#like I'm not kidding about the fish content y'all
touchmycoat · 2 years
mer!LQG noncon breeding, pt.1(??)
this is getting out of hand y'all....I'm a little tempted to call it a day and stop the fic here but my thirsty ass probably,, will,,,continue, ,
Rated E, 4.8k
CW: noncon, captivity, milking/breeding, graphic depictions of violence, **live feeding and cannibalism**
At first he felt the chains, the bands of metal that cuffed his tail to his arms and his arms to his back. They were difficult not to feel. He was also bound upright with his back to a wall where if he hung like a dead fish, his muscles would elongate and his joints would slowly pull out of alignment like rotting. So he bobbed, relieved somewhat for the water’s buoyancy as he kept himself afloat against what little give the chains allowed. Mostly he just felt humiliated. And angry. And wary.
A few days passed and anger turned to fury, wariness to dread. The water around him was contained but not stagnant, the oxygen levels never waning as his gills carefully pumped water. Yet there was no food, which meant either his captors intended to starve him to death or they knew he didn’t need to eat. Likely the latter, given the restraints. But there was no other sign of life—no disturbance in the water, no footsteps from an airbreather drumming through the walls.
A few weeks passed and he wondered who would do this and if they had died to some stupid consequence of their own making without telling anybody else about the mer they’d chained up in a tank. He wondered if it was Shen Qingqiu, some sick plan to get rid of him once and for all. Shen Qingqiu was the last mer he remembered seeing after the fever took him. Perhaps Shen Qingqiu had drugged him. Sold him off to the human connections they’d always suspected Shen Qingqiu of having.
Another few weeks, and he was going out of his mind. The water getting cycled meant he never tasted his own blood for long, and the magical nature of the cuffs—the way they grated off his scales, yes, but refused to cut his bones—suggested that this prolonged isolation was intentional. Whoever had him in captivity was icing him out, was torturing him, or just didn’t care and wanted an insane mer for entertainment for some fucking reason—
A few months passed and Liu Qingge couldn’t feel the cuffs anymore.
I don’t believe we’ve met.
The psychic amusement felt like a jet of boiling water on Liu Qingge’s mind, raw from isolation. He thought he must have roared, but had a hard time remembering what sensations felt like. He’d been hanging for a few days now, tail cramping and arm tendons overextending. When he jerked upright, his whole body felt snapped like a fish gut string.
A human floated in front of him, broad and calm. The human had legs clothed in layers of rich robes. The human was not struggling to breathe or stay underwater.
Something twinged, sharp and unpleasant, in Liu Qingge’s shoulder. He’d been straining to reach the human without thinking like some kind of brainless animal.
Who— It was difficult to remember how to communicate. Who are you?!
The human winced, exaggerated and pointed.
This Lord is Luo Binghe, and I should call you Liu-shishu.
Something beneath all the discombobulation in Liu Qingge’s gut, the fervent disbelief that this was real, plummeted. Then burned.
I am a disciple of Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Qingqiu… The name broke like waves on Liu Qingge’s mind. Shen Qingqiu put you up to this?!
You could say that. The laughter in the human’s eyes was genuine, and Liu Qingge wanted to cut his face off and eat through his brains. Not your Shen Qingqiu though. I ought to explain.
Then the human—Luo Binghe—was reaching out and taking Liu Qingge by the chin. A few months ago Liu Qingge would’ve bitten his entire hand off without a thought but now, the single point of touch felt more like air than anything Liu Qingge’s gills had managed to pump in the last handful of weeks. In fact, Liu Qingge was so wrapped up in the external sensation that it took him a moment to realize that Luo Binghe was speaking.
—parallel universes. How curious, isn’t it? And how fortuitous that I can simply find another Shen Qingqiu and finally get the ending that I deserve.
Liu Qingge had no idea what Luo Binghe was talking about. He glared hard into Luo Binghe’s eyes and found, annoyingly, some distant delight there. Like a pet fish had done a trick.
And what do I, Liu Qingge snarled, flashing rows of sharp teeth, have to do with you and Shen Qingqiu?
Nothing, Luo Binghe confessed, and Liu Qingge boiled with how easily he’d said that. In my world, Shen Qingqiu had killed you before anything of consequence. He was about to kill you again, you know. I took you from that cave and healed your fever.
Then you chained me up and left me here for months.
On months, a part of Liu Qingge’s psychic projection broke off like sandstone after a storm. A mockery of condolence danced across Luo Binghe’s brow.
It’ll be easier for you if you believe this Lord to be your savior, Luo Binghe laughed, giving Liu Qingge’s chin a little shake. Liu Qingge did snap teeth then, and Luo Binghe withdrew his touch. Be grateful, and be of service. No need to make this hard on yourself.
In the space of a breath Liu Qingge knew with certainty that Luo Binghe had broken creatures before. Had broken them and broken them in for use, had known exactly which creatures with what mangled thoughts stayed the most docile under his thumb. Liu Qingge also knew he would be torn to a thousand pieces before he ever became that sort of creature. He would sooner die than lose himself as this self-professed lord’s plaything.
And judging by the smirk on Luo Binghe’s face, he knew it too.
But as expected of the man who saw through my Shizun’s facade before anybody else. There was real applause in Luo Binghe’s tone, and Liu Qingge had no idea how a creature could come to be like Luo Binghe. No idea at all. The man so stubborn that Shen Qingqiu had to kill you first. You know, I’m almost sorry to do this to you.
Luo Binghe paused, waiting. Liu Qingge refused to give him what he was obviously waiting for.
…Well, I’m sure Liu-shishu understands. If anyone wants revenge against Shen Qingqiu, it’s—
Shen Qingqiu isn’t doing this, Liu Qingge interrupted, flat. You are.
Luo Binghe’s eyes were as dark and lightless as tar before he hummed one lone, placid note.
I suppose that’s true.
Then he reached out and touched, of all things, Liu Qingge’s abdomen. Once again Liu Qingge forgot to twist away, but the skimming touch was gone as soon as it came.
So you’re right. You don’t matter. There are tests I have to run and I need a mer to do so. Everybody thinks you’re dead so you’re perfect.
There was something of the ocean about Luo Binghe, Liu Qingge thought dimly, the raw and ruthless strength of her. It had been a long time since anything made Liu Qingge feel this unnervingly small and inconsequential.
I’m going to free myself, Liu Qingge swore, and I’m going to kill you.
But Luo Binghe was already swimming away.
Alright Liu-shishu. I’m looking forward to you trying.
The first drug came a day later, poured like a cup of wine from the hand of some indolent young lord. Liu Qingge’s head snapped up the moment he felt the disturbance in the water, but what was there to do? The eddies from the pour, only slightly more viscous than its saltwater bath, had already dissipated, and it would soak into Liu Qingge’s skin. Either it would induce its intended effect or it wouldn’t.
Maybe it wasn’t any drug at all, but just the litter of a drunk underling.
Maybe Luo Binghe would now jump in, experience a hitherto unknown, utterly lethal allergic reaction, and free Liu Qingge to help. And Liu Qingge would—he’d propel them both up to the surface, morph legs, and slit Luo Binghe’s throat.
But no other disturbances on the water surface came, and Liu Qingge was left alone again, angrily attributing the prickling beneath his skin to Luo Binghe’s drug and not at all to the well of unease growing in his core.
By that evening, he knew what the drug had done, and the moment Luo Binghe came within reach Liu Qingge was snapping forward with all his strength, fangs bared to tear Luo Binghe’s throat out.
He managed to taste blood, and then felt an impact down his head and back so strong that his vision went white for minutes. By the time he wrestled his consciousness back, there was metal stretching his mouth wide open and Luo Binghe had a hand on the torn tip of his tail.
Honestly, Liu-shishu, Luo Binghe tsked, squeezing the bone Liu Qingge had broken until Liu Qingge was pale and trembling. Was that at all necessary? All I did was push your biological instincts a little forward in time.
Liu Qingge had dislocated a shoulder as well but couldn’t get the angle to push it back into place. Luo Binghe’s smile was sharp and intentional as he got into Liu Qingge’s face. Liu Qingge’s jaw ached to bite and rend flesh, but the thing Luo Binghe had put into his mouth wouldn’t allow it.
Luo Binghe snapped the strap of the gag against Liu Qingge’s cheek, a mild sting that was somehow more humiliating than everything Luo Binghe had done so far.
If you’re going to be this sensitive about the very first experiment, that doesn’t bode well for the rest. Take my advice, why don’t you? You’ll be much happier if you just relaxed.
Liu Qingge worked his jaw so hard that metal creaked and he tasted blood. Luo Binghe’s grin widened.
You are, he laughed, placing his palm flat on Liu Qingge’s scales, right over Liu Qingge’s uncomfortably swollen abdomen, incredibly entertaining.
Then he pushed down with the heel of his palm, exerting more and more steady pressure until something inside Liu Qingge’s body gave.
