#liebe x yuno
lyranova · 1 year
So I saw you wrote a fic for a ship thats not on your list and now I'm wondering whether you'd be alright with writing for a Liebe rarepair I have (Yuno x Liebe)? If not that's okay, I just wanted to ask since I haven't seen any content of them whatsoever, at all 😅, and I think they'd be a cute couple :)
Hiya anon! My “ship list” isn’t really complete and hasn’t been updated in a while, so not all ships I write for are on it, and tbh I’ll try to write most ships except for a few, so all you gotta do is send me an ask or DM to see if I write it or not 😁! This is my first time writing a Yuno x Liebe fic so it’s more platonic than romantic but I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 411
Warnings: None
Yuno inhaled the cool autumn air, held it in his lungs, and slowly released it. He had been very stressed lately, why? Because of all the battles against devils recently. He was so stressed that he finally realized that he needed a break from everyone and retreated to a small grassy field that was close enough to their campsite, but far enough away that he wouldn’t be bothered.
“ What’s the Star Prince got to sigh about? Is being too good just weighing on your shoulders?” A voice asked suddenly, and Yuno opened his eyes as he turned his head to see none other than Liebe, Asta’s devil, sitting in the lone tree that stood in the field.
“ Of course not,” Yuno said with a roll of his eyes. “ It’s just that there’s a lot of people around, so I needed a break from them.” He explained as he closed his eyes again, he heard Liebe jump out of the tree and walk towards him before sitting down.
“ Yeah, I get it. I’ve never been around this many people since being released from Asta’s grimoire and it’s…it’s a lot.” Liebe admitted as he looked back at the campsite.
“ People think that because I’m a devil I’m heartless and that I don’t feel things. But I do y’know? I hear them whispering about me and how they’re all either afraid of me or they hate me. That’s why I don’t like people, they act one way in front of you and act completely different once you turn your back.” Liebe muttered before laying down on the grass as well.
“ I understand that feeling all too well. People…people are very two faced. They praise me and say how amazing I am while on the inside they’re full of jealousy, some will express their anger and jealousy to my face while on the inside they really admire me. It’s just…how people are.” Yuno said softly as he looked at Liebe, this was probably one of the few things the two had in common.
“ People just suck.” Yuno and Liebe said at the same time, the two suddenly looked at each other in surprise before laughing.
The two continued to talk about how much people sucked and agreed that only very few people in the world didn’t, mainly Asta, before they were called back to the campsite to come eat.
That day, an unlikely friendship had formed, that maybe one day would turn into something more.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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dedkirsch · 2 years
rarepair fluff for new years. happy 2023 everyone 💕 [crossposted to ao3]
- genre: fluff
- info: yuno x liebe
- warnings: mentions of death
- summary: Liebe planned to spend the annual Black Bull & Golden Dawn New Year's party alone in a corner with his hands over his ears. Fate has other plans for him.
- wordcount: 1.3k
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New Year's with the Magic Knights came with a big party. A big, loud party, hosted by the Golden Dawn in some random ballroom in some random fancy building. About half the Black Bulls and Golden Dawn were attending, and the others were back at their base, with family, or occupied with missions.
Liebe hung out in a corner, away from all the bright lights, loud music, and crowd of people. He watched Vanessa get drunk faster than anyone else and proceed to get Finral, Gauche, and Klaus drunk, too. His brother Asta was yelling at Yuno and Mimosa about something or other on the other side of the room, but for once his voice was drowned out by the rest of the party. Liebe almost missed it. He preferred being shouted at by one person to being surrounded by suffocating noise.
He couldn’t exactly leave. Most of the doors were blocked off by drunk Magic Knights, or worse, sober ones. And he doubted he’d get much peace anywhere else. It would be surprising if people in the furthest corner of the Forsaken Realm couldn't hear this racket. He was just stuck.
He had long ago discarded his squad robe, leaving it next to him in a heap of black fabric. He had always despised it, mostly because it felt like sandpaper. Metaphorically, at least. The fabric was actually quite soft, but the texture was god awful and felt like his hand was being stabbed a hundred times every time he touched it… and this was the revised version Vanessa had given him. The original had been even worse. (There was a reason he avoided hugging Asta like the plague. That boy never took his goddamn robe off.)
All in all, this whole party was insanely unpleasant, and Liebe found himself watching the huge clock on the wall anxiously, waiting for midnight to strike so he could go home with his knees tucked up beneath his chin and his arms wrapped around himself in a makeshift hug, trying to tune out the sounds of the party.
