s-lycopersicum · 2 years
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sunshine-overload · 7 days
[BSTS] Main Story Season 5 Finale ‘Owner’s Order’ - Part 5
Part 4
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Chapter 15
-starless hallway-
sotetsu: Yo, good work today, Lico. Your show was great.
lico: What? You were watching? That's surprising~ I thought you couldn't care less about the stage.
sotetsu: Do you think I’m Haseyama? If I wasn't interested in the stage, why would I still be working here? Anyways, you dropped your wallet in the locker rooms.
lico: Huh? No way, did I?
sotetsu: You did. I gave it to Unei-kun for safekeeping. You can't be dropping money on the floor whilst you still have a debt to pay off. Aren't you being a little too careless?
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lico: Shut up.
sotetsu: So, how close are you to paying it off?
lico: Pretty damn close. So you can piss off.
sotetsu: Well it's not my debt so it's not like it affects me either way. But if you don't start getting more bold about it you're gonna be stuck dancing in the palm of Haseyama’s hand forever.
lico: And what do you know about it?
sotetsu: I’ve never been in debt myself so I’m not sure but you either waiver or repay them in full. Kasumi knows a lot about that sort of thing.
lico: Kasumi does? Wouldn't have expected that. Are you telling me Mr. Mob of the Mobs is good with money?
sotetsu: Yeah, you can go and ask him for yourself. Though the fact he doesn't talk about it probably means he's trying to hide it.
lico: Probably. It would be a pain if the Owner found out about it too. And so? What else?
sotetsu: What do you mean?
lico: What merit was there in telling me this? I don't exactly trust any information or advice that’s coming from you.
sotetsu: Hahaha, you’ve gotten sharper, huh, Lico? I gain no direct benefit from it, I just l think it could lead to an interesting outcome.
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lico: Hm… I guess that suits you, your personality is rotten to the core. You're the type that finds stirring up drama between other people fun. You’re really not someone I wanna associate with. That's why I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Sorry, but I’m not in the mood to be your puppet.
sotetsu: That's the spirit. Don't forget to keep your guard up.
lico: God you're annoying!
Chapter 15 SideA
-haseyama’s office-
haseyama: Now then, what to do. There's a lot of ways to go about it… I suppose not being able to maintain a conversation is the most irritating part. I’ll start by overcoming that.
haseyama (on phone): Hi, it's me. Could you come to my room? As soon as possible. Hurry it up cause I hate waiting.
-time pass-
haseyama: You made it, Lico. I see your debt has decreased a tiny bit.
lico: What? The hell do you mean a ‘tiny bit’? I’ve paid back heaps.
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haseyama: That's true, you sure have been working hard. Even I can recognise that. However, the reality is that you still owe me. It hasn't been paid off fully yet. I’d love to be able to give you a raise in order for you to pay it back quicker.
lico: W-what? Are you being serious right now?
haseyama: Of course I am. I’ve looked through the records of when I wasn't here. You’ve really been doing a great job. Like shutting up a disagreeable Mizuki by winning a team versus against him, for example. It seems even customers outside of our regulars enjoyed that show.
lico: You're saying I’ve been doing well then? In that case–
haseyama: However! What I’m talking about here is just reviews, impressions. What I want to see is results. Like concrete proof that Team B has been making more money. While you yourself may be popular the profits haven't had any real jumps.
lico: …So sales is what you want. You think I don't know that already? Mizuki doesn't care about that sort of thing though.
haseyama: And so it comes back around to Mizuki again huh?
lico: He seriously doesn't understand just how many times I’ve had to cover for his ass. He’s a feral dog that's gotten off the leash. He seriously needs to get his act together and be more smart about things. Gaining the support of all the women in the audience is literally our job.
haseyama: Well, I’ve said all that I wanted to say. If Team B can become more profitable then even I will recognise those efforts. I’m sure that with the right person at the top Team B has the potential to make a lot of money. Just remember that if you’d like to earn that pay raise. That's all.
lico: I understand. You better not forget you made that offer.
-time pass, starless hallway-
lico: What the hell is that old man spouting so suddenly. It's freaking obvious that I’d want a raise. “With the right person at the top” huh…
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saki: Oh, Lico-san! There you are, we’ve been looking for you.
lico: What's the matter Kotori-chan? Were you looking forward to seeing me that badly?
