted to incorporate clothes. She had been happy to make his dreams become reality.
The two of them spent hours at his house for weeks, pouring over every detail of every outfit he planned to wear. They both wanted it to be perfect. And eventually, it all came together, exactly how they had planned. All of the garments for the video took up two entire garment racks. Y/N had made Harry pose in every single outfit for polaroids that she dated and then put into a lookbook she started for him. She had told him she planned to document every outfit she styled for him and Harry had been so excited. The outfits he wore in the video were received with praise when it was finally released, and Harry and Y/N were overjoyed. There was already a party for its release, but they both were especially happy that night. Throughout the evening, Harry and Y/N would gravitate to one another and fall into side conversations about the outfits and what people had been saying. Even if Harry said it didn’t matter, he and Y/N both knew, at the end of the day, they loved when people were happy with their work.  
“Sure,” he bounced to his feet, but Y/N made a hand motion telling him that he could stay seated. He settled back down as she crossed over and sat beside him on his couch.
She was at his house in London today planning his next few appearances that were promotion for the upcoming album, Saturday Night Live was next. Harry had been taking a break from their work until she had come in.
It wasn’t unusual for Y/N to be at his house, they had been working together for months now. First, it had been for his outfits in his music videos that were filmed in late summer and early fall, like Lights up, but also a few other ones. Now, it was clothing for promo appearances, interviews, and listening parties. Next, it would be tour outfits, which she had already started planning, but officially, they hadn’t started discussions yet. Harry had helped her to get a flat closer to his house in London just for her to be able to head over and help with the planning or fitting of his outfits more easily. She also was constantly traveling with him to his appearances, making sure outfits were perfect right before whatever show it was or making last minute adjustments in case either of them decided something wasn’t right.
While Harry was a big guy, his waist was far trimmer than a usual man built to his size, this meant she had to take in a lot of his trousers at the waist. As well, with his shirts and coats, she’d have to take them in or out depending on how Harry wanted the fit to be - either perfectly tight or perfectly oversized. He was particular, but she appreciated his drive for fashion and how he cared for his appearance. Before performances, she often had to take things in or out based on any body fluctuation that had occurred since the initial fitting.
She was looking at her sketchpad that held all of her notes on his clothes - which was different from the lookbook of polaroids - including patches of the actual colors and little Harry figures dressed in what he was going to wear. Right now, she had the pad opened to a page titled “SNL Opener - November 16, 2019”.
“So I was thinking with your opening monologue outfit, it might look better to have a different colored blazer? A matching yellow would be great, but if you did more of a toned down - maybe light tan or beige - blazer with gold embellishments, you’d elevate it to look sophisticated and stylish, rather than just stylish. It’d be exactly like the runway look - which I know you sometimes don’t like, but I think it’s what looks best.”
She ran her finger between two swatches of what she thought would be the better blazer color and the one Harry had originally wanted. He wet his lips and gazed at the page as he thought about what she said. Normally, she liked monochrome on him, but she thought the deep blue underneath a completely yellow suit might wash him out on the stage.
“Yeah,” he pointed to the top beige swatch, “I think I do like this better.” He paused and turned his head to Y/N, looking in her eyes before asking, “Is that all?”
“Er...no,” Y/N ran a hand over her unstyled hair, slightly fluffed by her constant musing of it. She often fiddled with it while she worked, better than biting nails she always said when confronted about her tick. After a sigh Y/N continued, “I was just on the phone with Jane from Gucci and she said that for Look 57 they could only send your technical size, for some reason they can’t custom make it. Meaning, I’ll have to tailor the whole thing to you when it arrives. Is that alright? Or do you want to choose something else?”
She flipped to a page that said “SNL WS.” Harry followed her hands and nodded realizing she was talking about the Gucci suit he wanted to wear for Watermelon Sugar. It was a watermelon’s inside red. When he had found out the suit came in that color, he had danced around the dining table for what Y/N had felt like was an hour, humming the tune of Watermelon Sugar excitedly. Finally, she had coaxed him to sit back down and get back to their other work, which was still picking out clothes.
“No, that’s fine,” Harry shook his head and used his thumb to scratch under his lips absentmindedly, “It really needs to be that color.”
She nodded, she knew what his answer was going to be, but she also knew he still liked to make the final decision.
“Alright, we’ll just have to meet for longer when everything arrives, to tailor that one. Then the rest of them should just be making sure the fit is perfect.”
She rose up from her seat and patted Harry’s shoulder, leaving him to his thoughts, as she went back to finish up the calls with Jane and the designers.
He caught her hand in his before she completely walked away, “Thank you, Y/N.” He was so grateful he had hired someone who was as driven as he was and understood his fashion sense and wanted to help enhance what he was thinking, rather than someone trying to control him or just going along with whatever he said. Neither would be productive or helpful, thankfully Y/N loved her job and cared to do things right.
She grinned before exiting, “H, you’re going to be this century’s style icon if it’s the last thing I do.” He laughed as she walked out of the room, leaning back on the couch to continue his lurking on Instagram.
One week later
“I’m here, H! I come bearing Gucci and more!” Y/N said as she shuffled through Harry’s front door, she held a deconstructed rack and a garment bag filled with heavy suits and things. Inside were Harry’s four most important outfits for SNL, some other garments for SNL, and some clothes they had talked about for his upcoming listening sessions later in the month. Y/N needed to check the fit on all of them and begin tailoring the Watermelon Sugar suit. The key Harry had given to Y/N, previously, had let her in, but she assumed he was home. He said he’d be.
When Y/N rounded the corner she found another empty room. Confused, she set down her large items and went to search for Harry. Y/N literally needed him to be here for this part. It was the only real time she actually needed to see him in person - but that was beside the point.
She wandered through the different rooms of his home. Normally, Y/N didn’t go into the other rooms, she was always mainly in his lounge area, the dining room, and a little casual office room he had - sometimes the kitchen for water, his bedroom once. Still not finding him, she decided to venture to the furthest door, Harry’s bedroom, she remembered.
Harry groaned at the sound of a knock on his door, he rolled over in his bed. After a few moments of hearing nothing else than his groan, Y/N felt like she had to go in and check on him.
“H, it’s 12:30 and we agreed we’d meet at noon. Are you feeling alright?”
Y/N moved into the room and found a shirtless Harry surrounded by rumpled sheets, clutching at a pillow. He groaned into his pillow again in response. Her legs bent at the edge of the bed and she reached out to smooth some of his chestnut hair out of his face, “What’s wrong?”
He moved his head to allow his eyes to look at her, “‘M so tired, don’t know why. My stomach kind of hurts too…” Y/N looked at him quizzically, before running her hand over his tan forehead once more, this time checking for a fever. “You don’t have a fever. When did you go to sleep? Have you eaten anything today?” With her help, Harry moved into a seated position, head tilted back against the bedpost. He sat silent for a moment before blowing air out of his mouth. “Went to sleep kind of late for me, I guess...Haven’t eaten.”
“Ok, you’re just tired from staying up late, you old man, and you might be a little dehydrated and hungry. Listen, I’ll go make you some food if you get up and prepare yourself for the day. We need to get all your clothes fitted so that I can fix anything before next week.” Y/N was always good at getting Harry back on track when he got distracted - or even out of the station, when he wasn’t in the mood to work on something. She slid from her perch on the bed and walked to almost the edge of the room before Harry called her back.
