#like 50/50 may not have art for a while. but maybe not look guys i'm so good at not getting sleep
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quick and loose (24 hours and counting) thing i tried to finish before move-in i'm calling it here i was defeated 😔 let's see if i can finish it before classes actually start (no) featurnig partial view of my krita setup (default) god be with ye all i need to be doing last minute packing in five-odd hours and then i will not sleep for four entire months god be with y'all
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The pain of fixating on a character not on art fight that no one will be drawing until they get up there... :,)
Anyway. Crappy artist rendition of the two from earlier!
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These are Walt Peters (or Pete Waters or. Idk.) and Bonnibel!
Walt is a detective from maybe the 20s-50s that, out of curiosity, powered on a time machine project from a high schooler and wound up in the 21st century. He's a cold -too cold, sometimes- and calculating guy. Over the course of the series he does learn to have a heart... but the emotions sometimes get in way of his work, in his opinion.
Bonnie (or Bo. Or Bon) is a seemingly ditzy woman from a big city that is one of the first people Walt comes across. However, as previously mentioned she may not be as stupid as she often comes across and this more intelligent side shows further in the series. She has a '60s aesthetic. While at the beginning it's unknown if she traveled from the past too, she may have a deeper connection to one of Walt's cases...
Walt meets Bonnibel at some sort of important building. I know that they become detective partners at some point but I don't know how yet. I do know that Walt is often fed up with Bon's work ethic, but doesn't necessarily hate her, and Bo just really likes working with him. Eventually the big important case shows up but it becomes really hard to work on due to Walt's newly developed feelings for Bonnie. (not specifically that the romance gets in the way! Also speaking of romance though I do ship them I don't think the romance is a main plot point this time. Sorry.)
Design tidbits!
Walt has arms. And hands! I just find it fun drawing him without 'em. When he's in his detective suit he has black gloves on, nothing fancy.
His coat is supposed to have 3 buttons on it.
His hat is also a taller rendition of the deerstalker (the Holmes hat... look it up!)
Unless he's at home or in a generally comfortable place, Walt doesn't tend to take off his coat. He will, though, add accessories such as a tie or a scarf if the situation calls for it. I always draw him with the hat though.
His face in always in shadow (probably even without the hat). One of his eyes is generally squinted at all times, and his eyes can become more or less stretched depending on the emotion (this means he has NO EYELIDS unless his eyes are fully closed. His eyes show the emotions, not the eyelids or brows.)
The smaller eye generally is the opposite of the direction he's facing. Not necessary if he's looking forward.
Bonnie has big hair! It isn't overtly big like a beehive, but it isn't really flat like Bel's either.
Oh and freckles. I decided to add them to make her a little more distinct!
She tends to have jewelry on! Mostly bracelets and earrings, though. She doesn't tend to wear necklaces.
She also likes to switch out these jewelries!
She is a very expressive woman! (Close to Enid levels of expressive) Feel free to stretch her emotions more!
Fitting with her accessories she also likes to have many outfits! They're generally 60s too but she has a few modern items in there. (she's kinda like enid but a little psychotic wait what who said that
So why the heck do I include all this information? Well:
Currently I can't get a good laptop photo for the life of me and
I really really want someone to draw them on art fight
That's all I have of them for now. I'm still thinking of a name but I feel like this would work well as an adult swim and/or cartoon network thing, or a webcomic. Both?
Also as much as I want them to get along I feel like these two would have serious beef with the Robo Sleuths.
If you read all this please let me know what you think of them!!! :)
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that-darn-clown · 3 months
okay, sad ask now.
Henry and William's childhoods!! (plus how they met each other)
grew up in a Very rural town in Utah (not Hurricane). like we're talking most people are farmers and there probably isn't more than 100-200 people living here. considering the time period (late 30's-early 40's), makes sense.
this poor guy's bio dad sucked. like he was horrible.
has an older sister named Jen :] (< canonical to the books, i'm sure)
he had only a few stuffed animals growing up: Teddy (bear, obviously), Theodore (rabbit), Dawn (chicken; technically a rooster but Henry didn't give a fuck), and Cooper (fox; fell apart often because it was the oldest of all the toys).
those lil guys would become his inspiration to make the OG Freddy's Gang.
