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🙆🏼‍♂️巴菲特说: “我的一生中,从未遇见一位没亏过钱的富人! 却遇见许多从未亏掉一毛钱的穷人。” ——————————(当然事先探讨)—— 敢投资的人,才拥有成为富人的机会! 不敢投资的人,虽然没有亏过钱, 但也注定不会赢。 《#人生领悟》 ⚓ 船停在岸边最安全,但那不是造船的本意; 😐 人呆在家里最安全,但那不是做人的价值; #人生需要不断的经历和修行~早安!🌻🦋 🌿 #跨越人生之关 #关关难过关关都过 🙆🏼‍♂️ Warren Buffett said: "I have never met a rich man who has not lost any money in my life! But met many poor people who never lost a penny. " ———— (Of course to discuss in advance) —— Only those who dare to invest have the opportunity to become wealthier! People who dare not invest, although they have not lost a single penny, but it is also destined life, not to win chance. 《#LifeApperception》 ⚓ The safest ship is to anchor at the harbour, but that is not the original build intention of; 😐 The safest zone for people is to coop at home, but that is not the value of being a person; #LifeNeedsConstantFaceOnToExperienceAndPractice ~ Good morning! 🌻🦋 🌿 #OvercomeLifeObstacles #EveryStagesComesDifficultShallPassEventually https://www.instagram.com/p/B_q5ZwxAsh3/?igshid=ih5ppprwt0q5
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