#like I just officially moved out of the place w my last partner like a week and a half ago? 2 weeks?
Hi still thinking abt boy I am down so bad eep
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insanitybl00m · 4 months
Heaven’s Not Close in a Place Like This
Chapter Three - Bolas try to help--
Phil could hear the yells of Bolas from the hallway.  shared the same class for their last class of the day and Phil was always subjected to trying to wrangle the other members of their group into a semblance of calm.
“I have to take care of an egg with Mariana for fucks sake!”
Phil walked into Baghera and Slime about to break into a fistfight. Jaiden was taking bets with Cellbit and Foolish.
“Oi! You two! No fighting on school grounds. You have any grievances you take them out later!”
Baghera shrugged back on her jacket. “He started it.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Phil said with a laugh as he sat down next to Charlie. “Who did you guys end up with?”
Foolish beamed. “Vegetta! We called our egg Leonarda777! Her name is Leo for short.”
“Of course he somehow managed to be partnered with his boyfriend.” Slime muttered.
“Huh? What’s that? Someone wishing their ex would want to get back together with them? Who knows maybe you two will finally make up!” Foolish teased, his grin was shark-like.
“He’s a bitch! I don’t want to get back with him.” 
Phil moved on. “And you Baghera?”
“I got partnered with Etoiles,”
“Etoiles is probably the best person to be partnered with, he will spend hours on something to get a slight advantage over others.”
Her eyes shone. “I know right? Our egg Pomme is the most precious girl!” 
And they went around the group, rambling about their partner and their eggs. Some point after Slime broke into a rant about Mariana for the fourth time Phil turned on his phone and went straight to his contacts.
Philza: Hey this is Phil. I just checked my work schedule. I should be free after school tonight and Friday. 
Missa: Awesome! We’d also have to do one set of tasks over the weekend then. Sunday works best for me ^w^
Philza: I can’t do Sunday it’s the only day that’s completely a non-negotiable
Missa: oh! I’m sorry! I’ll figure out how to get some extra time for Saturday. Soulfire typically does these big group hangouts at the mall but if I’m going to be honest they kinda overwhelm me
Philza: believe me if I could get out of it I would. I do not want you to have to rearrange your schedule
Missa: you offered to do it with your work, I’m just getting out of an extra hour of hanging out at the mall hahaha
Philza: thank you
Missa: Ofc! It’s not an issue!
Jaiden waved her hand in front of Phil’s face, officially pulling his focus off of his phone. “We’ve been saying your name for the past three minutes.” 
“Sorry I was messaging my egg partner–”
A chorus of ‘ooos’ filled the room. “Philza has a crush~” Baghera cheered. “Oh I love love!”
“We were figuring out when to meet up to take care of our eggs.”
“So a date?” Foolish asked. Him and Baghera high-fived when Phil sighed.
“Not a date, it's literally just for a project.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” Jaiden said, shrugging off Phil’s noises of shock.
Phil said. “He’s a member of Soulfire!”
Jaiden, Baghera, Slime and Foolish looked around. “He’s not Bad right?”
“...well no–”
“Then there’s no issue!” Baghera said excitedly. “Bad is who we hate, not the rest of soulfire right?”
“But they’re all friends with that muffin fucker!” Foolish yelled.
“Not all of them! Tina’s really ni–”
“No she’s not! She’s a vicious demon!” He yelled again, letting laughter emerge amongst the rest of the bolas group.
“Tina’s sweet, and besides even if you have some dislike for her because of some shit that happened in the past Niki is really nice, she tries to make up for the stuff Bad does.” Phil said.
“See, you're even defending some of Soulfire!” Baghera said. 
Phil was quiet when she pointed that out. “You’re all adhd but for some reason he managed to capture your attention— seems like there’s something there to me~”
“I’m leaving for university in three months. I’m getting out of my parents house and—“
“We’re all going to crash at your place for sleepovers!” Foolish interrupted.
“I will be in a dorm room, those things are tiny.”
“Foolish he’s changing the subject! Dumbass!” Jaiden yelled.
“Oh right-“
“Alright.” Cellbit stood up. “Fuck off, give him space.” He kicked Slime out of his seat next to Phil and shooed the others away. 
Slime started a fight with Jaiden which promptly distracted them.
“I get your hesitation about opening up to a member of soulfire. Trust is hard for the two of us.” Phil let him keep talking. “I have no doubts that you can figure out a solution to this.”
“A solution to having a member of soulfire as my team?”
“Yes, Niki and Tina might be nice but not all of soulfire is like them.”
“Not all of them are as terrible as Bad.”
Cellbit sighed. “Would you rather me teasing you about a crush? I’m trying to help here—“
“I officially met him last period—“
“Officially? You’ve noticed him before?” 
“He’s a part of soulfire of course I noticed him. Missa’s the one always right next to Bad.”
Cellbit gave a small chuckle. “Well good news for you, he always seems terrified of Bad. Bad news though he’s close to Bad.”
“He’s not close to Bad. He defended me, you know? He stopped me from punching Bad in the mouth.”
“Don’t let a pretty boy distract you from your goal.”
“He’s not going to distract me. It's a school project, Cellbit.”
“I know, I just worry for you. You don’t talk about it when things bother you and it’s not healthy. Last time you punched Etoiles so hard he had a black eye.”
“Etoiles can take it.” Phil said, looking at the floor. He still felt bad about it despite Etoiles saying he deserved it.
“We aren’t punching bags Phil. We’re human too. We all need to be vulnerable at times. I’m here for you.”
“I know mate.”
“Keep your guard up but don’t be afraid to be yourself.”
“Ok, yeah. Advice time over, fuck off now.”
Cellbit laughed and quickly managed to distract Jaiden.
Missa: Where do you want to meet up tonight?
Phil: yk the park between school and the mall?
Missa: the one with the big skatepark? My friend skates there
Phil: yeah that one. You wanna meet up there?
Missa: that’s great I live about a five minute walk from there
Phil: oh cool!
Missa: you want to walk there together? We could drop our bags off at my house before heading to the park.
Phil: I’m giving my friends a ride back to their place first sorry
Missa: its not an issue haha
Phil: so meet you there at like 5?
Missa: yep!
Phil: see you then
Phil thought about what Baghera and Cellbit said. They were joking about him having a crush on Missa, right? Cellbit did call him a pretty boy and that’s true. Missa was pretty but he could say that without having a crush. 
The project was the first time he had a full conversation with him. And Phil was only interested because he needed to get things done. Missa was cool, from what Phil knew of him but he was still a part of soulfire. Cell was right about one thing though, Missa is friends with stupid ass Badboyhalo.
And Bad was not someone you just became friends with. Maybe when they were younger but now? Now Bad became friends with people because of how they could help him. If Missa was Bad’s friend that meant that Missa wasn’t as sweet as he looked.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
when my time comes around (lay me gently in the cold, dark earth)
summary -> bucky wasn’t perfect, but he was a good man.
words -> 1.4k
warnings -> MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, dealing with said death, religious themes, google translate russian (roughly translates to love of my life) spoiler he doesn’t come back to life
notes -> sometimes… when you’re stressed, you write angst. after this piece it will most likely be awhile as i focus on much longer pieces i desperately want to finish. title from work song by hozier….love of my life…. hozier if ur out there im free everyday for u
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It’s like cold has washed over you permanently. Which, well, which is a sick sense of irony when you think too hard about it.
He was here one minute and gone the next. Bucky was here, laughing by your side and pulling you close to press kisses against your cheeks one day and the next you were falling to your knees with Sam’s arms trying to hold you up.
How could he just leave? Just die?
It’s like ghosts are phasing through you over and over and over again. Flashes of cold mixed with burns that leave your skin tingling.
How could Bucky leave you?
“Promise me.” You whisper into the night. Bucky’s hand is intertwined with yours. So tight you think you may lose circulation but you don’t care. “You and me. Forever.”
“I promise.” Bucky’s knuckle grazes your cheekbone. You lean into his touch. “Nothing is keeping me from coming home to you, my love.”
Did a promise count as kept if he came home in a casket?
His funeral is on a Friday in the middle of fall. Leaves are brown, orange, red and scattered across the grass you walk across. They crunch under each step, you grimace every-time. Sam’s hand is intertwined with yours, Sarah and her boys trailing behind you two.
You don’t listen to what anyone says. All you can think of is Bucky not being the one by your side.
“Bucky’s fiancée is going to say a few words.” You think it’s odd that you’ve gotten a priest. Bucky had been through so much, what person comes out the other side believing in a just God who put them through hell? “Please.” He steps aside, your train of thought cut short.
“What do you think happens when you die?” Bucky asks so quietly you almost don’t hear him. “Do you… Do you believe on heaven?”
You turn to look at him with furrowed brows. “Do you?”
“I don’t know.” He won’t look at you. Bucky’s eyes are stuck to your ceiling fan as his fingers tap anxiously against his stomach. “Even if I did, I don’t think I’d be there.”
It’s a small crowd. You supposes that’s not surprising. Those who knew Bucky before Hydra were dead, Steve was gone. T’Challa is here though. Shuri too. Grim looks on their faces as they come to stand beside Sam while you step forward to make your speech.
You open your mouth, but no words come out. The speech you’ve written is held so tightly in between your fingers that it rips. You flinch at the sound a jarring reminder that Bucky had always been the one to unravel your tightly wound fists when the stress became too much. That he would no longer be able to do so.
Who would now?
Your eyes trail over the casket, an American flag draped over it, and you laugh. A hysterical fit of laughter that has people looking around uncomfortably.
“How does a man live through one of the worst wars the world has even seen just to…” You trail off. Tears are burning in your eyes and you can’t care enough to force them back. “Bucky Barnes was a good man. He wanted to right his wrongs in the world.”
You crumple the pre-written speech up entirely. “He wasn’t perfect. He… He never made his side of the bed. He always left his shoes lying around for me to trip on. Then laughed about it,” you smile grimly at the memory.
“Bucky!” You groan as you cradle your knee close to your chest. You can feel the throbbing pain of what no doubt will be a gigantic bruise across you knee cap.
He looks over his shoulder from the couch to stare at where you’ve fallen in the entry hallway. You glare as amusement dances in his eyes. “Yes, любовь всей моей жизни?”
“Don’t try and sweet talk me.” You can’t stop the smile as you climb to your feet. “It won’t work. How many times have I told you to put your shoes away? I didn’t build the shoe rack for nothing.”
Bucky laughs brightly. He walks over to you with a big smile that you know will kill your anger within minutes. “Brat.” Your murmur as his arms wrap around you.
You glance down at your feet. “He didn’t believe in separating colors so our laundry always had color bleeds.” You swallow thickly. “He broke promises. He… He was supposed to come home. He promised to come home.” Your voice is choked up and tears stream down your cheeks.
“But he was good.” You force out. “He once asked me if I believed in heaven or hell and I… I still don’t know the answer,” you glance at the priest, who just looks at you with pity, “but I do know Bucky was good to his core and whatever there is after death, he’s in a good place. I hope you all find comfort in that.”
As you step back into Sam’s space, soldiers step forward. It had been Sam’s idea to give him a veteran’s honor funeral.
You can’t say thank you when they hand over the folded flag because your legs give out underneath you. It’s like the flag being placed in your hands made it all official.
You crash to the ground, the leaves screech underneath your knees and the wet grass soaks through your black clothing but nothing matters. Not when Bucky was being lowered six feet into the ground and you were still waiting for it all to be a joke.
“Breathe.” Sam says softly as he kneels down beside you. It’s impossible though, all that comes out are choked breaths and sniffles as you clutch the flag close to your chest. “You’re okay. Breathe.” He tries again, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
“Marry me.” Bucky blurts. It’s three in the morning and you should both be asleep, but it was hard when each episode ended on a cliff hanger. You laugh, and Bucky shakes his head with a smile. “I’m serious, marry me.”
Your heart nearly stops. “W…What?”
“I was going to,” Bucky rummages through his nightstand drawer as he speaks, “do this later. At dinner or the park, but this… This feels right - ah hah! - So, marry me?”
He turns to you with a ring in hand. Your mouth falls open in shock while he grins smugly.
“любовь всей моей жизни.” Bucky murmurs when you don’t respond right away. There are small ticks of nervousness, the way he vibranium fingers clench and unclench or the small smile that overtakes his smug grin. “Marry me?”
Like you would ever say no.
You visit all the time. Your therapist says however you want to grieve is okay. Nobody can judge you, but you can sense visiting him everyday doesn’t help you move on. Could you ever really move on though? Bucky was a piece of you, a part that you would never get back.
“I miss you everyday.” You whisper. “Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up and for a brief second look for you then realize…” You fiddle with the ring still on your left hand. “I’m doing better though. I… I’m working again. Sam and I go out to dinner once a week. I’m trying. I know you would’ve wanted me to try, so that’s what I’m doing.”
“I love you.” You say softly. “любовь всей моей жизни.”
You stand hastily wiping the tears off of your cheek, the metal now glaringly absent from your hand.
All that’s left of Bucky Barnes is a headstone surrounded by flowers, a flag and a diamond ring.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Here Lies James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Sergeant 107th
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎WWII
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Prisoner of War
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Beloved son, brother, friend and partner.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Not perfect, but good.
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notes -> this is bad i’m just bleh. i forgot how rough school and work was because i was lucky enough to not have to work last semester. have a safe week 💗
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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Getting Possessive
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➪ pairings: bokuto x reader, kuroo x reader, oikawa x reader
➪ request: a scenario where Bokuto, Kuroo n Tooru (or anyone else) get,,possessive bc their s/o was partnered up w another guy for a project
➪ genre: fluff 
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Bokuto Kōtarō 
“Now for your biggest project this year, which I mentioned was going to be by partner since it’ll probably take a while to complete, I’ll be announcing your pair today.”
Bokuto excitedly looks at you with an infectious grin, something about how your teacher said ‘announcing your pair,’ made it feel romantic, so it has to be you and him. You love getting partnered up with Bo since he’s so inspired and motivated when he works with you.
“Y/n, should we start it this weekend at my place?” He whispers not-so-discreetly to you which earns the two of you a disapproving glance from your teacher. “Sure, it’s going to be fun,” you grin back at him, showing him a thumbs-up which only makes him more excited. 
“What snacks should I prepare?” That was the last straw for your ever so patient sensei. The both of you were supposed to be partners even when he picked randomly, but what good would that do? He thinks you two are probably going to goof around, using the project as an excuse to meet up. 
“Next, l/n y/n, and uh,” he glances around to whoever wasn’t called yet and unfortunately it lands on the pretty boy behind you, “uh Takumi Usui,” he finishes, Bokuto rising up his chair at an instant. There was a lot of his pleading before he got scolded, your teacher never gave in and now he’s miserable.
“Hey, Kō I’m bummed you’re not my partner too but your partner has much greater brains than me! It should be fine,” you pat at his back while he slouches from beside you on his chair and plants his face on your lap. He only whines in misery in response and you can’t help but chuckle as you run your fingers through his hair. 
“Could you even breathe down there?” You’re lowkey embarrassed to be in that position with him in the middle of the classroom. 
Feeling a light tap on your shoulder, you look behind you to see your partner smile at you. “Uh, hey, it’s cool we got to be partners y/n-chan, when should we meet up?” 
Okay first of all, Y/N-CHAN?? He automatically turns to observe your face, his cheek now against your thighs. “Well, I’m free this weekend,” you smile back at him. 
He should’ve been the one who’s going to meet you that weekend. “Can I come along?” He sits up and smiles at the both of you, you’re horrified and lowkey embarrassed while your partner’s surprised. 
You face him and offer him a small smile, “Kō, you have your own partner to work with,” you gently tell him, touching his knee. He doesn’t respond but instead his hair droops along with his mood.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” you smile at Usui and Bokuto just short-circuits and panics as he watches you divert your attention to your partner once more. “It’s alright, so this weekend at my place, maybe?”
Bokuto grits his teeth, looking at the both of you in disbelief. “She’s mine! She’s mine, okay?” He blurts out, yanking your chair closest to him as possible and possessively wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
You, along with the rest of the class stare up at him and he’s fidgeting a little once he sees you bury your face in your hands, “I mean she’s not an object I could claim mine, but- uh- she’s your partner academically! While I- I am her pair in a romantic kind of way!” 
You sigh before you untangle yourself from his arms, and he looks at you sorrily, afraid he’s made you mad but you offer your hand to him instead. After second-glancing you, he puts his big hand in yours and lets you guide him out of the room and in the quiet hallway. 
“What was that about Kō?” You look up at him expectantly, crossing your arms against your chest. He doesn’t meet your eyes and looks down to his fingers instead, “are you mad at me?” 
When you don’t respond, he continues, “sensei said he was announcing our pair, and it sounds so romantic and soulmate-like, I can’t believe I’m not your pair y/n, I’m not your soulmate,” his tone just gets sadder and sadder and you can’t help but chuckle, wrapping your arms around his waist and bringing him to a shock. 
“Don’t be silly Kō, just like you said, no matter what, I’m yours,” you look up at him and he pouts, and it might just be your imagination but you think you saw his bottom lip quiver. 
“Really?” He draws up his hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
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Kuroo Tetsurō 
“Oya oya?” Like a pest he pops up out of nowhere while you sit side by side with your partner in the library; and you glare daggers at your boyfriend before he grins at the two of you. “Are you even doing that right?” 
“None of your business, Tetsurō,” you swat away his hand from your shoulder, “get lost.” He only pouts at you before pulling up a chair, moving yours aside and sitting between the two of you. “Uh, excuse me, we have a project to finish.” Your partner sighs. 
He knew Kuroo was displeased when your teacher announced you were partners because maybe he sat a little bit too close to you in class, but Kuroo constantly showing up unannounced was getting on his nerves. 
“Excuse you, I’m not letting you drag down chibi-chan’s grades down the gutter along with yours,” he smirks at him, his cockiness short-lived as he’s met with your elbow to his ribs. “Get. Lost. Now,” you stare him down, his brows raising at you. 
“You obviously need help, I mean, doesn’t your back hurt from carrying your entire project?” He jokes but he’s only met with your disapproving eyes, “okay, okay, backing off now, tell me if you need help.” 
He unwillingly gets up from his chair, feigning a genuine smile your way as he drags his chair out of the way so you could sit closer to your partner. “Sorry about that dork,” you sigh. “Must be a pain, huh?” 
The moment your eyes are off him, his smile falls, instantly replaced by a menacing sharp glare sending chills down your partner’s spine. “I’m one call away, kitten, I could sub in for your partner anytime,” he reminds you again, standing behind the both of you. 
“My partner’s completely fine Tetsurō, you’re not needed,” you mindlessly say, scribbling something on your paper before glancing back at your partner to ask him something. He scoffs in disbelief; how could you be so cruel to him? 
Deciding it was best to just leave his girlfriend who apparently doesn’t need him alone, he kicks the back of your partner’s chair before making his way to the door with a frown. Kenma wasn’t even listening to his rants, but from the gist of it he could tell his best friend was being possessive while you’re simply clueless. 
“Y’know, I think your boyfriend’s acting kinda possessive.”
“No, he’s probably just bored or something so he bugs me and all that,” you shrug. Honey, that’s definitely not it. 
By the time his volleyball practice ends, he races to the library. Oh, look at that little prick sitting so unnecessarily close to you, he exhales a breath in annoyance, hands in his hips as he observes you two from outside. Kai had advised him to not bother you, so he’ll just wait out. 
He couldn’t just stand still though when you shiver and rub your hands together so now he’s come in the library again, making his way to the two of you. “Oh, great, he’s here again,” your partner huffs and you look up at Kuroo, wondering why he’s got a frown on his face. 
“Shut up, you really don’t wanna try me right now,” he grits his teeth, silently putting on his jacket over your frame. “You don’t have to finish it all up in one go, kitten, I could take you home to rest now,” he mutters, putting his hands on your shoulders and massaging them. 
“We’re almost finished, we’re wrapping it up,” you smile up at him and he sighs. “Fine.” You’re stunned when he slams his palm on the table, his arm between the both of you. “But some distance, maybe?” He turns to face your partner who immediately moves his chair a foot away. 
“Oh, and could you pass me that book over there,” Kuroo nods to your partner’s book.
“What for?” He scoffs.
“I’m obviously not going to hit you with it if that’s what you’re worried about,” he muses before grabbing the book himself. “Tetsu, what are you even doing?” 
He looks at you with a playful smile before leaning in and tilting his head to the side, your lips a mere inch apart, “I’m motivating you to finish.” He locks lips with you. Your partner was stiff, but he couldn’t see at all as Kuroo blocks your pressed lips with the very book he had snatched. 
“I’ll wait outside, I’ve only come in to kiss my girl, oh, and here’s your book,” he tosses it to him, eyes directly on his as he wipes the corner of his lips just to make his point before walking out, sending a wink your way. 
“Yup, he’s definitely possessive,” you watch him as he walks out. 
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 Oikawa Tōru
The moment your teacher announces your partner was someone else who gave him the very foreign feeling of being possessive and wanting to prove you’re his, it seemed like the world was ending. 
“Hey, Iwa-chan, do you still see our sensei over there?” He whispers, and Iwaizumi looks at him like he’s gone insane. “What?” 
“Because all I see is the devil, how dare he,” he bites the inside of his cheek, eyes darting to the back of your head while you discuss something with your insanely attractive partner who he admits is generously half as pretty as him. “Are you still on about how y/n should be your partner?” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes.
“It’s only common sense, they don’t look great together at all.”
“This is not some matchmaking crap shittykawa, this is a school project.” The bell finally rings, class was officially over for the day. 
“You just don’t understand Iwa-chan,” he clicks his tongue before slinging his bag to his shoulder and making his way over to you. 
“Y/n-chan!” You’re flustered when you feel a hand on your stomach as you’re pulled to Tōru’s chest. “Who’s this?” He smiles at your partner who stood across the two of you. “What do you mean ‘who’s this,’ he’s our classmate, he’s my partner too.”
Okay, something along the lines of ‘my partner’ had his eye twitching. He listens in to your conversation as you make plans about when you should meet, his chin resting above your head the whole time while he hugs you from behind. 
You know Tōru’s not really one for caring who sees him displaying affection so his behavior now would pass up as normal but you get the feeling he’s purposely trying to show off right now. 
“So we could start today then, at my place?” You partner asks, but before you could respond, Tōru beats you to it. “Absolutely not, Usui-kun,” he scowls as if Usui had said something so controversial. You also notice how he had unconsciously held you to him tighter. 
“Someone’s a possessive boyfriend,” your partner grins. 
“Me?” He scoffs, “I know I’m crazy for y/n and it shows, but I’m not that crazy.” 
“Fine, then we’re going to my house.”
“The answer remains no, you’re not worthy enough to bring my y/n-chan inside your house.” You’re awkwardly just standing there, feeling more suffocated as Oikawa holds you closer to him the more their argument drags on.
“What are you, her dad?” Usui scoffs, but is now caught off guard upon meeting Oikawa’s cold eyes and taunting smirk. 
“You’d be surprised as to what y/n calls me inside the walls of my bedroom,” he says it like it’s no big deal, and you break free from his hold, about to slap his chest but Iwaizumi smacks his head before you could lay a hand on him. 
“Ow! Iwa-chan, my brain hurts!” 
“I doubt you even have one shittykawa! Don’t go blurting out stuff like that,” he scolds. 
“Thanks Iwa,” you genuinely smile at him before glaring at Oikawa. “Uh, so where then?” Your partner interrupts. “We could go to my place, my mom wouldn’t mind, might as well go now while it’s still early,” you walk towards him, Oikawa’s jaw dropping at how you so quickly left his side. 
“Hey, wait a minute y/n-chan, I don’t approve of this,” he whines, yanking your wrist. “You really don’t have a say in this Tōru, we have a project to work on, byebye,” you hastily kiss his cheek before leaving with your partner. 
He was hot on his heels about to follow you out but he’s yanked by the collar and dragged to practice by the impatient Iwaizumi. “Hey Usui-kun, my mom wouldn’t like you!” He shouts, struggling to not get his arm ripped off as he tries to resist Iwaizumi dragging him to the opposite direction of the both of you. 
“We don’t have the same mom, Tōru!” 
The instant practice ends, he has made it to his way inside your home, bearing chocolates and flowers for your mother. “Tōru, why are you here? And what’s all this?” Your mom asks him and he only chuckles while scratching the back of his neck, “I just haven’t dropped by in a while, where’s y/n though?”
Please not your bedroom.
“She’s in her bedroom with Usu-
“What? You can’t be on first-name basis with him already! Uh- I mean, I’m sorry, can I go up to her room?” 
Your mother knowingly smiles as Oikawa dashes up the stairs. Looking at the chocolates he brought, it was as if he wanted to bribe your mom into liking him more. It was just like when you first brought him home. 
“WHY IS THE DOOR EVEN CLOSED?” You yelp in shock when the door swings open, revealing a screaming Tōru fresh from his practice. “Geez, relax, it was windy.” You sigh, getting up from the floor to give him a hug but he has marched his way past you. 
“Then at least close your window, not the door,” he grumbles as he shuts your windows so the wind couldn’t get in. He turns to look at the both of you wearing the same expression of ‘what the hell are you even doing here.’ 
