#life after death in tamil
amfacts · 9 months
మరణం అంటే ఏమిటి? చనిపోయిన తరువాత ఆత్మ #viral #viralvideo
Curious to know what happens after death? Join me in this thought-provoking video as we explore the mysteries surrounding the concept of death and the existence of the soul.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Many thousands of civilians have reportedly been killed. The number of people displaced from their homes is well into seven figures. Densely populated urban areas have been reduced to rubble. Supplies of electricity, food, and water have been cut off. Hospitals have come under attack. Many of those fleeing, injured, or dead are children.
I could be describing Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has raged on for almost two years now, or the terrible human costs of Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip following the horrific Hamas attacks on Oct. 7. But I am referring to a conflict that has received much less international attention: the civil war in Sudan that broke out last April. Even as one lethal war captures the world’s attention, others roil on in the background.
Unsurprisingly, given its geopolitical significance, Ukraine has received considerable attention in the West, where leaders have been quick to condemn Russia’s war crimes. The new conflict in the Middle East has dominated headlines over the past couple of months. But Sudan’s crisis has gone woefully underdiscussed, like many others that for various circumstantial, political, or geographic reasons seem to matter less to the international community.
The West likes to think it has abandoned the racist habit of ascribing different value to human life in different places. We profess our respect for international law, which codifies the principle of equality. But in practice, our behavior does not always reflect this. Accusations of double standards from non-Western counterparts sting precisely because they have a point.
This is not to advocate for a zero-sum redistribution of attention and diplomatic energy from one conflict to another. Nor is it to say that we should care any less about innocent people killed, for example, in Kharkiv than those killed in Khan Yunis or Khartoum. Instead, more than 75 years after the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international community needs to rediscover the tradition of humanitarian universalism. We must avow in word and deed that all human lives possess the same value and that the killing of civilians is unacceptable wherever it occurs.
Never before in recent memory has this been more urgent. The world has entered what David Miliband, the president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, has called an “age of impunity.” War crimes often go unpunished. Nations increasingly disregard the laws of war: Torture, sexual violence, acts of collective punishment, and indiscriminate destruction of civilian homes and services are tragically common.
In a fragmenting international order, old mechanisms such as naming and shaming no longer work. Multilateral peacekeeping operations are in decline. These days, when wars do end, it is more often the result of one side vanquishing the other than a negotiated settlement. This new disorder arrived gradually—as the optimism of the immediate post-Cold War era gave way to new wars, power shifts, and then global economic crisis in the 2000s—and then accelerated in the early 2020s.
Wars are now more frequent, they are lasting longer, and they are killing more people. In 2022, more than 200,000 people died in state-based conflicts globally—the highest death toll since 1986 (excluding unilateral acts of violence such as the Rwandan genocide). Mass civilian casualties in recent years include the massacres of Tamils in Sri Lanka; the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Yemen; and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Such conflicts are forcing more civilians to flee, which is one of several factors that has driven the number of displaced people worldwide to a record 114 million.
Open Society Foundations, the philanthropy I run, provides funding to several of the largest humanitarian organizations to support their work on these overlooked conflicts. We also fund a range of advocacy and policy groups working to bring attention to the roots of these crises and mobilize the political will to address them. But this work can feel like a drop in the ocean. It needs more funding and scaled-up operations, particularly at a time when there is less news coverage of international conflicts, as media outlets have fewer resources to send foreign correspondents to distant war zones. When these conflicts are out of public sight, they too easily become out of mind for officials and politicians.
The time has come, then, for a new universalist global campaign for solidarity with victims of conflict everywhere that reestablishes the norm of equally valuable human life. This may seem like an obvious principle, woven as it is through the constitutions of multilateral institutions such as the U.N. But it is evidently getting lost in today’s world.
Civil society activists capable of crossing national and partisan divides should lead this campaign. They should cooperate with existing multinational institutions, such as the U.N.; nongovernmental organizations, such as ONE Campaign and Amnesty International; and far-sighted cultural and media figures with the reach needed to build momentum.
This global campaign should demand deeper pools of core funding for emergency aid, especially from groups of national governments, ensuring that aid responses do not depend merely on media attention or the largesse of individual governments. It should challenge both media and government to widen their attention spans and scope for empathy. And it should also demand swifter multilateral responses to crises, including by pressuring the U.N. Security Council to speak out immediately for basic humanitarian principles rather than deliberating for weeks.
Perhaps most fundamentally, the campaign should draw in a network of civil society groups, cultural leaders, and new generations of human rights champions to proclaim: no more hierarchies of civilian suffering, no more double standards, no more selective blind spots.
In an age of multiplying and interlocking crises, the international community must find room for solidarity for more than one or two benighted groups at a time. Global civil society should convene, whether in person or online, to launch this new campaign and reassert fundamental but increasingly sidelined principles of equality, solidarity, and shared humanity. As the English poet John Donne put it: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.”
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lunar-serpentinite · 8 months
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Hariharan Nalin Potter
Heir of House Potter
Faceclaim: Anirudh Pisharody
Hariharan Nalin Potter, commonly known as Harry and famously as the Boy-Who-Lived, is the eldest child and only son of the Potter family's Head couple Lily and James Potter and their husband Regulus Potter. He is the older brother by four years to a younger sister named Madhuri Potter, as well as the godson of Sirius Black and Sharanya Patil.
More information below the cut
What's in a Name?
Hariharan ஹரிஹரன்
— from the the fused Sattvika characterisation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara)
Hari – the one who takes away (sins)
Hara – Remover of sins
Nalin நளின்
— means close, abundance, pride; also a synonym for lotus
Follows the Evans tradition of naming their children after flowers
Also calls back to James’ middle name (Mooriyan, pride)
Picked by Regulus. In ancient Egypt, lotuses represent rebirth and the Sun and by god did he feel his life beginning anew the moment he laid eyes on baby Harry
The Snake With No Self-Preservation Instincts
When Harry entered Hogwarts at the age of 11, the Sorting Hat was torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for him. Maybe even Ravenclaw if the Hat was feeling particularly experimental. In the end, the Hat put him in Slytherin, much to the delight of his baba Regulus.
Slytherin won the Hat over by just a small margin. In this universe, Harry was raised not with scorn nor contempt but with an overabundance of love and support. Many of the influential adults in his life inspired him to be as driven and goal-oriented as they are. Additionally, the inclusion of a third, Slytherin-to-the-core parent also influenced Harry's own personal choice in Houses.
Slytherins are also defined by their tendency to stick close to family traditions. Harry was raised completely immersed in his South Indian heritage of Tamil and Telugu and he's very proud of it. Thus he is completely dedicated to preserving and following the cultural and familial traditions he was raised with.
Finally, he has a brilliant and clever mind as well as a knack for leadership (regardless of how much he denies that himself). Growing in a house of love and positivity allowed Harry to fully lean into his gifts instead of focusing on survival. In this universe, Harry was allowed to shine and shine he did.
As per the hierarchy of Slytherin, Harry is naturally the most influential half-blood as the Boy-Who-lived and is considered by his half-blood and Muggleborn yearmates as their leader the same way the Purebloods consider Draco Malfoy theirs.
"You're a bloody Slytherin, why do you lack self-preservation?" "Maybe if you dig your pointy nose into my business some more, you'd find it."
One thing that does set Harry aside from his Slytherin cohorts is his apparent "lack of self-preservation". Sense of self-preservation is a signature Slytherin trait that is far outweighed by Harry's natural "saving people thing" that is apparently in every Potter's genes.
Harry simply doesn't hesitate to lend a hand whenever he sees that he could. He helps even when it is detrimental to himself, which gives him a sort of reputation as one of the more eccentric Slytherins of his year. This resulted in him gaining a close social circle that is composed of several non-Slytherins which is an unusual sight within the House that Keeps to Themselves.
Escaping from Death's Clutches
Harry's main claim to fame is his apparent survival from being hit by the Killing Curse at point blank when he was four years old. The incident was widely publicized by Voldemort himself who had kidnapped Harry as a child after years of failed attempts to pierce through the powerful wards of Nagaraja Hall. Voldemort had wanted to publicly execute Harry as punishment for his parents who had thrice defied him.
This backfired on the Dark Lord as not only did Harry survive his Killing Curse but the knockback from the protective Magics weakened Voldemort enough for a furious Lily Potter to land the killing blow on him, ending the First Wizarding War. Because of this, Harry and Lily share the title Lord Voldemort's Vanquisher, a title that both despise.
Harry sports a seemingly permanent lichtenberg scar above his left eye. According to all the Healers that have examined him, it may very well be the first and only known occurrence of a curse scar borne from being hit and surviving the Killing Curse. The scar runs deeper than it looks and has rendered Harry half-blind in his left eye.
He has little to no clear memories of the incident owing to how traumatic it was but the trauma has left its own imprints in him, namely his scar, partial blindness, and a certain discomfort whenever someone points a wand at him without any warning.
Collected Miscellany
Little bits of extra information/headcanons for him. This section will be updated from time to time.
