#lies he wanted to take charge of that interview to say even
fionaapplesmackdown · 24 days
louis really is the unreliable narrator ever truly like he recalls his birthdate a year off, it was winter when his brother died but also it should've been near autumn and by the time his sister was getting married? he leaves out certain details deliberately, whether consciously— did you eat the baby?, or unconsciously— except you made sure lestat wouldn't really die didn't you? he recalls certain things a lot differently sometimes because he refuses to think about them plainly and sometimes because he really can't remember, he's guilty over how claudia came to be, well, claudia but throws almost all the fault on lestat by not acknowledging his better half in turning her, he corners a teenage journalist drugged out of his mind and fucking bitches all the way to hell about lestat only to wax poetics about the man again to the same guy decades later, and so he's a little brain fogged and a lot biased and you can't take any of what he says to scripture, only to find out that!!! his companion!!!! of 77 years!!!! was also!!!! not only Entirely Lying to him on accounts of Huge events of Much significance in his life but also has been abusing his ability to erase whole memories from his head to the point he can't remember fucking attempting suicide and alters memories so terribly too not just with physic powers but also through a lot of manipulation tactics (you Asked me to erase it!) so really the season finale leaves you wondering what better part of paris was all entirely wrong, what of armand and louis' relationship was just entirely fiction or just completely skewed? turned on his head? the man already lost so much to age and the odyssey of recollection now we learn his brain fog is also largely attributed to a whole other person fucking around with it, someone who we know used it A Lot by that point too and probably got careless after the fucking... seventieth decade doing this that louis suddenly noticed his photos being swapped out... armand has gotten so careless and used to power he said shit like well... maybe You put those photos there....well You asked me to erase it.... and louis fucking believed him too!! what of any of it is real, and he must be wondering too after all of it, he wanted this, to remember, he's been wracking his head for details about whether or not claudia was dreaming next to him that night a million years ago and her killer is right there at the table next to him. when he's crying recounting the death of his daughter to the guy who orchestrated it what has he ever really known at all.
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zalrb · 3 months
If you don’t mind me asking, why does loumand work for you a bit more than loustat
I don't mind at all! Loumand works for me more because a) the show allowed me to see in scene that their relationship is more fucked up than initially presented whereas Loustat is more me liking the idea of them because season 1 is mostly dialogue and b) I also find it more sinister just more subtle.
So, Loustat is supposed to be this volatile, stormy, all-consuming vortex of a relationship but like I've been saying, I think that's mostly in dialogue that makes me go, I want to see this (including the push pull of sentiments like "I wanted him dead, I wanted him all to myself" "I wanted to be the man" because those lines are voiceovers over Louis' face and while I think Jacob Anderson is a good actor, he doesn't provide the nuance needed for me to see the hatred, love, desire, resentment in his expression for those lines to really get me when it’s just on his face) along with a few key moments -- such as having hate sex in Antoinette's apartment, the reveal of what actually happened when they turned Claudia into a vampire -- that make me go, it should be this all the time.
It's supposed to be insanity and chaos, it's supposed to be this rollercoaster of emotion, like when Louis says "that's Lestat" where he says lies and lies and then says something real, I thought to myself, is that Lestat? Did we really see this before? They are way too contained for me, which is partly why I like making vids for them because I can edit things to be as chaotic as I believe they're supposed to be. I hear them talk about what their dynamic is more than I actually see it, so watching it I get frustrated because it should be more.
Loumand isn't supposed to be insanity and chaos, they are supposed to be light and flirty and then calming and stable and I see that in their interactions
but I also see the other part of why Louis is attracted to his relationship with Armand. Armand is extremely powerful but Louis is in control, he can tell him to take his clothes off and read while he fucks him and Armand will love it
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Louis sets the pace, Louis leads.
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Or so he thinks.
The show portrayed Armand as somewhat passive and docile for a 500 year old vampire in charge of a coven. We get a sense of his power and what he can do but he only seems to react to potential conflict, which he says
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and then we get 2x05 and we get to see what he's like when he's angry and his, "Oh, he's fine. You're fine. This is fine. We're all fine" while torturing Daniel to hurt Louis
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and him interrogating Daniel because he's hurt that Louis called him boring,
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besides being more interesting to me than something like Lestat bringing soldiers to the house in a temper tantrum because I find Armand's calculated punishment way more insidious (which isn’t to downplay Lestat’s abuse), I am shown that this relationship isn't quite right and Armand isn't toothless.
Not to mention, he doesn't tell Louis that Lestat said "I love you" so if he's withholding that,
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combined with what happened with the photos
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combined with the fact that Armand had been hovering around the interview from the beginning pretending to be someone else,we're left wondering if this is true
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and then when we get to Armand's role in Claudia's death, we're left questioning whether or not this supremely powerful vampire really was as powerless to stop it as he tells us he was
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and while Armand's love may be sincere, his protection of Louis may be sincere, is he also maybe emotionally manipulating him to stay?
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It's ironic that Louis says this
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when it's quite clear that he does need these things and the way Armand even interacts with him in that very fight is him doing the things Louis says he doesn't need.
I'm along for the ride with Loumand and left wondering who is in control, who is manipulating who, and find that the show actually illustrates the subtleties and power shifts etc in more than just moments.
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angievores · 7 months
PIT BABE, The hot mess.
I feel like the story was just adapted from novel on surface level and they didn't really creat much changes except giving some screentime to side characters. Way was the same friend as novel but they write flashbacks so people would feel little sympathetic about his death. But things got turned how they turned because Nut acted too fabulously out of his character. His eyes always expressed a sadness that it created a past story which wasn't written in script and made people feel for him more.
On the other hand ( don't hate me for this) ,Charlie actor didn't delivered his character on the same level. And so in the end people end up sympathizing with Way more. Like whenever Way looks at Babe, anyone can believe this man is sadly pining after his 10 year one sided love. Whenever Babe looks at Charlie, love droops from his face and it's in his sparkling eyes that says Charlie means world to him. Whereas, Charlie most of times he appears as.... yk reading the script.( swallow the bitter pill) . Even in supposedly emotionally charged scenes like in ep 7 confrontation or in ep 9 him saving Babe, his expression just doesn't appear as much compelling or convincing. At most he was just a prop while Pavel carried their whole love arc emotions. ( It might be different for novel readers as they had context but I as just series watcher felt so. Tbh, I see more chemistry in PavelPooh bts scenes or events and interviews than on screen. Their visual slays. ). That might be why I couldn't get into main cp scenes and was about to drop at ep 3, but then restaurant scene of Way and Babe in ep 4 caught my interest and the chemistry ( even as friends) was spotted there and I continued to see more of how Way character or his dynamic with Babe is gonna turn out. ( And AlanJeff happened and so saved the show for me. Sorry not sorry. )
But actors acting skills doesn't really make that much difference as most of the times script compensates for it by NOT writing any chemistrying scenes with any other character.
So, I don't understand where the directors were going with when they gave so many emotionally charged scenes to Babe and Way. These two were fabulous prettiest criers as ice on cake. And their toxic codependent homosexual friendship/relationship was very well fleshed out. Babe got a new boy, and we saw all of Way jealousy, pining, manipulation, loneliness. Babe going to him after Way is upset, their fight, his constant ' you're my best friend, I love u. ' Their slow falling apart, ugly betrayal, past betrayal relationship and apologies and end death.
Like after finale there might be something we felt we didn't got from fixed pairs , whether BabeCharlie, AlanJeff, NorthSonic. But there isn't anything that could be felt lacking from Babe Way relationship ( whatever more than friends less than lovers, toxic but wanting, torturous/ codependent / possesive friendship not friendship their relationship was ) . This relationship arc was fully delivered in all of it's gloriously doomed tragedy.
So it kinda felt like Way and Babe were main characters and their tragic story was main focus. But since tragedies doesn't attract people, they pretended Babe and his love for Charlie was main focus. ( yes, Change lied till the end).
