#life of a marketer
mrzeecon · 19 days
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Breaking Ad: A Marketing World Inspired by Breaking Bad
Ever since I first heard Walter White's iconic line, "Say my name," I’ve been captivated by the idea of a series that brings the same intensity and drama to the world of marketing. Breaking Bad is a show about power, deception, and the thin line between good and evil—elements that aren’t too far removed from the competitive, high-stakes world of a marketing agency. This contemplation sparked the concept for Breaking Ad, a spin-off series that reimagines the characters and conflicts of Breaking Bad within the cutthroat landscape of modern advertising.
The Characters
Walt "The Strategist" White A brilliant, once-overlooked strategist at a small-time marketing agency, Walt White realizes his untapped potential when he starts developing groundbreaking marketing campaigns that take the agency to new heights. His descent into the darker side of marketing begins when he decides to use underhanded tactics to outmaneuver competitors, secure high-profile clients, and climb the corporate ladder.
Jesse "The Creative" Pinkman Jesse is a young, talented but troubled creative director. Initially, he's just a freelance designer with no formal training, but his raw talent catches Walt's eye. Walt sees potential in Jesse and takes him under his wing, teaching him the ins and outs of strategic thinking while exploiting his creativity to produce groundbreaking ads. Their partnership is as volatile as it is successful, with Jesse constantly torn between following Walt's morally questionable path and staying true to his creative integrity.
Skyler "The Finance Manager" White Skyler is Walt’s wife and the agency’s finance manager. Initially unaware of Walt’s increasingly dubious tactics, she eventually gets pulled into the financial machinations behind his schemes. As the agency grows, so does her involvement, shifting from a simple bookkeeper to an accomplice, cooking the books to hide the more illicit side of Walt's strategies.
Hank "The Brand Protector" Schrader Hank, Skyler's brother-in-law, is the agency’s head of brand protection and compliance. He’s dedicated to maintaining the firm’s reputation and sniffing out any unethical behavior. Unaware that his biggest adversary is his own brother-in-law, Hank’s pursuit of a mole in the agency leads to tension and high-stakes drama. His relentless dedication to integrity sets him on a collision course with Walt’s ambition.
Saul "The PR Guru" Goodman Saul is the agency’s charismatic PR consultant, known for his colorful personality and his “whatever it takes” attitude. He’s the go-to guy for crisis management and knows how to spin any story to the agency’s advantage. His willingness to bend the truth and his knack for finding loopholes make him an invaluable asset to Walt’s increasingly risky endeavors.
Gus "The Competition" Fring Gus Fring runs a rival marketing agency with a reputation for ruthless efficiency and a keen eye for detail. Behind his polished, calm exterior lies a cutthroat competitor who will stop at nothing to dominate the market. He recognizes Walt’s potential early on and attempts to recruit him, but when Walt refuses, Gus becomes a formidable adversary. Their rivalry escalates into a full-blown war, with each trying to outmaneuver the other through ingenious campaigns and corporate espionage.
Mike "The Fixer" Ehrmantraut Mike is the agency’s fixer and head of security, a former private investigator with a knack for solving problems discreetly. He’s the one who cleans up the messes, whether it’s dealing with disgruntled clients or making evidence disappear. His loyalty to Gus puts him at odds with Walt, and he finds himself caught between two powerful forces, trying to maintain his own code of ethics in a world that’s losing its moral compass.
The Plot
Season 1: The Rise of Walt White The series kicks off with Walt White as a frustrated strategist who feels undervalued at a mediocre agency. After a health scare that makes him rethink his career and financial situation, Walt decides to take bold risks, using unorthodox methods to land a major client. His tactics work, and the agency starts to thrive, but Walt's success comes at a price. As he pulls Jesse into his schemes and begins pushing ethical boundaries, tensions within the agency rise.
Season 2: Power Plays and Deception With the agency's reputation growing, Walt becomes more ambitious and starts targeting Gus Fring’s firm, using every trick in the book to outdo his rival. Skyler becomes more involved in hiding the agency's unethical practices, while Hank grows suspicious of internal leaks and starts investigating. Jesse, caught between loyalty to Walt and his moral dilemmas, begins to crack under the pressure.
