#like I Want That Karlnapity Content
turnbacktyne · 2 years
/ /tw emeto, Dream situation, anxiety, self harm in tags
I'm just so tired of fucking up
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We all know Quackity, fattest ass in the cabinet, quadruple engagey, and “Are we in character? I’m in love with Wilbur” HQ
So, how about we hold a little friendly competition between the different ships in the dsmp fandom?
Aim of the game is to get your ship the most points, through creating content for that ship. Here’s the spreadsheet to track points.
Creations may come in the form of art or writing, each of which is worth 1 point
People are allowed to submit more than one piece, actually it’s encouraged :3
The ship must be tagged
You must @ this blog
If you’re being genuinely mean you are getting blocked and anything you make will not count, Ls to all assholes
There is no sign up, just @ this blog and have fun!
How long will this event last?
All of September
What if I want to do multiple ships in the same piece?
Be sure to tag all the ships and they’ll count as a point to each ship! (So the Karlnapity shippers don’t lose only bc of half points)
Does the ship have to be canon? Only dsmp?
Nahhhhh have fun do whatever you want. If you do Foolish x Quackity or Roier x Quackity, for example, they’d get their own rows and get a point
What about comics? Poems?
For the sake of my sanity, a comic only counts as 1 piece, even if it has 100 panels. Same for a collection of poems.
How will we know points?
I’ll have a little spreadsheet you’ll be able to see here in the pinned post
What about nsfw stuff?
it’s allowed as long as it’s tagged with community labels or #nsft, if you don’t tag it you are getting blocked
My friend really likes this Quackity ship. Can I give them this as a gift and also have it counted for a point?
Yes! But do not mix giving events together with this competition, to make it easier on me. I do not know if the event organizer of whatever your event you’re doing is comfortable with that, so best not to do it at all. You can still participate in other events, obviously, but please do not tag me to get it counted when it’s for a different event
Are sketches half points?
nope, every drawing is one full point! No matter how detailed or how simple. This keeps the competition a little more silly goofy, like I’d like it to stay. This is very much intended for fun, not a serious competition
You’re welcome to send asks to ask more questions!
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dsmprarepairbb · 11 months
i'm very excited for this as a rarepair enjoyer! this is a great thread on the subreddit that might be a good starting point to think of cut-off qualifications: https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/eohtgm/what_exactly_counts_as_a_rarepair/
while i'm very on board with this event, i think trying to say 'anything but dnf' can feel too targeted, and i don't think it's the intention at all, it might make people feel singled out or unwelcome here. for instance, i think karlnapity and quackbur are also ships that are worth disqualifying (and i say this as someone who loves those ships XD).
good luck with putting this together though! i know a lot of work goes into these things <3
I held onto this ask for a long time for a very specific reason: I really enjoy spreadsheets. I wanted to wait until after I had closed the interest check so I could go through all of the submitted ships so I could get some data to back up my reasoning.
And back up my reasoning it did.
A total of 75 ships (including DNF) were listed by people who said they were interested. I took all of these ships and looked them up on AO3. I decided to look at AO3 for this as this is going to be mostly about content creation, and I feel that utilizing the otp:true function helps a lot.
Of the 75 ships, 15 didn't show up on AO3 at all, no matter how much I looked. For the rest, however, I noted down the number of works both in the tag as a whole, and with the otp:true filter. I put this into a spreadsheet and generated a pie chart using the otp:true data that looks like this:
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Due to this discrepancy, I feel that it is valid of me to make this current rarepair big bang only exclude DNF. I am retracting prior statements of excluding XDNF, as that ship was lower than I had thought. In the future, the list will be refined, but for now, the only ship excluded is DNF.
Further reasoning below the cut.
So, this is not the only chart that I did. I also did a pie chart of the unfiltered ships as well.
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As you can see, this percentage is lower that otp:true, but you can still see that the gap is quite large. No other ship even compares. Also worth noting is that in this view, fics where a poly relationship is present can skew the results, as many chose to tag their fics not only with the poly ship, but also the individual pairings (or smaller groupings) of that ship.
I also generated a bar graph, but due to the amount of ships its very hard to read. The first label, DNF, is even pushed off the view so you can't see it, but I will attach it here anyways as reference.
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yeah its...bad lol. Its so hard to read.
I am aware that in the link you put, there are multiple ways to go about this. As I said, in the future this will be changed. I am most likely going to make a tier list of sorts for these ships based on this data. Also, I did not calculate based off of percentage of fics in the fandom itself as so many of these fics are crossovers, and I felt it was a futile effort.
Also, for those curious, I'm going to post the data I collected just for funsies. The ones with a -1 were the 15 that didn't show up at all. They had to be denoted this way to ensure that they were sorted correctly. You can see that Karlnapity (#8) and quackbur (#4) are also listed!
(I also calculated what percentage of ships tagged like that were also true because I'm a nerd who likes writing formulas lmfao)
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I love dnf! Its fun! But you gotta admit that its reach is significantly more than other ships'. Also a fun aside from a friend:
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batwritings · 11 months
I need some karlnapity fluff in my life, maybe with a trans reader that is insecure about their chest or top surgery scars?
*cracks knuckles in has been through two top surgeries now and is very familiar with the topic* Comin' right up! Enjoy!~
Warning! This work is going to contain medical information but may still be slightly uncomfortable for some readers! Please click away if you think this may be upsetting to you! Thanks!
You didn't mean to scrunch your face up when you looked over your scarring. While you could still recall the euphoria that washed over your body when you first had the gauze and tubing removed from your chest, your anxious mind still had racing thoughts. What if people didn't see you as you wanted them to? What if the need to change your appearance in such a drastic way made you less of who you wanted to be?
"You're overthinking it again amor," You heard behind you. You whipped around to see your trio, your boys watching from the doorway. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity all wore the same worried expression for you.
"What if this doesn't change anything Q?" You mumbled, looking now at your sides where the scarring stretched up from your chest. You lifted your arms up to see them in full, eyes full of trepidation.
"Are you happy with it?" The duck hybrid asks, slowly stepping into the room. He looks over your scars with scrutiny and a gentle hand. He knew fully well how to care for a scar and the damage that could be done if it was left to fester. "Does it help you feel better?"
"Well, yes but--" You try to argue your point again, but you're immediately cut off.
"So don't worry about what other people think," Sapnap tells you, ever blunt and to the point. He leans over Quackity to inspect your chest, checking for any moisture that needed to be added to your nipple grafts.
"Plus, we love you as you are," Karl chimes, hugging you from behind. The sleeves of his hoodie come to wrap around your tummy and his fluffy-haired head rests on yours. "As long as you're happy, we're happy."
You couldn't not smile, blushing slightly at their kind words. Your boys had been nothing but patient with you during this process, tending to your scars and making sure you didn't need to so much as lift a finger as you healed. You look back at your reflection again and you meet Karl's mismatched eyes. He echos your smile, kissing the back of your head sweetly.
"Besides," Sapnap starts again, with a mischievous gleam in his eye. "At least the worst you have is pepperoni nipples. Not like they fell off or something." You couldn't help but laugh at the blaze hybrid.
"At least they don't look burnt like somebodies," you tease back, continuing to laugh at his offended gasp. Quackity shakes his head fondly, a content smile on his face. Karl begins to tease Sapnap too, and you all have a laugh at his fake whines of protest.
You had your boys and the four of your were happy.
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wishitweresummer · 2 years
Tell Me What’s On Your Mind
(Valentine’s Day Karlnap Ficlet)
Word Count: 2861
     The flirting between Karl and Sapnap had been going on for a long time now. Long enough that Sapnap had already come to a conclusion with his own sexuality, come out to his roommates, and figured out he has a crush on Karl. Well...at this point much more than a crush. Any conclusion to that was taking forever, though.
