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Link/Riju slaps so hard actually maybe he can move on from Mipha
#link#riju#liju#?#rink#i like rink#tloz#zelda#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda#totk#tloz tears of the kingdom#tears of the kingdom
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sei LijuLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sei Liju, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Lolong Guba, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sei Antai, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Mujai, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Rahuyan, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Tuwe, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Pematang Limau, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Rabauh, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sepang KotaKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSeiLiju, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahLolongGuba, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSeiAntai, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangMujai, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangRahuyan, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangTuwe, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahPematangLimau, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahRabauh, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSepangKota
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Zamisli sve ljude koje si upoznala u životu. Ima ih bezbeoj. Nailaze nalik talasima, liju ka tebi, pa se povlače sa osekom. Pojedini talasi su mnogo veći i utiču na tebe jače nego ostali Ponekad talasi donose predmete iz dubina, sa dna mora, i ostavljaju ih izbačene na obalu. Ostavljaju u zrnima peska žig koji potvrđuje, još dugo pošto se more povuče, da su talasi nekada bili tu.
Kolin Huver - Sa nama počinje
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Da Bog da imo para da ne znaš šta ćeš s njima
materijalno nije sreća
materijalno je uslov
materijalno je poriv
materijalno je požuda
materijalno je dokazivanje drugima,
da znaju da si ti materijalno siguran
materijalno moćan u materijalnom svijetu
u materijalnom svijetu su oči boje eura
čežnja za papirom
koji imaš kad dodje tvoj red da ga imaš
i ode dalje u druge ruke i opet se vrati
lijekove materijalno plati,
Azraila potkupit ne može
materijalno plati raku u koju te bace
Munkira i Nekira potkupit ne može
materijalno moze da plati seks i strasti
ljubav voditi i iskreno voljeti te ne može
materijalno kupi dizajnere i odjelo skroji,
a na svijet smo svi dosli goli
goli od materijalnog
goli od grijeha
to se ne moze kupit
kupili bi svi ponovno rodjenje
platili bi da liju suze radosnice
ako se moze kupiti
to je jeftino
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Sve što se desi u jednom danu, podsetnik je samo na sve ono što se ne desi. Nisam pesimista, bar ne mislim da jesam. Davno bih se svela na obična slova u kamenu da je tako. Istina, dva puta sam došla sasvim blizu, ali svaki put me je spasilo nešto veće i ne znam je li to Bog i da li ima Boga. Ako je stvaran, padam na kolena pred njim. Sklapam dlanove i molim da mi pokaže pravi put. Svet je previše bučan, a ja se u toj buci oduvek loše snalazim. Guglala sam definiciju eskapizma. Gugl kaže: „od engleske reči escape, koja se prevodi kao: pobeći, be��ati. Sam pojam je relativno nov, a podrazumeva bežanje iz svakodnevice, beg od života, beg od stvarnosti (u svet mašte i fantazije), kao i izbegavanje odgovornosti”. Ne bi bio prvi put da mi kažu - bežiš od odgovornosti. Ne znam je li to do kraja pravedno. Ne bežim od odgovornosti, bežim od vaših zahteva, očekivanja, ideja toga ko bi trebalo da budem. Kameleon čije boje volite samo dok su poput vaših. Neću da budem odgovorna za njih, istina. Od svih puteva kojima sam mogla da pođem danas, izabrala sam samo jedan. Onaj poznati, onaj sigurni. Nesigurni. Nisam ja za tu sigurnost. Brkam pojmove, klasika. Jednom sam umesto da odem u školu, otišla u kafanu i napila se sa potpunim strancima u sred dana. Imala sam 17. Svašta radimo