he shipped Teddy and Theodore together, despite growing up heavily religious. he'd just check around to make sure no one was watching them and then he'd go "hehe now Kiss :3"
well. time for a bit of Projection. so like. Henry's Transmasc. now uh while doing some research because i remembered that there are some things that can cause facial hair (or "abnormal hair growth," as some sites call it where women grow hair on places where they either aren't supposed grow much/noticeable hair or any hair at all) in women. did some research, might have PCOS but with more...milder symptoms? idk because some of the symptoms/signs aren't things that i deal with personally. but the hair and the acne stuff matches up and we'll leave it there for now. but anyway, so there's that: Henry starting growing some facial hair (coincidentally a few months before realizing that. he May not be a girl, actually), and because he thought it was cool and because well he's already kind of a social outcast anyway so why not am i right? he decided to keep it.
dad got thrown in jail for fighting and almost killing someone in a bar fight, and his mom remarried. stepdad was much better :]
got his interest in mechanics and robotics from old sci-fi movies and having to fix stuff like his bike and some of the electricity and wiring in the house (mostly 'cause it Sucked).
time for college came around, and well...his stepdad knew some people who were willing to help with his transition as much as they could in like the 50's-60's. got his boy some top surgery, what technically would count as a "fake ID" (Henry and his stepdad would call it an "updated ID," though. which in a way they aren't wrong about), and then sent him off to college!
he 100% gives off the vibes of going down the "weird "girl" who later discovered they weren't a girl at all" to "goofy but Very autistic father" pipeline. i accept no criticism on this, he just Does.
yes he is a furry. Fredbear is in fact his fursona.
hoo fucking BOY did this guy's parents SUCK.
like if you ever wonder why Rewrite!William's Like That as an adult, you've just got to look at his childhood.
his parents were distant and neglectful At Best, and physically + verbally abusive At Worst.
unfortunately for him, something that certainly didn't help matters was that He Was Autistic As Hell. sensory issues, couldn't understand social cues to save his life (still can't, tbh), and just in general was...odd.
some would've called him "eccentric," maybe. had an odd interest in rabbits, in drawing. he was always rather quiet, staring in an almost unnerving way at the walls or just on someone by accident. but mention anything he enjoyed, and he'd talk your ear off.
despite all of this, he was well-loved by teachers. charming lil guy, y'know? not exactly popular with most of the other kids, though...but effectively a Teacher's Pet, pretty much. not that he minded much, either; "If they can tell me something I haven't already heard from my parents, maybe I'll start listening." (< something that concerned the Fuck out of his art teacher once, fun fact!)
used to cry a lot as a kid; got him bullied often :(
parents were rich, and he had a lot of siblings (three sisters and two brothers; loved each other but acted rather distant :().
after a lot of begging from Will, on his 6th birthday, his parents got him a pet rabbit (mostly because they wanted him to shut the fuck up about it) that he named "O'Hare" (familiar sounding name, ain't it?).
and God, did that kid love that rabbit. took the best care of him he could. played with him with whatever spare time he had. he adored O'Hare.
of course...William never had the best luck as a child. when he was eight years old, a couple of friends of one of his older brothers had come over to hang out. they had found William drawing while talking to O'Hare, decided to mess around a bit, and...well, they were a bit too rough with the rabbit, we'll put it that way.
despite his brother getting rightfully pissed at those two for y'know. Killing His Brother's Pet Rabbit, even if it was technically an accident, and trying to comfort his brother, William is inconsolable.
of course, not that his parents understand that this isn't something William's just going to get over in a few days; they're just pissed off and annoyed that their son won't stop crying (to give an example, something his father said, "It's just a stupid rabbit, William! Now stop your whining and bitching!").
of course, William never really got over it that quickly. he practically closed himself off, escaping into doing art to ignore his grief and give himself something to distract himself. and he starts drawing his dead bunny as a new character: this time, as an actual hare. and anthropomorphic. look, William had been watching old Disney cartoons and Looney Tunes, also as a way of comforting himself. and maybe he got inspired a bit...maybe a way to immortalize his old rabbit. heck, who knows, maybe he could become an animator and rival Walt himself!
or, maybe, as he starts drawing and thinking more and more...a way to become his old rabbit? (< aka William is a furry. and a therian. maybe even ockin? well uh....if it works as a coping mechanism, then it works, i guess?)
