#like 10 months and 24 days rn
unicornsaures · 6 months
the date ill be 1yr clean from sh is slowly approaching and im viewing it as a sort of doomsday as if im gonna implode on may 1st or something. Like girl as if youve been able to say anything above 2 weeks clean in the past 5 years? Anyway happy 10 months and 24 days clean for me
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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awsugar · 3 months
you guys will never guess what happened to me...i was supposed to have my first real day back at work today 10-8, im dedicating myself to being on time and really putting myself back into my work to start off on a good foot after disappearing for 2 months without advance notice anyway so at 10pm last night i went to take out the trash so i could get ready for bed. early! responsible! and well the front door locked behind me. i had no phone, no wallet, no keys nothing. i panicked, i banged on the door bc ppl live in the two floors below me as well, rang their doorbells multiple times, tried to slide down the windows of my car from the outside somehow 😭 nothing worked. i walked around for a little while to see if there was anything open that might have a phone. there wasn't anything, i know the bar is around the corner where they know me but i didn't want to go there bc i was in my PAJAMAS. BRALESS. but eventually i had to go. a girl let me use her phone my mom didn't answer but the bartender gave me two cut credit cards to try and break into my own apartment 😭 and so i walked back and i tried i tried so hard that i scraped a layer of skin off my knuckle but i didn't get in, so i went back to the bar and the girl let me use her phone again, called my dad and he called and got me a triple a membership (a LOT cheaper than the fee to call the leasing agent after hours for a key) called triple A at midnight cause they said it had to be "next day" to use it 🙄 explained that i had no phone! im abandoned. they said around 2am so i said ok, i went back and sat and waited. by myself btw in the dark with nothing on me and no one and btw it was cold last night!!! i became so delirious and tired and it hurt so bad sitting on my steps for that long i stood for a while too but my feet hurted. FINALLY it was light out i walked to wawa 5 blocks called triple a again they said the person came at 335am i said lmao they didn't bc at 327 i was standing in the road watching every car go by just in case cause i was hopeful! a guy had walked by at that time and i just asked him what the time was so i know it was 327 they did NOT come at any point i watched every car no one stopped or slowed down and there was no triple a logo. anyway they said ok you're back on the list they'll be there about 45 min. i called my dad to let him know he said he hadn't slept cause he hadn't heard from me btw it's 7am now. been outside for 9 hours. and i told him im gonna have to call and let my boss know that it's not possible for me to come in today and he starts yelling at me! i said im not arguing with you on the wawa phone rn. walked back and sat and waited some more. and then before triple a got there the girl who lives on the 1st floor came out! magically! to go to work! and i was like oh my god. i went inside but. I KNCKED SO MUCH I BANGED I RANG THE DOORBELL she was in there the whole time. i ignored my parents telling me i had to go to work bc i was like. what part of me being awake outside in the cold by myself and awake for 24 hours makes you think im gonna go to work and make that 36 hours..btw didn't get to take my meds last night either! so i felt awful. my feet's were absolutely killing me, i was dead exhausted, still cold from being outside, i have BRUISES ON MY BUTT from sitting on the concrete steps. i texted my boss like hoping she would have a shred of humanity i said im willing to work 10 days straight idec im about to die and i would be a zombie if i tried to come rn. anyway im sure she wasn't pleased but she didn't fire me and i know my hours for tomorrow and sunday. and yes. anyway. i've been through so much. god forgot about me.
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mcrinmyhead · 4 months
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Hiya, my name's Dee or you can call me Dead! instead, cuz that's what my name is in Tumblr. I'm sixteen. I'm an Indian, racists better fck off. I like to draw, sing and write songs and poems. I mainly post my art here and I have two side blogs too, which are @mcrinmyheart (idk what I post there :D) and @shesacomplicatedpoet where... Er, you know it. And when I say "art" I usually draw My Chem, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Bring Me The Horizon and a few other bands, but you can always leave a picture in the "Ask me?" box if you really want me to draw something that you like :). Just make sure it isn't something s!utty, cuz my parents like seeing my sketchbook sometimes, haha.
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About me...
Name: Dead! / Dee
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: listening to music, art, singing, music bands, food, sleeping (I'm a very eepy person), travelling, reading, etc.
What kind of art do I do? Fanarts mainly.
Dislikes: peanuts (yea I don't like 'em, so if you know me irl and try to feed me peanuts, I'm gonna fcking stab you, you little shit), pedos, homophobic fcks, MSI apologists, basic DNIs, etc.
Am I single? Yes, and that's because I don't want to date anyone. Nvm, I'm taken :]
Music bands/artists I like:
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+ twenty one pilots, p!atd, Bring Me The Horizon, Glass Animals, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, etc. I also liked The 1975, The Nbhd, Joji, Driver The Era, Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic before, so I really don't mind if you wanna talk about them too. I'm basically a music addict who has listened to a whole lotta music genres throughout my life. But I'm currently into rock music rn. Yeah, I can't stop talking about music if I start.
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My favourites:
Books: Agatha Christie's books, Heartstopper, Five Feet Apart, The Fault in our Stars, Crime/Horror/Mystery books (there are many but I can't remember them), etc.
Movies: anything horror, mystery, crime, sci-fi, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, from the 2000s and 90s, etc. (How do people actually choose a favourite movie??)
Shows: Loki, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Marvel shows, etc. (I literally like all the shows I watch)
Albums: My top 10 rn (June 2024) are like- Three cheers for sweet revenge (my chem), POST HUMAN: NexGen (BMTH), XO (LeATHERMØUTH), The Black Parade (my chem), I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love (my chem), Clancy (Tøp), A Thousand Suns (Linkin Park), Danger Days (my chem), Folie a Deux (FOB), and Pretty. Odd. (P!ATD).
Colours: (Bury me in) Black, Blood Red and Lavender.
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Where else can you find me?
At home, in my room 95% of the time. Nah, just kidding.
Discord: mcrinmyhead
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Tags I use:
My art: #art
Asks: #asks #asks <3
Scroll down for more facts about me...
Or don't. I really don't care.
Fun facts about me ^^:
I'm a really joyful, chaotic, kind, funny and a sweet person! :D (according to my frens)
Until and unless you get me on my nerves. Trust me, That's when I go insane.
If you know me irl, hi... Uh, I know I don't talk much in person but I'm sorry. That's just who I am. But if you want to be my friend, you can start by texting me lol.
I'm a music addict who likes to annoy people by talking about music bands 24/7.