This Lord didn’t expect to be so entertained.
Between some of his smallest scales around the center of his tail, fevered skin split around a natural opening. Luo Binghe pushed until milt rushed out, ropes of white that disseminated into the water in tiny, floating specks. Luo Binghe pushed until the stuffiness that his drug had built up inside Liu Qingge’s stomach eased, loosened like a soaked sponge, and finally went away.
There we go, Luo Binghe murmured. His hand was still on Liu Qingge’s stomach like a brand. That wasn’t so difficult.
Liu Qingge would rather have the bloating back. He’d rather be cut into with a dinner knife than rubbed like this, all fake comfort, like stroking an animal after having it fucking neutered.
Ah, Liu-shishu came so quickly that I didn’t have time to collect a sample.
Luo Binghe’s hand was warm like a punchline, still rolling against Liu Qingge’s abdomen in small, gentle undulations. But his other hand now brought out a vial.
Now where is the opening…here?
Liu Qingge bucked again when Luo Binghe’s fingertip dipped into his slit. Luo Binghe just slammed him back against the wall, chains rattling and broken bones burning.
I said, relax.
The vial was thin and its lips smooth glass. It was nearly painless going in, Liu Qingge’s inexperienced walls letting it in with only a minor twinge of discomfort. Luo Binghe didn’t push it in far, but Liu Qingge still roared. He still fought tooth and tail against Luo Binghe’s hold, determined to snap the fucking glass in half and stab Luo Binghe with it, until Luo Binghe, expression going cold, bodied into him with twice as much force, pinning him with his shoulder, chest, and knee.
His teeth found Liu Qingge’s jaw as well, grazing in warning; Liu Qingge had been bitten by sharks before with duller teeth than Luo Binghe’s.
Too good to listen, hm?
Luo Binghe’s first suddenly drove into Liu Qingge’s stomach with unprecedented force. A plume of bubbles exploded from Liu Qingge’s mouth, rushing toward the surface.
At the same time Luo Binghe hummed and tipped the vial this way and that before slipping it out with a thumb on top as stopper. White milt filled the inside, readily visible. Luo Binghe examined Liu Qingge’s entrance left in its wake, almost curiously brushing over the lips of swollen muscle.
Then he was smiling at Liu Qingge, one hand patting Liu Qingge’s cheek in open condescension before pulling the gag out.
Liu-shishu’s seriously injured himself today, Luo Binghe sighed. He finally kicked away and Liu Qingge didn’t know if the loss of touch made all his pain feel worse or better. This Lord recommends you take it easy for a month or two. To heal.
Which meant Luo Binghe was going to ice him out again, leave him untouched and deprived of all sensation at the bottom of this pit after having been used and emptied against his will.
Until then.
Liu Qingge couldn’t even send him off with another threat.
The water was cycled, and Liu Qingge could no longer smell his own milt.
The water was cycled, and Liu Qingge couldn’t even feel his own skin. It occurred to him that Luo Binghe might still be drugging the water, soaking him in sedatives to compound his sense of isolation. If so, then it worked. If so, then Liu Qingge was the loneliest creature on the planet; even torn-up skin and broken scales couldn’t puncture the murk swallowing up his brain.
For the first time in his very long life, Liu Qingge felt that water kept poor company. All it did was bury and forget. All it did was pollute. Liu Qingge was buried and forgotten. Liu Qingge was polluted.
Something splashed over the surface of his water and the force of it felt like an explosion on Liu Qingge’s numbed-out senses, so much so that he was actually stunned for an unacceptably long time. It felt like the still-sensate fraction of his brain was being borne upon opaque foam that was being dashed against a cliffside—no matter how stiffly he tried to hold himself, he was barreled ass over head. No matter how he tried to swim out, he remain smothered.
By the time his mind finally tired itself out, whatever thing had intruded on his isolation was long gone, and Liu Qingge had no way of knowing if it had been more drugs or a hand or an ally. That could have been Liu Qingge’s only chance of escaping and he blew it on useless thrashing.
…Who was he kidding? That was no ally. There would be no rescue, because thanks to Shen Qingqiu—no, thanks to Luo Binghe—not a single soul in the world knew Liu Qingge was alive enough to need rescuing.
Alive enough was something of a comforting qualifier though. Either he was or he wasn’t, and the moment he wasn’t, then he’d become dead enough to kill. Great, get Shen Qingqiu involved then. According to Luo Binghe, that bastard was the only one with a track record of killing him. For all their years of disagreements and teeth-baring fights, Shen Qingqiu had somehow turned out to be the only one Liu Qingge could count on now to put him out of his misery.
It was a drug, a different one that first made all of Liu Qingge’s organs cramp and then all his tendons ache. The worst part was, Liu Qingge was grateful. The new types of discomfort, one that he was not numbed to the bones by, felt good, felt easy to focus on. Liu Qingge felt embarrassingly relieved to have something other than meditation take his attention after all these months of nothing but silent non-sensation.
Two days after the aches, the bloating started again. This time though, whatever his body was generating (and Liu Qingge had a sick, sick idea) seemed to be taking more out of him than his body was ready to give. Everything was sore, and Liu Qingge spent more time passed out from strange exhaustion than in meditative trance. His tail fins grew so discomfortingly restless that by the time Liu Qingge realized, he’d already tattered them to ribbons against the chains and wall. His abdomen swelled at the cost of his tail muscles, the layer of fat over his ribs.
All in all Liu Qingge knew he looked quite mangled for Luo Binghe’s visit, but didn’t expect the displeased surprise in Luo Binghe’s frown. He didn’t expect Luo Binghe’s touch to hurt and for the hiss of pain to slip unbidden out through his teeth.
Shishu’s running a fever, Luo Binge observed, running his hand just above Liu Qingge’s cheek and neck but not touching again.
The hell did you give me, Liu Qingge murmured, eyes tracing the hovering hand. He wanted touch. He didn’t want touch. He wanted that, the elastic skin and the resistance of muscles between his teeth. The hovering was making him dizzy.
Nothing to cause this I hope, or some idiots with their lofty promises are about to die, Luo Binghe answered darkly. The question is, could this be the natural biology of your species? Does the spawning of roe typically forecast death?
Roe. Of fucking course. The twist of disgust in Liu Qingge’s gut, after a moment, floated painlessly away, to be felt some other time when Liu Qingge wasn’t so damn tired.
He must have answered in the negative, because Luo Binghe lifted a skeptical brow.
Are you certain? Because no offense, but Liu-shishu doesn’t exactly seem the type to be knowledgeable about sexual reproduction—
Liu Qingge lost track of time. He came to again with the soft, pleasing gnash of food between his teeth. His head shook on instinct, trying to tear flesh free, and he heard a low chuckle within the dispersing cloud of cooling red blood.
This is a nice surprise.
Movement, right in front of Liu Qingge, and Liu Qingge had never felt so capable—the starved and dying creature with food finally within reach. He opened his jaw again. Bit. Tore. His gums were warmed. His throat and belly went hot and satisfied with the rush of blood and finally, his eggs would be fed, and all at once his stomach felt packed, stretched to the brim with food and readiness to mate mate find a mate and spawn—
Poor Shishu, chained up here for so long. Shall this Lord let you stretch some? Go on, swim around a bit.
Weights and steady pressure—around his wrists, around his tail—were suddenly gone, and he—
Liu Qingge woke up, his mind cold and true. Luo Binghe had taken off his shackles. It didn’t matter why. He had to escape.
So, pushing clean through all the tearing pain of moving unused muscles again, Liu Qingge launched himself at the water surface.
Arms clamped around his neck, less of a choke than a hold. Liu Qingge swam harder. If Luo Binghe wanted to come along for the ride then Liu Qingge would damn well show him the dangers of water pressure. Legs tried to snake around his waist as well but Liu Qingge shook them off. He dislodged all the grips and clamps he could but that wasn’t the point, the point was the surface getting brighter and brighter within reach. The point was freedom, finally, because Luo Binghe was stupid enough to actually undo his—
There were things crawling under Liu Qingge’s skin.
There were things crawling, then tasting, then gnawing.
Pain was nothing. The surface was something. Out, get out of this oceans-forsaken tank. Keep swimming.
Then tearing.
Keep swimming.
I have to say, I really am impressed.
Liu Qingge slammed into the wall of the tank, clawing. He could drag himself up the last few meters, he could. He’d dig his damn fingers right into the metal if he had to, turn his bones into teeth. He could.
He couldn’t. Fingertips slipped and there was a leg, a booted foot pushing him away from the wall, away from any holds and out into open water, where there was nothing to do but swim and Liu Qingge couldn’t swim—
They sank, slow and inevitable. Liu Qingge’s entire body felt mashed together like sodden paper being crumpled between palms. There was a palm on him, curious and almost protective, resting over his belly. It didn’t let go even once they landed back on the floor of the tank. It stroked, and urged Liu Qingge’s stiff body back against Luo Binghe’s warm, clothed chest, between Luo Binghe’s spread legs, into the triumphant wrap of Luo Binghe’s arms.
