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ts3lightclan · 13 days ago
(1.61) Search and Rescue
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It had been storming all day, and Bearpaw would be lying if she said the weather didn't worry her. For some reason, bad things always happened during storms. Rain on its own was nice, but thunder? Lightning? Never a good sign.
She'd been patrolling by herself near the edges of camp, making sure everything was in order. Every time the lightning crashed to the ground, she could hear it, and the sound made her fur stand up on its ends. However, the next time the lightning struck, she could hear a different sound accompanying it.
The loud, terrified wail of a kit in the distance snapped Bearpaw out of her typical duties, and she looked around in search of the source. The sound wasn't coming from camp... it was coming from the thunderpath.
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Racing after the sound, Bearpaw caught the little form of one of Birchshine's kits, already on the other side of the path in her panicked dash. That was... Hopekit, wasn't it? Had the lightning startled her, too? Oh no. Oh no. What should she do?
"Come back!" She shouted, stopping at the edge of the territory. "Hopekit, no! Don't run off!"
But either the little kit couldn't hear her, or she was too panicked to process her words.
It would far too dangerous to run back to camp for help; Bearpaw wasn't sure if they'd be able to track her scent through the rain if she let Hopekit get out of sight. She had to go after her. She had to go right now.
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"WAAAIT!" She shouted, pelting off through the rain after the kit. Bearpaw was surprised that Hopekit could move so quickly; to her memory, wasn't this kit the weakest of the litter? Suddenly, she felt bad for Birchshine.
Huff... puff... puff...
Bearpaw could not believe she lost the kit. How fast was she?? This whole situation is rigged. Ridiculously rigged.
"Hopekit!" She called, looking for the missing kit. The thunder was slowing, signaling the passing of the storm, but there was still no sign of the kit. "Hopekit, where ARE you?!"
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Surprisingly, Bearpaw didn't find Hopekit in all her shouting... but she did find someone else.
"Elmpaw? What are you doing out here?"
"I, uh-" Elmpaw stammered. "I was-"
"Wait, never mind! Hopekit's missing! She ran this way; help me look!"
"I... okay..!"
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Elmpaw's voice was a bit quieter than hers, so maybe he wouldn't be that much help in calling for the kit... but at the very least, Bearpaw appreciated the company. With two sets of eyes on the prowl, Bearpaw was much more confident that they'd find their missing kit.
That was Hopekit's voice..! Bearpaw hurried in the direction of the noise, hoping it was a "woah" of excitement and not a "woah" of fear. It was hard to tell through the rain.
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"Hopekit!" The moment Bearpaw had eyes on the kit, she let out a sigh of relief. "What were you thinking?"
"Look! I found a shiny!" Hopekit seemed completely unbothered by her current distance from home, and from the scolding tone in Bearpaw's voice. "Look at the colors! Aren't they pretty?"
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"They... they sure are." Bearpaw couldn't help softening a little at the kit's bright, genuine excitement. If Hopekit wasn't scared... then it meant she was safe. And that was all any of them could really hope to ask.
"Can I keep it? Please?? Pleeeease???"
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Hopekit runs away from camp, panicked by the lightning. She's thankfully unharmed.
Hopekit finds a rare Soulpeace gem while out of camp and completely forgets about her distress. She begs to keep it.
Bearpaw and Elmpaw bring her home, where Birchshine and Magic are relieved to see her safe.
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Hopekit's parents do not think her keeping the gemstone is a good idea. They compromise by placing the Soulpeace in the healers' den for decoration.
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Lightstar takes some time to play-fight with Horizonkit in the rain.
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Hopekit is not the only one who was startled by the thunderstorm. Dawnkit and Birchshine are spotted freaking out as well.
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ts3lightclan · 12 days ago
(1.62) Ursa Major (Season Finale)
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Newleaf was gradually drawing to a close. Lightstar looked over her budding... no, blossoming clan, wondering how the time had passed so quickly. With the impending arrival of Greenleaf, it had been four full seasons since she arrived in the elm forest. Back then, she had worried if she would drag her ragtag group of barn cats into the earth, or cause them to flee for fear of starving. Running a clan was never her plan... but she took the mantle because there simply was no other cat. But now, her clanmates were not just surviving... they were living.
