#like I love max I really do but this is truly my most toxic trait
foreverfearlessred · 11 months
My most toxic trait is thinking the second someone other than Max is pole after quali means they’ll win and we won’t be hearing the Dutch national anthem on Sunday… anyways Charles Leclerc’s gonna win at COTA besties mark my words <3
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
What annoys me is that the people hating on Jace aren’t thinking about the society he grew up in. The shadowhunter society is so corrupt it’s crazy and they definitely don’t make an effort to make sure their youth knows what they’re doing is right and what they’re doing is wrong. Young shadowhunters have to depend on the people they meet and their life experiences to stay “woke” but Jace literally grew up alone in the institute with three other siblings and no friends. (1/2)
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Hi anon, so first
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(The Tea is piping Hot, and thank you for bringing this up )
I honestly agree with you, and this is actually something I have thought on a lot and yes it was written so many years ago that yeah of course some things we aren't going to agree with cause it's 2020 and things are different now. And the traits Cassie wrote in Jace were popular back then and Cliches were too and we need to keep this in mind.
And yes the Shadowhunters are terrible with educating their own, most shadowhunters have not been educated in mundane history and terms and other Mundane things, Diana herself said she didn't know the term Transgender until she met Catarina I think right?
And Jace was not educated in what was right to support Alec and that is not his Fault cause the Clave don't allow Mundane education so how exactly would Jace know 100% what was homophobic and not or what fetishization is??? Cause he wasn't educated in mundane terms and something you need to look at is that that truly is on Cassie she should have known that that would be offensive and never had him say some of these things, but also that was years ago.
Also erasing his character development to hate him is wrong and unfair, how about instead we appreciate how he has grown, like how much he loves kids and his family, how he was nervous to meet Kit cause he wanted to make a good impression, how he wants to be a dad, how he wants a big family cause of how close the Blackthorns are and cause he wants his kids to be like them. Or how he loves with his whole heart, also lets not forget that if not for Simon, Clary and Jace, Jem wouldn't have been cured and would still be a silent brother and our precious baby Min Min wouldn't exist and how after the whole Heavenly Fire incident Jace was worried he hurt Jem and went to check on him before anyone, someone he didn't know really.
And how he said to Clary until she came along he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere, and boy do I relate to that, and yes he had the Lightwoods but he didn't truly know how much they loved him until Clary came along, cause Jace was afraid to open up until she came along. And he was told at Six years old that if he loved he would destroy and would be destroyed, he was manipulated, he was abused, he was tortured, he was neglected, he was used and he was used by others not just Valentine, Luke Garroway said himself that he wasn't surprised Jace didn't trust the Adults around him cause they have used him, and so he put walls up cause being used is one of the worst feelings and he had been before he was even born.
And he was lied to about himself pretty much his whole life and during TMI he had been lied to his entire life. He literally went through an identity crisis several times, also he never thought he would have a best friend/Parabatai aka Alec, he never thought he would have a family aka Isabelle and Maryse and Max, and he never thought he deserved or would find love aka Clary Fucking Fairchild, and then later on he got more family aka Blueberry and Rafe and Magnus and Simon as a good friend. He never thought he would be happy, he thought he would be an angry and broken boy all his life. And why do you think Clary and Alec are so protective of Jace cause they know who he really is and know he is fragile and can get hurt easily, that's why Clart is described as his Shield and why it is mentioned several times that she saved him, also he was suicidal when we first met him, even Alec said he was always rushing towards death and reckless decisions and that he is thankful that Clary came along cause she made Jace want to live and now he doesn't have to worry about Jace wanting to get himself killed, and he has mental issues ( yes I am mentioning this again). Also you say he didn't apologize but we truly cannot be 100% sure of that cause for all we know he did and it wasn't in the book and again that's on Cassie cause she didn't give us a proper scene. And you say he doesn't give a shit about Alec, well how about that scene in TDA when Magnus is dying and Alec is saying he wishes he told Magnus how much he loved him and Jace tells Alec he knows and then Alec says he should go on a watch so he doesn't let anyone down and Jace thinks to himself how could Alec let anyone down and tells Alec his watch is taking care of Magnus and I quote "this is your watch brother". Or the scene in Heavenly fire when Jace tells Alec that Alec is a better person then he could ever be, that he has the most faith in people and that he is kind and that there is no one else with more of that then Alec, or again in TDA when he was the one who sat up as soon as the words were off the consuls mouth and Said Alec for the new Consul cause he knew how much Alec wanted it. How about in Tales of the Shadowhunter Academy when Simon is feeling like his Falling is Bad and he tells Simon he did good. Also how about how he went to talk to Tessa and yes Simon encouraged him but Jace had the willpower to do it, past Jace wouldn't have. And how about in City of Ashes when Maia who hated Jace, saw through his mask and saw herself in his eyes.