Yeah, i also don't wanna believe this, but there wasn't any step we didn't see of their relationship. Way pinning after his friend for a decade, doing everything to separate him from other lovers but never confessing himself. Taking care of him, by his side always, waiting , snapping when finding himself at the edge and with one decision ruining everything, ignoring the love of another men, then dying saving his only love.. Like can you see MY LOVE MIGHT BE TOXIC BUT IT WAS TRUTH AND MAYBE WAS TOO MUCH FOR YOU And Babe crying, forgiving other of everything in instant, , saying I won't be angry at you anymore. Crying I love u three times at the end when Way was taking his last breadths, if that was what all Way wanted to hear Babe would say it, in desperation for other to not leave him anyhow. Even after receiving worst and most hurtful betrayal of his life, still not letting go of other. Wishing to meet in next life. Can you see this MY LOVE MAYBE WAS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU BUT IT WAS TOO DEEP FOR ME AND TRUE TO ITS ENDS.
Did you see it? THE CINEMA. 💀
I mean i also get that sloppy writing mess, illogical death instead of good redemption arc, undigestable instant forgiveness from Babe, pointless Pete Kenta triangle. But if we take what show delivered, that's what ( Way Babe) they served us on gold platter. We just ignoring it bcz our fave ships. Trust me I was also too immersed in pete way myself but you see when Way got shot Pete didn't come running to him and was holding Charlie while Tony delivered that monologue. Pete ( the man who is supposed to have good body balance and never missing his targets) couldn't shoot Tony and was listening the blabbering while Way was bleeding on floor. Like 🙃💀 I'm sorry, His death scene was written so bad. 😭. They all cried but no one pressed on his wounds, neither anyone called ambulance. He was alive for like ten minutes to talk to Babe. Atleast they should have given him a good death scene 😭. Way deserved that much atleast.
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theheartchoice · 2 years
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Dean Winchester was spotted in Rome over the weekend, on location for production of his first film since returning from a two-year hiatus. 
Eager fans snapped some pics when the Oscar nominee ventured into the alleyway behind the day's location shoot, all too happy to greet them with a smile. Winchester's longtime friend and bodyguard, Castiel Novak, was close by as he ushered his charge — who was still in wardrobe — away from the small mob who had gathered to catch a sneak peek of the recently reclusive actor's return to the public eye. 
In an exclusive interview with Carry On magazine, the Hunter star explained his reasons for taking a break: 
"I wasn't in a good way. It took me longer than I care to admit that I was not 'fine', and that my coping mechanisms were doing more harm than good. I'm fortunate that I had people around me who helped get me through that dark time. I owe them my life." 
The Lazarus Rising actor also spoke passionately about his involvement in various charitable organisations and awareness campaigns for mental health, LGBTQIA+ community programs, and the youth outreach foundation Wayward. 
When asked about his romantic life — after the messy split with girlfriend Lisa Braeden over two years ago — Winchester gave a non-answer by saying "I have a lot of special people in my life" and "I'm happier than I've been in a long time. Maybe ever". However, he then went on to say that "Me and Lis just weren't right for each other, I think we both knew that from the start," and "There are people— feelings— I want to experience differently than I have before. Maybe even for the first time". 
Jus In Bello has been described as Ocean's Eleven meets James Bond, as it follows a confidence man in the 1970s who gets roped into a deadly espionage plot. The film is slated for release next summer. 
#suptober22 day 9: vintage 
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
not surprised with that Daemon -Rhaenyra scene, their stans - shippers are such hypocrites making a million excuses for Daemon while hating on Criston, And now what? They can ship whatever they want but please don't act like this couple are "goals" because it's clear this man is using her since she was a child. And Check the big difference between them and Alicole, last week scenes made it clear that Criston respects and cares for Alicent. Big difference right there
Yeah ...
I think that Matt Smith is such a good actor that the character of Daemon is a bit over-preforming right now. You're not supposed to like him, he's not even a anti-hero, he's a straight up wildcard super villain that has some basic loyalty to his family.
I think people conflate Matt Smith with Daemon without being able to separate the character from the actor. So they see a romance between Rhaenyra and Daemon when in actuality it is a business alliance, that, by the end, falls completely apart once they take King's Landing after the "Battle of the Gullet".
I've been seeing today that a lot of people have been using Olivia Cooke's recent interview as proof that Alicent and Criston's relationship is just as toxic.
'Yeah huh, because Olivia Cooke said that Alicent is afraid of Ser Cole! So it's not any better than Daemon and Rhaenyra'
Which, look, I love Olivia Cooke as an actress ... but they had to burn the school down to get her out of fourth grade, that the first thing.
Second of all ... Yeah, I also saw the Olivia Cooke's interview floating around where she says that Alicent is afraid of Criston because of his violent reactions. But I feel that this is Olivia Cooke misreading the setting she's in. Like most air-headed London actresses - yeah, I said it, I might like Alicent and Cooke's fantastic job of her portrayal but I don't particularly care for Cooke and D'arcy, nor their cringe bad takes - she's viewing this through the lens of a modern woman in modern times.
Alicent would not be afraid of Criston, because he's doing his fucking job, which is protecting her.
And that doesn't mean just her life, but her virtue and reputation, which is vital to a high-born woman of that era and time period. Everything hinges on appearance and perception. If a dude accuses Alicent of being a murderer or a whore, and nothing gets done, if rumor spreads, then it will destroy her reputation irreparably. Which puts her and her children in danger.
Criston Cole defending Alicent's honor at all costs - the greatest knight of the Kingsguard - gives credence to her point of view. Lies are met with swift justice from a righteous hand. That just the world they live in, baby.
When they mean that he is sworn to her for life, that's not a nine-to-five - you take next watch to the night shift dude. Ser Criston Cole is her sworn protector for-ev-er! He is charged with everything detailing her protection and travel. For Ser Criston to be sworn to Alicent makes him almost exclusively her man in every way. That's something that both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon really fail at conveying.
Why did Cersei and Jaime have all that time to fuck? Cause he was her sworn shield - which meant that they spent almost every waking hour together, and Jaime stood outside her door at night. The same would be for Alicent and Criston, they would be together all day and half the night for - presumably - the rest of their lives.
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goodnightjar · 1 year
A trace of the day left behind by SF9 Jaeyoon on a day in March when the sunlight scattered over clear sky spread like paint
BY 에디터 양혜연 | 2023.03.21
Translated by: lilbaekyooni
Jaeyoon pursues something that's invisible to the eyes, the belief that love surely exists, trusts that there will be no lies in that love, bets that's the present will perfect the future self. Wonders if there is an absolute standard to 'do well' to be good at something. He can only fathom the reality of the formless things he follows, as if he is following a path in the dark. But he doesn't doubt the existence of them. Instead, he just throws endless questions at himself. Sometimes he sinks into the abyss, entangled in worries derived from questions, but he never denies the existence of the things he pursues.
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Is there anything sort of 'It would nice if you ask me this' kind of story for this interview?
Wow, It's the first time i have been asked such question in an interview. I really didn't think of it (laughs)
Since this is the last interview before enlistment, I wish to leave a story that Jaeyoon wishes to tell today.
What would be good? I like the bright and light stories i have told through various contents but today I feel like it would be good to talk about something that's settled deep in my mind.
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I was going to ask 'gukguy*' Jaeyoon to recommend me his favourite rice soup restaurant; but i will ask you when we meet the next time. (laughs) With enlistment just around the corner how do you feel?
[note: *- gukguy - word play of SF9's Good Guy & Jaeyoon's favourite dish gukbap (rice soup) / gukguy like soup guy as he likes soup dishes]
To be honest before the date came out I kept wondering 'Oh, am i really going?'* It seemed like a long way off, but it only just hit me when the date came out. But it doesn't mean i haven't thought about it all; i had a lot of conservations about it since an year with our group members Youngbin hyung and Inseong hyung who enlisted first. And the conclusion was 'For the remaining time let's show our fans what we want to show as much our fan's heart desire.' I have spent every moment working hard to yield a pleasurable result to keep up that promise.I feel a lot better now. I knew the fans were anxious because they didn't know when I would enlist, but I felt really sorry until the very end for not being able to say anything.
(note: *-in busan satoori)
Did you get any advice related to military life from the members who enlisted first and E-TION of ONF, who is in charge of Pat of 'Pat and Mat'?
Since i was very curious about a lot of things, i ask this and that first. In fact i even contacted E-TION yesterday. Ofcourse advise is very helpful but it doesn't make sense as in the end i guess i can only know when i experience it. I'm just envious everyone is about to be discharged (laughs). Now rather than seeking advice I'm focused on working hard on planning what part of myself i would fill in during the time spend there once i enlist.