As per the tradition of Nandhini's descendants, Harry is bonded to a boa constrictor and a Basilisk
Harry has Lily’s temper, James’ compassion, and Regulus’ pride
He has been said to be a promising talent in flying, combat magic, and transfiguration. He claims to have an “easier time” at performing wandless magic. He was also personally tutored by his grandmother Euphemia in the art of pearl-based magic.
Excels in the Seeker position but does pretty okay in other positions.
Produced a corporeal Patronus at age 13. His Patronus is an Indian sambar stag which is the same as his appa James
While he’s absolutely brilliant in the kitchen, he unfortunately didn’t inherit Lily’s talent at Potions.
This is because he was taught how to cook before he was taught how to brew. Potions requires precision and accuracy but he’s used to measuring ingredients “by heart, soul, vibes and the voice of his ancestor whispering in his ears”.
He’s surprisingly good at anything related to snakes, be it brewing antivenom potions or working with venom or any snake-sourced parts
Aside from English, Harry is fluent in Tamil and Telugu, and conversational in Sanskrit, Middle Tamil, and Classical Sanskrit. Regulus is teaching him and Madhuri Masri (Egyptian Arabic) and Demotic (a very, very late descendant of Ancient Egyptian).
Childhood friends with Ron Weasley since they were babies through the friendship of Lily and Molly
He is also friends with the rest of the Weasley siblings by extension
Also friends with the other children of the Magical Indian diaspora families, notably his godsiblings the Patil twins Padma and Parvati
Met Hermione Granger at King’s Cross Station where his mother befriended her mother, Monica Granger. Hermione then became Lily's protege and Hermione would spend a portion of her holidays at Nagaraja Hall
Met Draco Malfoy as a baby during the wedding of his parents to Regulus Black and made him cry
Particularly fond of Luna Lovegood who he met at a young age as she was the daughter of Pandora Lovegood, who was friends with Lily
Buddies with Neville Longbottom who is the son of Alice Longbottom, who is also friends with Lily
Paired with Blaise Zabini in Potions so they are within the acquaintances to casual friends range
Spent his childhood going back and forth between the Potter’s Nagaraja Hall and the House of Serpents
More information on the Descendants of Nandhini / the Potters Back to the family directory of this AU
Please feel 100% free to drop some comments in the reblogs, replies, my askbox etc. ! 🥰🫶
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
Mayavan and Mayamohini
Nappinnai in Ponniyin Selvan. Read here.
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When Vanthiyathevan reaches Kadambur on the 18th day of Adi, people are celebrating the monsoon festival of Adi Perukku. But that year, there is something more special about Aadi Perukku.
Yes, today is the birth star of Andal. And it coincides with the eighteenth day of Adi, which is why there is such jubilation.
He starts dreaming about Krishnan, Andal pasurams and a death in the royal family even before he knows about the conspiracy, Nandini or her history.
A priest armed with a scimitar emerged from behind the statue of Kali, whose mouth was a gaping gash . . . “That means you’re unfit to be sacrificed. Go on, run,” said the priest. Kannan suddenly took Kali’s place. Two girls holding garlands danced in his shrine, singing Andal’s pasurams.
After this, Alwarkadiyan tells him about his sister Nandini and her extreme devotion. When Vanthiyathevan exhorts her to return to Krishna bhakti, she replies that she doesn't deserve it.
Then he goes to Pazhayarai to give Karikalan's message to Kundavai and people are celebrating another event there.
Aha! That’s what it is! It is Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Krishna’s birthday, that they are celebrating with such joy.
He sees and hears various songs, plays and even plays Kamsa in a street performance. Funnily, none of these are about the birth of baby Krishnan. Rather, all are about Mayavan (the Tamil equivalent of Mohana), the Great Enchanter.
Vanthiyathevan as Kamsa: Adel Krishna. Your magic won’t work with me. I am going to kill you right now. I am going to kill your brother Balarama. And your father Vasudeva too.
(Foreshadowing about Uncle Maduranthakan's Conspiracy and Pandya Murder conspiracy, together)
Kundavai's companions dancing to Aachiyar Kuravai (Nappinnai dancing with Krishna):
If that Mayavan [enchanter], Kannan, who once Used a calf sent to kill him :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If that Mayavan who once Broke the tree which was but a demon
Another one:
The great Lord, Mayavan, who appeared as a god and clasped the entire world in his navel with its flowering lotus . . .
When Vanathi is lost in a song about a girl waiting for Kannan, Kundavai scolds her. We will revisit this later.
Initially one would think that this is about Vanthiyathevan's adventures but after Vanthiyathevan goes to Lanka with Arulmozhi's scroll, there are no notable mentions of the Great Enchanter until Karikalan makes an appearance again.
Nandini starts talking about Mayakkanan who enchants and disappears (see the post about Nappinnai for details). When Karikalan asks Manimegalai to sing non-religious love songs, she sings about another (secular) enchanter, moving Nandini to inconsolable tears.
Is that all a dream, my friend The time we spent together On the slopes of the mountain Besides the waterfalls Beneath the shadow of fruit-laden trees When he held my hand And we were both lost in happiness Is that all a dream, my friend Or just a thought in my mind?
In the grove of punnai trees Under the golden rays of the evening sun He called me near And whispered words of love In my ears Is that all a dream my friend Is that miracle nothing but a lie?
Defying all security Like a thief he walked in stealth And with boundless love Held me in embrace And smothered me with kisses Did it happen? Weren’t we happy? Is that all a dream, my friend Or just a thought in my mind?
If this one isn't enough, Kalki says that she sang multiple songs like this. Seriously, Manimegalai? 😤  And why is Nandini crying when she heard about some lovers making out in secret? Very fishy.
Rational Kundavai absolutely hates this enchanter aspect of Krishnan. When Vanathi is listening to such a song on Janmashtami, she scolds Vanathi and disses Mayavan.
Good Lord! And he came to Tamilnadu as our God! If he has been stealing butter, playing the flute and spending time with the women, where will he have time for other things in life? . . . Why are you so silent? Have you too become enchanted with Kannan’s flute?
She has the same opinion about her brother.
But now I have lost hope. Adithan is a great warrior. One of the most valiant men of our times. But he can’t keep his mind under his control.
This Greater Enchanter disappears from the novel after Karikalan's death. Nandini is frequently labelled as the enchantess, the Mohini. If Nandini is Mayamohini, then Karikalan is Mayavan. Though both accuse each other of enchanting them and disappearing, the irony is that Mayavan and Mayamohini aren't different - they are just two aspects of the same God.
N. B. Another person Aditha Karikalan is constantly compared to is Aravan, Mohini's husband. In Tamil versions of the Mahabharatam, by Peruntevanar and later by Villiputtur and Nallappillai, Arjunan's son Aravan offers himself as a sacrifice to Kali to ensure victory for the Pandavas. He asks for three boons before he dies, of which one is that he should be married before his death. Since no parent would give a daughter to one who is about to be killed, Krishna appears as Mohini and marries Aravan for a night.
@vibishalakshman @sowlspace @celestesinsight
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
Meet My MC: Lyra Lexington
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I'll edit this to make it cuter and more detailed while I play the story but here's what I have so far!
Nicknames: Ly, Little Miss Valedictorian, Doc, Lady, Queen
Born/Raised: Singapore -> New York -> Los Angeles
Books: Ride or Die, Queen B, Nightbound/Bloodbound, The Elementalists as a well-known Historian, and Crimes of Passion I and II (again, I haven't finished all of these books I just thought of this MC on the go)
Face Claim: Alyssa Raghu -> Naomi Scott/shredz55 (Insta)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac: Aquarius
Fashion Style: "Girl Next Door" with a hint of Bohemian Chic
Love Interest: Trystan Thorne
Past Relationships: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Professor Ian Kingsley, Nik Ryder, Violet Hale (OC) Past Flirtationships: Mona, Cal, Vera
Education/Major: BA in History at UC Berkeley; MA in Anthropology and Ph.D in Archeology at Harvard University; Magic Training at Pendergast College of Elemental Magicks
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Desire and Decorum MC Great Great Great Grandmother: The Unexpected Heiress MC Godparents: Adrian Raines and Evelyn "Evie" Rouge Father(s): Lord Elric; Detective Antonio Lexington (FC: TBD) Mother: Lilavati "Lila" Solaris (FC: Nayanthara) Half-Brother: Tialo Maternal Cousin: My Queen B OC/The Elementalists MC Children (Twins): Amber Marguerite Thorne and Alice Nayeli Thorne Pet: Arcane (A Perrikin)
Lilavati left her extremely controlling family after leaving for college to major in Economics, where she met Adrian Raines, and the two became close friends (she was already dating Lyra's father and unknowingly pregnant). As far as her family knows, she's a Board Member/Head of Business for Raines Corporation. In actuality, she's a witch who eventually started working as a kind of supernatural diplomat to ensure peace between supernatural beings, which ended up being for the NYC vampire clans. She's under the vampire clans' protection (but she associates most with Adrian since they're the closest). She was extremely happy for Adrian when he met Evie and fell deeply in love with her. After Lyra is born, she asks Adrian and Evie to be her godparents. In my head, Evie shows up at some point during Nightbound in the Priya Lacroix scene and mentions how much Lyra reminded her of her mother (it took Lyra a second to recognize who Evie was because it's been a while but she knew Evie was a familiar figure). Antonio blames Adrian and Evie (and the rest of the BB crew) for his wife's death and ensures they stay away from his daughter by moving to a smaller home in LA.