And he had to fight two wars at the age of 16/17 he wasn't even an adult, and had to help save the Shadow world and had to help clean up mistakes of parents and then finds out that also Valentine killed both his parents, and so not only did Valentine steal his childhood but also stole his chance at having a Mother who would have loved him more than anything cause she never had that but also a father who was going to change for him and most likely would have loved him deeply. Like I can't imagine the grief even though yes he did/does have a family but imagine still. He lost so much before he was born and afterwards, and how about the people who are always telling him he is Valentine's son so he may be like him and his Mother was said to have killed herself ( she didn't Valentine killed her as well btw ) and people probably have said he is Crazy like her and will do the same, guess what the Clave is Toxic and that's why Alec is going to change it cause it needs to be. And I know what it's like to be said to be a crazy bitch cause of your mental illnesses and cause of other things, to have things consistently whispered behind your back.
And this is getting long but bottom line is Jace is so much more then an ass and sarcastic, he has giving me the strength to get through my current life situation and gave me the strength to save myself recently, and has encouraged me to be a better version of myself, he has taught me that love is strength and will heal and change me if I let the right love in, he is there for me at 2 am when I am contemplating giving up and throwing it all away, he is there telling me look how far you have come, don't give up. He is there telling me your scars show how strong you are and all that you have survived and you should be proud of them, he has taught me that my abuse doesn't define me and that the manipulative adults in my life won't always have control over me. He kept me from trying to kill myself again, he gave me the strength to say that something that has happened recently is not my fault, he gave me the strength to own my confidence and my gentleness and fragilety cause that's me.
And I mostly ignore the hate or at least try to but it keeps getting thrown at me and other Jace Stans and it's time to stop.
Cause tumblrs tagging system sucks and guess what us Jace Stans and Clary Stans and Clace Stans have just as much a right to enjoy ourselves and be here, as much as you haters do, and you not liking him or hating him isn't going to change my mind or make me stop loving him and also WHY ARE YOU USING THE SHORT TIME YOU HAVE FOR HATE, WHY NOT USE IT TO SPREAD LOVE FOR YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS INSTEAD????
How is it fair for us Jace/Clary/Clace stans to deal with your hate be told it's just an opinion, well guess what it's not just an opinion, when it's messing with my mental health. So please just stop and yes he's fictional so 1. Why does it matter so much. 2. Why do you care so much? 3. Why do you care so much about us liking him then? 4. Is hurting people in real life really worth it? 5. Is spreading so much hate in this world really what you want to be known for? 6. JACE is not the only problematic character for Angel's sake, there are many many others so that Is no reason to hate him.
Conclusion please stop, we just want to enjoy ourselves, hell we don't even have to interact ever and just stay in our own lanes, also TSC fandom has become the most toxic fandom I am in and that's saying something cause I have been in toxic fandoms, is this what we want to be known as? A toxic fandom who you should avoid? Cause let me tell you I don't, so why don't we just respect each other and stop being hateful. I have kept quiet about this for months and I am tired of holding it in, you say you respect opinions but if you say that If we stan Jace/Clary/Clace then we don't have rights even if it's joke, guess what it isn't a joke to me and I don't laugh at it, and if we really want to criticize and have equality then we need to judge all of them and Jace isn't the only one who as you say has made homophobic and fetishization comments and he isn't the only one who has done problematic things.