That was nice, wasn’t it? I bet Shishu’s missed that.
Stroking lovingly over Liu Qingge’s still-spasming throat, Luo Binghe fastened a cuff back on. This time, there was extraordinarily little give in the chain, and the back of Liu Qingge’s head was basically flat against the floor.
I also thought you might appreciate a change in scenery.
Luo Binghe let go to float on top. He never went far, hand practically affixed to Liu Qingge’s side then belly like its fullness was a prize. Liu Qingge’s body was still practically paralyzed with pain, but he saw Luo Binghe now for the first time since his feeding.
A hole had been cleanly bitten through Luo Binghe’s robes—and shoulder. Though there was no longer blood, two chunks of flesh were evidently missing from Luo Binghe’s bicep.
Liu Qingge didn’t care that he’d eaten bits of his enemy. He was just pissed that Luo Binghe seemed completely unfazed by it. There were also the faintest traces of blood under Luo Binghe’s nose that he also seemed unfazed by, but at least, Liu Qingge thought with grim pleasure, he’d demonstrated to Luo Binghe the danger of trying to keep pace with a mer underwater. Luo Binghe would hardly be trying that again.
Something flinty slipped into Luo Binghe’s expression.
Like what you see that much?
The things under Liu Qingge’s skin began to wring again, like Liu Qingge’s arteries were wet towels to be squeezed completely dry. Liu Qingge’s throat slammed against metal and the cuff choked off his yell.
That’s not the thanks this Lord wants for feeding you, Liu-shishu.
You starved me in the first—
Liu Qingge’s mental snarl broke off when Luo Binghe pushed on his stomach, the same motion as when Luo Binghe had milked him for his milt before. His tail snapped up, desperate to do damage, but with a brutal squeeze of whatever was inside Liu Qingge, Luo Binghe rendered his most powerful appendage useless in an instant. Luo Binghe even stroked along the scales in appreciative ownership, as if he already had Liu Qingge mounted and displayed on his mantle.
Aren’t you tired already? Won’t Shishu just relax for me?
And no matter how hard Liu Qingge clenched his muscles, the pressure from Luo Binghe’s hand was compounding. All Luo Binghe really had to do now was—
This Lord can help you relax.
—slip his fingers past Liu Qingge’s scales again and rub him open. The eggs of their species were bigger than sperm, so release took more coaxing than last time. That, plus the constant current of pain Luo Binghe was keeping him still with, meant Liu Qingge endured a solid minute of Luo Binghe prying at his entrance, trying to ease him open wide enough for the first egg to come through.
Finally, Luo Binghe leaned back with a frown, hand stilling.
I didn’t intend to chain your tail again, but Liu-shishu can hardly be relied upon to not attack if I release him.
Damn right, Liu Qingge murmured, not sure if he was projecting at all. If Luo Binghe gave him control of his tail back without chaining him down, then yes, he was going to try to break every bone in Luo Binghe’s body no matter what state of breed-readiness he was in. Luo Binghe didn’t get to look at him like that, all chastening and castigating, as if he was the one making both their lives difficult.
Such a shame Liu-shishu refuses to behave better.
A cuff was secured around the base of his tail once more, its chain similarly short. Once Liu Qingge was pretty much laid out flat on the bottom of the tank, the paralyzing pain in his body finally began to ease.
And with it, the tension in Liu Qingge’s abdomen. Unwittingly and almost immediately, the first handful of roe slipped free of Liu Qingge’s body. Luo Binghe’s hand scooped under them like the eager, protective fins of a mate, whisking them gently into a prepared bag pulled from Luo Binghe’s sleeve.
There we go, Luo Binghe whispered, almost to himself. There we go.
His eyes were fervent as he held the bag to Liu Qingge’s slit, and Liu Qingge barely had time to struggle before Luo Binghe was applying pressure again, pushing the roe straight out of him. The sensation was uncanny, pleasure from release but also pleasure for its own sake. It must be a built-in instinct, Liu Qingge reasoned, somewhat frenzied as the odd, undesired pleasure forced itself onto and out of him. It must be instinct making his tail tremble and Luo Binghe pressed his stomach. It must be instinct warming his organs.
When the bag was full, Luo Binghe took a moment to seal it and put it away. His gaze never once left the part of Liu Qingge’s slit though, wider this time than before with eggs still inadvertently slipping out, twos and threes at a time, every time Liu Qingge’s breath hitched. There was still roe inside. Two bites of Luo Binghe’s flesh and a generous drink of his blood had somehow both revived Liu Qingge entirely in energy and packed him to the brim with viable eggs.
With both his hands free now, Luo Binghe flattened both hands against Liu Qingge’s tail, framing Liu Qingge’s opening on either side. His eyes were bright with a mad scientist’s curiosity and something else, something troubled and obsessive and heavy. He pushed once, gently, and watched the roe slip free. He held his thumbs to the edges and pressed them into the muscle, holding Liu Qingge somewhat open for more roe, small and dark orange, almost liquid and almost blood, to drain out in a thin pulse.
I, Liu Qingge vowed, staring up at the light of the surface, will hunt down all the offspring you’ll try to have. I will eat them straight out of the water.
Luo Binghe was silent for a moment, neither moving nor projecting.
Then he laughed, a quiet humorless thing.
You mean like this?
Thumbs pried into Liu Qingge’s slit and worked him open, but then, a third appendage joined them. A hot shot of muscle filled Liu Qingge from wall to wall and Liu Qingge tried to jackknife up, to dislodge the sudden intrusion but the chains kept him sprawled, kept him wide open like a whale fall to be feasted upon by any and every insolent creature who dared to put its mouth on him—
Luo Binghe lapped, then suckled. Luo Binghe sealed his mouth over Liu Qingge’s opening and worked his tongue inside so vigorously that roe kept escaping. Liu Qingge didn’t even have to breathe this time for the roe to flow out, the untrained muscles of his passage so bowled over by Luo Binghe’s assault that they could only let Luo Binghe in, and let the eggs out, and hang open so uselessly that Liu Qingge would sooner grab a rock nearby and plug himself up.
Liu Qingge gouged at Luo Binghe’s scalp but it didn’t stop. Liu Qingge punched and shoved and thrashed but it didn’t stop.
Until finally it did, and Luo Binghe was all of a sudden in his face with sealed lips and a full mouth. And his eyes were bleak and cold as they descended and—
Luo Binghe grabbed a fistful of Liu Qingge’s hair and shoved their mouths together.
Luo Binghe dragged Liu Qingge’s lips apart with his tongue and teeth in a shower of salt and iron. And something was flooding into Liu Qingge’s mouth, something in drips and bits, something almost liquid. They skimmed against the sharp edges of Liu Qingge’s teeth and crumpled. Liu Qingge choked hard on the salt of it all.
Then Luo Binghe was pulling back, laughing. Roe looked like blood smeared against his chin and teeth.
Don’t presume to threaten me, Liu Qingge.
As Luo Binghe got his feet underneath him, his hand found the center of Liu Qingge’s tail one more time. He touched the empty slit there, gaping open, rubbing with too much familiarity.
Next time, he promised, and kicked off for the surface.
The plume of bubbles containing Liu Qingge’s roar chased him all the way up.
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candied-boys · 2 months
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📻Country Radio Themed Prompt List🐎
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Y'all, it's rodeo season and I'm havin' a hot cowgirl summer!
I know there are at least a few of us out here who love a little small town, texas two-step, roll in the hay, tailgate party, coffee with a sunrise, dusty boots and sundresses kinda slow life. I know I can't stop putting my favs in situations whenever I listen to country music and I hope y'all hop on the bandwagon and join me for my first creation challenge!
So round up your fav cowboys and giddy up, gurl! We ride 'til the end of September! Radio playlists below👇
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Can I submit something I already created if it fits the vibe?
HELL YEAH! Old content that fits the theme in anyway and new creations are all welcome! (Honestly even if it doesn't fit any of the prompts, I'll take any country content I can get so please reblog your works and tag me!)
How can I write for the country genre if I'm not familiar with it?
Don't sweat it! If you vibe with anything here that's more than enough! I tried to pick lyrics with a variety of themes - family, love, coming of age, angst, bad boys/girls etc. They all centre around a sense of connection and relationships - universally human themes.
We're all here playing games that locate the characters inside cultures outside of Japan and we're here writing for cultures outside our own when writing for these games, so don't be shy! Just let yourself have fun.
What should I do with lyrics?
Use the prompts however you like; Any and all types of content submissions are welcome — writing, drabbles, head canons, drawing, mood boards, playlists, whatever makes you say, "Hell yeah!"
Examples: You could use the lyrics directly as quotes, indirectly as the premise for the art. Anything! You could incorporate the lyrics from the rest of the song. There are a ton of great lines/ideas in the rest of each song. You're not restricted to these quotes. I just picked ones that speak to me or have a strong image. If you vibe with it and it inspires you, go for it!
