#like “just as an eldest daughter” = unlucky
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nadiajustbe · 7 months ago
I know people in HMC books speak English so there's not gonna be any kind of miscommunication between the characters, but sometimes I think about how it would be way more funny If there was some language diversity.
Howell Jenkins falls into the portal to an absolutely unknown, magical realm and... everyone speaks English. He was rather happy about it, finding it funny: it's a new, fantasy, fairy-tale based world with dragons and spells and seven-league boots and magic, and yet its habitants English. What are the odds?
However, it does not takes him long to realise (much to his own frustration) that, even though all of the locals native language is, in fact, English, it is pretty different from the English Howell himself is familiar with. He cant understand it quite well at fist, but it sounded like an odd mix of a modern language, specific dialects and an old tongue people was using around Victorian England/Middle Ages. It has so many words and unusual forms (Howell even called them "slang" once in a while), that it takes him a while to fully get every term and subtexts ms. Pentstemmon was referring to.
Their languages were similar just enough to catch the full sense of the sentence, but not enough to undertand all the little details, not cultural nor linguistic. It would even worst If he wasn't a big fun of Shakespeare and old Arthurian Legends growing up, letting alone studying old English (and old Welsh) at the university.
The language also differs from the area. Michael, for example, uses so many words you can hear in Porthaven only, regarding it's unique aspects. Sophie uses a lot of Market Chipping proverbs, and even more old terms connected with hats. The language he heard the King using wheh he got his first chance to met him at the time of his apprenticeship was so long, confusing and vivid, as If it was taken straight out of old English Literature books. And yet, English.
To this day Howell — at this point long-knowing as Howl Pendragon — finds himself confusing new terms, forms of words, proverbs and sayings. Maybe, he thinks, you have to be truly born there to understand all of - although he did better than anyone else would. Sophie seems to catching up just well.
Abdullah ends up with a flying carpet and the magical genie, exited to give away his fist wish to find the love of his love... only to not understand a word of what the genie is saying. This is how, instead of searching for Flower-In-The-Night, he now searching through a whole Zanzib for a proper translator from English because, here's the problem, If he can't understand the genie, then genie can't understand him, and If genie can't understand him, it's pointless to even try making a wish. He knows it's English: there's plenty people all around the world visiting the market, and he had even learnt certain words, important for making a trade, but that's not nearly close to a full sentence on unrelated topic.
With a great effort and after hours of searching for a really proffecional master of languages (who charges Abdullah nearly all of his money for one single session), he finally gets to the point. Except, here's another moment. That's where Abdullah finds out the wish has to be spoken from his heart and not through the other person. Here comes another catch — Ingarian English, no matter how simple or structured is, to put is simply, badly different from Rapshutian Arabic. It's not even the same language group!
So, he sits in the small, hot room near the glamorous bottle and tries to pronounce a bunch of difficult, complex words written on a paper, the kind that translator couldn't cut or simplify to ones he's familiar with, for a whole ten (to fifteen) minutes. And, as If trying to make his task as difficult as possible, genie, when he shows up, starts randomly breaking into the language translator can't even recognise, with no talk about understanding. Abdullah assumes it may be a secret genie language only this creatures know and, annoyingly, gets along with it.
After successfully wishing to understand (and use) English, he also finds out he can't wish for anything more language-related, and he shouldn't even bother himself trying to ask for a foolish things like an ability to speak every language in the world. Language is a big part of human's essence and otherwise shouldn't be messing with, just as magic focusing on it is strictly limited.
Using this fact, the genie also finds a loophole - from now on he speaks his secret genie language half of the time, stopping only when it comes to important tasks, because Abdullah "wished to know only one of his languages" and he, apparently, knows more.
This whole puzzle takes new turns, when, while traveling with the carpet, Abdullah meets the solider. Despite claiming being from Strangia, this strange man from the forest starts speaking with them in English in first and then, noticing they're from different country, easily switches to Arabic.
As they wander together, the soliders explains that he is non less confused than they are: he didn't even noticed he could speak English before the passer-byes from Ingary noticed him, and now, being with genie and Abdullah, he also remembered he knows Arabic. He adds that he can't recall anything before his duty in the army, where he definitely used Stangian and nothing else, but it feels like an strong knowledge he has, even If he doesn't remember learning any of this. He decides to wave it off, focusing on the cats and schemes.
The solider becomes a great translator for them along the journey, up to the day the got the inn. He does not understand the secret genie language, though. Especially when from the jinnies and angels they found out there's, in fact, no such a thing as a "genie language"
The story finally clears itself when Midnight and Whippersnapper turn into humans, the Solider turns into a bewitched Prince and the Royal Wizard surprisingly seems to recognize all of the words the genie was — and still is — using.
Charmain runs after Sophie with a long, old dictionary she has found in the Great Uncle Norland's Library. The Royals, of course, gave their honored guest the translator, but the things quickly becomes pretty private, with the search for the gold and all this story with lubboks, so Sophie tells them she's gonna manage it by herself.
To say the Dictionary is heavy is to say nothing: it's huge and thick, containing thousands of words from Ingarian English alone, split by topics, marked with tons of colors an additional moments. Even carrying it around is a whole different type of task.
Half of the time Charmain and Sophie communicate with gestures, context clues and even sounds. When they need to say something really long and complex, they write, leaning on the Dictionary, as it's a bit faster than talking. Still, at some moments Charmain has to flip through the massive pages, searching for the right word with her finger, while Sophie has to do the same. Till the end of the day the both learn some basic words from each other's language, which makes it easier.
The poor nanny has even harder times with Twinkle and Morgan, because she has no idea about what they actually want, except they both whining and crying, one louder than another.
Translator does not come in handy that much, as it looks like these children mix languages everytime when speaking to each other. She has to guess things all over the room to finally get what they need, and usually it's the most useless things ever, like striped pants and a bunch of toy horses falling from the sky.
They see Sophie and Twinkle arguing about something, but no one gets the topic of their screaming, let alone the reason why Sophie is so mad at this angelic child. Charmain asks Sophie about it, because she heard an unusual name along the lines of their quarrels, but Sophie looks too annoyed to explain, mumbling something in her native language with some sort of anger.
The only positive side of it all is that, If Chairman can't understand English, then the lubbocks can't either. Wich means that they didn't have to be as cautious when using Dictionary as they would have to If they understood each other perfectly.
Then she has to climb on the roof, where Twinkle is sitting. Charmain tries to dismiss all his attempts to start a dialogue till she's there, huffing and suffocating as she tries to get the Dictionary with her, trying not to fall.
Twinkle seems to be really proud of himself, saying he knows twice more languages that anyone else in this magical House. Charmain flips through the pages, asking either one of is the one she knows (Norlandian, I assume).
Twinkle says no. For a second Charmaine starts to really understand Sophie's feeling, fighting the urge to hit him on the head with this massive book.
Peter does not communicate with this new guest as much and, luckily, he knows the language Charmain speaks, so they don't have to struggle with a language barrier. The way speaks might be a bit different because of the area he grew up and the amount of hiding and spells he encountered, but there's nothing they can't handle. Luckily.
Calcifer knows the Saucepan song, but other than that his linguistic knowledge is far from perfect, certainly not as good as you'd expect from a fire demon. He also cannot use a Dictionary, because it will burn the second he'll come to close to it, and If this happens their main way of communication is basically gone. He makes up for it, talking with Twinkle, Morgan and Sophie, as well as being expressive enough to understand the basics or what he feels and plans. Sometimes someone (aka Sophie) has to translate what he is saying when she's near, wich is a bit longer than Charmain would wish, but still pretty plausible. She got that he desperately needs his logs, after all.
Twinkle could have used some kind of magical bubble to get them finally understand each other fully, but, again, magic connected with languages is pretty difficult and has its important limits, so it wouldn't last long. Little 30 years old boy is enjoying his childhood, running up the stairs and beating these huge bugs, not as much caring about Charmain all this huge book in her hands.
In the end, (as he turnds out to be) the Royal Wizard Howl is right - the only languages lubbocks can understand is punching.
(Many thanks to my rly good friend @your-queen-shuri for being co-author of this concept. A bunch of ideas here are from her!)
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months ago
A Way Out
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benji x targtower!fem!reader 
Summary: You’ve only wanted to be free with the wind for as long as you can remember. You know war is coming and you make an attempt to flee and seek the future you want. When it all comes crumbling down madness is the only thing left to comfort you. 
Warnings: 18+ vulgar language, wine, depression, panic and anxiety attacks, thoughts of wanting to die, mention of sex, pregnancy, birth, kidnapping, poison, mention of death, death/suicide(reader), alicent not being a mother, other targtower children appearances, slight timeline au but the dance is still there, mention of war 
Authors Note: a request from @chainsawsangel - the most angsty thing i’ve ever written! literally the main song in my head and that i played while writing this was Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths so idk !
Word Count: 8.7k  
A Year Before
Over the years your mother and grandfather have slowly taken hold of the Iron Throne. You’ve watched the rapid decline of your fathers health and he’s been nothing more than a corpse these past couple of moons. Your eldest brother drowns himself in his cups day in and day out while the younger of your two brothers hones himself into a deadly weapon. Your only sister is so closed in on herself that you can barely hold a conversation with her. The only person you can turn to is your mother who should be offering you warm embraces but can seem to only muster a cold shoulder.
You try not to blame her for your poor upbringing and push it onto an unlucky draw from the Gods before entering this world. Many aren’t as lucky as you and your siblings and you try to remind yourself of this. You have never wanted for anything besides maybe love and a true family. The only living thing you feel a genuine connection with is your dragon. He is your only solace in times of distress and the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair causes you to dream of flying off, never to return. There is nothing for you in King's Landing, you’re only a daughter and not even the first. Some days you don’t even feel like a daughter but a painting to be stared at until they tire and walk away.
You weren’t a painting but a song on the wind. Something never to be grasped or locked away. You were made to free and soar on the breeze. The wind would sing back to you in its high pitched tone and promise you the escape you desired. You and your dragon fly higher into the clouds chasing the sound of freedom away from the city below. One day you promise to yourself and your dragon. One day we’ll leave this place for good. For now you settle for disappearing for a day or two in the depths of the Kingswood. 
After drinking the last of your water you decide to relent and make your way back to the dragon pits. You coast above the city before your dragon walks you into his cave. Upon exiting the cold stone halls your mother is waiting for you with her hands folded and a frown etched on her face. 
“Let’s go.” she turns on her heel and you follow behind her to the carriage. She glares at you from across the enclosed space and pinches the bridge of her nose as the carriage comes to another stop. “Stay here.” she’s out of the carriage instantly and the door is snapped shut. You lean back into the seat and groan just wanting to be back in your chambers and alone. 
You start to loosen your riding gear wishing you could just put a night dress on and go to bed. You hear your mothers whispered shouts on the other side of the door before it’s being ripped open. You watch as your mother shoves a stumbling Aegon into the carriage before sealing herself in with you both. He takes the seat next to you and smells worse than he looks. Your mother looks over you both with disgust, mumbling under her breath. 
“The Gods must have been playing a cruel joke on me when they sent you both to me.” she shakes her head, grabbing her Star of the Seven necklace. “You disappear in your cups and whores and you,” she gives you a pointed look. “Disappear to Gods knows where.” she scoffs. 
“Do you wish for me to just sit in the castle until you marry me off?” you snap and Aegon chuckles from beside you. 
“And I sit and wait until you usurp the throne from Rhaenyra?” his throat sounding raw. 
“You two should be more grateful for all that is done for you. When we get back to the Keep you each will go straight to your chambers. I’ll hear no more.” she waves you both off off, turning her head to stare out the window. 
You’ll be grateful when you’re sealed away in your chambers alone. 
11 Months Before
With the succession in question a war for the throne is inevitable. Ravens have been flying for weeks on end to secure secret alliances for the plotted usurpation. Many Lords and Lady’s have traveled to court to affirm these alliances and the Keep quickly becomes stifling. You can’t take the cramped halls and the constant feasts. You’ve had enough of the continuous parading about and the lunches and teas. Tonight is the night you leave. 
The bag on your shoulder should feel heavy but it feels light as the air itself. You’ve had this planned for some time now you smile as you make it out of the Keeps gates. You slip through the city streets and push off people who try to stop you. You sprint up the Hill of Rhaenys to the dragon pits not caring to look behind you at the life you’re leaving behind. 
The massive opening is dark as you slip in and wait for your eyes to adjust. You start in the familiar direction and rest your hands on the cool stones as you enter the caves. The familiar chuffs bring a smile to your face as you slowly enter the cave. He starts to uncurl and pushes his snout into you. You pat your hands down the length of him before climbing up and attaching your bag. You settle into the saddle and he takes you into the dark skies. 
The moon lights your path as he leads you both west. You lean down and hug against his neck feeling his mighty wing beats. You fly on the breeze for hours until the sun begins to rise and you land in a small forest. You unhook from the saddle and recline back feeling safest still atop your dragon in strange lands. 
A week has gone by and you’re dangerously low on supplies. You have no idea where you are but you saw a town not too far off when you landed for the day. You pull your bag down from behind the saddle and start to change out of your riding gear. The nearby creek offers you a different hair color that will help you blend in. The mud feels foul in your hair but once it dries you just look like a commoner living on the streets. 
Holding your breath you wait at the edge of the tree line. You walk out and quickly make your way into the thrum of bodies down the main street. You stop at different stalls and pull coins out of your pocket trying to silently replenish your supplies. You move from vendor to vendor quickly trying to take as little time as possible so you can leave this town. Your bag is quickly filled and you turn on your heel to make an exit until a hand is wrapped around your wrist. 
“I make it my business to know all of the people who carry gold coins in my town. You, I’ve never seen before. Who might you be under all of this mud?” you look up at the man looking down at you with dark eyes. You look him over searching for a house symbol or anything that will mark who he is. 
“Let’s just take her back to the castle. Question her.” his company says. You look over this man and see the symbol of the Blackwoods. You know not all of the River Lords swore obeisance to your mother and grandfather but can’t remember if the Blackwoods were allies or not. 
The grip on your arm is sure to leave a bruise as you're pulled through the streets to the castle in the center of the city. Whispers and nods of ‘My Lord’ follow in your wake through the halls. Surely this man isn’t Lord Benjicot he can’t be a day over five and twenty. You study him and he pulls you through a large wooden door. It looks to be his council chambers but before you can look around you’re pushed down into a seat. 
“I’m a generous host when I know who my guest is.” the man sits back in his chair and looks you over. 
“Who might my host be?” you ask softly and he tilts his head. 
“You’re in my town and you don’t even know who I am?” he chuckles. 
“In honesty I don’t even know the town I’m in. Not for certain. From my observations I’m assuming you’re Lord Benjicot?” he squints his eyes at you. 
“Your speech is too fine and your pockets are too deep to be a commoner.” your heart starts to beat faster. “There’s been rumors of a dragon flying about at night and I’m wondering if you would know anything about that, as a traveler of course.” he tilts his head studying you. 
“I have seen no such thing, my Lord.” you shake your head quickly. 
“No? They say a Targaryen Princess is on the run. The Queen will pay well for any information.” your leg starts to shake. “Where do you come from?” he looks to his men and nods them out of the room leaving you both alone. Your chest starts to tighten not knowing what’s about to happen. 
“I’m from everywhere.” your words hushed. 
“Why would a Princess be on the run?” you watch as he rises and pours two glasses of wine. “And why is she all the way at Raventree Hall?” he sets a glass in front of you and takes his seat once more. 
“I don’t know why a Princess would be on the run, my Lord.” you nibble your lip hoping that your denial will work. “If you’re truly housing the Princess I would keep your voice down or alert the Queen at once. These are trying times.” you keep your words hushed and avoid his eye contact. 
“No matter how much mud you put in your hair it can’t dull the lilac of your eyes, Princess.” he sighs, taking a sip. 
“Please,” the word barely audible. “I can’t go back. Please.” your eyes finally meet his and you see the sadness in them.
“Why are you running?” he nods prompting you to talk.
“I want to live a different life.” you scrunch your brows. “I don’t like being a Princess. I think if we lived other lives I must’ve not been very good in them.” you look at him with a half smile. “This life feels like a punishment.” he frowns at your words. “I’m looking for a way out. I can give you all my coin. Anything. Please just don’t sell me back to them.” you wipe away a wayward tear quickly and huff as you spot the look of pity on his face. 
“What kind of Lord would I be if I denied a Princess refuge in her most desperate hour.” he jests but he doesn’t know how true his statement is. “You can stay for as long as you need. Unbeknownst to anybody.” he nods his head. “Should a dragon come at night, we have feed for him.” he offers you the start of a smile. 
“What is your price?” you squint at him not understanding why he would agree to help you. You’ve never known a kind hand to come without a price.
“No price. It is my duty and honor to house you, Princess.” his face starts to soften.  
10 Months Before 
It’s been just over one month since you’ve settled into Raventree Hall. Lord Benjicot, or Benji as he requests, has stayed true to his word. No Kingsmen have been through here and you’ve remained unfound. You dye your hair once every fortnight and keep to yourself. Your dragon is content enough to coast above the trees and indulge on the meat you bring him. 
Even with time and distance from the Keep you still feel suffocated and watched by it. You feel lost and alone most days but you have no desire to go home. Benji has never made you feel like you must work to earn your keep here but you’ve become stagnant. You don’t feel like you belong here. The people are kind but they don’t truly know you. You’re constantly looking over your shoulder and you dislike dying your hair so often. You miss your silver hair and fine gowns. You want for a home and a family you’ve never had but at least you didn’t feel so utterly alone. 
“How has my home been treating you, Princess?” Benji looks across the dining table at you. He sees the frown sculpted onto your face day in and day out. 
“Very well. Thank you.” you nod and turn all your attention to your plate. You both share three meals a day and he never has anyone else at the table. You can’t help but feel like a burden. Surely you’ve over extended your welcome but he’s too kind to tell you to leave. Gods what if he tells someone where you are. “Though I think it’s time for me to leave.” you set your fork down and he looks at you stunned. 
“As in you wish to retire to your chambers for the night?” he sits up and studies you more intensely. Had something happened that you didn’t tell him about? 
“No, I think,” you nod your head, steeling yourself. “I think I need to go somewhere else. I don’t fit in here. I need something else. I need the wind, I need freedom. I feel stuck and lost.” you can’t help the words that continue to flow out of your mouth and he turns to you listening to everything you have to say. “I don’t belong here. Maybe Essos will call to me. I just need to not be here. Or anywhere.” you look up to him with tear stained cheeks and his heart stops. 
He can tell you’ve been reluctant to open up to him but he can’t very well just let you leave out on your own. Benji decides right then he’ll go anywhere with you. To protect you. To care for you. To listen to you. To be anything you need him to be. He cannot bear the thought of you out there on your own.
“Then I offer you my sword, Princess. Wield me as you need. Allow me to make your journey less dangerous. Take me where you please. I’m yours to command.” your brows scrunch as you wipe away your tears. 
“No.” you shake your head. “I cannot ask that of you. You’re a Lord and have duties and land to attend to.” you don’t even allow yourself to think of the idea of having him travel with you. 
“Is it not my duty as a Lord to assist the royal family in any capacity I can?” he grabs his fork and begins to eat again. “It is not my desire to send you to your death on the road.” you watch his jaw flex. 
“If you come with me, you know we will never be able to come back.” his eyes lock to yours as he nods. “It may even mean your death.” he sets his fork back down and looks at you unyielding. 
“Give me at least a moon to make silent preparations and we’ll leave it all.” he sips his wine. 
“And if my dragon won’t allow you to ride with us?” you sit back in your chair watching him. 
