#lifting up his sweater to gently touch his tummy while teasing him
bobfloydsbabe · 8 months
Well, OKAY, if you insist I send you another prompt...hows about "tummy kisses" for Professor Bob + Imogen because, oh, it's simply everything. 🥹 ✨
My darling Rebecca, I love writing these little blurbs that don't really serve a bigger purpose in the story, so please, send as many as you like. Tummy kisses for Bob and Imogen coming right up! Enjoy this ~450 word blurb ✨
kiss prompts open for: professor bob, librarian bob, mob boss bob, and rhett abbott
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Imogen wakes in an empty bed.
Pale morning light comes through the gaps in the curtains, casting small beams against the walls, and his side of the bed is empty and cold to the touch.
She frowns. He’s always there when she wakes up, holding her against his chest while his breath tickles her neck. She loves waking up with him, wrapped in his warm and strong embrace.
Turning over, she reaches for her phone to check the time. 6:42 am. She puts the phone back on the table and sits up, holding the sheets against her chest.
The door to the ensuite bathroom opens, and Imogen lets out an undignified yelp, nearly jumping out of her own skin. Bob is standing in the doorway with wet hair, wearing only black boxers, and she’ll never get over how broad and toned his chest is under all those sweaters he usually wears.
“You called?”
Her heart’s still racing, but she cocks her head. “I can just call and you’ll come?”
“It depends.”
He closes the bathroom door and crosses the room, stopping at the foot of the bed. There’s a mischievous look in his eyes and a barely there smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“On what?” she asks, crawling out from under the covers and rising to her knees. She comes to him, placing her hands on his shoulders while he gently puts his hands on her waist.
“If you behave.”
She leans close. “You gonna teach me a lesson, professor?”
His eyes darken, and before she can even blink, he has her pinned to the bed. He looks at her like he’s starving and she’s his next meal. She doesn’t hate it, loves that she does this to him.
“You’re a minx,” he says, voice an octave deeper than normal, and it makes her writhe underneath him, rubbing her thighs together. “A tease,” he whispers against her neck.
Her breathing quickens as he crawls further down her naked body, and shudders when his nose grazes her navel. He hums as he presses wet kisses against her abdomen.
“So soft,” he mumbles, continuing to kiss along the edge of her ribs and the soft tissue of her stomach. “All mine.”
She’s breathless, lost in the feeling of him, but craving more. Her hands find his hair and he groans into her skin when she pulls on it.
He lifts his head, resting his chin on her belly. “What do you want, baby?”
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
We've talked about femboy hoon but...what about femboy hee? What are your opinions 👀👀
femboy hee…oh my god…he’d be literally gorgeous 😵‍💫 imagine him in thigh highs 😵‍💫 and an oversized shirt/sweater…and his hair a little messed up just looking comfortable ahhh femboy hee 😔
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2jaeh · 3 years
congrats on hitting 1k !! i stumbled across the taeil request and i was wondering if i could request one for kun too? thank you so much ! ♡
04. you don't know by loco
"this song is about you, but you don't know"
you don't know | kun
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"this song is about you, you, you, you, you, but you don't know"
genre: fluff
content: gender neutral!reader, music teacher!kun, slight age gap (kun is older), just tooth rotting sweetness like y/n is down bad and kun is their biggest fan
word count: 1.6k
author lin
♡ prompt list
It was freezing cold as you jogged down the street, hugging your windbreaker close to your body. Kun had insisted you cancel your piano lesson this Friday evening, but you stubbornly refused. Your self composed music piece was due next week and you really needed him to check it before you handed it in. That, and you would take any opportunity to be in the company of Qian Kun, but he didn't need to know the latter.
Kun had graduated from your university a few years ago and began working as a music teacher in his own studio. A year ago, you enrolled into his school, starting off in a large beginners class and eventually ending up where you are now, the one on one classes. You developed a comfortable relationship with the man that kept your grades up and your anxiety down during every semester that passed. You were able to see him strip away his strict and stoic demeanour, watching him laugh at your dry jokes, tease you for your silly mistakes and grab you into the warmest bear hugs whenever you scored the top of your class.
He made you feel special, your tummy welling up with butterflies and your heart thumping against your chest. His voice, his laughter, his neat hair, the way he scrunched his nose to lift his glasses up; everything about him gave you such an intense feeling that no words could ever describe.
"Are you satisfied?" Kun nagged as soon as he opened the door to your knocking, frantically ushering you inside before the harsh wind slammed the door shut behind you.
"Sorry, but this is urgent," you sighed and pulled off your jacket, embracing the warmth of Kun's studio, "I need to hand that piece in this coming week."
You slung your tote bag over your shoulder and walked towards the heart of the studio, light brown and beige walls and furniture overwhelmed with instruments ranging from a standard guitar to a tiny stylophone on the shelf that you were pretty sure no one touched. Right in the middle was the grand piano, sleek black and always freshly polished. Knowing Kun, he probably cleaned it everyday. You walked over to the piano and took your seat at the cushioned bench, pulling out your sheet music before placing your bag down on the wooden floor.
"Would you like something warm to drink?" Kun spoke gently as he trailed behind you, leaning his weight against the piano as he looked down at you.
"No, I don't wanna keep you too long." You replied as you set up your sheet music, avoiding eye contact with him.
You didn't know when you had become so anxious. Perhaps it was once you saw him at the door, his dark hair pushed back, his rounded glasses sitting atop his nose bridge, his body tucked nicely in a thick sweater and jeans and that adorable frown on his handsome face. Perhaps it was the fact that he was hovering so close to you that you could smell his mixed scent of cologne and laundry detergent. Or perhaps it was the fact that you were staring right at a pile of sheet music displaying a song you composed while thinking of Kun.
There were no words; even if the assignment was to write lyrics you could never come up with any words to describe the way Kun made you feel. It was just music. Pure music that perfectly embodied how dreamy, nostalgic, happy and giddy you felt every time you were around Kun. But he didn't know that. He didn't know this song was for him, so you gulped down your nerves and looked up at him, making eye contact for the first time that evening.
"I… I just need to play the song I composed and you can give me any feedback," you nodded, "just let me know if it's good enough to hand in on Monday."
"Hmmm… alright." Kun shrugged before maneuvering around the piano and taking a seat on the bench next to you.
You cleared your throat, adjusting yourself just a little bit away from him, before your fingers grazed the white keys of the piano. With one last deep breath in and out, you began playing your piece. Your eyes fixated on the keys in front of you, already having memorised the notes after weeks and weeks of practice. The music was light and airy, transporting the listener to a fairytale-like forest filled with pixies, flowers and fresh, dewy plants. Or to a sunny afternoon at the beach, the sunset painting an orange and yellow hue over the sky. Or to a rooftop of a tall building, the city below still and quiet as you laid down on a blanket, stargazing.
Whichever scenery you chose, it didn't matter. The point was that the song took the listener to a special place where they felt the most bliss; where they felt at peace; where they felt loved. When you played the final note, Kun's clapping shocked you out of your daze. You looked towards him and he had the most beautiful smile on his face, his eyes squinted into crescent shapes and his teeth on full display. You felt warmth rush over your being, the same feeling of bliss and love from your song still enveloping you like a blanket.
"That was amazing," Kun cooed, that smile never leaving his face as he patted your shoulder, "truly one of the best pieces you've ever played for me, and the icing on the cake is that you composed it."
"Thank you…" You responded shyly, your cheeks heating up as you hang your head low, "you think it's good enough… you know… for my assignment?"
"I think it's too good for your assignment." Kun chuckled.
"Thank you…" You muttered again, unable to hold back the smile on your face.
"By the way… can I ask you something?" Kun pondered quietly and you lifted your head to look at him.
"Yeah sure."
"Do you… um… maybe… like someone?"
His question caught you completely off guard; you clumsily knocked your arms against the piano keys, the off tune sound echoing through the studio. You scrambled to sit up straight, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Kun just laughed lightly at your actions.
"Uh wha- uh… why would you think that?"
"You don't have to be embarrassed, sorry if that came across as forward," Kun apologised with a light chuckle, "it's just that… this song… it really conveys the emotions of someone in love."
You froze in your seat, your hands in your lap and your teeth nervously gnawing at your bottom lip. You knew Kun was a musical genius, but the way he interpreted wordless songs always amazed you. That was one of the many things you loved about him. Love. You shifted slightly, turning your head to look at him. His brows had knitted into a frown, but the sweetly amused smile remained. You cleared your throat, putting on a brave face despite you feeling the cold sweat forming on your palms and your heart running a sprint in your chest.
"Kun… this song…" You started, making sure you kept eye contact with him, "this song… I composed it…"
"I know you composed it." Kun giggled after your voice trailed off and you couldn't complete your sentence.
"N-No I mean… I composed it… while thinking about… you." You finally exhaled a breath you didn't even know you were holding in.
Kun's eyes widened as soon as the words left your mouth. He comically shook his head, as if that would let the information process faster in his brain. You began to grow worried, wondering whether you did the right thing about confessing your feelings to him. He was always so confident, always the one in control. So to see him so dumbstruck left your mind in turmoil. Maybe it was weird that you composed a song for him. Maybe it was better kept a secret from him, but it was already too late.
"Kun I… I-"
"I like you," Kun finally spoke up, the joy and composure finally returning to his face, "I'm hoping that's what you were going to say next."
"Well of course you like me," You rolled your eyes rather bitterly, "I'm your best student."
"That aside, you're a lovely person, beautiful inside and out," Kun hummed, shifting closer to you on the bench and you gulped, "I like really, really like you and I'm… over the moon that you made that song about me."
"I like you too… a lot." You murmured absentmindedly, your eyes darting all over his face.
Kun's eyes drifted from your eyes down to your lips and you felt goosebumps on your cold skin. He leaned in ever so slowly before closing the gap between you two, his lips moulding against yours perfectly. Your eyes fluttered closed as you kissed him back, your hands gingerly pressing against his shoulders, the fluffy cotton of his sweater tickling your fingers. He cupped your face in his hands, letting his tongue slip into your mouth. His taste was tantalising, a mix of chai tea and some caramel flavour. You hummed against his lips, your senses being clouded by him and only him.
He eventually pulled away, only slightly so he could rest his forehead against yours and his warm breath fanned across your face. His hands still held your face gently.
"Play the song for me again," he whispered, pecking your nose softly, "I think I'll enjoy it even more now…"
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earlgreydream · 3 years
birthdays (2).
| draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
anon requested. part 2 to birthdays & .draco loving taking y/n from behind because he loves her back dimples
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“I love our forever.” 
You grinned at Draco, rolling down the passenger window of your car. You’d been driving down the coast, enjoying the sunshine of the summer. You’d been together since his birthday, and now you were enjoying the summer warmth after six months together, the beginning of your forever. 
“Be careful, please, my love,” Draco glanced at you as you moved off of the seat, the top half of your body climbing out the window. He wrapped his hand around your calf as you sat on the door, trying to feel less nervous about the danger you were putting yourself in. 
You held onto the handle on the inside of the roof, leaning back and letting the wind whip through your hair and clothes. Draco smiled at the sound of your delighted laughter, letting you hang out the window a while longer.
You crawled back in the car when you neared your destination, Draco slowing down as he pulled off of the coastal highway, into a neighbourhood of beach houses. 
The sun was setting as the two of you entered your summer home. You giggled as Draco carried you inside like a bride, kissing your lips delicately. The bags magically appeared inside, allowing Draco to carry you straight to bed.
“Eager?” You asked, biting back a grin.
“I’ve been in the car for hours with you, I just want to get inside your panties.”
You gasped at his words, only making the blonde grin. He dropped you on the bed, and the two of you stripped out of your clothes as quickly as possible. You took a minute to admire the beach view outside, smiling as you laid on soft white sheets.
“I love it here.”
“Me too. And I’m going to make love to you here.”
You smiled at his comment, pulling him down onto the bed with you. His lips pushed against yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You moaned as his hands smoothed up your body, feeling your curves under his loving touch.
“Draco,” you whispered as he kissed down your body. His silver eyes flashed up to you when he heard his name.
“I love you.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I love you too.”
Draco knelt forward and kissed you, holding your face in his delicate hands. He grinned into the kiss, making your heart melt.
With Draco, it was safe, and full of love.
“I want you on your tummy,” Draco hummed as his lips bruised the delicate skin under your jaw.
“Excuse me?”
He flipped your body so your chest was against the bed.
“Draco?” You pushed up, your back hitting his chest. He kissed down your spine, his lips curving into a smile at the base.
“I love to see the dimples in your back.”
You stilled, relaxing and ceasing your struggle as he kissed the little dimples. You were confused about him wanting you facing away, but your heart softened as he admired you below him.
Breath caught in your throat as his kisses moved between your legs, your back arched with you on your knees.
“I-I thought you wanted to see my dimples,” you stammered, losing your ability to speak clearly as his tongue teased at your tight ring of muscles and bundle of nerves.
“I want to taste you first.”
A rosy blush spread through your body, and you hid your face in the sheets. Draco didn’t stop until you were squealing, gripping the bedding and writhing. He held your legs, keeping you from escaping the stimulation as he gently pulled your clit between his teeth.
“Draco!” You shouted as the pressure snapped, sending tremors of heat through your entire body. You panted, trying to catch your breath as he released you, teasingly biting the soft swell of your ass. You giggled and tried to smack him away, twisting your body.
“No, no, I need to get inside of you,” he held you down and knelt behind you. 
His hands smoothed up and down your back as he took you from behind. Your eyes rolled back at the feeling of being full, and you smiled as Draco’s fingers traced over the dips in your back. 
“I love you, beautiful,” he whispered as he kissed the back of your shoulder. You melted as you stretched around him, the feeling of him inside of you so familiar now. 
“I love you too,” you sighed, a moan following your blissed-out words. He rolled his hips forward against your ass, stars sparking across your vision as he brushed the sensitive spots inside of you. 
“Come again, sweetheart, want to feel you squeezing around me,” he encouraged, snaking his hand under you and teasing your oversensitive nerves with his skilled fingers. 
It didn’t take any more convincing, and Draco stilled your hips against his as you tightened around him, sending him tumbling into pleasure right alongside of you. Your name echoed off of the walls in his heady british accent as he came, his grip faintly bruising your ass.
With a simple spell, the two of you were clean and curled up on the covers. You were slotted against his side, your head gently resting on his chest. His fingertips ghosted up and down your arm. It was silent except for your breathing and the gentle waves lapping at the shore outside. 
You felt him kiss your head, making a smile spread across your face.
“So, how will we spend our first summer of forever?” Draco asked, pulling you to lay on top of his cool chest. 
“Living our romantic beach life,” you giggled between kisses. He smiled and brushed his nose against yours before pressing his lips to the space between your eyes.
After a night of sleep, you put on a soft white sweater and shorts, sitting on the beach with coffee. You and Draco watched the sun rise, sipping the coffee and feeling the breeze roll gently through your hair.  When it got too warm, you splashed in the shallow area of the ocean. You giggled and shrieked when Draco splashed you, running through the shallow water.
He scooped you up in his arms and ran with you, laughter exploding out of both of you. You were carried back up to the porch for dinner, sitting on the white-painted floorboards, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
“You’re everything I love and more.”
“Yeah?” you smiled as he kissed your cheek, humming a sound of approval. 
Your forever continued even after being in London in the fall for your jobs at the Ministry. You protected prophecies, and Draco worked under Hermione, your former classmate. 
Soon, it was Christmas time, and your home was decorated in lights and evergreen. Your cat curled up by the fire in the hearth, and your shared home smelled of hot chocolate and sugar cookies. 
“Happy Birthday, Draco!” Teddy Lupin giggled, running into his older cousin’s arms. The two of you watched him when you could, Draco wanting a relationship with Teddy, especially since the two of you didn’t have kids yet. 
“Thank you, Teddy,” Draco smiled, lifting the boy into his arms and kissing his cheek. 
“Coming to spend Christmas with us?” You giggled, gently combing your fingers through his wild hair. 
“Of course!”
“Why don’t you go ice some sugar cookies with Y/N?” Draco set him down. 
He ran into the kitchen, you following close behind. Draco kissed your head and watched you with his young cousin, thinking about what a great mother you’d be. You giggled at Teddy as he asked you for help to decorate the cookies you made. He sipped at hot chocolate, and doted on by Draco. He was great with Teddy, great with kids really. 
Once the sun was deep below the horizon, he helped Teddy to bed, curled up under heavy quilts that Narcissa had made.
“Goodnight, Teddy. I love you.”
“I love you too, Draco, and you Y/N!” 
You smiled softly and kissed his head, smiling. 
You and Draco sat on the couch some hours later, warming by the fire and snuggling. 
“Happy birthday, my love.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“A year of us, a year of our forever,” Draco kissed you fondly. 
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godwrecks · 4 years
can i req nsfw tsukishima x f reader with overstimulation, breedinng and belly bulge kink please? shsha i know it's so dirty but 👉👈
thank you in advance!
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𝗧𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮 - 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝘁
tags; breeding. belly bulge kink. overstimulation. degradation.
word count: 1.4k
Where you were tuned into the movie playing in front of you, Tsukki had turned to drawing circles on your thigh, slowly and methodically, like nearly everything he does. Though you didn’t question it, he was the one to recommend the movie, so it was odd for you to be more interested in it than him - usually it was the other way around, considering his peculiar choices.
The careful tracing of his calloused fingers morphed into a harsher motion, gripping your thigh as his hand continued moving further in, eventually reaching the waistband of your panties under the oversized sweater.
“Baby?” You looked at him questioningly, suspecting his intentions.
“Hm?” His answer was plain and dry despite him lifting up the fabric and exposing your stomach to the light breeze through the room. “What are you doing?” You chuckled sweetly, patting his head gently before weaving your fingers through his blond hair.
“What do you think?” He looked down at you with a sly smile, finally meeting your eyes. His pointer finger dragged painfully slowly down your abdomen, stopping at the lower portion where he pressed his palm flat against the skin.
“Tsukki, you’ve wanted to watch this movie before it even came out,” you raised your eyebrows, but you couldn’t deny you were entertaining the thought.
“And? I could be doing more important shit right now,” he whispered in your ear before nibbling your earlobe, a spot he knew would render you weak. You tried to utter another complaint, but his hot breath against your neck distracted you long enough for his hand to go unnoticed, at least until he found your clit. You quickly grabbed onto his shoulders, biting down your lip to muffle the moans threatening to spill. He was a master when it came to using his fingers, there was no doubt about it. The teasing, slow circling around your clit could drive you to absolute ruins, and the man was too well aware of it.
“You know what I’ve been thinking?” His voice was husky and raw, so unlike the soft touch of his fingers as he spread your folds open, venturing to where you clenched around emptiness, aching for more.
“W-what, Tsukki?” You managed to gaze up at him right before he leaned down further against you, forcing you to lay down beneath him on the couch. Within a few seconds of pushing his digits past your tightness, your back arched in pleasure as he curled his fingers inside you, reaching a sensitive area. “Not there, please.”
Your pathetic whimper was nothing but music to his ears, a plea he would not care to listen. “Not there, baby? You seem to enjoy it so much, though,” the corners of his mouth lifted as he fingered you even faster, making sure to plunge his fingers deep enough.
“Please,” you gritted your teeth and your legs began to tremble, a familiar tightness already pulling on your lower abdomen.
Tsukishima gave you nothing but a fake pout as he looked down at you, running his free hand through your hair to hold you in place. “You’re gonna come for me, won’t you? That’s what my pretty mutt does,” his mocking tone had your eyes go glassy with tears, but your cunt clamped down on his fingers as you began covering them in your cum. Screams echoed through the room as you rode your high on his hand, soon turning into weak sobs when he moved onto your sensitive clit, stroking it much too harshly for your current state.
“No, please, no more,” you swallowed back in panic, holding onto his arm in hopes he’d stop, that he’d take pity on you.
“No more, princess?” He repeated back to you as if you were too dumb to understand what you were requesting, but the light caressing of his knuckles against your cheek was delicate, enough so to make you lean into his touch as you nodded. “I see what you want, then,” he hummed, lowering down his sweatpants to where his cock sprung out. “Dumb whore wants my cock, is that right?” He let out a laugh - a deep, dark laugh that sent your thighs shutting closed.
Tsukishima clicked his tongue disapprovingly, forcing them apart like it was nothing. “Behave,” it was all he grumbled before his cock slid inside you in a powerful thrust, filling you to the brim. Fingernails digging into the skin of his shoulders, you cried out for him to give you time to adjust, though he always managed to mold your pussy into the perfect shape for him. He leaned down enough for your lips to brush together, though he didn’t kiss you. “Will you keep being a brat, or do you want me to breed you full, hm?”
When he pulled out all the way to the tip just to ram back in and gain a rhythm, the closeness of your mouths didn’t allow you to differentiate where your moans ended and where his begam. All you knew was that his cock inside you was the closest to perfection you’d ever get.
“No...I’ll behave for you,” it was difficult to even muster a sentence when he managed to reach your every spot with each of his thrusts. “So, please, please fill me up, please breed me,” you panted pathetically, the lewd sound of your pussy sucking him back in making you flush with shame.
And he loved it, he loved every part of it and every part of you. His small and arrogant snicker was completely overshadowed by his abdomen rubbing against your clit each time he drove in. Tsukishima immediately noticed your incoming orgasm when you held on tighter to him, hooking your leg on his shoulder and stretching you so he could get you there the way he wanted to. “You gonna cum, baby? I know you are, little one, so cum with me,” he grunted as his hips stuttered in their path, his pace becoming random and sporadic. But you barely noticed, too drunk from your cunt spasming around his cock, beginning to drip with cum when you both felt it wash over you - the pure ecstasy only this could make you feel.
