#life or c.r.e.a.m.
prettyashtrological · 9 months
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w-i-m-m · 4 months
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Only the Knowingly Ignorant and the Privileged decide to sit out Voting
As a black women that has not only engaged in both online and offline canvassing but have engaged in tons of arguments and debates on Reddit, Tumblr, Tik Tok (not twitter because Nepo Baby Elmo Muskrat will never get my patronage), I've talked to many of people, Gay, Enby, Straight, Black, White, Rich, Poor, Young, and Old. I've been talking so much, I hate the sound of my voice. And I've noticed a trend. There have been so many people who need to vote refuses to do.
Whether its from a defeatist mindset that their vote means nothing, the "Enlightened Centrists" (That always tend to have more complaints about democratic party than the GQP) that like to preach that BoTh SiDeS bAd who will often invoke George Carlin (one of my faves) while not understanding that he was a staunch liberal and would actively shit on them had he lived to this point, voting Third/Green Party, or the Palestine-Israel conflict, and those that need the US to fall to bring a new, left leaning country from its ashes.
The truth is that those that live in privilege or willfully ignorant will often cite these excuses. Now, I'm not talking about the uninformed. That group are sincerely not in the know and just need a gentle push to get them on the right path of understanding. They legit only vote like every four years and need to be caught up because live is tough out there and they don't have enough time to be this deep into politics.
I mean the ones that purposely ignore any sort of information given to them and will choose not to vote for any of the reasons above. They will refuse reason to a near insane degree to keep themselves willingly ignorant and the privileged that believe "Oh, it can never happen in the good US of A!" or "I'm Rich as fuck, this won't touch me!" or even "I will make YOU burn for Palestine, even if they won't feel YOUR warmth because YOU have to suffer with them!"
You can lead those horses to water but they will refuse to drink.
They know about women rights being stripped away, they know that LGBTQ people are being seen as something they are not, they KNOW that predominately black and other POC will suffer the most from Trump's Agenda 47/Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, and they know that if America, being the leader of the free world (Whether they want to admit it or not) falls to Trump again, many other countries will follow suit.
And yet they will still say "Well, my vote won't matter/still voting Stein/MAGA 2024!/It won't happen here/Both sides still bad/Palestine needs to be saved, so nyeh!"
So, I want to go point-by-point to debunk all of this.
Both Sides Bad: Now, this one should be easy to debunk. While many of us is aware that both the Democratic Party and the GQP, much like us Poors, live by Wu Tang's C.R.E.A.M, there are a lot of fucking differences.
When one side is actively trying to strip rights away, burn books, call those in the LGBTQ family groomers, threaten teachers and librarians for teaching their students, make Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion an outright slur, and other heinous shit in the name of their version of GOD aka while the other side is dragging them kicking and screaming toward progress, both sides are definitely not the same.
Hell, the GQP seem to not even life by C.R.E.A.M because the reality is that they are constantly making horrible decisions that are costing the country money. (But then again, if Black people and other "Undesirables" gain from it, they will do all they can to fuck everyone over but that's a discussion for another day.)
Green Party/Third Party Voting: When was the last time a third party won anything? I'll answer that. NONE. The only one who was close was Teddy Roosevelt and even he couldn't do it. Even Bernie Sanders, someone who ran as independent, realized that it was better to work with the Democratic Party to get anything done.
Until Ranked Voting becomes a thing, the Third/Green Party will never win anything. And even outside of that, let's look at our choices. Jill Stein, a known Putin Shill, Cornell West, a known tap-dancer for those sweet, sweet MAGA dollars, and RF-Oh wait! RFK JR is on Trump's side because he was always a stooge that was there to try to take votes from Biden, only to take votes from Trump with his dog-eating, sexual assaulting, bear killing, whale killing, self.
Hm, I see how that could happen.
So with a Tap Dancer and a Putin Shill as the leaders of the Third/Green Party, they are just shades of red.
Voting doesn't matter: Now this is just objectively false as the GQP have been trying to restrict voting in many ways from gerrymandering to outright purging voters (as seen in Texas) and if we look at history, so many elections (not only nationally but statewide) have been narrow as fuck with only a handful deciding it all.