“You.” He points down at Usui who was still sat on the floor, “what are you still doing here? Get up, I’m kicking you out.” 
“Tōru I am this close to kicking you out, we have a project to finish,” you hiss at him, pushing him away from your area of scattered papers and plopping him down on your bed. “Stay there, don’t make noise, and let us work in peace.” 
He frowns, turning to lay on his stomach and prodding his elbows against the mattress as he rests his chin on his hands. He observes the two of you work, his frown never leaving his face as you kept on ignoring him. 
“Hey, y/n-chan, can I have a kiss?” He asks, looking at your partner to see his reaction. 
“No, Toru, you cannot,” you deadpan, making Usui chuckle. 
His smile only returns to his face upon bidding your partner goodbye, his teeth showing at how happy he was as he faces both you and your mom. “Now, I declare this lovely household cleansed!” 
You only roll your eyes, guiding him up your room so you could cuddle while your mom starts to prepare dinner. 
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo​ 
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677 notes · View notes
redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 10
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 6,179
Warnings: nothing new
A/N: Hey it’s me, daddy! ...well apparently. I really gotta take a chill pill... these chapters are getting way too long. But anyway, I hope you enjoy it, my babies are soft and sensitive :’) Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate it!
Wannabe sugar daddies don’t interact, idc if you have money, eat it and leave me be.
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You looked around the bar while you sipped your drink, a 12 dollar grapefruit juice and club soda cocktail. There weren’t many people at one in the afternoon, mostly suits and wealthy tourists, though you half expected to find Natasha hiding in the back with a hat, a large pair of sunglasses and an unfolded newspaper.
From the rug to the chairs and armchairs, everything was either black or white. You ran your index finger over the intricate calligraphy on the back of your chair. It was a number: 5.
Turning back around, you glanced at the clock and mentally cursed yourself for always being so early. You hated being late, and arriving less than ten minutes early counted as late in your book. You were nervous to see Wanda after all this time.
You hadn’t been expecting her to stay at a hotel on the Upper East Side. You wondered how she could afford it, but decided it was none of your business.
“I had a feeling you’d be here already.” That familiar voice brought back fond childhood memories and other not so pleasant memories. “You’re always early.”
You didn’t move a muscle as Wanda took a seat next to you, number 6. She signalled the bartender and ordered a latte. Meanwhile you played with your straw, trying to subtly steal a glance at her.
“What did you do to your hair?” you asked with a grimace, turning your body toward her.
Without looking at you, she raised her brows in mild exasperation. “I dyed it.”
“It’s orange.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “I get it. You’re angry with me.”
“Oh,” you drawled out. “I’m well past angry. I was angry four years ago, now I just don’t care anymore.”
“You don’t care about me anymore?”
“No, and it’s not like you cared about me, or Scott, or Okoye.” You paused. “Or mom.”
Wanda had a shocked look on her face as she finally met your eyes. “That’s low. You have no idea-”
“No, you have no idea what it was like to live in that house after you all left. You have absolutely no idea,” you said, enunciating each word between your teeth, “because you weren’t there, because you left us –you left me. Six years, Wanda.”
She looked away and you saw her bottom lip quiver. She clenched her jaw and took a small sip of her latte. You instantly felt bad for snapping at her. You didn’t like confrontation. Hated arguing. You internalized. It was difficult for you to acknowledge that you had a right to express your feelings.
“I, uh,” Wanda said, then cleared her throat. “I knew you weren’t going to welcome me with open arms, and I know what I did was wrong, but I’d like us to be a family again. If it’s not too late.”
“It’s not too late,” you said with a small sigh. “But I’m not going to instantly forgive you just because you’re back.”
“I know.”
“What made you come back?”
She fiddled with her fingers in her lap and you noticed the ring on her fourth finger. It was a beautiful vintage-inspired ring made of black rhodium with an ornate cadenza halo in the centre.
A terrible thought occurred to you, making your stomach twist painfully. You didn’t know her at all. Not anymore. You had missed so much of your sister’s life. Or more accurately; she had cut you out of her life, and it was painful.
“I went to London,” Wanda said, unaware of your inner turmoil. “I saw Uncle Michael. He asked me if I was here to see mom, and I said, ‘No, mom’s in New York.’ And then he told me-” she tilted her head to look at you “-he told me mom was sick, that you and Okoye put her in a nursing home not far from his apartment. I didn’t believe him, so he took me to mom and she-” She paused, staring straight ahead as if she was caught in the memory
“She looked at you like she didn’t know you,” you said, knowing exactly where the story was going because it had happened to you too.
“Yeah,” Wanda breathed out, tears in her eyes. “I never felt so alone. They told her I was her daughter, but she didn’t recognize me. She kept asking Uncle Michael who I was, then she got mad because she was adamant she never had children.”
“I know,” you said sympathetically.
“I wanted to see you and apologize for not being the sister you deserve. For not being here when you needed me most.”
“Where were you all this time?” you asked, practically begged for an answer.
Her shoulders tensed and she straightened up in her seat. “Just travelling.”
“I know, I got your postcards.” You nodded toward the engagement ring on her finger. “I guess I should say congratulations.”
“Mhh,” she said running the pad of her thumb over the diamond. “It’s funny I never thought I’d fall in love and get married. I don’t need a man in my life to make me feel whole. Mom raised us alone, we’re independent and strong.” A small smile graced her lips. “But I found someone sweet and charming, someone who makes me feel safe and calm.”
“Are you writing your vows?”
“Har har,” she deadpanned, rolling her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. You’d missed her, missed your banter. “You haven’t changed.”
“If you say so,” you said in a sombre voice. You looked at the clock above the bar. “Listen, I have to go but I’m happy you found someone. I’d like to meet him one day. I bet he doesn’t know about your Baby Spice phase.”
You jumped off the bar stool and picked up your jacket. Wanda turned in her seat, catching your wrist as you looped your purse over your shoulder.
“Can you stay a little longer?” she asked, looking at you with pleading eyes. “Just a minute.”
She let go of your wrist. “Scott’s been released last month. I talked to him on the phone and asked him to fly to New York. He should be here tomorrow. I also talked to Okoye, I asked her to come here. We have things to discuss. I know things will never be the same, not after Pietro, not after mom, but we can try. We’re still a family.”
“Great,” you replied. Your word came out with more force than you had intended, but you didn’t apologize. They were all coming back for Wanda but when your mother needed help, you were all alone.
“Yeah,” Wanda whispered, her eyes cast down. “I was thinking we could all meet up for dinner. Okoye’s bringing her boyfriend so if you... if you have a partner-”
“I’m single.”
“Oh, uh, you can bring Natasha if you want.”
“No, thanks.” You reached into your purse and pulled out one of your business cards. “Text me, okay? I really gotta go.”
She smiled as she read your card. “You’re an artist? Splotchy, I’m so proud of you!”
That damn nickname... “I still haven't found a gallery. Not many people want to represent an unknown artist but I’m not giving up.”
“You never give up,” Wanda said with a gentle smile. “That’s why I love you.”
You took a cab to Natasha’s apartment. It had been three weeks since Sam moved to D.C., and Nat was having a hard time finding a job in her field.
She didn’t want to find another sugar daddy. It seemed ridiculous since she was still carrying a massive torch for Sam. She had saved enough money to live on until she could find a job and a new place to live.
“I’m officially done,” she grumbled in lieu of a greeting. “Job hunting sucks. New York sucks. Life sucks.”
“Pretty bold statement.”
You entered the apartment and plopped down next to her on the sofa. With a groan, she wrestled out of her blouse and threw it on the floor, leaving her in a simple white spaghetti-strap shirt and a pair of black trousers.
“I hate wearing a suit.”
“You look good in them.”
“I know,” she cried out. “I hate wearing suits when it’s all for nothing. I’m not the boss, I’m no one. Just another doofus with a college degree standing here like-” she cupped her hands together, as if she was holding a bowl, and looked at you with a pout. “Please, sir, I want some more.”
“I don’t understand why you didn’t get the job,” you said, biting back a laugh. “I would hire you for that spot on Oliver Twist impression.”
She laughed. “I think I lost my fire. People used to be scared of me. Remember? I miss that.”
“You’re a psycho,” you snorted, using her shoulder as a pillow. “If it’s any consolation, Bucky’s terrified of you.”
She pressed her cheek against the top of your head and sighed. You stayed in that position for a few more seconds before you told Natasha what had happened with Wanda. She offered to go with you to your family gathering but you insisted you wanted to go alone.
“I gotta go,” you said. “Bucky’s taking me to dinner.”
“Oh,” she cooed, “is he finally going to propose?”
“That’s very funny,” you deadpanned. “I was starting to feel cooped up in our apartment so we decided to go out. Have fun, y’know.”
“Our apartment,” Natasha repeated with a lopsided smirk before she burst into a fit of giggles.
“Whatever,” you grumbled, embarrassed.
“That’s cute.” She pinched your cheek and you batted her hand away. “You should talk to him.”
“Don’t start.”
“What? I’m just saying-”
“Natasha,” you cut her off. “Stop asking me to talk to him. It’s not going to happen, and it’s giving me so much anxiety. You couldn’t talk to Sam, what makes you think I can talk to Bucky?”
She looked at you for a long moment. “I know you love him.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, considering. You had never really been in love before but falling in love with Bucky had been so easy. And it was particularly scary because you had never been in a relationship, only flings.
“I do,” you admitted quietly. Saying it out loud was both freeing and terrifying.
“Don’t lose him.”
You knew Natasha missed Sam, she’d told you about it, but she wasn’t the kind of woman who let others see her pain. She confided in you and her friend, Clint, but other than that she rarely shared her problems with others.
Her bony shoulder was digging uncomfortably into your cheek so you shifted and let your head rest against her chest. She started playing with your hair. “Have you heard from Sam?”
“Not since he left,” she replied, then glanced down at you. “Have you?”
She tried to sound casual so you played along and acted like you couldn’t hear her heart jackhammering in her chest. “He called the landline the other day. Bucky wasn’t home so I answered.”
“The landline?” Natasha repeated with a scoff. “Your husband is old.”
“He asked if you were okay,” you said, choosing to ignore her comment. “You should call him.”
She stayed quiet for so long, you began to worry. You tilted your head to look at her, she had a faraway look in her eyes. You didn’t want to break her trance but she was starting to scare you.
You booped her chin and almost immediately a soft smile touched her lips. She cleared her throat, then checked her watch.
“You should go, you’re going to be late.”
“It’s okay,” you said. You couldn’t leave, not when she looked so sad. You knew Bucky would understand. “We can order some pizza, binge watch something on Netflix and go out for ice cream later. Like we used to.”
She laughed softly. “That sounds amazing. I kinda want to be alone tonight though, and Bucky’s waiting for you. I’m fine, I promise.” She looked down at you with a kind smile. “Rain check?”    
With a heavy heart, you left Natasha and started walking to the restaurant. The clouds above you were low and dark, masking the setting sun. You smiled, remembering the day you and Bucky went to the park.
You had wanted to go paint outside but you got caught in a rainstorm on the way home. As rain poured down on the both of you, you caught Bucky’s hand and tried to run to the nearest subway entrance but he didn’t budge.
He stayed in the middle of the street, still holding your hand, and grinned at you while people rushed around you. His hair was plastered to his head, little rivulets of water running down his nose. He smiled at you, bright and playful, and you almost melted on the spot.
What’s the rush, sweet angel?
When you got home, you both changed into dry clothes and sat in front of the fireplace with a bowl of soup. He looked adorable with his slightly damp hair, a few big curls flopping down onto his forehead. When you started sneezing, he adjusted the blanket around you.
The next day, you felt a little feverish and Bucky took care of you. He pressed his lips to your forehead, checking your temperature. Your mother used to do that too. You doubted the accuracy of that little test but you couldn’t care less. It felt incredibly comforting. They should teach it in med school.
Bucky was waiting for you in front of the restaurant. The weather was warmer now, and you were pleased to see that his maroon bomber jacket was back. It was a rerun of the night you had met him.
“Hey you,” he said, dropping a quick kiss on your cheek. “How did it go with Wanda?”
“Good, I guess. It could have been way worse.” You paused to look at him. “You okay? You look a little nervous. We don’t have to-”
“I’m okay,” he chuckled, smoothing his hand down his jacket, lightly patting his pocket. “Shall we?”
You cocked an eyebrow at him. “Promise me you’re not over-exerting yourself again.”
He stood in front of you, smiling kindly. “I promise.”
It had been a while since he had a panic attack, but they were always impressive and you couldn’t stand the thought of him trapped in his own mind, battling his demons alone.
You must have been silent too long because Bucky cupped the side of your face and said, “Thank you for taking care of me, angel. But I promise you, I’m fine. So what do you say? Wanna have dinner with me?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he flashed you a cocky grin.
The restaurant was a quaint little place in Midtown with curved black leather booths lining the walls and simple cutlery. There were books everywhere, arranged neatly on the shelves along the walls. The place was well-lit, yet still cosy and calm.
Despite the hour, the restaurant wasn’t crowded. There was a couple, probably in their sixties, enjoying their meals together. Several people were eating alone, a book opened next to their plate, and a few others were browsing the shelves looking for something to read.
While you ate, you filled Bucky in on your conversation with Wanda. He didn’t interrupt you, he listened to you ramble on about how much you didn’t want to go to her reunion dinner.
“You can invite them over for dinner,” he said. You almost choked on your food. “Call me crazy but I think you’d feel more at ease if you were in a familiar environment.”
He had a point. You had no idea what that night had in store for you, and you definitely didn’t want to cause a scene in a restaurant. You weren’t one for airing your dirty laundry in public.
“I know that our... um, friendship is a little unconventional but I’d like to meet them.”
“Really? Wait,” you said, spotting a bit of tomato sauce on his chin. “You have something on your chin.” You reached over and used your napkin to wipe it away. “You eat like a wolf.”
“Mhh thanks.” He swallowed his mouthful of pasta and washed it down with a gulp of water. “To be honest with you, I’m a sucker for family reunions. I love watching people’s faces when they see someone they haven’t seen in a very long time.”
“I’m not sure it’ll be a happy one.”
“Well, then you could probably use some moral support,” he said. “And I’m curious if they ever gave you a silly nickname. Or maybe they’ll share some funny anecdotes.”
You stopped mid-bite and swallowed quickly, your eyes widening in fear. You couldn’t let that happen, Scott and Okoye would jump at the chance to tease you. “Oh, no, no, no! You are never meeting them.”
He laughed. “I bet you were a cute kid. I imagine you in some paint-stained overalls, hula hooping through the 90s, listening to the Spice Girls and watching Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal or a plate of pancakes.”
“You’re not too far off.” You grinned.
“You don’t have to make a decision right now,” he said in a more serious tone. “But think about it, okay?”
Inviting your siblings and their partners over for dinner was a bad idea. You could already picture their faces upon seeing Bucky. It would turn into an interrogation, and it would be absolutely unbearable.
But then again, you didn’t think you could endure the reunion without him.
The waiter came over to collect your dirty plates and asked if there would be anything else. He recited the dessert specialties and you ordered something that sounded both extravagant and mouth-watering.
“I have something for you,” Bucky broke the silence between you.
You responded with a curious yet playful frown and a tilt of your head. He glanced down at the table for a second as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a slim jewellery box.
He placed it on the table next to his glass and let his fingertips linger on the lid, caressing it slowly as he hesitated. Then with a smooth flick of his wrist, he slid the box across the table. Your eyes flickered between the box and Bucky’s worried expression.
Inside the box, nestled in cream velvet, was a gold artist’s palette pendant with a delicate chain. The pendant had two paint brushes sticking out of the palette and four tiny stones representing the colours waiting to be mixed; ruby, sapphire, emerald and topaz.
It was incredibly tiny, about the length of two staples, but it made the details even more impressive. You could tell it was an old piece. There were light signs of wear and the design reminded you of the 1930s. It looked full of stories from previous owners. A testimony of love, passion and devotion.
“Oh,” you gasped as if all the air had been punched out of you. Bucky straightened up and jerked forward in his seat, his eyes round with anticipation. “Oh,” you repeated dumbly, at a loss for words.
“I saw it in the window of an antique shop on the way here,” he said.
That was a lie.
He had spent weeks searching for the perfect charm. He had a very specific idea of what he wanted to buy. Until one day, he found it. It reminded him of you; delicate, discreet, irreplaceable.
“Bucky,” you sighed, spellbound. “It’s... it’s beautiful.”
“It reminded me of you.” He met your eyes, smiled, and extended his hand in your direction. “Can I?”
Without hesitation you removed the necklace from its box and gave it to Bucky. After living with him for about six months, you knew there was nothing he couldn’t do. Even fasten your necklace with one hand.
He stood up and rounded the table, sitting next to you on the booth. You turned, giving him your back as he slipped the necklace around your neck. You held the pendant in the little dip between your collarbones at the base of your throat and let the ends of the chain dangle down your back.
“I noticed you haven’t been painting a lot since-” Bucky trailed off. Since you had a meltdown in your studio, since you realized your art was not good enough. Since you realized your dreams were too big to accomplish.
You looked over your shoulder and watched him fumble with the spring ring clasp. You couldn’t see what he was doing but he seemed entirely focused on the task at hand.
“Inspiration is a fickle thing, it comes and goes,” he continued. “I worry about you. You put too much pressure on yourself visiting galleries and trying to match their vision. I want you to remember who you are. You’re an artist. Never doubt yourself or your skills.”
He secured the chain around your neck and adjusted the necklace so that the little palette fell nicely above the neckline of your sweater. You stared at him wide eyed and amazed, and he smiled tenderly at you.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “I’ll never take it off.”
“My pleasure, angel.”
“I really love it but it’s too much,” you said as he returned to his seat. “I don’t want you to think I’m after your money. I’m so grateful for your help, you do so much for me already.”
“I know you’re not after my money, but it’s mine and I’ll spend it as I please. I know you like gifts with meaning. And all I want is to make you happy.”
“You want to make me happy?” you asked, dumbfounded.
“Of course, I do.”
It was a foreign concept to you, you could hardly comprehend it. He wasn’t your childhood best friend, he wasn’t your brother or your mother’s brother, and yet he wanted to be the one who put a smile on your face.
You weren’t used to random acts of kindness. You spent most of your life taking care of others, making sure they had everything they needed, you forgot what it was like to feel loved.
And it all became so much clearer.
You knew in your heart that your feelings for Bucky weren’t one sided. Not when he looked at you like that. Not when he touched you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
There was a mutual, yet silent, understanding between you. This is good. Let’s not make things complicated. Even though we both want to.  And you abided by that unspoken rule, not wanting to make things more complicated.
Your eyes were overflowing with tears. When a tear escaped, you felt it bounce on your cheekbone before it landed near your pendant. You rolled your eyes at yourself and smiled.
“Why am I always crying?” you said, laughing a little. “I’m not sad, I swear. These are happy tears.” Bucky’s smile was calm and sure. “Wait, I’m just gonna-” you trailed off, wiping the back of your hand under your nose with an embarrassed laugh.
“You’re beautiful.”
You lay in bed that night, replaying those three words in your head until you fell asleep.
It took you a couple of days to come to term with the realization that your feelings weren’t one sided. A little voice in your head tried to protect your heart, it said: Don’t get your hopes up. Remember what happened last time.
But that voice was quiet, almost too quiet to hear.
Against your better judgement, you agreed to invite your siblings over for dinner. All you had to do was call Wanda’s hotel and ask the hotel staff to pass along a message. Easy-peasy.
Well, in theory, because it turned out to be stressed depressed lemon zest.
There were things Bucky didn’t know about you and your family, things that you had intentionally kept from him. One of these things was your brother’s criminal record.
Bucky had asked you a few times what Scott did for a living and you always gave him the same rehearsed answer. “Scott has a master’s degree in electrical engineering but he’s between jobs at the moment.” It wasn’t a total lie but it wasn’t the whole truth either.
You finally decided to tell him everything.
Scott was a thief. Before Cassie was born, and thanks to his computer skills, he used to steal from criminals and give back to those they had stolen from. He promised his wife, Maggie, that he would stop after Cassie’s birth.
He took up a job at VistaCorp but noticed that the company was overcharging their customers. Thinking that it was a coding error, he fixed it before his boss, Geoff Zorick, ordered him to change it back. It made him realize that the company was intentionally overcharging their customers.
He was fired soon after. Maggie begged him not to get involved, she begged him to think of his family but Scott didn’t listen. He broke into the company’s headquarters, hacked their system and redistributed the stolen money. Then he broke into Zorick’s house, stole a bunch of stuff and drove Zorick’s car into the pool.
He got five years.
Bucky was a little shocked but he took these new revelations well.
“People make mistakes,” he said. “He paid for his mistake, and not seeing his little girl for five years is punishment enough.” He bumped his shoulder against yours and grinned. “He sounds like a chaotic Robin Hood. I can’t wait to meet him.”
You chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“So... you’re not going to hide your valuables in a closet somewhere?”
“I would but I’m not sure you’d like to be stuck in the closet all night.” You rolled your eyes and huffed, thinking he wasn’t taking you seriously. He laughed quietly. “The only valuable thing I own is the bookmark my niece made for me, everything else is meaningless. And I don’t judge people on their worst mistakes.”
“You sound like Natasha,” you chuckled lowly. “But I’m glad you think that way.”
“That being said, they have a lot of apologizing and making up to do. They left you all alone. It isn’t right.”
You squirmed in your seat. “Argh, I don’t know. It’s in the past now, I don’t want to dwell on it. We were all miserable back then, and I’m not exactly blameless here.”
Bucky gave you a puzzled look. “You took care of your mom when she was sick, you sold your childhood home. You found your mom a nursing home where she gets the best treatment possible. You put your dreams on hold to pay her hospital bills. You did everything you could.”
“No, that’s not true,” you replied, biting your bottom lip.
You tried to find the courage to say it out loud. It was something that ate away at your soul. Your biggest mistake.
“I should have known something was wrong with her,” you said, rushing the words out. “At first she started misplacing things like her car keys, her glasses or the remote. She always had a good excuse, like was tired or stressed, but I should have known.”
“I misplace my keys all the time, angel. Sometimes it doesn’t mean anything. You can’t blame yourself for that.”
“She’s my mom, I’ve known her all my life. I should have noticed something was wrong. If I had, maybe she’d still be with us, living in our old house.”
“C’mere,” he said, extending his arm toward you. You didn’t hesitate, you abandoned your seat on the sofa and wrapped your arms around him, your face buried in his chest. “I understand why you feel that way,” he said, stroking your hair. “But you did everything you could. You didn’t fail her. Alzheimer is... well it’s a sneaky disease. There are a lot of things we don’t understand. It’s unfair to blame yourself for something completely out of your control.”
“Maybe,” you mumbled, your voice muffled against his shirt. “But it still hurts.”
“I know,” he cooed, his fingernails grazing your scalp. “I know, my angel.”
You stayed like that for some time, your cheek pressed against his shirt. You focused on the calm rhythm of his breathing and tried to match it. He gently ran his fingers up and down your back, calming you almost instantly.
You were terrified to see your siblings again. Despite Bucky’s reassuring words, a part of you still believed that you could have done more to help your mom, and you were afraid your siblings would feel the same.
“It’s going to be okay,” Bucky said, seemingly reading your thoughts. “I won’t let them belittle your efforts.”
The next day, you called Wanda’s hotel and left a message with the receptionist. Wanda called you back a few hours later, saying that she would love to have dinner at your place instead of going out.
She sounded surprised, and you could tell she had a lot of questions, but she knew she wasn’t in your good graces yet so she simply told you that she couldn’t wait to see your apartment and spend the evening with you.
Meanwhile Bucky was having some sort of nervous breakdown.
A few days before the party, he started to obsessively clean his apartment. Every single room had that distinctive lemony scent, his homemade disinfectant, except your room. It was still a line he refused to cross no matter how strong the urge might be.
He often had those spells but they usually didn’t last more than a few hours. You could see the tears in his eyes and the disgust on his face; grimaces that had been triggered by the realization that he still couldn’t control his need to constantly clean and tidy. His OCD had been dormant, not gone.
You knew it was hard for him to meet new people. He had offered to invite your siblings because he knew it would make you feel more at ease. He didn’t care about his own needs. This man was willing to endure anything for you. How could you not fall in love with him?
You let him clean. You knew from past experience that it wasn’t something he could control and getting involved usually did more harm than good. You made sure he knew you were there and that you were not judging him in any way.
He felt so physically and emotionally drained afterwards that you simply held him in your arms until he fell asleep.
On the day of the party, you were chopping dried apricots in the kitchen while Bucky was making sure the chicken pieces weren’t sticking to the bottom of the pan.
You had wanted to order dinner from the restaurant down the street, and Bucky wanted to cook. You told him that cooking a meal for seven people was pretty stressful but he simply shrugged.
“I can do it, angel.”
“I know but you don’t have to do it.”
“Yeah, I do,” he replied with a sad smile.
You remembered him telling you that his ex-girlfriend often babied him in front of her friends and that it always made him feel weak and pathetic. He wanted to prove himself. He wanted to prove that, even with only one arm, he was able to cook a meal for an entire family.