I have an unhealthy obsession over My Chem.
I'm a huge nerd (according to every person in my class) and I like Math and Science (but I don't really talk about it unless you are someone who is into math and science as much as me).
I'm also a sarcastic and sassy person. So if my words ever offend you, I'm so sorry bbg. Deal with it.
I'm a vampire (I have fangs and I will bite you to suck that blood your body holds, RAHHH).
Other than drawing and singing, my hobbies are fangirling, sleeping, reading books, travelling and sometimes even cooking.
I might be surrounded by many people who I call my "friends," but in the end it's just four people who are actually my friends.
I'm mostly an introvert, but I'm an extrovert when I'm with my friend.
Yikes, this list is still going on!
I lived in Germany for two months along with my parents, but we moved back to India because I couldn't handle the bullying and all. But it was fun there, ngl. Having a new name was the worst part though (it was Diana, which I still use sometimes, and my aunts pronouncing it... was er... shit).
I suck at socializing btw.
But I like to annoy people at the same time.
Wait, does Tumblr have a word limit on a post?
Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention this but I'm a really curious person. I like trying out or experimenting on stuff. It's fun, okay?
I can be smart and an idiot at the same time B)
I write poems but I don't like showing them to others cuz I feel like they're stupid. Any tips on poetry from the poets of Tumblr?
I love cats. Cats or get tf out.
Am I annoying rn?
This was fun.
Alright, that's enough fckery for today. Farewell my little kittens <333
So long and good night!
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swaglet · 1 month
hi i’m a mutual who’s like fighting hard to not relapse rn. i just moved out and like i just haven’t been eating bc i don’t have my mom to tell me to and my friends up here don’t know about my issues which im not sure they’d believe me bc im currently overweight anyways
anon don't do it do Not do it don't relapse. i'm sorry if all the posting about it lately has brought it to the front of ur mind. but seriously no amount of starving will ever achieve any type of feeling or body shape that will offer enough relief unfortunately. it will go on forever n it will slowly kill u im so serious. if i didnt starve myself i probably wouldnt have had to get my gallbladder removed because of the damage and could have just taken medicine that dissolved the stones, my heart probably would have been healthy and strong enough to withstand covid and i wouldnt have developed a hole in one of my valves from it. i was super healthy as a kid, i probably wouldnt have developed stomach issues or joint problems to the severity i have if i hadnt starved myself. im 22 turning 23 in a few months and all my doctors are like "youre just too young for all this to be going on! this sucks!" and when i retroactively mentioned the whole starving myself thing and being severely underweight for a long time they all were like oh thatll do it. chasing an underweight bmi and an ideal i couldnt fit all for nothing in the end, because it didnt even ever make me feel any better, it never made me feel relief, it never made me feel free from the situations i was in that i thought i could escape through the means of starvation, i never felt protected by it. i promise you it is so not worth it.
if i'm honest with you girl, in the long run, it doesn't matter that you're overweight. if it makes u feel any better and like ur not alone, i'm also currently overweight being in the 150s, and even though i really want to make some sort of comment about it, i'm not going to because it's just a neutral thing about my body. it's just the way my body is using the nutrients i'm putting in and reacting to the energy i'm expending right now, in addition to how it's reacting to my medications. whether or not i'm upset with myself or proud of myself at the moment, i have to accept that i'm just living my life rn and life will go on no matter how much i weigh, and my weight is just background information in the story of my life. if i want to change it, i can. if i want to not look the way i do right now, if i want to build more muscle and get rid of a little excess body fat, i can do that by slowly changing some things little by little. i can lift a pair of dumbells 10 times each morning and jog up and down the street, or even jog in place. i can make a smoothie with my protein and add some creatine to it and get into a routine of doing that every morning. even if i just do that, and only that, and nothing else, that's still a step towards changing the thing i don't like about myself as long as i do it consistently.... which is better than what i would have been doing when i was starving myself, because i'd starve for days and days and days and then eat enough for 3 grown men and feel so sick 24/7.
if being overweight concerns you enough, and you have access to a primary care physician that's affordable, you can always bring it up to them and talk to them about your concerns. it may not always bring about the best result, especially if you have a male doctor instead of a female one, but i recently mentioned this at my yearly checkup (about 8 months ago i was 130 pounds, and i put on 20ish pounds in the span of those 8 months and i can't tell if it's muscle or fat redistribution/gain from birth control or both so i thought i would bring it up) and he said all my blood tests look as normal as ever but that he'll monitor it with me while i get back to a normal workout schedule that doesn't aggravate my joint pain.
also, don't be too afraid to open up to your friends; if they don't believe you, then those may not be friends you want to have around in the first place anyway... but hopefully they do believe you. i wish u luck and i believe in u. when it's too hard for me to bring myself to eat something, i keep a mini fridge full of nutritious drinks in my room like Naked Rainbow Machines and Fairlife Strawberry Milk (With Protein) and other fuckass shit like chobani yogurt smoothies
thank u for reaching out to me and opening up... i'm proud of u nonnie u got this
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rphunter · 2 months
Sending this again since I think it got lost (and it's been a week I think)
Been trying to find some new people for weeks but something's not clicking, so I'm trying again😃
I'm a 24+ female, looking for some mxf plots. Mostly fandomless oc x oc, but I'm also into a handful of anime fandoms (and there's also genshin for anyone who's interested) so feel free to ask if you'd like! Doubling is welcome and even encouraged and I can play any gender pairing for you!
Now, let's get the boring stuff out first. I'm big on communication and ooc chatter, which may or may not include moodboards and playlists. I just really wanna talk, so if you can't match that energy, I'm afraid we won't work. Please communicate if you're not feeling the plot, want to change it or need a break for a few days, communication is key and I'll do the same. Ofc, I'll do the same! Ghost me and I'm gonna block you, I've had enough of people disappearing only to reappear a month later.
Another big issue I've had recently is regarding FCs, now I'm not picky so idc what you use as your FC (or who). Sketch, Picrew or a real person, take your pick (even if you don't have a FC, I don't mind. My imagination is decent!). But I personally use Bing.ai to make my OCs and I'm not gonna change that, it just makes me feel closer to the OC. So please respect that if I'm respecting your choice. 