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"Bearpaw," She called, gazing down on the apprentice. "You have trained long and hard as an apprentice, and your bravery in chasing after Hopekit proves that you are ready to receive your warrior name. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
The young cat at the base of the rock wore a big, toothy grin as she responded with a loud, excited "YES!". Lightstar couldn't help envying Bearpaw's energy; it felt like a long time ago now that she was that age, ready to graduate from Lightpaw... to become something greater than herself. Oh, how little she knew back then.
"Then, may StarClan shine upon you like a warm ray of light. From this day forward, you will be known as Bearbuzz. LightClan will forever honor your bravery and bright spirit."
Magic was among the first to cheer, followed swiftly by Flowerpaw, Elmpaw... and soon, the entire clan had erupted into excited cheers. Bearbuzz turned to face them, eyes glittering with joy as she began to prance around to each individual clanmate.
It was moments like this Lightstar was happy she came to the forest. Many of these cats had been born rogues, loners, and kittypets... but those same cats were thriving, and creating new lives (and families) for themselves under the careful watch of her warrior ancestors.
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Lightstar looked to the sky, trying to gleam what her warrior ancestors might have in store for her clan next. Certainly, things wouldn't be easy... they hadn't been up until now. They had lost so much already. And now, with a growing clan and new rivals along the borders, she couldn't be sure where her path would lead. But, at the very least, she could have faith that StarClan would light her path.
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Bearpaw receives her warrior name, Bearbuzz, in honor of her energetic nature.
End of Season 1
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ts3lightclan · 22 days ago
(1.52) Kneel And Pray For Safety (!!)
!! Hey, everyone! This chapter contains heavier themes such as: birth complications & mentions of kit death/stillbirth. Viewer discretion is advised. !!
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"Mom? Is everything okay..?"
Pepperfrost perks up somewhat at the sound of her kit's voice. Elmpaw was perhaps the most perceptive of her brood, and she wasn't surprised that he approached her. She must have seemed awfully upset.
"I'm alright," She sighed finally. "I'm just... relieved that Birchshine's litter wound up alright, after all of this. I couldn't help worrying."
Elmpaw visibly hesitated. Pepperfrost could see the thoughts churn in his head- 'how am I supposed to respond to this?' She almost wanted to take the words back. She'd said way too much, as per usual.
"...This is about Berrykit, isn't it?"
Ah. Pepperfrost couldn't help wincing. She was supposed to be the adult in this situation. How could she let her son read her so easily? But his eyes were so kind, as kind as they always were; they were his father's eyes, through and through, and it was times like this that she longed for her mate's presence.
"I'll be alright," She responded again, more sure of herself this time. "I just needed a few minutes to myself, that's all."
Silence followed. Though her son was quiet as always, some things didn't need to be said out loud. He was here for her, just as her other two remaining kits were.
"...Do you need a hug?"
"...That sounds great right about now."
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Elmpaw only slightly hesitated before nuzzling his face into Pepperfrost's fur, keeping her warm against the last remnants of leaf-bare that still hung in the air.
She would always long for what could've been. Maybe she'd never stop staring at new mothers with healthy litters with such jealousy and longing. But for now, she could only support the clan, as a good warrior... no, as a good deputy should.
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Under the watchful eye of the Forest Spirit, Birchshine gives birth to four kits.
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Kitten 1 is male and born healthy. He is Non-Destructive and Clueless.
Kitten 1 receives the name Horizonkit in the hopes of a new era for LightClan.
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Kitten 2 is female and born frail. She is Playful and Adventurous.
Kitten 2 receives the name Hopekit in the hopes of a long, happy life.
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Kitten 3 is male and born frail. He is Neat and Proud.
Kitten 3 receives the name Sunkit for a bright future.
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Kitten 4 is female and born sickly. She is Adventurous and a Hunter.
Kitten 4 receives the name Dawnkit for a bright future.
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Pepperfrost is feeling a bit jealous of Birchshine's litter, resulting in her acting a bit more distant.
She tries to cope by spending more time with her own kits.
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