Fun Facts:
She's a very talented Carnatic singer! Her extended family wanted her to continue but as much as she loves to sing, she didn’t want to pursue it as part of her future
She is fluent in English and Spanish but proficient in Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Dravokian. She learned Spanish from her father and Telugu, Malayalam, and Tamil from her mother. Her parents spoke those languages at home alongside English, but she became less fluent in the languages her mother spoke after she died. And after marrying Trystan, she obviously learned Drakovian
She’s from a wealthy family, or technically her mother was, but she left her old life to have her freedom before Lyra’s older cousins were even born. Lyra herself has an even larger inheritance after her mother died, but her father didn’t feel comfortable using her family money “irresponsibly.” She plans to use that money for her education.
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ambidextrousarcher · 1 year
Another Ponniyin Selvan snippet, far too late (or early?) in the day:
Tagging @mizutaama @celestesinsight @whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites @thereader-radhika @humapkehaikaun and @willktfanfromasia
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“ஐயா! தங்களுடைய கடமையைப் பற்றிச் சொன்னீர்கள். எனக்கும் ஒரு கடமை இருக்கிறது. அருள் புரிந்து அதைக் கேட்கவேண்டும். கொடும்பாளூர் வேளார் பெருங்குடியில் இன்று உயிரோடிருக்கும் ஆண் மகன் நான் ஒருவன்தான். மற்றவர்கள் அனைவரும் சோழ சாம்ராஜ்யத்தின் சேவையில் இறந்து போனார்கள். அநேகமாக எல்லாரும் போர்க்களத்தில் மடிந்தார்கள். நானும் ஒருநாள் அவ்விதம் இறந்து போவேன். யார் கண்டது? ஆகையால் என் வார்த்தையைக் கொஞ்சம் பொறுமையுடன் கேட்கவேண்டும். அரண்மனை மாடங்களில் அருமையாக வளர்க்கப்பட்டு வந்த தங்களைச் சென்ற ஆண்டில் தென்திசைப் படைகளின் மாதண்ட நாயகராகச் சக்கரவர்த்தி நியமித்தார். அப்போது என்னைத் தனியாக அழைத்துச் சொன்னார்: 'இளவரசன் என்னை விட்டுப்பிரிவது என் உயிரே உடலிலிருந்து பிரிவது போலிருக்கிறது. ஆயினும் என்னுடைய ஆசைக்காக அவனை நான் அரண்மனைக்குள்ளேயே வைத்து வளர்க்கக் கூடாது. அவன் வெளியேறிப் போக வேண்டியதுதான்; அண்ணனைப்போல் வீரன் என்று பெயர் எடுக்கவேண்டியதுதான். ஆனால் அவன் உயிருக்கு ஏதாவது ஆபத்து வந்தால் அதே கணத்தில் என் உயிரும் போய்விடும். அவனுக்கு எவ்வித அபாயமும் நேராமல் பாதுகாக்க வேண்டியது உன் பொறுப்பு...' இவ்வாறு சக்கரவர்த்தி எனக்குக் கட்டளையிட்டார். சென்ற ஆண்டில் அவ்வாறு கூறிய சக்கரவர்த்தி இப்போது தங்களைச் சிறைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு வரும்படி கட்டளையிடுவாரா? அவ்வாறு கட்டளையிடும்படியாகத் தாங்கள் என்ன செய்துவிட்டீர்கள்? இலங்கைச் சிம்மாசனத்தைக் கைப்பற்றுவதற்குத் தாங்கள் சூழ்ச்சி செய்ததாகச் சொல்வது எவ்வளவு அபத்தம்? இந்த அபவாதத்தை யாராவது நம்ப முடியுமா?...”
Excerpt From
Ponniyin Selvan Anaithu Pagangal (Tamil Edition)
This material may be protected by copyright.
Context: Boothi Vikramakesari telling Arulmozhi why he thinks the King would never want his youngest to be arrested in his name, after Arulmozhi owns up to the ‘crime’ of wanting the crown of Lanka (something which, in actuality, he never sought, though Vikramakesari wanted to give it to him, and marry him to his niece so that they can be enthroned together, according to Nambi. It is definite that Vikramakesari was the reason the monks gave Arulmozhi the crown which he refused, because the Prime Minister finds that out and warns Arulmozhi about it, as well as telling him to bear witnesses for his refusal)
This is Boothi Vikramakesari replying to Arulmozhi saying that it is his duty to obey his father, and get arrested if need be.
“Sire! You spoke of your duty. I, too, have a duty, please grant me your grace and hear it. In the family of the Kodambalur Velars, I alone am the male scion that is alive. All others have died in the service of the Chozha clan. By their fortune, they all attained their death in battle. I too will die in such a manner one day. Who knows? Hence, my words must be heard with some patience.
Last year, the King named you, who has been reared gently in the palace premises as the commander of the Southern forces. At that time, he called me aside and said: “Parting from the Prince is akin to parting with my soul. Even so, I must not rear him here in the palaces for the sake of my wishes. He must leave; like his elder brother, he too must earn a name for himself as a warrior. However, if his life is in danger, in that moment, my life too shall be lost. It is your responsibility to protect him from all dangers…” so the King commanded me. The King who commanded me so last year, would he issue a command to imprison you and bring you to him? What did you do that could deserve such a command? How absurd it is to blame you of coveting the throne of Lanka? Who could believe such an absurdity…?”
Ah, I love this series for giving me a caring father/son relationship, even if it isn’t fully fleshed out, in some ways. Fathers are criminally underrated in fiction, we hardly get to see any good ones.
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incoldbloodsblog · 6 days
The Dark Side of Honor Killings: Cases that Shocked India
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Honor killings remain one of the most disturbing forms of violence in India, highlighting the clash between age-old traditions and modern legal and moral standards. Rooted in rigid concepts of family honor, caste, and patriarchy, these heinous acts often target young couples who defy social norms, such as inter-caste or inter-religious relationships. What makes honor killings even more tragic is the involvement of the victims' own families, driven by the belief that they are restoring honor through violence.In most cases, the victim is a woman, although in several cases the man/boy is also targeted. The victims in some cases are also those belonging to the queer (LGBTQ+) community.
Several cases of honour killings from India’s urban and rural pockets go unreported. The National Crimes Record Bureau’s report for 2020 revealed that 25 cases of “honour killing” were reported in the preceding year. In the previous years, the reports stated that only one incident each took place in 2018 and 2017. But Evidence, an NGO, revealed in November 2019 that as many as 195 known cases of honour killings were reported from Tamil Nadu alone in the past five years.
India has witnessed several brutal cases that shook the nation’s conscience, raising awareness of the deep-seated cultural norms that perpetuate this violence.
5 Recent Brutal Murders: A Closer Look
1. Nitish Katara Murder Case (2002)
Another chilling case is that of Nitish Katara, a young businessman who was brutally murdered by Vikas Yadav, the son of a prominent politician, because he was in love with Vikas’ sister, Bharti Yadav. The Yadav family, a powerful political dynasty, opposed the relationship as they felt Nitish did not belong to their caste or social class. Nitish was abducted, beaten, and burnt to death in a gruesome crime that shocked the country.The long legal battle for justice was a testimony to how honor killings are often connected to the powerful political class, where perpetrators use their influence to evade justice. The Katara family fought relentlessly, and in 2016, Vikas Yadav was sentenced to life imprisonment, marking a major victory against entrenched social inequalities and caste hierarchies.
2.Manoj-Babli Case (2007)
The infamous Manoj-Babli case from Haryana became a turning point in India's fight against honor killings. Manoj and Babli, who belonged to the same "gotra" (clan), defied societal norms by eloping and marrying. Their marriage enraged Babli’s family and village elders, who deemed their union incestuous, even though it was legal by Indian law. The Khap Panchayat, a local caste council, ordered their murder, and the couple was abducted, tortured, and killed by Babli's relatives.This case was significant as it led to the conviction of several members of the Panchayat, as well as Babli’s family, making it the first time an Indian court had handed down such a severe punishment for an honor killing. The case exposed the authority of Khaps in rural India, which often override state laws, and underscored the urgent need for legal reform to protect young couples.
3. Ilavarasan-Divya Case (2013)
The tragic love story of Ilavarasan and Divya from Tamil Nadu exposed how caste continues to dictate relationships and, in extreme cases, lead to honor-based violence. Ilavarasan, a Dalit man, married Divya, a woman from a higher Vanniyar caste, defying the rigid caste system in rural Tamil Nadu. Divya's family and her community could not tolerate their marriage, and her father was accused of driving her to leave Ilavarasan after intense pressure.Soon after, Ilavarasan was found dead near railway tracks, in what many believe to be a planned murder disguised as a suicide. The case caused widespread protests across Tamil Nadu, exposing the caste-based discrimination that still plagues rural India. Ilavarasan’s death was a grim reminder of how deep-rooted prejudices continue to determine the fate of young couples in love, often ending in tragedy.