Tsukki’s eyes were glued onto your belly, watching it bulge as you milked every last bit of cum from him. His large palm pushed against it, and you felt him twitch inside you. “There it is. You look so pretty stuffed with my cum, baby. Bet you’d just love for me to actually breed you, huh?”
When he jostled forward to tap into your sensitive spot, your hands flew to your face to cover it. Not wanting his view to be ruined, Tsukishima ripped them apart from your flushed cheeks, grinding against your clit. You gasped at the friction, much too tender now for his roughness. “What do you think, baby? You’re such a good little slut, you wouldn’t even put up a fight if I got you pregnant right now,” he laughed crudely, rocking his hips hard enough for your eyes to roll back to your skull. With your tongue leaping out, he took it upon himself to fill your dirty mouth as well, pressing his fingers against your tongue and tapping, instructing you to suck on them. “There you go, pretty girl, I’m close,” raising your other leg, he used the armrest of the couch as leverage, picking up into a brutal pace while he watched his cock disappear inside you with every squelch.
You couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t resist the orgasm rippling through you, and soon enough, over him. With messy babbles, drooling all over his fingers, you begged him to stop - but it was too late, you were already squirting all over his cock. “You’re gushing all around me, that excited?” Tsukishima grinned, having sent you over the edge. He slowly pulled out, the creamy liquid falling down both your thighs and onto the couch. Leaning down, he peppered several kisses over your bloated tummy, kneading it softly before he sat you up and held you in his arms.
You collapsed next to him, trying to regain your scattered breaths. It was only until a few minutes had passed while he slowly rubbed your back that you looked up at him. “I’m gonna need a Plan B, you know,” you joked, kissing his cheek.
“Or you could just let it be, you know I’d love that,” he offered instead, fully serious despite his cocky smile.
“I know you would way too much.”
definitely hated the way i wrote this, but i hope you at least enjoyed it somewhat. thank you so much for the request <3
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enbyprentiss · 4 years
Genre: Smut, so NSFW, straight filth babes
Pairing: Sub!Spencer x Fem!Dom!Reader
Warnings: implied masturbation (male), nudes (male), spanking, oral (female receiving), mommy kink, implication of safe word (though it’s not used), praise kink, like one sentence of degradation, baby Spencer being adorable in skirts, and super fluffy aftercare
Spencer was usually such a good boy. Always aiming to please, desperate for any type of praise. So, Y/N was surprised when she opened Spencer’s text. 
Spence<3: attachment- 1 image
In the photo, he was slightly propped up with cum splattered across his little tummy and chest. 
Spence<3: i made a mess, mommy☺️
Y/N: you are in for it when i get home
As soon as Spencer heard the front door click shut, he couldn’t help but buzz with excitement. When Y/N, entered their shared bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of their bed in his lavender pleated skirt, his adorable little sweater paws, and the most innocent look in his eyes. He really did know how to drive her crazy. 
She ducked down and connected their lips together softly and for just a second she though about giving in to him, “You look so pretty, baby. But, you know what happens to brats, don’t you?”
He pouted despite this being exactly what he wanted, “They get punished.”
“That’s right. Safe word?”
“Telescope.”, ugh, he’s so cute.
She patted on her lap, silently instructing him to lay on his tummy across it. He gave her his best puppy dog eyes but he couldn’t help but follow her orders. Y/N flipped his skirt up and rubbed gently across his cute little ass before bringing her hand upward and back down harshly, making him yelp in surprise. She repeated this action about 15 times, “Where’d my good boy go, Spencer? Hmm?”
Tears pricked his soft brown eyes, “I’m sorry, mommy! I’ll be good for you! Promise!”
“You better.”, she smacked him one more time, “Hate punishing my sweet boy.”, Y/N helped him sit back up, “Aw, look at you. My teary baby.”
She wiped his tears away and kissed him gently, “I think you deserve a reward for being so good during punishment, don’t you think?”
“Yes, please.”, he beamed at her while nodding eagerly. 
He gazed at her, amazed as she stripped before him. She pushed him against the plush pillows at the head of the bed, straddling his hips and rocking back and forth against his skirt covered cock. 
“You can touch, baby.”, and with that permission he held her flush against him kissing and nipping the valley between her breasts, switching enveloping each one in his mouth. After a few minutes of relishing his actions, she needed more so she moved to straddle her hips over his face. His pupils practically consumed his whole irises as she lowered downwards. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, kitten licking at her clit, making a quiet moan slip from her lips. 
She ground against his face slightly, “Fuck--doing so good for me baby boy.”
He hummed with his lips wrapped around her, sending the vibrations throughout her body. And more curses left her lips. She gripped his soft brown curls, and rocked against his pretty little face with more vigor, taking more control. Before she knew it, she was reaching her high. Legs shaking slightly, eyes rolled back, and strangled moans pouring out of her throat. Spencer felt his cock throb and his skirt grow wet. He just couldn’t help it, she just looked so--ethereal when she came. Y/N lifted her hips off of him when the overstimulation became too much, she leaned down kissing him again and tasted hints of herself on her tongue. 
When she pulled back, she noticed the blush that was spread across his cheeks. And she had a feeling as to why. Low and behold she was correct in her suspicions, seeing the wet patch that darkened the skirt a deeper shade of purple. 
“Sorry, mommy.”, he muttered with a slightly ashamed expression. 
“Don’t be embarrassed sweet boy. It’s ok. I’m not mad.”, she covered his face with light kisses, eliciting adorable giggles from him that sounded like music to her ears, “Let’s get you cleaned up. I’ll be right back ok?”
He nodded with a small smile on his pink lips. She disappeared into the bathroom to get sweet scented lotion for his reddened bottom and baby wipes to clean him up. 
When she came back, Spencer’s eyes looked heavy as he laid back, “Spencer-”, he whined, “You can’t sleep all raw and sticky, honey.”
He propped himself up on his elbows, lifting his hips when she moved to take his pretty skirt off and sat up more when she pulled his sweater over his head. After wiping him clean, he turned over as he already knew the routine. Y/N left a small trail of kisses down his spine, rubbing lotion over his tender ass. 
He hissed slightly at the pressure but settled into the cool feeling of the lotion, “Thank you, mommy.”, he muttered sleepily. 
“You’re welcome, baby. Love you.”
Once she was done, he cuddled up against her chest, “Love you too, Y/N.”, his speech was slightly slurred now. Y/N pulled the soft covers over them, combing her fingers through his hair as his breathing steadied until her own eyelids fluttered closed. 
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
(10) Bucky and The Bed
Chapter 9
Bucky and The Bed Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (cis)fem!reader
Words: 4800+
Summary: You and Bucky are stranded in the middle of a snowy nowhere when there is an ‘electronic blackout’ during your mission. With no back ups or any way to contact your team, you take refuge from the worsening weather in the only cabin you find  in miles. Not to mention, with no power, Bucky has become your personal heater and there’s only one bed.
Chapter type: Fluff. Pure smut. soft!smut. soft!Bucky.
Chapter/Trigger warning: Smut. 18+ only please. Language. Unprotected sex (this is fanfiction. Please be safe in reality). Slight breeding kink if you squint like really really hard.
A/N: This is supposedly the final chapter with the ending I had in mind. The epilogue will be up in a couple of days max. Hope you like it!
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"You sure, Bucky?" You asked, fingers scratching the nape of his neck. "We can wait for as long as you need."
Bucky encircled his metal hand around your palm and brought it to his lips, kissing it. "I'm ready Y/N."
You nodded. "If you need to slow down or simply stop at any moment, just say so, alright?"
Bucky smiled. He didn't doubt for a moment that you wouldn't slow down or stop if he asked too. "Of course. You too, Y/N."
Leaning forward, Bucky captured your lips with his. Kissing softly but insistently, he curved his arms around you once again. One hand stroked your back while the other caressed your thighs. He desperately hoped that it wasn't a dream. That this wasn't a figment of his imagination which only felt real. Bucky pulled back but kept your foreheads touching.
"Say it again. Please," 
His eyes were closed. All of his attention was solely focused on his hearing, wishing to only listen to those words in your voice, directed only to him.
"I love you." You pulled back only enough to kiss Bucky on his forehead. 
"I love you." You kissed both of his closed eyes one by one. The creases on his forehead were gone. His eyes were still closed, not from anticipation but in comfort.
"I love you, James Buchanan Barnes." You pressed kisses all over his cheek unhurriedly. Bucky further relaxed into your touch. His lips slowly widened into a grin as he opened his eyes. You could see his mind registering the words for a second time, confirming that none of it was a measly dream. That all of it was now his reality.
"You do?" He titled his head as he softly asked.
His contagious enthusiasm took you in its hold too, you face breaking into a grin as wide as his. "Mhmm. A lot."
Bucky touched your noses and sighed in content, "I love you too, Y/N."
Your heart gave a flutter. You were sure no matter how much time passed, you would always have the same reaction to him saying those words to you. You didn't get much time to dwell on that thought though. Drawing your lips in a luscious kiss, Bucky tightened his arms around you, securing you in his hold.
A tentative lick on your bottom lip and you opened your mouth. The strong wet muscle of his tongue played with yours. Sliding over, stroking, circling the tip of your tongue, tempting it to dance to the song of love and pleasure with him. His metal hand kneaded the cheek of your butt, guiding the salacious grind of your hips on his. 
Keeping you tight and close to himself, he slowly lowered you on your back, adjusting until a pillow was secured under your head. Your body was trapped in between his broad form and the bed. There was no place else you'd rather be. One of his muscular arms was balancing his body mass beside your head; he was careful not to put all of his weight on you. You loved feeling him on top of you, craved feeling his body covering yours, shielding it from everything and everyone except himself.
The warm amber from the fireplace casted a honey-suckle glow in the atmosphere, covering everything it touched in its golden glaze. The conflagrant flames shimmied inside the brick structure with the same tranquility which had settled over the pair of souls lost in each other's love. Unforgiving, biting cold winds roared outside the huge windows, whizzing past the cabin and leaving rattling sounds in the background in its wake. But it couldn't penetrate the bubble the lovers had wrapped themselves in. As far as they were concerned, it was only them, their hands, their kisses, their love, the bed and the warmth surrounding them that mattered.
It felt nothing short of lovely, his hands gliding up and down your sides as he kissed you lovingly. Your arms were curled around his shoulders, keeping the sweet super soldier close to you. Every time your fingers scratched the short hair at the nape of his neck, the burly man would almost purr in your mouth in ecstasy. His love and warmth seeped deep into your bones, warming you up from the inside.
One of his hands caught the hem of your thick sweater, lazily pulling it up and off your body. You helped him get rid of his layers too, mentally drooling as his sexy body was revealed to you bit by bit. 
As Bucky made to push the oversized undershirt off you, the last of the clothing which hid your top half from his gaze, he slid down your body until his face rested on the round of your stomach. His lips pressed long warm kisses on every inch of your unveiled skin as he pushed the flimsy material up your body with a slow drag of his hands.
His eyes connected with yours confidently as kissed your middle and proceeded upwards. Your eyes followed his movements with a heated gaze, your chest rising and falling with the deep breaths you had to intake so as to not lose yourself completely into temptation. 
After a few long moments he finally reached your breasts, his hands pushing the cloth over the sexy swell of them. His lips pressed similar long kisses all over them, purposefully avoiding giving attention to the one specific place you needed it the most. There was a teasing glint in his eyes. He sucked the delicate skin as his lips roamed over it, but never once did he pay any heed to your hardened peaks.
His kisses trailed to the valley of your breasts and soon his face was burried in between them. He kissed your sternum before resting his head sideways on your swells. His large palms cupped your breasts, gently fondling and squeezing them. He loved the softness and the weight of your breasts in his palms. He started kissing around your cleavage, his lips still teasing in their stride. 
Clutching his hair you tugged at it, trying to direct his head towards your peaks. With a low moan lost on your skin, Bucky finally took a nipple in the moist heat of his mouth. Ecstasy filled your veins when his tongue made contact with it, the cool wetness of his tongue soothing the painfully hard nipple. 
His tongue went round and round around the bud, coating it in its wetness. Bucky lightly sucked on it, making you arch your back to push yourself further into his mouth. The tip of his tongue played skillfully with it. He loved your taste on his tongue. The other half of your body wasn't forgotten. Bucky gently rolled your other peak with his fingers, tenderly pressing it only enough to make you feel good. You shut your eyes tight at the feel, basking in the pleasure his simple touches sent through you.
Not much later, the undershirt was soon lifted off your form. Bucky and you proceeded to get you out of your respective sweats. It only resulted in a huge mess of entangled blankets and legs and bottoms which refused to let go of your ankles. Chuckles fleeted in the quiet room as you and Bucky overcame the few seconds of inconvenience. Bucky didn’t waste anymore time and picked up right where he had left off.
Trailing slow, affectionate kisses from your chest to your abdomen, Bucky gave a quick peck to your tummy and settled himself in between your legs. He couldn't not rain down small kisses on the insides of your thighs as he hooked your legs on his shoulders, all the while keeping a sensuous eye contact with you. 
His broad tongue lapped a long trail from your slit to your clit until it caught your bundle of nerves. His tongue rolled around the sensitive pearl, sending blazing sensations down your nerves.
The taste of your arousal was something forever delicious to Bucky. He couldn't get enough of it. His tongue toyed with your clit while his fingers collected some of your slick and gathered in front of your entrance. The rough pad of his finger massaged your entrance in short strokes but never entered you.
It took you a while to realize that Bucky loved teasing. He loved watching you keening for his touch, hearing your whimpers, knowing that you needed him to satiate your desires, to exploit you the way you needed to be. You didn't know if that turned you on more or frustrated you.
He sucked on your clit, but still didn't relent, his fingers still teasing your entrance. You needed him inside you. Bucky knew that too, but he wanted to tease you some more.
"Bucky…" you mewled, tugging at his hair to signal that you needed him to move. That seemed to do the trick, because with a hearty groan Bucky plunged one finger inside your core. Perhaps tugging at his hair was his weak point, you concluded from then and previous experiences.
Bucky was careful to start slow, wanting to make you wet enough to enjoy it. His finger pummeled into you leisurely, giving your insides a taste of what was to come. Not sooner than later he carefully inserted a second digit when he thought you were wet enough.
You keened at the stretch, liking how his large fingers filled you. His pace increased as he continued to bring pleasure to you. His warm tongue pressed against your clit, swirling it this way and that. He paused every so often to lap your arousal from your drenched pussy greedily.
Bucky loved the moans that fell out of your mouth. It boosted his ego to know that he was the one to make you mewl needily. They were a melody to his ears in the truest fashion. The thought of drawing out those moans from you when he would impale you on his cock sent a rush of blood to his hardening member constrained painfully in his pants.
Hungry to taste more, feel more, Bucky doubled his efforts. His fingers inside you curled in the angle that he knew would make you see stars. His tongue, strong and wet, worked your bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pressure and pace you needed to come undone. He moaned along with you, his vibrations sending waves of pleasure through you.
Your back arched off the bed, your moans growing in volume. Fingers grasped his hair tightly as you pushed his head closer to you, grinding your core against his face shamelessly. Your release was near and you were eager to claim it. 
With eyes tightly shut and a lewd groan of his name, you were finally pushed over the edge. Your orgasm came crashing down, rolling through you in waves. Your legs on Bucky's shoulder tightened, heels digging into his back and thighs nearly clenching his head. Bucky wouldn't have had it any other way. He didn't stop, letting the sensations he gave you prolong your pleasure as much as he could. 
When the waves rolling through you seemed to subside, Bucky let go of your legs and sat back on his knees, smiling gleefully. Your wetness shone on his lips and around his mouth, but he didn't give a damn. He climbed on the bed and over your form, admiring the blissed out expression on your face.
You opened your eyes when his fingers tucked the stray strands of hair behind your ear. "It was lovely, Bucky," you said breathlessly.
He licked his lips, his smile widening, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, doll."
Pushing his chest you rolled him over, making him lay on his back. You said with a smirk. "It's your turn to have some fun." 
With a quick peck to his lips, you slid down the bed and between his spread legs. Your palms rubbed his thighs as you balanced yourself on your knees.
Bucky groaned with need when you pulled down his pants and his cock bobbed in front of your face. It was thick and heavy and leaked a few drops of precum. 
You licked your lips at the sight, thirsty only for him. A sharp breath left him when you took his thick base in your hand. Adding a little wetness to your palms, you stroked him slowly at first. It was enough to itch the desire, but not enough to satisfy. It was evident on his face.
You wanted to tease him as he had teased you. You kept the pace slow with both your hands stimulating him, adding a bit more wetness every now and then. Bits of his precum dribbled down his head and fell on your fingers that were curled around him. Oh, he was excited alright.
Raising on your knees, you didn't give him the time to anticipate your move when you pressed a long wet kiss to the little slit on his head. His hand shot forward to your head instinctively, grasping your hair tightly. He applied the littlest amount of pressure, but you relented, the need to taste him far greater than watching him suffer a little longer.
Bucky let out a loud moan as the heat of your mouth enveloped his painfully hard length. Your tongue came to his aid, soothing the pain away as you licked him. He didn't know whether to push your head or pull it when your tongue swirled around his sensitive head, paying special attention to his slit. You liked feeling him withering as you rained down overwhelming sensations on his bulbous head. 
"Y/N, fuck-" Bucky groaned, his eyes shutting tight in bliss. You inwardly grinned. 
Leaving his head for the moment, you let his cock out of your mouth with a pop. Your tongue traced the veins protruding on his length, tilting your head this way and that to get all the angles. Bucky sighed in ecstasy. 
Few moments later you took him back inside your mouth, bobbing your head up and down his cock. You took him as far as you could, your palm stroking the rest of him. His cock was heavy on your tongue and you absolutely loved it.
You hollowed in your cheeks soon. Judging by the breathy moan that left Bucky, he enjoyed it a lot. You flicked your wrist as you stroked him, gripping his length a tad more tightly.
His cock hit the back of your throat every now and then as you tried to take him deeper than the last time, small gagging noises escaping your throat. You moaned when his hold tightened on your hair. The vibrations sent Bucky afloat. You fondled his balls with your hand, rolling them in your palm and tugging them slightly. He moaned deliciously. 
Bucky wondered that if the heat of your mouth felt so wonderful, how good would the heat of your pussy feel wrapped around his cock? He couldn't help but groan at the imagination, his member growing somewhat harder inside your mouth. 
Your ministrations brought him to the brink of an orgasm. It wasn't long before he was tipped over the edge with the sinful play of your hands and mouth. He tried to warn you that he was about to cum. You took him out of your mouth but kept his head inside, your lips sealing around it. He groaned hoarsely as he released on your tongue, his bittersweet taste filling overtaking your tastebuds.
When his orgasm had passed, you gently let him go. Climbing the bed, you laid beside him.  Turning his head, he panted heavily as he said, "That was - breathtaking, doll,"
You grinned at the appreciation, your hands automatically finding their place in the crook of his neck, "And you were delicious." You made a show of licking your lips with hooded eyes.
Chuckling, Bucky rolled over you, instantly taking your lips in a heated kiss. He didn't need to ask for permission this time as your tongue chased his instead and played with it. It was an enticing mess of dancing lips and clashing teeth and playful tongues. Bucky's length hadn't gone completely soft yet, laying half hard against your thigh. Though it didn't take long before he was fully hard again. 
When you broke away, you found his ocean grey eyes looking into you. "Are you ready?" He asked.
You couldn't do anything else but nod. "I am, Bucky. Are you?" You asked without any hint of judgement in your voice. Your hand stroked his cheek, "We can stop anytime you want. Anytime. I stand by it. I won't be mad at all, I promise. We have all the time in the world for you to be comfortable, Bucky."
Bucky's heart thumped hard in the confines of his ribcage at the thought of what was to come. It made him equal parts nervous and excited. He was ready, he didn't doubt that. But that didn't mean it wasn't an important step in your relationship. It had also been so long for him, he worried about not disappointing you. 
He tried not to think anymore and only concentrate on the moment he was in. It was only him and you on the bed, in the same place he and you had confessed to each other, about to make love for the first time. It made him completely vulnerable in a wholly different manner, but he trusted you and you trusted him. You loved him and he loved you. It was all that mattered.
Bucky nodded, giving you a sweet kiss. "I'm ready." 
Gripping his base, Bucky stroked his cock a handful of times before lining it up with your center. He rubbed his cock through your folds, collecting your slick and coating himself in it. Foreheads touching, Bucky breathed hard in anticipation before taking the final step.
With a shuddering breath, he directed himself inside you. The blunt head of his cock entered you slowly. Hands tightening around his shoulders, you burried your head in the crook of his neck with a gasp, your eyes shut tight.
"Are you okay?" Bucky asked, worried about your reaction.
Despite the nakedness and your past actions, your cheeks flushed for a different reason. "It's been a while for me too, Bucky. I just wasn't expecting you to be...so thick. But I'm good, I promise. Please, please continue."
Oh lord, was he thick in the truest sense. You had known he was girthy, but you never thought he'd stretch you so good and make you feel so full, that too only with his head. You keened thinking about what all of him would feel inside you. You unknowingly clenched around him.
Bucky buried his head in your neck too, your tightness overwhelming him. Hot puffs of air hit your ear. His hands stayed by your head. One of his palms tenderly stroked your hair in a comforting manner, in a way calming himself too.
Inch by inch he gradually worked himself in. "Fuck- feels so good," He let out a broken moan as your heat enveloped him, involuntarily clenching him from time to time. Being inside you felt heavenly. 