While he had been certain at the beginning of their friendship Karl must have feelings for him, that had faded more and more as he watched him be touchy with their other friends, flirty with their other friends...kissing their other friends. He wondered if Karl never kissing him as a joke meant he liked him or didn't like him. It must mean something? Too bad the meanings could only lead to those polar opposites in Sapnap's mind.
Sapnap was not planning on admitting his feelings to Karl. Karl seemed too forward and confident to him. Sapnap was sure if Karl wanted him, he would know. He would tell him. It had been so long. Sapnap was already learning how to be a friend silently in love. With Karl it could be easy. It could be enough. Sapnap was convinced he had everything he needed and could live without the rest.
He was looking forward to Karl coming over and hanging out at the Dream Team house tonight. They didn't have to start any content until tomorrow so they would get to just catch up and be together. He was alone in the living room waiting for Dream and George, who had just gone out shopping. Karl wasn't due to arrive for a few hours so he opted to just hang at the house alone to charge his social battery before all the chaos.
He switched back to discord a third time while scrolling Twitter. Karl hadn't responded to his message from earlier and it was bugging him a little. Not actually, but his brain just kept forcing him to check the message over and over and that is what was annoying him. He could never focus when he was thinking about Karl. He switched to discord again for the fourth time…
~~ding dong~~
The doorbell startled Sapnap out of his seat. His heart started racing immediately. He knew Dream and George wouldn't ring the doorbell. He knew Karl was on the other side of that door. He looked down at his outfit; anime hoodie, black sweatpants, and his Balenciaga hat. He fussed with the hem of his hoodie as he made his way to the door.
~~ding dong~~
"Alright alright!!!", Sapnap laughed as he pulled open the door. He stumbled back with a gasp as Karl leaped onto him, laughing as he held him up and hugged him back.
"Nick!", Karl mumbled happily into Sapnap's neck, clinging on for dear life.
"Karl.", Sapnap sighed. Relief and excitement were somehow competing within him. Karl's hugs. Nothing in the world like Karl's hugs. He always clung so desperately it made him feel strong, loved, and weak in his knees all at once.
"I missed you handsome.".
"I missed you!!!".
Karl was being weird, Sapnap decided. He kept catching these little side-looks. And he would open his mouth to speak, then close it. Sapnap isn't sure he has seen Karl be this shy before. It was...very adorable actually. Right away he had gotten a sense that Karl wanted to say something. It made sense, too. It was all a little too convenient. Karl had been messaging with him all morning and then had gone dead quiet when he had found out George and Dream had vacated the premises. Shortly after Karl's early arrival Sapnap had received a text from Dream telling him they would be running late. And now this shy behavior. Sapnap was starting to let his fantasies get ahold of him for sure.
"What is it?”. Karl's back stiffened at the words.
"Huh?", he said dumbly. The two were on the couch together flipping through YouTube videos on the TV. They hadn’t found anything with how distracted they both were looking back and forth at each other.
"Huh?", Sapnap mocked playfully. He smirked proudly at the blush it earned him. "What has gotten into you Karl?", he leaned over and poked Karl's side. Karl squealed and shoved his hand away.
"It's nothing!". Karl's voice was a little higher than usual. Sapnap's eyes narrowed at him. Karl squirmed under the gaze and tried his best to focus on the TV.
Sapnap's plan formed in his head quickly. This was his favorite game, after all. He saw only W's coming out of this, too. He would get Karl to spit out whatever is on his mind and he would get to make Karl laugh. Which is his favorite sound in the entire world.
Now to play with his food first...
Sapnap sighed loudly and looked down at his hands. He wiggled his fingers slowly and turned them over and over as he pretended to inspect them.
"Stop that.". But, Karl was giggling. Sapnap pretended to crack his knuckles. "Don't", Karl warned. It was awfully cute how commanding he was trying to be through all of his giggles. Sapnap jerked his hands towards the nervous boy before pulling them back, laughing as Karl yelped and tried to clamber off the couch. Sapnap only grabbed his leg and dragged him back across the couch on his stomach. "Noooo!".
Karl wasn't fighting back in any real way. And Sapnap wasn't pinning him down either. They had been here before a hundred times. It was one of Sapnap's favorite things about Karl. There were days when tickling was normal. One of them would go for the other and they would laugh and try to get away. A bit of playful torture. Then, there were other days when it was almost like Karl was asking for it in any way besides just asking and any fighting back was impossibly weak. These were his favorite. A little chase or teasing and then he got to hear his favorite noise...
Karl's crazy high pitched cackling echoed against the walls around them as Sapnap roughly squeezed his shoulders right where they met his neck. He was starting out strong with his death spot. Well...he also really wanted to get whatever Karl was holding back out of him as soon as possible. Sapnap leaned down and murmured right against Karl's sensitive ear.
"Tell me what's on your miiiind.", Sapnap sang. Karl squealed and squirmed against the couch.
"Pleaseeee!!! It's nothing!", he cried out. Sapnap abandoned his shoulders and instead dug his fingers softly into the back of his ribcage. Karl scrunched up and let out a string of high pitched squeals before wheezing and falling back into his cute hysterical giggling. Sapnap loved how crazed he always sounded. He has been learning exactly how to pry each and every noise out of him. He squeezed both his soft sides to force some squeaks out of Karl. "It's nothing!!!", Karl gasped out. It sounded a little more desperate than Sapnap was expecting so he slowed down. He eyed the redness glowing at the tip of Karl's ears. Karl was a lot more flustered than usual.
He lifted up a bit and flipped Karl onto his back before straddling his waist. Karl quickly covered his face with both hands.
"Hey hey! Why are you blocking my view of your pretty face?". Karl only whined and squirmed. "Hey.", Sapnap said it softer. He wiggled his pointer fingers into both of Karl's armpits and Karl yelped and snapped his arms down to his sides. Sapnap was expecting his face to be red and happy. He was stunned at what he actually found. It was red...it was extremely red. But, Karl's eyes held a panic, and while some glee was definitely breaking through with the forced laughter he almost seemed to be in a sort of anguish. It halted any teasing that was about to fall from Sapnap's lips. He didn't know what to say as he tugged his fingers out of Karl's armpits.
Karl clasped his hands back over his face for a few seconds before peeking between his fingers as he realized something was wrong.
"Are you okay?", Sapnap finally got out. He cursed himself silently for taking so long.
"What? Yeah I...it tickles...um.", Karl sputtered, confused. Sapnap pressed his fingers through Karl's chocolate curls in an attempt to calm him. He was buying himself time to think of what to say.
"Did I misread the situation? Do you not want to be tickled right now?", Sapnap asked earnestly. Karl flushed and let slip a small choked gasp before covering his face again. He cringed and shoved his face into the couch.
"Oh god.". It was muffled and filled with embarrassment.
Sapnap and Karl had never actually addressed Karl's seemingly complicated relationship with tickling. Sapnap knew how to read him well enough so it was never needed.
Sapnap shifted nervously on top of Karl's waist.
"I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable.", Sapnap's words were rushed as be moved to get off of him. Karl grabbed both of his hands and held him in place.
"No! Wait. Hold on. Gahhh. I need to collect myself. Please don't go.", Karl spewed. He looked wrecked. The heat was climbing down his neck. Sapnap settled back on top of him. He had never seen Karl so nervous. He played with his hands while Karl focused on his breathing. It went on like that for about a minute. Not excessively long, but long enough for Sapnap to run over every scenario in his own mind.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I promise. It's just...I do have something on my mind and I did really want to tell you.”, Karl covers his face with both hands for a moment before continuing, “ I'm just really nervous. I thought I could get it out this way. I thought it would be easier. Like...you could get it out of me, for me. I realized that was stupid, but then you already knew something was up. I just don't want to mess this up...", he trailed off and cringed.
