#like I'm being narcissistic or boastful
mrbexwrites · 3 months
Do you have a favourite tag game you’ve participated in?
Hi Tashie! This is a really good question; I really enjoy 'find the word'-esque tag games, as it allows me to search through my WIPs and share excerpts that I wouldn't normally think to share.
That said, there was a tag game a while back, and whilst I wasn't tagged in it (and wasn't brave enough back then to grab an open tag) that was essentially "build your own book giveaway". It basically let you imagine you were an established author and you had a prize draw, or something similar, and you got to describe what kind of prize bundle would be given away with your book. That one looked a lot of fun, and I've spent too many hours fantasizing about what I'd include for my WIPs!
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dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
Could you do a yandere Adam x fem reader? Let your imagination run free, I JUST NEED SOMETHING. also, love your writing! You write Adam super accurate :)
(Sorry this took so long, I wanted to space out my stories a bit. Admittedly had this done before Angel Massages >w<
I'm so touched you liked my work and think I write this moron well, I hope this is good enough for you; I found myself thinking about yandere!Adam and deciding that that fool could hurt everything from a fly to a dragon but he sure as hell wouldn't want to hurt you. Hence this.)
It wasn't that the first man was obsessed with you; it was that you had made the first mistake of catching his eye, the second of agreeing to that first date and the final one of saying “I love you”.
The progression was slow enough that in real time you had never even noticed. Adam was always the type who was everywhere you looked anyway, he was the kind of person who drew attention by being there, by being loud and vulgar and all around an annoyance. But you'd made the mistake of smiling a few too many times and something in his head had switched; suddenly it wasn't just that he was everywhere you looked but you were everywhere he did. He watched you, curious at first then intrigued and finally attracted. You were cute and sweet and you smiled when he did something stupid and he took that how he wanted. He took that as interest.
When he asked you out it had partially been with an intention to defuse whatever it was causing him to watch you as much as he did. The fact you said yes definitely didn't cause butterflies, that feeling was hunger. Yeah. Hunger. But he couldn't help but think you looked nice in the dress you put on for the date and your hair was very nice the way you'd styled it and your makeup made your already pretty face all the prettier. He had grinned like he always did and boasted aloud of how lucky you were to have him, the first man, the Dick Master himself, going out with you. The fact that his pride quickly internally turned to irritation when he noted the eyes looking you over, looking over his date, well that was nothing; it was normal wasn't? Any man would glare at someone staring at their date the way they stared at you, be upset that anyone would even think they had a chance with you when he was there.
He kept telling himself that. He'd keep telling himself that. You were sweet to him and you didn't know, it was hard to really know what you were doing to him when he didn't even fully understand it; he was obnoxious and narcissistic and you were aware of that much but you liked that about him, and how sweet he could be sometimes. So you made a mistake: you told him you loved him and that switch that had already been flipped broke.
Suddenly you found yourself rarely having a moment to yourself. Or honestly much personal space; the angel, despite his own duty to complete, spent more time hovering over you than anything else, following close. At first it was pretty benign in public at least, he was always close by but never too close, angels were weird about PDA and Adam for all of his attitude was good at playing games. But before you knew it people started to avoid you; friends stopped talking to you as much, acquaintances stayed away. You didn't really notice it much, or pay it much mind, people got busy, even heaven had stuff to do, but then the Incident happened.
The angel had been a newer arrival and he was as shaky and uncertain as a lamb. He stuttered and stammered and fumbled his way through heaven with the confidence of prey thrown into the lion's den. You were good and sweet and how could you resist a person needing help? That would be wrong, this was heaven and you were an angel; helping was what angels did.
You smiled and approached, offering a hand to the shaking angel to help him. “I can show you the way if you want, I know this building like the back of my hand.”
He looked at you with wide blue eyes and a smile that was just starting to creep onto his features; he reminded you of the kids who sometimes showed up. You hated to see kids come to heaven but better there than Down Below. He took your hand and started to open his mouth but a dark shadow cast over you both and you could only blink for a second before seeing the new angel's expression change. What you saw in his eyes was something deep; it was fear, primal and true, and his hand slipped from yours, tears pooling quickly in terrified eyes. You tried to ask what was wrong; he ran away before a single sound left your lips, leaving behind a trail of feathers shed in terror. You were confused and turned around to see what cast the shadow.
Adam stood behind you and at first everything seemed normal. His mask showed that giant toothy grin of his, that glow of electric gold that hid the real face of the first man, of your man. But you noticed the glitch, the crackle in the mask that you'd never seen before, and something in the back of your mind felt something was very much Not Right. He always loomed over you, it was a matter of fact and of height, he slouched a lot as it was and still he was taller than you.
Maybe it was the wings; you decided that had to be it. Usually, when he was out and about, his wings were tucked under his arms, almost inconspicuous despite their glowing hue. Yet they were out now and spread, beautiful in their glory. Terrifying to that primal sense within your mind; for a second you felt you weren't looking at the same man who liked to play you songs on his guitar or hold you in his lap while he worked in his office or steal bites of your food no matter what you decided to buy. He wasn't silly or annoying or even that sweetness that you came to love in him; something was frightening in that grin and those narrowed pure gold eyes. You thought to yourself that the face underneath was likely far more frightening than the electronic features of his mask.
That was the moment and you got the sense you were aware but he wasn't. He never let you out of his sight, save for when you needed to go to the bathroom or such. Constantly he was by your side and while in public still he managed to hold onto some level of decorum, privately he seemed unwilling to let go. He held you, he touched you, and there was something mad in the way his fingers pressed into your skin, never harming you, not to that degree. You knew he was an exterminator, the leader of the exterminators, and you knew he was dangerous and violent and capable of so much pain, but the first time you realized he wasn't aware of what he was truly doing was when his grip had gotten too tight and left a bruise. The look he gave you was nothing short of heartbreaking; who knew he could even make such a face.
The only thing that never seemed to change was the sex. Before he was intense, hungry and active; now he was just as much in every factor, in every way. He fed upon you, your body, your passions, and some days your head was left spinning with the sensation of bliss that came with being at his mercy. The only real difference was how often he drew those three little words from you, seemed driven further by them; whispering them against his skin made him crazy, to the point he'd taken you in any way he could, filling you up and leaving you shaking. Crying them out in passion made him hold you closer and dig those teeth of his into your neck, your shoulder, the flesh of your breasts; marks were getting harder and harder to hide when he left them wherever he could. You had to be careful speaking them aloud after the fact; sometimes it spurned him to new life and your body sometimes needed a day or two to recover if that happened. Sometimes it made him beg for it, actually beg. It was the same as that day he'd accidentally hurt you; the depth of the breaks inside him made you want to hold him and never let go as well.
You never saw that scared little angel again but you did see the one who had made the mistake of whistling at you. Only once though, before your constant shadow made sure that they didn't whistle again; Sera wasn't very happy about it but Adam's status was dangerously safe and you came to understand that he was starting to become comfortable doing things he very much shouldn't. And you became aware you may be a little mad yourself when you barely flinched as he cupped your chin in his bloodied hand, claws leaving streaks of red against your skin as he smiled down at you.
“I should have plucked out his eyes as well as his tongue,” he said in a tone far too low for the boastful first man.
Should you have told him not to have done either? You mulled over that question only later when you washed your face and settled into your usual place on his lap.
Telling him you loved him had been the straw but it became the solution. New people came every day, they couldn't possibly know immediately what was going on, that heaven had a very dangerous problem. But the sweetness of those three words distracted him like nothing else and the laugh he'd give, “I know, how could you not”, and the souls got to live to enjoy heaven in safety, away from the monster you'd fed.
No, Adam was not obsessed with you. It simply was that once he had you, he couldn't, wouldn't, refused to continue his eternal existence without you. And no one, not in heaven, not in hell, was going to take you away from him.
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vampirebloodie · 9 months
Vought Party | Homelander x Reader
Summary: You agree to help your brother Butcher by spying on Homelander during a Vought party.
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Warnings: little smut 18+, dub-con, violence, Homelander being an narcissistic asshole (natural)
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You were Billy Butcher's little sister, you hadn't seen him in a while, he was always a tough guy who liked to get into trouble for anything and with anyone, you could tell he got worse mentally after Becca disappeared, since then, you rarely saw him, not even at christmas time, where the two of you always got together to eat at night and put up the christmas tree. You felt sad about this, you were always attached to him, he was always the one who protected you and taught you about the evils of the world.