“Can you pick out my clothes for me?” His soft, tired voice whined. “So hard...and you’ve got the best eye. Pleaseeee,” he pleaded softly.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N sighed and made her way back into his room. Crossing to the door that led to his walk-in closet, she set to work. As silly as he was being, she could never pass up on a chance to pick out an outfit for Harry.
“You’re literally going to be changing the entire time, H, you could have just thrown on sweats,” she called back to him once inside the smaller room. He repeated how she always picked the right thing, even for just around the house. Again, Y/N rolled her eyes at Harry, but she also couldn’t hide the warm smile on her face that was due to his compliment.
She couldn’t believe how dramatic Harry could be sometimes. Right now, he was a lesser form of hungover and he was acting like his life was ending. Y/N had made a note a while ago to never agree to a meeting on the day after any partying. She learned the hard way one particularly terrible Sunday. She had come round his house at a similar time, noon-ish and found Harry dead asleep, backwards in his bed. When she had roused him, his only responses were grumbles and groans. She had to not only pick out his clothes, but also help dress him. Then, after providing water and aspirin, she moved all their work into his bedroom so they could work from there. Harry had proved to be a baby when it came to hangovers.  But, she hadn’t realized he could get like this even without being truly hungover.
After settling on his live aid t-shirt, that Y/N was eternally jealous of, located at the front of his drawer and his favorite corduroy trousers, she walked out and threw them in the direction of his toned, but slumped body. “I will not get you boxers, that is most definitely not in my job description, Boss.” Y/N sent a pointed look in his direction, moving to finally leave the room. While he was technically her boss as her employer, their work relationship was extremely collaborative and it never felt like he was in control of her, she just liked to give him shit for being a drama queen.
“Guess I’ll be going commando. How’s that going to work with me changing in front of you a bunch of times?” He teased right back, taking the clothes you had thrown at him and giving them a onceover. His teasing signalled that he was already feeling better.
Y/N shook her head and walked out of the room, “For the love of God, Harry, please put on underwear before you come out and continuously strip in front of me!”
The words he shouted after that were muffled, but they were something along the lines of how the human body is beautiful and shouldn’t be covered up. Unbelievable. As she set to work on making both of them some lunch, she finally heard Harry begin moving around. They had a lot of work to do as it was and whenever Harry was in a mood, whether it be a good mood or a bad mood, they always seemed to have a hard time focusing.
One night, that could be seen as the poster child for Harry and Y/N’s procrastination, was during the planning for the Adore You music video. Harry was in a super good mood that day and he had brought that energy to their meeting at his house. Y/N was supposed to be fitting him for the various outfits, but Harry, in his mania, ordered an overzealous amount of Chinese food. It took her and Harry hours to even make a dent in the food. And while they passed the time with eating, Harry and Y/N got further and further from their tasks, opting for conversations that included more fun topics than work. They had gossipped about some of the other people they worked with, Harry had begged for “the tea” about some of his other staffers and Y/N was happy to oblige. As much as Y/N would hate to admit it, she loved when they got off of work subjects and talked about how their day’s had been and what has been on their nerves lately. It was a nice way to decompress, it was like hanging out with a friend, except it wasn’t, not really.
Harry shuffled into the kitchen wearing what Y/N had picked out for him. Her smile grew knowing that he hadn’t changed what she’d picked. His confidence in her and her abilities never failed to feel like the biggest compliment.
“Go sit at the dining table, I’ve made us some little sandwiches and then we can decide the order we want to go through the outfits in.”
Before following Y/N’s orders, Harry continued his shuffling around, first to the cabinet for a glass, then to the fridge for water. At the end of the table, she set the plates between the head of the table’s spot and the one to its left. Harry took the side spot, so Y/N was on the end. After a bite of his food, Harry moaned loudly in contentment. This caused an amused look on Y/N’s face, there had been nothing special in his house so she had just made what was possible. This meant that Harry’s satisfaction was a little over the top.
“You’re acting like you haven’t eaten in a week. What did you do last night that got you in such a twist?” Y/N asked as she took a sip of her own glass of water. Harry nibbled at his lower lip after swallowing, trying to understand why he was particularly tired today.
“I guess I forgot to eat properly yesterday and then I went out running. And I stayed up late on the phone with,” he paused, eyes flashing to Y/N and then away again, “someone for SNL.”
Y/N hummed at his words before going back to her own eating. She didn’t understand why he hesitated about telling her he’d been on the phone last night, it especially irked her that he wouldn’t even say with whom. Professionally, it wasn’t really her business, but Harry was never secretive with her. Plus, it seemed to be work related so why was he being so flighty about it.
Moving forward, Harry peppier from eating and simply moving around, the pair set to work. They decided on trying on everything else first and then saving the Watermelon Sugar suit to the end. The other three main pieces for the night fit perfectly, Y/N had to only do minor reworks of certain areas.
“H, I need you to hold still…” Y/N interrupted Harry’s ramblings as she was crouched beside him.
She had to take up the hem on the pant legs so right now she was trying to pin them in the place she and Harry had agreed upon, without messing with the pleats.
“Sorry,” He mumbled, straightening out his back to stand taller.
He stayed quiet for a bit until Y/N popped back up, she looked at her notebook for reference on what she still had to tailor.
“Okay, next, the pants crotch is looking pretty fitted, so I assume you want it taken down a bit,” Y/N said as she got back into her crouching position. “Look in the mirror and tell me where you think letting it out looks best, I don’t have the best vantage point when I’m up this close…” she trailed off, placing her measuring tape directly on top of Harry’s crotch and running it down his leg a ways.
Once done with her first attempt at where she thought was best to let the pants out, she turned her eyes to the mirror that showed Harry in his suit with Y/N on her knees before him. Harry cleared his throat as he looked in the mirror, seeing Y/N with her eyes wide in anticipation in the position she was in made him want to run and hide. Her hands were extremely close to his dick, but it was literally her job, he knew he had to shake the thoughts that were running through his mind.
“Maybe just a bit further up actually, as much as I like the high waist with dropped crotch, I want this suit to have that specifically tailored look,” his hands motioned for Y/N to bring the drop up a ways.
Her hands then brought the measuring tape up, once again grazing over his area. Again, Y/N looked at Harry through the mirror for approval, and this time he gave it and she placed a single pin in the place where the pants would be let out to.
Standing up, Y/N hoped Harry didn’t notice the blush gracing her face. She was a stylist and used to being around naked bodies as well as touching around a man’s crotch when working. But Harry in this suit must have been magic, because she had felt extremely vulnerable on her knees in front of him in it. She had felt flushed the minute he hadn’t liked what she had done initially and she hated that she felt that way for some reason. Beginning to work on the sleeves of the suit set her at ease, Y/N was thankful to no longer be kneeling or in such close proximity to what was under Harry’s pants.
“Anything on your mind of late?” Harry broke the silence.
Y/N hummed with a pin stuck between her lips, folding up the suit jacket’s right sleeve. Plucking it from her mouth after a few silent moments, she said, “Not really, haven’t had time to do much else lately. Always thinking about you,” Y/N flushed as she realized what she had just said. “I mean, thinking about you like about your clothes and when they’re going to arrive and what I need to do about them, not you personally, sorry that came out wrong,” her blush intensified as she rapidly fumbled through her last sentence.
“Oh my god!”
While Y/N had gotten flustered with her words, she managed to stick the pin she was using straight into Harry’s flesh. She immediately removed the pin from where it had stuck him.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, H, we’ve got to get this off. I need to make sure you’re not bleeding onto the suit.”
Y/N rushed around to Harry's backside and began slipping off his suit jacket as Harry chuckled and began to unbutton the shirt as carefully as possible.