“Are you alright?” a low voice asked, momentarily breaking through his auditory block.
Liebe looked up to meet Yuno’s golden eyes. His heart leapt into his throat. His mouth was inexplicably dry all of a sudden, so his only response came in the form of a shrug.
“It’s pretty loud in here,” Yuno said. “You want to go outside?”
Liebe hesitated for a split second before remembering how awful his current environment was and nodding. Yuno silently offered his hand, helped Liebe up, and then led him out of one of the ballroom’s French windows onto a large balcony.
It was surprisingly empty. Although, it was also significantly colder out here than inside, which Liebe noticed the moment a cool breeze swept over them.
“Cold?” Yuno asked.
Liebe shrugged. “Sorta.”
Yuno took off his robe and held it out for Liebe to take. He went to do so but recoiled the minute his hand touched the fabric. Why did humans insist on wearing such awful textures?
“It has a different fabric as a lining,” Yuno said. “Might be a better texture.”
Liebe frowned, not entirely buying it, but still felt the inside of the robe. Surprisingly, the texture was better inside, so he hesitantly accepted the robe and slipped it on. It was really much nicer on his skin than his Black Bulls robe.
“What’s it made of?” he asked.
“Silk, I think, or maybe satin,” Yuno said. “The lining is, at least. Not sure about the outside.”
They fell into silence together, standing on the balcony and looking over the beautiful landscape.
“It’s hard to believe the year’s over already,” Yuno commented.
Liebe hummed in agreement.
"I remember, when Asta and I were kids, Father Orsi used to do fake firework shows with his magic," Yuno said softly. "It was nice.”
Liebe hummed again. It had been many years since he’d last spent New Year's Eve with someone. Since Licita's death, he'd spent so much time in the void of his grimoire that the days blurred into the nights and even if he’d wanted to he wouldn’t have known when to celebrate. Now, he was out of the grimoire again, but twelve years of nothing had left the memory hazy. And anyway, he didn’t particularly like any of the humans he had met since being allowed out.
Yuno was probably Liebe's favorite human. He was pretty, and he didn't yell constantly, and he didn't expect Liebe to pick up on a million tiny social cues or ostracize him for being a devil. Liebe liked being around Yuno - it sometimes felt like his only moment of peace. Vanessa and Finral called it love. Liebe wanted to disagree, but their idea of love did seem… accurate to his feelings.
“Asta also used to try and convince Sister Lily to marry him every year. It was like his equivalent to a New Year’s kiss.”
"I've never had a New Year's kiss before," Liebe said.
"Really?" Yuno asked. “Me neither.”
"Well, I've only had one New Year's point blank, back when I was a kid."
"Right." Yuno's voice was emotionless as usual, but Liebe could have sworn it carried an affectionate lilt. Or was he looking too far into it? Damn. Emotions were hard. “Asta mentioned that.”
“He talks about me?”
“Yes,” Yuno confirmed, and fell into silence. That was… all. Just a simple ‘yes’.
They fell back into silence. It was such a peaceful night, Liebe noted. There was no sign of the moon - Vanessa had noted it to be a new moon tonight, right in time for the new year. So many new things, all in one night.
Yuno shuffled a little closer to Liebe, their elbows almost touching, but not quite.
“I don’t understand the big thing about New Years,” Liebe confessed. “We all survived another year. Hooray. Everyone throws a big party. But why? A year isn’t that long.”
“Depends on the year,” Yuno replied. “I mean, there was a whole war against devils this year. That’s pretty impressive to have survived.”
“Hm, that’s true.”
“You do have a point, though.” Yuno said. “We don’t have wars or some kind of national crisis every year.”
“You don’t,” Liebe agreed.
“I suppose it’s just fun to shove another excuse to have a party and shoot off some fireworks into the year.” Yuno mused.
“I hate parties.”
“Too loud, right?”
“I agree.”
Suddenly, a loud chorus erupted from behind them, the partygoers inside counting down from ten. Midnight was approaching.
“Liebe,” Yuno said suddenly as the count commenced.
Liebe looked back at him.
Yuno looked… nervous.
Suddenly, his hands were on Liebe’s cheeks, pulling him closer.
Fireworks and cheers started exploding behind them, the new year officially started, but Liebe was preoccupied with Yuno’s lips on his.
He didn’t exactly know how to react.
It would be wrong to say he didn’t like the kiss. It was a good kiss. Not that he really had any experience, but it felt nice to kiss Yuno.
A few moments after the cheering died down, Yuno pulled away again.