With that out, here's the things I'm interested in. I don't have a hard and fixed plot rn, and would rather like to worldbuild with partners, I adore worldbuilding! Still, here's a few tropes (all of them are romantic):
1. Slice of Life (friends/enemies/strangers to lovers, uni au, barista au, just anything)
2. Dark romance/unhealthy relationships/yandere stuff (even taboo ones really, like step-siblings or something)
3. Bonus if there's an age gap trope (not too much, about 10-12 yrs at max) and student-teacher tropes (both adults ofc)
4. Fantasy (pretty much anything, vampires, witches, fae, angels/demons etc)
5. Medieval/historic (Victorian era or old Japanese/Chinese ages, whatever. Goes perfectly with fantasy)
6. Mafia-ish au
7. Soulmate au (one of my personal favs, got so many ideas for this)
8. Marriage of convenience/arranged marriage tropes
As for writing, I write third person mirror, exclusively on discord. I can reply at least once every 2-3 days (if I'm swamped) and more if I'm enjoying, and I expect the same energy unless you inform me you're gonna be busy. Other stuff can be discussed privately. If this interests you even in the least, find me @ clumsy_and_cutie (on discord) or just leave a like and I'll reach out! 
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multi-lefaiye · 5 months
haiyaaaaa what have i missed on the Multi's Soap Opera (i cant think of a funny name for it)
hiiii hello hello! most of the multi lefaiye soap opera is stuff i don't really wanna share on tumblr bc it concerns some private stuff with some irl friends and loved ones that i don't wanna share without their permission, but just know it's been a wild time. a lot of it sounds fake even to me. just a couple weeks ago my glasses blew off my face during a storm and shattered on the ground, and that's not a joke.
but one thing i have no problem sharing is absolutely wild work stories. so here's a list of things that have happened so far in the eight months (wow) since i started this job (i work at a storage facility rn):
within my first week i found a briefcase full of drugs on the property. the guy who owned it ended up taking it back before we could really do anything about it, though.
i witnessed an actual physical assault. like... straight up, someone was attacked and beat up right outside the office. i still don't really know if the perpetrator was found or anything but i know at least the victim was safe in the end.
the power went out while i was working alone and the building was pitch black for like 24 hours. yes i was still expected to stay in the building until closing time. yes it was kind of terrifying. yes there were Noises.
just a few months back, we found out one of our customers had been storing human ashes in her unit. y'know. like from cremation. she was storing two urns full of People and then one urn full of Dog. and we know that bc the unit was foreclosed and sold and those were found inside. they've been just chilling in our personal company storage spot because we don't know what to do with them but we can't throw that out. or, rather, we COULD, but we both feel weird about it.
not as fun, but i've been sexually harassed by a customer once so far, and it was a weird as hell experience. 0/10 do not recommend.
answered a phone call from a customer one day to hear him just. loudly crying on the other line and telling me that it's a bad time and he can't talk right now. still not really sure what happened, but he's okay now as far as i'm aware.
it's not as common now that i've worked here for a while, but i still sometimes feel like i can hear people talking in the building when i'm supposed to be alone, or sometimes i think i see people moving out of the corner of my eye. doesn't scare me anymore at least.
anyway yeah i've been thinking on the backburner for a while about a workplace horror-comedy story taking place at a storage facility.
the coolest update in the multi lefaiye soap opera (tm) tho is that i'm on testosterone now! i'm slowly growing a mustache!! waow!
but yeah :3
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irondeficiencyqueen · 28 days
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30 day thinspo challenge
but I do it all in one day as a distraction🌸
1. I’m 22yrs, 170cm, f, 63/64kg.
2. 170cm, no I feel too tall. Would love to be a tiny girl, but was cursed with long legs.
3. Nah too lazy but like her ➡️🩻💀
4. Losing hair or my period..
5. I’m doing it for 13 year old me who got teased at school for being bigger. I have always felt picked on because of it. Right now I am also preparing for a bikini fitness show so I have to hit 10% bodyfat.
6. Yes, because I get stressed. I have BED. Food has always been comfort for me ever since I was a kid.
7. They know, and they praised it for a bit, but now they want me to stop. They are worried<3 makes me feel so validated
8. 5 days a week I do strength training, and 7 days a week I do 1 hour of cardio.
9. YES.
«I can’t carry you you’re too fat»
«Are you really gonna eat that? I think you have had too much already»
«I can carry her, but you have to walk yourself, you’re too big»
«You eat so much»
«You always eat everything by yourself, why are you not saving any for me??»
«I’m worried about your weight» said my 40kg bestfriend😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
10. Well nothing because I fucking suck and binge and purge. And chew and spit. But on the days where I’m on track, I’m really missing chocolate and cookies.
11. None rn, bc I just hopped back on Tumblr this month.
12. Breakfast is yoghurt with berries, lunch/dinner is chicken and veggies, and for the evening we got yoghurt and berries again. Total of 1200-1300 cals ish
13. Unhealthy lol
14. 53kg. I want one of my gws (55kg) by 21st of September, so hopefully 28th?
15. Not vegan, not vegetarian. I was pescetarian for a couple months, but it is unsustainable for me. I need balance and meat.
16. It started when I was 13, and it got pretty bad up until like 15 or so.. Then I kinda recovered, still hated my body, just didn’t starve. And I’ve been on and off ana. Mia is back too this time.
17. No just a big fan of the community💀BRO WHAT DO U THINK HAGAGAHAH, yes.
18. Chocolate and cookies.
19. 9 hours ago. (Fasting rn)
20. Calorie deficit ahahah I don’t follow diets. I am a nutritionist, so I know how this works🤌
21. Eu sizes XS-S (36) in pants, S in tops.
22. My lw doesn’t count as I was still growing in puberty at the time, but then I was 55kg. Gained mainly bc of birth control pills, but also giving up ana.
23. I’m an influencer so, yeah🥹I am very self conscious of everything I post.
24. I don’t promote anything, and I want people to get better ofc. However, I think it’s nice that we all have this together, so we don’t feel so alone <3
25. Yes. Can’t remember my first time. Been a lot of times🥲but it used to be very painful.
26. Being HER 🤌The satisfaction of finally getting to my goal after years and years of pain. Being picked up without being embarassed. Looking classy, all clothes look good, people envy me, wondering how I did it.
27. Anxious and scared
28. Yes because it gets sweaty and I feel nasty when they rub together
29. Me when I hit 53kg. Like literally I’m not trying to come off as a narcissist or anything, but I KNOW, that I am so pretty. I just need to lose a bit of weight and I’ll be her.