'Mess this up?', Sapnap thought. It echoed inside his head.
"Nothing could mess this up.", he assured firmly. Karl couldn't look at him. Sapnap's heart skipped a beat.
It was hitting him. The coincidences he found fishy were fishy. Karl wants to say something to him that he's afraid will change things. He couldn't stop the grin from creeping up on him. He observed the new shy version of his favorite person underneath him. Impossibly cute. He needed to let him off the hook.
"Maybe, I could get something off my chest first? And then you could?". Sapnap did his best to soften his grin to a sweet smile. Karl finally made eye contact again and it was like he was trying to get all the information out from the gaze alone. Sapnap shook his head. "Like, with my words. I'll tell you...a secret. Something I've been wanting to tell you. Is that okay? And then maybe if you're comfortable you can tell me yours?". Karl nodded. Sapnap hesitated only to consider his words. His feelings. He had a lot of them. They were intense. What's the best way to get that across?
He found Karl's hand and linked their fingers. He decided if he would do this he needed to just be completely honest and put it all out there. He leaned in and whispered into his ear.
"I am in love with you.".
Karl grabbed a fistful of Sapnap's hoodie and suddenly they were kissing. Sapnap nearly collapsed on him and soon it was a giggly and messy kiss. It was beautiful. It was everything. Sapnap dropped beside him on the couch and cupped Karl's face as he learned exactly how soft his lips were and exactly how his tongue tasted. He wrapped an arm around his waist and tugged him on top. He felt Karl's bat away his hat and tangle his fingers in his hair.
"I am in love with you, too.", Karl murmured breathlessly into the kiss.
Things moved very fast after that...with how fast they confessed exactly how long each had loved the other for. The first time feelings sparked. How many times they had wanted to confess.
     George and Dream walked right into the tears and soft kisses. It was sweet, but too sweet. A quick congratulations and an acknowledgment of the new relationship status and then they were gone again. Off to their separate rooms where they would no doubt be blowing up the private Dream Team discord about this. Sapnap would catch up with later.
     Boyfriends. Dating. Together. Partners. They had run through the list and agreed to all of them and more. The shyness was gone. They were both so excited to express all their feelings. Suddenly they were spilling it all. Karl admitted he loved being close to Sapnap so much sometimes he would annoy him into tickling him.
"I know silly.", Sapnap peppered his blushing face with little kisses. Sapnap let slip that he replayed compilations of Karl kissing their friends to try and work out what he could do to make it happen for himself. Karl cooled any embarrassment with his own playful kisses. No secrets between them. They cuddled in close on the couch and played with each others fingers and hair. Whispered about how they've always wanted to be like this. They were already used to being so physically affection that it was shocking how new it felt to push things just a little farther. Prolonged hand holding. Kisses starting to trail away from lips. Sapnap let out an embarassing squeak when Karl nipped softly at his ear. He huffed and held Karl away by his shoulders, smiling at him.
"Are you...tired?", Sapnap asked with his eyebrows thrown up. Karl giggled.
"A little. Maybe we could go to your room?". Sapnap laughed and pulled him off the couch, dragging him giddily to his room. His boyfriend was a mind reader.
     They cuddled together under the warm blankets of Sapnap's bed and traded sweet kisses.
"I can't believe this.", Sapnap whispered.
"What? That you tickle tortured me until I told you I loved you so you would stop?", Karl teased, poking Sapnap in the side under the covers. Sapnap gasped and yelped softly at the poke.
"That is not what happened!", Sapnap whisper-shouted. Karl kissed him to shut him up. "You're annoying.", Sapnap mumbled into the kiss. Karl pulled away and grinned at him. Sapnap recognized the look right away.
"No please!". Sapnap cowered, but laughter was pulled out of him as Karl's nimble fingers attacked his rib cage and sides with tickles. "Karl!", he cried out, shoving away the hands. He couldn't help his squealing as Karl only scooted closer and crawled his hands up his shirt, tickling at his bare tummy. One twist and Sapnap knew he was screwed. He hiccuped through his laughter as he pushed at the hands now trapped under his shirt tickling him. "Fuck!", he wailed as Karl explored everywhere under his shirt. His bellybutton and sides. He could feel him working his way up to his bare armpits and he squirmed desperately. "Please!! They'll hear us!!", he pled through his laughter.
"I'm just tickling him!", Karl called out. Sapnap flushed and buried  his face in Karl's neck with a small peep.
"Oh my god.", he whined and clung to him. "I hate you.".
"No, you love me.", Karl coo'ed, squeezing once into Sapnap's side. He squealed into his neck. “Let me tickle my boyfriend!”. Karl slid his fingers along Sapnap’s bare sides, relishing in how he squirmed. This was his, all his. Sapnap giggled desperately into his neck.
When he couldn’t take the tickles any longer, Sapnap nipped at Karl's neck playfully. He whimpered and melted almost instantly. Sapnap had never brought his mouth over here before, but with how sensitive Karl's neck was he had a lot of suspicions with what might happen if he nibbled there. With just three little teasing nibbles Karl had his hands out from under Sapnap's shirt and was desperately trying to tug him away from his neck with the worlds lightest pulls. His breath was quick and his neck was feeling warmer and warmer. Karl whined.
"I'm sensitive.", he sounded wrecked. Sapnap laughed as he let himself be pulled away and into more kisses. The connection between them growing stronger and deeper. Everything completely perfect. The way their lips were made for each other. Their hands wordlessly explored each other as they found new sensitivities everywhere.
      Karl and Sapnap had been flirting with each other for a long time now. So long that things seemed like they would never change. Tonight was now the first of the rest of their lives, together. Love no longer unspoken. They shouted it from the rooftops. Proud to be with each other. Proud to be together and to fit so perfectly. It all made sense, it only made sense. Sapnap and Karl.
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utlana · 2 years
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So today marks my 10th year anniversary being on AO3 and I thought I could celebrate by making a Karlnapity Rec list!!
I hope you enjoy and check them out! All the authors listed under the read more are amazing and are partially to blame my inspiration for my own writing, so thank you to all of them <3
(They’re organized from earliest to most recently posted btw)
Sunflowers Still Grow At Night by troddenn_snoww (@troddenn-snoww on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 1.4k
Super cute and fluffy Karlnapity with sleepy cuddles and kisses!!
Just a Little Bit Mine by reliable_eli
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 2.6k
A Karlnapity oneshot in the author’s Percy Jackson AU. Some light angst with a sweet ending!
i can't think a thought without wishing you were here by travvymybeloved
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Complete, Words 27.3k
A multichapter High School AU that I've read many times! It’s in Quackity’s POV and follows him as he struggles with his jealousy of Karlnap because of his crush on Karl.
When The Sunlight Dies by bramble_patch (Marianne_Dashwood) and personalized_radio
Rated M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Multichapter, Complete, Words 101.3k
A Certified Karlnapity Classic. If you haven’t read this fantasy AU, read it now. The writing is stupidly good, like it feels illegal for such good content to be free.
feather weather by ardett (@ardett on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Complete, Words 39.2k
Another Karlnapity Classic. It has one of the best Sapnap lines of any Karlnapity fics I’ve ever read. Also I’ve probably read this fic the most out of all of these btw. Perfect Hurt/Comfort reading.
loud and reckless by teanpaintstains
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Complete, Words 3.8k
A Mafia AU meet-cute that’s a feel good fluffy story.
loving you's the antidote (you're so golden) by thebane
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 5k
A wedding day AU in Sapnap’s POV. A happy ending that the c!fiances deserve.
it’s golden, like daylight by Michage
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 1.8k
A cute and fluffy winter themed oneshot.