kad imamo 17. Sa skoro 25, kao treba da si prerastao to. Ne pijem već više od pola godine. I telo kaže, nemaš više 17. Taj dan sam izabrala - drugo, drugačije. Nisam znala šta će se desiti, nikad ranije nisam bila u toj kafani i nisam poznavala te ljude, a bili su stariji od mene i teško da su baš bili uzorni građani - čim piju rakiju u tri popodne sa nekom nepoznatom klinkom. Ta struja koja mi je prolazila kroz telo, dok sam zamišljala kako neko vadi pištolj, bum - jedan metak i nema me. Ili kako ulazim u nečija kola, u nečiji stan i možda ostajem do jutra. Ili kako će mi neka od ovih priča što ih baš sad pričamo promeniti čitav tok sudbine. E ta struja, za nju i dan danas živim. Nisu je razumeli ni sa 17, a kamoli sada. Nešto nije u redu sa tobom. Nešto zaista nije u redu sa mnom. Želim da ličimo jer mi delujete tako srećno, ali i ne želim, jer u vama nema života. Ja sam crno/belo. Za mene je ili život ili smrt. Šta ti znači život u kom sve možeš da predvidiš? Ponedeljak ili sreda ili četvrtak, ma sasvim je nevažno, sve je to jedan te isti dan. „Šta ima novo kod tebe? Jedno te isto kod mene. I uvijek je bilo, ooo isto ludilo”. Kladim se da možeš da napišeš na papir doslovce ceo sutrašnji dan. Možda i celu godinu, dve, pet. Ako je to odgovornost, neka hvala, ja biram eskapizam. Glava mi je možda u oblacima, ali vi ni ne vidite oblake osim kad gledate vremensku prognozu. Vi nosite kišobrane, ne osećate kapi kiše, čak ni kada vam liju niz obraze. Ništa vas ne obuzima. Smireni, staloženi, mrtvi. Volela bih da vas povučem za ruku i da plešemo po sred pljuska. Neke i jesam. I voleli su me zbog toga. Nisu voleli mene; voleli smo isto. Voleli smo tu struju koja nas drma. Voleli smo: život. Kad magija prestane, hteli su upravo ono čega se oduvek gnušam. Sigurnost. Rutinu. Dosadu. Nisam ja za te staze. Ni sada, sa skoro 25. Nije meni to u krvi. Biram neizvesno. Biram eskapizam. Biram da sam živa.
- Katarina
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Pondering a Legend of Zelda TotK fanfic.
Firstly: I have nothing against Zelink. I think it is almost always top ship (Twilight is an exception)
TotK Zelink just gives me the biggest QPR vibes ever. They are deeply bonded, deeply committed, deeply in love, and not a single bit of it is actually romantic love. They had half a decade or so between BotW and TotK to develop their relationship, and they did, just not rantically.
I think it's kind of cool actually, mixes things up.
However it does leave open the idea of *other* ships!
Now my playthrough took a fin turn. I have always liked Gerudo town. Home of Ganon, cool look, big stabby ladies, it's a treat. So as soon as plot let me off the leash I went right there to see what was up.
My being under 'leveled' made the journey feel all the more adventuresome. It hadn't clicked howich time had passed. I expected little rambunctious Riju, a little sister full of fire and will. I got a sharp, level headed leader who stared me in the eyes.
The Wind Temple was fun, and I expected lile in BotW for that to be the end, but again I was wrong. Riju sent her avatar with me, a spirit-companion on my journey, cool.
This is where again my play choices impacted my experience. *Now* I explored. Now I wandered across Hyrule, not alone but with a companion running alongside me in my quest. She didn't talk, but neither does Link really, and most of TotK is spent in solitude, or would have been.
Riju was a great asset in combat, and her lighting came in handy many other ways. Rocks to break? Lightning arrow. Pitch black darkness? Activate her lightning corona and the way is lit for you. And there were just the times running along, seeing her running alongside and knowing link was not alone.
Riju became integral to my combat approach as I explored -I was still lacking in shrines- so much so that by the time I visited the other sages, it wasn't just Link gaining new companions, it was new companions joining *us*. Around my house Riju became known jokingly as 'Gerudo girlfriend.'
But as it became clear Zelda's interest in Link(and his in her) was not the standard shipping, the thought of 'why not?' Grew.
