#like ah yes saying grace is a thing. how many times do you go to church. tf is a rosary. why are there so many prayers.
the-clay-quarters · 23 days
this bug ➡️🐞⬅️ is catholic
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ddarker-dreams · 10 months
play wrestling — scaramouche.
Occasionally, there are instances in one’s life where regret embeds itself too deep to safely remove. 
Standing here, your back against the literal and proverbial wall, you’re reacquainted with this humbling reality. A reminder of your mortality. What a delicate substance it is, easily extinguishable like a candle to some. 
Violet eyes piercing enough to sever metal regard you, unamused and faintly malicious. You can’t say you didn’t bring this upon yourself. He pins your wrists above you with one hand. His grip is tight yet falls short of being painful. As much as you want to look away, he won’t permit it, so you maintain unflinching eye contact to prevent ruffling him further. 
“Well?” There’s a sardonic lilt to his voice that makes you shiver. “I’m waiting.” 
You part and close your lips in the same breath. Asking him for clarification won’t do you much good, he delights in watching you piece together his dubious intentions. The satisfaction he derives from it is a bit worrisome. Nonetheless, he offers you one saving grace he’d extend to no one else — patience.
What led up to this unfortunate development? Ah, yes, you saw fit to poke a slumbering beast with a stick. Scaramouche had been too preoccupied to entertain your whims. So, you being the genius that you are, offhandedly remarked that if he didn’t want to wrestle around with you, Tartaglia would certainly be up for it. 
No sooner had his junior Harbinger’s name left your lips did you find yourself pinned against a wall. 
He sighs, long and drawn out, as if you’re the source of all his woes. 
“You’re the one who proposed this insipid game, the least you can do is see it through.” 
One of the best boons from being in Scaramouche’s orbit is how many insults he adds to your vocabulary. His lexicon is vast and impressive. 
Now that you understand what he’s getting at, you push back against your restraints, gauging how effective this method would be. He doesn’t cede any ground. His lithe body belies the immense strength he can wield. He restricts your writhing without overexerting himself in the slightest. Realizing a battle of physical prowess won’t end in your favor, you employ a new tactic. 
The corners of your eyes crinkle as you smile at him softly. 
“Kuni,” you speak the nickname he weakly claims to abhor, “Won’t you go easy on me?” 
The tips of the Harbinger’s ears turn red. He scoffs, turning his head to hide how effortlessly you fluster him. “Of course not. If I always indulged you, you’d become more insufferable than you already are.” 
“That’s rude.” 
“The truth often is.” 
While he’s preoccupied with your exchange, you twist your body, placing your best on the element of surprise. He’d need to quickly readjust the angle at which he’s holding your wrist to stop you. For half a second, you think you have him beat, but he leans in, using his torso to block your escape. A wicked grin spreads on his face at your little underhanded tactic. 
You swallow thickly. 
“Awe, don’t look so defeated! The effort was there,” he snickers. “Maybe next time?” 
“Don’t you have things to do? It’s not like you can hold me here all day, right?” 
He stares at you blankly. 
“... Right?” You repeat, chuckling weakly. 
“Hm, I don’t know. I’m starting to see the appeal to this game of yours. Let’s play a while longer.” 
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Hi hi!! I love your writing so much!! I saw you had a prompt list and was wondering if you could do number 11 with the Tenth Doctor 👉👈 I feel like that’s something he would say. Thanks I’m advance! 🫶
Guys I am indeed actually alive, it's just been a hot minute since I've felt any motivation to really come back and write things. But I am back, and I have no idea if I'll be consistent with this or not, it just sparked my interest again. I really appreciate all the consistent support from you guys!! <3333
Tenth Doctor x FemReader
"Yes I have feelings for you, moving on."
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"Y/N?! Can I come in???"
You heard a flurry of knocks at your bedroom door as an excited Doctor rushed in before waiting for an answer.
"Why yes Doctor you may enter my room," you laughed. "What if I was changing or something in here?"
"Well I uh.. It hasn't happened yet!" he fought back.
You giggled and rolled your eyes at how flustered he got, something that you noticed happening often. Although you just chalked it up to that being a part of his personality, especially when he has so many lovely women flirting with him on your trips together.
He flopped onto your bed and stared at you.
"So! What are we doing today hm? Go see the stars of Ntiri, or perhaps an alien market, or we could go back to the time of the Renaissance!" he ended with a flair.
"A ball sounds nice, like in France. Marie Antoinette times! But preferably without the Reign of Terror, running isn't exactly on my wishlist for things today," you pondered aloud.
He jumped up and twirled you around, making you go all the way up on your tippy toes.
"Well alrighty then Ms. Y/N! The Yew Ball awaits!"
You rush out to see him start slamming levers and pulling bits and bobs as your center of balance is thrown away like it wasn't even there in the first place. It always amazed you how the Doctor managed to stay up the way he did. He was by no means the most graceful man you had ever met, but the TARDIS didn't seem to throw him around the same way it did you.
As he pulled you up and brushed some stray hairs out of your eyes, a thought hit you.
"Yes love?" he replied.
"Where are we supposed to get the right attire for this? My blouse and blue jeans won't exactly fit in a 16th century setting."
"Ah, don't worry about that, I'll get it all sorted out for us," he grinned.
The two of you walked out of the TARDIS, finding yourselves in a storage closet of sorts. You walked out and around the corner, up so many stairs you thought you might pass out, and then finally a couple more turns before stopping at a large white door with gold details.
The Doctor rapped on the door gently before a small brown haired woman appeared in a plain corset and dress.
He whipped out his psychic paper and the woman's face lit up.
"Oh! Madame you must hurry the ball starts soon!!!" she chimed.
She yanked you into the room as you gave the Doctor a very confused look while he just simply grinned back at you.
You then spent the next few hours getting your makeup done and having a multitude of dresses shown for you to choose from. It took at least one of those hours to convince the women helping you to not make you wear a wig, even if it is a sign of wealth, you just can't stand the itchiness.
Eventually, you made your way to the main ball room, stopping at the top of the stairs. The Doctor stood with his hands in his pockets admiring the view around him opposite you.
As his gaze met yours his eyes lit up and a wide smile crossed his face. He was in a royal, no, TARDIS blue coat and pants, with a golden waistcoat, and creme colored tights that he looked very upset to be wearing.
The two of you met at the top of the largest staircase, where the other two converged.
"You look absolutely stunning Y/N," he whispered.
You were given a ball gown in the exact same shade of gold as the Doctor's waistcoat, with your corset and center piece of material a light shade of cornflower blue, complementing your complexion perfectly.
"You look rather dashing yourself Doctor," you cooed.
He bowed to you deeply, arose, then held out a delicate hand to lead you down the stairs.
You proceeded to wander around the room, talking to many couples, eventually getting to meet Marie Antoinette herself. She found you most exciting, and thought you were the most intelligent person in the room.
The night began to slow, and the Doctor was leading you in your final waltz for the night.
"Doctor, I wouldn't have traded this night for anything," you said softly. "Although we must go into the past more often, we don't go nearly enough."
"I agree, the nights are always wonderful with the one you love most..." he stated holding onto your hand even tighter.
"Wait.. Doctor say that again?"
You couldn't believe what he had just said, did he really just say that he loved you the most??
"Yes, I have feelings for you, moving on," he brushed off.
"Wait a minute you can't just move on from this Doctor! You really love me?"
"My dear Y/N, why in the multitude of universes, wouldn't I love you? You are the sweetest person I've ever met, you're strong, capable, and gorgeous to the moons and back."
You blushed and smiled fondly.
"Which moons Doctor?"
"Any of them love, as long as you come with me," he whispered, tipping your chin up and kissing you gently.
You felt a swirl of emotions that you never knew you could feel before, and even more as he swung you off your feet, and placing you down gently.
"Uh, Doctor.. I think we're being stared at," you pointed out.
The entire room turned to look at you both, A truly handsome couple, the queen thought.
He placed a hand around your waist and began leading you back to the TARDIS.
"Well then, they'll definitely be staring after they see us walking into broom closet together," he snickered.
Your mouth dropped but returned to a content smile, not believing the wonderful night that just occurred.
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shizunitis · 2 months
whats your favourite Binghe quote from canon?
Assuming we’re talking about Binghe’s dialogue? Either way, it’s this, from my absolute favourite moment in SVSSS:
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Other favourites, in no particular order, under the cut. Because of who I am as a person, you can’t ask me for just one quote.
“In a month, I want to watch every step of your fall from grace with my own eyes!”
“Luo Binghe, don’t be rash!” / “Too late!”
“Shizun, look at what l've become. Am I strong enough?”
“Being able to dream is also a wonderful thing.”
“I’m not even allowed to dream?”
“What have you done?” / “You tell me: what have I done?”
“Don’t touch him!”
“What’s lost is lost. I don’t blame you.” / “But that’s all I have now.”
“Ah, the loser I defeated.”
“Yes, I am a mongrel. The entirety of Cang Qiong Mountain was defeated by a mongrel. Glorious, isn’t it? […] Let everyone in all the realms know that Cang Qiong Mountain, the leader of the cultivation world, was slaughtered by a mongrel, powerless to fight back. How about it?"
“You overestimate yourself.”
“So Shizun can, at times, guess what this disciple is thinking as well.”
"You fear becoming a burden to Cang Qiong Mountain, […] but Cang Qiong Mountain fears not your burden." / “How many unbroken bones do you still have?”
“If Shizun sees me as no better than a beast either way, I might as well live up to expectations.”
“Go... Anywhere you want... Just don't stay here!”
"May I ask who's paying? […] It’s me. And I didn’t bring enough money. So, two rooms.”
“I always chased after you, calling 'Shizun, but in fact I was deeply afraid that it was just my one-sided wishful thinking.”
“He can say whatever he likes about me, but not about you!”
“I am a demon, so go ahead and attack me altogether, […] I don't care. But what has my shizun done to be attacked together with me?”
“I also missed you. […] Really, really missed you. There wasn't a single moment when I didn't miss you...”
And, of course:
“I have no father. I only have Shizun.”
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glassrowboat · 17 days
Worthy of Vespers. Argenti.
Summary: Just a drabble about an hc I have for Argenti where he's really insecure about the eczema on his hands
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is such a common phrase, to the point you've come to roll your eyes at it every time it so much as graces your ears. For you have heard it too often. When you're poking at acne you know not to squeeze out of your skin but your mind keeps telling you to go on and do it because at least then you could convince yourself you look pretty, when you're struggling to try on a dress, when-
There's too many examples to count.
For it's too common a phrase.
One shoved at you like hearing it will do your whirling mind any good besides adding guilt on top of your self hatred and pus covered fingers as you finally give in and squeeze the white head that had been haunting you all day with a dull ache on your forehead; blood replacing the disgusting dot.
If only you could understand what Argenti of all people saw in you.
Then again, that's the same man who looks down at his hands and hides the red, irritated blotches away with a pair of leather gloves. Covering the digits you have kissed again and again with lips reserved only for his ethereal grace as Argenti’s lips tighten, forcing themselves up into a smile. All for your sake.
So maybe your eye was tainted, unable to see something in the person staring back at you, but was he not the same? Picking at patches of skin in distaste.
“You can adulate a potted plant, but your own visage is too much of a task for you?” You whispered as he tried to pull away. To yank his hands from you as your touch fell on the flakes of dead skin, he had been trying to scrub, scrub, and scrub off.
“Ah yes, the blooming colors that glowed a sprightly green akin to the nymphs in tales of folklore. Only a painter could possibly bring such a thing to life, but it still laid before our eyes gracing us with its presence.”
“That's great, honey.”
“And you-” Argenti cut himself off as your fingers ran over the roses on his skin, blooming for all the world to see.
“Yes, and you. Can you say something like that about yourself?” You asked.
You knew he couldn't. You've asked before and Argenti had only confessed he missed his pure white hair, how it would curl under his fingers as he braided it back and out of the way before training the day away, but that was gone now, washed away like blood after a rainstorm.
And you also knew he couldn't even try. Not when his eyes were flicking back to the eczema spots that had his throat bobbing every time you brought attention to them.
“Oh my stupid Knight of Beauty, you may not see it, but to me, you are worthy of vespers and evensong.” With a wink you added: “And to be worshiped by someone on their knees before you.”
“Hardly.” Argenti whispered back.
“Verily.” You corrected him with another kiss.
“You are stubborn as ever.” Argenti pulled away from you, going to pick up the washcloth he had been using to try and scour his skin like it was a counter in need of a cleaning. It hung from his hold, dripping water as he squeezed it over the basin it had been soaking in. “Just…a little longer.”
A splash of water rang before you answered him. “Is that really what you want?”
“It is. Please, I'll be with you in a moment, my love. I promise.”
With a sigh, you nodded, stood up front the floor, and gave Argenti one last look as you caught sight of him hunched over in the mirror. All as he scrubbed and scrubbed, for as they say: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Our Dear Creator
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader/Creator!Reader
Summary: The men are assigned to be at your side at all times and even though they are your most loyal followers, you consider them to be your friends and protectors. These men are not only devoted to you, but they will not hesitate to kill for you if they have to.
Note: The summary made the story feel like it's a yandere story, but it's not 100% yandere (or yandere in general tbh)! To be honest, I didn't really plan on writing another "SAGAU" fic, this idea just popped up in my head when I was daydreaming in school 💀 This is just like a mini-ish collection of the men dealing with the reader, their dearest creator. The reader isn't a weak creator (they do have bad eyesight though), the reader is just too nice in certain circumstances. I think that's the best way I can put it. Anyway! There's a new series (that is in the current ongoing Isekai'd!reader series) coming very soon! Anyway! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of other than it being religious-themed. There are some things hinted at but not fully mentioned in the story itself. Mentions of blood. Slight yandere theme? Tbh, it's nowhere near it, but I'm throwing it in just in case.
Word Count: 9.7k
Want to read another SAGAU fic? Read The Lonely God!
Ever since you arrived in Teyvat, everyone has been scrambling to try and meet you or be in your presence. Your arrival was sudden and unannounced, but it wasn’t unwelcome. Everyone was ecstatic to see you and have you present in their world. Because you’re widely worshipped throughout Teyvat by many, you’re more likely to be hounded by those who worshipped you and desperately wanted you to grant them a blessing or answer their prayers. For the sake of your safety, twenty-five men are tasked to be your protector while you reside in Teyvat.
“Uh, Your Grace, you’re going in the wrong direction,” Diluc chuckles.
You pause in your steps, turn to look at Diluc, and blink at the redhead owlishly. “Ah, I am? Also, please, Diluc. How many times do I have to tell you all to call me by my name and not my title?” You sigh.