Bottom line I want to enjoy myself and lately the only thing I have had is hate and hurt and getting upset cause I like a character who is actually a good example on growing as a person because of a few scenes how is that fair, basically you are saying you made some mistakes and don't deserve to have your growth acknowledged and you don't deserve second chance cause well you're evil, guess who has been told that many times in her life, me, so it's very triggering for me, the words I hate Jace are triggering for me and I don't say this lightly at all. And don't tell me I haven't thought this through or haven't looked at the bad parts and the cons cause I have but I also look at the good parts and the pros so that is why I love Jace, cause I love his good and bad parts and I acknowledge his growth and change. So to put it simply he is not who he was in TMI, just like Alec is not who he was in TMI.
I am working on a post to clear more of this up but all I am asking is for you to not hate especially in a time that is already stressful and hard for me and everyone else, you aren't doing good and it doesn't make you cool. SORRY but it's the truth, you are hurting people, Imagine if it was your favorite character(s) and how would you feel??? So just stop.
( this is my view on things and my opinion and if you have no intention of being civil then don't interact, I am not interested in a fight with you. Or throwing hateful comments at each but know that I will also not take your hate and will defend myself)
So yeah Anon I agree with you and let's spread positivity cause I would rather this end here and spread love and positivity.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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semirahrose · 7 years
In the past few days I've read posts claiming that Sam is a psychopath who turns his empathy on and off so easily that it's disturbing, that Sam never cries (lol what?), that Dean is more emotionally mature than Sam, that Sam is egotistical and only cares/thinks about himself, and that Sam demonstrates more toxic masculinity than any other character on the show... I've been in hell basically and I was hoping you could cheer me up by disputing these "claims" with cold hard canon facts.
I’m so sorry you’ve experienced that, Anon!  I fear… you ventured into a truly dark corner of fandom. I have a fair few items on my blacklist to keep me away from that sort of “meta”, because honestly… it’s emotionally exhausting and endlessly frustrating running into such patent drivel.
I don’t know what these people were using to support their claims, so I can’t really refute them. Heck, I don’t know if they brought up solid points or were just angry and baseless. For many of the things you mentioned, I don’t even know where to start, because I can’t imagine what could have given anyone such an impression, but I’ll try to share some thoughts.
Sam is a psychopath without empathy? If anything, Sam’s empathy is always on. It’s always at max, and what these people might be seeing as “turning on and off” is likely Sam trying to redirect his attention elsewhere or deal with/compartmentalize his feelings. It could also just be a gross misinterpretation of introverted emotional expression. But also, let’s be real: the Winchester boys are soldiers. They’re fighting to keep people safe. They have to make choices that we can’t even fathom. A lot of times, these choices are not clear-cut and smelling of roses. Either way, someone will die. People will hurt. And these two, without the benefit of a hierarchy or large support group or court of law–in the heat of the moment–have to make decisions. People who find Sam “cold” or—God forbid, psychopathic? What the ever-living heck?—may simply not understand the magnitude of the decisions these boys must make.
Sam never cries? WHAT EVEN. What the hell even. First of all, crying is not the be-all-end-all of emotional expression. Some people cry regularly. Some people don’t cry for years at a time. And you know what? The former don’t feel things more strongly than the latter. People express grief and sadness and frustration differently. Some people feel numb. Some people get angry. Some people feel miserable but can’t cry. Some people drown it in drink. Some people blame themselves. Some people simply haven’t been taught that it’s okay to give vent to negative emotions, or grew up in an environment where expressing them was weakness and subject to mockery (*raises hand*) And… for the people who said that, may I kindly direct them to my crying Sam tag, because I have like seven pages of misty-eyed canon Sam for them to feast their eyes on. (Um. Geez. I swear there’s an explanation for the fact that I–that I have a tag for that. Uh.) ANYWAY. *clears throat* What even. 