“Then I shall follow you both from the ground. By horse or foot, I care not.” he shrugs. 
9 Months Before 
You sit across from Benji as he looks over the map on his desk. You two have been trying to find a route that will offer ample coverage for your dragon during the day. You both have gone back and forth about whether to risk going through the Vale and decided it’ll be the quickest. Your only reservation is that it’s so close to Dragonstone but you have plans to travel by night and take extra precautions. 
“We can leave when you want.” Benji looks at you and your eyes snap to him. 
“You’re positive you want to come with?” you still can’t wrap your head around the idea that he genuinely wants to come with. 
“I am.” he nods and rolls the map up and pushes it away from him. 
“Why?” you chew your lip. “Why do you want to come with me?” you start to pick at your nails. “Why do you want to throw your life away for a sad Princess?” your chest tightens and you beg the tears not to come. 
“You’re not the only one who wants to run from something.” his eyes hold the desperation you know all too well. “I don’t see it as throwing my life away. It’s not my desire to see you leave, no matter how selfish that sounds but I know this is no place for you. I,” he shakes his head at battle with himself whether to speak it. “I care for you deeply. More than I should but I would never do anything to cause you harm or displeasure.” his confession settles into your empty heart. He cares for you. 
“I wish to leave tonight, Benji.” you stare at each other in silent agreement and he nods. “I will start packing.” you get up and start to the door and pause. “I care for you too.” the soft confession has Benji staring blankly at the door that softly clicks shut behind you. 
The first week of travel has gone so smoothly and your mind has finally begun to settle. This time on the road you have more than enough supplies and Benji to hunt for you both. The first night when he said you two had to share a tent you blushed profusely and made him make a wall of supplies between the two of you until the chill of the night came. Every night, still with the same blush on your face much to your horror, he waits for you in the makeshift bed with open arms for you to curl into. 
Slowly you’ve started to open up and relax more. Benji has been able to break down your walls and he’s never been more in love with a sound than your laughter. When he wakes up in the early morning to prepare you breakfast he takes the first couple minutes to himself to watch your soft smile as you sleep. He loves when he turns from the fire to be blinded by your silver hair in the sun as you stretch with pink cheeks. At night he relishes how you fight off sleep to talk to him about all of your dreams for the future and your lives once you get to Essos. 
It all started so innocently you just wanted to kiss him. Just once. He didn’t tease you when you told him he was your first kiss he just asked if you would like to be kissed again. After the second kiss it was as if the invisible wall between you two lifted and you became one. When you were with him you felt as if this was the home you were looking for. He was kind and had patience with you and would worship you until you fell asleep. 
The following weeks were some of the happiest times in your life. The days felt never ending and the nights were warm thanks to Benji. You both decided to slow your travel and move at a more leisurely pace as you make your way across the land. Your dragon hunts at night under the shadow of darkness and you begin to feel at ease. Within the next couple of days you both will reach the Vale and begin the last part of your journey in Westeros. 
8 Months Before 
The Vale’s forests are more dense than either of you two anticipated. It's taken the three of you longer than anticipated but the road has been easy. Your dragon is content to live off of the land and fly in the open skies above the both of you. As of late you’ve been traveling closer to dawn than normal in hopes of being able to reach the coast quicker. 
“By tomorrow we should be in Bravos.” his words are something you’ve been waiting to hear. Your heart is close to bursting. Your freedom is hours away. Once the sun slips under the horizon again you both can make your last flight over Westeros and leave.
“You still want to come with me?” you offer him leave every night. “I wouldn’t blame you if you just told everyone I’m crazy and forced you to take me to the coast.” you nibble your lip with a soft smile.
“I would be the crazy one to leave you here and now.” your smile widens at his words. “I’ve left everything behind for you and I would make that decision again and again.” he grabs your hands. “Whenever we settle in Essos, marry me.” your heart stops. 
“You don’t mean that.” you shake your head.
“I do.” he nods his head with a smile. “Marry me.” he searches your eyes. 
“I will.” you press your lips to his. You pull him into the tent when you hear distant thunder and tangle together in the bed before drifting off for the day.
You start to stir as you hear shuffling around outside. You smile that Benji is up and packing. By tomorrow you both will be in Bravos and planning your next move. You open your eyes and your heart feels as if it’s being ripped out of you as you open your eyes. It wasn’t thunder. How could you be so stupid? So hopeful?
“Please.” the word barely audible as Aemond looks down on you with disgust. “Please let me leave. Brother, please.” you stand clutching the blanket. “I’ll fly to Essos and you’ll never see me again. Please.” you beg as the tears stream down your face. 
“Get dressed and get up.” his eye looks you up and down. “Mother has been waiting for you to come home.” he looks over at a waking Benji before he scoffs and leaves the tent. You grab your dress as you hiccup back a sob.
“What is going on?” he’s sitting up instantly. 
“Aemond is here.” you shake your head. “I knew we shouldn’t have gone through the Vale. Then we lingered here for so long.” you curse yourself for letting yourself get so absentminded. “I can’t go back. Kill me. Please, Benji please. Use your dagger. Anything. Please.” you look around frantically for his blade. Your brother will surely tell your mother of the state he found you in and she won’t take lightly to it.
“I will do no such thing.” he grabs your wrists. “Look at me.” he watches your ragged breathing and eyes scanning around the tent. “We will get dressed and we’ll go together. I’m not leaving you.” you nod your head, unable to stop the constant stream of tears. After hastily dressing he grabs your hand and leads you out of the tent. You are greeted by Aemond, who is there waiting with members of the Kingsguard. 
“Seize him.” Aemond tilts his head at Benji and the guards are pulling him away the next moment. 
“Aemond please.” you plead. “Don’t kill him. Please.” you run to your brother grabbing his arms. “Please.” you sob and he grabs your face. 
“It is not my decision. The council will decide his fate on our return.” you watch as they throw Benji into a covered wagon and start hauling him through the forest. “You’ll ride with me.” he grabs your arm and drags you over to Vhagar. 
You’ve been locked in your chambers for hours. You pace around waiting for your mother to show up. You have no idea what has become of Benji and it’s making you sick. You need air, you need to see Benji. The doors of your chambers open to reveal your mother before they are shut again. 
“You’ve been gone for months and Aemond finds you naked in a tent with a man? In the Vale? And we find out he’s a Blackwood? Gods.” she looks you over with the same disgust you saw in Aemonds eye. “You’ve been sullied no doubt.” your chest tightens as she continues with her ridicule. 
“I love him.” your voice breaks. “We are going to get married.” she chuckles at you. 
“Mm of course.” she rolls her eyes. “You had better hope the moon tea will still work.” you back away from her. 
“I won’t drink it.” you rest your hands on your stomach. “ And if you kill Benji you kill me too. I won’t live. Mother please.” her eyes start to soften as you start to plead. “Please let him stay here with me. Please.” she smooths your hair back and pulls you into her embrace. 
“Why him? I could have found you a nice husband.” she searches your eyes. 
“I want to marry Benji.” she sighs and looks down at you with a frown. “I’ll run away again.” you shake your head pulling away from her. “I’ll take my life. I won’t stay here alone anymore. I can’t. I won’t.” you start to cry again.
“I will see what I can do.” she sighs and leaves you alone in your chambers once more. 
6 Months Before
In the two months since your arrival back in Kings Landing much had changed. Your mother had allowed Benji to serve as a guard in the castle. She had known not to test your bluff about taking your own life. He was assigned to a night post on the opposite side of the Keep and it was almost impossible to see him. When you got a glimpse of each other in the halls it made everything worth it and the meals you both would indulge in once every fortnight were the only things you were hold on to. 
By the end of your first month back the maester was able to confirm your pregnancy. He urged you to tell your mother and you outright refused. He warrily agreed not to tell the Queen but you both knew it was only a matter of time. When you told Benji the news he cried and held you tightly and promised to take you away. Hours after he whisked you down the halls but as you turned the last corner a handful of guards stopped you both. After that night you have had at least three guards surrounding you at all times when you are outside of your chambers.
You’re not allowed out of your chambers often and most times are when you need to speak with your mother or for family meals. You haven’t seen your father in ages and rumors spread of his rapid decline. Your mother and grandfather have almost complete control of the throne it seems and everyone is holding their breath to see what happens next. The Keep feels colder than it has in years.
You quickly make your way to your mothers chambers to make your final plea of the day when you round the corner and run into Aegon. You take in his flushed cheeks and watery eyes and can tell he just came from where you’re headed. You notice too late he has one hand on your side and the other on your stomach from helping to steady you. Your spine stiffens as you stand up straighter.
“Does mother know?” he searches your eyes, removing his hands from you. 
“No. Please don’t tell her, Aegon. Please.” you plead in a hushed tone.
“You’re almost as much of a disappointment as I am.” he chuckles. “She’ll find out soon enough.” he shakes his head at you.
“But please not by your mouth, brother.” you grab his hand and he nods at you once.
“Well beware,” he nods his head towards our mothers chambers. “She’s in quite the mood.” he shrugs and continues down the hall. 
You pray to the Gods he keeps his mouth shut before you continue on your course to your mothers chambers. You knock quickly on her door and she sighs when she opens the door and sees you. She lets you in and you take a seat on the couch in her solar. 
“What is it?” she takes a seat in the chair across from you. She looks less than pleased to see you and you shrink in her presence.
“Please let me see Benji.” she shuts her eyes at your words and groans.
“Gods I’ve had enough of this. Enough of you and this River Lord. Enough of your brother sullying his name in the streets. I’ve had enough.” she shakes her head and stands up. “If I hear another word about him this week he will no longer be seen by anyone.” your heart drops at her words.
“No.” she waves you off reclining in her chair. “Leave. Go back to your chambers.” she closes her eyes in dismissal and you rise with a hot face and wet eyes. 
You sprint out of her chambers and down the hall until you’re alone and curled on your bed. You hold the blanket tightly and let out soft sobs so you don’t alert your guards. The door starts to open and you sit up quickly but when you look at the door it’s still shut. You look around your chambers and gasp with a smile as Benji is standing in a doorway in the wall. You stand up and he walks over to you engulfing you in a hug. 
“How? What is this?” you mumble into his chest as you look at the doorway in the wall. 
“Someone sent me to bring you this.” he holds out a ripped piece of parchment and you look at it with scrunched brows.
i wont tell mother
4 Months Before
The maester has kept his word of keeping quiet about your pregnancy and he suspects that you’ll be on the birthing bed in three months. Your handmaidens have proved their loyalty everyday by keeping you draped in large gowns and extra fabric to help conceal your bump. You’re terrified but so excited to bring such a pure light into this world. You know you have to tell your mother soon and you’re dreading her reaction. Benji has been such a solid force for you to lean on and you’re thankful for Aegon showing him the tunnels.
The tunnels have offered you and Benji everything the past two months. He has been staying with you every night and sometimes you pretend you’re both still in the small tent in the forest. You both secretly plan a better life for your child and hide away coin. You both decided to wait until after the babe comes in hopes of easier travel. Lately tensions around the Keep have been rising and it has you on edge.
“What if we just left now anyways. This babe will change everything. I think we should leave.” you grab his hands and look at him with pleading eyes. 
“You are in no condition to travel. We don’t have a destination set. We can wait. It’ll be okay.” he nods and wipes your tears away. “I promise.” you want so badly to trust him but you feel a sense of impending doom.
“I’m scared.” you hiccup back a sob. “Benji, I'm so scared.” he rests his hand on your bump. 
“It’ll be okay. I-“ your chamber doors open and your mother walks in. 
“What is this?” her face crumbles as she looks at you both and the hand on your swollen stomach. “How? You kept this from me?” her expression changes from anger to hurt and then a mix of the two. 
“How could you keep this from me?” she searches your face. “Go to your post, Benjicot.” she straightens her spine as she lifts her chin to him. He turns to you as you begin to cry. “If you do not leave now I will have guards come in and escort you out.” you stand in front of him and look to your mother.
“Please,” you sob. “Please, I love him, mother.” you hold onto his arm.
“Benjicot, leave now.” she raises her chin and stares at Benji. He pulls on his clothes while whispering promises that he will see you tonight. You follow him to the door crying the whole time. He squeezes your hand and slips out of your chambers.
“Mother, please.” you walk to her.
“Who knows?” she looks down her nose at you.
“No one.” you shake your head.
“Doubtful.” she scoffs. “Your handmaidens and at least one maester if you’re this far along. Gods I don’t even know what to do.” she lets out a bitter chuckle and looks up at the ceiling. “Why couldn’t you just have taken the moon tea? I let that pathetic River Lord stay here in exchange for you to drink it.” her eyes are filled with disdain.
“I would never have drank the tea.” you hold your bump protectively. “I love Benji and this child.” you look at her with watery eyes.
“You’re not even married.” she scoffs looking away. “My own daughter having a bastard.” she chuckles. Her harsh words are a shock to your senses.
“I don’t care.” you say exasperated. “Let us leave. Make up a story. I don’t care. I’m obviously not in the right condition for you to pawn me off for your throne so let us go. Please mother. Please we’ll disappear in Essos.” you know this is truly your final plea. Her knowing about your child is the tipping point. 
“No.” she shakes her head. “You’ll remain in your chambers for the remainder of this pregnancy.” your heart sinks as she leaves sealing shut the doors to your chambers with such finality that you feel it in your bones. 
3 Months Before 
The past month has been absolute agony for you. Benji still manages to find you through the tunnels but only for fleeting moments. You are watched so carefully that you can barely even get out of bed without your handmaidens rushing in. If your mother hadn’t sequestered you to your chambers the maester would have by now from how sunken you’ve become the more swollen your stomach becomes.
You’ve never felt more alone in your entire life. You’ve taken to talking to yourself and the unborn child you carry. The babe has told you that it’s a boy. You tell him stories you remember hearing about Essos and about the wind. He whispers to you at all hours of the day of the childhood he envisions and how he wishes his father could be with you now. I wish he was here.
“I wish he was here too.” you whisper cradling your bump. “One day. One day we’ll all be a family.” the words barely a breath. 
Benji's PoV
Over the past month he’s watched you slowly lose yourself. He doesn’t understand how the Queen could do this to her own child. Someone so pure and sweet. When he enters your chambers for those minutes he holds so dear you look at him as if you don’t see him. Then when your eyes finally uncloud your face drops and you start crying and speaking High Valyrian. 
He wants to take you away from here but he doesn’t know if you’ll make it. You haven’t been yourself since your mother found out and he’s so terrified. He should’ve just gotten you on your dragon in the Vale and let them kill him. He was so selfish for wanting a life with you. 
He blames himself. He should’ve done more. He should’ve gotten you to safety and now you and his child are.. He doesn’t know. He clenches his fist as the tears fall down his cheeks. He wipes them away angrily before taking a deep breath and opening the secret door to your chambers. 
Your PoV
He’s here. The babe whispers into your mind and you smile holding your bump. You look down as if you can see through the layers straight to the babe within. You can’t wait for the day you get to bring him into this world. You hope Benji will be at your side. Gods you miss him. He’s here. 
“My Princess, please,” you know that broken voice. “See me, please.” you blink your eyes and you see Benji standing before you with a hand resting on your cheek. 
“You're here.” a sob racks through your body. “Stay. Stay, please.” you grab onto him and hold him closely. “You’re here.” you whisper into his neck.
“I’m here.” he doesn’t know what to say. He holds you closely and you cling to him. “I’m here. I’m sorry.” he can’t stop his own tears as he holds you closely. 
My father. The babe whispers with happiness. He’s here. You grab Benji's hand and bring it to your bump. You hold each other as the tears flow and he presses a kiss to your forehead before he rises. I don’t want him to leave. Your heart pangs. 
“I love you. I will try to see you again soon.” his smile broken and defeated.
“I love you.” you watch him open the door. “Stay.” you whisper as the door clicks shut behind him. 
“Princess, is everything okay?” a handmaiden opens up your main doors rushing to your side.
2 Months Before  
You overheard the news from two of your handmaidens who have long thought your mind no longer works. Your father was dead. You weren’t sad at the news. He’s been dead for sometime now. You turn as your chamber doors open. Your mother walks into the room and looks you over. 
“Your father is dead. Aegon will be crowned tomorrow.” you look at her unblinking. “Benjicot is being sent to the wall. You will have this baby next month and you will be married to Lord Lannister shortly after.” you’ve been numb for some time now but her words slam into you.
“I won’t marry him.” you shake your head going to your couch. “We’re leaving.” you hum holding your bump. “Me, Benji, and our son.” you sit down on your chair. “Somewhere it’s always warm.” you offer her a soft smile. “We’re leaving after you join us.” you coo holding your stomach.
“He’s already on his way North.” she sighs, shaking her head. “He’s gone.” she starts walking towards the door. “Pull yourself together by the time Lord Jason comes to court. I won’t have you embarrass me.” the door thuds closed behind her.
He’s gone. He’s gone. You curl into the blankets on your bed as your handmaidens start to clean up your chambers. After lighting the hearth they leave tea on your table and leave you. You stare out the window feeling the tears fall down your cheeks. He’s gone. 
Someone’s here. I don’t care. He’s sad. So am I. He’s crying. You peel your eyes open and Aegon's red eyes greet you as he lays next to you. 
“What has she done to you?” he searches your dead eyes. 
“What of you?” your voice raw as you see the telling indentations across his brow where the crown sat minutes ago. 
“I’ll try to do something.” he whispers and you offer him a tired smile.
“There's nothing to be done. She’s already sent him to the wall.” his watery eyes meet yours. “Besides you offered us so much when you showed Benji those tunnels. I never got to thank you for that.” you brush his hair back.
“I wish I could’ve given you more.” his eyebrows scrunch.
“You’ve given me enough.” you close your eyes and turn back over. You hear him leave and let the world go dark around you once again. We’re alone. We have each other. I miss him. I miss him too. I’ll be with you soon. 
Benji’s PoV
Benji wakes up chained to a wooden bench being carted down the Kings Road. He’s surrounded by common criminals and he tugs on his chains to see if they’re loose. He bangs his head against the wood and the man next to him chuckles. 
“Like we would be that lucky.” the man smirks. “We’re already lucky enough to be going to the wall instead of the gallows.” he shrugs, shutting his eyes.
Benji ignores him and begins to try and form a plan. Why are they sending him to the wall? You’re about to give birth and he won’t be there. Gods he doesn’t know what to do. He should’ve gotten you out. He has to believe he still has a chance to do so. 
He doesn’t know what to do. His heart starts to pump faster and his breathing becomes ragged. He’s being taken from you when you need him the most. He’s terrified of what they’ll do to you in his absence. He needs to get free. He needs to return to you and his child. He needs to.. He needs to.. He needs.. 
“What's wrong with you?” the man next to him mumbles as his vision goes black as he passes out from panic and anxiety.
1 Month Before
It's time. The voice wakes you along with the immense pressure. You don’t call for anyone as another wave of pain washes through you when you sit up in the dark. You prop yourself up on the pillows and focus on your breathing. I get to meet you soon. A sharp pain tears through you. 
Your teeth dig into your lip as the pressure builds. Your fingers dig into your knees as you spread your legs and begin to push. I’m here. The voice soothes you as you continue in silent anguish. You’re almost there. A small cry comes from you as your son pushes out of you and onto the bed. You scoop him up and bring him to your body. 
He gives out a soft cry and nuzzles against your chest. You’re here. I’m here. You hold him alone in your chambers rocking him and having no care for the after birth or any of the mess and tending to you need. Your child was here. You weren’t alone. He’s here. I’m here. He’s here. I'm not alone.
“Princess.” your handmaidens gasp as they open your door. 
“Oh Gods.” 