A small smile appears on Dainsleif’s face. “Yes, Your Grace,” you give Dainsleif a dissatisfied look, which he ignores. “You’re walking in the wrong direction. The way to Mondstadt is in the other direction; you’re walking towards Liyue,” replies Dainsleif.
Your eyes widen, and you look over to the left, completely forgetting about Dainsleif calling you by your title rather than your name. If you squint your eyes and look very closely, you will be able to see the anemo statue of the seven from a distance. But unfortunately for you, you don’t have the best eyesight. It’s a bit ironic, isn’t it? An all-powerful god such as yourself has a terrible vision. You squint so hard your eyes nearly shut. Zhongli and Al Haitham sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose.
Al Haitham says, “Your Grace, I believe once we get back to the city, we should get your visions checked out,” Al Haitham says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You blink at Al Haitham. “Are you calling me blind?” You tease, poking Al Haitham lightly in the biceps. 
Al Haitham’s eyes widen, and he begins to stutter out a response, his cheeks flushing pink. You giggle and shake your head, quickly reassuring Al Haitham that you’re merely teasing him. Al Haitham sighs and looks away, his cheeks crimson red with embarrassment while Kaveh snickers beside Al Haitham, earning a glare from the Acting Grand Sage.
Kaveh takes a step toward you and holds his arm out for you to take. “Unlike these fools, I’ll lead you to Mondstadt, Your Grace!” Kaveh announces proudly.
You smile and link your arms around Kaveh’s arm. “Then lead the way, Kaveh! And please just call me [Y/N]. I understand you’re all used to calling me by my title, but I’ve insisted that all of you call me by my name many times already,” you sigh.
“I don’t know….” Xiao trails off, propping his hands on his hips and staring at you intently.
Aether interjects, “Is it not disrespectful for us to call you by your name? You’re our creator, and we all respect you very much.”
You give Aether a big smile and shake your head. The warm glow around you seems to brighten whenever you smile; the tiny sparkles and glitter in the warm light shine brightly, nearly blinding the men around you. The warm glow around you is what makes you stand out from the citizens of Teyvat, and it makes you recognizable and easy to spot from afar. The glow around you is like a mood meter of yours. The light will shine brightly when you’re beaming with happiness, and when you’re sad or in an awful mood, the light is dimmed, but it’s still there nonetheless. 
The sight of your smile and the warm glow around you brightening made Aether feel some type of way. He can’t pinpoint what it is exactly, but seeing your smile made him feel warm and soft on the inside, his cheeks turning bright pink.
“Calling me by my name isn’t disrespectful, Aether! I am giving you all permission to call me [Y/N]. But if you all want to continue to call me by my title, then I’m not going to stop you!” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
Tighnari holds his hands up. “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want us to call you by your name? We don’t mind calling you by your name. Still, we don’t want other people to question why we’re not calling you by your title,” Tighnari says, crossing his arms over his chest while looking at you curiously.
“Not only that, but people will call us disrespectful for not calling you by your title,” Cyno interjects. 
You smile at them sheepishly. You’re not entirely sure if they’d be okay with you wanting to form a friendship with you. Yes, you’re a god, and you created everything that exists in Teyvat. However, the events that took place in Teyvat thousands of years ago aren’t your doing. You created the people and the world. The things that happen in Teyvat aren’t your doing. Heck, you don’t control the weather either! Why did it feel like you had deja vu just a second ago? All these thoughts, these feelings of yearning for friendship and connection, feel all too familiar.
You hum thoughtfully. “Alright, well, you can all call me by my title when other people are around. When it’s just the twenty-six of us, you can either call me [Y/N] or Your Grace!” You said simply. You turn to Kaveh. “Anyway, let’s continue our walk to Mondstadt. Please lead the way, Kaveh,” you say.
The birds are chirping, and the sun is high in the sky, beaming down on you and the twenty-five men. If it weren’t for the cool breeze, you and the men would’ve been feeling your skin burning. Zhongli brought an umbrella with him earlier to shield you from the sun and its UV rays, but you felt bad the others weren’t going to be protected from the sun either. 
Zhongli sighs and looks around. “Are you sure you don’t want me to shield you from the sun?” Zhongli asks.
“I’m sure! As I said earlier, the others didn’t bring an umbrella. I don’t want to be the only one that is being protected from the sun and its UV rays,” you reply, looking over the bridge and at the ducks and swans swimming in the lake below.
Scaramouche scoffs to himself. “Who said we didn’t bring an umbrella with us?” Scaramouche asks.
Everyone pulls out an umbrella and holds it up to show you. You blink at the men and unlink your arms from Kaveh’s arm. Okay, so everyone has an umbrella, after all. But you know they won’t be using it for themselves; they’ll be fighting each other to see who will be the one to shield you from the sun with their umbrella.
“You know what? I don’t need to be shielded from the sun with an umbrella. I’ll be fine! Besides, we should arrive in Mondstadt soon anyway,” you say.
The men around you grumble under their breaths, watching you walk away from them after refusing to be shielded from the sun. They wanted to protect you from harm, and UV rays are harmful to the skin. You stifle your laughter and continue your walk while the men remain in their spots, waiting for you to realize you’re walking in the wrong direction.
Heizou runs after you and grabs your arm. “[Y/N], you’re walking in the wrong direction again! Our dear creator really does have terrible eyesight, huh?” Heizou teases. You sigh and let Heizou steer you in another direction toward the City of Freedom. 
You are their creator. Everyone in Teyvat adores you. It’s not a secret that everyone worships you and has a shrine of you in their homes or at a huge shrine in each region of Teyvat. Without you, Teyvat wouldn’t have existed, and the citizens of Teyvat wouldn’t be here, standing before you and your shrine, worshipping you. The men swear to protect you with their life; no matter what they’re tasked to do, they will do it if you ask them to.
“Um. Does anyone know where my glasses are?” You ask, holding your arms out in front of you to make sure you didn’t bump or run into anything or anyone. 
Kaeya chuckles and leans against the table. “Why are your glasses not on your face, Your Grace?” Kaeya asks, smirking while watching you feel around for your glasses. 
“I’m not used to wearing glasses,” you huff, continuing to blindly search for your glasses. “I could’ve sworn they were here somewhere— Ow!” You screeched, clutching onto your toe and groaning and hissing in pain.
Childe runs to you, pulling you in his arms and carrying you bridal style. “Snookums— I mean, Your Grace! Are you okay?” Childe asks, holding you close to his chest and walking to the couch to gently set you down.
You’re too engrossed in your stubbed toe that you don’t notice Childe’s slip-up. However, the men stop what they’re doing and look at Childe with their eyebrows raised. Their hands are either propped on their hips, or they cross their arms over their chests. Childe mouths a “what” at the men before turning to you, grabbing the foot you stubbed and massaging it.
You sigh and cover your face with your hand. “I am rendered useless without my glasses,” you sulk, resting your head on the couch cushions. “But to answer your question, Childe, I’m okay. My toe hurts, though,” you whisper.
You don’t wear glasses, and now you do! After arriving at Mondstadt, you had an eye exam, and needless to say, your vision is so bad you’re almost considered legally blind. Therefore, you now wear glasses, and you have lost those said glasses. You have been wandering around your abode, searching for your glasses, only to fail. You could’ve sworn you placed them on your nightstand, but when you went to fetch your glasses, they were nowhere to be seen. 
“I’ll be returning to my room now. Since I cannot find my glasses anywhere, I’m assuming they’re still somewhere in my room,” you sigh.
You remove your legs from Childe’s lap and get up from the couch. Kazuha quickly stops you by grabbing your arm and gazing at you with amusement. Of course, your vision is too blurry for you to make out the expression on Kazuha’s face. You squint at Kazuha, gazing at him quizzically. Well, technically, you look like you’re trying to look at the sun.
Kazuha grabs something from the collar of your outfit. You look at Kazuha’s hands, not seeing what he’s doing to the object in his hands. Kazuha tilts your head and places something on your face. You blink, and your vision becomes clear; you’re able to see clearly, thanks to Kazuha. Kazuha found your glasses, and he put them on your face for you.
“Your glasses were hanging on the collar of your clothes, [Y/N]. It seems you have put it there and forgot about it after,” Kazuha chuckles. 
Ayato chuckles and shakes his head. “It seems like our dear creator is quite forgetful,” Ayato says, taking a sip of his boba.
You giggle sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. You’re not entirely a forgetful person, but because you have been occupied with visiting nation to nation, you forget about the little things. For example, leaving your glasses to hang on the collar of your shirt is one of them. You didn’t recall picking them up and folding them on your shirt collar. Maybe you need to rest and take a break from your duties as the creator of Teyvat. Starting now by going back to your bedroom and taking a much-needed nap. You’ve answered many prayers already, performed many blessings for the people of Teyvat, and spoken to those who have dropped by your shrine to worship you and drop off offerings to your shrine. 
“Your Grace, would you like for us to walk you back to your bedroom?” Baizhu asks, walking toward you and Kazuha.
You smile at Baizhu and shake your head. “Thank you for your offer, Baizhu, but since I have my glasses now, I won’t need any assistance to my bedroom,” you reply.
Venti giggles. “Besides! It’s not like [Y/N] is a senior citizen like block-head over here!” Venti pats Zhongli on the back roughly, making the former Geo archon put on a fake smile to mask his annoyance with the anemo archon.
You snort at Venti’s comment. “Oh, please. I am older than both you and Zhongli. After all, I’m older than Teyvat and the universe as a whole! Did that, perhaps, slip your mind, Barbatos?” You tease.
Venti blushes and looks away, the tips of his ears turning just as red as the apples of his cheeks. You have grown quite close with your loyal acolytes. Technically, even if they are your loyal acolytes, you consider them your friends rather than followers or worshippers, despite that is what they are before you arrive in Teyvat. You’re glad you’re able to form a close friendship with these men and not have it be awkward between the twenty-six of you. You’re grateful for the companionship, and you’re thankful for their assistance and willingness to protect you from harm. 
You walk upstairs to your bedroom after informing the men you’re going to your room to rest. When you arrive at your room, you take your glasses off and place them on the nightstand beside your bed. You lay on your bed and close your eyes, feeling yourself slowly drift off to sleep. Even though you’re a god and sleep isn’t necessary for you, you would take a nap and sleep as a way to rejuvenate. The days have been long and dragging for you since your arrival at Teyvat, but it’s something you’re not used to. You have been performing miracles and answering prayers day and night. But for some reason, when you arrive at Teyvat, you feel tired. Maybe it’s because you’re a part of their lives now, and you interact with the citizens of Teyvat almost every day because they will stop by at every chance you get. 
Fast forward to a week later, you informed the men (now your friends; you get giddy when you call them your friends) you wanted to explore Teyvat, and they raised their eyebrows at you. You stand in front of the twenty-five men, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Even though you’re the higher power and the creator of the universe, your asking them for permission to explore around Teyvat (a world you have built yourself with blood, sweat, and tears) was comical to you for some reason.
“I don’t think you need our permission for you to go out and explore Teyvat, Your Grace. You’re the one in charge here,” Albedo says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You laugh sheepishly and play with the tassel hanging from your lavish robe. “I know that, Albedo! But still! You’re all with me almost every hour of the day, and I wanted to ask if it’s okay with you guys if we go out and explore!” You say.
Gorou nods excitedly, his tail wagging fast behind him. “I wouldn’t mind going out and exploring Teyvat with you, [Y/N]! It’ll be fun, and you get to see the things you have created in Teyvat!” Gorou speaks up, smiling from ear to ear.
You giggle and clap your hands. “Great! I’m relieved you’re excited to go out and explore Teyvat with me! Perhaps be my guides while you’re all at it,” you say, reaching up and pinching Gorou’s cheek without thinking.
Feeling your gentle touch on his cheek, your skin against his skin, nearly made Gorou faint. Gorou’s cheeks heat up, the apples of his cheeks turn bright pink, and his tail wags even faster than it already was. You let your hands fall to your sides and turn to look at the men, who quickly act like they weren’t glaring daggers at Gorou not too long ago.
Itto takes a step toward you and throws his arm around your shoulder, pulling you toward his chest. “Well, if that is what our dear creator wants, then that is what they will get!” Itto announces, patting your head with his other hand.
“Great! Let’s get going now!” You say, getting out of Itto’s grasp and walking to the door to put your shoes on.
Thoma blinks at you and laughs nervously. “Uh, now? I thought we would be going tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow!” says Thoma, gazing at you curiously while tilting his head to the side. 
You turn to look at the clock on the wall. It’s only ten in the morning. It’s not too early, nor is it too late to go out and explore Teyvat! Plus, it's not like you’ll be dragging everyone to the corners of Teyvat. You want to explore one region first, then explore the following six regions after.
Pierro crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you have a region in mind if we’re going to take you around Teyvat to explore?” Pierro asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
Before you can answer, Pantalone quickly interjects, “We will be exploring the cities and villages. Ruins are out of the exploration options, Your Grace.” 
You nod. “Alright, deal! We will not be exploring the ruins, only the cities and villages!” You say. Then something dawns on you. “Wait, what if I want to explore the forests or the mountains?” You ask, propping your hands on your hips as you slip your shoes on your feet.
Dottore raises his eyebrows at you, but you don’t notice it because he’s wearing a mask. Dottore sighs and looks at the men around him. You’re a divine being, and yet you wanted to test to see whether you can withstand the sheer cold or not? You might as well visit Snezhnaya instead of Dragonspine if that area is an option in your exploration.
“Your Grace, I don’t think we should go to the forest to explore. While there are many of us, it’s easy to get lost in the forest,” Dottore says, frowning at you.
You purse your lips and point at Tighnari. “We have a forest ranger with us, Dottore! I’m sure he can guide us all in the forest of Sumeru without any of us getting lost!” You say, smiling widely.
You trot over to where Tighnari stands and loop your arms around his with a big smile. Tighnari blushes and nods in agreement while trying to keep a blank expression on his face. If you look closely, you can see the faint tint of pink on his cheeks. Since he doesn’t have human ears, Tighnari doesn’t have to worry about his ears being the same shade as his cheeks.
Capitano sighs and rubs his temples through his helmet. “If we explore the forest in Sumeru, please try not to wander off or get lost. We don’t want you to get lost in the forest,” Capitano says.
“Hehe, no need to worry about me getting lost, Capitano! If I do get lost, I’m sure all of you will be able to find me in no time!” You say.
You all immediately set out to explore the forest in Sumeru. To be more specific, the forest you’re all exploring is the Avidya Forest! It’s beautiful, and it’s enormous! You never cease to amaze yourself with the things you have created. You created so many things it’s hard to keep up with the things you have made and what randomly sprung into existence. 
“What do you think of the Avidya Forest so far, Your Grace?” Heizou asks, walking beside you.