Sam is not as emotionally mature as Dean? I can’t even dignify that one with an answer. Well. Actually. I believe Sam is, in many ways, more emotionally mature than Dean. Where Dean resorts to blame-shifting, violence, anger, and denial when it comes to things he doesn’t like, Sam acknowledges his mistakes and is aware of his unhealthy coping mechanisms (…while still  using them). THAT SAID, I don’t think I can state that Sam is more mature in general, because, well… Dean vents. He gets angry, he finds ways to release it, and he generally finds ways to settle into a sort of balance and keep going. On the other hand, Sam represses to the extent that it drives him to his breaking point. See Mystery Spot. See s4, where he was literally suicidal after Dean’s death. See any number of other times. At any point, I think Sam is a hairsbreadth away from breaking, and while there are a ton of things I love and respect about Sam, a lot of them are rooted in some really unhealthy habits. So… in many ways, Sam deals with things more maturely, understanding all angles. But he also truly just needs decades of hugs and therapy because wow.
Sam is an egotistical bastard? I would advise people who think Sam only cares about himself to watch Swan Song, then The Man Who Knew Too Much, and then Sacrifice, and then Nightmare, and then… the whole freaking show, actually. How Sam regularly puts the safety of others above his own welfare. How, even while grieving Jessica, in the beginning of the very first season, he threw himself bodily between two strangers and a Wendigo. How he was broken to pieces by his visions of death but unable to save the victims. How, later, Ruby’s perfectly calculated way to make him start drinking demon blood again was to imply that he might, by inaction, cause the deaths of innocents if he didn’t suck it up, drink the blood, and save the world. And Ruby knew Sam, played him masterfully. If anyone in the world knew how to get to Sam, she did. And she did so not by appealing to a desire for personal gain, but by implying that Sam’s desire to stop drinking blood might be selfish. And if that’s not enough, I’d like them to take a look at Soulless!Sam, who could have done anything but chose to continue hunting. Soulless!Sam, the single most stable and consistent soulless person in the entire show, whose admitted motivation for remaining soulless despite knowing he was “wrong” was that things didn’t hurt as much. Seriously. Come at me. Anyone who thinks Sam is egotistical has not seen the show or is picking events out of context and trying to apply some isolated events to the entire show.
Sam displays more toxic masculinity than any other character? What the…what even? What the heck? I would love to see the support for this argument, I really would. While both brothers display some unhealthy habits undoubtedly adopted thanks to their impossibly tough life and their upbringing… claiming that Sam is the poster child for toxic masculinity is just laughable. I could talk about why, but first let’s just look at a quick definition: 
Toxic masculinity is a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression. [… S]upposedly “feminine” traits – which can range from emotional vulnerability to simply not being hypersexual – are the means by which your status as “man” can be taken away. Sex, in particular, is an important part of “being a man”. […] The need to “get” sex is all-encompassing because the more of it you have, the higher “status” you have as a man.You’ll notice how often sex and sexlessness comes up as an insult when a man wants to insult another man. (x)
Let’s just take a moment and ask ourselves. For which of our leads are sexual conquests important? Which character looked at cheerleaders and leered that he could tell which ones were legal? Which one finds peace in violence and resorts to violent ways of expressing himself before any other? Which one calls the other “bitch” and uses feminine terms as a way to demean someone? Which one pushes the other to have sex or act aggressive/sexual? Which one regularly calls women opponents “bitch” without any real evidence or reason? Spoiler: it’s not Sam.
And here’s the thing: toxic masculinity isn’t something where we can point out someone who displays the traits of it and call that person awful. It’s not quite as simple as that. Toxic masculinity isn’t a person. It’s an unhealthy, pervasive set of expectations. Heck, yeah, it’s terrifying and harmful to women and anyone who doesn’t conform or accept it. But it’s not the people we need to fight, but the overwhelming pressure and the media portrayals and the way it’s freaking exalted as the “right” way to “be a man.” On some level, there is an element of choice in adopting these beliefs and a certain amount of personal responsibility to… I dunno, not be an asshole, but in a lot of ways, it’s like showing commercials about grapes and making movies about grapes and rewriting history to feature grapes and then expecting no one to eat grapes. The hunting community in Supernatural, I’m afraid, is full of said grape-glorification. There’s no excuse for what some of them do, but they have ample reasoning for acting that way. (And if we’re talking levels of grape-hood on SPN, then I’m gonna have to say that Dean displays the highest levels of grapeliness, objectively.)