It won't Happen Here: This one is also objectively false. People have often said that Project 2025/Trump's Agenda 47 is a "Leftist Boogeyman" while not understanding that a lot of what is in there is happening in many states already such as Florida, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana for example with voters rights being hindered, women's rights being ripped apart and climate change causing plenty of damage, and CRT being under constant attack.
Look at how many doctors have fled from these states since RvW (Which was all thanks to Trump's two SC picks and surprise, also in P2025) was struck down, causing women to be in grave danger down there. Look at how Trans people can't even change their names and are being put on some kind of watchlist. and do I need to talk about the million of voters that were just purged and that Latino woman's house being raided for legally helping people register to vote?
Palestine: I've railed against the performers about this subject plenty and I'm honestly sick of it. This entire conflict has been going on for 78 years versus one year that people realized it was the next protest trend after their love of Ukraine died. All that Palestinians wanted was for us to make things known and donate to their causes and that turned into "We all have to die to make sure they live" which actually means "YOU have to lose all your rights and die so THEY can lose and die" because we all know that if Trump wins, his bestest buddy Netanyahu can destroy Palestine without impunity and without Harris calling for that pesky Ceasefire. Also with the help of Jared Kushner, Trump can make that beachfront property that would look oh so good.
Palestine already told us what they need to do to help and that is to make sure Trump doesn't win and many seem to not know that because they are doing what they THINK they want them to do. And if proof is needed, look at my Tumblr page as I have proof of all the points that I have made and tons of reblogs with FURTHER proof.
And finally...
Anarchists and Accelerationism: This one just pisses me off. A lot of people who have railed against people voting and voting for third parties and Trump believe that if Trump wins, a revolution will come and they will achieve their perfect leftist paradise from the ashes.
Do you understand that with any revolution comes death and a loser? The first group of people that will suffer is not the rich fucks that rule, it will be you, your family, your friends and that's later on down the line.
The first group that will suffer immediately would be Black people and only minorities. We would be the first ones dying for this so-called revolution before anyone else would feel it. And not only that, you all act like you would win when the GQP would be the ones with the army and the hightech weapons while you have what? WHAT? You're just talking out of your ass.
It is very, very rare that the underdogs win and on the sliiiim chance the revolution wins, what will be left? Look at other countries who did the revolution and then look at the immediate destruction and destabilization that happened, which then gave way to more atrocities which put the "Winners" in an even worse state they were in at the start.
And those that want this don't even realize that they won't be the leader of the resistance. They will either be dead or an underling.
Wake up from that dream.
So if any of you see anyone saying "Don't vote" and they AREN'T Palestinians (because I will not hold them to this), don't even entertain their bullshit because they are in
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kevinvoncrastenburg · 5 months
URL Song Tag
🎉 Finally I got tagged. Thank you @bunnybananasims 🥰 This is one of those times, where it comes in handy to have a long URL. 😅 K- Kids with Guns - Gorillaz E- Echo - Trapt V- Valley of the Dolls - MARINA I- I Love Hollywood! - Slayyyter N- Near You Always - Jewel V- Vincent - Don McLean O- One In A Million - Aaliyah N- Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues C- C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) - Wu-Tang Clan ft. Method Man, Raekwon, Inspectah Deck & Buddha Monk R- Rapture - iio feat. Nadia Ali A- Alive - (Chris Lord-Alge Mix) - P.O.D. S- Scandalous - Mis-Teeq T- Terrence Loves You - Lana Del Rey E- Everything Is Everything - Ms. Lauryn Hill N- Nothin' - N.O.R.E. B- Boys Cry - Oscar Scheller U- Undisclosed Desires - Muse R- Rumour Mill - Rudimental feat. Anne-Marie & Will Heard G- Gossip Folks - Missy Elliott feat. Ludacris
I'm tagging the last 10 people in my activity tab. @marcishaun @silverspringsimmer @wasset-aseskara @rachel-homeanddesign-sims @miss-may-i @nantucketupsnott @narunasims @dojihimiko @tsims & @silent-simblr I'll try to tag the last five in the comments. Thanks tumblr.
Feel free to do or ignore the tag. I hope you enjoyed my little list and that life treats you good. 🙏🏼
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Chapter 1: The villain from hell
Series Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, Dick in pussy, quirk play from both parties, hurt/comfort, mentions of substance abuse, mentions of death and near-death experiences, creampie, facials, nasty talk, pet names, extreme trauma, OC is bilingual so she will be speaking Spanish, English, and some Japanese.
“Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), Fuck this club up, Fuck this, fuck this club up (Fuck up), (ATL Jacob, he a fuckin' millionaire) Yeah” the alarm blasted loud by Nicki Minaj. Iman turned over to turn off her alarm.
“Fuck I don’t want to go to work,” Iman said as she rolled out of bed and turned off her alarm. Iman was a sidekick for Pro-Hero Endeavor. She graduated from UA and works as a sidekick at the Endeavor agency for about 2 years. It was a typical day. Iman had the day shift. Her shift was a long 6:30 AM to 4:00 PM. That’s a fucking long time if you ask me. Iman did her hygiene routine. That consisted of a long shower, skincare, and doing her hair. Iman was a black woman who was Afro-Latina. She had thick 4B curly hair with a sprinkle of grey hair, an hourglass shape, a face created by the heavens above, and the might of a samurai. She also had the mouth to back it up. Iman was the finest thing that God created, and she knew it but she was humbled. Iman grabbed her car keys and headed straight for the door.
In the car, she blasted Wu-Tang Clan C.R.E.A.M to help get her mind right for the day ahead. Who the fuck drives their car listening to Wu Tang Clan at 6:30 in the morning? Iman does that’s who. Pulling into the parking lot, she got out of the car, scanned her badge to enter the building, and then proceeded to go to her desk to do paperwork until it was time for her to do her patrol. At her desk, she responded to inquiries, made outbound calls to other heroes and sidekicks, and helped with training the recruits. As the late morning approached, Iman went to go and change into her hero costume and meet the recruits for training. Her hero costume was a sapphire-colored leotard, leg holsters for her fans with a knife (like Kitana from Mortal Kombat), a foldable sword that she keeps in one of her leg holsters, sapphire-colored combat boots, hair in a high messy curly bun, with her sapphire-colored mask that covers the lower half of her face. Hero name: Sapphire.
“Alright motherfuckers. Welcome to the hero biz. This is your training. Keep in mind that where we are about to enter is the training ground, which is not the gym. Everyone, please look over to the left.” Everyone looked to the left. “This is recovery girl. You might hear some people address her as Ms. Emma. If there are any serious injuries, please see her when training is finished. DO NOT USE YOUR QUIRKS TO THEIR FULL POTENTIAL. Do we understand the rules?”
A collective “yes Ma’am” was heard.
“Alright everyone, please follow me.” As Iman led them into the training facility.
“What area is this?” a recruit named Hellfire questioned.
“This is a training facility.”
Hellfire rolled his eyes. “If we are supposed to be training with no quirks, how come we are in an area of a replicated town that has been burned and destroyed?” he asked with a slight attitude. Iman replied.
“Because in hero biz, you will end up having to save people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE WHO DEPEND ON YOU TO SAVE THEM. Most of all, TEAMWORK dude. There will be times when you are called to help other Pro-heroes in different areas who have different quirks to save lives. HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT IS NECESSARY. Sometimes the villains that you fight are in different areas and DO NOT have quirks and you need to face them.” Iman stated. Hellfire and the other recruits just looked at you shook because they had just graduated from hero school and had probably never trained in hand-to-hand combat. “Any more questions?” Everyone was looking around. The silence was loud as fuck. People don’t always understand what they’re getting into with hero biz. It has its perks, and it also has its downside, but it is rewarding, nonetheless.
“Alright motherfuckers! Hellfire and Phantom please step forward.” They stepped forward. “Alright. I want a clean fight. Dig it? No funny shit. OK.”
“OK,” they said in unison.
“Alright. Fight!”
The match started and it instantly became bloody. Hellfire’s quirk is like Endeavor’s, but his flames are hotter. " Phantom’s quirk allows her to float in the air. The Phantom threw a blue ring of air out her fist at him and he dodged it. As he dodged, he activated his flames and threw a fireball at her, which hit her shoulder and ripped her costume. Iman interjected "HEY NO FUCKING QUIRKS" As she got up to block his net attack, he knocked her in her stomach with a fire fist, causing her to break down to her knees. Iman and the other sidekicks were looking at them crazy because this match was supposed to be hand to hand combat not quirk training. As she was kneeling in pain, he went to attack, and she disappeared. Everyone was shocked because they didn’t know what had just happened. She hit him with her special move, which allowed her to briefly go invisible. She kicked him in his back, and he went flying into the debris. She picked him up by the neck and threw him to the other side and debris flew everywhere. She stopped, kneeled to his level, and thumped him on his forehead.