“Okay, fine,” you reluctantly agreed. “But you’re not doing this alone.” He opened his mouth to protest but you raised your hand and touched a finger to his lips. “You can’t change my mind. I’ll be your sous-chef, and that’s final.”
So you ended up cutting vegetables for him. He made two tagines, one with meat and one with vegetables, in case anyone had any allergies or dietary restrictions.
Once the kitchen was spotless, you both went to your rooms to get ready for the night. It didn’t take you long so you checked on the tagines and waited for Bucky. The smell of harissa and coriander wrapped around you like a comforting hug.
You stole a dinner roll and checked the time on your phone. Nearly seven. A wave of anxiety rolled through the pit of your stomach. You took a deep, calming breath and decided to go check on Bucky.
As you reached the top of the stairs, you heard a deep, frustrated groan followed by a whine. Stifling a giggle, you tiptoed down the hallway towards his bathroom.
“C’mon, stay put or I’ll cut you!”
“Do you often threaten your hair?” you asked, leaning against the door frame. He gasped and jerked away from the sink. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Is everything okay?”
“I can’t do anything with my hair,” he complained. “I’m this close to shave the whole damn thing.”
You pushed yourself off the door frame and moved toward him. “Mhh, why not. A buzz-cut would make you look super dangerous.”
“You think so?” he frowned.
“Yeah,” you replied enthusiastically as you perched yourself on the counter by the sink. “A buzz-cut and a beard. Now that’s a look.”
He ran his hand over the dark stubble on his cheeks. “I already have the beard.”
“You’re halfway there.” You watched him consider what you were offering. “You know what, never mind. Your hair is too pretty to cut.”
“I should cut it though. It’s getting too long, I can’t style it.”
“Oh, poor you with your thick, fluffy hair,” you teased.
“It’s a gift, and also a curse,” he sighed with a whimsical grimace.
You laughed. “Come here, I’ll help you tame the monster on your head.”
He chuckled as he stepped between your parted legs. You took the hair dryer and a comb from the counter and started working on his hair. Despite its messy appearance, the comb ran smoothly through the strands.
“I think we need a safe word tonight,” you said while you worked.
“A safe word?” he repeated, confused. “Why would we need one?”
“Just in case,” you replied with a shrug. “I love my siblings but they can be quite a handful. So if you’re tired or if you feel overwhelmed, you just say the word and I’ll politely ask them to leave.”
“All right. Same goes for you.” He made a face. “What’s the safe word?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your eyes focused on his hair. “Flamingo?” You pulled back to look at him. “I saw an amazing documentary about baby flamingos the other day. See? It works.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, laughing. “Flamingo it is.”
You picked up his hair gel and applied some to his hair.
“There you go,” you said, smoothing the hair over his temples before sliding your fingers down the sculpted curve of his cheekbones. “Ready to break some hearts.”
It was a joke, but your voice came out breathy and small. Bucky didn’t say a word. He pressed himself closer to you, and you resisted the urge to wrap your legs around him.
He rested his hand on your thigh, then slid it from your thigh to your waist and lingered there for a few seconds. He gazed into your eyes for a moment; careful, cautious. You cupped his face between your hands, feeling the bristle on his cheeks against your palms. It was rough against your sensitive skin.
He slid his hand up your side, fingers passing over your ribs, and you let out a gasping sigh as he rested his hand over your heart.
“Did I break your heart, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice low.
“Just cracked.”
He cupped the back of your neck and massaged lightly while he looked at you longingly. He continued to stare at you as you moved your hands to his chest, feeling the strong thud of his heart beneath your palm.
“I-uh,” he started, then licked his lips. “Angel, I-”
The intercom buzzed loudly, awakening the two of you from your trance. Bucky took a step back and closed his eyes. You were glad you were sitting, because your legs felt unusually weak.
“You ready?” he asked, breathless.
You didn’t trust yourself to speak, so you nodded.
You followed Bucky to the kitchen and answered the intercom, giving Wanda the apartment number. Bucky busied himself setting the table, unable to look you in the eye. You didn’t know what to say.
Finally, he stopped moving around and faced you.
“Who am I tonight? Who do you want me to be?”
You had anticipated his question. After all it was a legitimate question to ask giving the nature of your relationship.
“Just you,” you told him. You were tired of lies and half-truths.
A knock at the door startled you.
You opened the door, your hands shaking uncontrollably. You couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of Wanda, Okoye and Scott standing in front of you, each with a bottle of wine. There were two men behind them, both looking extremely uncomfortable.
“Hey Splotchy, long time no see, right?”
Part 11
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mooncademia · 4 years
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Caught in Love
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PAIRING ~ Aizawa x reader
GENRE ~ fluff
SUMMARY ~ After getting a job offer at U.A, your love life w/ Aizawa has officially transferred to school. And you loved it.
But wait...something is different about Class 1-A homeroom teacher! And it has definitely caught a few suspicious eyes.. who may or may not have an idea up their sleeves to satisfy their burning curiosity. 
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First day working at U.A, you realized that you didn’t have to wake up at your usual morning alarm at 5:30 a.m.
Ah yes, the pro hero days of waking up super early, going to the agency, giving Aizawa (who continued to sleep beside you) a peck on his cheek before you left were now over.
And instead, you were introduced to a new routine.
A fresh one.
However, things weren’t going to change that fast, after all, you’ve been pro-hero for years! And your sleep cycle has stuck to your 5:30 a.m alarm and Aizawa, your husband, did not appreciate that.
“We are going to work, together!” You squealed as you flung open the blankets that covered you and Aizawa. You hopped out of bed and shook his shoulder, making Aizawa mumble a groan.
You kissed his cheek passionately and ruffled his messy raven-black hair a little bit.
“Come on,” you said. “Wake up, I’m going to make some coffee.”
Aizawa turned to the side to peek at the clock on the bed side table. He let out another groan when he saw the three digits.
“Y/N, it’s literally 5:34 a.m. You just need to be at U.A at 8 and we don’t live that far.”
“Yeah, well,” you said with an exciting smile. “You can never be too prepared!”
You scurried out of the room and turned on your coffee machine in the kitchen.  Aizawa turned around and saw his bedroom now empty. His wrinkled long black sleeve was bunched up to his waist and he frowned as he got up this early for the first time in months. You knew your husband was a rationally-driven man, sometimes a lone cat who prefers privacy and waking up a lot later. But what you didn’t know was that when Principal Nezu asked him if his wife could teach at U.A after All Might retired, he was thrilled.
So despite it being before 6 a.m, his excitement was bubbling over that it made him finally leave the bed.
But of course, he had to play it cool. With rational excuses, right?!
“Well, I guess I do have to review the school schedule with you,” he mumbled as he palmed the back of his neck and walked out of the bedroom.
When you saw your husband slumping down on the dining chair with his half-lidded eyes, your heart immediately flipped and you poured a nice cup of hot coffee for him.  
You knew him well enough that he didn’t wake up this early in the morning for no reason. You set the cup on the table and leaned down to give him a peck on the corner of his lips as a gesture of gratitude.
But at the very last second of pulling away, Aizawa got the best of you and wrapped your waist with his strong arms, causing you to sit down on his lap—santa lap style.
He hugged you warmly and you slung your arms around his neck. Aizawa snuggled his head between your neck and shoulder and sighed blissfully with his eyes closed. You laughed with your head tilted slightly back.
Yeah, he definitely was not a morning person.
After much time of Aizawa discussing you about the school system for the millionth time during breakfast and almost having a mental breakdown of whether or not you could actually teach (we all have those moments, right?), you were on your way to U.A.
And it really took your breath away.
The school was located on the top hill in Musutafu with the whole neighborhood revolving around it. Glass windows seemed to reach the sky and when you realized how freakin’ big the campus actually was, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the building, not even a second.
But that wasn’t the best thing of all.
Because the best thing was having to walk to work with your favorite (and sometimes most annoying, but you love him nonetheless) person beside you. It was like having your best friend as a partner for your science project in high school. Ease poured over you as you found it quite pleasant to have a strong arm to lean delightedly upon, a familiar face that peers down at you with a gentle smile, and a reassuring voice to tell you that things will be okay.
It was still an hour before class but you and Aizawa were—of course—there early.
The two of you were walking down the halls. Sooner or later you’ll have to let go of your arm that was crossed with Aizawa’s before entering the teacher’s office because one thing that you both agreed upon was to keep the relationship low-key. No one knew that Aizawa’s wife was going to be the new teacher at U.A except for some of the faculty and of course…Hizashi Yamada, aka: the loudest person in the world in Shouta’s opinion.
“Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Present Mic shouted when he saw you step into the teacher’s office. His blonde hair that was religiously shifted upward was too iconic to not be noticed from far away. You giggled at the sight as he threw his arm around his best friend, Aizawa, poking him teasingly on the shoulder. You were great friends with Hizashi and in fact, he was the one who introduced you to Aizawa in the first place.
“Oi, Eraserhead, you’re so lucky your wife goes to work with you,” Hizashi teasingly snickered with his arm still slung around Shouta’s neck. Aizawa tried to shrug him off but it only made him tighten his grip. “So they managed to get Y/N to teach here but they haven’t even implemented my great idea?!”
“Please no, Mic.” Aizawa groaned, trying again to pull away from Hizashi’s grip.
You sat down your bag. “What’s your  ‘idea?’ ”
Hizashi let go of Aizawa’s neck and casually slung his arm around yours, making you giggle in surprise.
“Well of course it’s my HERO FM radio! Every Friday from 1:00-5:00 p.m!” He announced proudly (or more like promoting) making you laugh even more as Aizawa facepalmed himself. “I told the staff that they should let me add one more day, you know, because of my great increasing popularity! But they said one day a week is already “enough,” he said letting go of you to make air quotes with a disgusted expression on his face.
“Get to work Mic,” Aizawa called as he headed towards his desk to gather up some assignments for his morning class.
Hizashi winked at you before he trotted off, throwing you a thumbs-up sign. “Get ready for some ‘strict Aizawa-sensei.’ One day during U.A fest, I wanted to hear Class 1-A perform but Aizawa kept on saying that I should be on patrol duty—“
“Which you should’ve. It was your shift.” Aizawa interrupted bluntly.
“But I just wanted an INSEY WINCEY listen!!” Hizashi stomped on his feet childishly which made Aizawa roll his eyes and let out a sigh.
You went to your husband and stood on your tippy-toes to land a small peck on his cheek. Aizawa blushed at your move because of the fact that you two were in a semi-public place, but he didn’t complain at all.
“Oh, don’t worry.” You seductively caressed his shoulder and gave him a charming smile as you leaned in deadly closer to his face with your hips arched a bit. “I can’t wait to see… what Aizawa-sensei is like.”
Your tone was silky smooth and you rolled out the last word so slowly that it made Aizawa’s mouth part open just a bit. He stared at you dumbfoundedly. Your eyes flickered down to his lips and he swallowed a gulp. He felt like Cupid just shot his heart and he was totally falling for you once again because the fact that you called him ‘sensei’ totally did not make his stomach or heart heat up.
Yeah…he really was goddamn lucky to have you work at U.A alongside him.
“Overall, ‘Plus Ultra’ doesn’t always necessarily means you need to exceed your limits physically. But it also means mentally. It’s how your brain exercises to solve complex situations. What are your strategies like? Are you saving those who need saving in quick time while doing minimal damage to your surroundings? I hope next week’s practice can allow you to exercise these brain muscles of yours that I reviewed today because listening to your thoughts and being mentally stable/prepared is more important than how powerful your quirk is. Listen to that hero gut instinct of yours, because at the end, especially in dearest times… it’s going to help you immensely.” You finished with an encouraging smile that made the class almost want to clap at your amazing class. You were glad to see their engaging faces and raising their hands when they had a question.
Class 1-A was truly remarkable. Though, the only student that left you curiously wondering about was the small boy with purple balls on his head because he seemed to be staring at you so intensely that you swore his eyes were bugging out of their sockets.
Aizawa bowed at you when you finished and you gave him a smirk.
The class began to exchange small chats as you bowed back to Aizawa.
“Wow, I think this teacher is really good! She’s so pretty and smart!” Ashido excitedly whispered to Tsuyu behind her with her eyes widened.
“That’s pro-hero for you,” Kaminari added with his index finger and thumb pointed high up. “Plus, she even made Aizawa-sensei stand there awake the whole entire time listening.”
Some of the classmates nodded eagerly in return, truly astounded that their homeroom teacher did not retreat to his traditional yellow sleeping bag that he usually does.  
“Thank you L/N-sensei,” Aizawa said, popping the class back to the board ahead. You bowed at him in return, but before you headed out, you saw Aizawa gave you the tiniest nod and wait…was that a smile creeping on his lips?!
You exhaled silently in relief. You have been so nervous and worried about teaching at U.A. When Principal Nezu offered you the position, you were shocked to even know that he had you on his mind. You previously thought that Aizawa proposed the option but that guess was quickly diminished when he told you that he had nothing to do with it.
You were just a pro-hero doing your job and when the amazing opportunity arose, you immediately accepted it, knowing that you deeply wanted to help students find their way to hero-life.
And Aizawa knew you had been nervous about U.A since accepting the offer. You have stayed up countless nights just reviewing paperwork, going over the school schedule many times, and even looking through practice exams from the past, thinking about what further lessons you can teach to these students.
You folded your lips and returned a small nod, eyes twinkling as you slid the door to head out.
The class truly captured the small moment you and Aizawa had, but then all shrugged away when they heard their homeroom teacher begin handing out today’s assignments.
As you trotted away from the class back to the main office, you smiled at yourself as you hugged your folders tighter to your chest.
Hm… I could definitely get used to this.
Days seemed to go by faster than you had expected.
Wake up (sometimes not that early anymore thanks to Aizawa hugging you down even after your 5:30 alarm rings), enjoy breakfast, head to U.A, teach, and then go back home with Aizawa (when everyone else is —of course— away).
You’ve had your ups and downs at U.A. Some days, work seemed to flow by very smoothly while other days, work was more than just grading papers or checking assignments. There were a few days where work overloaded and you and Aizawa will be staying up past midnight checking over paperwork. But it was times like these where you truly felt utmost grateful to have a mentor there to help you. And it was even better that your mentor was your favorite person in the world.
It has been ten days since your first day at U.A.
Which means: ten days Aizawa not sleeping a wink during your long lectures about hero work that he already confidently knows. And to some of the classmates who knew their homeroom teacher well enough that his yellow sleeping bag was his best friend, it was a bit…odd.
“Don’t you think it's weird that Aizawa-sensei stays awake only during L/N-sensei’s lectures?” Uraraka asked Kaminari on their way to the Lunch Rush.  
“What do you mean?” Kaminari shrugged and chuckled. “It should be weird that a teacher sleeps during class in the first place, right?” He grabbed his food tray excitingly, his eyes focused closely on it, clearly not noticing Uraraka’s suspicious tone nor mischievous eyes.
Tsuyu popped in between with the two and let out a sigh. “Boys……You have to read in between the lines. Uraraka’s right.” She snapped her finger perkily.  “Aizawa-sensei is not just awake but he’s seemed very engaged to L/N-sensei.”
Kaminari stared at Tsuyu and Uraraka obliviously as he sat down with the rest of the classmates. “Huh?”
Uraraka rolled her eyes. “You know! From the way he nods his head when she talks or oh! That smile?! I have never seen his lips tilt upwards besides haunting us on how difficult practice exams are going to be.” She tiredly sighed, thinking about her teacher’s wicked smirk every time a huge exam was coming. It was like he found pleasure in challenging the students to surpass their limits.
But Tsuyu and Uraraka knew that Aizawa’s expression when you were in the room wasn’t that wicked grin that he had when announcing an upcoming exam or event. Instead, it was a mixture of awe and sincerity. And it definitely made the two girls exchange some giggles and fun guesses.
“What’s up?” Jirou said, sitting down beside Tsuyu with her cafeteria tray, noticing her friends laughing loudly.
Uraraka leaned forward on the table to peer over at Jirou. “It's about Aizawa-sensei and the new teacher!”  Her voice was loud enough that it caught the other classmates’ ears, making her furiously blush afterward from her spontaneous excitement.
But of course, of all the pairs of ears in Class 1-A, there was always the one come rushing in when it’s about his favorite subject: women.
“L/N-SENSEI?!” Mineta’s ears visibly perked up from Uraraka’s gush, clearly engrossed with the topic of the new teacher. “She’s SO gorgeous and oh lord, her—“
“Quit it, Mineta.” Kirishima slapped the back of Mineta’s head beside him before he could finish his lewd statement. He hooked his arm around Kaminari with a giant smirk plastered on his face.
“Why don’t we find out, huh?” Kirishima proposed as Kaminari tried to wiggle his way free from his grasp.
“Hey man, watch your grip!”
Uraraka waved her hand to dismiss Kaminari's racket and stared back up at Kirishima. “About what?” She asked curiously, taking another bite of her rice.
“Girls…” Kaminari mocked sarcastically with a sigh, mirroring Tsuyu’s earlier comment that she made on him. The two girls rolled their eyes and punched his shoulder.
Kirishima leaned into the group closer with slyness flickering in his eyes. He grinned and bopped his head at Jirou. “We can find out if there’s anything special between Aizawa-sensei and L/N-sensei…using Jirou’s quirk!”
Jirou scoffed and leaned back with her arms crossed before Kirishima could continue. “Uh, you’re using me to get info about our homeroom teacher’s private life? That doesn’t sound very friend-like to me if I say so myself.”
“Come on Jirou,” Kaminari whined. “It’ll be fun!”
Jirou raised her brows and sneered. “Since when did you get interested in this?”
Tsuyu shook her head and waved her hands, dismissing the rising chaos. “No, you’re right,” She said, trying not to show her disappointing face. “It’s not fair to just use Jirou to grab juicy news about our teachers, you know…even if it can be so great to the point that it makes us cheerful and excited despite upcoming exams.”
Uraraka bobbled her head up and down, religiously agreeing to everything Tsuyu had to say with a pout on her lips and closed eyes. “Or it can even help us lift our spirits.”
Tsuyu nodded. “Even if it is just a tiny bit, it can-“
“Alright, guys! I get it! Fine!” Jirou said over Tsuyu, earning grins from the boys and giggles from the girls. Jirou sighed and pinched her nose bridge. She looked up at her friends and darted a death glare at Kirishima and Kaminari. “I’m only doing this for the girls.”
It was half-true. Jirou didn’t want to agree to this for the boys. But another reason was because of school lately.  With heavy workload that the whole class was dealing with, plus the hero-work after school and training, school has been…well, quite draining. And similar to the time where the whole class decided to hold a competition for “best dorm room” last year to raise everyone’s spirits from the whole villain chaos, she thought maybe this can raise spirits up again too. Even if it’s just miscellaneous curiosity or excitement. She knew and sensed that her friends needed something exciting happening, besides school work.
So the plan that Kirishima introduced was to head over to the teacher’s lounge at this moment during lunch break. Since it was merely the beginning of lunch and there was still a good 45 minutes left, it was the perfect time for teachers to be on their desks with students the last thing on their minds. Jirou can place her earphone jacks in the wall to hear the voices inside to retrieve any news from the two teachers.
“And if we got nothing, that’s totally okay as well.” Kirishima shrugged. “We can always try next time!”
“NEXT TIME?!” Jirou exclaimed uneasily, twirling her earphone jacks. “Let’s just see what happens now, and focus on next time later.”
“All right then!” Uraraka clapped her hands excitingly and bumped her shoulder against Tsuyu’s with a beam. “Mission: FIONA starts now!“
“Fiona?” Kaminari raised his brow, getting out of his seat with the rest of his friends.
Uraraka pointed her finger up in the air pridefully. “Find-Info-ON-Aizawa. I couldn’t think of an acronym for ‘ON’ so just leave it together and you’ll get—wooah!”
Jirou and Tsuyu locked elbows with her and dragged her away before she could finished,  followed by Kirishima and Kaminari trotting behind their footsteps.
“If you keep explaining it’s going to be Mission: GIT!” Jirou sneered, giving Uraraka’s elbows a good tug.
Tsuyu smirked as the five of them head towards the teacher’s office. “GETTING INTO TROUBLE!”
Lunch breaks were times where you and Aizawa could finally heave a sigh of relief and chat with each other freely. You were happy to work at U.A with Aizawa because now since work schedules were parallel, you could efficiently have the time to hang out with him. When you were pro-hero at your original agency, you’ll often come back home with no trace of Aizawa since he was still in school working on students’ assignments till late evening.
But now, you had all the time in the world to chat with him. Okay maybe not all the time, just an hour and a half, but it was definitely enough for you.
Aizawa was sitting next to you on your desk, nodding along to your talks about your recent lectures with other classes as he gave some advice on teaching.
You let out a wistful sigh and rested your head on Aizawa’s shoulder. You closed your eyes and let out a hum. “Thanks for helping me through all this. I can’t believe teacher work is this much.”
Aizawa let out a puff of air and smirked. He peered down at you from the corner of his eye. “So are you gonna apologize for all the times you were scolding me for not coming back home early?”
You shot your head back up with your eyes widened and a jaw exasperated dropped. You knew that Aizawa was joking from on his tone but you pressed your hand on your chest and squinted your eyes at him, giving him a death glare. “Excuse me? Uhm, sir, I don’t think that’s fair. And besides! All the hours you were gone, I really really missed you and-“
Aizawa leaned forward, a hand snaking to the back of your neck, taking you by surprise as he crashed his lips against yours. You were completely shell-shocked that your eyes stayed open the entire time. Sure, you have kissed Aizawa a thousand times before, but he rarely made the first move. And oh did your heart fluttered!
Aizawa pulled away with a smile dancing on his lips. “And I really missed you too.”
Before you could open your mouth to respond, you heard a loud gasp from outside, making you unconsciously turn your head towards the sound.
A muffled voice transmitted through the walls. “KEEP IT DOWN, KAMINARI!”  
A female’s voice? Or was it a boy?
More muffling voices continued and you couldn’t really understand it, but one thing you knew for sure was that there was someone outside.
You twirled your head back to Aizawa. His face hardened and got up from the chair, walking towards the door.
“SH- ! HE- COMING!” A familiar voice echoed through the walls that you could only capture words of.
Aizawa finally opened the door and looked to his right.
Caught red-handed.
All five students were crunched down to the ground. With Jirou’s earplugs on the wall with Uraraka and Tsuyu beside her, plus Kaminar and Kirishima hovering right above her not missing any detail she was saying, Aizawa knew exactly what was up.
“Shouta? What’s wrong?” You asked, making your way to the door when you saw his cold expression.
You sucked in a breath when you saw the scene to your right.  
“RUN!” Jirou shouted but it was too late. Aizawa immediately caught the five of them with his trusty gray scarf so fast that you swore you didn’t even notice it. His scarf rolled all five up into a bundle individually so that their arms were glued to their sides.
All of the students heated up from shame.
“Soooooo……..” Kaminari mumbled weakly, trying to make the matter less intensive. “Are you two dating..or..something?” His voice squeaked higher and higher as Aizawa’s brows got deeper and deeper.
You knew you had every right to be mad that these students who were invading you and Aizawa’s privacy, and you should! But to your surprised, your offended emotions were quickly replaced with a comical one as you saw all the students’ ducking their heads in shame, darting their eyes away from Aizawa’s hardened glare.
Ah well…they would’ve found out sooner or later.
You let out a chuckle. Aizawa turned his head at you with his eyes widened, not knowing that you would be taking this matter so lightly. But you returned him with a kind of smile that immediately released the tension of his grip and the eyebrows on his face.
The students perked their heads up in confusion from your reaction, and you flashed them a smile as you snaked your hand behind Aizawa’s back.
“Dating? Hmmm…,” you said, a lopsided smirk dancing across your lips.
“I think it’s a little bit more than that.”
And with those words, Uraraka and Tsuyu couldn’t help but squeal in delight despite still being bonded.  Kaminari swore he never felt this wholesome since getting accepted into U.A, and Kirishima—on the other hand—twirled his head away from you and mumbled with his eyebrows furrowed in great passion: “…He’s so manly!”
And Aizawa? Well, he definitely looked at you in surprise for being so open, but no less than a second, he felt a warm breeze rushing through his body.
Your laugh after seeing the students’ reaction was the most beautiful sound he has ever heard.  
It always has been.
And hearing that made him feel like hey…
Perhaps people knowing wouldn’t hurt! And maybe it’s because he just loved you that much, or maybe it’s that fact that he realized, that no matter if his class or the freakin’ public knows or not….
Nothing…absolutely nothing, is going to disrupt the beautiful relationship the two of you have.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
hi! could you do some hcs about hopper and his gf going to a fancy event and him being all handsy?
I’m so sorry this has taken so long!! Thank you so much for requesting this, I hope you’re doing okay!
NSFW below the cut!
Hopper hates going out.
Actually, hate is a strong word.
He hates going somewhere he doesn’t know. He doesn’t like going out. If he could, he’d hole up in his trailer until the end of time with beer, his record player, crime novels and a TV.
