#life sucks and I'm both tired and pissed off about it
artemismoorea03 · 11 months
Life Update
Okay, so this is a long time coming. For those who follow me for my Gotham is Haunted or Monkies Aren't Alright series - or any series really - you might have noticed a large gap in posting and this is a mixture of things that hit all at once.
To start out Salem - our black cat went missing in April and we still haven't found him. I'm still holding out hope but aside from my Mom it seems like everybody else has given up on finding him.
Salem went missing on my wedding anniversary and on my birthday my spouse brought home a kitten that was found at his work that we named Ziggy. He was starving, really sick, and not doing well but by some miracle we managed to nurse him to life. A mixture of waking up every couple of hours to give him formula, helping him to go the bathroom, and restarting his breathing a handful of times. Ziggy is now five months old and is thriving to the point that our vet has been surprised by how far he's come and that he's the same cat.
Then, in September I went on a hellish camping trip. One that basically made me loose all hope that I will ever be able to heal my relationship with my father and strained my relationship with my mother even more. Between panic attacks, autism melt downs, being so cold I was physically sick more than once then got yelled at for being 'dramatic', and my father telling me I was being 'too much' for being disabled how I am I just... I was done and I'm still not okay from that trip. Both emotionally and physically.
To add onto that my mom implied that she would be kicking us out of the house because my sister and her boyfriend were moving out and tried to convince me and my spouse to move into the "Mancave" of my creepy uncle which meant that we spent weeks trying to find a house on short notice just to find out that it was actually my Dad pushing my mom to kick us out so they could make more money from renting the house we're living in out to others. When mom realized that we took it seriously and was to the point of being mentally lower than I had been since fuckin high school she took back what she said and promised that unless we wanted to move out we weren't going anywhere.
All of that mixed with the fact that I have been sick for months physically, my vision and hearing getting worse, my mental state still being garbage, and hate comments on some of my work that I've had to delete or push aside has made it really hard to write. I second guess everything I write, and try writing even harder. Hell, I was nearly done with my Kid's Aren't Alright rewrite when I got ANOTHER bad comment and realized a mistake that I knew I would get more hate on and now I'm having to rewrite it all over again.
I'm working myself in circles and I'm just... I'm not okay and I'm not sure how long it'll be until I'm okay again. I'm trying to get back into writing, getting back to my roots and writing more of what I want to write and worrying less about 'canon' or haters but it's hard to write when writing isn't fun.
To my friends that I've kinda brushed off, I promise it's not you. I've gone into my shell a lot and I'm trying to break back out but it's a fight. I'm still in a dark place but I'm hanging on as best as I can with the resources I have around me. I'm not saying there will never be another update (hell, I took a break from writing Gotham is Haunted just to make this update) but I am saying that whatever the update, no matter how small or how lame... be gentle, please? A lot has happened.
And this? What I've written here - is only part of it.
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bbunnyyy · 4 months
All The Stars~ PT.4
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A/N: It's been a while my lovelies :3 Also, this was written before the poll so Bakugou uses the nickname 'bunny' for the reader.
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Bakugou gulped as he heard the pairings, heart beating out of his chest. Blinking, he stared right at you, his expression unreadable. You gave him a nervous smile as you walked to the centre of the ground with Bakugou catching up to you.
"There will be two rounds, The first will be hand-to-hand combat with usage of quirks prohibited." Aizawa Sensei spoke through the speakers- tired of his class already.
You looked up at Bakugou as you walked alongside him. You observed his gruff expression and furrowed eyebrows as his shoulders moved slightly with every step he took. His tank top did wonders for his physique- you could almost see the outline of his abs. How wondered what kind of boyfriend he would be. Would he be rude to you as he is with everyone, yet soft and warm behind closed doors? Or would he treat you with courtesy and love in his every action, regardless of who was watching? Would he be the type to be mean to everyone else, a soft spot for you? Licking your dry lips, you sighed. What was it with you and this hopeless romance of yours?
Your gaze didn't falter as Bakugou's mouth went dry. He felt like he'd throw up, throw up the mass of muscle that was beating violently in his chest. You were so dangerous, having this effect on him.
"Holy FUCK. Why is she looking at me?? Do I have something on my face? Is there something on my teeth? Darn it, I forgot to brush after breakfast." Bakugou thought, while his teeth caught onto the rough leather of his gloves, freeing his hands to wipe his sweaty hands on his pants. "Are you okay, Bakugou-kun?" You questioned cautiously, leaning closer into him. You could smell the glycerin on his skin- you wondered what he'd taste like, maybe you could convince him to let you have a little lick? Stupid brain. Bakugou would probably AP shot you into the sun if he could hear your thoughts. Snapping out of your thoughts, You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, looking at him for an answer.
Katsuki Bakugou melted into your touch. Katsuki Bakugou could almost see his future. Katsuki Bakugou could almost imagine how married life would be. Regaining his composure, Katsuki Bakugou cleared his throat to answer you- "It's nothing." He brushed your hand off his shoulder, he was scared his heart would beat out of his ribcage.
You held your hand in your other, feeling like a bother. Of course he's okay. He's THE Bakugou Katsuki. Nothing could phase him. He did look like he was distracted, even if he had nothing on his mind. Your gaze lowered to the ground, spinning on your heel to keep walking.
Bakugou's explosions sent Mina and Kaminari tumbling backwards. The ground underneath you trembled prompting you to plant your feet firmly into the ground as you sucked the inside of your cheek. The dumb blonde wasn't good at teamwork, pissing you off. The force of his explosions had sent you tumbling two times already- how were you supposed to win this match if he wasn't willing to work together? You looked at your feet as the floor under you shook. Uh oh. The floor was about to give way as a pair of warm hands grabbed onto your waist, pulling you back. You watched on as the floor went crashing down, debris creating a cloud of dust and plaster.
Aizawa Sensei pinched the bridge of his nose, instructing Midnight to press the emergency button. Red lights flashed throughout the ground, alerting both the teams to stop and evacuate the building.
"Do you know how dangerous that was, Bakugou?" Aizawa Sensei asked sternly. "I'm sorry, sensei." Bakugou said through gritted teeth, head hung in shame. "Sorry doesn't cut it. What if there were civilians in the building during such a blunder? You caused the foundation of a forty-two-story building. Do you understand the implications of such a HUGE mistake?" Aizawa looked at the four of you and shook his head in disappointment. You and Mina stood shoulder to shoulder, too ashamed to even look at the Erasure hero. Aizawa took a deep breath out. "All of you, Recovery Girl's office. Detention's at 5. Class Dismissed for the rest of you."
The air was tense as Kaminari placed his hand on Bakugou's shoulder before walking away with Ashido, who just shook her head in disappointment. Bakugou's jaw was clenched tight as his nails dug into his palm. Sighing, you walked towards him as the rest of the class filtered out the arena. Bakugou seethed in silence. He was mad, mad at himself. How could he have been distracted? Such mistakes could cost thousands of lives during a real attack. He wanted to punch himself in the face, how could he have fucked up? Breathing out, he looked at you- the source of his distraction.
"What're you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Bakugou snapped, clicking his tongue. "Matter of fact, there is. Oh, wait. You're just ugly." You cringed at your statement. What the FUCK were you thinking. What kind of third-grader insult was that? You were ready to crawl into a hole and disappear. Any chance of any 'romance' with him was dead now. Dead. Six feet under.
In one swift motion, Bakugou kicked your heels knocking the ground out from under you. You yelped and tried to grab onto him, trying not to fall. Bakugou grabbed your waist as he pushed you into a wall, your back in full contact with the cold concrete. This pillar was out of the line of sight of any camera- He knew that. You knew that. You gulped, head swarming with thoughts of what Bakugou was going to do now. His slender fingers gripped your throat. Instinctively, you circled your fingers around his wrist. He caressed your Adam's apple as it bobbed while you gulped. He brought his head towards yours, taunting you. "You wouldn't give me looks like that if you found me ugly, bunny." He said, not breaking eye contact with you.
Bakugou's grip on your neck served as a warning. His red eyes seemed to look through your soul. You should be scared, scared for you life, scared about what he was going to do to you- but here you were, rubbing your thighs together as his fingers pressed against your throat. Bakugou loosened his grip, taking a step back as he pulled his arm away. "Seeya at detention, airhead."
THE ROOM FOR DETENTION was small. The four walls were white, devoid of any vents or windows. The room fit six benches and a teacher's table behind which Hound Dog snored away. You propped your head up with the back of your hand as you played with your pencil. Half an hour ago, Aizawa Sensei had walked into the classroom to write a sentence on the small blackboard-
"I will not be reckless."
Your fingers ached as you wrote the sentence for the five hundredth time. Mina was busy trying to look for a way to sneak out. You looked at Kaminari who was trying to balance a pen above his lips. The pen clattered against the white tiles of the room for the hundredth time as he failed once again. Bakugou slammed his fist on the table in frustration and pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket. You and Kaminari exchanged a wordless glance and Bakugou cleared his throat to announce that he had sneaked in a sheet of math problems (how sacrilegious) because detention was a 'waste of time'.
"Bakubro, you should've sneaked in a Gameboy or your phone- why math sums? It's the one thing brain numbing-er than detention." Kaminari said, holding his head in his hands going crazy.
"Shut up, nerd." Bakugou sneered. You pulled up a chair next to Bakugou, bored enough to study for the upcoming tests.
Bakugou stared at you as you sucked on your bottom lip, focused on solving the sum in front of you. You looked so cute when you furrowed your eyebrows like that. Mina and Kaminari sneaked out the classroom a long time ago, leaving you and Bakugou alone with Hound Dog who was out cold. Bakugou's elbow brushed against yours- you could feel the heat radiate off each other in the stuffy classroom. You sucked in a sharp breath as your focus broke, batting your eyelashes. Katsuki Bakugou's pen came in contact with your head as you flinched. "Dumb bunny." He sounded out, hitting the top of your head with the back of his pen. "You've got this sum all wrong." He leaned into you, his chest pressed against your arm. Your muscles relaxed instantly- his presence was strangely comforting.