Need Something Newer Than New by butterfly_wings
Rated M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Oneshot, Words 4.8k
Be gay and do crimes Karlnapity style. It’s all about running away and falling in love. This story is a big inspiration for a future multichapter fic I want to write :)
White Wine, Fine Dine And Everything On The Line by Deiohx
Rated T, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Oneshot, Words 26.4k
A getting back together fic with a bit of mild angst. It’s a Sapnap POV too. I remember when I first read this, I was waiting to pick up my food and I wanted to scream because of how good this fic was, but I was in public lol.
Karlnapity Sick Fics by Kakerutori (@kakerutori on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 9.9k
A collection of cute and fluffy sick fiance oneshot fics.
Something to live for by alevens
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 7.8k
A warm and fuzzy retelling of the fiances engagement story in Quackity’s POV.
cuddles with a side of cocoa by Kakerutori (@kakerutori on tumblr)
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 2.5k
Everything you expect from the title. Lots of Karlnapity cuddling and cocoa!
Nowadays by ceruleon
Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Multichapter, Complete, Words 26.8k
A Karl POV time travel fic where he falls in love with his fiances no matter the time.
Time Forgotten by writingtheend
Rated M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Multichapter, Complete, Words 98.1k
Western AU with magic elements in Karl’s POV and angst with a happy ending.
Give Me Everything by InTheWordsOfAristotle
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 1.8k
Okay so this one is just a Karlnapity makeout fic lol. It’s very good.
gold mine by allwedontdo
Rated T, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Oneshot, Words 7.3k
More of a Quacknap-centric fic set in Las Nevadas with some angst but eventual fluff.
Under Your Wings by Kakerutori (@kakerutori on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 4.1k
A soft and fluffy Quackity POV wing preening fic.
today i'll survive (and tomorrow make sense of my life) by hoorayy (@rebelpeas on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 4k
From the wonderful writer who also made the famous Devil Town, this is an adorably fluffy Quackity sickfic!
Please Remember Me by HiDadImGay
Rated T, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 30.5k
Karl loses his memories during one of his time traveling trips but Quackity takes care of him in Las Nevadas. It’s filled with angst but also a lot of fluff.
Hades' Heist by urhiraeth (hazelhyucks)
Rated T, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Multichapter, Complete, Words 18.3k
Karlnapity crime time AU with a mix of exciting heists and cute fluff.
working against (the sands of time) by melotragedy
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Oneshot, Words 8.4k
A getting back together fic featuring sick Quackity in Las Nevadas.
But You and I Will Always Be Back Then by Lacy_Star (@lacystar on tumblr)
Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Complete, Words 68.3k
One of my very first Karlnapity fics I fell in love with. The story is a time traveling Karl POV plot with a lot of Honq and cute pre-Karlnapity scenes.
You Can Come Home To Me by The_Crow_Constellation (@i-anonymous-crow on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 9.1k
Part one of an ongoing canon complaint/getting back together Karlnapity fic series with a lot of beautiful prose.
Right Here Where I Belong by Coco_and_coffee (HotCocoandMarshmallows) (@hotcocoandwriting on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 3.6k
It only has one chapter right now, but I’m already in love with the concept. Quackity’s a lawyer who ends up adopting a horse and the set up is soooo good.
Before: Karl and Quackity (don't) Date by penink (@peninkwrites on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 42.2k
This is a part of the author’s Mafia AU and this Honq fic (maybe possibly going to turn into Karlnapity at some point later in the series) is criminally underrated. Please check it out and read everything in the series too while you’re at it.
guess i want you more than i thought i did by MorningStarbee (@skeppyquackers on tumblr)
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 3.6k
This is a Quackity POV Royalty AU with Karlnap having an arranged marriage. It’s just one chapter so far but I’m excited to see the angst and the surely happy ending this fic will have.
Rest by Kakerutori (@kakerutori on tumblr)
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply, Oneshot, Words 2.5k
A cute and sleepy Karlnapity fic.
if you're gonna kill me, take me out to dinner first by veeva9
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 16k
An AU where Karlnap are hitmen with the casino owner, Quackity, as their new target. (Luckily, they’re going to fall in love.)
What Am I Supossed To Do Without You? by The_Crow_Constellation (@i-anonymous-crow on tumblr)
Rated T, Major Character Death, Oneshot, Words 9.1k
Part two of the author’s canon complaint/getting back together story. Slowly but surely we're getting to that happy ending the fiances deserve.
Lemon Dove by breewrites
Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply, Multichapter, Incomplete, Words 10.8k
A hurt/comfort with a time traveling Karl POV. After kissing one of Quackity’s doppelgangers, Karl gets his memories back.
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
I went down the rabbit hole of your asks about Q and K and dtkq in general and I have thoughts: DTKQ was never real
I have been around in the dream fandom since end 2019 so pre literally all of these friendships (except dteam of course) and from the word go I always got the impression quackity didn’t like Dream not even neutral but just didn’t like him they did one stream together and never again I don’t think he favors Sapnap in anyway either he talks about Sapnap like he’s a fucking caveman and only tolerated them bc of George and some weird fan created fiancés lore that he like kinda keeps to but like doesn’t fuck w outside of the lore streams and even then he said before that dteam+k are “work friends” to him not on the same level as his irl friends. When Q was still activly hanging with people like mizkif after everything he’s said about Dream and I’m pretty sure to this day he still follows kace***on. so that solidified to me that dream and q aren’t and have never been friends bc why would you continue to follow someone actively harassing and doxing someone you claim is a friend Dream has never like off handedly talked about quackity either like I can’t think of a time Dream on his own told a funny story about being with or talking to quackity. And I think Karl god Karl is so sad to me bc I don’t mind him but he like so desperately wants his own trio like the dream team and wants his own duo like dnf so bad it’s so painfully pitiful to watch he’s like “creating” these groups and then he abandons them once he milks them dry or once they never pick up the way dnf and dteam do his closest thing to it was Karlnap but I really think Sapnap has pulled away from that recently he used to play into it a lot but he’s kinda pulled away and idk why they keep trying to resuscitate banter I need it to die like in theory it’s fun and could work but they never do it they give up after 4 episodes the 3 of them don’t have good chemistry together Sapnap and George can bounce off each other but then Karl has to be the center so Sapnap doesn’t bother half the time and George is trying to carry the weight but even he’s not into it the most popular and lively episode of banter had Dream and Dream hard carried that ep 💀 all in all I don’t think dtkq was ever real I don’t think q liked anyone but George and Karl and George doesn’t like not including his best friends Dream and Sapnap and Karl saw it as some like possible group and he himself even said that the only reason why dtkq content ever happened was bc he would force everyone to do something together and 1/2 the time Dream would just leave 1/3 of the way into any stream and most of the time Dream is q and ks punching bag anyway that pisses me off when they did content together and Dream just gets shit on. I think it sucks bc it looks like q and k were really into dtkq for content reasons and dteam wanted friends but I doubt we will see any content from 5/5 ever again (not that much existed to begin with) because quackity has isolated himself with his Spanish audience and even English and he’s all solo q Stan’s who hate everyone else and I think a lot of dteam Stan’s have not changed opinions as far as pos or neg but I think a lot have lost interest or don’t care much for Q and I see it starting w K as well they are gravitating toward sylvee and Hannah and back to Tommy now funnily enough but yeah people wrongfully assumed that 5/5 were close when I don’t think they are the fact that they were in LA for 2 weeks and quackity was there for most of that time and there wasn’t a peep of a meet up lmaoooo and like George spent most of the time doing nothing he had free time and didn’t go see him yeah yeah yeah tells me all I need to know sorry this is long I’ve kept this for far too long 💀
Hey thanks for the long input I love reading opinions from fans who've been here since the beginning 🙏
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dingbatnix · 2 years
hi! i'm new to the dsmp g/t fandom and you popped up in the tag with your post about a karlnapity au where karl has memory problems! i think the opportunities for this idea are endless and it's a pretty open-ended premise. i have a question! do you think that with all these memory problems, it would bring up different scenarios, all on varying ends of the fluff-and-angst spectrum? for example, one time when karl forgets about sapnap and quackity, he's shy because he thinks that for creatures so small, they'd obviously fear him? or maybe another time he has a brief flash of ill intentions towards the two? i just think that it would be like meeting a hundred different personalities of karl and that's a very fulfilling thought! can't wait to find more of your content, you seem awesome! i hope you have a nice day :)
Holy cow this is a lot.