“‘S alright, Y/N, if there’s any blood on the shirt it’ll blend in, blood is practically the same color.” She glared at him through the mirror and Harry continued to laugh, “That is not funny, H, I shouldn’t have stuck you in the first place.”
“No, no,” Harry hushed Y/N as she began to slip off his shirt from one side to the other, taking off the sleeve on the side she hadn’t poked, “you’ve got so much on your plate with all the planning for the upcoming events. Then you worked yourself up over a little slip.” As Y/N carefully unbuttoned the cuff of the sleeve to try and slip off the shirt with the least amount of blood on it as possible, Harry finished with, “I wouldn’t mind if you were just thinking about me, though, an’ not the clothes.”
This time, Y/N was very in control, not willing to let herself slip up a second time today. She didn’t know how to respond to what Harry had just admitted. It wasn’t like this hasn't happened before. Both of them were guilty of making little comments that made it sound like they were interested in each other in a way that was a little different than professional or friendly. But every time the other person always had the responsibility to shut the idea down or completely blow past what their counter had just said.
“Harry…” She began, it was soft and pleading, like she was saying she couldn’t entertain that idea. Examining his forearm, after pulling the shirt completely away and resting it on a nearby chair, she saw a little spot of blood protruding from the pin prick she had caused. “Where do you keep your bandages?” Y/N decided that it was best to brush past Harry’s words this time and went off to find his first aid kit. Harry stood there, shirtless, staring at the blood on his arm. It really wasn’t a lot and it wouldn’t have done anything to the suit, but Y/N was always so careful and never wanted to ruin any of Harry’s clothes.
On her return, Y/N came upon a shirtless Harry perched on the edge of the table, with one arm crossed and his other - that was bleeding - being held slightly away from his body, as if Harry was afraid to touch it. His posture was slumped so Y/N could see his spine curving beneath his tanned honey-soft skin and his shoulder blades slightly flexed. While most of Harry’s body was covered in tattoos, she noticed how the closest tattoo to his back was the small line drawing of a guitar on the back of his left shoulder. Other than that his smooth back was bare. Y/N found it interesting that Harry had never chosen to ink his back. She jogged lightly back into the room and Harry’s head turned to watch her approach. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he regarded her. She noticed he was being particularly quiet, but she had no idea why. Maybe he was still tired.
Y/N set to work on finding the correct tissue, neosporin, and bandage for Harry’s small wound. As she worked on fixing up her mistake, Harry’s eyes followed her movements. Green eyes flickering between her hands on his arm and her own eyes focusing on her task.
“After this, I actually can just head home and finish the rest of the work,” Y/N said as she unpackaged the bandage, “I already know where I need to take in the suit sleeves and the shirt’s sleeves were looking fine. So, I can get out of your hair and you can get to sleep early tonight.” She placed the nude toned bandage over Harry’s arm, she was a little sad to find he didn’t own fun bandages. That was something that she expected from Harry, but she resigned that maybe she didn’t know everything about Harry.
Before Harry could speak, Y/N continued, “Don’t rehearsals for the show start tomorrow? When are you flying to New York?” She ran her hand over the bandage, smoothing it in place. Her hand lingered there as her eyes looked up and met Harry’s. Harry twitched his arm away from Y/N’s touch and scratched his nose slightly.
“Yeah, I’m flying out tomorrow morning. When are you set to fly out?”
“Friday. I’ll get in before the final dress rehearsal and then I’ll be there for the show.” Y/N stepped back and began to rehang the suit jacket and shirt that they had discarded in her haste to not get blood on them.
Then Y/N stood there staring at Harry. He looked at her slightly confused by her doing nothing when she said she was leaving. “Pants, H.” She said finally when she realized he had forgotten he was still wearing the suit pants. “Oh! Sorry,” Harry exclaimed as he began to unbutton and remove the pants he was wearing. He handed her the pants and she exchanged them with his live-aid t shirt. He took it graciously before slipping it on and disguising his toned body beneath it. Then he took his pants from earlier and fully redressed himself.
“Damn!” Y/N said and Harry’s head flipped to watch her as she began to put all of the clothing back in their garment bags and take down the rack.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just pinched myself with the rack, I’m all left feet today.”
“Here,” Harry chuckled as he walked over to help Y/N, “let me help you with all this. Just in the boot of your car, yeah?” Y/N nodded and smiled in appreciation for Harry. He grabbed her keys laying on the table and then took the rack and a garment bag. Even if things sometimes got tense between them, for whatever reason, he was always quick to move past it and be thoughtful and kind in the best ways for Y/N. After shaking her hand out, she grabbed the last garment bags and followed Harry out to her car. Harry shut the back of her car softly and turned to face Y/N, she stood beside her car door, ever so slightly leaning against it. He walked to her side and smiled.
“I’ll see you in a week,” he said before wrapping his arms around Y/N’s much smaller frame. His body was radiating heat and it felt good against Y/N in the crisp night air of London. She pressed into his hold and wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him hard. “Less than...Can’t wait to see you make an absolute fool of yourself out there.” Harry protested her tease with a small, “Hey!” but mostly focused on his hands on her back and the way her hair felt especially soft under his chin. Finally, Y/N pulled away, “Kidding! You’ll be amazing and you’ll look killer while doing it.” She winked before opening her car door and driving off. Harry was left with the lingering scent of her perfume and shampoo mingling in his nose.
It was the Saturday night, November 16th, 2019.
Harry and Y/N were in his dressing room before the show started. His outfits for the night were lined up, except for his opener one that Y/N had just dressed him in. His first change would be for Light’s Up, then a couple skit outfits that had to be moved elsewhere for quick changes, then the Watermelon Sugar suit, and then finally his end of the show casual look. The opener looked incredible, it’s fit was impeccable and Y/N knew people were going to love it.
She stepped back from Harry to give his whole body a once over, the SNL hairstylist had just blown out his hair and given him a sort of middle part. It definitely looked good and paired with the suit - Y/N could already tell it was going to be a hit by all accounts. Harry grinned back at her, doing a little dance to show just how much he was loving his clothes and how excited he was.
Grabbing the lint roller, Y/N gave the lapels of his suit jacket a once over and then moved it slightly out of the way to roll the big collar of Harry’s shirt and the bits of the body of the shirt that were showing underneath the jacket. Basically, Y/N was lint rolling over Harry’s clothed abs. Apparently, that was a ticklish area for Harry because he began to squirm and giggle under the tool’s touch.
“Seriously, H?”
She smiled as she said it, so excited for Harry that she couldn’t be mad at his relestness.
“Can’t help it. ‘M so giddy. Plus, I’m a wee bit ticklish.”
Y/N gave him a single laugh before removing the lint roller and smoothing over the shirt against his stomach and then over the lapels when she put the jacket back in place. She adjusted the Gucci reader’s she was wearing today, that were more for decoration than anything, but she liked to pretend they made her see better.
“You look smashing, Mr. Styles. Absolutely gorgeous, if I do say so myself.”
“Are you talking to me or the suit?” Harry asked as he flipped to look in the full length mirror in the dressing room.
“Can’t it be both?”
“Sure,” Harry said, he noticed the clock and realized it was his time to get in places. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on Y/N’s cheek, “It’s my time, thank you, Y/N.” She blushed at his words and actions. As he walked out the door, she called after him, “Break a leg, H!” He sent a final air kiss in her direction before completely disappearing.