You were sitting on the couch in your apartment watching the news, it was always the same nonsense they repeated, Homelander saves the world once again, Vought, bla bla bla. Your doorbell rang, making you look at the door, you were surprised because you hadn't called anyone or ordered dinner. You opened the door, coming face to face with Butcher.
“Billy? My God!"
You smiled happily and hugged him tightly, feeling his hands squeeze you. You let go and he closed the door, entering your house and sitting on the couch, looking with a frown at the television that showed Homelander's face on the screen, he turned off the TV.
"We need to talk."
“You were missing for months, i thought you were dead or the police had caught you.”
You sat next to him on the couch.
“I know, sorry. But the situation is really complicated, i need your help.”
"What can i do for you?"
“I need you to go to a party today and try to get close to someone.... Homelander.”
He says a little apprehensive and the smile disappears from your face. You knew very well who Homelander was and what he was capable of off camera, just as you know Billy's hatred for him.
"I... how?"
"You're not known, Vought knows me and the boys and won't let us near him, i need you to bug him."
“What if this doesn’t work?”
I asked worriedly.
“It will work, you are smart and you are my little sister, i will always protect you.”
The long tight dress that served to highlight your curves made you uncomfortable, but Billy assured you that the more you attracted attention, the better it would be, you sighed, taking another champagne from the tray of a waiter who passed by you.
"Stop drinking. You shouldn't get drunk."
You heard Billy's voice coming from the device in your ear that was covered by your hair. Your eyes rolled back and you wondered if this was really worth doing.
“What is a pretty girl doing alone on this beautiful night?”
You heard that voice coming from behind you and your blood froze for a few moments, you turned around seeing Homelander looking at you with a smile.
“I… I came alone.”
You responded nervously and he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss.
“Well, now you’re not alone anymore. I'm Homelander, but you probably already know that, after all, everyone knows me as the most powerful man in the world.”
He boasted and you couldn't help but laugh, starting to laugh, the smile on his face disappearing immediately.
"What's the fun?"
“I’m so sorry, it’s so funny to hear that in person.”
You recovered, wiping away some of the tears that fell from your eyes.
“Don’t you think im the most powerful man in the world? Who are you?"
He asked looking at you with disdain.
“I’m Liz.”
You told him your fake name, Vought knew Billy had a sister but they didn't know your face, only your name. Homelander smiles again, maybe he is a bipolar.
“So, Liz...Why don't you come with me? I can show you the building.”
"Follow him, go."
Billy whispered softly and you smiled at the blonde, starting to follow him through the huge building. It was something extremely luxurious and completely out of your reality, you looked at everything impressed, until you came face to face with a huge photo of his face pasted on the wall. It was weird.
"It's beautiful, is not it?"
You lied and he looked proudly at his own image on the wall and you realized how narcissistic he is, but you couldn't say anything so you just nodded. The two of you entered his office, it was certainly the most luxurious one there, with several expensive pieces and security cameras everywhere, which could be a problem for you if someone saw you tapping the camera in some corner.
"Do you want something to drink?"
He asked, grabbing a bottle of wine from a mini freezer there.
“No, i already drank too much today.”
You rejected it, you couldn't trust him and accept a drink. He turned his back.
“Accept the drink! He needs to trust you."
Billy whispered and you wanted to kill him in that moment.
"You said to stop drinking!"
You whispered back and Homelander turned around again looking at you confused.
"Did you say something?"
He asked and you gave an awkward smile.
“I talked to myself, it’s a strange habit.”
He just ignored it and drank a glass of wine, sitting next to you, you felt nervous with his presence so close to you.
“I can hear your heart from far away. Why are you so nervous?"
You looked at him.
"It's okay, i understand, all women are like this by my side, they never resist my charm, being a handsome man is sometimes..."
You couldn't stand listening to his irritating voice any longer so you just shut him up by kissing his lips, to your surprise he responded immediately and grabbed your waist, placing you on his lap.
"Y/N!!!! Get out of there! That's not the way to approach him!!!!"
You heard Billy's angry whispers, but you just ignored him, Homelander ran his hands over your body in a hurry and needily, then he kissed your neck, putting your hair to the side, suddenly he stopped and you opened your eyes, looking at him.
"What is that?"
He pulled the device from your ear, revealing the bug, you felt your blood run cold as he looked at you with a deadly look. Fuck. fuck. fuck.
"I... I have hearing problems, i don't hear very well from far away. It's a hearing aid!"
You laugh nervously and try to take the device from his hand, but he grabs your wrist tightly, you groan in pain but it doesn't seem to bother him.
"Don't lie to me. It's a wiretap, isn't it?"
"If you already know, why are you asking?"
You asked sarcastically, he pushed you against the couch and pinned you underneath him, with his knee on your stomach.
“Watch your mouth.”
You knew there was no way to fight him, he would probably kill you before you even tried to react, Billy was probably on his way to try and rescue you, but he wouldn't get there in time.
"You'll kill me?"
You asked a little afraid and he laughed, he tried to kiss you and you turned your face away, so he grabbed your arms tighter making you complain.
"Kill you? Nah, you're too pretty to waste like that. I think i could use it a little."
He crushed the wiretap with one hand, scaring you, he seemed to enjoy seeing you scared of him, it made him feel more powerful than he already was. Homelander's hands grabbed your waist, squeezing it, you felt his lips on your neck leaving kisses there, you closed your eyes and grabbed his arms. Maybe fuck with him would be better than getting into trouble and ending up with yourself being killed by his laser.
"I knew you wouldn't resist."
He smiled proudly and your eyes rolled back instantly, his hand grabbed your chin, squeezing it tightly making you look at him. If he wanted to, he would have broken your jaw right then.
"Do that again and i ll make sure to burn those pretty curious eyes of yours."
He seriously threatened and you swallowed hard, Homelander was the worst kind of person to challenge and you knew that very well. You remained in absolute silence and he continued to kiss your neck while his hands roamed your body, you were torn between your body denying his touches or accepting all the touches and everything that would come later. His hands went to your dress, pulling up your skirt, showing ur blue panties.
“Blue is the color of my uniform, it’s almost like you’re a fan.”
He boasted again and you wondered if maybe it was more worth taking a laser beam to the forehead than listening to his narcissism. He pulled down the top part of your dress, revealing your breasts since you weren't wearing a bra, his eyes lit up seeing that and soon you felt his tongue in desperation surrounding your nipple while his other hand squeezed your other breast. You moaned loudly, you didn't want to admit it, but his tongue really felt good. Then his hand went down to your core, where he pushed your panties to the side and invaded you with his fingers, you let out a moan of pain because it was something unexpected, you felt like you were in heaven receiving his touches.
That's when you heard a loud knock on the door and before you could react the door was opened, revealing Ashley.
"Homelander! You have to.... OH MY GOD!"
She screamed in despair and covered her eyes with the clipboard, you held back your laughter and he seemed to be angry that she had interrupted you two.
He shouted angrily, his face red.
"I did not see anything! I did not see anything!"
She defended herself by running out of the office before he could probably kill her, your hand discreetly went to ur bag that was nearby, while Homelander was still trying to calm down, so you took the pepper spray that Billy had given you and shot it at Homelander's eyes, who screamed in pain, moving away from you and falling to the ground, you adjusted your dress covering your nakedness.
"Really fucking with the enemy isn't for me."
You told him before running out of the room before he fully recovered and came after you, which he would definitely do soon, you walked through the halls and left through the emergency exit finding Billy's car waiting for you, opening the back door Hughie pulled you inside, that's when a red laser beam hit the part you were on, almost hitting your head and blowing it off. You saw Homelander at the end of the hallway fuming.
“You don’t mess with Butcher’s sister, idiot! ”
Hughie shouted before Billy sped up the car getting you both out of there before another bolt of lightning was fired there.
“HUGHIE!!! What was this idea of ​​almost having sex with that asshole?"
Billy shouted angrily at Hughie and looked at you in the rearview mirror, he still seemed a little disturbed by the things he had heard through the bug.
“Works, Billy, works…Better than he kill me”
“Well, let's take extra care with our work since your "work" now knows who you are thanks to Hughie's open mouth, and will definitely come after you to finish the job."
“I will wait for him then.”