30. Scared to drop too specific facts in case someone recognize me.. but I like pink! I want to move to a warm country like Thailand or Bali. I am a liar to the people closest to me, because of this ed and sa. I believe I am a good person for the most part and I have good intentions in my heart always, I’ll forever be a girls girl. I love animals. I love soft feminine music but also listen to heavy metal. I don’t know who I am. I feel like I have two people in my head who are two different personalities.
Thanks for reading <3
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v4mpsofi · 3 months
ear stretching journey
!!please don't do what I do and have patience!!
yall I finally got to 6g and omlll the stretch made me wanna cry and I cant get my plug in through my right ear idk why, left ear was fine so I'm sitting here with a taper in my ear and my ears are throbbing from the jump (1mm jump), I cant wait to keep sizing up, rn my goal size is 0g but I'm probably gonna go up from there unless I like the size.
(update I got the plug through, thank God)
(update 2, its been around 3 days since I got to 6g and my ears are both bleeding and right especially has pus coming out and I'm scared but I cleaned my ears, put coconut oil on and threw the plugs back in cus I do NOT want to size down)
(update 3) its been around a week or 2 since I got to 6g, they are slowly healing from the blowout, my right ear looks so icky but they don't hurt anymore, I am still cleaning them up to 3 times daily!)
(update 4) I stretched to 4g around 3 days ago and it went in perfectly fine, pinched a little, but it hasn't blown out or anything, no swelling, pain, or tightness! I'm really happy and shocked, this time I used olive oil instead of coconut oil to stretch and It went in way better and easier!!
(update 5) guys don't hate me please my ears were perfectly fine like no tightness or anything and going to 2g definetly hurt a bit and are a little swollen looking but I will take extra care of them, idk why I rush this process, I'm just dumb please don't be like me and take your time, I think I'm gonna wait now for a bit to let 2g heal fully
(update 6) right ear (both) blew out and had to downsize it to 4g but left is still at 2g, its on me for not being patient, but hope to have it back to 2g before I go on vacay (July 16th)
start: 5/6/24 (14g)
status updates:
6/10/24 (6g)
6/26/24 (4g)
6/30/24 (2g) (right ear blew out so its at 4g)
i forgot the dates of when I stretched to those other sizes If I figure it out I'll add it (ps I didn't realize I got to 6g in a little over a month guys..)
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mdmszee · 1 year
ahhh thank you so much for tagging me @weindenburg !! love answering questions like these :)
1. What’s your favorite sims death? death by being hysterical bc that’s the best way to die haha
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? i am very much a maxis-match girly! no shade to alpha cc, just not my style :P
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? nooo, not at all, i want the game to be as realistic as possible!
4. Do you use move objects? yes! building without it is a legit nightmare
5. Favorite mod? i can’t choose just one but my top three favorites are UI Cheats, More CAS Presets and anything from twistedmexi!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? wasn’t too long but I got the cats and dogs expansion pack bc i was so hesitant to make all my sims have pets hehe
7. Do you pronounce "live mode" like aLIVE or Living? LIVing
8. Who's your favorite sim that you've made? so far, it’s the lovely Mona Kaiser! idk but it’s like she came out exactly how I pictured + literally every outfit goes on her perfectly she’s just so ahhhh 🤭
9. Have you made a simself? yes I did! and I’m really happy with how she came out and I’m starting an LP on her :)
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? clumsy, socially awkward, loyal
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? it’s gotta be either the third brown color swatch or the last blonde swatch that looks like a light blonde!
12. Favorite EA hair? i don’t have all the expansion packs yet + I mostly use cc hairs 😗
13. Favorite life stage? INFANTS AND YOUNG ADULT >> but tbh as long as I have the long lifespan setting on, I enjoy all of them bc I accomplish so much more stuff
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 10000% in it for the gameplay! I suck at building so I’ll download anything from the gallery + edit it as quick as I can so I can jump back into the game!
15. Are you a CC creator? nope but I love supporting them ! <3
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I’d like to think I have a few, yeah! I’m a newbie on here so I’m making my way as I go + I’d love to connect with more simblrs!
17. What's your favorite game? sims 4 hands down
18. Do you have any sims merch? nope!
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? not yet but I’m thinking of starting pretty soon sooo 👀
20. How has your "sim style" changed throughout your months/years of playing? it’s gone from completely vanilla to obsessed maxis-match connoisseur
21. What's your Origin ID? mdmszee 🪴🫶🏾
22. Who's your favorite CC creator? can’t choose one, but here’s a few: @dogsill @aharris00britney @christopher067 @imvikai @greenllamas @simstrouble @nucrests @softerhaze @clumsyalienn @oakiyo @okruee and a bunch more that I can’t remember rn but anyone who makes maxis-match cc has my heart >>
23. How long have you had a simblr? since February! I’m not new to sims, I’ve known + played the game since 2013 💀
24. How do you edit your pictures? sadly I don’t edit pics yet but I’ll probably end up using photoshop just to tweak some things bc reshade carries most of it
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? growing together, cottage living, seasons, snowy escape, island living, parenthood, spa day and outdoor living :)
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? all of the ones I listed up there ^^ but in terms of what I want from the sims team - an expansion pack centered around kids bc they’ve been neglected for sooo long
I had a great time answering these questions! I’ll definitely do an updated version for some of the questions on here if I’m up for it 👀..
I’ll tag @d4isy-nukes , @edenella , @towniediaries and anyone who wants to participate! <3
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squish--squash · 5 months
A03 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by @coffincrows
I tag: @theroyalspiderart and well, anyone who wants to do this (my mind has drawn a blank)
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
Okay, so, I actually have two ao3 accounts. One I don't use anymore and one I do currently. So I'm gonna count both of them
In total, it's at least 41. (14 on my current account, 24 on the old one, and there's 3 fics I've written that have since been orphaned that I remember having written)
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
Roughly 150,549, but that's only from the unorphaned works, so it's gonna be a few thousand more, probably more like 152-155k
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just cotl, but I've written for a bunch of fandoms over the years, like mcyt, tgcf, mha, and a couple other fandoms, although those are the ones I've posted to ao3. Wattpad, where I started tho? Lot more lmao
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
I plead the fifth
5 – Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! I try to respond to every single comment I get, I appreciate and love my commenters so much <3
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't remember the name of it, but it was a fic from my old account. I typically don't do angsty endings, so it's rare for me to do
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much all of them aldhsha except a few with more ambiguous endings (sorry I'm being so vague)
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I've seen, no.