What fandoms can I use with these prompts?
Any suitors from games by CYBIRD (Ikepri, Ikevamp, Ikerev, MidCin, Ikevil, Ikesen, Ikegen, Morganatic Idol, ANYTHING)
What kind of content is allowed?
Sfw, nsfw, dark, angst, fluff, suitor x suitor, selfship, oc x suitor — anything is fine. I only ask that you use Tumblr’s built-in content label system to mark content as mature when appropriate. Use tags and warnings as you see necessary.
What tags should I use?
please at me @candied-boys so I can add your work to a masterlist
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Heart Like A Truck - Lainey Wilson
I got a hankering for four wide tires
And I can't help it, it's the way I'm wired
'Fore you get too close
Boy, you need to know
Turn - Tyler Hubbard
The way she turns 501s into long, tan legs
She can turn a bad day around like she turns those heads
She can turn one little look into turnin' me on
Five more minutes into all night long
Fishin' in the Dark - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
And it don't matter if we sit forever
And the fish don't bite
Jump in the river and cool ourselves
From the heat of the night
I Grew Up On A Farm - The Reklaws
Why I gotta watch the sunrise
Job ain't ever done till it's done right
I'll tell you what makes me cry about a steel guitar
And why I gotta work so hard
Dirt Cheap - Cody Johnson
That little girl that used to swing right there
I still see her pink bow in her brown hair
Runnin' up after one of them long days
A big smile makin' every little worry fade
Use Me - Dallas Smith
I'll let you go like I always do
Won't hurt as bad 'cause I always knew
That I was just a chapter, no happily-ever-after
Old Dirt Roads - Owen Riegling
Come and find me down where the treeline ends
And the cattails grow
We can be free, livin' our dreams out
Singin' to the radio
American Kids - Kenny Chesney
Sister's got a boyfriend Daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 3030 in his lap
In the blue bug zapper light
Fast Car - Luke Combs
Won't have to drive too far
Just across the border and into the city
And you and I can both get jobs
Finally see what it means to be living
Long Hot Summer - Keith Urban
I wanna see your brown skin shimmer
In the sun for the first time
I gotta be the one who knows just what to do to you
To get me that smile
I Like It, I Love It - Tim McGraw
Spent 48 dollars last night at the county fair
I throwed out my shoulder, but I won her that teddy bear
Cowgirls - Morgan Wallen
And she got a cold heart but she got a warm smile
Cut from the same cloth, she kinda buck-wild
Little bit angel, whole lotta outlaw
She's trouble but I'll tell you right now, y'all
A banner for y'all:
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Adorable horse dividers by @/plum98
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starsurface · 8 months
Hello! I'm really loving your content so far, and I think you're a really good writer! Would you mind doing some age regressor headcanons for Rain (MK1)? Thank you so much in advance! Again, I really love your work!
AWH SHUCKS REALLY?? I was actually so nervous writing headcanons because I've never done it before and have only ever written stories, but I'm so glad you enjoy them!! :3
Thank you so much!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 Regresses to about 3-5
💧 Ngl, I could also totally see him middle regressing too
💧 ^ Maybe to like 11-14?? Claims he doesn't need a babysitter when he's in this headspace but absolutely does
💧 Mr. Bossy Pants over here 😒 (joking, I love him
💧 If we ignore canon, Tanya and him will hang out and find little froggies that are totally in the castle's garden!! :D
💧 Adores being read to but will demand it being a big kid book
💧 Although will very quickly get upset over his own decision and silently pout until you notice him
💧 CG’s would probably be Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, and maybe Reiko (I'm delulu, leave me alone)
💧 They're all his Sissy’s and the dog that never stopped following him, fr 😒 (joking, I love Reiko
💧 Not incredibly open to being watched by others
💧 Maybe if he's extremely close to the person
💧 Or accidently slipped around them
💧 ^ When Syzoth comes to be an ambassador, the first time Rain slipped around him was when he was in his reptile form because ‘’Anya! ‘Anya! It's a big froggie!! :D’
💧 No one had the heart to tell him otherwise and it made Syzoth incredibly happy (he'd probably become a babysitter or big brother or sorts later because of it)
💧 Favorite activities have to be playing outside or reading books
💧 His reading ability isn't the best when he's small but the proud little smile he has when he tries to read something to you is so worth it!!!
💧 Can and Will use his powers while small
💧 Please remind him that he has to be careful (he has definitely, accidently, flooded more than one room before trying to show off a new spell to you when he was a tiny bit too little to do it correctly)
💧 It might just be easier to set his staff to the side for the time being, even if he gets huff and puff about it
💧 I wouldnt say he's necessarily a brat??
💧 Looking at MKX/11 Rain (whose totally a brat), I like to think this Rain got some of his ego
💧 So he's definitely a bit bossy at times, but not necessarily a rule breaker
💧 It is HIS way or the high way!! >:/
💧 Not really, but he likes to pretend it is, he's actually mostly easy to watch over of you play your cards right
💧 Does not do well with punishments
💧 Honestly most times he probably would not even realize he broke a rule until after he's done it
💧 And will look at you all teary eyed because now he believes he's all naughty and he's going to get yelled at or sent somewhere away from you 🥺
💧 He normally doesn't do anything too too bad, so a small chat about it usually works
💧 If he does something bad like hitting or hurting someone, then it might require a small timeout
💧 (^ You do have to hold his hand through it, please do not leave this man alone :( )
💧 A little (lot) guliable at times
💧 You could firmly tell him that the stars are fish and he'd 100% believe you
💧 (^ Although big Rain will be incredibly grumpy afterwards for you tricking him)
💧 Praise! This! Man!
💧 He loves any kind of compliments!! Whether its about his drawings, or an easy spell he wants to show you, or he's trying to act all cute and get your attention, tell him he's a good boy and he will melt
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm not gonna lie I don't actually know a lot about Rain!! So I could totally redo these if you'd like!!
Also, y'all, the struggle to find ANY MK1 gifs of Rain??? Only found this pic (an amazing gif), but it was crazy!!
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
there's us and the dead.
this is what takes us down.
the tragedy of their loss cannot be overstated.
i'm gonna get shit-faced drunk again
you should've seen the look on his face when i punched out his front teeth.
you're still a dumbass.
nice moves there, clint eastwood.
i think tomorrow i'm gonna blow my brains out.
y'all be more polite to a man with a gun!
zero tolerance for walkers.
that's the biggest lie there is.
we're safe here.
it's not a toy.
i know how the safety works.
keep drinking, little man.
do not enter the city.
bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us.
you may think you do but you don't.
living underground doesn't help; not knowing if it's day or night.
wish i could have done it a month ago.
friend, you need glasses.
there's good news?
it was worth every minute of it just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground.
i finally got the scrubbers in the east sector shut down to save power.
there were dozens of 'em.
eww. that's nasty.
maybe we got a second chance.
help me now, show me the way.
i didn't behave, i know.
screw you, man.
sometimes they fall short.
you take that stupid hat and go back to "on golden pond."
you the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?
cozy in there?
the only reason i got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family.
i don't even know why i'm talking to you.
that's my boy.
this is our extinction event.
how far do you think i can chuck this, huh?
things are different now.
if you see anything, holler. i'll come running.
go on, tell me what to do.
hey kid, what'd you do before all this?
what are the odds, huh?
i know what i want to say.
i see a chance to make a new start.
i remember my dream now.
i ain't begged you before, i ain't gonna start begging now.
i know i'm being punished.
it wasn't my intention.
i can't let a man die of thirst.
i wanna see how red your face can get.
the world ended, didn't you get the memo?
we survive this by pulling together, not apart.
anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose.
it scares the fish.
thought i'd get to drive at least for a few more days.
i'll give you a moment to think about that.
i'm sorry this happened to you.
i'm old enough.
it belongs to the dead now.
maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.
nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?
they came out of nowhere.
saves me the embarrassment.
that's the bad news.
can i learn to shoot?
you pull the trigger, you have to mean it.
not many people get that.
bites kill you.
just...feeling very...off.
words can be meager things.
what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me.
what do you say to that?
guess the world changed.
the fever burns you out, but then after a while... you come back.
hell yes you're gonna learn.
you heard me, bitch.
the weak get taken.
there's no clinical progress to report.
still not sleeping well, can't seem to keep regular hours.
we gotta do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon.
we are surviving here.
too bad i never studied engineering.
yeah, whatever, yee haw.
they might not seem like much one at a time, but in a group all riled up and hungry, man you watch your ass.
one thing i do know, don't you get bit.
we don't kill the living.
no crying in the boat.
i bet there isn't a single son of a bitch still listening out there, is there?
that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.
you don't know what it's like out there.
you're surrounded by walkers.
we don't have to be afraid anymore.
who voted you king boss?
we left him like an animal caught in a trap.
the line is pretty clear.
admit it, you only came back to atlanta for the hat.
i can see you make a habit of missing the point.
it's only a matter of time.
is this real?
there's us and the dead.
you got a problem?
there's too many of those things.
i never told them what i really thought.
i ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
i'm a glass half full kinda guy.
it's the same as it ever was.
who the hell are you, man?!