-gui appears behind him-
gui: There you are, Lico.
lico: Uwah, holy shit!? Don't scare me like that!
gui: It's time for your hall shift. You weren't there so I needed to find you.
saki: I’m glad we found you. I hope your shift goes well, Lico-san. Do your best.
lico: Well I’ve got to now that I have you cheering for me, Kotori-chan. Let's go, I’ll escort you to the restaurant, I’ll tend to your every need today.
Chapter 15 SideB
-behind starless, night-
sin: Gui, what are you doing out here?
gui: Throwing out the trash.
sin: Is someone in that street over there?
gui: Sotetsu had to take a phone call.
sin: I see. You’ve already thrown the trash away then?
gui: Yeah. I’m done.
sin: Are you not heading back inside?
gui: Should I?
sin: No, we have enough hands today so it's not urgent.
gui: Then, I’ll stay out here a little longer.
sin: Hm. How come?
gui: How come… That means why… Are you asking why I want to stay out here?
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sin: Do you have any other reason to stay out here now that your errand has been completed?
gui: Reason… Because I want to. If you want to do something, then you should do it, that's what I’ve been told.
sin: Hm, that is indeed true. However, what I am asking is for what reason do you want to stay out here?
gui: Um... Because Sotetsu and Kasumi’s scents were strange.
sin: Now that you mention it, whenever I see them together even during rehearsals they're tense.
gui: Also, if Sotetsu doesn't go and get changed now he won't make it in time for the show.
sin: Another good point. Could you go and call Sotetsu over for me then?
Chapter 16
-rehearsal room-
rindou: Is anyone still here?
menou: Oh, Rindou. I thought you'd already gone home.
rindou: I was going to head home after quickly reviewing my lines. I didn't expect to find anyone still here.
menou: Do you want me to hand the room over? You're the centre in tomorrow's performance aren’t you?
rindou: It's fine, I can manage with half of the room. You're not done yet either are you?
menou: Okay. Let's go half and half then. Do you mind if I watch you for a bit though? Your Satan truly is interesting.
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rindou: Interesting in what way exactly?
menou: Well… Your Satan has a nobleness to him that resembles that of a fallen angel. With a heart full of resolve he defies heaven without regretting the result. Except, did something happen to you?
rindou: What do you mean?
menou: The other day your portrayal of Satan changed. I could sense a hint of regret from him. As if he regretted banishing the humans from the Garden of Eden. Or rather, that he regretted falling from heaven himself. This is what makes playing a role that was written for you so tough, isn't it? You can't run away from the nuances.
rindou: That's true. He… may have had his regrets. But that's why he has no choice but to face them. Because once you've fallen to hell, there's nowhere else left for you to go.
menou: Hmm…? Oh I know! Since we don't always get the chance, why don't we rehearse together?
rindou: What do you mean we don't always get the chance? We're on the same team… Also I wanted to practice by myself–
menou: Then how about I play Rapheal? That should work right?
rindou: You mean you can play our team’s version of Rapheal?
menou: Yeah, more or less. I’m curious to try it.
rindou: Well, I doubt I’ll be able to convince you otherwise. We can practice together for a bit then.
Chapter 16 SideA
-starless restaurant area-
saki: Sorry for sitting around whilst you're busy closing up shop.
yoshino: It's fine, don't worry. I’ll be done in a moment, so you can relax. You're always coming to watch our shows and I always look forward to hearing your feedback afterwards.
menou: I’m used to there being a lot of different standard members. This event almost feels like a festival. Speaking of, which team do you want to win? The owner’s team or Kouichi-san’s team?
saki: Wha, you want me to answer that now?
menou: It's only Yoshino and I here, I don't see the problem.
yoshino: You can't ask her that, Menou. 
menou: Hm~? How come? I like Kouichi-san’s team just as much as mine. Your singing sounds great, Yoshino, it's powerful. I wouldn't mind performing with either team~
yoshino: You're as free spirited as ever. We're not allowed to switch teams in this versus though. That's what makes it a versus performance.
menou: Hm, I suppose that's true… However it's not like the result of this versus involves us, so I don't see the point in getting fired up about it. So how about we also make a bet of our own? Like the owners did.
saki: What kind of bet?
menou: The winning team gets to choose the next show's programme and location. For example, every future show will be held at an onsen! We can tour the whole country visiting each and every onsen.