“Cocksucker,” she said and walked off.
“And the winner is Phantom. I thought I said no quirks?”
Hellfire and Phantom looked at you. And turned their heads in shame.
"If you cannot listen, then yawl will have a horrible fucking time as sidekicks attempting to become heroes. These are people who are going to need us in a time of distress, and we have to listen to them. You cannot do a rescue mission and not listen to what the victim is telling you hurts. They could be telling you that the villain is still there but they're using you to draw em out. Fuckin pay attention. Got me?"
They looked at each other and uttered a collective " Yes Ma'am"
""Next two fighters. Step in the ring please. This time. Don't use any quirks. ok?"
The next contestants stepped forward. Soon as they were about to take their fighting stances the alarm rang. The alarm that went off is to let the agency know that there is a villain attack.
"Sapphire and Recovery Girl immediately report to Shibuya. Demon level threat"
Iman and Ms. Emma immediately sprang into action. Sapphire was already in her hero suit. On the way out the agency, she ran into her friend, Karly, who has a teleportation quirk.
"Hey Karly, can you teleport us to Shibuya?"
"Sure thing" And she teleported us to Shibuya. Soon as we got there it was a fucking train wreck. Debris everywhere, crumbling building, hurt civilians. A fucking mess. Sapphire ran straight to Endeavor when she saw him. He wasted no time in telling her what the Villain's quirk was. His quirk was mud making. Anything he touched would turn to mud. Heroes and police were struggling to get him to because everything he made turned to mud and they sank in the mud. Sapphire immediate activated her telekinesis and her foldable sword. She used her Telekinesis to throw her sword towards the villain and he threw mud and knocked her sword into a wall and caused it to dent. She wondered if she could get close enough for him to stop wreaking havoc. She used her fan to propel her towards the villain and again, he threw mud at her, and she flew. She flew so hard that it knocked her into the same building that her sword flew into and knocked the building down. Thankfully, there were no civilians inside because police and heroes had evacuated. Sapphire was having a hard time trying to bring this villain to justice when all of a sudden there was a loud explosion.
AN: Hey Lovelies. Finally got the first chapter out of this series. Don't know how long this series will last. Hope you enjoy.
Series Masterlist
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therealmackenson10 · 1 year
You owe it to yourself to get everything in this life.
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cinamun · 2 years
what traits do indya and darren have? and since the game has added bunches more traits since they arrived, would you change/have you changed their traits since the beginning or do they fit them still? thank you for writing their story for us!
Hey nonnyfriend!
You know what's interesting is that, with all the mods for trait variety out there, I kept the OG 3 for Darren and Indya because it played well with the gameplay that ultimately led to the saga we now find ourselves in. They've earned traits along the way, and of course, we take advantage of reward traits when we can:
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Please pardon them, they saw the question and wanted to flex *ahem* anyway...
Darren started out as a romantic, hot-headed bro. Will fall in love quickly when he feels it in his gut (even gave chase in this case), is a brotha you always want on your team because he looks out for the homies (but can also be toxic af). Has a short fuse which means if you got him fucked up, you may end up with a shattered nose, in the ICU, hit so hard you end up in Sixam or worse.
Indya is a romantic, but of the sexual variety, not so much looking for love as she was looking for what she's gripping in that pic up there. Materialistic, lives by C.R.E.A.M (please tell me you know the acronym, if you don't, just pretend like you do) and has expensive taste in everyfuckingthing. Also a short fuse, she has whooped several asses in this story including a therapist, a headmaster and her own damn sister.
Its hood.
As for earned traits to date:
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Yeah, Indya had way more reward money than Darren has had and that's because she's completed two aspirations (Mansion Baron and Fabulously Wealthy) to his one (Soulmate). I have been neglecting the good brotha I guess, but he really isn't interested in anything other than living his best life with his soulmate/BFF and their 3 magnificent children. Would I change them? Probably not but I will work on earning more traits for Darren!