Did you make any kind of plans?
I want to do things that I couldn't do before during promotions, so I'm going to focus on reading and studying. First of all i'll take the book 'Dollargut Dream Department Store' that i received as gift from my sister. As for the other books, I'll go to the bookstore before enlisting and buy them. I'm going to learn languages such as English, Japanese. Meanwhile I felt sorry for not being able to study properly even though I felt like I wasn't good enough.
I wanted to get an idea for the pictorial concept, so I asked about your favorite movies in advance.I was surprising to hear the title of a romance movies gushing
Haha, That's right. Usually guys my age like SF or hero series but I like the romance genre. Movies like <The Notebook>, <About Time>, <One Day> are my favourite.
I noticed that in the list, there is also <Titanic>, which was released a long time ago.
Hwiyoung, our group member really likes movies, and asked to me watch <Titanic> with him. Since it is such a famous work, I thought it would be nice to see it at least once, so we watched it together. In the movie Jack's fate was really sad but my heart goes out more to Rose. My heart hurts by just imagining that I have to live out the rest of my days after losing a loved one right in front of my eyes. The scene were they first met was also very memorable.
What's the most memorable movie for Jaeyoon?
I like <The Curious Case of Benjamin Button>. I was so impressed with the movie that I once looked only for Brad Pitt's work.
What part of the movie swayed your mind?
The protagonist keeps getting younger, and the people he loves around him get older. In life the moment they share the same time of life is close to the blink of an eye. Watching the movie made me imagine how sad it must be to miss eachother living through different years. At the same time, I made a pledge to be good to the precious people around me who are going through the same time right now.
Your ability to empathize is extraordinary
I'm the type to have a lot of thoughts, as i often assume this and that and immerse myself in those i guess. However, there are too many thoughts; it does not stop at assuming the situation. There are times when the worry derived from this always becomes too exhausting like biting ones own tail is burdensome. I always make up my mind to reduce these thoughts but it's not easy.
I know how you feel because we have similar tendencies. Even if I manage to get rid of my thoughts, I wonder, 'Oh Am I allowed to live without thinking like this.' and worry about it.
That's right. If you worry a little less than usual you think, 'Am I living too thoughtlessly?' and worry about it. There aren't many people with this tendency, so I haven't talked about it anywhere but If i don't worry too much like this i often find myself wondering if I'm too lackadaisical
I can't help but be concerned it must be very tiring for you. I wonder how do you deal with stress?
As it's my natural inclination it's not easy to reduce the thoughts itself. So conversely i imagine very possible scenario. Should I says it's fighting fire with fire? To think about it endlessly until you can think of no more case scenarios. When you already assume the worst possible scenario you can deal with any unexpected issues that may arise. You tell yourself 'see its just this. the situation like that don't usually happen ,you don't have to worry a lot' and comfort yourself. But there are times when my worst fears came true. Then next time you have to be more careful with what you imagine. (laughs)
It's not a weakness. It's about being careful without making a hasty decision about any situation. It's not easy to be sure of something easily in the first place, but is there something you firmly believe in?
I think the answer that 'I still firmly believe' is more accurate I have faith in 'love'. No matter what form or method, love definitely exists, and I believe there are no lies when it's all about love. I think there were no lies in all the moments when I shared my heart with the people around me, such as the moments when I exchanged love with my parents and the moments when I exchanged love with the fans.
Then what may be something where lies can exist?
Values of things that are not necessarily proportional to the universal estimate. Something like money could be an example.A high amount of money does not necessarily mean that its value is high and vice versa. In case you misunderstand, i have no experience with such money.(laughs)
The fact that the name of the series for your own content is not named 'I am good' but 'I can do well' also seems to reflect your personality. The beginning of the series was small, but now it has become the content that symbolize Jaeyoon.
It wasn't started with a huge plan. During the pandemic the difficult situation of not being able to meet fans was very hard and i felt empty. I wanted to see my fans so much, and I wanted to convey my feeling, but the only possible way was writing and video. I planned various contents to communicate with fans in real time through video. I thought that the story would be richer if I showed what I was doing rather than just talking. Coincidentally, a lot of contents such as making Dalgona and Tanghulu were uploaded on video sites. So I thought to start by showing them how to make those while having a conversation
This is also a 'moment of exchange of love with no lies' with fans. You been saying that you can do a lot of things well, but I'm curious about what do you really want to do well.
First of all and Second of all and Third of all it's to sing
What is the criterion in singing 'to do well'?
You have no idea how long I've been wondering about the same. 'Does it mean to be good at it?' 'Is there a single ultimate point to reach?' 'Is self-satisfaction the criteria?' There was a time when i thought that absolute standards definitely existed. As I thought about it over and over again i started thinking 'Just as there are many colors in the world or just as we all have different appearances; the standard of 'doing well' as well might be different. As I progress little by little i keep asking myself; 'what's my own color'. But then when i hit a wall i start doubting myself 'What if there is an absolute standard'. To be honest it's a problem that I can't find an answer to now, so these days I'm trying to focus on and think 'Lee Jaeyoon the person is singing right now' Then, even if you hit a wall; i will have no choice but to overcome it and to learn from it and refine oneself one by one based on that experiences.
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As I said earlier, the goal of today's interview is to capture the traces Jaeyoon wants to leave behind. What's that something you want to tell us.
Superficially the trace before i cut my hair, if I speak ideologically its my today's time and thoughts. I think by keeping a record of one day in March that I spent, I have one more moment to share with my fans.
I am curious on what do Lee Jaeyoon as a person wants to leave behind lastly in his life.
Rather than wanting to leave behind, wouldn't it be what of me as a person that's left behind.? Suppose I'm 80 years old, I guess as a person all the things Lee Jaeyoon experienced for 80 years is what will be left of me.
What would that look like?
I received a lot of love while working as Jaeyoon of SF9. After exchanging such a precious affection, I think the inner me will be very rich. As I said before, I believe in the power of love
Jaeyoon's eyes sparkled when he talked about the things he believed in, and a shy smile appeared on his lips. Was it the concern his talks may sounds like 'chasing the clouds'. In fact, if he had only followed what he could clearly see, he would not have asked himself so many questions or agonized endlessly to find answers to those questions. That's If you just accept only what you see without doubt or second guess. However all things that have a form transforms and all that can be seen may look distorted to some. If there is something that don't transform and is non distorted its the nature of formlessness.
So, what Jaeyoon pursues becomes an unchanging buoy on the sea he sails on. Of course, on a day with strong winds, it may be shaken endlessly and sometimes be swept away by strong currents but the direction these signs point to is always straight and honest.❤️
©rti please do not repost without permission...♡
i have tried to convey jaeyoon's words well. but as i'm still lacking in translating; I'm sorry if you find any errors. thank you... :)
interview: ™2023 April issue of Singles Korea.
Jaeyoon who enlisted today; left 'One day Jaeyoon spent' as a small gift in hopes that Fantasy will not be saddened by the brief separation. - 23.03.21 Singles Korea
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seaweedbraens · 9 months
This is in part a response to the 3/10 reviewer.
Adaptations obviously cannot have every single thing perfect to the book, just time wise it's impossible. But I think this series was made with a lot of love by everyone involved and it shows. Every interview I've seen and the show itself make it clear it's also important to them, and they want to make a good version.
A lot of issues that I read I think can be solved with having more of the story. Like, his mom has given him blue candy, explanation might come later, like in the talks the trio has during the quest. Or the council of the cloven elders doesn't even appear in the books until the Battle of the Labryinth. We don't need an explanation yet. Without knowledge of the books I would assume oh the visually important nature ppl are the ppl in charge of the satyrs. Which like.. yeah good enough for now. And it gives Grover more depth from the start. And there are hints of Luke's bitterness, such as "They like the smell of begging" when they go for offerings. We also haven't even left camp yet, there's time to develop that.
Luke's emphasis on glory was more about from other campers, I took it as a hint of Luke's desire to feel powerful. Luke also clearly values glory in the books as well - he failed to attain glory by completing his quest and it eats at him. Two, the addition makes sense if you're familiar with the Iliad, glory is heavily emphasized and a complex theme throughout, but I will not be digging out any college essays lol. I think it's definitely something that is going to be developed as a theme throughout.