Another hour passed with your bodies pressed against each other, Bakugou helping you solve math sums. He smelled just like burnt sugar, his scent almost lulling you to sleep. "How 'bout we get outta here? It's really fucking hot." Bakugou said, breathing out. His shirt was half unbuttoned, revealing his toned chest as he leaned against the back of the wooden chair. Before you got any words out to confirm or deny Bakugou's suggestion, you found yourself getting dragged out the classroom by your wrist. You almost tripped over your own feet as you tried to keep pace with the blonde.
Bakugou lead you up the fire exit's staircase to UA's rooftop. The sun had started to set, painting the sky a beautiful orange. The soft breeze ruffled Bakugou's hair, reminding you of a wet dog trying to dry its fur. Bakugou closed his eyes, taking a minute to enjoy the cool breeze. You took a seat on the ledge, swinging your legs off the roof. Bakugou followed suit, taking a seat next to you as he placed his palm flat on your back. His hand trailed slowly to rest on your shoulder, giving you goosebumps. Bakugou avoided your gaze, staring at the sunset. Your heart skipped a beat as you gathered the courage to lean into Bakugou, resting your head on his shoulder.
"There's something I want to tell you, Bakugou-kun." You admit. "Mm, What is it?" Bakugou asks, glancing at you. "Actually, I.."
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PT.5 will be out in the next few days hehe TAGLIST: @marslikeswildflowers @lovra974 @kawliflo @shyshybabyy @sikuthealien @mirophobic @nemisimp @i-simp-to-much
Thank you for keeping up with the series~
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atarathegreat · 1 year
Draken. Petty. Hair. DO IT.
Suck toes.
Ken Ryuguji x reader
What happens when gang member has a bad week and wakes up in a sour mood...alone?
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Each day was as shitty as the last. If it wasn't the little annoyance of Mikey falling asleep after eating or making Kenny carry him around it was another gang trying to get on Toman turf or some brats picking a fight with him. Kenny felt like he couldn't catch a break, and just then was no different.
"Get lost, punk. I'm not in the mood today!" Draken growled, Mikey asleep on his back as he walked. It was just the perfect moment for the first year to get his ass beat. God, if Kenny could just put Mikey on the sidewalk and leave this whole mess to the unconscious boy. Though, he'd never leave his friend to handle his problems, even if Mikey could handle it. "Oh, is the big bad Draken afraid to fight a kid?" The little shit cackled. Cackled!
Kenny carefully put Mikey on the nearby bench, more pissed than he had been that whole week. "Your fuckin' funeral, brat."
He knew he was an amazing fighter, so he wasn't worried about him. Draken was, however, worried about how hard he was going to hit the boy. He went for a decent hit, sending the kid back a little bit and turning to grab Mikey. There was no need to double check the kid, it was obvious that he was out cold. "You owe me, Mikey." Kenny grumbled. Already that day had been filled with more fights than he liked.
And it didn't get any better when they got to the gang meeting. Peh-Yan was in a mood, meaning Pah-Chin was in a mood and they were picking fights with people left and right. As vice commander Draken had to deal with that. Nahoya was getting fired up because of Pah and Peh. As vice commander he had to handle it. Someone started an all out brawl in the middle of the crowd, and when Kenny went to break it up with the captains his head jerked back from a hit to the nose. It pissed him off to the point he had to leave the meeting.
Why were people all over him? Couldn't he catch a damn break? Didn't he earn some peace and quiet? It was stupid and Kenny was tired of being the person everyone ran after. It almost made him wish he'd dropped the gang shit when he was younger, and it wasn't any better when he returned home.
"Where have you been, Ken?" One of the ladies was already standing at the check in desk of the brothel, "It's late, you know?"
"Tch, get off my ass, okay? M'not in the mood." Draken walked past her. She grabbed hold of his shirt collar, tutting as she pulled him back, "C'mon now, young man, don't talk to me like that. I helped raise your ungrateful ass that I'm on."
He'd had enough, snapping at her for the first time, "Then maybe you shouldn't have! Ever think about that? Or are you too busy thinking about yelling at me when I come home?"
They both paused, Kenny staring angrily at her. He wasn't mad at anyone but himself in that moment, and stormed back past her and to the elevator.
It wasn't her fault he was having a bad week, and she was just being worried about where he'd been running off to so late. He sighed, knowing he'd get that later. She had been the one to primarily raise him, cared for him despite not being obligated to. She'd taught him to walk and talk, helped him learn to shave his face without really knowing how to herself. Kenny slammed a palm into his head as he thought about everything she'd done for him, but it didn't matter. He'd already snapped at her and couldn't bring himself to so much as text her.
There was only one place he could go anymore that wasn't going to make him feel guilty or pissed off, unless she'd had a shit day as well. It was worth it to at least see, and if he left quickly even more pissed off, then whatever.
But, heaven and earth, if he didn't feel a little bit of the weight fall from his shoulders when she answered the door. Her startled smile was still brighter than anything he'd faced his whole life, "Ken-Chin? Is everything okay?" All he had to do was shake his head and fall into a hug. She chuckled, her smaller body supporting the weight of the world that rested on Kenny.
"I can't do it, this week has sucked ass and I can't handle this shit." Kenny followed her inside like a lost and beaten dog. She sauntered around the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of something Kenny couldn't see and a wash cloth. "What happened to your nose, Kenny?" Y/n took her place between his legs, reaching out to gently clean the dried blood from his nose and lip.
"Got punched while I was at the meeting. Left early." Kenny mumbled as he leaned into her, his knees squeezing her middle to trap her next to him, "Weeks been shit, m'done doing it."
She sighed and the sound was enough to make Ken wish he hadn't brought his issues to her door, "Wanna talk about it?"
"Nah, just the normal shit being excessive." He wiped his face to get the peroxide off, smiling at Y/n, "Doing better now, I think."
It was her, everyone knew it was her that kept Kenny chilled out on his bad days. To Mikey it was more than obvious that Kenny sought out her presence when things got tough, often bringing her to meetings and glancing at her just to see her smile. She often lightened the mood, along with Emma who was just as giggly.
Kenny had met Y/n on a day that he needed it the most. He was about to get jumped by a ton of punks, and though he could've handled all of them, he was relieved when he didn't have to. She stomped up from behind him, loud and angry and pointing in everyone's faces, "Who do you think you are, ganging up on someone? I'm ashamed that you all go to this school! Go on!" And her spunky little self seemed to not mind that Kenny was clearly a delinquent, even smiled at him and commented on his tattoo.
The same tattoo she was tracing with her fingertip, talking about her day as Draken zoned back in, "And the math class was so hot I had to take my jacket off and-Kenny?" She'd only just noticed the way his hands were shaking, holding tightly to the bottom of her shirt, "M'fine, sweetheart. Keep talking."
"Well, I had to take my jacket off and, of course, my pen had to have busted in my skirt pocket and stained up my shirt. I've still got a black splotch stained onto my side!" She wound her finger around the dragons tail, making Kenny shiver and rest his head on her shoulder, "So a lot of the girls were laughing about that, rude tramps. But, I knew that I could change in the nurses office so it was an easy fix."
Listening to her problems made him feel better. Seeing how silly she acted over a busted pen, somehow made him feel happy he didn't have such trivial angers.
"What about you, Ken-Chin?" She asked, taking out his braid. He shrugged, "The usual. Little brats want to fight, Mikey is lazy, and the gang is wild. It's just a bit much right now."
"Maybe you should get some rest? You know Mom and Dad don't mind you staying here, we can share my bed, too." Y/n parted his hair down the middle, tugging lightly as she played with it, "You'll wake up and feel ten thousand times better!"
And he wouldn't deny it, either. Instead of grumbling, as he wanted to, he got up and stretched. Never did it cease to amaze him how he towered over her, and he saw it every time she had to crane her neck to look at him. And still Kenny trudged down the hall behind Y/n, yawning and ready to just relax. She tossed the blanket out and laid it over the bed, waving for Kenny to get comfortable. He wasn't about to waste his time asking silly questions of "Are you sure?" He knew she was serious and she'd kick his ass if he didn't get sleep.
But he was going to kick her ass when he woke up alone, to laughter in her living room. Kenny stayed silent as he stood in the hallway, watching as she brushed Mikey's hair, talking about how Kenny had showed up that night. Mikey thanked her as she put his hair up, only the top just how he liked it, and she smiled at him.
There was a quick shot that went through his chest, it was bothersome. Why was Mikey being so close to her? Why was she just smiling at him and laughing as though Kenny, as far as she knew, wasn't still laying in her bed. He could see his hair tie on her wrist and walked up behind them, "Move, Mikey." He didn't hesitate to pick up his best friend and toss him to the other seat, sitting on the floor in front of Y/n. She giggled, resting her legs over his shoulders and moving to softly brush his hair. There were a few knots, but not too many, and she was careful to not tug on them.
"A braid, as usual?" She leaned over and tapped his chest with the brush. He nodded, "Would ya'?"
Kenny didn't mind the slight tugging that pulled his head backward, he was just thankful that her attention was on him and not someone else.
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izvmimi · 1 year
a/n: part of cursed!reader series of drabbles. sfw.
"y'know, it'd be nice to be loved like that," you muse as you follow nanami into the subway station. it's almost 3am, and both of you have sobered up a bit, knowing that satoru and his partner are probably stumbling into one of their apartments' drunk in their own right. you think for a moment that perhaps you should have actually explicitly made sure they made their own way safe, but you're pretty sure even piss drunk gojo can protect him and your friend.
nanami looks tired as usual, but he has a content smile on his face. you wonder if he heard you speak as you sit by him.