That was before he met you. When he did... well, he kind of started to like going out, as long as it was with you. In your first few months of dating, you went to the cinema, to restaurants, to shops, to his favourite bar, over to his colleagues’ houses for BBQs and dinners and he found that maybe, slightly, a little bit, sometimes, he enjoyed himself. As long as you were back at his or yours by midnight.
‘oKaY CiNdErElLa’ you are oft to say as he pulls his jacket on and eyes up the door.
The Hawkins City Hall Gala is an event that happens every year, once a year to celebrate the bravest and best of Hawkins, with some citizens invited who are honoured, and officials and those from the police, hospital and fire department also in attendance. It sounds fancy? It isn’t. As much as Mayor Kline likes to put on a show, get all those invited dressed up to the nines and free champagne going, it’s just an adult version of a school awards assembly.
Hopper has to go. Has to. When he once tried to decline, Kline sent a huge gift basket to his trailer and to the Station every day until he called and said ‘ACTUALLY YES I WILL COME’.
Usually he goes with his work buddies and they bring their wives or girlfriends and they’ll hang around in a corner drinking and eating until the awards ceremony starts and then they’ll all sit together at the back bored out of their minds.
You’ve been dating for nearly six months when it comes round to it, and he invites you, in the way that Hopper would invite.
‘It’s just a shitty little ego parade thing for Kline, some people are good there, they deserve the awards sometimes, but more often than not it’s just some kids and old people gettin’ ‘em for living a long time or doing the most paper rounds or some shit like that, but the food’s good and the drinks are free ‘cause Kline wants everyone to have a good time and it finishes at about 11 and then there’s the after-party which is usually shitty, too, so we can just come home or go to a bar with the guys and their girls or just come home, I don’t mind.’
‘... So do you want me to come.’
‘Yeah. If you’re not busy or have anything better to do ‘cause really it is so shitty─’
‘I’ll come.’
‘You sure? It’s really shitty, it’s just the worst─’
‘Stop, I’m coming.’ you will be
On the night, you’ll be dressed up to the nines like everyone else, wearing your favourite outfit, which also happens to be Hop’s favourite outfit on you, but he likes anything on you so it doesn’t exactly count, and he’s in a suit, one hand in his pocket, the other holding yours.
After being greeted by Kline and his wife on the steps, the Mayor’s constant grin verging on maniacal, Hop’ll make a beeline for the nearest drinks and you’ll just have caught up with him when he’s heading to a corner, his colleagues already there with their partners. They’ll have hoarded some food and beer and champagne bottles already and you’ll resign yourself to the not so terrible idea of just hanging out here all night.
Hop’s hand will settle on your lower back and a conversation with start up about the food or the drink or Kline, in hushed tones, and that’ll be it.
Except you start to feel Hopper’s hand drifting down a little.
And then a lot.
Your back is to the wall, so no one can see, but you’re very much hoping no one notices your slightly widening eyes, your lips parting then quickly closing, and the hitching in your breath.
Hopper, on the other hand, is cool as a cucumber, nodding and carrying out a conversation with Powell without missing a beat. His hand is now fully cupping your ass, fingers splaying and gently caressing. You have to fight very hard to stop your back from arching.
You bastard...
What is it about him and his touch that has you turned on in seconds?
His fingers drift lower, sliding in until they’re near your covered pussy, and damn him...
Your attention is drawn away, momentarily, by someone standing at the other end of the room calling for everyone’s attention. As the preliminary speeches start, your little group quietens, but Hopper’s hand doesn’t move.
It slides even closer, his fingers caressing in slow, light circles.
You have to fight so hard to keep your breathing even, your hands clasped tightly in front of you.
Hopper shifts his stance slightly, his head leaning down, and he murmurs into your ear so only you can hear;
‘I bet you’re wet already, aren’t you.’
Oh, fuck.
Clearing your throat, you smile politely at your group and excuse yourself quietly, saying you need to use the restroom. Hopper’s hand slides off your ass, but not before his fingers give a slight squeeze.
Message received.
You have to ask one of the staff where the restroom even is, hoping your slightly flushed and faintly jittery attitude will just be interpreted as confusion and a desperate need to go.
She points towards a grand staircase and tells you to go right before it. You do, your heart pounding with anticipation.
God, this place is fancy.
Hopper mutters all the time about how Kline has poured the majority of the town’s money into this place, and, hell, next time he mutters you’re going to join him.
There are three doors, all having a gold ‘W/C’ on them. You open the furthest one at the end of the corridor and step in, quickly closing the door behind you and leaving it unlocked before you survey the room. It’s very fancy.
Gold everywhere. Gold everything.
You pull a slight face at trying to take it all in, the slightly dim lighting shining off of it all.
Then, the door opens behind you.
Turning, you watch Hopper step in, your breath catching in your throat. His eyes are on you, darker, focused. Closing the door, he doesn’t even blink as he locks it.
‘Are you?’ he asks in a low, gravelled tone.
Your three seconds of silence are just to tease him.
He closes the distance between you in two seconds.
Hands cupping your face, he captures your lips in a fierce, demanding kiss, long fingers spreading across the sides of your neck. You return it instantly, hands gripping at the back of his suit jacket to both steady yourself and keep him against you.
He’ll take you hard against the counter, your hands having to grip the sink as he thrusts into you from behind, hands tight on your hips.
‘Look at me...’ he’ll growl, and you’ll lift your gaze, meeting his in the reflection of the gilded mirror as moans tumble from your lips. ‘... Yeah... Look at me while I fuck you, sweetheart... while my cock’s deep inside you... I want you to look at me while I feel you cum...’
No one will notice that it takes you both ten minutes to return, and that you’re still trying to catch your breath, and his shirt is rumpled, tie now knotted too tightly.
It’ll only take a few moments for his hand to return to your ass, and a smile will pull at your lips, his last words to you lingering in your mind.
‘Oh, you just wait until we’re home, sweetheart...’
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
“Pretty Boy” Oliver Wood Smut
Requested by: savannah117230 on wattpad "Can you do an Oliver Wood smut? They could be best friends since 3rd year but she is a Slytherin so they kept their friendship a secret but in their 5th year their friendship is exposed. You can make up the rest because I'm not that creative lol."
A/N: I really like this idea! I'm going to switch it up a bit but I still really enjoy this! I did a bunch of drinking towards the end of it so if there's anything wrong just lmk lmao.
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, a brief instance of sexual assault, oral (male and female receiving)
Word count: 7,473
Guide: Y/N: Your Name Y/L/N: Your Last Name Y/H/C: Your Hair Colour
I was the presumed heiress of Slytherin, both my parents were very prominent and well known Death Eaters. I was even sometimes called Slytherins "princess" just waiting for another noble Slytherin to come and sweep me off my feet. Marcus Flint, a boy in my year, was convinced he was my "knight in shining armour" and would try to get with me every chance he got. Typically, it always ended with me saying, "I'm sorry but who are you again?" But it never stopped, he was really persistent. It was kind of sad though, but I had to just deal with it. It was a big shock, to my fellow housemates, when I showed up at Quidditch trails. I walked out onto the pitch and just saw all these mouths agape. I looked at every single boy on that pitch with confusion. "We just weren't expecting to see you here Y/N." Our captain, Duncan Pucey said with almost as much as confusion drawn on his face like the rest of the boys standing there. "You boys seem to forget my father was a keeper his entire time here AND played for years on the Falmouth Falcons. Now, can we please stop gawking at me and start trials already?" I retaliated. It was no surprise when I made the team, but it was a surprise when I was placed as a chaser. I for sure thought I would be keeper just like my father. Duncan pulled me aside the last practice before games officially started, "I want you to know that you're brilliant in any position you play, but I need you as a chaser. There's a boy on the Gryffindor team, his name is Oliver...Wood? I think it's Oliver Wood and he knows Quidditch almost as well as you. I need you to keep the chasers on the best path to keeping us winning." He explained as he patted my back and then sent me off to the locker room. And that's exactly what I did. I was keeping the chasers in check, including Duncan. We made plays that no one dared to mess with and were almost impossible to beat. I wasn't entirely like my father, no no. My mother was the brightest witch of her time and it was clear I was following those footsteps as well. Best of both worlds one would assume. I wasn't some Slytherin who only did enough to pass class, I was going above and beyond each time and I quickly made it to top of my class.
The end of our second year wasn't super eventful, until Oliver and I were paired together for what seemed like the millionth time in Charms. Professor Flitwick rarely ever let us choose our own partners which would typically would be fine with me, but I was just continuously paired with Oliver Wood. Once I saw his usual grades, I immediately knew why. He was doing enough to pass, such a shame because he actually was brilliant. Our last class of charms before final exams came and went, but Professor Flitwick surprised me when he called Oliver and I up to his desk after class. "Is there something wrong Professor?" I questioned, shifting my bag behind my shoulders as I pulled my Y/H/C out from behind the bag. "Not per-say Miss Y/L/N. But I am concerned about Mr. Wood. He seems more concerned about Quidditch than his grades." "But I don't need good grades to get recruited for Quidditch." Oliver butt in, to which I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "But you need good grades to graduate Mr.Wood," Professor Flitwick turned to me, "Miss Y/L/N, could you be his study partner?" Professor Flitwick almost pleaded with me, but I didn't have the heart to turn down one of my favourite professors. I let out a long sigh, "I suppose." I replied as I crossed my arms across my chest and moved my weight onto my right leg and hip. Professor Flitwick beamed with delight, "Brilliant! 20 points to Slytherin. Now you two have a good rest of your day." He said as he started to clean up his classroom, Oliver and I made our way out of the classroom and toward the dining hall. Oliver opened his mouth but I responded quicker, "No, you are not getting any Quidditch secrets. Meet me in the library tonight at 7 or I will find you and drag you there myself." "Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked with a smirk. "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face before I decide to hex you instead." The smirk dropped off his face and we entered the dining hall and went our separate ways as I rolled my eyes, eager to let my friends in on the trauma of Oliver Wood I will endure for the foreseeable future.
Our third year came up a lot faster than expected, but I was still excited. I entered Platform 9 3/4 with my parents, and immediately we were met with stares and whispers. We quickly said our goodbyes, but not before my father handed me a broom. As he handed me the broom, he hugged my mother closer and smiles grew on their faces when they saw the excitement in my eyes. "A Transylvanian Barb! They're brand new! But why?" I asked, confused about the gift, but still excited nonetheless. "Our beautiful girl deserves only the best. Keep breaking records out there darling." My mother said before they pulled me in for one last hug and kiss before I boarded the train. I made my way to the back where the Slytherins were, but I couldn't help but notice all the stares and whispers now directed toward me. Directed solely toward me. I just hurried to the Slytherin car and I saw all my teammates waiting for me. We were all so excited for the new year because a new year meant new Quidditch plays. But a new term also meant that soon enough, you were Olivers study partner. It wasn't the ideal situation, but if it meant that the only person close to your skill was still on the pitch, and I was willing to make sure I had a worthy opponent. Soon enough, Oliver was asking for help in all our classes. I didn't mind, I got to keep him accountable, but it took up a lot more of my time. Eventually, it was nearing the time final game of the year. Gryffindor against Slytherin. Both of our teams were practicing as much as we could. I almost had no time to breathe, but this would all be over soon and everything would be a lot better and easier. I found myself in divination class, seated next to Marcus and Terence at our table. We were learning tessomancy, the divination form that requires you to read tea leaves. This class was meant to focus on soulmates and finding their initials in our leaves. Terence was struggling to figure his out, while Marcus just smirked at me. "It's your initial, looks like you really are my soulmate babe." Marcus said with a smirk. I shot him a disgusted look, "Mine is an 'M' BUT before you say anything it's the initial of the persons last name you git." I looked down at my cup and realised my mistake, my cup was upside down. That 'M', is actually a 'W'. I wasn't going to admit this to them though. "Fuck," I sighed, "Must be Malfoy." I played off how I really felt and what everything really meant. There were plenty of people in this school with last names beginning with 'W', but I didn't want to press it to much longer. I ended up helping the rest of the Slytherins and Trewlaney gave me 15 points for Slytherin. I immediately went to my usual spot in the library and just hoped and prayed to Merlin everything would go back to normal. Oliver arrived moments later and took his usual seat. We had two essays to write so we just created small talk every now and again to fill the air. I finished before Oliver, I did some studying before he finished. I proof read his essay, it was actually really good. "Oliver, this is great! I told you that if you a little more effort in you would be great! You might not need me much longer." I said with a playful chuckle. "I would hate to end these study sessions, working with you is actually quite fun and you help me keep on track. Who knew the princess of Slytherin had it all? Looks, smarts, and excellent quidditch skills." Oliver said with a smirk, which made me blush. "Alright pretty boy, I love my ego being stroked, but both of us have practice tonight. Mine is soon, yours is later. I'll see you tomorrow on the pitch Wood. Can't wait to kick your ass." I said as I sent a wink his way and walked away after all my stuff was packed away. I made my way down to the pitch where I got ready and headed over to Duncan to discuss what plays we need to make and so on. By the end of practice, we had a solid plan in place for the game against Gryffindor. We were all radiating positivity with how well practice went for us. We all changed but as soon as we left the locker room, Gryffindor was making their way onto the pitch. Marcus went right up to them and I followed, not wanting anything serious to happen. Marcus was about to say something but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Marcus if you lay even a finger on them before the game tomorrow I will make sure you don't play and you're a sub next year. Step away from them or I will force you to back away." "Awe you're hot when you're angry. How about this, I don't do anything to these pussy's and when we win we celebrate in my dorm and you sleep with me?" Marcus asked in a condescending tone as we walked away. I stopped and immediately started to pretend to gag at the words that just came out of his mouth, "I would much rather sleep with Wood over there ten times over before I even thought about touching you." I practically yelled. All eyes were on us. "What does Wood have that I don't clearly I'm packing a lot more than him." He said as his right hand moved to touch his member through his pants and his left hand trailed around my waist and  squeezed my right butt cheek. That was all I needed to immediately cock my arm back and land a hard punch directly on his nose, which was now just gushing blood down his body. Marcus stumbled back and scrambled to his feet. Terence started to bring him off the pitch. I took my wand out and pointed it at him. I started to make my way towards him when Duncan and a few other of my teammates held me back with all their strength. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU FLINT. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU THE NEXT CHANCE I GET. I SWEAR TO MERLIN. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT EXCUSE FOR A WIZARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Both from the experience and the pain my throat was in. Miles ran to get a professor as Duncan hugged me and apologised to the Gryffindor team. Duncan held onto me as we made our way to meet with Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. I made eye contact with Oliver as I passed by and he looked broken just from witnessing the exchange. Duncan and I met with the Headmaster and our head of house in his office and explained everything that happened. It wasn't a long meeting but it wasn't a short meeting either. Duncan agreed with Snape and Dumbledore that Flint was going to be out for the last game of the year and sub for most of next year. We made our way to dinner and all eyes were on me, but I just ignored it and just put on my RBF and plotted revenge (and how I could possibly tell my parents). It was the day of the biggest game of the year to us. I got to the locker room extra early to clear my mind and go through last minute plays to make sure they were as clean and thought out as possible. Duncan followed not too long after me and I informed him of some errors I found and we worked through them. Once the rest of the team was in the locker room and changed we went over the game plan. After Duncan's speech, we entered the pitch to some cheers but mostly boo's. We were all on the pitch when we got into our positions and went up into the sky. Before we took our actual positions, Oliver sent a wink my way. I just shook my head and shoo'd him away to the posts. The game was going great, we were leading but not by much. We needed that snitch to win. Terence was so close to catching it, Charles wasn't making it too easy though. I paid as little attention as possible toward the seekers fighting for the snitch. Fred and George Weasley were towards the left of me but pretty far behind. I had just caught the quaffle and was heading towards the goals when all of a sudden, I was hit hard in the side and I let go of the quaffle as I flew off my broom from the force of the hit. I hit the corner of the Slytherin stand and just free fell to the ground. I was out cold before I hit the ground. Terence caught the snitch, but people were concerned with my limp body lying on the ground. I woke up later that day in the hospital wing, my team was surrounding me. They told me everything that happened. Fred and George performed a Dopplebeater Defence and the bludger went straight for me. It hit me hard enough to throw me to the corner of the stands like I was a muggle rag doll and I immediately fell hundreds of feet to the ground. I had several broken ribs and many more fractures. But I was more concerned about my broom and if we had won. Duncan chuckled, "We did win, Terence caught the snitch right as you hit the stands. And your broom is fine. I grabbed it before it plummeted to the ground." We were all caught up in conversation when there was a throat clear from behind my team surrounding my bed. "Leave her alone Weasley's, she doesn't need to be hurt anymore." Duncan said, in a voice so firm yet so angry. "We came to apologise." The twins said in unison. I chimed in before Duncan could, "It's fine. You guys can go. I'll be fine." I smiled and hurried them along. "We're so sorry Y/N," Fred started. "We didn't think it would curve and get you." George chimed in. "We promise, once you're better we'll get you all the sweets you want," I cut them off, "Guys it's okay. It's a game of quidditch. I'd be naive if I didn't believe I would never get hurt. I forgave you a long time ago. But I still appreciate the care you two have." I replied with a smile as they handed me a bouquet of wild flowers. They made their way out, I placed the flowers on the bedside table. I looked up and saw Oliver. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he took the seat next to me. "Besides just a blanket of pain, I'm pretty good now that you're here." I said with a smile. There was a thick silence that enveloped both of us, eventually Oliver broke that silence. "Are we friends?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Like, you've really grown on me in our study sessions and I want to be friends with you but.." "I have an image to uphold Wood. But we can, if that's what you want. Just, we must keep the study sessions professional. Secret friendship, for now," I said, I saw the sorrow in his eyes "It's a secret for now. Until I can figure all this out. I promise Ollie." I said as I stuck out my pinky finger, he chuckled and hooked his pinky finger with mine. Oliver came down every day to help me with homework and our usual study sessions. But once everyone left we just chatted like old pals. It was so much easier once I could actually go back to classes and roaming the castle. Every day meshed together; I went to my classes, bickered back and forth with Oliver, had study sessions, and then snuck away to have alone time with Oliver and acted like normal friends behind closed and hidden doors. I hated it, but being the "heiress of Slytherin" I had an image to uphold. Hopefully our 5th or 6th year I can just be open about this, but right now is not the time. Especially because I don't know what they'd do to Oliver. It was more for his protection, and he figured that out the more we hung out and talked. The deeper our friendship grew, the more we learned about each other... and the more I started to feel something more for him. The end of the year came so fast, yet went by so slow. Saying goodbye to everyone hurt when the one person I didn't want to leave I couldn't even say goodbye to. No matter how bad I felt, Oliver and I still wrote to each other practically every day. Each new letter was a countdown to the first of September, a countdown to seeing my best friend. But with each letter also came stronger and stronger feelings I had never felt before. Was this love? Was this what love felt like? What is this feeling?