She looked at the clothes hanging on the rack in the room and palmed over the fabric. Checking the lapels and brushing the lint roller over the, she finally stepped back and was happy with how they looked. When the show was just about to start, she flitted to the part of backstage where she could watch Harry perform. She giggled along to his monologue and grinned whole-heartedly when the crowd would roar with approval. Y/N had heard all of the jokes already because of the dress rehearsal yesterday, but it didn’t matter. Harry was killing it. She also took time to appreciate how good Harry looked in his suit on stage. In front of the lights and all the people, his suit shined brightly with the pops of blue and yellow and the oversized grey-iege jacket. His soft chestnut hair billowed perfectly to frame his forehead as he sipped from the faux martini. Y/N bit her lip to stifle her laugh. The fact that Harry, her boss and friend, was up on the Saturday Night Live stage with pink and blue nails sipping from a faux martini, it was perfect.
When Harry came back for his first performance change Y/N was right there waiting for him.
“Hi, that was really good,” she smiled up at him as he began to take off his coat.
He smiled brightly back at her as he exhaled a hefty breath, “You think so?”
“Yes! C’mon, everyone loved it. You delivered it all perfectly…” she took over undoing the buttons on the shirt because Harry was moving too slowly. “I’m in a man band now…” Y/N mumbled under her breath before chuckling.
“Did you just imitate my accent?” Harry said, now pulling off his sleeves.
Y/N moved around his back to take the shirt to hang and grab his Lights Up outfit. They worked like a well-oiled machine together, constantly taking over roles to get things done more efficiently, but never stepping on each other’s toes.
“Nope,” she winked before handing him the black sequin jumpsuit and exchanging it for his yellow pants. After rehanging the pants and bringing over Harry’s different set of boots, Y/N said, “Y’know, I’d have to say that your hair is giving your suit a run for its money.” She placed the shoes on the table beside Harry and began to fix into the place different parts of the jumpsuit, moving to zip up the back and then coming to the front to smooth it.
“What do you mean?” Harry looked in the mirror and delicately touched the edges of his hair, considering Y/N’s statement.
“No one ever really sees it how it is, nicely blown out but not too much product so it falls to frame your face. What’d you tell the hair person you wanted?” Y/N stepped back to allow Harry to change his boots from one Gucci pair to another, like he did with most of his wardrobe.
“Just told them to make me look mature. You think it looks good?” He looked up at Y/N when he asked the question.
“Think it looks sexy, that’s what I’m saying, no one’s gonna be able to focus on your clothes with how good your hair looks.”
“Ah,” he deftly runs his hands down his suit as he looks in the mirror.
Y/N just stares at Harry, checking him over one more time. She wasn’t lying about his hair, it was sexy and she wanted to run her hands through it to feel how soft it was. In a complete friend way of course.
“I like it…”
“It looks like you just rolled out of bed, but the bed was made of angel feathers.”
Harry laughed at Y/N’s description. He shifted his body to face her more and moved closer to her in the process.
“Alright, you should probably get back out there,” Y/N closes the gap between them and adjusts the chain of his jade and silver crosses and brushes over his broad shoulders.
They’re professional touches, but her movements hold an undercurrent of intimacy that neither of them realize. If anyone had been looking on, they would see how Y/N’s fingers delicately caressed Harry’s skin right before she cradled the pendants to move them in place. They would also see Harry instinctively lean forward into her touch and breathe slightly deeper to take in her scent. When she brushes over his shoulders, he straightens up at the touch and shows he’s ready to get back out there. It’s as if she prepared him to go.
Harry sings Lights Up and the crowd loves it. Sarah kills her drumming and Mitch eats up lead guitar. The backup singers bring out a different tone to the song. It is all around an amazing performance.
As Y/N clapped along with the crowd from backstage, Aidy Bryant approaches her.
“You’re Harry’s stylist, right?”
Y/N turns her head at the woman next to her, “Yeah?”
Aidy smiles, eyes slightly gleaming, “Well, you’re wonderful at your job.” As Y/N is about to thank her, Aidy continues, “And Harry knows that too, he talked about you all week. We all thought you were his girlfriend at first.”
Y/N laughed lightly and had to keep herself from letting her jaw drop at Aidy’s words. She even choked a bit on her own spit and had to cough slightly before even being able to think of a response, “Well, um, yeah...no, H, Harry is just my employer and...friend. No dating, we just get along well. Which is important since we spend a lot of time together - for work of course!”
Aidy smiled sweetly at Y/N, “Yeah, Harry explained that when Beck asked him how long you’d been together. At first he had said a couple months and then said ‘wait, Y/N is just my stylist, we’ve been working together for a couple months’ and then we all felt really dumb.”
“Don’t feel dumb,” Y/N reassured her, unsure why she was actually continuing this conversation, “He loves to talk about clothes and that’s where I fit in to his life, so I’m sure my name would come up a fair bit. Was that it?”
“Yeah I guess, but-” Aidy began to say more, but Y/N cut her off.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry, but Harry’s finished and I’ve got to go help him change for his next song.”
Aidy was left in Y/N’s wake, chuckling to herself, fully reassured about the reason that they had all thought Harry had been dating Y/N. Because they already acted like a couple. And they were both helplessly in love with one another and neither of them knew.
The rest of the show went off without a hitch. Harry continued to wow the crowd and Y/N sent him off from his dressing room always looking fabulous. Just as he was about to walk back on stage for his final farewell, Y/N noticed a tiny string on his trousers zipper. Unable to stop Harry and unable to grab at the string without looking odd, she had to let him walk on stage with it. It wasn’t actually a big deal, but Y/N sighed in annoyance because she knew that string was going to bug her for the rest of the night.
“Treat People With Kindness!” Harry finishes off his farewell.
Applause begins to sound and the cast is out front hugging and chatting, while Y/N is watching from the side still fixated on the string on Harry’s pants, now simply dangling. Finally, they begin to clear the stage because it’s time for the after party. Y/N knew there was no stealing Harry away to fix the problem that was now fixated in her mind. Every cast and crew member was trying to talk to him, congratulating him, hugging him, anything to spend time with the incredible man. Y/N couldn’t blame them, but she also wanted to be able to go some place quiet and debrief with Harry about his outfits. She wanted to look up what people were saying about his clothes and discuss the critiques with Harry. She also wanted to start discussing what was coming next with Harry. But most of all, she just wanted to hang out with Harry.
What Y/N wanted wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, which she knew, but it still only grew her annoyance with that string. If only she could get it off of him, maybe then her mind would be able to relax a little.
She meandered backstage, resigned she wouldn’t be talking to Harry for a while. There she went to find the band’s dressing room, knowing she would find Mitch or Sarah who she’d be happy to talk to. They weren’t ones for the spotlight and no one ever really seemed to want to brownnose with them at events like this. Y/N had met them a few times.
The first was when Harry had asked Y/N to meet him in the studio in mid July, Mitch and Sarah had both been there helping Harry finish up something for the album. Y/N never asked what, she liked music quite a bit, but when it came to the technical part of it, it went completely over her head. Harry had introduced them both and they seemed lovely. After that, she had seen them around for an event or two of Harry’s. It wasn’t much, but it was more than any of the other people around right now.
Just as she was about to knock on the door it swung open, revealing Harry’s entire backing band. “Hey,” Y/N said sheepishly, “Harry’s being fawned over by the masses and I don’t actually know anyone else here. Is it alright if I hang out with you all at this after party? I doubt there’s going to be anyone really dying to meet the stylist.”