Gradually Bucky was seated fully inside you, your pussy engulfing his cock wholly. "Ah, Bucky, fuck," The feel of his thick cock stretching your walls and filling you to the hilt was glorious.
"Relax baby," Bucky soothingly whispered in your ear. He slowly rolled his hips to get you accustomed to his girth. Listening to his advice, you took in deep breaths to calm yourself mentally. Automatically your body followed suit, your walls relaxing around him. Bucky was thankful for it, or else he knew he would have come much sooner than he initially thought he would.
"Move, Bucky," you pleaded. 
Bucky drew back, slowly entering your again and then repeating. The pace was set slow as he simply enjoyed the feeling of you surrounding him.
Soft moans and whimpers left you and him in the quiet of the cabin. It felt nothing short of amazing, the drag of his hard cock against your sensitive spots. The throbbing of the veins on his cock could be felt against your walls, the combination of it all sending your senses dancing.
It was lovely to say the least, his body covering yours, his bare skin brushing against your own as he rocked into you leisurely. He laid in between your spread legs, balanced on his forearms by your head. A part of his body was leaning on you, his weight on your form grounding you to him. 
Bucky pressed a long, loving kiss to your forehead. The moment was nothing short of magical to say the least. He was the closest he could get to you, both mentally and physically. Your bodies were conjoined as he made sweet love to you. 
With the eager desperation satiated with your first orgasms, reaching the end was lost in the back of your minds. You and Bucky only wanted to focus on the journey instead, simply feeling each other and the love you shared. 
He was in love with the entirety of your existence.
He rocked into you with the same leisurely pace as before, relishing in the feels as he felt one and the same with you. His lips littered kisses down your face, starting with your closed eyelids, down your cheeks and to your lips. 
The kiss was slow and soft, filled to the brim with love and affection. Bucky smiled into the kiss, his heart immensely happy to be totally and completely free and open with you. He didn't need to downplay or hide his true feelings any longer. He could kiss your pretty lips when he wanted, he could love you when he wanted, shower you with affection when he wanted. Along with all that, he would also receive your love without any limitations. What was not to love about this change in your relationship?
You smiled along with him, loving that softness he treated you with. You knew he could be rough when you needed him to be, and it was the best part, that you and him could adjust somewhat easily to each other's needs as and when required. 
His plump lips kissed you just like his thrusts, slow but immensely passionate. It was sensual and sensational. You knew you would remember this moment forever. It would be framed in your brain just as it was, beautiful and irreplaceable, being replayed again and again, touching all the soft corners of your heart.
His lips moved down to your neck, littering soft kisses all over your skin. You craned your neck to give him more space. Seeking the sensitive spot below your ear, sucking and nipping at the delicate skin, he left his mark all over you. His lips travelled down to your clavicle, giving it the same affectionate treatment. You moaned at the sensations rolling through you.
While his lips adorned your neck with kisses and hickeys, his hands roamed every nook and cranny of your body lovingly, caressing you. Occasionally, his palms would cup your breasts, fondling the round swells and squeezing them delicately. It felt exquisite. His touch ignited you from the inside, leaving a warmth in its wake, brandishing your skin with his deep love, leaving only his name to be moaned on your lips.
Your fingers were entangled in the mess of short hair at the back of his head, raking through the strands. Bucky purred into your skin, feeling elated. 
His hands sought yours, wanting every inch of his skin to be flush with yours. In the manner of a passionate lover, his fingers intertwined with yours, your hands fitting into each other as if they were meant to be from the beginning. He brought your conjoined hands up, beside your head. A little more of his weight was leaning onto you now, and you loved every second of it. 
Nothing could have been more perfect in that moment. The two of you were drunk on each other. The atmosphere smelled of sex and tasted of adoration. His naked body moved along with yours in harmony brushing every inch of bare skin. A bubble of love and trust, of peace and bliss wrapped the pair of you in it's lush, protective hold. Bucky thrust into you passionately, not just to attain the sweet release of the end but to enjoy the journey along with you, to sear the moment in your memories, to cherish and treasure you as you deserved to be. It was a perfect combination of love and lust.
You didn't know for how long you continued like that. All that mattered was you had enjoyed it with him. 
His thrusts gradually gained some speed. Soon he was pummeling into you harder than before, touching all those spots inside you which made your nerves sing. He didn't go as hard or fast as he could have, but enough to itch the desire within you.
"Just like that, Bucky…" you moaned.
Bucky complied by grinding his hips into yours, his pubic bone providing the perfect stimulation for your bundle of nerves. Moans left him as well when he felt you clenching his cock. It only made him rock into you harder.
"You're - ah - make me gonna cum, doll." He said. He was sure his precum was already leaking inside you.
"Then let go, Bucky. Cum inside me."
You might as well have given him a heart stroke then and there.
With choked moans, Bucky focused on holding out, determined to make you come before him. He increased his efforts until he had brought you to the brink of your orgasm. Your pussy was clenching his cock so tightly, he understood you were close to your edge. He made himself keep going until he tipped you over the edge.
Your orgasm came crashing down on you in powerful waves. Jagged breaths left you along with sinful moans of Bucky's name.
As your walls pulsated around Bucky, he couldn't hold back any longer. With a hoarse cry of your name, Bucky came inside you.
He wasn't yet done with you though. 
One of his hands coursed down your body until he found your clit. He massaged your bundle of nerves to pleasure you while not letting the desire die down. Rolling the pearl between his fingers, he never let his pace falter but only increased it substantially.
His cock was still hard inside you. Not as hard as before, but enough to make it work. Balancing himself on his knees, Bucky wrapped your legs around his waist before pummeling into you with abandon. 
"Bucky, yes!" You moaned, your blood rushing inside your veins with pleasure.
A carnal desire overtook him, invoking a similar response in you. Your hips lifted of their own accord to meet his hips thrust for thrust, the craving for a second release growing inside you too.
He rocked into you much harder and faster than before, so much so that the bed thudded hard against the wall. A distinct thumping sound along with the creaking of the bed could be heard beside your moans - which were already quite loud. You loved the transition Bucky made from soft to rough in the blink of an eye.
You thanked the lord that there were no neighbours around you, or else they would have had a very good idea of how good you and Bucky were doing each other. 
He leaned down to capture your lips in a heated, open mouthed kiss. Your noses bumped into each other as you kissed wetly and noisily. You breathed the same air, the common goal of reaching the end blaring in your minds. Squelching sounds filled the room as Bucky fucked your cum drenched pussy.
All the sensations flowing through your body overwhelmed you. It didn't take long for another orgasm to claim you. This one was much more powerful than the last time. You came with a shuddering breath, your legs shaking from the sheer force of it, pleasure blazing through your veins.
Bucky was not far behind, cuming in short bursts inside the heat of your pussy, his thick cum adding on to the load already inside you. Hoarse moans left him, his eyes contorting in pleasure. 
Panting heavily, his body sagged over yours, but he was careful not to crush you with his weight. He carefully pulled himself out of you. His forehead was leaning against yours. Both your eyes were still shut from bliss and exhaustion. Your hands were resting on his shoulders and around his neck. Giddy, satisfied smiles played on both your lips as you calmed down from the high. 
Bucky would have lazed about for longer if it wasn't for the horrified gasp that left your throat a few moments later. Preparing for the worst, Bucky opened his eyes and followed your gaze to the bedside table. The torch projected a divergent beam of white light on the opposing wall. It meant only one thing.
FRIDAY had solved the blackout problem!
If that was true, then-
Bucky scrambled for the comms kept beside the torch in a hurry. Handing you one of them, Bucky quickly put the other in his ear and rushed breathlessly, "This is Sergeant Barnes. Does anyone copy?"
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The divider is made by @writeyourmindaway
{Extra scenes #1 (right after ch. 10) ~ just for fun which I hadn’t intended on adding. You can skip to the epilogue and come back to it later if you wish}
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btsficsforthehumble · 3 years
more than you will ever know
pairing: reader x Taehyung
genre: idol au; smut, fluff
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: Taehyung wakes you up after he gets home from a long day at work.
Warnings: Waking up to sexual touching, oral sex (fem receiving), handjob, penetrative sex
A/N: They are so in love that it’s sick, read at your own digression hehe
“Jesus Christ Tae.”
Your voice is harsh as your words rush out of your mouth.
His long fingers circle your clit one more time over your underwear, as he hovers above you with a smirk he knows would get your panties soaked. I mean, who could blame you? 
Your boyfriend has the features of a Greek god, with just the perfect amount of imperfections. His bangs couldn’t hide the playful sparkle in his eyes. He knows how he affects you and at the moment, you weren’t sure if that was a blessing or a curse. 
He had just woken you up, having gotten home from a late night of studio recording hours after you had passed out from the stresses of your own day. You had planned to wait for him to get home, for a relaxing night of kdramas and ice cream, but your drooping eyelids had other plans. You had fallen asleep on your shared bed wearing only one of his large white tees and your panties.
He had obviously only gotten home only minutes ago, his loose brown pants tickling your legs where they had slotted in between yours. He still had his watch on and upon quick examination his sweater was thrown over the chair next to the bed. 
Knowing how tired he must be from his day, you were brought out of your lustful thoughts, instead worrying for him.
“Did you eat dinner babe? I can make you something quick, I don’t mind.”
His smile quickly transformed to one of honeyed warmth. 
“Yes, I ate. No, I don’t want you to make me something. You don’t need to worry about me, love.”
He twirls the end of a strand of your hair while his eyes stare into your own, conveying his love for you.
“No matter what you say I’m going to worry about you and you know that.”
His smile only deepens, eyes reflecting a wisdom that shines through beyond what you’d expect out of the playful man. He has told you a million times how adorable he finds your pouty face, and you can tell he is thinking the same thing this very moment.
“Trust me, I do. And I love you for it.” His deep voice rumbles quietly as he begins leaning forward, eyes focused on your lips.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and you lift your head slightly just to meet his lips just a fraction of a second sooner. 
As cliche as it sounds, when your lips met, all of your other thoughts seemed to seep to the edges of your conscience, to be examined later. You become swept up in his gentle firmness, the way his large hand cradles the back of your head as his soft lips caress your own. It felt like wrapped in his arms, you were as safe as you could possibly be. A sense of calm euphoria washes over you as he holds you in a way which reminds you of someone holding an object once treasured, that had been lost, only to be found again. Taehyung was the sentimental type, after all. 
His tongue gently sweeps across your lower lip, wanting to make the kiss deeper. You are quick to respond, parting your lips slightly. The hand that had cradled your head slowly moves down to the small of your back, allowing him to pull your pelvis flush with his. You feel impossibly close, yet you wiggle to get impossibly closer. 
It seemed he felt the same way, because his tongue enters your mouth to graze across the inside of your lip, then to flick over your own tongue. This incites a groan from the back of your throat that seems to spur him on, holding you even closer, if possible, and kissing you a little bit harder.
Because you always like to keep him on his toes, you quickly take control of the kiss inflicting the same treatment upon him. This time, he’s the one to let out a moan. It sends a chill of excitement down your spine as you can feel a deep rumble beginning in his chest. He pulls you upwards, now completely sitting in his lap, and places his hands on your hips to steady you. Your mouths still connected, you thread your fingers through his hair and give it a little tug. To your utter satisfaction, he lets out another grunt and pulls away, his eyes closed in pleasure. 
When they open, they see you giving him a cheeky smile that you know you’ll pay for in the best way possible. He lifts his eyebrow and gives you a smirk that makes a shot of excitement travel straight to your pussy. He takes his hands that were gripping your hips and pushes you against his hard dick, causing a whine to tumble out of you. 
“You think you can just sit there and be naughty without any consequences huh? I guess I’ll have to teach you then.” He whispers, leaning to speak directly next to your ear. His voice is low enough to make you squirm in an attempt to get any sort of relief. He feels you shifting and tsks, swiping his thumb back and forth on your upper thigh just to the side of where you want him so desperately.
You let out a soft whine, your puppy dog eyes making him go soft on you. He then slides his  thumb under your panties, rubbing slow circles over your clit. You let out a sigh of relief, your eyes closed in pleasure. His thumb then dips down further to gather some of the wetness that had accumulated near your entrance, sweeping back up to your clit. All you could do was rest your forehead on his shoulder, completely lost in the feeling of his rough digit over your sensitive nub. 
“You get so wet for me, baby. You’re perfect.” His dulcet tone had you raise your head to meet his eyes, shining with sincerity. You feel at that moment you couldn’t go a second longer without kissing him, so you lean forward to meet his lips that were still flushed from your earlier kisses. No one had ever made you feel as safe and loved as Tae did, especially encased in his arms as you were now. 
His movements under your panties hadn’t ceased; in fact, had only grown in speed. You pant out his name as your mouths part, lost in the feeling of his touch. 
At this, he pulled his hand out from your panties and lifted his shirt off of you, followed quickly by the one that had only moments ago been bunched in your hand against his tummy. 
You trace delicately lines down his chest, making him shiver slightly once you circle one of his dark nipples. You think that Taehyung is the most beautiful man you have ever seen. His body feels strong and powerful under your touch, but has soft edges that make you swoon. You are truly whipped for this man, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
He leans forward, meeting your lips in a quick peck before lowering you to lay flat on the bed. He moves backwards, allowing him to shimmy your (now drenched) panties off. He tosses them haphazardly on the floor, quickly shifting focus to your center that was in clear view as your legs were parted to allow him space. He lets out a low groan at the sight of your glistening pussy on display. You suck your bottom lip between your teeth, desperate for his touch once more.
“Please Tae. I need you.” You knew your voice was slightly whiny but you needed him. So. Bad.
At this, he leans forward to lie flat on his stomach, his arms hooking around your upper thighs from below to allow him to hold you close. 
“Relax baby. I’m right here.” His breath fans your wet folds as he speaks, making you let out another soft whine. He chuckles and then gives you a long lick from your seeping hole to your needy clit with the flat of his tongue.
“Fuck Taehyung!” The sudden flood of stimulation has you grip his hair as you shouted.
This only inspires him to continue to lap at you, his tongue periodically moving in circles around your clit only to return to your entrance to tease you there. He pulls your hips as close to his face as he physically can, making his nose press into your pubic bone.
He lets his tongue slip into you, and fucks you leisurely with it. Meanwhile, one of his hands sneaks closer to your center, giving him access to rub your clit in tight circles with his thumb. You were basically writhing at this point from how fucking amazing it felt, and in response he presses his hand not currently in action down onto your lower belly to keep you in place while he continues to eat you out. You feel the muscles of your abdomen clench in preparation for your oncoming orgasm, and he can feel it too. Impossibly, he seems to double his efforts at this and you feel yourself hurtling towards the finish line. All you can do is chant curses under your breath, getting higher in pitch until suddenly the dam breaks and your body seems to buzz in pleasure, your limbs twitching with the power of your orgasm. He never stops his movements, guiding you through it until your body seems to lose all the tension that it had built. He pulls away, but not before giving your clit a parting kiss. 
Tae untangles his arms from you, allowing himself to shift upwards to hover directly over you now. He smiles at the sight of your blissed out face. Leaning forward, he captures your lips in a deep kiss that allows you to taste yourself on his tongue, the stickiness still present on his lips and chin. You let out a moan at the feeling of his tongue coated with your essence sweeping over your own. 
You allow your hand to trail down from his face to his torso, eventually landing on his cock, currently straining against the thick material of his pants. At your touch, he moans into your mouth, pushing his hips further towards you. You begin to palm his erection over his pants, his neediness far from disguised as he rocks himself against your hand. You decide to relieve him a little, so you carefully unbutton and unzip his pants, sure not to damage the undoubtedly expensive fabric. You pull him from his boxers and begin to stroke up and down his length. He seems almost to pulse in your hand with need. A drop of precum oozes out of his swollen tip and you swipe your thumb over it to spread it along his cock. 
“Please Baby, I need you.” His voice is more gravely than usual as he mirrors your earlier sentiment, evidence of his restraint. 
You remove your hand, and he tugs down his pants and boxers, taking a hurried second to shift them below his knees to remove himself from the clothing completely. Now, as he kneels before you, his desire is even more evident. His cock is flush and impossibly hard, bouncing as he crawls his way over you to line himself up with your dripping core. 
“Please fuck me Tae,” you whimper. You lock eyes with him as his thumb sweeps across your cheek in a sweet manner that melted you.
He eases the head of his cock into you, monitoring your expressions carefully as he slowly pushes in. His eyebrows furrow as he restrains himself to not just bury himself to the hilt in your warm, wet pussy. Seeing only pleasure on your face, he allows himself to continue until he is nestled in you fully, taking a second there just to bask in the feeling of your bodies finally connected in every way. You wiggle your hips a little in anticipation and he knows you are ready. He begins to rock himself in and out of you, shallowly thrusting as his lips find the juncture of your neck and shoulders. As he leaves kisses and love bites there, he simultaneously kneads your breast gently in one of his large hands. At this point, he knows the perfect amount of pressure to apply to make you see stars from this alone. His fingers lightly pinch and pull your nipple, then smooth over the soft skin a moment later.
At the feeling of him stretching you out with every thrust of his hips, his hand on your breast and lips on your neck, you felt like you were floating. The sensations were overwhelming, but in a way that made your body buzz in pleasure.
Soon enough, Taehyung’s pace picks up as he allows himself to go deeper and faster. You feel your g-spot getting hit with every stroke and your mind goes completely blank at the feeling of getting roughly fucked by your boyfriend’s perfect cock. His head now rests on your shoulder, his arms supporting his weight as not to crush you. Your arms land around his broad shoulders, your hands resting in his crown of loose curls. Cries of pleasure leave your lips, meeting with the sound of his soft groans causing the sounds of your love to spread throughout your shared bedroom. 
Never one to leave you bored, he surprises you by pulling out and flipping you around so now you are flat on your stomach, him holding a plank position above you and burying himself back in you. He gives open mouthed kisses to the nape of your neck as his cock seems to go even deeper inside of you. All you can do is fist the sheets below you as you whimper. You find yourself speeding towards your second release quicker than you thought possible, and with the rapid snaps of Tae’s hips you assume he was close too. 
“Fuck baby, your little pussy is so fucking tight for me. You take me so well.” He sounded as if he spoke through clenched teeth as he continued to give you quick deep strokes. 
“Please Tae, I wanna cum!”
He wraps his arm around your hip to allow him access to rub your clit, now circling it in pace with his hurried trusts.
“Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock.” Only seconds after he speaks, you feel your pleasure spike white hot. You cum with a broken sob, his dick still hitting you in all of the right places all the way through your second orgasm. Your body slumps down slightly after your release washes over you. Tae is quick to follow, his thrusts growing sloppy as he grips your hips tighter.
“Fuck y/n!” It comes out as a near growl as he cums deep inside of you, slowing fucking his cum into you as deep as he could get it. After finally stilling in you, he takes a couple moments buried in you in the same position before he wraps an arm around your torso to twist you both so you fall into more of a spooning position with him still inside of you.
The two of you are both utterly spent, but don’t want the moment to end. Your legs intertwine as you both come down from your highs. Your favorite part of your day was when you got to be in Taehyung’s arms, lost in your love for each other like this. After a little time passes, the stickiness between your legs becomes noticeably uncomfortable and you shift your hips a little to worm your way out of his grip. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll go get a towel.” He pulls out and rolls out of bed to quickly walk to your bathroom. He sits at the edge of the bed upon his return, him already clean and ready to make you feel comfortable as well. He brushes a stray lock of hair out of your eyes and leans down for a quick kiss, meanwhile easing the warm cloth between your legs and gently wiping your collective mess away. 
“I love you so much Taehyung.” Your voice has so much conviction that tears are brought to your eyes.
“And I love you so much more. More than you will ever know y/n.” His eyes hold some sort of melancholy, as if he is already experiencing you two growing old together and facing the cold wrath of death. You had a feeling you did actually know how much he loved you. You yourself felt as if a world in which you had to live without him is a world in which you didn’t want to be in. He is your partner, your inspiration, your home.
You embrace each other with so much tenderness that you let a few tears fall down your cheeks. The utter contentment and love you feel in the moment makes your heart so happy it sings. Upon feeling your tears, you look up to find his eyes as wet as yours. You both realize your emotional state, smile at each other, eyes crinkling. You think to yourself that you are so incredibly lucky to have found a love as true as the one you shared with Taehyung. If fate was real, your love was certainly the product of it. 