You look at the surrounding trees in awe. “It’s beautiful! The temperatures here are quite nice as well. It’s not hot, and there’s plenty of shade that’ll shield us from the sun!” You say. You turn to look at Heizou and nudge him lightly. “And please call me [Y/N]! I know you’re all used to calling me by my title, but we’re all friends here! I’m not going to smite anyone for calling me by my name,” you say, reaching out and letting your fingers brush against the moss-covered trees.
Baizhu and Tighnari rush to your side. “Your Grace— I mean, [Y/N], you’re not allergic to anything, are you?” Tighnari asks, gently pulling your hands away from the trees. 
You blink at the forest ranger and shake your head slowly. “I’m sure I’m not allergic to the things I’ve created, Tighnari! I’m sure moss won’t pose a danger to me,” you say.
“[Y/N] is also a god, and I’m sure it’s rare for a god to get sick,” Thoma comments.
You and the men progress on your exploration in the Avidya Forest. It’s quiet between all of you. Not one person speaks aside from Tighnari. Tighnari leads the group through the thick forest, pointing at the interesting things you all come across during your exploration. Cyno decides to be the first one in the group (aside from Tighnari) to break the silence.
“What would a stand-up comedy team call itself in Sumeru?” Cyno asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Tighnari drags out his sigh. Tighnari rubs his temples and shakes his head. “Oh, no. Don’t start now, Cyno,” Tighnari pleads, closing his eyes. 
You tilt your head to the side. “I don’t know, Cyno. What is it?” You ask.
A small smile appears on Cyno’s face, and he says, “The AHAdemiya.”
Almost immediately, everyone around Cyno gives Cyno an unamused look. You snort and shake your head. You’re still unfamiliar with each man in the group, but the joke Cyno cracked just a few seconds ago is a huge contrast to his exterior. 
Al Haitham rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you going to continue to crack jokes while we’re exploring the Avidya Forest for [Y/N]?” Al Haitham asks.
Kaveh huffs, propping his hands on his hips. “In all honesty, I would rather listen to Cyno crack his jokes for hours rather than listen to you complain about the littlest things,” Kaveh interjects, shooting a glare over in Al Haitham’s direction.
Albedo raises his hand. “Personally, I like Cyno’s jokes. I think they’re funny,” Albedo says nonchalantly.
Scaramouche raises his eyebrows at Albedo. “You do?” Scaramouche asks, finding it hard to believe that the Chief Alchemist enjoys jokes as horrible as the ones Cyno told. 
You laugh nervously and rub your arms, unsure of how to react to the men bickering with each other. You turn to look at the other men, only to see Kaeya and Diluc arguing with each other. Through the sound of endless chatter, you made out the words “stepped” and “shoes.” You assumed Kaeya stepped on Diluc’s shoes while it was wet from walking through a pond. Then there’s Itto and Childe, getting ready to hit each other with a tree branch. You’re just relieved that they don’t have their weapons drawn out. It would’ve ended badly, and you’re not looking forward to parenting two adults.
“Can you two not fight right now?” Zhongli sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Especially in front of our dear creator,” Zhongli adds under his breath.
Childe huffs and pulls the sleeves up to his elbows. “Oh, lighten up, Mister Zhongli! I’m just here to teach this Oni a lesson about who’s the strongest and is capable of protecting [Y/N] without needing any assistance!” 
Itto chortles and tightens his grip on the tree branch in his grasp. “You being a Harbinger does not mean you’re automatically stronger than the rest of us! Get off your high horse unless you want me to knock you off of it,” Itto proclaims, pointing the tree branch at Childe dramatically.
Just when you’re about to intervene and grab everyone’s attention, you see something move from your peripheral vision. You didn’t know what moved from the corner of your eyes, but you’re curious and tempted to see what the movement was. Since the men are too engrossed in their arguments, you decide to follow after the movement. 
It’s not like the men are going to continue the exploration of the Avidya Forest without you! Plus, you’re only going to check and see what was moving. Once you get a glimpse of the moving object, being, or creature, you’ll head back to where the other men are at. Sounds easy enough, no? Wrong. You were wrong because the minute your eyes landed on the thing that was moving in the corner of your eyes, you found yourself sitting on the ground in the middle of the forest, occupied by the creature that was waddling away. 
“Let’s just continue our exploration of the Avidya Forest! Seeing you all bicker in front of [Y/N] is humiliating, and I’m getting secondhand embarrassment,” Aether says, crossing his arms over his torso and glaring at the men around him.
Venti nods. “I agree! We all came out here to protect and guide [Y/N] while they see more of their creations in person. Instead, we’re arguing instead of doing what we were supposed to do!” Venti says, closing his eyes while rubbing his temples and shaking his head.
Baizhu interjects, “Let’s complete what’s left of the exploration and get something to eat. We’ve been in the Avidya Forest for a few hours now, and I believe [Y/N] might be getting hungry.”
“What do you think, Your Grace? How about we finish the exploration and get something to eat after?” Ayato sighs and turns to where you were standing a few moments ago. 
Ayato and the other men freeze when they don’t see you standing in the spot you were at moments ago. Gorou and Tighnari have their ears perked up, listening to every sound very closely to see if it was you in any way. Alas, they did not hear you at all. There’s no sound of your voice, your laughter, your sigh, etc.— nothing at all.
Gorou runs his fingers through his hair. “Great! We lost [Y/N], and we have no idea where they could possibly be! We’re doomed, we’re doomed,” Gorou panics, pacing back and forth. 
You couldn’t have wandered off somewhere far; it had only been a few minutes since you had up and left to who knows where. They have thought about splitting into groups to make it quicker to search for you, but some men objected to splitting up and searching for you in groups.
Kazuha scans the area with his red eyes. “The last time Childe, Itto, and Zhongli saw [Y/N] was a few minutes ago. They shouldn’t have strayed too far from the group,” Kazuha murmurs, closing his eyes and feeling the cool breeze against his skin.
“Keep in mind that [Y/N] has a glow around them. Perhaps that will make the search a little bit easier when we’re looking for them,” Kaeya suggests.
Diluc sighs and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, the feeling of frustration starting to set in when he couldn’t find you. How can he be so careless? Diluc was so occupied with arguing with Kaeya that he didn’t realize you had wandered off somewhere. And now look at where they’re at now. Searching for the divine being somewhere in the Avidya Forest.
Diluc presses his lips into a thin line. “I hope they’re okay and unharmed. I understand that it’s been a few minutes since they have wandered off, but I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault,” Diluc sighs.
Xiao scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Don’t blame yourself. You’re not the only one that didn’t keep your eyes on our creator. We were all distracted and didn’t keep a close eye on [Y/N],” Xiao says, letting out a frustrated sigh and running his gloved hands through his hair.
“Xiao’s right. It’s not your fault for [Y/N]’s sudden disappearance. None of us were keeping a keen eye out for them. Therefore, let’s not blame ourselves for [Y/N]’s disappearance,” Dainsleif interjects, dragging out his sigh.
The men immediately start searching around the Avidya Forest for you, searching behind the trees, bushes, and shrubbery. It’s possible that you could be playing a prank on them or testing their skills on their people-searching skills— well, in this case, god-searching skills. The more they look around, the more they become frustrated after not being able to find you in the areas they’re searching about.
“Any luck?” Pantalone calls out.
Pierro sighs and furrows his eyebrows. “Unfortunately, there’s no luck on my end,” Pierro replies.
Dottore pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a sharp exhale. “We’ve searched the vicinity. Where could they be?” Dottore asks, gnawing on his bottom lip.
“Are we certain they weren’t taken by Eremites or Treasure hoarders?” Capitano asks, his eyes scanning each person underneath his helmet.
Tighnari and Gorou shake their heads automatically after hearing Capitano’s question. The chances of you being kidnapped by treasure hoarders and eremites are highly unlikely. For starters, Tighnari and Gorou would’ve heard them coming from miles away because of how good their hearings were. Second of all, if you were kidnapped by the two groups mentioned, everyone would’ve heard you struggle and scream.
Gorou sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “We would’ve known they had taken [Y/N] if they did. We would’ve heard them, and they would’ve made themselves known,” Gorou says, trying to keep his voice calm.
“Then where could they be? We searched around for them, and we couldn’t find our dear creator!” Kaveh exclaims, running his hands through his hair.
Before Al Haitham could interject, Tighnari and Gorou froze in their spots. Everyone gives the two men a quizzical look. Tighnari presses his index finger against his lips and gestures for the others to follow him. Tighnari leads the men to the small cave that is well hidden behind the veils of vines. The men cram into the cave and stop when they see the sight in front of them. There, sitting in the center of the cave, is their dearest creator, watching a floating dendro fungus twirl around and bounce in the air happily.
Al Haitham sighs in relief. “Your Grace, you’re safe,” Al Haitham speaks up, startling you and the floating dendro fungus.
You look at the men and wave at them happily, getting up from the ground and brushing dirt off your clothes. You didn’t look hurt, nor did you look scared of the floating dendro fungus in front of you. Speaking of floating dendro fungus, the men notice the creature shrinking back in fear and hiding behind you when you stand up. The floating dendro fungus peeks from behind your legs when you smile at the men after making sure to dust the dirt and grass off your clothes.
You rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “Ah, I assumed I was gone for too long,” you say.
“[Y/N], we were looking everywhere for you! You gave us a scare, Your Grace!” Heizou whines, hunching over with a dramatic sigh.
You give the men a sympathetic smile and approach them with the floating dendro fungus following close behind. You pull Heizou into a hug and sigh, rubbing the young detective of the Tenryou Commission’s back. Heizou freezes up in your arms for a second before melting in your arms, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his cheek on your head.
You close your eyes and sigh. “I’m sorry for making you all worry. I should’ve said something before wandering off,” you murmur.
“Uh! I think you shouldn’t be wandering off in general! I get that little fungus little guy is cute, but he is dangerous and will kill you if he gets the chance to!” Itto interjects dramatically, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the floating dendro fungus behind you.
You pull away from the hug and pout at Itto, petting the floating dendro fungus behind you without taking your eyes off the twenty-five men in front of you. The floating dendro fungus squeaks happily and leans into your touch.
“He didn’t hurt me! He’s the sweetest!” You say.
You turn around, pick up the floating dendro fungus and hug the fungus to your chest. You pet the fungus before holding it out toward the men, some flinching away from the adorable creature and taking a step back.
You smile sheepishly. “Can we keep it?” 
Scaramouche scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Absolutely not,” Scaramouche says.
Ayato sighs and analyzes the fungus in your grasp. The fungus stares back at Ayato, blinking at the Kamisato heir owlishly. “It’s adorable, but you know they harm the people of Teyvat, [Y/N]. It may not have hurt you, but it can hurt other people around you and us,” Ayato gently explains.
You visibly deflate, letting out a tiny “oh,” before putting the floating dendro fungus back on the ground. The floating dendro fungus squeaks sadly, rubbing up against your leg. You pout and let out a few sniffles. You kneel in front of the floating dendro fungus, saying a few words of comfort and encouragement before watching it scurry out of the cave.
Aether clears his throat awkwardly. “So, do you want to continue to explore the Avidya Forest, or do you want to return to the abode?” Aether asks, scratching his right arm while waiting for you to reply.
You pucker your lips and think for a second. “Do you guys think we can order something and bring it back to the abode?” You ask, stroking your chin. “It’s been a while since I’ve had something cooked in a restaurant.”
Thoma raises his eyebrows at you. “What do you mean? Since you arrived in Teyvat, you’ve always had food cooked for you at the abode and when you’re having dinner with the leaders and archons of that nation,” Thoma says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You give Thoma a smile. “Whenever I’m bored, sometimes I would sneak into Teyvat and get something to eat. This isn’t my first time visiting Teyvat. It’s my first time exploring Teyvat out in the open without having to wear a disguise,” you reply.
Venti stares at you with his mouth agape. “You’ve visited Teyvat before?” Venti whispers.
Xiao rolls his eyes. “[Y/N] said that not too long ago, Venti. You’re just repeating their comment back to them,” Xiao mutters.
“I’ll explain everything over lunch. I’m starting to get hungry,” you say, putting both your hands over your stomach and feeling it rumble.
While you and the men are walking in Sumeru City, Cyno decides to break the silence.
“What did the mushroom say to the other mushrooms that all grew together and away from him?” Cyno asks casually, his eyes scanning the lively city.
Venti hum and taps his chin, trying to think of an answer. “I don’t know, Cyno! What is it?” Venti asks, looking at the Mahamatra curiously.
A small smile appears on his face. “Hey, let me join you guys. I swear I'm a fungi!”
The men around you let out a collective groan and give the Mahamatra a side-eye. You snort and shake your head. While the twenty-three men are groaning and rolling their eyes at Cyno’s jokes, Albedo cracks a smile and shakes his head, laughing under his breath while searching for a place for you all to eat.
Ever since that day, when you and the twenty-five men go out and explore, they made sure to keep their eyes on you in case you wander off like last time. Luckily, you didn’t wander off and stray away from the group during the explorations. You knew the men were protective of you. Still, you never knew how crazy protective they are of you until this one specific incident happened.
It’s a known fact that everyone in Teyvat worships you. Everyone, even the archons from the respective seven nations, worships you. When you have worshippers, there are those who casually worship you, there are people who are very devoted to you, and some devotees take it to the extreme and make things incredibly uncomfortable for you. 
You and your friends, who are also your bodyguards, and most loyal acolytes, are walking to your nearest shrine in Inazuma. It’s a beautiful day out in Inazuma, and you want to take a stroll around the City of Eternity to admire the view and feel the nice cool breeze under the sun. Of course, since it’s a stroll under the sun, the men brought their umbrellas to shield you from the heat and the UV rays. Though you insist they use their umbrellas to cover themselves from the sun while you share an umbrella with Capitano because he is the one that’s guiding you to the shrine.
“It’s hot out today, isn’t it? It’s a good thing it’s a bit windy today, or else we would all melt because of the heat,” you say, sighing with contentment when you feel the cool breeze on your warm skin.
Baizhu nods. “Indeed it is. I was quite surprised when you said you wanted all of us to take a stroll to your shrine when we could teleport there instead,” says Baizhu.
“Perhaps it was a mistake, but you know what? It’s fine, and on the bright side, we’re almost to the shrine!” You say, wrapping your arms around Capitano’s biceps as he walks beside you.
The men have positions where they let you hold their arm while you’re out in Teyvat. While there’s no need for them to do that, they insist on doing it anyway because it’s to make sure you don’t trip or stumble on a pebble or uneven pavement when out of the abode. This position was established when you didn’t have glasses, but it remained after you got prescriptions. You think it’s kind of them to care about your safety! What you didn’t know is the reason why the arm-holding position remained is that these men wanted you to touch them. Not in an obscene way, but they like being close to you, and seeing you touch them, link your arms with theirs, hug them, etc., makes them crave for more of your touch.