"oi, are you even listening to me?"
nanami turns his attention to you, a gentle flush of red on his sharp cheekbones letting you know that he probably is a little more drunk than you expected. it must be nice - you're often careful because you're a chatty drunk, and waking up after blacking out with multiple senses stolen from you is probably not ideal.
"always," he says. you raise an eyebrow. the train doors close and you start moving.
it's a strange answer from him but you allow it.
you sigh, stretching your legs out in front of you. there's just a singular man in the front part of your subway car, and he looks nonthreatening so you lose interest quickly. not much is there to look at, and when you look back at your friend, kento is peering at you through his glasses.
"what part of it do you like?" he asks. he chuckles, and you feel like you're being teased.
"i didn't say i liked it."
"you literally just said 'it would be nice.'"
heat rushes to your cheeks, but then you bite your lip and decide to own it.
"you know what, yes! i'm tired of being single. why would i want to be going halfsies on a tiny apartment with a sourpuss like you when a man should be appreciating my charm and treating me like a queen?"
it's nanami's turn to raise an eyebrow.
"do you think you deserve better?" he asks. you make a show of gasping in shock.
"why i never-"
nanami laughs louder this time and crosses his arms over his chest leaning back into the plastic covered seat. any time he laughs this much you're filled with an odd feeling, dread because he's probably making fun of you, or confusion... perhaps jealousy? you don't think you're that funny, but he doesn't seem to find anyone else as amusing. you hate that.
his hand rests on the top of your head suddenly and you kick him gently in the ankle.
"i deserve it," you remind him. you try to keep your eye contact fierce, making sure he doesn't patronize you; he lets his hand drop back to his side but continues to give you a pretend bemused look.
breathing out through your nose, you decide you'll get him where it hurts.
"are you gonna pretend you're not bitter that your love life sucks?" you ask. he peers again at you sideways, then grins.
"i try not to think about it too much," he replies, promptly.
his ankles cross, and you consider kicking him again but the second time might actually hurt and you don't actually intend to hurt him. you purse your lips to the side and avert your attention instead. the shadows in the subway station start to hypnotize you the longer you focus on them, then you realize you are kind of sleepy. one of you has to stay awake to make it home safely, so you decide to return to antagonism.
"are you still pining over women who are inaccessible?"
nanami's eyes have closed shut by now but they open again.
"whatever do you mean?" he hasn't turned to look at you yet, and you're looking for the tick in his jaw that suggests annoyance but there's nothing yet.
"i told you to stop falling for lesbians, remember?" you tease him.
nanami gives you a look that lasts a bit too long, and for a moment you wonder if you've actually wounded him. you breathe in sharply and you're preparing to say the words, "sorry" but then he interrupts you quickly with the following,
"are you a lesbian?"
the question catches you off guard in the slight inebriation of hours after karaoke, where trot and enka play on loop and the taste of overpriced sushi swallowed not on your dime still ghosts on your tongue.
you would ask, "what's that supposed to mean?" but it's clear. kento's leaned into you and the train is slowing to a stop. you think your heart might slow to a stop too. he must be joking with you.
"i think you're too drunk, you're not making any sense." you finally say through your teeth, but the fact that you're suddenly flustered is apparent in the waver in your voice. kento snorts but it's soft and accommodating, not petulant.
the overhead PA tells you to unboard and kento moves first, getting to his feet but looks back at you and catches you as you stumble on heels too high for just karaoke and meeting with your closest friends.
your hand is in his and he lets go once you're steady.
you thank him but he can't steady your heart too.
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pengujoon · 1 year
content. oikawa x bsf!reader, reader has a crush on oikawa, oikawa is a douchebag, iwaizumi is their mutual best friend. angst and more angst, cw: suicide. Iwaizumi gets super sad at the end i'm sorry baby. too many tragedies in this
a/n: i keep deleting the story so i have to do the formatting again and again i'm so done. didn’t know people would like the first part sm so here’s the second part as suggested!
part i
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Of course the atmosphere in high school the next day wasn’t the best - one of their most famous students killed themselves. Who are we kidding? They’re known throughout the entire province as the infamous volleyball captain’s best friend!
But to him, he hated their very presence. They were nothing but a nuisance. Yeah, initially he wanted to become friends purely because he saw that they had no one to be with - until he realised that they are the child of the president of the Miyagi prefecture volleyball association. Then everything went downhill from there.
All those times that you wore his jersey to watch his games made his stomach churn - he couldn’t possibly see you taint the jersey that was exquisitely his. He couldn’t possibly replace it with a new one, no no. His act would be easily blown by keen eyes. He had a reputation to uphold. 
But little did he knew that his carefully articulated plan of using you to get close to your father was blown way earlier than he ever expected anyone to know about it. And undoubtedly, it was none other than their very setter.
“Iwaizumi!” it was an undeniable fact that he made the group become a trio because all three of you were childhood friends: the only difference was that you didn’t know who oikawa was and vice versa. But the both of you knew Iwaizumi, which then led to the formation of the current friendgroup that took Aoba Johsai by storm. 
From the very beginning, Iwaizumi knew that Oikawa wasn’t someone you’d like to be with - especially so if you’re naive. Maybe it’s instinctive, but Oikawa is especially manipulative and is probably one of the most skillful people pleaser Iwaizumi has met in his entire life. 
And such is the reason why he was worried when he saw a sudden change in Oikawa’s behaviour to you - it was as though he was trying to please you, to not make you angry - to put simply: he was sucking up to you.
But to him, it didn’t make sense! Why? You couldn’t even possibly do anything that would benefit him - until he saw you walking towards the Miyagi Prefecture Volleyball Association building. Remembering that your father was the president of the association, it hit him that Oikawa wanted to get to your father through you.
The situation at hand was not favourable to Oikawa - the party took place in Iwaizumi’s home. It just happens that Iwaizumi’s family was well off and affluent, allowing him to have access to the cctv footage that captures the in and out of the entire penthouse. 
After being taught since young to watch over the day’s cctv footage to identify anything that seems remotely out of place, he made it a habit to watch them right about to sleep, something like a bedtime story. 
The moment he started the footage, he found you. 
It was offputting seeing the way you stood outside the kitchen. You looked… tired? Fearful? The cctv couldn’t really capture your expression given the distance, but at least he could make out the fact that you were hiding from someone. 
Probably Oikawa, he thought. 
His thoughts were confirmed seeing the very man in the kitchen with another friend of his. Thank goodness the situation was of use to him. The room was pin-drop silent, save for the soft distant humming noises of music and people from the living room.
He quickly put his earphones on to listen in on their conversation. 
And boy, he was pissed. 
The next day - with no warning signs and no nothing - the moment he saw Oikawa practicing alone in the gymnasium, he saw red. 
“You fucker!” Iwaizumi ran up to Oikawa and pushed him so hard he fell on top of the pile of volleyballs that lay dormant below him. 
“The fuck you want?” Oikawa shouted back in retaliation, surprised by Iwaizumi’s sudden outburst. 
“What did you say the other day when you were over at my house?!” He shouted, not bothering if anyone could hear it even if they were feet away from the now closely shut gymnasium.
Before Oikawa could even respond, Iwaizumi quickly added to his statement. 
“Before your ‘best friend’ stood outside the kitchen, they were happy! They skipped around when they were outside at the rooftop before looking so fearful when they were outside by the kitchen!”
Everything went blank after Oikawa heard Iwaizumi say the first 8 words. You were outside there hearing him talk about you like you’re nothing? That’s probably way you commited suicide. 
It then hit him like a truck.
Oh god, he thought, what does that make me?
“You’re a fucking murderer!” 
Ah, that’s who I am. 
“You think I don’t know that you got close to your now dead best friend only to reach her father? You think I don’t know that’s what you’re planning?
“It’s fucking tiring having to juggle your issues. They loved you! They were about to confess to you on that very night itself but look at what happened.”
He took a brief pause.
“They’re dead.”
An uncomfortable silence fell upon them. “Now what do you have to say about what happened that day in the kitchen?”
Oikawa remained silent, his head hanging low.
“Speak, you asshole!” He flinched hearing Iwaizumi roar at him. “What is it that you said that made your best friend jump off my penthouse?”
“I said I hated them!” Oikawa yelled in retaliation. “Said that I should get an award for acting that I like them so well.” Although he whispered the last part under his breath, it reached Iwaizumi’s ears and he had to put in all his effort to not beat this sorry sake of a best friend up into a mush.
 Iwaizumi turned his back against Oikawa and began pacing around the court. Anyone could tell that they shouldn’t get close to him right now: one wrong step and you’ll be done for. The fury in each step scared Oikawa - he had never seen him so angry before. Never once in his entire life.
“Did you know?”
Iwaizumi asked out of the blue, prompting Oikawa to look up at him. Oikawa hated how weak he was in this situation, so vulnerable and powerless against Iwaizumi. He hated the power imbalance.
“They have a name for themselves on a public diary website. I interact with them a lot there, but they doesn’t know it’s me. Although no names were mentioned, I just knew it was you. They wrote about what they felt for you and I could feel the love ooze out from the words beautifully articulated in her entries.” 
Iwaizumi glared at Oikawa, his eyes evidently teary. 
“You’re a bitch. Imagine finding out that your best-friend-turned-crush never liked you and fucking depises you. You should be grateful that they never found out that you got close to them only to suck up to their father.
“Imagine if they did. Your life with volleyball will be no more.
“Just like theirs.”
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The pain from your death engulfed them both like an unending storm. The suffocating weight of guilt and remorse crushed their spirits, leaving them shattered and lost - they simply had no more reason to live. Losing someone as dear as you left a void in them that seemed impossible to fill.