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vega-and-the-pleiades · 9 months
Fueled by an alcohol and a content warning for some particularly impressive trauma, and bringing out the classic read more (while recognizing nerds are not gonna read this). TW for probably some dead kids, Palestinian genocide, and god fucking knows what else.
I'm starting to feel like younger generations have a problem fetishizing trauma and violence. Hear me out.
I'm fully capable of recognizing that this is arguably my debut into judging the younger generation and this might very well read like a gen xer saying "man all those violent video games must be messing the kids up" but have you looked at the state of social media right now? Have you taken even a cursory glance at the doom cult that is guestimating how many of us won't survive 2024 and making a habit out of showing pictures of dead children on the regular? I'm recognizing the incredible signs of burnout amongst my pro-Palestinian friends. Discussions regarding how "I can't even bring myself to go to work when this is happening" and, more importantly, ungodly guilt trippy posts about how it's one's duty to push through that. How the only voice for the Palestinians rests upon us and if you're tired, too fucking bad. You're not going through half of what they are so you can deal and keep doing what you're doing. And you're a bad person if you don't.
I've already talked about how I work in public safety and I've seen that attitude kill my friends (or mess them up beyond reason). You know who copes well with the job? People who maintain balance in their life. People who take their weekends to go fishing or skiing or whatever the case is to get themselves ready to dive back into the mess. The ones who can't handle it don't break because they lack fortitude. They break because they work 60+ hour weeks and fail to divorce themselves from the job on their off time. They have a devastating call and don't take the sup's offer to go home early that day. That's not a sustainable model for anyone and I really feel like these youngins don't have the life experience to understand that they are irreparably damaging their brains and their bodies with this.
As a complete aside, I would be remiss if I didn't talk about my personal toll these last weeks with all this. My socials at this point are cute cats, goth fashion, and my friends. Lighthearted and low key. I don't mind activism on my feeds to any extent, and you bet I've gotten some good reminders to kick a few dollars to orgs doing relief work in Palestine and Jewish orgs doing decolonial work here and abroad. But you know what the last thing I needed to see a week before Christmas when I got off a dead kid shift was? More dead kids. We're talking active CPR, ECMO cannulation, whole nine yards on a literal child in literal person, I got home not okay, went for some cute cats on insta and the FIRST THING on my page was dead kids under rubble.
I appreciate the fact that to some of y'all, the shock value of all this is motivating. But I desperately need you to leave your approximation of the grief of seeing a dead child, or a dead pregnant person somewhere out of reach of those of us who have fucking been there, okay? And I SURE AS FUCK don't need you guilt tripping me for logging out of instagram over that, okay? I swear to god it's like some of you are so fucking desperate to live these experiences and if that's the case, public safety, healthcare, and international disaster orgs can use you. But this shit has to stop. Unmoderated doomscrolling trauma porn doesn't help you and it pushes some of us so close to the event horizon that we risk losing our literal livelihoods.
Say what you want for 2013 Tumblr. At least we had content warnings and read mores. Inb4 someone tells me I should quit my job or that I'm weak or whatever.
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starlightoffandoms · 2 years
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I posted 10,976 times in 2022
23 posts created (0%)
10,953 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 791 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 56 posts
#happy tag - 53 posts
#destiel - 46 posts
#the witcher - 37 posts
#write this way - 32 posts
#tora - 25 posts
#goncharov - 24 posts
#supernatural - 23 posts
#dean winchester - 22 posts
#the boys - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i would love to see demon dean and collecting honey cas bc while completely unhinged demon dean would have been so careful & loving to him
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me watching the Batman: *turn away for a second to check on the cat that's being real sneaky like*
Police Captain: *starts talking*
Me: *swings around almost hard enough to give myself whiplash* IS THAT IZZY HANDS?!!!!
Police Captain: *is Con O'Neill*
Me: it IS Izzy Hands!!!
Cat: *runs and hides from insane parent screaming about Izzy Hands*
12 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Looking for more Witcher blogs for me and my bestie @coffeebox62 to follow. I know I follow several of y'all and want to rec you to bestie but my brain doesn't retain blog names to share and I'm awful at tagging tbh. So if you post/reblog Witcher content please interact with this post. Thanks a bunch!
16 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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I didn't have time to post Friday for the week's fics. Life happened but here we are! Hope you enjoy!
Day 15 – Smoke – Rated T – Sam and Dean retire from hunting and live their best versions of lives that work for them. Destiel and Salieen, Canon Divergence 
Day 16 – Red – Rated E – Serial killer boyfriends. Destiel AU
Day 17 – Muse – Rated T – Cas has performed as Jimmy Novak for years. The last few years have been rough and he hasn't been able to write any new music. To loosen up some, his friends take him out for a fun night. From that night forward he started to write as he'd never done before. Destiel AU
Day 18 – Tattoos – Rated T – Werewolf Dean hadn’t told Cas that he was a shapeshifter. Dean is forced to shift and Cas finds him. Destiel AU
Day 19 – Ladies – Rated G – Ladies night with a little extra. No ship, SPN ladies AU
Day 20 – Spa Day – Rated T – Eileen and Rowena set up a spa day for Cas with ulterior motives. Destiel Canon Divergence 
Day 21 – Haunted – Rated M – Dean remembered lost. Then the one day he had finally decided he'd had enough, the man he loved was back. Destiel Canon Divergence
Day 22 – Rain, Rain – Rated G - Kid Jack shows up on their doorstep. Destiel Canon Divergence
Day 23 – Sleepless Nights – Rated T – Dean and Cas welcome new additions to their family. Destiel Canon Divergence (I had accidentally tagged this as mcd, so if you skipped this I PROMISE it isn't mcd. that was my bad when I posted from my phone.)
Day 24- Fish – Rated T – Sam and Jack are up to no good but it has a happy ending. Destiel AU
Here is the series to stay up to date.
See the full post
18 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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Week two coming at you!
Day 8 – Sober – Rated M - Cas was gone and Dean found himself at the bottom of too many bottles. He knew that he couldn't get the love of his life back if he didn't have a clear head. He'd do whatever it took to get him back. Destiel Canon Divergence
Day 9 – Vintage – Rated G – Cas explodes an ATM b/c it didn’t work properly. Destiel Canon Divergence 
Day 10 – Enchanted – Rated M – Dean buys an antique mirror at a flea market and gets more than he bargained for. Destiel AU
Day 11 – Drag – Rated M – Dean gets caught during a body dump. He is not a very good liar but Cas doesn't care. Two serial killers in the same area and Cas is just trying to protect his territory. Destiel AU Murder Boyfriends
Day 12 – Crossover – Rated T – Cas comes home one day and things are moved around. He checks his wards. They're all still in place. Over the next few days, things are moved, the TV randomly turns on, music plays out of nowhere, and the pie keeps getting removed from the fridge to the counter. Cas reinforces his warding. Then one day there is a man he doesn't know standing in the middle of his living room and he isn't quite corporal. Destiel AU
Day 13 – Morning After – Rated T – Sam wakes up not sure what the previous night after a huge hunt had held. Saileen Canon Divergence 
Day 14 – All for You – Rated M – Dean sees a flyer for an art project that paid $200 a day. Some doctorate student was in need of help with a project. He hoped that whoever Castiel was actually planned to pay. Destiel AU
Here is the series to stay up to date.
See the full post
19 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hey y'all! Back at it again this year. Here's the first week of fics!
Day 1 Maze/Maize – Rated T – Dean cooks Cas’ favorite foods. Destiel AU
Day 2 Pillow Talk – Not Rated – Aftercare. Destiel AU
Day 3 Digital – E – Dean is in heat and Cas is in another country. Destiel AU
Day 4 Wicked – T – Cas practices darker magic and the gov't doesn't like it. They do more than necessary inspections on his facility. Dean is being punished and gets assigned to difficult cases. Destiel AU
Day 5 A Perfect Disaster – M – Stubborn Dean didn't evacuate when he was told to. Luckily Cas has a safe house nearby. Destiel AU
Day 6 Parody – T – Dean had moved away as soon as he could from his abusive father. It doesn't mean he doesn't still end up dealing with bigoted assholes. Destiel AU
Day 7 Fine Wine – M – Dean and Cas had gone to high school together and occasionally ran in the same circles. It'd been over 20 years since they'd seen each other. They reconnect at a work event. Destiel AU
For some reason it's been all Destiel so far🤷🏾‍♀️. Was not the initial plan. We'll see how the rest of the month goes. Here is the series to stay up to date.