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egg-emperor · 2 months
Does Eggman really admire Gerald, or is he simply using the clout that comes with Gerald's legacy as a way to boost his own reputation?
"My grandfather was the legendary genius Gerald Robotnik! But you'll see that my inventions are far greater than his!"
I imagine it being something like that.
I can't imagine a hyper narcissist like Eggman respecting anyone, not even family, for such a long period of time. Gerald's greatest achievement was creating the space colony ARK, but Eggman's at a point in his life where he himself has made a plethora of giant space stations, captured entire planets, and successfully conquered a beast that eats space-time itself.
I'm certain Eggman is aware of the fact that he's achieved things on par with and greater than what Gerald ever did. So why would Eggman still put Gerald in a shining light?
The way I see it, Eggman admires his grandfather as much and as genuinely as an extremely self-centred egotistical narcissist can, which I don't think has to be not at all. By the way he talks about him at the end of SA2, it seems he does genuinely admire him and what he accomplished, in his own way. I think it's cool and interesting for him to actually kind of admire someone that isn't himself somewhat. And it gives the sense of betrayal he felt from his idol for almost dying because of him more impact, it wouldn't have as much meaning if he didn't really admire him in some way.
I like it because it's a rare case where he admires someone that isn't himself but it's not in an uncharacteristic way that goes against his attitude towards everyone else because it's in the most egotistical and self-centred way. Even his reflective speech at the end of SA2 wasn't without mentioning that he wanted to be "a great scientist like him". And not because of the goodness of what he tried to do for the world as he doesn't mention it at all, it was for his greatness with his genius, skill, and accomplishments from an academic perspective, not a moral one. He just wants to be a famous renowned scientist for his ego, not to help people.
He just wanted to be as successful as him and recognized and hailed for it, well even more than him because he's so egotistical to the point he wants all the attention in the world, and it seems that's what it was really always about in the way he talks about him. What it means for his potential, what he must be capable of too, and the attention and importance he could have, that's his mindset. It seems his relation to Gerald has always been a source of inspiration and pride, when he can say he's related to what was the greatest scientific genius of his time and the way he helps him recognize his own genius and potential.
His pride in his relation to him is obvious in the way he's always sure to emphasize "that's MY grandpa" when talking about how he was brilliant scientific genius
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And when he mentioned him in TailsTube, he just had to say scientific genius runs in the family as a way to bring it back to praising himself
He likes to remind people he's related to another genius and use it to boast. He can barely praise him without praising/making it about himself. There's a pattern in the circumstances he praises the skills/abilities/accomplishments of others, Gerald, Sonic, Sage, etc- they can all be used to praise himself with his connection to them. Because that's his grandfather, his arch nemesis, his creation. If they have respectable skills, what does that say about him as Gerald's genius grandson, or Sonic's longest strongest enemy, or Sage's brilliant creator? He can use them to say that he's even better for one reason or another.
And yes, as much as he admires Gerald, he still absolutely puts himself above him. He sees his accomplishments as far greater as a result, as well as of course being due to his massive ego and narcissism too. He seeks to surpass his grandfather and be recognized and hailed as the very greatest as he says he will mark a place in history as the ULTIMATE genius, that puts him above Gerald as the all time ultimate genius in history
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That's what he's aiming for, not second best. He wants to be the greatest of all time and go down in history like that.
And he says that despite Gerald's accomplishments in the past, it's his time now to be even greater
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And in Generations, he says nobody is as smart as himself for why he teamed up with himself from the past. With that it's just like a big fuck you to Gerald lol
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Not that he actually had Gerald on his mind at all when all he does is think about himself but he definitely really does think of himself as smarter and greater and even more brilliant than him because he's just that narcissistic and egotistical.
He still sees his own genius and accomplishments above all and Gerald is actually no exception despite the small amount of rare admiration he held for someone who wasn't himself. And it seems his admiration is mostly formed through the lense of what it means for him, his own skills and genius, what he's capable of and who he could become with his potential, which is why he was inspirational to him and regarded as a hero of his.
With the ways he's talked about him, him saying something like "My grandfather was the legendary genius Gerald Robotnik! But you'll see that my inventions are far greater than his!" would be fitting and seems to be his mindset, unsurprisingly. Now that he's far surpassed him by the sheer scale and volume of his accomplishments in science and the vast number to his name, he can boast about that too and use Gerald as a measuring stick and emphasis for his own greatness in comparison.
And it's a good point because while Gerald was a very smart brilliant man with impressive accomplishments and Eggman is a massive egotist, he has built tons of giant space stations, captured planets, taken control of world destroying beasts, created hundreds of copies of the ultimate lifeform Gerald created one of, even broken the world apart more successfully than he attempted, albeit for very different reasons and intended outcomes XD And his scientific accomplishments were done alone without a team of scientists and government funding like Gerald. So he kinda has a point, he just goes about it in the most egotistical way lol
I feel like it can still count as genuine admiration even if he does think of himself as superior and uses Gerald's status to boost his own ego further, it's just in his own narcissistic way but it's still something. He always recognizes the skills and strengths of others and can commend them for it, and it seems to be because of how he can use them to hype up himself for his connection to them, which he especially can when he's part of the same bloodline like Gerald. And his main focus in it was always how Gerald's accomplishments further proved his own potential to become a great scientist too and his desire to be renowned and much more successful too.
As much as he admired his grandpa and saw him as his "hero", he always thinks of himself the most highly and still takes little shots at him even indirectly. However, I don't think he'd completely downplay Gerald's skills and accomplishments and deny their impact and the things he found admirable and impressive, even after he's accomplished all that and more. Because he can compare and say "What he was capable of was impressive but I'm capable of even greater, just look at all the things I've done!" and inflate his ego even more! So credit where it's due is a good thing but he can still say all his accomplishments pale in comparison to all the things he's done to look even better.
I really like how unique and fitting Eggman's way of admiring things about others are and how it's still consistent with and a part of his narcissism and egotism, even, because it's through a lense of what it can say about himself too. And the way all signs point at Eggman being inspired by Gerald's greatness and accomplishments from an academic perspective and his status of being brilliant and renowned, instead of the way he worked to help people. It's like Eggman wanted to follow in Gerald's footsteps and looked up to him in a sense and saw him as a hero, but always had the much more selfish goal of being praised and famous in mind, instead of helping others. And that's what sets them apart in the coolest way!
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kittwix · 9 months
Punk In Luv
Hobie Brown "Spiderpunk" x Fem! Reader
word count: 2,278
tags: first kiss, friends to lovers, please excuse my poor use of british slang i tried, some violence but its not graphic, implication of harassment but nothing happens
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You felt cornered. The group of men who had harassed you earlier have followed you and when you decided to make a quick turn down the alleyway, you were only met with a brick wall. Of course this happens to you, just when you thought luck was on your side, you kicked it right back in its ass and now it came to bite you back. It was hopeless, the only thing you could do was hug yourself and shrivel up to the corner of the cold wall as the three men slowly approached you. 
“Why the long face, toots? We ain’t gonna bite.” One of them called out to you, licking his lips as he stared at you like a starved man. 
“Unless you want us too.” Another one of them added, having a similar expression.
You trembled with fear, refusing to even look at any of them. For a moment, you truly did believe this was the end for you and that you would have to spend the rest of your life suffering with whatever these men plan to even do with you. Honestly, you’d hope they would just kill you already, you’ve already dealt with enough stress as it is, perhaps this could be the nail in the coffin to finally seal in your fate. In that moment, trapped with your own melodramatic thoughts and impulses, you heard a voice from above. 
“Now, is that really a way to talk to a woman?” 
You quickly looked up and so did the group of men. Your eyes widened at the sight of a man wearing latex, a web-like pattern sewed into the material and he wore a denim jacket over his shoulders along with ripped jeans and long sneakers that reached up to his knees with laces looped and tied together tightly. What stood out to you the most from his bizarre appearance were the notable spikes on his head and the way he was casually standing on the wall. 
All your racing thoughts finally came back together and you concluded that you were familiar with this guy. You’ve seen him before actually, the Spider-Men or Spider-Punk is also how people have recognized the hero. He was a big deal actually, this town was known to be a big shitshow with everybody going on with their own miserable day to day life and how big the crime rate was and how terribly the prime minister was. 