A fun headcanon tangent: Either Gerudo continue to grow well into adulthood, or Riju is a very short Gerudo. She's of 'standard' adulthood age, yet nowhere near the height of her fellows.
Why? Well, she met Link. Link, the strongest most capable warrior in all of Hyrule. Why bother getting any taller?
So all that as prelude to: writing Rilink? A Liju? A whatever fic, somewhat based on this idea.
Open up right after link leaves with the sage-avatar. At this point Riju might have a light crush on link(who doesn't?) but mostly it is just a great respect. Then one night she dreams. She dreams of running with Link, fighting alongside link, traveling with him, a wealth of experience in a night, but she is largely a passenger in the experience. Able to watch, but not influence events. This comes to a head when she sees Link gravely wounded by her side and cannot aid him. She wakes, and was it all a dream?
The powers of the sages are mysterious and the intricacies lost to time, no one can provide answers. However when next she sleeps she sees Link again, alive, bandages, but clearly wounded.
This kicks off a sequence lf her trying to push this vision/connection, slowly becoming able to influence her 'dreams' until she can speak, and at least, hold an exhausted and battered Link as he slumbers, slumped across her lap under the night sky in Necluda as rain fizzles off her lightning canopy above their heads.
The ship strikes me as fun because it in no way messes with the main arrangement of Link and Zelda. Riju has to remain in Gerudo town most of the time. She's not going to try tying Link down either. She respects Zelda and the bond between Knight and Queen too much. She will enjoy the time she can have with Link, both solid and via avatar. She will continue to rule her people. It will also be very convenient when the Chief does not need to go on a quest to find herself a voe.
So yeah, just brainstorming this out here.
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Also, fun fact [ it's sad :( ] - the video we cherish due to it being the original reveal, doesn't actually exist anywhere else anymore... It only lives through our blogs now hehe
noooo our precious liju shipper has retired! ☹️ good thing we have it saved for eternity on my blog and in my photo gallery but shh
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DAYS: 10-14:
Choose series of consonants Decide if you want a voicing distinction Research other consonant articulations Choose monophthongs Choose diphthongs (if any)
DAY 15: Compile IPA charts for your conlang
DAY 16: Play around with syllable structures It’s going to start out rigidly CV.
DAY 17: Create nonce forms of varying lengths pa lu ŋe fa so ma ri xa nu je jomi raka sopi nime tepa naxa peŋo waja xari sife mosa ranopa fetiku mosale xaputo ŋujani lixoka weŋato jufate nixipa semini
DAY 18: Write a section on syllables and stress Rigid CV syllable structure with strong initial stress.
DAY 19: Create five proto-forms for body terms tooth: nikapa eye: pamota head: moki foot: ŋe hand: tali
DAY 20: Create five proto-forms for terrain features
hill: tuxafo ocean: waki river: nime shore: feŋa plain: sefi
DAY 21: Create five proto-forms for weather
sky: xukale wind: sufa rain: pelu cloud: fono thunder: musaka
DAY 22: Create five proto-forms for flora
tree: koyome flower: tenoko leaf: nelijo grass: siŋa seed: lere
DAY 23: Create five proto-forms for fauna
bird: kufi squid: poxija fish: liju beetle: ŋata worm: sikifi
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YouTube: https://youtu.be/igCiNfXu3m4?si=RB91Ght5nA0tdZE6
Short Drama Title: Rebirth, Spoiled by a Plant Husband (2023)
Female lead: Ma Lejie (playing Ling Zhiyao), male lead: Li Xiangzhe (playing Su Lijue)
In his past life, Ling Zhiyao was blind in his eyes and heart, believing in a scumbag and living a new life. He decided to seek justice and revenge, and opened up a new path of revenge by marrying Su Dashao, whom everyone feared. However, the rumored big shot has not yet awakened, it's okay, let's take our place first.