at least...until his family discovered his sketchbook. and decided that the Best Course Of Action is to send their clearly grieving son to a BOARDING SCHOOL. when he was NINE.
and we ain't talking about a "teachers are kinda strict and you're expected to keep your grades up" boarding school. we're talking a "you will get your ass beat for something as small as accidentally dropping your PENCIL" boarding school.
because their other option is probably taking him to a psychiatrist and having to deal with the public humiliation that having an openly mentally ill family member at that time would cause (which gee guys, I WONDER WHOSE FAULT THAT IS?? I WONDER WHY YOUR SON HAS ISSUES??).
so they send him off, and uh. that goes as well as you'd expect: the letters are practically constant, talking about William's ever-worsening behavior problems. at first, he just clammed up and kept to himself, and anytime it came to corporal punishment, they mention that he hardly ever flinches. then...it got worse. he'd have breakdowns, usually at bedtime, and it would wake other students up. he'd get violent with bullies, not even caring for the consequences. he was always closed off, only ever happy during an art class. even stranger, despite the behavior problems...his grades never suffered. they don't understand it.
eventually, when he's fifteen, they send him home. they decided "yep. we're not dealing with him on the Teenager Hormones. he's Y'all's problem again." (< ignore that this is taking place in England)
his behavior problems? never get any better while he's still at home: his emotions are volatile now. he's sad? everyone in the damn house is gonna hear it from his bedroom. he's angry? hope no one was attached to that glass cup he was holding, because it's broken now.
the family just decides to move over to America (i'd say maybe either Virginia or NY. don't ask why, those are the vibes i'm getting), because i think they're starting to realize They Fucked Up Somewhere and decided maybe a change of scenery would help William. It Really Didn't, But They Tried.
when he turns 18, they just buy him a car, give him a bunch of money, and send him off into the world; "Go to college. Or don't. We don't really care what you do at this point, we just don't want you here."
he just scoffs and decides that he'll go away. far away for college, somewhere where his family isn't breathing down his neck and he can just be himself, and just try things out. see what sticks.
not really like he wants to stay here, anyway.
(this man is also Not cis. probably some flavor of nonbinary. or even some form of rabbit/hare xenogender, purely 'cause it would fit. he'd like it/its pronouns and neopronouns, i'd think)
and now, fucking finally:
they both only really found out that they'd been assigned as roommates when Henry finally arrived at the room. it was. an awkward first couple of hours.
they found out that they had pretty similar schedules, and a lot of the same classes, and. Well, Ain't That Convenient!
William goes back to being his old eccentric self, a rather dramatic man. he and Henry both took a drama class, but for different reasons (William because he could just be himself and Henry so that he could come out of his shell a bit).
they both found out about each other's fursonas and expected the other to go "ew cringe" but. they both found it pretty cool! (it definitely made Will happy, considering he'd been called a weirdo for that his entire life)
then pretty shortly after that they looked at the fact that they both had some. creative ideas with those fursonas and other characters, and while William originally went with the "let's make an animated cartoon show! :D" (which, keep in mind, was his original childhood plan), Henry thought about the fact that they were both in some mechanics/robotics classes and went "actually, I have a better idea-" and that's how the idea for Freddy's/Fredbear's was originally born :]
Henry came out as trans to William and his (at the time) girlfriend, Claire, because he had decided to keep his flannel unbuttoned and Claire saw his top surgery scars. after a couple of minutes of nearly choking on water (because Henry literally decided to start his explanation with "Oh, these are from where I got my breasts cut off-" and it caught Will so off guard), William basically went "HOLY SHIT, THAT'S SO COOL????"
also, final fun fact: these two Have explored each other's bodies before. in college. it's how Henry discovered he was pan and how Will discovered he was bi. just a fun fact for you :]
and there we go!! finally done :] gotta go eat now see ya later bestie enjoy these
AAAHH being like "aw my poor bois :[" and then stumbling upon They Have Explored Each Other's Bodies is maybe the best experience of my life lmaooo. I really like them being early furries. The internet comes out and they join a furry chat room and are like "holy shit chat are you seeing this" (if they had just stayed normal and not. Ya know. Done murder by then)
But yeah ough. My sillies...