This city needed a change, a big one at that and coincidentally came along the Spider-Punk and how he manages to save the day and rescue civilians from harm, all while carrying that guitar of his and strumming it loudly that’ll blow away anybody’s eardrums. Yeah, you were familiar with him all right and you were relieved to see him here. The group of men that had followed you all glared at the vigilante, glaring and scoffing at the words coming out of the masked man. 
“Who the hell do you think you are, punk .” One of them spat and this only granted for Spider-Punk to click his tongue in annoyance, shoving his hands inside the pockets of the denim jacket he wore as he slowly walked down the wall before kicking his feet off and expertly landing a quick front flip as his feet planted flat on the concrete floor. 
“I should be the one askin’ you that same question.” He responded back. “You think I'm really just gonna let a couple of narcissistic pigs like you get away scotch free?”
“Heh, you really think we’re scared of a punk like you?” One of them spat back. 
“More like a Spider-Punk, nice costume, freak!” The three of them laughed together and you could only watch in fear at how the web hero stood there, acting unbothered by their comments. 
“And what of it? Nice, Innit? Customize it myself and all.” The hero boasted, showing off his costume. “I think you should worry more about how I'll knock the three of you out and watch you do your bird for harassment, yeah?” 
“Oh piss off, Spider-Punk!” The group of men grind their teeth together at the insults being thrown at them, not taking too kindly of how they were being told off by this guy. Just from their reaction alone granted a small chuckle from Spider-Punk and you swore you saw the way his eyes squinted in amusement but those thoughts were soon caught off by the way he reached over to grip the handle of his guitar that rested on his back. 
“Nah, mate. And for the record,” He trailed off, extending an arm as he shot a web at one of the men’s faces before quickly jogging past the other two and knocking them out with a punch and a swing of his guitar. “Don’t call me, Spider-Punk. ” 
It was like in a blink of an eye, those men that preyed on you were now injured on the floor as they rolled around in pain. One of them was knocked out cold and you feared that the spider hero had actually killed one of them, though it didn’t really seem like he cared and now he was standing in front of you with a somewhat curious look despite wearing a mask. It definitely caught you off guard now meeting your hero face to face like this, just a few seconds ago he was already throwing punches at their jaws. You didn’t realize just how tall and lanky he was as well, though you were still able to make up all the muscles around his body and especially by his chest to which you didn’t want to stare at for too long as not to make a rude impression. 
“Bit rude to stare, Innit?” He teased, his accent was thick but there was some real charm to it that made you smile warmly. “You alright?” 
“Huh? Oh.. Yes, I’m fine!” You blurted out almost in an instant, prompting Spider-Punk to let out a low chuckle at your mannerisms. You were certainly an oddball but so was he, he hates normality and would do anything but follow what the rules and norms of society were. “You saved me.. How can I ever repay you? Really, I owe you one! Is it money? What abo–” 
Your sentence was caught off at the way he reached up to grab his mask and pulled the latex off of his head, revealing his face to you at once. You gawked at the way his wicks perfectly sculpted his face, how his brown skin glistened underneath the moonlight and the silver piercings on his lip, nose and eyebrows made him all the more cool. If he weren’t a hero, you would’ve guessed that his daytime job would be modeling just by how gorgeous he was to look at. By your reaction alone made him smirk a bit as he lowered his hand that still held the mask he was once wearing.
“Maybe seeing a familiar face would make you feel less worried now.” He said before turning around to make his leave. Before you could even stop him, he swung away and you stood there dumbfounded by what had just happened. One thing was known for sure and it was that you wanted to see him again, no matter how long it takes.
You have come to figure out that the beautiful web-slinging hero who you keep running into and he keeps on saving you was named Hobart “Hobie” Brown. For the past few weeks, the two of you had hit it off greatly which resulted with you having to see him more often and you got to know each other pretty well. You learned about his extreme philosophy of being anti everything and it was admirable about how much he cares, especially in a broken city like the one they live in now needing a desperate change. Not only that but he was very humorous as well, cracking jokes and making smart remarks here and there that made you want to poke at his side and pinch at his cheeks. It was crazy just how fast the two of you quickly became friends, but of course you’d expect your feelings to be just as confused about where you stand with him. Of course you consider him a friend, you depended on him so many times for not only saving your ass but also giving you a place to stay and suggesting helpful advice that may or may not be aligned with his own beliefs. Though, you still appreciated his efforts. 
Just now, you were sitting around in your bedroom as you had invited him over and he brought his electric guitar along with him as well. He was sitting by the edge of your bed, tuning his guitar a bit as you ranted about a show you had just gotten into recently. It wasn’t anything crazy, just a very dramatic slice of life kind of show that left you on the edge of your seat after every single episode. What you had failed to notice, however, was a little smirk on his face as he heard you go on and on about the series.
“God, it was like a plot twist that I didn’t expect to happen!” You continued, it was almost like your eyes sparkled every time you talked with him, though it might also be the reflection of the light in your room too. Hobie chuckled at this before shrugging his shoulders at this.
“And what? Is that where the season ends or something?” He asked and you could only nod your head at this frantically. 
You were about to say something else until you heard Hobie’s watch go off and this made you wanna tilt your head to the side in confusion. You’ve recently started to notice that damn watch that he now has around his wrist that seems to go off from time to time and he always has to leave after hearing it go off. To say it upsets you would be a bit of an understatement, it always happens at random and you don’t even get a final word in before he’s already out the window wishing you a goodbye. You were well aware that he was Spider-Man and that he gets busy from time to time but it still made you feel just a bit disappointed when you’re having such a good time until he needed to leave.
Hobie got up from your bed and stretched his limbs out for a bit, turning his head to look at you and he always had that serious look on his face but everytime his eyes fell on you he couldn’t help but feel himself softened just a bit. He took a few steps towards you before having a hand cup your face a bit as he forced you to look up at him in the eyes.
“You know I’m a bit busy but I’ll always come back, Luv.” He spoke, already feeling how warm your cheeks had gotten and he stifled back a chuckle from even noticing. “Hero’s duties, get what I mean?”
“I thought you hated labels.. And you hate being called a hero.” You teased back with a playful pout and he laughed at this dryly before giving your head a little pat before opening your bedroom window and pulled his mask out from his other pocket as he slipped it over his head. 
“I don’t believe in consistency.” He said before jumping out the window and swung himself from the roof of your house. Your eyes widened, already scrambling to get out of your bed as you poked your head out and turned to see him still standing on your roof looking cool as ever. You gave him a little glare, a bit offended that he was already gone without saying goodbye.
“Hey!” You called out to him, to which he leaned him back and started hanging from your roof upside down. Even with the mask on, you could tell he was smirking underneath it. “You forgot something.” 
You could tell he was a little confused by this and before he could even say anything, you acted quick and reached to pull his mask down enough to where you could only see his lips and nose. Without giving yourself a second thought, you leaned in to press your lips against his own pierced ones, making sure to cup his cheek before pulling away. You could tell he was stunned by this, by the way his lips stayed parted when you pulled away and how his body was damn near frozen in place.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now, I like you a lot.” You spoke again. “Please come back soon to visit me, I just want it to be the two of us.” 
“Damn, Luv. Since when were you this poised?” He chuckled before tugging at his mask to cover himself up again. “I dig it, you really are just free-spirited and do whatever that's on your mind. I knew you were an anarchist the whole time.” 
And with that he gave you one last kiss on your cheek through the mask before swinging away to do his own thing. Your heart was still beating fast and your ears were ringing and you could practically feel yourself wanting to melt from how utterly charming he was. Even the little pet name he gave you really made your stomach do backflips as you hugged yourself and smiled like an idiot all alone in your room now. You couldn’t wait to see him again.
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"Pay close attention to those who don't clap when you win."
I had every intention of scribbling more shitty twaddle this morning, but my brain simply wasn't having it. My thought instead was to discuss something that has always irked me. Not on the level of world hunger or abuse of power, but irksome, nonetheless. And, I'm not quite sure if it constitutes a 'societal flaw' perhaps just a few individuals' personality characteristic… but why must people incessantly default to the negative?
Receive accolades or admiration and they murmur under their collective breath that you don't deserve it. Or better yet, you wrote it yourself?
Celebrate your 'self love' or any appreciation of progression and they scoff that it must be pills or surgery or photoshopped or that you are simply narcissistic and pathetically needy.