“Get the Maester.” 
“Get the Queen.” hurried whispers float around your chambers as you continue to silently rock your son. 
“What’s happened?” your mother bursts into your chambers. “Gods.” she looks at you. “Clean her up.” she walks over and grabs the babe out of your arms. You try to reach for him but she’s out of your chambers and suddenly your son is gone. 
Where are you? I’m here. Where are you? My son. I’m here. Where are you? “Where are you? I’m here. Where are you? I’m here.” screams tear from your body. “Where are you? Where are you?” you call out over and over.
“Princess calm down.” your handmaidens look at you with concern. 
“Where are you?” the maester walks over to you with a cup and pours its contents down your throat. “I’m here. Please, I’m here. Where are..” 
I’m here. 
Please, where are you?
1 Week Before
Where are you? 
You haven’t seen your son since you’ve given birth to him. The only people you see are your handmaidens and the maester who gives you sleeping drafts. You haven’t seen any of your siblings. Not even your mother. You have no one. No one is coming for you. You’re alone.
Where are you? 
You’re in the tunnels in the dead of night holding a candle stick. The stone bites into the soles of your feet as you climb higher making your way towards the maester’s tower. You softly push on the door and peek in seeing an empty room filled with glass vials and books. 
Where are you?
Your eyes scan over the small glass tubes quickly reading them over. You walk over to the cabinets and continue your search. It has to be in here. A comforting warmth washes over you as your eyes stop. 
Tears of Lys. 
There you are. 
1 Day Before 
Your mother sits across from you for the first time since she took your son. She mentions nothing of him and instead tells you of your wedding tomorrow. Apparently Lord Jason is here and awaiting your company. You don’t speak or hold her eye contact. You stare at your nails as she continues to tell you what your life is to become. You wince as you dig into the skin around your nail and a droplet of blood appears.
You decide it has to be tonight. You have no idea what the state of the realm is in and have no desire to try and tread through it again. Especially now that you’re all alone. You call out to your son everyday but never get a response. They took your two great loves. You’re alone.
I’m sorry. I’m leaving. I can’t stay. 
Benji’s PoV
Tonight was the first night they didn’t chain him when he slept. After everyone was asleep and the man on the night watch turned he was gone. There’s a month of travel and a war between you both right now but he will do everything to get back to you and your child. He wishes he had a way to get a message to you but it’s impossible.
1 Hour Before
You sit at a desk with a blank expression and a quivering hand. The ink splatters across the parchment and you scrunch it up and grab a new one. This one is stained with your tears. 
Benjicot and my boy-
I’m sorry. I promised you both freedom and songs of the wind. Instead I’ve ruined everything. 
I will be with you both again in the afterlife. 
-Your wife and your mother
You leave the parchment spread on the desk next to the countless others you attempted to write. Walking to the table that holds your wine feels as if you’re walking across the city. You hold onto the wine with a shaking hand and pour yourself a glass of wine. You pull the vial out of your pocket and empty the entirety of it into your glass of wine. You swirl the red liquid around and down the mixture. You set the glass and vial next to your letter and go lay back on the bed. 
You let out one last exhale before shutting your eyes and calling out one last time.
Where are you?
I will remain here.
2 Months After - Benji's PoV 
The one month journey turned into two because of the raging war. The road was hard but all he thought about was you and your child. Gods he misses you so much. He doesn’t know what is waiting for him in Kings Landing but whatever it is he’s taking you both to Essos and starting the life you planned those months ago. No waiting, no excuses. 
Getting into Kings Landing was easier than Benji had thought. He snuck in through the docks and made his way into the Keep through the tunnels. He walked up to your chambers and listened for any sounds. You must be asleep. He opens the door and finds your chambers empty.
No, your chambers look abandoned. Left as they were never to be lived in again. He walks to your desk and sees the letter. The empty vial next to the empty glass. No. No. This isn’t real. No, he won’t accept this. 
“No.” he shakes his head reading it again. “No. Where is she?” he grabs the letter and slips back into the tunnels. Where are you? Where have they hidden you away? This isn’t real. Where are you? Benji’s heart races as he flies down the stairs.
He makes his way down the steps and into the crypts. He won’t believe it. It can’t be. He presses against the wall as he sees someone kneeling on the stone lighting a candle. He waits the couple minutes the woman whispers before she pads away. He continues down the hall and falls to his knees at the lit candles. No. No. His vision blurs as the tears fall.
“I’m sorry.” he chokes out. “I’m here. I’m sorry.” he looks at the date etched on the stone dating two months ago. He was far too late. “I’m sorry.” he grabs for his dagger. “I’m here. I’ll be with you soon.” he brings the tip of the blade to his heart. “I’m sorry.” he lets out a sob.
“Stop.” his head turns at the soft voice. “There’s someone who needs you.” he follows the stranger up the tunnel steps and into the back of the nursery. A small boy with black hair and violet eyes stares up at him. He’s here.
“My boy.” Benji picks him up. “Our son.” he starts to cry. He’s here. 
He turns to thank the stranger but they’re gone. He wraps his son up and packs a bag quickly and leaves out of the Keep through the tunnels. He races to the docks and shoves coin into a shipmate's hand and boards the boat, stowing himself and your son away in the underbelly. They’ll arrive in Essos by the end of the day. Your dream is coming true but you’re not here to see it. He holds your son tighter as his tears start once more. 
As the ship leaves the harbor there is a loud crack heard from the city followed by a roar. Benji looks up and sees your dragon flying above the Blackwater with a chain hanging from his neck. No other dragons come for your dragon and Benji thanks the Gods they were able to get away.
4 Months After
Benji sits with his son in the countryside just outside of Volantis. Above your dragon soars on the wind. He’s followed the two of them across Essos and watches over their travel. Benji was worried the dragon would bring too much attention but no trouble has come of it. Your dragon only approached Benji once when they first landed to allow him to remove the chains but since then he keeps his distance. Your dragon seems to be waiting for your son to acknowledge the claim he has placed on him already.  
Benji is thankful for this last gift you’ve given them.
The sun is high and warm as the light breeze flows through the tall grass. 
Faintly, Benji swears he can hear your voice wind.
I’m here. 
masterlist 🔌 
um i cried while writing this and while editing and while just thinking abt it xx 
pls take care of yourself bc i know this is a rough topic and there are people out there who care for you and who will answer when you call and there are resources out there if you need them!!
taglist ✍️
@clarityisnofun @gabriella-aesthetic @callsignwidow @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @1-fuzzy-squirrels @arya-brooke @ashovertheriver @zanygot7straykidsbonk @moonymoo1 @malfoycassimalfoy @april-notthemonth69 @anaviieiraaa @p45510n4f4shi0n @neocockthotology @thereaderwitch @hardkiddonut @faenyra @hiimava11 @daintylittlesunflower @primroseluna @fiction-fanfic-reader @povofjustme @multilover19 @alexxavicry @cedstars @fuckalrighty @mrsmunson-harrington @misspendragonsworld @nz2004 @ninihrtss
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themastaralex · 3 months ago
the eldest daughters:
I've been in the works of a rhaenyra x f!reader fic for a while now, and it's omegaverse (cross posted on ao3) (my bad guys, accidentally posted it twice lmaoo)
TW: typical targcest between cousins, violence
Summary: Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, a proud and stubborn alpha, is set to marry her omega cousin, you, Princess Alerys Targaryen, in a manner to keep the blood of the dragon pure. You share the blood of the dragon, as well as the fire of it. In the end, however, all depends on if you can both manage to keep the realm out of war; war between kin, and war between dragons.
Chapter 1: The Heir's Tournament
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You’d always known you’d end up with Rhaenyra, that much was obvious. You two had grown up practically attached at the hip after Daemon took you from your mother, Rhea Royce. He didn’t like her; ‘his bronze bitch’, as he called her, but still needed to produce some form of a child between them.
So he tried, once. Once is all he needed to do, because she had fallen pregnant soon after, much to both his luck and unluckiness. He didn’t want to do that again, hell, he didn’t want to do it in the first place.
You ended up taking your mother’s slightly tanned complexion and her dark brown hair, but your father’s eyes and streaks of white hair, luckily, which you normally braid back. A light purple, the only other trademark of Valyrian descent. He hated being reminded of the fact that he had had a child with her , but he had to have at least produced a child, but he loved you, in spite of having came from your mother.
Growing up with Rhaenyra in King’s Landing wasn’t bad, if that’s what was thought. It was the best place for you to grow up, on the contrary. You are a princess, not just some normal high-born lord’s daughter. You’re a princess of the realm, a Targaryen. Even if he wanted to, Daemon wouldn’t leave you with Rhea to grow up with her, to not have the luxuries you should- but did- grow up with.
You and Rhaenyra were mischievous kids, to say the least. Truthfully, they called you the ‘twin terrors’. But make no mistake, that didn’t stop you two. While you were indeed a princess of the realm, that didn’t stop you from wanting to pursue sword fighting. Not just because it’s interesting, but because it’d be the one thing you could have that could make your father proud of you.
You had natural skill, quite a prodigy, but not a prodigy in the eyes of every man in that training yard, purely because of their bias and overall thinking. But that’s normal.
By the time Rhaenyra presented as an alpha, most people of the court were surprised. They expected her to be an omega- to be submissive to her alpha, which they assumed would have been you, with your tall and slightly well built physique and your more masculine tendencies. And when you presented as an omega shortly after her, it caused nearly double the surprise that Rhaenyra’s presentation did.
And now, with all the commotion of Aemma and Viserys’ coming child- one that Viserys hopes is a boy, it’s as if the pair of you two have been left to your own devices. Along with Alicent as well, of course. She followed you and Rhaenyra in presenting shortly after yourself- at around 14 as an omega as well.
Regardless of the now stark differences between you and Rhaenyra, it was mostly all still the same since your presentations. Only thing was that guards were set at your doors when either of you went into your heats or ruts, because Rhaenyra is absolutely impulsive, reckless, and would gladly have taken that chance to have you early ahead of your coming wedding. And you would have let her have you.
But oh, yes, your wedding.
Rhaenyra presented at 14 and you a few moons shortly after her, so Viserys thought it would be best to betroth you two, to keep the blood of the dragon pure and what not.
It was the smartest idea to come out of him since him having made and named Rhaenyra.
The Heir’s Tournament is grand, as befit for the coming birth of Viserys’ new child, whom he very much hopes is a boy, and who he and Aemma (mostly Viserys though) have named Baelon in advance of the child’s birth. Although, Rhaenyra claims she wants a sister, and claims she’ll be a girl, even as while she and you were very close as kids, you weren’t sisters neither thought of each other as such, luckily.
By the time Rhaenyra finally arrives at the royal box, Alicent and mostly everyone else has already been seated, and it looks as if she was the last one there, excluding yourself because she’s sure you’re down there getting ready to compete. Despite everything, despite yourself having presented as an omega, Rhaenyra hadn’t witnessed her father or your father say anything to you about quitting and stopping your ‘nonsensical bullshit’ of training and fighting.
She supposes that’s what happens when you’re skilled, regardless of secondary gender, she thinks to herself, as she sits down next to Alicent on her right. The seat on Rhaenyra’s right is empty as well, being the one you’d usually sit in next to her when watching tournaments.
Viserys glances at her, and after recognizing that his daughter is there and accounted for, he stands and speaks, his voice oddly booming for once, “Queen Aemma has begun her labors!” He announces, much to the joy of the crowds and the people in the royal box as they clap and smile at him for a few moments before he sits back down and prepares for the first joust; between a knight of House Tarly and an unnamed knight.
Hooves of horses sound like thunder as the first men collide in a joust, with the unhorsing of the Tarly knight occurring with a sharp crack of the unnamed knight’s lance against his shield, or perhaps against his breastplate- although it’s hard to tell from Rhaenyra’s sightline. The unnamed knight seems to have no real way of differentiating him from a sword on the ground due to his bland and mis-matched armor with no house sigil.
Rhaenyra looks at him with slight interest, seeing as the man managed to unhorse a Tarly squire in one fell thrust of his lance.
“A mystery knight?” She inquires, with Alicent responding next to her, “No. A Cole, of the Stormlands.”
“I’ve never heard of House Cole.” Alicent would slightly shrug at Rhaenyra’s words, as they looked at the other knights, who with their decorated armor and resplendent jewels look every bit the part of wealthy noblemen who have never seen an inch of battle or war.
They spot one in specific, and Rhaenyra has a bit of gossip to share regarding him, so she tilts her body toward Alicent just enough to whisper to her without the possibility of prying ears, “Lord Stokeworth’s daughter is promised to that young squire.”
“Lord Massey’s daughter?” Alicent asks, as Rhaenyra nods and continues, “They’re to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood.” Alicent almost scoffs in amusement, but finishes their little gossip session with an added soft chuckle, “He’d best get on with it. I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress.”
Rhaenyra almost bursts out laughing at the news, but manages to control it into a small giggle as she leans back into her seat, watching Lord Boremund Baratheon ride over to the royal box, with his house sigil, a proud black and gold stag, etched onto his armor, and banners on his horse. He lifts his lance up toward Rhaenys, prompting her to stand and walk over to him as everyone watches him ask for her favor.
“I would humbly ask for the favor of ‘The Queen Who Never Was’.”
Rhaenys nods her head and indulges him, grabbing a favor and placing it on his lance as she offers him good fortune in the coming joust, even as he almost disregards her comment, “I would gladly take it- if I thought I needed it.”
That comment just rubs Rhaenyra the wrong way, as Otto grumbled something about Viserys possibly having Boremund’s tongue out for that. It rubs Rhaenyra the wrong way personally because despite her father being the king, she felt as if the crown should have been Rhaenys’. She was Aemon’s only living child, and she was still passed over for the crown twice. Once for Baelon, and another time for Viserys.
Over the set of the next few minutes, they just speak amongst each other until the Master of Revels introduces who is one of the main competitors of the event.
“Ser Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!”
Daemon, Rhaenyra’s uncle, and soon-to-be father-in-law as well.
The smallfolk in the stands cheer loudly for him as he rides out on his steed, as Daemon is wearing black-scaled armor, with the helm looking like a dragon’s head. The other knights from the lists are lined up- once again minus yourself.
While Daemon trots his horse down the line, scrutinizing and choosing his opponent, Rhaenyra’s thoughts obviously wander to you. You wouldn’t miss a single chance to embarrass your father, especially if it’s in a joust, or even if you get embarrassed yourself, because you’d get to fight Daemon regardless.
“Where is she?” Rhaenyra would mutter to herself, one of her arms moving to rest on the arm rest as one of her thumbs played with the ring on her middle finger. Alicent notices Rhaenyra’s small mutter and her fidgeting with her rings- not that she’s much better because she picks at her nails.
But she notices regardless, and decides to distract her a bit by speaking of who he might choose, “Daemon will surely choose to face one of the great houses. Though he probably doesn’t want to tilt against someone he’s never faced.” She notes, getting Rhaenyra to sit back up a bit as Daemon chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower, Alicent’s older brother and Otto’s eldest son, with aiming his lance toward him.
This makes Alicent slightly frown, as Rhaenyra looks on in contemplation. The one person she wants to see compete in this bloody tournament isn’t even here yet, and it’s maddening, because she knows you’re a damn good warrior. Otto doesn’t even flinch at Daemon’s choosing of opponent, he expected it, if anything.
Daemon and Gwayne line up in their lanes, and charge toward one another. Daemon’s tactic of forcing the other man’s lance to drive into the dirt and throw him off the horse works, and Gwayne lands face first into the ground under him and his steed. Once Daemon wins, he takes a victory lap around, and then rides up to the royal box as he takes off his helm and wows the crowd with his obvious good looks.
Rhaenyra, Alicent, and truthfully, most- if not all- the ladies in the royal box immediately swoon, as Alicent and Rhaenyra go up and walk to him, as they both smile, Rhaenyra’s smile being just a touch more polite than anything else, as is Alicent’s.
“Nicely done, uncle.” Rhaenyra notes with a hint of praise, as Daemon gives her a small nod, acknowledging her words, “Thank you, Princess.” Then Daemon turned his eyes toward Alicent, tilting his lance up toward her, and then asking in an almost smug tone, “I’m fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favor would all but assure it.”
At that, Alicent is almost taken aback, even with the blush on her face from the question. But she does as he requests, grabbing a favor and placing it on the lance, as it slides to the base, with Rhaenyra going back to sit down as Alicent offers some final words. “Good luck, my prince.”
Rhaenyra looks almost amused, but she doesn’t want to give away that this genuinely makes her laugh, as Otto glares down at Daemon. Beating his son, then asking his daughter for a favor, as if he’s someone he should cross?
All in all, the hostility between his younger brother and his Hand amuses Viserys to no end.
The tournament rages on, and finally, you make an appearance. You’re up against a member of House Tyrell, a knight of no real consequence. Even his movements on his horse seem sloppy, if anything.
The moment Rhaenyra spots your recognizable dragon armor- the same colors as Daemon’s armor, black and red, as it should be for most Targaryens- the helm, mostly, since it’s reminiscent of your dragon, Aeryx and her horn shape, she grins, finally able to relax and know you’re about to wipe the floor with that Tyrell man. Or maybe a boy, more like it.
“And now, for her first match of the day, Ser Alerys of House Targaryen, daughter of the Prince of the City, is tilting against Ser Heron of House Tyrell!” The smallfolk all cheer and clap at the mention and sight of their prince’s daughter, as the nobles in the royal box clap for both competitors.
Viserys both visibly smiles and looks worried. Not for you, but for Heron Tyrell. If you’re anything like Daemon– and you are, after all, he’s known you since you were a babe– you’re definitely going to either bend the rules a bit, or say ‘fuck all’ and just beat the man half to death. With the way Daemon handled Gwayne in his own match, he doesn’t doubt you were most definitely watching him and are taking pointers from him and his own actions.
Regardless, the smallfolk calm down a bit as you and Heron trot into your respective lanes after your introductions from the Master of Revels, as you watch Rhaenyra and Alicent stand up and walk to the guard-rails of the royal box to watch this joust. They’re your closest friends, and your cousin is set to marry you in a year or so, so it would only make sense for them to want to closely watch you embarrass a Tyrell.
You look up at Rhaenyra and Alicent, giving them a small nod and smile through your helm, with only your eyes and the middle of your lips visible through the small vertical open area of your black iron helm. They smile back at you, with Alicent’s smile being more friendly than Rhaenyra’s small smirk. The girl lives for both hearing drama and causing it.
Once you look back at Heron, it’s as if you can tell he’s nervous from beneath the visor of his helm, because his hand is slightly shaking as he holds his lance and shield. Now, for the lance, it might just be that it’s heavy, so you won’t blame him for that if that’s the case.
After a few more moments of a wait, you both charge toward the other, having a narrow field to aim your lance and hope it strikes true on either his shield or on his breastplate to push him off. Once you both get close, you meet the edge of his shield, but the tip of the lance slides to the side to strike his armored shoulder as he’s pushed almost off his saddle as you both ride down the line to the end to turn back around and go for a second charge if he can sit up. His own lance had missed- sliding off the iron edge of your own shield, which didn’t help him stay on his saddle, as he fell the moment the horse turned to the other side, falling into the mud of the tiltyard and losing the joust.
The crowd loudly applauds at their princess’s win, having all expected her to easily best the Tyrell knight, as Rhaenyra and Alicent stood at the rails the entire time, witnessing the usage of strategy that you used (you just aimed at his shield), and how you made the best of missing his shield.
You ride up to the royal box, removing your helm and holding it in your lap as you look up at them, as if a knight in shining armor.