“What are we going to be doing after we visit the shrine?” Kazuha asks, watching the sakura blooms fly and dance in the air.
You hum softly. “Ei invited us to have lunch with her, Kujou Sara, and Yae Miko at the Tenshukaku! How could I turn down an invite?” You say, turning to look at the men.
You hear Scaramouche make an audible “ugh” as he crosses his arms over his chest with his face pinching up with disgust and annoyance. Then there’s Itto, his face scrunching up at the mention of Kujou Sara. Gorou, on the other hand, looks anxious. His pupils are dilated, and his ears are pulled back while smiling at you nervously. Poor Gorou looks like he’s about to pass out at any moment. It seems like these three men aren’t fond of the women you mentioned. You blink at Itto, Scaramouche, and Gorou and turn to look at the others, who shrug in response. 
Albedo clears his throat. “Is it just a lunch, or did the Raiden Shogun invite you for a meeting and then lunch after?” Albedo asks.
“I believe it’s just lunch! She didn’t mention anything about a meeting,” you reply.
When you and the twenty-five men arrive at the shrine dedicated to you in Inazuma, the shine is bigger than you remember. There is an enormous marble statue of you, cradling Teyvat in your hands with your eyes closed while sitting on the cement block. In front of the statue are offerings made to you. From flowers to food, Mora, alcohol, and many more things you could barely make out. 
“What’s that?” Diluc asks, reaching for the pink envelope that is decorated with heart and flower stickers.
Kaeya takes the envelope from Diluc’s hands, ignoring the glare the redhead shot in his direction. Kaeya is about to open the envelope, but he stops himself. Kaeya walks over to where you’re standing and hands you the letter. You look at Kaeya curiously, grab the pink envelope from Kaeya’s hands and begin to open the envelope with care. 
“I was going to have a look at it, but it wouldn’t be right for me to open a letter that is written for our dear creator,” says Kaeya, giving you a charming smile.
You smile at Kaeya and continue to open the envelope. “How generous of you, Kaeya,” you say.
Everyone, including yourself, assumed there was a prayer written in the envelope. The twenty-five men back up to give you some privacy to read the letter once you pull out a pink piece of paper. Your eyes skim the letter, and your facial expression quickly morphs from curious to horrified. A paper falls from the envelope, landing on the ground in front of you.
“Oh? What’s this?” Albedo asks, picking the paper off the ground and flipping it over.
The men crowd around Albedo to look at the paper in Albedo’s grasp. You cover your mouth with your left hand and crush the letter in the other. The men all equally let out gasps and quickly looked away from the scandalous image. You let out a shaky breath, giving the men a fake smile.
“You know, I knew I have devoted worshippers, but this person takes it to the next level,” you say, letting your balled-up fist fall at your side. “Judging by your reactions, I don’t even want to look at whatever you all have witnessed.”
Pantalone shakes his head. “You don’t want to see it, Your Grace. For the sake of your sanity, it’s best you never glance at that picture,” Pantalone says.
“I know we arrived at the shrine not too long ago, but I think it's best we leave the shrine to inform the Raiden Shogun of this situation,” Pierro says gruffly.
You press your lips into a thin line and nod. You and the men are about to leave the shrine when all twenty-six of you hear rapid footsteps approaching the shrine. Diluc snatches the letter from the ground along with the paper from Albedo’s grasp and burns it. You watch the letter and paper disintegrate into ashes, pieces of the paper and letter fluttering to the ground.
The footsteps get louder and louder, and before you all know it, the owner of those footsteps stops a few feet away from where you and the men are standing. The owner of the footsteps lets out a loud yet strained gasp, grabbing everyone’s attention. 
“Oh my gosh! Your Grace! You’re really here!” A man whispers, covering his mouth with his shaky hands in awe.
You smile at the man. “Indeed, I am! I was stopping by the shrine to check on its condition,” you say. 
The man looks starstruck, his entire being trembling with excitement and anxiousness. You and the men trade looks with each other, unsure of what else to say other than act polite. This man could be stopping by the shrine to pay his respects, but given the look in his eyes, the feeling of dread looms over you. The man rushes toward you, but Capitano and Pierro immediately block him from getting toward you while the other men surround you in a large yet tight circle. 
“You dare to get close to our creator?” Dottore demands, glaring at the man behind his mask.
The Inazuman man glares at Dottore with pure hatred. “I am our creator’s most devoted follower! How dare you try to get in between them and me!” The Inazuman man exclaims.
You squeeze your hand around the pink envelope, crushing it in your grasp. The envelope crinkling under your grip grabs the man’s attention. His eyes fall on your hands, his eyes widen, and he looks at you in shock and in awe. The Inazuman man seems almost giddy. 
The man whispers, “You’ve read my letter, Your Grace? A-And you’ve seen the….”
Childe’s expression sours, his hands itching to draw out his weapon. “You’re the one that wrote that letter and sent that picture?” Childe demands, his hands trembling with anger.
You look at Childe quizzically. “What was the picture?” You whisper.
Dainsleif shakes his head. “It’s best you don’t know, Your Grace. You will be revolted if you were to know what the picture contained,” Dainsleif says, looking at the Inazuman man with disgust.
Realization dawns on the Inazuman man; the look of horror and rage flashes across his face. His face pinches up with anger, his lips scrunch in a thin line, and his eyebrows are knitted together. The Inazuman man points at the men surrounding you.
“How dare you all look at the letter and picture I sent to my creator! It’s an invasion of my privacy, and you not only disrespected me, but you disrespected my dearest creator!” The Inazuman man bellows. 
Zhongli’s eyes begin to glow ominously as he approaches the angry Inazuman man. Zhongli grabs the man by the collar of his shirt and yanks him forward. The two men are now face to face; the Inazuman man’s feet are dangling off the floor.
“You are the one that sent our creator an obscene image. You are the one that disrespected our creator but have the audacity to be upset?!” Zhongli hisses, tightening his grip around the man’s shirt collar.
The Inazuman man thrashes in Zhongli’s grasp and starts hurling profanities at the former Geo archon. You sigh and rub your throbbing temples, closing your eyes. Today was supposed to be an easygoing day. Yet, someone like this Inazuman man is making it hard for you all to have a relaxing day at the shrine before having lunch with Ei, Yae Miko, and Kujou Sara. 
You step forward and tap Zhongli’s shoulders, grabbing the funeral consultant’s attention. “Release him. We’ll inform the Raiden Shogun about the situation, and she, or Kujou Sara, will handle the situation,” you say.
Aether huffs, glaring at the black-haired Inazuman man after Zhongli releases the man from his grasp. “I think we should go to the authorities first to report this situation before heading to the Tenshukaku for lunch,” Aether mutters.
Heizou nods. “I agree! How about you all go to Tenshukaku while I file a report. In the meantime, I will take this man to the Tenryou Commission,” Heizou says, approaching the Inazuman man and slapping handcuffs on the man’s wrists.
You nod and cross your arms over your chest. “I would hate for it to turn out this way, but it seems like we have no other choice,” you murmur. You turn to Heizou and place your hand on his shoulder. “Please try to return to me as fast as possible,” you say.
Heizou’s eyes widen with surprise, and he nods, trying to act like your words had no impact on him at all. Heizou grabs the man and pulls him out of the shrine, with a few men (Childe, Zhongli, Al Haitham, Pierro, Capitano, Xiao, Ayato, and Diluc) following him. After they left, Thoma volunteered to be the one to take you to the Tenshukaku.
Here you are, sitting across from Ei, Yae Miko, and Kujou Sara. You have a porcelain teacup in your hands, lightly tapping your fingers on the cup nervously. The men stands close behind your seat, eyes scanning the Tenshukaku. Ei raises her eyebrows at the men behind you before turning to look at you.
“Your Grace?” Ei asks softly.
You pull your eyes away from your teacup and make eye contact with the electro archon. Ei smiles at you worriedly and places her cup down on the saucer.
“Yes, Ei?” You murmur.
Ei gazes at you intently, leaning back in her seat and crossing her right leg over her left leg. The electro archon studies you for a moment, not saying anything. You look skittish and frazzled, and it worries the three women sitting across from you.
Yae Miko clears her throat. “Are you alright? If you’re not feeling well, we can always have lunch next time,” says Yae Miko.
You shake your head. “No, no! I’m feeling alright! I…” you trail off, taking in a deep breath. 
You turn to look at the men behind you. They all stare back at you worriedly, unsure whether they should speak on your behalf or not.
You clear your throat. “You may have noticed that some of my protectors are not present with us at the moment. That is because they have some businesses to deal with,” you say, tracing the small intricate designs on the teacup with your index finger.
Kujou Sara sits up straight. “Did something happen, Your Grace?” Kujou Sara asks stiffly, her eyebrows furrowing.
The doors to the Tenshukaku open, and the nine men walk into the building. A wave of relief washes over you. You let out a long exhale and get up from your seat. You walk toward the nine men, with the other men following behind. You stop in your tracks when you see blood splatters on the men’s clothes and their faces.
You point at them. “Why is there blood on your clothes?” You ask.
Childe smiles at you and pulls you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and resting his cheek on your head while sighing with contentment. “You won’t have to worry about him anymore, Your Grace. We made sure he won’t be bothering you anymore,” Childe says, pulling away from the hug.
Tighnari looks at Childe skeptically. “You guys didn’t kill him, did you?” Tighnari asks cautiously.
“Of course not! We taught him a lesson first before turning him to the Tenryou Commissions,” Al Haitham replies, crossing his arms over his chest while scratching the dried blood off his right shoulder.
Yae Miko raises her eyebrows and stands by your side with Ei and Kujou Sara. “He? Tenryou Commission? Did something happen on your way to the Tenshukaku?” Asked Yae Miko. She crosses her arms over her chest and taps her bicep with her perfectly manicured fingers.
Gorou laughs nervously and turns to look at you. You nod, signaling for Gorou to explain to the three women what had happened before your arrival at the Tenshukaku. Before Gorou could explain the situation, Ei raised her hand to stop Gorou.
Ei gestures to the table where you all were before the nine men arrived at the Tenshukaku. “Let’s talk over lunch. You haven’t touched your food since your arrival,” Ei says.
You nod and follow after the electro archon with the men following close behind you. You sit in your seat and reach for the chopsticks, stirring your noodles and sighing. Ei looks at Gorou and gestures for Gorou to start explaining what had happened on your way to your shrine before going to the Tenshukaku to meet up with the three women for lunch. After explaining what happened to Kujou Sara, Ei, and Yae Miko, Ei shakes her head with distaste.
“I will head over to the Tenryou Commission right now to deal with him,” Kujou Sara declares, her hands clenching into tight fists at her sides.
Diluc shakes his head. “There’s no need to do that. We have already taken care of him,” Diluc says.
Yae Miko looks at Diluc with amusement. “Oh? And what are you implying?” She asks, leaning back in her seat and raising her eyebrows at the redhead wine tycoon standing behind you.
Pierro huffs behind you, glaring at the kitsune sitting across from you. “That is none of your concern. We have handled this situation already,” the first Harbinger interjects, crossing his arms over his chest.
Ei narrows her eyes at Pierro and sighs. Ei looks at you, who’s too busy eating the noodles in front of you while trying to drown out the conversation around you. Ei gets up from her seat and walks around the table, kneeling before you. You’re pulled from your thoughts when the electro archon places a gentle hand over yours.
Ei says in a soft tone, “Your Grace, I understand your,” she looks over at the group of men behind you, “bodyguards are here to protect you and can handle the situation, but this happened in my nation. As the ruler and archon of Inazuma, please, let me handle it,” Ei pleads.
Capitano sighs and points his thumb over in Heizou’s direction. “If you want to talk about the situation, you must go to Shikanoin Heizou for information. After all, he is the one that turned this Inazuman man to the Tenryou Commission,” Capitano says.
Heizou nods his head stiffly. Ei looks at the men, then at you before sighing quietly. She nods and stands, walking back to her seat and sitting between Yae Miko and Kujou Sara. Lunch proceeded, and the tension wasn’t at an all-time high like how you would expect it to be after Gorou explained to the three women what had happened. 
By the time lunch ended, you were drained and ready to go home and relax. You bid the three women goodbyes before leaving the Tenshukaku. Before leaving the Tenshukaku, Kujou Sara quickly informs Heizou that she will need to see him and the other men for information on the strange Inazuman man the next day. 
“How are you feeling, [Y/N]? It’s been a long day for you, and you had to deal with someone as atrocious as that Inazuman man,” Ayato says, guiding you into the estate.
You give Ayato a small smile, rest your head on his arms, and close your eyes. “I’m feeling drained, Ayato. I need to relax in the bathhouse to get my mind off what happened today and what the letter contained,” you shivered.
“We’ll get the bathhouse and hotspring ready for you,” Thoma says, dragging Itto and the other men with him.
Itto’s eyes widen. “What?! I wanted to stay with [Y/N]!” Itto protests, groaning loudly while letting Thoma drag him away from you.
While you’re getting ready to go to the bathhouse in your bedroom, the men are downstairs, speaking to Heizou and the other eight men that went with him to the Tenryou Commission. Gorou sits on the armrest of the couch, his arms crossed over his midriff. 
“You nine are covered in blood. Did you guys kill that lunatic?” Kaveh asks, raising his eyebrows at the nine men that stand before him and the others. 
Xiao shakes his head. “We didn’t kill him, but we did teach him a lesson and made sure he wouldn’t do such a thing ever again,” replies Xiao. 
“Why didn’t you kill him? If we don’t get rid of him, he will continue what he’s been doing if he recovers,” Dottore huffs, rolling his eyes underneath his mask.
Dainsleif frowns at Dottore and pinches the bridge of his nose. “If we got rid of him, then [Y/N] will know. We only kept him alive so he could rot in prison for his crimes. People like him don’t deserve an easy way out of their crimes,” Dainsleif interjects. 
The men fall silent when they hear your bedroom door open. You trot down the stairs and tighten the robe's rope, giving the men a small smile. You look exhausted, but the warm glow and tiny sparkles around you don’t dim. Despite being in your presence every day, you never cease to make them feel breathless with your presence and warm smile.
Baizhu quickly approaches you. “How are you feeling, [Y/N]? You won’t be at the bathhouse for too long now, are you?” Baizhu asks, looking at you worriedly.
“I’m feeling a little bit better! I think relaxing in the bathhouse for an hour would make me feel better. Thank you for asking!” You reply, wrapping your arms around yourself.
Kaeya raises his hand. “Would you be okay with us standing outside the bathhouse to make sure no one sneaks in while you’re taking a dip in the hotspring?” Kaeya asks.
You shake your head. “I don’t mind!” you say, walking toward the door and slipping your sandals on. “Besides, I feel safe with all of you. None of you have posed a threat to me, nor have any of you made me feel uncomfortable,” you said, turning to look at the men with a faint smile on your face.