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hughiecampbelle · 23 days
hello hello!! hope you're doing well <3 so i saw ships were open again... and i did get one as an anon a while ago, but the format has changed for the 10k so back i am for your amazing writing <3
i'd love to be shipped with someone from the boys!! (i do feel bad requesting for specific characters even though it's incredibly easy to see who i want to smooch in this show. i love them all though and above all love to see authors get creative. go crazy go bonkers. ok with any character but the deep, homelander, stormfront, and firecracker.)
i'm a bi & ace jewish brazilian girl, 1.72m tall, with long, straight, brown hair (that i've always thought about dying but always chickened out of). no tattoos, even though i have a list of which ones i'd get and what do they mean. i'm from brazil but currently go to college in new york, majoring in theatre and minoring in translation. i'm fluent in portuguese and english, learning french, and have the life objective of becoming a polyglot.
i'm in love with theatre, literary analysis, linguistics, music, writing, and art in general — will absolutely ramble about anything i am interested in, and also might have strong opinions on stuff that maybe i didn't need to have a strong opinion on 💀 i can get a bit combative about that at times... i definitely take as my biggest skill, besides singing and acting which are quite literally my intended job (i want to be a musical theatre actress), eloquence and just my way with words (toxic trait is believing i'd talk my way out of a murder fr fr). friends that know me more recently would even say i'm an extrovert because of that, but honestly i am a pile of nerves of an introvert with social anxiety that simply loves yapping and putting on a show. most notable quirk/habit might be how precise i always am with finding the right words because i simply cannot leave an opening for misinterpretation (and that's on anxiety and a suspicion of undiagnosed adhd oops); that might lead me to be a bit picky (for the lack of a better word), specific, and/or literal with the words other people use as well.
other tidbits: i can't cook for shit, i love cats (i have a rescue named lily) but also like dogs a lot, i love kids and have been told i'm good with them. i'm crazy lucky for some reason and i love crime comedy movies. i'm almost always writing or thinking about writing but i can't ever finish a project (and you may have realized by now i write too much). i love arts & crafts & other manual activities, i do knot friendship bracelets to de-stress. my default hangout with anyone ever is grabbing coffee. i'm also pretty proud of my music taste — from alt rock to 40s-50s music, love curating the vibes and i'm a bit of a playlist freak. also i would 100% show brazilian music (mostly rock and mpb, brazilian popular music) to whoever i'm paired with 💥🇧🇷
when it comes to love life oh boy i am a disaster — the two situations i have ever gotten myself into were the objective hottest girl i know and the weirdest guy i've ever come across (and both are my good friends atm). for me doing something creative, like a project together, is the quickest way to bond; and being in cahoots with someone is the deepest form of connection. let's ramble about our interests, be weird together, cause a diplomatic crisis, watch a movie, write something, idk.
this was LOOONG but i hope it's not too much and it gives you plenty of material to write with!! thank you so much for carrying the the boys fandom on your back enna <3
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Annie is actually blown away by both your love of and intelligence with languages. She's always trying to learn both Portuguese and French sayings (mostly nicknames/"I love you") to surprise you. She loves the look of joy on your face when you realize what she's trying to say. Her pronunciation could use some work, but it's still very adorable
It melts Annie's heart when she sees you around children. She knows it can be a lot, with kids and their parents running up to her, asking her for pictures, showing off their Starlight costumes. She would understand it got a little exhausting. But you have never minded, instead you ask them questions and make them laugh, telling them they're little superheroes, too
Annie feels like she can truly be herself around you. After all those years with the religious conventions and the time she spent with Vought, she was never allowed to be herself. She couldn't show off her real laugh that's squeaky and high-pitched. She couldn't swear as a teenager or say all the crude jokes she thought of. With you, though, she can let loose. She doesn't have to uphold this image like she's had to her whole life
You and Annie are as equally terrible at cooking. You make a plan to cook together, learning recipes and measurements. Sometimes the food gets burned, or worse, under cooked, and a few times you've had to split it out, wondering where you went wrong? But, overall, it builds your skills together and it makes you feel better about your lack of skills
Annie comes to every show you're in at least three times. She'll bring Hughie and Kimiko first, then M.M. and Frenchie, and the third time she goes along, wanting to see you in your glory, feeling like this moment belongs to her. She shows up with flowers every time and tells you parts and songs she's loved as if you hadn't spent weeks practicing lines and songs with her. She's so proud of you, she can't contain herself. She definitely happy cries at the end when you take your bows!
