#like Heyyy lol why do you care about my type huh
marshallmallows · 1 year
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merakireveries · 2 years
I would gladly kill a HP shipper(whether they be a filthy Romione, disgusting Dramione or dirty Harmione). And I would burn the body with incendio. And I would LOVE every second of it😈
Hello, hello!!
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Anon, you're using the same terminology and adjectives as the second and fourth ask I got. I'm Lowkey starting to think that you're the same person 👀👀👀👀
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If you are the same person, WELCOME BACK, MY LOVE!!! 🤧😆😁💕💕💕💖
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If not, and you're a different person hopping onto my page for the first time, 🌻Welcome!🌻 Happy to have you onboard the Meraki Reveries Blog Boat! 🚢 Weeeee, hehehehe (If you want more info about how things work here and are in need of a more thorough welcome, go to my Welcoming Post pinned on my page- another shameless plug lololol, y'all make this too easy hehehehe)
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(couldn't find a GIF for a boat, so we'll just use this one. "Love Train" 🚂🚃🚃🚃- close enough, lololol)
Now, to answer your ask, let's see... As I've established on the fourth ask, I think there may have been some form of miscommunication between you and the Romionians, Harmionians, and now Dramionians (OOH, girl, Hermione, you slayin' out here so hard that we've got multiple boys falling for you 🤭🤭🤭) . I'm sure there are no "filthy" Romione shippers, "dirty" Harmione shippers, or any "disgusting" Dramione" shippers.
Muddy floors? Ah, yes, filthy. Dirt-covered boots? Mhm, yeah, dirty. (Hehe, get it? Dirt-y? I'm a Pun Princess 👑😌✨ purrrr 💛). Maggot-filled carpet? Oh, yup, very disgusting. And I mean, VERY disgustang! You know, there's a vid on YouTube of a person cleaning that! You can check it out if you have an iron stomach.
But a Romione shipper? Nothing filthy about them as I'm far I'm concerned. Harmione shipper? Nothing dirty. Dramione shipper? Nothing disgusting. So we Gucci there, beebee. You don't have to worry about any germ spread. 😌✨💛
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And let's see... What else on your ask? Ah, yes. Murder.
It says here that you would "gladly kill a HP shipper" (le GASP! I'M a HP shipper!!) Are you saying you want to ✨gladly✨ kill me...? 😳
Dang, ✨Confession Time✨, Y'all
The last time someone told me they wanted to kill me was when I was in middle school. He and I were classmates and he'd always shout insults at me and make fun of me for kicks and giggles. (He did this to literally everyone. No one cared about his behavior, lolol. I do think his jokes went too far, but everyone just let him. I was one of the few people who scolded him- and I guess that's why he was extra hard on me LOL)
⚠️Quick Warning⚠️: What I'm about to say is a bit out there. (It has to do with "kys") So, either brace yourself or scroll until you see the cat picture if you wanna skip this. 😅
At one point, he began to tell me to off myself. Like, he'd do it everyday. I'd be on the playground, minding my own business and eating a tangerine 🍊 and he'd be on top of the slide pointing down at me saying, "Hey! Mera, go K*LL YOURSELF." (And other insensitive stuff I'd rather not type here 😅) He'd be grinning and laughing all the while- such a gremlin, that dude! 🙄😒
I never took him seriously. And I'd just wave it off LOL. But, after several weeks of this, I kinda got annoyed with him and this is what happened: (let's call him Tin.)
Tin: Mera, why don't you just k*LL yourself, huh?
Me: You know what, Tin? If you want me to d*e so much, why don't you kill me, then?
Tin: ....
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how Tin's and my dynamic completely shifted LOL. He was completely silent and at loss for words. It was funny. 🤣 Each day after that, I took the liberty of asking him when he'd- y'know- do the job.
It would always be like, "Heyyy, Tin, I'm not 6 feet under yet! What happened? Scared?" "DUDE. I was waiting for you ALL night last night! How come you didn't break in and off me yet?" "Aww, Tin, come on. I'm literally inviting you to get the job done! Take it!!" It was my way of teasing him, and I WAS HAVING A BLAST.
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Soon, he became comfortable with this little arrangement, and it sorta became our "thing", I guess? 😅 I'd ask what his plan was "for tonight" and he'd answer with ridiculous things like: "My weapon will be syrup and a pan." Or "This plastic gun my little brother owns will totally work on you." I'd give my opinions on his "plans" and we'd go back and forth on it, further developing or improving them. It was FUN LOL. 😆🤣
And what was great was that he was so caught up in "planning" with me that he kinda just stopped joking and insulting everyone else. It was great!! And okay, I'm a little ashamed to say, but I Lowkey started ✨catching feelings✨for him along the way...? (LOL DON'T JUDGE ME I WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, OKAY? AND HE WAS HARMLESS. Sort of)
I genuinely had fun with the dude, and he was becoming less and less mean as the years went on. Fast forward a bit into junior high, and we're practically best friends. He's still funny and now really nice. I confessed to liking him. AND YA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? He ended up saying that he liked me too. 😳😳😳😳
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🍊Okay, there's the cat picture, lol!!! 🍊
For those who skipped the thingy, basically the last time a person told me they wanted me- y'know- six feet under, they actually had feelings for me. (Ooooooo 😳🤭✋ LOLOLOL).
Sooo, anon, do you have feelings for me too...? 😳🤭.... 😏✨✨✨✨
I'm Totally Not Flirting, Anon. Maybe. Yes. No. Perhaps.
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Look... I'm just saying, anon... If you really are the same person as the second and fourth ask, like my dude, My Boi, you can...
Drop by again, y'know? 😉 Just keep coming back, cuz I'm enjoying you. A lot. LOL.
Okay, with that being said....
Let me Make Something ✨Clear✨
I do NOT condone telling people to off themselves!! (To anyone who read the lol story I told about my middle school years, just know that I never condoned Tin's behavior. It was insensitive and it's never okay to tell people that, even if it's a joke!)
I also do not condone burning people alive. Remember from my Welcoming Post (shameless plug again UwU) that I don't want mah boat burning, aight? I like water more than fire, kapeesh?
3. Murder is never okay. Unless it's to murder hate, y'know what I'm saying? 💕💕💕💕
4. So is disrespect. I want this boat to be a safe space for everyone. ☺️💛
Now, anon, just keep those in mind if you wanna be my friend or (date me- jkjkjk,.... Unless-)
I hope you have a good day and that you responsibly navigate through the fandom's waters without disrespecting and MURDERING others. Goodness, PLEASE don't do that. I KNOW I said in my Welcoming Post (shameless plug, hehehehe) and my Fourth Ask that I've committed many crimes, but take it from an Ex-con, committing crimes is no fun. (ب_ب)
Okay, that's all for today! Everyone, have a nice rest of y'all's week! And anon, call me.
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