“Princess Rhaenyra. Lady Alicent.” You greet, giving each one a small nod as a smile rose on your face regardless of who you were looking at– even if it rose mainly due to Rhaenyra. She looks beautiful in that dress, with the red and golds contrasting perfectly with herself. You don’t even have to address them with honorifics, you just want to. Besides, if you want to play as a knight right now, you have to be as courteous as one would be.
“I wouldn’t suppose that I could have your favor for the coming fights, could I, Princess?” 
‘Only you would be so bold as to ask for my favor over such a minor joust, Alerys..’ Rhaenyra thinks to herself, slightly tilting her head and having a small smile on her lips. She keeps eye contact with you, before giving her oral answer, dancing around it a bit before really answering.
“Hmm, I would suppose so, my gallant knight.” She walked over to where the favors are, and grabbed one as her father looked at her with a small neutral look for a moment before letting a small smile come on his lips and give a slight nod to her as if to say, ‘Go ahead.’
It's not like Viserys doesn't want Rhaenyra and you to not have fun neither not show that you are both steadily ready for your coming marriage, and giving you her favor would only reinforce the thoughts of most nobles; loyalty.
Otto side eyes Viserys for a moment, watching as the king gives the go-ahead to Rhaenyra to place the favor of a wreath of red roses on your lance, watching it slide down to the base.
Of course, Otto, being the King's Hand and a.. a friend , agreed with him the moment he suggested Rhaenyra and you be betrothed.
Though, his ambitions are large, large enough to take heavy steps to the crown if need be. Truthfully, he should have pushed to possibly have betrothed Alicent and Rhaenyra. It's not like Alicent isn't pleasant looking and Rhaenyra doesn't have affection for her– she does. But he's not sure as to how he might have taken it, especially since this was likely one of the few things that Viserys and Daemon had agreed on doing for their daughters in a while now.
But he's sure that with a bit of persuasion , or perhaps seduction of sorts from Alicent’s way toward Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra might voice her opinion to want to marry someone other than the obvious choice of her cousin with Targaryen blood..
But Otto quickly gets himself out of his own head and plans, watching as you and Rhaenyra conversed for another few moments, with you claiming brave words of victory.
“When I win this entire tourney, I’ll come up and name you my Queen of Love and Beauty, cousin.” Your words came with a cocky grin, looking up at Rhaenyra, as she just quickly snorted, out of humor if nothing else. Just the name of ‘cousin’ toward one another makes her laugh, as she humored you.
“We’ll see when you win then, won’t we?” Rhaenyra smiled, slightly tilting her head for a moment as she kept eye contact with you for a bit more before you placed your helm back on and rode back toward the boy acting as your squire.
Alicent- who was witnessing the entire flirting session between the two of you, side-eyes Rhaenyra, having a look of something similar to saying, ‘Well, I’m sorry I was here to witness this..’, as they sit back down.
Over the course of the rest of the day, Lord Boremund Baratheon is humbled and promptly knocked off his horse by the previously unnamed knight, the Cole of the Stormlands, who they announce as, ‘Ser Criston Cole’. Now with a complete name to the man, Rhaenyra is partially curious about him, so she waves over for Ser Harrold Westerling, her Kingsguard knight, to ask him about the man.
“What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?” She asked, as he seemed to think about it for a moment, responding back to his princess to the best of what he was told. “I have been asking the same thing, Princess. I’m told Ser Criston is common-born, the son of Lord Blackhaven’s steward. Other than that, and the fact that he has unhorsed both of the Baratheon lads, I could not say.”
They watch as Ser Criston lines back up in the lane as he awaits his next opponent.
The Master of Revels calls out the next opponent, “Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Ser Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!”
That catches Rhaenyra’s attention again, seeing as her uncle is about to tilt against this Ser Criston. She thinks Daemon will make quick work of him, and then after that, he would probably joust against you, his own daughter. However, he might have the slightest bit more pity for you, and not be as harsh as he would normally be with any other opponent.
Both Alicent and Rhaenyra’s interest peaked at this match, as they stay seated but watch with careful eyes, as Ser Harrold stood and walked back to his post.
The joust is a quick one, with both of them charging toward one another, as Daemon hits Criston’s breastplate dead on, breaking his lance. Unfortunately, Daemon is the one who is dismounted, with the amount of force he placed into the attack, he’s forced back, falling off his horse and onto his back.
Though, he quickly scrambles back up and signals to his squires to bring him Dark Sister, offering it to him hilt first, as he quickly draws said sword– the Valyrian steel rippling in the light of the afternoon sun.
“Prince Daemon wishes to continue in a melee!” The Master of Revels proclaims, as the crowd cheers and hollers, with Ser Criston dismounting his horse and continuing this match in a melee. While Daemon had a squire to hand him Dark Sister, Criston has no such man, so he runs to grab a morningstar from one of the posts set up with weapons on one side of the tiltyard. But Daemon doesn’t wait, he quickly and angrily slashes at him with Dark Sister, with Criston evading with the speed of a much smaller and agile man.
With his evasion, he turns around and snares Dark Sister with the chain, gripping the blade and quickly pulling it away from Daemon’s grip and into the mud. Daemon is disarmed now, as Criston throws him into the ground, hitting him on the back with his morningstar once, to stun him, as he says, “Yield.”
But in true Daemon fashion, he tries– and fails– to reach for Dark Sister, with Criston kicking away the sword to somewhere else, now standing over Daemon as he holds his morningstar above his head, ready to strike again if he does not yield. The crowds are going absolutely wild, at both Daemon being bested, and Daemon being bested by a relatively unknown knight.
Viserys stands and claps and laughs loudly, as Otto politely claps, but both are appreciating that Daemon has been humbled and bested for once. Criston helps Daemon up out of the mud, as Daemon spits some blood on the ground, angrily.
“Well fought, my prince.” “It was. By one of us.”
After his snarky answer back, Daemon walks away, picking up Dark Sister as he leaves the tiltyard, and perhaps the tourney grounds in total.
Ser Criston remounts his horse and rides to the royal box, looking up at Alicent and Rhaenyra, and due to having already witnessed the earlier match of you versus the Tyrell boy, decides against asking Rhaenyra for her favor, lest he wins and gains your wrath against him. He removes his helm as Alicent and Rhaenyra come up to the rails, watching him for a moment; witnessing his dark hair, dark eyes, and olive-colored skin.
“Gods, he’s Dornish.” Alicent said, almost falling for him right then and there. Of course, Rhaenyra doesn’t exactly feel the same thing. He’s attractive, sure, but he’s not you.
As they witness Criston’s looks for the first time, a maester comes into the royal box and speaks quietly to Otto, who quickly wears a somewhat distressed face, as he whispers to Viserys, who after receiving the news, quickly but quietly makes his way out of the royal box and into the Red Keep with Otto and the maester, where his wife, Queen Aemma, is having birthing problems.
Criston asks for Alicent’s favor, even as she had earlier given one to Daemon, but her eyes do partially light up as she does, because he chose her and not Rhaenyra to ask for a favor.
Afterwards, the tourney takes a more brutal turn, with bones breaking, blood being spilled every which way, and death being something the slightest bit more common right now, as a Corbray knight walks over to the Tarly knight who unhorsed him, and begins to beat him. Their pages and squires rush to pull them off each other, to no avail.
In the next match after getting them out, it’s Ser Criston versus you, still having the favor that Rhaenyra gave you that was on the base of your lance, which is now on the junction of your left arm, of your inner elbow.
“And now, Ser Criston Cole versus Ser Alerys Targaryen!”
You both charge with loud yells, striking true on each other’s shields, shattering one another’s lances, as well as a part of your shield. You rush to throw your broken lance down, grabbing another from your temporary squire’s hand, being careful to grip the inside as Rhaenyra eagerly watches you race down the lane a second time, hoping you knock Criston on his ass, purely because Daemon lost, so you need to win it. For House Targaryen, for your own pride, and for Rhaenyra.
It’s almost a make or break moment, the moment that you aim in and have a set point as to where the tip of the lance will strike. No, not almost , it is a make or break moment.
Even with the sweat rushing down your forehead and almost into your eyes because of the heat and your heavy black armor, you manage a breath before you collide.
It’s over in merely a second as you feel the lance hit him, but you also feel his lance against you– pushing you down as both of you hit each other’s breastplates with all the speed of the racing horses, and your own strength.
And you are both knocked to the ground at the same time, off your horses- disoriented because of the force- as you barely shuffle up onto your feet, regaining your eyesight as you motion your squire to grab your sword, and he quickly hands you your sword, a well-crafted iron sword, whom you dubbed, Stinger. You couldn’t really think of anything better because you were a child when Daemon gave you it.
“And they decide to continue into the melee!”
You witness Ser Criston having stood back up as well, grabbing a morningstar, no doubt about to try the same tactics he used on Daemon, considering he knows who he’s facing; his daughter.
You don’t slash as angrily as Daemon did, more so just gauging your chances and taking shorter slashes, since he has the advantage of wielding a weapon that could easily dent your breastplate if you’re not careful and if he’s harsh with his strikes.
You both go back and forth for a bit trying to know the other’s striking pattern, as you get a bit too eager once you see an opening, going for it as he notices and uses the morningstar to hit your shoulder, denting your armor and forcing you down, almost letting go of your sword, but not quite.
He quickly tries to disarm you by kicking your hand, but you grab some dry dirt from a patch, and throw it in his eyes, in classic Daemon fashion, barely getting up and hitting the morningstar out of his hand as he almost wipes at his eyes, forcing them open, growling angrily. This is when he starts going for hand to hand combat, knowing his morningstar is too far to reach now, and he’s partly blinded.
The crowd gasps, seeing as you pulled a ‘dirty trick’. It’s something that- again- Daemon would do, so they’re not too surprised. 
Both you and Ser Criston continue, with you pushing him back a bit with your sword, trying to kick him down and make him yield, but he stays up. It’s frustrating, and almost makes you irritated, but while your frustration and irritation hits you, your distraction gives him an opening, so he shoves your sword aside with his armguard, and makes sure to hit your helm guard with the metal covering his knuckles, forcing it to hit your nose. And with the strength of his punch, it makes you bleed a bit, as you stagger backwards; disoriented again as your vision failed you and eyes started watering.
He grabbed your collar of your neck armor, and threw you down onto the ground as if you were nothing but a sack of flour, in which you groaned as you hit the mud. He places one foot on your hand wielding your sword, and the other on your breastplate, on top of the Targaryen sigil in the middle.
“Yield.” He said, knowing you’d have to. You literally can’t move with his feet on you.
“I-I.. I yield.” You reluctantly say, and he takes off his feet from you and your body, and moves to give you a hand. He’s a strong fighter, you’ll give him that. But then again, you’re only a 14 year old girl, and you lasted that long and almost bested him. Good try.
You take his hand up, giving him a small nod of thanks, even as the blood rushes down your nose and lips, then down your chin and onto the ground and probably your breastplate.
“Good fight, Ser.” You manage out, as he gives a small nod back, “I say the same to you, my princess.”
The entire fight did rub him the wrong way for a bit, seeing as he was fighting a princess, not a girl specifically. But to be acknowledged by a princess, one that worked to hone her skills to participate in a tourney, is good nonetheless.
You both walk away, to get treated for your wounds, and because Criston pretty much won the entire damn thing already.
And then, not even half an hour later, during a different melee, you join Rhaenyra and Alicent up in the royal box, rubbing at your nose as you sit down in some clean clothes, in a black tunic with red accents and embroidered silver dragons on top of where each breast is.
Rhaenyra looks at you, and feels a bit bad, until she realizes you lost, and totally wasted her favor. “You wasted my favor, oh, gallant knight.” She sarcastically says, and she doesn’t really care about the favor much.
You look at her for a moment, slightly embarrassed and frowning, “Sorry. He got my nose, and my eyes started watering.” You grumble, holding it as you witness the new violence down in the tiltyard, whereas Alicent looks away and Rhaenyra- like you- continues to look.
As the violence reaches a standstill, as in the bodies being dragged away after everything, Otto finally returns, and shares the new news to the small council.
“The Queen lives, but the boy is dead.” He quietly shares, earning a small gasp from some of them. It’s enough to draw attention, from all three girls down in the first row, as well as from possibly Laena and Laenor.
The Queen lives, but the boy is dead.
Aemma survived off of nothing short of a miracle. They sacrificed Baelon’s life for Aemma’s, but she is narrowly surviving.
Viserys chose her, in a rare twist of fate.
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zegrasdrysdale · 9 months ago
dearest gentle reader [ n. hischier ] | part one
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next part - coming soon
summary : rumors begin to spread of Lord Nico Hischier arriving in London days before the 1813 season is set to begin, putting the unlucky Jo Sinclair and her family on high alert. meanwhile, Nico arrives in London, but has no idea what's coming when he makes his own society debut with the announcement of his arrival in Lady Whistledown's first edition
warning(s) : none
author’s note : i’m gonna try my best to make this as historically accurate as i possibly can. if you wanna be added to the universe taglist, fill out this form since it's separate from my daily fic taglist (I'll be using my normal fic taglist for this part only). there will also be a handful of crossover characters but there will be no plot crossover (y'all will see what i mean as the series goes on). enjoy the first part of nico and jo’s story <33
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[ JO'S POV ]
The one thing that she's been excited about for the last few weeks is her sister's society debut. The debut is the only thing that Emma has talked about since her 18th birthday back in April. It's really been the only thing that she's been talking about since her oldest sister made her own debut.
Josephine herself did enjoy making her debut four years ago and she can't wait to see her younger sister follow in her footsteps. She enjoys every social season despite being unlucky in the subject of marriage.
They've been to the modiste so many times in the last five or six weeks to get new dresses made for Emma's debut and the balls that the family will attend over the summer. Jo has even gotten a handful of new dresses designed for her despite the fact that it's her fourth year out and she has yet to find a husband.
Yes, she's been unlucky. She has to find a husband this season unless she wants to have her parents set up a marriage for her. Jo has been constantly telling her parents that she wants to marry for love, not advantageously.
Their threats to marry her into a wealthy family to a man she does not know got a lot worse after last season when she couldn't secure a husband. She practically begged them to give her one more season to find a man that will marry her.
Two days before Emma is set to debut in front of the queen, her little sister comes running into the drawing room where Jo, her mother, and eldest brother Theo are doing some of their daily activities. Jo is at the pianoforte playing a classical piece, her mother is sewing, and Theo is doing some work at the desk.
"This has just arrived to the house," she says. "It's almost like a gossip column in the paper, but it's strictly a gossip column."
Their mother, Lady Beatrice Sinclair, looks up from the blanket that she's been working on for the last few months. "What has arrived to the house, dear?" she asks.
"It's called 'Lady Whistledown'," Emma explains. "Whoever she is knows so much about the ton, and there even are rumors of which eligible bachelors are coming into London for the season and which men are looking for wives this season."
Beatrice holds out her hand for the column. Jo continues to play on the pianoforte but her interest is piqued, as is Theo's. Emma walks over and hands the paper over to their mother. Her eyes scan the page, and her eyebrows raise in what looks to be confusion. Her face says she's very interested in the words on the paper that she is reading though.
"Oh," she sighs as she finishes reading. She looks at her three eldest children that sit or stand around the drawing room. "It is to be a very interesting season if this Lady Whistledown continues to write about the ton like this."
"May I read it, mama?" Jo questions. Beatrice's eyes fall to her eldest daughter. She shoots a glare at Jo since she has told her daughter to stop reading so much. "I just want to see which bachelors are and are not available. I want to see what options I have to explore this season before you and papa decide to marry me off to someone I have never met."
Beatrice seems to believe that lie since she hands over the little pamphlet, but Jo is genuinely curious what this Lady Whistledown has written about her.
If she has written anything about her, that is. Odds are that there is something written about the fact that she remains unmarried after four years out in society though.
Her eyes fall to the page and she begins to read the words written in complete silence.
Dearest Gentle Reader, You don't know me quite yet, but you will after what looks to be a very interesting season coming up. Many new and ready debutants will be making her debut in front of Queen Charlotte later this week, where the queen looks to find a new diamond of the season. Will the diamond come from a respected family of the ton such as the Archer family or the Pierce family? Or will the diamond of the family be from the Sinclair family even though former diamond Josephine Sinclair remains an unmarried woman. Rumors are that this will be the last season that the eldest Sinclair daughter will be able to marry for love like she wants.
Speaking of rumors, the Viscount Nico Hischier is coming to the city for the season in search of a wife. The Lord Hischier has not been to London since he was a young boy and I am sure that the esteemed members of the ton will welcome him back with open arms. It is not known why the lord is searching for a wife, but I'm sure that the many debutants, even those who have been out in society for years, will try her best to make a good impression on who is certainly this season's most eligible bachelor.
Josephine lowers the paper to her lap after she reads what is probably the most embarrassing words ever written about her. She lets out a shaky sigh as she tries to read whatever else this Lady Whistledown has written about her.
Though, an eligible man such as the Viscount Hischier coming into the city gives her hope of maybe finding love this season.
All he's been listening to for the past few days is the sound of the carriage on dirt as he travels from Bern to London for the summer. He is set to arrive in London at any moment and is staying with one of his friends from America. Jack did not need to open his family's home to him, but he would much rather prefer to stay with a friend than in a hotel. His back is grateful.
His mother has been pestering him to find a nice, noble woman to marry and carry on the family name with after his father's death a few years ago.
His older brother Luca decided never to get married and completely disowned the Hischier family and refuses to take the title of Viscount, so that's what Nico did. He took the title of Viscount despite thinking he would never have that title. All that means is marrying someone that will probably only marry him for his title.
Sure, there are lots of women in Switzerland he could marry but why not get away from home for a little bit and find a woman that will marry him? A title means a lot more in England than it does in his home country of Switzerland so there are more willing women to marry him for his title in London.
It's late at night when Nico's carriage pulls up to the Hughes house. He feels bad because he was supposed to arrive during the day but he left a lot later than he intended after his mother fought him again on leaving Bern to go to London.
Nico pulls his trunk out of the back and the doors to the house open. He looks over and sees a very casually dressed Jack Hughes in the doorway. "Ah, Nico," he greets his friend. "Welcome to London."
"Nice to see you again, my friend," Nico replies as he hugs his friend. "I want to thank you again for opening your home to me this summer. It means a lot to me and my back that I don't have to sleep in a hotel for the next few months."
Jack laughs and claps Nico on the shoulder. "My home is your home," he replies. "You're welcome whenever you'd like."
His trunk is brought inside by some of the housekeepers. The boys are quick to follow. "I do apologize for arriving so late today," Nico says as they walk up the steps. "I know I was due to arrive during the day but my mother insisted that I stay in Bern to find a wife again and I couldn't get away from her."
"It's not a problem," Jack replies. "You know I'm a night owl and never sleep so I was happy to stay up and wait for you to get here."
He smiles as the door to his temporary bedroom is opened in front of him. The housekeepers make their way inside and the boys follow them. Nico thanks them and they leave the room. Jack stays behind when they leave.
The room is small, minimalistic yet beautiful. There is a desk pushed up against a window that overlooks the road. A kind sized bed with white covers sits between two windows on the adjacent wall. There's also a grey closet pressed against the wall with the door.
"Very cozy," Nico comments as he opens his trunk that holds all of the belongings that he'll need on this trip. "Thank you again."
Jack sits on the bed next to his trunk and says, "The women have all been talking about your arrival all day. Apparently there's a new columnist or something that talks about the gossip of London and your name was in the first issue. I didn't read it but every lady and their mother is ready to throw themselves at you."
Nico looks at his friend as he pulls out his neatly folded clothes. "Are you serious?" he asks. "Why is my name so popular here? I haven't been in London since I was a boy."