Luke is a supportive counselor in the book. He's literally the head counselor in charge of shepherding the kids once they get there and likely spend their first night in the Hermes cabin. Plus in Ch. 7, he talks to Percy about being new and warns Percy not to take the offerings lightly, in Ch. 8 trains him on the sword, saying "No laughing at Percy" during the demo, and is thrilled when Percy disarms him.
A word about Gabe, we see Gabe for 9 pages in the beginning of the book. He harasses Percy, demands food from Sally, and is grumpy about them using the car. I was at first bothered by Gabe looking just kinda like a couch potato, but it was pointed out to me that abusers don't just all wear wife beaters and are streaked with grime. In the show he answers, Sally's phone, a controlling behavior. He harasses Percy when he gets in the door, and is almost pleased that Percy got kicked out for assault, a violent behavior. I'm still interested with how they are going to bring in the "Smelly Gabe" covering Percy's scent (which I always was a bit confused how that worked really well if Percy was at boarding school 90% of the time.) And I'm wondering how they are going to make him be deemed worthy of being murdered with Medusa's head by the audience. He appears on the news telling lies about Percy throughout the book and Percy doesn't realize that Sally has been hit before by Gabe until the end of the book. So, those are more ways to bring that in.
While I watched it, it didn't feel very rushed, but that might be because I had context from the books. Looking back it's a fast, but I'd rather have a longer time questing, and that's a trade-off. It's just unfortunate that even an established property can't get a longer run time.
One of my biggest worries was that the fighting would be cringe but I think they pulled it off Really well. It's visually great, and while I have my personal vision of CHB that didn't stop me from loving the show's version. It's also funny! I laughed out loud multiple times. There's tons of little details you get to hunt for from the book. The actors make you believe they are the characters. I've been living with versions in my head for over 15 years and I fully accept these guys as the trio. An open mind and ability to allow multiple versions to live in your head are definitely key to enjoying it as a long time fan.
I'm doing my best to avoid ppls garbage opinions, especially people new to the fandom, but I've seen enough lousy opinions from people who have been in the fandom forever to think it's a problem only in new ppl. Twitter has just been a lot of great edits and memes which is super fun.
Sorry for the length, that I got the book out, and that this was way too in depth for what you originally asked.
sorry for getting to this a little late! personally, i feel like i can't comment on the show yet, since i haven't watched it, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion as long as we're all being respectful here, as you're being. i hope 3/10 anon sees your version of things, and i'm glad you enjoyed the show!
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
WASHINGTON — The House voted on Friday to expel Republican Rep. George Santos of New York after a critical ethics report on his conduct that accused him of converting campaign donations for his own use. He was just the sixth member in the chamber's history to be ousted by colleagues.
The vote to expel was 311-114. Expulsion requires support from two-thirds of the House, a purposefully high bar, but a blistering House Ethics Committee report that accused Santos of breaking federal law proved decisive.
As it became clear that he would be expelled, Santos placed his overcoat over his shoulders, shook hands with conservative members who voted against his expulsion and departed the House chamber.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., soon took the gavel, quieted the chamber and solemnly instructed the House clerk to inform the governor of New York that Santos’ former House seat was now vacant.
Santos had fought the expulsion effort, leading his own defense during House floor debate and in conducting a news conference and interviews.
“I will not stand by quietly,” Santos declared as lawmakers on Thursday evening debated his removal. “The people of the Third District of New York sent me here. If they want me out, you’re going to have to go silence those people and go take the hard vote.”
Of the previous expulsions in the House, three were for disloyalty to the Union during the Civil War. The remaining two occurred after the lawmakers were convicted of crimes in federal court. Santos made his case for remaining in office by appealing directly to lawmakers who worry they are setting a new precedent that could make expulsions more common.
Johnson was among those who voiced concerns about removing Santos, though he has told members to vote their conscience. Others in leadership agreed with his reasoning and opposed expulsion. But some Republicans, including Santos' colleagues from New York, said voters would welcome lawmakers being held to a higher standard.
“I’m pretty confident the American people would applaud that. I’m pretty confident that the American people expect that," Republican Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, whose district adjoins Santos', said before the vote.
Santos warned lawmakers they would regret removing a member before they have had their day in court.
“This will haunt them in the future where mere allegations are sufficient to have members removed from office when duly elected by their people in their respective states and districts,” Santos said.
The expulsion was the final congressional chapter in what was a spectacular fall from grace for Santos. The first-term lawmaker initially was celebrated as an up-and-comer after he flipped a district from Democrats last year and helped Republicans win control of the House. But soon after, troubles began. Reports began to emerge that Santos had lied about having Jewish ancestry, a career at top Wall Street firms and a college degree. His presence in the House quickly became a distraction and an embarrassment to the party.
In early March, the House Ethics Committee announced it was launching an investigation into Santos. Then in May, the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York indicted Santos, accusing him of duping donors, stealing from his campaign and lying to Congress. Prosecutors would later add more charges in an updated 23-count indictment.
The indictment alleges he stole the identities of campaign donors and then used their credit cards to make tens of thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges. Federal prosecutors say Santos, who has pleaded not guilty, wired some of the money to his personal bank account and used the rest to pad his campaign coffers.
Meanwhile, Ethics Committee investigators spent eight months investigating Santos and interviewing witnesses. When their work was complete, the panel said it had amassed “overwhelming evidence” of lawbreaking by Santos that it sent to the Justice Department.
Among other things, the committee said Santos knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission, used campaign funds for personal purposes and violated the Ethics in Government Act with his financial disclosure statements.
Arguing against expulsion during debate on Thursday, Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., said that while he respected the committee, he had concerns about how the Santos case was handled. He said he was troubled that a Republican-led committee would submit a report that was so judgmental and publicized.
“The totality of circumstance appears biased," Higgins said. "It stinks of politics and I'll oppose this action in every way.”
While the committee does have a Republican chairman, its membership is evenly divided. Rep. Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the committee, reminded members that the decision approving the investigators' findings was unanimous.
“As the Ethics Committee's report lays out in thorough detail, Mr. Santos has repeatedly, egregiously and brazenly violated the public's trust,” Wild said. “Mr. Santos is not a victim. He is a perpetrator of a massive fraud on his constituents and the American people.”
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“Bye, I hope you both have a wonderful trip!” Wilford waved frantically as Dark and Anti were getting in one of the manor’s vehicles. 
“I mean it, Wil! Make sure the others are notified!” Dark said before he got in the driver’s side of the vehicle.
“Oh, I will, Dark! Don’t you worry about that!” Wilford continued waving, even as the van began driving off into the road, slowly dispersing from the male’s vision.”They’ll know for sure..” He smirked before getting back into the manor home.
“Everyone!” Wilford announced, watching the Egos pile into the room, confusing filling the air.
"I am here to announce that Dark and Anti are leaving the manor for a bit! A month or so. Something about an anniversary vacation.." Wil rambled, "And Dark put me in charge!" He cheered.
"No way." Bim blurted.
"Preposterous." Edward stated, looking at the calendar, "And on such short notice?"
"Dark said that he wanted to tell us yesterday, but was too busy packing and!" Wilford sang, "He told me that his phone will be off for the time being! So if we wanted to, we can't really notify him on everything." The male lied.
A sigh came from most of the Ipliers, "Alright, thank you for notifying us, Wil." Google stated.
"Not a problem! Now run along and do your thing and if you need me, I'll be in Dark's office!" Wilford smiled, walking away from the stunned group.
"What has Dark done?!" Bim squeaked, placing his hands on his head, "The manor is going to be ruined and WE are going to pay for it! I can't afford another lecture! I need my beauty sleep!!" He cried running to his room while the others rolled their eyes.
"How can Dark give him responsibility with no hesitation?" Ed asked, looking over at Edward.
"Maybe he was busy?" Edward rationed.
"Whatever situation has taken place, Wilford is in charge nonetheless and we cannot persuade Dark." Google stated before he walked away, already suspicious of Wilford's intent.