Iwaizumi withdrew from everyone, shutting himself off from the real world. The once lively young man with a life full of potential became a mere ghost of his former self. For weeks and weeks, he blamed himself for not recognising the signs of your inner struggle, completely breaking down on the inside.
Every night, he replayed the scenes of the cctv footage on the outside rooftop, wondering what he could have done differently to prevent such a heart wrenching outcome. He would cry himself to sleep every night, knowing that he could no longer find solace in your presence anymore.
Oikawa, too, fell into a downard spiral of self-destruction. His dreams of volleyball success and fame lost all meaning; volleyball, once his passion and escape, now only served as the constant reminder reminder of the consequences of his mindless actions. 
The court, once a place bustling with energy and euphoria, now felt desolate and empty. He turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms, hoping to numb the pain that threatened to consume him.
Their friendship, once a rock-solid bond, slowly fell apart under the weight of their shared pain and regret. They became distant, unable to find solace in each other as they once did. The loss of their friend had left an irreversibly deep impact on them, altering the course of their lives and leaving wounds that seemed impossible to heal.
The weight of his sorrow became too much for Oikawa to carry. Without uttering a single word, he vanished from the world of volleyball and from Iwaizumi’s life. Their once unbreakable friendship shattered like fragile glass; the void he left behind felt like another gaping hole in Iwaizumi’s heart, an emptiness that could never be filled by anyone else.
Iwaizumi searched for Oikawa relentlessly, but his efforts were in vain. He couldn’t help but blame himself for driving him away, believing that he had failed his friend once again. The pain of losing you and now Oikawa as well was too much for him to bear.
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Their paths crossed again one rainy evening. 
Iwaizumi, aimlessly wandering the streets, found Oikawa standing on the edge of a bridge, the constant raindrops mixing with his tears. It felt as though the sky was an accurate representation of their inner turmoils, hitting just a little too close to home.
The sight of Oikawa hopelessly standing at the edge of the bridge with no one else in sight pierced Iwaizumi’s heart, the pain inevitably obvious in Oikawa’s very own eyes.
“Don’t,” Iwaizumi pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. “Don’t do it, Oikawa.”
Oikawa turned towards the black-haired male, his face a mask of anguish and sorrow. What was once the captain of a powerhouse oozing with nothing but confidence was now a broken soul adrift in a sea of hopelessness.
The sparkle in Oikawa’s eyes had dimmed, and his once infectious smile had vanished, leaving only a haunting emptiness within him. 
“I can’t bear this pain, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa choked back a sob. “It’s all my fault. I pushed them away, and now they’re gone.” 
Iwaizumi took a shaky step forward; he was treading on a very fine line here - one wrong step and everything’s precious to him will be gone. “We can’t bring them back, but we can try to make amends. To live for them.”
Oikawa’s trembling intensified as he clung to the slippery railing. “I don’t know if I can, Iwa-chan. The guilt is consuming me inside.”
“I feel it too,” Iwaizumi admitted, his tears now streaming down his face. “But we can’t live on like this. They wouldn’t want it.”
The rain continued to pour down around them, as though it was a metaphor for the tears they both shed for their lost friend. In that somber moment, Iwaizumi realised how much pain Oikawa was holding within him, how deeply the loss had scarred his very soul.
As Iwaizumi watched in horror, his heart pounded in his chest, desperately hoping that somehow he could reach Oikawa before he jumped. He reached out to his friend, refusing to let go, trying to anchor him to the present, to the life they once shared.
“Please, Oikawa,” he implored, voice breaking with emotion. “Don’t do this.”
Oikawa’s grip on the railing tightened, eyes hollow and distant. He seemed lost in a world of his own torment, disconnected from reality, from Iwaizumi’s pleas. The rain mixed with the tears on his cheeks, but he remained silent - it was as though the ages of torment had stolen his voice.
The darkness within Oikawa was too much to bear, and the pain too overwhelming.
Iwaizumi watched in horror as Oikawa let go of the railing and disappeared into the raging depths below, swallowed by the darkness of the river. Iwaizumi’s heart screamed in agony as he desperately reached out to save his friend, but it was too late. 
He lost both his best friends, and what was once a trio bustling with energy now felt like an abandoned and desolate place. The laughter that had once filled the air now echoed back as haunting memories in his heart. 
No words, no gestures, no comfort could bridge the chasm that had opened in his soul - a void that could never be filled, a longing that could never be satisfied.
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just so you guys know, i wrote this story while i was on a call with this certain crush that inspired this story lol XD but he doesn’t know and we’re just minding our own business but still being on the call to keep each other accompany because we’re not sleeping hahaha edit on my a/n: fuck this. i fell asleep on the call again. this happened twice im not letting this happen anymore  also i don’t know why oikawa keeps appearing in my stories like im sure there are other characters too but it seems that he fits these type of topics given his attitude and the fact that there’s iwaizumi to fight him
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nightmaresmakeme · 4 months
Sirius was sitting alone on the Astronomy Tower with a bottle of fire whiskey, contemplating life and just how much it sucked. He and Remus had broken up about a week before and things were just so awkward now. Even in the group. James was being strange and distant with everyone, Remus was just being weird now, and Peter just seemed so on edge and anxious. Sirius hated it and he hated feeling like it was his fault. What was he supposed to do if he didn't feel like he loves Remus anymore? Led him on? He had done the right thing this time, so why did it suck so bad?
"Goddamnit not you" a snarky voice from behind him said. Sirius spun around and standing there was fucking Snape. The last person he wanted to see.
"Fuck off, cant you see I'm drowning my sorrows alone right now?" Sirius snapped back.
"I would but I came up here to drown my own sorrows, and you're already dead from what I can see so you should just go back to your stupid friends and get pissed with them" Snape responded with a glare as Sirius noticed the familiar bottle that Snape had in his hand.
Sirius laughed bitterly for a moment, "That's why I'm up here dumbass, those are the sorrows I'm fucking drowning. I'm too tired to fight you tonight so just sit down and drink or something. It sucks drinking alone and someone you hate is better than no one at all." Sirius shrugged. Snape was the last person he wanted around but also he might be the only one who would fucking sit here with him tonight.
Snape stood there for a moment before muttering and sitting down in the general area of where Sirius was but not very close to him at all. "If I must" Snape said with a long suffering sigh.
As the night went on, both of them got more drunk and began to actually talk to each other in a way. Venting about their problems and friends and grades. Sirius never thought that he would talk to Snape and not hate every second. They insulted each other of course but it lacked the normal sober heat and hatred. And Sirius hated the way that the alcohol made Snape's eyes shine more and made him not look so greasy.
"You said that the answer was quill feathers!! What idiot thinks that! Clearly you have no brain and your head is just full of your stupid frizzy hair!"
"As if you have any room to talk about my hair! Besides, I was joking in class about the quill feathers, everyone knows that."
"what about my hair?"
"uh you know it's so greasy and long that it looks like someone spilled pitch black ink all over your head and you somehow made that fucking work which is the real kicker-"
Sirius shut his mouth quickly. What the fuck had he been saying? He had drunk too much and it was getting way too late. Yea that's all. Yea.
"It was nothing don't worry about it. I'm just drunk."
"No, I don't think I will. Because it just sounded like you find me attractive in some way and I'm not going to let you gloss over that."
"uh- you- I'm gay! I'm gay, am I not allowed to find blokes attractive? Are you homophobic??"
"I'm not homophobic!! I'm bisexual! I'm sorry I didn't expect the guy who fucking bullied me for years to find me attractive!"
"Yeah, well, I didn't expect it either ok?! I'm sure it shocked both of us! I can't help it if I think that your eyes look like obsidian in the moonlight! I can't-"
Sirius dropped his head in his hands and groaned lowly. He was never going to live this down ever. Snape would hold this over him forever.
"You have to be the biggest idiot in this whole school. I hate you. I hate you so much. You are the reason why I regret waking up every morning."
Sirius raises his head to see that Snape had gotten very close to him. He was staring directly into his eyes, both gazes intense yet Sirius' face was flushed.
"And I hate you too. It doesn't matter if I think your fit, I still hate you and your snarky attitude."
Snape grabbed Sirius' shirt sleeve and narrowed his eyes.
"I'm glad we can agree on something."
Then Snape pulled him closer, hesitating just before their lips touched, as if to give him time to push him off, and yet Sirius didn't. He couldn't explain it but he wanted whatever was about to happen. He reached out and grabbed Snape's shirt in return and pulled him closer to close the gap.
(lemme know if you want the continuance?? Smut?? No?? I'm joking?? Am I?? Who knows)
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onthepyre · 4 months
my dear moot. so gallavich are fuckbuddies and the ian leaves and becomes an emt and then what??? how do they get back together? do they like. see each other in the couple years between because of mandy or other people or do they go no contact?? if it's no contact then why do they see each other again?? i desperately need to know. i'm invested in this au definitely more than i should be since i haven't even finished the show yet but like. it's amazing. i'm obssesed
omg hi!!!!!! thank you so so much for the question. i swear im still spinning this au around in my head ive just been so very preoccupied lately but i intend to write about that first night in the bar soon so keep an eye out for that. BUT! i will put the answer to this under a cut because it got longwinded.
so i want to start with why things fizzle out in the first place. they start up very much like canon gallavich - ian is ass over teakettle for mickey, and mickey, while definitely interested, isn't nearly as invested. things diverge from their canon characterization around the time of mick and svet's marriage. ian remains pissed, but rather than fucking off to the army, he stays - and it triggers his first major depressive episode.
and then mickey's like....... dude what the fuck is going on with you. because mickey, at this point, has bigger fucking fish to fry. instead of him being ian's main caretaker during this time it falls on the other gallaghers and mickey's just sort of around, in the periphery, and then when ian hits that manic upswing again, a LOT of the insane reckless shit he does is with or for mickey. but they never hit that deeper connection that we see gallavich develop in seasons 4/5 because they're just too fucking busy
so then ian quits work, and that's fine, but that means he and mickey dont really see much of each other anymore. they try to keep things up for a little bit, but it's just not really convenient since they aren't constantly in the same place, and so they're just kind of like, well whatever.