"Since you apparently added 'Viscount' before 'Nico Hischier'," Jack teases. "Sorry to hear about your dad, by the way. Your brother seems to be taking it really hard."
"The hardest out of all of us, I think," he sighs as he hangs up his clothes. "He didn't want our father's title so he refuses to take it and disowned us. He won't marry either. I guess that's up to me now. It's why I'm here."
"Damn, I thought you were here to see one of your closest friends," Jack says. It brings a smile to Nico's lips as he pulls more clothes out of his trunk. "I do wish you luck, Nico. My brother is also going to be looking for a wife this season after having many secret rendezvous and raking his way around London since he was 18 so maybe the two of you can get together and discuss your options."
Nico rolls his eyes and finishes unpacking his things. "Maybe Quinn and I will share a drink or two while we find our wives this season," he comments. "I am very tired so I think I'm going to call it a night. We should go out tomorrow though so I can get reacquainted with London before the social season officially begins and I am not left alone."
"Absolutely," Jack laughs. "Have a good night, Nico. Someone will call you for breakfast in the morning if you'd like to join us. I'm sure Quinn and Luke will be happy to see you again."
He nods and Jack leaves the room. Nico collapses onto the bed with a heavy sigh.
The next few months are going to be rough. Hopefully he can meet and begin officially courting someone early in the season so he's not constantly surrounded by a bunch of women and their insane mothers.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year ago
forever in this twilight
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Meet Kind!Druid!Tav | More TiefHusbands | AO3
synopsis: Peace is nothing but a concept for the unlucky tieflings refugees, a sweet dream they can never quite reach. Don't matter how much they run, fight, try: the world wasn't build for them. But somehow, in all this mess, you are the most steady thing on their lives.
warnings: zevlor, rolan x druid!tav. backgroung (arabella, kagha, alfira, volo, astarion). is it too obvious that one of my favorite books is "what we owe to each other"? that my life philosophy is "it's our duty as human beings to care for others"? my tav is a menace. she isn't even a durge. yes, she licked the dead spider. yes, she did it twice. she's just like that. is it too obvious i am the eldest daughter?
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Elturel was left far behind, forever in their memories but never again able to reach their bodies, but its fires anticipated their every movements.
It made foes out of strangers, turned welcoming druids into a threatening force, transmuted safe paths until they were nothing but darkness and fear. The world turned its back against those who only asked for help, as if even the blood running through their veins was cursed.
If they were threatening, they could've understand it. If they were warriors, bandits using brute force to subdue and terrorize others. But that's so far away from the truth. There are kids. Cattle. Aspiring bards, studious wizards, naive lovers.
They have souls, goddsammit. Even when some assume they don't. They look different, are different. Does it matter? From where they are or who's blood started their lineage? Where it matters tieflings are just the same. They feel rage, happiness, pain. Have hunger, desires, needs. When a tiefling bleeds, isn't it just the same as any other being?
They shouldn't see you treating kids as kids, instead of beasts as some seemed to agree, and get impressed. Or be surprised that you would ever decide to help them on the way. Druids are supossed to understand that all living beings are just another facet of nature, yet they can only remind that you're the first in a long time to act like it.
It's maddening that you're one of the few exceptions on their path. They shouldn't feel lucky for you being nice. People are supossed to care for others. They are supossed to be nice just for the sake of it. Kindness was supossed to be a convention, not a surprise.
The world is supossed to be a lot of things, the reality is often disappointing.
It can be tiring, exhausting even, to always fight. Constantly surviving, never enjoying peace. Earning a place to exist, but never the happiness it should've bring. Zevlor won't stop trying, but he won't last forever.
He's tired. How long has it been since he started feeling like that? Gods knows it was way before Elturel fell. Leading his people, the last thing Zevlor could do was to stop. There's no one going to save them, so he better act.
Except, there was you.
Eating from the corners, you made a difference in their lifes. At the gates, protecting Arabella, saving Mirkon. You convinced Rolan to stay at camp, discovered Kagha's plans, inspired Alfira.
Your influence over their plans and fears felt too close to hope. Like that brief moment at dawn, when sunlight warms the world and yet stars keep on shining. That moment before the world start and cacophony become norm.
The way you talked like you knew they would make to Baldur's Gate, like they had no option but suceding. As if you already knew their fate.
You were everywhere. When Zevlor sees Umi running around, when Alfira writes another song, when he has time. He saw you in the repentance glowing in Kagha's eyes, on the attacks to the gates getting less usual, on his people.
Crossing Shadowlands, at the very first moment, Zevlor asked himself what you would do in his place. He followed you, even now that you were long gone. Until the moment he started to question if you were everywhere, or just on his eyes.
Were people always talking about you, or did he only paid attention when they did so?
Lost in the dark, your voice came to him. With his eyes closed, Zevlor allowed himself to wonder about the last good moment he had on his journey. His people celebrating, their heroes being salute, good wine on his cup. And you, beside Zevlor, shining on him.
"And did he," Zevlor gazed at Volo. That man didn't look like a doctor. Or someone sane enough to be allowed near sharp objects. "Got the tadpole out of you?"
"Nah. Just my eye." You took a sip from the bad wine. Astarion warned you about it. "It hurted like hell, but I must say that this new one he gave me is way better."
"You let a bard experiment with your eye?" Zevlor was still in shock about this. "A bard?"
You shrughed it off. "I got curious."
He never laughed so hard. His belly ached, his cheeks were about to fall apart, no air made to his lungs. What a wonderful thing you are. How could you made him forget about all the things going on and just laugh? A real, deep laugh.
A beacon surrounded by darkness, that's what you were.
Your presence was a antidote for some, and for others it was worse than poison. It was a reminder of what happened and what could've. A neon sign of their mistakes and regrets. Of what they could've be and what they should've.
Rolan hated that you continued to smile. That you said you were sorry when he treated you like shit. That you didn't fought him back. That you didn't tried to embarrass or humilliate him.
Or maybe he hated how you had hound dogs following you around all the time. The fact people seemed to enjoy your presence. Don't they see you were the reason why they're here? That you were the one trying to change everyone's mind? That his brothers might die and it is all your fault?
And there was also your talent to hate. The fact nature gave in to your commands. That you could control it, even when darkness seemed to want nothing but kill everyone there. That you were taught, properly.
Or how it would be so much easier if you didn't continue trying to look like someone good. If you didn't opposed the Absolute, if you haven't promised to find his siblings, if everyone else around him didn't seem to idolatred you.
Or maybe Rolan just hated that, doesn't matter how much he tried, he couldn't just hate you.
It wasn't really your fault. He knows that. Shadowland was here, and it would've affect his plans of running away faster just as easily.
But damn, he wants to hate you. It would be so much easier if he did. He wants to have something to direct his anger. Someone that he could see hurt. Someone to blame for the rest of his life.
If they die, if that ever happens, what will be of him? The death of parents is expected, a lover can be forgotten or replaced, even a child lost would hurt him less. Who could ever grown him new siblings? Who could ever replace his mirrors and opposites? They are one and the same.
Would he even be able to call himself a brother? Who lost a husband becomes a widow, who lost a parent becomes an orphan, but what do you call someone that lost a sibling?
Rolan acted as if you hadn't just sat beside him at the bar. Maybe that would make you go away. If you're denied of attention, you probably will look for someone willing to lick your boots to prove their gratitude.
Of course he was wrong.
He just didn't expect to you to not say a single thing. You didn't even looked at him. You just stayed there, drinking something that smelled horribly, until the bar closed. When it did it, you headed back to camp.
And you kept on doing this. You sat there with a drink your hands. Rolan kept on being quiet, only moving to get something else to fill his cup. Days passed, and no words were exchanged between you both.
He was the first to break the untold law shared by you. "What are trying to do, oh hero?"
You finished your beer, then looked at him. Sarcarm, wow.
"Why?" He tried again, this time less inquiring. If it was even possible.
"You look lonely," you answered. "And I need silence."
Rolan tried to think of something else to say, but no words made to his mind. "Why?"
It took you another glass to answer him. "I don't think I will make it out of here. This place is... hungry. I feel like being a bug inside a monster's belly. Nothing I do is enough."
Rolan reached for a drink on the higher shelf. Even its bottle looked like it would be enough to kill someone of drunkenness. He filled your empty glass. "Don't be stupid."
Damned be you. Now Rolan needs to find someone else to hate.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
BALDUR’SGATE3TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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xenthosss · 2 months ago
There are TWO ways to play crusader Kings;
the Serious way and the Fuck around way (Emphasis on the fuck)
Now I'm pretty new so have only done one or two worlds and they were serious, so I decided to play the fuck around way
This is how it went
put it on super easy mode and JACK up my character with charisma, and make him French cause I heard you earned prestige from seduction when French
Realize that you use Intrigue to seduce, not Charisma
Also realize I don't know how to do the whole earning intrigue from seduction thing
Well, Ok, this isn't serious, might as well start seducing anyway cause my intrigue is actually very high, even of it makes lifestyle learning a little trickier
Immediately start seducing everyone I can
I'm not great but I get like five or six girlfriends
Have high fertility so I expect a lot of bastards; but my first pregnant lover miscarried, my character is sad about it
Keep pinning woman to seduce; One I notice is in jail cause of a war, decide to come back to her later
Come back to her later; she has consumption and no land; also her husband died from consumption
She's on deaths doorstep
Figure I can marry her, have one heir and secure succession, and then she'll die before I have too many and the land needs to be split because I don't have primogenitor
She gets pregnant
Miscarries as well
So now I'm wondering if there's some sort of stat I don't know about that controls miscarriage odds, cause I never had a character miscarry in my other games, or if I just got really unlucky
She does get over her consumption and is no longer dying; might be an issue later, but also, yay
Seduce another woman named Tota; I take note of her cause she's really pretty and has a pretty name
My wife falls pregnant again
She delivers a healthy son
And then kills a guy
So I imprison her, which also keeps her from falling pregnant
I didn't even put her in the dungeon, what?
Ok but whatever
Tota falls pregnant
Word of the affair gets out
Ok thats fine, not that big of a deal
Her husband arrests her
Still fine, I can just pay the ransom
Get distracted by pop ups because my character is in the middle of a hunting trip
The second I look away her husband has her executed; while she is pregnant with my child
Now I am pissed
My intrigue is high so I start a scheme to kill him for revenge
Look into his character and realize that he doesn't have a male heir and has two daughters instead, with his eldest being the heir; who is unmarried
Has an idea
Goes to arrange a marriage
The answer is no because he hates me for sleeping with and impregnating his wife
So I give him some gold
I have high charisma
He loves me now
Lets me marry his daughter
Then I kill him
His daughter gets pregnant
Has a girl
I name her Tota
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vacantgodling · 5 months ago
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as stated, much of these are placeholder names, ideas, and concepts—this is just doing something fun for fun
chapter 1: the march hare runs
As March tore through the woods—she really had to wonder, what was wrong with this picture here?
She was a princess of Nectaria, one of the most prosperous kingdoms in all the land! And here she was, tripping over her own two feet, covered in mud, debris and even some of her own blood, trying to escape the shouting guards that had somehow caught up to her only a few days removed from her flight.
“I thought—” She huffed aloud, nearly missing tripping over an overgrown Glowtree root. “—That I had given myself—” She tripped over a second Glowtree root that had sprung up, deglowed, so nearly invisible in the dark. Face planting in the dirt, she didn’t even bother to finish her sentence, letting out an enraged huff that blew her messy hair out of her eyes. She planted her hands firmly in the ground, mud and clay squelching between her fingers, almost making her want to gag—the sensation was awful, to push herself up into an all-fours position.
“I think she went this way!”
“Get her!”
March didn’t linger for much longer. She pushed herself back up to her feet, taking off downhill into the deep woods before her, praying that her tracks would be covered by the darkness that was ever lingering here; only ever illuminated by luminescent plants like Glowtrees and lumen flowers. She wasn’t sure how close to the border she was—any border, really. And that would be a problem. All of her papers and identification she left back in the palace, not thinking about it in her haste to just leave. If she was smarter, she would’ve left sooner. But no one thought that Princess March Hare of Nectaria was smart. They thought she was pretty. They thought she was kind. They thought she was a bit ditzy, or airheaded—and apparently that she… smelled good? That’d been the first thing to absolutely weird her out regarding her recently (forcibly, she would add) betrothed future-husband; the Prince of Doffensdu. He had taken a lock of her hair between his fingers, smelled it, and then with the most sickeningly disgustingly lecherous smile that anyone in all the lands could muster, he uttered that she smelled good. Divine, really, that was the word he’d used, but it still made her skin crawl.
Her elder brothers, Jan (short for January) and Feb (short for February—yes, with all 12 of them her parents had been remarkably original) had laughed at her. But they didn’t have to worry about marriages, at least not yet. They had been pathed to their militia and scholastic academies, since the two of them (unless, heaven forbid, something happened to them) were slated to become candidates for the next ruler of Nectaria, and they needed experience before their father stepped down from the crown and retired. But for the daughters and youngest sons? Oh no, it was all about alliances now—and as the third child, and unfortunate, unlucky eldest daughter—since the time she was fourteen, March had been introduced to suitor after suitor. Candidate after candidate. And frankly, if you asked her? They all were awful! Either too old, or far too young. Too boring, too plain, or too stuffy. Or, like the one her father had finally, finally settled on, too… weird! Everyone had their kinks and preferences to be sure; March was no prude, and she had a few of her own—but that’s certainly not how she would lead a conversation with someone she just met, nor one she planned to marry!
Regardless—she knew that her father wanted the best for her. She never doubted her father’s love—and surely in his mind, securing his eldest daughter’s future with a prince of Doffensdu was, on paper, extremely advantageous. Their kingdom was rich in ore and traded goods from the sea; being coastal, while Nectaria was located extremely far inland so it had access and was a hub for all the land trades. Having the two kingdoms combined through marriage meant an opportunity for more strategic and safer roads—things that March learned in her economic scholasticship, since her tutors knew she would be the most likely daughter to secure an advantageous trade marriage. And March had been fine with literally all of those things on paper. She knew her place as a princess, and she knew that just as people paid taxes, she was a bargaining chip for resources for her subjects.
But she just didn’t want to marry someone so… off!
Of course, she thought as she ran through the dim forest, tripping every few feet due to the low visibility, It is selfish of me to kick up such a fuss about this. Because she knew that many others didn’t have, well, the freedom to be spoiled like she knew she was being. And of course, she wasn’t only running away from this betrothal to a, probably decent man, just because he smelled her hair weirdly one time. Sure, he did make her uncomfortable whenever they were in a room together beyond that—though her sister below her, and closest confidant, April, assured her that she was just building him up to be some terrible guy in her head because she had a complex about getting married. Well, maybe she did! What was wrong with that? She knew that once she was wed that she’d be expected to perform…. wifely duties, and as a young maiden of just 23, that didn’t sit right with her!
March wanted to explore the world beyond the palace walls; educate herself in the lands beyond Nectaria’s rolling fields and bustling markets. Each new trinket that she could find from some far off place in one of the tiny corner stalls at the bazaar outside the palace, was another piece of the puzzle of the grand world just outside of her doorstep. But a queen couldn’t travel freely; she would be a kept woman, bound by duty, and state, and children, and more besides… and well. That terrified her! She was not so stupid to admit it! And so, she’d stolen out, just three weeks from her proposed wedding day, and disappeared without a trace.
Or so she thought.
She didn’t know what part of her plan went wrong. Did the note she left on her door dislodge? Or were there sightings of her among those in town? She wasn’t planning on staying away forever… probably. She did have a plan… One that did fall mostly apart after she lost her map in a swamp, was robbed just outside the kingdom’s walled border, and now this—stumbling through the darkness in mud and woods as she tried to put distance between herself and her captors. She needed somewhere to stop, to think…
And then—a stroke of luck.
March’s racing thoughts about all that transpired to land her racing like a little hunted rabbit through the forest, came to a screeching halt when she cleared all the glowing foliage and skidded into a clearing. All around her the trees loomed over the surrounding landscapes; their thick canopies obscuring light of the moon overhead; but the lumen flowers underfoot still bringing a soft shine to the surrounding wilderness. Not a single thing moved in this clearing; there was no wind in the grass or through the trees, no animals overhead or underfoot. Nothing but a chilling, eerie silence.
And in the middle of it all, stood a tower.
March stared, her thoughts quieting for a moment. Then they slowly began to churn, faster and faster as she slowly approached it. It appeared to be made of all manner of materials: wood, stone, brick, clay, terracotta, glass… harder to discern the further she peered up at the structure. The tower was narrow at some points…. but then March wandered around the base of it and it seemed to go around for miles at the same time. It took her nearly 40 paces to get around the length of the tower on one side, but that seemed far too wide for a structure that seemed so thin as it appeared. She couldn’t make out it’s spire, but she almost imagined that it pierced the clouds—if somehow the night swallowed it like it had.
A yell in the distance made her jolt out of her curiosity. Fear makes haste. So she quickly approached the base of the tower again, feeling around until she could try and find some sort of door or opening to hide herself in; at least for a moment. But no such door—one you could push, nor one you could pull, could March feel. In an act of desperation she began to test some of the sides of the walls, seeing if there were any pushed out or loosened stones she could use to grapple onto the side of the building, racing around the structure as fast as the panic in her throat would let her. But to no avail.
Except—she found something better.
Right as she was certain that the guards looking for her would descend upon her (as the noises in the woods as she searched the tower grew closer, and closer), she felt something coiled and sturdy, almost rope-like. What she didn’t see was the trapdoor that the “rope” had fallen down from as she circled away from this side of the tower only a few moments before. March only took a split second to make a decision: she had always been a decent climber. And now it was time to put those skills to the test.
March hiked herself up, wrapping both hands around the rope to begin to scale the wall free tethered. She could absolutely die if she fell the higher she climbed, but in her frenzied mind, it seemed better than getting caught. Until, suddenly, a snap sounded in the silence of the night; louder than any other noise that she heard near or far since she entered the clearing, and even louder than the sounds of the far off soldiers that would surely now come this way.
But it didn’t matter. Because with the sound of the snap, the “rope” unraveled only just, where March’s hands gripped it, ensaring her in its grasp and yanking her up the tower like a sandbag cut loose from a boat, and through the trap door whence it came, slamming shut with a thunderclap behind her, drowning out her startled scream.
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sleep-deprived-luka · 8 months ago
Prsk Wings of Fire au infodump (second try, I say with wet eyes)
Just the basic overview: Names/Tribe/Origin/Extras of the blorbos
Starrynight (Ichika): An orphan Nightwing who lives with the Tenmas in a Oasis close to the border between the Kingdom of sand and Icekingdom. She was the only one staying with Fennec when the war started.
Fennec (Saki): Sandwing with development issues caused by hatching early. Her wings are unusually small and she's prone to Sickness. Her family controls the Oasis l/n lives at. Fell severely ill right before the war. After recovering Fennec then ran away with Star to find the others.
Bole (Honami): Mudwing who was kicked out of her troop for appearing two-faced. She ended up meeting and befriending l/n. She was the first that left when hostility grew because of the war.
Snowhare (Shiho): Runaway Icewing princess. Finding herself unfit for the higher cycles she fled Icekingdom, passing out in the desert, for heatstroke reasons. Leoneed found the Icewing and swiftly adopted her. In the Tenma oasis Snowhare spends most of the day sleeping in her cave, only being active at night where the temperature is lower. Time she spends stargazing and singing with the others. She was the second one to leave when hostility grew
Otter (Minori): unsuccessful Mudwing soldier, whose original troop died. She joined many different groups as an unsib, but got quickly kicked out of most of them. Her affiliation with Penguin is hard to explain. During the time the Mudwings and Seawings were allies, Otters old troop fought alongside the wing Penguin lead, so she frequently saw Penguin on the sidelines. Then the Mudwings switched sides, fights broke out, Otters troop gets mostly eradicated (Not by Penguins wing btw, dear god no I'm not that cruel) and Otter winds up traveling alone.