Season 3: The Breaking Point The power struggle between Walt and Gus reaches a fever pitch, resulting in sabotage, espionage, and a corporate takeover bid that threatens to destroy both firms. Saul’s PR skills are put to the ultimate test as scandals emerge, and Mike finds himself caught in the middle, trying to protect the agency’s secrets while staying true to his own principles. The season culminates in a dramatic face-off, with alliances shattered and the agency’s future hanging in the balance.
Themes and Appeal
Breaking Ad explores themes of ambition, morality, and the cost of success, much like its predecessor. It’s a thrilling drama that highlights the cutthroat nature of the marketing world, where creativity meets corruption, and ethical lines are blurred. The show is a commentary on the lengths people will go to achieve power and success, and the personal and professional costs of living on the edge.
With its dynamic characters, intense drama, and a unique setting that blends creativity with corporate strategy, Breaking Ad promises to be a gripping series that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning the ethics of modern marketing and the true cost of ambition.
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lastoneout · 1 year
the whole guilt-tripping language in posts about important topics paired with how I'm still getting bitches in my notes talking about why it's actually good to tell "bad" people to kill themselves continues to prove to me that a lot of people have absolutely no concept of social justice or activism outside of assuming the worst of and then viciously attacking strangers on the internet
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Michael still has beef with Ennard in FNAF…
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animentality · 8 months
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marlowe-art · 4 months
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farmers' market peaches
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starcurtain · 2 months
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Even leaving aside the obvious ship bait here, this is one of the best examples of character comedy Hoyo has posted in a long time.
The fact that Jade sends Aventurine a bunch of rocks just knowing that his incredible luck will allow him to suss out, without even cutting the stones, exactly which ones are worth processing is funny as hell.
The fact that Aventurine is actually able to answer and picks out the rocks that contain high value jade without hesitation is absolutely hilarious.
Bro is out here using his blessing from a goddess to play blind-box prize games. This is like finding out X-Men's Professor X uses his telepathy to order pizza.
Do you think people ever call Aventurine like "Hey man, is my new relationship going to work out?"
And Aventurine's just over here as the divination champion of Pier Point going "Signs point to no, friend. The vibes are just rancid. Abandon ship ASAP."
And then he trips over his catcake and eats shit because he didn't see it coming.
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hyunpic · 1 month
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“my wife seo changbin happy birthday”
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kizzer55555 · 11 months
The power of hotdogs
Danny is running to Gotham to escape the GIW. As he’s running into an alleyway, he crashes into non other than condiment king who proceeds to attack and hits the GIW goons behind him. This absolutely terrifies them due to the fact that their prestigious white clothes will be stained. The fact that he has people running in terror gives Condiment king a giddy feeling so he proceeds to chase them around Gotham.
Thus starts Danny’s constant exploits of running to condiment king when he’s being chased and the rogue scarring the living daylights out of the GIW. They develop nightmares and Condiment king starts developing new concoctions that will specifically stain clothes and never come out. Mwa ha ha!
Eventually, Danny gets adopted by the rogue and becomes his sidekick. Now, when people learned that condiment king got a new sidekick, they laughed. Who in their right mind would want to mentor under him. They believed that this was some poor sob who was down on their luck and truly desperate. That or some weirdo like the ‘king’ himself.
But they didn’t understand.
They didn’t understand that they should never have let Danny Fenton (known as Phantom) become Condiment King’s sidekick.
Danny knows how to animate hotdogs and other foods to create an army. Danny knows intimately about the secret nasty burger sauce that is capable of powerful explosions of you heat it up. Danny has knowledge in the usage and how to build various weaponry designed to shoot or even be powered by green sludge (which can easily be replaced by ketchup, mustard, or relish).
And he hasn’t even shown Gotham his power-set yet. No one knows why he calls himself phantom. For all they know, he’s just a normal (terrifying) human.
Everyone blames the GIW for this mess.
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dooffirmations · 11 months
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They are laughing at the people who thought her dress was blue
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anonzentimes · 5 months
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galina · 6 months
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Sunday, at the flower market in east
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mrzeecon · 19 days
My Hardcore Addiction to Chai
There’s a running joke among my friends and family that my blood is probably 50% chai by now. And honestly, they might not be wrong. My love affair with chai isn’t new, but ever since I embarked on my career as a marketer, it’s become a full-blown addiction. I’ve tried to cut back, really, I have. But let’s be real: when life gives you stress, deadlines, and back-to-back meetings, you make chai. Lots and lots of chai.