“Sorry,” he said, averting his gaze. “I’ve been wanting an excuse to kiss you for a while.”
Liebe went red, his face burning. “You’ve what?”
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while.” Yuno repeated.
Yuno’s mouth tugged into a small smile. “I’m not sure,” he said. “You are strange.”
Liebe frowned. “I am.”
“Yeah,” Yuno agreed. “But.. in a good way. I like strange. I’d like to get to know your kind of strange better.”
“Isn’t that how you ask someone out on a date?” Liebe asked.
“That was my intention,” Yuno confirmed.
“Oh,” Liebe thought for a moment. He had obviously never dated anyone before, but Yuno was a pretty solid place to start. He had been subject to observing his squadmate’s relationships and, honestly, Yuno would absolutely be his first choice. “Yeah. Alright!”
“Nice,” Yuno said, smiling a little more. His smile was really pretty, Liebe noticed.
Liebe smiled back, a little awkwardly. “Should we go back inside?” he asked.
“The party won’t be over for a while yet,” Yuno said. “We can stay out here, if you want.”
“I would prefer that.” Liebe said.
“So would I.” Yuno replied, taking Liebe’s hand and intertwining their fingers.
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Since your requests are open again and I forgot to request them for the autumn event.. could I ask for some Yuno x Liebe fluff? They're one of my OTPs and i love them 🦦 /nf
Oo, hmm... I haven't thought about these two as a ship before, but I'll certainly give it a try. It ended up being a more of a building-up-fic, because I usually need at least one of such to try and figure out ship dynamics for myself. But in any case, I hope you like it
Pairing: Yuno x Liebe Genre: general/fluff Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.5k
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It was one of those days; cool autumn days when the wind didn’t blow harshly, but still the scent of approaching winter that smelled like pine and tree sap, lingered in the air. And yet, it was a somewhat of a special day, since Yuno was visiting the Black Bulls. Though he had been visiting more often than before. Which, the Bulls supposed, wasn’t uncalled for, because after the Golden Dawn had fallen, Yuno coming to visit Asta only made sense.
Plus, since Yuno was dealing with the remaining devils in Spade, it was best for him to spend some time with the people he cared about. Even if a seemingly good portion of it was spent at the sidelines as Asta trained. Just like how it had been while growing up. Asta had been the one training more.
In a way, he would have supposed that it was nostalgic, but there was a difference. This time there was someone to sit by him and spend time with him, even if he wasn’t one to necessarily require it, since he was fine with spending time by himself.
But… Liebe and him got along well, so it was pleasant.
Neither had a need to fill the silence with empty words, because if there was nothing that needed to be said, why would there be a need to think of something to say, just for the sake of saying something.
And over time, they begun to seek each other out, even if just to spend time, without a word. Because it was comfortable, it was simple; easy. There was no need to pretend. They were similar in that sense. Which was why they supposed that they got along so well.
But they didn’t have a reason to conclude it with words; to say that they enjoyed each other’s company, the silence and the quiet understanding. Though, perhaps, looking from the outside, the similarities wouldn’t have been obvious, because what can a human and a devil have in common.
Found family?
To know the injustice that exists around them, and the wish to play a part in making it better?
The wish to care for those who are close to you?
To enjoy the peace, and the quiet?
More than one might think.
So, as they sat there, under a tree and simply watched the slow change of seasons, there was a smile on their faces. A tender, soft smile, where there was no need to pretend, which was more than one can hope to attain.
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1phoebe1 · 5 months
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[The Black Bull’s Bunnies] ♣️🍾🐇
& Hubby’s reaction to blueberry in the suit for me I feel he wouldn’t overreact because he doesn’t wanna make her feel uncomfortable. In his head I also feel he’d be very flustered & is scrambling the right words for her ya know:3
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deenzola · 2 years
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soledaddelosrios · 2 years
Ya fue san valentin, pero decidí hacer in cómic divertido de Black clover, con Liebe molestando a su futura cuñada🤣
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kharmii · 23 days
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The slutty pose in manga form.
I'm done watching the Black Clover anime so should move on to the manga, but instead I found a bunch of visually appealing Zora panels on Twitter:
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Where they left off in the anime was kind of good but kind of aggravating at the same time. I liked how it was finally revealed who Yuno actually was. That would mean he's not in the running with Asta for Wizard King, like I was hoping they'd be co-Wizard Kings someday. They have that 'Two Halves of a Whole' aesthetic with their one wing on opposite sides of their bodies...light and dark.