Gorou looks at you with stars in his eyes. “You feel safe with us?” Gorou whispers, his tail wagging behind him.
“Of course I do! You all kept me safe while I was in Teyvat. You all guided me to places I needed to go when I didn’t have glasses. You all made sure to protect me from the people who are my most devoted follower,” you say shyly. 
Scaramouche clears his throat, looks away, and crosses his arms over his chest with a huff of breath. “Of course, we’ll protect you! What kind of protectors and friends would we be if we didn’t protect you at all costs?” Scaramoche asks, his cheeks turning crimson red. 
Kazuha approaches you, gently grabs your hand, and presses a kiss on your knuckles. “We will always protect our dearest creator,” Kazuha says softly. 
The men nod, approaching you and stopping near you and Kazuha. 
“We are devoted to you, and we’ll do anything to protect our dear creator,” Albedo adds.
Pantalone adds, “Even if it means we have to kill someone to protect you. We’ll make sure that no one touches a single hair on your head, Your Grace.”
The men collectively bow to you with their right hand over their chest, catching you off guard. You’re very well aware of their dedication and loyalty to you, and you appreciate them very much. There’s not a time when you wish you were alone and could walk around Teyvat on your own. Their presence, friendship, and guidance mean everything to you, and you’re truly grateful for each of them. You’re grateful for them just as much as they are grateful for you, their dear creator.
Note: I kind of want to make a new Isekai'd!Reader series, except it's a chaptered fic rather than a collection of one-shots like the current ongoing Isekai'd!Reader series. But instead of posting the entire chapters on Tumblr, I'll be posting one chapter/preview on Tumblr and the rest of the story will be on AO3, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm still thinking about it. It's just a floating thought in my head, idk when I'll make it a thing. Anyway, I will be making my AO3 fics available for nonregistered users to view today (once I have updated). It's been almost two months, I think? To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @xyji, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @kwelibeeery, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @honeybedo, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @alteeeeyang, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @irisxiel, @kazuhaprnt, @lunarapple, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @bajifairyy, @heyimkay, @milkpeanuts476, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @vox34, @wynncrites, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @lucifarts-boxers, @thelovebuggs, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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daisycassy · 9 days
I did it, I made the playlist! Also known as the list of Leonard Cohen's songs that make me go feral with Devil's minion feelings.
List of all songs along with my thoughts under the cut bellow
The Future - Give me absolute control/Over every living soul/And lie beside me, baby/That's an order/Give me crack and anal sex....
This whole song is extremely "Daniel and Armand explore their old and new dynamic after years apart" coded, with some old bitter investigative journalist Daniel (my beloved) sprinkled in
Darkness - I caught the darkness/Drinking from your cup/I said: Is this contagious?/You said: Just drink it up...
This is obviously about old Daniel being turned, what do you mean it is not? Look at it!
First we take Manhattan - Ah, you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win/You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline/How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin...
Vampire power couple? Vampire Daniel chasing his maker while being extremely capable fledling? Armand dreaming of them as vampire power couple in the 80s despite being terrified of turning Daniel? Yes all of those
Avalanche - You who wish to conquer pain/You must learn what makes me kind/The crumbs of love that you offer me/They're the crumbs I've left behind...
The pain, the tragedy of forgotten love then remebered and the reality of grapling with those emotions and memories. Also with the spice of the terror of these two
I'm your man - If you want a lover/I'll do anything you ask me to/And if you want another kind of love/I'll wear a mask for you/If you want a partner, take my hand, or/If you want to strike me down in anger/Here I stand/I'm your man...
Is this about Armand and his unresolved issues and tendency to mould himself into whatever he thinks his lovers need and want? Is this about Daniel wanting to be everything that Armand wants and needs? Is this about them being perfect for each other? Or all of the above? Who's to say
Lover Lover Lover - This one is so so perfect for Armand's identity issues, I feel like I want to copy the whole lyrics here
Master song - Devil's minion version 1, 70s and 80s. But also could make an argument for this to be about Armand and his feelings for Marius (I am his n.1 hater)
It seemed the better way - Sounded like the truth/But it's not the truth today/I better hold my tongue/I better take my place/Lift this glass of blood/Try to say the grace/...
Daniel who was turned by Armand to save him from dying, grapling with his newly regained memories, bitterness and anger at being turned against his will now, and abandoned in the past, but still loving Armand
Nevermind - Never mind/I had to leave my life behind/The story's told/With facts and lies/You own the world so never mind/...
Once again Devil's minion 2, old Daniel after getting turned
Almost like the Blues - But I've had the invitation/that a sinner can't refuse/It's almost like salvation/It's almost like the blues...
Daniel spending his life as a journalist, exposing lies and injustice and yet choosing to become the evil that is to be a vampire
My Oh My - Wasn't hard to love you/Didn't have to try/Held you for a little while...
Both of them. Because my favourite thing about this ship is that despite evrything the loving comes easily to them. But love on its own doesn't make relationships easy.
Leaving the table - If I ever loved you, oh no, no/It's a crying shame/If I ever loved you/If I knew your name...
Old Daniel grappling with the newly gained memories of loving Armand and what it means. At the same time not regretting becoming vampire at all. I don't need a reason/For what I becameI've got these excuses/They're tired and lame/I don't need a pardon...
It's Torn - You smile at your suffering, the sweetest reprieve/Why did you leave us? Why did you leave?...
Daniel remembering loving Armand, and the love coming back so so strong. The longing, the pining
Traveling light - I'm just a fool/A dreamer who/Forgot to dream/Of the me and you/Traveling light like/We used to do...
Vampire Daniel chasing his maker who turned him, gave him back the memories of their love and then disappeared.
Amen - Tell me again/We’re alone and I’m listening/I’m listening so hard that it hurts/Tell me again/When I’m clean and I’m sober/Tell me again/When I’ve seen through the horror/Tell me again/Tell me over and over/Tell me that you want me then...
Armand and Daniel during the 70s and 80s both not believing that the other genuinely loves them. The tragedy it leads them to. The endless pining
I can't forget - I said this can't be me/Must be my double/And I can't forget, I can't forget/I can't forget but I don't remember what...
Daniel left without his memories and yet remembering something, sometimes, in his dreams , in the corner of his eye. Forgetting and yet unable to forget.
Take this longing - Oh, take this longing from my tongue/Whatever useless things these hands have done/Let me see your beauty broken down...
As it says on the tin, take this longing from these men, they are sooo full of it.
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alexxncl · 1 month
masterlist | all lessons | season 3 | lesson 45.1 | lesson 45.2 | lesson 47
i'll probaboy be moving my baby sister into college when this queues up 🥲 sob sob
slight lesson 76 spoilers
we love to see more of a lighthearted lesson
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ah yes, siblings 🫶🏽 levi is me, i am levi
i also love the fact that luci, mams, levi, and simeon are all working together to help mammon
it's clear how much they all adore him even if they're shitheads sometimes (read: most of the time)
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anyone else having war flashbacks to cocytus? no? just me? kay.
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see now they're just making up words bc what are we talking about 😭 also love how they didn't bother to make a 2D CG picture for it bc it's never gonna be mentioned in another lesson after this point
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...i'd have to kms
imagine every step you take leads to a blood curdling scream...everybody's dying idc
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"dear, sweet henry 1.0" my ASS
homeboy didn't even remember you when y'all were trapped in that made and had to get charmed by asmo 😭
...unless that was his way of telling levi to make new friends, just like the way he left levi in the anime bc levi had no friends outside of henry
but i also wanna see the full extent of mammon's power 🧍🏾 the devs need to stop giving us cut scenes every time my man steps up to fight a monster
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that's hilarious actually
imagine some lower level demon actually ended up getting eaten bc they couldn't beat the monsters and the "research" was all in vain
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leave it to me to read too far into things 🤞🏽
example x of mammon being lucifer's favorite and most trusted brother
regardless of how dumb mammon thinks a task is, he'll do his best to get it done as perfectly as possible if it means keeping up a good image for lucifer or making lucifer happy. lucifer knows this despite rarely, if ever, admitting it to himself, mammon, or anyone else, and that's why he trusts mammon with serious shit when the situation calls for it
granted, the speech mammon is giving probably wasn't orchestrated by lucifer, but the way it goes still reflects on him and diavolo, and mammon knows better than to make his big brother and the future demon king look bad in front of who knows how many people
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they absolutely would've fucked backstage if he wasn't up next for his speech /srs
they fucked in the back of class and they'd do it again BOP BOP
also mammon's speech being "get off your lazy asses and go touch grass" was easily the best idol about this lesson. 10/10 writing
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about the first screenshot, why is nobody in-game verbally commenting on simeon wearing his angelic clothes ??? didn't he stop wearing them as soon as he fell from grace in the og timeline ?????
or maybe this is a result of too many time soup shenanigans. maybe his body can't tell if he's human or still an angel
but it's clear that everyone's noticed something's off with simeon even if they haven't said anything to him verbally, which is why luke was so hellbent on mc asking simeon if he was okay. but nobody's outright saying anything bc this mf will deny any and every concern thrown at him with a smile on his face. he won't even tell mc what's going on, so lucifer had to step in
ending the hard bonus chapter like this was VILE but in the best way possible
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18catsreading · 11 months
Ally: my acrobatics is negative three
Brennan: oh no no no. Oh no no no. We liked to ask Brennan for cool things. [Forcing Ally to go through with their ribbon dance shenanigans]
All chanting: jump jump jump jump jump
17 -3= 14
Brennan: so you leap out the window. Now, I want Ally to look at me. And you tell me, do you feel like a 14 is a high enough roll for your character to use a dance ribbon to fly? Bearing in mind that if I say yes now I have to say yes every other time you want to do this.
Ally: yea, definitely. I think 14 it's above average, um.
Brennan: don't pay any attention to this noise [so many dice rattling]
Murph: you guys just see the most insane things. See Kristen just go like this [mimics ribbon dancing]
Ally: I'm not trying to like FLY
Brennan: sure you're just trying to descend.
Ally: I'm just trying to like, I'm trying to grapple. It's like a grappling hook
Zac: how many stories is it?
Lou: it's 10
Zac: it's 10 stories?!
Ally: It's o-- is it 10 stories? [Surprised]
Brennan: it's 10 stories
Ally: ok I'm just trying to grapple hook. [Interrupted by Lou's laughing] I'm trying to grapple hook 3 flights down so I can cut off her dad
Zac: yeah, that kind of precision.
Brennan: okay cool. So you're just going to try to nail this. You're going to try to cap this graceful fall at 10 stories
Ally: no, do you understand, like, I'm jumping with the ribbon dancer like this [drawing diagrams in the air] you know, to fly.
Brennan: sure, cool [pulling out the box of doom]
Ally: you know, I don't know if you understand. It's like to fly [vogueing a new diagram]
Brennan: okay, so yea, you're just going to try to go a quick three stories down using a ribbon dance to do that. An ability nowhere on your character sheet.
Ally: the ribbon dancer is written on my character sheet! [Pulling out character sheet]
Brennan nods encouragingly
Murph: you have four dexterity
Brennan: so, here's the thing, I'm going to allow you to avert this because I don't want anyone to say I was cruel or mean or unfair, right? So all I'm gonna ask is this: hit a 14 acrobatics check for me right now. Box of doom.
Ally: another one?!
Brennan: yea, to just, to like Indiana Jones using a ribbon as a bullwhip.
Ally: yea. See. You let Indiana Jones do it, and that's sexist. no one respects femininity in this country. [Rolls the dice in the box of doom, ally's it right on out the side]
Brennan: you Ally'd out of the box of doom, across my lap.
Ally: rolls again.
Brennan: okay, that's a natural 2.
Ally: interesting.
In chorus: so that's a negative one
Emily: I didn't - I really thought this was gonna be one of those crazy Ally moments.
Lou: I didn't want to say it --
Ally: we don't know what the first one landed on though
Siobhan: that's true. The first one is cannon
Brennan: here's your die back
Ally: thank you
Brennan: what happens is this. Kristen, you were like, I have to got to get to the first floor before Angwyn.
Ally: here we go
Brennan: I have great news. You make it to the first floor waaaay before Angwyn does, right? And the reason for that --
Ally: why is that?
Brennan: 16, 23 -- you take --
Ally: can we say the ribbon wraps around me and makes sort of a cushion
Brennan: here is what we are going to say. Kristen to get to the first floor, you take your ribbon, twirl, leap out the window, and take 36 points of damage as you --
Ally: hell yea
Siobhan: absolutely worth it
Brennan: ah! Ah! Ah! And you fucking land on your leg and roll and snap your ankle.
Ally: all right. I do have three points left.
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truebluehue · 1 year
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“It has been 10 cycles since your iknimaya, when will you settle?”
Ah yes the question that has been thrown at you since you turned 18 cycles.
“Sa’nok, I will when the time comes. I am just not interested in anyone at the moment.” You say exasperatedly. Well no one that isn’t already mated or looking for a third.
“Surely there is someone?” Verya was not a patient woman for anyone except her family. And even she pressures them. “By the time you have your first child I’ll be with Eywa.” 
You sigh. “Sa’nok, I will have a child you will be able to happily meet,” you give a mischievous smirk, “When they connect to the Utral Aymokriyä for the first time.” And with that you rush out of your home, hearing your mother swear behind you.
It wasn’t that you weren’t interested in people. You have had your fair share of offers. It was just that none fit. Mating isn’t just something you wanted to do based on mere attraction or comfort, it was more serious to you than that. You wanted to feel as if Eywa gifted you. You wanted to See someone. It made you feel greedy at times. Sad that you haven't had that feeling yet. As you walk to the forest to get your mother a few fruits you knew she liked, Timun, a close friend walks up, making sure to call out to not spook you.
One concussion was enough.
“Y/N! How is my favorite tsamsiyu doing?” He says with a wide grin. It was only with an eye trained from years of friendship that you can see the slight frantic look of his eyes, his shoulder slightly tense despite his friendly nature.
You raise a brow. “I am well. I’m going to pick fruit for sa’nok.” You respond, sending him the Look.  Are you okay?
Without dropping his grin, he eagerly replies, “I’ll join you.” I am freaking out. Get me out of here. Mental communication received, you both begin the walk towards the woods.
“We talked. We actually talk.” Timun says in shock, head between his legs.
“You know. When I invited you here, I actually did expect your help.” Your strained voice comes from the top of a tree, a utumauti fruit just in your reach.
“Y/N. I understand you probably said something to your sa’nok to warrant this, but I am freaking out down here. I actually talked to him. And I didn’t stutter once.” A utumauti lands on his head, causing him to yelp. It’s not the first time he has ranted to you about his crush, Ayekxo. It was sickening how many times you’ve caught him staring as the hunter practices in the range. But, you do agree about one thing. He does have a weirdly nice looking back. Plus you’ve seen the looks Ayekxo gives him in return when Timun’s is turned, wistful in a pitiful, sad ikran way.