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yoshino: I’m sure you’d enjoy that, but I can't say the same for everyone else.
saki: Ahaha…
yoshino: I’m actually relieved that the bet is only between the owner and Iwami-san. There's no distractions to worry about, and I can focus solely on the stage. Plus, the show being here at Starless means Saki-san can commute easily.
saki: That's true.
menou: I didn't think of that, you're a genius Yoshino. I’d like Saki-chan to watch us too. I suppose I’ll satisfy my onsen cravings by visiting a local spa and do my best here at Starless.
yoshino: Yeah. Please keep cheering us on, Saki-san.
Chapter 16 SideB
-starless hallway-
rindou: You're here today, Iwami-san.
iwami: Yeah. I figured I should check in on my team. The show was great today. The audience seemed to like it.
rindou: Thank you. While you're here, there's something I’d like to ask you.
iwami: Something you’d like to ask me?
rindou: Did you tell Nekome not to take the centre position?
iwami: Uh… Huh? What's this about Nekome?
rindou: In this performance Nekome’s opponent is Kokuyou. Nekome is our team leader, right? On the other team, Kokuyou is double casted as the centre, however on our team, Nekome is position number five. So, I was wondering why that is.
iwami: I’ve had no input whatsoever when it comes to the show itself. Rather I thought that's just how you guys decided it should be.
rindou: So that means Nekome decided it himself. But why…?
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iwami: His usual position is number five, right? Maybe he wanted to keep it that way.
rindou: This is Nekome we're talking about. It's likely he thought being the centre would be bothersome.
iwami: Well that's possible too. You never know with him. If that's all you wanted to ask then–
rindou: No, there's one other thing. For what reason did you return to the store? Why did you choose to return now?
iwami: Are you asking why I didn't return sooner? Sorry about that, it's my bad for abandoning you all.
rindou: What is Starless to you?
iwami: What Starless is to me is likely different from what it means to you.
rindou: Iwami-san…
iwami: I know I’ve caused you trouble, but I’ll be counting on you to win.
rindou: ……..
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Chapter 17
-break room-
kokuyou: What’re you doing here?
nekome: I could ask you the same. Don't you have rehearsals?
kokuyou: They're all finished. All that's left is the real deal. 
nekome: It only feels like the versus started yesterday and yet it's already drawing to a close.
kokuyou: (smoking) This shit isn't a versus performance. It's basically just a special show. A show between my double casting with Kei and Rindou and Mizuki’s show. A limited run of two shows, that's all it is.
nekome: Hm. You're surprisingly relaxed about it. You're more mature than I thought, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Huh? You making fun of me?
nekome: I just find it interesting, that's all. In the past you would’ve jumped at the chance of a fight.
kokuyou: Look, I’ll be blunt, Nekome. This isn't a fight between you and me.
nekome: Huh? But it's a versus performance. And we're both the leaders of our teams.
kokuyou: The competition is between Haseyama and Kou-san. I just jumped on board Haseyama’s side.
nekome: When did you become a sophist?
kokuyou: Sophist? The hell does that mean? I’ve had it. Every single person here speaks in riddles. I’m sick of everyone skirting around the point. 
nekome: So you're going to go around picking fights with everyone then? Even outsiders? Hahah! That's crazy, I’d expect no less from you, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Don't make me pick one with you.
nekome: It's because you're like this that I left Starless to you. So thank you, Kokuyou. For protecting Starless all this time. If you win this versus, I’ll let you in on one secret that I know.
kokuyou: Huh? What are you saying now?
nekome: And if I win, then you have to tell me something. During ‘Abandon the Dawn’ what were you up to? And where were you? Yep yep, I’m feeling motivated now~ Bring it on, Kokuyou.
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kokuyou: I never said I’d take you on. But you better not go running away now, Nekome. I’ll pull you back by the scruff of your neck.
nekome: A competition is no fun without a bet after all. Best of luck.