They went and introduced new characters right in the last couple episodes. I thought Liebe was cute with his Inosuke voice. Nacht came across a douche. He reminds me of Volo with his smiling all the time but having a contract with a demon (like how Volo has the relationship with Giratina but he's secretive about it whereas Nacht is out in the open). I didn't like how Nacht said he hated the Black Bulls only focusing on their faults without acknowledging their virtues. I'm like...screw you then, Dick Bag.
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Whoa, behind you!
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Look at that sexy mofo. At the end of the anime, the fights with demons drug on too long. I was sitting there thinking, "Ya know...I wish my guy Zora would get more screen time. -Like they could have him in the bath, and Gordon would spawn like a Minecraft creeper saying, 'Hey bestest best friend Zora. How about I wash your back, and then you wash mine?' Zora would reply, 'I'm down..' (Because that's an actual running joke. *eyebrow wiggle*)"
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How many aura points does Zora get for putting his arm around the Wizard King and giving him rizz eyes when they've only just met?
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NOOOO!!!! Don't die Zora!!1!1! -Or maybe the thing just wants to disintegrate Zora's clothes, like, "I've seen most of it, and now I want to see the rest."
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This is a good look for Zora. (Sassy hand on hip).
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Do you mean it like 'back door to Hollywood' you hoe?
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The gang of delinquents.
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Zora's secret base where he puts together the most complex spells ever made.
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I'm guessing that's not a fist bump between bros. Zora has the runes written on his own body, which means he's in real trouble. I hope they animate the rest of the manga someday because it's probably epic, and my guy gets more screen time.
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The Purple Orcas cape covers up too much tiddies.
*A non-Zora related side note* I like how they prettied up the based Praying Mantis Guy (kekek), like I used to ship Jack x Nobody, but he's in the running now.
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delirious-donna · 7 months
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Stories & Requests
Hoodwinked - Finral Roulacase x OC
warnings: none, SFW, fluff, modern AU, school setting, characters are 18+, lil angst, Finral needs a damn hug
Play with Me - Finral Roulacase x female reader (5.9k)
warnings: NSFW, established relationship, teasing, hint of edging, oral sex m!receiving, cum swallowing, female masturbation, unprotected sex, Finral is just so fucking tasty, mentions of gaming, potential spoilers for Elden Ring but not really
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Drabbles & Headcanons
Kiss Me Quick - Asta, Yuno, Finral, Magna & Liebe
synopsis: various Black Clover characters experience their very first kiss! warnings: fluff, SFW, absolute teeth rotting sweetness for these handsome boys, all characters are appropriately aged up
Hold Me - feat Finral, Luck, Gauche, Asta & Yuno
warnings: literally none, this is tooth-rotting fluff with extra sugary marshmallows on top!
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shaymeme · 3 months
Abyss of Leaves - a Black Clover x Magia Record fic!
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Chapter three is here! The Abyss of Leaves continues for the Magia Record mini bang @magireco-minibang! I would like to thank @harunakonomi for the incredible art in the chapter, and Abarero the mini bang organizer for the beautiful header!
Link to the final chapter of volume 1!
Title - Abyss of Leaves
Pairings Featured:
Main Pairings: Kuroe (Magia Record)/Ashley Taylor
Side Pairings: None
Magia Record, Black Clover, Alternate Universe, Crossover, angst with comfort.
Major Characters:
Kuroe (Magia Record), Ashley Taylor, Iroha Tamaki, Mitama Yakumo, Kyouko Sakura, Asta (Black Clover), Secre Swallowtail/Nero, Liebe, Mark Francois, Yuno (Black Clover), Luck Voltia, Mami Tomoe
Mature (just in case, honestly)
Potential Warnings:
Severe bullying and xenophobia, sanitary (as in, a character gets covered by filth/feces, but not in a sexual/kink/fetish manner)
“The leaves of a clover are each said to contain one thing.”
That was what they had told her when she asked them about their magical texts, about "grimoires".
"The first three are given over to faith, hope and love. The fourth is given over to good luck, and in the fifth… there lives the Devil."
That was what they said, and that was what scared her so much. Hikari Kuroe is not from the Clover Kingdom, but tomorrow, she will receive her grimoire, and she has no idea what she will do in the future. Grappling with the love she left in her home country and her past, and the friendship she has in the Clover Kingdom and her present that is filled with difficulties and strife, but beauty of its own, Kuroe is torn between her two halves, past and present, love and hate, light and dark… abyss and ascent. What choices will she make? Where will they lead her?