4. Afsana Case (2020)
Afsana’s case was yet another painful example of how interfaith relationships can become lethal in India. Afsana, a young Muslim woman from Uttar Pradesh, fell in love with a Hindu man, which led to escalating tensions within her conservative family. Afsana’s family disapproved of the relationship, fearing that it would bring shame to their community.In a brutal turn of events, Afsana was strangled to death by her own father and brothers to preserve the family's so-called honor.Afsana’s murder was one among several interfaith love stories in India that faced a similar fate, amplifying the communal tensions surrounding interreligious marriages. Her death not only reflected the patriarchal control over women’s bodies and choices but also pointed to the growing religious intolerance in the country.
5. The Keelvenmani Murders (2021)
In another heart-wrenching case from Tamil Nadu, a Dalit boy, Nirmal Kumar, and his lover, Subhashree, from the dominant Vanniyar caste, were brutally murdered by Subhashree’s family for eloping. The couple, aged just 21 and 20, had sought refuge from Subhashree's relatives who opposed their relationship due to the caste divide. Despite fleeing for safety, they were tracked down and killed in cold blood.This modern-day horror reignited debates about casteism in India, as Subhashree's family faced no remorse for taking the lives of their own kin and her partner. The media coverage and outrage that followed demonstrated how honor killings transcend mere family dynamics and are deeply rooted in India's hierarchical social structure.
Laws to Deal with ‘HONOUR KILLING’
In India, honor killings are not governed by a specific law but are prosecuted under general criminal laws, particularly those dealing with murder, homicide, and violence. However, there have been legal measures, court rulings, and proposed bills to address the unique nature of such crimes. Below is an overview of the legal framework and key court interventions in dealing with honor killings:
1. Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Honor killings are generally prosecuted under the following sections of the IPC, which deal with murder and other violent crimes:
Section 302 (Murder): Punishes the crime of murder with life imprisonment or the death penalty.
Section 307 (Attempt to Murder): Applies to cases where the victim survives the attack.
Section 120B (Criminal Conspiracy): Used when multiple people are involved in planning and executing the killing, such as family members or community leaders.
Section 34 (Acts Done by Several Persons in Furtherance of Common Intention): Often used when several people collectively carry out the crime.
Section 364 (Kidnapping or Abduction in Order to Murder): Applied when the victim is kidnapped before being murdered.
Section 376 (Rape): In some cases, sexual assault is also part of the violence related to honor crimes.
2. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
While not specifically designed for honor killings, this act provides civil remedies for women facing violence or abuse, including threats of harm related to "family honor." In cases where women are threatened with honor-based violence by their families, they can seek protection under this law.
3. The Indian Constitution
Article 21 (Right to Life): The Supreme Court of India has held that honor killings violate the fundamental right to life and personal liberty enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution.
Article 14 (Right to Equality): Honor killings, often motivated by caste or gender-based discrimination, are seen as violations of this article, which guarantees equality before the law.
Article 15 (Prohibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, etc.): In cases where caste or religious differences motivate honor killings, Article 15 is cited.
4. Key Court Judgments
The Supreme Court of India has played a crucial role in addressing honor killings through its judgments, recognizing them as a serious violation of fundamental rights.
Shakti Vahini vs. Union of India (2018): In this landmark judgment, the Supreme Court strongly condemned honor killings and directed state governments to take preventive, remedial, and punitive measures. The court issued guidelines aimed at curbing the influence of Khap Panchayats (traditional caste councils) that often sanction such killings.
Arumugam Servai vs. State of Tamil Nadu (2011): The Supreme Court declared that any person or organization supporting or encouraging honor killings would be subjected to harsh penalties, including the death penalty in certain cases.
5. Proposed Legislation: Prevention of Crimes in the Name of 'Honor' and Tradition Bill, 2010
This proposed bill, introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2010, sought to address honor killings specifically. Although the bill has not yet become law, it aimed to:
Criminalize the intimidation or harassment of couples who marry against societal or familial norms.
Penalize acts of violence, harassment, or coercion by family members or caste councils (Khap Panchayats).
Impose stricter penalties, including imprisonment and fines, for those found guilty of such crimes.
Criminalize the act of forcing a person into marriage to restore "family honor."
The bill has not been passed, and honor killings continue to be prosecuted under existing criminal laws.
6. Law Commission of India (2012) Recommendations
The Law Commission of India, in its 242nd Report, recommended a specific legal framework to deal with honor crimes. The report called for:
The introduction of a new Section 300A in the IPC to criminalize honor-based crimes.
Recognizing crimes committed in the name of honor as a distinct offense, with special provisions for harsher punishment.
Creating a legal mechanism to tackle the involvement of village or caste panchayats in sanctioning honor killings.
7. Preventive Measures
Police Protection: Courts can direct the police to provide protection to couples who fear for their lives due to the threat of honor killings.
District Magistrate’s Role: The Supreme Court has directed district magistrates to take preventive measures, such as keeping a watch on areas where such crimes are prevalent, and ensuring that couples who marry out of choice are protected.
8. Death Penalty for Honor Killings
While Indian law does not provide a specific provision for the death penalty in honor killing cases, courts have imposed the death sentence in some cases under the "rarest of the rare" doctrine. This doctrine allows for the death penalty in cases where the crime is deemed exceptionally brutal or heinous, as in many honor killing cases.
Honor Killings: The Larger Picture
The common thread in these cases is the deep-seated social structure in India that prioritizes family honor, caste purity, and community approval over individual freedoms and personal choices. Honor killings often occur in rural areas but are not limited to them. The influence of caste-based councils, or Khaps, is still strong in many parts of the country, where they wield unofficial but significant authority, often leading to such heinous crimes.
The Legal Struggle
Despite the growing awareness around honor killings, India does not have a specific law addressing this form of violence. Such killings are prosecuted under general murder laws, but activists argue that these laws fail to address the cultural and social factors that fuel such crimes. Several attempts have been made to pass a comprehensive law targeting honor-based violence, but progress has been slow.
Honor killings reflect the darkest aspects of India’s social fabric, where archaic traditions collide with modern values of personal freedom and choice. The cases of Manoj-Babli, Nitish Katara, Ilavarasan-Divya, and others serve as tragic reminders of the lives lost to this outdated concept of family and social honor. As India continues to evolve, the need for legal reforms, societal education, and support systems for young couples becomes ever more critical to prevent such atrocities in the future. Although India does not have a dedicated law for honor killings, the existing legal framework provides several avenues to prosecute and punish offenders. The judiciary has been proactive in addressing the issue through landmark judgments, while civil society continues to push for specific legislation that acknowledges the unique social and cultural dimensions of honor crimes. Until a comprehensive legal framework is enacted, honor killings will continue to be prosecuted under general criminal laws, and the battle against these brutal practices will rely heavily on enforcement, awareness, and education.
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anhxdonia · 2 months
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[ SENDHIL RAMAMURTHY, 50, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ] Welcome to Antioch, MAHARTH PRASAD CHANDRASEKHAR ! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 2 WEEKS and are known to be CHARMING yet EVASIVE. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in THE VAMPIRE OF ANTIOCH as a SUSPECT, but most know you for your work as the new PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS at ANTIOCH UNIVERSITY.
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Character Name. Danish Maharth Prasad Chandrasekhar / ದಾನೀಶ ಮಹಾರ್ಥ ಪ್ರಸಾದ ಚಂದ್ರಶೇಖರ್ Nickname(s). Danu, Som, Maha Face Claim. Sendhil Ramamurthy   Birthday.  October 27, 1974 Place of birth. Mysuru, Karnataka State, India Sexuality. Fluid Zodiac. Scorpio (Western), Tula/Libra (Vedic), Mīna (Rasi), Purva-Bhadrapada (Nakshatra) MBTI.  ESTP-A Moral Alignment. True Neutral Occupation. Professor of Comparative Religions, Adjunct Lecturer on Social Anthropology and Folklore Place of work. Antioch University Subplot affiliation. The Vampire of Antioch  3 positive traits. Affable, Passionate, Social 3 negative traits. Inquisitive, Distractable, Mercurial  Languages. Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, and English in his everyday life. Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Koine Greek for academic studies. Love language. Expressing — gift-giving, words of affirmation; Receiving — physical touch, words of affirmation
! TW: death, religious intolerance, political assassination, references to violence, discrimination.
The fifth child and youngest son of a prominent Mysuru politician and cabinet member, he was born Danish Prasad Chandrasekhar—a proud expression of his Kannadiga and Tamil heritage and his family's Muslim upbringing. Days were filled with the scent of old, well-loved books and fine tea, a quiet peace shared by the big family. The Chandrasekhars were well-off, surrounded by art and culture. They had everything, no, more than everything they needed and never looked outward. Therefore, they were, in essence, cut off from the world around them. Foolishly, Danish believed their way of living would be eternal.