Share an art piece or some personal written words and be bombarded with criticism and belittling. Contort and twist without questioning.
Post photos of the love of your life and the peanut gallery retorts with obviously remarks that there’s something wrong in the relationship, obviously misogynistic boasting.
It's sad really.
Today, it seems it’s more popular to be negative and nasty. Spit venom, tear individuals down rather than acknowledge their courage in displaying vulnerability, appreciate what they share, their hard work or passions. It's like some unwritten code or societal rule - we must be competitive and not supportive. When others succeed, they automatically become a target rather than inspiration. People just can't be happy for people that have found joy or comfort. Bitterness has drowned empathy. Its cool to be a fucking douchebag.
So, I see you when you don't applaud. When you roll your eyes and shake your head... It's just that I don't care. I'll keep posting gushy heartfelt words or quotes, my pics of us being unapologetically ‘us’, and any and every other thought that leaks outta my head. You'll keep spewing negativity. Feel self inflated. It's sad really. But as some creative and witty person once said, I’m fresh out of fucks.
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diosama27 · 1 year
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Satoru Gojo
Yn's Mom: Hey, Gojo-san!! My, my, look at you, standing here like our very own Adonis. Come on in, you absolute heartthrob!
Satoru: laughs Thank you, Mrs. LN(Your last name). I must say, you look absolutely radiant today. You're like a timeless beauty, defying age itself.
Yn's Mom: blushes Oh, you smooth talker! Flattery will get you everywhere.
Satoru: Well, I can't help but admire someone who looks so much younger than their age. You must have discovered the fountain of youth, Mrs.LN.
Yn's Mom: Oh, stop it, you! You really know how to charm a lady. Maybe I should introduce you to my friends. They'd be thrilled to meet someone who appreciates their youthful spirits.
Satoru: winks I'd be honored to meet them, Mrs. LN. But let's enjoy this gathering for now, shall we?
Yn's Mom: Agreed, Gojo-san. And don't forget to call me "Mom" from now on.
Satoru: bows Yes, Mom.
AN: I know you all are utterly flabbergasted as to why yn's mom is welcoming the most annoying, irritating asshole into her house.
I mean, seriously, this guy who hovers over your front door suddenly transforms into Mr. Charm when faced with mom. Hold up, let me spill the tea on how yn ended up in this wild situation.
So, picture this: it's the start of the week, and you're running late for work, rushing to your cabin with your coat and coffee, trying to keep your sanity intact. And there he is, Satoru, your colleague, strutting in with his fresh baby blue and black fit like he's walking a runway.
As if that's not enough, the dude spots you and decides to sashay over, grinning like a fool, as if he's auditioning for the role of "The Annoying Casanova"
It's has become his routine. He always slides in, all flirty and starts boasting about his weekend conquests, like he had all the "different types" of girls. But you, being the unbothered queen, just brush off his narcissistic crap. Like, who gives a damn?
You dive into your work while he keeps yapping about how he could make you see stars. And you hit him with, "Oh, please! I see stars every damn night, so thanks but no thanks."
People y'all need to get this straight: you ain't got no beef with him. You just aren't into the romance stuff at the moment. You prefer your solo time, you feel me? You're in that "me time" phase, and it's all good.
No denying, the dude is hot as hell. That's spitting facts. If someone bet you $50 to jump on him, you'd do it free, even toss in some extra cash without batting an eye.
But it ain't about that and never could be more than that. It just didn't click with him. Now, let's be real, he's the one you could fully adore, no doubt, without holding back.
He's been low-key hinting about his feelings all this time, but you've been straight-up ignoring them.
Y'all know him, he's the king of players, always flexing his charm, cracking jokes, and hopping from one hookup to the next.
So yeah, we ain't falling for that game and specifically no getting played by his smooth talk, he's an expert at leading hearts on with zero intentions of commitment. We're standing our ground, staying wise to his tricks.
Your phone buzzes, and it's your mom. You let out an irritated huff because you know another 25 minutes are about to go down the drain, just like that.
Mom: "Hey, honey."
You: "Yeah, mom, morning."
Mom: "Good morning, my precious. How's your day kickin' off?"
You: "I don't know, just started, nothing crazy yet."
Mom: "Well, let's infuse some positive vibes into it, shall we?"
You: "Sure, but I'm at work, so make it snappy."
Mom: "I understand life's a struggle, but sweetheart, don't you think it's time to come back home, settle down, and start a family? You know, before you hit that dreaded age of no return where all the eligible bachelors disappear into thin air!"
You: "Mom, seriously? We've had this talk a countless times. Please, just stop. I can't throw away four years of grind just because you want a grandchild! This is beyond ridiculous!"
Mom: "Oh, my poor heart! Will my beautiful daughter be left behind, watching the sands of time slip through her fingers, forever destined to be an old maid? Oh, the tragedy! Is this why I carried you for 10 months and..."
You: "Alright, enough. I know exactly where this is headed. But didn't I mention the flight reservation for the weekend?"
Mom: "Well, I just yearn to behold your lovely face as soon as humanly possible."
Your brother, causing chaos in the background, chimes in: "Yo, Mom's schemin' to set you up on a blind date right after you land."
You: "What the actual heck? Are you serious? Mom?!!"
Mom: "Oh, no, darling, it's not a date. We're just going to mingle with some influential folks, ya know? It's all about networking!"
You can hear your brother shrieking as your mom unleashes something on him, probably her flip flops.
While you're knee-deep in a heated argument with your mom, completely oblivious to your surroundings, Satoru slyly sneaks into your cabin, popping up with a silly grin. "Heyyy yn sannn!!" he cheerfully exclaims, his flirty game in full swing. "What's shakin', baby??" He puckers up for a cute face and inches closer.
To your utter astonishment, the other side of the conversation suddenly falls into a bizarre silence, like someone hit the mute button on a chaotic war movie scene. All you can hear now are faint murmurs.
In the midst of the madness, your brother snatches the phone from your mom's hands.
Brother: "Yo, yn! You better not be getting tangled up with guys, are you?!"
You can hear the satisfying sound of your mom delivering a few extra smacks to your brother before regaining control of the phone.
Mom: "Wait just a minute!!! You're dating someone? Oh, my dear heavens! Who is he? How does he look? What's his name? Send me a picture, pronto! Hold on, you're at work, sooo, is it someone from work??? No wait, this is not happening!
You're in LOVE????!!!!"
At this point, you feel a strong urge to grab a sledgehammer, break through those wide glass windows, and escape into the sweet embrace of peace and serenity.
Instead of dealing with two hyperactive, intentionally overdramatic adults and a loudmouthed teenager (your mom, Satoru, and your brother respectively) is just too much to handle.
That's when the brilliant idea of fake dating pops into your mind like a light bulb moment. "Well, couldn't I just pull off this epic move?!" you think to yourself.
You: "Oh yeah, Mom, I'm actually dating someone, so sorry, but I won't be able to make it to that date!"
You can practically see Satoru's heart shattering into a million nano particles in his eyes, scattered across the room. But now that he's within earshot, he overhears the conversation and finally grasps what's going on.
Mom: "Well, if you're really dating someone, let me talk to him! I need to see if he's good enough for my precious baby!"
Satoru, being the quick thinker that he is, jumps into action, matching the vibe effortlessly.
They both start engaging in a lively conversation, with all his charm and sweet talk meanwhile you are a sweating mess trying to predict what on earth the outcome of this stupidity will be.
Their chemistry is so convincing that even you start to question if it's all just an act. They just hit it off soo effortlessly.
Mom: "Oh my, you two seem just perfect together! I can't believe my luck! You will, without a doubt, make the cutest couple ever. I can't wait to meet my son-in-law"
As they continue, Satoru plays his role flawlessly, you can't help but admire his ability to spin this fake dating scenario into a believable tale.
It's like watching a masterclass in deception, and you can't help but feel a mix of awe and amusement at the absurdity of it all.
"Wait a damn minute! Now she wants to meet him? Uhhhhhhh?" You swore internally, feeling the chaos about to unfold sinking in like a sinking ship in a stormy sea.
Lost in your own thoughts, trying to come up with a diversion to steer the attention away from your mom meeting "Satoru Gojo," you completely missed the part where they finalized the full master plan for your trip back home together, both you and him.
"Hey?? Ynnnn! What should I pack? When are we leaving? Hmm?" He asks innocently, his face now a picture of cluelessness.