She smoothed her own clothes as she spoke. Y/N wanted to look professional tonight because sometimes when she was dressed in more fun or “young” clothes she got mistaken for someone who had snuck in. The only thing that got people to not question her authority to be where she was, was a card that read ‘staff’ that she would clip onto whatever she was wearing at places like this. Tonight, she chose a pair of purple plaid pants, a sleek lilac tank underneath a cream knit shawl, and cream Gucci mules.  Ever since Harry took an interest in Y/N’s pearl necklace, she had largely stopped wearing hers because she hoped never to be photographed matching with him. However, she had known the pearls would have completed the look, even putting them on in her hotel room, twisting a pearl in her hand as she looked in the mirror, and then taking the necklace off again and settling on a different silver necklace instead. The ‘staff’ card was clipped to her pants pocket tonight.
“Of course!” Sarah said as the band began to file out of the room, “You might want to take your tag off now, though, you’re done working for the night.”
Her laughter rang sweetly through Y/N’s ears and she smiled back before removing her identifying card. She hated the piece of plastic and was glad to take it off, it never went with her outfits, but she had gotten tired of taking out her business card every time someone asked what she was doing. Y/N was sure that during the tour she’d be fine without it, but as Harry’s show appearances were beginning to ramp up she knew it would be helpful to have.
“Thanks...you all were amazing out there tonight. Second time on the SNL stage right?”
The group of you began to walk in the direction of where the after party was being held. Mitch piped up, “Thanks. Yeah, I love their box stage setup, it’s pretty cool.” Y/N was happy that she had people who were easy to talk to so that she wouldn’t be alone tonight.
Arriving in the room of the party, they were all quick to grab the alcohol that was being provided at the pop up bar. Y/N wasn’t normally a fan of drinking at events like these, mainly because she was not usually invited to this part of the night and when she was she wanted to be alert. But she figured there wasn’t much else to do so she took a hearty sip of the champagne. It was a little sweet, her face scrunched.
“Too sweet?” Mitch questioned when he saw Y/N’s face.
“Just a little for my taste.”
“Harry’s not going to be drinking tonight then. So particular about his alcohol,” Mitch continued.
Y/N laughed, “Well I’m glad, then I don’t have to deal with him being a baby about his hangover tomorrow.”
Mitch quirked an eyebrow at Y/N’s statement. Sarah and the others in the band had dispersed to mingle with the SNL party goers, leaving Mitch and Y/N to their conversation.
Realizing what she said could be seen as slightly weird out of context, Y/N quickly started again, “because I’m supposed to go shopping with Harry tomorrow. He wanted to go to Gucci and a couple other stores here before flying to LA. I’m going back to London until the listening parties, so we need to figure out the finishing touches for those and..” Y/N trailed off trying to remember which looks weren’t completed yet for the next few shows, Mitch waited patiently, “a few of the suits for the Late Late Show. He’s not happy with one of them so we might switch it. But anyway, you know how he is with a hangover. Proper child.”
Mitch threw his head back in laughter at Y/N’s serious look that she gave him. “Yeah, he can be...a lot. I meant to tell you, Harry looked great tonight. All of the clothes were fantastic,” Mitch added.
He was kind and Y/N appreciated him sticking with her. The two of them had rested themselves against a wall near the bar, sipping their champagne and enjoying each other’s company.
“Thank you.”
Mitch opened his mouth to say something else, but Heidi Gardener, another SNL member interrupted.
“Y/N, right!?”
Y/N and Mitch both turn to her, equally taken aback by the sudden burst of energy from this person they didn’t really know. Y/N nodded.
“Oh my gosh! You have to tell me where you got the jacket Harry is wearing!”
Heidi even goes as far to point in Harry’s direction. Y/N knows what she’s talking about, but her eyes still wander to where she pointed. Harry stood in a clump of people, surrounded by Ben Winston, James Corden, and the Gerbers who had all come to watch. She sighed as she watched his eyes shine as he laughed with a smile on his face. She hoped that by now the string had fallen off his pants by now, if not she was going to kick herself later.
“Oh, it’s Bode,” Y/N’s eyes coming back to meet Heidi’s happy face, “but it’s custom made from a vintage blanket. There’s only two that exist.”
Y/N and Mitch watched as Heidi’s face dropped.
“And I’m pretty sure the designer owns the other one,” Y/N added, “Sorry.”
Heidi smiles and jokes, “Know any ways I could possibly get Harry to give me his?”
“He loves that coat. I have no idea what you could possibly do to convince him he didn’t need it anymore.”
“Sex, probably,” Mitch says under his breath.
Heidi doesn’t catch it as she walks back off and Y/N turns to swat him with her free hand.  
“What? He always gives away his clothes to girl’s he has crushes on.” Y/N rolls her eyes at Mitch’s words.
“Probably best if you don’t inform the masses about that,” a new voice says.
Unbeknownst to Mitch and Y/N, Harry had broken away from his entourage to steal a few minutes with his two friends, his best friends if he was being honest. They laugh together as he wraps his arms around their shoulders and pulls them both into his chest. Y/N feels the warmth radiating from Harry’s body as she snuggles into his side. Her hand wraps under his jacket and around his waist to squeeze right about his hip bone. His face is gleaming with a small sheen of sweat, but his smile is so big she barely notices his perspiration as he looks down at her.
“Heard you were talkin’ shit?”
Mitch quips, “Us? Never.”
Harry scoffs, “Come off it!”
When he releases Y/N and Mitch from his grasp, Mitch straightens up while Y/N’s eyes immediately go down to Harry’s crotch. She’s not paying attention to their conversation as she tries to make out in the dim light whether the string is gone or not. The men realize she’s not listening and they both follow her gaze.
Confused, Harry asks, “Y/N, any particular reason you’re staring at my dick?”
Her head shoots up, eyes wide and cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
“I wasn’t!”
Mitch laughs and decides he wants another glass of champagne right then, mumbling something about how that was his cue. Harry smiles, knowing she wasn’t doing what he had said, but still intrigued to know what was going on in her mind.
“You had a string right on your zipper and it’s been bugging me since you went out for your outro. This is the first time I’ve seen you on your own and I couldn't exactly go up to you in a random crowd and grab at your crotch. But now I can’t see in this light…” Y/N bit at her lower lip and furrowed her brow still trying to see if the string was there.
“Have you really been thinking about it this whole time?” Harry asked, slightly concerned.
“Yes...I know it doesn’t matter, but I just want your clothes to look perfect.”
Harry takes a deep breath as he makes a small smile at Y/N. Then he brushes over the front of his pants, hoping he removes the string if it's still attached to him. “There, I’m sure it’s gone now. I’m sorry you had to worry about that. Just know everyone I’ve talked to has been raving about the clothes.” He placed his ring-clad hand on Y/N’s upper arm and squeezed it.
“You did an amazing job,” Y/N said.
Harry pulls her into his chest one more time. This time without Mitch so both of Harry’s arms go around her shoulders and both of hers go around his slender waist. Again her hands disappear under his coat and thumb over his warm white t-shirt, her face resting on his chest right next to the word ‘Sex’. His arms tighten around her back as they rest there for a while. Y/N always has to make herself pull away, knowing that Harry will stay there for as long as he can - in anyone’s embrace - and remembering they’re in a public setting, she didn’t want anyone to assume things, even if she had already been made aware that people had.
“We’ll debrief more later tonight, yeah? The champagne is terrible so I won’t be drinking,” Harry said.
Y/N laughed under her breath as she smiled at his words. Mitch and her knew Harry too well. She nodded about getting together later, “Alright. Get back to your fan club.” Harry narrowed her eyes at her words, not sure if she was trying to sound sarcastic or not.