If the leaves of a clover are each said to contain one thing… then what leaf is she?
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pbear · 1 year
Ranking Black Clover OPs
This is a personal ranking. All of them are actually solid OPs and I think Black Clover consistently makes good ones.
Max of ten videos to a post so the bottom ones link to the OP.
13. Stories by Snow Man (OP 11)
Not bad but it doesn’t do too much. A little basic. Kinda checks all the normal boxes.
The shot of the map is cool
You flash through a bunch of characters.
Group Black Bulls shot.
I thought they were showing flashbacks but there are episodes that revisit Kahono and Kiato, Zora’s backstory, and the Queen of Witches which is nice.
Awww Loropechika :(
Some magic and fighting shots
Yeah, it’s not outstanding
12. Eien ni Hikare (Everlasting Shine) by TOMORROW X TOGETHER (OP 12)
Starts off with some cool shots of squad members against shots of their captains (expect Yami ofc because you couldn’t fit all his kids)
Yuno finding himself surrounded by his friends in the Golden Dawn is really sweet.
Some magic fighting with the captains this time which is super cool
Asta and Yuno growing up as they run together is sweet too.
Not much that I found interesting but it looks nice
11. Gamushara by Miyuna (OP 5)
Solid but doesn’t stand out too much.
The song has grown on me from when I first watched the arc.
I was intrigued that in the opening shots of the Black Bulls, Vanessa and Finral are in different shots when they’re shown together a lot of the time. I think that’s because this point in the story is when their individual stories start getting focused.
Back to the illustrations in the grimoire which is cool.
Vanessa seeing Rouge for the first time is so touching as she realizes the power she holds.
Ending shot of the squad is always good.
Definitely more of a static OP
10. Grandeur by Snow Man (OP 13)
I love the song for this one.
The surprise watching it for the first time is that you find out Asta becomes even more buff.
And then he goes sword surfing.
Good action
Amping up the threat of the Dark Triad well
The hints at Nacht and Liebe are nice
Actually doesn’t show too many characters. The Black Bulls (as a squad) aren’t really there.
9. sky & blue by GIRLFRIEND (OP 8)
I thought this song was not appropriate for this point in the series the first time I watched it. Like, the elves are wreaking havoc and we’re having this nice little calm tune. It is a good song though.
Good action in this one.
Lots of elf trauma.
I didn’t notice the brief shots of Leo and Luck until I rewatched it to make this list, but they’re appreciated for their moments during this arc.
Lots of Asta and Yuno focus.
I feel like I don’t have much to say about it.
8. JUSTadICE by Seiko Oomori (OP 7)
I like the symbols of the squads in time to the song
Great group shot of the Black Bulls
I wasn’t sure why Grey and Gordon were both screaming but once you know, it’s great.
Mimosa in the spotlight because she’s important this arc being on a team with Asta.
Cool Zora shot.
Elf trauma.
Yami being super sus about William and William also gets this creepy shot where black hands grab him.
Everyone coming towards Mereoleona at the end to form the Royal Knights is nice.
Screaming Black Clover at the end is such a moment
7. rakugaki paige by Kankaku Piero (OP 6)
Lower down in terms of song for me but the visuals are damn good.
Love some of the transitions in this one.
The opening shots of different wizards in environments similar to their magic type is cool. Then, they all fade to black which is where Asta appears. Very nice.
Interesting that Asta and Yuno are reaching out to each other instead of their normal fist bump.
Lots of action in this OP and it’s great.
The transition from Finral and Langris in red to Noelle and Solid in blue is satisfying. The parallel of sibling issues.
Zora seeing his father is a good transition too.
That shot of Langris angry is scary but it transitions to Finral opening his eyes to see his friends protecting him :’)
6. Paint It Black by BiSH (OP 2)
This OP changed as the arc went on. I was skipping it on some episodes and when I decided to see it again, I had to take a step back. Then, I watched it almost every time.
I was excited for this arc because Luck was getting attention and the OP reflects this but at the split shot of him half crazy and half as we normally see him made me think “That’s concerning”
I like the red, blue and black throughout it. Very reminiscent of the rustiness of Asta’s sword too.
Watching the arc, I liked trying to identify everyone’s grimoires as they flew past at the beginning.
5. Haruka Mirai by Kankaku Piero (OP 1)
Start of the show so it’s mostly Asta and Yuno based which is fine because you haven’t met many characters yet but I prefer the ones that include more of the characters
I like that the shots of the Black Bulls and Captains are like illustrations in the pages of a grimoire.