Penguin (Haruka): Seawing ex-soldier. Penguin grew up at a Seawing village close to Skykingdom, the same Mirage lived in. When the war started she was sent to the deep palace to join the military. Proving herself capable Penguin was allowed to lead a wing and aid the Mudwings against the Skywings. When the Mudwings switched sides it came to multiple battles the last one leading to countless casualties. Penguin blames her herself for the incident and left the military right after. That leads to her meeting Otter.
Finch (Airi): Skywing ex-soldier. Her previous goal was to be a respected and skilled soldier and she did have the skills, but in the end Finch got put into the position of public speaker. She begrudgingly accepted that for a while, since going against the Queens wishes would be a death sentence, but when the great escape happened she like many left the Palace. During her time outside she found Thaw lost and alone.
Thaw (Shizuku): Icewing princess. Being the eldest daughter had the pressure to perform well and be in the highest circle. Thaw being the airhead she is, sge barely manages that, so Snowhare was expected to overtake the throne. But Snowhare ran away because of the added pressure, therefore making Thaw the only real option they have. Yet things didn't seem to go for the better so as a final chance of redemption Thaw was commanded to lead an attack against the Skywings. But on her way there she got separated from the group and ended up lost. Finch found her
Lizard (Kohane): Sandwing prisoner who got caught when she accidentally stumbled into combat. Despite her inexperience she was able to defeat a Icewing in the arena, impressing Mirage who made her her partner (in crime)
Mirage (An): Sky/Seawing hybrid and prisoner. When the war broke out her skywing father and his Seawing partners disappeared, so Mirage flew to Skykingdom to find them. Unlucky for her there was Chaos in Skykingdom, for RADder pulled of the great escape, freeing dozens of prisoners. She got caught in the crossfire and turned prisoner, but Miriage made it her goal to not only free every prisoner, but to destroy the arena as well.
Smoke (Akito): Fireless Skywing prince. Goalless, he mainly stuck to the sidelines keeping himself away from Chimeras impulsive killings, but nothing more. When the great escape happened though, he saw a way to rebel against Chimeras cruel rule. That inevitably lead to him ending up in a mock trial where he was given the choice of what punishment he should receive. Smoke chose the arena.
Summit (Toya): Icewing prince (Branch family) and prisoner in Chimeras arena. He mostly stuck to himself, but Smoke convinced him to join forces. The Icewing is unsure of the reality of such a dream, but he's willing to indulge it
Sun (Tsukasa): Boisterous Sandwing and Fennecs brother. Being the oldest and healthiest dragonet, he spent most of his time taking care of the peace and general mood of the oasis, also engaging in the occasional play. When Fennec and Star ran away he immediately went out to try and find them. During his search he first met Emu who was eager to help and then met both Director and Shadowsong. During their travels they got sidetracked and started trying to find an end to the war.
Emu (Emu is just a legit Rainwing name): Energetic Rainwing who left the rainforest to help the other dragons to be happy :D! She was the one who got wxs to consider stopping the war.
Shadowsong (Nene): Timid Nightwing who spent most of her time hiding in Shadows. She didn't like living on the island, but also wasn't that eager to get to the mainland. Director was able to convince her to escape with him, by creating an enchanted statue, she can control, as her guard.
Director (Rui): Nightwing animus who built the tunnel between the volcano and rainforest. He frequently snuck through that tunnel to explore the jungle occasionally meeting up with Charming while at it. After a time he thought of running away from Nightwing island convincing Shadowsong to escape with him
Siren (Kanade): Nightwing who hatched during a bloodmoon. Through that she gained, or more was cursed with, the ability to predict the deaths of dragons she encounters. Sadly Siren isn't aware that those are visions of a future about to happen, so she's convinced that her visions are malicious thoughts that bring horrid futures to innocent dragons. To try to avert these faites she sings about them at night, causing her to be known as the Siren by the local Seawing community. Siren lives on the island her deceased parents raised her on, niigo meet up there.
Jellyfish (Mafuyu): Seawing animus, that genuinely should explain most of it lmao. Being used as the royal animus, she felt a part of herself getting lost over time. Are the spells at fault or the incredibly toxic and manipulative situation she's in? Idk. She for some reason found solace in Sirens songs.
Inferno/Kite (Ena): Firescale Skywing who previously was used as Queen Chimeras (it's Teto btw) killing machine. She ran away, when Smoke picked the Arena as a punishment, for obvious "I don't want to kill my brother" reasons. She ended up living on Sirens island.
Charming (Mizuki): Animus Rainwing. They left the rainforest for multiple reasons, the main ones being an outcast for being trans and accidental unethical usage of magic. Charming mostly traveled around until she wound up mostly staying at Sirens island
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 9 months ago
Everyone meet My New Bridgerton Babies! (Some of them at least lol)
Everyone meet the Fontaine family and their friends! Aka why should I start with a much simple story idea with just one oc when I can start with a whole universe full of people?
Vivica Fontaine - The Eldest Daughter Syndrome walking; basically the mom of the family, especially bc Malcolm's health problems ngl; Anthony Bridgerton ship FC: Dakota Johnson
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Erwin Fontaine - Elinora's twin brother; Adventurous Boy; is not the oldest but he will inherit everything and he lowkey hates it bc he knows Vivica is way smarter and more suitable than him for the leading role in the family; Kate Sharma Ship FC: Jonah Hauer King
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Elinora Fontaine - Erwin's twin sister; the definition of "I want to be great or nothing"; little perfectionist baby; ship TBD FC: Kaya Scodelario
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Malcolm Fontaine - Baby Boy; very low immune defenses (basically none) so he's always sick; grew up basically locked in his house and has social anxiety for this so... yeah, the most unlucky boy in town; the only person he often talked with growing up outside of his family was Amelia bc they're neighbors; Amelia Sayre ship FC: Timothée Chalamet
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Hestia Fontaine - youngest Fontaine sibling; she and Francesca are friends and debut the same year; the talkative and loud half of Francesca's quiet side lol; ship TBD FC: Josie Totah
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Amelia Sayre - the Spirited Young Lady of the group lol; she gets along well with Eloise for this; actually a secret hopeless romantic ngl; already knows that she will marry her childhood best friend and she loves it; Malcolm Fontaine ship FC: Mia Wasikowska
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Philomena Declair - Elinora's best friend; little lesbian and we love her for that; fashion lover (she's always at the modiste not only bc she likes her lmao); Genevieve Delacroix ship FC: Rosamund Pike
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chvsire · 2 years ago
tbh I don’t know how us as viewers are suppose to sympathize with any of the casts’ parents, ESPECIALLY aaron’s dad. specifically in mystreet’s case we literally witness them experiment on their own children and then derek takes it a step forward by literally locking his son in a metaphorical cage his entire childhood and young adult life? he can’t leave the house, can’t live on his own without supervision, literally hires people to stalk him while he’s at school, and in general is just a major asshole to him while playing the “im doing this to keep you and everyone safe!” card. like dude if you were scared about what your son was going to become bc of your own family curse MAYBE you shouldn’t have had kids in the first place. or stopped after you had your eldest daughter bc the curse only affects men in the family??? I don’t like aaron, but man, the guy really got unlucky in the family department.
I think what annoys me the most is agent r knowing everything that derek did to aaron, still telling derek that he was the best father aaron could have when he was a better father figure then him.
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ash-and-books · 1 month ago
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Rival florists. Spite bouquets. A Monster Romance enemies-to-lovers YOU'VE GOT MAIL in the Discord age — this flower shop has everything. Sumi is on top of the world.
Well, as on top as one can be after learning a relative one never met has died, leaving one a small fortune.
Deciding the unexpected windfall is a sign she needs to follow her dreams, quitting her job, moving to aspirational Cambric Creek and opening a flower shop is the obvious move. Definitely not just a midlife crisis. Applying for franchise ownership with a giant flower conglomerate seems like a piece of cake — they provide the equipment, the distribution contracts, and all she needs to do is front the money and live happily ever after.
There’s only one catch . . . she didn’t realize chasing after her dream might cause someone else to lose hold of their own.
Ranar never wanted to inherit the family business.
There’s an enormous pressure to keep his family business going — started by his grandfather, passed to his father, and now to him. Pressure as a non-human business, pressure as the grandson of an immigrant, pressure as the eldest son . . . but as it is, brick and mortar flower shops are a notion of a bygone era in this digital world.
When Bloomerang, an online flower conglomerate, opens one of their soulless flower factories in Cambric Creek, Ranar knows it’s only a matter of time before he’s forced to close the door on his family’s business for good. It doesn’t matter how pretty the sylvan owner is or how friendly she seems — she represents everything wrong in the industry, in his world. She’s bound to put him out of business eventually . . . but he can make her regret it first.
Sumi is positive there is room for two flower shops in Cambric Creek, if only the owner of The Perfect Petal wasn’t such a rude, condescending, infuriatingly handsome jerk. Despite being non-human herself, Cambric Creek is a learning curve she wasn’t anticipating, and she knows she has a lot to learn about multi-species living — starting with the conundrum of her naga rival’s junk, because where is it? She’d love to discover the mechanics, if only he wasn’t so terrible.
When she joins an online server for local business owners, discovering The Perfect Petal’s owner is chatting there as well, she decides it’s the perfect opportunity to discover his weaknesses and take him down . . . if she doesn’t wind up falling for him first.
He Loves Me Not is a high heat standalone monster romance in the Cambric Creek universe. One does not need prior knowledge of the world to enjoy.
Pen pals, rival florist, and spite bouquets.... what could possible go wrong when two people have rival floral shops and might be falling for each other? Sumi has had enough, she's tired of her job, tired of her boyfriend, and when she is left an inheritance from her aunt, she decides it's time to finally make her dreams of owning her own flower shop come true and that means packing up her bags and moving to Cambric Creek. Sumi doesn't have friends and the only person who has been there for her all these years is her online pen pal... and Sumi decides if he makes her feel more than her own boyfriend it's time to dump the boyfriend. Yet when Sumi moves into Cambric Creek and mets the handsome Naga florist Ranar, she think she's finally found a new crush... too bad he hates her the moment he realizes that she's opening a rival floral shop that would be sponsored by a big corporation that is designed to completely put him out of business. Ranar is a divorcee, has a adorable daughter, and a family floral shop that is slowly dying... and when the first woman he's actually crushing on turns out to be the rival competition he can't believe how unlucky he is... and the only person he can complain to his is online penpal... who also happens to be Sumi. Sumi and Ranar are perfect for each other but with rival businesses and some very heated feelings, can they work out their differences or were they never meant to be? This was a very cute You've Got Mail inspired monster romance and I did adore the spite bouquets so much. I did wish there was a bit more to the epilogue and had a bit more of the relationship after they finally get together and resolve to be together because it does feel a bit abruptly ended, but I had so much fun with this book overall. I love the older aged up characters and their relationship was complicated but cute. I loved how forward Sumi was in chasing what she wanted and how she was so resilient through it all. It's a fantastic read and a fun addition to the Cambric Creek world!
Release Date: January 24, 2025
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
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carletes · 2 years ago
You cant just leave us hanging hibs, allegra’s wife interactions with the siblings and in laws 😭
[I don't have time for the whole story, but here's a little preamble]
Allegra has always been incredibly unlucky in love. Unlike Charlie who literally married his childhood girlfriend at 20 (which was also a whole thing, in fairness), Allegra has had her heart broken in so many different ways. She's also broken a fair few hearts herself. And especially when she's an F1 driver, that is fairly common knowledge.
"Well, you definitely aren't as private as we were," Lando says. Carlos glares at Lando.
"As private as I was," Carlos mutters, and Lando glares back. Allegra rolls her eyes as their glares melt into fond looks and lovestruck, gushy smiles.
"Yeah, well, we don't have to be closeted anymore," Allegra muttered. "And anyway, not all of us find our soulmates that easy. I might not even have one."
"What's wrong with that?" Landon pipes up, and Allegra tosses a pillow at them. Landon yelps and dodges out of the way, only for the pillow to upset a vase on the corner table. Aurelia sighs and stabilizes the vase.
"Ay, don't take it out on my furniture," Carlos warns, even as he pulls his husband into his lap. None of the kids blink at that; they're used to their parents' egregious PDA. "That costs more than you did."
"From Uncle Lewis?"
"Yes. For our fifteen years."
After an appropriate amount of time spent admiring the incredibly fragile vase, Allegra launches back into her tirade.
"I'm never going to find love. I'm just going to be a rich spinster. The only love in my life is going to come from my siblings' kids and passionate one-night stands in daring locales," Allegra sighs.
Landon looks at Allegra and says, "Define locales right now."
"Fuck off."
"Daddy, can you define locales?"
Lando thinks about it, and by way of answer, says, "...fuck off."
After Carlos lectures them all on swearing at family - everyone takes this immense hypocrisy with generous patience - they return, again, to the topic at hand.
"You're not even thirty," Aurelia pipes up wisely. "And you're on the road most of the year. Of course it's taking you a while to settle down."
"Yeah, but-"
"Do you even want to settle down?" Lan asks, and at that, Allegra goes quiet. She is silent for a long time, long enough that Lan sighs and says, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."
"I know," Allegra says, smiling softly. "I'm just...jealous. Of Charlie. Of you two," she adds, gesturing to her fathers, who tut softly. "Even Lia has a girlfriend, and she's literally half my age. When do I get to be in a good relationship?"
"Ay, hija," Carlos says, and he takes his eldest daughter's hand and kisses it. "Pequeñita. You will find what you need. I promise."
"Sometimes you just need to stop looking," Lando adds, and he snorts at Allegra's skeptical look. "I know it sounds stupid. But I also know you. You've never turned that part of your brain off in your life."
"It's not my fault," Allegra exclaims. "It's impossible to be your kid and not be a fucking hopeless romantic."
Allegra looks at her siblings for support, and, gratifyingly, they're both nodding vehemently. Neither Carlos nor Lando look abashed.
"Sorry we got lucky," Lando says, and Carlos smirks and reciprocates his husband's fistbump. Neither of them seem sorry. Allegra can't blame them.
Still, she somehow manages to internalize her daddy's advice. What if she didn't look? What if she stopped flirting, stopped flirting back, stopped wondering if the glances people shot her were admiring? For all her skepticism, she finds herself working longer hours, working harder, finding time for hobbies she hadn't gotten a chance to indulge in, not really, since she starting racing in F1. She spends more time with Charlie, his babies, with her siblings, with her parents - and it's wonderful. It feels good.
And Allegra realizes she doesn't remember the last time she felt this relaxed or happy.
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renee-writer · 11 months ago
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 71
Better done all together, she thinks. With Mama Claire ‘s arm tight around her, she faces her family.
“What is it child? You look so serious.” Auntie Jenny asks.
“Are you ill lass?” Her daddy looks from her to his wife, “Claire, is she…?”
Claire squeezes her arm. Right. It is time, God help her.
“No daddy,” he just has time to breath out in relief before she adds, “nothing that nine months won’t fix.”
Her cousin, Maggie, gets it first. “Holy crap, you are pregnant!”
The room stirs, picking up the energy that Maggie’s  proclamation caused.
Rose moves first coming up to her sister and wrapping her in a hug. “Whatever you need.” She whispers in her ear.
“Is it true, leannen?”
Rose holds her other side as she  faces him.
“Aye daddy.” She explains all the details as her family reacts to the news.
“The first time. How unlucky you are cousin.” Her eldest, Ian Jr says.
“Hush, she doesn’t need our judgement right now but our support.” Big Ian tells his son.
“I will kill him,” his eyes are thunderous, “Where can I find him?”
“Jamie, that is enough!” Claire stills the conversations happening around the room, “They made a mistake, something that you know well. Right now, we have to prevent it from escalating. You going after the bloke would do that.”
He lets his breath out, forcing his temper down. “Aye,” another deep breath as the room seems to hold its own. Ian comes up and touches his shoulder. More than a brother-in-law, he is his best mate and the one always by his side, whatever is happening, “aye. Willa Brianna, my love, whatever you need, whatever decision you make, I am here for you.”
Claire and Rose let go of her and she falls into her daddy’s arms. The sobs she has been holding in are freely let out. He holds her close, murmuring the same nonsensical words he used to utter when he soothed her as an infant.
Claire and Jamie, Jenny and Ian, Willa and Rose, sit together in the great room. The cousins are seeing to the twins and Rory.
“What do you wish to do lass?” Jenny asks.
“Auntie Jenny, I can’t abort it. I simply can’t. What is easiest, if it isn’t right, I just…”
“Hush my child, I agree.”
“So do I.” Jamie would keep his word, whatever she wants to do. He is relieved that, that wasn’t it.
“Leaves adoption or parenting.” Ian was shocked at his niece’s news. In truth, he worried more about one of his own daughters announcing such more then Willa.
“Aye,” her hands twist in her lap, “I ah, am thinking adoption. I just don’t know if I can do this alone.”
“The father, he won’t …” Rose was furious at this bloke who stole her sister’s innocence and left her in trouble. Like her daddy, she would love to confront him but Mama Claire is right. Now Willa is important.
She meets her daddy’s eyes and sees the same barely held contempt for the man.
“I need to tell him. I mean, he has a right to know.”
“Right,” Jamie mumbles under his breath, “right to be neutered.” Claire hears and frowns at him.
“Yes Willa, he does. If you choose adoption, he will have to agree.” She says.
“Right. Right. Man, how did things get so messed up! I barely recall this conception. Now I have to tell the father. What if he acts like a jerk?”
“Then he will meet your father,” Jamie growls out, “in an unpleasant way.”
“You will invite him here so you won’t be alone,” Rose adds, “were he to act that way, you will have support.”
“You will have support no matter what. If you decide to keep the baby, you won’t be alone. No matter what he does.” Auntie Jenny adds.
“Aye, you will.”
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separatist-apologist · 2 years ago
The Great War
I vowed I would always be yours
Summary: Feyre Archeron's kingdom has been warring with King Rhysand for longer than she can recall. When, on an unlucky stroke, he stumbles upon her and her sisters locked in a tower, Feyre will do whatever it takes to keep him from finding them.
Even marrying him.
Happy @feysandmonth (but really LB appreciation month!) My only multi-chaptered offering.
Read more on AO3
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“Someone’s on the horizon.”
Feyre Archeron looked up from her chair at the far end of the tower she lived in. Her sister, Elain, sat on the open window ledge, head resting against the slate gray stone. Her lips were tinged blue from the cold, not that Elain seemed to care. She merely tugged the threadbare blanket tighter around her shoulders, brown eyes never leaving the horizon. 
Nesta leaned up from the fire she was keeping alive, her eyes pinched at the corners. They had been out of everything for months and it showed. Feyre could see her eldest sister's collar bone jutting from beneath a dress that had once fit her like a glove—it now hung like a sack over her too-thin frame. 
Endless war had convinced their father to hide them away, terrified his enemy to the east would one day try and steal one of his daughters. It was supposed to be temporary—he’d promised six months or less. Feyre’s eyes slid towards the wall where Nesta kept count. Eighteen months had passed without a word and their supplies had run out well before then. 
“Who is it?” Nesta asked, running her tongue over chapped, broken lips. Elain shrugged fragile shoulders. She, too, was suffering from starvation. All three of them were. “Is it father?”
“I can’t tell,” Elain admitted, squinting against the glow of sunset. “Who else would know where we are?”