Therefore, the Chandrasekhars never noticed the warning signs. Figuratively spritzed perfume over the smoke that came in the form of angry letters stuffed in mailboxes. And on a hot night in April, when Danish was away at a youth camp, his family and home were all lost to a raging fire set by a fringe group of dissidents following a contested election. Days after the tragedy, the six-year-old was taken in by an aunt on his mother's side. She was a Classics professor at Bangalore University and a practicing Hindu, and she legally changed his name to Maharth in her misguided idea of 'protection.'
Confused about the warring wills of his beloved nation and nursing a trauma he could not understand as a child, Maharth grew up in a religious household but socially became secular as he delved into learning about the various belief systems around him. He'd been gifted as a child, not only in learning languages but also in the connections of his birth, and his acceptance into the University of Oxford was all but guaranteed.
Maharth was a definite scholar, embracing academia with a matchless love that his peers, many talented beyond their years but still impetuous with youth, couldn't understand. Stranger still was Maharth's proclivities. Upon achieving his Master's in Comparative Theology at Oxford and bearing the unofficial title of an academic darling of the presses bearing the acclaimed name of his education, the newly minted professor chose fellowships in schools far from the eyes of the elite. Maybe he'd give a lecture at York or a semester at Harvard, but Maharth was more than content with setting up an office in the backwoods of America one day and the steppes of Siberia the next.
As years passed, Professor Chandrasekhar's disappearances and reappearances became part of his mystery, an appealing asterisk on the famous educator's magnetic persona. So no eyebrows were raised, and questions caught at the helm of one's throat when the eccentric intelligentsia took up a residency at Antioch University in southern Oregon. A man as odd as Maharth would be a perfect fit with a place as infamously strange as Antioch, they thought, oblivious to how correct they'd be in their assumptions.
The victims of the case have been past and present students of Maharth's classes. This information is not public knowledge.
enjoys fine teas and has shipped in his personal cupboard filled with porcelain teacups and mugs, has a sweet tooth but only indulges on thursdays, is a vegetarian and a half-decent cook but opts for leftovers, currently resides in a short-term rental villa at verdant hills thanks to a generous friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-slash-benefactor, annotates all of his books with pen (and thus can never donate them to a library or give them away), and checks his astrology readings weekly.
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VIBES: Hannibal-lite, cat-and-mouse games, visitations without a warrant, pet names uttered between sips of tea.
[ Though Maharth is the supposed newcomer in town, he has a surprising wealth of knowledge about Antioch, specifically the case of the Vampire of Antioch. Though on the surface, there doesn't seem to be a connection between the professor and the case victims, upon closer inspection, there's something that doesn't add up... your muse decides to investigate — blatantly? covertly? — and Maharth is very willing to cooperate. After all, the pursuit of knowledge is key to one's self-discovery and enlightenment. ]
MID 40s+, catered to anyone interested in the vampire of antioch case. the romance angle is up to chemistry, but the underlying antagonism is the bedrock of this dynamic! — (2/2)
KANG KAI SOO; @kcngkai
VIBES: The Secret History, dark academia, midnight readings of sacred texts on the university lawns.
[ The new professor in town is making waves at Antioch University, with his classes reaching max capacity already in the first week of enrollment. His lectures are a hit with the youth, and some are even vying to be selected for the Professor's exclusive after-hour labs for hands-on, experiential learning. However, it is Maharth who ultimately decides, and whoever he accepts must meet some pre-requisites. ]
21+, students or auditors at Antioch University. — (0/4)
VIBES: The Departed (2006), sicko-to-sicko communication, laying dead flowers on the grave of your worstie, a chaste kiss on the side of a gun's barrel.
[ Whether it's a historical event or a chance encounter, both your muse and Maharth are aware of each other's secrets, which could shake up the town's status quo if revealed. However, the two are at a standstill since they are both firmly established in their roles, and their social circles only partially overlap. So even if they like to subtly hint at a revelation to the journalist or make a veiled threat, they know they won't get away with it without the other exacting swift vengeance. ]
35+, for anyone into wacky-zany toxicity of mutually assured destruction. — (0/1)
VIBES: All of Us Strangers (2023), memories of the one who got away, finding fractions of the one in other people, tip-toeing dotted boundary lines.
[ It's said that "hurt people hurt hurt people," but can hurt people heal hurt people? Your muse and Maharth hit it off, and neither of them says why, though they know it reminds them of what love could've been. Part maladaptive coping mechanism and part feeling understood and seen for the first time, your muse and Maharth casually date and flirt, seeking escape and comfort with no strings attached. Although ignorance is bliss, and both are willfully ignorant, the town around them refuses to let them bury their heads in the sand. ]
MID 40s+, a doomed relationship considering what happens in this small town. — (1/1)
JOHN WEAVER; @godsunderfoot
VIBES: "wdyn uncle maharth is suspected of being a serial killer??? he got me tix to universal studios in orlando" :((((
[ Your muse has always known Uncle Maharth as a gregarious friend who spoiled you with gifts and praise. In town, Maharth is as friendly as ever, always there to listen to your troubles over sweets and tea. Your muse is aware of rumors going around, and while they doubt their veracity, it's hard to deny that Uncle Maharth is odd—weirder than what you remember as a child. Your muse starts to question if they truly know the man or if nostalgia is tinting their perception. ]
ANY AGE under 35, those who could be related to the Chandrasekhars, or have family in academia who are friends with Maharth. — (1/2?)
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Hannibal (NBC Hannibal), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with a Vampire), Iago (Othello), Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown, yes I am for real), Ryuk (Death Note). Affably Evil, Soft Spoken Sadist, The Corruptor.
! TW: nsfw humor, mentions of blood
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[ mun note: as someone who is not of kannadiga or tamil heritage, i have relied on information from online resources. if anyone from these communities has constructive criticism for my portrayal of this character, please let me know. i am always open to learning! please note that any portrayals of dark content are not reflective of endorsements of the author. thank you! ]
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puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
ILITW!MC Profile
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I saw quite a few MC character profiles floating around and decided to make my own. And ofc I made it for MC of all-time.
More headcanons under the cut
-ENFJ, 6w7
-Dating Noah Marshall
-He has a Peruvian Father and Indian (Tamil specifically) Mother
-Doesn't have a super close relationship with parents. He loves them of course, and vice versa but they're often busy and don't have much time for him. Even apart from that, they struggle to understand him and he gets the impression that they're disappointed in how he turned out.
-Is clever, intuitive and quick-witted and has picked up many skills (first aid, hair-dressing, photography, sewing, sketching) but has never truly excelled in any particular area and lacks academic intelligence
-Lacks passion which is a source of insecurity for him and feels he'll never get anywhere in life
-Loves gifts, both giving and getting, and really gets into trying to select the perfect gift for friends
-Alternates between soft grunge and goth aesthetic, and is rather particular about clothing
-has dyed hair several times and experimented with different hairstyles, to the point most people forgot how it actually looks. After ILW, he finally let's it grow out
-Has multiple piercings (tongue, eyebrows, navel, several on ear, including helix, industrial and tragus)
-Has several beauty marks scattered across face and dimples
-Has a nice singing voice and has performed small-time gigs, but doesn't consider it seriously
-Had a small crush on Noah when they were younger which dies out after Jane's death (although some feelings resurface after they become friends again)
-Alternatively, every friend except for Lily, has had a crush on Devon at some point. They revealed this during a game of Never Have I Ever, and joke it's basically a rite of passage
-When Jane died, a kid joked about her death, implying that one of Devon's friends killed her, which led to Devon punching them and being suspended for a week. That incident cemented him as a social outcast and his peers completely stopped interacting with him afterwards
-Has a savior complex where he thinks it's his duty to save everyone, and take on any hurt if it meant sparing others. However, this leads to him having little regard for himself and often deciding what's the best for others even if they wouldn't want him to be hurt on their behalf
-Stubborn, sarcastic and sharp-tongued, all traits which get him into trouble, or make troublesome situations even worse. Can best be described as a 'would look Death in the face and spit at it' type of person
-More in tune with others' feelings than his own, always knowing just what to say and is great at giving advice. However, can often be hypocritical in this regard (example: telling Noah he can't blame himself for Jane's death)
-Chose to become the shadow monster both because he felt like he needed to make up for not saving Jane in the past and Noah needed to live, in his eyes, actually live and become someone more than the brother of a dead girl
-Has multiple scars, on his wrist and neck from his encounter with Redfield!Jane, a shallow but long cut from when possessed!Noah tried to kill him, and some marks that appeared after his resurrection
-has a rather weak heart post-ressurection (due to died by heart-related reasons by Jane)
-Has a rather messed up sleeping schedule, which only becomes more shitty post-resurrection
-Jocelyn and Devon had a tense relationship even after ILW, but slowly became more civil and friendly after a few months of working together.