"Oh it seems Dark has already prepared a list." Wilford mused, grabbing the piece of paper on the desk though was disappointed when he saw Google's name on it rather than his own, "Finish off the records and file them away.. Roll call meeting at three, email the Septics over said records.. Bah! Easy peasy!!" Wilford exclaimed, slamming the paper down, making one of Dark's framed photos to fall with a thump. 
"Oopsies. Ah, it's fine," He picked up the photo seeing that it wasn't damaged miraculously and placed it back after taking a look at it, snorting, "And he says he isn't soft. Now.. Where are the papers?" He muttered looking around the desk.
Papers scattered along the desk, a laptop was placed at the far side with neatly stacked folders, binders, and files full of irrelevant paperwork. Some over criminal records from Wilford himself, others over Bim's show and Wilford's interviews scheduling, the last bit is contracts that has yet to be given to the Ipliers which is their job requirements for whatever mission they have.
"Where is it?" Wilford hummed, going behind the desk and checking the filing cabinets, before shouting in victory as he found the needed record, still needing to be finished.
"Okay- Wow that is tiny." He held the paper closer, reading the small font letters before making his eyes cross.
"No wonder Dark wears glasses.."
He did not know any bit of what it was saying. But he did see Bim's name on it.
"Let's get this over with." He hummed, getting the pen and began signing away. He knew that Dark would look back on the papers and seeing that Wilford had done them he would be proven wrong that the man wasn't responsible.
He would prove them all wrong.
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eliibang · 1 year
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➵ 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝟐𝟓𝟏𝟐, 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟎𝟐.
SUMMARY. Three years ago, the capital of South Korea plunged into horror, and no one could ever understand what happened. Jeon Jungkook, an intern in journalism, is in charge of this story. Will he be able to find the truth about what happened on that christmas night ?
PAIRING. kim taehyung x jeon jungkook. + bts [non idols]
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WARNINGS. minor dni, +18 only — mention of blood, murders, insults, physical violence, verbal violence, detailed smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, betraying.
TAGS. @eunwhore , @sunboki , @spookysins , @lethallyprotected , @dipjria / comment or dm if you want to be in my tag list !
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When Jungkook returned to his office, he was both excited and stressed. Interviewing Kim Taehyung was a challenge, it was almost impossible.
No journalist, even the most experienced, had been able to interview him, so it was truly a great opportunity for him to have this opportunity.
But he knew it wasn't easy, Taehyung could refuse to answer him at any time. It had been almost three years since the massacre, three years since Seoul City was completely misunderstood and awaited answers.
“So, Jungkook-ssi, how did the interview go with the terror of Seoul?” asked his manager, with an amused look, as he walked into the office.
He probably didn't expect Jungkook to succeed, just like the rest of his colleagues. And it's probably Taehyung's fault, for not answering until now, but Jungkook felt a little hurt when the silence appeared in the huge open office.
“Good, he said he'd answer my questions.”
As soon as the words had gone out of her lips, silence had taken place. He knew it wasn't his fault, that it wasn't a lack of confidence on the part of his new colleagues, but his ego had taken a hit.
No one ever thought they could make Seoul's terror speak, let alone Jungkook who only entered the business.
“And what is his explanation?” Asked the editor.
“The visit ended before he could say anything. He answered while setting up his things on his desk. But I have another visit with him in the late afternoon tomorrow. I think he'll tell me a little bit more.”
He smiled softly, while silence still prevailed. Jungkook was determined to know the truth, no matter how long and how many visits it would take him. He was certain, and Jungkook knew, that Taehyung wasn't going to tell him all of a sudden.
Gradually, the office resumed its normal state and the voices mixed in with each other, mixed with the sounds of keyboards and mice.
“Should we make an announcement? You know, to warn the public that Taehyung-ssi is willing to talk.”
The chief raised an eyebrow. “Taehyung-ssi, are you guys that close already? No, you better not. If he decides not to answer, it'll only stir them up and they'll think we lied if we don't give them answers.”
Jungkook nodded and finally sat at his desk. He took his time to write a first report on his visit with Taehyung, losing his mind several times.
He can’t understand how a man, who had everything for him, ended up committing such a horrible act. He was attractive, rich and loved, what could have caused him to kill his closest friends ?
What happened that night, what was the trigger, why and how did it come to the decision to commit not one, but two murders? These questions had been unanswered for almost three years, Jungkook hoped to finally be able to answer them and help grieving families.
On his side, Taehyung was laying on the bed of his cell with his arms crossed behind his head. He was thinking about his talk with Jungkook or rather, Jungkook. He was genuinely intrigued by this boy, his face was so angelic, and yet he had come to talk to the worst person Seoul has known in the last three years.
For a moment Taehyung thought of what he could tell him, that he could answer enough to explain his act; but he could not find any. He ruminated for a few moments, before he remembered old memories.
He layd there for a long time, thinking back to the past, to his friends, until the guard came to pick him up for dinner. From that point on, he didn't think about Jungkook and his visit, or even about his friends and his slaughter.
The next day, Jungkook mentally prepared himself for his interview with Taehyung. On one hand, he was stressed that he wouldn’t have an answer because Taehyung was considered unpredictable, but on the other hand, he grasped the answer Taehyung was going to give him.
He was so stressed, he got ready in a hurry. He forgot his glasses and didn't even button his shirt up. Taehyung thought it was pretty cute and he didn't miss to point out. He had fun watching Jungkook turn all red, while he buttoned his shirt and put his hair back in place.
“ You seem stressed to me, Jungkook-ah. He put on a smile in the corner of his lips. Don't be, it's just me.”
Exactly. Jungkook thought.
Of course, they had professional interactions in the past because Jungkook was a photographer and Taehyung actor, but it was always very brief.
“I'm not stressed. He's lying. I'm just looking forward to the details.”
And it was true in a way, but it still made Jungkook anxious. Taehyung wasn't judged crazy, otherwise they would have committed him. He had his whole head and he knew exactly what he had done.
However, unlike some serial killers — couldn't it be said that he was one? — he hadn't focused on the details, he never bragged that he had killed, let alone several people in one evening, in less than ten minutes.
“What do you want to know, Jungkook-ah?”
Taehyung was playing and Jungkook knew it. But this time, he took more confidence than the day before.
“I want to know why you killed your friends, Taehyung-ssi.”
Taehyung stood silent for a moment, staring Jungkook right in the eye. Then he moistened his lips before moving his upper body closer to Jungkook, delivered at the table.
“Well, that's a pretty complex question I can't answer you, Jungkook-ah.”
Jungkook stood on his ass, he should have known Taehyung was making it work. He had believed it, but on second thought, why would he answer to him? He was nothing special and far less experienced than the reporters who tried to interview Taehyung.
Jungkook's look was a mixture of anger and disappointment now and Taehyung could feel it. He finally went to his chair and waited for any reaction from the youngest. She was coming soon.
“Well, I guess I should have known. I should note that the accused does not wish to argue, unless you want to say something?”
“You didn't ask me why.”
Jungkook frowned. “Why what?”
“Why I can’t answer you.” Taehyung insisted that he couldn't answer, not that he didn't want to.
“Well, Taehyung-ssi, why can't you give me a reason for your act?”
“Because I don't have any. I have no valid reason for doing what I do. Not that anything justifies murder, but, in my case, there was no triggering event that made me do what I did.”
Jungkook stood on his ass, he didn't expect that. How could anyone kill in cold blood for no reason? Not that killing someone could be justifiable, but for no reason? There's something really wrong with him.
“What do you mean, you have no reason ? There must be something that made you commit this crime?”
“No, there is not. He looked down before he raised his head and smiled softly. But maybe I should start at the beginning, right?”
Jungkook nodded, and Taehyung moistened his lips before starting his story.
“I should start with my meeting with Jay, so you can understand how I met them all, and what happened.”
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© eliiroha 2023. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃
as said in the plot before, this fanfiction is also on wattpad, but in french. since i’m native french here is the link if you want to take a look ! i hope you liked it, i know it’s kinda different of all the fairies and butterflies fluff stories but i really hope you will get interest in it !! i’m looking forward your reactions and thoughts !!♡
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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@ignisregina sent: ‘‘ thank you for agreeing to help. ’’ ’ RANDOM DIALOGUE meme | Always Open!