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written smut like. 4-5 times in my life (default poses in asexual), and only 2 of them are published to ao3. I have NO CLUE what "kind" of smut it is, but people on both works have described it as "tender" so ig that'll work
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do nawt like crossovers much, so I don't write them. Closest I do is aus based off or set in another media's universe, but there's no character meetups
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not! I have no clue tho
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My biggest fic on my old account has been translated a least once or twice (with my permission)
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not on ao3, no, but I'd like to try it again one day
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmmmmm. Idk actually, my favorites shift with time. Currently it's narilamb, but it was ineffable husbands a few months ago. We'll see how it changes again in the future
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Got a couple wips for good omens and mtp but idk if I'll ever finish them, they be sitting
16 – What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterizations have been a strong point while reading, but I wouldn't count that as a WRITING strength. I think, to me, my writing strength is setting up an environment
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing and endings. I struggle with them every single time.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it! I wish wish I knew more than English so I'd be comfy doing it myself (bc relying on online translators doesn't seem like a good idea slshs)
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
On ao3? I think mha?? Not sure I must have started posting ao3 fics over 5 years ago at this point (first fandom I wrote for period? Creepypasta fandom, on quotev.)
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
As of rn, maybe "of Harvest, of Celebration, and of Rest". I was so proud of it when I finished, and I love it :]
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myrdiary · 7 months
02/10/24 | entry #01
general thoughts and feelings:
today i went to disney on ice! vv fun. def reccommend. but not what im here to talk about rn. i absolutely cannot stop thinking about Bobs Burgers. its my MAJORRR hyperfix rn and im all about it.
i started planning a fanfic?? its rlly good but idk if ill write it tbh, im not that great w following through w my ideas. after this post im gonna obsessively read the wiki and make notes. then im gonna draw.
"draw what?" you ask? literally anything related to bobs burgers. i made a morning kisses drawing yesterday, today i might just draw them and their restaurant (like the intro) as a whole. thatd be so mega fun actually
also yk when you watch a show for so long that you pick up on their speech patterns? thats literally me rn like actually. my speech pattern is closest to tina or bob with the excessive amount of "uhm"'s and pauses in ym sentences. and this digital diary is kinda like tinas journal that everyone reads
sometimes i wish my family was like hers but other times i appreciate what i have. they have such a perfect and supportive family dynamic that i cant help but be jealous sometimes. most of my thoughts are comparing the two, but i know that reality will usually win. well i think thatss all until i add a "p.s" at the end
overall emotions for the day:
pretty good! im very sickso i woke up a few times in the night so i was a bit upset about that but itll be okay once i get over my sickness
academic items:
mr conrad gave us this major lab to do to prepare for our simple invertebrates practical. it has like. over 40 items on it! me and arianna are working together. it was supposed to be me and lexie and arianna, but since sierra o left for disney, ashley joined our group. me and arianna dont like her mainly bc she doesnt do any work when shes supposed to.
religious thoughts:
started an online bible course a few days ago! hoping to continue it when im not so hyperfixed
writing goals:
plotted that fanfic i was talking about! its called "veiled lament, chromatic whispers between twilight" and it only has 10 plotted chapters but i wanna turn it into a big thing.
i keep seeing this fic called "Baby Steps" for zekina and im sure its great but the author posts so much smut with the fic and i am so. against that. mainly because theyre minors
language goals:
started latin a few days ago. havent done anything else with it besides organize resources
self care goals:
got my new mary kay skincare set! trying to use it every night
shadow work:
havent touched anything witchy in 2 months
attempting to shift tonight!!! i wanna be at hogwarts so bad
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moondrop1simp · 1 year
I wanna die rn👍😀 so basically here's the explanation:
So I wanna commit suicide bc I hate my body and everything abt me..most of my "friends" wouldn't and don't care if I commit my BFF has been treating me super toxic and we used to date even though I'm in elementary ik im 10 but to have this much pressure put on me and having depression and anxiety just makes it more worse I feel like a sl#t bc I cut my wrist and cry stay up all night waste my days on Roblox listen to music all day and chugging Gatorade bc I don't have energy anymore I wanna die but my friends on Roblox would be sad and depressed bc I'm dead so I'm only alive by one little thread..yk how when u break a rubber band..? Thats the thread of my life keeping me alive even though I hate my body I'm bullied 24/7 and just...yeah.. also today I stabbed my finger with a stapler gun and it was in my hand, I told my mom AND QUOTE ON QUOTE SHE SAID THIS.. "well u wouldn't have been stabbed by it, why would u do it anyways??" ..WHY WOULD I DO IT PURPOSELY THE ONLY REASON I STOPPED CUTTING MY WRISTS IS BC SHE FOUND OUT AFTER 7 MONTHS... SHE ALSO SAID THIS WHEN SHE FOUND OUT.. "I know what ur going through." HOW WOULD I KNOW U DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME... I HATE HER I HATE SCHOOL AND ALMOST EVERYONE IN IT I WANNA KMS I HATE MY BODY I HATE MY PARENTS I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME... here's some gifs...
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xpiester333x · 9 months
And finally, to complete my yearly game posts, here's what I plan on playing in the year 2024:
1. Assemble With Care - a short little game I should be able to knock out in a few hours but I picked it up in a bundle and I have wanted to play it so I will try to knock it out this year.
2. I'm more than half way done with Baldur's Gate 3 but I likely will be playing it through January. I hope to finish it at least once before P3R.
3. Bloodborne - help.
4. Borderlands 2 - since I had such a blast playing Borderlands with my boyfriend this year, I'm looking forward to giving this game a second chance and hopefully enjoying it much more.
5. Borderlands 3 - a little less hopeful for this one, since I haven't heard much good about it, but might as well knock out the main franchise.
6. Boyfriend Dungeon - I just got this for Christmas and I'm excited for the concept of romancing my weapons :)
7. I'm also more than halfway through Catherine, so I also intend to finish that in the coming month.
8. Cat Museum - something cute and short I picked up on mega sale and want to make an effort to play this year.
9. The Coffin of Andy and Leyley - I actually have no idea what this game is about or if I'll like it but it was a gift so dammit I'll play it.
10. Dragon's Dogma 2 - Dragon's Dogma is easily in my top 10 games of all time, and I am SO hype for this game. The only downside is it's coming in March, and the first quarter of 2024 is pretty PACKED with games for me.