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Meu Marido
Liju – Meu marido
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah LijuLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Liju, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tarakan Timur, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Danau, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Empas, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tuyun, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Buntoi, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Harowu, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Mangkuhung, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Rangan HiranKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahLiju, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTarakanTimur, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangDanau, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangEmpas, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTuyun, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBuntoi, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahHarowu, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahMangkuhung, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahRanganHiran
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September 05, National Teachers Day 2024
Honoring the Teachers of Chemmanur Joseph Memorial Assumption Higher Secondary School (CJMAHSS), Varandarappilly, Thrissur, Kerala
On the occasion of National Teachers Day - 2024, 11 Teachers (in 3 categories - Most Innovative Teacher, Most Supportive Teacher and Best Mentor) from the Chemmanur Joseph Memorial Assumption Higher Secondary School (CJMAHSS), Varandarappilly, Thrissur, Kerala, have been honoured on September 11, 2024, by the UN with Letter of Appreciation / Certificates, by the ex-student of this school, The UN Designate Mr. Kunju C. Nair.
The Honoured Teachers are :
1. Begene Prince HSST, Principal
2. Priya Poulose, HSST (History), First Assistant
3. Ani Paul HSST (Maths)
4. Jovel V Joseph, HST, Headmaster
5. Jelma K Kizhakudan, HST (English) First Assistant
6. K Liju Jose, HST (Maths)
7. Nimal K Benny, HST (Physics)
8. Seena K Zeetta, HST (Hindi)
9. Jemma Varghese C, UPST, Senior Teacher
10. Sheena Joseph T, UPST
11. I. O. Annie, UPST
Mr. Kunju C. Nair has appreciated the teachers and highlighted about their services and social commitments to the students and the society, for their betterment, growth and contributions towards the society. Mr. Sukumaran CP, Ex-Student, appreciated their commitments.
The teachers were very proud and appreciated their achievements.
Begene Prince HSST, Principal, welcomed the Teachers and audience present. P C Jose, PTA President led the meet. And PTA Representatives Augustin and Jincy Biju conveyed their blessings. Jovel V Joseph, HST, Headmaster have acknowledged their appreciation with thanks on behalf of School and representing all the teachers, on the involvement of the UN on honoring their teachers.
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Tamo gdje je doba, čas ili sat.
Kad su pusti kafići, kad nas ima, a ni nema.
Kad su svijetla prigušena
I okomita sjeta.
Sjena diše uz dim cigarete.
I štih koji zaudara.
Šmek starih zidova i drvenarije.
Gdje su zidovi upili svo isparavanje dima i alkoholnog znoja.
Boja blijedi i žuti pomalo.
U to doba kad nema nikoga.
Sjedim i uživam van rogova dosade i blijede sjete.
Dok ostatci čikova plivaju po pepeljarama.
Čestice pepela se stalože kad galama stane niz stolove, stolice i podove stare gradske kafane.
Gdje ljudi za šankom liju suze uz gutljaj piva.
Uz udarce kriglom i razbibrigom.
Gdje nema nikoga osim kulturne ništice.
Ništavilo dreke, galame, užarenih glasova i čikova.
Pored košnice grada...
Usred i pokraj ničega zvano riječima, badava.
By Marko Tivanovac - MT.
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Founded in 1997, LIJU Companies have become one of the leading commercial & industrial gas-boiler manufacturers, with 700 employees, 100 arces land, over 3000 units of boilers annual yield. Electrode Hot Water Boiler Over the last 20 years of development, LIJU has been consistently dedicated to technological innovation, holding over 80 patents worldwide, including the cutting-edge WCB Water-Cooling Premixed Combustion technology which raise the bar of NOx emission reduction through the boiler industry. Core products include: Vacuum Hot Water Boiler, Steam Boiler, Heat Pipe Steam Generater, and Electrode Phase-change Hot Water & Steam Boiler, built to China code, ASME standard, EU PED, and AS standard."Uniting,Innovation,Service", LIJU believe in professional development and dedicate to providing users with safer, more energy-saving and more intelligent heating system solutions. For more information visit our website.
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