"Are you kidding me? Thank you for your call. Seriously. Just about made my day. Well, more like night, given the whole timezone deal and all" Lance replied, laughing in his typical fashion he always did when trying to lure someone in. The TV host put his phone on speaker so he could use both his hands to keep working on his laptop, eager to pull up the picture of the painting in question.
"You're the art conservator, right? I'm guessing my producer already sent you all the details and a quotation for the footage. We can give you anything you want. Close ups of the cracks in the painting, wideshots of it in the hall, you name it. Truth be told, I had no idea the thing was of any high value in your field. It boggles my mind that it's actually still sitting there in an abandoned mansion like that. We scouted the place last week. Stripped of the usual. Copper. Furniture. But yeah, the painting you're interested in is still there."
After a short pause, he couldn't quite help it. Because sure enough, a few extra bucks for raw footage he was going to be shooting anyway was always nice. But what was even better was the prospect of getting another talking head for his show. Someone who seemed to know their shit. About this painting. About art. About this.
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"Maybe the stories about it being haunted are true" he half joked, half teased, taking a closer look at the painting in question - in the picture on his screen.
"I don't know how much Jerry's told you about our show and what we're going to be doing in the mansion. We're looking into supposed hauntings and the like. That painting's actually the main reason why I picked the location for my next episode. I'm doing all the research and now that we're talking, I'm actually still looking for interview partners. Genuine people who know their history and the like, who can really tell us what lies behind what's on their screen." After a short pause, Lance went in for the strike. Leaning back to propose his idea with confidence, even though she couldn't even see his body language through the phone.
"I was wondering: why don't you come over the big pond to take a look at it yourself while we're shooting your footage? You could tell us what it is that you want us to capture for you, and in return, I could ask you a few questions about our shared object of interest? I could have a word with my producer...tell him that we're not going to be charging you for the footage in exchange for you giving us one shooting day. That's about 5 to 10 minutes of screen time. Tell the audience all about this piece of art, why it should be preserved for future generation, why your work matters in cases just like this. It's going to be on national television. So it's going to be seen by a lot of people. Really, the more I play around with the idea, the more I think that we're helping each other with this. What do you say?"
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bllsbailey · 15 days
Rapid Response Trump Camp Puts to Bed X Post by Harris 'Interns' Citing AP's 'Fake News' Vance Quote
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Thursday has become one of the worst days in Vice President Kamala Harris' mismanaged and flailing presidential run. Let's take a stroll through a few of the previous troubling incidents and statements so far, and see where it leads.
Team Harris began the day with catastrophic tidings via the poll analysis of Nate Silver...and whispers continuing to swirl like the Sonoran Desert's monsoon winds that the campaign is having regrets about who Kamala picked as her running mate.
Whoops: Report That Harris Team Regrets Not Picking Shapiro, As Nate Silver Has More Bad News for Them
Democrat veep nominee and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz didn't have things any better, with the revelation of his comments of effusive support for pro-Hamas protesters reminding everyone why he was little more than a security blanket for Harris during her recent shambles of an interview with CNN. 
But perhaps more damaging was that Walz also received a subpoena from the U.S. House of Representatives, after reports surfaced that he and his gubernatorial office, along with a shady nonprofit in Minnesota--and the chief of the Biden Department of Education--may have acted in a conspiracy to bilk taxpayers of $250 million meant for COVID-19 relief in schools.
Read More: 
YIKES: Tim Walz's Remarks About Gaza Just Revealed Why They Don't Want Him Answering Questions
NEW: House GOP Subpoenas MN Gov. Walz on Allegations His Office Knew About $250M COVID-19 Fraud Scheme
Things only went downhill from there for Harris-Walz in the evening, though. During a campaign stop on Thursday, Ohio Senator JD Vance, the 2024 Republican vice presidential nominee, spoke about the horrific school shooting in Georgia on Wednesday, in which two teachers and two children were murdered by another student.
As my colleague, Bob Hoge wrote, not only did the Associated Press mangle the factual wording of what Vance said, but the Harris-Vance campaign mimeographed it to commit what could charitably be described as a character assassination on former President Donald Trump's running mate:
MORE LIES: Kamala Harris, Associated Press Completely Distort JD Vance's Message About School Shootings
Hoge called it a disgusting display, and he nailed it in one word. Here, though, is the icing on the campaign collapse cake for Kamala. In contrast to the single-A, sophomoric work product of the Harris social media hooligan squad, Team Trump must have had its top-tier rapid response team on the clock tonight--because they didn't mess around and demolished that dumb post to smithereens:
 Here's Team Trump's spot-on response, which put the other folks' post right to bed:
In case you can't see the post, it reads:
Kamala's interns just released a statement pushing FAKE NEWS that the Associated Press just retracted.   Watch the full video and you'll clearly see that JD Vance does not say what they claim he said. These morons do nothing but lie every single day.
There isn't one incorrect word in that post. Lying is all that the Democrats do, and to do it when something can be so easily debunked in an instant says so much. These are hateful and dishonest people, who must have a lower skill level at basic marketing than your average associate at a cellphone case kiosk at the mall. 
How in the world did anyone decide that these people should be in charge of making the vice president of one of the worst presidents in U.S. history appear to be a palatable choice for the American people come November? Whoever hired them should hand them their pink slips first thing on Friday morning, and then tender their own resignation immediately.
Anyway, it's too late for Team Harris to, in a manner of speaking, "be unburdened by what has been":
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 months
Stefan stans say Bonnie had a friendship with him (a lot of them talk about them being friends in season 1. They even use the scene in 1x22 where Bonnie confronts Stefan saying if things get out of hand she'd be willing to take him down along with Damon to say Bonnie's character was treated better then than the rest of the show since Kevin was a part of that season even though that's not the case. Bonnie's personality and suffering was similar in later seasons. Plus based on the way he spoke of Bonnie in interviews it didn't seem like he was better. When asked about Bonnie's lack of love life he defended it by claiming Luka was her love interest even though he was just manipulating her and not a love interest. Fans at the time complained about Bonnie's treatment and being used as a plot device before he left the show.) and that he cared more about her than Damon. Stefan was okay with Bonnie dying in 4x17 and stood idlely when Caroline had to kill witches to save Bonnie's life. He didn't care about bringing Bonnie back to life in season 5 and 6 while Damon did.
Stefan's friendships don't compare to Damon's because Damon didn't lie his way through them, and they certainly don't exist simply because of his relationship with Elena. Bonnie's comment in 1x22 is quite telling in the fact that she's willing to kill Stefan just to kill Damon. This is but a testament to the fact that she can handle losing Stefan, so they're not as close as Stefan wishes they were. Furthered by the fact that she didn't just say it, she proved it when she lied about the vampire device. She knew that it would kill Stefan just as much as it would kill Damon. That's why she said Elena would never forgive her... she expected it to kill both brothers. The same can be said of other characters. Even though Alaric has a friendship with Stefan, Damon is the one he considers a brother. You can even see it in their scenes. Stefan doesn't have as many emotionally charged scenes with other characters like Damon does, his friendships aren't as rich. They exist because of Elena. Damon's friendships are of his own doing. That's why he goes behind Elena's back and meets with Jeremy himself in 1x22. He's building his own relationship with Jeremy outside of Elena. Why, in season 2, Jeremy opts to hang out with Damon despite Elena's protest. While none of his friendships would exist without Elena because she's the voice of his humanity, his humanity builds those friendships outside of her.
Bonnie's relatonship with Jamie is one that I didn't agree with. imo, the relationship she could've had with Jamie is the relationship she ends up having with Damon... It's more sibling-like. Killing off Enzo and Lexi was insane to me. While Enzo's death was unfair to Bonnie and Lexi's death was unfair to Stefan, I felt they were necessary. Still, I consider Lexi's death more necessary than Enzo's. She's been acting as a wedge since 1864. So long as she remained alive, Damon and Stefan would remain at a distance. Her bias wouldn't allow her to consider Damon the way Elena considers Damon. Considering Damon is a requirement as both characters in a ship should be considered. Lexi only considers Stefan. Enzo died simply because they wanted to kill off Stefan.