11. Etrian Odyssey - because I never finished it when I owned it on DS but I'm in my Atlus Games era rn so
12. Far: Lone Sails - I was drawn to this game for the art and it seems like a quick little experience of a game.
13. Final Fantasy 16 DLC - blanketing over the currently available DLC and the up and coming DLC.
14. Hades - a carry over from 2023's list but THIS WILL BE THE YEAR (maybe)
15. Haven - I don't think (?) this game is very long but it looks very heartwarming so I'm here for it this year.
16. Little Nightmares 2 - another fairly short game that I have no reason not to play, especially when I'm obsessed with the first one.
17. Little Nightmares 3 - I don't know what the release date is yet but like Borderlands let's try to close out a franchise!
18. Metaphor: ReFantazio - it doesn't even have a release date and I'm already excited about it.
21. Nier Automata - another carry over from 2023, but I have a good feeling about it this year.
19. NEO: The World Ends With You - I hear only good things about this game but I will be walking into it 98% blind.
20. Nightingale - Idk how much I'll actually play this game but my friend and I have been watching its development for years and we are READY
22. Nier Replicant - I watched a friend play some of this and it looked fun, and since I saw it was free on PS plus... why not.
23. Octopath Traveler - this is to feed my JRPG addiction but break up some of my Atlus obsession
24. Opus: Echo of Starsong - This was a gift like 2 years ago and I really want to play it through this year.
26. Persona 4 Arena - Because I think it's the only readily available Persona game I haven't played yet.
27. Sea of Stars - I'm more than half through this too, I stopped playing it to play Tactica so I'll be finishing this soon as well.
28. Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne - I put a fair amount of time into it this year, and I adore this game. I'm finishing it next year.
29. Shin Megami Tensei 5 - for real this year, I promise (🤞)
31. Undertale - why have I not played this? Why did it sit on my list last year untouched? Why did I install it and never play it? The world may never know.
30. Soul Hackers 2 - because again, I'm in my Atlus Games era and I bought it this year so time to play it.
32. Untitled Goose Game - for casual hijinks
I'm even more ambitious this year than last year and thats without knowing even half of whats to be released in 2024 sooo wish me luck.
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,541 times in 2022
365 posts created (24%)
1,176 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 317 of my posts in 2022
#smog ramble - 230 posts
#mcyt g/t - 69 posts
#stranger things g/t - 33 posts
#anon - 18 posts
#tiny!wilbur - 18 posts
#heartstopper g/t - 17 posts
#owl house g/t - 16 posts
#tw vore - 10 posts
#giant!tommy - 10 posts
#grounded au - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#literally what in the ever loving fuck is this shit show of an end credit jesus christ. venom need not share a universe with this mess pls
My Top Posts in 2022:
For the grounded SBI au
SBI are a family that live in a normal house, Phil with 3 kids named Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy.
Wilbur likes to experiment with size and one days is able to make a prototype device that can shrink things
He takes it outside and is about to test it when Techno and Tommy come out for some reason idk
They get into a argument and next thing you know, they’re all shrink to the size of ants, and are stranded in their backyard with no way to grow back or call for help
Now they have to survive in their own backyard, agains bugs, spiders, and their giant dad who is worried sick when all 3 of his sons have gone missing.
I love this so I will elaborate-mostly because science class is boring rn djsbdh-
Wilbur loves science(unlike me lmao)
Wilbur likes to tinker with equations and really test the boundaries of reality. Whatever is considered impossible, Wilbur is trying to disprove and make possible. Any means necessary. He'll rearrange equations, change how they formatted, change the numbers-he trys to do everything possible to break it and change it to his liking.
Of course he was intrigued with the square cube law equation. It was honestly the most interesting because well-how could you possible break it? It's pretty much impossible to have minuscule or gigantic people right?
Well Wilbur was on the cusp of making it plausible....
To bad his brothers were being so damn loud-
Techno had been forced to play mario kart but Tommy was losing which lead to the two of them playfully arguing...
In Wilbur's room.
So Wilbur, extremely annoyed and tired, kicked them out and angrily finished making the equation, not realizing he had made it plausible if a little...well...iffy...
He worked for a long time that week, constructing blueprints and creating the machine, skipping family outings and other events much to the displeasure of Phil...
But not really Wilbur's brothers. They were fine with not talking to him. He had kicked them out of their room so he could finish his boring as equations.
Wilbur finishes it by the end of the month and he his elated, already setting it up outside to test it out.
And then Techno and Tommy come outside. They try and explain that Phil was forcing them to get Wilbur because he wanted to celebrate but Wilbur doesn't care-He thinks they're gonna fuck with his project and an argument escalates from that point until Tommy hits the machine and it starts whirring until a bright, purple colored flash hits all three of them and they pass out.
It isn't till they hear Phil's extremely loud, booming voice that they wake up to see to continue their argument...
At least until Techno points out that everything around them is huge and that's when the true gravity of the situation hits.
At first Wilbur is overjoyed. The device worked! He broke the square cube law! This could make him and his family rich!
And then they get chased by a spider and then Wilbur really sees the problem with what the machine did....
After they get chased though, they find and odd looking dome and head inside to see...tiny equipment and files?
Techno and Tommy inquire if this was Wilbur's stuff but...
It isn't.
46 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
technovore crumbs? 🥺 any to spare? headcanons or stories?
Mmm I am unsure if this wants Techno nomfing or Techno being nomfed so I'll make headcannons for both-
Tiny-Techno does not like being nomfed...so he says but everyone can really tell he doesn't mind it and he outright asks to be nomfed by Phil.
Phil always asks him if he wants to be nommed and he goes very slow and is extremely gentle. He is the one who is aloud to nom Techno the most and Techno trusts him the most.
Wilbur usually just picks him up and plays around with him in his mouth before nomfing him-Wilbur often, sporadically noms people because its funny but he knows when to save nomfs for another time or when to be more comforting druing nomfs
Tommy doesn't usually nom Techno because he usually pretends to be staunchly against being nomfed by Tommy but Tommy is sometimes aloud to be nommed.
He will usually just kinda vibe and relax after being nomfed since he doesn't actually mind it and he usually finds it as a way to destress and bond with his family
Giant- Techno sometimes like's to be a little mischievous and just scoop his whole family up and spook them a little bit before nomming them. They all go along with it and know he's joking.
Sometimes they'll seek out Techno for noms because they need rest or just want to relax but when Techno see's anyone who looks upset, like if Tommy had a bad day or Wilbur was stressing over something Techno will just go and find then, regardless of where they are and pick them up before gently nomming them.
He likes to gently nibble and lick at his family before noms as a way to either be comforting or teasing. Techno also enjoys just finding anyone he's friends with and he just to licks them. He purrs quite often.