Want to request a ship?
My love!!!! I hope you like it!!!! :D Xoxoxo💜💜💜💜
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 502 - Damn right through Mirai's boob. She and Yuizi can form a club about it now, though at least Geo went for the side with heart unlike Yuri.
- ...So Lunark and Mirai vacillate between matesprit and kismesis are lovers yeah :3 Though I wonder if Lunark dates both sisters or just Mirai.
- ??? You can't only numb the part of the nervous system for feeling pain since there aren't separate systems for different senses. It'd be possible only if they made it so the signals for pain weren't processed properly so I'll pretend that's what they did to Haydn as a side effect.
Chapter 503 - And Kentas is back from Lukedonia lol.
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- Put your clothes back on First.
Chapter 505 - I... I forgot that First gets even uglier.
- Ah yes Blood Spear debut... imagining its gijinka is making me cry omg. A shy noblesse looking child being mothered over by my monstrous Dark Spear gijinka 🥺
Chapter 506 - First??? Since when are artificial bloodstones human tech? Lagus pioneered that shit and must have shared it with Maduke. Humans using bloodstones would have taken Lagus' research. I'm-
Chapter 507 - Why tf did Dark Spear mode make Frankenstein and Lunark's height difference larger. I refuse to acknowledge this shitty art choice.
- Okay so you did one decent thing by making sure the murder satellites won't activate when you die, First. Doesn't change the rest of your bullshit.
- 'Created it in secret'. Idk I feel like whoever is in charge of the Union's finances would have noticed. Maybe if it was just one I'd give it a pass but multiple satellites? For murder? Haha yeah ig that means Urokai woulda known by my hcs. Poor guy. Just wanted to murder his husband and his husband's pet but got dragged into helping people in the Union. The audacity smh.
Chapter 508 - They really need to hire more hackers. Tao may be a superhuman but even he can't do it alone.
Chapter 509 - I wonder what city First spends most of his time in? It's very pretty.
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- Crombel's right, First. You're both shitty people.
- Put your shirt back on please Crombel (T°T)
- You two too, First, Third.
- So Crombel wants to play god which means he's going to genetically engineer humans but uh. Who's gonna raise all those test tube babies? Him? His assassination squad? I don't think either is okay.
Chapter 510 - To think it all started with Twelfth Elder suspecting Crombel all that while ago. Good times.
- Oh hey Yuri. Hey Aris. That dress looks much nicer than what Crombel would pick so maybe she got a parcel from Tillie.
- Ah yes time for the random weirdly detailed different artstyle owl.
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Chapree 511 - Why would you ever think Frankenstein wants Muzaka to wake up because he cares about him, Lunark? This man would murder him personally if he wasn't Raizel's bff.
- Ajdjisis Frankenstein and Raizel are having a talk as they perch atop boulders by a coast. What is this? A 50 episode drama?
- Third having the decency to tell the household about what happened makes him the best human Elder (aside from you know, the unnamed dead Elders in Frankenstein's flashback who did nothing wrong ever).
Sidenotes - I find it hilarious how the official translation still sucks even as it nears the end. They're calling clan leaders lords.
- Imagining the reactions of all the not evil people at the Union.
"We're going to put aside a significant amount of the budget for something that isn't human modification."
"Yay!!! Omg what is it?! Medical research? Stop climate change and rehabilitate the earth? Eradicate poverty?"
"Attack satellites!"
"... We should have fucking known it was something similarly useless and evil."
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cyberb07 · 3 years
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I posted 16 times in 2021
8 posts created (50%)
8 posts reblogged (50%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 20 tags in 2021
#resident evil the duke - 3 posts
#re8 the duke - 3 posts
#resident evil village the duke - 3 posts
#beata - 2 posts
#cyberb art 2021 - 2 posts
#as long as you have enough lei - 2 posts
#self ship - 2 posts
#kiss me plz - 1 posts
#pardon if the proportions are off - i get the impression he's bigger all over - 1 posts
#self shipping - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#pardon if the proportions are off - i get the impression he's bigger all over
My Top Posts in 2021
A special reminder to my fellow self-shippers and fangirls(bois)
Just because a user who roleplays as the fictional character you adore doesn’t like you or acknowledge you, or even makes you feel bad.. doesn’t mean that the fictional character you adore would do the same.