See the full post
28 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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missguomeiyun · 8 months
Homecooking [Jan ed]
I said I wasn't sure if I would continue doing these posts but. .. here I am :P
This January went by soooo fast. At the beginning of the month, I had almost a week off & I somehow lost my voice. Still not sure what happened but I was dealing with this dry nightly cough. It was so odd! I only coughed at night. Completely fine during the day. No other symptoms. I suspect it was likely a nocturnal parasite that likes to irritate my throat LOL just kidding. I'm sure it wasn't but that's what I choose to attribute it to. It's probably the dryness in my room. .. MAYBE. *shrugs*
We also had insane weather, which isn't surprising. We had deep freeze, beating out some really cold places & being the coldest place on earth for more than 1 day. This led to power grid problems. .. gov't issued emergency alert for using minimal power. Same for water - although no emergency alert was issued, we are actually currently in the middle of a water ban -.-" (bcos pump at a plant broke) ANDDDD guess what, it felt like a spring day today, where the highest temp was 11degrees in the middle of the day. What?!?!
Anyway, let's move onto the food & stuff~
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I got this as a Christmas gift from coworker YH. Y'all know I don't prefer flavoured coffee. ... This was probably THE worst one I've ever drank. 1st of all, when you open the bag, the aroma just hits you. It smelled 'fake'. Not sure what/how but. .. like a wax candle? The taste was also terrible. Gahh I just did regular coffee machine filter & .. *shiver* it was so bad!
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So I switched to this the next day =]
Yeah, the flavoured/infused coffees. .. it's not for me.
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Leftover hot pot beef with lettuce & thin rice vermicelli.
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Ramyeon with Busan fish cakes, baby bokchoy & soup seaweed. I used the Ottogi plain noodles - the ones that don't have seasoning. It's very nice to have to have around but sometimes when they're not on sale, it's like the same price as those that contain seasoning. In which case, you might as well buy the flavoured kinds haha
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A spin on sundae-guk.
I steamed the sundae (blood sausage) & let it cool for a LONG time. It still falls apart but better than before. For the soup, I used a deonjang soup base (soybean paste) with some bokchoy, seaweed & white pepper. Sprinkled coarse salt & black pepper on top to finish. Usually sundae is eaten with a spicy salt powder but I used coarse S&P here & it turned out pretty good.
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Plain udon <3 I like the Six Fortune brand udon (ones at room temperature in grocery stores). The broth was from a 'soup tea bag' that contained anchovies, baby dried shrimps & kelp.
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English biscuit with cream of mushroom. (Biscuit from Sunterra marketplace)
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PASTA~ I forgot which pasta sauce flavour this was but I used Evoolution gochujang olive oil with it & it was good.
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Okay, let's pause to talk about my books.
I'm still not done this one bcos I got distracted lol but it is worth the hype. It's not a thriller but the content has some VERY minor thriller vibes. It's actually quite sad, overall. It follows a Korean woman named Kim Ji-young from her 'current' state -> back when she was born/her family situation -> growing up & entering adulthood -> marriage -> 'now'. It basically generalizes a typical/average woman's life in a male-dominant society.
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This, on the other hand, was a quick chick-flick 'series' consisting of 2 books (they are related - book 1 & book 2) lol yes, I read really intense stuff & fluffy rom-coms.
I enjoyed maybe. .. 75% of it. The main girl in book 1 was quite pathetic. Annoying. Identity crisis - sort of situation. Met the main guy in a drama-like fashion & I was like . . . really? But in a good way! A fun, entertaining way. lol She got better in book 2 but still, some times, I was like. .. why?
Back to the food:
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Re-creating one of my fav noodle soups! Busan fish cakes used to make the broth. I used a lot of the fish cakes to make a concentrated broth. Used some of the fish cake here & saved some for stir-fries. I added white pepper & fish sauce to season the broth. Noodles were the frozen kalguksu noodles from Hmart. Topped with dried seaweed & green onion.
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Breakfast n a day-off. Mini seafood pancakes (Hmart frozen product) + kimchi + egg.
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Stir-fried thick rice noodles with mushroom, bokchoy, fish cakes & tofu. Saucier than what I had anticipated bcos of the mushrooms. I didn't plan that very well lol sauce = mix of gochujang, soy sauce & fish sauce.
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Made kimchi pancakes.
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I used regular cooking oil (canola oil) mixed with salted butter to pan-fry these kimchi pancakes. I've never used oil + butter mixture before. .. I didn't know they would clash & create oil splashes =/ it was scary! But I survived. These panckakes were the best ones I've ever made!
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Leftover beef + vegetable stew with thick rice noodles. It may seem weird bcos I'm like combining a western item with rice noodles. .. & adding more beef broth to make it into a noodle soup but it was actually tasty!
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SOOOOOO many packets in this single serving of noodles O_O I'm not THAT into the environment but it bugs me. I wonder if . .. using a 'closed' tray system would work or not. I'm imagining something like a small bento box but lidded & that it would fit inside a bag. The plastic still isn't great but like . .. maybe it's better than a million of these packets?
Anyway, I didn't eat this bcos I actually don't like this kind of Chinese style noodles. The combo of sauces & flavour is too much for me Like it contains peanut oil, sesame sauce, seaweed, vinegar, chili oil, & chives. Oh, & peanuts! Too much random stuff that I don't use in my cooking. I just took a photo of the contents to show you.
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Made maple sugar cold foam for the 1st time & it was a complete failure. It literally 'melted'/disintegrated. .. & why was it to hole-y?! As previously mentioned, I can't do heated creams/milk so I thought cold foam would be the way to go but it's not easy. .. I think I added too much water to melt the maple sugar so the water content was too much, thereby causing the milk to 'melt'. Don't know! But will try again in the future!
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Summer rolls with imitation crab sticks, white beech mushroom & carrots. Yeah, no greens haha
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Half of the summer rolls were eaten during lunch time & then the 2nd half, I saved for dinner. I drizzled some water on top & microwaved these bcos I've always wanted to know what the texture is like when summer rolls are microwaved. Obviously, the ingredients I used aren't the traditional kinds but it's the same rice paper & rice vermicelli noodles. They were kind of like a cross between summer rolls & steamed rice rolls? The rice paper wrapper became softer. But bcos rice paper is very thin compared to rice rolls, it didn't have that soft chewines/bounciness. It was just soft. No comment about the filling bcos. .. it's basically just heated up. & bcos they resembled rice rolls, I used hoisin sauce & satay sauce as the sauce instead of a diluted fish sauce mixture.
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Air fried potatoes~ they take long. .. but so good! (used Costco-bought salmon seasoning & olive oil)
That is it for now. Thank you for reading as usual : )
0 notes
catboynutsack · 1 year
Random hopes for FFXIV Dawntrail in no particular order from a person who's currently about to start the title quest Endwalker (so don't spoil the dungeon/fights and any post EW content)
New playable species outside of female Hrothgar; specifically another animalistic species similar to Miqo'te/Viera in that they're much more humanoid with animal features rather than anthropomorphic animals (like Hrothgar.) Biggest hopes are for a bird like race (similar to Meteion, I love harpies so much and while I know she's a familiar it would be cool to see a playable species based on her) or fish people (similar to Dungeons and Dragons Tritons, again I love mermaids and fish-like people so much.)
Random and small, I'd like to see canonical ages established within the game, maybe with like nameday celebrations of some kind for some characters. It would be so cute to have a birthday party for Alisaie and Alphinaud, I would die for those little dweebs and they're still technically kids and you KNOW their mom would go nuts for a celebration for them. I know there's been canon age mentions in additional content like books and such but ingame would be nice.
Viera hats for the love of God. I'm not a 3D artist and idk the process but it can't be that hard can it?? I know there's a whole design aspect involved bc Big Ol Ears but like. Square Enix is a huge company, surely they can allocate some resources to actually make clothing appear on an entire very popular race. If it's more complicated than I know then forgive me 3D artists, I love what y'all do I'm just uneducated on it 💛
Random as hell again and probably more suited towards an update than a new expansion but. I'd really like them to sorta retcon (is that the right word? Idk it's 3:20 am and I cant sleep) primal weapons so all primals have weapons for all classes. I'd kill for an ice scythe from the Extreme Shiva battle from HW or a pair of Leviathan Chakrams for my Dancer. I know that levelling is an issue but if they were, say, available via trading totems from the fight and synced to their class's lowest level I'd think that could work. Idk as someone who loves primal themed glams but mains Dancer and Reaper it drives me bananas that it's so limited.
A new Important female character that Doesn't Fucking Die or is somehow written off in the same pack for the love of God I swear they disproportionately kill off/write off female characters (I miss Moenbryda and Ysayle every day)
More romantic emotes/activities outside of the ceremony of eternal bonding! Not only is my partner very busy and we often have little FFXIV dates rather than in person things, I'm in a polycule and by the time I started playing my partner was already married ingame to my metamor (my partner's other partner) so I'm locked out of some emotes like the embrace emote while they aren't and it kinda sucks. It would be nice to be able to be romantic with them outside of /blowkiss and /hug and to be able to do couples content outside of the ceremony of eternal bonding. Maybe just a me problem though.