The first of September has come yet again, welcoming me to my fourth year at Hogwarts, but this time my family and I were accompanied by the Malfoy's. Mum and dad have always wanted me to marry Draco, keep the pureblood line going. I didn't hate Draco, he was very annoying for an 11 year old, but I didn't hate him. Neither of our families believed in arranged marriages, but they definitely mentioned a married between Draco and I often. Draco was definitely infatuated with me. Trying his best to flirt with me and to keep my attention on him. At the train, I hugged my parents goodbye and hugged Narcissa and shook Lucius' hand. Draco and I boarded the train together, "Now, I sit with all of the older years and first years aren't allowed, but after tonight you can always find me when you need me." I said as I sent Draco a smile. Draco took my hand and kissed it and went on his merry way to find someone to befriend. My eyes drifted from Draco to Oliver, who seemingly was watching the whole time. He shot a smile my way, causing me to blush. I walked passed him to the Slytherin cart and he slipped a piece of parchment into my hand. I kept walking and as I entered I sat in my usual seat, but only Terence and Miles were in their seats. I read the note, "I really missed you, more than ever. Meet me on the pitch at 8?" I let out a smile as I slyly slid the note into my right pocket. We continued our conversations of our summer holidays as more of our peers came through and sat down. I announced that I was the quidditch captain now that Duncan has graduated. We all enjoyed our time together once again, after all, it was just another year and another House Cup we were determined to win. It came to the sorting ceremony and I only was anticipating Draco and his sorting. He was sorted into Slytherin faster than I was, but he was proud and made his way over to me and kissed my cheek before sitting right next to me. My teammates just looked over at me, and then Draco, and looked more confused than when a professor calls on them and they're not paying attention. Draco happily chimed in, "I'm going to marry her. Join the Malfoy and Y/L/N pureblood names and have the greatest bond to ever occur in the wizarding world." He had a smile beaming from ear to ear. They all shifted their gazes onto me, questioning if it was real or in his imagination. "I'll explain later, don't worry guys." I said to calm them down, which it only helped slightly. The upperclassmen made their way to their perspective common rooms. I told my teammates how it wasn't fully a thing, arranged at least. It was encouraged but not forced, and to just let Draco believe whatever he wants to believe. They all finally understood and proceeded to start a whole new conversation. It was almost 8 and I decided to sneak away from my friends and down to the pitch. If someone finds me on my way there then I can just say I need to cleat my mind or something like that. I can always get myself out of trouble. As soon as I walked by the Gryffindor locker room, I heard a faint whisper and made my way to see inside. As soon as I cracked the door, an arm reached out and grabbed my forearm and yanked me inside. I practically fell onto whomever just pulled me in. I looked up and saw Olivers infamous smile and pulled him in for a tight hug. The hug seemed to go on forever, but eventually we let go, but not fully, his arms were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck. "Oh how I've missed you." He said with a smirk, but there was definitely something hiding behind it. I was studying his face like it was a written exam. And caught on and he guided me to the benches right behind us. "Obviously I wanted to say hi, but that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about," Oliver started as he sat beside me, "I've been having this thought and this feeling for a while now," I was confused, and the furrowed brows and now titled head made him keep going. "I know you like sleeping around and fucking whenever you can... NOT that it's a bad thing because I like that too. But... B-but I want to know what it's like to like, sleep with one person. And I just hope you've been feeling this sexual tension too, Y/N. Would you like, to like, maybe be friends with benefits?" He asked and he started to blush as he looked away. I knew it was too good to be true, he didn't feel the same way I think I feel about him. But if this was the closest to a relationship I could have with him, I was going to seize the moment. "I'm glad you felt the tension too, I was starting to grow exhausted just hiding it," I said as I inched a little closer to him as I unbuttoned the top buttons of my white blouse, "I was getting tired of hopping from dick to dick. Although the variety was nice, getting railed by the same cock over and over sounds so much better to me." I got even closer to him, I moved his hands to my bare thighs and my hands tugged at his shirt. Oliver crashed his lips into mine, the rough intensity of the kiss threw me off guard but I enjoyed every moment of it. I quickly deepened the kiss, feeling myself grow wetter and wetter as Oliver finished unbuttoning my blouse. I unhooked my black bra and he took off his turtleneck and we threw our articles of clothes onto the ground, just letting them land wherever they pleased. I took one look at his body and my mouth dropped. Toned but not overly defined, a perfect middle ground. Oliver took full advantage of the moment and placed his hands roughly on my bare sides, sending sparks throughout my body, and he pulled my into him and crashed his lips onto my bare neck as he sucked and bit every inch of my neck and collarbone. Oliver was still in a sitting position while I was standing over him, one leg on each side of the bench. As Oliver found my sweet spot, he started to pull my skirt down to my knees and I took it off and threw it wherever it decided to land. He started to leave hickies all over my upper body he kissed his way down to my breasts. He took my left breast into his mouth and sucked and kissed every inch of it. His right and trailed from my side down to my warm and wet pussy. He didn't even hesitate to move my panties out of the way and rubbed the folds of my dripping wet pussy. That feeling all on its own made me whimper and melt into him more than I was. His mouth moved to my right breast and give it the same attention my left breast received earlier. His left hand was free and moved to unbutton his pants and pull out his pulsating cock. As soon as I felt his cock touch my thigh, I positioned myself over his member. "I've waited all summer for this." He said right before he took his cock and rubbed the tip up and down my soaking wet folds. He stopped at my entrance but before he could say anything I lowered myself onto him, feeling his cock fill up all the empty space inside of me. No one has ever filled me so perfectly. I crashed my lips onto his as I rode his cock up and down and making sure he understands what he's getting. "If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be this wet for you... pretty boy." As those words left my mouth, Oliver held me close to him, picked me up and laid me down on the bench. He would alternate his thrusts between fast and slow, seemingly trying to pace himself so he can savour this moment. I felt my core start to contract and tighten and my pussy became more and more sensitive. In between my increasingly shallow breaths, I noticed that I was edging closer and closer to my climax. "Ol-Ol-Oliver," My breaths were becoming more and more shallow, "I-I'm g-g-g-getting cl-lose." Oliver was letting out low grunts of pleasure as he gripped my hips tighter than before, but with the words that seemingly dripped out of my mouth, Oliver thrusted harder and faster than he had previously in our little rendezvous. With each new thrust, a new grunt or groan came out of Olivers mouth, I could feel his cock twitch inside me and I knew he was ready to cum. I reluctantly brought my right hand down to my clit and started to stimulate myself while he thrusted into me. I started to feel myself become undone in Olivers grasp, my head was thrown back and my back arched as I let out a final pleasure filled moan. Oliver watched in awe and pleasure as I came undone on his cock. Once my high finished, I pushed Oliver back and got onto my knees in front of him. I took his hard cock into my hand started to pump before I placed my lips onto the tip of his dick. I pumped his shaft as I played with the tip of his cock with my tongue. I felt his cock twitch in my hand one final time before he let his cum release into my mouth. He was a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, I swallowed his seed as he sat on the bench we were just having our most amazing high on. I started to gather my clothes and get dressed, as I was putting my bra on I said, "That was-" I was cut off my Oliver, "Amazing." "That was amazing," He said as he slapped my ass, "I would love to do this again." He pulled me closer as he still hungrily looked me up and down. We both finished getting dressed but then he grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bench again, "We should probably figure out a game plan for this, like rules for us being friends with benefits." I nodded my head in agreement. "Alright, chime in any time you have something to say," I nodded at his statement and he continued, "Consent is the most important thing of all, we are still friends and I trust that both of us will let the other know if sex isn't in the cards for the night. We are friends above all. Secondly, we should probably stop when one of us gets into a relationship. Lastly, no catching feelings." He finished with a chuckle, but my face sort of flushed but I tried to keep my composure. "Couldn't agree more." I said behind a fake smile as I stuck my hand out for him to shake, and he returned the favour. I snuck out of the Gryffindor locker room and went into my own, grabbing my broom and waiting to see Oliver walk up to the castle. I went onto the pitch and just flew around, trying to sort through my own thoughts. I realised it was close to curfew and so I landed, but my broom back in its spot and headed back up to the castle. My team was waiting up for me, scared that something had happened to me but I assured them I was just at the pitch starting to get a game plan going and clearing my mind. As the boys trickled out of the common room, the only ones left were Terence and I but we had sat in silence for some time and I was just staring into the fire. "Is everything okay Y/N?" He asked, which slightly startled me enough to look him in the eyes. "Of course I am T, I just...have a lot on my mind." I said with a bit of a forced smile. He wasn't quite sure if he was buying it but then he said, "Okay, but I care a lot about you and I want you to know you can always talk to me." He placed his hand on my thigh in reassurance, I placed my hand over his and shot him a smile before standing up and heading to our dorm rooms. Maybe Terence could help take my mind off of Oliver only wanting to fuck me. And that's what started to happen. Several times a week, Oliver and I would meet up and either just have a grand ol' time or just to fuck but during the day, I was growing closer and closer to Terence. But Oliver still definitely had my heart, in more ways than one. Nothing I could do would make me feel differently. Oliver and I were both captains, which made fuck sessions and wagers even better than before. Slytherin won the first game of the year, so Oliver had to eat me out, and honestly he might've loved it more than I did. When Gryffindor won their first game, I gave him a blowjob and really whatever he wanted. The Quidditch house cup was quickly approaching and both of us were starting to have stress sex several times a week. He was my release of this stress and I was his. The day before the last game against Slytherin and Gryffindor, Oliver and I had just finished working on our DADA essays and I was cleaning up when Oliver just looked at me and said "Oh, I have a girlfriend now. So, no more funny business." He said with a smirk and a chuckle as he collected his things and went on his way. My heart sank to my feet as tears welled up in my eyes, but I just wiped whatever there was away and I marched my way down to the pitch to try to take my mind off of everything going on around me. I changed into my uniform and sat down thinking and rethinking plays as my leg bobbed up and down with stress. I had notes scribbled everywhere and I was struggling to keep my head on my shoulders. Terence, Miles, and Adrien walked in expecting them to be the first but were shocked to see me but even more shocked to see the chaos surrounding me. Terence asked the other two boys to give them a moment and he sat next to me and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "What's going on Y/N?" "A guy I thought really liked me doesn't and he has a girlfriend. We were doing a friends with benefits thing but I hoped it would turn into more." I replied and he pulled me closer. "Well clearly he's an absolute git for leaving you for someone else, even if all you two did was fuck. You deserve so much more than whoever that asshole is." "You're right, I deserve so much better than him. I shouldn't have let it go on this long." "I know this is quick, but we have been hanging out a lot more these past few months and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? No pressure, but the hogsmeade dates made me feel a type of way and I hope you feel the same." I smiled and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, "I would love to. Thank you for showing me I deserve better." We both smiled and the team joined us in the locker room as I reworked plays with my newly cleared mind, well, not fully cleared. Practice went really well and I'm very pleased with what we have prepared for tomorrow. We came down from the sky and Gryffindor was awaiting us in the pitch. "Trying to calculate how much you're going to lose Gryffin-snore?" Adrien shot at them, unprovoked but no care in the world. "Save it for the game boys. See you on the pitch tomorrow, Wood." I said in a dark tone as I shoved passed him as Terrence and I interlocked fingers as we walked into the locker room. It was officially game day and the dining hall was buzzing with wagers and thoughts for the day. Terence and I walked into the dining hall hand in hand and I looked over at Oliver who was staring straight at me. I looked away as we made our way to the table where the rest of our team was sitting. We ate a hearty breakfast and headed to the pitch. Once we were in the locker room and all changed we went over the plays we needed and I finished with a speech, "[...] I know I never say this, so believe me I need you all to listen and take this to heart, play dirty. I will be giving commands but I trust you all know how to play dirty since most of you have been playing that way all year against my wishes... Yes Pucey, I'm talking to you. But you all better hope that if you get a foul on purpose, you better hope Merlin finds you before I even start to hunt you down. Go out and kick some Gryffindor ass." We all exited the room and made our way onto the pitch. Terence and I exchanged a quick peck right in front of Oliver right before we all took position on the pitch. Madam Hooch released the balls and I immediately got the Quaffle and headed toward the goal posts. Angelina and Katie from Gryffindor got on both sides of me but before they could successfully perform a Body Blow on me, I picked up speed and drifted in front of the goals as I threw the Quaffle in and scored. "Forty-three seconds and the first goal goes to Slytherin! The goal was made by Y/N Y/L/N and made a new school record for fast goal made in a match!" Lee Jordan announced. The game went on for ages but I was on fire. I was scoring and checking like no tomorrow, to say I was determined was an understatement. I was fighting for that win, I wanted to see Olivers face lose first hand. And almost as quick as the game started, Terence caught the snitch and Slytherin won! I briefly looked over at Oliver who looked heartbroken, but in more ways than one. I was broken from my chance when Terence came up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "And there is it folks, Slytherin's seeker Terence Higgs caught the snitch which landed Slytherin the win of the inter-house Cup! Oh, and by the looks of it he also scored the winning kiss with Slytherin's Captain, Y/N Y/L/N! Y/N won the game with brilliant plays and won Terence's heart!" Lee Jordan said before he said his usual Quidditch game closing announcements. The night was buzzing with drinks and games and cheer in the usually gloomy Slytherin common room. A few weeks passed and Oliver and I were studying for our History of Magic exam when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Oliver, are you okay?" He kept staring, I snapped my fingers a few times in front of his face which seemed to take him out of his trance. "Are you serious?" He asked sternly. "About what?" "Dating Terrence." "Well, yeah. That's why we hang out all the time. He treats me like I matter. Anywho, we shouldn't be discussing this because you are also in a relationship. Now keep studying so you don't fail." I left that night feeling uneasy but acted like everything was normal. The end of the year approached fast, but Terrence and I agreed that we just weren't meant for each other romantically and so we broke it off and remained friends. Finals were coming up and so Oliver and I were cramming like we had for countless exams prior. We were in the library very late each night, and this night was no different but something about the atmosphere was very different. "How are you and Terrence?" Oliver asked. "Oh, we broke up a while ago." I replied, keeping my head on my study guide. Olivers head shot up and he looked at me, "What? Why?" "Well," I started as I looked up, "Since you want to be nosy, we just were better off as friends. Simple really, nothing too extreme or anything. How are you and your girl?" "We actually broke up yesterday." "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" He pondered that question for a bit, before finally saying something that caught me off guard, "Yeah, but I miss our old nights together." He was waiting for my reaction, hell even I was waiting for my reaction. I missed them too but I didn't want to go through all those feelings all over again. "I miss them too Ollie, but I don't want we used to have. If I'm being honest," I looked around to make sure no one was still in the library, "I caught feelings for you and being friends with benefits hurt me and really messed me up emotionally. I can't put myself through that again." Olivers reaction went from shock, to confusion, to relief. I watched the gears in his mind turn every step of the way for him to process the information I just gave him. "Well that's a relief, I caught feelings for you as well." He said with his signature smirk. My brows furrowed, "Then why did you date another girl?" "To try to get you and your body out of my mind, but the Slytherin heiress has her way with men and I never forgot our endeavors and I just kept missing them. I didn't think you felt the same, so I suppressed my own feelings. I'm sorry, I should've said something sooner." There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments, before Oliver spoke up, "Is that why you destroyed us in the inter-house Cup?" I started to blush and nodded my head yes. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face, "I hate to admit it but it was bloody brilliant. You're bloody brilliant...on and off the pitch... Can you be my girlfriend?" I blushed and just smiled at him, "Of course. But it's still a secret." The year finished and Oliver and I had successfully kept our relationship under the radar. I hated it but I had a plan, I think.
Fifth year rolled around and started off great. Nothing too exciting happend, except whenever Oliver and I were alone it was more cute and no sex. We mutually agreed to wait. A couple days before the inter-house cup, we snuck into an empty classroom and just talked and chilled together since tomorrow we were both going to be super busy. I was sat atop a desk and Oliver was standing in front of me and holding my hands. Oliver and I leaned in for a kiss when suddenly we heard the door open and a gasp fill the empty room. Both of us spun our head in the direction of the sound, and in the doorway was Lee Jordan. Lee immediately left but that little thing just knocked the wind out of you. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, "Alright. Hopefully he doesn't go around blabbing about what he saw." "And if he does?" My eyes darted around the room in a moment of pondering, "If he does, then we'll have to make it official in front of everyone." "Is that okay for you?" "We deserve to be open about our relationship. I just need a day or two to get all my ducks in a row. You deserve to be in a public relationship." Oliver smiled at that statement and pulled me into a kiss. We both left the room and headed to our prospective common rooms. The next day started off with an early practice. Lee hadn't spilt the beans about what he saw, yet. I was a bit more nervous than ever before but I still led the team like tomorrow was the last day of their lives. We all left practice happily but I was a bit behind, cleaning the room and pondering my thoughts. I walked into the dining hall for dinner and all eyes were on me and whispers immediately started. I just strutted to my usual seat and just dug in. My teammates opened their mouths and I immediately shot back, "If sone of you says ONE THING I will make sure you don't play tomorrow. I finished eating and went straight to my dorm and fell asleep. I wanted nothing more than for things to be normal again. I woke up bright and early and headed to the pitch. I knew Olivers plays so well, so I was busying myself with coming up with new plays and how to implement them. Eventually the rest of my team joined me and we all got ready. I gave one of the best speeches of my career, but before I could step away from being the centre of attention Marcus asked, "Are you and Woods really dating?" I took a deep breath in, "Yes, yes we are. Now go on the pitch because I never want to hear another word about this. Got it?" We all entered the pitch a few minutes before Gryffindor did, one they came out I immediately looked for Oliver. We made our way over to each other and we looked into each others eyes. "I love you, pretty boy." "I love you too, princess." Oliver threw his broom onto the ground and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss as the crowd roared behind us.
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scandeniall · 4 years
story of us
pairing: suna x reader
the story of ur relationship <3; alternatively (more) dating sunarin headcanons but this time is somewhat of an order and talks good and bad 2K+ worth lol
a/n: i had more planned but half of these have been sitting in my notes for months and its kinda fucking long already bc he lives rent free!!!
warnings: uh the usual aged up (in ur 20s time skip type beat), language, yeah
Now when y’all met suna was not looking to love at all. That man was just living his life and so where you. The two of you pretty much meet through komori. You’re a friend and it’s his birthday so him and a few of his friends go out for drinks bc why not. Young hot pretty financially stable v-ball players. Nah no ones there for any type of hookups literally just there celebrating a great guy.
They rent out a section at a relatively nice bar tbh. Not the cheapest and you can actually hear conversation. But also not a super expensive one where the patrons are middle aged with jazz music and the occasional track to relive “youth.” Komori’s a sweetie and will come outside to get you when you text that you’re there. You’ve met washio and ofc sakusa Before so you greet them casually then you turn and there’s Suna and a few others you haven’t met.
That greeting isn’t anything special I promise. Just “hey I’m so and so” and vice versa. It’s one of those meetings where you just think “he’s cute” but it’s such a fleeting thought. Y’all don’t even really talk that first night tbh. At the next practice Suna mentions offhandedly that he didn’t know komori was dating someone and komori is like: huh? Yeah sorry. I love (Y/N) and all but were just friends. Suna just shrugs not really caring to be honest until Komori just asks what did he think of you.
“Don’t really remember much man. Seemed cool though” he didn’t think he’d really see you again. Yeah you were close enough to have been at Komori’s birthday but if that was his first time ever meeting you, he figured you weren’t from around there are present very much. Yeah he was wrong.
Suddenly you were on Komori’s snap story more often, or maybe he’d just been noticing more. Too bad he couldn’t even remember your name 💀. Then it turned into you occasionally popping up where he was. He’d been told your name at least 5 times already but wouldn’t remember it the next day. Whenever he’d see you again he’d get a strained look like: “what is this mf name again” just laugh and tell him again bby.
That changed at some random house party by another mutual friend you two apparently had? You two were the only people just around the fire pit trying to catch some warmth in the chilly night. He’s probably just on his phone head bobbing his head to the muffled music from inside. And you’re just like “remember my name yet?” All jokingly. This sparks the tiniest bit of interest in him and he lets out a low chuckle and just admits “not at all.” I also feel like this is the first time he really looks at you and he’s like 🤨, wait you’re actually kinda cute.
That night y’all just kinda talk and vibe. The conversation comes easy as you two jump back and forth from talking about the music playing to sneakers which he brings up to stuff that you like. He’s actually really easy to talk to. So easy that u can forget about him not remembering your name despite meeting several times. You mention that you’d hung around komori before while they were gaming and that he seemed pretty cool. That leads him to asking “how do you know him anyways?”
“I used to date Sakusa”
Mentally he’s just like— ‘yeah I’m not getting involved in this. Time to go.’ Until you just start laughing.
“I’m kidding. He’s not really my type. We met after being paired together for a project in school.”
The two of you spend quite a bit of time just talking that night until you are joined again by some friends and it’s deadass like y’all weren’t just talking for almost an hour straight.
Getting Together
The process of getting together is like a cat and mouse game. You two start getting closer than friends and then something happens and you’re not talking for weeks. Whether it be life just getting busy, and then someone ending up on some random tinder date or so be it. Definitely one of those things were somehow someway y’all end up just hanging on one of your couches watching a movie. At some point there’s definitely a hint of sexual tension but neither of y’all act on it (later on you find on his finsta that he used to post several “i wont you 😔” memes  Folks can’t tell if hes joking or not (hes not))
You probably gotta tell that man you like him so if that ain’t you I’m sorry. Y’all not dating 😹. It’s something casual, y’all going to pick up some snacks for a movie night and why this mf keep looking at you out the side of his eyes instead of the road. You def texting the groupchat asking if you should confess. They tell you to boss up and just do it baby.
You literally end up confessing in that parking lot. Like right when he shuts the car off and starts swinging his keys on his finger and you kinda just blurt “I like you. Like like you.” He just kinda nods before his eyes widen. “Wait are you fr?” Like no you’re joking tf. It gets a lil awkward so you just go to get out the car and he’s like “I like like you too.”
I definitely don’t think either of you ever officially asked the other out it’s just at some point the understanding that you two are a couple. Like when you’re hanging out just you two hes more touchy, and then y’all start kissing and holding hands at some point. Then when you’re with friends he almost exclusively sits next to you and your friends notice the whispers in one another’s ears at the loud bar that seem just a hint too intimate for ppl who are just friends. Then y’all start arriving and leaving places together and people just at some point get the message (it’s later confirmed by you tweeting some shit like: I hate Rin why is that mf my boyfriend)
As far as anniversaries y’all draw straws to pick a day in the ballpark of the time y’all both think you became official. That’s the day you stick with even if it’s not true.
Relationship Flaws
A fault in the relationship is sunas kinda poor communication when it comes to things that matter. How he feels. Arguments. Love sure as hell don’t come east with anyone but when your partner won’t let you in? Yeah that’s like hell. That’s something you struggle with. And then on your end, it’s the impatience with him not letting you in. You try to wrongfully rush it.
 There’s definitely been arguments that stem from him just being upset about something unrelated to the relationship then coming to you for comfort without actually telling you what’s wrong. He kinda just wants to lay with his head on his chest but at some point that’s not enough. Y’all are in a relationship and should be able to talk about your bad days too.
You’re not innocent in this issue either because sometimes it comes off too pushy. Yes it’s from a place of care but sometimes that silent comfort is necessary. The walls will break in due time and y’all both know that deep in the back of your minds But then there’s a part that’s like— yeah we can’t let this become the norm
“Rin, can you please talk to me”
He will have literally told you “whatever” and that he “can’t deal with this rn” several times as he just shrugs and is like yeah “I’m gonna just go home. I’ll text you later” with an awkward ass pat on your shoulder if it really ruined his mood. If he’s leaving before he gets super upset and uncomfortable just some half assed kiss in your cheek
Another thing is I feel like he could be passive aggressive and let’s be real other folks doing it causes you to do it to. Y’all probably drag eachother on your finstas where you can both see it lol
But when it comes to making up he cracks first and apologizes when he started it. Or as y’all get more comfy with communication. If it’s not anything major he’ll just hit you with a text like “I’m bored come hang”
More Relationship Things
I feel like he love/hates driving. Likes the ride not always driving though. So if you ever proposed a late night drive he’d be down (if you offer to drive). He does let y’all take his car though. He reclines the seat pretty far back. Alternates between just closing his eyes vibing w/ the music or kinda just looking at you (he the type of bf that makes u nervous no matter how long y’all been together)The way he looks at you makes you nervous cause that man is fine as hell and you can just feel his eyes on you.
He films you on Snapchat and sends the video to you like “you look hot”
If he’s not ‘resting his eyes’ he’s mumbling along to the music because he has the aux. if y’all music tastes are different he occasionally throws in something you really like bc he likes how you perk up at one of your fav songs
Moving on. Y’all dap eachother up after s3x because it’s “modern romance” (boy stfu). You two came up with a sex playlist together and it’s on both of your phones. Sometimes one of you will add a troll song that the other doesn’t know and put it in the lineup. (Stole my heart by 1D has definitely played before and you were practically in tears laughing at his reaction. That was one of those songs he was like ‘yeah alright i think we’re done).
At some point you two develop your own handshake and it’s cute. Whenever either of you have to travel without the other that’s always the last thing you do before you leave eachother. There’s vids of your friends daring y’all to do your elaborate ass handshake drunk and doesn’t matter what’s in your system, you both know it like the back of your hand.
I think he values quality time a lot so there’s so many nights where you’re both just chilling in his room just doing your own things. He could just be at his desk watching some game highlights and you’re just doing hw on his bed with your own earbuds in work all spread out and he’s content. He’s also attentive so if he calculates that you’ve been working too long he’ll just take ur earbud like “hey let’s go get something to eat.”
People definitely think he’s the lazy one in the relationship but it’s 100% not true. Like stated above, he’s very attentive and can pretty much gauge how you’re feeling in the blink of an eye. He knows when you need alone time but won’t go without reassuring you that he’s here whenever you’re ready. When you do just need him he’s there without a second thought. If you’re more touchy he’ll have your head in his lap his arm running up and down your as you tell him what’s wrong. He knows when to joke about a minor inconvenience and over the course of your relationship knows when to cut the jokes and be serious with you.
He’d never admit it but he knows your coffee order by heart (he keeps up his image my asking wtf do you get everytime. Just let him LOL). He the type to peek at what you plan on wearing and ‘accidentally’ color coordinate then pull some shit like “why are you copying me”
Y’all def shit talk together. See someone doing something completely out of pocket in public— straight to ur phones you go (pack it up shade room). To the public it just looks like you aren’t paying any attention to one another on your dates but y’all are. Just over the phone so u don’t piss off ur target 😌
Y’all are very comfy in your relationship that you just say stuff. Y’all don’t even think.
“Rin, what if i crashed us in this car rn 😹”
“Do it. Might be fun”
When you two finally move in together it’s almost like how your relationship starts. Slowly more and more spares of stuff for you end up at his. He does sorta make the move near the end of your lease and is just like “you’re here more than me anyways.” (hes nervous but swears he’s not. Bby you’re literally shaking). Him moving you in is like hell. This mf takes sooooo long to help with boxes. Picks up 1 then sits for like 15 minutes. You ask for help the first few times and he’s just like “I got you” while continuing to scroll his phone.
Sleepy Shoulder kisses in the mornings. Only form a greeting you get but it’s ok
this is like my 100th dating suna hc and im still going this is SICK. it was so hard to not drop old refs bc i still believe in them 100% yes i do!!!!
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andysbubba · 4 years
friends [ two ]
-> steve’s your best friend. you know damn well that won’t change. [ also you’re really stubborn in this au and steve has to deal with that ]
AKA two idiots in love but one doesn't want to admit it
link to chapter one | two | three | four |
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
10 years later, 2020
“How is it going with you two?” Bucky sips his coffee as he sits across you and Steve.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean?”
“I would’ve expected a wedding invitation by now from both of you,” He looks at the two of you pointedly.
You choke on your latte and then glanced at Steve. “Seriously?”
Steve glances back at you and laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
Bucky bursts out in laughter. “Shit. That was priceless!”
“Oh shut up, Buck.” Steve rolls his eyes at his friend.
“Yeah, Barnes. We’re just friends,” You nudge Steve with your shoulder. “Right, Steve?”
Steve shrugs and nods, leaning in front and picking up a fork to cut into his slice of chicken pie. “Yeah,”
Jesus. What was that stinging pain in your heart?
Steve left for the washroom and it was just you and Bucky.
“Bitch move, Y/N.”
You look at Bucky cluelessly. “What did I do?”
“That guy is hopelessly in love with you and you just told him that you two are just friends.” He pointedly says.
You roll your eyes in reply. “You’re exaggerating. He’s not hopelessly in love with me, Buck.”
“Say that to his lost, sad, depressed puppy dog face whenever you get into a new relationship.” Bucky kicks your leg under the table.
“You’re just bullshitting now, Barnes.”
There was no way Bucky was right. Your mum’s told you the same thing, so did Steve’s parents. And then there was Natasha who said something along the lines too. Lets not forget Sam either.
Steve being in love with you? That’s just impossible.
“You shouldn’t deny the truth, Y/L/N.”
Steve walks back to the table. “Deny what?”
You turn to Steve in slight surprise before you quickly recovered. “Bucky was just saying some things about-”
“-About how you’ve been in love with Y/N since you were kids,” Bucky interrupts you.
Steve blushes immediately, the pink flowing up to his pale cheeks and he stuttered a little. “W-what?”
You step on Bucky’s toes with your boots and glare at him. His knee shoots up and hits the table as he groans in pain.
You turned to Steve and smiled kindly, “Nope, Bucky was just playing with you,”
Steve nods and settles back on the seat beside you.
You thought to yourself while the two guys chat about yesterday’s baseball game.
Steve gets sad when you get into a new relationship? And then he gets awkward when you say that you two are just friends.
Damn it, Bucky.
But Steve’s just being Steve. He’s always awkward... right?
“I’m not even kidding, Nat. Like seriously, Steve? Liking me?” You huff.
“Think about it this way,” She was lying on the couch, her legs resting on your lap. “He has a lot of flings and ex girlfriends. But why did none of them last long?”
You look down at her. “Because he hasn’t found the right person?”
Natasha shrugs. “That could be one. But you two already act like a couple.” She shifted and sits up straight, turning to you seriously. “He’s looking around for something he already has. Except, it isn’t official.”
You were meeting Natasha so you ended up leaving the guys earlier at the cafe. Apparently, they were planning on having some guys night with Sam.
You frown at Natasha. “We don’t act like a couple.”
Nat raised an eyebrow at you with a ‘really’ expression. “You cuddle, you know what each other like and dislikes, he spends money on you, you spend money on him and you sleep together on the same bed.”
“Isn’t that the norm for best friends?”
Tasha rolls her eyes. “You don’t see Sam kiss my forehead before he goes home or see Bucky buy me an iPad, now, do you?”
“I’ve known Steve since I was one.” You pointed out.
This topic was seriously making you think like crazy. You didn’t even know you acted like a couple with Steve. Like seriously???
“Valid point. But do you really think his exes give a shit about that when he helps you put on your coat and shit?”
Natasha laughs at you, completely stopping your speech. “Denial is not a good look on you, sweetie.”
You sigh as Nat stands up and heads into the kitchen.