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chocolvte · 5 years
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SEVENTEEN REACTION — cuddles with the vocal unit
LISTEN TO — rock with you by michael jackson
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one of your favorite things about your boyfriend is his hair. when it was longer, you used to spend hours playing with it, twisting the strands around your fingers gently and braiding it for him whenever he let you. you were almost heartbroken when he cut it, but he looked so good you couldn’t stay angry at him.
even before you started dating, jeonghan has always been very affectionate around you. he’s always giving you hugs and being touchy with you and cuddles are nothing different. he likes it when you get just as cuddly, wrapping your whole body around him and resting your head on his chest. he likes giving you little kisses on the forehead and tickling you and lifting one of your hands to the top of his head to encourage you to play with his hair like you used to. he just really loves you and being around you and touching you. nothing else can make him smile like seeing you asleep with your face rested against his collarbone.
as much as he tries to be calm and collected, josh can never stop himself from smiling at you like a heartsick puppy. he just loves you a little too much. every time you touch him he melts, very noticeably. the first time you gave him a back hug, looping your arms around his middle and squeezing a little bit before you ran back over to talk to hansol, his heart nearly stopped beating. little does he know the effect he has on you. he’s always looking at you, even when he doesn’t realize it, and sometimes he reaches out to touch you without even noticing. his fingers reach for yours or his shoulder bumps into you while you’re walking because he just wants to be closer.
more often than not, though, he knows exactly what he’s doing. he drags you into his lap all the time, no matter where you are, just so he can wrap his arms around your tummy and hold you close. he likes the way you smell and how soft you are and how cute you sound when you’re a little embarrassed. he teases you all the time (especially when you blush) but mostly he just kisses you and pretends he doesn’t notice how shy you look whenever he cuddles you around other people.
you’ll never see jihoon cuddle you around someone else. he doesn’t mind giving you causal kisses or holding your hand, but for the most part any affectionate moments between you two are private. he might not show it around the boys, but he can actually be very playful and sweet. he doesn’t mind singing you to sleep if you ask him (as long as you don’t mind him teasing you about it the next morning) and he likes carrying you. sometimes you’ll be trying to work and he’ll just come over and literally sweep you off your feet so he can carry you back to bed to cuddle. he also really likes having you in his lap while he’s working. he claims you help him concentrate.
there are times when jihoon isn’t in a good mood, though, and those aren’t very fun for you. he gets angry and snaps at you sometimes when he’s feeling really frustrated, but he always regrets it so much afterwards. those kinds of cuddles are always particularly sweet because he wants to make sure you know he didn’t mean anything he said and that he really does love you so much.
seokmin is just a naturally touchy person, especially when it comes to you. he likes manhandling you a little bit, but only in the sweetest way possible. he’s always tossing you over his shoulder like a fireman or carrying you on his shoulders or lifting you up by your waist or tugging you onto his lap. he just gets really excited, like a giant puppy, and he likes feeling bigger than you too, even if you’re not that small. half of your wardrobe are clothes that he’s given you, from oversized hoodies and sweaters to (real) boyfriend jeans and sweatpants, because he thinks you look so cute in them. he always tells you that he thinks you pull them off better than he does.
he boops your nose a lot. and kisses it. he just really thinks you’re the cutest thing on the planet and he’s not afraid to tell you that. getting out of bed is always hard because he never wants to let you go. he’d lay there for hours, with his arm around your belly and his lips pressed against your neck and shoulder, if he could.
rainy day cuddles are his favorite. you’re still asleep, laying half way on top of him, and there’s music playing softly in the background, but the words are almost indecipherable against the sound of rain outside coming down in torrents. it’s late in the afternoon, or maybe the morning, but either way he feels cozy, snuggled underneath you and a warm blanket. seungkwan thinks he might be dreaming, because the fairy lights above your bed look like tiny little stars, floating gently down from the sky just for him, and before he knows it he’s waking up to the smell of breakfast, feeling one you lighter.
then he stumbles into the kitchen where you’re cooking something that smells better than anything he’s ever eaten before, but he thinks it might just be because he loves you and he doesn’t have to work today. so he wraps his arms around your waist and bothers you while you cook, opening his mouth every now and then to accept a bite of whatever you’re making and hum his approval.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
can I please have a dick sucking fic with Arthur❤️
Hi Anon ! I wrote a short story about um.....going down on him recently.
Just klick on the link, I hope you will enjoy :)
Pleasing Arthur
"This was so good. Thank you, honey" Arthur patted his tummy and placed the empty plate on the table "I can`t even remember the last time I had a full belly." You rolled up his sweater to place a sweet kiss under his belly button "Eating one meal a day is part of your self care plan now. And I will watch out for you taking care of yourself" you smiled. "You`re so good to me" Arthurs sweaty hair was sticking to his forehead. He seemed extremly tired from work but happy to be with you. "So nice to be home" he whispered as his eyelids got heavier "Was Hoyt giving you a hard time again?" you asked. "Yeah....kinda" he lit himself a cigarette and leaned back on the couch "But it`ll be okay...he can`t hurt me when I`m with you. I just need to relax a bit". You placed more kisess across his v-line. His hip bones didnt stuck out as much as they used to. Watching Arthur eating dinner without getting sick was more than you could ask for. "I´m gonna help you relax even more now" you grinned, opening the button of his pants. Arthur smirked the moment he realized what you had in mind. The fingers of your right hand eagerly started to unbotton, while your left hand was busy giving him some belly rubs. "Just lean back and relax, baby. I`m going to take care of it. Soon you`ll feel better." Arthur took a deep drag of his cig "I bet" he replied. You now pulled his light blue pants down to his knees. Arthur watched you with excitement. "Hey, no cheating. I told you to lean back and relax". Arthur chuckled "I`m sorry, I was distracted by your beauty. Its hard to stop staring at you". "Close your eyes, Darling. I`m gonna give you what you need". He did what you told him and awaited your face between his skinny legs. But first you would tease him with kisses all over his inner thighs. His skin felt warm against your half opened lips. His tiney body hair was slightly tickeling your upper lip. You loved this part of his body. To be honest, you loved every inch of him equaly. Your weak spot?  Arthur Fleck. His whole adorable being as a whole. "Mmmmhhh" he breathed "You`re spoiling me again". "I haven`t even started" you said between the open mouth kisses wandering all over his thighs. Up and down, making their way to his crotch. Sometimes you looked up to see his face. He made smoking look incredibly hot. You never told him but watching him inhaling that smoke and seeing his face expressions while  taking a deep drag turned you on in ways you never throught were possible. His facial expressions got even more intense now that you came closer to his growing erection. You didnt even knew where to look at anymore. You  didnt wanted to miss anything.  You had to wittness the look on his face. You didnt wanted to miss one single twitch of his eyebrows or  how the tiney, beautiful wrinkles beneath his eyes got exposed while smiling. You wanted to have a good look on anything that happened on his face while pleasing him. The way that the corner of his mouth grew to a irresistible smirk made you want him so bad. Arthur put the cig between his grin, running his fingers through his greasy hair.God, how much you wanted him. Your desire to own him and to be owned by him equaly was so intense it hurt your insides. You never wanted anything more in your life like you wanted this man. All of him. Arthur put the cig back between his fingers, staring down at you. "Thats not fair" he said "You tell me I can`t look at you but you are staring at me while I`m havng my eyes closed". "Sorry" you teased "Your beauty was distracting me". Arthur giggled. His legs started to shake as your lips reached the lowest part of his belly, going down....inch for inch...He was still getting nervous while having sex. Still just getting used to this kinda attention he longed for all his life. Every touch, every kiss was able to send him up to the clouds. He was burning for you to taste him. Arthur breathed your name as your lips reached his erection. The way your name sounded while escaping his shaking lips send shivers down your spine. The truth was that you were just as hungry for making love as he was. Especially since you knew him. No other man made you feel so passionate about sharing love. No other man could make you this wet just by watching him leaning back on an worn out couch. Your hand found its way up his waist,slipping under his sweater, feeling his tummy, reaching for his chest to caress it gently. Arthur also put his free hand under his sweater to grab your hand. He held it tightly even tighter now that your tongue started to circle around the tip of his hard member.  He sqeezed your hand. A little to tight. It felt so right. "Oh my gawd" he moaned. His moan was more like a silent whimper but it was there and it was all for you. You made this sweet, little noises escape his lips. Arthur lit himself another cig while he started to move his hips. Your lips around his pulsing parts felt so warm and good it was almost painful to him. You tried to get another glimpse of him smoking. So you looked up to watch his closed eyelids flutter under the embrace of your lips. Those long, dark eyelashes. You would let his beauty ruin you compleately and say thank you. "Dont...stop" he begged "Please...oh please Y/N. Dont ever stop." He was right. You wish this would never stop. Being able to love him. To worship him. You started to suck his sensitive parts "I`ll never stop, Arthur. I`ll never stop loving and worshipping you." A blissful look crossed his well structured face. He knew he was being seen by you. This wasnt just a blow job. It was part of you worshipping all that he was. "You`re soooo good to me" he moaned quietly. The lustful noises he made always remained really quiet. He practiced staying quiet all his life, so Penny wouldnt notice him masturbating when she was still living with him. "Just let go Arthur. No need to be quiet at all. " He tried but he just couldnt do it yet. "Why are you so good to me?" he whimpered again as you took him all in. Tasting him while letting your tongue explore his hardness. "Beacuse you`ve been a good boy today. Eating the dinner I cooked for you. And for being a good boy in general" You grinned. Arthur exhaled the smoke" Fuck.....this is....what are you doing to me? Ohhhh my...." "I´m tasting you, Arthur" He put his cig away and let his fingers run through your hair. Feeling his hands on your head made you want him even more. You sucked harder now. "H-how d do I taste?" he stuttered. "Heavenly" Arthurs erection grew harder  between your lips as you felt his gentle hands stroking your cheek. His cute, little noises were almost too much to bear. There was so much innocence inside this man. You felt the urge to stop and get on top of him. To fuck him until he would get dizzy. "I swear I`m gonna lose my mind Y/N. This just feels.....so good. I Cant....I just cant...." seeing your face between his legs made him all fuzzy in the head. He soaked in every sensation that caught his attention. The way the light from the window was shining down on your hair. The way you seemed to want him compleately. You stopped, which made his muscle twitch for a second. "Arthur....would you mind me getting on top of you now ?" His eyes rolled back into his head "What? No. Oh god no I dont mind. I am actually begging you to fuck me, please!" You got up from your knees to pull your own pants and underwear down. Arthur was watching you like his life depended on you. And you sat down on his lap like your life was depending on him. Like the only way to survive was to lock your bodies into one another. The moment you felt him slipping inside of you was like coming home. Being that close to him was your salvation. You didnt even knew how you were able to live without this feeling before you met him. The feeling of Arthur being inside of you. He compleated you in any way. Arthur moaned as he felt your tight walls closing in around him. Your body welcomed him like it had missed him all your life. Finally. You couldnt have waited any longer to feel all of him. You concentracted on the look on his happy face as you started to move. Arthur lifted his pelvis to meet you  and pushed himself deeper inside. "Fuck me please. Show me how much you want me". "I want you Arthur. Oh god, I want you so bad my bones are crying out your name!" His upper lip scar caught your attention. He was so vulnerable. Yet so unbelivable  attracive. You leaned in to kiss him passionately. His kiss was intense but slightly clumsy. His head was already spinning from being close to finish." ""I`m close" he moaned into the crook of your neck while your fingers ran through his curls. "Me too Arthur. Just let go. Cum for me, darling. " Arthur pressed you close to his heart as his warm juice was spilling into you. Your shaky legs tensing up from lust, before all your love for this man exploded inside of you. Arthur took your face between his hands and kissed you again. Very thoughtfully this time. You let your head sink to his chest as you both sunk into his pillow. "Mmmhh ...you know what?" he mumbled into your ear "This is my favorite part....falling blissful into your arms, realizing how lucky I am." And you smiled because you knew how lucky you were to fall asleep in the arms of Arthur Fleck.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
You’re The Boss At Home
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Summary: Brian’s frustrated and Y/N decides to let him take it out on her ;)
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​ @someone-get-a-medic​ @bensrhapsody​ @deakyclicks​ @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​ @minigranger​ @crazyweirdocalledfriday​ @anincurablefangirl​ @assembledherethevolunteers​ @rose-writes-prose​
A/N: Taking a short break from Soft in Love for some good ol’ beardy Bri smut. For Liza. I love you so much, bby, I hope this cheers you up <3
Warning(s): Smut! This is pure smut, y’all. All the usual stuff. Oral (both M and F receiving), dom!Brian, beard kink (is that a thing?)etc...
Brian was late. Again.
You reminded yourself that his job was important to him, and his talent was one of the things you found most attractive about him. But nights like this, when you were alone and wide awake and needy...it became difficult to be understanding about his long hours in the studio.
With an annoyed sigh you reached for your book - The Hobbit - which you were reading for probably the one hundredth time. Something about the tale of Bilbo and Thorin and the rest just captivated you. From the time you were a child, you adored that story. It was a comforting thing when you were feeling upset.
Your annoyance on this particular night was not unfounded. It had been four whole days since you had even seen your boyfriend. Between studio time, your own job, and sleep, you kept missing each other. You felt him crawl into bed in the wee hours of the morning, but you didn’t even get to speak. Your eyes would flutter open to say hello, but he’d be out, completely wiped from his long day. 
And you wanted him. Wanted him, wanted him.
Your thoughts of Brian were driving you wild. Unable to focus on your book, you set it back on the coffee table, rubbing your thighs together for some much needed friction. You glanced at the clock. It was half past midnight. Brian usually got home around one in the morning. You wondered if you had time to get yourself off before he did.
You also toyed with the idea of teasing yourself so he might walk in while you were laid out and messy. Would it arouse him? Or would he only find it a nuisance? That would depend entirely on his mood when he came through the door.
You didn’t have much time to contemplate. Just as you were reaching to unbutton your pants to just take care of yourself and go to bed, the front door opened harshly. You heard Brian cursing as he crossed the threshold, shaking his head so his curls moved gently around him. Then he slammed the door closed and stormed into the living room.
Your jaw nearly dropped when you took him in. Because you hadn't seen him, you didn’t realize that he had not shaved in days. The stubble on his face framed it so perfectly. It made him look so manly and strong. You felt your panties get damp just looking at him. Especially since he was clearly frustrated and angry, like he was ready to throw something.
Throw me, you thought to yourself.
Brian was rarely - if ever - very rough with you, and you loved that about him. But seeing him now, you wanted him to manhandle you so badly you almost whined.
“Hey,” you managed to say as he shrugged his jacket off and tossed it away. “You alright?”
“No!” he snapped.
Why was that tone turning you on?
“What happened?” you asked gently.
He began pacing back and forth, irritation coming off of him in waves.
“Fucking Roger thinks his fucking music is the best fucking thing in the universe!” he began. “And because Freddie agreed with him on one thing - one! - he thought he was suddenly the boss or something!”
Your eyes followed him like a jungle cat ready to pounce. You sat up on your knees and watched his body as he spoke. His arms moving created a delicious ripple over his back. His hands running through his hair made you think of his fingers in your mouth. That beard...fuck that beard looked so good and you ached to feel it scratch up your thighs.
“I’m sorry it was such a hard day,” you said. 
You got up from the couch and approached him, wondering if he could see how hungry you were for him. He couldn’t, unfortunately, since he was still too caught up in his anger at Roger.
An idea came to you
You slid your arms around Brian’s waist and pulled him close to you, pushing your breasts into his chest. He settled against you, wrapping you up in his arms, and sighing. You felt him smell your hair.
“Brian,” you said softly.
“Hm?” he returned.
“You wanna be the boss?” you asked huskily.
He pulled half away and looked down at you, brow furrowing. You held his gaze, but your eyes flickered down to his lips, surrounded by that fucking beard…
“Do you want to be the boss?” you repeated, running a finger down his chest.
“I’m not following,” he said.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“You said Roger was acting like the boss of everything at the studio,” you reminded him. “So, I’m offering you your chance. You can be the boss at home, baby. I’ll do whatever to tell me to.”
You slid your hand further down and cupped him through his trousers. He gasped softly and you held him closer. You moved your hand back and forth, feeling him harden. You pressed your lips to his chest.
“Take your day out on your girl, Bri,” you whispered. “Fuck m-”
He cut you off with a deep, searing kiss. The stubble felt incredible against your lips, making you moan into his mouth. He smacked your hand away from his crotch as he kissed you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to do so. He lifted you off the ground an inch or so before setting you down.
He pulled his lips away and you whined in protest, but he gave you a hard look.
“Get upstairs,” he said firmly. “Bedroom.”
You nodded, biting your lip with excitement. You looked him over once more before turning and running up the stairs. You heard him following close behind. You swallowed a giggle, desperate to maintain the mood. Just the idea of Brian becoming dominant had your mind reeling.
When you reached the bedroom, Brian closed the door. You turned and faced him, chest heaving, ready for your next instructions. His eyes roved over your body. They gleamed with desire.
“Take off your clothes,” he ordered.
You sprang into action. Forgoing the buttons of your sweater, you tugged it over your head instead. The tank top underneath came with it. With rushed hands, you unclasped your bra and threw it away.
“You’re very eager,” he remarked with a smirk.
You whined.
“I want to please you,” you returned. “I wanna do a good job for you.”
You saw a flicker of shock in his eyes. He was a bit taken aback by how much you wanted to submit to him. He wondered if you had been wanting this for a while and never said anything. But he couldn’t think about that now. Especially with your gorgeous breasts out for him, looking entirely too wonderful to not have his mouth on them.
“Stop,” he said as you began to unbutton your jeans.
You immediately froze and waited for him. He stalked over and stood in front of you. Your cheeks were already flushed as you gazed up at him, chest rising and falling with your deep breaths. His fingers brushed the sides of your breasts and you sighed.
“God, your tits are beautiful,” he said, looking adoringly at them.
He tweaked your left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and you squeaked with surprise before letting out a moan. He leaned down and took the right one in his mouth, sucking lightly and flicking his tongue across the hardened tip.
“Shit,” you hissed, hands flying to his hair.
Your hips bucked toward him and he chuckled. You felt the sound against your skin and whined, pushing him closer to you. The beard felt so good on your tits. The delightful little pricks on your skin made you shiver. When he switched sides you moaned loudly.
“Yes, dove?” he returned.
“Please,” you whimpered.
He rose to his full height.
“You’re forgetting I’m the one in charge tonight,” he said, and the darkness of his tone almost made your knees buckle. “We’re doing what I want, whenever I want.”
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered.
“It’s alright, baby girl,” he said, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I’ll just teach you a quick lesson.”
You nodded eagerly.
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “Now, jeans off. Panties off.”
You obeyed, shimmying them quickly down your legs and stepping out of them. Your whole body was flushed with heat and arousal. Brian examined you. Then, he dragged the fingers of his right hand from your throat, down your chest, between your breasts, and down your tummy. He stopped just above your center.
He brought his lips to your ear. “I’m gonna touch you. You’ll be wet for me, won’t you?”
“Oh, God, yes,” you sighed.
You could already feel how soaked you were. You were dripping onto your thighs. He dipped his finger between your legs, teasing your entrance. You took your bottom lip between your teeth to hold yourself back from begging again.
“Oh, you are a good girl,” he said.
His hot breath on your neck sent another shiver up your spine.
“You’ve still got a punishment, though,” he went one. “Get on the bed. Hands and knees.”
You scrambled up over the comforter and took the position. You felt cold without his body so close to you. And you waited. It felt like hours instead of seconds that passed as you anticipated what he might do. You started to open your mouth to ask when - SMACK. His palm landed a swift spank onto your ass.
A guttural moan escaped you. The sting sent the heat in your belly all through your veins. Your whole body was on fire for Brian. 
He spanked you again and your arms almost went out from under you. You cried out his name. When you heard a rumble in his chest in response, you nearly came undone.
His hands came to your hips, gripping them firmly. He shoved you roughly to the side. You welcomed it, since your limbs were so weak with desire. 
He’s throwing me around, you thought with delight. He’s so fucking hot right now.
The look in his eyes made you squirm.
“Open your legs,” he ordered. “I want to taste your little cunt.”
You whined again and obeyed him. He dragged you toward the end of the bed. Excitement coursed through you. Finally you were getting that beard where you wanted it. He wrapped his long arms around your thighs to keep them open. Your hips automatically rocked toward his face. 
He locked eyes with you, smirked, and then dove in. 
He didn’t ease into it like he normally did. No, not tonight. He was absolutely devouring you, taking exactly what he wanted, how he wanted it. In seconds, you were a writhing, moaning mess. Your brain went fuzzy as the pleasure overwhelmed you. One hand slipped into Brian’s mane of curls. The other grasped at the comforter, balling it into your fist as you held on for dear life. His tongue and lips were fixed on your clit, stimulating it relentlessly.
That coil inside you was wound so tight it was almost painful. But you held back your release. You wanted his permission.
“Cum for me,” he demanded, as if he read your mind.
“BRIAN!” you screamed as the coil exploded.
Your hips still rocked against him as you rode out your orgasm against his mouth. You felt how much you gushed as he lapped it up. Your clit twitched in response, more sensitive than you could ever remember.
You panted and finally took in all the sensations. Your skin burned from where his beard pressed into it and it was heavenly. Your legs trembled as Brian ran his hands over your thighs, standing between them and hovering over you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you cum,” he said gently. “So good for me...doing exactly as I say.”
He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
“Lie there a moment, catch you breath,” he told you. “I’ve got to get undressed.”
“Can I help you?” you offered.
He chuckled. “No, darling girl. Save your energy.”
You didn’t question him, despite how badly you wanted to. What did he want you to save energy for? You were excited to find out.
You closed your eyes as you relaxed a moment, getting warm all over again as you recalled the last few minutes. Brian had never gone down on you with such vigor, and you were already feeling some soreness. You weren’t the least bit sorry about it either. The sting from his beard, the ache from the pressure...it was all a reminder of a primal desire you and Brian felt for each other. You hoped going forward, you could have more sex like this.
You heard his belt hit the floor and cracked an eye open to look. Brian stood in front of the bed, naked and rock hard. Your mouth watered at the sight of his long cock, and you wondered if he would have you blow him. To your surprise, he walked over to his side of the bed and sat back against the pillows.
He beckoned you closer with his fingers. You rolled back onto your knees and crawled over. He watched you hungrily.
“Suck my cock,” he ordered.
You threw one leg over his and slowly lowered your head toward his tip. You kitten licked it, tasting some pre-cum and moaning. You swirled your tongue around his tip as you opened your mouth. Then, he grabbed your hair roughly and made you look at him.
“No teasing,” he said.
You nodded and he released you. You took his cock into your mouth as far as it could go. He was long, so you wrapped your hand around the remainder. You began a slow, even rhythm. Brian groaned and his hips moved toward you. You placed your free hand on his hip bone, gently circling it with your thumb.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he sighed, his head falling back.