19 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 04:03:35 GMT
What was supposed to be a funny/cute doodled 2-panel comic turned into a sweet sketch showing what I really wanted to do-- have me some cuddle time with The Duke.
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Why does my creativity have to flow at night? XD It was a work night for goodness sake~
(Plz don't judge too harshly; it's clearly unfinished; the only reason I'm sharing is because I would feel like I'm lying to myself if I didn't share this intimate moment my sketch sesh produced)
36 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 01:49:33 GMT
75 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 04:59:36 GMT
How The Duke can match your Love Language
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Words of Affirmation: The Duke is well-spoken, and is so charming that showering you with sweet somethings will come easy. Just remember, he can be a bit playful and troll-y, but it’s usually hidden advice. Whether comforting or encouraging, I imagine he would say all the right things, and exactly what you need to hear~
Acts of Service: He’s a merchant; his job is to serve. Sure, the Duke might have his own agenda, but he is plenty servile and helpful. Stocking needed items, marking a map, cooking food, and offering a ride; he aided Ethan in these ways. Imagine how much more he’d help you, his love? ;3 And he’s confident he can provide. (Sorry-- this is my language, and when he said that line he won my heart <3)
Receiving Gifts: I wonder about this, since the Duke sells, not gives... Maybe that’s only when his shop’s open. Off the clock, I think he’d be plenty charitable. Not only that, The Duke knows quality. He enjoys fine things, like cigars, rings, crystals, a good book, waistcoats, and making coin. As a merchant, he’s surely traded special items. Imagine what treasures he could give you~
Quality Time: Ethan can tell you; the Duke always seems to be around when you need him. You may not know how, but he’s there. And he’s content to stay with you so long as you stay with him, whether in a cart or in a room. Candlelit & classy, or steely & musty. And if either of you would like to skip town, I imagine he wouldn’t mind sharing a ride with you ^w^ (Cart trip!)
Physical Touch: Ah, yes. While we don’t get to see Duke interact with anyone that way, I can’t help but imagine... For one thing, he looks like he’d be great for cuddles. Big ol’ tums and those big arms; if you need hugs, he could give ‘em. And those cushy hands! Don’t forget; he said his fingers were dexterous. I get the feeling he could give wonderful backrubs~ o>w<o
What do you guys think? Agree? Have better examples? (Do you know your love language?) ^w^ Go and imagine Duke speaking your language to your heart’s content. After all: anything you want, the Duke can provide~
87 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 22:44:34 GMT
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Any time I hear a YouTuber call my Duke anything mean, I get sooo protective. God save me, I can’t help it. (Bonus: I like to imagine a second panel to this where we fall. Not being mean-- ^w^ just being realistic. I find it endearing, in a funny way.)
106 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 04:15:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
(And I still love him. Maybe next year, Tumblr will get to see me post about my other art, self-insert OC's, and fictional loves. Purghaps~)
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Depth Of Extinction Definitive Edition: A Review
I love that part in Water world when LL Cool J turns to Jason Stathem and says “You’re going to need a bigger boat” Such a classic line from an iconic actor and movie.
Welcome back to another video here at Mummified Games. My name is Tony and today we're going to look at this tactical top down shooter Depth of Extinction: Definitive Edition By HOF Studios.
Do you like Xcom? Well great this is just xcom in a water world game.
Okay well that is from me folks like comment subscribe.
No no no I'm just kidding. This game would be so easy to write off as just Waterworld Xcom. But I owe you all a real review.
So in this game you play as a tactical squad of mercenaries that are here to collect a bunch of things that will unlock something.
The story isn't very complicated from the early game. It's a basic fetch quest. Most of the gameplay comes from the actual combat in this game.
Like I said this game is very similar to XCOM, it's the same strategic shooting squad game. Move your characters into position and set them to overwatch where if something moves light em up. Weigh your options on which target to attack and then unload whatever special type of gun you have.
From where I got to in the game it's missing the base building aspect and tech research that was in XCOM and so from where I got in the game it's missing that bit of fun. But I could be wrong, maybe that comes in after a while.
At the start the game's art style was very off putting, and the story felt a little ham fistted.
So you follow some soldiers, walking into a place that has a machine of some sort, and it's explained to one of the rookies that since they were short staffed they were rushed ahead in their training.