"Eh? Ehh? Ehhhhhhhhh???!!" You were left utterly bewildered, your mind racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events.
"No way. Nooo, I can't believe this is happening." It's like a mission fucking impossible, no, scratch that, it's a mission that should not be fucking possible under any circumstances.
Satoru on the other hand "Shoot! I have to go book those tickets, before they're out." He struts out of your cabin, shooting you a playful flying kiss, and quips, "I'll be here waiting for ya babe!" before sauntering off.
"What the actual freak have I gotten myself into?!!" you exclaim, overwhelmed with a sense of despair and disbelief.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
@mikeellee's latest post about BNHA made me realize something about Bakugou's character that I'm surprised wasn't brought up.
The boy is ungrateful as fuck.
We never get any scenes of him thanking or appreciating anything that happens to him. He wasn't grateful for surviving any of the villain attacks and boasted how he could've taken them all on. He wasn't grateful for being saved by some of his classmates, he isn't grateful for the people that actually wants to hang out with him.
And he sure as hell isn't grateful when someone approaches him and compliments him as he just scoffs it off.
Nothing is ever good enough for him, and it sure as hell wouldn't surprise me if he's ungrateful for Edgeshot giving his life to save him and says something about him bieng weak or something like that.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Definitely. This is an excellent point that both you and @mikeellee bring up. Bakugou is immensely privileged and 'supposedly' immensely talented in every area due to being a Gary stu.
Yet Bakugou is not grateful for any of it.
I see a common defense of Bakugou is that he's a 'tsundere' - someone seemingly cold / standoffish finding it hard to express positive emotions - yet actual well written tsundere's such as Rin from the Fate franchise can show they're grateful for things.
Yet Bakugou doesn't.
Because Bakugou isn't a "uwu secretly soft Tsundere" but because Bakugou is a manipulative narcissist with severe anger management issues. That is only now growing up to be manipulative enough to try to cover his tracks (pinning the blame on AM for Izuku's self worth issues.)
The only thing in Bakugou's centre isn't something soft - it's empty, hateful and with a simultaneous belief that he is THE BEST and yet a knowledge that he isn't YET and a drive to become the best (just like Endeavor!)
There's something so so wrong about MHA bigging up this character when, looking at how Bakugou actually is, he should be a villain. And one that is hated by all, not one that people are lining up to work with, be friends with and sacrifice themselves to protect.
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sapphicscribbles2222 · 4 months
Latin significance in THG that nobody asked for
Went to Rome on a school trip and realised exactly how much of THG relates to latin and roman stuff so I decided to make a post so I can rant about some of the instances. Also, please be aware that my knowledge isn't perfect, so there might be some mistakes, but this is just a bit of fun really anyway.
Also spoilers for all of the hunger games books
Panem- probably the one everyone knows about, it's the name of the country, and means "bread" in latin, which I find ridiculous. That's like me calling my country "Victoria Sponge" or something (I'm British :) )
The Capitol- Probably less well known, it's named after the Capitoline Hill, considered one of the most important places in Rome. It was where there was a temple to all their gods (I think). There's a museum there now. So, sort of narcissistic to name your capital city after that? Idk.
Caesar Flickerman- Pretty self explanatory, Roman dictator, got stabbed. This man should under no circumstances do TV appearances on the 15th March
Seneca Crane- Ok, this one's kind of ironic, because in the books, Seneca is head gamemaker and close to Snow, right? But Seneca (roman) was a philosopher who wrote a satire and criticised roman habits (one prescribed source for the course I'm taking is literally him being annoyed at roman gladiator fights), so the character and historical figure are pretty different here
Plutarch Heavensbee- Another head gamemaker, also kind of ironic. And based off another philosopher. Plutarch (roman) wrote a load of letters and things commenting on stuff like who got voted in for things, who did what. He, unlike Seneca, didn't write satire though (to my knowledge). So I guess the whole thing with them is giving the name of the satirist to the law abiding citizen and the average philosopher to the rebel, which I find kind of amusing.
Coriolanus Snow- It fits tbh. Coriolanus (not Snow) might have been a real historical figure, idk enough about it, maybe not. He appears in the works of this guy called Livy, who wrote stories for model romans, but his is more of a cautionary tale. Essentially, Coriolanus was a great roman military general, but then decided to betray Rome and go work with the guys they were fighting, who were called the Etruscans, and now they're sieging the city. The roman woman figure out he's betrayed them, and go beg for help from his wife and mother. They agree to help, and the roman women, Coriolanus's mother, his wife and their two sons go to the Etruscan's camp to try and persuade him to stop sieging the city. They get there, and his mum proceeds to yell at him for betraying her and Rome. Coriolanus hears this, and is like, "ok, I'll stop sieging your city. But you, mother, will never see me again." So he gets the Etruscans to leave, then proceeds to get killed by them for backing out. Honestly? I can see it.
Sejanus Plinth- Don't know of any Sejanus specifically, but it may be a reference to Janus, god of doorways and paths (kind of fits, given that he comes from D2 but lives in the Capitol, so that's sort of like a doorway between livelihoods). That's the best I've got, but I think it fits.
Arachne Crane- This one works as well, in my opinion. Basically, Arachne was a weaver, but she was kind of prideful, so she starts boasting that her work is better than Athena/Minerva's (y'know, the literal goddess of weaving?). Anyway, Athena/Minerva challenges her to a competition, where the loser can't weave on a loom anymore. Athena/Minerva wins (obviously) but she sees how upset Arachne is and takes pity on her, turning her into a spider so she can still weave. Honestly, the whole thing kind of fits, since they both basically have the same fatal flaw of superiority, which leads to Arachne getting killed in tbosas, and Arachne getting turned into a spider in the myth.
That's all I've got for now, folks (also congratulations for reading this far). There's probably way more references to myth and roman society in the series, but these are all I can think of at the moment. Anyways, hope you have a good day, thanks for stopping by :)
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Uhm. I think I'd like to elaborate on those things I guess? Basically to give a better understanding.
A lot of what I did list from Ula comes from me. I've had this pattern for awhile that I want everything to be about me. I do like butting into things that aren't about us (and it's caused so much trouble over.. How long I've been like this). This especially goes for certain things like when others vague post, it's actually one of ula's negative triggers, she gets mad because we think it's about us.
We don't necessarily know about the ego. It feels wrong for me to say that I.. Somewhat actually do feel like I'm better than others. I've kept a shut mouth on all of this for a long time because of how it's caused me trauma.
We also do kind of like to boss others around but when we do, we always feel bad afterwards because we.. Don't know why we're like this. We want maintain a.. Profile, I guess, but we always feel it crumbling down.
We did previously suspect we have bpd but after this we might have to reconsider our research and such..?
I'm not sure what specifics we want to ask for. We're very nervous about hearing all of this. Not in a negative way of course but we just.. Don't understand. I guess we want to ask if there's anything else you could do with this information, or perhaps more specifics on if there's a certain type of npd you think we could have. I'm sorry if I'm fumbling, I'm all shaky. /lh, not neg, curious, friendly tone
hmm well theres not really a need to be ashamed of that/gen
we feel as though we are better than others aswell/gen(and other times we feel as if we are so below others we need to play up our persona make ourselves seem amazing even though we are not!)
from our (NONPROFESSIONAL) opinion it dose sound quite simular to NPD(more than BPD that is-)
we are having trouble wording things right now but here is the diagnostic criteria for NPD
(it will be under the cut)
In order to be considered a narcissist, someone has to meet five or more of the nine criteria listed in the DSM-V. The symptoms have to be pervasive (present in a wide variety of contexts) and clinically distressing.