The Origins of My Chai Love Affair
Chai and I go way back. Growing up, the smell of freshly brewed tea leaves mixed with spices like cardamom, ginger, and cloves was a staple in my household. It was more than just a drink; it was a ritual. Mornings started with a cup of steaming hot chai, and evenings wound down with the same comforting brew. It was a family tradition, a sign of comfort and home.
But what was once a casual love affair has intensified into something more serious since I took up the fast-paced life of a marketer.
Marketing: A Career Fueled by Caffeine
Marketing isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. The constant brainstorming sessions, the pressure of coming up with the next big idea, and the never-ending to-do lists can be exhausting. And what’s the one thing that seems to make everything better, clearer, and more manageable? You guessed it: chai.
For every campaign launch, there’s a cup of chai. For every client pitch, another one. Every time I need to focus on creating a new strategy or pulling off a successful social media plan, I find myself reaching for that comforting cup. It’s almost like my creativity flows better with every sip. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
Attempts to Break Free
I know what you’re thinking: “Why not just cut back?” Trust me, I’ve tried. I’ve tried switching to green tea, convincing myself that it’s just as energizing (it’s not). I’ve tried drinking more water, hoping it would fill the chai-shaped void in my heart (it didn’t). I’ve even gone cold turkey, which resulted in a grumpy, caffeine-deprived version of myself that no one wanted to be around.
But here’s the thing: chai isn’t just about caffeine for me. It’s a moment of calm in the storm, a warm hug in a cup, a few minutes of peace amid the chaos of a busy day. It’s the one constant I can count on when everything else is swirling around me at a million miles an hour.
Embracing the Addiction
So, I’ve made peace with my chai addiction—for now. I figure if I’m going to be hooked on something, it might as well be something that brings me so much joy. Until I find a permanent solution (or until a miracle chai substitute is invented), I’m going to enjoy every single cup.
Maybe one day, I’ll find a way to cut back. Maybe I’ll discover some new miracle drink that gives me the same sense of comfort and clarity. But until then, you’ll find me with a cup of chai in my hand, ready to tackle whatever the marketing world throws at me next. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
After all, life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures. And for me, that pleasure just happens to be a perfectly brewed cup of chai. So here’s to embracing our addictions—at least the harmless ones—and enjoying every moment of it.
Cheers to chai, the unsung hero of my marketing journey. 🫖
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zephyrine-gale · 6 months
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all of my hsr charms so far!
and little reminder that my shop is closing at the end of the day today!
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lazylittledragon · 7 months
obsessed with people saying “it’s cool to be weird now” fucking WHERE and how do i get there
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englishsub · 1 month
book rec by me
so you want to get back into reading books but have no idea where to start and disdain booktok (if you get me started on this however i will become an unskippable cutscene so that's for another day). understandable. there is so much out there and it is all so overwhelming and you don't even know what you like now that you've been a decade out of the game. again, understandable. it does not have to be scary. i will help you. below i have created some categories that can get you started.
i want to read Literature
literary fiction, with crossover from historical fiction and magical realism
THE VASTER WILDS by lauren groff
THE FAMILY CHAO by lan samantha chang
OUTER DARK by cormac mccarthy
SEVERANCE by ling ma
IDENTITTI by mithu m. sanyal
PIRANESI by susanna clarke
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that won't break my brain
sci-fi and fantasy that is gentler on the brain cells. easier to grasp magic systems with multiple but not an overwhelming number of overlapping plotlines
KINGS OF THE WYLD by nicholas eames
THE JASMINE THRONE by tasha suri
THE CITY OF BRASS by s.a. chakraborty
A RIVER ENCHANTED by rebecca ross
BLACK SUN by rebecca roanhorse
THE FINAL STRIFE by saara el-arifi
THE BONE SHARD DAUGHTER by andrea stewart
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that forces me to lock the fuck in
i would not recommend picking these up as your first foray back into books after many years of not reading recreationally, but i'm not your mom.
JADE CITY by fonda lee
THE FIFTH SEASON by n.k. jemisin
THE RAGE OF DRAGONS by evan winter
A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE by arkady martine
GIDEON THE NINTH by tamsyn muir
THE ART OF PROPHECY by wesley chu
horrify me!
there is far more to the horror literary canon than stephen king and dean koontz, i promise. consider looking up warnings for these.