She comes back out with two bottles of beer. “Listen, Y/N. All I’m saying is, maybe you don’t see it but everyone around you sees what’s going on.” She settles beside you on the couch. “Your brain just functions at a slower rate than others.”
You gasp and smack her arm harshly. “Rude!”
Nat bursts out in laughter before calming down and snuggled into you. “Just, if it’s meant to be, it will happen someday. Forcing things will only make it worse.”
“Does he really sulk when I get into relationships?” You rest your head on top of Natasha’s.
You sigh again. “Okay then, why do my relationships not last long?”
“Because the intimacy you want with said partner is already something you share with Steve.” Nat stops and tried to think of a way to convey her thoughts. “Minus the kisses and sex.”
You sighed for what seemed like the nth time that day. “Alright lets change topics. How are your ballet lessons going?”
You had some guy named Jake over at your place a few days after your girls night with Nat. It was just a one night thing and he was already in the corridor outside your apartment when Steve appeared from the stairs, slightly breathless.
You see his face drop when he sees the guy standing outside your door. Wait- why have you never seen that before? It wasn’t the first time Steve came over while there was a guy at your apartment?
Fuckfuckfuck. Damn it, Bucky. And Natasha.
“Hey, Steve.” You turn to Jake, or was it Jacob? “Bye, Joseph.”
Said guy just looks at you in shock. “It’s John.”
“Yeah, potato, potahto.” You flashed him a grim smile before dragging Steve into your apartment and leaving the John in the corridor.
“I’ll make breakfast?” You ask Steve, already making your way to the kitchen.
He follows closely behind you. “I’ll help. What do you want?”
“Mom’s congee?”
Steve looks at you in shock. “You’re the best.”
“I know, Stevie.” You wink at him. “Just fry the chicken. And cut the onions, please, I beg you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Steve hurriedly washed his hand and took whatever he needed from the fridge.
“You wanna call the others to hang out?”
Steve shrugs, “Up to you. But you call. I just washed my hands.”
You took out your phone and shoot a text to the groupchat. The one with Sam, Nat and Bucky.
Y/N: congee day
Y/N: no beer no entry.
Nat: beer and congee? seriously?
Y/N: hey, no one’s forcing you to come nat ??
Sam: there in an hour. with beer.
Bucky: is steve making his fried chiken
Y/N: yeah
Nat: fine i’ll be there with bucky in 20 mins
Y/N: bring gummy bears please thank you ily
Steve glanced down at his smartwatch at raised his brows at your last text.
“Gummy bears, really?”
“Gummy bears and beer is literally the best thing Stevie,” You snort, “But of course you wouldn’t know since you’re an old hag, Steven.”
Steve gasps, looking at you in shock. “Did you just-”
You smirk at him, casually walking to the fridge. “You know I did, Rogers.”
You looked inside the fridge, completely not noticing that Steve was already behind you.
You turn around after grabbing a can of Schwepps from the fridge. You jumped seeing Steve towering right behind you. “Jesus, Steve.”
“You wanna try that again?” He held his hands up on both sides of the fridge, eyes twinkling playfully.
You shake your head and pointed at him. “None of the food war crap. I had to clean up the mess the last time.”
Steve gazed down at you. “You better take it back if you don’t want a new mess to clean up.”
You took the time to look at him– really look at him.
Steve's hot, and goodlooking. You’ve already known that. But have you ever really looked at him?
How there’s that weird drain between his brows when he’s frowning, or how his chin is like a shade darker than the rest of his face. There’s a spot on his cheek and his forehead. You’ve never really noticed them before. His eyes always had a shine. The only time you saw it dull was at his dad’s funeral and then again when Sarah Rogers passed away about 4 years after. Your parents took him in straight afterwards.
Those blue eyes are always so intense. Whether he’s trying to get a thread into the needle or reading Paper Towns, Steve’s eyes are so goddamn intense. Like he’s trying to burn a hole through the pages of that stupid book.
“You’re staring,” He noted, even though his eyes were deeply staring into you too.
“You’re staring,” You dutifully told him in return.
“I’m looking,” You see his eyes glancing down to your lips quickly and then back into your eyes.
Your eyes shifted down to his lips too. You know how it feels firsthand. Plump and soft, and it feels so good against your own. The natural pink only compliments his pale skin.
It has never been this intense. He was staring into you and you were gazing into him. His body warmth completely overrides the cold air of the fridge behind you. And his presence was... present, huge. Was this what people called sexual tension?
Damn it, Bucky. And Natasha. And Sam. And your parents.
His gaze switched between your eyes and lips, leaning down slowly and hesitantly. You leaned in too, slowly going up on the tip of your toes.
You could feel his breath on your face.
“We shouldn’t,” You whispered lowly.
“I know,” Steve’s hand still shifted to your jaw, though and he's caressing very lightly.
Your hands trailed up and linked at the back of his neck, and you completely press your lips against his.
It has been at least a year since you’ve been this close to Steve. But this, this was just different.
Steve kisses you back, lips soft but a little rough. It reminds you perfectly of the first time you kissed him he kissed you.
There was a thought in the back of your mind about how this was possibly going to be awkward later. But, fuck. His lips feels too good to stop.
You pull away from him, just about an inch or two away from his lips. “Steve,”
He speaks lowly, “I swear if you tell me that we shouldn’t do this...”
“We shouldn’t.” You breathed deeply. “But we need to talk about this,”
“Talk about what?” His voice raises the slightest bit. “Talk about how I’ve been in lo-”
The doorbell rings.
And just like that, your moment broke.
Steve closed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth, before he completely pulls away from you and turned around.
“Go get the door. I’ll get started on the chicken.”
You listened, stepping out of the kitchen and to towards the door. Your mind was still processing what just happened. Was he about to say... But, Fuck.
Even if he did say it, you have no idea what you’d do.
Your hand curls around the door knob and you pushed it down and pulled the door open.
Nat and Bucky were on the other side, holding up bags and something that looks like 10 bags of gummy bears.
Not that you have any complaints.
“Your face looks weird. What happened?” Natasha brushes past you as she strides into your apartment, dropping her handbag on the dining table and then going into the kitchen.
“Yeah, you look weird. Why does the house seem so quiet?” Bucky asks next, pushing past you and going straight into the kitchen.
“Yeah, cause I just kissed Steve. Of course it’s gonna be like the fucking Kardashians’ house, ain’t it?” You mutter lowly under your breath, knowing damn well they can’t hear you.
“Hey, Steve,” Tasha sets the bags in the counter before she goes over and pecks Steve on his cheek. “You look weird too. What happened between you two?” She glances between you and Steve with a question mark on her face.
“Did you have sex?”
You turn to Bucky almost immediately. “No!”
“Alright, no need to get so defensive, Tiger. Did you kiss?”
The blush on Steve’s cheeks and the silence from you was a good enough answer for the both of then.
“Oh, so something did happen, huh?” Natasha teased, eyes glinting with some sort of evil.
“Shut up.” Steve grunts as he continues dipping small chicken cubes into flour and then into the egg mixture.
“Did you kiss his dick or just his mouth?”
You roll your eyes, stepping towards the sink to wash your hands, completely ignoring Bucky’s question.
You eyed Steve from your peripheral vision. He was silent too.
Well, fuck.
like comment reblog? i’ll love you forever
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draconica · 3 years
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Husband fluff? I gotchu, fam. How’s about their whole wedding? 👀
Nick was pacing back and forth, back and forth, rubbing his hands together nervously. It had all been done - his grey tuxedo was on and he was dressed impeccably with a white rose in his lapel. His hair was slicked back perfectly, he was clean shaven and wearing that aftershave that Ellis really liked on him. Once or twice during his pacing, he would catch sight of himself in the mirror and be tempted to touch himself up in his nervous state. But no - he looked perfect, as Ellis would've told him if he were here. But he wouldn't see Ellis until they walked down that aisle together.
Last night had been hard; Ellis had stayed at Keith's while Nick spent the night at Rochelle's. The gambler really wanted to see his little lover just so he could calm his nerves, but Hell, they had to do things 'by tradition'. It's what Ellis wanted. Whatever his lover wanted, he would get. Nick had always been adamant on that front.
A knock at the door jarred him from his thoughts and suddenly there was Coach poking his head inside. "They're ready for you, young'un." He grinned and stepped inside, wearing a smart dark blue suit of his own. The elder man put a firm hand on Nick's shoulder, trying to keep him grounded. "You good?"
Nick gave a long exhale and then turned back to the mirror, eyeing his reflection one last time as a single man. The conman nodded. "Let's go."
Ellis meanwhile was in another room of the hotel, his toes curling a little inside of his shiny black shoes. "Ro, is it normal to be nervous as all shit?" the mechanic whimpered whilst his long-time friend, a woman he considered the big sister he'd never had, straightened up his wonky neck tie.
"You'll be fine, sweetie," Rochelle gave a small smile and placed a comforting hand on his face, patting it lovingly. "This is your wedding. Nothing could make old Suit love you any less."
“I know, I know,” Ellis sighed, placing his hand over hers. “Jus' don't wanna make a fool of myself if I screw up my vows or somethin'.”
Francis, who was across the room leaning against the wall, let out a chuckle. “Honestly, I've got my money on Colonel Sanders messing up somehow. You don't even need to worry, pipsqueak.”
Ellis threw Francis a small smile, knowing that the biker was only trying to cheer him up.
At that moment, Keith knocked on the door and shouted out to his best friend. “El! It's time to get hitched, let's go!”
“Aw, Lord,” paled the mechanic, his fingers curling together in nervousness. “O-okay, alright.”
"Ready?" The dark-skinned woman asked him, her chestnut eyes glinting with eagerness.
Ellis smiled at her determination and nodded, taking in slow and deep breaths. "Ready as I'll ever be, Ro." With that, they walked out into the corridor and began to head down to the event hall in the hotel.
Their guests were already in place, sat in their seats and murmuring between themselves as the time fast approached. Keith slipped into the room and went to find Dave and his other friends near the front. Nick peered inside from the door at the far end of the aisle as he and Coach waited for the second groom to arrive.
“I'd better go take my place,” Coach said, glancing down the room at the space where he would be standing in order to perform the ceremony. “When you hear the music, that's your cue, all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Nick let out a half-breath and looked back, anticipating Ellis to walk around the corner any minute. The football coach simply chuckled at him and then entered the main hall, being sure to close the door behind him and leaving Nick to his own thoughts.
The gambler had been a complete jumble of nerves from the moment he left Ellis's side the previous day. It wasn't just the wedding, it was getting married again. Despite the fact that becoming Ellis's husband was something he'd wanted for years before this point, he couldn't quieten the harsh voice of this past that told him that he would ruin this all over again. Okay, sure, his last marriage hadn't been based on love per se, but that only made it worse; Nick was about to step into the unknown and that scared him more that facing off against a million zombie hordes.
But when he turned and saw his fiancé, the voice was easily silenced.
Ellis was wearing a light grey suit that brought out his eyes, a yellow rose pinned to his lapel. His hair was loose as usual but something about the way the soft hotel lights bounced of the dusty blond curls made it almost resemble a halo. Nick instantly felt a wave of relief wash over him that accompanied a quake in his knees. He managed to stay standing, just about, and willed himself to move toward him.
“Ellis,” he smiled widely, barely acknowledging Francis and Rochelle who had entered behind his partner. Ellis stepped forward also until he could meet Nick in the middle, reaching out to hold him the second he got close enough. He crushed the man in a hug and for a moment could not tell if it was Nick who was shaking or himself.
“Nick,” he whispered back as the scent of Nick's favorite aftershave was suddenly filling his head like Opium and allowed him to relax against the warm weight in his arms. Francis and Rochelle slipped past and went to take their seats right at the front of the procession, leaving the happy couple to a moment of quiet together before the ceremony began.
“Sweetheart, you look amazing,” Nick murmured against Ellis's shoulder. When he pulled back, not moving too far from his fiancé, he cupped Ellis's cheek and brushed a gentle thumb just under his eye. “I mean, you always do, but...”
“Shucks, Nick, so do you.” Ellis felt the heat from Nick's palm and knew he was blushing something furious. “Baby, I gotta tell ya, I'm a nervous wreck right about now. I dunno if it's because you ain't been with me or because I know what we're about to do, or…”
Nick would usually prefer to shut Ellis up with a kiss, but that wasn't an option at the moment. He always knew what Ellis wanted, and one of those things would be for their next kiss to be the kiss – their first as a married couple. For now, he had to rely on just shushing him gently.
“It's gonna be fine, El. Nothing to be nervous about.” Nick was in that same boat, however he knew he needed to be calm for Ellis's sake. At that moment, just as Nick was trying to level out his breathing, a soothing and slow violin began to play from the main room. The gambler swallowed. “That's our cue.”
Ellis swallowed and turned to the door obediently, all the while not letting go of his fiancé’s hand. He wanted to say something else, but all he could do was bite his lip and try not to babble on like he tended to do when excited. Nick stepped forward, and Ellis followed at his side, as they opened the doors and stepped beyond the threshold together.
Their guest were standing by their seats, all eyes turned towards them with bright smiles to accompany them. They hadn't made all that many new friends since the apocalypse, so the guest list wasn't exactly huge, but everyone who was here were the only people that mattered.
The one side included Dave, Keith and the latter's two brothers, all of whom had big toothy grins at watching their best buddy walk down the aisle. There was also Louis and Zoey, who they'd come to be great friends with – Nick had even worked with Louis for a while in Atlantic City when the Infected was still a subsiding threat.
On the other side, Rochelle, clad in a black and pink dress, was stood beside her boyfriend Francis. The biker was looking at them proudly while keeping one hand delicately on Ro's arm. Near them, one row back, was a very special guest: Nick's mom, Angela.
Ellis had reached out to her without Nick's knowledge not long after they had first moved in together and had surprised him by flying her over. It had been a staggering moment for Nick who, up until that moment, had assumed his mother absolutely did not want to see him. After a reconciliation, in which Nick had been proved thankfully wrong, he had made an effort to bring her back into his life. She hadn't even known about his first marriage (he was relieved about that), so it was an incredibly proud moment for her to watch her son get married. Nick caught her eye as he passed and felt a lump in his throat.
And, finally, there was Coach. He was waiting for them at the end of the aisle with a large grin and carrying a closed book. When Nick and Ellis had learned that Coach had been previously ordained in order to officiate his sister's wedding a few years ago, asking him to marry them had a no brainer. Nick in particular was not keen on having a stuffy old minister who would rattle on about Bible passes perform the ceremony.
Once the two grooms had walked their way hand-in-hand to the end of the aisle, the woman playing the violin at the side closed off the gentle song and the hall fell into silence for a second before the room shuffled and took their seats again. Coach cleared his throat and opened his book.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Ellis and Nicolas. These two guys are very important to me, as I'm sure they are to all of you, and we count ourselves truly blessed to be here to share their special day with them.”
As Coach carried on reading his sermon, Nick squeezed Ellis's hand, feeling the younger man squeeze back. He glanced over and noticed those baby blue eyes were on him, already shining with anticipatory tears. 'You got this,' he tried to tell him with his smile alone, and he could've sworn he saw Ellis gave a slight nod back to him.
“If anyone here has a reason to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Nick felt pinpricks on the back of his neck. Ellis's fingers tightened around his partner's. Luckily, there was no such objection from behind them, and Nick had to smile at Coach's face in that moment – he looked about ready to unleash thunder on anyone who dared. With that out of the way, Coach continued.
“Nicolas and Ellis will now vow themselves by body and soul to each other and have chosen to do so in their own words. It is by these vows that they will continue their lives together. Please, face each other, now.” The two grooms turned, taking each other's hands. “Nicolas, if you would.”
The ex-conman took a deep breath, looking Ellis in the eyes as he began to recite the words written by his heart.
"Ellis… wow, I can't believe we're here. Ever since I was small, my life was nothing but uncertainty and running away, never looking back. When we met… I was at my lowest point. But you were a light that I could follow to escape the darkness. You were everything I needed and wanted. Not only did you teach me how to love and trust people again, you taught me how to love myself. And for that, I want to pledge the rest of my life to you – there's no one else in the world I would trust with something so important to me."
Ellis had to hang his head for a moment and Nick could tell he was starting to lose his battle with his tears. A number of the guest already had, judging by the sniffling he could vaguely hear behind them.
Coach had to clear his throat again, something Nick found highly amusing, and then turned to Ellis. “Ellis? Off ya go.”
As the mechanic's head rose once more, there was a single tear running down his cheek. He reached up to wipe it away, swallowed, and chuckled into a smile.
“Nick. For the longest time in my life, I thought I had everythin' figured out. Then, after it was all turned upside down in the blink of an eye, you were there to make it right again. You… you guided me and kept me safe, you showed what it meant to be brave and strong but most importantly, you made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. No matter what came our way, we would face it t'gether. Right now… with the rest of our lives stretchin' out ahead of us, I cannot wait to take it all on by your side. My badass zombie-killin' husband.”
Just hearing Ellis say that final word was like unleashing the floodgates in Nick, who had been doing a pretty good job so far at keeping the tears at bay. He suddenly felt them pool in his eyes, all ready to spill. He could've sworn he could hear Francis sniffing over his shoulder, which made him chuckle.
The rings were then exchanged. Nick's was a silver band that he had carefully chosen so that it would stand out against his usual gold ones if he decided to wear them. Ellis's ring was a vibrant gold to match his hair, something that Nick was pleased about at the time they'd picked them out. Once both bands had been snugly fit onto the fourth fingers of both grooms, they joined hands as per Coach's instruction.
“Ellis and Nicolas have exchanged the vows that will carry them on into the next stage of their lives and have also promised sacred wedding bands to each other as a physical proof of their union. Now, I gotta ask you both one last thing.” He turned to Ellis. “Ellis, do you take Nicolas to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love him and support him through sickness and health, so long as you both shall live?”
Ellis gazed into the calming green of his lover's eyes, in doing so more tears rolled down his face. “I do.”
Coach was grinning, but still tried to remain professional in his role. “And do you, Nicolas, take Ellis to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love and support him for richer or poorer, 'till death do you part?”
Nick had to smile at a thought that came to him just then; how he had gone from telling Ellis how he really felt being the hardest thing he'd ever had to do, to being the easiest when he spoke those two important words. “I do.”
Beside them, their eldest friend shut the book – he didn't need to read for this part.
“Then… it's with a great honor and pride that in the presence of all those who love you, by the powers vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you both as lawful beloved husbands. Now kiss each other b'fore I start cryin'.”
Smiling widely, the grooms kissed at last to loud applause (mostly from Ellis's over-excited Savannah buddies) and Nick could vaguely taste the salty tears on the edge of his husband’s lips. But had they been El's tears, or his own?
As the music started once more in order to begin the recession, Nick and Ellis turned to their guests just as Coach announced behind them. “Mister Nicolas Devlin and Mister Ellis Miller!”
Rochelle was dabbing under her eyes with a tissue all the while absolutely beaming at them. Ellis could swear he saw Francis with a tissue curled up in his hand while he was clapping. On the other side, all his friends were still cheering him on, Louis giving him a cheery thumbs up as he passed by. Nick meanwhile briefly left Ellis's side to hug his mom who was nothing short of a wreck with how delighted she was. Ellis was looking forward to spending more time with her, and especially Nick spending more time with her.
The guests all filed out behind the happy couple as they moved into a larger event hall adjacent to the first. This one was lined with tables adorned with place mats, fancily-folded napkins and large flower center pieces. Nick and Ellis had a brief moment to themselves before greeting their guests and Nick took Ellis in his arms for a few sweet kisses.
“I love you.” He couldn't stop smiling. “God damn, you ruined me back there.”
“I ruined you?” Ellis retorted and shook his head, unable to resist more kisses.
It was time for the guests to join them, and the grooms stood by the door to chat to each of them before they found their seats. Rochelle gave them both hugs and smacked them on the shoulders for ruining her make-up, then Coach reiterated again how proud he'd been to officiate for the pair of them before getting hugs of his own.
Soon enough, once Nick and Ellis had taken their seats at the head table and everyone had been poured a glass of champagne, it was time for dinner to be served. Ellis was tempted to keep the main meal light so that he could have more of the wedding cake – it sat on a table at the side, a three-tiered chocolate dessert, and Ellis had been thinking about it ever since they'd picked it out of the catalogue at the baking company.
“We'll cut it soon enough,” Nick whispered to him, placing a hand over his when he caught Ellis staring.
Ellis blushed and picked up his champagne for a quick sip. “Would ya believe I married you jus' so I could eat it?”
Shaking his head, Nick leant in for one more kiss of many and grinned. “Not a chance.”
Once the main course had been served and eaten amongst the jovial conversation of everyone in the room, Zoey began to clink a fork against her champagne glass. Other gentle chimes began to join and caused a flush to creep around the older groom's neck. Eventually, Nick relented, nodding slowly, and grabbed his own champagne flute before standing up.
"Yeah, uh... a speech..." he said, scratching his face. "Uh... well, first of all, thanks to everyone for coming today to share this special day with us. It really means a lot to see so many of you here and thanks for the well-wishes and gifts, we sure appreciate them. And, uh... Ellis, why don't you finish up." He picked Ellis up by his forearm, grinning as the room chuckled around him.
Ellis leant against Nick briefly and gave a sideways smirk at him. “Yeah, what Nick said! Its been such an amazin' day so far. We wouldn't be nothin' without each and ev'ry one of y'all. So thanks!”
Coach lifted his glass beside them. “To Nick and Ellis,” he toasted, cuing everyone in the room to join the chorus and then started a small applause.
Ellis nudged Nick with his elbow. “Now, I think it's cake time?” He looked up hopefully at his handsome husband being met with a roll of his green eyes.
“Alright, sport. Let's go.”
The young mechanic practically bounded from his place and tugged his husband's hand towards the cake table, the guests also standing and moving closer to watch the moment for themselves. They took the knife in hand and carefully cut into the bottom cake to another round of applause. As Nick continued to cut out slices and hand them out on plates to the guests, Ellis got his husband's attention while he ate his own slice. Nick had just turned to him when suddenly Ellis smeared a glob of chocolate icing on the end of his nose.
Rochelle gasped and started to laugh at the look on Nick's face, a mock of both annoyed and amused, and then Nick decided to retaliate by leaning in to kiss him and purposely rubbing his nose against El's. That was all that came from the teasing – no sense in wasting good cake. Especially with Coach in the room.
With dinner eaten, it was time to party. The room in which the ceremony had been performed had now been cleared and converted, the resulting dance floor ready to see people into the rest of the evening.
The chattering guests gathered around the hardwood floor in anticipation for the happy couple's first dance. Nick could feel a little nervous at the expectant stares, but Ellis's hand in his grounded him as they both stepped forward. Having his lover by his side was always enough to quell any nerves.
Ellis placed his hands on Nick's shoulders close to his neck, and Nick's rested upon Ellis's waist. From the DJ's podium at the one end of the room, the man started the song he'd been told to play for the first dance.
The Midnight Riders. Ellis's choice, of course.
“How did I guess?” Nick chuckled. Ellis just gave a half-shrug.
“It's one of their slower songs,” explained the mechanic as he hummed along to the intro of 'Save Me Some Sugar'. Their feet began to move across the floor in short steps, not so much dancing as shifting in place together while turning slowly. Everyone's eyes were on the pair of them, but they didn't care to notice when their gazes were locked to each other and nowhere else. “We've done it, darlin'. After all that waitin'...”
“Yeah,” Nick murmured to him. “My husband. God, that feels so good to say, doesn't it?”
“I know what'cha mean. Still don't feel real.” Ellis sighed. “Prob'bly won't sink in for a while, neither. Maybe after we get back from the honeymoon. Hey… ya still ain't said where we're goin'.”
“Sweetheart, I told you,” smiled the gambler, having already addressed this line of questioning a hundred times before. “You'll find out at the airport.”
Ellis pouted, his fingers curling a little more around Nick's neck to twine into the loose hairs at the back of his head. “You ain't s'posed to keep secrets from your husband,” he said matter-of-factly.
Nick kissed him; that new name he could give Ellis was doing all kinds of good things for him. “I fucking love you, El.”
“Love ya more.” Ellis repeated Nick's kiss with one of his own, and before they knew it, the song was starting to die away and their first dance was over. The crowd around them cheered and Nick obliged them with another sweet kiss to his husband's soft lips.
Then the party truly began with some cheesy pop music. Rochelle all but dragged Francis onto the floor with her and laughed as he tried to find his feet. Ellis moved and danced with Zoey, Keith and Dave danced with each other (although it was more like failed break-dancing) and Nick went to dance with his mom, pretending to know how to ballroom dance.
The party lasted well into the night with plenty of dancing, drinks and good cheer for the happy couple. Ellis could tell it was getting later without needing to look at a clock because their guests would one-by-one catch him on their way out to give their final wishes and goodbyes. Once the night had turned into the wee hours of the morning, Nick and Ellis decided to retire for the night themselves. They made sure to thank the hotel staff before retrieving the key to the honeymoon suite, very generously gifted to them by Rochelle and Francis as a wedding present.
By the time they reached the top floor, there was only one thing on their mutual minds. Nick had an arm around Ellis's waist, fingers teasing the lip of his belt whilst his other hand unlocked the hotel room door.