You picked up speed and he whined, making your stomach churn with need. He laced his fingers through your hair again and guided you to precisely the pace he wanted. He also pushed himself just a little deeper, so his tip brushed the back of your throat. You didn’t dare gag.
“G-good girl,” he choked out when his cock twitched in your mouth. “But you need to stop.”
You halted, coming off his shaft with a soft pop. His cock was fully leaking now, and you were aching to have it inside you. There was nothing sexier to you than Brian looking as needy for you as you were for him.
“Ride me,” he growled.
He tugged you toward him, capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss. Your pussy hovered above him, his tip brushing through your slick folds. You whimpered into his mouth.
“I know, baby,” he sighed. “Fuck, me too.”
He grabbed your hip in one hand and his cock with the other. He lined up with your entrance.
“Down,” he demanded.
You lowered yourself onto his cock, holding his shoulders for balance. You both groaned as he filled you up slowly. He always stretched you a little, and his shape was perfect. Once he was sheathed entirely inside you, you shuddered at the feeling.
“Ride me,” he said again, more in control this time.
You didn’t hesitate. You began rocking your hips against his, moaning as you felt him hit your g-spot. His hands cupped your ass and squeezed.
“Faster,” he instructed.
Again, you complied, picking up your pace. High, breathy moans fell from your lips as you bounced on his perfect cock. He felt so fucking good. Then he held you close and latched his lips onto your neck, his beard scratching up more of your tender skin.
“Ooooohhhh, fuck,” you cried.
“Feel so fucking good, baby girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Take my cock so well. And your pussy is so fucking tight - fuck!”
He thrusted up into you and you let out a scream.
He was matching your thrusts steadily now and you felt yourself coming to the edge.
“Reaching your limit, gorgeous?” he teased. “Gonna cum again for me?”
You nodded, mouth hanging open and little whimpers coming from your throat.
“Do it,” he told you. “Cum on my cock.”
You took him down and held yourself there as your walls clamped hard around him. You held him tightly as your body shook with your release. He groaned at your tightness and the feeling of your juices dripping onto him.
“That’s it,” he cooed. “That’s it, dove.”
You couldn’t hold yourself up. Your legs trembled. You fell against his chest but he shook his head. Taking your shoulders, he flipped you onto your back. Then, he began pounding into you. Brutally, harshly, rapidly fucking you until you could see only stars.
“Brian,” you mewled. 
You weren’t sure how much more you could take. He took your face in his hand and made you look at him.
“Beg,” he spat. “Beg for me to cum inside you.”
Your whole body quivered. Just when you didn’t think he could get any hotter, he ordered you to beg for him. You might have cum again if you weren’t already so exhausted.
“Please, Bri, please,” you begged. “Fill me up, baby. Want you to fill me, use me, claim me - Jesus, fuck!”
It felt so good your head fell back again.
“Brian!” you sobbed. “Please, please - oh, God - pleasepleaseplease…”
You could say nothing else, you were so fucked out. Brian felt you clench again and he buried himself inside you, finishing with a groan. White exploded behind your eyes as you came again, milking him for everything he had. He thrusted into you a few more times and you rocked your hips as you both came down, riding it out together.
“Holy...holy shit, Brian,” you panted.
He pulled out gently, and you whimpered at the empty feeling. Then he rolled onto his back to gather you up in his arms. He pressed his lips to your forehead and stroked your hair.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Better than okay,” you assured him. “Fuck, baby, you were...you were incredible.”
He chuckled and kissed you again. You looked up at him.
“Feel better?” you wondered.
“Much,” he replied. “What made you want to do something like this?”
You blushed and hid your face in his chest.
“Don’t be shy now, dove, what was it?” he pressed. “You’ve seen me angry about work before and it’s never led to that.”
“It’s embarrassing,” you muttered.
“I’m sure it isn’t.”
You shook your head and he sighed.
“Darling, just tell me,” he insisted.
“Your beard!” you admitted, refusing to look at him. “You look so hot with facial hair, and I wanted you to just take me.”
He cupped your cheek in his palm and nudged you meet his eyes.
“Well,” he said. “Mission accomplished.”
“And you’re not upset any more,” you reminded him.
He gave you a warm squeeze and you hummed.
“Bri?” you said bashfully.
His eyes had fallen closed but he wasn’t yet asleep.
“Yes, dove?”
“Can we do this again sometime?” 
He opened one eye as he grinned at you.
“Sure,” he said. “I’ll tell Roger to piss me off more often. Shouldn’t be difficult for him.”
You giggled, pecked him on the lips, and turned the light out before cuddling into him for the night.
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I Have Confidence (SMUT)
anonymous said: bitch u better FEED me some Ben smut you’re like one of the only good writers in this fan base and I throw it BACK for Ben so idk do something with drunk y/n and ben and it’s playful and y/n is kinda needy or literally write whatever u want I’ll fucking cash app u sis I’m desperate!
(a/n: OMG I am 100% flattered that you think I’m one of the greats I literally feel like im in such a small corner of the fanbase bc im such a dweeb but that makes me cry happy tears THANK U. also yes i know i’ve already had a roger imagine w battleSHIPS in it but.... this is battleSHOTS bitch. NOW BACK TO UR REGULAR SCHEDULED BEN SMUT yall got spoiled w the fluff from the last post)
(p.s. u can still venmo/cash app me if u want im a broke college student pls spare change ma’am)
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“Battleshots? You Americans are fucking mental, I swear.”
Ben was seated across the table from you, cross-legged on the chair that was currently actually a bit too warm for comfort. Both of you were out on his balcony, sitting at a table that was lit only by the late evening sun and the light streaming out of the door that led into his house.
You’d fashioned two makeshift Battleshots boards out of two small pizza boxes, seeing as you’d ordered pizza in tonight and the boxes had reminded you of your favorite party game. There was a grid on the bottom and top, and you each had 9 shot glasses filled with different liquors placed on the board in formations of 4, 3, and 2, just like the game of Battleships.
“It’s fun, don’t knock it til you try it,” you warned, peeking over the top of the box that was propped up on a cup and smiling. Ben’s curious green eyes met yours, and he laughed as he saw you stick your tongue out at him. “Winner finishes shots, or loser finishes winner’s shots? Your choice.”
“I say winner doesn’t have to finish their shots, that’s only fair.” He then sat back in his chair and pursed his lips, thinking for a moment. “I don’t want loser to finish the winner’s shots either, because I don’t think you can handle more than 9 shots.”
“Oh? Someone’s got a big head, don’t they?” you teased, raising an eyebrow and rolling your eyes playfully as he shrugged, smiling smugly.
“I have confidence in my abilities.” An exaggerated groan left your mouth as you flipped him off, trying not to laugh at how cocky he was being. “In all aspects of life,” he added with an eyebrow wiggle, making you pretend to gag as you waved your hand dismissively at him.
“I don’t want to hear about your sex life right now, Ben.”
“Why not? You seemed to enjoy my sex life a lot a couple nights ago.” A blush crept across your cheeks as you grabbed the decorative pillow you’d bought for him that was resting on the chair next to you, throwing it at him as he tried to imitate your moans.
He caught the pillow, laughing, and put it right back where it belonged as he gave you a knowing look. “You’re a pervert,” you mumbled, sitting up in your chair and grabbing your marker as you moved your cup of orange juice closer – you were using it as a chaser, while Ben opted for some kind of soda you hadn’t paid attention to.
You began the game of Battleshots, neck and neck with Ben throughout the first part until you both only had three shots left. You weren’t feeling anything yet, probably having taken the shots too close together, but you knew it would hit you soon. Standing up was something you were starting to fear.
But then Ben knocked out your last three in three successive rounds while you missed the rest of his, and you accepted defeat with only mild complaining as Ben cheered loudly, ever the gracious winner.
“I’ll take my winnings in cash or check, whichever works,” he teased, making you groan and climb up off your chair. Yep. There it was. You felt a warmth spread throughout your body and a dizziness overtake you as you stood, and you had to grab onto the chair next to you to ground yourself for a moment.
“Oof…. I’ve never lost this game,” you admitted sheepishly, Ben’s chuckles turning into cackles of laughter as he went to open the door for you, watching you make your way inside as best as you could. He was feeling something, but by no means was he as tipsy as you – if anything, he just felt a slight buzz, while you were verging on actually being drunk if you drank anything else.
Ben followed you as you headed to the kitchen to get yourself a water, and you glared at him as he continued to tease you, obviously in a great mood from winning. “Do you need help getting the water open? You’re a right mess, Ms. Second Place.”
“Oh, shut up,” you grumbled, taking a drink of the water and flipping him off as you leaned back against the counter.
He only laughed, unfazed by your grumpiness as he came over to place his hands on either side of you, effectively trapping you. “Does the winner get a kiss, at least?” He puckered his lips, closing his eyes and waiting for you to close the gap between you two. Scowling, you did the first thing you could think of – pouring some of your water onto his mussy, slightly curly blonde hair. The look of shock on his face was worth it all as he pulled away, gasping and pushing your hand away. “You little-“
“Cry about it,” you interrupted as you sat the water down, shrugging before taking off in a stumbling run and laughing deliriously as he scrambled after you, nearly slipping completely on the puddle of water that had gathered on the kitchen floor.
You made it all the way to the hallway upstairs before Ben caught you – he’d taken the steps two at a time, damn his thighs and stamina – and he grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up into a vice-like grip as you shrieked with drunken laughter, fighting against his arms even though it was clearly pointless.
“You’re gonna get it now!” he laughed breathlessly, carrying you into his bedroom and tossing you down on the bed before pouncing on you immediately, his hands going to your sides to tickle you mercilessly. He wouldn’t stop until you were gasping for air, begging him to give you a break, and even then, he kept his hand resting on your tummy as he fell to the side, grinning over at you. “You look like a mess, love.”
Giggling softly at the amused look on his face, you shook your head before crawling on top of him, straddling his torso before sitting down on his abdomen carefully, only eliciting a small release of air from him before he shifted just slightly to make it more comfortable. “You’re quite a dickhead, making fun of a drunk girl like this.”
His eye roll only made you laugh again, and he grabbed your hips, carefully scooting back so he could sit up and support himself on his elbows. “I feel no remorse, hard to feel bad when I get a pretty girl on my lap because of it.”
Your cheeks turned an even rosier color than the alcohol had already made them as you grinned, shaking your head before leaning down to kiss him gently, mumbling against his lips between kisses. “You’re such a flirt too.”
“Also no regret,” he quipped back calmly, resting a hand on the back of your neck and locking you into the kiss as he laid back on the bed again, taking you with him. Deepening the kiss eagerly, you made a happy noise as you felt the world spinning, half from the liquor and half from the feeling of Ben’s hands sliding up the back of your thighs to come and rest on your ass. When you pressed your ass back into his hands eagerly, he chuckled softly into the kiss, pulling away for a moment to mumble, “Someone’s excited.”
“Shut up, I’m drunk and my boyfriend is hot,” you mumbled right back, grinning before pulling him into an open-mouthed kiss, eliciting a groan from the back of his throat when you swirled your tongue around his, both of you tasting like tequila, while you left him with the taste of orange juice. The sound only made you more desperate to eliminate the layers of clothes between you, so you began tugging at the hem of his sweater, lifting it upwards and off when he reluctantly separated from the kiss and let you sit up.
He did the same with your shirt, tugging it up and off along with your bra before gazing up at you with a desirous glint in his eyes. The blown-out pupils scanned slowly up your torso as Ben chewed on his lower lip, just taking it all in. Shivering at the way his eyes devoured you, you had to finally distract him so he’d remember what he was doing – you circled your hips, grinding down against his increasingly hardening cock, which made his hands fly to your hips and catch them. You came to a stop with an impish grin on your face, and the playful look of disapproval in his face was quickly replaced by another look of lust when he rolled the two of you over, starting to work at the drawstring of the shorts you had on.
“Naughty girl,” he murmured, finally getting your shorts untied before tugging them off with your panties. His hand immediately moved between your legs, two fingers sliding up your folds as he grinned mischievously down at you as you squirmed slightly at the feeling, wanting his fingers inside of you. “You look so pretty right now, baby.”
“Ben, please,” you begged quietly, lifting your hips up against his touch and almost whining as he pulled his hand away, raising an eyebrow.
“Damn it, Ben, please!” you repeated, pouting when he chuckled at the neediness in your voice. But his fingers returned to your pussy, rubbing your clit achingly slow and replacing the pouting look on your face with a look of relief. Eyelids fluttering closed, you let out a sigh of pure bliss as you relaxed into his touch, and you let out a soft moan of his name as he slid his middle finger into you, pumping it slowly.
As Ben finger-fucked you almost lazily slow, he pulled your legs over his shoulders one by one, laying stomach-down on the bed and trailing wet, open-mouthed love bites along the inside of your thighs. Then, the feeling of his mouth latching onto your clit made you moan out in surprise, and you ran a hand back through his damp blonde hair and giggled drunkenly as you remembered the water you’d left on the counter. “Fucking water,” you mumbled to yourself, pressing a hand to your forehead and laughing at how feverish you felt from the alcohol.
“Not funny,” he mumbled as he pressed another kiss to the inside of your thigh, and you were prevented from making a smartass remark by the simultaneous addition of another finger to your pussy and Ben’s tongue pressing against your clit, then flicking against it rapidly.
“Ohmygod, nevermind, you’re so right,” you breathed out, and you could hear Ben snicker to himself before he attached his lips to your clit again, sucking hard and eliciting an embarrassingly whorish moan from you. “Fuck you,” you mumbled once you’d stopped seeing stars for the moment, Ben’s fingers curling up inside of you and making you whimper softly in pleasure.
“That’s the plan.” His comebacks were rapid-fire today, and you thanked everything holy that you’d been blessed with such a keeper as he moved his lips up to your tummy, trailing kisses all the way up to your breasts. He used a third finger to slowly stretch you out as he began to suck on the skin of one of your breasts, purposefully trying to leave a hickey as small moans and whines left your lips.
You were unable to control your vocalizations as his fingers thrust in and out of you, and you did whine needily as he retracted them, leaving you feeling empty again. But he was already off the bed, grabbing a condom from the nightstand as you sat up shakily on your elbows, glancing at his jeans and biting your lip. You’d barely helped him out at all, you were so drunkenly focused on your own pleasure. “Do you need me to-“
“Nope,” he replied, popping the p as he unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down along with his boxers and kicking them off as he revealed he was already completely hard. You raised an eyebrow as he crawled back between your legs, backing you up to the pillows and rolling the latex onto his cock. “Hate to admit it, but those little sounds you make when I eat you out? Drive me fucking bonkers, honestly.”
A wide grin crossed over your face, and he rolled his eyes playfully as he took you by your sides, flipping you over so you were facedown against the mattress. As you raised your hips a bit, Ben met you in the middle, sliding his condom-covered cock between your folds and biting his lip. “Aw, not gonna let me see you fuck me?” you whined, Ben groaning as he shook his head, lining himself up.
“God, no,” he muttered, sliding into you and making you moan out lowly as he filled you, digging his stocky, strong fingers into your hips to hold you still when he almost bottomed out. “Can’t stand seeing you that smug right now,” he teased, making you laugh weakly as you tried to focus on his voice, not the fact that he was nearly balls deep in you.
“What? You get to be smug when you win, but I-“
Ben didn’t give you the chance to finish as he pulled out, then snapped his hips back forwards again. That effectively shut you up, instead making you bury your face in a pillow so the entire world wouldn’t hear you moan loudly at the sudden sensation. “You’re such an ass,” you panted when you finally regained your senses, and Ben chuckled knowingly as he began to thrust again, your eyes fluttering shut.
“I know,” he replied quietly, his thrusts shaking his gravelly voice as he moved a hand to your hair, pulling it all into his hand as he fucked into you. The only thing keeping you on balance and stopping the room from spinning was the tight grip you had on the comforter, which was the only grounding presence at the moment besides Ben’s increasingly tight grip on your hair.
The room was filled with the sound of skin on skin and wanton moans as Ben took you from behind, your legs nearly failing to keep you up several times when his thrusts sped up or slowed down. When he sped up, he’d let out little curses and grunts in that deep tone of his as he pounded into you, but when he’d slow down, his deliberate, angled thrusts would nearly overwhelm your senses.
When a particularly deep thrust made you moan out his name loudly, an undying smirk graced Ben’s lips as he continued to bottom out in you, pleased with the way he was turning you into a moaning mess and also dangerously close to becoming a moaning mess himself. As he neared his orgasm, he’d started to push your face more and more into the mattress, your cheek forced into the soft expanse of the comforter as his thrusts got sloppier and more desperate.
“I fucking love you,” he mumbled out at one point, and you grinned before letting out something that was a mixture of a laugh and a moan, pressing your hips back to meet his thrusts eagerly.
“I love you too, Ben,” you replied as sweetly as you could muster – which was hard, considering the situation – and he rewarded you by reaching around you with his free hand to rub your clit, making you whimper and whine in pleasure. You were already teetering on the edge, and this was making it almost impossible to hold out any longer. “Shit, I’m close, babe.”
“Me too, fuckin’ hell,” he breathed out, speeding up his thrusts as much as he could and matching the pace with his hand. He let go of your hair, instead moving that hand back to your hip and squeezing it encouragingly. “Come for me, babygirl.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out as the dual stimulation became too much, and you felt your high take over as every nerve-ending in your body simultaneously felt like it was shocked with a high-voltage energy.
Ben bit his slightly swollen lip, trying to stave off his orgasm as long as he could, but the feeling of you clenching around him mixed with the sound of your breathy, high-pitched moans was too much, and he had to move his other hand to your hips to hold you to him as his hips stuttered. Buried inside of you, he released into his condom while groaning your name brokenly, digging his fingers into your hips. Halfway through, he pulled out, giving his cock a few quick pumps with his hand to finish himself off.
You were down off your high first, Ben close behind, and you could barely walk without wobbling as you climbed off the bed, making your way to the master bath and grabbing wet washcloths – one for him, one for you. You cleaned yourself up, then returned to the bedroom, slightly more sure that you weren’t going to fall over on the way back, and you tossed the washcloth to him. He’d already disposed of the condom, and he gladly accepted the towel before cleaning himself up, then pulling on his boxers.
You tugged his sweater and your panties on, crawling into bed and curling into his side as he joined you, pulling the covers over the both of you. You were still reasonably tipsy, and you giggled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, having already caught his breath.
“God, your stamina,” you mumbled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and shaking your head before nuzzling his neck, moving to lay halfway on top of him.
“As I said earlier,” he reminded you, wrapping his muscled arms around your waist and resting one of his hands on your ass, giving it a gentle pinch. “Confidence in my abilities. You should give it a try.”
“I should have confidence in your abilities?” you joked, only slurring your speech a bit, and Ben chucked before giving your hip a light pat as he shook his head.
“Well, that’s not what I meant. But that too.”
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lihikainanea · 5 years
Tiger getting grumpy and watching a movie with Bill. She’s spaced a bit a way from him, but his fingers found a way to light graze her shoulder. He sees, with the pout on her face and all, that she was rubbing her own tummy. He rolled his eyes with a smile, pulling her by her arm pits to lay across his lap, rubbing her tummy as she let out a purr, yes a damn purr!
Nani, I can’t believe you’re just gonna come at me this way. As if I don’t already have the biggest tummy kink in the world, as if I DON’T already love love love to have my tummy rubbed, as if I DON’T already very much notice self-comforting gestures on people and find them so endearing, and as if I DON’T already fucking love the concept of Bill providing comfort--so much comfort--to tiger when she needs it. Bonus points if she has no idea that she needs it.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Like tiger all grumpy and in a bad mood, and she doesn’t even realize that she’s rubbing her own tummy, trying to get some comfort. But Bill notices. Bill always notices. And she’s all resistant, thinking she wants space instead of his touch, but he just pulls her over and gives her all the comfort she needs and then some. And she’s a little mushy burrito of happiness and safety and UUUUUGH BILL bitch you killin’ me.
It was sudden, it was volatile, and it was completely without reason. You had a good day, a lazy day, full of comfortable clothes and glorious gray skies that didn’t make you feel guilty for staying inside doing nothing. You had woken up to a mug of coffee being plunked on the nightstand, Bill’s hand tangling gently in your hair as you roused from a deep sleep. It was a quiet morning, Norah Jones playing though the speakers in his living room as you enjoyed each others company. You both sat propped up against the headboard of his bed for a long while;  he wove his hand with yours as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
The day continued in much of the same way. He browsed recipes with you, disappeared for an hour to do groceries. He would be home for a little while and couldn’t wait to get back into the kitchen, which is where he spent the afternoon. In his sweatshirt and your comfiest pair of sweatpants, he lifted you up onto the countertop where you sat and watched him work. Slicing, dicing, and feeding you bits of food; you looped a leg around his waist every time he walked by, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
It had, on all accounts, been a spectacular day. Which is why you were mildly confused when a sour mood hit, making you grumpy and withdrawn. He had made two cups of tea, coming back into the living room to hand you one as he started the movie. You had curled up into the corner of the sofa, which you sometimes did, mostly when you wanted to be left alone. He let you be--you had been pretty affectionate all day, and he figured you just needed some space. You got like that sometimes. So he gave you your space, staying close enough that you could reach him if you wanted to, but not pressing you for contact. He propped a leg on the coffee table, slouching back to rest his head on the cushions and trying to stay awake.
He kept an eye on you just in case, and as he glanced at you he noticed the small scowl that started in the middle of your eyebrows and slowly took up your whole face. Without drawing too much attention to it--you would talk if you wanted to--he slowly reached an arm out, resting it on the back of the couch and scratching lightly at your scalp with two fingers. You didn’t retreat, but you didn’t lean into it either like you usually did. He kept his hand there.