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alexafaie-nail-art · 1 year
Do you think I have enough neon green nail polishes?
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This isn't actually them all. I've got another darker green neon which has a shimmer in it which I may have bought 2 bottles of because I liked it and I'm glad cos the brand doesn't exist any more. And another which is more on the yellow green side from Barry M which wasn't actually sold as a neon, but does still react under blacklight so its got neon pigment in it.
The two POP Polish ones in the front are actually 2 different colours. One is a thermal polish which changes from a yellow-green to yellow but its a very subtle shift and its old enough it wouldn't shift much now anyway (thermal pigments unfortunately only last about 6 to 12 months in being able to react to temperature changes).
And the two Cirque Colors polishes are actually different colours from the closest POP Polish ones in real life, particularly once on the nail and dry.
They're probably close enough you'd only need one though, in which case I'd recommend Cirque Colors if you prefer a wider rounded tip brush. Left is C.R.E.A.M from Vice 2023, right is Kushy from Vice 2022.
If you prefer the skinniest of skinny brushes then POP Polish ones have those. Left to right on top row are Hopscotch, Electric Trees, and Rapture (which is a sheer neon with a ton of shimmer in which shifts from yellow through green to blue for the most part, but at extreme angles you can sometimes see hints of orange or even pink). On the bottom row are Pucker and Squirt (the thermal one) . The names together are awful, I apologise.
Currently painting my nails so that they are a gradient skittle mani from darkest to lightest. I'm applying Rapture on top of Hopscotch on the middle finger to make it more of a mid tone. I felt that Pucker leant too yellow once dry and next to the others given that I was going for a look loosely inspired by Käärijä. And since I may have a lot of green nail polishes (particularly bright/light shades including neon) in my collection, picking only the one shade seemed unfair to the others. (May have 18 greens just within arm's reach. If I lean to pick up the boxes at my feet, its probably closer to 30, and that's not including any of the rest of my collection. I may or may not have a problem).
Käärijä's nail look:
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It looks like he might be wearing gel nail polish, but closest match from my polishes for colour would have to be Kushy by Cirque Colors so good luck finding that since it gets made in limited runs and other than last year, I believe the last time they offered it was 2019 or 2020. I think Glisten & Glow's Shake Your Grass At Me would also be a good match. Or Picture Polish's Lime Light.
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sunb0rn · 1 year
late post.
eto yung time na sinabi ko kina Kar, Ge at Anj na tatanggapin ko na yung sa ITDI (nauna kasi eto dun sa job posting ng MSI)
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nag emergency meeting pala yung dalawa (Ge and Kar) kasi nag aalala daw sila sa papalit sa akin na TM/DTM. natawa ako jan sa naisip nila na dialogue kasi ganyang ganyan din ata isasagot ko sa kanila-"hindi tayo mapapayaman ng masaya lang" azza mukang peraaaa HHAHAHA.
*C.R.E.A.M ng Wu-Tang Clan playing on the background ulet
magaan na loob ko ngayon kasi di ko na kailangan piliin yon for better opportunities at pera. I think it really isnt for me, mas malamang na para kay Mae. baka ayaw na ni Lord at ng Universe na ipasok ko nanaman sarili ko sa sitwasyon kung saan surviving life's shit lang ako.
✨ibibigay na nila sa akin yung gusto kong trabaho talaga + masaya na work environment + mas malaking sahod✨
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Super famous tumblr super star @speedlimit15 tagged me in this fun lil shuffle your favorite songs playlist thing so here are my ten songs in order that Apple Music picked (I fully endorse them)
1. Sunshine and sorrow by acid King
2. Superfast jellyfish by the Gorillaz
3. C.R.E.A.M. By wu tang clan
4. Rhinestone cowboy by MF Doom
5. El Camino negro by Tommy Guerrero
6. Life’s a bitch by nas
7. Chosen path by ikebe shakedown
8. N.O. By kyuss
9. Movement by hozier
10. Left handed path by dead meadow
I’ve barely used Apple Music so I’m surprised they did so good. I don’t really know who to tag to keep this train rolling so if you’re seeing this and wana do it just do it and say I tagged you and then tag me in it too because I always love seeing new musics and I will listen to them >:)
(Also if you wana check out these bands but don’t know where to start: ikebe shakedown and dead meadow. they rule. Massively hard)
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SMTO Sam music! headcannons
based off this post here !