“Should I carry you in?” Nick teased him once he'd managed to push the door open.
Ellis just smirked up at him, and maybe it was the buzz of the evening that powered his next choice of words. “Nah, man. I got this.”
Ellis bent over, grabbed Nick around his legs and hauled him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. There was only a moment or two of annoyed noises behind him before Nick began to laugh. “Ellis! Put me down!”
The mechanic was strong enough to make his way over to the plush couch on the other side of the living space with his tall husband over his shoulder before he fell forwards, Nick falling open armed across the cushions. Ellis was half on the couch and half on top of Nick and he couldn't quite tell where he ended and his husband began.
“You idiot,” Nick laughed breathlessly as he tried to sit up.
Ellis grinned at him and backed up to give the man room. “You married this idiot,” he challenged.
“Yeah, what was I thinking?” teased Nick as he met the hick in the middle for another kiss. This was was sweet at first, though soon turned a little more heated with thoughts of what came next. “Y'know, El, this marriage won't be official until we consummate it.”
“Well, what're we waitin' for?” The mechanic rose to his feet, extending his arms in order to pull the other man up with him. “I've always wanted to sleep with a married man.”
Nick laughed once more as he fell into his husband's embrace and kissed his forehead, knowing that the warm swelling he could feel in his heart whenever he looked at Ellis would be a consistent effect for a long, long time.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
what if chu's s/o escapes port mafia, leaving chuuya to think she left him like dazai did (but in reality, she was pregnant & didn't want the child to grow up in PM. though she has taken extra measures so her son will not be endangered, PM still managed to kidnap him and hold him hostage in exchange for her to come back to their ranks. it is when she comes to save their son that chu discovers that the child is his. you do your own take if you want, your writing, your choice! 💓💓
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HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARDS.      genre. hmmm,, i guess it’s fluffy      synopsis. you reveal a secret you’ve kept to yourself for so long, it’s time you finally come clean.      word count. 2,680      author notes. hi, thank you this was an interesting request, i tried not to make it too long. & i usually don’t put so much dialogue (if at all XD) so i hope you can still enjoy this <33
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“Boss, the VIPs are here to see you, they’re being held down at the lobby. Do you want to send them up here?”
The chair swirls around, revealing the man behind the table, a picture of perfect composure. A curt nod is all it takes for the goon to leave the room, ready to escort the guests up.
Once the doors are closed again, he puts the cigarette out on his ashtray, exhaling that last puff of smoke. Gloved fingers intertwine together as he ponders long and hard about how he should greet them later.
The man eyes the drawer under his table, the bottom leftmost one — the special drawer. He opens it languidly to unveil a stash of letters, too many to count at one glance. That’s not surprising though. After all, it’s twelve years’ worth of letters. He grabs the top one, beady eyes glossing over its contents. He folds it back along the same lines.
They all look the same. Made out to him, but with no return address.
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“They found someone at the house. We have him right now.”
The man on the other line seems to still have something to say, but the redhead doesn’t allow him. It’s a matter that can’t wait.
“Keep him there, make sure he doesn’t leave.”
Chuuya leaves the rest of the torturing to his colleagues as he exits the premises. He recalls what his subordinate reported earlier. ‘Him’? He scoffs. It’s been six years since you left the mafia and basically vanished into thin air. Which is a considerably long time, but Chuuya still can’t wrap the possibility around there being a new guy in your life.
Besides, the redhead didn’t do anything wrong. Why did you have to leave without a word? Why did you feel the need to leave at all, even? It couldn’t be stress. No way. You worked at the Port Mafia casino, yes. You were in charge of it all, and it did anything but stress you out. You loved working there. You loved the gamble. You absolutely revelled in the risk.
They put you in charge of the casino for more reasons than one. You were very calculative, very meticulous. You always had your moves planned out beforehand and you were always able to tell your opponents’ hand without even having to cheat. The gambling was definitely one of the reasons why you were so good at manipulating people. It was also one of the reasons why even Mori asked for your help in some cases.
But your best quality as a mafioso?
Your unpredictability. Or, as Mori dubbed it, your insanity. In both gambling and in general. You had helped the mafia win favours over more than just a few officials by winning against them — be it in poker or any other games. You weren’t even below playing russian roulette. Sure, Chuuya had been worried at first, but after a while it was pretty clear you’d always make it out of it safe — was it luck or was it pure calculation, or a mixture of both perhaps? Chuuya doesn’t really question it. And when it came to planning missions, your unconventional methods always helped, because no one would ever see it coming.
That blew up in his face though. You left him without any clues pertaining to your whereabouts or why you left in the first place. He thought you left along with his ex-partner, that maybe it had something to do with him. But it was apparent that wasn’t the case. Not when you didn’t surface at all even when Dazai did. He couldn’t help but keep thinking of potential things that happened to you. Did you leave because you met someone else? Doubtful. But given how long it’s been, it’s certainly not out of the question that you already did meet someone else by now.
You’re beautiful, smart, fun. You’re everything anyone could wish for. You’re so understanding that sometimes Chuuya questions where you get your patience from. You were just perfect, in every sense of the word.
Chuuya groans just thinking of everything. Even after being kicked to the curb, why is it that now he is still attracted to you? Lucky he was, though. Because that’s the only reason he agreed with Mori’s plan to put all efforts into seeking you out. You were incredibly elusive, and a pain in the ass because of that. And had it not been for a certain intense war against an enemy organisation, they would’ve let you go on with your life, wherever you ended up. You’ve been very quiet, not spreading anything about the mafia, or else Mori would’ve picked up on it. Very well-behaved, and a pardon would’ve been your reward.
But even the best needs help sometimes. And Mori specifically wants yours. He probably figured Chuuya was the biggest factor that would tilt things in their favour, and he agrees. Which is why he heads this mission in the first place. Not only is he the biggest shot at getting you back, but he wants to see you. Wants to know exactly why you left him the way you did.
Closure. He wants closure.
Life is funny though. Because he ends up with more questions than answers when he opens the door to his office.
Suddenly all the idle chatter he passes by in the hallway makes sense. The ones that just skip past his ears because he’s too deep in thought about you. He remembers the gist of them though. Things like “he’s so cute, like a model,” and “right? I think he looks handsome” (to which Chuuya was slightly annoyed by because he thought it was referring to your new beau).
But no, he wasn’t greeted with a man. He opened his doors to find a boy with eyes as blue as the ocean sitting on his desk, fiddling with his pens. Eyes that remind him of the exact shade he looks at in the mirror everyday. Chuuya hurriedly shuts the door, locks it, and steps hesitantly toward the boy.
This boy… looks roughly about six years old. And Chuuya feels his breath hitching in his throat. That’s around the time you went missing. He feels everything closing in around him, the fear of why you left him finally being made clear to him.
Weirdly enough, the boy isn’t the tiniest bit scared. His head is tilted, fingers still fiddling with Chuuya’s fountain pen, and waiting for Chuuya to reach him. He blinks his little eyes, before finally smiling up at him after a while. He opens his mouth, a simple word leaving his delicate lips.
Chuuya isn’t even allowed a further minute to process it before he hears knocking on the ceiling and someone falls through the vent onto the floor; one with an all-too-familiar figure. And who flashes an all-too-familiar grin.
Half an hour later Chuuya finds himself struggling to process all the information you’ve unloaded on him. He observes as his son draws on a random piece of paper he’s found lying around, in the other side of the room.
“You let them think they’ve captured our son, when in reality you were waiting for them to?”
You nod. Chuuya internally facepalms himself. How is it that you’re able to gamble with this, too? With your — and his — son’s life on the line? You basically left him there to be abducted, knowing that they won’t do anything without Chuuya’s permission (who’s to say he wouldn’t have allowed them to torture the kid? Well, he wouldn’t, but still…) and then sneak yourself past security and into his office, all in the hopes of letting him know he has a son?
Then again, you wouldn’t bet something like that if you didn’t believe that things would absolutely go your way. He’s been with you for so long before, he’s familiar with your moves and the way you think. Not completely, but good enough.
It was so brilliantly simple. (Also, you used to sneak into his office through the vents when your relationship was still under wraps, so it really wasn’t a surprise to him that you chose to sneak in through there now.)
“Why now, after all this time? Why tell me now?”
For a moment he catches a brief look of guilt wash over your face. You lie back on the couch on your spot next to him, and close your eyes, as though bracing for an outburst as his response.
“I didn’t want to tell you at all, at first…” you trail off, the guilt completely taking over you now. “I only came now because… I want you to get Mori off my back.”
Now Chuuya understands why.
So, you didn’t even intend to give him a chance to meet his son, let alone let him be involved in any part of your life. But you only appeared because you knew Mori would come after you, demand for your help. The only reason you showed yourself today… was to convince Chuuya to help you. Because if there’s anyone who could convince Mori to back off, Chuuya could. And you understood that all too well.
Chuuya can just laugh at himself right now. How foolish is he, to think that you came back because you still harboured feelings for him. How pathetic of him.
He can sense his expression growing grim. Not that he’ll make any attempts to conceal it. His cerulean eyes travel from his son to you. You seem a little less guilty now, though. You look… at peace, somehow.
“What makes you think I’ll do what you want?”
“Because you want to prove me wrong.”
Your answer catches him off guard, and his anger is replaced by utter confusion. You take his silence as your cue to explain.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t think you’d make a good father and do what’s right for our son. Prove me wrong. Keep our son away from this. Do what a good father would and give him a chance to grow up normal.”
Chuuya scoffs. So that’s why you didn’t tell him anything. Never told him you were pregnant. Never hinted at a goodbye. You’d rather be branded a traitor like Dazai instead of having to make Chuuya choose between you and the mafia. He knows; if you set your mind on something, it’s hard to change it. And in other situations it might’ve been negotiable, but not with your baby.
You know Chuuya would never betray the mafia. That’s why you think he’d never make a good father. Because he can’t put you or the baby first. And now… Now you come with good faith. You’re trying to believe that he can learn to be a good father.
Starting with this choice.
This impossible choice.
Except not really. He knows what he’ll end up choosing anyway. You were right. If he knew you were pregnant he’d have convinced you to stay with the mafia, convinced you that he’d make sure the baby is well-protected. But then he’d be missing the point of your whole argument. You grew up in the mafia, and technically, so did he. You knew how it didn’t allow a chance at normalcy, and you didn’t want to strip your baby of that choice. You wanted your child to at least have a taste of what being normal is like, before you ultimately let them choose what they want.
Now, even if he gives an unfavourable reply, he knows you’d do anything to keep his son away from the mafia. It’s only a question of whether or not you’d have to struggle against Chuuya for it.
Silently, he stretches a hand out to you as he gets up from the couch. He can see the subtle surprise on your face. You’re impressed, aren’t you? He has on the best poker face since you’ve met him. You can’t guess what he’s thinking, this being the first of such instance since you’ve met him. He doesn’t say a thing when you ask him what he’s up to, only continuing to offer his hand to you, keeping mum.
A gamble, a risk you’d have to take. You can either take his hand and see where he leads you, which could lead to you getting your way or it could just lead to total destruction. Or, you can refuse, and then you’d have to figure a way out on your own. Which Chuuya doesn’t doubt you’d already have ingrained in your head.
But he knows you’ll choose the former. Why? It’s the only one where an inherent risk is present. Because you’d be totally in his mercy.
And that’s why you find yourself flown out of the headquarters, onto some random building’s rooftop. A perfect view of the setting sun and an even more perfect view of your old lover, striking crimson locks imitating the beauty of the orange sunset.
Looks like it paid off.
“Will you let me know where you’re staying? A child needs his father,” Chuuya asks you, your fingers intertwined in his, and you forgot just how much you missed this; him.
“And the mafia needs you.”
A swift rejection, but he’s not going to give up so easily.
“I have a right to know. He’s my son too.”
You inch closer to him and he feels like his heart is going to leap out of his chest. It’s been six years since he’s been this close to you, and he can’t believe he has to let you go again. With your son in tow, too. Without so much as a clue as to where you’re going to move to. No way to find out. Given that they only managed to find you in the first place because you wanted to be found.
“Maybe if you’re the boss or something.”
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Now here he is, sitting in the office, new king of the Port Mafia. And his two very important guests are making their way up here. Chuuya hurriedly puts the letters back away. They were how you communicated with him, updated him on you and your son. Though you never put any return address, so Chuuya couldn’t send one back even if he wanted to. Also, you didn’t include any photos, so Chuuya is curious how his son has turned out.
Your timing is impeccable, to choose to visit him just as he’s taken over the office. He suspects maybe you have your ways, what with the vast amount of officials you have wrapped around your finger.
But as the doors open, every other thought he has is thrown out the window. You enter first, and his face lights up, seeing those familiar pair of eyes, so warm, so inviting now. And behind you, your son, now slightly taller than you (and probably Chuuya but he refuses to think of that), greeting him with a polite nod and a smirk on his face.
A wave of understanding washes across his child’s face when he spots something hanging on the wall behind his father.
“Hey! You kept the drawing I did when I first came here!”
He had drawn the three of you together, with himself in the middle, his parents on either side of him, holding his hands and walking in a park.
Chuuya chuckles. “Of course, it was the only thing your mom let me remember you by.” He shifts his gaze over to you as your son gets the hint, moving to admire another far corner of the room.
You let yourself fall into his arms, and Chuuya hugs you tight. Because it’s taken eighteen years. A long, torturous eighteen years apart, which honestly was a run in circles, though it was a necessary one. But now finally, he can be together with you, and his son. Chuuya looks down at you with the warmest gaze you’ve ever seen, wet eyes threatening to spill with tears any moment now.
“Welcome home, my love.”
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tags. @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes @animatedarchives
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miss-melon · 3 years
Moving Day
(Rantaro Amami x Shuichi Saihara x Reader)
It’s been about 3 months since you moved in with Rantaro Amami and Shuichi Saihara. And for the first time ever, you truly felt as though you belonged somewhere. The dynamic between the three of you just felt... right. You admit that you did have doubts about this whole thing at first but all those doubts melted away instantly on the day you moved in.
It was a beautiful sunny day, you had just finished putting the last of your things in the moving van and were officially off to start your new life with the people you loved. Once you arrived at your new place, you saw Rantaro standing outside waiting for you. You got out of the van and ran up to him. You greeted him by wrapping your arms around him and giving him a peck on the cheek, eliciting a blush from him.
“Ah... Um h-hi Y/N.” Shuichi said clearly flustered by the kiss. “Hi Shuichi!” You said, very happy to see him. “Where’s Rantaro?” You asked as you looked around. “He’s in the kitchen unpacking, c’mon, I’ll take you to him!” Shuichi said as he offered his hand to you. You took his hand and went inside your new home.
Once you two arrived in the kitchen, you saw Rantaro putting some plates away in the cupboard. When he saw the two of you, he smiled and walked over to you guys. He wrapped his arms around the two of you and pulled you into a group hug, planting a kiss on each of your heads. He looked over at Shuichi. “How’s my little detective doing today?” He asked with a smile. Shuichi couldn’t contain his blush. “W-well I’m d-doing fine Rantaro.” Rantaro gave Shuichi a small kiss on the forehead. “I hope that made it a little better than “fine” partner.” Rantaro said as he ruffled Shuichi’s hair. “I-I’m gonna go get some boxes from the van.” Shuichi said as he stumbled out the kitchen. You giggled as you watched the clearly flustered detective try to navigate through all the love you and Rantaro were giving him today.
“And how are you doing, angel?” Rantaro asked as he put his arm around you. “I’m doing good, just tired from all the moving.” You said with a sigh. “I know what you mean love, why don’t you go take a little break? Shuichi and I will bring your stuff inside, take some of the load off.” Rantaro offered. “You sure? I’d feel bad if you two did all the work for me...” You said looking down. “Hey now, don’t worry about it! We love you and don’t want you to overwork yourself.” Rantaro reached into the fridge and pulled out your favorite cold drink. “Here, drink up and come back when you feel better.” Rantaro said. “Thanks Taro, I love you.” You said before wrapping your arms around his waist. “I love you too baby.” Rantaro replied as he returned the hug.
Rantaro joined Shuichi outside as he helped him unload a particularly heavy box from the van. “Where’s Y/N?” Shuichi asked. “Oh, they weren’t feeling too well so they’re just resting up a bit.” Rantaro told the detective. “Hmmm... do you think that maybe there’s something more on their mind? Like maybe something’s bothering them?” Shuichi asked. “I kind of had the same idea, but if the Ultimate Detective thinks so too then I think it would be a good idea to check up on them.” Rantaro said sounding a bit concerned. Shuichi nodded as they set the box down and made their way over to the room where you were sitting.
You were deep in thought, looking out the window sipping on your drink when you heard footsteps coming in your direction. You turned around and saw Shuichi and Rantaro approaching behind you. “Hey... um... we were just wondering if you’re doing okay?” Shuichi asked as he lightly scratched the back of his neck. “O-oh I’m doing okay... just a bit tired!” You said as you flashed a smile trying to reassure them. “Then why are you crying sweetheart?” Rantaro asked. You didn’t even notice that there were tears streaming down your face. When you realized that they weren’t gonna let you drop it, you let out a sigh and began to speak.
“I-I’m sorry guys... it’s just that I’m really nervous about moving and everything. It’s not like I don’t want to be here, I do! I’m just a little scared is all.” You said truthfully. Shuichi nodded as he walked over and wrapped his arms around you. “It’s okay to be nervous Y/N. To be honest I’m a little nervous too, but I’m also really excited! I’m excited that we can have this time together. Because well... I love you.” Shuichi said, still hugging you. Rantaro joined in on the hug. “Y/N, I’ve been on a lot of adventures in my life. But there’s not a single one that I’ve been more excited for than this adventure that the three of us are about to embark on together.” Rantaro said with his long arms still wrapped lovingly around the both of you. You were so overcome with happiness at how much love these two guys were showing you right now that your tears continued to fall. “T-thank you guys so much, seriously... I love you both so much.” You said. Rantaro and Shuichi both smiled. “I love you too.” They both said almost in unison. “I feel a lot better now so... I’m gonna go grab some more stuff from the van. Thanks for talking to me you guys.” You said with a smile as you rushed out to the moving van.
“I love them so much...” Shuichi mumbled as he let out a sigh. Rantaro put one arm around Shuichi’s shoulder. “I do too...” Rantaro said with a smile. Rantaro then looked down at Shuichi. “And I love you too, partner.” Rantaro said as he placed a kiss on Shuichi’s head. “GAH!” Shuichi exclaimed as he made his way towards the door. “I-I’m g-gonna go help Y/N some more! Love you!” Shuichi said as he quickly made his way outside. Rantaro chuckled and shook his head. “Too cute.”
This was the most difficult thing I’ve ever written by far! But I’m glad I was able to challenge myself! This may not be my best work but It’s good practice for possibly doing more stuff like this in the future! And practice makes perfect! This was for day 5 of Rantaro Amami Appreciation Week hosted by @rantaro-amami-appreciation! Hope you enjoy!
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devildamn · 4 years
Well If I Can’t Have You
(A conversation between Lucifer and MC before the harem is official. They/them pronouns. second POV mixed with Third. Oof it’s a mess, idk how to write for ambiguous mcs lol im so new at this ;w;
Nobody gave me any prompts but I so badly wanna write for this fandom before I lose interest, so I just wrote the first idea I had -^-” Asks are still open and appreciated <3 More personal thoughts at the end.)
He asked you to be his,
With a confident smile and a relaxed pose, his eyes never wavered. His request was more of an insinuation to a predetermined conclusion.
Of course, you immediately declined.
This made him stiffen. He furrowed his brow.
"What possible reason could you have to deny me?"
Well, he was quite rude for starters. And those death threats never helped. He's sadistic. Controlling. Everything about him romantically rubbed you so wrong.
At the many insults, he was quick to bristle. You strategically reign in your list of things you dislike, to paint a bigger picture.
You know he is the most powerful of the brothers. You know of his achievements. He's responsible, dedicated, and sometimes, he shows a sweeter side that could melt anyone's heart.
Just not yours.
You already have a favorite.
Lucifer released a sigh. He moved from his spot to take a few steps back. He already suspected, but this was still a blow to his pride. To lose to someone else. To lose to him, specifically.
He couldn't accept such a thing.
So, he'd suggest a compromise instead.
"You may keep your favorite. Or try to. You see, it’s not that simple….”
It’s your turn to cross your arms.
What was he talking about?
“As you may have guessed by now... Our family is quite close. We’ve lived together for so long, after all. We argue, we fight, we make up, we… share. "
Alright, and?
He grins and stands before you. His hand brushes your cheek.
"You'll never be left alone. Not if you chose any of us as your partner. We are not just a family. We are a body. We’ve never been apart for long because we know we’d never be whole if one leaves. We’ll always seek them out and bring them back.”
You narrow your eyes. You know where this is going, and you hate it. It makes Lucifer smiles wider.
“How unfortunate for you, to love one of us. But it’s not too late! You haven’t confessed anything yet, right?”
You’re pretty sure your feelings are already clear to the other person… but nothing has been out in the open yet. Lucifer continues with a laugh.
“Then you have two choices still. You can confess. We’ll all know immediately, and… surely you know everyone well enough by now to know what their individual reactions would be.”
You’ve pictured it plenty of times before. You know how messy their moodiness would be.
“Yes, it wouldn’t be good for us now would it? Cause rifts perhaps. Brawls might even ensue. Can you blame us, when you so effectively had us wrapped in your finger?”
You scoff. It wasn’t your fault everyone read more into their interactions with you than what you truly felt. Lucifer shrugs.
“In the end, they’ll be governed by their feelings of betrayal. The body will implode… but it’s nothing new. We are demons. We live for so long. We’ve fought longer for less. Your lifetime will pass and our bonds can mend. But is that the life you want? An uneasy one? I can guarantee some of us would make it our mission to find ways to abduct you. Each more elaborate than the last. Your safety… your sanity… Well, you haven’t seen the worst we can do yet.”
The threats. You always know one will work itself into a conversation with Lucifer, but still, they make you grimace. Not because they make you scared… but because they’re so annoying to deal with. To be reminded of the reality of the danger demons have on your humanity. To be reminded you’re ultimately a plaything.
Alright, next option.
“This one is simpler. Harsher. You bury your love for him. You leave the House before any bridges get crossed. You don’t come back.” Lucifer stepped away, his gaze heavy.
You both know he dislikes that option. You dislike it too.
You shake your head. You tell him those are shit options. He agrees.
You tell him to give you the third option you know he’s leading up to, already. Lucifer gives another sigh.
“I already mentioned it. We are a body. We like to share.”
Your eyes widen. You bare your teeth at his bold insinuation. No matter how much they treat you as such, you are not a toy! You have preferences. Emotions. Sure, you like some of the other brothers, but there are also some you can’t stand. To be forced into something with them?
Lucifer growls at your use of the word. Even if you were entitled to your preferences… having his brothers called such a word was aggravating. He continued to push.
“All or nothing. That’s the only way there can be peace…”
“What’s truly wrong with this option? You get to keep your favorite. You get to try things with others you like. You don’t have to force yourself to love the ones you don’t… but to tolerate their presence at least. To keep some peace. Besides, who’s to say they won’t grow on you?”
You know yourself enough to know that could never be the case.
“I digress… One little human and seven powerful demons. You’d be crowned the luckiest of your kind.”
He released a curt laugh.
“You have to admit, there are worse fates than being loved too much.”
You don’t appreciate your serious position being mocked. Lucifer gave another shrug.
“This is it. It’s up to you…”
He turns around.
“You’re free to go now. Mull it over in your room.”
You rush out his door. You’re close to slamming it.
Lucifer glanced as the door shut and goes to his desk. He still has things to do.
But the letters to the contracts weren’t enough to keep his interest. He still had fantasies he had to let go of.
To live alone with the human.
Maybe if they had chosen to be his, such a thing could've been achieved. With Lucifer's power and connections, he would find a way to hide them. Maybe fake an accident to leave behind no trail. His brothers were already attached, but a mortal was still a mortal. And if they ever got close to the truth... Lucifer could plan for that too. He could leave behind everything, run forever from his meddling siblings with his human in his arms.
Truth be told he already had a map of places that would work to shield them for a year or two before he'd move to the next.
But, as was common with his tendency to over plan, those countless hours of his mind drifting away and spending breaks thinking things through had only been a waste.
How selfish of the human.
(I hope I wrote him well enough :,o Yeee, this is a bit of a ‘how things went’ for me in my playthrough. I love Mammon. He is my dude lol. And like, I can go on on how this all happened, but ultimately, My first few chapters, I was just getting less interested in everyone and more charmed with Mammon. And I kept expecting there to be a deviation in the story where I’d get more of a concentration in charming the demon I chose, like any other dating sim does. But nah. The story kept ENCOURAGING harem choices, even with demons I DID NOT LIKE. So I made this explanation. I had to. I view it as ‘they really are just a package deal and Im forced to deal with it lol.’ And of course Lucifer would be the one to make that clear. Uggh. -v-
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Chapter 5 - Red in the Face
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: Mostly fluff but PTSD related events (panic attack).