The next time he glanced at you, he noticed the frown on your face, the way your shoulders were tensed. 
“You okay kid?” he asked, moving to tuck some hair behind your ear. Your scowl deepened.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled. He wasn’t convinced, and a movement beneath your sweater caught his eye. When he looked down, he noticed that you had a hand tucked up under it, rubbing your stomach. Comfort, he realized. Something had you wanting comfort. He rolled his eyes.
“C’mere,” putting an arm across your shoulders, he grabbed your bicep and pulled you into him.
“Ugh, no,” you said, but you were putty in his hands as he put your head in his lap. He threaded a hand in your hair and lifted your sweatshirt, slipping his fingers just below the waistband of your pants as he pressed his palm down gently.
He watched your eyes flutter closed, heard the faint sigh that escaped your lips as you arched your back a bit. He pressed down with his hand, crooking his fingers to massage lightly.
“Stop, I hate this,” you muttered, but you were boneless in his lap and made no actual attempt to stop him.
“Yeah, looks like it,” he teased. Rubbing his whole hand back and forth on your stomach, you practically purred when his thumb stroked over your belly button. He untangled his other hand from your hair, running his thumb down the bridge of your nose.
“Want to talk about it, kid?” he asked.
“I don’t even know what it is,” you admitted, “I just got really fucking grumpy all of a sudden.”
He hummed at that, bringing his thumb to rest on your lips. When you didn’t open up for him, he eased just the pad of it between your lips. 
“Ugh, no,” you spat it out, moving your face away, “I’m not sucking your thumb. That shit is too weird.”
“Tiger, you literally sleep with my thumb in your mouth like, every night.”
It was the wrong thing to say, and he watched your cheeks flush red as you squirmed. It had become such a normal thing between you, especially when he had you feeling really good, that he completely forgot it was something you were still a little...sensitive about. He rubbed his hand over your stomach, bending to plop a kiss on your nose.
“Just take it,” he tried again, tapping it lightly on your mouth.
“You fucking take it, you little bitch.”
“Tiger, it’s comforting to you,” he ignored your remark, “Just let yourself have it.”
“No,” you insisted, “It’s weird.”
“Listen, you bastard. You’re lucky I’m even letting you do this,” you gestured to his hand on your stomach, “Alright? And let’s be clear. I’m doing this for you.”
“Alright kid,” he acquiesced, “Thanks for the uh...comfort.”
“No problem,” you mumbled, and practically purred in his lap when he pressed down and cupped his hand just right on the sensitive part of your lower stomach. His hand was so warm and big, and he rubbed his thumb over the fleshy part of your lower abdomen. You were putty in his lap. He scratched a bit more at your scalp, ran his finger along the sensitive spot behind your ear that he knew you loved. He traced over your features, stroking his fingertips over your brow and down the bridge of your nose. He tried again once you seemed a little more agreeable; tracing your lips with his thumb, he rested it lightly on your mouth and smirked when your lips parted, sucking the pad of his finger between them.
“For you,” you mumbled, “Because you need it.”
“Thanks kid,” he smiled bigger, “Real thoughtful of you.”
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johnsbleu · 6 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick & Reader Chapter 31
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Warnings: nsfw for a few moments
Squinting your eyes open, you see John standing in front of the window and you watch as he pulls his favorite Henley on. He tiptoes to the closet and pulls out his shoes and gently sits on the edge of the bed to put them on. The bed shifts a little as Bleu jumps up and John tries to calm down when he begins to whimper for attention. John starts to stand when you wrap your arms around his waist and pull him back down.
“Oh, you’re awake.” he whispers and looks over his shoulder, smiling, “Good morning, beautiful.”
You nuzzle into his back and your hands roam over his chest and down to his tummy, “Good morning.”
He leans back on the bed and you snuggle into his side, pressing kisses to his neck. “You hungry? We should probably eat some breakfast and tidy up the house.”
“Tidy up the house? It’s spotless. It always is.” you say as you climb on top of him and start to lift his shirt, kissing his stomach and licking up the thick scar that runs down his stomach to his belly button. “I have a better idea.”
Grinding against him, you feel your underwear growing wet and you’re desperate for him. He keeps his hands clasped across his chest and you grab them, shoving them under the waistband of your pajama pants and onto your ass. He bucks his hips slightly when your lips meet and your tongue dives into his mouth as he pulls your pants down. You feel him grip your hips tighter, pulling you closer to him. He shakes his head and laughs, pulling your pants back up.
“We can’t, we have things to do today.” He pulls away and holds you up by your shoulders, straightening his arms out and laughs as you reach out for him, fingers barely grazing his shirt. You’re still straddling him and you roll your hips again, watching as his eyes grow wide and you feel satisfaction when you feel him growing harder.
“Fine.” you huff.
He starts to laugh and sits up, holding you tight as he gets off the bed and places you on the floor. “I’m going to eat breakfast, you should take a shower.”
“I hate you.” you pout as he walks away. You know you’re being dramatic, but you can tell he loves how much you want him.
He turns around and laughs, “No, you don’t.”
“Okay, I don’t.” you roll your eyes as he walks back over and wraps his arms around your waist. “But I’m mad at you.”
“No,” he licks his lips and leans close to your face, “You’re not.”
“I am,” you stomp your foot a little and he laughs. “You know how much I want you and you’re making me suffer. Your hair looks so good today, and I can tell you’ve just trimmed your beard, it looks perfect.” you reach out, running your fingers through his hair, and when your hand moves to his beard, he presses a kiss to the palm of it. “You look so fucking gorgeous today.”
“Thanks.” he smiles.
“And I know you wore this shirt on purpose. You know how it clings to your arms and they look so fucking big, and your pecs look so good, I want to bite them. And these jeans…pure torture. Look at your ass in them.”
“Imagine how great it will be tonight when we’re alone.” he tucks your hair behind your ear and you close your eyes.
“It’s been two weeks…we didn’t even FaceTime that much. Only like, four times so you could say goodnight to me. And two times, we fell asleep while talking.” you pout and lay your head against his chest. “Then when you came home…I mean, I know we did stuff. But I miss you. I miss…” you stop talking and he pulls you back by your shoulders and you watch as a smile tugs at John’s lips.
“You miss what?”
“I miss you…being inside of me. I just miss you.” you frown and stomp your foot again.
“Well, you fell asleep on the couch when we got home last night.” he laughs and strokes your hair. You start to smile a little when you realize you woke up in your bed and in your pajamas. John had obviously carried you to bed and changed you, he was so delicate with you that you didn’t wake up once.
“Don’t you miss me?” you whine.
“Yes, of course.” he says, leaning close to kiss your forehead.
“Look, we’ve wasted like five minutes talking about this. That’s five minutes that could have been spent with you fucking me.”
“Tonight, I promise. Seriously, baby, go take a shower. They’ll be here in a little bit.”
“This is torture, Jonathan.” you sigh obnoxiously and mope as you walk to the bathroom and listen as he laughs at you.
You know you’ll be crawling around the floor with kids all day so you choose some black leggings and a sweater. Skipping down the stairs to the kitchen, you find John reading the newspaper and eating some nasty health cereal that reminds you of sawdust. You grab a yogurt from the fridge and lean against the counter as you eat.
“Still mad at me?” he asks from over the newspaper.
“Maybe.” you shrug.
He starts laughing and folds the paper up, bringing his bowl to the sink, “I love you.”
You stare at him as you lick your spoon clean and throw away your empty container. “Love you.”
“Don’t do that.” he grins and laughs.
“I’m not doing anything.” you say, licking your spoon again. As you walk over to place it in the sink, you brush your ass against him and he gasps.
Turning around to face him, you watch as he stalks closer and closer, reaching out to touch your shoulders. The atmosphere between the two of you is buzzing and you see John check his watch for the time and he sighs. Not enough time.
“Do you still want me, John?”
“Yes, why wouldn’t I?” he furrows his brow and stares back at you.
“Just making sure.” you smile.
“I always want you.”
“Just not right now…” you laugh.
He points down to his pants; his cock is hard, pressing against the zipper of his jeans and you want to moan when you see the outline and remember how big he is. “Yes, right now I want you.”
You start to blush a little and smile, “Well, can you kiss me?”
“Of course.”
The kisses start off close mouthed and he gently pries your lips open with his and his tongue slides into your mouth. Your fingers curl around the edges of his front pockets and you pull him closer to feel him against you. His hands move from your shoulders down to your waist and he pins you to the counter, and he moves one hand back up to cup your face, pulling you in even close to deepen the kiss. Leaving your mouth, he starts trailing kisses across your cheek and down your neck.
John pulls away for a moment, staring at you and smiles as he leans back in to kiss you again. You lift his shirt up a little and reach into his pants to feel him in your hand, and John leans away from you, raising an eyebrow as he starts to laugh.  
“Can I just see it at least?” you ask and lightly bite your lip.
“Yeah, of course.” he laughs and starts to unbuckle his pants, pulling himself out to show you. His cock is hard and a bead of precum is on the tip, you lick your lips and start to lean down, but John stops you and quickly stuffs himself back into his pants.
“Tease.” you cross your arms over your chest and huff.
From over your leggings, you feel John’s fingers on your pussy and he rubs circles over your clit. His other hand cups your cheek as he crashes his lips to yours again. You moan a little as he pulls your leggings back and his fingers dive into your underwear and he inserts them with no hesitation, pumping fast. You grab onto his biceps to keep yourself from falling to the floor and he moans as he wraps his other arm around your waist, lifting up a little to get a better angle.
“Okay, that’s enough.” you exhale and push him away.
He looks to you and frowns, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No. You were doing everything right, that’s the problem.” you laugh and fix your sweater.
Bleu begins to bark and you know that Aurelio must be pulling into the driveway. John backs away a little more and fixes himself.
“Am I good?” he asks, moving to the sink to wash his hands.
“You’re good.” you lift your sweater up and see the wet spot on your leggings, “I’m gonna go change.”
“What?” John turns around at the sink and looks at you, “Why? You look so cute.”
You pull your sweater up again and point at the wet spot between your legs and John laughs. You run out of the kitchen and into your room, quickly changing your leggings and heading back to the living room. John has put Bleu in the backyard and he reaches for your hand.
“Come on.”
As you get closer to the door, you hear kids screaming and you look up at John, “What did you get us into, Jonathan?”
He opens the door and lets go of your hand to shake Aurelio’s. “Hey, Aurelio.”
“Hey, John. This is my wife, Amanda.” he gestures to a woman with shoulder length, blonde hair holding a baby. They’re both beautiful and you are almost breathless when you see Amanda smile. She’s stunning and you look over to see if John is checking her out – he’s not. He’s staring at you, smiling and you feel a little dumb when you realize how insecure you’ve become.
John reaches out and shakes her hand and gestures to you, “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Hi.” you reach out to shake her hand, suddenly feeling unsure of yourself. The baby in her arms automatically reaches out for you and you look at Amanda, “Oh, hi!”
“This is Harper. She loves people.” she laughs as she hands the baby to you.
“She is literally the most gorgeous baby I’ve ever seen.” you look at Harper as she smiles and laughs. “How old is she?”
“Eight months.”
She has olive skin like Aurelio, but hazel eyes like her mother -- the perfect mix of the two. The little boy on the other hand is the spitting image of his dad with a huge dimples to prove it.
Aurelio grabs the little boy as he runs past and he stands still. “This is Benjamin, but he likes to go by Benji. You remember Uncle John, don’t you? He’s come over to the house a few times. He’s going to watch you today. And this is his friend, Y/N.”
You lean down, still holding Harper and shake his hand, “Hello, Benji.”
He tugs on Aurelio’s shirt and he leans down as the little boy whispers in his ear. Aurelio laughs and nods his head, “Yes, I think the dog is here.”
“Yeah, he’s here. He’s in the backyard right now.” John says as he kneels in front of the little boy. “It’s pretty warm today, do you want to take him for a walk with me? We can throw the ball for him too.”
“Oh!” Amanda gasps and turns around to grab the stroller from the backseat.
It is warm out, but you all start to shiver when the wind blows and you hold Harper tight to your chest to shield her from it. John scoots you inside with the kids and walks Amanda and Aurelio to their car as they wave goodbye to their kids.
“So, Benji, tell me…how old are you?” you ask as you set Harper on the floor between your legs and spread her toys out in front of her.
“I’m six.” he holds up six fingers, waving them in your face.
“Six, oh my gosh. So, you go to school?”
“I’m in first grade.” he hops around excitedly. He starts to look around and when John walks back in, he runs and jumps at John, who thankfully catches him. “Where is the dog?”
“He’s outside. Should we go get him?” he asks and you catch John staring at you, smiling when he sees you trying to get your hair out of Harper’s grip.
Benji hops down and jumps around, “Yeah, yeah, yeah!”
He has a lot of energy. This should be fun.
John leans over the back of the chair before letting Bleu in and hands you a hair binder, “You should put your hair up.”
“Good idea.” you take it from him and quickly put your hair is a messy bun on top of your head and out of Harper’s reach.
Bleu comes charging into the living room and you hold both hands over Harper’s face, shielding her again. When he sees the baby on the floor, he stops and sniffs cautiously. A little timid at first, but when she laughs, Bleu pounces at the floor and barks weakly. She reaches out to pet him and he licks her hand, making her laugh even more and he pounces at the floor again to get her to play. You can’t contain your laughter when you hear the giggles escaping from her and look at John to see him sitting in the chair, watching and laughing.
Harper grabs tight to Bleu’s collar, pulling herself up and your hands are hovering over her back in case she falls. She pats Bleu hard on his back and laughs when he starts to lick her face. The force of his tail wagging sends her tumbling back onto her butt and into your arms.
“Do you wanna go for a walk? We can just go around the block…maybe to the park down the street.” he asks as he stands up.
“Sure, I don’t mind.” you shake your head and shrug.
Benji is already in his coat and champing at the bit as he stands near the door. John watches you closely as you buckle Harper into the stroller and cover her up with a blanket. With a smile on his face, he helps you into your coat and zips it up to the neck, nearly choking you.
“What?” he turns around to grab Bleu’s leash and looks at you as he pulls on his coat.
You unzip your jacket a little and shake your head, “You’re already turning into a dad. Nearly choked me out.”
“Sorry, but you gotta stay warm.” he says and hands you some gloves.
Walking next to you, John leans over and kisses your cheek, “This isn’t so bad.”
You shake your head, laughing loudly. “Yeah, for now. Just wait until he wants something and you say no, or Harper is tired and fussy.”
He laughs and you walk in silence for a few minutes as Harper coos in the stroller. When she laughs loudly, John leans forward and smiles at her, reaching out to tickle her tummy. Benji is walking several steps in front of you, holding tight to Bleu’s leash and John starts to laugh when Bleu turns around, looking at the two of you.
“I never thought I would be walking down the street with my girlfriend, our dog and two kids.” he chuckles a little and shoves his hands in his pockets, “Seems like a dream.”
You stop walking and turn to him, “I love you.”
He smiles and checks on Benji, then quickly leans over to kiss you, cupping your face in his hands as he presses his lips to yours. You hear Benji talking to Bleu and smile to yourself when you see how well behaved Bleu is being.
“He’s really good with kids.” you point at Bleu and John laughs as he jogs ahead, taking a tennis ball out of his pocket and hands it to Benji.
“Should we order some pizza for dinner?” John asks and Benji nods his head, then runs to the living room to watch cartoons.
“Will you take her? I have to pee. Really bad.” you hold Harper out in your arms and squeeze your legs together.
John backs away and shakes his head, “I don’t know, I’m good with Benji…but I don’t know about babies. Can’t you just put her on the floor?”
You scoot closer and hold her close to your chest again, “Jonathan, she’s not a sack of potatoes. I just can’t put her on the floor.”
“She was on the floor earlier.”
“Yeah…and I was sitting with her.” you say, laughing.
“I don’t know what to do with babies.” he admits, frowning a little, “What if I hurt her or something? What if she cries?”
“You’re not going to hurt her, and if she cries–”
“You think she’s gonna cry?” he looks up, worried and backs away.
“Baby, I’m going into the bathroom for literally three minutes, I think you can manage.” you nod and smile a little. Holding tight to Harper in one arm, you grab John’s hand and pull him to the couch. “Sit down.”
John does as he’s told and waits for more instructions. His hands start to shake a little and you kneel in front of him as you place Harper on his knee.
“She can sit up on her own for a little bit…but she’s a squirmy little thing.” you say and Harper leans out for you.
John lets out a small laugh and looks at you in amazement, “How are you so good at this?”
You shake your head and exhale, “I have no idea. Okay, so just…put your hand on her back and on her tummy to keep her upright. She kicks a lot,” you nod to his crotch, “So, watch out. And talk to her. Look at her, she wants to tell you a story, John.”
John finally looks down at Harper as she babbles and reaches for his face. Her fingers graze his beard and she giggles loudly, kicking her legs. You watch John as his eyes dart over her face, a smile tugs at his lips and he looks at you, “Am I doing this right? Is she okay?”
You reach over and wipe the drool off Harper’s chin and nod to John, “Yes. You’re doing fine.”
When you come out of the bathroom, you see John holding Harper up on his legs as he talks quietly to her. You slowly make your way over, trying to avoid the parts on the floor where the wood creaks and watch as John leans up to kiss Harper on the cheek. He stops himself, thinking it through for a moment and holds her up again to look at her face. Harper reaches out for his face again and starts to laugh as John leans forward, pressing a small kiss to her cheek.
You feel your knees almost buckle from how cute he is with her, and you start to think that maybe having a child with John someday wouldn’t be such a bad idea. If it happens, it happens, you think to yourself for a moment and smile as you walk over to join them.
You lean over the back of the couch and rest your head against his, “What are you two talking about?”
“She’s telling me that she thinks you’re really pretty.” he tilts his head back and looks at you.
“Well, thank you, Ms. Harper.” you reach out and tap her nose as she giggles.
John laughs and looks back at Harper as she reaches out for you. When you get her in your arms again, you watch John frown a little, almost sad to let her go. You hold Harper tight to your hip as you walk around the couch and plop her in your lap, sitting next to John. Harper sits half on your leg, half on John’s and she reaches out to grab John’s watch. You watch John as he leans forward a little to look at her face and he smiles when she laughs. Her already tiny fingers look minuscule as she wraps her hand around John’s finger and screams with joy when Bleu licks her foot.
“Hey.” he whispers.
“What?” you look at John and smile.
He looks at your lips and leans over to kiss you quickly. You tuck your legs under you and scoot closer to John, resting your head on his shoulder and find yourself imagining that this is your life. Both of you hold tight to Harper, and John uses his free hand to wrap it around your shoulder and hugs you closer to him. After a few minutes, his voice vibrates through his body and startles you.
“I guess I should order the pizza now.” he says and reaches out to help you stand up.
“Yeah, I should probably feed her.” you say as you look through the bag Amanda had packed.
“She can’t eat pizza?” he stops and turns to you. Your mouth drops open in shock and he starts to laugh, “I’m just kidding.”
“No, you’re not. You don’t know anything about babies.” you laugh and follow him into the kitchen, “You would be shit out of luck if I wasn’t here.”
“That’s true. I wouldn’t have said yes if you weren’t here.”
“Now I can’t stop thinking about you watching these two on your own.” you laugh and John rolls his eyes.
“What can she eat? I can go to the store, grab some stuff. I don’t know what to grab, but you probably do.”
“Well, tonight she is going to get…” you look in the fridge and grab out some yogurt, “Yogurt and a banana…and some cereal that was already packed in her bag. We might have some other stuff in here too, which reminds me, we really need to go grocery shopping.”
“Are you sure that will fill her up?” John looks at the baby in your arms and instinctively reaches out to brush her cheek with his finger.
“Her tummy is a lot smaller than ours, John.” you say as you stand her up on the counter. She bounces up and down in your hands and John laughs.
“I still can’t believe how good you are at this.” his hand is on your back and he rubs lightly as he leans over to kiss you.
You look over at Benji who is laying on the floor with Bleu, both fast asleep. John gets up and picks up his plate, moving to you and taking yours, but you stop him, “No, it’s okay. I can do them.”
“Let me.” he says and gestures to Harper in your arms. “I’ll just throw them in the dishwasher.”
“No, I’ll do it. I have go to the bathroom anyway.”
You don’t, but it’s just an excuse to get John to hold Harper again. You pat the couch and John happily sits down. Still a little nervous to hold a baby, he scoots back and places pillows around him as you tuck her in his arms.
“She’s tired, so…” you push him to lean back against the couch and she yawns. “She’ll probably fall asleep. Just rock her a little.”
“Is this right?” he asks and bounces her lightly in his arms.
“Yup, that’s perfect.” you watch as her eyes slowly shut.
As you grab the plates, you look over at John. His feet are up on the coffee table and he’s leaning back, rocking Harper lightly in his arms with his eyes closed. You want to take a picture and send it to Aurelio, but you don’t, you store the image in your mind instead.
Turning the corner back into the living room, Harper is fast asleep on John’s chest, and her tiny hand is gripping his shirt. His head is tilted to the side, almost on top of hers and his lips are slightly parted as he lets out small snores. You toss a blanket over Benji and he curls up closer to Bleu.
Standing and watching John, you reach over to your purse and pull out your phone. Gotta get a picture of this. You lean in close, snapping a picture and smile when you see how sweet they look. You turn around and take a picture of Benji, who has one arm wrapped around Bleu and know John will get a kick out of it. When you sit on the couch, John opens his eyes and looks over at you.
“Hey.” his voice is quiet and sleepy.
“Hey, you’re fine. Go back to sleep.”