TENDER IS THE FLESH by agustina bazterrica
THE RUINS by scott smith
CONFESSIONS by kanae minato
EPISODE THIRTEEN by craig dilouie
REPRIEVE by james han mattson
MARY by nat cassidy
DEAD SILENCE by s.a. barnes
AUDITION by ryu murakami
THE SALT GROWS HEAVY by cassandra khaw
don't care, i want romance
some of these feature crossover genres, like fantasy and horror.
VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by isabel cañas
SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by tia williams
HAPPY PLACE by emily henry
ONE DARK WINDOW by rachel gillig
i want QUEER romance
again, a mix of historical, fantasy, and contemporary crossover genres.
WE COULD BE SO GOOD by cat sebastian
IN MEMORIAM by alice winn
MOST ARDENTLY by gabe cole novoa
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by freya marske
SPELL BOUND by f.t. lukens
SORRY, BRO by taleen voskuni
ONE LAST STOP by casey mcquiston
DELILAH GREEN DOESN'T CARE by ashley herring blake
i haven't felt anything since i read percy jackson/the hunger games in middle school/high school
adventure is still out there.
SCYTHE by neil shusterman
WE HUNT THE FLAME by hafsah faizal
SIX OF CROWS by leigh bardugo
GEARBREAKERS by zoe hana mikuta
i'll read anything that's not straight or white
many books in the above categories fit this, but here's even more, across a variety of genres.
BABEL by r.f. kuang
WHEN THE RECKONING COMES by latanya mcqueen
THE UNBROKEN by c.l. clark
IF YOU'LL HAVE ME (graphic novel) by eunnie
THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by shelley parker-chan
"all ya books suck"
like any other genre or book age group, there are duds and there are standouts. ya is not special in this regard. try some of these!
DIVINE RIVALS by rebecca ross
THE RED PALACE by june hur
EMPIRE OF SAND by tasha suri
LEGENDBORN by tracy deonn
i check out and read a lot of these books for free via my local library by using the libby app (you can even add your friends' library cards to gain access to libraries in places you don't live). when i'm feeling like reading via audiobook, i use libro fm!
look, no one HAS TO read diversely. no one is going to be reverse fahrenheit 451'd and locked in a room with no fanfic and only books and not let out until they work their way through the entire literary canon. but reading, and reading widely, and reading diversely, is what teaches people to form their own opinions and question the things they are told. it's why they hang up stuff like "READ READ READ!!" in grade school classrooms.
we live under systems that increasingly benefit from going unquestioned. no, of course reading ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by robin hobb is not going to dismantle these systems tomorrow, nor probably even in our lifetimes. but doing it will help set up a world capable of doing it in the future. and until further notice, we are all part of this wretched world. might as well read a good story while we're here.
anyway, i'm reading THE WEST PASSAGE by jared pechaček and the new cmq book this week.
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swampthingking · 5 months
andrew’s definitely gotten in trouble with his pr manager for tweeting things along the lines of:
“no mania inducing medication will compare to the euphoria i will feel the day donald trump drops dead”
#pr manager is like: andrew… this is the last time i’m gonna tell you#andrew: whats the point of democracy if i can’t exercise freedom of speech#pr manager: andrew it’s no longer about your image#at this point we are concerned the fbi is going to show up#andrew: neil has connections. i’m fine#they thought marketing andrew on social media would be good#they were sooooo wrong#because now andrew has a place to share every insane thing he’s ever thought#for instance—a tweet that just says ‘an alien googling: human clothes’#he’s on there advocating for lgbtq+ youth you KNOW HE IS#he’s cursing and mildly threatening members of congress for imposing these disgusting bills#one day he tweeted ‘does mitch mcconnell know he’s dead yet’#when mitch mcconnell stepped down from senate andrew tweeted ‘hopefully next he steps down from life’#unsurprisingly: this endears him to some people and makes others fucking hate him#and he’s such a shit. he does not care either way#he’s kind of just like: pr manager. you gave me a twitter and told me to tweet. i’m just doing what you asked me#they’ve threatened to change his password so many times#they actually did once but andrew reported the account so many times for defamation and fraud that it got suspended#and he made a new account out of pure spite#his pr manager is like: andrew nobody is going to want to sign you because of your public image#and andrew is like: ?? ok. they can lose every game then#(he knows he’s the best goalie)#ok i think that’s enough for now. however i will probably be back#andrew minyard#aftg#tfc#trk#tkm#the foxhole court#all for the game
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