I remember this OP making me think Magna was going to be more important than the other Black Bulls because there’s a shot of him riding on Crazy Cyclone with Asta and Noelle. Like, I thought they were going to be a trio or something.
This is the OP that they play during scenes in the show so it has some nostalgia as the first one and it shows how much Asta has grown.
Being the first OP, it hits different and has a special place, but I think there are better ones down the line.
4. Black Catcher by Vicke Blanka (OP 10)
Cool OP because there is a drastic change between its two versions
Song is really good.
The first one fits that point in the story well because it’s colorless and raining and everything seems hopeless.
Secre flying through the air as the past plays out and then a shot of Asta shows how she’s been around for years.
Cool action fighting the devil.
When light breaks through the darkness and Secre cries :’)
As for the second version…
Secre falling through the sky but she has the Black Bulls cloak on now is nice.
I like Asta running through the illustrations of all these people he’s met. It’s recalling all the adventures he’s had so far.
Creepy shot of Gordon’s family which probably jumpscared me the first time I watched it
I want to punch Damnatio in the face
Some cool action
More foreshadowing ooooooo
Another good ending shot of the Black Bulls
3. RiGHT NOW by EMPiRE (OP 9)
Hype OP which is good for this arc
More elf trauma
Interesting that the first shots of the Black Bulls don’t show their faces really
I like how they show the backstories of Finral, Luck, Gauche, and Noelle on backgrounds that look like their grimoires.
Really good action shots
Mereoleona and Fuegoleon are going feral
Asta breaking through the black is cool.
Oooooo foreshadowing
2. Black Rover by Vicke Blanka (OP 3)
This was one of the openings I already knew before watching the show and I could not wait to get to it. Having the context just made it better.
Never skipped this OP. Ever.
Song goes so hard.
I was so excited that we were going to see Yami in action
There’s also a small fight with Magna, Luck, Asta, and Noelle against these cloaked figures you assume are the Eye of the Midnight Sun. They’re the characters we mainly know so far and it’s a cool bit.
This is the OP that I feel sums up Black Clover as a series the best. Like, I would show this to someone to try and convince them to watch the show.
Guess Who Is Back by Kumi Koda (OP 4)
An OP I never skipped
This song goes so hard.
While Black Clover is the OP that I think sums up Black Clover, this is pure Black Bulls awesomeness. It’s so hype.
I like shots of the grimoires. They’re fun.
I love their dramatic ass poses at the beginning with the lighting shifts.
The shots of Asta, Magna, Luck, Vanessa, Finral, and Noelle going from rougher sketches to more vivid and dimensional (I don’t know how to describe this). I want to scream at this part, it’s so good.
Then, the group shot at the end as they face Vetto.
It’s just so so so so amazing and gets you excited.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
300 Follower Special Masterlist
This post will be keeping track of the requests for the 300 Follower Special.
The list and future links will be under the cut.
A Moment in Time
—B7 (romantic) Finral Roulacase x Mallory Demiscura (sailor-muno's oc) —C7 Luck Voltia x gn!reader —C6 Zora Ideale x Odette Dumont (hybridanafrost's oc) —C9 Yuno Grinberryall x gn!reader —C2 Dabi x gn!reader —B1 (romantic) Henry Legolant x gn!reader —A2 Zora Ideale & gn!reader —B3 (platonic) Noelle Silva & gn!reader —C6 Liebe x gn!reader —A7 Vanessa Enoteca & gn!reader —B7 (romantic) Finral Roulacase x Finesse Calmreich —A5 Asta & gn!reader —C4 Finral Roulacase x gn!reader
Intersecting Lives
—Josele Canty and Heinrich Faust (@/marune2's oc) —Vivian Faust and Alistar Vangeance (@/lyranova's oc) —Dusk Faust and Cyraleona Vermillion (@/thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc)
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lyranova · 1 year
Hey could I ask for headcanon on asta, liebe, yuno falling in love with someone!?
Hiya anon! Of course you may and I hope you all enjoy~!
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• Wouldn’t understand what he was feeling to be honest. He thought it was normal for your heart to race when you saw someone you liked.
• But after analyzing his feelings for a bit, and noticing that his heart only raced around you, did he realize that this was far from normal! At first he tried to deny it was love, but after doing some research and hearing others talk that’s all he could think it was.
• He would talk to the others about it to try and confirm his theory. At first the others began to tease him and poke fun at him being in love, but once they were done they began to ask him questions and give him heartfelt advice.