He looks down at Harper and points, “You want her?”
“No, she’s fine. She’s asleep…just keep holding her.” you whisper and he reaches over to touch your leg.
“Come here.” he lifts his arm and places it around your shoulder. Nuzzling into his chest, you lean up and quickly press a few soft kisses to his lips.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” you say as you lightly rub her cheek with your finger.
“She is.” he laughs a little and looks down at you, kissing the top of your head as you close your eyes.
“Baby…” you lightly tap John’s shoulder and his eyes flicker open. He sits up straight and looks around when he sees Harper isn’t in his arms anymore. “It’s okay.”
He rubs his eyes with his hands and blinks a few times, “Where is she?”
“Aurelio called, he asked if the kids could stay here for the night, I said yes…I hope you don’t mind.”
“No, of course not. Where is she?” he asks again.
“I put her in our bed. She’ll be fine. I certainly can’t carry Benji, so I woke up hoping you could put him in the guest bed.”
John rubs his face and stands up. He looks down at Benji for a few moments, figuring out how to pick him up without waking him up. He lifts the little boy with ease and carries him into the guest bedroom. You watch from the doorway as John places Benji in the bed and tucks him in. John groans and looks at his watch as he sits down next to you on the couch. 2:18 AM.
“Are you sure she’s okay in our bed?” he kicks off his shoes and lays back on the couch, tapping his chest and inviting you to lay on top of him.
“Yes, John. She’ll be fine. Do you want to check on her?”
“No, I believe you.” he yawns and closes his eyes, “Are you comfortable? We can sleep in the other spare room, the bed is smaller, but we practically sleep on top of each other anyway.”
You snuggle in between John and the back of the couch, yawning. “No, I’m fine. I kinda wanna be close to them, just in case.”
“Okay,” John nods and hugs you tight to his chest. Looking up at John, you start to smile when you see how sleepy he is. He smiles and puckers his lips, asking for a kiss. “Love you.”
You feel fingers lightly brushing your cheek and you open your eyes to see a pair of legs in front of you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you yawn and stretch as you sit up. John is holding Harper in his arms, her face is red and she’s frowning as big tears fall on her cheeks. She lets out a loud cry and John sits down next to you, exhausted and shaken.
“I have no idea what’s wrong. I just heard her crying, so I went upstairs and she reached out for me. I don’t know what to do, so I woke you up.” his voice is shaky and he tries to hand Harper to you, but she clings to his shirt as she starts crying and buries her face in his chest.
“Well, she doesn’t want me.” you laugh and get up from the couch. John follows right behind, almost stepping on your heels as you walk into the kitchen and sift the bag Amanda had packed. “Oh, good. She packed formula.”
Harper starts to fuss more and John scrunches up his nose, “I think she needs to be changed.”
You look through the bag again and hand John a diaper and some wet wipes, “Here.”
“Oh no, I definitely can’t do that.” he walks closer and tries to peel Harper off his shoulder as she screams.
You can’t help but laugh when you see John so out of his element. Harper is crying loudly and he tries to rock her to calm her down. He looks back up at you as you laugh.
“Help me.” his voice is desperate and it makes you laugh even more.
“Honey, she’s fine. She’s just hungry and needs her diaper changed.”  
He almost whimpers as he tries to hand her to you and she clings to his shirt. Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the bay window in the kitchen and pat the spot next to you. John carefully sets her down and walks back over to the island.
“I can’t do this either.” he says as he points at the formula and bottle.
“You can.” you nod at him, trying to be encouraging.
“Baby, I can’t.”
“Jonathan. Yes, you can. The instructions are on the back. She’s eight months. Look at how much it says to give her, fill the bottle with water, measure out the formula and dump it into the bottle. Shake it to mix it up.” you’re out of breath and the two of you stare at a each other for a moment, and you shake your head and start changing Harper.
He stares at you for a moment longer and when Harper screams, his whole body jolts into action. You change Harper quickly and her screams turn into whimpers and little hiccups. Her bottom lip juts out and you wipe the tears off her face as you kiss her cheek.
You walk back out to the living room and bounce Harper in your arms to soothe her and hear John behind you. When you look over your shoulder, he quickly stuffs his phone back into his pocket.
“Did you just take our picture?” you ask and smirk at him as he walks over. “We weren’t photo ready, Mr. Wick.”
He smiles and quickly hands the bottle to you, “Is this too hot…or too cold? I can make another one.” His hands shake and he runs his fingers through his hair.
You nod to the couch and he sits down, Harper instantly reaches out for John and he sits back a little, taking her in his arms as she drinks her bottle. You sit down next to them and check John’s watch for the time.
“God, it’s 7:20…” you yawn and rub your hands over your face. Looking over at John, you see him staring at Harper as she drinks her bottle. “She really likes you.”
He starts to laugh and looks at you, “I think it’s just because I was the first to get her when she was crying.”
“Oh, please. Look at her.” you look down at Harper, she’s staring at John and he smiles. He starts to lean down to kiss her forehead and he looks over at you. “You can kiss her.”
John leans down and presses his lip lightly to her forehead, then looks back to you. He starts to smile when he sees your hand over your mouth as you smile. “You think it’s cute?”
“Incredibly.” you say and lean over to kiss John. He moves his arms in front of you and almost shoves her in your face. “You want me to kiss her?”
“Yeah.” he nods and you lean down, kissing Harper on the cheek. “See, now that is cute.”
Harper finishes her bottle quickly and John puts her up on his knee, lightly patting her back as you wash her bottle and put everything back in the bag. From the kitchen, you can hear John whispering to her and when you walk back into the living room, they’re both laughing. You sit down next to them and Harper reaches out for you. Her eyes are bright and her cheeks are full of color. A perfectly healthy, happy baby.
“Ya know…you look really good with a baby.” John says and leans back against the couch.
You roll your eyes and laugh, “Jonathan, please.”
“You do.”
“If it happens, it happens.” you remind him.
“I know, but you still look good. It suits you.” he says and gets up when he hears his phone ringing.
Harper is falling asleep in your arms when John comes back out of the kitchen. “Aurelio said he’d be here in a little bit. Should I wake up Benji?”
“Send Bleu in there. I’m sure he’d be happier waking up to a dog licking his face.”
John cracks the door open wider and Bleu jumps on the bed, licking and sniffing Benji. You hear little giggles coming from the room and John appears in the doorway of the kitchen with a breakfast pastry. Benji happily takes it from him and plops down on the floor next to Bleu to watch cartoons.
“Hey man, thanks for watching them. We didn’t get out until late. The traffic was terrible.” Aurelio is already apologizing before he gets to the door and John reassures him that everything is fine.
“It was nothing. It was pretty fun actually.” John says as he shakes his hand.
“They were great.” you say as you hand Harper off to him.
“They were? Ah, that’s good to hear. I know they can be a handful.” he presses a kiss to Harper and she giggles.
You catch John watching and smiling, and it almost shocks you when he reaches back out to rub her cheek. When John looks away, Aurelio and you look at each other, a smile spread across your face and he winks at you.
“Daddy!” Benji comes running from the kitchen with Bleu and buries his face in Aurelio’s leg. “I made you a picture.”
“Wow. Should we go home and show mommy?” Aurelio reaches out to shake John’s hand and waves to you, “Thank you again.”
As John closes the door, you hear Benji talking about going to the park and throwing the ball for Bleu. You turn to John, exhaling loudly and realize how quiet the house is when it echoes.
“Well, that was fun. I told you.” he slings his arm around shoulder and you walk to the living room with him.
“It was something, that’s for sure.” you say as you pick up the pillows that have fallen off the couch and quickly change your mind when you get a head rush from bending over. “Eh, fuck it.”
You both yawn at the same time and he nods toward your bedroom. “We’ll clean this up later. Let’s go lay down.”
Even though it’s only around noon, you know you could easily sleep the rest of the day. Your clothes smell like baby food and when you look down at your sweater, you see a clump of yogurt stuck on the sleeve that you didn’t even know was there. You sit on the edge of the bed, too tired to take your clothes off and look over as John walks out of the bathroom in just his boxers.
“What are you doing?” he asks and stands in front of you.
“I’m too tired to even get my clothes off.” you say and feel John tugging at the arms of your sweater and pulling it over your head. You don’t know how, but with one hand and in a matter of seconds, he removes your bra and tosses it into the hamper. You lay back on the bed, closing your eyes and smile. “Thanks, babe.”
John wraps his fingers around the waistband of your leggings and raises his eyebrows, “Can I?”
“Please.” you nod and in one fluid motion, he pulls your leggings off and points to your underwear. “Yeah, those too.”
You sit back up after he’s taken off your underwear and you press a kiss to the splatter of scars on his stomach. “I love your tummy. It’s so soft. God, you’re perfect.”
When you close your eyes, you feel your head spin and the fatigue is getting much worse. You look up at John and see him smiling at you. You tug at the bottom of his boxers until they’re around his knees and he steps out of the them, tossing them in the hamper next to the dresser.
Scooting back on the bed, John crawls on top of you and wraps his arms around you to hug you tight to his chest. Being naked with John isn’t always lustful. Being wrapped in his arms and your skin touching his is comforting and reassuring; you feel safe. You yawn again and he squeezes his eyes shut to fight one himself.
You lazily kiss John’s chest and fall back against his pillow as he moves lower and gently kisses over your breasts. You tilt your head back up and you’re surprised when he isn’t hard – clearly he’s just as tired as you.
“I know I was being dramatic yesterday and I want you so bad. I really do, but…” you yawn again and he laughs.
“I’m tired too. I think they wore me out more than every job I’ve ever taken.” he rolls off of you and wraps his arm around your waist, kissing you, then leaning his forehead against yours. “Tomorrow?”
Snuggling in closer to him, you nod. “Yeah, tomorrow.”
taglist:  @keanubot @parksandrecmyass @velociraptir @chippyroh @sanguinecailleach @peachymelon98 @slyther-puff-couple @johnwickjuice @stlrsfn84 
113 notes · View notes
zzizzigom · 7 years
Moonflowers — Hyungwon | 4
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Characters: Heir!Hyungwon x Reader ; Wonho and Kihyun cameos
Genre/warnings: a little fluff and angst, nothing too exciting lol
Length: 4998 words
Parts: one | two | three
A/N: Still on a semi hiatus but this is so long overdue I wanted to get it out for you lovely readers! We get to meet Hyungwon’s parents in this chapter muahaha 
as always I apologize for any missed typos while editing! 
The zipper is stuck. You’ve tried holding the fabric down flat, unzipping and then re-trying, but something is caught and it’s not cooperating with you. With a huff you toss your arms up and let them fall to your sides in annoyance. You send a glance at Lena’s closest as you think about finding something new to wear. She had given you free range before she left for her classes, but you still hesitated. Her clothes are so glamorous they’re intimidating. Don’t be ridiculous Y/N they’re clothes.
You slip the dress over your head, careful not to disturb the light make-up and classy hairstyle you’ve chosen, and inspect the zipper, there’s a dent in the zipper teeth, making it useless to you. You drape the garment back onto its hanger and then once again shift through Lena’s options.
When you told her you’d be going to lunch with Hyungwon’s parents, Lena took one look at your closest and immediately deemed it incompetent, which you weren’t surprised about. The nicest thing you owned was a sweater from a fancy brand, that you actually got a thrift store.
At first you thought she was over exaggerating, but when you looked up the restaurant you were going to and saw the prices on the menu you wanted to choke. Even the appetizers were scarily priced. You couldn’t even imagine being able to afford that, and the fact that there were people who could blew your mind.
Finding another dress, this one a white color, you slip it on. You have to suck in your tummy a little but the zipper works and it looks really adorable. You’re looking at your outfit in the mirror, your lower lip nibbled between your teeth, when there’s a knock on the door. You look over your shoulder and call out, “It’s open.”
In the mirror’s reflection you see Hyungwon poke his head in cautiously and then slowly step into the room. His eyes trail the walls first, looking at the few photos and posters you have up and then landing on Lena’s collage of magazine cut outs. His eyes trail upward where you’ve strung fairy lights up to the ceiling.
The dorm is a little dirty, take out containers on both yours and Lena’s desks, and a few pieces of clothing on the floor, but it’s not the worst it’s been so you’re not too embarrassed. Still looking around, Hyungwon purses his lips and hums.
You’ve been out with him a few more times the past few weeks, and he’s a really decent man. Hyungwon knows how to make you laugh, he’s good at making you comfortable, and he’s really good at getting your heart to jump like it’s going to crawl out of your body. It’s sometimes to the point that you can forget about your differences in social class. He’s never judged you for your frugal ways, in fact aside from a few instances to set his plan in motion, he doesn’t show off his financial standing.
But in this moment you can see the pampered rich boy as he takes in the small room. He hums again and still looking around says, “It’s...small.”
You snort. His tone reveals that’s not the word he was going for, but the most polite one he could think of.
“Good eye,” you tease. His eyes snap to you in the mirror and he blushes a little in embarrassment.
He shoves his hands into his pockets and clears his throat. He’s wearing a black suit jacket over a cotton white t-shirt. His pants are black jeans and there’s rips on both the knees. His black leather shoes are so pristine and shiny you’re pretty sure you’d see your reflection on them. Hyungwon’s hair is styled purposefully messy to add just a touch more edge to his refined look.
He looks gorgeous. But when doesn’t he?
You narrow your eyes as if to scrutinize, hoping it covers your staring. He watches you and the longer your eyes stay latched onto him the more his mouth tips into a smirk. “You like what you see?”
You were expecting the dig but it still makes your cheeks warm because you do, you really, really do. You try to hide it with an eye roll and focus back on your own outfit. The dress is off the shoulder, baring your collar bones and neck. The skirt reaches mid-thigh and when you twist your torso left and right the skirt kind of picks up at the motion.
Completely unfocused on Hyungwon, you don’t notice how close he’s gotten until the warmth of his body is caressing your back. Your eyes lift to his in the mirror once more and he’s got his head tilted slightly taking in your appearance. Hands still in his pockets he puckers his lips for a moment and then nods. “Wear this one. It’ll match.”
Your eyebrow quirks, “Match with what?”
Hyungwon turns a little shy, then, his eyes dropping down to the ground. His smile turns boyish and he suddenly looks younger as his cheeks tinge pink and his nose scrunches ever so slightly. The sight has your own lips widening. You turn to face him fully and have to tilt your head back to see him fully.
“What did you do, Chae Hyungwon?”
Still shy, he fishes a box out of his suit pocket and holds it between the two of you. The box is long and covered in deep red velvet. You immediately know it’s jewelry. Part of you turns giddy at his notion but to hide it you give him a soft, yet pointed look. “We agreed no more presents.”
Hyungwon pouts and holds up a finger, “One more.”
You click your tongue about to refuse but Hyungwon’s eyes are wide and hopeful. With a long exhale through your nose you nod. “Fine, but last one. Promise!”
He only nods, now working on opening the jewelry box and pulling the accessory out. Before you can catch a good look at it, he spins you back around and carefully drapes the necklace on you. As he works the clasp, you silently study the gift.
It’s nothing too fancy and for that you’re grateful for. The chain is small and delicate and slightly tickles as it moves across your skin. In the center drapes a single pearl, it’s iridescent surface catching in the light. Carefully, you hold the pearl in your hands and realize there’s more to it. Holding the pearl to the chain is a silver, unfurled moonflower.
Your lip quirks at the sight and at the feeling of Hyungwon’s fingers trailing from your neck to your shoulders you look up and smile brightly. “I love it.”
Hyungwon releases a sigh. “Good, because I had to have that custom made.”
Your jaw drops and when Hyungwon laughs wholeheartedly you spin and shove his shoulder. He stumbles away still laughing but you ignore him, knowing he won’t stop laughing for a good five minutes at least.
Finding the shoes you want to wear, you slip them on, the kitten heel lifting your height a little. You do a last make-up and hair check before grabbing the purse Hyungwon bought for you and a light sweater for later.
Hyungwon is still laughing, though it’s dialed down to a light chuckle from behind his hand. Giving him an expectant look you raise your brows. “Are you done?”
He bites down on his lower lip and drops his hand from his face. Eyes still full of laughter he nods and motions towards the door.
Stepping out of the dorm room, you wait for Hyungwon to join you in the hall before locking the door. The hallways are pretty empty, majority of students in class. A few doors are opened some with soft music traveling into the halls. No one pays you any mind as you lead Hyungwon out of the building.
When you reach his car, Hyungwon holds the door open for you and then makes his way to the driver seat. Before he starts the car he turns to you. “The necklace really suits you.”
You reach up and touch the pearl gently. Putting on a haughty look you reply, “Well, it was custom made for me, so I would hope so.”
Hyungwon bursts into more laughter, and at first you’re laughing along with him. But then it takes ten minutes just to get his seatbelt buckled.
The restaurant is on the top floor of a sleek building with the words Hotel Shin on the front. Hyungwon helps you out of the car before handing his keys to the valet. He fills out the slip for his keys and then is greeted with a polite and cheerful. “Welcome, Mr. Chae. We’ll take good care of your vehicle.”
Hyungwon gives a tight lipped smile at that and then takes your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. When the two of you step into the hotel you’re blown away. The lobby is spacious, a tall ceiling holding a gorgeous and giant chandelier. People are bustling through the lobby, coming and going.
The couches in the lobby have plush red cushions with gold accents. There’s a fountain in the middle, creating a gentle background noise to the room. You’re so taken by the hotel, Hyungwon has to gently tug you along.
You don’t notice he’s taken you towards someone until there’s an amused laugh reaching your ears. Turning to the noise you come to face to face with a gorgeous man. He’s a little shorter than Hyungwon— but then again, who isn’t? His cheeks are round and soft and his plump lips are a soft pink.
The man studies your face with the most sparkling eyes you’ve ever seen and having them on you makes your cheeks warm.
Hyungwon must catch your reaction because he scoffs lightly from next to you. “Y/N, this is my friend Wonho, he’s the heir to this hotel.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Hyungwon won’t stop talking about you.” Wonho reaches a hand out to you, the dazzling smile never leaving his face. You’re still blushing, both at his smile and the thought of Hyungwon talking about you to others, as you shake his hand. Almost as soon as his fingers leave yours, Hyungwon is stepping closer to you, his chest at your shoulder. Wonho catches the movement and his smile turns into the shadow of a smirk.
“Your parents are already upstairs,” Wonho says.
“Thanks,” Hyungwon says, tightening his hand on yours. He starts to lead you towards the elevators and as you pass Wonho his happy smile is back as he gives you a little wave. Suddenly his face lights up as if he remembered something.
“Oh, Wonnie!”
Hyungwon blushes at the nickname when he catches you trying to hide a smile. He looks over at Wonho with a pointed glare. “What?”
“I thought you said your parents didn’t know Y/N was coming.”
Your eyes widen at that, you were under the impression they knew.
“They don’t,” Hyungwon says. “Why?”
Wonho frowns a little. “They asked for four drink menus.”
Hyungwon also frowns but then shrugs. “They’re getting old. Maybe they didn’t mean it?”
“Maybe they found out through the grapevine?” Wonho suggests. Hyungwon lets out a huff and then shrugs again. He thanks his friend for letting him know and then resumes leading you to the elevator.
When you step into the contraption, Hyungwon pushes the floor for the restaurant. You gently pull your hand from his and he looks over at you almost startled. His eyes dart down to your hand before back up to your face. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re parents don’t know I’m coming?” He shakes his head. “Hyungwon, Wonho said they asked for four menus, what if they have some important business partner or something?”
“It wouldn’t be. These lunches are for them to check up on me. No business allowed.”
“Well they’re obviously expecting someone else.”
“Y/N,” Hyungwon sighs. “It’ll be fine. Besides, if they are expecting someone else it’s the perfect set-up for my plan.”
Part of you feels like the words are slapping you one by one across the face. /His parents aren’t supposed to like me,/ you remind yourself. The elevator starts to slow as it reaches your floor and you give a silent nod in agreement.
Hyungwon steps forward and slips his hand back in yours and you swear it looks as if his shoulders relax as he grips your fingers. The doors open and the two of you step out. The restaurant is just as lavish as the hotel lobby.
A large glass wall separates the dining area from the host stand where a few other people are waiting for tables. The hostess looks up as you and Hyungwon approach. She looks too stressed to really even see you as she cards through menus. “Just two tonight?”
“We’re with the Chae party.” Hyungwon replies.
Her eyes widen a little and she glances at you and really takes in who she’s looking at. Her eyes scan over his appearance before she turns professional once more. “Right, if you wouldn’t mind following me.”
She drops the menus and then promptly stalks off into the restaurant. Her pace is a little on the fast side, and Hyungwon keeps up just fine, but you have to do a little walk-jog hybrid. She leads you past the tables in the main dining room and towards a private banquet room. As you near the door, your heart rate and breathing builds until it feels like you’re going to hyperventilate. Hyungwon’s parents are on the other side of that door. The hostess waits for you and Hyungwon to reach her before opening the door for the two of you.
“Enjoy your meal,” she murmurs before hurrying off back to her host stand. When the door opened the two occupants inside look up and you want to desperately run the other way.
Hyungwon’s mother is gorgeous, to which you’re not at all surprised about. Barely any wrinkles line her face, her dark hair pulled away from her face in a chic updo. Her cream white skirt suit is crisp and immaculate. Her face lights up when she sees Hyungwon but then drops into a curious frown when she sees you.
Looking at Hyugnwon’s father is like looking at Hyungwon in 20 or 30 years. They have the same facial shape, and nose. The same mysterious air to them. He’s sitting down, but you can tell he’s just about as tall as Hyungwon.