-Apart from Noah, ILW!MC and Connor, Devon gets along most with Lincoln due to being rather similar (both didn't/don't go to college, have a similar sense of humor, Lincoln gives him advice on how to control power). Lincoln also did several tattoos for Devon (tree branches on shoulders, Noah's name on wrist)
-He and Noah aren't sure they'd ever actually marry, that they're already partners in every way they can be and don't need a ceremony for it, but that doesn't mean it's not a possibility in the future
-Likes: The woods, friends, trying out new things, Noah's cooking, collections, animals, music, podcasts, rain, jewelry and accessories
-Dislikes: Bullies, loneliness, cooking, closed spaces, certain fashion trends, over-thinking, fights, strange textures, studying
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 7.15 (after 1900)
1910 – In his book Clinical Psychiatry, Emil Kraepelin gives a name to Alzheimer's disease, naming it after his colleague Alois Alzheimer. 1916 – In Seattle, Washington, William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt incorporate Pacific Aero Products (later renamed Boeing). 1918 – World War I: The Second Battle of the Marne begins near the River Marne with a German attack. 1920 – Aftermath of World War I: The Parliament of Poland establishes Silesian Voivodeship before the Polish-German plebiscite. 1922 – The Japanese Communist Party is established in Japan. 1927 – Massacre of July 15, 1927: Eighty-nine protesters are killed by Austrian police in Vienna. 1941 – The Holocaust: Nazi Germany begins the deportation of 100,000 Jews from the occupied Netherlands to extermination camps. 1946 – The State of North Borneo, now Sabah, Malaysia, is annexed by the United Kingdom. 1954 – The Boeing 367-80, the prototype for both the Boeing 707 and C-135 series, takes its first flight. 1955 – Eighteen Nobel laureates sign the Mainau Declaration against nuclear weapons, later co-signed by thirty-four others. 1966 – Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam begin Operation Hastings to push the North Vietnamese out of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. 1971 – The United Red Army is founded in Japan. 1974 – In Nicosia, Cyprus, Greek junta-sponsored nationalists launch a coup d'état, deposing President Makarios and installing Nikos Sampson as Cypriot president. 1975 – Space Race: Apollo–Soyuz Test Project features the dual launch of an Apollo spacecraft and a Soyuz spacecraft on the first Soviet-United States human-crewed flight. It was the last launch of both an Apollo spacecraft, and the Saturn family of rockets. 1979 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter gives his "malaise speech". 1983 – An attack at Orly Airport in Paris is launched by Armenian militant organisation ASALA, leaving eight people dead and 55 injured. 1983 – Nintendo released the Famicom in Japan. 1996 – A Belgian Air Force C-130 Hercules carrying the Royal Netherlands Army marching band crashes on landing at Eindhoven Airport. 1998 – Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Tamil MP S. Shanmuganathan is killed by a claymore mine. 2002 – "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh pleads guilty to supplying aid to the enemy and possession of explosives during the commission of a felony. 2002 – The Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan sentences British born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh to death, and three others suspected of murdering The Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl to life. 2003 – AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day. 2006 – Twitter, later one of the largest social media platforms in the world, is launched. 2009 – Caspian Airlines Flight 7908 crashes near Jannatabad, Qazvin, Iran, killing 168. 2009 – Space Shuttle program: Endeavour is launched on STS-127 to complete assembly of the International Space Station's Kibō module. 2012 – South Korean rapper Psy releases his hit single Gangnam Style. 2014 – A train derails on the Moscow Metro, killing at least 24 and injuring more than 160 others. 2016 – Factions of the Turkish Armed Forces attempt a coup. 2018 – France win their second World Cup title, defeating Croatia 4–2.
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sweetcandlyliar · 7 months
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» MEANING: Choi [ 崔 Korean From Sino Korean 崔 (choe) meaning "high, lofty, towering".] Eoduun [/eoduun/ 1. black. adjective. If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed.]
VERSE: How To Kill A King; Sanguine; Night Shift.
OTHER NAMES: The CEO over at the big agency Eoduun is signed up to doesn't like his government name so they gave him KALI [Kali, Hinduism, Bengali, Tamil which means "the black one" in Sanskrit. The Hindu goddess Kali is the fierce destructive form of the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted with black skin and four arms, holding a severed head and brandishing a sword. As a personal name, it is generally masculine in India.] since his name has the same meaning in Korean. *The Korean company Eoduun is sign up to has distributors outside the country. Their biggest partner is the ARIKUN COMPANY.
AGE: 21-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 3rd December 2002, Tuesday, night time.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Daegu, South Korea.
POWERS: Ahm, he's super talented but he doesn't realize it. He's a great songwriter and he plays various musical instruments but he lacks confidence in himself.
OCCUPATION: Member of a South Korean band called X.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
SEXUALITY: My boy's bi, bi, bi...
POSITIVE: Generous, Idealistic, Great sense of humor, Ambitious, Determined.
NEGATIVE: Impatient, Ambitious, Tactless, Idealistic, Stubborn.
FACE CLAIM: Lee Joo-yeon.
HEIGHT: 5'9 [179 cm.]
WEIGHT: 122 lbs. [58 kg.]
BUILD: Lean, athletic.
GAIT: Relaxed.
HOMETOWN: Daegu, South Korea.
RESIDENCE: Seoul, South Korea, currently.
NATIONALITY: South Korean.
FINANCIAL STATUS: He just started earning money...
EDUCATION LEVEL: He's attending uni.
DEGREES: He's taking classes in Business Administration.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: His first language his hangul. He speaks English, Japanese, and Mandarin.
PARENTS: To be added.
SIBLINGS: He's got younger siblings.
PETS: He's got a kitty cat...
HISTORY: So, Eoduun was born and raised in a typical Korean family. Parents wanted him to study but he wanted to become a musician. Since he's the eldest child, his parents who are hard workers, wanted him to 'take life seriously,' get into a good college, be a public servant or at least work for a decent company. They never really encouraged his love for music although he iss very, very good. And it made sense for them that they didn't because they didn't have money to send him training or send him to art or music school. SOOO, this boy stowed away and went to Seoul at age 17 and worked various jobs and wrote songs he sold for nothing until he met a person, an entity that promised him success.
Eoduun is a very ambitious individual. He's so ambitious that he willingly sold his soul to an entity that tricked him - he didn't know that his time is going to be up soon. A blood disease left undetected will take his life three years after selling his soul.
2024, on his the year of his death, Eoduun would pass away and his soul that he sold is bound to be slave to the entity that tricked him who would use Eoduun's soul however it pleased.
BUT Thanatos got to Eodunn in time, preventing the transfer of soul to the trickster, however, the trickster knew how to fool death and Thanatos. Aside from the luck and success the entity bartered Eoduun, it slipped a power that Eoduun didn't know he had, the power of healing. And Thanatos can't work properly with this glitch. It would prolong Eoduun's time on the human realm.
The trickster plays the game with Thanatos, holding Eoduun's soul hostage, perhaps not physically, but Eoduun's soul is not able to leave human realm when his time is up.
Thanatos then takes over Eoduun's body to guard Eoduun's soul. He puts Eoduun's mind to sleep some time but a lot of times, they co-habit Eoduun's body.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Eoduun doesn't really date. He wants to be a great and successful musician so he was so focused on that.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Thanatos and a human bff.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: His ambition is his love.
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISEASE(S): Depression...
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wrvtchedhearts · 8 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Boudhayan Pandey
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 -- june 24th
OCCUPATION: hacker / coder
GENDER & PRONOUNS: non-binary, he/they
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Demiromantic
LANGUAGES: English, Italian, Tamil (barely)
FC: nikhil parmar
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Biography / Headcanons --
Boudhayan, or as people tend to refer to them Bo, was raised in a North Indian Hindu household in upstate New York City; his father, a well-meaning small-time politician, and his mother, a head-surgeon, weren’t around often, but when they were, they showered Bo with love. His older brother as well, protective and caring, tended to make sure Bo got plenty of attention. Even outside of the family, Bo was often singled-out. A tiny boy with long and flowing dark hair, an easy smile, and polite manners, he simply made people gravitate towards him. He would have an easy life, that was promised to him, if he worked hard and was kind, he would never have to ask for anything. 
( murder tw ) Just a month after they turned eleven, and they remember this well, the house was attacked; something their father did or said or maybe even thought, had made them a target. Their mother and father were killed instantly, the two brothers hid upstairs, and their brother told them to run. Bo ran. Ran until the world turned from buildings and parks into ash and dirt. 
Bo got picked up by a group of wastelanders, was raised among them, a found family of sorts, only because there was no one else to turn to. He had skills, he was smart, and he worked hard. He believed that if he worked hard and was kind, he would never have to ask for anything. He excelled at coding and engineering, often standing in and learning how to be the most useful to the group. The group he was with often got in fights and scrambles with law enforcement, and Bo played an essential part: hacking vehicles, creating flash bombs, and so forth. 
He has a seven year old kid with a girl he was in love with in the wastelands.
( death tw ) Bo has always been practical and resourceful when it comes to tech, they've picked up coding as if it was their mother tongue, and even in the wastelands it was clear that this skill would get them noticed. Over the years they've been hunted by city-people, whisked away during battles, and watched many friends and found-family die to protect him.
( injury tw ) He has four scars on his face from where he got pushed into a shocked wired fence.
Most of their run-ins have been with replicants and so called law enforcement, planting the seed for their need for rebellion. The world has become morally corrupt, and clearly the city-dwellers cannot see it.