• He would listen gratefully and would put some of the advice into practice. Not all of it since some of the advice was bad or just…wasn’t really him!
• He would finally go looking for you so you two could talk. He would stand there quietly while he gathered his thoughts, no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t find the right words to express how he felt. Finally he just came out with it and told you that he loved you, you were surprised but happy because you felt the same way! Much to Yuno’s relief.
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• Asta would find his new feelings confusing at first!
• Suddenly everything you normally did looked so different, and the way you smiled or laughed would make his heart skip a beat and sounded like music to his ears.
• He thought it would go away with time, or his normal feelings would return. But when they didn’t he grew concerned and went to the experts when it came to feelings: Finral and Vanessa.
• After Asta explained what was going on Finral and Vanessa would get grins on their faces and would tease him for a bit before telling him that he was in love with you. At first he would laugh and deny it, but after a minute of thinking it over he realized that they were right!
• Asta would get some heartfelt advice from Finral and Vanessa before he’d go looking for you. He would go outside and grab a fistful of flowers before presenting them to you and proudly declaring his love for you. You were surprised but would laugh before you told him you felt the same!
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• Would be a combination of Yuno and Asta. He would be confused and wouldn’t understand what he was feeling!
• He would deny, deny, deny that he had feelings for you! I mean, he was a devil and you were…well, you! You were perfect, kind, sweet, you were practically an angel!
• He would keep his distance from you while hoping that would help make his feelings go away. But that had the opposite effect. His feelings for you only grew while you were apart!
• Asta would notice this and would ask him what was wrong, and Liebe would reluctantly agree and begin to tell him what was going on. Asta would listen patiently before easily telling him that Liebe was in love with you. Again Liebe tried to deny it, but the more Asta talked the more convinced he became.
• After Liebe became convinced he eventually sought you out. He couldn’t wait to think of some grand confession, he had to tell you how he felt *now*! He would find you and try to tell you about his feelings but would stumble and falter since he isn’t very good with words and expressing himself. But you would catch on to what he was saying and would tell him that you felt the same way!
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teyaamiran · 2 years
Hi, dear guest!
🖋️ My name is Teya. I’m 22 y.o. amateur artist, ficwriter and TW game trilogy enjoyer
ꕥ Fandoms: Black Clover (99%), Bungou Stray Dogs, Chainsaw Man, Bleach, JJK, Kuroko no Basket, HQ, the Witcher trilogy (CDPR)
ꕥ My beloved Black Clover triad are Yuno, Asta and Zenon, and most of my art & fic works are devoted to them! Asta/Yuno, Yuno/Zenon and Zenon/Allen are my main ship triad
ꕥ elf-Yuno is the cutest creature ever 💕
ꕥ Other beloved characters & ships (Black Clover): Charmy (Yuno x Charmy), Zogratis siblings (Vanica x Noelle), Sylph x Liebe, William x Patry, Golden Dawn, elven tribe
ꕥ Occasionally, I enjoy fictional incest (eg. Langris/Finral, zogratiscest) and age gap (Yuno/Zenon). All my posts are followed with ship tags, so if you feel uncomfortable with any ships, it’d be quite easy to filter them
ꕥ I don’t like astelle & yunosa ships (Black Clover), Ichigo x Orihime (Bleach). The only possible content about them here is friendly-type, but generally, I prefer not to mention them at all. For any toxic jerks attacking my fics and art with something “being canon” - learn about tolerance & preferences, or my block-list is ready
ꕥ “Time Is God” AU is my main current ao3 work, referred to canonical events until chapter 308 (Yuno doesn’t get star magic and Asta enters the battle). It’s divided into few books according to the main characters:
❄️ “Book of Zenon: Life on a Boundary” - story of Zenon Zogratis, Allen Fiarain and Ciel Grinberryal; extended Zogratis siblings & dwarf content. Already in progress
🍀 “Book of Yuno: Memory of Wind” - story of Yuno happening sync to Asta’s canonical path: extended Hage arc, entering Golden Dawn, sync-Underwater Temple mission arc
🕓 “Time is God” - the main story since chapter 308
🖋️ my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/teya_amiran
🖋️🖋️ “Time is God” AU series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3344383
🖋️🖋️“Who is named the true devil” (Zenon x Yuno): https://archiveofourown.org/works/42986328
🗣️ my twitter side acc (not spoiler free!): https://twitter.com/daisla_
🎨 my twitter art acc (recent-made): https://twitter.com/cadnaowie
🖋️ my CuriousCat anonymous ask: https://curiouscat.live/TeyaAmiran
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memoriesofliebe · 2 years
first kiss <3
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art creds: mine (@henrysartist on here and instagram)
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1phoebe1 · 2 years
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They did.💃💃💃
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I have a request for a black clover head cannon for Yuno,asta, Zora, and liebe with like an artisti S/o who likes to draw and paint them
Awww , more art for the lovely boys
Pairing: Yuno x gn!reader, Asta x gn!reade, Zora x gn!reade, Liebe x gn!reade
Fanfic type: Headcanons
Genre: general/fluff
Total length: ~0.9k
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Yuno doesn’t really think about it too much, when he sees you drawing, or doodling into your sketch book. It’s something you like doing, and he’s alright with it.