(they are both secretly very sad about this. but neither of them wants to come out and say that. so they just don't.)
and yeah, they do end up seeing each other a little, because ian and mandy are still friends, and she's probably so, SO tired of his bullshit, because he tells her all of these conflicting feelings he's having. she drops these stupid-obvious hints to mickey, but he's got a thick skull. so mostly she just pesters ian.
and then a little over a year goes by before the next major event - eventually they kind of put each other in the back of their minds, not really forgotten but not a main figure anymore. maybe ian gets a boyfriend, for real. but he still hasn't exactly nailed the balance of his meds, and though he doesn't experience the full spectrum anymore, there's definitely periods of time that...... aren't quite right. so he finds himself in one of those, and he gets off work and, well, that bar he used to work at is kind of close. and he kind of misses that messy thing he had going with mickey. and he drops in.
he gets more than a little tipsy at the bar, hanging around waiting for mickey to come in - and eventually he does. and ian isn't really sure how to approach this, but you know what always worked for him? starting a fight. so he does that. he calls mickey over, brings him outside, and just fucking. socks him in the face. and it does what ian wants it to! they beat the shit out of each other, take a little breather for mickey to ask what the fuck that was about, and in response, ian kisses him. they barely make it inside before their pants are off.
but ian, for the most part at least, has his life on track right now. he can't get involved in organized crime, he's a fucking emt. he has shit to be doing. his brother's a cop, even if a corrupt one. so he leaves that night, as much as it pains him, and puts it in the past. for a bit.
but FUCK! it hurts more this time. it SUCKS, suddenly, very badly. he wants nothing more than to go back again and apologize and start over, start it again the right way. and though ian loves mandy, he doesn't really trust her judgement on this specific thing. so he confides in lip. lip says, no dude, you did the right thing. don't spend more time around them than you need to. and ian takes that advice! for a little while.
another ten months goes by. it's been two years - two years! - since they had a regular thing going. and really? they're still stuck on each other. mickey very nearly reaches out a few times, but svet worries they'd be spending too much time with the gallaghers. and mickey trusts her.
thing is? yev's a clumsy kid. when he's about three, mickey turns his back for all of ten seconds and yev pulls a pot of boiling water down from the stove - and onto himself. it only really gets his arm, but it's a LOT of his arm, and naturally, mickey freaks the fuck out! and like, ive mentioned this offhand before, but he and svet are STUPID protective over their boy. like, would kill for him protective. so he calls 911. guess who shows up?
ian. of course it's ian. so they treat yev and get everything sorted out, but fuck, if watching mickey be a good dad isn't, for some fucking reason, the hottest thing ian's ever seen. and he misses him! by this point, he misses him so goddamn bad. can't get mickey out of his head. so he says, hey, you still have my number. give me a call in a couple days, let me know how yev's doing. i can come check on him, change the bandages.
and mickey calls him that night, actually. ian's like, did something happen, is yev okay? and mickey says, yeah he's fine. do you want to get dinner. and ian says yes, jesus christ, please.
and they're like, actually pretty normal from then on out. they remain ian and mickey, so of course there's ups and downs. but they're ian and mickey again.
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cathkaesque · 9 months
Year in review, cathkaesque wrapped
Completed Very Big Very Cool Farmworker Report, which I'm still super pleased about. Everything I proposed was completed.
Went to Morocco for Very Big Very Cool international gathering
Basically completed transition - got all my documents in order, 2 years HRT, laser hair removal in process. I can take or leave srs so I'm basically exactly where I want to be now
Got asthma and celiac diagnoses - my lungs are better, I can finally put on weight, but my reflux issues are unfortunately uncurable (hiatial hernia)
Relatedly, spent most of February scrubbing black mould off my walls
Looking back on it, from mid-Feb/March I had an extremely bad mental breakdown that took up a good chunk of the year to recover from. Combination of all my work being due and none of it being done around March, huge trans panic in the press, trying to get all my documentation in order because the panic in the press scared the hell out of me, serious relationship issues...it was very bad. I had to move back in with my parents for much of the year while I sorted my shit out
Broke up with my bf but we got back together - the time apart sucked so bad and made us both extremely insane and unwell but it forced us to rectify serious ongoing issues in our relationship rather than letting them fester. I feel we've emerged from it stronger and things are going better than they ever have before so that is pretty wonderful. I just wish I could've resolved these things in a less dramatic, less damaging way.
Went on a lovely holiday in South Wales, and also a little weekend break in Kent
Drove 1250 miles in about 2 weeks
Went to my first festival (do not want to do that again, I hate the West)
Relatedly, wrote off my car because I was very tired from driving that much. I don't miss the responsibility of driving or owning a car at all, and I'm saving tonnes of money, but I really miss the ability to go on little trips to obscure places
Went to London a million times for work meetings
Sadly a lot of the international union work I've been involved with over the last few years has collapsed due to infighting in the international organisation. You have a situation where both the workers' union in Spain and one of the employer unions are affiliated to the same international organisation. The employer union is a lot bigger and unsurprisingly this is too unstable a mix to function and they reacted in a way that broke the rural workers' work I have been involved in. I am very pissed off as the result was issues the workers union really needed to be addressed never got looked at and someone who was very, very dedicated to the cause got forced out of their position because of it. Disgusted. I invested so much of myself into that work so I am trying to decouple my political activism from my work life to prevent this from happening again.
At the same time I had similar issues within my own workplace, especially after larger farmers' organisations reacted strongly against my report. I ended up having a big meeting with lots of them where I performed okay despite having a panic attack prior to it. So hopefully that will have been dealt with now.
Managed to have a healthier relationship to weed which is good
I got super into Flames of War and I'm really enjoying that, I love the models and painting my little guys has been so much fun.
But yeah. All in all a super, super hard year, especially the first 8 months of it, but this was due to overdue problems that needed to get solved, and they got solved. I hope things will be easier next year.
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taptrial2 · 4 months
ok im mad about vlad give me a second
so. danny phantom is butch hartman's spiderman and we know it. the pitch bible for danny phantom specifically says he has "his own spidey sense", butch has drawn danny with spiderman, butch wants tom holland to play danny in a live action danny phantom. but butch hartman doesn't understand superheroes, ESPECIALLY spiderman. bear with me.
spidey is relatable because he is Of The People and we know this. friendly neighborhood spiderman who lives in a shitty apartment and has to bum money off of friends to live. and he fucks up badly more than once. someone he loves dies because of a decision he made More Than Once. he eats burgers and hangs out and has to get the hang of his powers over time and is Some Guy and that's what's great about him.
marvel spiderman, from what i understand via cultural osmosis, is not a friendly neighborhood spiderman. he gets taken under tony stark's wing, gets fancy gadgets, is taken care of, becomes a pet for a larger team. and THAT spidey is the one that butch hartman wants to embody danny.
danny in the first two seasons is at the middle-bottom of the social ladder. he's not an untouchable, but he is the target of wealthier bullies and is otherwise rendered invisible. (this show has a LOT to do with class dynamics and yet so little to say, it's fascinating.) he's a kinda below average teenage boy with weird friends who gets his powers by chance and has to grow into them over time. as phantom, he's weaker than other ghosts at first, other ghosts strongly dislike him, and the public thinks he is to blame for their ghost problems. he's miserable on all sides, not to mention the parents as ghost hunters thing. school, home, heroing, it's all some kind of thankless suffering. that's what makes him interesting.
AND while we're here, his powers (he can walk through walls disappear and fly) are all representative of GHOST STUFF with a superhero flavor. his name is danny Phantom, and the ghost zone was originally going to be called the phantom zone. he is representative of a median of ghost powers, he is The Ghost but not The Best Ghost. he is evocative of everything ghost at once without getting too specific and that's great construction of a main character. it establishes a baseline for what other ghosts can do and you can easily reference his powers to compare and contrast with others.
then season 3 happens and hes the specialest boy ever. the town calls him the right name and he's a hero. he gets special boy ice powers because he's such a special boy and so distinct from other ghosts. he gets rich and becomes a different person in a way that's completely out of character. he gets tired of being the specialest boy ever and gives up his powers despite us all KNOWING that he's above uncle ben situation-ing himself. sam becomes obsessed with him for some reason. it sucks shit
something something transition this weirdly impersonal superheroey approach affects vlad too and it pisses me off even more because i see it talked about much less in regards to s3's failings, though i am 20 years late so it's probably been discussed to death and not worth talking about anymore. i still see a lot of s3 vlad rolled into fanon though and that makes me Angry considering how much everybody seems to hate season 3. i'm not above cherrypicking stuff from s3 i like - i love d-stabilized and some of the ideas it has. but still
vlad is such a great villain not because he's powerful but because he's PERSONAL. he knows danny's parents personally and he believes they ruined him, turned him into a monster... well, specifically jack, despite both jack and maddie being involved in his accident and subsequent slow painful death. he sees they have children now and he wants them for himself, he thinks he deserves everything that they have in trade for "ruining his life".
he's constructed an elaborate fantasy of what will happen once he has his way. he'll kill jack, swoop in to save maddie, she'll fall madly in love, they'll get married, danny and jazz will be HIS kids to control raise, and he'll teach danny everything he's learned along his journey. he will do ANYTHING to try and make that fantasy real, and that's where people (including the writers of danny phantom) lose sight of who he is.