He got out of the wastelands a year ago, along with several others, becoming the Neon Pariahs. He has reasons for his hatred, reasons he’d rather keep to himself. And he has a brother, somewhere, out there, that he’s trying to find. 
Basically a young wannabe criminal mastermind. But he desperately needs the Neon Pariahs to ground him and make him feel seen.
Comes off as reserved, shy, and at times naive, but harbours righteous intent, rage, and will gladly use their intelligence to make the world crumble. A better world can be created from its ashes.
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nidhi-writes · 1 year
Chinnanjiru Nilave (Ponniyin Selvan Fanfic)
Chapter - 1
It has been said that when the greatest of great emperors fell the seas rose and engulfed the land and its wealth. Some say that all the wealth has been sucked into the earth which was disheartened by the loss of her emperor. Loss of culture, loss of language. Blood covered the grounds like a river.  When two brothers fought within themselves and failed to see their mother is dying cause they forget to think about her. Dynasty doesn't end it always continues one way or another.
That is what MegaPunal an isolated village that is up on the hill in the south of now Tamilnadu holds many secrets and urban legends stories that many believe and some just see them as made up by their ancestors to keep the wealth out of the forest that surrounds the village.
It is said that time and life merge at the center of the hill, many archeologists tried to find the point to prove the theory but none could complete the research cause one way or another they fail. It is believed that this place was once built by one of the kingdoms of Tamil but none can come to a conclusion about which kingdom it is, as the place has no evidence but only scriptures that say it is.
'Amalan' was once a renowned archeologist now a madman, that's what people call him in his village where he had spent solid 50 years. His own son 'Varun' named him Mad cause he can't stop talking about the Tamil empire that ruled and made sure to develop the land. But still took care of him as a baby cause he loved him. His house is filled with all types of books and items he found throughout his life. As he is 75+ and currently just blabbers about Chola and lost jewel which doesn't help his case. As his only son passed away in the landslide that happened a few years back, his grandson hated his grandfather more, he believed it is because of his grandfather's Madness and dementia with nonsense blabbering his father was caught up in the landslide. If not for him his father wouldn't have left the safe home to try to find the Oldman.
His grandson whose name is 'Akilan' doesn't have a great relationship with his grandfather nor connect with the village. As they are currently under massive debt and the only thing they have is the house and the land that leads to the woods behind their house which would go for a massive amount that could be able to solve their problems, but no his old man will not and would not sell the place, and after his death, the property would go to his granddaughter who is just merely 17 and having a hard time coping with life. This made Akilan more angry and hateful cause the so-called granddaughter he adored doesn't even share the same blood as him and other family members.
'Nila' is just like the name she is the moon that shines on MegaPunal, the village people adore this beauty with brains. It is said that the place was once filled with Gandharva Kannigal and the village people now believe that she is really part of the said beauties once ruled here. She grew up in a safe environment with parents who took her in as if she is their own. Her relationship with her 'brother' was never an easy ride cause every now and then he would make sure to let her know that she will never be part of this family nor does she deserves it. Yes, you heard right when she was born her birth parents left her in the woods and it is her grandpa who found her and brought her in
17 years back
As the winds grew colder and the skies turned darker, it is so clear the rain is just a few minutes away. In the middle of calm and chilly woods, an old man in his late 50s walking around and trying to find something with a piece of paper he held. This a normal day for him to walk around the woods and mark them and take notes, nobody is sure on what exactly he is marking and taking notes for. As he is about to leave for the day when a wail of cries made him search for the source from where it was coming. At first, he thought that it was an injured animal but it doesn't sound like that. As he kept walking the cries became louder, and that's when he came across a bundle that is wrapped in dull-colored cotton clothes. Inside it was a baby girl who looked not even a day old. He is astonished to find someone would leave a baby out here without any protection. He took the baby in his arms and rocked, the movements made the baby stop her crying and opened her eyes. That's when his eyes went big, the eyes that looked back at him is like an ocean that a moon would bathe, this baby is not only beautiful but held some aura around her. He is so captivated and couldn't help but feel a connection towards the baby like he needs to protect her. That's when 'Nila' became part of this family and her parents loved her, but her brother didn't feel the same love, all he saw was a baby who took away his parents. Who took everything from him. Moreover, they gave the family heirloom which was always passed to the firstborn son to her. Every time he looks at the ring that shines on her finger he wants to cut open her hand. This orphan had taken everything from him for that he always hate her.
Current day
As every day Nila had done with her studies and currently getting ready to leave for her dance class, as in this small town there is only so much you can do. It was her long-time wish to just leave everything here and go outside to see the world. Her parents did take her and her brother on vacation when they were much younger but it all stopped when their family hit rock bottom which is filled with multiple debts, as her mother 'Azhagi' (Beauty) fell ill and her father spent almost all savings to make her live but she couldn't be saved. At first, they started selling some antiques and he was doing odd jobs to bring in some money but nothing lasted forever. Many had suggested to go find jobs outside the village but her father couldn't leave his father. But the same thing caused his death. One day he went in search of his father who was recently diagnosed with dementia on a rainy day, just like that a landslide happened and his body is forever buried within the land he walked once.
She wants to leave the damn village as well but same like her father she couldn't leave her Thatha. If not for him she wouldn't be alive today, She knew that they can live a pretty well life if they could sell their property but she knew how much it meant for her grandpa. So she made sure to keep this until they can find a way. Even though she is just 17, she runs the house now as her brother who just drowns upon drinks after drinks to come out of the sorrows that haunt him. She made herself some tea and also prepared to give her grandpa some. As she went in to check on the Oldman who she hates but loves so much he is nowhere to be seen. This is the third time in two weeks. Every time she made sure to lock all the doors and plead with her brother to keep an eye while she was studying as she couldn't do at that time, he escaped or more like her brother doesn't care to check up on their grandpa.
'Thatha!' She started shouting to see if she gets any answers. Normally he would be walking around the woods. She takes her mobile just in case along with her bag which she carries to her dance school.
Nila POV
'Oh my gosh! not again!' I sighed, I saw Ramu who is our neighbor currently doing some work outside.
'Ramu Mama! Thatha va Patheengala'(Ramu Uncle, did you see grandpa?)' I asked to which he smiled and nodded. He points to the woods as usual. You see nobody could stop that old man, every time someone did they got nice beatings from his stick, so they all stopped.
I exhaled and started walking into the woods which is also our property, normally nobody comes here without our permission. I walked the usual route my grandpa would take. Nobody knows why he went here and what he is searching for. Every time I ask he would say something like a riddle 'To place the jewel back in its place'. At first, my brother thought he literally talking about a jewel and wants to find it before Grandpa loses it. But that's not the case.
I started shouting for my grandpa, normally I would have found him by now, totally my luck just got really great, I am hell going to miss my class. I tried calling his phone but to my surprise, it says not reachable.
I am going to kill my old man when I find him.
'Thatha!!' I shouted and ran through the woods to get the tracks to find my grandfather who lost his mind. Seems he is punishing me and making me do cardio at this time of the day.
'Thatha! Enga iruke? Iruta poguthu!'(Grandpa! Where are you? It's going to be dark soon!) My throat became raspy by all the shouting. As I was about to turn right I heard some steps coming from behind me. Those don't sound like my grandpa.
I went in behind the trees to find out who or what it is. Nobody is supposed to be here, this is private property. My old man surely planning to get me killed.
I shook my head thinking I was hallucinating and turned my back to continue the search but as I was about to cut into another path a hand grabbed mine but I used my other arm to hit whoever that Mother F***er is that, cause hell that's not my Thatha!
I sure heard a crack and a figure fell down holding their nose and howling in pain. I came to my senses and saw a boy around my age with great luscious hair breathing heavily while holding his nose, his eyes shot to mine, and anger flashed through them.
I quickly grab something for self-defense, I ain't gonna let someone harm me.
'Who are you!? This is private property! Leave or I'll call the cops!' I stood straight and took out my phone to dial 100.
'என்ன உளறுகிறாய்! '(What nonsense you are talking!) His choice of language made me look for a minute, It's Tamil but it's kinda different. But I continue to try for the emergency numbers but damn no signal nothing! He rubbed his nose and I can now see his face. Damn he is good looking
'Thatha' I shouted again, now I am getting scared.
'என் கணையாழி உன்னிடம் எப்படி வந்தது'(How did you get my Finger ring?) He asked pointing to my finger. I looked at my ring and back at him. What the hell he smoked? This is my family heirloom.
'Yours?! What did you smoke!? Just leave from here and I won't call the cops on you' I said and tried to move away.
'என்ன மொழியில் பேசுகுகிறாய் நீ? நீ எந்த நாட்டை சேர்ந்தவள்!'('What language are you speaking? What country are you from?') His question again made me raise my eyebrows. Ok, somebody is pranking me or else someone just escaped an asylum. He still holds his nose which says I did punch him good.
'நான் பேசியது ஆங்கிலம்! மற்றும் நான் தமிழ்நாட்டை சேர்ந்தவள்' (I just spoke in English and I am from TamilNadu) I smiled and replied to go with a flow. But his expressions are hard and he let his hand fall down, and blood started pouring out of his nose. Oh my god! not now. I am really allergic to gruesome blood and I can't stand them. I started getting light-headed.