Summary: An uneventful few months await the reader as her relationship with Joel and a Ellie develops - things take an interesting turn when Ellie stays over at the reader's house.
Word Count: 5.574
Author's Note: Yet another chapter named after a Mad Men episode, I think the name is fitting eheh... And as someone who doesn't drink coffee, I'm leaving what type of coffee Joel drinks to your imagination. Ahh anyways thank you all so much for reading!! 🥰
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Having a cup of coffee in the afternoon became a routine for you and Joel every two or three weeks. Sometimes once a week and with the company of Tommy or (mostly) Ellie, but you'd invite him over either after patrol or on your day off and just enjoy each other's company. You always had the morning shifts and Joel had the night shifts - sometimes you'd be assigned at the same time, but to different places or with different partners. The only thing you two had in common was your day off's, but not once had you two gone on patrol together, until one day Joel noticed how you came across traders on your patrol route more often than him and always brought him some coffee. He felt like he ought to repay that and invite you over for a different occasion other than dinner with the others. He grew quite fond of you in the following months after your first 'coffee session'. It was mid-June when he had asked Tommy to assign the both of you on patrol.
"Why?" Tommy smirked.
"She always comes across traders and brings me coffe, lord knows what she gives up for it..." Joel crossed his arms and stood in front of Tommy as he scribbled something down on his notebook in his office.
"So you're gonna give up patrollin' with me for our beloved Dolly, huh?" Tommy mocked offense as he closed the notebook and pushed it aside, looking up at Joel with a grin.
"She okay with you callin' her Dolly?" Joel raised his brows.
"She's okay with only us callin' her that."
"By us you mean-"
"By god, Joel," Tommy laughed heartily as he got up from his chair. "You can be so oblivious sometimes."
"What do you want from me?" Joel blushed lightly. "She'd break my fingers and shove them down my throat, I don't wanna be on her bad side."
"Yes, she would," Tommy nodded and stood across Joel, snickering. "But have you actually tried calling her that? She likes you, y'know."
Joel had thought on each word that came out of Tommy's mouth: Even if you hadn't admitted out loud, he knew you had a thing for Walt. He had a pretty keen eye for these stuff after all and didn't even bother giving the idea of you being interested in him a chance.
The twist was, his keen eyes will be proven wrong in the future. Twice.
Tommy and Maria were already aware of everything - even Ellie could see the way Joel looked at you, how his attention immediately shifted from whoever he was talking to or whatever he was doing to you whenever you made an entrance. Tommy broke the news of the patrol switch to Maria by saying that if neither of them had asked for it any sooner, I would've done it myself.
What about Walt? Well, yeah, about him...
Walt and Bonnie announced themselves as an official pair not long after your fight back in April. They lasted way longer than any of you had anticipated, which made you lose all hopes of getting with Walt, but it didn't bother you as much ever since Joel and you started going on patrols together. He was with you for a big part of the day and he was somewhat an even better company than Walt.
A few days after your fight, you asked Maria to assign you with Walt for that day's shift.
"Walt?" You called for him, nervous.
"(Y/N)..." His voice indicated that he wasn't hostile, just as stressed to confront you as you were.
"Let's talk?" You rubbed your hands together and he nodded in return, following you outside the gates. You rode on horses in silence for awhile until you reached the lodge lookout.
The both of you moved inside and Walt wrote down your names on the patrol logbook: 23/4; Walt/(Y/N); All clear -W.
You pursed your lips as you placed your backpack on the floor, then sat on a chair at the table. Walt sat across you - he always used to sit next to you, but now he was hesitant.
"Look, Walt," You began. "If I offended you in anyway-"
"No, (Y/N)," Walt interrupted you immediately. "I was being an ass, then in the heat of the moment we both said some stuff, but I hope I didn't cross any boundaries?"
"...No, but, you were acting so strange?" You looked at him, then decided to add: "Even Joel thought you were jealous of us until I told him that you had a thing with Bonnie."
Walt's eyes widened: "He- what?"
"I mean, if I didn't know you, I'd have thought the same..." You studied his face for a reaction, but only got a dumbfounded look. "Walt, look. I know you don't like Joel, but he's done good by me. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been here."
Walt stared at you, a mixed expression made of guilt and embarrassment on his face. You got up and sat by his side when he stayed silent: "I don't know why you don't like him - you don't have to explain yourself to me. I owe him my life and- well, at least be respectful to him. For my sake."
"But, what about him?"
"Joel treats people the way they treat him. He's struggling to fit in - if he sees that you mean well, he'll treat you the same way."
Walt nodded, ashamed of his childish acts, but hugged you tight when you said Come here and opened your arms for him. You both hugged each other, glad that this tension between you was officially over; but you two were never the same after that. Your romantic interest died down in the following months and Walt started spending more time with Bonnie to the point of ignoring you and, well, Joel being made your official patrol partner didn't help the case. You were really curious to find out why Walt didn't like Joel, but you had already said you didn't care and decided to leave it alone.
Despite the awkwardness, the time you spent with Joel on patrol from mid-June til the end of November had made significant improvements on your relationship. At this point, everyone (Tommy, Maria and Ellie being the most) was impatiently waiting for either of you to kiss the other, but neither of you were aware of each other's feelings. Joel didn't want to make a move to avoid ruining what he had with you because, even if you didn't spend as much time with Walt, he still thought you had a thing for the redhead; thus his 'disinterest' discouraged you to make a move of your own. Although you were sure he somewhat fancied you -because, come on, no one can deny the tension between you two- you also didn't want to make things awkward.
But nothing would've been more awkward than what you had gone through on an eventful December afternoon.
Joel and you were about to go on patrol, when Maria caught up to the both of you: "Joel, Dolly, wait."
"What's up?" You asked as you were about to get on your horse.
"Chad was on the Creek Trails a few days back, he told me there were a lot of infected over there," Maria sighed, then gave you an apologetic look. "You need backup."
It took you a moment to understand that Tommy was, in fact, not going to be the backup: "Maria, no-"
"Too late." Maria shut her eyes and looked away when Walt approached from behind her. There he was, only a week and a half later after his breakup with Bonnie, his posture giving away the fact that the effects of the said breakup were taking a toll on him.
The tension in the air was suffocating. You whispered Fuck me... under your breath as Maria told him to ride with either Joel or you, as they couldn't spare another horse. Walt and Joel weren't on bad terms after your confrontation with Walt, but they just stayed away from each other. This was going to be a hell of a patrol.
"C'mon," you forced a fake smile to your lips and beckoned him to ride with you. He got up, sat behind you and grabbed the edges of the saddle of the horse, then all of you rode off.
There was a blizzard on the way, it seemed, for the weather was cloudy and the wind was sharp against your cheeks as you rode through inches thick snow. Focusing on your horse was a good enough distraction, but the road ahead was short. When all of you arrived, you began biting the insides of your lips.
Walt went up first, helping you up the rope and words weren't quite enough to describe your surprise when Walt also offered Joel a hand. He must've been shocked too, for he took a while to grab Walt's arm and pull himself up. Maybe today won't be so awkward after all! After writing down a new entry on the logbook, you listened to the two men as you pretended to go through the pages of the logbook.
"We shouldn't stay here too long," Walt spoke quietly. "Let's complete the route and go back before the blizzard hits."
"Agreed," Joel spoke and turned to you. "C'mon."
You gladly obliged as you really didn't want to be stuck with them in a blizzard. You didn't go through the Creek Trails too often as the route involved a river beside an old evacuated town, but you acted like it wasn't a big deal. Tommy was the first to show you the Creek Trails and it was going well until you reached the river. A scenario similar to the one with Joel right before you reached Jackson played out. Tommy was fortunately informed by Joel about your condition months ago, so he kept things mostly under control. He wasn't unfamiliar with the situation: There were many people in Jackson who suffered the same way you did from PTSD, but still, he never thought he'd see you like that.
It had been almost a year since you took this route and luckily, the current was slow, almost frozen. Going through the town, you all scouted the houses quickly. Everything seemed okay until you reached the supermarket, where Joel heard distressing noises from inside.
"We need a few people to secure the windows here," You said and got in position, rifle at the ready. You and Walt went in first, Joel following from behind.
"Just like the good ol' days, huh?" Walt whispered.
"You mean our patrol days or militarily?" You smiled, to which he replied Both.
Sweeping through the outer aisles were easy, nothing you hadn't done before. But the further you walked in, you noticed the spores beginning to appear: "Masks on, boys."
You pushed open a door slowly, only to be greeted by three clickers and a few runners in the main isle. The whole sweep went quietly for the most part, until a runner saw Joel.
"Joel!" You ran over to him. Joel, startled, turned around and leaned back on the glass to pull his pistol out but the runner was closer than he thought. It directly ran into him, pushing them through the glass and shattering it. You quickly shot the runner, but were horrified at the sight in front of you: The parking lot was swarming with infected.
You quickly hopped over to Joel's side and pulled him up, Walt right behind you. The noise had obviously attracted all the infected toward you all.
"Shit!" You jumped back as there was no place left to escape from the parking lot. Walt began shooting at them, giving Joel time to go inside, then followed you both back the way you came.
"This way!" Joel beckoned as he went through a different door which led to a long hallway. You put down a couple of runners before closing the door and ran to where Walt and Joel were.
"Through here," Joel said and entered a room to your right. He closed the door and the three of you pushed a vending machine in front of it, breathing heavily as the infected made their way into the corridor, kicking and scratching at the door of the room.
"We need to clear them out-" Walt.
"We can't," Joel interrupted him. "There are too many of 'em. We'll come back with more people but right now we gotta get outta here."
"Through here," you called them over to a hole on the wall. "Boost me up."
Joel and Walt made a move and stopped at the same time, Walt letting Joel go first, once more, to everyone's surprise. Joel pushed you up and you pulled yourself through the wall but lost your balance and fell: "Fuck-!"
You landed on your feet but you were sure you sprained -or maybe even fractured- your ankle when you landed and cried out in pain.
"(Y/N)?!" Both men shouted from the other side in panic, Walt quickly getting into position to boost Joel up: "Go, quick!"
"I'm fine," You hissed, quickly looking around the room to find it empty. "It's clear here."
Joel jumped down and kneeled beside you: "You okay?"
"My ankle, I-" You stared into Joel's eyes but with a loud crash, infected filled the room. Without wasting time, Joel dragged you toward a counter to your right and pulled out his pistol again. A great amount of anxiety washed over you - how the hell were you going to get out of this? And where the hell was Walt?!
But you knew you couldn't give into fear, not now. You always found a way out... Even though your ankle ached really bad and it began reminding you of the time when the Hunters-
You pushed yourself up to see how many infected you were dealing with. Relieved to see only two clickers and four runners, you looked over to Joel and he looked at you: "Cover me."
You nodded as he sneaked over to the closest runner and took it down without attracting any attention to himself. He took down the other one as well, but before he could approach the third, Joel stepped on a broken piece of glass and suddenly had four infected running towards him. You shot down the remaining runners before he retreated back to where you were, stunning a clicker with a brick in the meanwhile. You realized, to your horror, that you ran out of ammo at that moment and had to reload, but there was no time. Joel took down one of the two clickers with his remaining bullets, but neither of you could do anything about the last one. Joel grabbed you by the arm and helped you over the counter before the clicker could get a hold of you, but he pulled you with such panick and force, you fell on top of him with a Oof!
Joel must've hit his head - his movements slowed down and couldn't push the both of you away from the approaching clicker. Your ankle was twisted up in this position, which made you whine in pain as you tried to turn around with Joel's knife in hand, but couldn't. You growled and cried out, a buzzing in your ear similar to the stream drowning out the terrorising noises of the clicker as it made its way toward you.
"Joel, get up, come on!" Tears streamed down your face and you watched as he opened his eyes, which widened at the sight before him.
Joel hugged you by the waist, turned you around and pressed you down on the ground, covering your body with his before the clicker reached you.
Your eyes were shut tight, the only thing you could hear was muffled voices of Walt grunting and sounds of stabbing as you struggled to breathe. You opened your eyes and looked to the left to see Walt stabbing the hell out of the clicker. You watched with terrified eyes as he slowly got up, mask covered in blood and looked over to the both of you, breathing heavily: "Y'all... y'all okay?"
Joel slowly raised his head up and looked at Walt, then back to you. Your eyes glowed with your tears as Joel stared at them - his right hand was holding the back of your neck and the left one was tight around your waist. Was he really about to sacrifice himself so that you'd survive?
Was he even aware what that would've done to you?
He got off you slowly, still holding you by the neck and turned to Walt: "Yeah- you clean?"
"Yup, I'm okay," Walt coughed and kneeled beside you. "We need to get out of here."
"She's hurt- Can you walk darlin'?" Joel asked, rubbing the side of your neck with his thumb in slow motions to calm you as your whole body trembled.
"I don't know," You whispered and sniffed. You grabbed both men's hands and pulled yourself up, but cried out when you tried to take a step forward, almost collapsing on spot.
"I got you," Joel walked in front of you and kneeled slightly, then Walt helped you up on his back. He grabbed your thighs and adjusted your form, then began following Walt out of the market.
"Joel..." You pressed your masked face against his coat and whimpered, hanging onto him as if your life depended on it.
"We're almost out, Dolly, you're safe," Joel reassured you. Luckily for you all, there were no infected outside but the weather had significantly gotten worse. Walt quickly got up on your horse and picked you up, making you sit on the saddle as Joel hopped on his own horse. You all rode off the way you came as fast as you could, barely making it back to Jackson without a delay.
The three of you took off your masks once you were inside. Joel immediately rushed to your side while Walt was helping you off the horse.
"I'll take her to the doctor," Joel grabbed you and carried you bridal style while Walt nodded and went over to the stables.
"It hurts really bad," You spoke as he carried you, voice cracking but feeling safer in his arms. "I- I think it's broken."
"You're fine Dolly... almost there. Katherine is going to fix you up, don't you worry."
It turned out that you had fractured your ankle and Katherine told you that had you taken a harder fall, you could've broken it altogether. You spent the night at the infirmary after she insisted, Ellie and some of the other kids staying with you for awhile before Katherine asked them to leave you so you could rest.
"You won't be getting rid of me this easily after you're back home!" Ellie had said before she left.
And she was quite right, for she was the one to help you back to your house with Maria the next day.
"Ellie, I'm fine, it's not like I have a concussion and broken ribs..." As much as you appreciated her help, you felt bad for taking up her time.
"You can't walk without crutches and I know for a fact that you're gonna get bored - you could use some company." Ellie sat beside you on your bed after Maria left. Katherine had said that your ankle was going to take around a month to heal and you wanted to bang your head against a wall then, not wanting to sit around. Maria and Tommy offered you to stay at their house a million times but you just wanted to be alone with your thoughts and trauma. You wanted to think about anything and everything and you knew no one other than Joel and Ellie would grant you such opportunity while being by your side. That's how your first day went: Ellie stayed until late hours and Joel visited when his shift was done.
"How're you feelin'?" He asked, standing by the bed where you'd been sleeping before he came.
"Alright I guess," You sighed. "I can't stand sitting around and doing nothing. It's like my first weeks here all over again."
Joel chuckled, then looked at the frame on your night stand, picking it up. It was a picture of you and Kurt in it: "I've been seein' this picture every time I came here and couldn't help but wonder who he is..."
You smiled and turned to your side a little, patting on the bed so that he'd sit down: "That would be Kurt. You could say he was my... mentor or something."
"Oh, right. Was he...?" Joel trailed off after sitting beside you.
"Yeah, he was there with them..." You nodded, remembering the day when you all got ambushed. "Eugene reminds me of him sometimes."
Joel nodded quietly and put the frame down: "I uh, I got one too. A picture of me and my... daughter."
You gave him a surprised look - you already knew his story, but you were genuinely surprised that he actually opened up to you about it after almost eight months. You felt a little guilty about having heard of this story before as he told you what had happened to Sarah. You keept quiet and let him vent, but hearing the story from Joel himself sent shivers down your spine - as if you were hearing it for the first time.
"I'm so sorry, Joel," You said once he finished. After a short moment of hesitation, you slowly put your hand on top of his. "I really am. I can't imagine how horrifying that must've been for you."
Joel whispered a small Yeah and looked away, not moving his hand from under yours and enjoying your small gesture. His thumb moved out under your own and rubbed it gently.
"I wish I could take a photo of you two right now!" Ellie suddenly appeared from the hallway, making the both of you jerk away from each other. She had gone to get something when Joel arrived a few minutes ago: "I wanted to stay here for the night, is that okay?"
Your eyes widened and so did your smile: "You don't have to, sweetie-"
"If I get too bored here, can she come and stay with you for a few days?" Ellie suddenly asked Joel.
"Now, Ellie, don't force her to do something she doesn't wanna do. She's too kind to decline."
You blushed a little at his comment and playfully slapped his shoulder: "Nobody's forcing me into anything, cowboy. Besides, it's your house - if I have a permission to stay, then I'll consider staying."
Joel smiled shyly: "You're right... Ah, what the hell, why don't you come over tonight?"
It was your turn to blush: "Not today, I'm afraid, I just want to sleep here for awhile."
"Alrighty then," Joel dropped his hands on his thighs, then got up. "Just let me know when you wanna stay 'n I'll come pick you up."
With that Joel left, wishing the both of you a goodnight. Ellie changed into her 'pyjamas' and curled up on the bed next to you before pulling the blanket over her body. The only light illuminating the room was the candle in you gas lamps on the nightstands on each side. You turned to Ellie - she seemed to be lost in her thoughts. You two were laying like you did in that cabin, the memory making you smile.
"So, when are you two gonna get married?" Ellie asked all of a sudden.
"Oh shush, Ellie," You squirmed and look away, making her laugh.
"I still cannot believe you two aren't together already!" Ellie spoke excitedly. "I don't know what's keeping you two... Don't tell me you still want Walt-"
"No, no," You blushed, running your fingers through your hair. "Hey, who says Joel likes me anyways? He's clearly not interested in me, Ells."
Ellie's expression turned serious. Looking you dead in the eye, she spoke, struggling not to curse: "You have got to be kidding me."
"What?!" Your eyes widened. You weren't sure if you wanted to hear the rest of what she had to say or not.
"No offense, (Y/N)," Ellie sat up. "I know Joel is blind, but I never thought you'd be as blind as him."
You weren't sure how to react, so you just stared off to the ceiling and thought: Joel was always so sweet toward you. He was patient, careful, gentle and protective... But wasn't that how he always was? You weren't really that special, were you?
"Oh god..." You sighed and covered your face with both of your hands. "Are you serious?"
"Oh, no I was just joking," Ellie rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm fucking serious!"
"Joel always had this silly idea that after all this time you were still into Walt," Ellie explained as you rubbed your face upwards and ran your hands through your hair. "I sometimes force a few words out of him about you and everyone knows that he has eyes for you... except for you it seems."
Your heart felt like bursting: "Oh dear lord, this can't be real..."
"Awh, look at you!" Ellie snuggled closer to you. "Blushing like a teenager, haha!"
"Says you!" You changed the topic and tickled her sides, making her drop to her side. "I may be blind with my own case, but I'm not blind enough to miss my Ellie's romantic shenanigans."
Ellie suddenly stopped laughing, face flushed red: "Wh-what do you mean?"
"Look who's blushing like a teen now," You smiled softly. "I've worked with children enough to see some things you think we can't see."
You honestly didn't have a clue she liked girls the first month you knew her. It all started adding up some time after Joel and her came back to Jackson. The kids there liked you and you liked them - they were mostly young teens who needed mentoring for patrols or with anything. You mentored Dina and Jesse for a while before Ellie arrived and Eugene began mentoring Dina. You saw the way Ellie got nervous around Cat - the way she blushed and stuttered while Cat was more confident around her. Ellie talked to you about everything but her own 'love life' and you never forced her to, whenever you cracked a few jokes, she'd immediately tense up and change the subject. After two or three times, it clicked - she was definitely into girls.
"How... how long have you known?" Ellie asked and got off the bed, turning around and doing her stressed finger gesture.
"Awhile now," You sat up as best as you could and stared at her worriedly. "Ellie, it's okay." She slowly turned around, panick spread across her face. "Are you okay sweetie?"
"No," Her voice cracked after a moment of silence.
You beckoned her back to bed beside you: "It's alright baby, there's nothing to be scared of..." She sniffed and climbed back to bed, finding her comfort in your embrace. "It's okay, Ellie."
"Does Joel know?" She asked quietly as you brushed your fingers through her hair, hugging her.
"No, I don't think he does. I haven't told anyone what I thought, if that's what you're asking."
"Oh, okay-" Ellie took a deep breath. "Thank you, (Y/N)."
"You'll tell him when you feel ready," You placed a small kiss on the side of her head. "This goes for anyone. Whenever you're ready, you'll tell them."
"But, what if they're not okay with it?"
"Well, fuck them." You smiled when she gave you a look. "If they can't deal with you for who you are, there's something wrong with them, not you."
The words seemed to have an effect on her, for her breathing calmed down and her eyes focused on a spot in your room, probably deep in thought. You two stayed like that for a while, Ellie eventually yawning and cuddling up to you after blowing out the candle on her side.
"Goodnight darling," You kissed her temple and blew out the candle by your side. "Love you."
"Love you too, (Y/N)," Ellie whispered sleepily, then fell asleep in your arms.
You felt like, after that, you had earned Ellie's trust completely. She became more like a daughter to you, which made things between you and Joel a little awkward considering he was like a father to her. You wondered if she thought of the both of you as her parents - if she felt the joy of having parental figures around her with the both of you. She'd come to you whenever she felt down or emotional- or for anything, really. You both had a factor in common which helped you both relate to and understand each other: survivor's guilt. It was upsetting, but you two had each other. You told Ellie what she wanted to hear and vice versa.
By New Year's, she gave you the most precious gift: A masterfully drawn picture of you... with Joel in a frame.
"Christmas comes but once a year!" Ellie chuckled at your reddening face. "I thought you might like this."
"Like?" You laughed. "I absolutely love this- Ellie, you're so talented. Thank you so much, sweetheart."
"Whatcha got there?" Joel leaned forward over your shoulder to take a look at the picture and his eyes widened immediately. "Oh..."
"Right? Isn't it beautiful?" You stared at the picture in awe, cheeks heating up.
"It really is," Joel turned his head to your face slightly, his nose inches away from your cheek. After Ellie had purposefully nonchalantly revealed that your interest in Walt had died a long time ago and that you had said this yourself, much to Joel's relief, he really began thinking on making a move when it was convenient. The problem was, he just didn't know how to, until Ellie came up with a gift idea.
"Did you get something for (Y/N)?" She asked Joel on patrol one day.
"What for?"
"Uh, the word Christmas ring a bell? Well, I found a frame for her, so she can put that picture of hers in it. She always complained about not coming across a frame for it, I think she'll appreciate it."
Joel thought on her words: He had completely forgotten about Christmas - it was his first after many many years, after all. Ellie noticed the thoughtful look on his face and spoke: "You know what? Why don't you give her the frame?"
"I- What?"
"You heard me," Ellie smirked. "I'll get her something else, you should give her the frame instead."
Joel had remained quiet then, but thought about Ellie's offer for awhile and, once he was back at home, an idea presented itself in his little workshop in his house.
"Y'know what?" Joel had given the frame back to her the next day. "You hold onto this, I'm gonna make her something."
And that was what you were greeted with right after you took your eyes off Ellie's gift: "I got a little somethin' for you."
It was a wooden frame, beautifully carved flowers on the corners and the picture of Alpha One in it. Your heart skipped a beat, your breathing coming to a stop, eyes widening at the sight.
You slowly took the frame from him with trembling hands. The happiness you felt was indescribable, did he actually take his time to make this? For you? Your eyes teared up: "My god... How did you get this?"
"You could say a little bandit helped me," Joel smiled over to Ellie, who was watching the both of you with an excited grin spread across her face.
You exhaled with a short laugh, looked between your gift and Joel and then, despite the cast around your ankle, pushed yourself up. His expression turned into a panicked one for a second before you turned around, giggled with tears rolling down your face and hugged him. It took Joel a moment to process what was happening, but he quickly returned the hug and wrapped his arms around your waist: "Thank you, Joel."
"Merry Christmas, Dolly," Joel sighed, content. A genuinely happy smile formed on his lips and his eyes closed unintentionally, finding the comfort he sought for so long in your arms. You felt like, his arms around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder - his body was made for yours, like puzzle pieces.
"Mistletoe!" Ellie suddenly appeared by the both of you, stepping on your seat with the said plant in hand, holding it above the both of you and shaking it.
You pulled away from him, hands resting on his shoulders as you stared at Ellie with embarrassment. Joel, cheeks red like the ribbon which held the mistletoe together, looked away shyly. You bit your lower lip and turned your head back towards him, gazed into his eyes with a soft smile playing on your lips. Your hands moved up to his neck slowly, eyes glowing. This cannot be happening.
Ah, what the hell, just go for it, were Joel's last thoughts before he pulled you close by your waist and pressed his lips to yours. A long overdue, passionate, deep kiss was shared between you two; a kiss that made everyone in the room cheer and clap at the sight.
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