Feyre and Nesta’s eyes met. He hadn’t come in so long they’d just assumed he’d forgotten—or worse. Sometimes at night, Feyre wondered if he hadn’t left them here to die. It was no secret that General Graysen Nolan was his preferred heir and that one of them would be married to him eventually. It would only ever make Graysen king consort, which irked the male-centric court of the north. Men had ruled in an unbroken line for centuries.
And then Nesta had been born. 
Followed by Elain.
And then Feyre.
There might have been more–more daughters for their father to ignore, to abandon in the too-small tower, had their mother not died. Even a new wife couldn’t usurp Nesta as heir to the throne, and so laws were squabbled over, abandoned when King Rhysand of Velaris attacked their border, drawing her father's attention to the military.
They’d all been spared political marriages, ones that would surely grind them all into dust. None more so than beautiful, docile Elain. Feyre suspected she’d be given to Graysen and Nesta wholly disinherited. She’d overheard her father's council of advisors suggesting Nesta be sent to a temple far in the mountains where she would remain unmarried, a devotee to the gods. And Elain, who was easier to control, who was sweet and lovely and uninterested in ruling, could take Nesta’s place and Graysen rule through her.
Until she birthed him a son.
After all, women died in childbirth all the time. It was such a strange thing, to hear these men hope that her sister might die bringing a male child into the world, so they wouldn’t be forced to serve beneath a lowly woman. Feyre knew Nesta would be far kinder to their people than Graysen ever would be—and Elain would do as she was told.
“Is it father?” Elain’s voice cut through Feyre’s guilty thoughts. She didn’t equate to any of his plans. His forgotten youngest child, she knew he’d offer her up to some noble in exchange for riches or military might. 
All at once, the three of them scrambled upwards. They were supposed to be locked in, unable to get out. Once they’d realized he wasn’t coming back, the three had set to work. Elain, sitting at the highest point of that massive tower, had made nice with a local fisherman’s son. He sent up fishing line and hooks when she told him she needed it for mending, along with the occasional fish and bread. 
That hook and string had helped them get the latch to the bottom door opened. Nesta collected firewood and Feyre hunted small game for them to eat. It was never enough, especially now that they were in the brutal season of winter. The fishermen were gone and so were most of the creatures Feyre meticulously hunted. They hadn’t eaten in days and Feyre was starting to get desperate.
Starting to think they should steal one of the boats left behind and take their chances in the frigid water. 
They hid everything they shouldn’t have, rearranging the tower so it looked exactly as it had when they’d first been locked inside. Elain straightened the navy rug on the floor while Nesta remade the bed and Feyre hid her little weapons behind a stack of lumpy pillows.
Elain slammed the shutters of the tower closed and grabbed her knitting needles. Nesta picked up a book and Feyre…Feyre merely stood there. She’d run out of paint long ago, just as Elain had run out of yarn and Nesta had read the book many times over.
It didn’t matter. They heard the grunting of whatever soldiers were yanking open that heavy iron door, followed by the sound of clanking chainmail and heavy boots on the winding stairs. None of them dared to look at each other, jumping when a pounding fist banged against the trap door.
It was their father, just as Elain had said. Feyre came forward, her body heavy with exhaustion. She pulled back the rug Nesta had just arranged, yanking the iron ring with her limited strength.
Their father's head, adorned with a heavy iron circlet, appeared next. Hatred burned in Feyre’s gut at the sight of his full cheeks, of his glowing health. He certainly hadn’t suffered that last year and half. He climbed the rest of the way up, drinking the sight of them.
“There you are,” he murmured with relief. As if there was any doubt that they’d still be here. He looked from her to Nesta before his eyes fell fully on Elain. Feyre’s stomach knotted, nervous though she couldn’t explain why.
“Have you come to bring us home?” Nesta asked hopefully. Feyre, too, wanted to leave. The tower was perpetually freezing and they were hungry and exhausted. The fortress they’d grown up in wasn’t much better and yet they were at least well fed and warm bottles were placed beneath their bedding to keep them warm at night. 
“Soon,” he murmured, not looking at Nesta at all. His eyes were still fixed on Elain, a frown ghosting his features. They looked so similar, though, on their father, those rich, brown eyes seemed soulless whereas on Elain, they were filled with warmth. Starvation couldn’t dim Elain’s beauty, though her once bouncy curls hung limp down her back and her heart-shaped face was thin and drawn. Elain, too, could have used some sleep.
“I will return for the three of you in a week's time. We are so close to beating the east back into those empty mountains.”
As if any of them cared. Nesta’s eyes sharpened. “We are out of food.”
Their father didn’t flinch. “You have enough for one last week.”
“And then what?” Feyre asked, cutting Nesta off before she angered him. 
“Nesta will go to the priestess's temple at Sangravah and Elain will marry Graysen—”
Elain rose to her feet. “What?”
“Feyre will stay with me for the time being,” he added, ignoring Elain entirely.
“A priestesses temple?” Nesta demanded. It was all as Feyre had once heard. He’d decided it, then. Decided to sideline Nesta and hope Elain would be the easier-controlled ruler. Or worse, that she would die before him, giving Ellesmere the son he’d denied them. Elain didn’t respond at all, though her face was so pale it might have been bone. Graysen was not known for being kind or gentle. He would use Elain until she was nothing but a corpse, and her sister knew it.
“It’s been decided,” their father snapped. 
“By who?” Feyre dared to ask. She could have reached for her bone knife beneath the pillow and tried to bury it in his neck…but he was her father. 
And he had a broad sword hanging from his hips. 
“By me,” he told them. Nesta scoffed while Elain said nothing, her eyes glazed over as she imagined this new future. “And you will do as I tell you or you will suffer my wrath.”
“We are already suffering,” Nesta informed him, her hatred burning in her eyes. Of the three of them, she looked the most like mother. Perhaps that was why he disliked her the most—he couldn’t look at Nesta’s silvery blue eyes and her golden brown hair braided atop her head like a crown and not see his once beautiful wife staring back at him.
Banishing her to a temple was like exorcizing a ghost. 
“What’s a little more, then?” he all but whispered. Daring her to disobey him. Nesta couldn’t pick this fight. Not when her skin all but clung to her bones and not when he could have driven his blade through her chest with no repercussions at all. Feyre dropped into a chair, more exhausted than she’d ever been and Nesta followed suit.
To their father, who didn’t imagine they had any thoughts he did not permit them to have, it was an act of submission. 
“It was good to see the three of you in good health,” he said, walking to Elain and brushing his fingers over her cheeks. Elain closed her eyes, clearly trying to keep herself from bursting into tears. 
Feyre scoffed but said nothing else. 
“Just a week, and then it's over,” he told them. As if it would ever be over. A new hell was waiting just over the horizon and Feyre had no intention of meeting it. She wouldn’t be separated from her sisters, either. She wouldn’t leave Nesta to die in a temple and Elain to perish in a marriage bed. 
They waited until their father descended back down the stairs and that iron door slammed shut so hard it rattled the stones around them. They held silent and still, listening to the gallop of hooves and the accompanying silence as the sun finally set.
Elain broke first, drawing her knees up to her face with a soft sob. Nesta rose to her feet, pacing the floor, her hands outstretched before the fire.
“We’ll take the boat,” Feyre whispered. “We’ll take the boat and go south. They say their king grants asylum to those that make it to his shore. We can hide there for a time and make our way across the ocean.”
“We won’t survive,” Nesta said, her voice devoid of its usual emotion.
“I can spend the next two days hunting,” Feyre insisted. “We can scavenge for anything the fishermen left behind.” 
Nesta shook her head but Elain looked up, wiping her eyes on her sleeves. “What does it matter, Nesta? We either die at sea or we die at his hands. Either way…” her voice broke with a sob. “I don’t want to be married to him.”
“It would be a terrible way to die,” Nesta said, though Feyre wasn’t sure if she meant death by their father's design or death at sea. Feyre was willing to take her chances, though. They could bundle, they could take water and food, and any other supplies in the covered ship that had been left behind. They’d be as protected from the elements within it as they were in the tower, and could fish if they ran low on supplies. 
“It’s better than doing nothing,” Feyre replied.
Elain and Feyre waited. Nesta was always allowed the final say, their deference out of respect for the sister they’d always hoped would one day be queen. Those dreams were dead—they would live in exile or they wouldn’t live at all. 
Two days—that was all Feyre was willing to risk. While she hunted, Nesta and Elain gathered supplies for the boat. Elain cleaned it during the day and Nesta organized until the three fell into bed each night bone weary and exhausted. They barely ate, trying so hard to preserve their rations for when they were out at sea and would have no other recourse. 
Feyre went to bed that night feeling the smallest flames of hope. Hope that they’d make it to the southern border before their father realized what they’d done. That Helion, the king of that realm, didn’t decide to ransom them back. And most importantly, they managed to make it over the sea where they might live free lives for the first time since they were born. Unshackled by the chains of their father, or the monarchy, of the unfair expectations placed on women. Elain could choose her own husband and Nesta and Feyre their own fates. 
The sound of someone pounding on the iron door of the tower dragged the three of them from a drowsy sleep. Their father had a key and the girls their own makeshift one—whoever was below was an interloper. 
Elain flew from the bed, pushing open the shutters to blink into the dark.
“The east,” she whispered. “Rhysand.”
“He followed father,” Nesta hissed. “He led them right to us.”
Feyre blinked as Elain wrapped a cloak around her shoulders and tossed the rope down the side. “We go now,” she hissed. “Before he makes it up here and slaughters us all.”
Feyre nodded, though in her heart, she knew she wasn’t going with them. Everyone was on their boat and ready to go. All Nesta and Elain had to do was pull the anchor and set out. Rhysand would follow them—would merely drag them back where they’d be imprisoned or worse. Someone had to slow him down. 
Had to distract him. 
“Go,” Feyre whispered, reaching for her own cloak and her bone knife. She pressed the knife into Nesta’s hand, pretending she was getting her quiver of arrows as Elain propelled down the side. “I’m right behind you.”
The door wrenched open just beneath. 
“Hurry up,” Nesta hissed. Feyre knew if either of her sisters had any inclination of her split-second decision, they would have stayed, too. The point was to go together or not at all. Rhysand was cruel—evil and terrible. He’d lock them in a frigid dungeon, would ransom them back for land and coins and whatever soldiers their father had taken prisoner. There were rumors he stole women from the bordering villages and passed them out to his own men to use as they liked. Nesta and Elain didn’t deserve that.
She thought, perhaps foolishly, that she could withstand it.
Heavy boots on the stairs drew her attention to the trap door. Nesta was gone, halfway down the tower even as the trapdoor beneath the rug rattled. She wasn’t going to help him open it. Fingers clenched to fists, Feyre pressed her back against the wall and waited for what would happen next. 
The wood trap door exploded violently, splintering over the once carefully kept room. Feyre pressed her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. The man who appeared was nothing like Feyre imagined Rhysand to be. She’d always pictured someone her father's age, someone who would look like the nightmare she’d been made to be afraid of.
Rhysand was young—early thirties at best. His dark hair seemed to gobble up the little light emanating from the fireplace as his violet-blue eyes swept over the room. They landed on her, crinkling at the edges when he realized it was just her. He looked like a warrior in his dark leather, a massive sword strapped against his spine. She tried to make herself smaller as he took a step towards her.
“Where are the other two?”
“Dead,” she lied as another man appeared. They could have been brothers—they shared the same warm brown skin, the same inky black hair. This man was perhaps lovelier in a classical sort of way, and far colder, if the stone cut of his face was any indication. 
“Cassian!” Rhysand, betrayed by the silver crown of stars around his head, bellowed down the stairs. His eyes were on the rope hanging from the window. “Bring me the other two!”
“RUN!” Feyre screamed out that window. Rhysand lunged for her, strong arms wrapping over her too-thin frame. She didn’t have the strength to fight him though the gods knew she tried. Feyre thrashed as his broad hand clapped over her mouth.
“So much for dead, huh?” Rhysand whispered against her neck. Feyre twisted, her foot kicking hard between his legs. He grunted but didn’t release her. “You look close to it already.”
He and the other man dragged her kicking and silently screaming down those stairs. Feyre endeavored to make it as difficult as possible, if only to buy Elain and Nesta more time.
It worked. By the time she was beneath that violet sky of stars, a third man was striding towards them. He was the biggest by far, tall and broad and terrifyingly imposing. A crisscross of swords over his shoulders made him seem more lethal than the other two men, though when he stepped into a beam of moonlight, she thought he had the friendliest face.
“They took a ship,” he said, amusement lacing his words. 
Rhysand pushed Feyre into the colder man so he could bind her wrists.
“Track them down. I can’t risk Archeron finding them first.”
Feyre kept her mouth shut. Her sisters had escaped Rhysand—they’d escape their father, too. Cassian—that’s what Rhysand had called him—looked her over, offered a smile that didn’t seem too threatening, and then turned to vanish back into the gloom.
“Are you going to kill me?” she asked him, her wrists bound in front of her body. Rhysand turned back to her, eyes sliding up and down her body. It wasn’t predatory or appreciative. In fact, he seemed almost disturbed by what he saw.
“How long have you been here?”
silver-edgedFeyre lifted her chin defiantly. She didn’t have to answer that. He didn’t care, either. Rhysand dragged her over the barren, frozen ground towards a midnight black stallion and hoisted her into a silver edged saddle with ease. He swung up just behind her.
“Would you like me to help Cassian?” the other man asked softly, his voice as dark as the night around them. 
“I’ll need you,” Rhysand disagreed. “Cassian can handle two unarmed women.”
He nodded. Absolute obedience, just like Graysen ordered their father. Rhysand lowered his head until she could feel his breath on the back of her neck again. “Cassian will find them.”
“And then what? You’ll kill us as a family?” she asked him, twisting back so he could see she wasn’t afraid of him. It was a lie, of course. Feyre was terrified. 
He didn’t need to know that.
Rhysand’s smile was cold—cruel. “Your father has something of mine. Now I have something of his.”
“Good luck getting it back,” Feyre retorted. 
Rhysand only laughed. 
It was a miserable night of riding. Feyre, half-starved and exhausted well before she was ever put in that saddle. By the time dawn broke, Feyre was miserably sore and hungrier than she’d ever been in her life. Her ribs ached, her thighs burned, and her head pounded. She was too focused on keeping herself upright to even think of her sisters, out on the icy sea all alone while a terrifying warrior tracked them down. 
All she could think about was the constant twisting of her gut. As snow-capped mountains loomed, Feyre felt her vision slipping sideways. She blinked, trying to right the world, but once her lids clamped shut, there was no opening them. She heard a soft swear and realized she had tipped out of the saddle and Rhysand had been forced to catch her or potentially let her die.
She almost wished he had. Surely death on a mountain road was better than whatever he had in store for her. Still, Feyre was too exhausted to fight him when his thighs tightened around her and his arm became a steel lock around her middle. She didn’t stop herself from leaning into his solid strength, nor did she care when her neck inclined at a near awkward angle, bouncing off his shoulder each time the horse jolted.
She slipped in and out of sleep, roused when he’d grab her with a surprising amount of gentleness just beneath her jaw and demand she take a drink. At some point, she thought a blanket was draped over her body, though when she managed to pry open an eye, she realized he’d merely covered them both in his cloak. 
“Will you walk? Or am I going to have to carry you into my palace?” Rhysand asked her, pulling Feyre from a rather strange, brightly colored dream. 
“Go to hell,” she whispered, forgetting almost immediately what he’d even asked. It seemed like an appropriate response to anything and everything he might ask. 
“I think she’s half dead,” another man’s voice murmured and Feyre swore he said those words with pure amusement. “Archeron beat you to it.”
“Shut up,” Rhysand grumbled. Feyre didn’t stay awake to hear the rest. For an unknown period of time, Feyre was lost to pure nothingness. Just bliss—utter, dreamless bliss. She could have died happy and, if she was honest, almost wished she had. 
Coming back was hell. Feyre twisted against the tethers that kept her trapped in darkness, desperate to resurface. She needed to know where she was—what had happened to her sisters. And when Feyre managed to pry an eye open, she expected to find herself lying on the hard, stone floor of a damp, cold dungeon. 
She was in a bed. In a room at least twice as big as the one she had at home. Bigger than the whole tower. Feyre was propped against a mountain of pillows and tucked beneath a sea of black and silver blankets. Curtains were tied from tall, wooden bed posts which made her feel, strangely, like a princess.
“You are a princess,” she whispered to no one in particular. In name only. Her filthy hair hanging in strings around her face and itching scalp told a wholly different story. Feyre pushed from the bed, strangely embarrassed to be in it at all. Her bare feet touched a plush, cream carpet that stretched the length of the bed against dark wood floors. 
A fire crackled merrily in a large hearth across the room, keeping Feyre warm even after she left her blankets. She padded for the jutting, rounded windows that were curtained in more glittering silver. Pulling them aside, Feyre clapped a hand over her mouth. An ocean of icy snow blanketed the world around her, broken only by the rising mountainside she was currently trapped in. 
That would make escape trickery, though not impossible. Feyre was used to the cold, the dark. If he thought to disorient her with the nice, furnished room, he didn’t know her at all.
Ignoring the bathroom, with a tub big enough to be a pool and a wall of glass that let her stare out into the snowy expanse, Feyre marched the curved, double doors gilded in more silver. He clearly had a color scheme, if nothing else. He also hadn’t locked her in. Feyre stepped into an empty hall, painted a soft lavender and trimmed in cream. No servants, no guards. Like she was no threat to him at all. 
That infuriated Feyre. She marched down the hall, forgetting she hadn’t eaten in days—months, even, given the sparseness of what was available to them. She hadn’t passed out from fear, but from exhaustion and hunger. Her anger quickly evaporated into fear as blinding white spots bloomed behind her vision. Feyre reached for the wall, holding herself steady while her knees trembled violently. 
“No, no, no,” Feyre moaned, her legs giving way beneath her. She clutched for the wall, looking for any purchase to keep her steady, but there was none. Only the tilting world and the brief flash of pain when her head bounced off the floor.
And then darkness again. 
She came back the second time fighting. Feyre shot upwards, the heavy blanket of her bed pooling in her lap as she gasped for air. A tray of food was set on her night table and Rhysand himself sat in a chair by the window. He seemed irritated if the set of his jaw was any indication. She supposed he had better things to do than babysit her. 
When she woke, he turned his head until those violet eyes were firmly on her. He cocked his head, causing a lock of his inky black hair to flop against the middle of his forehead. He was the picture of casual elegance. Bored, yet graceful, nobility. They didn’t have his type in Ellesmere–slick, polished, and arrogant. 
“Good evening,” he offered, his voice rough. Feyre didn’t respond, though she did pull her knees to her chest. He watched the whole thing, no hint of his thoughts betrayed in his expression.
“You should eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
He didn’t smile. “Sure. I suppose you like it when I carry you down the halls like an underfed corpse?”
Feyre felt embarrassment rise through her chest. “Who asked for your help?”
He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on powerful thighs. Feyre very much doubted he had ever missed a meal. She swallowed, hiding her hands beneath the blanket so he wouldn’t see how they trembled. 
“Maybe you should ask it, darling. If this is how your own father treats you, maybe whatever I have in store would be a kinder fate.”
She all but spat at him. Hatred bloomed in her chest knowing whatever fate he had planned likely involved her eventual death. The deaths of her sisters, her home, and everything she’d ever cared about. 
“How long do you plan to keep me captive?” she asked instead, pointedly ignoring what he’d told her.