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g. exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
Exaggerating your own achievements
Criticizing and dismissing others’ achievements or talents
Constantly boasting or talking about yourself
Believing yourself to be infallible or invulnerable
Believing that you are more intelligent than others
Thinking that common rules don’t apply to you
Acting selfishly
Treating others with disdain or contempt
Not caring if you hurt someone with your actions
Being quick to anger if you’re challenged
Being unable to see how your behavior affects others
Being unable to see how unrealistic your beliefs and actions are
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
Often make up stories where you are the main character or are better than everyone else
Often imagine yourself in positions of power
May often imagine yourself in ways that distract from emptiness and unstable emotions (such as powerful, in control, beautiful, knowledgeable)
Fantasies of winning awards
Fantasies of being praised for your perfect work
Fantasies of getting the ideal partner and having a perfect relationship
3. Believes that they are “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
Only choosing services you consider “the best” (e.g. fly first class, stay in five-star hotels, and eat at top restaurants)
Purchasing only name brand items or items that you deem are “the best”
Insisting on seeing prestigious specialists, even for minor health concerns
Seeking out friendships with people you deem worthy and ignoring anyone else (potentially also believing that the person you’re friends with should be grateful that they were chosen)
Dating only people they deem “the best”
4. Requires excessive admiration.
Expect others to admire your style, looks, or abilities
Feeling enraged when you don’t receive praise for accomplishments
Hint to others for compliments if they aren’t offered automatically
Spending a lot of time wondering how others perceive you
Do things specifically to earn praise
5. Has a sense of entitlement (i.e. unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations).
Expecting to get certain things just because you exist or with no specific justification (such as special access to certain areas or items of clothing)
Believes that you and your needs come before everyone else’s
Believing that since you work harder and do a better job than everyone else, you should get to set your own schedule
Believing that everyone should cater to you
6. Interpersonally exploitative (i.e. takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends).
Putting yourself down so others recognize your abilities or talents
Insisting that others help and support you before taking care of themselves
Complimenting someone just to receive praise back
Failing to realize when you’ve made unrealistic demands of others
Treating people unkindly when they’re unwilling to do things for you
Lying or deceiving others to get your needs met
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
Focusing on your own problems and feelings without realizing that others have important needs, too
Expect others to put you first
Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings and experiences
Have little interest in other people’s difficulties
Consider expressing feelings a sign of weakness
Avoid doing things for others unless it benefits you
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them.
You may envy people who are getting praise and attention for their achievements and talents
You may believe that others envy you and your abilities
You may assume that others are working behind your back to steal the opportunities you deserve
You may feel uneasy or upset if someone you are close to is given attention by someone else
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
A “high and mighty” attitude or snobbishness
Contempt for people who make mistakes
Scorn for those who don’t recognize your superiority
A tendency to patronize “ordinary” people
Aggressive or sharp responses to perceived criticism
^(note: its so funny that "Agressive or sharp responses to perceived criticism" is on that list.....atleast we think ist funny in the context of what(or more who) is happening rn)
^sorry that was outta nowhere/gen
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frenchbreadandeggs · 1 year
hiii so id like to request a headcanon/imagine about Draven being in a secret relationship with a vastaya (secret in a sense that even his brother doesnt know). idk if you write for Draven, if u don't i understand if you don't answer ❤❤❤, but anyway thanks for your attention
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draven and his vastayan lover
pairing: draven x vastayan! reader summary: having a secret relationship with draven as a vastayan a/n: hello sterzin! thank you for this request! this is my first fic/headcanon about draven so i'm not really sure if i wrote him accurately. i hope you like it!
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Even though Draven is loud, boastful, and shameless in the pit, giving off the impression that he doesn't care about anyone, people would be surprised to learn that he is secretly dating you, a vastayan.
The crowd had assumed he hated "furry" people after an encounter with a yordle, and while their assumption wasn't entirely wrong, something changed when he met you in the depths of the markets of Noxus.
Let's just say he became smitten over you.
You were casually wandering through the bustling yet dark and gloomy streets of the market, browsing the items on sale, your ears twitched—someone was following you. And it turned out to be Draven.
In the early stages of your relationship, he mostly boasted about himself, his strength, and his skills, being the narcissist that he is.
"Draven, you've already told me that," you'd often interject.
"Oh, is that so? Well, what about this time when I smashed a man's head with my axe..."
"That too," you'd reply with a smile, finding it amusing how he could talk about himself for hours, watching his hands wave through the air to emphasize his tales.
You weren't quite sure how Draven managed to draw you in or how you managed to captivate him, but it happened as if by magic. Suddenly, the two of you were together, though keeping it a secret was necessary. Your tribe, being vastayans, wouldn't approve of your relationship with a human like Draven.
So, you would often go to the pits and watch from a distance, your eyes fixed on the throne room where Draven sat. Sometimes, you would catch his gaze wandering, as if searching for someone. Your eyes would meet, and you'd give him a gentle smile while he smirked. Draven seemed to think it was cool now that you were watching; he would jump into the pit and fight, flaunting his skills and strength. It was as if he was trying to impress you, and honestly, you were there for it.
While you keep your relationship with Draven from the world in fear of the consequences. You would share stolen glances and secret smiles during public appearances, both of your unspoken language speaking volumes.
For Darius on the other hand, he is unaware about Draven’s relationship with you, though there are times when he notices a change in Draven’s demeanor. Like his brother became softer or where he is not rash in private that Darius can’t quite put a finger on.
At times when you’re in your house, Draven would visit (almost everyday if he is not busy). He would give you gifts as his affection to you, even with him being a loud mouth and may not be best at expressing his feelings verbally, his actions speaks volumes.
Not only is his love language giving gifts (receiving gifts), he screams physical touch.
He would have his arms slither around your waist while you’re doing something in the kitchen. Place some small kisses on your shoulders as his way of affection towards you.
Draven want’s everyone to know that you are his and he is yours, but due to your kind you asked him to stay hidden about it. And he respects it, everything just for his darling.
He loves you so much that he would kill anyone who gets in the way of your relationship. 
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invertedfate · 2 years
I've always appreciated how you used the DT experiments as sort of a catalyst to make Papyrus more of a samaritan in this AU than a naive narcissist (if I'm reading things correctly). (in dark neutral he outright congratulates you for killing just because he got a guard position). what was the thought process for downplaying his more negative traits?
I'd argue Papyrus really isn't a narcissist in Undertale, though. He boasts and stuff, but he's just as supportive of others and loves to uplift them just as much. Plus he's shown to be pretty darn insecure and will change his opinions simply to match people he admires and tries to avoid choosing sides between Frisk and Undyne in Waterfall. Papyrus thanks Frisk in the darker endings, it's true, but he's also someone who generally shows a ton of positivity until you get to some of the REALLY heavy endings like King Papyrus where that cheery demeanor cracks.
But even in UT, he's still generally a good person- he can be sarcastic and a little shit, but he loves making others happy just as much as he craves recognition and he puts his all into everything he does.
IF Papyrus still shares many traits with UT Papyrus- but he simply never had that drive to join the royal guard due to the circumstances within the AU. And between Asgore being a good influence and all the hardship he's seen from those around him, he's deeply aware of the hardships others face. Hell, he has his own share of trauma.
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*sobbing angry tears* BEE, NOOOO! SWEET SUMMER CHILD-
I am in a very murdery mood right now. Lloyd's despicable behavior has reached new heights even I am surprised by. Fuck. He's a tyrant and I wanna bash in this stupid face so bad.
"Fivethousand and change" he declares proudly. "And you wanna sit here and act too good for it-"
Sir, imma stop you right there. Bee does in fact not want to sit there. And you damn well know that.
"I know you want me"
I... Where do I even START?! Lloyd is downright delusional. He's so narcissistic and obsessed with himself that he can't seem to understand that not every woman is all over him. The way he keeps trying to make Bee out to be something she's not...
"You've been to a place like this dozens of times" "You're fun, Bee" "You're a bimbo"
Dude. You don't know the first thing about her. It's like his self centered, dysfunctional brain is trying to somehow make sense of the fact that Bee is not interested. But because that's a concept he can't grasp, he tries to depict her as something in his head that works for his perception of the world and doesn't challenge his narcissistic personality. Man, a psychiatrist would have a field day with this douche.
I also love how he keeps boasting about how he's gonna fuck her so hard, but then it's like.... Average? And he's being really selfish and sadistic too? Sir, how's that good?
"Did I tear you?"
Imma tear something right about now, Good Sir. You wrote his disgusting, unlikable personality so fucking well, Roo. I just want to strangle him. Hes- he's.... There's no words for how awful he is.
His reaction to her coming just put the cherry on top of his terrible behavior. It's SEX, man. What did you expect? She's not one of your blow up dolls or flesh lights. There's gonna be some fluids. I wanna know what he would say if Bee suddenly jumped up and pushed him away, cursing how he's gotten his mess all over her. Wouldn't appreciate that, would he?