Hey, I’m back at the hotel. Just let me know when you want to debrief :) x
Y/N texted Harry the minute she got back to the hotel, she had no idea if he had left before her or was still at the after party. All she knew was that it was late and she was starting to get tired. Still, it was important for them to talk about their plans for tomorrow and she also really wanted to just be with him alone. Whenever they would debrief after big events Harry and Y/N would laugh at all the outrageous stuff they had seen go on throughout the night.
When she was still a freelance stylist she had helped Harry to plan his Camp outfit at the Met Gala. That night, they never even went to bed and had to debrief about the clothes the next afternoon over tea at the Palace. Both her and Harry were recovering from their exhaustion and nursing equally terrible hangovers. But there they were, sitting in the center of the dining area of the hotel, being served some of the nicest tea and sandwiches Y/N had ever had. It was amazing. Y/N had never felt that rich in her life before and Harry had told her the craziest stories about the most famous people in attendance. It was almost unbelievable what these people would reveal to Harry and Y/N was happy to listen to all of it, promising to never tell anyone else. That outing was probably the first time Harry realized he really liked Y/N and wanted to work more closely with her.
While tonight wasn’t quite as wild as the Met Gala had been, Y/N was still excited to hear any funny stories Harry might have in addition to their clothing talk. They really hadn’t had much time to chat since she had gotten to New York yesterday so it would be nice to just be alone together. Even if Y/N chalked their debriefs up to ‘shop talk’, she was always very excited for them.
As she reached her hotel room door, her phone buzzed with a message from Harry.
I’m still out, but should be heading back soon. Up to you if you want to wait up or we can just debrief in the morning while we shop. x H  
Y/N sighed at the message, she wanted to wait up and debrief before tomorrow, if not for alone time with Harry but professionally for being able to plan out their shopping tomorrow. Where Harry was carefree, Y/N was meticulous and planned out. She liked to have fun, but she knew when she had to get her work done, even when Harry was off in his own mind. Their work styles mostly coincided, Harry could be serious and focused, too, but often when he was surrounded by all his famous friends he had a hard time saying ‘no’ to whatever came up. So Y/N knew that Harry’s definition of ‘soon’ could range from actually soon to almost dawn. She really hoped he actually meant soon, so she shot him a text saying:
Just knock on my room and if I open it we can debrief lol x
Harry smiled down at his phone when Y/N’s text came through, slightly chuckling before double tapping and placing a heart reaction of her text. Then he was pulled into the limo that one of his friend’s had gotten them and was handed a flute of champagne.
Back at the hotel, Y/N threw her phone on the bed and decided to change and simply settle in for the night. If Harry made it back, he made it back and if he didn’t she’d wake up well rested.
Maybe thirty minutes into scrolling on her phone, Y/N heard a rough knock on her door. She was actually quite surprised that Harry had indeed been back soon. Rising from her snuggled place in the bed, she shifted around her night clothes and padded to her door. There stood, rather hung, a slightly disheveled Harry. His hair was whipped into disaster, something was smudged on his face, and she noticed a stain on his t-shirt that hadn’t been there the last time she’d been with him.
He slurred her name as he stumbled through the doorway. Y/N closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation. She was in awe that somehow Harry hadn’t gotten off his ass in the past hour and a half.
“What happened to not drinking tonight?”
She walked beside him and helped shove him into a sitting position on her bed. He flapped his arms, chaotically trying to get his plaid jacket off. Throwing her phone in the direction of her pillow, she moved to help Harry with his jacket. After quite a bit of strugglings, Y/N finally got the Bode jacket off of him successfully and threw it onto the nearby chair. Sighing, she settled beside him.
“So, Harry, care to explain?”
“Hi, Y/N…” He swayed slightly, attempting to face Y/N more. She threw out a hand to his shoulder, gripping him tightly to try and steady him.
“We went in this limousine, and they had champagne - good champagne - and I drank a bottle or so pretty quickly.”
“Or so? Oh Harry...I mean you’re free to make your own choices, but I don’t know if this was one of your best.”
“Wasn’t...wasn’t my idea. I was planning on just going back to the hotel. Then James convinced me to come out for a bit. Then the champagne was looking good so I went for it.”
“Like I said, you can make your own choices,” she patted his arm and went to the en suite bathroom to wet a washcloth to clean off his face.
“So, is it champagne on your shirt or am I going to have to go through hell to get the stain out?” She called.
Harry groaned and leaned back on the bed, fingering at the crisp white sheets. “Champagne,” he finally muttered as Y/N reappeared into the dim room, only the outside world and the light in the bathroom lighting this area.
“And on the face?”
She climbed onto the bed and kneeled beside Harry’s prone body, beginning to swipe at the smudge on his face. He tilted his head to face her, bringing the cheek with the dirt to lay facing perfectly up. His jawline showed perfectly and she felt the strength that laid beneath the skin she was washing.
His eyes flitted up to her face, trying to stop the spins he was currently experiencing. He hadn’t thought he was that drunk until he had been required to find his way up to their floor on his own.
She sighed, running the washcloth over his cheek once more, and tried to push the image of some woman (or man who wore lipstick, she guessed) with her lips all over Harry’s face. She didn’t want to know who it was or why it was. It was too hard, especially after the day of people asking her about Harry and her relationship and insinuating things about him and his romantic life. She just liked to keep the words Harry and romance apart as much as possible, it made her life easier that way.
“It was only from-”
“It’s ok, Harry, I don’t need to know who you were…” She stopped herself, not even wanting to say ‘kissing’ or ‘snogging’ or even worse ‘shagging’. Adults were human beings and they could do a lot in an hour and a half. And again, she didn’t want to know.
“You keep doing that. Are you mad at me?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Calling me Harry, not ‘H’. Is it because you’re mad at me?”
“No,” she sighed, shifting to sit more casually, “No, I’m not mad at you. I just wasn’t expecting you to show up at my door like this. I try not to worry about you, but then when you show up like this, it kind of affirms I had reason to be concerned.”
She took a hand and smoothed over Harry’s tousled hair, he rolled his head back to face the ceiling. “Like I said, you’re an adult, capable of making his own decisions. And, I am just your stylist. I’m just glad you made it up here and knocked on my door. Probably would have given someone else a fright.”
He laughed, starting to sober up as the spinning in the room stopped. Her hands on his face and hair were soothing and sobering.
“Thank you for caring about me, love. And going beyond being just my stylist, you’re my friend Y/N.”
His eyes flickered shut and Y/N stared at his soothed features. His words were still slurred and she was sure the use of love was just his britishness slipping through his drunken state. The part about being more than a stylist, she tried to push it away, telling herself not to read more into it than her heart would like to. Even though he said she was a friend as well as a stylist and not anything more, it still sent so much joy through her body. He didn’t just see her as a work colleague and he had said it. But in his inebriated state, Y/N didn’t want to take everything he said as gospel.
She moved him up the bed with a little bit of his sleepy self’s help into a more comfortable position. It was pretty late now and she wasn’t going to kick him out. It would have been rude and unkind and that were two things Y/N rarely was. She went and grabbed the extra blanket from the cabinet and draped it over Harry’s large body for extra warmth since he refused to get under the covers. She also slipped off his boots and stained shirt per his request before getting into the other side of the bed and falling asleep.