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agentcable · 6 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 24 Ep. 3 "Mirror Effect"
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Benson attempts to assist a pop star who is in a tumultuous relationship. Rollins grapples with bringing work-related stress home with her. Fin imparts a lesson to a rookie about respecting fellow officers.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
During Rollins' therapy session, she made a joke about dissociation. The therapist asked about a safe place and inquired about the well-being of Rollins' daughters. Rollins refused to take medication and stated that her goal was not normalcy. Additionally, a protocol was mentioned. If she continues to miss appointments, she will be taken off active duty.
A pop star couple attended a red carpet event with screaming fans. They claim to inspire each other.
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Rollins must leave. The girls are afraid of monsters in the house. Before Carisi and Rollins leave on their date, Carisi sprays "monster spray".
In the limo, Austin becomes violent with Kelsey, and she calls him a bitch.
Rollins and Carisi were taking a walk when they overheard a fight between the pop stars. Kelsey was left on the street as the limo drove away. Rollins identified herself as a police officer and offered Kelsey a ride home after she explained that she had just had a fight with her boyfriend. Austin is constantly texting his girlfriend. Rollins advises her to take a break. Before dropping her off, Rollins gives her a card. They witness Austin and his girlfriend making up. Carisi acknowledges that Rollins did everything she could, but Rollins still feels like it's not enough.
Fin is angry because Muncy left a fast food bag in his car. Kelsey arrives, and Muncy and Rollins recognize her. It turns out that Rollins recognized her last night but didn't say anything. Kelsey wants to talk to someone, and Benson comes to talk to her. Kelsey reported that her boyfriend assaulted her last night. According to her, Austin threw her on the bed and then she passed out. Benson informed her that if she was touched in a way she did not consent to, it is considered a crime. Kelsey has decided to stop covering for Austin. Benson advised her not to go home tonight. Kelsey plans to call her mom. Benson suggests staying at a hotel until her mom arrives. To avoid paparazzi, Kelsey wants to exit through the back.
Muncy and Velasco interviewed the limo driver. He stated that the individuals involved were unable to handle their emotions and suggested they needed a time out.
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Austin insisted that the matter was between him and Kelsey. Benson requested to hear his side of the story. He claims that she lied and threw a champagne bottle at him. His friends are laughing. Benson and Austin both acknowledge the seriousness of these allegations, with the latter's lawyer also agreeing.
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Carisi notes that this case will be difficult to prosecute, and Rollins questions whether it's even worth trying. Carisi claims to be a victim as well.
Rollins and Carisi discuss the case at home. Both stars grew up in small towns and faced poverty. According to the news, Kelsey and Austin are now engaged. The girls scream, believing there is a monster. Rollins frightens everyone when she grabs her gun.
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Rollins is angry and tries to convince Kelsey to press charges. Benson intervenes. The mother offers the police officers wine.
Austin says Kelsey is his everything. Muncy calls it a five-carat apology. Austin is angry that someone told Kelsey to call her mom.
Rollins is urging Kelsey to press charges. Benson intervenes once more. Outside, Benson inquires about the girls' well-being. Rollins is falling apart and acting paranoid. The other officers approach and comment Austin is either foolish or incarcerated.
In the bathroom, Muncy expresses judgmental behaviour, but Benson reminds her that there are no perfect victims. Additionally, Benson suggests that Muncy wear a blazer.
Austin informs Benson that the incident will not occur again and questions why the charges have not been dropped yet. He expresses his desire to do the right thing, and Benson explains that it is now up to the DA. Austin also mentions his intention to get sober. Benson believes that everyone has choices to make, and true change is closely linked to emotional maturity. She speculates that he may not have had positive male role models during his upbringing. Benson advises him to do the opposite of what he was taught about being a man.
Benson tells Rollins that he wants to heal. While Rollins is speaking with Benson, she receives a call from Lila, who is attacking Austin. Fin arrests both of them after they get physical. Kelsey tells Rollins that she got into a fight with Austin because of her mother, and it turned into a war. She accuses Austin of rape.
Everyone shares their side of the story, and it appears that the argument started over a waitress. Kelsey claims that Austin was drunk again. According to Kelsey, fighting is part of their foreplay. Afterward, Austin smoked as if nothing was wrong. Austin's lawyer arrived and advised him to remain silent. Carisi states that they have sufficient evidence to arrest Austin. The DA's office is receiving calls, and the paparazzi is becoming involved.
During the arraignment, there is a dispute over photography, and the judge orders the parties to refrain from social media and surrender Austin's passport. Austin's father approaches Carisi and claims that his son is merely a drunk. Carisi responds that people end up in court due to their choices.
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Outside the court, fans cheer for Austin. Carisi announces the start of the circus. Rollins reports that they convinced Kelsey and her media consultant not to go on the offensive. Rollins waits for Carisi, not wanting to be alone.
Kelsey's mother testifies. During cross-examination, she admitted that Kelsey had called the police and falsely accused Mom's boyfriend of molestation because she was not allowed to audition. She also revealed that Kelsey had written lies in her journal to irritate her. Meanwhile, Kelsey is troubled by the negative attention and wonders why she is disliked by everyone.
During her testimony, Kelsey described her turbulent relationship with the accused and how things had recently worsened. She alleged that she had been raped and that her mother had called the police. Although she had previously withdrawn her complaint, hoping that the accused would change, she now stands by her accusation. In response, the defense attorney questioned what it would take for her to change her mind again. As Kelsey spoke, some individuals in the courtroom stood up and accused her of lying. They moved Kelsey and then attacked Rollins for taking her side. Rollins rand into the elevator, visibly upset.
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Carisi expressed his frustration with the social media posts calling Kelsey a liar. The judge stated that there will not be a mistrial and that she will ban anyone who misbehaves.
Rollins suggested that Kelsey get off her phone and toughen up. Benson ejects Rollins from the room.
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Austin's father discusses Austin's addictions. Benson informs Carisi that Rollins requires assistance. Carisi agrees to take Rollins to therapy moving forward. Kelsey arrives for Austin's testimony. Austin admits thta the relationship has become unmanageable but denies sexually assaulting Kelsey.
During the cross-examination, Carisi questions Austin about the fight. Austim admits that fighting is a common occurrence for them, but claims that tearing the nightgown was an accident. Kelsey expresses her desire to end the matter, stating that Austin has already apologized. He also mentions that Kelsey is his fiancée. Carisi takes a tough stance, but Austin apologizes to Kelsey and denies being like his father. Kelsey stated that Austin apologized and she wants to move on, but Carisi insists that dropping the charges is not an option. Benson emphasizes that regardless of Kelsey's forgiveness, Austin committed sexual assault.
During the defense attorney's closing argument, Kelsey is portrayed as a liar, and Austin's confession on the stand is disregarded. Carisi notes that both parties experienced childhood trauma, but Austin still confessed to the crime. He hopes to receive help while in prison, but his actions cannot be excused as sexual assault is a serious crime.
Rollins asked Benson if she had a minute. They sat down. Rollins admitted that she had been off her game. Benson reassured her that even off her game, Rollins was a good detective. Rollins then told Benson about how she had pulled her gun in the girls' room.
Austin was found guilty of only Rape 3, which the news made a big deal about. The protesters are expressing their anger towards Kelsey and Benson through yelling. Kelsey is upset in the limo because she cannot tour since her songs were all about Austin. Benson believes that Kelsey needs to learn to love herself before she can love anyone else.
The defense plans to make an appearance. Carisi recommends leniency. Austin is willing to serve his prison sentence. The defense attorney plans to file an appeal. Austin is uncertain if Kelsey will reconcile with him. Carisi advises him to end any relationship with the person giving him romantic advice. Rollins arrives and expresses her fear of having caused damage. Carisi believes that everyone has secrets they keep hidden. What actions do you want to take to address this? He and Rollins embrace.
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Why did you elbow me? 168
Achilles Castle part 70
Lemonade and lies PART 13
Martha: pov Katherine just got off the phone with Liv turns out their suspect is a murderer they have proof he is a serial killer. I'm heading out to have dinner with some friends of mine tonight. Alexis and Dave have plans for tonight.