God, I just wanna gather Bee baby up in my arms and carry her away. The way he shoved her off of him when she was coming and then just used and mocked her afterwards?
No. No, no, no. We don't do that here. I wish Bee would get up and straight up leave after she's gathered herself as best as possible. I just want her to walk out of there and never come back near him unless it's to beat the shit out of his stupid smug visage.
Murder daddy or deserves to be murdered daddy lol. He is fucking awful, not only did he assault poor Bee but he actively demeaned her and insulted her the whole time. Touting his status and money over her. Well dude you're like old so--
Bee was like 'can I pls go home and sleep' but Lloyd apparently is so narcissistic he functions on his ego alone. It's like a battery powering his despicable action. And I'm sure he's never dealt with rejection so rn he just doesn't even recognise it as that, he's just like oh that means I just speak louder, right?
He definitely is assuming a lot of someone who he still a) presumably doesn't know their name, b) only just thought to ask their age c) hasn't asked a damn question about.
And like the fucking was hot but bro. it's not like you paralysed a ho, try harder.
He don't even know nothing about nothing and that makes it worse. I mean he couldn't ask for a better assistant but as always he's thinking of his dick.
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blackwoolncrown · 2 years
There's a term ppl use for this irt narcissists but a) I don't think this is narcissist exclusive and I can't remember the term so I'm gonna say this in my own words:
every big headed egotistical powerhungry asshole does something I call 'the overreach'.
The overreach happens bc being a dickbag with an unjust amount of power over others, this person has less and less fair feedback from others which ends up being them being totally beyond consequence for most of their arc.
This allows them to amass power and feeds their already overlarge ego, but it has a huge downside: They absolutely cannot properly judge the result or intelligence of their actions.
They live in a world where the people around them have had to insulate them from the consequence or logical feedback (think 'not enough people get to tell elon musk "that is such a dumb fucking idea and we all know you're lying") of their actions- but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
It builds up.
It builds up while their power and self image builds up.
And one day both of these things- in the form of their next awesome act or idea- outgrow the insulation of all the people shielding them.
And on that day the massive punch they've been winding up to crush someone with ends up socking them right in the face.
It is precisely *because* people like this are such swaggering assholes that they are so prone to the overreach bc they are never content to just be some random rich asshole. They need to be THE rich asshole, and in order to do that they have to constantly one-up themselves so they have something to boast about.
Hubris works the same way every time.
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shymeg · 2 years
It's not only the lili fans calling him a narcissist or were turned off by his interview. It's the media too. So the assumption it's only Lili Reinhart doesn't make sense. I saw tweets from other celebrities and journalists talking about his behavior too. Jezebel had an article.
I also saw a lot of complaints about him choosing to talk about his ex also his current co-star, when they aren't even finished filming Riverdale. They saw that as weird and insensitive, too.
I'm done answering these now. They are getting old. If you want to talk and you aren't blocked message me. I'm sorry I indulged this nonsense so I put it under the cut.
Alright, Anon. Maybe I'm missing the media take. I don't use Twitter. So, I was using google and Yahoo. I found an Article from the rolling stones. I enjoyed that one. Saw one from Cosmo about people making fun of his smoking, but overall they liked his interview. I read a few more and watched a few more on YouTube, one of them being E and another being buzz feed, and they just said what he had said. Not anything about what he was saying was wrong or even off-putting.
I looked up a few more I saw more articles talking about the cigarettes or him saying Dylan was a bully vs. Lili. Now, I could be looking in the wrong places. Maybe I need to look up Cole/Lili or something. I don't have time for that.
I never said it was just the Lili fans. I like Lili, and she sometimes to me can come off as egotistical, selfish, and aggressive. However, I also know she's a homebody, and she doesn't like to be all that social, has anxiety, etc., so she can come off that way it doesn't mean she is. So, I won't write her off because I don't know her, and I do like her work.
People had hated Cole before she was in the picture, and they aren't going to stop, regardless. Yet, he still has a right to interview and say what he wants. The interview was edited; who knows what she had taken out, maybe should have left in. That's not on Cole. He's not the one asking them, and he did clarify some things.
If you want, you can look up that word and the way people do interviews; they should brag, boast themselves up, they will talk about themselves, and come off as self-centered. So maybe Charlie, by saying what she said, needed the attention, wanted to deflect, and create more drama, so isn't she one?
People complain about everything. My opinion is Cole told Lili he probably even asked her; he made it light, and he said being on the same show made it hard to find their footing in a way. I don't think he's wrong; that would be hard. I think Lili herself would agree. For all we know, Riverdale promoters asked him to go on the show. He might not have wanted to. You don't see him doing interviews. However, he did win something for Borrasca; he just finished a campaign for Canada goose or whatever it was. He ribbed Dylan some, he talked about his mom, and clearly, he has some trauma and some MH issues himself, so if you want to hate on him for it, fine, but honestly, he's human the relationship ended. I honestly would not have cared who ended it and why. That is their business.
If they are friends now and they work together, fine now. Do you think he would have told her? You think he put a lot of blame on himself as well. It is probably awkward anyway on that set.
I also never said it was just Lili. I also said I wasn't sure in what way Charlie used it. So, I was going off of what I thought she might have meant.
Anyway, I have no clue from what you wanted exactly. I like them both, and that's the way it is. They both have flaws. I have flaws, and you have flaws.
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beaniebonkie · 6 days
am I the asshole if I go no contact with my friend without telling her? I'd say about 4 years ago is when I pretty much became her go to for everything. she met a guy, and we will call him Steve, her and Steve ran away together. not to mention he was 18 and she was 14. Her and her mom came to an agreement that Steph would come home as long as Steve could come too, because her mom was so tired of begging Steph to come home, she caved and let it happen. so now a month or so has passed and Steph is home, and Steve lives there on the condition that he has a job and is helping, while Steve was working, he was talking to other girls, eventually Steph found out and I had to hear about that for month because she refused to break up with him but knew he wouldn't stop cuz he was a pos. So, it was really tiering waking up to her calls at 2am because she saw something on his phone every night. With them spending as much time together as they did (if he wasn't at work, they were together) she got pregnant, he got scared and left to a different town. when Steve left, Steph was absolutely crushed and I totally understand that, so then I became her shoulder to cry on during her pregnancy. after some time, things started to calm back down, and she had he beautiful son. after some time, she decided she was going to date again and she met someone we will call Kyle, that name fits better then you know. so, Steph and Kyle hit it off and its cool then Kyle goes to jail for a felony charge. while Kyle was in jail he was talking to Steph and many others so when he got out and because he's a munch he couch surfed at her house. When he was at her house, she found all the notes and things from the other girls. They started their relationship off like that. so of course, I hear about it every day and now she has beef with everyone in our small ass hometown cuz Kyle was out and about while in jail and before they met and then she puts it on me. for example, I don't even know the chick, never talked before, nothing, but if I'm friends with any of them on social media, she loses her shit on me, like I don't feel like it's my responsibility to keep track of every chick YOUR MAN hooked up with and make sure I'm not their friend like bffr. So anyways this dude hates me because I call him out on his bs and the way Kyle treats Steph because he's literally a narcissistic psychopath that won't even let her get a job to support herself or her child. He has that kind of toxic mentality, and she just takes it and then she'll come to me telling me everything Kyle is doing, and I tell Steph like "hey that's low-key abuse and you need to leave if not for you for your child" but you know "Steph knows best" so she doesn't ever listen to me or take my advice EVER. not to mention Kyle forced Steph stop taking her birth control (he literally hid her fucking pills from her or would yell at her like a crazy if he found out she was taking them) so she now has a daughter. so, with their daughter being here, Kyle now feels as though he and Steph should get married. Kyle is a felon on probation with terrible money management, no self-discipline, acts like a literal child but loves to boast about he's a "man". I told her it wasn't a smart idea because she always tells me how she wants to leave him and how she's "tired of fucking up her life", because once they get married, he's moving her across the country, and she will have none of her support systems only trapping her more. I got kind of upset with her because she's putting herself and her kids at risk and she knows it but won't listen to anyone (me and her mom, HER THERAPIST). I knew that he was planning to propose, and he did and she's trying to hide it but failed so now I know they are engaged, and she hasn't talked to me since I told her it wasn't a good idea and after seeing that I feel like the advice I give her is pointless and I'm done having anxiety and stress over someone else's life choices, aita?
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