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As mentioned in my last post, Sam enjoys rock and heavy metal
He also really enjoys Mitski
His favorite song from her would be either Class of 2013, or Francis Forever
he listens to Drunk walk home and is like wtf 0_0
However he does like her style
He is the BIGGEST simp for Billie and he will never openly admit it but he had every song and cover she has ever made
His personal favorite song from her would be Bad Guy, or Bury a friend
for the calmer songs, he likes I love you and also Idontwannaveyouabymore
I feel like Sam is also the only one out of the brothers to listen to rap
and not like, Pop/hip hop
no, 90’s Hip/Hop rap
Dr. Dre, Eminem, D12, Nas, all of them ESPECIALLY TUPAC
He thinks hip-hop is a cool genre, and gives people a reason to curse & it be accepted
He especially likes the artists that he can relate too, especially given his past
His favorite songs or songs that are on his playlist would be
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Animal I have become - Three Days grace
Real men - Mitski
The world is yours - Nas
Lovely - Billie Eilish
One step closer - Linkin Park
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Without Me - Eminem
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Chained the Monster - Rise of the Phoenix
Would? - Alice in Chains
C.R.E.A.M - Wu Tang Clan
The trooper - Iron Maiden
Overkill - Motörhead
Mary on a cross - Ghost
Whom the Bells tolls - Metallica
Faith - Ghost
The rain ( Super Duper Fly ) - Missy Elliot
Partners in Crime - Set it off
Insane in the Brain - Cypress Hill
Hard- Knock Life - Jay Z
If I ruled the world - Nas
My name is - Eminem
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eclipscius · 8 months
C.R.E.A.M. by wu tang clan has one of the best sample flips I've ever heard in my life, it's so beautiful
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bandofchimeras · 9 months
feeling deeply frustrated w my life. listening to C.R.E.A.M
yeah WuTang Clan. cash does rule everything around me.
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save-me · 11 months
Fuck that anon he’s a pussy and he’s hates his life lol
Anyways I love how you put that your pronouns are zelle/venmo haha
Thank you baby 🥹🖤
Well, you know me - cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M🤑😈
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reddgr · 1 year
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Polite rap songs:
C.R.E.A.M. by Wu-Tang Clan
Cash, as the foundational element of financial dynamics, holds sway over every facet of my life's journey. This reality is succinctly captured by the phrase "Cash rules everything around me." The acronym C.R.E.A.M. serves as a mnemonic, underscoring the unparalleled influence of cash in shaping my financial experiences.
Growing up amidst the backdrop of economic inequality and hardships, I was acutely aware of the pivotal role that cash played in dictating the course of my life. The line "Had secondhands, Mom's bounced on old man" epitomized the economic instability that marked my formative years. It was within this context that my perspective on financial assets began to crystallize. In the face of financial uncertainties, cash emerged as the most reliable and indispensable asset, capable of bridging gaps and providing immediate relief. The phrase "Dollar dollar bill, y'all" resonated deeply, capturing the quest for financial stability and empowerment that drove my aspirations.
My early engagement with alternative assets, such as stocks and bonds, was overshadowed by their inherent volatility and unpredictability. These assets, though possessing potential for growth, paled in comparison to the immediacy and reliability of cash. My own narrative mirrored the sentiment expressed in "It's been 22 long, hard years, I'm still strugglin'," highlighting the hardships and setbacks that underscored the pursuit of financial security. The experience propelled me to recognize the importance of liquidity in navigating the tumultuous waters of economic fluctuations.
The trajectory of my life further accentuated the significance of cash. The decision to prioritize cash over other assets became increasingly evident. This was particularly salient as I embarked on entrepreneurial endeavors, where access to immediate capital could make or break opportunities. The narrative of "Cash rules everything around me" found resonance in my pursuit of entrepreneurship, encapsulating the pragmatic choice of prioritizing liquidity to seize prospects and mitigate risks.