kingpin created the dimensional portal in into the spiderverse to get his family back. most people remember the portal parts, the action parts, and him killing spidey. his means. but the family motivation is the only thing that makes those desperate measures make SENSE. vlad eventually ends up being all dimension portal and no family. he wants the world because evil. he wants the universe because evil. he becomes mayor because evil.
but my take is that he doesn't WANT the world. he has DISREGARDED the world. it failed him spectacularly and he will throw it aside like he does everything else that does not serve his own very specific wants and fantasies. he doesn't interact with other people unless it serves to further his interests. he was a lame-o in college and was forced to LEARN how to work people, and he started via crime and lying and possession. much like steve jobs, he's not actually a good businessman and he has no interest in real relationships with other people - he's just a lucky criminal. he's not good at business. he's not actually good at talking to people, especially not at first. everyone still finds him offputting and creepy and weird, only looking to please him because of his wealth and power (there goes this show with its odd not-commentary on wealth and power again).
yes, he could have whatever he wants. but he only WANTS what he can't have. he became obsessed with the packers because he COULDN'T buy them, so he keeps tabs on them to see if he'll ever be able to make it happen. he sees his old college friends have a loving family, and he wants that love for himself. he doesn't want just anyone, wants all of the fenton family's love to be given to him, possessed by him. he is a big personality working on a SMALL, PERSONAL SCALE. he doesn't care about the means, only the ends, and that's where we get all the eeeevil. we see him married to maddie and he still doesn't seem happy, looking to control her and form her into a perfect cardboard standee instead of a person, disappointed he still can't construct his ideal fantasy and working hard to make it real, believing that it IS attainable. he wants things money CANNOT buy. so no, he doesn't want the world. he wants to shove his way into a family and absorb all their love for each other for himself and thinks that is the only way he can be happy, be worth it, not be some kind of monster.
so it's odd seeing him become a politician when he is a hermit by choice. he isn't charismatic, he has to use his powers to get what he wants, and despite being a public figure (billionaire), he isn't a celebrity or Public Personality. it's too much to manage for him, an ongoing project for little personal payoff and i think he would know it. he isn't INTERESTED in relationships with other people, he wants them to either serve him or go away, and being a PUBLIC SERVANT doesnt seem like his fucking deal.
it's never clear why he wants the world or the universe. but comic book villains want the world, the universe, and late danny phantom is all about those superhero optics. the scale of a superhero story requires a villain wanting the world, wanting everything. but (to put it metaphorically i KNOW spiderverse came out way after dp ended lol) butch forgot that kingpin didn't make a portal for the hell of it. he made it because he wanted his family back.
also can i just say i don't think vlad would be able to go through with killing danny. he can't have something if it ceases to exist. he wants to POSSESS danny and mold him into a little vlad. he wants to possess maddie and turn her into whatever he believes is the perfect doting wife, he wants jazz to make her into the perfect passive daughter. he thinks he can DO that, believes with his full heart that it's possible, all he needs is to find the right macguffin or string of actions to make it happen. he does try to kill danny a couple times in the show though so idk how i feel about this. i dont like him trying to kill danny i think its stupid considering what he Wants.
just goddamnit man i hate evil for the sake of evil vlad. he is a very specific kind of evil and danny is a very specific kind of hero and putting those characters into archetype-shaped holes is such a fucking crime and i hate it. i hate it man
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Chapter 1(I sincerely hope this work was not for nothing)
Vox and val played in bed together. He was a clingy piss baby and liked cuddling with vox especially when he was upset...which was all the time. They layed close together for awhile Valentino petting the top of his boyfriends TV head. Although vox usually put on a tough persona he felt a lot more comfortable with the vee's. When Val pet his head he could feel himself let go, he fell asleep at val's soft touch.
Valentino still holding him with his right arm found it really adorable especially with his soft snores and the red lines from his slightly opened mouth. The only thing he wanted in his life was vox. Valentino would let go of everything just to have vox he'd even give up his status Although he knew vox probably wouldn't do the same for him. Valentino knew this wouldn't last forever though and he'd soon ruin it with his quik-temper and impulsivitiy would make this end just as quick as it begun. It was an awful on and off again proccess.
Vox still layed deep asleep on Valentinos chest and mumbled "Iloveyoualastor". Valentinos eyes shattered like broken glass at voxs unconscious words. Although val would usually scream and throw things whenever vox mentioned alastor, which was a lot, this time he didn't. Val was trying to better himself or at least be less impulsive.
Valentino was about to yell at him but then he looked at vox's sleepy face, his body was limp and tired from working all day, he pretty much fell asleep as soon as they layed down together. Val jsut couldn't do it this time he looked to adorable to Valentino. He still wanted this moment to last and not be ruined by him. For now val would just enjoy the moment. Vall then fell asleep at the comfy presence of his boyfriend. They both resyed for about an hour and then vox woke up with a slight panic and Valentino almost immediately after.
"Shoot, did I fall asleep again?" Vox says holding his head. "Voxy, it's okay, I fell asleep too, you don't have to always be so tough especially with me, I like you just the way you are even with your cute little sleepy face voxy~" Valentino teases as he held vox's screen. " I know" vox said sheepishly still not 100 sure of himself. "You were talking about alastor in your sleep again voxy~". Vox's screen turned a dark remand he groaned "ugh, what the fuck did I say this time, I HATE that peice of shit"
Valentino gave vox a look with ine raised eyebrow " well you Said you loved him an hour ago". Voxs screen glitched until it displayed "overheat" on the center. "I was unconscious, I didn't mean anything I said" vox replied slightly ticked. "You seem pretty awake during the five times a day you call me alastor". Vox put his finger up about to respond but then grew speechless. Valentino then suggested "what if I kill him? Problem solved" he said pulling out a pink gun that he had decided made him look Sexier than the gold gun.
"Yes kill that som of a bitch!! And did you have that on you the whole time?". Valentino immediately jumped up still holding his gun clearly ready to.march over and just kill the radio demon. Vox immediately grabs him by the hood of his wings making him fall backwards onto the floor. Vox towered over him as valentino layed back to the floor" are you insane? Hells crush you! Just like he did to me" vox says dramatically closing his fist in anger.
"Cut the melodrama voxy~, but what do you propose?" Valentino replied
"I'm not proposing to him again, valentino"
"I mean how do you think we should kill him?"
Velvettes tumbles through the door and says in her usual sassy horizontal head Bob "can't you just take control of Angel and kill him?"
Val replied "WHAT IN THE UNHOLY HELL!?? HAVE YOU BEEN THERE THE WHOLE TIME??..but no I might have not gotten that bitch to sign it if it wasn't only for the studio. So im.limited to what I can do to control him."
"That sucks" velvette replied. A sudden idea popped into vox's head and he had the vees follow him into the elevator upstairs until they reached his TV room. Vox sat in his chair and pulled up a digital file on his computer. It was a bulletin board that just had a bunch of pictures of alastor with with red strings that had little hearts implanted around them. In the middle was just one giant sticky note that said "kill?".
" one time I satrtes plotting how to kill alastor but I didn't get to far" vox said not very impressed with his work.
" got to lost in his eyes" velvette teased as valentino rolled his eyes".
Authors notes: sorry that the characters aren't that in character I just wrote this for fun because I got bored in social studies and spent like an hour transitioning it to my phone.
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macksting · 7 months
I'm gonna try to find other places my favorite people here are, that are not X or Tumblr. I'm gonna try to retain my contacts here. But I'm leaving again. I don't feel a need to get myself banned to make some point, and it looks like that's easy to do for now. He wants us off this site? Fine, I'll go. There's better places to be anyway.
But before I go.
I apologize in advance to any Christians who feel unfairly hurt by what I'm about to say, but: I don't hate Christianity, but I hate being unable to escape it anywhere I go. In the same way that a Christian atheist may still have a rabid hatred of Muslims, I find Christian and ex-Christian trans women still want our suffering to be holy, to be martyrs. Mostly they don't go running into the mouth of hell to suffer, if nothing else because that'd hurt and most of them aren't that devoted to this mindset; and some of us fly too close to the sun not out of masochistic death cultism but out of just being at heart a bunch of pains in the ass, so I ain't talking about that either. I'm talking about needing to be seen as suffering, as more suffering than others, as a kind of social oneupsmanship. And it's not better to do so in some kind of communion or solidarity or whatever, it's still ridiculous no matter how you do it.
We should be learning about the means of each other's oppressions, to better understand our own, not turning it into a fucking pissing contest.
And I cannot escape these mindsets. I see these baffling crab-bucket behaviors in these shitty online spaces that I almost never see in real life, with real world groups and people, because... iunno, maybe because I live in the PNW and a lot of folks didn't grow up being told that suffering is the highest form of virtue and therefore that if you are not suffering enough then you are not virtuous enough, and since real suffering sucks, it's best to just make people accept that the level of suffering you're going through, which is bad, is superior and unique and untouchably awful.
My friend Michael says it's also kind of a white thing. By creating a hierarchy of who is most oppressed and placing yourself on top, you can make yourself feel immune to criticism, and apparently this is just something a lot of white folks feel they need. Myself, iunno, I'm white too, I hope I don't do that, but I suspect my particular brand of OCD means my anxieties in that regard can't be alleviated without significant therapy and medication, which is not better but it does seem to make me a little less likely to try to put myself on top of hierarchies out of sheer terror of myself.
I seriously cannot escape this shit. I dunno how much I've got to go dismantling my own bullshit, but at least I wasn't raised Christian. It must be so exhausting. If you see me posting something positive that's happening, believe me, it's not intended as toxic positivity. It's intended as a radical statement that a better world is possible. It's radically asserting that life is not pain, and that our pain has causes that can be dealt with. And I dearly do hope it pisses someone off to see someone living their best life in spite of the horrors. A car outside our homeless shelter says, "Birds sing after the storm, so shall we," along with countless Christian statements scrawled all over it, and I am not waiting for some storm to pass. It won't pass in my lifetime. I'm singing now. And some of those songs are happy, and some of those songs are angry, and some are both.