Oh and hi! Thank you!
Anyway, I hadn't thought about that! It does bring up an interesting question though, like, what if Karl was in a bad mood one day, and then found them? I imagine nothing particularly bad would happen, (cause if I'm in a bad mood I'm not gonna hurt a random animal that I find, even if it's not a normal animal) but he might be more inclined to ignore them, maybe???
And then poor Quackity and Sapnap are just concerned, cause their friend isn't feeling okay, doesn't seem to remember them, and is actively trying to avoid them!
Or, we could go the angst route and, if Karl's feeling bad enough, I imagine he would get mad enough at the two borrowers to either yell at them to go away, feint an attack to scare them off, or just grab them and drop them somewhere, away from him. The height would vary, if he's careless enough to actually toss them away across the room (at the best, bruises for port Sap and Big Q, at the worst, broken bones and maybe a concussion) or just drop them on the couch opposite of him so that they stop trying to climb into his lap.
The repercussions of this would be that Q and Sap would be more wary about approaching Karl anytime he seems to not know that they exist, because that probably means that he forgot them again. They'd probably watch him a bit, to gauge his mood before coming out to say hello.
On the fluff spectrum, bridging on the shyness, I can imagine Karl backing up from Sap and Q anytime they tried to approach him. Like, they want to tell him something so they climb onto the couch next to the human's legs, but Karl is either so startled by the sudden appearance of what seems to be two tiny humans that he either freezes, or jumps off of the couch entirely cause he doesn't want to accidentally hurt them or knock them over.
Or, he'd very, very gently brush a finger up against their sides or backs, shocked that such tiny creatures would approach him with what seemed to be no caution or wariness at all. He'd be even more astounded when they both clambered into his palm and sprawled out like they owned it. He'd be awed by the tiny little movements that he could barely feel fluttering against his skin, each and every time.
For Sapnap and Quackity, well, it's a little frustrating and kinda heartbreaking for them that, no matter how hard they tried, they just never stuck in Karl's mind. They knew that it wasn't his fault, there was just something not right with his brain, but it still hurt. Were that really that inconsequential...?
On the other hand, they get to experience their first meeting, over and over and over again, so there's that, at least.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
hi you do t gotta answer this btw but I was just wanna what’s gonna happen to your books? like if you’ll delete them or you’ll stop updating? bc you’re one of the best and funniest writers in the fandom and id be devastated if you were gonna stop writing. you don’t have to if you don’t want to , don’t take this as me pressuring you sorry, I just wanted to know.
Here’s what I’m planning as of today, the 18th of October:
I really don’t think I’ll finish any of my wips that include c!Dream. That’s gross. CC!Dream is a piece of shit human being and that’s what I’ll say on that, I’m not even remotely caught up on any of the controversy and, frankly, I don’t need to be.
This is a goodbye to You’re Dead, most likely, among… pretty much every other dsmp fic I’ve ever written. Is it perhaps performative to stop writing dsmp fics because of something horrible the creator did? No, because fuck that guy. I’m extremely attached to my stories and my worlds, but not only do I want to stop supporting him even tangentially, but it would just make me feel gross to even look at his name.
This sucks! But I’ve been thinking about this really hard for the past weekend plus some days, and I’ve decided that, while there is a vast disconnect between character and content creator, it’s truly impossible to separate the two entirely.
Do I still love the characters? Yes! Not even gonna lie, talking about c!karlnapity and the Las Nevadas and Kinoko gangs helped me get through a lot this past year. So as of right now, as you may have noticed, I’m still talking about those characters. I just can’t morally allow myself to write about anything involving that universe at the moment. Until we hear from other content creators if they’re ditching that shitbag or not, I can’t bring myself to write about their characters, as much as that sucks. Plus it is the Dream SMP. Can’t exactly avoid the connotations there, can I?
Not to detract from the victim(s?), but this whole situation sucks for a lot of people. This is a huge community that has been impacted. A lot of talented artists and writers are gonna be gone.
The way I’m seeing it as of right now as I answer this ask in a Starbucks five teas into a book on late-stage Populism is that I’ll finish the two dsmp projects I am obligated to finish. You’ll see my work in those, but from there? I don’t know. We’ll just have to see how it shakes out, I guess.
I am keeping everything up, though! And I’m always willing to talk about my works (Soap has been hearing a Lot about you’re dead recently)! I just don’t think I’ll ever update them again.
That being said, this gives me a chance to work on writing for other fandoms I’ve been avoiding. I wanna write for Empires! I wanna write for Hermitcraft! I’m not done writing, I just can’t work on what… most of my followers know me for. Which sucks. But everything about this situation sucks.
Also I’m working on two original novel concepts I’ve been toying with since 2018 AND I’m actually gonna turn I thiiiiink You’re Dead or my unnamed vigilante au (the one I was gonna post on Friday and never did) into an original piece of fiction, so! That’s cool!
Sorry if this isn’t the answer you wanted, and this is all I’m gonna say on the whole situation. It’s a tough time for a lot of people, and I’m staying well out of the whole situation for personal reasons.
Signed, A.D.
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honksapling · 2 years
"No no you don't understand he's using dteam for clout he's not really friends with them he's actually distancing himself from Dream and then going back on it because he wants to save face but also he wants the clout of being friends with them all his relationships are transactional and all his content sucks cuz you can see how fake it is he actually doesn't care about them outside the content (I don't think this about any other creator but TRUST ME with him OK I promise its true and real) he kisses his friends and doesn't even ask for consent cuz he's trying sooooo hard to push karlnap so he can have what dnf have but he's actually queerbaiting because he's not really queer" - how some Karl antis sound
Srsly it's fine to not like someone's vibe and complain abt it but some of these mfs will just b saying shit
no srsly karl antis are so hyprocritical cause he talks to his friends hes a clout chaser, he doesnt talk publicly to them he's moving away because of bad rep rn and is not thier real friend he shows affection he's a queerbaiter. its enough that he already gets hate from mrb34st fans that mcytfans also hate him for stupidest reasons
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aroacerick · 2 years
{ prev was the-sleepiest-of-all , valentine-the-beloved , favorite--daughter }
🌗 { INTRO POST } 🌓
{ ♡ im XYZ! (aka a few other things) ♡ }
{ ♡ im a minor (6teen) !!! ♡ }
{ ♡ two spirit, and native american !! ♡ }
{ ♡ hyperfixated on dsmp!! ♡ }
{ ♡ c!connor enthusiast and c!quackity apologist ♡ }
{ ♡ in many fandoms + communities, but youll find more dsmp content!! ♡ }
{ ♡ artist / writer !! (send me prompts) ♡ }
{ ♡ thats about it!! heres my fandom list , byf/byi, and extras !!! :D!! ♡ }
🌗 { FANDOM LIST slash things im into } 🌓
{ things in pink are the things im super into!! }
° • ~ AJR !!!!!!!