I hope you like these headcannons! Sorry they took so long to get out-
Asks take a long time to get out-
56 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
A long awaited post from us since it’s been waaaaaaay to long since a post!! I do hope you enjoy part 1 of many
P.s-This fic will be uploaded part by part but as of now it’s being written all on the same doc so if the beginnings seem a bit abrupt that is why!
Tw-Accidental Dehumanization, Safe Noms, Talk of Death, Talks of Fatal noms(Doesn’t happen)
Total word count: 3021
A Great Divide Between You and Me (When did you become so cruel) [I]
Tommy was…well…apprehensive about this whole idea. Don’t get him wrong-he’d do it if Wilbur was a hundred percent sure but still…he wasn’t too sure about this whole…pretending to actually eat Wilbur.
“C’mon Tommy! You said you wanted to do a prank that would shock and scare the hell out of everyone and this couldn’t be a better prank!” The borrower exclaimed. Wilbur was excited by the prospect of scaring his friends on April fools. Every other year Tommy and he had either made them laugh till they couldn’t stand or they ticked them off a little. 
Wilbur wanted to see what scaring them would be like. Mix it up and such.
“I know I know…it’s just…you think they might take it the wrong way?” Wilbur shook his head. 
“Tommy-Toms-no one will think you legitimately decided to eat me.” 
“I mean-I guess if you're sure then…ok fine-I’ll do it. But you owe me a fuck ton of ice cream and shit. I’m doing this for you after all.” Tommy stubbornly crossed his arms, huffing. Wilbur just let out a bubbly laugh. 
“Alright alright fine I’ll buy you some ice cream tomorrow if you can effectively pull the wool over their eyes and convince them you did the deed successfully.”
Tommy let out what sounded like a whine and a groan, nodding slowly and dramatically as Tommy usually did. “If I fail can I still get a single tub of ice cream?”
The brunet hummed, closing his eyes and tapping his finger on his chin in thought. Tommy blinked at Wilbur with a deadpan look. “I swear to prime I will legitimately eat you regardless of this stupid prank if you don’t buy me ice cream-“
Wilbur paused and for a split second, Tommy swore he saw fear but if Wilbur had been afraid? Well, he wasn’t showing it anymore because the borrower was doubled over in a fit of laughs and Tommy felt his worry melt away. “Ok ok no need to threaten me child-I’ll buy you a single tub if you fail ok?”
Tommy grumbled, pretending to be pissed off about it but he was grinning wide. “Yeah, that's fair big man. Makes sense to me but make sure it’s mint chip or you're dead-“ He jokingly growled, poking the other gently. 
Wilbur stumbled back slightly and lightly swatted at Tommy’s finger. “Mhm-ok sure Toms. Like you would ever kill your favorite brother-”
“Nope Techno is actually my favorite brother-Sorry Wilby.” Tommy shrugged and Wilbur snorted, rolling his eyes disbelievingly.
“Oh please child-you gave me the nickname Wilby. Are you seriously gonna sit here and tell me, out of both me and Techno, he’s the favorite?” “Well-I-oh just shut up Wil-” The blond spluttered out, his face having turned a bright red in embarrassment. Curse Wilbur for always being right-
Getting back on track, Tommy scooped Wilbur up, holding him gently in cupped hands. Wilbur settled quickly, getting comfortable and preparing mentally. 
“Alright well let’s get this prank on the road hmm? I have some morons to scare!” The brunet laughed before nodding his head. 
“Let us get on with it. I have a nap I need to take-“ He joked as Tommy brought Wilbur closer to his face and more specifically, towards his mouth.
Wilbur tensed up just a little, part of his mind still screaming his life was in danger just like it had the first time he had been found…and by all accounts he had been in danger that first time but after all the bonding and movie nights they had really become a family for him…
But of course he was still somewhat frightened of the whole thing.
And he wouldn’t lie but some of the things his friends said to him made him…immensely uncomfortable…not that he’d say anything on the subject. He didn’t want them to think he couldn’t handle what was obviously a joke…
But hey-he wouldn’t be seeing any of them till dinner tonight. First up, Tommy would go and kind of discreetly hint before outright admitting that he had ‘eaten’ Wilbur to Phil, Techno. Then it was on to Tubbo and Ranboo if Tommy was able to get a hold of them. They were always busy trying to prank each other the day after so one of them was usually shopping for prank supplies  depending on the year. Then, if they couldn’t get a hold of either of them they went to meet up at Dream’s before going back home for dinner where Tommy would reveal that everything was fine.
Wilbur was particularly interested to hear what Skeppy thought of the whole thing considering he was also a borrower like him. 
Skeppy was one of, if not thee, best at deciphering he and Tommy’s pranks. One year, they had pretended not to know each other and most everyone was actually convinced Tommy and him had amnesia or something. The two always made sure the lead up to a prank was flawless so it actually felt and seemed real. The month before the amnesia prank they had both been ‘having issues remembering where things were’ and ‘remembering Wilbur was a borrower or that Tommy was human.’ 
See the full post
84 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Borrower world building au borrower world building-
I wrote all of this on discord with the input and ideas of @wendy130 and @bio-nerds-corner
They are pretty much the reason I got this out as fast as I did-
And the word count-holy hecking heck it got very big within the span of a few days(like-three-)
So yay- i hope you all enjoy! It’s one of my more lore things and any questions with lore you can just ask me-
I encourage questions-
I will brain rot about this for ages and ages
Truth falls out and boils up till it burns
Tw: Mentions of vore(none happen), dehumanization, disturbingly cruel ideas, fear, swearing
Word count: 3844(Largest one yet I believe)
Part one of Borrowing From The Internet au
It had been just another casual stream.
Nothing bad should have happened.
Naturally things went south the moment he went onto youtube, videos about borrowers showing up.
The videos themselves didn’t seem too bad but his recommendation was filled with the videos and that was what made him worried. He hoped nobody would make any comments on it…
A donation appeared on his screen, and he tensed, his tail already anxiously curling around his leg as he read the donation. "Hey what are your opinions on borrowers? Cause like-I think they make too big of a deal of things like the 'Massive Accident' at that one restaurant..." His voice trailed off and he grit his teeth, his anxious feeling vanishing as it was replaced by raw, annoyance and anger. He took a deep breath in. 'Don't let anyone see that this stupid dono phased you-chat'll know something is fucky otherwise.' "Yeah, massive accident my ass-it was more like a genocide of entire bloodlines, families and friends-I'd really appreciate if chat didn’t bring up borrowers." Wilbur huffed, making sure to privately message a mod to ban the words and sentence 'Massive Accident' as fast as possible.