Climbing down, you pick up the fruits, turning to Timune to give him an exasperated look. “I’ve already told you. He likes you as well but you won't do anything about it.” You begin the trek back to High Camp, Timun following behind. “It’s just sad the way he looks at you. I bet if you asked him to court he would just skip to mating.”
“What you say and what I think, is very different.” Timun sighs dramatically. “You don’t even know if he also likes males. He hasn’t even been seen with anyone other than women.”
My best friend is a skxawng. And dramatic. How is he in the war party? You thought fondly. “Look, I can confirm it. But we have to wait till we get to my kelku.” 
Timun turns his head to look at you so fast, it has its own breeze. “Confirm what? Confirm how?”
You stop at another utumauti tree. “Get the fruit or you learn nothing.” You smirk.
It was now evening,and na’vi were dancing everywhere. It is also where. Jake sees you again, dancing with the other unmated women in the center. It was a small celebration in tribute to Eywa but all he could look at was you. The kids had already returned home, he and Neytiri wanted to stay for a bit longer. And boy is he glad he did. IT was almost as if you were floating. Graceful, like a ballerina. He thinks. Beautiful too.
The dance comes to an end, him and Neytiri yipping along with the rest of the People. He has a clear view as you walk by, feeling almost as if he just drunk a whole pot of coffee, feeling a buzz flit through his mind. But he also has a clear view of you walking towards a young male Na’vi, who’s smiling at you a bit too much to his liking. And Jake recognizes him as Timun, a member from the ground team for raids against the RDA. As he hands you a drink, saying something that causes you to laugh, he looks away and watches as another group begins to dance.
And Jake tried. He really did try.
But as he keeps glancing over to you, watching as you and Timun continue talking and laughing, he can tell you guys are close based on your body language. There's a blush to your face making your smile radiate even more. A swarm of butterflies erupted in Jake's stomach, causing him to use all his years of marine training to keep his face straight. Jake looks away, taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage he had beside him. He feels as his thoughts begin to turn. He unsuccessfully tries to drown out the green eyed snake beginning to coil in his stomach, but it does nothing to clear his mind of the way you moved in your performance.
What are they talking about?
Why do you want to know?
They seem close. Are they mated? Courting?
Why do you care?
She looks beautiful tonight.
She does every night, why is it different now?
She should be here with me. 
She’s young, why should she be with you? Besides you have Neytiri.
And it is true. You are younger than him from what he can see. He’s olo’eyktan, and has been for years now. He knows his stomach is softer now. He has 4 children. He’s protective to the point of overbearing strictness at times. He also has Neytiri. Jake sighs, putting on a mask of pleased indifference. Don't get him wrong, he loves his wife. She is everything. She Sees him. So why does he feel greed slowly making a space for you in his heart? Carving the beginnings of a crush that he knows has no possibility of ever coming true? He knows it's not unheard of for a mated pair to mate with a third. But something, the human part of Jake’s mind, feels disgusted with himself.
I feel like I'm cheating and I haven't even done anything. Jake looks at Neytiri, who turns her head and gives him a smile. Jake smiles back and relaxes, turning back to the performances.
Little did he know, his wife and mate were having the same war within herself.
But Eywa doesn’t set paths for no reason.
It was the next morning, Jake and Neytiri spending time with one another since their children were off somewhere.
“Ma'Jake, how do you feel about adding a third?” And just like when she told him at the Spirit Tree that they were mated for life, Jake feel a surprised shock. But he also feels skeptical.
“What do you mean?”
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Trials of a Tribute pt. 5
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Description: You have a chat with the Dowager Queen, and Aemond fears you regret marrying a monster such as him, unknowing that you are still unaware the two of you have been married.
Previous part here, Next part here
You sat across from the Dowager Queen Alicent, clutching your teacup for dear life as she inspected you. Her brown eyes filled with sorrow swept over you, as she sipped her own tea.
“I do feel for you, dear girl. Being traded like an object is a cruel fate that we as women often find ourselves suffering.” She said, giving you a sympathetic smile.
You nodded, unsure of what to truly say, Aemond hadn’t been cruel to you, nor had he forced himself upon you. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it could’ve been far, far worse.
“Drink up, lest you fall pregnant within your first moon here.” The Dowager Queen urged; her lips pressed into a tight line.
Your eyes widened as you realized exactly what kind of tea this was. “Your Grace, King Aemond has not bedded me.”
Her entire body relaxed. “Thank the Seven, he is still my son.”
You assumed she feared Aemond had taken on the traits of his father and brother now that he had become king, and couldn’t blame her for it. You yourself still feared he would one day soon act upon the Targaryen need for depravity.
“His Majesty, has been very respectful, a true gentleman.” You don’t tell her of how you woke up today with your body half atop Aemond’s, his fingers splayed on your lower back possessively, the smell of parchment and eucalyptus surrounding you.
Dowager Queen Alicent nodded, a small smile on her face. “My Aemond has always been a man of honor.” Then her eyes go to your hand and her eyebrows furrow. “Did you injure yourself?”
You had worn a gown with extra long sleeves, more of a winter dress than was appropriate for the season, with the intention to hide your injury, but obviously your efforts have failed.
You held your hand close to your chest. “No, Your Grace, it’s from the Valyrian ritual.” At her look of confusion, you continued. “With the septon, and the dagger? King Aemond and I mixed our blood together. He said it was common ritual in House Targaryen.”
 The dowager queen was silent for a moment, then she nodded, plastering a smile on her face. “Ah, yes, there are so many rituals, I forget them from time to time.” She glanced at Sir Criston who avoided her frantic eyes. "Sir Cole, escort Lady y/n back to her chambers, then fetch Aemond and tell him I wish to speak to him.”
You stood and took Sir Criston’s arm. “A pleasure to speak with you, Queen Alicent.”
“You as well, dear.” She called as Sir Criston all but strong-armed you from the room.
“Sir Criston, did I do something to upset the dowager queen?” You asked, as he led you down an unfamiliar hallway.
“Why do you ask that?”
“She ended our tea so abruptly, and she simply seemed to be troubled by something.”
He stopped you in front of a door you didn’t recognize. “The queen mother has many things on her mind, but I can assure you her anger sits not with you.”
 You followed him into a barren room. “These are your quarters; I’d advise you to stay out of sight. We had many noblemen attempting to bring their daughters as tribute, and they are quite angry at being turned away.”
Dowager Queen Alicent had pulled you away from Aemond, leaving him to accept tributes alone, as she kindly but thoroughly interrogated you on every aspect of your life.
You bid the night a farewell and looked around the room. It wasn’t much to look at, but it had a lovely view of the gardens.
 Pushing open the window, you carefully sat on the windowsill, breathing in the fresh air. You gazed down at the meticulously planted flowers, imagining how happy your sisters would be to see such a sight.
You didn’t know how long you sat there before the door slammed open, and you jumped, scooting backward, further into the room, suddenly afraid of the distance between you and the ground.
Two strong arms pulled you from the windowsill, caging you against a hard chest, the silver hair that brushed your shoulders made you relax.
“Aemond? Is everything alright?” You asked, turning your head to look at him.
His shoulders were tense, his eye filled with a frantic fear and rage. “What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?”
“What?” You said, letting out a small noise of surprise when he threw you onto the nearby bed and quickly hovered over you. Caging you in with his arms, his hair falling forward and shielding your faces.
“You were going to jump, because you couldn’t stand to be married to such a monster, but your life is mine, prūmia. No one, not even the Stranger himself, will take you from me. I care not if you call him yourself, or another attempts to, no one will separate us.” He seethed, his eye burning into yours, his voice was low and rolled across your skin like a storm, the hairs on your skin standing upright in response.
“I wasn’t trying to take my own life; I was merely admiring the gardens.” You explained, before your mind fully processed his words. “Wait, married?”
“I’m aware that my mother informed you of the true nature of what occurred last night.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “No, she said nothing. Aemond, are we married? You shouldn’t have—” You were cut off by Aemond’s warm lips brushing down your neck, stopping at your pulse point when you let out a small whimper.
 His acknowledging hum vibrated against the sensitive skin. “You’re mine, I told you that. As of last night it was made true, the septon bore witness to our union, so did Sir Criston.”
“But I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have done it if I knew.” You protested lightly, still afraid to upset Aemond.
“Because you don’t wish to be married to a monster, I know.” He snapped, pulling back to glare at you.
You shook your head. “It’s not that at all, I don’t think you’re a monster, nor do I have any personal qualms about marrying you but, it’s not truly up to me.”
“You’re correct, it’s not up to you, it’s up to me, and I wished to marry you.” He spoke his words into your skin before he attached his lips to your sensitive spot, nipping and sucking until a red mark bloomed, its sting soothed by his tongue.
“But you shouldn’t have, I’m from a small house, there are much better options and oh…” Your voice dissolved into nothing as Aemond continued his ministrations, his fingers running through your hair, his lips latched onto every bit of exposed skin they can find.
“I’m king of the Seven Realms, I will marry who I wish.” He said firmly, his eye flickering up to yours as his lips made their way to the swell of your breasts.
Your face burned once more, and you attempted to push him away. “Aemond, please, this is not proper.”
He stopped and sat up, a distant look on his face. “You’re right.”
You sat up as well, smoothing down your hair. “Thank you, now we really must get this marriage business straightened out.”
He frowned. “Do you not wish to be queen?”
You swallowed hard. “I don’t think I have the education to be a good queen.”
This series masterlist here!!!
Tag list: @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhhaa, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon
Strikethrough means I couldn't tag you for some reason!
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lineffability · 11 months
on crowley's loneliness
there's sth that has been sitting with me vis a vis Crowley, loneliness, and what the fandom, largely, has made of it... and it is the notion, simply put, that Crowley is - well - lonely.
but of course he is, you might say, I've even got textual evidence for it! and you might quote Good Omens Season 2 Episode A Companion to Owls directed by Douglas MacKinnon and written by John Finnemore, and you might point to the final conversation of the Job Minisode, when they agree that being a demon/angel who goes along with hell/heaven as far as he can is...lonely!
and, yes, that's right and true.
and yet. still. I want to argue against Crowley being lonely. at least to some extent. I'm not saying crowley isn't lonely, it's more about how that loneliness is sometimes portrayed/interpreted/understood?
I think we need to look at Crowley's loneliness on different levels: his loneliness vis a vis humanity and his loneliness vis a vis the occult/his job/his place in the ineffable scheme of things
because it's right there in the quote, isn't it? it's lonely to be a demon who doesn't feel part of hell. it's not about being lonely on earth with the humans.
when it comes to humanity and friendships to humans, regardless how close or not they may be, Crowley is not lonely! he forms attachments, he meets and knows tons of people, he schemes, he has fun (Jane Austen anyone???? I mean it's actual canon) and yes of course they all die - of course Crowley's human friendships, just like Aziraphale's, are always slightly detached because , well y'know, they will outlive every single human they will ever meet, and that will influence your attachment style. they don't even really meet humans as equals, arguably, but they both have been shown to continuously engage in friendships, whether those are superficial acquaintances (like neighbor Maggie to Aziraphale) or genuine connections (like Leonardo Da Vinci or Jesus, both canonically really close relationships of Crowley's!!) but it's not even the fact that human friendships are fleeting that makes him lonely in the end - it doesn't cheapen the experience. he's used to people coming and going. it's the way things are.
where the loneliness hits, and yes it hits hard, is on the supernatural level. hated by heaven and hell etc etc. before he became closer with Aziraphale (so roughly around Job) he was truly a solo agent, all alone against the not-world, and this experience of defying both hell and his arguable purpose as a demon made him lonely where it mattered most. but Aziraphale has since been with him, they are the same, they are a group of the two of them and they are only lonely together, which is a different kind of loneliness. it holds defiance and partnership - us against the world.
he still struggles with purpose, both his own and that of the universe, he struggles with his own love for humans and God's seeming indifference to them, and there's loneliness in that too, or at least pain, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any friends??
ah I think this is the bit that gets me! that people think he doesn't have any friends! or that he doesn't have a life outside of Aziraphale! there we are, I have arrived at the core of my problem apparently. (idk if I'm making any sense with this incoherent rambling, I'm making it up as I go)
but basically I just have been irked by seeing this idea a few to many times that's basically: 'aziraphale is a happy little socialite who draws friends to him like moths to an angelic flame while crowley needily and sadly and longingly waits by himself for the angel to grace him with his company' (this is slightly exaggerated maybe but you get my drift, and I'm sure you've seen takes like that) (I love pining Crowley as much as anyone believe me, and oh boy does he do pine - but you know what I mean right??) (I just love this stupid optimistic and loving demon too much)
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nychta-luxury · 2 years
ooooo, I read your story of god's helper, and I took a headcannon from hell that is my head, that ''Helper'' does have a degree of power, but different from Darling Like, when the characters pass the limit of patience, which from what I've seen is quite difficult, he would just shout "Enough" and everyone would stop, because unlike Darling which is basically a request that is not denied The helper give orders that cannot be denied, While the Darling's voice when asking is soft and gentle, the helper's when ordering is heavy and powerful.
OOO this is a amazing concept! This would honestly be a great idea. Reader should have some sort of power due to their connection with Darling, and them being a person who commands is a great fit!
I can see how Darling would be seen as someone who wouldn't demand and being merciful, while the reader
I love the idea soo here is a side story!
Warning: Not proofread, Religious themes, Cult like behavior.
It's been a while since you have gotten isakaied in Genshin Impact with Darling, you have to admit that your were having a hard time taking Darling being a God part.
Even so things have been fun, going sight seeing with Darling, trying foods you always wanted to try, unlimited shopping.
However as time went on..you grew irritated, it's not because the world became dull or anything like that, it's just Darling's.. Acolytes. At first you were very excited seeing characters you adore, but even you can feel the hostility when their around you.
You did feel a bit hurt (you cried to Darling after your comfort characters glared at you) but soon enough you grew use to it. After all you did try to get along but sometimes it just doesn't work.
But that's not the problem. After they were more "fond" of you (aka them just not glaring at you) It somehow became a trend to ask you about Darling, you didn't mind at first because they just asked simple stuff, but then it turned from "What's Darling's favorite color?" to "What does Darling do on Monday morning of March"
Do they seriously expect you to remember EVERY Monday Darling did on March? Sometimes they don't even bother with small talk.
Oh. Just great you can see Childe and Zhongli in distance..how nice.
When Zhongli and Childe decide to come as a duo (to talk about Darling) they will talk to you for HOURS. It can go from 2 pm to 8 pm and they STILL are asking about Darling
"Hello, gentlemen" You say as you kiss your plans with Darling goodbye.