° • ~ DSMP!!
° • ~ connoreatspants + jschlatt (chuckle sandwich, smplive, etc.)
° • ~ minecraft in general
° • ~ bojack horseman ❤
° • ~ House MD
° • ~ sailor v <3
° • ~ supernatural + doctor who
° • ~ sailor moon!!!
° • ~ space
° • ~ puss in boots the last wish
° • ~ marvel!!
° • ~ adult animation ! (rick and morty, inside job, bobs burgers, etc.)
° • ~ musicals !!!!
° • ~ sanders sides
🌗 { EXTRAS } 🌓
~ posts r normally random!! i talk a lot so expect thoughts that r all over the place
~ pumpkin duo, quackcicle, tntduo, karlnapity (basically any ship w/ quackity)
~ send me asks ab what i write for!!! i can give u headcanons if u want!!! or write something for u!!! just hmu!!
~ i am super duper cool!!
~ big c!connor fan !!! (and c!quackity)
~ same thing w/ art!!! i wanna get better ahaha
> my dni / trigger list is NOT public for my own saftey, but if we are close, you can ask for it /gen (although, while i believe my triggers arent others responsilibity, if i do tell you, i ask that you do be careful with what ive named around me.)
> 21+ dni (unless I know you and you've confirmed beforehand) I don't like adults following me!!! I'm a teen and just fuck around on this blog, so it's a little weird to me if a bunch of old ppl are following me
> i am dyslexic. i misspell things all the time, unless we are close you are Not allowed to make fun of me for it. same thing with how i read numbers (i have dyscalculia)
> while my dms are open, please Do Not be weird about it. i don't want weird messages or anything.
> don't be rude to me! i block people very easily.
> i Do like u, and i care ab you, but please do not vent to me. esp if i dont know u that well. i get overwhelmed easy, and im not good at comforting. (ofc if i offer go ahead!! and there are exceptions 2 this rule, like my partners and close friends)
> dont send asks about my dad!!! its not silly goofy, i miss him and i didnt hate his guts!!! condolences are welcome, but dont be an ass :/
🌗 { LAST NOTES } 🌓
if u wanna dm me for my discord!!! i am so active there ^_^
i swear i am super nice i seem a little mentally ill but just ask my friends i am so awesome
also u can ask for my other socials!!! i am also super active on tiktok and love getting new followers LMAO
thats it ^_^ btw u can always send asks!! i love getting asks!! (if anons are off, its bc im getting harassed </3, just dm me if u want 'em back on :D)
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chizue-witchery · 2 years
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⚜️. *. ⋆ Fandom: Dream SMP
⚜️. *. ⋆ Pairing:  Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap
⚜️. *. ⋆ Character/s: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity
⚜️. *. ⋆ Summary: "I'm sorry—" Karl's voice cracks, voice trembling while he holds Sapnap in his arms, the pool of blood spreading further. "I'm so sorry, my love—" He couldn't stop it–
"Fuck." Quackity cursed through gritted teeth while tears were rolling down his cheeks. They were going to lose their fiancé and they couldn't do anything about it. Dream has gone who knows where, the only one with the knowledge of the revive book. "Fuck!"
⚜️. *. ⋆ Word Count: 1,602
⚜️. *. ⋆ Warnings/Tags: post-canon, apocalypse au, major character death, blood and injury, angst, hurt/comfort
⚜️. *. ⋆ Prompts/Squares Filled: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” || 100 Ways to say “I Love You” Challenge Prompt#26
100WTSILY Masterlist
A/N: this is a disclaimer that it’s the characters and not the content creator themselves. other than that, i hope you like c!karlnapity angst :>
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"I'm sorry—" Karl's voice cracks, voice trembling while he holds Sapnap in his arms, the pool of blood spreading further. "I'm so sorry, my love—" He couldn't stop it–There was no other choice. He didn't know what to do—Why did he do it?
Sapnap, his loving (dying) fiancé, smiles at him. He smiles at him like he wasn't the reason he is dying — it's his fault. Sapnap was about to kill Quackity, and Karl didn't have a choice but to choose between his mind-controlled fiancé or him. There was no hope for Sapnap. The Egg has completely taken over him.
"It's not your fault," Sapnap whispers, and it sounds too quiet—too soft for him. He turns his head and faces Quackity, who's been silent the entire time; his hand gripping his bleeding shoulder, while smiling softly. "It's neither of your fault."
Karl sobs and buries his face in Sapnap's chest, not caring that blood is being smeared on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Sapnap— I didn't mean to—" he choked out the words, gripping his bloodied shirt tighter. His hands are trembling and he doesn't know what to do.
Quackity still says nothing. Instead, he looks at the abandoned enchanted netherite sword lying down next to him; the same enchanted sword that's been used to take Sapnap's last life. Then.
He looks away; looks away and tries to ignore that Sapnap tried to kill him earlier. It wasn't Sapnap; it was The Egg. They didn't want to join them and The Egg commanded Sapnap to kill them. And Sapnap was about to kill one of them—him—but Karl stepped in the way and stabbed Sapnap before he got the chance.
And now here they are; devastated while their dying fiancé looks content that he didn't kill them.
"Fuck." Quackity cursed through gritted teeth while tears were rolling down his cheeks. They were going to lose their fiancé and they couldn't do anything about it. Dream has gone who knows where, the only one with the knowledge of the revive book. "Fuck!"
"Quackity…" Karl whimpers and Quackity snaps his head to look at him. And he looks like he's on the verge of breaking down while still clinging to Sapnap like it's the only thing keeping him sane. Cheeks stained with blood, Karl doesn't wipe them away while big fat tears roll down his face.
Quackity frowns, but he moves closer to them and grabs Sapnap's hand while squeezing them tight. (He ignores how cold his hands are when they're supposed to be warm. Warm like the fire; like safety; like comfort.) He lowers his head while he whispers a prayer as he lets the tears fall down. After that, he gently kisses Sapnap's knuckles. He looks up, and he sees how Sapnap looks at them softer—fonder.
"I'm so sorry…" Karl repeats like a soft mantra despite how raspy his voice sounds or becomes more muddled together. Because it's his fault that Sapnap's going to die — his fault that he wasn't able to find a way to stop The Egg or get Sapnap to the Prime Church in time. Maybe he can go back in time to try to prevent this future, but he doesn't know what caused it in the first place and how long The Eggpire has been planning this outcome.
"Live longer for me…?" Sapnap asks, and Quackity could feel his life slipping from his fingers. Quackity could do nothing to stop, but he squeezes his hands in reassurance. Sapnap doesn't need a verbal confirmation for him to know that they'll do it—even if it's hard for them.
Karl is shaking, trying to control his sobs, but that doesn't work. Why would it? He's been crying ever since the sword went through Sapnap and he hasn't stopped since. Sapnap looks at Karl and Karl looks back at him. He's a mess. So dirty and disgusting, but Sapnap still looks at him like he's seeing the most beautiful person in the world.
"Take care of each other…" Sapnap whispers, his breathing getting raspy and he's pale—palepalepalewhyishepale? Why does he look content? Why isn't he trying to live longer? Why is he accepting that he's going to die?
Sapnap closes his eyes and takes his final breath.
Their heart stutters and neither of them says anything. Karl's uncontrollable sobs are the only thing that is heard. Quackity tries to feel a pulse on Sapnap's wrist, but there isn't any. He's gone—gonegonegonegoneforevergone.
Sapnap looks at peace, like he's still asleep, and he'll wake up soon and look at them like he's looking at his world; his universe; his everything.
(They all are.)