Rhysand leaned backward, shrugging his broad shoulders. Clad in a tunic of black and silver that cut just beneath his jaw, he seemed strangely casual to her. No cape, no rings, no crown. Not even a circlet graced his forehead. 
“You’re hardly captive. More like my guest.”
“If I’m your guest, that means I can leave–”
“Feyre,” he interrupted patiently, “darling. You can barely walk down the hall. Where do you imagine you’re going?”
“Away from you,” she hissed, well aware she sounded like a petulant child. The curved smirk gracing his face told her he agreed with her silent assessment.
“Well,” he murmured, rising to his feet. She’d forgotten how imposing he was. Even without the leathered armor and the sword, he cut an imposing figure. “Maybe you should eat some dinner, first. It’s no fun to best you on a technicality.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” she demanded, certain he was making fun of her. Warily, Feyre waited for Rhysand to respond. To mock her, as the courtiers back home always had. 
“Are you not the Huntress of the North?”
She hated him for his use of that nickname. It had only ever been sneered at her, her bow and arrows the endless source of amusement for the men in her father's palace. A princess who wielded a weapon was practically sacrilege. That she was any good? Well, they found ways to keep her in place.”
Feyre jutted her chin, determined he would not make her feel any smaller. “Yes. That is exactly what I am.”
There was no hint of mockery in his gaze. “Then eat.”
He strode from the room without looking back to see if she obeyed him. It was only after he left that she realized night had fallen, hidden as it was behind the semi-sheer curtains. How long had he sat there, waiting? It made her uneasy, to be so helpless in front of him.
And the thought of passing out, at being left at his mercy and hoping he’d be kind was enough to motivate Feyre into eating. She swallowed her guilt, hoping her sisters were safe and, if nothing else, not starving too terribly before she pulled apart a roll of bread. Steam curled around her face and Feyre nearly moaned at the sight. It had been a long time since she’d had anything hot. She tried so hard to go slow, so she wouldn’t be sick, but the vegetables were seasoned with spices she’d never tasted, and the meat and potatoes covered in a rich gravy that had her all but licking the plate. 
She could have kept going. She was tempted, even, to climb out of bed, find the kitchen, and ask for more. Instead, Feyre climbed out of bed, legs still shaky, and made her way to the bathtub.
Bastard as he was, Rhysand was right about one thing.
She’d never escape him in her current condition. 
Feyre very much intended to escape.
Just as soon as she killed him.
Feyre spent a whole week minding her own business. The decision had been more practical than anything–every time she stepped into the hall, a wave of dizziness sent her practically running back for the bedroom. She would be damned if Rhysand put his filthy hands on her again. Feyre’s pride wouldn’t let her be caught in a compromising position by her enemy, which in turn ensured she ate every meal that was brought to her. The first few days had seen her all but living in the bathroom while she adjusted, gulping water from the tap when she felt feverish. She slept, she ate, she bathed, and did little else.
She felt like a traitor. Her dreams were consumed by her sisters—were they safe?
Were they alive?
She had no doubt if Rhysand had managed to find them, he would have paraded them about like his trophies like he’d no doubt done with her. The thought offered the faintest amount of relief. Only she was here. 
Whoever left the trays just outside her door didn’t seem to know who, exactly she was. Or maybe they didn’t view her as a threat. Either way, she’d been provided a steak knife each night, and Feyre had begun to collect them. The silver alone would be enough to fund part of her journey, and the sharpened point sliced easily over her pointer finger. It would do well enough against anyone who put the fleshy parts of their skin too close to her body.
Feyre woke to an actual servant the dawning of that second week. 
“The king requests you dine with him,” an elderly, no nonsense woman declared. As if that were the end of things. Feyre knew, from growing up around her own father, that the king's word was law. She didn’t obey him, though. He wasn’t her master.
“And if I say no?” Feyre asked in her brattiest tone.
An arched brow was the only expression she got. “I hear a palette of straw is far less comfortable than a bed made of goose down.”
She hated that woman, with her severe gray bun and her unsmiling eyes. Still, Feyre begrudgingly got into the tub and submitted to her all the same. She allowed herself to be dressed in an, admittedly, a pretty amethyst gown made of gossamer silk. She said nothing while her hair was curled and pushed off her face with a pearl-lined headband, or when thin, silver earrings were looped into her ears so it looked as if delicate trails of starlight clung to her skin. Her eyes were coated and lined until they looked bigger—more pronounced. Her lips were made softer and painted the most delicate shade of pink.
It all irritated her. Like she was a doll for dress up, like her too-thin, sharp appearance was solely for his pleasure. “Is this what your king likes?”
“Hardly,” that servant snapped. Speaking to her like that in her own home would have gotten someone killed–not that Feyre would have tattled. Still, the sharpness took her aback. 
“Then why–”
“You have a problem looking nice?” 
Truthfully, Feyre had no problem looking nice. Her problem was the way she felt as if she were little more than a pretty object. She didn’t want to look nice in Rhysand’s kingdom, at a breakfast he almost certainly would also be attending.  He’d see her and approve of her, which was the opposite of what she wanted.
Feyre marched down the halls, and for the first time since she’d arrived, there was no danger she’d fall flat on her face. The hall led into a larger atrium, with a winding staircase that led both upwards and back down into the palace. Feyre tried to memorize her path, but the steps leading down only directed her into another branching hall of the same cream and lavender and arching doors lined in silver pulled tightly shut.
She’d expected a large dining hall filled with people. That’s how Feyre had always eaten. A dozen eyes were always on her, listening for any morsel of gossip they could run to her father with. When the doors were opened for it, Feyre found an intimate scene. A table for five people, perhaps, but no more. Round, with only two chairs decently separated and covered in a selection of food she could directly spoon onto a silver plate herself.
Rhysand, too, waited with his usual boredom. He was framed by a line of windows frosted over from the cold. Same black tunic and pants, to the point Feyre wondered if he owned any variations to that outfit. He had taken no food, and stood when she entered. He nodded to the servant just behind, which apparently signaled to close the doors. Feyre was trapped in the chamber with him.
“Sit,” he said, gesturing towards her chair. Feyre hesitated, her slippered feet sliding against the wood just beneath. It was the wafting scent of chocolate that sent Feyre to her seat. She hadn’t had anything sweet in so long, a terrible curse for someone who liked sweets as much as she did. 
“Eat,” he ordered once she was in her chair. Feyre tried her best to ignore him, scooping eggs and fruit, and cheese onto a plate. She took sausage and bread before she realized the scent of chocolate was coming from a silver pot. Hot chocolate. 
His mouth twitched, watching her pour it into her porcelain cup. Feyre took a sip, trying to suppress the moan that rose in her chest. She didn't succeed and in response, his eyes widened ever so slightly. 
“Are you always so adaptable?” he asked, only serving himself when she was finished. Feyre didn’t offer him a response, too busy shoveling food in her mouth. It was, as it always was, perfect. His manners were more refined, reminding her that the time she’d spent in that tower had made her wilder than before. 
The silence stretched between them. It seemed unbearable for him, because Rhysand set his fork back to the table, eyes pinned on her. “Why were you in that tower?”
“Who were you expecting to find?” she sneered. Rhysand raised those dark, immaculately groomed brows and she realized belatedly he’d never meant to run into her. Who had he been looking for, then? Clearly, when the opportunity presented itself he hadn’t been able to resist and still…Feyre wanted to know. 
“Answer my question.”
“We were there because of you,” she whispered, gripping the knife just beside her plate so tightly the whites of her knuckles were exposed. 
If he felt guilt, he didn’t betray it. “How fortunate, then.”
She was going to stab him. If she stood, Feyre could bury the blade in his neck before he could react. “Fortunate? Did you find my sisters?”
Another casual shrug. “Cassian hasn’t returned.”
“Maybe he’s dead,” she hissed. Rhysand smiled. 
“Maybe,” he agreed, his tone suggesting he did not agree. “Can I ask, darling, why I was the cause of such a slow, terrible death for you? Why not behead his daughters and be done with it?” Feyre’s heart pounded in her throat as she rose, her plate half untouched. He was fixated on her face, unaware she still had the handle of that knife fisted in her fingers.
“Our suffering amuses you?”
“Confuses me. If your father sent you to that tower to die–”
“To protect us!” Feyre interrupted, certain he couldn’t be that stupid. “To keep you from harming us!”
He reclined in his chair as she moved towards him, her knife hidden in the flouncy material of her skirt. 
“You believe that?”
“Who were you looking for? What did he take of yours?” she asked sharply, halting just in front of him. Part of her was desperate for any information, even if it came from his lips. She had never once been granted any she hadn’t stolen, and even then Feyre couldn’t be certain it was true or not. 
He assessed her. “Why would I tell someone hoping to kill me anything?”
“You’re stupid?” she guessed, inching closer. 
“I’ll trade you, darling. I’ll answer any question you have if you give me the knife in your hand.”
Feyre hesitated. “Do you swear?”
Rhysand nodded, that lock of dark hair falling against his forehead again. Pressing a golden hand to his heart, he said, “I swear it.”
Quick as a viper, Feyre lunged. Rhysand shouted, unprepared to have the blade of her knife buried in the back of his hand. She’d stabbed with all her pent up fury, all but pinning him to the table by the point of the serrated blade. 
His face was altogether too close when she turned to look at him, those violet eyes blazing with some unreadable emotion. “You never said how I had to return it.”
Blood dripped onto the wood as Rhysand used his other, unwounded hand to pull the knife out of his hand. She waited for him to go back on his promise, to call her names or punish her—all of which she deserved. Feyre straightened. 
Bracing herself. 
“I want Nolan,” Rhysand gritted out, unfolding a napkin to press against his hand. “Finding you was merely good luck. I can trade you for the General. As for what he has that belongs to me, well...” he raised his hand, as if to show her why he wouldn't be divulging that bit of information. 
Feyre laughed. “You could trade Elain for Graysen. Maybe. But me? You might as well kill me right here, right now.”
“I won’t be doing that,” he hissed, holding the napkin against his wounded hand. He didn’t move from his chair, though she expected him to. He merely sat there, his napkin blooming the same red that was still puddled just beside his plate. 
“Then what–”
“You will live here until you die,” he interrupted snappishly. Their gazes held and for a moment, Feyre felt as though his eyes had tied a string between them, immobilizing her entirely. She’d forgotten, for a moment, a bloodstained knife had punctured his hand and that she’d been the one who’d done it. Standing over him was wild–intoxicating.
He blinked and the spell was shattered.
“Let me go,” she breathed, swallowing hard. He crossed his ankle over his knee, one foot bouncing anxiously. “I’ll tell you anything–”
“You know nothing,” he dismissed, eyes cutting towards the door. “Another of your foolish bargains.”
“You can’t keep me here,” she insisted, turning her back to him. Feyre made a show of lifting her skirts, of stepping around the droplets of blood, all the while Rhysand watched. 
“You would be surprised at what I could do. What I might do, if provoked.”
She looked over her shoulder to his wounded hand, bound in that napkin and held for her perusal. There was a darkness to his gaze that should have unsettled her. Feyre thought she could have counted the constellation of stars within it—a dangerous thought, given who he was. It struck her only then that he was handsome. Too handsome.
Beautiful. Certainly, the most beautiful man she’d ever seen in her entire life. She’d been so consumed with hating him, with survival, to pay him any attention before. Now, though, as her adrenaline ebbed into fear, she saw him for what he was. Just for a moment—lovely. 
She stamped that thought deep, deep down. 
“Hardly a punishment, keeping me in finery,” she taunted, swishing her pretty dress around her to emphasize her point. It was then that he stood, and Feyre so badly wished he hadn’t. She stopped her teasing, her body flooded with cold at the sight of him. 
“No. You’re rather pretty, dressed in my things,” he began, holding his hand against his chest as he surveyed her. “I wonder how much prettier you’d be in my bed chamber–”
“You wouldn’t dare,” she hissed, her heart thudding in her throat.
“How even lovelier still, in my lap, on my throne—” “Stop it,” she half pleaded, half ordered. He raised a brow.
“Oh? Commanding me, are you? There’s only one person allowed to make such demands of me,” he said, stepping closer and closer until her back was pressed against the wall. Rhysand didn’t back down, his thigh sliding between her legs to pin her between them. Feyre couldn’t control her rapid breathing, hating how close he was.
How good he smelled.
“Ask me who,” he said. She shook her head no, unable to look away.
“I’ll tell you,” he continued, his tone far too heavy. “The only person who can give me a command is my wife–”
She slapped him, sending him stumbling back a step. He needed to learn what would happen if he invaded her space. “Under no circumstances would I marry you,” she hissed, slipping around him for the door. She’d just pulled it open, had all but begun running down the hall, when he called after her.
“Not to save your home? To end this war? To keep your sisters from being traded back to your father so I can hang one man?”
Feyre whipped back around, terrified of the intensity on his face. “I can’t trust you.” “I would shield them,” he all but whispered. He looked crazy, his shirt bloodied, his hand wounded. His face, was slightly ashen from how she’d hurt him and still decisive. “And you.” “How can you protect me when my greatest enemy stands four feet from me?!” she shrieked. He arched a brow, as if to call her statement into question.
“None of this would have happened had you not intervened!”
“There are things you don’t understand,” he protested, but Feyre took a step through the doorway, out into the hall.
“I won’t.”
“You will,” he replied, holding her again until his gaze tied a ribbon around her very soul. She shook her head, just to prove she could still move her body independent of him.
“I’ll kill you first.”
He laughed, then. 
“You may do whatever you like to me, darling.”
Everything they’d ever said about him was true. Feyre thought that as she turned her back to him, her body far warmer than she’d ever admit. Feyre knew two things with absolute certainty.
One, if she didn’t manage to escape and soon, she’d never be free of him.
And two—Rhysand wasn’t going to let her go. Not to her father. Not to the world.
Maybe not ever. 
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vacantgodling · 12 days ago
Happy WBW! Can you tell me a bit about a location? A building, a city, a forest, a country, an island, whatever you like :)
wow,,, to recieve a wbw ask,,, it has been so many moons. thank you sm! <3
i'm gonna talk about the GINGI'NGA NANMOSO, which is a location in my wip HE WHO SMITES THE SUN (dori-tsokhizhemasonen). this is a wip where i've been doing a lot of world, culture, and language building so this is sort of the perfect excuse to talk about it.
but before i get too into the weeds, have a little summary and wip business card :3
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SUMMARY Born during a total eclipse, considered one of the most accursed and unlucky days of the year by the Khayen'ni people of Raya'madi, the eldest "daughter" of the chief of one of the many roaming southern tribes, Kori-Tsokhizhemasonen, is shunned by all, even his own parents, due to this unfortunate birth. And even worse still for Tsokhizhe, is that he tasked with being his younger sister, Pinyiko's, keeper. A fortnight before Pinyiko's long anticpated bethrothal to another powerful clan, she is snatched away by black-clad bandits and whisked off to The Northern Bands, their most longstanding foe for their encouragement of magic-users, known as Sopiros, which to all southern tribes, is an affront to their gods, The Affinities. On his father's orders, Tsokhizhe alone must rescue his sister, or be faced with permanent banishment; and so, he takes up this cross. Along the way, he uncovers the truth about his sister's kidnapping, his father's plans, as well as a long understood secret about himself that he never had the space to unravel: perhaps he truly isn't the eldest "daughter" after all.
the Gingi'nga Nanmoso (i'm too lazy to ipa this sorry but if you want me to write out how its prounounced just bug me at some point lol) translates to The Calling Pillar (lit. call’s pillar) ; it is a sacred space of neutral ground considered blessed by the affinities (which are what the khayen'ni people call their gods). the ground there is made of basalt and the land there is considered sacred as it is apart of their creation myth.
tl;dr the creation myth is that ages ago there was a great volcano that was constantly erupting and creating and destroying new land all the time. nothing could grow because as soon as things sprouted, it would immediately be destoryed by the eruptions/lava. the great named affinities which are light, dark, wind, rain, snow, growth, war, terrain, and animal and their unnamed counterparts, banded together and collapsed the volcano into the earth to stop its unrest and form fertile ground for creation to spring from. however, the site of the now dormant volcano became a valley of basalt. in the center of the basalt ring is a giant black obsidian obelisk that is occasionally struck by lightning, surrounded by somewhat smaller but still grandiose black marble obelisks to guard its borders, and a great black marble arch at the center before the true calling pillar (which is the obsidian one in the center).
whenever it is struck, different patterns appear on it and there are people trained to read those signs from every clan to determine their fate. their people tend to erect their own versions of the gingi'nga nanmoso's obelisk whenever they travel nomadically to commune with the gods and draw lightning to their encampments as lightning is considered a messenger affinity of the Great Named affinities.
at the actual site of the gingi'nga nanmoso tho: to shed blood there is a grave sin, and as such it is used as a neutral place to forge treaties, to arrange weddings between differing tribes, and to have great councils that affect all tribes in the south. it is also at this pillar that the great schism between the northern and southern tribes was forged and the northern tribes are Technically not allowed to stand on the ground of the gingi'nga nanmoso as part of the treaty from a hundred or so odd years ago. but uhhh that's part of plot too :eyes:
but i hope this explanation was fun! i love worldbuilding for this world i need to actually write more for it eosjcn
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rhyueienwrites · 3 years ago
Your other half in the Kamisato Clan.
Ayaka x GN Reader ~
No proofreads! :">
(Name) a childhood friend of the Kamisato siblings and serves under the Kamisato clan. They became great friends with Thoma who both become the moral and support of the clan besides doing housework and other things related to the Yashiro Commission.
(Name) cherished everyone in the clan, however, developed feelings to the eldest daughter, Ayaka. Little that they know, Ayaka also held this feelings for (Name) as well.
One night, Ayaka was alone with (Name) whom both enjoys their free time together. Both of them were chatting what they did these past few days.
"Oh, I wish I could go to Ritou and enjoy Irodori festival. I've heard they were selling limited stocks of a statue of Her Exellency."
(Name) sighed. Ayaka, on the other hand, watches them cry out since (Name) was quite unlucky when it came to purchasing stuff like that, as they only arrived at the shop to be met by the item being sold out.
(Name) heard Ayaka's soft laugh and blushes at the statement they just said.
"Ah! I apologize, please just ignore that..."
"Say, (Name), would you like to go with me? You're working hard and I think you deserve a day off."
"With you?"
(Name)'s face started to hear up, just the thought of them alone with Ayaka.
"You don't like it?"
Ayaka sounded a little disappointed but soon her face lights up with a smile at (Name).
"No- I would love to! It's been a while since we've gone out together, just the two of us!"
Both of them agreed and let the others now they'll be out for a while.
While walking together, (Name) talks about their experiences and how unlucky they were when it comes to the statues of the Electro Archon. Meanwhile, Ayaka were listening but she was gaze were focus on (Name)'s hands and unconsciously reached them.
"Ayaka? What's the matter?"
"Ah! Um.."
When Ayaka tries to come up with an excuse, she was about to let go of (Name)'s hands but caught off guard when (Name) held them back.
"There's no need to be embarrassed! We're doing this since we're young right?"
(Name) said, but deep inside, they were conscious that they were holding their crush's hand.
Ayaka could only nod, as she held (Name)'s hand back.
They both reddened and walked silently. Thank goodness, (Name) broke the ice by reminiscing about their childhood days, and Ayaka smiled along with them.
Ayato: Thoma, did you get one of the statue of Her Exellency?
Thoma: Yes, my lord.
Ayato: Good, If ever they returned empty handed, this should do the trick Now, where are we? Ah, I want you to try this Thoma.
*Hands over a strange looking dish*
Thoma: Y-yes... ( Ayaka... (Name)... Please come home soon.)
Both Ayaka and (Name): *sneezes*
End ~
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