I'm still alive
Hey ya'all I'm still alive! I had so much to do with University stuff that I wasn't on tumblr for a long long time :/ But a few days ago I handed in my bachelor thesis and now I have some time off for the first time in the last three years 😍 What happened in my life so far? Well, as you know I started playing Roller Derby and it's so much fun but I still miss it to play handball. But skating is cool 👌 The girl who quits our friendship bc of her girlfriend two years ago trys to tell me why she has gone, but after a while she said the talking is to much for her and I haven't heard from again her since that moment. And it seems as if my ex-gf has decided that she doesn't want to talk anymore. One day we were talking the normal nonsense stuff and the next day she didn't respond to me anymore. That's over a month ago now...maybe she has a new gf or bf now. But hey....I have handed in my Bachelor thesis and have one week of time off before University starts again, so not everything is bad :D
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