She awoke to a shifting body beside her and she sat up confused as to who it could be. Quickly, Harry showing up drunk at her door came flooding back and she turned to look at the groaning Harry beside her. His arm was thrown over his face as he moaned, just waking up as well and experiencing the first bits of his hangover. This was going to be a long day.
“Hullo,” his voice was especially low, groggy and hoarse from the night before. He peaked over at her from behind the crook of his elbow. His eyelids barely open and his eyelashes weighing them down so much so that she could barely see his sleepy jade eyes.
“Good morning, H. Have a nice rest?” Y/N sat up and began to ready herself for the day, rummaging through her suitcase for an outfit and moving about the room.
Harry’s arms went to his sides as he worked to sit up, eyes following her figure as she moved around, seemingly not groggy very much unlike him. “Erm...I’m sorry for showing up pissed.”
“S’fine, H. Just glad you didn’t end up in a ditch or someone’s bed - someone’s that you might regret…” She barely regards him, throwing a single glance his way before shuffling to the bathroom to change. She knows they’ll be photographed today, it’s almost inevitable right now. Everyone knows Harry is in New York and people are buzzing to see him after his performance last night. She slips on the 70s inspired dress, the v-neck and long sleeves settling perfectly on her frame, it hugs her curves and lands around mid-thigh. Rolling on the bold mustard yellow tights and strapping up the brown leather mary jane heels, she looks herself over in the mirror. She then tries to tame her hair and do the rest of her routine, knowing she needed to get on with the day, shopping first and flying home second. Making sure Harry was okay was also on that list, but she couldn’t pretend like she wasn’t a little disappointed in him after last night.
When she returns, Harry is sitting with his legs hanging off the edge of the bed, head hanging as he’s hunched over himself. “C’mon, you gotta get going, kid. Lots to do today.” She’s pacing over to Harry’s deflated figure to pick him up and prompt him to get moving. When she arrives by his side his head lifts and his now more awake eyes stare up at her.
“I’m sorry for yesterday, really. I mean it.”  
“I told you already. It’s fine.”
“It’s not - or it wasn’t. You called me ‘Harry’ last night. I don’t think I’ve heard you call me that to my face since we started working together. I took your answer last night because I was swimming in it, but now, thinking about it. I know you were upset.”
She huffs, taking a seat beside Harry on the bed, choosing to not look at him, slightly confused why she had been so upset and why he was pushing it. “Ok, yeah I was annoyed, but I was also genuinely worried. I didn’t know you could physically get that drunk in that small amount of time. And then you show up at my door with somebody else’s…” Y/N falters, catching her slip up and deciding to fix her gaze on her shoes and their intricate design built into the leather.
“You’re upset that I had lipstick on me?” He’s trying to meet Y/N’s gaze, but her eyes are really interested in her shoes. His tone is confused, he’s trying to understand what’s going on in her mind.
She scoffs, risking a glance to Harry but then returns quickly back to her dress this time. “Please...it was just inconvenient for me, okay? Thought we were going to debrief and stayed up late for you. Then I had to take care of you after you hung out with your famous pals and I had barely even seen you all day. Felt a bit used.”
Harry shifted in the bed, turning to face her by tucking one leg beneath him. He places a hand on hers that was placed on the end of her dress. Her eyes finally meet with his and she feels her breath slightly catch in her throat. His eyes are piercing, his gaze intense, maybe even a tinge of anger. “Y/N, I would never have come to your room if I even had an inkling that this would be how you’d interpret it . Even though I was drunk, I wanted to see you, that’s why I came up here, because I wanted to be with my friend, one of my best friends, not because I just needed some pushover to care for me.”
She sighs, feeling icky still about the whole situation. She sometimes found herself in fights that she never intended, she wished she hadn’t said anything at all. But she also knew that wasn’t healthy either. Flipping her hand, she intertwines her fingers with Harry’s and smiles for the first time that morning. His expression softens at it. “Look, I’m sorry too, H. It honestly wasn’t that big of a deal, but I appreciate that you’re such a great guy and boss to want to truly apologize and make sure I’m comfortable and happy… Oh, and I promise I’ll never call you anything but H from here on out - unless you tell me otherwise.”
He cackles unabashedly at her words, before suddenly clutching at his temple with his free hand. “Fuckin’ hangover,” he mumbles. She smiles and stands up, beginning to throw his shirt and shoes from the end of the bed at him, “You need to get ready. Go pop some advil or whatever. My flights at 5 so we haven’t got all day, H.”
“There she is,” Harry grins, beginning to put back on the stained ‘Sex’ shirt.
As he hustles out of the room, shoes in hand, she calls to him one last request, “When you’re in fresh clothes make sure you bring me that stained shirt. Gonna have to spot clean it when I’m back in London!”
“Of course! And we’ll debrief as we shop, yeah?”
The two of them were shouting to each other as the door continued to close on them. Chuckling to herself, she begins to pack up her room, knowing she had to check out before they left. Her spirits already lifted, she doesn’t even notice as she throws Harry’s forgotten Bode jacket into her suitcase with some other items that had been on her chair. She wouldn’t notice it until she was back in London unpacking from the trip.
Shutting the case, she springs back up from her crouched position and walks to look in the full length mirror again. Her fingers run the length of her dress, leafing over the slightly darker brown embroidered flowers that were woven into the tan fabric. She squints as she turns sideways and pops a heel up behind her. It looks good, but something is missing. Rummaging through her carry-on she pulls out her old butterfly bandana she used as a head scarf and begins to fix it into place on her head. Placing large sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, she feels like the look is complete and gives herself some poses in the mirror; a peace sign, an air kiss, a Marilyn Monroe. She laughs at herself.
A knock on the door shakes her from her childish fun. Straightening up, Y/N saunters over to the door, swinging it open with ease. “H?”
“You ready?” Harry stands in a fresh pair of Marni trousers paired with a striped orange and mauve Marni sweater. He, like Y/N, had this thing about wearing the brand you planned to shop at. He didn’t always stick to his rule, but he usually didn’t like to wear Gucci when he shopped at Gucci.
“Yeah, just need to check out and drop my baggage at the front to be held for later.” Y/N slips through the door and notes how his outfit compliments hers. She wouldn’t mention it, but it's something to think about since he had known what she was wearing. She wasn’t sure why she noticed things like that, if asked, her answer would probably be that it was the stylist in her, just her job.
Stepping out of a black town car on the side street next to Gucci to go in the side entrance would never get old for Y/N. She had never really enjoyed the idea of fame, but from a young age she had known she wanted to be able to afford the finer things in life. Going into the Gucci store now, especially with Harry, was like going to the candy store once you’re a grown up and can buy whatever you want rather than what your parents will allow you to.
Today, Harry and Y/N didn’t have as much time as they would usually like to spend in the store, but they were just happy to be doing what they loved. Y/N had been ecstatic to find out Harry found shopping to be an essential part of his life and that he liked to do his outfit shopping in person rather than online. Trying on clothes and picking out things you liked just was so much more fulfilling when you were in the physical store. Then make that all happen with Harry Styles as the buyer, then it was a real party. The stores liked to pull out their Champagne and clear the store to allow him privacy, specifically when it was for clothes for projects under wraps. In the beginning of her employment, it was only ever Harry who would do the trying on of clothes, but as the two of them got acquainted and comfortable with each other, she found herself trying things Harry would pick out for her. At first, she would veto some items saying they were too expensive for her, but eventually she learned that her new salary covered whatever it was. She had always enjoyed designer labels and choosing to be a stylist meant she had nice clothes, but only working for Harry had caused her closet to double in size and triple in value.