Haha, I hope this helped, Anon! I hope you’re able to blacklist the types of people who are saying those things. Personally, I’ve found it’s just unpleasant and ultimately fruitless (pun not intended) to engage cruel and baseless claims like that. I hope you’re able to make your Tumblr experience a more enjoyable one. Sending hugs and hopes that this made even a bit of sense.
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flightlessfell-blog · 8 years
mun's ships for Robyn?
Thank you for the ask!! you’re working very hard!
i don’t think I’m very picky about ships with Robyn, and I don’t think they’re all with romantic context. In general, she cares about all her comrades pretty strongly. She can be a pretty prickly person - never that truthful, and easily jealous. Conversely though, she comes to admire people very quickly, so i don’t think there are many ships that i strongly dislike with her. More under the cut if you’re curious.. not that i can really imagine why you would be-
it’s very long. i’m sorry.
In general, robyn/robin are really shippable, just by the nature of being the player character? But I feel that Robyn differs from charlie’s robin (whom i love so dearly!! I LOVE CHARLIE’S ROBIN) by nature of the way they deal with their insecurities in some ways! Charlie’s robin seems really gentle and lovely: they’re self-reflective, deeply caring, and very sweet when the time calls for it. Compared to Robyn though, they feel a little more inward-facing: though Robyn and Robin are both reflective, from what i understand, Robin bottles themselves up, and deals with his self-loathing by walling themselves in. They keep that vulnerable part private; they protect themselves by hiding and hurting alone, even if they’re very friendly and kind. Robin seems very amiable!!! i love them and the way charlie writes them, and i hope i’ve been accurate about my understanding.
Robyn as I’ve written her is more outward-facing about this sort of thing. She’s abrasive, prickly, and though she’s also caring, she protects her insecurities by pushing people away. She’s too prideful and frightened to admit her shortcomings; admitting her deficiencies would invalidate her position at Chrom’s side in her eyes. She can be very dishonest, too: she sometimes lies, and would be quick to manipulate someone if it meant protecting her sense of belonging.
It makes a lot of her infatuations, romantic feelings, or even simple feelings of friendship very one-sided, and I don’t think she makes a very good partner unless she feels safe and reassured that she can be a person that is less than palatable without them leaving her. She certainly has less of a support network than some: no family, no friends, no history- i think it can make her very selfish, and she’d do anything to keep her friends happy and by her side, even if it meant taking drastic measures.
… tl;dr, i think she has the potential to be somewhat toxic in relationships (platonic, romantic, and otherwise) unless she legitimately feels that she’ll still belong beside them regardless of her negative traits. it’s easy for me to ship her with characters (especially because all the portrayals in ferp feel so thoughtful and exciting to think about!!!!), but in terms of eventually healthy relationships, i feel those can be far and few between.
that aside:
i don’t want to make any muns feel uncomfortable!!!!!!!! really!!!!!!!! if I mention your character please know that it’s simply because i love the aspects of their relationship, romantic or not. i hope that doesn’t feel too pushy;;;
chrom: as a platonic friendship, more than anything else: i feel this dynamic is really precious to me!!!! robyn certainly has feelings now and then that could be considered romantic in nature (she would literally die for Chrom ten thousand times over), but I don’t think that devotion should be mistaken for anything less than just truly, irrevocably loving someone and everything about them. They hurt each other now and then, but at the core of it, their friendship is strong enough to overlook each other’s transgressions, and I think that’s insanely important!! they’ve shown each other their weak points, and even used those weak points as ammunition in an argument, but in the end, all is forgiven because they just purely care for each other. i think whether it’s “romantic” or not is legitimately irrelevant: the nature of their friendship wouldn’t change, regardless of what it’s named!! i think that kind of transcends the whole “romantic/platonic/is it a ship is it not a ship” spectrum- they just purely care about each other, and I like that this part of their dynamic is so simple.