Liv: pov it's decided the 4 of us will split up and sit outside his work and house, Detective Elliot is staying  back at the station even if he doesn't want to. Sargent Fin and Sargent Esposito will be sitting outside his work just in case. Me and Sargent Ayanna bell are outside his house we have a warrant out for his arrest 
Fin: pov the guy is not at work so he must be on his way home I text Liv letting her know. She says why don't you pick up some food on the way back to the precinct. Esposito and I found a sub shop that looks good. I make sure to pick up some drinks while Esposito orders the food. I know what Liv and Elliot like, thankfully she texted me what Ayanna and Jet like. Esposito knows what Ryan and Lanie like. The ride back to the station is short.
Ayanna: pov Liv notices our suspect pulling into his driveway. Liv tells the guy she is looking into a guy he might be a pedophile and since you talked to him in the store parking lot can you talk about it you may have info that can solve a crime the guy seems excited to help out the police.
Elliot: pov Fin and Esposito are back with some subs a few minutes later. Liv and Ayanna walk in with our suspect un-cuffed. He probably doesn't even know he is a suspect. They take him to an interrogation room. His DNA has to be a match before he can be charged for the crime Liv had Ryan look him up and see if he had any traffic violations which he did. Liv arrested him for them. Turns out he didn't pay his parking/speeding tickets.
Jet: pov it is so cool watching Captain Benson interrogate the suspect. From what I understand he is under arrest and waiting for sentencing. Lol it's getting late she tells us all to head home for the night. Captain Benson and Sargent tutuola go to interview our suspect. Let's hope we can get something from him. Liv is trying to trick him up and get him to talk without realizing he is. All of us are watching from the box. We chat while we eat. Lanie, who is a medical examiner, is telling a story about the 2 times Kate had food poisoning. I can't believe that sent her to the ER how awful. Some of the stories Liv and Fin are telling are hard to hear about. 
Ryan: Liv tells us how sometimes if a family is split up when the kids are very young the father, mother or siblings can be attracted to each other. ew that is nasty, how could a father be attracted to their children? Lanie says it's hard sometimes with Kate because she has limitations. On my first day on the job I rear-ended a car trying to park. Turns out it was the swat vehicle and a bunch of guys with big guns hoped out.
Joe: pov wow now that is a story, I bet you were very scared. Ryan says yes it was his first day on the job and he was afraid to get in trouble. Elliot and Esposito are talking about the war together. One was in the marines and the other special forces. It's getting late after eating some food. Captain Benson tells us all to head home for the night.
Jim: pov me and Castle are trying to decide on what to eat for dinner I decide to grab some sandwiches from the cafeteria downstairs, I must not forget some water bottles. Katie is eating a tiny bit of soup while we eat our sandwiches. 
Castle: pov kate is no longer on oxygen and doing much better. Alexis stopped by earlier and brought her some lemonade and soup from the restaurant, which is so nice. it's late and Kate just started to fall asleep, I start to doze off I'm startled awake by a beeping noise. It is two of her monitors going off indicating she isn't breathing right and her heart rate is dangerously elevated. I hit the emergency button to call the nurse. I remember to grab the oxygen mask and put it on her face which immediately starts to help Kate. 
Nurse Kendall: pov I run in the room asking what is wrong Castle says Kate wasn't breathing right and her heart rate is dangerously elevated. Nurse Wendy runs to get a Dr, thankfully there is a cardiologist working the night shift. Dr Cantor gives her a dose of heart meds, Her oxygen levels are slowly rising which is good it means whatever happened is ending. Her heart rate is also elevated, the meds should bring it down. Thankfully she doesn't need to be cardioverted or need the defibrillator. We need to figure out what caused this.
Dr Cantor: pov I call Dr Jason and notify Kate's other Dr's of what happened.  A bunch of tests need to be run, an ultrasound machine is being brought into her room, that way she doesn't need to be moved so much.
Kate: pov I don't feel so good, Castle is trying to calm me down. A Dr is asking me how I feel. I’m starting to freak out a little. I can tell the nurse is putting something else in my iv suddenly I start to calm down. I’m so sleepy. Castle is moving my hair out of my face and rubbing the back of my hand trying to sooth me.
Nurse Wendy: pov the calming meds should start working with her PTSD she gets freaked out easily. The EKG shows that Kate is having a bad arrhythmia episode. Once the ultrasound machine is in the room, Dr Cantor opens Kate's shirt and squirts some gel on her chest and moves the wand around over her heart/scar. She has some scar tissue  that would need to be removed, but that is for another day. Nothing looks clogged, which is good. The good side is working hard to make up for the damaged area her blood is being diverted around the bad area. To be continued. ……….
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alangreenh · 1 year
Ah Q Guo Wengui on the Internet
Speaking of Guo Wengui, the wanted man who calls himself the "God of War" has always felt good about himself for a long time. What kind of good law? Even though the revelations have been debunked countless times, even if the charges on his head are increasing, even if Guo Baosheng, Xiang Lin and others have already parted ways with them, even if they have reached the point of desperation, Guo Wengui still puts on a swearing look in the video, Tell yourself and the public that his "whistleblowing revolution" will succeed. What is this self-deceiving, self-comforting spirit called? Mr. Lu Xun has already given the answer, the spirit of Ah Q, in other words, the method of spiritual victory. The reason why Guo Wengui, who is surrounded by enemies and betrayed by all relatives, still licks his cheek and clamors on the Internet every day is that he is well versed in the method of spiritual victory. Guo Wengui is worthy of being the out-and-out Internet Ah Q in the new era.
Let’s first take a look at how Guo Wengui reacted to the cases involving his own crimes (the Chen brothers’ fraud, Zhengquan Company, Zhao Dajian and others’ forced transactions, etc.). He didn't explain too much, and he didn't even cite any tenable evidence to defend himself. Of course, in front of the facts and evidence, he has nothing to blame. On the contrary, in response to these accusations, the words we hear most from Guo Wengui are such as, "It's great", "The thieves have been tricked", "This is our victory", and in Guo Wengui's words, this is "the greatness bestowed on us by God." one's gift". Is it true? Anyone who has watched Guo Wengui's live video must have heard these words in his ears. In the eyes of mere mortals, Guo Wengui's major setback turned out to be his "victory" for Guo Wengui, who had nothing to do with him. Admiration, Guo Wengui's mentality is really good, but his "victory" only exists in his spiritual world. It's a pity that Guo Wengui, who has only an elementary school education, has not learned materialist dialectics, and matter will not be transferred by will. The real world cannot tell lies, let alone develop like the fantasy in his mind. Every time Guo Wengui declared his spiritual victory, his road in real life became narrower and narrower, and he trotted all the way towards his own doom. Let's see, how many former die-hard Guo fans are left, and how many news media are willing to interview him, needless to say.
Having said that, why does Guo Wengui favor the spiritual victory method so much? There are two reasons. One is self-"motivation". Guo Wengui escaped to the United States with the label of a wanted criminal at the beginning, let alone now, a series of serious crimes in China are waiting for him to claim. In order to avoid being imprisoned and continue squandering the fraudulent money, how could Guo Wengui return to China casually, how could he obey the law casually. Flattering the Americans is the right thing to do. Although the worse you get, the more you lose your character and credit, so you can't just admit defeat, at least pretend to let the Americans see that he is still valuable. "victory". As for whether he can deceive the Americans, it is hard to say, but Guo Wengui really deceived himself. Talking nonsense in front of the camera, cheering yourself up, blowing the cowhide, and then having the face to continue to have the "spring dream" of political asylum. Second, it's a matter of face. As we all know, when Guo Wengui pulled out the banner of the "Whistleblower Revolution", he played it miraculously, such as "democracy, freedom and the rule of law", and "three years of victory", and even instigated a farce of "Global Parade in Support of Guo". As a result, it was quite different. The main forces of the "Grand Parade" drew their swords at him one after another, and there was no sign of "Victory". In the face of one lawsuit after another, he likes to show off his wealth and vanity for the sake of face, how can he admit defeat easily, he has no choice but to be a boiled duck, for his own face, and to take care of the group under his hands who are blind to money. The "little ants" who follow the wind. This Internet Ah Q is really tiring.
    Up to now, our network Ah Q has been upgraded, and while he is spiritually victorious, he is also a little petty. Ants, take a good look! Your spiritual leader is so funny and slightly "cute". Touching your conscience, do you believe from the bottom of your heart that such a person can lead you to democracy, freedom and the rule of law? Hey, let's let Guo Wengui continue to be his Internet Ah Q, Guo Wengui is really sick.
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