“So we are looking for some trousers today,” she tells the worker at the store, reminding them of what she had already called ahead about. The employee nods and proceeds to lead them into the room where they had laid out an assortment of pants for Harry to pick from.
“What do you think of these?” Harry walks out and strikes a pose, popping one of his hips to the side and his hands on his hips. The pants strain around his thighs, but fit practically perfectly everywhere else. His slim waist is perfectly encircled by the fabric and he’s decided the sweater he was wearing didn’t match them and he’d rather go shirtless. This choice technically should allow her to solely focus on the pants, but it actually makes her focus that much more diverted. She makes a spinning motion with her pointer finger as she purses her lips. He takes a quick spin and the boot cut slightly flares with his movement. The pants are a dark brown with a single plaid crossing in a lighter brown. They are only lightly flared, which she prefered to the extreme flare that some of Harry’s suits had. She narrows her eyes at the pants to keep her gaze from shifting to the taut muscles of Harry’s arms and torso or the dark ink that licked over his skin in the beautiful designs of his choice.
“They’re nice,” she pulls up a picture of the top part of the outfit he was planning on wearing, “Do you think they match with this though?” Harry walks over to her seated position and bends to look at her phone. His skin radiates heat and the smell of his cologne and she sniffles slightly with her sensitive nose. His eyes flicker to her face when he notices her little noise, but returns to looking at the phone when she doesn’t spare him a glance. She felt his gaze on her, but couldn’t bring herself to look from the phone. She knew his proximity would make it even harder for her to keep her eyes off his naked torso. The expensive smell of Harry mixed with the expensive smell of the store was a lot to handle.
“Yeah...no. You think they’re not right,” she widens her eyes at Harry’s words when he pulls away. He turns to the mirror in the open dressing room and fiddles with the waistline of the pants. “I agree,” he finishes before stalking back into the room and shutting the heavy velvet curtain that worked as the door to it.
He tries on five more pairs of trousers and finally settles on two pairs for the two different listening parties. A heavier, wool-tweed pair that was dark brown and then a lighter brown tweed pair. He was still in the lighter pants as he stared into the mirror. He beckoned to Y/N, and she quickly set down the flute of Champagne she had been sipping at lazily as he admired himself.
“Is it possible for you to take it in a bit more,” he says in a hushed tone to her, not wanting the workers to overhear. They were helpful but if they overheard they would wait for the store to tailor the trousers and he preferred for Y/N to do it. He rubs at the waistline again and she moves closer, her hands going to his sides. Her fingertips graze the naked skin above the trousers and Harry shivers at the coldness of the new touch. She ghosts softly over the waistline herself and smooths the fabric until she’s pinching a small amount on each side. She hums, pulling back from Harry and looking at the fit of them now, examining whether that makes them look better.
Then she nods and smiles up at Harry, “Ever the slender waist,” he grins right back as she admires him. She knew how much he liked praise and she was happy to give it to him, especially when he was so deserving. “I’d say size down, but then your thighs and bum might strain the fabric too much.” His face turns to a smirk as she blushes at her words. She releases the fabric and takes a hand to pat Harry’s smooth chest before walking back to her seat on the lovely couch.
“You sure you don’t want to try anything on, Y/N? Saw some killer boots when we walked in that screamed you.” Harry calls from behind the curtain, presumably getting redressed. Her laugh comes through the curtain slightly muffled, yet still a sweet melody in Harry’s ears.
“Definitely not now, we’re leaving any minute. Plus, I’ve got plenty of Gucci boots, don’t even show me them or I’ll be tempted.”
His laughter rings through the curtains, loud and unrestrained. She smiles to herself, unable to discourage the pleasure that weaves through her at the sound. His presence in all the different ways she experienced it was instantly comforting.
When she arrives back to her London flat, she practically flops on her couch once she’s inside the door. Her luggage forgotten at the door, as she shrugs off her coat. It was around 7 am because she had chosen to take the red eye for some reason. She groaned as she thought about the day ahead of her. Even though Harry was halfway across the globe, she still had plenty of work to do. She had to finalize the outfits for the listening parties now that they had the pants to complete the looks. Then she had to start thinking about Harry’s December appearances. She had sent ahead his Late Late outfits that he had needed in Los Angeles for the pre-filming, but she still had to deal with the outfits for the live part of the show.
Today, she was set to go pick up the other pieces needed for the listening parties as well as items for the Graham Norton Show and Jingle Ball. She was most excited for her travels because that meant looking at brand new clothes that were perfect and gorgeous. She also knew she needed to spot clean Harry’s shirt, which didn’t spark as much joy in her tired mind.
The idea of the shirt staining with alcohol was what brought her out of her snuggling with her comfy couch. Sure, it couldn’t get that bad, but still she was a worrier and it would pain her if the iconic shirt got ruined. She padded back over to her luggage, now without her jacket or shoes. Her major suitcase got flipped on its side and she began to unzip it. It came open easily seeing as it was stuffed with her clothes and various items. She had to rummage a minute for Harry’s shirt that seemed to have run away inside the bag. Finally, the large white shirt made itself known and she grasped it happily.
As she looked over the stain near the collar of the shirt, her eyes traveled to a piece of fabric peeking out of her suitcase. It was a familiar blue, cream and white. A specific fabric she would never misplace, would never not recognize. Harry’s plaid Bode jacket. It was iconic and she loved it, but why did she have it in her suitcase. She definitely didn’t mean to have it, it’s genuinely just one of Harry’s jackets so it wouldn’t make sense for her to bring it back with the show's wardrobe. She tries to think back to yesterday, when she was still in New York. Thinking about why she would have it, she places the memories of Harry coming to her room, taking off his coat, and accidentally leaving it in her room all fit together. She must have just absentmindedly placed it in her suitcase without even realizing. She’s sure Harry wouldn’t mind, she’d shoot him a text, though, to tell him she had it. So he wouldn’t worry about whether he’d lost it or not.
When she gets ready for the day, she finds herself being drawn to blue and cream. Her outfit is understated and she just knows the jacket would finish the look. She loved that jacket and now that she had it, would it be a big deal if she wore it out. She figured it was fine. After she grabbed her purse, keys, and other essentials, she slipped on the coat. Harry was very broad shouldered and it hung oversized on her. She loved the look and snapped a selfie in the mirror before she headed out. While it felt a little narcissistic to constantly take photos of herself, she felt like as a stylist it was important to document her looks just as much as she documented her clients.
What she didn’t think about is just how much the rest of the world liked to document her client and those who were seen with her client. She didn’t think about how she had just been seen with Harry yesterday. That thought didn’t even cross her mind as she walked around the streets of London picking up her work. As she saw some photographers out and about (whom she assumed were for famous celebrities, not her). How it might seem with her wearing the Bode jacket Harry had worn on SNL two nights ago. The Bode jacket that there were only two of.
None of it crossed her mind. Not until it was the end of the day and she had a whole slew of texts from Harry’s manager. A few from Harry, and others but the other fifteen were solely from Jeff. She was a bad texter so as she walked into her flat and finally looked at her phone after putting down all of her garment bags her eyes went wide.
Please tell me you’re not out in London right now!
What are you wearing??
That cannot be Harry’s jacket Y/N
Please call me.
      - All from Jeff.
She grimaced. The others from her friends including Harry would have to be ignored right now. Even if Harry was her boss, Jeff was who she had to deal with when it came to public appearances and it didn’t seem like she could get around this one. Normally, she never had to deal with him, but it seems today wasn’t normal.
part 2
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