"It's not your fault, Karlos…" Quackity says when he notices Karl is slowly spiraling into a breakdown, his eyes swirling and flickering between golden and purple; a sign that Karl wants to go back—back in time; before the apocalypse happened; back when they were all still together; back when Sapnap is still alive. "We couldn't…" Quackity pauses, unsure how to word it. "There wasn't another way…"
"There has to be another way—!!" Karl snaps his head and looks at Quackity with a devastated expression; hopeful yet so, so hopeless golden eyes that break his heart at the sight. "I could travel back in time and stop this future from happening and have Sapnap back with us. We'll all be happy again and—!"
Quackity releases Sapnap's hand (ignoring how it falls limp because he's deaddeaddead—) and cups Karl's cheeks with both of his hands. "Karl…" he says to stop Karl from spiraling and doing something impulsive and reckless. "Please…" He wants it too but– "... it may be a happy future for us, but you'll be the only one who remembers what happened."
Karl blinks and looks at Quackity. His lips are trembling, the tears never stopping while he considers his words—barely— "But I want us to have a future together and get married like we promised…"
And they both know that even if there is a chance that they will survive from this apocalypse, they wouldn't marry without all three of them present there for the wedding.
"You're going to lose yourself if you keep doing it," he softly says while wiping the blood and tears away. "You know what happened the last time you used it…" his eyes are downcast, ignoring the sudden flash of pain when he moved his shoulder, "... We don't know what will happen next."
And, unfortunately, Karl does remember what happened the last time he used it.
It didn't end well for him, for he had forgotten who his fiancés were and his panic had resulted in accidentally going back in time while bringing them along. It involved a lot of questioning, wondering where they were and what happened; arguments between the three of them, mostly from Karl; figuring out what he had to do; a lot of convincing to get his memory of them back, which didn't work for a while because he didn't bother trying to remember who those "strangers" were; then they had to work together to find their way back home; Karl ends up dying and got sent to the In-Between, along with the other two (who kept on hovering over him, thinking he had lost a life from it); and weeks or months of effort in trying to get his memories back.
Which worked because Karl is still here; alive and well (as well as he can be during an apocalypse), sometimes with a jumbled memory that his fiancés didn't have a problem in helping him remember.
"But… it's my job to protect the server…" he argued weakly, and he's not sure if what he's saying was true anymore. Every timeline he ends up in always gets destroyed. And when peace happens, it only lasts for a few weeks or months before everything goes wrong.
"And when will that happen?" Quackity asks, and Karl stays quiet. "When is it your turn to take a rest?" When Karl doesn't respond, Quackity sighs and leans in to press a soft kiss on Karl's forehead. "It's time to take a break."
"I don't know… I…" Karl looks at Quackity. Then he sighs, slumping over while he leans on Quackity for support. Maybe he should. He's done his job far too many times that he's lost track of who he really is and his fiancés. "Maybe it's time to stay in one timeline… I've seen far too many."
Quackity lowers his hands and holds Karl as tight as he can, his body trembling from exhaustion and from losing Sapnap, their other fiancé. Karl also holds him as tight as he can, neither of them letting go of each other.
They can deal with the rest of their problems later.
Because this is the first ever time that they felt at peace after being on edge for months, wondering who the next one is going to be infected by The Egg.
It's time for them to close their eyes and take a rest.
(And long, long minutes after that, Karl and Quackity would bury Sapnap's body in where they were supposed to live together.)
(Karl would leave pink and red carnations on top of where his body laid before tackling Quackity into a hug and letting it all out.)
(Quackity will hold Karl as tight as he can, letting the tears fall while he looks at the grave they made for Sapnap.)
(They only have each other left and they will do the best they can to protect the other, even if it means sacrificing themselves.)
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gogtopia · 2 years
hey you dont have the answer this but i was wondering what youre doing with your fics moving forward ?
yeah sure! well firstly i plan on keeping them up. what’s written is written and a lot of them are too personal for me to just delete them. i have pretty complicated feelings on this whole situation that i don’t necessarily feel the need to voice but let’s just say i’m pretty neutral atm until there’s more info but i’m currently not engaging with dream’s content. i would like to finish full count at some point, though, since it’s almost all posted already. i’m just not really at a point where i can sit down and finish writing it yet. the planned karlnapity sequel to that is on an indefinite hold since he was a pretty pivotal character in the planned plot
going forward i’ll probably start writing for mcyt again soonish and it’s possible that i post something else before i finish full count. i don’t think that i’ll be writing more fics with dream in them at least for the foreseeable future (unless it’s for like an exchange thing). i don’t really have concrete plans for what’s next but i really want to write some tinarose at some point (as in i’m literally itching to write them but can’t land on an idea) and will probably write more karlnapity/knf/snf/maybe pnf. i don’t really know i’m honestly focusing on grad school apps rn so i’m not too stressed about pushing myself to write + a lot of my previously planned fics had him in an important role regardless of whether he was part of the main ship so i have to come up with new ideas or rework old ones
i’m also part of a collaborative dsmp project but tbh i don’t really know what i can say about that right now but it’s something that i’ll be working on behind the scenes for a bit that you won’t see for like several months lol
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theprivatearchives · 2 months
12th June 2021 
It really doesn't matter what Ranboo or Corpse or Dream look like... there's no way they'll top Wilbur Soot. ^-^
"I got a-l-l-l-l the boys simping for me right now." -Karl Jacobs being selfaware XD
Back when I was watching the IRL KarlNap streams live, I watched the one where they're going over the cards and assessing them, and I was like 'hmm... Karl's hoodie is pretty cool" but I didn't think much of it at the time. Now I've just realised it's the fricking MISS YOU CORPSE hoodie!! That hoodie is more iconic than pretty much any merch I'm aware of, and I absolutely adore it.
It's amazing how things come full circle when you follow a trail of fandoms.
Watching some older Technoblade lore VODs and Quackity starts spouting -sh** about Technoblade having to pay for his "war crimes" and go on trial and etc. and I'm just watching as my blood boils, thinking about the trash moves Quackity has made in the past and how he's super guilty but he's talking like Techno is the bad guy. I hate Quackity pretty much. (Don't get me wrong, I hate him like any character who's actions I deplore and who is a filthy villain in my sight in any story. Don't hear me saying I hate the CC. That's another story lol.) Anyways, Technoblade was like, "sounds like BeEs" and so now I'm even more convinced I should be a Technoblade fan lol. I live for two days on the dream smp. The day that Dream gets his happy ending, and the day that Quackity gets the negative retribution he deserves.
Yikes! Karl's been tweeting @_Corpse to play with him again. That man (Karl) really does momma-bird us with delightful content all the time! He's a special one. <3
I just popped in to say that I'm currently catching a Karl & Corpse gaming stream LIVE! Let's goooo! I usually can't see them live. Two of my favourite streamers. <3
I felt like crying when Corpse and Karl were saying goodbye. I didn't get too many dishes washed until after the stream finished and I put on a Technoblade lore VOD Lol
by @.ibti! @.valkyraelovebot
Most iconic thing corpse ever did? "independent, no label, no agency, no paid promo, from his bedroom"
https://twitter.com/CATGIRLSHIT/status/1402769913765376000?s=20 The knife video on this made me lose it. So funny.
One day I'll look back at this time and think about how legendary it was... https://twitter.com/CORPSEGENIUS/status/1402360582200758281?s=20
This thread is basically my substitute for Twitter lol. I do kinda wish I had twitter. But you can't sign up without giving your phone number so I drew a line at that.
What do you do when you want to write fanfiction, but the people or characters you want to write are people you don't think you can write accurately because you're not them?
I want to write Dream but he deals with things by quipping and Karl but he's constantly joking and genuinely super funny all the time and I am about as funny as doing dishes.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 10 months
Bleeding Stars
by Screenbreakwr404
"In order to restore balance . . . it must be broken."