But he also doesn’t want to pry, which is why he doesn’t really ask about it too much. And if he does, you give him a generic answer, especially at the start of the relationship. Because… what are you supposed to say? That you are drawing him more often than not? And besides… what if he doesn’t like the drawing…
Besides… you didn’t think that the drawings made him justice.
However, once you put your sketchbook down, open, and left to get a drink. Which was when he saw what was in that book. And it was all him.
At that point he begun flipping through the pages to see more and more drawings of him.
As you got back, you could only stare at him for a moment, waiting for him to say… something. Anything. Actually, you were waiting for him to say something … judgemental? Maybe? Honestly, you didn’t know.
But instead he just looked at you and went “you’re good at drawing”.
“You like them?”
After that, you didn’t have reservations on drawing him, and showing him the pictures. Or even asking him to model for you, because… he’s got the features for it.
And it offered another activity for you too, to enjoy as a couple. Because it was time spent together; which is the best time spent.
Asta takes active interest in your hobbies, and as he sees you drawing a lot, he also does ask a lot of questions about it. But he also compliments you and encourages you when you’re struggling with a new pose, or shading or anything of the sorts.
He also asks to see your works, but he doesn’t push if he sees that you’re not ready to show him just yet. Because they’re your drawings, and you decide to whom you’ll show them.
However, he does ask if you’d like to draw him. In fact, he’d love to see what kind of an artwork you’d make of him!
Little did he know that you’ve been drawing him for all this time… Because he’s your favourite thing to draw.
But. Because you don’t want to let him down, you agree to the request and draw him; giving him the picture at the end.
And he loves it. Absolutely adores it. That one, and any piece that might come after.
He’s there to support your interests, and help you get better at it. In any way he can. Because he loves you.
Zora sees you scribbling down into your notebooks, pieces of paper, and it doesn’t seem like you’re writing. Some of the lines are too long and smooth. He’s an observant man, and knows the difference between writing and drawing.
At first he thinks that you’re drawing… diagrams, maybe? Or something else. But. He can’t help but let curiosity get the best of him, which is why he leans over your shoulder one day to look at what you’re drawing.
“That looks pretty good,” he tells you when he means that it looks spectacular. And that is when all the stolen glances you have given him make even more sense.
“But you know… you don’t need to hide them,” he continued, looking at you, as you stare at the drawing in embarrassment. “If you want to draw me, then do,” he simply comments and takes a seat.
But this time he takes, intentionally, a seat where it’s easy for you to look at him. Because he’s quite flattered.
And you start finding new pen cases and paints among your old ones. Which he gets you, but doesn’t downright admit getting you. Instead, he gives half of a shrug with “you were spending them quite fast”. By which he means that he doesn’t want you to run out.
At times, when he sees you drawing, or painting, and there’s no one else in the room, he places a quick kiss onto your cheek.
He never minds if you want to draw him. Ask to draw him. And he will sit still for hours if you want to paint a portrait of him. Because love doesn’t know time spent together.
Liebe can’t really, still, understand why you want to be with him. Because he is a devil. And he’s not… used to this. Someone liking him. After all, he has been picked on for most of his life, so thing is completely new to him.
Meaning that when he sees you scribbling something into your notebooks, or papers, and then not wanting to show him what you were doing; it makes him suspicious. It makes him weary. But he wants to trust you.
After a while he does confront you about it. And he wants to see what you’ve been putting in your notebooks.
So, you show him, and he… struggles to believe that too. That you’ve been making art of him.
“Why?” He asks.
“Be-cause… I like drawing you…” you reply. “Just… do”
It takes a while for him to really believe it, but he does. And after that he’s not as pushy about seeing your art, unless you want to show him.
But god help anyone who even implies something negative about your drawings. Because Liebe will not tolerate such. No one does that to someone who he cares about, and who cares for him in return.
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