If all you want is the aesthetics of suffering or the aesthetics of social justice, fuck off. I don't need more Christendom. I'm trapped in this place, and I am so fucking tired of it. I feel like Shrek yelling at Donkey, "can you please stop being yourself for five minutes!"
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juniperwoodwell · 2 years
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And Down We Fall
Word count:1503
Paring:Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warning(s):Angst,Fluff,Sad Matt, Stress.
(Photo not mine)
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"open the door, matt!" Y/n yelled from the hallway outside Matt's apartment. She knocked a few more times, and each time hit the door harder and louder; she knew she probably woke some of the neighbors, but Y/n was pissed off and worried generally wasn't a good combination. After a few more reps to the door, it swung open, revealing a pretty tired and beaten Matt. "Would you knock it off?" he said to the shorter woman; she noticed he was wearing his glasses which was uncommon at home. "Why weren't you answering mine and foggy's calls?" she asked; her tone was calm, but her body radiated anger. Matt sighed and stepped aside from the door to let her in. When she entered the apartment, it was like a train wreck, take-out boxes all over the counter, papers spread across the floor and table, and beer bottles littered around the room. "Shit." She cursed, taking in the mess. "What happened?" Y/n asked as she watched matt walk to the fridge and grab a beer, "Life happened," he said, his tone was quiet and worn out, like he hadn't slept in days, which was very probable considering the visible bags under his eyes that he was trying to hide behind the glasses. "Matty. Are we going to talk about this?" Y/n asks softly as she starts to tidy up the room.
"About what? About my life falling apart? About o-our relationship crumbling at my feet? About what, Y/n? Tell me." He demands, his voice cracking under emotions he's not ready to deal with. "About you dropping off the face of the earth for almost a week." She sighed, not wanting to make any more waves; she walked up to matt and gently placed her hand against his lightly bruised cheek, he sharply sucked in a breath, and he crumbled, his angry, self-loathing demeanor shifting to something softer and more vulnerable. Y/n smiled and took off Matt's glasses, his eyes glossed over with tears.
"It's too much.." Matt spoke, his voice horse and quiet, broken. "what's too much, sweetheart?" Y/n cups Matt's face with both hands "everything, my job, the fighting, the noise, us." the end of his confession stung like a bad hangover in y/n's heart, but she ignored it. Helping Matt was all that mattered to her right now. "You're just overwhelmed, matt" "I'm far more than just overwhelmed; I'm overworked and overstressed. I thought I c-could handle it all." his voice began to tremble, tears began to fall, "I-I thought it would be better if I tried to fix everything, but I can't keep going" "no, honey, of course, you can't" The room was illuminated by the neon billboard in purples and blues, cooling matt's face in hues that reflected his current emotions, of coarse he couldn't see it but Y/n could and it broke her heart to see the man she loved in such a dark place, for months they had worked on Matt's issues. Still, he was bound to fall again; they knew it. Nothing particularly wrong happened to their relationship, except they couldn't see each other as much because of work. A choked sob came from matt as he let his walls come down; he wrapped his arms around Y/n, pulling her tightly against him. His head pressed firmly into her shoulder as he cried his stress away. Y/n held him just as tightly. Her hands brushed through his hair and rubbed his back.
Slowly they fell to the floor in each other's arms. Y/n rested her back against the wall, matt straddling her legs as he cried into her shoulder. A while later, matt had calmed down enough to move and sit beside Y/n. His head was resting against her shoulder, and his hand was holding hers. He focused on her steady heartbeat to help calm his own. "I'm sorry I ignored your calls and worried you; I know you were about ready to knock my teeth out when I opened the door," he chuckled lightly, "I just wish you would have told me you were struggling" "I know.." silence filled the air, "Can I clean up?" Y/n asks quietly, making matt laugh "yeah, go ahead. I know it's a wreck in here. " He says as he stands up, Y/n smiling as she looks up at him. "That's a safety hazard, Murdock."  "Oh, trust me, I know. I kept tripping," he said as he helped Y/n up.
[A/n: It has come to my attention that I have been switching in and out of the present and past tenses. I'm too lazy to fix it rn tho. But keep reading and ignore that painfully annoying fact.]
Less than twenty minutes go by as they clean up the apartment together, Matt is resting on the couch, and Y/n is making tea in the kitchen. "What do we want to do, Matt?" She asks, walking out from the kitchen with two mugs in hand; She gives matt his mug, warning him it's hot as she sits beside him. "About my breakdown? Well... The Matt Murdock side of me says we should probably talk about it, but then the Daredevil side wants to bottle it up again." "well, it's a good thing you're legally Matt Murdock and not Daredevil because, one, having Daredevil as your legal name is stupid, and secondly, Matt Murdock wants to heal his wounds instead of putting a bandaid on it. So you can either talk to me, foggy, Karen. Or get a therapist, but you need to talk about this stuff. I know I can't talk, but we can always keep working on this together." Y/n says as she moves, laying her legs across his thighs, her hand reaching out to comb through his hair. Matthew was silent as he drank his tea; y/n knew he was trying to think through everything. "Honey, You look exhausted" "Mhmm, I am. All that anger and crying wears a guy out." he chuckles. "I can head home if you wanna go to bed." "No. I-...I want you to stay" "Really? Alright, I didn't wanna walk home this late anyways. I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Y/n says with a smile, but Matt sighs, "That's- No. Y/n, I want you to stay with me, Like sleep in my bed so I can hold you. I always fall asleep easier when you're around; your heartbeat is like a lullaby to me. Please, will you stay with me tonight?" He muttered most of what he had said, but that didn't stop Y/n from hearing it all, leaning in closer to matt, Y/n kissed his cheek, jaw, then neck. "Of course, I'll stay, Matty."
Matt leaned forward, placed his mug on the coffee table, then took Y/n's and did the same thing. He moved his arms so one was under her knees and the other around her back. Then he stood, carrying her to his bedroom. "Going a bit fast, are we, Murdock?" Y/n teased, "No, Certainly not. I'm Catholic. Remember?" His response gets a laugh from Y/n as he sits her down on his bed, "Do you wanna change?" "Into what?" "Well, I have plenty of shirts you can choose from, and I have a pair of sleep shorts I keep just in case you ever wanted to sleep over. Glad I did," He admitted in full confidence. "That's sweet of you, Matt. I'll grab a shirt and the shorts and change, then ill be right back," so y/n did as she said she would, taking no longer than six minutes. When she came back into the bedroom, matt was already in bed. Wearing a pair of sweatpants but no shirt. "Well, this is certainly a treat," Y/n says as she climbs in under the covers, lying on her side facing Him."Oh, Is it now?" He says as he turns towards her so they're facing each other. "Mhm..." "You okay?" he asks, placing his hand on her hip "Yeah, just worried." "About me?" Y/n nods. "Don't be, sweetheart; I know we can get through this as we have with everything else. Thank you for pulling me out of the hole I was digging. And for cleaning up, you didn't need to do any of that, but you still did, so thank you, baby." Y/n had fallen asleep as he was speaking, his voice soothing her. When Matt realized she was asleep, he chuckled and pulled her against his chest, "How'd I get so lucky to love somebody like you" He whispered into her hair and soon fell asleep. Her heartbeat led him into a peaceful slumber.
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A/n: Hey! I hope you liked this one; I've been rewatching Daredevil to help capture Matt's personality. I was feeling kinda angsty, so I just went with it.
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skiddlecat · 1 year
what are the rain world aus saying to you
your ass is so lucky you sent this right before my bedtime. anyway you will regret this
under the cut is spoilers for taking life as is by @nerdydowntherabbithole and their little world rebuilt by @exx-bee, both on a03. i'm only talking about these two because i know i have So much to say that i won't have the time to talk about the other aus i'm being autistic over, so that'll have to wait. im tired please enjoy my uber autism
WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH TAKING LIFE AS IS. there is just sooo much i could mention but one thing i've talked about over and over again and refuse to shut up about is the building tension between moon and pebbles. throughout the fic, pebbles keeps trying to talk about his feelings on the whole Killing Her thing, and each time moon shuts him down with a "don't you start now" or something along those lines, because she wants to move on.
what she DOESN'T REALIZE THOUGH is that this!!! is not how it works!!! it's understandable that after everything she's in her live laugh loce era but at the same time she is ignoring all negative feelings and pushing them aside to the point of toxic positivity! pebbles *needs* to be allowed to feel bad and grieve!! he won't be able to move on if his feelings are constantly being disregarded!! sometimes things just have to be bad, and yeah! it sucks! but it's better for him to feel like shit sometimes than to suck it all up and have a massive breakdown later! he's ALREADY bad at communicating his feelings and this isn't helping!!!
moon isn't doing it on purpose obviously, she just wants everyone to be happy, but GOD if it isn't clear that it's hurting pebbles. i feel like this is gonna snowball into a massive fight because this whole problem is clearly starting to piss him off.
and their little world rebuilt... hoop boy. for not pebbles and moon related thoughts, i loove how much of a little shit ui is and how so obviously violent they feel towards pebbles. does he deserve it? probably not. but they are SUCH a brat and im living for it
and suns... SUNS... WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS... the tube. the fucking tube why did they put themself in the tube. ohhh my god suns i love you but you're sooo stupid. you and your messenger just have fresh trauma now. good job
BACK TO MOON AND PEBBLES. the contrast between their goals is honestly kind of funny. moon wants to repair her can now that she's a slugpup and while pebbles ALSO wants to repair her can, he also wants to dive into the void sea hesd first and never be seen again. WHICH WON'T WORK BY THE WAY. HE ALREADY WANTED TO DIE BUT NOW IT'S PARTIALLY FUELLED BY A DESIRE FOR PUNISHMENT WHICH IS *NOT* LETTING EVERYTHING GO, HIS ASS WOULD ECHO. his ass might not even make it to the void sea before guardians kick hm out. hes too young.
oh and. of course i can't forget-- Pebbles Is Going To Lose it When He Gets To Moon And She Isn't There. like getting moon neurons and a rarefraction cell is his ONLY will to live right now and it's been established iterator puppets disappear when they get scugged. he's gonna think she's sooo dead because he won't be in the right mindset to consider she's also a slugpup and he's gonna spiral over it. complete breakdown. Goodbye
dear god ok. have to cut this here because the sleepy is getting me so so bad. APOLOGIES. ENJOY MY UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE
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steamanband · 5 months
Can u summarize that Joyce (or mask) lore for me my memory is so shit actually
I wasn't specifically waiting for confirmation to send this one but I remembered now lol entertain ME !!