In conclusion, the phrase "Cash rules everything around me" serves as a poignant declaration of the supremacy that cash commands in my financial world. It is through the crucible of life experiences that I have come to appreciate the liquidity, stability, and empowerment that cash provides. While other assets have their merits, none can match the immediacy and versatility of cash in sustaining and advancing my financial journey.
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hiddenticket · 1 year
Essential Instrumentals [Mix] I’ve chosen some of my favorite hip-hop producers and instrumentals for this mix. I hope you enjoy it! -- Tracklist 1. Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery (instrumental) / Produced by Laru Larrieux & Amel Larrieux. 2. J -Dilla - Flowers / Produced by J-Dilla 3. Luchini AKA This Is It (instrumental) / Produced by Ski 4. Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor (instrumental) / Produced by Brent Sayers 5. Drake - going in for life (instrumental) / Produced by Exchange student and TJ Garner 6. OutKast ATLiens - Elevators (Me & You) (instrumental) / Produced by Outkast 7. D'Angelo - Lady (instrumental) / Produced by D'Angelo and Ali Shaheed Muhammad 8. AZ - gimme yours (instrumental) / Produced by Pete Rock 9. 702 - I still love you (instrumental) / Produced by Neptunes 10. The Notorious B.I.G - Ten Crack Commandments (instrumental) / Produced by DJ Premier 11. Little Brother - Lovin' It (instrumental / Produced by 9th wonder 12. Eazy- E - Boyz N The Hood (instrumental) / Produced by Dr Dre and DJ Yella 13. Dead Prez - Mind sex (instrumental) / Produced by stic.man and M-1 14. Amy Winehouse - He Can Only Hold Her (instrumental) / Produced by John Harrison 15. LL Cool J - I Need A Beat (instrumental) / Produced by Rick Rubin 16. Pete Rock - Take the d train / Produced by Pete Rock 17. Kanye West - Last call / Produced by Kanye West and Evidence 18. 9th Wonder- December 4th (instrumental) / Produced by 9th wonder 19. Fugees - Fu-Gee-La (instrumental) / Produced by Wyclef Productions and Refugee Camp Inc 20. Craig Mack - Flava In Ya Ear (instrumental) / Produced by Easy Mo Bee 21. Nujabes - Feather (instrumental) / Produced by Nujabes 22. Musiq Soulchild - Soulstar (instrumental Remake) / Produced by Jerome Hipps, Michael McArthur, Musiq 23. Raekwon - Sneakers (instrumentals) / Produced by Pete Rock 24. Wu-Tang - C.R.E.A.M (instrumental) / Produced by RZA 25. Atmosphere airlines - Long life (instrumental) / Produced by Dela 26. Nas - It Ain't Hard To Tell (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor 27. Common - I Used To Love H.e.r. (instrumental) / Produced by No ID 28. Ludacris - Pimpin' All Over The World (instrumental) / Produced by Donnie Scantz & Polow da Don 29. The Roots - What they do / Produced by Grand Wizzards, ?uestlove & Raphael Saadiq 30. Dr Dre - Still Dre (instrumental) / Produced by Melvin Bradford (Mel-Man), Scott Storch, and Andre Young (Dr. Dre) 31. Talib Kweli & HiTek - The Blast (instrumental) / Produced for Hi-Tek Productions Inc. 32. Mobb Deep - Shook Ones, Pt II (instrumental) / Produced by Havoc 33. Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y. (instrumental) / Produced by Kay Gee and Mufi 34. Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg (instrumental) / Produced by Warren G 35. Kanye West - I Wonder (instrumental) / Produced by Kanye West 36. A Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour (instrumental) / Produced by Q-Tip, Jay Dee and DJ Scratch 37. Digable Planets – Rebirth Of Slick (instrumental) / Produced by Mike "Hank" Mangini, Shane Faber & Digable Planets 38. Pete Rock & CL Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (instrumental) / produced by Pete Rock & CL Smooth 39. Souls of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity (instrumental) / Produced by A-Plus 40. Main source - looking out the front door (instrumental) / Produced by Large Professor -- Photo captured by Hannah Faith / Joshua Tree (girls trip) -- NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED. I DO NOT OWN OR CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO THESE TRACKS. Uploaded by Eden Hagos https://ift.tt/P1a9ZwE via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/SrEWiaC August 07, 2023 at 11:59AM
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