Un-gender all clothing items. I want my male character to wear a craftable bikini top goddamnit, it's fun. Plus it's a beachy-themed expansion afaik so it would make sense to un-gender the bathing suits
Speaking of craftable bikini tops, more craftable clothing for glams and not just combat!!! Cute bathing suits and the such that are level 1 and meant exclusively for glams would be amazing. We have a few already but with the upcoming theme being seemingly being beaches it seems appropriate.
Longer hairstyles. Clipping be damned my miqo'te would rock a long hair look (and his braid, which is the same hairstyle as Fourchenault's, already clips into every top ever so like. C'mon)
Number 1 on this list is the new species being humanoid with animal features. I eat that shit up with a spoon. I love making OCs and a new alt devoted to a species I like is absolutely in the books. Already have done it twice lol.
Improve Aurum Vale for the love of God that dungeon is a nightmare and it's like one of three that ever shows up on rouls on Dynamis
Anyways if any of this bothers you for any reason please just scroll by, these are my middle of the night daydreams when I can't sleep of things that I personally would enjoy in the game, I know my ideas don't apply to everyone and all of them wouldn't really make sense for one reason or another but it's fun to write them down and put them out into the world. And obviously this post isnt gonna make a difference in the game itself, I'm just a rando on Tumblr lol. Thank you <3
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neko-nemesis · 3 years
Just a toy~
Arataki itto x afab reader
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Warnings : sexual content below, MDI (minors don't interact), mutual pinning, a little bit of pervert! Itto (stealing your underwear), mostly Dom reader x sub Itto, Degradation, Oral (receiving), brief description of everything. Lmk if I missed anything <3
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Note: Hii hello, yes I'm not dead dw. IM SORRY DJDJDKDjhfejke I know I've been like deactivated for like a whole ass month? I'm sorry my luvs, I've been sick and terribly busy. Been busy with going to the hospital, with classes and personal issues. Aite enough information of me, HOWS EVERYONE BEEN. I GOT ZHONGLI EVERYBODY!! <3 I hope everyone is getting whoever they wished for! During my time off, I've noticed that I got 500 followers?!?!? I started written from last year's December and been dead all around January (OOPS) but this is insane? Thank you ALL so much for the support, y'all are keeping me going to write out all my fantasies mwah. I've something coming special soon enough, that is if I don't ghost y'all again <3 (I'm kidding, pls god no)
Interactions and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 thank you all sm for everything. Hope you enjoy this bit of Itto that I've rushed writing while literally waiting for my appointment LMAO
Not proof-read
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-You're one of the well respected noble lady of all Inuzuma, one that catches everyone's eyes, even the one particular Oni.
-The familiar red eyes would linger on you longer than anyone else as you went around the city. While most citizens would come up to you, starting conversations or simply pay respect as they greet you, Itto Arataki stayed behind.
-Usually the great one and oni feared none, specially not those who are little compared to his height, forget status! But something about y/n made him act like a silly teenager with a crush.
-preferring to loudly announce that suddenly some onikabuto are screaming his name or that he's simply done annoying kids for the day as he quickly runs off whenever he senses you near.
-But unfortunately for him, he was into an onikabuto fight with the kids one day, that he didn't even notice how he caught your eyes as you walked up close and peered over his shoulders, intrigued to see who wins.
-imagine his surprised when he loses but then hears you from behind, "Oh don't be discouraged! You may win the next." And lay a hand on his broad shoulder, giving a comforting squeeze.
-from that day on, he manages to be friends with you. Often surprising you with his palm full of Sakura petals with his face turned pink or little trinkets he buys with little money but that's okay, he always thinks of you, hoping you would like them.
-the innocence only could stay long as now being close to you, his mind would take a turn and fill in thoughts he shouldn't have for a friend!
-But he can't help it, not when he finds baskets of laundry nearby and 'accidentally' fishes out used undergarments belonging to no one else but you whenever he had the chance to visit you in the noble residence.
-But little did the poor oni knew, it was your own little setup, oh how naive and adorably dirty he was, did he think you didn't know? Did he think you wouldn't know of your missing panties? Or how his eyes darkened and stayed glued whenever you dressed almost barely around him alone.
-Seeing the pattern continue for weeks now without seeing Itto making a rather straight forward move on you was getting on your nerves, so you took it all on yourself to 'confront' your friend and give him a piece of your mind.
You could hardly think straight, you couldn't believe your eyes to say the least. You definitely weren't expecting seeing your usually confident and loud "friend" giving you nervous glances every so often as he sat down close below you under your command while you sat near the edge of the your bed, toying with your kiseru pipe with one hand.
"Look at you baby~" you purr, leaning down as you ran a hand down from his burning face, upto his neck, wrapping those pretty fingers of yours around it and giving a gentle squeeze. "I can't believe it, the proud one and only oni, being such a pathetic little thing in my hands" you mock him, smoke coming out of your mouth as you laugh as he shivers under your gaze. Well fuck, he dares not to even breathe as you bring your face close to his, he could smell the hint of tobacco on your breath.
"So, repeat what you said earlier baby." Your grip on his neck gets a little harder, "I need to hear it again." He gulps. Every touches you proved to him has him on a chokehold, he was craving more and more and the way you bit your lip seductively while inching your foot closer to his cock that was so painfully erected, leaving an obvious imprinted on his pants as you pressed on it, making him whimper below you as he felt a sick sense of pleasure from such humiliating acts you put on. The once great Oni was really under your feet, below you reduced into nothing but into a puppet, of whose strings you pull onto doing whatever your little heart desired.
His face turns into more shades of red than anyone could even imagine of, "I- I'm sorry, I didn't-" this angered you, why is he saying he didn't wanted to? When you clearly were aware of all the panties that randomly went missing on the days your Oni friend came around. Why is he saying he didn't wanted to when it was so painstakingly obvious that he is in love with you? Why is he saying he didn't wanted to when he wrapped around all those mere fabrics, which were stained of you around his throbbing cock as he couldn't help but moan out your name whenever he had the chance to?
"oh? You didn't?" You question, "are you saying you didn't wanted to steal my panties and fuck yourself with it?" You grin seeing his wide eyes, "NO- it's n-not" "are you denying the fact you want to fuck me?" "L-Lady- y/n, No-" "are you saying you're not in love with me?"
He's heavy breathing now, taking alot longer for him to process everything. I mean, could you blame him? The well-respected Noble of all Inuzuma caught him red handed doing such a disgusting act and on top of that, having to hear them recite all his secret feelings he hold for them. He felt so embarrassed yet so aroused, the feeling of being so small under their gaze was setting off fireworks in his stomach, it was driving him crazy.
"What if I were to say that...I hold similar feelings for you?" You say, inhaling smoke from the kiseru, watching his handsome face turning into a frown with confusion. "Oh- now don't tell me you're that dumb, Arataki itto." You giggle, sighing you boldly grab one of his arms, running the tip of your sharp nail on his red lines, teasing him to the edge. "It's why I dared to befriend you, didn't you notice?" "I a-apologize or whatever for interrupting you my lady but a-are you saying you like me?!?" Ah, there he is. You can tell he's trying his best to not grin from ear to ear, Itto could only pray you can not hear his heartbeats, it was hammering against his ridcage. "Oh.. I don't know" you faked a sigh as your small hand brought his between your thighs, "you tell me, my dearest." The feeling of your bare soaking cunt on his finger tips had the oni frothing from his mouth, oh how he has dreamt of this!
Months of pinning over the noble lady everyone wished to be with, the oni couldn't help but feel the primal urge inside of him to slaughter whoever dreamt the same of him. Not one day has passed where he hasn't thought of touching y/n like no one else has before. Always wondering how your smooth skin would feel under his, how your arousal may taste like on his long tongue, how fucking good your tight cunt would feel wrapped around his cock as he gets the chance to yell out loud his love for you if he has to.
Now all that he dreamt of, was coming true.
You roll your eyes, letting go of his neck as you lean back, "Oh now, don't say I need to bring you to kiss me too." Don't tell it to him twice. The pipe drops from your hand on the floor, making a clang sound as you felt his lips mold onto yours in a hungry manner, he could feel you smile on his skin, the feeling of your soft lips on his left as soon as they came, when he felt the rough tug. He realized you pulled away by tugging him off by the spiky collar on his neck.