They run into a robot that can't identify itself, weird. The robot gives a warning to the team about collecting the things to unlock the other thing. And then 3 big beefy robots come in and kill the first robot and your team hightails it out of there.
The team explains this to some scientist and they explain “okay well i guess there's nothing to do but get out there and find the things so you can unlock the other thing”
I'm not mincing words, there's no “mmmm it's an interesting prospect, our scientists have been researching this thing for years and the idea of being able to learn more about this big thing would, blah blah blah” it's not like the vault in Borderlands. It's just a task to do so go do the things.
Either this team is super bored and has nothing better to do, or it's a bussy task for these new folk.
So as I said, the story isn't really interesting.
But the art style is the thing that did grow on me over time. At the start it felt like some sudo retro sprite based thing. And it was super not fun to look at in the opening cutscene.
But after getting past that and moving into the actual gameplay. The game let me zoom out a
Little bit and that made all the difference.
The gameplay is the meat and potatoes to this dish.
The game has this map where you’re driving your sub to different bases or structures that were built above the water. The sub has only so much gas to get you to your destination.
This part of the game reminds me a lot of the game I reviewed early on called Onward.
Where you need to stop off and fight the things, gather supplies and move on down the road.
But unlike onward that gives you a sort of line you need to follow due West with the occasional branching paths. This game gives you a wide spider web of locations you can visit on your way from the start to the goal you have.
The game is a lot of moving your squad around the map, shooting bad guys, collecting items, save hostages, investigate terminals, hide around cover, and make your way around these little maps.
It's good, the levels you are given aren't hard to get through, at least at the point where I was playing.
Run though levels and collect and kill things. And slowly your Mercenaries will level up and gain special skills. Sort of like classes in a Role Playing game.
Assault, snipers, rouge, heavy weapons, things like that. And each one has their own special skills and attributes that come with selecting that skill at level 2.
One thing that I love about this game is its clarity in the math for your shot accuracy calculation. They may be whatever numbers that might not have any validity. But they make me feel good.
So the game actually shows you what the likelihood of your shot making contact actually would be. From a base 100 then minus their cover points, then any armor, and so forth and so forth.
I love it. There was a point in my Midboss review where I went too into what each thing meant in the stats in that game and I should've known better. But this one makes it so clear and easy to understand what things might need to be fixed to get a better shot.
And that's the other thing one of these shots give you that unrealistic feeling of “WHAT! That should have hit! How the heck did you miss you were right next to him” they feel realistic. When the shot has under 50% chance of hitting and it misses, it feels normal. And when it's at 90% chance they almost never miss.
Again I keep going back to XCOM as a comparison to this game, but hey that's just what I know.
In XCOM there would be a 90% chance of the squad member with a shotgun making the shot when the enemy is right around the corner. And if they missed then it feels like a giant WTF moment.
I think it's because in this game your characters have more health. In Xcom you have about 4 to start off with and you have to be super careful about your shots.
I for sure will be coming back to this game in my time off. I saw the recording got to an hour, and without hesitation i thought “NOPE, One more”
It's a fun game. And I highly recommend checking it out. Links to the store page will be linked in the description along with a link to the Tumblr that was created for this show that has all the videos posted in order along with under them the full scripts that were typed up for those who need it. I'm mentioning this now because I just recently made a tumblr and wanted to give it a shout out.
But anyway that's this review.
If you played this game. Tell me your thoughts about it. What were some things you liked about it?
If you haven't played this one. Are there any other Strategy shooters like this in the Bundle For Racial justice. Or any other games you want to tell me about and want me to try. I might just take a look at them.
IN THE MEANTIME! I've switched up my process of how these videos get made, and instead of doing these videos after i get off work and playing before noon. I've decided that I'm not going to fight my body being a night owl and instead I'm actually writing this at 1 am. And I'm going to go to bed and then record this while my roommates are gone, clock into work, get my 8 hours, and then edit it together after that. I think this will help me reach the hours I need at work and still get the videos out on a regular time.
Not that anyone cares about all that a bit rambly that segment was.
All you need to worry about is doing the youtube dance. Like, Sub, Bell, Tell someone you know about the show, comment your thoughts about the video down below.
And as always friends, Keep diggin, and we’ll make it out sometime.
See you in the next one.
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