'Oh, my god. you are bleeding!' I said and touched his nose, but he didn't wince just watching my movements like a hawk watching its prey.  I turned my finger to see them smeared with his blood, whoops wrong move my head went blank and all I saw was him trying to catch me from falling on. I am really going to kill my grandpa if I die and I went off.
Stranger POV
As usual, he strolls down the wood to haunt some deer as it's been so long since he has done anything alone. As he rides his horse slowly he is caught by someone yelling in the distance. His eyebrows are furrowed and went in the direction he heard the voice. Something in him just wants to see the face of the voice which felt like honey.
Nobody comes here and let alone a girl whose voice told him should be young. Why would she be here at this time?
As he went near he slowly got off his horse and walked tiptoe to not make any sudden noises, he saw a figure currently hiding at the back of the tree. Skin like milk and hair like darkest black hiding from something. Maybe some are trying to misbehave, As a prince he wants to make sure his people are safe.  Before he could think of anything the figure started to leave in the opposite direction. He hurried and captured her hand hoping to calm her down, but before he could react a hand smacked right in his nose.
Normally he won't feel much pain as trains every day and it's part of his life as a warrior but this sudden attack made him howl in pain, His softness went away and coldness filled his eyes. Standing before him was a young girl around his age and she looked odd as if she is not part of his kingdom.
A noise from her mouth made no sense and the actions she did made him think that she maybe went mad.
'என்ன உளறுகிறாய்!' (What nonsense you are talking!)' He repied to whatever she is saying hoping to find the answers.
'Thatha' she shouted again. He looked around to see if someone is coming but no one is there, but something caught his eye and he couldn't believe it. On the finger of the young maiden who is standing before him is his ring. How in the world is possible
'என் கணையாழி உன்னிடம் எப்படி வந்தது'(How did you get my Finger ring?) He asked pointing to her finger.
'Yours?! What did you smoke!? Just leave from here and I won't call the cops on you' again her blabbering made no sense to him. He suspected her to be a spy or acting like a mad woman to flee from somewhere
'என்ன மொழியில் பேசுகுகிறாய் நீ? நீ எந்த நாட்டை சேர்ந்தவள்!'('What language are you speaking? What country are you from?') His question again made her raise the eyeborws.
'நான் பேசியது ஆங்கிலம்! மற்றும் நான் தமிழ்நாட்டை சேர்ந்தவள்' (I just spoke in English and I am from TamilNadu) Her words made me stop thinking. She can speak Tamil and she says she is from Tamil Nadu! maybe she is a Pandiyan Spy but she doesn't look like one. I let go of my nose which is currently bleeding to get more answers from her but before I could speak she raised her hands to touch my nose. I stopped to see what she is doing.
'Oh, my god. you are bleeding!' She again blabbered and touched the blood, a small smile that itched its way in to face as I see the girl before me act like I am a nobody. But before I ask her she fell down and I hurried to catch her.
A girl who punched the Crown Prince of Chola Kingdom, Who doesn't act scared or shy before him. Who is brave enough to talk back at him even if it's just a blabbering? A small smile never left his face as he carried her back without looking away from her face. Even with the blood running down his face he didn't feel pain instead he felt calm and complete.
Maybe after all the Jewel has finally been placed where it is meant to be
Male Chorus :  (Background)
Kaaneero neer kaan Chola vetri vazh ondrai kaaneero Or alagiya poovae Selluthiyoo Malaridu po sagi
(Veera Raja Veera song - PS2)
I really enjoyed writing this chapter as this is the easiest one I ever felt while writing.
And those who guessed whether this is Aditha Karikalan's story then yes you are right it is! As the name suggests. I am so thrilled to be part of this journey and excited for what the future will reveal to our beloved ones.
Stay tuned, more to come.
Let me know your thought on this chapter.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
i was tagged by @demandthedoodles !!! thank you!!! kees kees.
do you play any instruments? nope! i tried learning piano and violin but i'm very bad at both :)
favourite book characters: ohhh my god we're going to be here ALL DAY
what's your star sign? *kicking my feet up and giggling* are you gonna look up our birth chart compatibility? that's soooo gay. i'm an aries btw <3
favourite colour schemes: OOOOH this is tough. i like a more autumnal colour scheme, and peaches/pinks rather than nudes, tan over beige, etc. but im also a sucker for pastels, admittedly.
naps or long sleep: yes. i should be getting long sleeps but i do not because of the adhd so i take naps but i don't like napping. it's not a long sleep and i get crabby after i wake up.
what languages do you speak? english as a first language, i speak my mother tongue fluently but i can't read or write in it, i know bits and pieces of japanese, tamil and hindi.
dreams/aspirations: ohhh to have enough money to never have to work and give it to people i love and random strangers without having to worry about how to make ends meet. since that's not feasible, death to capitalism, i guess.
long or short hair: i had short hair for years so i'm currently growing it back out again!
tea or coffee: depends! i drink both, but coffee is admittedly more of a "i have unmedicated adhd and i need to focus" drink whereas tea is something i enjoy.
bring a book character to life or go into a fictional world: IT DEPENDS. which character could i bring to life. which world would i go into. i need more information before i decide, ok!!!!!
tagging (also no pressure again): @honeysofte , @justcallmecappy , @crossdressingdeath , @zevsurana , @ziskandra & anyone else who wants to do this, feel free to tag me in it so i can know more about you!!!! <3
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
A warrior's self-oblation to ensure victory of the king and the kingdom's welfare is well known in a number of ancient traditions, particularly in medieval south India, where the king was seen as the guarantor of order and prosperity in his domains. Tamil culture, with its deeply embedded concept of martial suicide as the ultimate expression of loyalty to one's own sovereign or commander, abounds in such examples . . . Self-decapitation, underpinning multiple levels of symbolism concentrated in the image of the head, was considered to be not only the most precious and devotional offering, but also the most courageous. - ‘Slaves of God’: Extreme Religious Dependency in Medieval South India (800–1100 CE) by Tiziana Lorenzetti from Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms
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This is the same relief worshipped by Pandya loyalists in the beginning. The sexy guy is Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar in case anyone is wondering.
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What is the dude in the red circle doing? He is cutting off his own head and offering it to the goddess Kottravai or Korravai. As it is a zoomed-in screenshot, it is not clear. I will post another clearer relief in the same (Pallava) style.
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Joining the bodyguard troops of kings was almost a death sentence for warriors. Most would die in battle or commit suicide with their dead kings. In the region which falls under modern day Kerala, it was a death sentence for the whole family as other family members were supposed to fulfil the kudipaka (blood feud under which families vowed to exterminate one another). Often warrior families fought each other for centuries until one family got extinct or the opposing faction lost power.
It is very apt that both Pazhuvettaraiyar and Aabathudavigal are shown before the self - decapacitaion relief because they all took the same oath.
Aditha Karikalan : The Apathudavigal . . . had taken an oath that they would never retreat, that they would give their lives to defend the king and that, in case this became impossible, they would cut off their own heads and offer them as a sacrifice. It was with such warriors that we fought.
Later we can observe that some of Veera Pandyan's Apathudavigal including their Senapati are alive. We know the reason only later - Veera Pandyan's heir was a baby and he couldn't recruit his own bodyguards. Even when they get an adult king (Maduranthakan alias Amarabhujanga Nedumcheliyan), they have to train the pampered young man to rule.
Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar: Nandini. What sort of words are these? I was once the commandant of the Emperor's Velakkara battalion. I've taken an oath to give up my life to protect the Emperor and his descendants."
Chinna Pazhuvettaraiyar : My life will end before such an accusation falls on my cars. When these Velakkara troops took an oath before Durga Parameswari in the temple, it was I who led them and took the oath first.
In the books, Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar fulfills his oath. His initial plan was to commit suicide in private after exonerating Karikalan for he was found dead in Nandini's chambers. Pazhu lies that Adithan's conduct was blameless and he just confronted Nandini about her treacherous politicial alliances. He didn't even want to reveal Maduranthakan's paternity, fearing that it would affect his innocent brother. When Parthipendran and Kandan Maran accuse Vanthiyathevan of murdering the crown prince, he takes up that blame too and commits public suicide so that Vanthiyathevan's reputation too will remain unstained.
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silly-little-brain · 1 year
i woke up today having dreamt a surreal something-something. it involved people i’ve lost along the way (parting away/death). now, i’m sitting in front of a rectangular white screen with pink tints, listening to “visions of gideon” by sufjan stevens, ... missing them. it’s not the first time i’m missing them, but it pierces my heart like it did the first time.
i lost my பாட்டி (“grandmother” in tamil) in the beginning of last year to cancer. today i had a dream of saving her. i wonder if she knows that, that i’d tried saving her in my dreams.
i parted away from a cousin after the unthinkable/unforgivable happened. today i had a dream of walking around the church with her. when i woke up, i went through our snap memories and i know what snaps i’d send her today, if we’d been in touch. i wonder if she does the same, if she dreams about me too, if she goes through our chat history too.
what if life if not parting away? but why is life about parting away? why can’t i bottle up my loved ones?
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