YES BOSS!!! I know you said summarise but errm. I yapped a lot. Long post incoming.
Joyce. I actually don't think often about her life before she worked for Walter Manor but she was born in 1988 and is a fat emo lesbian so I imagine people weren't very nice to it. 😕 But she was undoubtedly the smartest and coolest person around sooo suck it haters 💯
I think she started working for Walter Robotics around late 2013 / early 2014 maybe. Some time after Six's face exploded. Her unique specialisation being cybernetic enhancements, prosthetics, blue matter medicines ect ect medical used for blue matter. Its core purpose is always to help people, often at the expense of it's own well-being or comfort. She refuses to experiment on other living things and instead performs a lot of experiments on her own body, which obviously considering the nature of blue matter is a terrible idea, but it's hard to talk her out of things she has already made its mind up on. She is in. A lot of constant pain. But fuck it she balls.
As of currently in the timeline (like 2024) it has been working for Walter robotics for 10ish years !! She's like. 36.
Personality wise it's very fun 2 me. Bc I'm sure she comes off as a very stereotypical loving and sweet person, and she is both of those things, but honestly it's also... RIDICULOUSLY stubborn and easy to annoy WHAHWUAHWHAH if you piss her off once she will not like you forever and will tell you as much. Truly born to be married into the Walter family, the family of grade A haters. Although its irritability is likely due to her surplus of health issues and lack of sleep, it just feels   very sick 100% of the time. She's also a bit of a shut in, despite her friendliness she gets tired of talking to people easily and will often disappear for days on end to work or recover or both
Some fun Joyce Ferrer-Rosales trivia:
- It has superhuman strength as a result of her experiments and can easily lift the weight of a couple cars over her head
- She likes fishing. Her and Hatchworth go fishing together
- It finds boring people genuinely unbearable to talk to if you arent a freak do NOT interact
- I think she would really enjoy things that taste cheap and fake. Mmmm microplastics
TLDR: She wanted to make medicines and became a cyborg about it
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: Episode Five!!!!!
long intro les gooo
Why do father and father have to fight??
Hahaha, he smiles so cheekily whenever he sees Wangji
He dusted off his sleeve for him, 100% boyfriend material
"let me tell you something, I heard something-" *gets fucking snatched by his boyfriend*
off to the library pavilion I guess
So peaceful, just wait
Haha, look at how Wei Wuxian is sat
(Three minutes in and I'm distracted by ice cream)
Wei Wuxian just looks tired and bored hahs
What is this man doing, his back must be in so much pain
The little sigh and the head in his handdddd, he's just as in love, neither of them even realise
Wei Wuxian, what are you planning
You're just complimenting him now
"you can call me the same!!!" Oh, Lan Wangji wants to
He doesn't hate you, he's just gay and can't admit it
You're so pathetic, Wuxian, I love it
You sneaky little bastard
Don't place the blame on him, you gremlin
He's so sincere leave him slone
He'd love to see you kneel WHO SAID THAT. WHO THE HELL SAID THAT?!?
His silly little giggle, and then the crying of not being able to speak
They're such good siblings
Wen Ning, you little guy 😔 WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!?!!
Let them just be happy, they deserve it
Bro's reading while Wuxian is giggling and having the time of his life. Don't think I'd didn't see that little glance, Wangji, hehehe
He drew something for you, LOOK AT IT
The little glance in his direction!!!
Sobbing, they're in love, they're in love.
Lan Wangji looks ready to pop a blood vessel
"outside, then we'll duel" "Haha! No."
He's so fucking dramatic, I love him so
He is literally just about to go feral. Boutta cry.
Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian are such besties.
Jiang Cheng is such a brother
Hahahaha, "did you say my name" "I ain't no snitch"
Jiang Cheng does not want to be involved
Nie Huaisang is sooo knowledgeable
Bro's flicking his nose to get thoughts
Nahhh, Wangji is so ready to pop a vessel. And Xichen's grin at his name hahaha.
Just you wait buddy boy. Just you wait.
SU SHE CAN SUCK MY DIIIICK. He's fine for now though.
Oooooh, Caiyi town!!!
You ain't ready for that level of responsibility, Su She
They're soooo serious
You're not my jiejie????
Jiang Cheng grinning when Wen Qing notices him hehehe
"I'm here too 🥺"
That's right, they're a family too
Wen Qing is getting both the Jiangs my god
Hehehehehe, you're sneaks
Lan Wangji, you want him there
Lan Xichen is literally setting them up
Lan Xichen, you sweetheart
"why'd you let him come? 😔" "You looked like you wanted him to come" XICHEN YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR SHIP, GUARD IT WELL
"don't you want them to come?" Literal silence from Wangji
Wuxian and Wangji hahaha
Don't be mean to hiiimmmmm, he's giving you lore
"Eating humans??? Not my water spirits"
The ships sinking??? BLACK WATER SINKING SHIPS??? False alarm, wrong show 😔
The way he rushes over to chat to Lan Wangji
"you're so boring 😔😔😔😔" he's like a stroppy child. I'd sleep
IT'S BEHIND YOU, oh, he's gone
Bro is literally drinking on a case, he has no chill
Wen Qing, you're so suspicious right now
Jiang Cheng, in kind terms, is telling Wuxian to shut up
Bro, stop offering him alcohol
Now Lan Xichen is acting suspicious and even Lan Wangji picked up on it
I'd be so pissed if someone did that with my alcohol.
Bit misty, innit?
Y'all are the scariest things in the mist
Wei Wuxian, you mustn't look so eager around Wangji, it's not a good look on you
The Wens just chilling in a boat together
Wuxian, my lord!!! You saved him!!
Show offffff
He looks so proud of himself, and he immediately doesn't want to upset Wangji
Stop it with your lack of gayness, it's not fooling anyone
Ewwwww, what the fuck is that seaweed
Kill it with fire
"what's the name of the sword?" "Whatever" I love that you're trying, Wangji
The fog thickens
Wen Ning you're so pretty
Fucking seaweed AGAIN
Wen Qing so willing to help. Awwwwwwhhh.
I understand why people ship them now, it made no sense from the book perspective
Wen Qing you're so pretty
I love how Wen Ning immediately pulled his sword out
"what's good, y'all?"
Shit, the seaweed is smart
They're all on high alert now
I didn't even know that water ghosts did that
Someone help Su She, he's hopeless
Woah, Wangji so smart and strong ☺️🤭
"just hold my hand" "nuh uh" they're gay
Xichen, you're the baddest bitch around
What's wrong with my son??? Is Wen Ning okay???
He's just checking up on him
Awwwww, Wuxian, you're sooo sweet
He's such a lil guy, he's so helpful
What's wrong with my baby???
Awwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh, I'm sobbing, bonding moment
Jiang Cheng aw, what you looking for...ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT QING??? YOU SLY DOG
Wei Wuxian snacking hehehe
Wen Ning is such a little guy, look at him pointing
Wangji said that Wuxian had a point to Xichen, he's such a little simp
Nice catch, such a waste though
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beatheprincess · 10 months
My weekend was bleh -_- i was just annoyed at everything , living with 5 people sucks and constantly having to wait on everything because its already in use and my mom act like ima get a job on the spot tmrw like literally these ppl gotta look over my application !! I'm a teen girl w no experience and I'm hoping at least some professional place can give me experience (training) to get better 😭 whenever my mom tells me things I already know what to do it pisses me off because I take it as control and pressure instead of help and support. Being nitpicked at everything makes me feel like burden >:(
Another thing I have been thinking about is my bio parent, When someone you havent seen in years reach out to you at legal age it definitely impacts your life this shit is not normal and is so common in the black community; I dont think anyone truly realizes how important it is to have both bio parents in your life, I cannot call this person a man cus they aren't and I do not trust them the things they said/did they jus expect me to forget :/ and I dont want nothing to do w them ever again and it's truly ashame I can't have a good relationship w them and I'm in the process of accepting not having them in my life and moving forward, I also hold my mom accountable for her part as well and I talked to my grandma about it and she's on my side 100% and I feel like in the future this is gna be an ongoing topic , I've gone thru alot in 3 months n felt so lonely from it but I'll be okayy.(authentic segment over)
Good things that happened ! I have cute new unicorn jacket imma wear alot till I get tired of it (I love unicorns 💟) i was also able to get into littlespace and feel v comfortable about my soft aesthetics and dressing cutely ♡♡♡ I was also able to buy things I needed this weekend and wash clothes n my sunday self care routine so yay ! I hope this week is a good one and I dont feel like crap, this is my last week of fall classes for this semester so thank GOD ! >.< I hope you guys had a great weeknd and thanks to the ppl checking on me. 💜💜💜 wuv chu
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