#like acab but thats when you call the authorities my guy
kingflups · 5 months
Which of the RE games do you think you might actually be able to survive and why?
Oh my goodness thank you for the ask!!
I'm not counting any games I'm not familiar with, so no 5,6 or any of the spin offs. Sorry!
In a perfect world, I'm getting out of 0, 1, and 4. 0 *especially* because when there's that little cut scene where William and Wesker see Billy on the cameras, they don't care who is or why the fuck he's there and take *zero steps* to kill him or Rebecca. Whether I'm replacing one of those two in the narrative or I'm just there, I'm getting out by pure virtue of no one giving a shit, and I'll take that as a win!
Kind of the same logic applies to 4. Either I ended up in Spain because I'm one of Ashley's college friends or I somehow went on a hiking date gone totally wrong, I can coast if I can get rescued. Maybe this is cheating, but if I can worm my way into the gaggle of weirdos Leon or Ada collects over the game, I can probably get out. Leon definitely I could, I don't know if I could charm Ada fast enough, but the point is, I could probably hide from the townspeople long enough to catch a ride out.
RE 1 is the big ask here. I have nearly no experience with weapons. I don't know how I ended up in the woods (another hiking date went wrong?). But I have one advantage, and it's unlike the rest of the cast of that game, there is no way in hell I'm letting anyone split up. I would latch onto someone in an *instant*. Do I make it out of that game because I latch onto Jill in act one and not once let go? Yeah. Yeah I fucking do! Since there are a set amount of zombies in the mansion, and not eternal waves like it would be in 2 or 3 being set in a city, I have better odds. Being in a city and having stalker villains would be what kills me in 2 and 3, like 100%, even if I have help. But theoretically, I could make it out of 1. Maybe. If I'm by myself though I'm probably dead. But maybe not!!
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