"Ah, what a delightful surprise." Zhongli says, your sure he's judging you, it's that look on his eyes you know?
"Ah! I wasn't expecting you to be here" Childe says, as if you don't come here every Tuesday.
You notice that no one calls you by your name nor a title. They don't call you comrade, traveler, moral, immortal, friend, etc. Maybe they just look down on you.
"Haha yeah I decided to go Third-Round Knockout, the food is good and-"
"Yes yes I must say the stories of their grace are quite astounding-" Zhongli interrupts as he takes a seat next to you.
"-Their grace has made a number of achievements in the world of Teyvat, hence why we would like to know more about their life back on the.. Earth I believe it's called?" Zhongli continued.
"Exactly, we wanted to ask you about Darling-" Childe says deciding to finally join the conversation. You decide to take a sip of tea, he then continued
"We wanted to know about Darling's life on Earth."
You paused, the cup still on your hand, to them it probably seemed like you were frozen in place.
Oh. Darling's life on Earth was not a good one. . In fact many can call it terrible, you still have bad memories about it. You witnessed how bad Darling's life was, you were there during the pain and sadness.
You still remember how happy Darling was to escape their life at Earth and start a new life on Teyvat. Not only do they have a fresh start, they also had you by their side.
Childe gave you a light shake on your shoulder, seems like you were a little too silent. You blinked a couple of times and placed down the cup of tea.
"My apologies but I won't be able to tell you about Darling's life on Earth, It's a very personal matter. I suggest you talk to them about giving me permission or you can talk to them about it yourselves." You say as you hoped they won't take it too badly.
You were then met with a very akward silence, welp looks like you can say goodbye to your tiny friendship with them, seeing how you can feel the galres from both men.
"As their Grace's acolytes shouldn't we have the right to know what their life is like on that world?" Childe says trying to persuade you, sounding more passive aggressive if anything.
"Ahem-" you wanted to counter however Zhongli decides to interupt you.
"I have to agree with Childe about this. You won't need to worry about the information getting leaked." He says, your patience is started to run thin.
"I would also add, if you prefer to keep this between immortals, we may go to somewhere without so many eyes and ears." Zhongli added, earning a glare from Childe.
"Look, I'm sure that you guys are trust worthy, however this isn't about worth it's more about Darling's privacy if anything." You say more harsher than you expected.
"Oh? And whose to say your worthy of knowing more information because you lived on the same world as Their Grace?" Childe says, perhaps trying to start a fight.
You sigh, you were really not in the mood for this madness.
"Look I apologi-" before you could continue, Zhongli decides to interupt you yet again.
"I must say, if this isn't about worthiness then how come you are calling Their Grace in such an informal way? More than once infact. Are you perhaps indicating that you deserve a better understanding of The Mighty One?"
Shit. You forgot that calling Darling by their name was seen as disrespectful. And yet they only decide to bring it up after you wouldn't say anything.
Just why can't they understand Darling needs some sort of privacy.
Your gripping your cup trying to not make irrational decisions. However your patience has lessened by each word that comes out of their mouth.
They took your silence as a way of victory.
"Now, would you please share your knowledge about Their Grace-"
Oh. The cup of tea broke, some shards of the cup is on your hand.
Zhongli and Childe were suddenly sitting up straight, not only that they seem to be frozen in place. You can tell time didn't freeze, however they were not the type to care for your words..
Just what is happening..?
An ancient ruin, it is known to be one of the great temples of the great one. That same ruin has been blessed by Celestia.
A rock drawing of The Mighty One can be seen, It appears Their Grace in their full power. There is a certain someone who is right next to them. A text can be read right underneath this depiction.
"Their Grace is merciful. For they will never demand but request. A gentle God who would never force their own creation submit to them.
Hence forth the creation of (Name). A deity who will demand for Mighty one's place to forever keep their gentleness. Their command is not to be broken. For they are created to control and balance this world
The Mighty One and The Helper That Orders"
THIS IS NOT CANON ON THE "An Imposter or a God's Helper?"
I might write more about it, (if the anon is alright with me using their Idea) I will say it can be seen as the same world, but as a alternative timeline!
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High Flyer
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Eddie Munson X Cheerleader!Reader (18+)
Summary:Eddie spends some time in his van with his girlfriend, before her big performance at the school’s football game.
Warnings:Small bit of fluff in the beginning but the rest is just complete and utter filth. Teasing, Uniform Kink (kind of? Eddie love’s Reader’s Cheerleading outfit), Kissing, Oral Sex (F Receiving), Fingering, Dirty Talk, A sickening abundance of NIcknames/Pet Names, Spitting, unprotected sex. If I’ve missed anything let me know so I can tag it!
Word Count:2,604
Authour’s Note: Part 3 of my loosely connected Eddie and Cheerleader fics, you can read part 1 here, and part two here. I just really enjoy writing for these two, so hopefully y’all enjoy this filth too!
Eddie was never one to grace Hawkins’ high school football fields, not if he could help it. Especially when there was a game on. The stifling air of the sweaty, game-focused jocks was not his usual scene. However there was no way he was going to miss out on seeing you performing at half-time.
After working up the courage to actually ask you out on a date, admittedly after deciding that perving on you from afar wasn’t good enough for him anymore, you had, much to his surprise, said yes. And, now, after many dates, many successful dates, Eddie had asked you to be his girlfriend, and even further more to his surprise you had once again said yes.
So now he was here, waiting around for the game to start. Looking around he suddenly spots a familiar face in the swarm of people. He sees the familiar choppy shoulder-length bob and freckles features of Robin, and as soon as he spots her, she comes bouncing over to him.
“You are the last person I would expect to see here, Eddie.” She says with a raised eyebrow. 
Oh yeah? Well, what are you here for, Buckley? I didn’t exactly peg you as a high-school football fan.” he said, hoping to distract her and dodge her question.
“Oh! I’m here to see Tammy!” Robin beamed brightly.
Ah yes, Eddie was well aware of who Tammy was. Everyone was. Considering how much Robin talked about her. They had only recently started dating and robin was a very proud and easily excited girlfriend it would seem.
“Yeah, she’s singing the national anthem before the game, so I’m here to be the supportive girlfriend that I am, and cheer her on from the bleachers.” she explained with a bright smile.
Eddie cringed slightly, before offering Robin a kind smile. If it was one thing Tammy was known for, it certainly wasn’t her singing voice. However, she made Robin happy so he wasn’t about to say anything to her that would burst her bubble. He was Robin’s friend after all.
“So what is it that’s got Eddie Munson showing up to his high-school football game, because I know you wouldn’t be here unless there was something in it for you.” Robin teases.
“You know how you’re being a supportive girlfriend to Tammy?” he starts.
“Yeah…” Robin drags out, wondering where on earth this conversion could possibly be going.
“Well..I’m being a supportive boyfriend,” he said confidently.
Robin looked at Eddie, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Eddie had a girlfriend? Since when?
"Well, you know y/n?" He starts.
"Wait..y/n? The cheerleader? That y/n?" She babbles.
"Yup, that's the one. We've been out on a couple of dates and things have been going real good." he finishes with a wide grin.
“You really like her don’t you, huh?” Robin teases once more.
“Yeah, I really do, Rob”
“Good for you, Eddie. You deserve to be happy” she smiles at her friend.
Just as he’s enjoying his conversation with Robin, he spots you over her shoulder. Waving to you, you come bouncing over to immediately crush him in a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“Teddy!!!” you squeal excitedly. “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”
“Teddy, huh?” Robin covers her little laugh with a cough at the mention of your affectionately sweet nick-name for the metal-head.
“Hey Sugar, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Robin,” he says motioning to the girl opposite him.
You take Robin’s hand and shake it enthusiastically before bringing her into a friendly hug.
“It’s always nice to meet one of Teddy’s friends.” you say with a smile as you release her from your arms.
“Likewise” she smiled at you. “So will you be staying here long?” 
“Actually Robin, I hope you don’t mind me stealing my girl away. There’s something I’d been meaning to show her.” Eddie interjects.
“Oh sure! Perhaps we can catch up another time! It was nice meeting you!” Robin says brightly as Eddie begins to gently pull you away from the conversation.
Eddie slings his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side.
“You’ve got some time before you have to go out and perform, right? “ Eddie asks, his big brown eyes looking at you from under his fringe of curls.
“Yeah I got some time, why?”
“Because, Sugar, There’s something I wanna show you.” he answers with a wide smirking  grin spreading across lips.
Eddie walks you from the football fields to the school's parking lot, right over to where his van is parked.
As your hand reaches for the passenger side door handle, he directs you to the back of his van where he opens up the double doors at the back.
You peer into the open space in the back of his van, and you can see all the carefully laid out blankets, and soft cushions spread out on the floor.
“I know it’s not anything fancy, but every time I see you in this cheerleading outfit, Sweets...fuck…swear it gets me hard at the worst times.” 
“Oh you like the uniform, huh?”  you tease.
“Yeah, just the other day you had me trying to hide my boner behind my desk. Had to rush off to the bathroom after class to go deal with it.” he chuckles.
“Didn’t know it got you going that bad, Teddy..” you say as you sway your hips, causing the skirt of your uniform to twirl around you.
“Was thinking maybe we could have some fun, Y’know,  just the two of us.” he smirks, his deep brown eyes raking over you in an intense, unabashed gaze.
'Oh is that so?' you blush.
'I'll show you a good time if you'll let me' he smiles, kindly offering you his hand to help you step into the back of his van.
Taking his hand, you make your way into the van, and begin to settle yourself amongst the soft blankets and pillows he's so carefully laid down.
“Did you do all this for me, Ed?” you ask him sweetly.
“Only the best for my girl. Gotta make sure my little high-flyer is comfortable now, don’t I?” he says, crawling into the back to join you, his body hovering over yours as he holds himself above you. 
Leaning your head up, you bring your lips to meet his. His lips are warm and slightly chapped, as you kiss him, both your bodies huddle together in the cosy space of his van.
He pulls his lips away from you for a moment, gazing deeply into your eyes once more before he settles himself between your spread thighs.
“Been thinking about this all day, Sweets..” he admits as flips up the skirt of your uniform, pressing a delicate kiss over your panties. “Will you let me taste you, please” he pleads with you.
You nod your head, smiling down at your boyfriend’s mess of frizzy curls as his lips trail butterfly-light kisses to the soft skin of your inner thigh. 
That little smiling nod of your head was all the green light Eddie needed before his large hands were running up the length of your thighs and his fingers were slipping into the elastic waistband of your panties. He drags them down your legs and pockets them into the back of his jeans.
“Just for safekeeping, Sugar.” he smirks.
His focus is back on you in an instant, his lips blazing a hot trail of sloppy kisses along the length of your legs, stopping at the inside of your thigh to gently nibble at the soft flesh.
“Can never resist the thighs…Fuck…They’re so soft”
With one more kiss to the inside of your thigh, you feel his hot breath ghost over your exposed pussy.
“Hello my pretty girl…I’ve missed you my sweet thing..” he almost all but purrs out when he’s greeted by the sight of your pussy.
His head leans down to press a soft gentle kiss to your clit, before he tongue swipes a long wet stripe from the bottom of your slit to the very top. His tongue swirls around your clit a few times, before he’s flicking over it until he feels your hands weave their way to tangle into the mess of his hair. 
He cheekily smiles against you as he feels your fingers tugging at the roots of his hair, almost as if you’re trying to control his movements. Trying to get him to be right where you need him most. 
He’s lapping up your sweet juices, moaning into you as he does. The tip of his nose nudging at your clit as he slurps up everything you have to give him. He slyly slips one of his fingers into your tight wet heat, slowly drawing it in and out of you, all the while his lips have once again wrapped themselves around your clit, suckling on it  until you’re whining above him.
“Please…” you moan desperately.
“What is it pretty girl?” You can hear the teasing tone in his voice, he was loving this.
“Wanna cum…Please…Feels so good” you whine as you shamelessly grind your hips against your boyfriend's face.  
“Well who am I to deny such a polite request from a pretty girl like you?” he mumbles against you, before slipping another one of his thick fingers inside you. His other hand is pressed firmly on your lower stomach, and the pads of his fingertips are brushing against that spot deep inside you that has you screwing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“Can feel how tight you’re squeezing my fingers, Princess..Cum for me, Sweet Thing..”
The combination of Eddie’s fingers pressing inside you and his pretty pink lips sucking on your clit was all it took before you were riding out your release against his face.
“Good girl…Good fuckin’ girl..Tastes so fucking sweet..” he moans as he helps you to come down from the rushing high of your orgasm.
You begin to reach your hands towards him to unclip the handcuffs holding his belt together, and unzip him from where his cock is pressing against the dark denim of his ripped jeans. 
“Wanna return the favour, Teddy” you say sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him.
“There’ll be plenty of time for that some other time, Princess, I promise. Right now I just really wanna feel you.” He tells you, his lips brushing against yours as he speaks.
He works on undoing his own jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers so that they sit around his thighs. Just enough to free his hard cock from the confines of the constricting fabric.
You watch with wide eyes as he holds his open palm up to your lips.
“Be a good girl and spit for me” 
You part your lips to let a string of drool fall from between them.
“There it is…always such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” he teases, using his spit-slick hand to glide over the length of his hard cock.  
He moves closer to you, cock in hand as he guides himself towards your wet cunt. He presses his pre-cum slick tip to your clit, rubbing over it a few times, watching as your body shudders with a moan.
He finally slides himself into you, slowly, inch by inch, letting you adjust to the stretch of his thick cock that's nestled snugly, deep inside your tight wet heat.
He leans forwards, supporting himself up on his arms as he captures your lips in a claiming kiss. 
"Wanna make you feel good, Princess…"
He rolls his hips into you a few times before he hears your pleas begging him to go faster.
"Eddie…please…I need you…need you to move, please" you whine, your fingers digging into the skin under his Black Sabbath t-shirt.
That was all the go-ahead Eddie needed from you before his hips were snapping into action, thrusting forward to fill you with his thick cock.
“So fuckin’ tight around my dick, Sugar…Swear this pretty little pussy was just made for me” he rasps out with a moan, pushing himself into you with every thrust.
He sets an unwavering and relentless pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin resounding in the confined space of his van, as he thrusts himself in the warm wet heat of your soaked pussy.
His thick length fills you perfectly every time. His deep and precise thrusts ensure that his tip is nudging against your g-spot with every roll of his hips. The gush of your juices make it so easy for him to slide himself inside your wet pussy.
Eddie’s dark curls are stuck to his forehead, the exertion of his efforts to please you evident on the flushed features of his face.
“Look so pretty taking my cock like this…fuck” he praises.