He sets down the newspaper he’s reading and looks at you over the rim of his glasses. But where Hyungwon’s deep gaze makes you want to bare your soul to him, his father’s eyes make you want to wilt.
“Hyungwonnie, come in, come in.” Mrs. Chae breaks the silence and motions for the two of you to come and sit. “Who...who’s your friend?”
“It’s the girl, honey. The girl from the gala,” Mr. Chae interjects, his voice a mixture of disappointment and deadpan. You pull back at the tone but Hyungwon pulls you back to his side, his hand giving yours a squeeze.
“Mom, Dad this is my girlfriend Y/N.”
The words send a zing through your body but it’s short lived as the air in the room turns tense. Mr. Chae lets a sigh out through his nose and Mrs. Chae looks pale. You go to introduce yourself but before you can move, Hyungwon is leading you to the empty chairs. He lets go of your hand to pull one of the chairs out for you and you hesitate to sit down.
Turning to meet your eyes, Hyungwon gives a nod of encouragement and slowly you’re lowering yourself into the chair. Across from you, Mrs. Chae’s eyes zero in on the necklace on you. “What a lovely piece.”
“Isn’t it?” Hyungwon asks distractedly, interrupting you, as he looks through the wine menu. “Y/N wanted something simple but elegant.”
You figure this is a cue to put on the act Hyungwon and you agreed to. Reaching over you rest a hand on Hyungwon’s arm and grin. “Yup, and our Hyungwon is just so generous!”
Hyungwon smiles at you and then his parents before turning back to the menu. You try to keep the slightly ditzy smile on your face but with Mr. Chae’s narrowed eyes on you it feels flat. With an embarrassed blush you pick up the menu and look through the options.
“You know, Hyungwonnie, it’s great that you brought a friend, but your father and I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“That’s fine,” Hyungwon murmurs. “Whatever you need to tell me you can share in front of Y/N.”
“I don’t think I can. It’ll make things awkward.”
The waiter walks in then for drink orders halting any conversation. All three members of the Chae family order a glass of wine and when the waiter turns to you, you ask for the first champagne option you see on the menu.
“That option comes in the full bottle or a glass.”
“One glass, please,” you reply at the same time Hyungwon says, “The full bottle.”
Your head whips to the man next to you with wide eyes. Hyungwon meets your look calmly. “Only the best for my love.”
You try to shake your head but Hyungwon’s eyes turn pointed and with an internal sigh of defeat you turn back to the waiter. “The whole bottle, please.”
Now he’s parents think I’m a gold digger and an alcoholic.
When the waiter leaves, Mr. Chae clears his throat. “I’ll be honest, Hyungwon, you bringing this girl here really puts a dent in our plans.”
“We can work around it. I want Y/N here.” Hyungwon’s voice is tense. He glances up and looks are his parents cautiously. “What do you mean plans?”
As if on cue the door opens again and the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen walks into the room. She’s tall and elegant, her lips upturned in a permanent smile. Her hair is cut short, brushing against her chin as she walks. She’s wearing a baby blue dress and holding a clutch purse in one hand.
She sheepishly greets Hyungwon’s parents first. “I’m so sorry I’m late. Traffic is horrible right now, I think there was an accident nearby.”
“Oh, that’s horrible,” Mrs. Chae smiles. “But don’t even worry about it, Nana. Come, sit down.”
Nana smiles and moves to sit but then stops, her eyes on you. You’ve since droped your gaze to the table, your hands wringing in your lap. Humiliation burns your neck and cheeks as you realize everyone is staring at you. You’re in Nana’s seat. Cheeks red and eyes burning, you begin to stand but Hyungwon’s hand reaches out and gently presses against your thigh to push you back into the seat.
“We can grab another chair,” Hyungwon says smoothly.
“Hyungwon…” you mutter under your breath.
He meets your eyes squarely. “We can grab another chair.”  His hand raises and you startle a little at the feeling of his fingers on your cheek. His head tilts a little and his expression softens as if to reassure you. “You’re not going anywhere.”
The waiter returns with drinks then and Mrs. Chae reluctantly asks for another chair. One is brought in and soon Nana is sitting on the other side of Hyungwon. The atmosphere is so tense you swear it drops at least five degrees.
Nana tries to make small talk but no one is suddenly in the mood to talk. It isn’t until after you’ve put in food orders and received your dishes that Hyungwon finally turns to his mother with pursed lips.
“What is this?”
She sighs and sets her utensils down. Hyungwon waits as she takes a sip of her wine. Next to her Mr. Chae continues to eat as if nothing was said. As Mrs. Chae sets her glass back down she gives Hyungwon the same looks he’s giving her. “Hyungwon, this was supposed to be a marriage meeting. Nana, here, is the heir to a highly respected company. This marriage would be resourceful not only for you but for her as well. It would boost both our families’ stocks.”
“So you want to marry our companies, not us?”
Mr. Chae scoffs then. The sound light and breathy but holding so much weight. “Are you going to marry some poor charity case then?”
Hyungwon’s father looks at you with such contempt that you lurch back, not expecting the hostility. Next to you, Hyungwon bristles and opens his mouth to snap back but you stop him with a hand to his arm.
“It’s fine,” you murmur, eyes burning. You feel so stupid for even being here, and as the realization that Hyungwon’s going to be paying you for this whole shitshow hits you, you feel even more ridiculous. “I’ll go.”
“Y/N,” he starts but you shake your head, grabbing your purse. He watches you, eyes stricken as you pull away from him.
You face his parents once more and give a quiet apology for ruining their lunch before exiting the room. Once you’ve cleared the banquet room, you’re almost running through the dining room back to the elevator. The doors open surprising fast, which you’re grateful for, and you step past it’s doors.
Once they shut and you’re alone, you lean your head back and shut your eyes trying to will away the tears. The elevator as only gone a few floors down before the bell dings and the doors are sliding open.
“Oh..Y/N, are you okay?”
You poke open an eye and see Wonho’s worried face as he steps into the elevator. He’s holding a clipboard in his hands and looks a little worn out. The happy glow that was there when you met him earlier now replaced with a tired and slightly annoyed expression.
“Are you okay?” you return the question.
He shrugs with one shoulder and pushes the button for a floor under the lobby and swipes an employee card. “Just some stuck ups complaining. When that happens I’m supposed to go up and mark down all their problems.” He waves the clipboard for emphasis. “Rich people suck.”
You snort, considering his background but then nod, looking down down at the ground. “They really do.”
Wonho turns to look at you, and you don’t bother calling him out for staring. The elevator reaches the lobby then, and you move to step out of the doors but before you can, Wonho is hitting the close door button. You turn and glare at him as the elevator begins to move down. He grins cheekily at you and then says, “Join me for a little bit. You look like you could use a treat, and I know exactly what to get ‘cause it’s what I’m coming down here for.”
The doors open on Wonho’s floor and he motions for you to follow with a smile. This hallway is bustling, employees roaming around, some hurrying and some moving more leisurely. As Wonho walks past some wave and call a greeting and Wonho happily returns the gestures.
You follow him into a kitchen, and keep close to him as chefs weave around and holler things back and forth. Wonho leads you into a sectioned off kitchen, which by the smells you can tell is the pastry section. Sweet scents such as vanilla reach your nose and you inhale deeply.
Wonho stops near the end of the kitchen and grins at one of the chefs. You think at first the chef doesn’t notice Wonho but then realize that he’s actually ignoring him. Wonho realizes too and pouts before saying, “You know as your boss I can fire you.”
“Try it, Hoseok,” the chef snaps, barely looking up from decorating a cake. “You’re whole hotel will fall apart without me. And you’re not my boss.”
Wonho grumbles but doesn’t deny it. “Y/N, this is Yoo Kihyun, world renowned chef. He’s well rounded but when he’s not on some cooking tour he likes to come here and make me cakes. Kihyun this is Y/N, she’s Hyungwon’s date.”
That gets Kihyun to stop immediately and look up at you. He takes in your form before going back to frosting. “Cute.” He finishes the cake and then steps back to take it all in. Setting it aside he pulls a new one in front of him and begins again. “And the cakes are for the guests, so I swear if you came down here to cause the same uproar you did last week I’m throwing you in the oven. It’s been a long time since I cooked rabbit.”
“You’re so mean,” Wonho sighs with another pout and in that moment you see the rabbit reference. “I just want two. The mudslide ones that I love.”
“Two?” Kihyun looks up again and sets down the frosting. He leans against the counter with a quirked eyebrow. “Hoseok, did you steal Hyungwon’s date?”
“No! Fate brought us together.”
Kihyun snorts at that and shakes his head. He turns and studies your face again and you give a slight smile, feeling a little awkward. “They’re in the back fridge cooling. But only two!”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” Wonho runs over and slips his clipboard under his armpit to grab two small white bowls carrying dark chocolate cake. He shuts the fridge door and then smiles and motions for you to follow him again.
Before you leave you call a soft thank you to Kihyun who only waves a hand in response, once again frosting the cake.
You end up in the employee break room, sitting across the table from Wonho. He’s retrieved spoons for the two of you and has begun to dig into his cake. You’re a little more patient, and take a slow first bite. It’s so savory and warm, you automatically feel at ease. After the humiliating scene in the restaurant, this chocolate treat is exactly what you needed.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Wonho’s voice is soft and his eyes are still focused on his cake. You know that his improper acknowledgement of you is to give you an easy out. You can pretend he didn’t say anything or you can slowly open up. You go for the former, giving a soft shake of your head.
Wonho only switches the topic to something else. You listen to him talk for a little while before he’s standing up to take a call. You’re alone in the break room for a few minutes. When the door behind you opens up you turn over your shoulder and see Wonho walking back in...with Hyungwon in tow.
He looks winded, like he’d been running around. His hair is now a real mess and his eyes wide. When they land on you he releases a sigh of relief and steps around Wonho to approach you and sit down next to you. He’s turned in the chair so that one arm rests on the table and the other on the back rest.
Avoiding his eyes you turn back to the cake and take another bite. Wonho quietly grabs his clipboard and cake before slipping away with an apologetic smile to you. You grumble internally, but don’t voice your annoyances.
There’s a warmth on your cheeks and Hyungwon is grabbing napkins to pat your face dry. He sits next to you quietly as you cry, occasionally holding the tissue to your face so you can blow your nose like you’re a child. When you’re done, you take in a deep breath and take a bite of the cake.
“Stop staring,” you sniffle, mouth full of cake. You’re a complete mess.
“You’re too pretty not to stare at.”
“Shut up, I look like a troll when I cry.”
“No you don’t,” he says in the most sure tone that you almost believe him. He reaches forward as if to move a strand of hair from your face and then pulls back. Disappointment tugs in your chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think they’d be that rude.”
You shrug it away. “It’s whatever.”
“No it’s not.” Hyungwon sounds angry all of a sudden. “It’s okay to be upset. Your feelings are valid too. My father shouldn’t have said that.”
“Hyungwon,” you gently rest your hand on his arm. “Don’t worry about it. I should’ve been more prepared.”
“Stop that. Stop trying to shoulder all the blame, Y/N. You’re not at fault and it’s okay to admit that.”
Your lips purse. There’s a stubbornness in Hyungwon’s face that says he can keep going if you want to argue. So instead you nod and scoop up a bite of cake before holding out the spoon to him. “It’s yummy.”
Hyungwon gives a small laugh through his nose and takes the spoon. He bites into the cake and chews it a little before swallowing the bite. His eyes narrow a little as he hands the spoon back. “Damn Yoo Kihyun and his extravagant cooking.”
His words bring a small smile to your face and you take the last bite of cake. Hyungwon lets you sit in silence for a moment, when you take a deep breath you face him. His eyes are clear and his expression shows an eagerness to please you. Your stomach is doing flips when you finally speak. “Can I take you somewhere?”
“Right now?”
You nod. “Right now.”
“Absolutely.” His voice holds no hesitations. His nod is curt and no nonsense. “I’d go anywhere with you. Just name the place and I’ll take you there.”
You give the name of a park near your dorm and Hyungwon nods again. He takes your hand and you feel immediately at ease, as if you’d been yearning for his touch since you left the banquet room. “Anything for my moonflower.”
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niallismymuse · 7 years
Losing It
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           Losing your virginity to Niall was mostly an accident. Well, it wasn’t planned for that night. It just…sort of happened. You didn’t mind.
           By this point in your four month relationship with Niall, you had done just about everything but lose your virginity. Something about Niall had you constantly on edge, in a good way. A simple touch of his hand on your arm had you burning inside, and, more importantly, wet between your legs. So you had made your way through some awkward, giggly blowjobs that improved with time, and Niall had devoured you on numerous occasions, those thick fingers of his often included.
           One night you wound up at his flat, sitting on his too-expensive couch and watching some sort of murder mystery off of Netflix. You weren’t really watching it, because your mind was otherwise occupied, and it was occupied with this: why hadn’t the two of you had sex? You had done everything else – not that you were bored of it, just ready. Was he waiting on you to verbally express that?
           You turn slightly, eyeing Niall’s profile. He’s watching the TV intently, absorbed in the murder show. You study him for a minute, watching as his eyes remain fixed on the television, tongue poking out at the corner of his lips to wet them every now and then.
           “Hey Ni?” You ask, and he hums in response, head slightly turning towards you but not entirely. Courage don’t fail you now. “Would you like to have sex with me?”
           That, as expected, got his attention. Niall does a double take, eyes flicking from you to the TV and back to you, his jaw dropping open. “Um. Yes?” He breathes out, looking confused but also interested. “Why would I ever say no to that, love?”
           You shift a bit uncomfortably, clasping your hands in your lap and dropping your gaze. “I…wasn’t sure you wanted to, because…you haven’t tried to take it that far.” It sounds stupid and makes you sound insecure, you realize as you voice your reasoning aloud.
           Niall is silent for a moment, before a low chuckle emerges from his lips. “I…babe, it’s not that I haven’t wanted to sleep with ya, trust me, that’s not it at all.” He pauses and runs a hand through those thick locks of brunette hair, and your eyes track the movement. You want your own hands there instead. “I just…wanted ya to be ready, and not regret it, ya know?”
           It’s your turn to think up an answer. You’re quiet for a moment, but then you lay your hand on top of Niall’s and smile gently at him. “Niall…I would never regret sleeping with you.” There’s a soft conviction to your words, something stirring in your tone. Niall gazes back at you, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand.
           You blink. “Okay? Just…okay?”
           Niall laughs, a deep sound that resonates from his belly. “Yeah. Do you want to…now?”
           “Yeah!” You laugh back, before pulling away slightly and covering your flaming cheeks with your hands. This has gone…not exactly how you expected, and you’re kind of embarrassed. Niall leans over to you and nuzzles his face affectionately into your neck, both of you giggling. “That’s kind of why I brought it up!”
           Niall’s pressing kisses to your neck, little teasing nudges of his lips against your skin. You’re trying not to laugh still. “I think I can make that happen.”
           Your arms wrap around his shoulders; he’s half laying across your lap, arms wrapped around your waist, face into your neck, though you’re pretty sure he’s trying to make his way down into your shirt. Your fingers run through the thick of his hair, and you smile to yourself. “Then let’s make it happen, baby.”
           Niall pulls back and stands, stretching, and you watch the strip of skin exposed on his midriff by the rising sweater. But then suddenly Niall’s grabbing your hands and helping you up, and next thing you know, he’s scooping his arm beneath your knees and lifting your bridal-style. You shriek, arms going around his neck. “Niall!”
           Niall is full of mirth as he walks to the bedroom, and your tummy fills with nervous butterflies. Instead of focusing on those, you lean up the moment he sets you down on the bed, and your lips meet his.
           The kiss is soft and tender and gentle, building up to the event before you. Kissing Niall is most definitely one of your favorite things in the whole world, although you’re sure there are a couple of other things you can add to that list. Niall’s lips move against yours like nothing else in the world matters, and your heart grows lighter at the feeling.
           For a long time, you just kiss, and feel, and explore. You’ve touched just about all of him already, but tonight it feels different, more special. The sight of him shirtless just about makes you swoon, and when you grin shyly at him and lift your shirt, he leans back down to capture your lips, thumbs rubbing reassuring circles into the soft flesh of your hips.
           His swollen, used lips eventually break from yours and trail down the lot of you. You’ve never realized it before: a kiss on your jaw can be felt all the way down to your toes. But Niall doesn’t stop at your jaw, oh no, his lips drag lower and lower, and it’s all you can do to keep a grasp of his hair. His lips move over the mounds of your breasts, teeth nipping lightly at your nipples, making you moan out. Niall is doing everything he can to please you.
           Tickling kisses are pressed to your stomach next, making you giggle even as your heart pounds hard in your chest. You’re sweating, and it’s kind of gross, but Niall doesn’t seem to mind, instead pushing your pants down your legs and moving his lips to your thighs. You know this part, you’re kind of familiar with it, but god, it never gets old, seeing Niall’s head between your legs.
           He mouths gently against your panties, and you shiver, your eyes scrunching up, His hands clasp the backs of your thighs, lifting you up a bit, and he nudges your panties to the side before inhaling the scent of you deeply. You flush, turning your heard away, but god, that was probably the hottest thing you have ever seen in your life. “Ya smell so good, darlin’,” he mumbles out to you, and you whimper at the sound of it,
           Niall’s lips against your slit sends you reeling. Your eyes flutter closed and you gasp and sigh his name as he works you, lips folding and molding against your clit, against your entrance, everywhere, moving from one spot to the next to keep everything feeling good. Your body is on fire; your limbs are shaking, and there is already a precipice approaching, and you’re ready to fling yourself from it.
           “N-Niall, I’m gonna…” you pant out, and his lips attach to your clit, sucking on it almost greedily. You cry out, back arching off of the bed, Niall struggling to hold you still as you convulse. A pleasant throbbing comes from your center, and you’re moaning lowly as you lay there, hardly able to handle the burning sense of pleasure in your veins. “God…”
           “The name’s Niall, babe, not that,” comes his smart-ass reply, and you open your eyes to throw some wit back down at him, but when you look down, it’s impossible. Niall’s smirking, the bottom of his face gleaming with your wetness, and his eyes are dark and primal looking. A second passes, and you notice he’s subtly rocking his hips against the mattress.
           “I…” comes your broken reply, “Niall, I want you…”
           Niall nods, and leans up and kisses you, heaving his body up to slot over yours. The scent and taste of yourself on his lips makes you breathless, and you moan into his lips, pressing your hips against his. He hisses in response, a small “fuck” making itself heard. He wants you just as badly. “I need ya, babe. Okay?”
           You pull back to look at his face. His expression is gentle, thin, pink lips parted just slightly, eyes gazing down at you like you’re a goddess on earth. Your mind is made up. “Okay.”
           Niall rolls off of you with grace, and you whine, even as he stands and moves towards his night stand. Your eyes are on his lower half, the way the muscles on the back of his calves move when he walks, but you hear the sound of ripping, and before you know it, Niall is back between your legs. Where he belongs.
           “Are you ready,” he breathes out, more of a statement than a question. You nod and lay back, offering yourself completely to him, although unsure of how to move yourself. Niall lines himself up and presses his lips to yours as he gently glides his tip in.
           It hurts, you expected that. You had felt pain before when he fingered you, but this is worse, for obvious reasons. A quiet whimper falls from your lips as the burn continues, and he pauses, barely inside you. “Just, just go all the way in,” you beg, because if you don’t, you’ll chicken out and you want this so bad. For you, at least, the pain comes before the pleasure.
           So Niall slowly pushes his entire length inside of you and man does it hurt. It stings and burns, but staying still makes it worse, so you urge him forward. He showers you with kisses pressed to your lips and face, and murmurs praise to you all the while. You can tell that it bothers Niall that you’re hurting, even while it obviously feels good for you.
           It starts to change for you when a tiny moan of pleasure erupts from Niall’s lips. The sound makes you feel good, and that’s when you notice that the pain is starting to diminish. It fades as Niall thrusts more, and as you listen to him. Your eyes peek open, and you notice his are open too, lips dropped open and a concentrated look on his face.
           “It’s starting to feel good,” you whisper to him, because that’s not something you want to keep him in the dark on. Niall grins, a quick thing, and presses his lips to yours quickly.
           “Can I move faster?” he asks you, and you know without a doubt that if you say no, it’ll be fine. He would be totally okay with it.
           “Yes,” you answer, and so he does, hips quickening against yours, and the pleasure is faster this time, lightning-bolt quick, and you moan at the feel of it. Niall lets his face bury into your neck, his hands clenching into fists in the sheets.
           You don’t orgasm again, but really, you don’t mind, because Niall does and when he moans and his hips stall with him deep inside you, it’s heaven. You wrap your arms around him and hold him close, feeling as he breathes deep and long. It’s the closest you have ever felt to someone.
           You gasp when he slowly slides out of you, and you watch as he steps up and cleans himself off before padding to the bathroom and coming back with a damp, warm wash cloth in his hand. You could cry.
           Niall lovingly wipes your center with the cloth. “You bled a bit baby,” he says, and he sounds upset about it.
           “I think that’s normal,” you mutter, exhaustion coming over you suddenly. Your body does ache in a strange way now, but you think sleep and time will fix it. “I’m tired, Ni. I need a cuddle.”
           Niall hums softly and finishes cleaning you up before tossing the cloth in the general direction of the bathroom and crawling into bed with you. His arm wraps around your waist and he presses a kiss to your forehead.
           “Thanks for taking my virginity,” you say into the silence. Niall snorts and then chuckles, and you can feel him shaking his head.
           “You’re so weird.”
           You giggle, and it’s comfortable. You feel safe in his arms, safe with him in general, even more so now.
           You fall asleep wrapped up in Niall, the way it always should be.
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