#life hax
catgirlbussy · 1 year
eating popcorn with chopsticks to simultaneously practice my hand dexterity and satisfy my insatiable lust for salt thanks to HRT
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fullbattleregalia · 2 years
I’ve getting my fiancé caught up on the Great British Baking Show, and his conclusion after watching about six or seven seasons is that, “Gold leaf fixes everything.”
Biscuits slightly over baked? Gold leaf.
Tray bake messy? Gold leaf.
Three tear cake leaning? Gold leaf.
Steak burnt? Gold leaf.
Soup under-seasoned? Gold leaf.
Car engine not turning over? Gold leaf.
He just sent me a link to buy a 24 pack of gold leaf on Amazon, so we can have one on hand to solve all of our problems. 🤣
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tiny-brain · 1 year
Useful tactics when fighting your enemies:
Throw your size-shifter friend at them to confuse them and lull them into a false sense of security. Then, have your friend shift to their giant form midair when directly over them, causing them to cartoonishly fall on top of them.
I hope you find this as a useful life hack
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thehumanexperience8b · 6 months
March 29th, 2024: Twin Flames, "The One," and Marriage
One of Epicurus’s opinions on the biggest mistakes a person can make is the need for romance. Our society puts so much importance on “soulmates” or finding “the one.”  What if you never do… Do you want to spend your whole life looking? Is there something wrong with me if I haven’t found the right one? How do I feel okay being all on my own? These are all questions I had once asked myself, too. But tonight, I’m here to write to you that all of those good loving feelings can be felt without having a partner by your side. That you can be fulfilled without having that perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. It might seem like a grim concept at first, don’t you have to have tried it all before realizing you don’t need anyone? Well the answer is no! One of the things people fear is that they will “die alone.” Sometimes we wonder hypotheticals like this, when in reality, there is no question: everyone dies alone. Even if you have been married for 60 years, on your deathbed, your wife or husband will not be dying with you. Although they may be there watching you with your friends and family, you will have died alone. But this is okay. The thought of this being sad and scary is just a result of society's conditioning. One day in my philosophy class, my teacher asked, “When you start a relationship do you think about how it will eventually end in a breakup, or a marriage?” For me, I do not want to be married, so it will end in a break up everytime, but I was surprised at how many said they did not think about that. Whenever I start a new relationship I realize I will break up with them in the end; but that doesn’t scare me, I have free will. I have many thoughts on today’s modern dating landscape. I think our idea of “love” is skewed, and I don’t truly understand who this benefits. 
Along with this topic, I’ve noticed online there’s been a talk of “twin flames” in the spiritual sides of TikTok and other platforms. I do not agree with this, and I honestly don’t believe they exist. I’ve seen a video where a person states that if you find your twin flame, it doesn’t matter if you’re married or have children, leave them to be with your twin flame! That is absolutely ridiculous. Don’t do that, you are most likely just blinded by the idea of a “perfect match,” and this might hurt you in the long run. Just a quick side note about the increasing talk about “twin flames.”
 When you listen to the radio or the top hits, most of those songs will be about love. These songs usually follow the theme of “I need you to stay!” or what will I do without you kind of talk. Some of these people are 20, 30 years old singing like this. But you do not have to give any of your partners the power to break you. No one is a part of you, it’s just you. Your experiences shape you, and your partners all play a role in this, but they are just a flicker of light in your life, they are not meant to stay; for people change. You do too. You will feel so much more whole in life realizing all you need is yourself, your partner isn’t your “other half” but rather a nice addition to your life. Never feel obligated to keep someone around in your life if they’re: draining your energy, making you uncomfortable, making you cry, stealing from you, guilting you, or being disrespectful. Remember that it’s always better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel alone! The universe will open up new possibilities when you make good choices for yourself. And I 100% support divorces! Don’t live your life in misery because you vowed to be with someone through thick and thin, if they're sinking in the mud; don’t let them drag you down with them! And parents, sometimes it’s better to raise kids in two healthy households, than in one dysfunctional household. I’ve spoken to kids of divorced parents and they’ve said it’s better now that it’s over. Taking care of yourself will show your kids how to take care of themselves, too. I can speak from experience… children are affected a lot more from unhealthy marriages than you think. You have to love yourself first, before you can truly accept love from another person. Take care of yourself!
“At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. Then I spent so many nights thinkin’ how you did me wrong, I proved strong… and I learned how to get along.” -I Will Survive. Gloria Gaynor
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sassytail · 2 years
Been eating a lot of canned soup heated up with a brick of ramen noodles submerged in it. Adds calories to the soup to make it a filling meal.
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pompoison · 2 years
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I only wash dishes like this. doing it without these three things is like getting flung into the sensory torture labyrinth
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mjrino · 1 year
Life Tip:
If the world feels like soup, here's what you can do.
-Get in the shower. In my experience this is actually the hardest step for some reason, but it's worth it.
-Turn the water to a comfortable temperature.
-As you shower, make the water colder and colder.
-Finish the shower.
Usually, this is what works for me. Idk why it works, there's probably some science yadda yadda that could explain, but it helps. If you want to, you can also just jump straight into a cold shower. I don't have the mental fortitude for that, tho.
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flaminghellhole · 2 years
Pro tip:
If your substitute trys to force you and your table mates to do his weird extra work sheet after you repeatedly tell him that you're trying to do homework simply take the worksheet and eat it.
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Me to life: Whyy me??
Also me to life: try me bitch
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redfoxdude07 · 7 months
If you drink enough Mountain Dew, your piss will turn lime green
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troythecatfish · 1 year
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potsmokingweirdo · 1 year
Living in a northern state I’ve realized I can trick people into being nice by using a Canadian accent
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anonymouse5 · 1 year
when you turn 17 you can watch R Rated movies without parental permission
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cringlizzerd · 1 year
life hack: put your raisins in soapy water to make them taste worse
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spicyspinda-blog · 1 year
Came across a post today asking people how to sneeze properly to avoid injuring yourself cuz you're old. Comments section was filled with stories and 'deal with it' responses, but the few comments that did offer advice said sneezing louder works for them. I crossed the data with personal experience and will be employing this method shamelessly in future since my body is fragile.
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Life hack: have a mental breakdown at work and get paid for being sad
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