"Patience~ now, I'm hoping you do know what to say for your confession, yes?", He almost whines in disappointment but obliges with no hesitation anymore. "I'm sorry for s-stealing your undies!" He exclaims, trying his hardest to sound normal but failing. "I- I couldn't help it, you know?" It's now him bowing down and leaving a trail of wet kisses on your exposed thighs. "I was gettin' desperate, you're a big tease, lady y/n." a gutteral growl erupts from him as he sinks his fangs onto your flesh, hard enough to leave a crescent mark. You give him a pleased smile, "yeah?" "Yeah." "Well then-" you stood up only to put on a show as you let go of the loosely tied kimono and let it pool beneath your feet, standing bare. Itto once again drops his jaw as he could only stare up. Memorizing every curves and exposed skin his ruby eyes could look at.
"Go on then." Your sinister grin did not go unnoticed by the man below you, "Kneel down properly and show me, just how desperate you can be, hmm?" This time, flushed face but lips tugging into a smirk, itto's arm rose to wrap around your hips.
"oh my lady, I will show you just what dreams are made of."
Getting the confidence back, he made quick work on you. So here you were, clutching onto his silver locks and horns for leverage as you rode his face, itto happily complying as he thrust his long tongue into your needy hole, licking and slurping down everything you had to offer. Getting a taste of you was enough to convince the man, half oni to mark you as his.
If you wanted him as your toy, oh he so happily will be your fucking toy as long as you stayed his and his only for a long time.
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nerajaana · 3 years
Jonsa metas be like: Extended Cut
The miniature rant version
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Yeah. We’re getting tons of romantic content in that corner. Totes. What else is the purpose of Jon Snow’s resurrection? Or rather, what even is the other purpose for Jon Snow’s existence, if not a prop to make their innocent-compassionate-empathetic af precious birb a Princess/Queen/GodEmpress?
(if they could have their way she’d be ascended to Godhood at this rate)
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69? That's your foreshadowing? You wanna convince people your ship's canon based on a mfing position number? What are we, middle schoolers?!
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My remaining two braincells cannot handle this poetic parallel😔😩✊🏻
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Ok real talk folks.....what’s in that kool aid kid?
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Listen, after pulling crap like this, you all have no rights to defend yourselves when we rightfully call you out on this. Absolutely none. No amount of mental gymnastics can justify this.
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Presenting to you 🥁🥁🥁 Quotes by Jon comparing his first love to his sister🥁🥁🥁:
“She reminded him a little of his sister Arya, though Arya was younger and probably skinnier. It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be, with all the furs and skins she wore.”
“"If you kill a man, and never meant', he's just as dead," Ygritte said stubbornly. Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever?”
...... soz there ain’t any about Sansa. I checked in the back and all I promise.
And, hate to break it to ya but, remember Catelyn of Houses Tully and Stark? Yeah, she kinda, y’know, carried the zygote that grew into a fetus over a period of nine months and pushed the said fetus out whom they named Arya. Half of her mother, half a Tully. Thus, half a fish. Pretty sure there’s even a fish reference that jon made towards Arya regarding her swimming.
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Let's give this a serious consideration. Firstly, lemme get this lil point out in the open: foreshadowing is wildly different from coincidences. Coincidence is there being a Jon(nel) and a Sansa in the same time period in the family, just like the current generation. Parallel/foreshadowing would look something like this:- Jon, who's the half brother of Rickon, just like Jonnel was to Cregan's heir Rickon, would marry the older daughter of Rickon (my son my boyyyy <3<3<3) in a distant future. Capisce?
And finally, the icing on the cake. My personal favourite 🙂
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Look, it's bad enough that the writer decided to pepper in cursed bits throughout the books that make an incestuous pairing highly likely. (by incest i mean the emotional aspect of it, it's not the cousincest or the aunt-nephew bit that peeves me off. It was a common occurrence in the medieval feudalistic society and is still prevalent in today's day and age). At the end of the day, they grew up as siblings. Fighting over which sister gets the “prize” that's Jon Snow is ridiculous beyond measure. We didn't start off reading these humongous books thinking "oh this would be a splendid time to ship an incest otp uwu" like no. the only reason I didn't break into tears every time Jon had a very non fraternal thought while reading is because i knew by then, for sure that they're cousins and not siblings (y'all either never had siblings or think fictional siblings work on a different wavelength). Take it up with the author, demand why he chose this sister and not the other for his fOrbiDdEn rOmancE trope. Grab him by shoulders and shake an answer out of him. None of us asked for this ffs. We reached to a conclusion based on what's there in print, not what isn't and simply assuming that there are hidden meanings or that the narrator is so fucking unreliable that he's naming one and thinking of the other or something equally delusional. Dude's literal last thought was Stick them with a pointy end. Which, by the way, is strictly between Jon and Arya, just like Needle. Just like the quote "Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle". And "What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister?" They're all exclusive to them both and them both only.
To all of these asoiaf experts, I'd like to say one thing: For all of his flaws and fallacies, G.R.R.Martin is a brilliant writer. He's not some stupid Oracle of Delphi, sitting in his little ancient greek cave and spewing nonsense and talking in circles. Writers leave out clues in the open, not hide them under the guise of different fucking names for gods sakes.
I'm all for shipping whoever you wanna ship, gods know i have a never ending list- most of them being rarepairs or crackships. But I don't go around twisting canon into something it isn't and subject to mental gymnastics to the point where nothing makes sense anymore. And, read the bloody books before you firmly place your faith in something. Quora/Reddit/Tumblr metas shouldn't be the basis for it. The language is pretty straightforward- if I, a non native english speaker can get it, then so can you.
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Heyy guys!! So am back with some of my other shits. This is the part 2. Hope y'all like it. Here goes nothing.
Link for part 1.
Warnings:- mentions of death and fictional characters. It's a long ass ride, so fasten ur seatbelts. lol anyways.
Genre:- angst and dark fae.
It had almost been 6 months or so, but you never fully understood why seonghwa never wore tank tops while he was out, specially with you. He told you that he kinda felt cold and that was the reason why he didn't wear tank tops.
You were not convinced by his answer but let it slip, again not thinking much of it.
It was semester break and you decided to surprise him by showing up at his place. He opened the door and smiled widely at your visit.
To your surprise he was wearing a tank top and on his left shoulder you could see something that seemed more like a tattoo.
Yet you couldn't figure out what it was because it was hidden under the top. "You like tattoos?" Was your question eyes not leaving the tattoo on his shoulder.
A posed laughter left his before answering your question. "No, not that much though. But it has an important meaning for me."
"Can I have a look at it?" You asked, now curious.
"sure, but let's see if you can recognise it." He said shrugging his shoulders.
Before you could respond he had already turned around and with the speed of lighting he pulled sleeve to the side and then back up.
You partially saw the tattoo. To you it seemed a triangle with something drawn inside it. Seonghwa had always been a tease, so it was probably one of moments of him being a tease.
"Hey!! Dudeeeee!!! Come OnnnNNNNnn" you whined but it wasn't going to work. Atleast not with Park Seonghwa.
He just laughed and went to the couch. "Wanna have a movie marathon? Or wanna watch any drama?" To these questions, you nodded like a small kid. It was going well, until a kiss scene appeared and you both looked at each other, deep in the eyes.
The next thing you realised was, his lips were on yours, and both lips moving in a perfect sync. That was when you couldn't hold it in any longer and pulled away.
"I-I I'm gonna go and shower." He said before going to his room. After he showered he came out only with a towel around his waist.
You were waiting for him on the couch outside. He went to the kitchen, with a towel still wraped around his waist and shirtless.
That was when you realised who he was. The tattoo on his left shoulder made it all clear. This meant that, all your suspicions were true.
But you still stayed, your love for him took over all your senses. You went completely silent.
Seonghwa noticed the silence but before he could say anything, "Are you the vampire I was warned about?" This question left your lips and reached his ears.
His eyes went wide. He then thought that now the fish is already in the net and all he has to do is just pull the net up. And he did exactly that.
"yeah. I'm the vampire you were warned about, but hear me out." You just nodded and gave him a look which meant 'continue speaking'.
"I LOVE YOU Y/N." These words left his mouth. "I LOVE YOU TOO PARK SEONGHWA". You both finally confessed.
He leaned in to kiss you. At first it had only love and adoration in it, but soon it turned into a burning Passion. His lips went down from your jaw to your neck, the point where you were most sensitive.
He turned you around and his pointed teeth came out. They just slightly touched your neck. You just couldn't believe it. The person who just said he loved you, was now killing you.
Your heart ached with every passing millisecond. "Lemme go." You hissed, wanting to come out of his grasp, but he only inched closer to your neck.
"what are you doing seonghwa, lemme go." You hissed again. "I'm killing you, nothing else. It won't even hurt, you won't even realise when your life will leave your body."
With that he dug his sharp pair of blood suckers on your neck and your life was slowly taken away by the love of your life, by The Vampire Park Seonghwa.
I'm so so so sorry it took me soooo long to post this. But I hope you liked it. My updates will be kinda slow since I'm quite busy for the time being. So for now..
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See you guys in the next blog. Thanks @theatralist for requesting. Also thanks@simplyfunstar for helping me with this blog. You can check out her content, it's really good.
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