“Close…Eddie…feels so good…please..” you plead with a desperate whine. You aren’t really sure what you were even begging for at this point, all that you knew that it all felt too much. Too much and too good.
His fingers find your clit, the rough pads of his guitarists fingers rubbing over your sensitive bundle of nerves in quick, tight circles.
“Can feel how tight you’re squeezing on me Sweets…Gonna make me blow my load, I swear..” 
“Fill me up Eddie..Please..I want it so bad..please..” you beg
“Fuck…You want me to fill up this pretty pussy..want me dripping out of you..” Eddie moans as he thrusts a few more times, pushing his hips forward until he’s as deep as he could possibly be in you. 
His thrusts slow down as you clench around him, your legs locking around his waist to keep him close to you while your body shudders with the rush of your orgasm washing over you.
Eddie’s cock pulses deep in you, filling you with rope after rope of the hot spurts of his release. His fingers sink into the soft skin of your hips, while he blows his load in you.
He holds still for a moment, your walls wrapping around his softening cock. Pulling out of your warm heat with a slight hiss, Eddie looks as the sticky, pearly essence of him trails its way out of your pussy.
“Want you full of me while you’re out there, Sugar” he winks at you, before swiping his cum on his fingers and pushing it back into you and pulling your panties up to stop anymore of his release from leaking out of you.
In your freshly fucked out, lust-addled brain you over hear the loud cheers coming from the other side of the school.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck…Teddy, I’ve gotta go…I’m gonna be late for the big performance!” You panic, rushing to straighten yourself up and fix your hair. “I’m supposed to be at the top of the pyramid! The girls are counting on me!” You worry, as you begin to make your way out of his van.
He captures your lips once more in a sweet kiss before he watches you rush off to the other side of the school to join the rest of the cheer squad.
“Go knock ‘em dead, my little high-flyer!” he shouts out to you from across the yard.
“Thanks Teddy!!”
Eddie watched every second of your performance with wide eyes and pride in his heart. If he happened to see a slightly sticky trail down the inside of your thighs as you pose at the top of the pyramid, then that was between you and him, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
@munsonology @mcbeanzontoast @harringtons-cupid @penguinsandpotterheads @i-me-mine
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actiasteeth · 1 month
All prompts taken from the novel Dayspring by Anthony Oliviera. Adjust as needed.
"Tell me a story."
"This bedtime story sucks. Tell me a better one."
"You came back."
"Will you come with me?"
"Break my heart as many times as you need to. I am yours."
"That is not my problem. Let me have a little longer."
"Ah, fuck it. Let's do a miracle."
"Okay, but definitely don't tell them where you got this. And if you could not mention me in particular, that would also be super."
"My mind is not what it was. Let me try again."
"And I know now that love sometimes makes a promise it cannot keep."
"Sometimes you must say 'yes' when you mean 'no.' There is a kindness that you never learned in the lie."
"What you ask for you will get. What you look for you will find."
"What if we ran?"
"What would it profit a man to lose his soul just to save some petty world?"
"We run. If they kill us, they kill us, but we run now."
"I have loved you more than I have loved anything. You can't forget."
"Look, here. Ascend and transcend all you like; this is the wound that will not close."
"How is it that they could kill him, but I am what died?"
"God always gives us more than we can handle."
"Love is what ruins. Love is what costs."
"Where you go, I will go. And where you stay, I will stay."
"Love is as strong as death, passion fierce as the grave."
"I am lost. But even in the wilderness, I would know you."
"What kind of God would let a world come to this?"
"Do a little evil to do a greater good."
"I was utterly lost. I was utterly yours."
"It is not reasonable. Let us, then, be the end of reason."
"Are you the one we have been waiting for?"
"Sometimes I am scared of forgetting the sound of you."
"Among the first things they learn of God is that his rage is inexhaustible."
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Hurt me."
"Where is your faith?"
"Grace isn't just. That is the point of grace."
"If you could see the way out, it wouldn't be much of a miracle."
"God, look at you. You're disgusting."
"Surviving is easy. It's the other thing that's hard."
"Nothing is housed in churches and temples and holy places that is not housed in you."
"Why do you fear those who can only kill your body and after this are powerless?"
"This is how you treat your friends."
"You move, as ever, in mysterious ways."
"Resurrection leaves its scars."
"I am who you say I am."
"I have not had much use for gods of any kind."
"Maybe I will let you wait for me this time."
"I've never been in a proper fight before. Does a beating count as a fight?"
"Please, I know another bottom when I see one."
"I can tell you're going to be the one that's a problem."
"We know what we are, but not what we may be."
"Please do not ask me stupid fucking questions."
"Before you try to kill the king, make sure your sword is sharp."
"I never knew you as anything except an operative of cruelty."
"Your life served your own malice and not me at all."
"How can I unless someone teaches me?"
"To know the world but not yourself is to know nothing at all."
"Do not try that one on me. I was there, remember? I remember."
"Accident or sorrow? Despair or joy? How strange: that they should look, in the end, so completely the same."
"Honestly, I would rather you not mention this to anybody."
"The world costs nothing except your soul, but there are no returns."
"To follow me is to set your teeth upon the curb."
"But patience and nuance were never really your strong suit."
"I wanted to see you."
"How come you never kiss me when we're awake?"
"If even God can die then death is no indignity."
"If even God can love then love can be no sin."
"This is not a place of honour. No gods live here."
"If I lost you, there is nowhere I wouldn't look."
"There was a time you knew every inch of me."
"Someday there will be happiness again and a joy that none can take from us."
"How long must I wait for you?"
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Are you— you're not trying to get rid of me."
"This isn't going to end well. For me, for any of us."
"I don't mind dying. I was born to die. But you—"
"You can't protect me from the world."
"That's really not how this works."
"I only ever make you sad."
"It's never going to be the happy ending you want. You know that."
"You could come. You could forget about all this and be with me."
"Let there be no longer any secret what you do to me."
"Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?"
"Let them hate me all they want. But you and I know the truth."
"It's only death, that's all. What is that to love?"
"Wait. If this is the last, if this is the end, I don't know how to say goodbye to you."
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tac-bat · 2 years
Why I hate how the elders are treated and misinterpreted in a big chunk of the fandom. Rant!
Before we start
I mention fat phobia, and talk about how certain hair types and cultural clothing is described as "food" as a response to what some of the elders are perceived by alot of the fandom. These comments are not only directed at some elders, but many folks who have gotten representation from them are also affected these comments that many thrown around freely.
I’m at my breaking point and will get heated on an array of things but I don’t care
You're entitled to your own opinion, even if i heavily disagree with it. If you don't wanna read then just scroll, because I will rip apart the interpretations I talk about under the read more tag.
If you "don't see this happening" or believe this "doesn't happen" that doesn't mean it didn't happen, Tumblr isin't the only social media I have. I've dabbled in the official Discord, on Instagram, and god forbid Pinterest too, i've seen it all.
Let’s go in order, most issues I have a bone to pick with are more prevalent in some elders more than others.
They’re just forgotten, really. Even with knowing what Isle looked like before. Flourishing even, populated seen in the switch trailer and even making an appearance in the Auroras' concert for runaways, they’re pretty much never talked about. And if they are they're just kinda only the butt of pee-paw jokes
Their characterization is just confusing to me. I've seen a lot of them portrayed as happy-go-lucky. I’m not saying they can’t be happy, but from what I’ve seen, that’s all they are to a lot of folks in the fandom that I’ve seen. Which really confuses me because in their cutscene they wake up in a daze, notice us, are sort of like "ah, hi," and get straight to work. And they’re gentle, tipping the pot to the butterfly they make to enter. But then there's their orbit cutscene, where they look tired and a tad grouchy after being woken up—not mean, just tired. Again, nothing wrong with it, but it’s pretty one-dimensional to me to just see them as all that.
On a more bitter note, i've seen alot of "fat jokes" or straight up fatphobia in art and comments alike about their body, "Why are they so fat?" -a comment i've actually seen in the discord regarding Ayin. it's disgusting.
I have so much shit to say about them.
They're not mean simply because they took your light.
"But they snatched it away." Motherfucker, you're looking surface level. THINK!
Imagine you're dead, stuck in limbo for god knows how long, rotting away without anything to do. And you enjoy building and creating, and you were possibly the catalyst for the production of darkstone; your temple could be a goddamn factory for it! So much so that your anvil and hammer are in your constellation; they're a part of you. It’s what you love. And now that you're dead, with no light to fuel, no life to live, forced to sit there with broken shards, it'd bore you, drain you. And then a child appears with a flame; and for the first time in thousands of years, if not more, you can create, build, make something.
And you do.
You take the light without a second thought, regaining your strength and setting to work to help this child pass through your realm to the other elder. You just put all your focus on making the diamond, and when you finish and are proud of it, you send it up to the sky. You’ve created again. And in your orbit cutscene, you're much gentler, no longer bound to that soul-sucking abyss of nothing, so you honour the children who gave you light, your gift. Taking your time and presenting it to them with grace.
That’s what Teth does; that’s what they do. Yes, they seem like a more serious person, but they’re in no way mean. Did they take your light away? Yes. But putting yourself in their shoes for just a moment can make you understand why.
I love the twins; I’m a fan of them, and I love Sah in particular with all my being. Which is why this one I will get very passionate about.
It baffles me how those two got the impression of being idiots who share a single brain cell. I don’t mind the jokes, but some people think that’s all they are. Which is just so wrong, like? How can you be so wrong? Would a ruler who built their fucking realm, Valley Triumph of all names, in a goddamn mountains? Would the most prosperous, decorated, and successful realm be led by idiots? Let me repeat that, They built the realm Valley of Triumph, in the fucking MOUNTIANS! Do you know how hard it is to make a city that size in those conditions? MOUNTAINS ARE FUCKING BRUTAL, WITH LESS OXYGEN, EVEN LESS WITH MASK'S, AND FOR HOW UNPREDICTABLE THE WEATHER IS ITS INSANE. Yet valley thrived! They thrived in those mountains, creating impossible architecture, floating buildings, and sports ranging from sliding to flying to manta racing.
Would idiots who share a brain cell accomplish that? No! It's incredible what the twins achieve—an amazing realm and, in my opinion, the capital of the sky. Eden, on the other hand, seems more like a sacred place where you ascend. Not to mention the Citadel? Hello??? It's fucking fantastic; it's incredible how they created such a beautiful realm in the mountains. They wanted races; they got them; they wanted enrichment; they have theatre, gondolas, even the coliseum, and races too.
The twins can be silly and serious, and they are shown to have the same rivalry as all siblings do. But they are not dumb idiots, not in the least.
Tsadi, like Ayins, is just confusing. I’m not too well versed, but I’ve seen iterations of them where they side with "Resh," who is really just a concept art character that has definitely changed from the base game in concept art. Even then, they've never officially appeared in-game; you just have those statues in Wasteland. And in those interpretations of seeing Resh as a full-fledged character, they’re seen as "evil," which I don’t agree with at all. I mention them because most of the time, Tsadi would side with Resh in the war to mant; them seeing Resh as pro-Darkstone in the war (the diamonds Teth makes, and that we light up, basically the main power source for sky), this would imply Tsadi destroyed their realm because they followed the "king." However, their sun shield is right there; based on the memories of wounded warriors, it shows that they were on the "sun side" of their friend. If they we're pro darkstone and was on the same side as the hypothetical "king" wouldn't they have a diamond shield?
"But the spear falling in warrior's and seeds memory could be them," would you expect Tsadi to attack their own realm, where civilians are in warrior memory? Attack their own PEOPLE for the reasons I stated above?
Like most of the elders, they're pretty much forgotten. And frankly, I haven’t seen any character interpretations that stick out, so their section is more about how they’re mistreated. Mostly on their headscarf, which is confirmed to be based off a hijab by one of the devs, Ash. Who explains why we should be respectful about it.
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And god, so many POC deal with shit already because their hair or cultural clothing are described as food or even worse which many hate. It's disheartening to see almost every joke or comparison refer to Lamed being an "Egg".
More stuff that piss me off
"Bad rulers"
I despise when folks call the elders "evil" or "bad rulers," not seeming to care for their people or even being seen as lazy, which baffles me. Have you watched the vault cutscene?
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For fuck's sake, Flight Guide is Ayin's apprentice! Would someone who doesn't care about their people bother with an apprentice? Even a flight guide shares the same pattern on their pants as Ayin, and the same pattern on the flight post's. It's ridiculous how folks can spew the most disproven zero reading comprehension ever when this shit is right here.
And they're not saints; they made mistakes, of course, but I see them wanting the best for their people and the kingdom. But in the process, they made huge mistakes that piled up and spilled over, resulting in the kingdom's downfall. But it wasn’t done out of malice; they tried and messed up big time, but they weren't evil, not one bit.
How many treat Lamed and Teth when it comes to shipping
I can’t stop who you ship; as long as it’s not weird and illegal, it’s whatever for me. Some pairs are not for me because of personal preferences/ familial head cannons, but I do dabble in ships. Yet it’s more mellowed out to me just saying "cute" when I see fanart and moving on. But it irritates me that when Teth or Lamed are shipped with most people, they appear to be more submissive in some ways. I’m not saying they can’t be happy, but to me, in so much ship art, it seems like just because they look more feminine, they’re suddenly almost always a blushing or shy mess, or (and I hate to use this term) a tsundere for Teth in some other cases. But that’s completely my biased opinion.
Fucks sake in my earlier time in the fandom, I was a Lamed/Tsadi fan, but again, it’s mellowed out to me just seeing fanart and thinking it's cute and moving on if it comes naturally. But I didn’t make one meek and the other an alpha male or some dumb shit when I used to draw them as I've seen many do. I mention this because I can see some folks calling me hypocritical for pointing this out. But the reason it irritates me is when Teth or Lamed are paired with someone (who often appears to be masc) almost always seem out of character simply because they're with said person. Which rubs me the wrong way since they are usually almost always seen as fem presenting in many folks eyes. Again, I don't have an issue with the pairs themselves; it just irks me when only their personalities seem to be changed for the sake of it, where it's just out of character.
How some elders greatly overshadow others and leave them in the dust
I'm guilty of this, fucks sake most of my content is twin stuff. And while I can feed on alot of twin content here, many folks who are fans of any other elder's barely get crumbs, even less so with Daleth, Ayin, And Lamed who are pretty much left do the dust. Which I hate because i know why.
The reason, Twins and Teth and even Tsadi are so popular when they others aren't is because they're "conventionally attractive", all are fit, all are gorgeous and can be attractive to many. Yet so can the others be appreciated, yet they aren't. Again, i know a hypocrite because of my blog being mostly twin stuff, yet even blogs like mine that don't focus on a single elder barely draw Daleth, Ayin, and Lamed. It sucks ass.
I think that’s all. I’m just sick of how the elders are treated by everyone.
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