Two separate beings living on opposite sides of their world with no relation to each other at all suddenly find their paths interchangeably twined when one falls into the river separating their homes from contact and the other rescues them. What follows is an onslaught of turmoil, violence, laughter, heartbreak, betrayal, and plot twists neither of them could have possibly foresaw.
Their world will never, ever be the same again.
(To whom it may concern, this fic is cross-posted on AO3 and Wattpad. No, this story wasn't stolen by either of us, because WE ARE THE SAME PERSON.)
Words: 1356, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Bleeding Stars Saga
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Five Nights at Freddy's, Portal (Video Game), Minecraft (Video Game), Minecraft: Story Mode (Video Game), Bleeding Stars
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Lolbit (Five Nights at Freddy's), Alexis | Quackity, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Sam | Awesamdude, Xara (Minecraft: Story Mode), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Vanny, Atlas, Aegis, Atala, Alyx, Anali
Relationships: Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Crossover, Dream SMP - Freeform, Five Nights At Freddys, Danger, Insanity, Time Travel, illusion, lolbit - Freeform, Series, Idk what I'm doing with my life, Death, karlnapity for like five seconds, beeduo content, Lolbit is basically a hellhound on crack, there's a lot of blood, Vanny is a jerk, Violence, Karl really needs a hug, Lolbit needs therapy, Sap needs to cool down, no shipping Lolbit with anyone cuz thats just way too weird for me, Robot Dragons, Alyx is bee dragon must protect, Aegis is hiding something, Atala is best queen ever fr, Atlas is amazing too we love her, Magic, Fire, spells, harry potter stuff, seers and mind readers, wings of fire references, a lot of portal references, Xara needs a break, Dream is kind of mean ngl, Sap is like the best fiancé ever, did i mention magic yet, Anali is another robot but not a dragon, she just wants a family ;-;
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thecatchat · 2 years
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I posted 20,551 times in 2022
263 posts created (1%)
20,288 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 890 of my posts in 2022
#if sad check this tag - 328 posts
#karlnapity dimensions - 117 posts
#dm tools - 91 posts
#dnd:wow - 88 posts
#unofficial dimensions - 33 posts
#ksq dimensions lmao - 32 posts
#tma - 29 posts
#ksq dimensions content - 16 posts
#episode ideas - 16 posts
#tma au - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this can be read as satire and genuine since they spent one half of the campaign throwing wolves at eachother and the other petting differen
My Top Posts in 2022:
Listening to TMA for the first time. I've listened up to 97, on 98.
I'll put my thoughts in reblogs.
30 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
The Story Of A Meeting
@inkytrinket-irii a thing I wrote, most of it is under the cut. Hope you enjoy it!
He was falling through the psychedelic swirls of his smoke. Time was passing in a moment and a minute all at once. He was everywhere and nowhere, scattered and compressed. He was falling through a paradox. He was the paradox.
And that's when he hit the ground.
The impact didn't hurt too much, probably due to whatever poor plants he landed on. He did however hit his head a little painfully. It wasn't a concussion, he got hit in the head enough to know the difference immediately, but it did make his vision spin and ears ring.
Taking a moment, Karl was able to look around. It was night time but a scattering of lanterns and a half moon in the sky showed the outline of his surroundings. It seemed cozy and warm, a thick forest to one side and a few stone houses dotted on the other. Lanterns and torches could be seen flickering in the distance. It was a very peaceful and serene picture.
It would make a lovely postcard.
The sound of a heavy door being thrown open had Karl snapping his head towards it. A figure, back lit by a lantern, stood in the doorway. Tall, broad, and the metal armor they wore glistened in the light. The sword they held also glistened in the light.
"Who are you?" They called in a commanding yet slightly confused tone.
Honk, must have seen the portal through the window, Karl thought to himself as he bolted towards the forest, I just got here! I can't get arrested for witchcraft. Yet.
He could faintly hear the person start chasing him as he leaped and stumbled through the trees. The blood roared through his ears. His clothes caught on the branches. It felt like fire was nipping at his heels. He kept running. Not out of fear but out of curiosity. He landed in this dimension and he wanted to know what stories it held.
It finally registered that the person was yelling something at him in what sounded like concern rather than anger or alarm. Karl slowed his pace the slightest bit.
Then ran straight off a small cliff.
His vision doubled and tripled as he blinked open his eyes. He didn't remember closing them. He definitely had a concussion. Something large was moving next to him and he could feel multiple legs start to poke at him. He could make out the fuzzy outline of what looked like a spider.
Hopefully it's poisonous, he thought to himself as he bared his neck to the creature, it'll get rid of this concussion faster.
----------(Sapnap's POV below)----------
"What in the name of XD are you wearing," Sapnap asked the strange man laying in front of him. The man did not answer. His chest was moving so he was breathing, thank XD, just out cold.
Sapnap had thought they might have died when they ran off the cliff. Finding them on the ground with a spider on top of them didn't bring much hope either. But by some miracle from XD, they had nothing worse then a bump on the head.
They were back in the guard house, the stranger layed out on the spare bed while Sapnap hurried around grabbing supplies. A potion of healing, a bottle of water, and a muffin. He figured they must be from the End Empire, considering the colorful goggles he had on, but it was the only real lead he had. The stranger was just too strange to pin down: the colors, the outfit, and no tails, feathers, or fur either.
Sapnap left the goggles on them but removed the coat, reasoning that it was unfortunately very common to overheat near Neather Waste Demons, like himself. He knew he had better control than most but medical training and protocols were created for good reason.
As he was folding the coat, a book fell out of it. It was leather bound and looked professional made. There was a green and purple square swirl painted on the cover and the title "The Adventurs Of The Cunning Pirate: Captain Puffy" was painted below. The back of the book declared that it had been written by "Karl Jacob".
"Karl Jacob," he tested the name aloud. He'd never heard the name before. It was just a bit too strange to be familiar but close enough that he couldn't just dismiss it entirely. "The name suits you," he said approvingly.
"Thanks, i picked it myself."
Sapnap nearly set alight out of fright. He hadn't expected him to wake up for at least a few more hours, much less speak clearly. He looked over to see him already sitting up with his feet hanging off the bed.
He rushed over and gently pushed them back down. "You shouldn't be moving around so much. You've been injured and need rest."
Karl seemed to consider this for a moment. "Fine. One condition," he broke into a wild grin, "you have to tell me a story."
A story? A strange request from a strange person. Sapnap was mostly relieved that he wasn't going to have to chase after him again. Running in armor was not ideal and even harder at night when you couldn't see anything.
"Alright. Drink some healing potion while I tell the story, it'll help the headache", he agreed. He grabbed Karl's book off the floor and started to flip through the pages.
See the full post
30 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Title: The Archivist's Chat
Chapters: 17/?
Summary: Johnathan created group chat with Tim, Martin, and Sasha
Johnathan named the group chat Archives Official Chat
Johnathan: Hello, I have received feedback from all of you that you dislike receiving updates through email. So I have created a group chat so we may effectively organize the Archives and communicate with each other during the process.
Tim: cool cool why was this sent at 4 in the morning?????
Hello! This is my TMA AU, where all 4 of the s1 gang are Archivists! This changes some things, for better and for worse! currently in the middle of season 3! Hope you enjoy!
34 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Some fan art for the newest chapter!
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Under the cut : wip version feat. Me, attempting mouth shapes
See the full post
56 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey, am I the only one who's realized that the buff dog and commander dog from the Howling Aces fight are likely to be married and the four pups that fly around you are their kids? Like, I have no screen shots, but it's obvious once you see it.
They have their dad's face but their moms ears! It's adorable! One big aviation family! So cute!
68 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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