say’ri: Hey, I’m gay. Thanks MaxRobyn and Say’ri are just so honestly good for each other. They’re both simultaneously directionless and determined, but in opposite ways. Robyn has nowhere she feels like she “belongs”, but would desperately protect the place she’s found with the Shepherds. Say’ri’s lost so much– her brother, her parents, and so much of her country and the things she’s loved– but wields her sword almost recklessly for whatever happens to be left (the good of the world, and to return the country to its former state, even though her family can no longer return to it). They’re very strong as each other’s foils!! i think Say’ri can be kind of brawny and brash, but she’s also so elegant and loyal and so goshdarn brave. Robyn is analytical and extremely cautious, but she’s also too circumspect, and guarded to the point of stupidity, so they really balance each other out. Robyn has so much pure admiration for Say’ri, who’s everything she could never be (Say’ri is just painfully noble, and Robyn admires good people incredibly), and Say’ri treats her so gently that she can’t help but feel safe and relaxed when she’s with her. I think being with Say’ri would make robyn a pretty complacent person honestly though: Robyn’d probably never feel insecure again, simply because no matter what, she’d still have Say’ri by her side. her matchlessly lovely swordswoman. eek. i can’t write enough about this. it’ll get too long
cordelia: oh my god cordelia.. is just so enchanting i swear i don’t even know how to write about her ahghgshdfklg– she’s so graceful!! and cordelia’s heart is really so pretty too: she’s a little dainty, and has so much loving for the people around her: i don’t think anyone could possibly meet Red’s cordelia and not instantly fall in love. She’s just a gorgeous person!!! Robyn’s such an awkward, bristly, and terrible kind of character sometimes, and i think when she’s around cordelia she’s really easily overwhelmed by just how good Cordelia can be - it seems almost inhuman.
As they get to know each other better, I think Robyn feels closer to Cordelia- now and then, I think they’d see each other’s insecurities, and i think Robyn would feel a little inspired by the fact that Cordelia’s certainly human, too. She’s very, very fond of Cordelia. I think of anyone in the Shepherds, seeing Cordelia cry would probably hurt the most. (RED’S CORDELIA IS SO.. SO WONDERFUL…. I AM BESIDE MYSELF.)
robin: Touches his butt which is also her butt but is mostly his buttIn a more serious vein, though, who knows you better than yourself???? i think they frequently have conversations without really needing to talk that much: there’s just some kind of communication that goes on that is sort of wordless and mostly implicit. Also charlie’s robin is just fucking great
robyn/azura: azura is just.. so pretty, and has this feeling of sadness that i think robyn finds really curious and alluring and painful. Also, Robyn thinks Azura is hot. like, objectively. I’m sorry.
gaius: poor gaius. she just wants gaius to be happy. 
tharja and henry: I think I find the idea that Robyn’s Plegian but isn’t simply by fact of amnesia really interesting. I can imagine plenty of nights where she’d come to them asking about the country, or try to learn things about her heritage that she couldn’t derive from a history book- but also, because perhaps neither Tharja nor Henry have had the best experiences of Plegia or their childhoods (they leave the country for a reason, after all), maybe their accounts would be a little different than she expects. (perhaps I just like the idea of robyn learning more about these two, and how they arrived at the decision to defect from their own army: it’s not a light decision to make). Truthfully, I think it’d be sweet if they were to teach her old plegian folktales, or their language, or even in a darker vein, more about the Grimleal and their traditions. Robyn probably has a lot of trouble leading the march against Plegia simply because it’s still a country, with real people living in it, and with beliefs and traditions of its own. I can’t imagine she’d feel like she could responsibly head a war against it without having a full understanding of the things she was choosing to destroy… boy that’s long winded… i apologize
and i guess my guilty pleasure is a bit of fred/robyn:  they’re both a little difficult, severe, and very, very rational. They’re also both very hard on themselves!! but I think they share a love of Chrom, even regardless of frederick’s initial suspicions of her. robyn in the game has to work very hard to receive frederick’s trust, and i find the journey to the point where they arrive at a friendship really compelling.
Also, I’m trash, and I like that possible au where they both have giant crushes on chrom and fight a lot and then end up falling in love with each other instead. It’s good shit.
… that’s all!! i hope i didn’t make anyone uncomfortable with all that shlack. if you read this far, i’m very grateful1!
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