He had tough skin. He could normally handle shit like this but this time it was really getting under his skin. It was one thing if someone said it to him while he was in person but when someone in chat actively made sure to mention borrowers in the one setting, he thought he was safe from the world's mistreatment and lies about borrowers.
Wilbur was shaken back to focus from a voice call from Phil and he tried to smooth out his frazzled tail, slowly uncurling it from his leg, being as discreet as plausible in order to avoid people possibly seeing the appendage.
He clicked the answer on the call and plastered a more neutral expression, forcing a small smile.
"Hey Phil!"
"Hey Wil! How's the late night streaming?"
See the full post
85 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey guys this is kinda an important mcyt g/t post
This community on here is dying.
As many know, a lot of people are losing interest and getting other ones, all the more power to them!/gen
But the issue isnt creators.
Its consumers.
When you read something you like reblog. Don’t like it. Reblog it. Leave a nice comment in your reblog. Send asks to the creator be friendly share thoughts and ideas! We all implore you too majority of the time!
When you don’t though it really leaves people feeling unappreciated and more importantly-
So that means when you see a lack of any content for a very long time with no updates(For us at least as I can only speak to personal experience) that means that the person who made it may really need some positivity and some motivation! You can give them that with a simple comment and reblog.
I am begging you as a fellow consumer and a fellow creator of mcyt g/t content-
Start reblogging and commenting and sending asks and just interacting with us all.
My motivation in this community is still here. For how much longer is to remain unseen. I have so many projects I wanna do and many others as well but we cant do it without support!
So. Here are a few of my favorite blogs you can support.
@plant-gt-thought-box -Creates Fluff and has a wonderful superhero au fic on their ao3!
@wendy130 -Doesn’t post often but it is a joy looking at the posts they have!
@x-pair-o-dice-x -Has FANTASTIC art and writing! Check them out and interact!
@bittydragon -Posts some wonderful shit on tumblr and ao3 and was the whole reason I’m here making this tumblr post!
@aslitheryprinx -Delightful art and fics also on ao3 and tumblr!
@baka-monarch -Answers so many asks you’ll have a blast I promise!
@cyncerity -SPECTACULOR ART! Wonderful aus and so much content!
@apersonstories -WORKING ON SOME WONDERFUL ANGST and is a very friendly chill person!
@random-tinies -Has some of thee best hermit craft art and dsmp g/t art ever!
@a-smol-storm-gt-blog -Also really good hermit craft art and g/t!
I know I’m missing so many others but I am unable to recall them at this time to @ I do apologies.
Again, please reblog and please please comment. It helps so much.
Thank you. If you read this long I thank you. Thank you so very much.
118 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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romanticly-yours · 1 year
100 questions abt me:
1. What is your best friends name? I don’t have one
2. Year you were born in? 2011
3. What are you listening to right now?  Lucy In The Sky With Dimonds by The Beatles
4. Whats your favorite number? 7
5. What was the last thing you ate? Cake
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Purple
7. How is the weather right now? Cold
8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone?  My godfathers
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair
10. Do you have a significant other? In my dreams
11. Favorite TV show? Daria
12. Siblings? 2
13. Height? 5'1
14. Hair color? brown
15. Eye Color? Brown
16. Do you wear contacts? no
17. Favorite Holiday? Ieroween
18. Month? June
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Ofc
20. What was the last movie you watched? Twighlight
21. Favorite Day of the Year? halloween 
22. Favorite season? fall
23. Fav anime? Ouran Highschool Host Club
24. Hugs or Kisses? I’ve Never Been Kissed™ but I’d love to have cheek kissed over hugs
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
26. Do you read? Ofc
27. Fav fanfic trope? Older brother of best friend
28. Fandoms you're in? MCR, FOB, PATD, Paramore
29. What books are you reading? The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
30. Piercings? ears
31. Favorite movies? The Perks Of Being A Wallflower or Almost Famous
32. Fav song rn? Gypsy-Fleetwood Mac
33. What were u doing before this? Tumblr
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Butter
37. Dogs or cats? both
38. Favorite flower? Roses
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? who hasn’t
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? I used too
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yeah
42. Who would you like to see right now? DamonFizzy or GWay
43. Pizza or tacos? Pizza
44. Pronouns? She/her
45. Do you like to travel by plane? No
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? right
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
48. Are you missing someone? Yes
49. Do you have a Tattoo? No
50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with? No
51. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? If it’s open I don’t bother closing it
52. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yes
53. Do you use neos? No
54. Do you have a typing quirk? Yes, sadly
55. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No but my dad has, I want too
56. Who do you think reads these? me!!
57. Spotify or Apple music?  Apple Music bcz my dad pays 4 it
58. Where are you? my bed
59. What's your plan for the day? sleep, school, shower
60. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? No
61. Do you chew your pens and pencils? Yes
62. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes
63. What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Sweat n sour soucs
64. Last person you hugged/kissed? My mom
65. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? No
66. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Monday
67. Are you lazy? Yes
68. Are you stubborn? Yes
69. Who is better...Markiplier or Jack? I never watched either of them
70. Are you neurodivergent? never diagnosed
71. Afraid of heights? yes
72. Do you think musicals are cheesy? yes but I’m still in theatre so
73. Is Christmas stressful? yes
74. Coke or pepsi? Pepsi
75. Major annoyance right now? My cds are at my grandmas in a different city
76. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Vet
77. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
78. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? All the time
79. Do you take a medication daily? My iron medication
80. Wear slippers? no
81. What do you wear to bed? comfy clothes idk
82. OTP 4ever? i still don’t know what otp means
83. Worst fandom you been in? Danganronpa
84. Cheetos Or Doritos? Cheetos, the skinny ones
85. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds
86. Ever hear of, "dn"? Deez nuts
87. Ever taken martial arts? no
88. Hair up or down? down
89. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
90. Tiktok or vine? Musically
91. Ever cried because you were so happy? Probably
92. Minecraft or Roblox? Idk
93. Did you have a gacha-life phase? Yes
94. Regularly burn incense? What
95. Ever been in love? Yes
96. Hot tea or cold tea? sweet tea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
97. What type of kid were you? I was always the weird kid, I still am
98. Are you silly or goofy? goofy forsure
99. Milfs or Dilfs? no
100. What type of mom are you? I haven’t even had my first boyfriend yet
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