Chapter 17 SideA
-starless back rooms-
haseyama: Hello there, young lady. Come with me to the stage wings, I need to wish my team leader well.
saki: Huh? You're going to?
haseyama: I’ve gotta visit my soldiers on the front lines. Come on, let's go.
haseyama: Yo, Mister Starless. I’ve come to check on you.
kokuyou: Piss off.
haseyama: My, how rude can he get? Right, young lady? He just told me to piss off.
saki: I’m sorry for interrupting you right before the show.
haseyama: What a thing to say after we took the time to come and see you, huh?
kokuyou: Damn, you're really annoying.
haseyama: Who is centre today?
kokuyou: Me. I'm the leader after all. Kei’s sitting in wait as backup.
haseyama: It's the closing show, so go and bag me that win, ok? Don't go slacking like your last show. I was this close to retiring Team W.
saki: What? You can't do that.
haseyama: I don't see why it should bother you, young lady. We have five teams, it's not like doing away with one would matter much.
saki: No!
kokuyou: Relax, it's not your fault. As if I’d let him get rid of us. Say, Haseyama. You sure are getting old, you keep repeating yourself. Moreover, you should be grateful and treat me with some respect. I’m about to win this thing for you after all.
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haseyama: The heck, being a bit condescending there don't you think?
kokuyou: If I wasn't there when this all started you would’ve had to beg Kei to be your team leader.
haseyama: Agh!?
kokuyou: I know this store and us cast members are nothing but tools to you, but this is Starless. A place where the audience can watch our shows. And I’ll prove that to you. No, we’ll prove it to you. You look forward to it too, Saki. 
Chapter 17 SideB
-starless lobby-
iwami: You’ve come to watch too have you, little lady? Looking forward to Nekome’s team’s show?
saki: Oh, you're here too, Iwami-san.
iwami: I figured I’d see them off before the closing show. Want to come with me?
nekome: Oh, Saki-chan~ I’m so happy to see you.
iwami: Oi oi don’t just act like I’m invisible. I came to wish you well too.
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nekome: Oh, thanks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy tonight’s show, Saki-chan. Our centre has been decided too. I've left it to Mizuki tonight, he’s been managing to pull off a more adult appeal lately.
iwami: Has he? He doesn't seem any different to me.
nekome: You don't get it at all~ Well, you’ll just have to see for yourself in the audience.
iwami: It's the closing show, so make sure it's good. You can't go slacking off either Nekome. You may not be the centre but you're still our team leader.
nekome: How rude, I’m always 100% serious.
iwami: Then prove it once the curtain rises. The little lady will be watching too. Still… When I look at it from here, Starless really has become one respectable place.
saki: That's because everyone's been working really hard.
nekome: The ones who made it this way weren't you or me, but the members that were left behind.
iwami: True true. I handed the place over to Haseyama and then Kei arrived. 
nekome: Hahah, it's been one turbulent development after another.
iwami: It's not what I had planned. To begin with I never intended for this place to be a show restaurant either…
nekome: An old man wallowing in nostalgia, oh how it makes my heart hurt.
iwami: Shut up you.
nekome: Both the store and the cast members may be different now compared to the ones you knew in the past. But this is the Starless of the present. Right, Saki-chan? I hope you enjoy the show, I’ll dedicate it to you once again.
To Part 6
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V New Seiyuu (Voice actor) for Japan ver is now out for public!
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Yuuko Kaida as Entomologist (Melly Plinius)
Best known role :
- Tsukuyo (Gintama)
- Isabella (The Promised Neverland)
- Gazelt Garack (Snow White with Red Hair)
- Claire Redfield (Biohazard)
- Unagiya Ikumi (BLEACH)
- Bachira Yu (Blue Lock)
- Sophie Randle (Code Geass)
- Sylvia Sherwood (Spy x Family)
- Juraku Sachiko (Kakegurui)
- Beast (Black Butler)
- Joubert Agnes (Tiger & Bunny)
- Angelica Varley (Ancient Magus Bride)
- Gelda (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Yomikawa Aiho (Toaru)
- Maeda Matsu (Sengoku Basara)
- Himekawa Maki (Digimon Adventure)
- Freesia (Grand Blue Fantasy)
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakushi Actor)
- Ryomou Shimei (Ikkitousen)
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Yui Horie as Reporter (Alice Deross)
Best known role :
- Belfast (Azurlane)
- North Carolina (Azurlane)
- Satonaka Chie (Persona)
- Saren (Princess Re:connect)
- Felix Argyle (Re:zero)
- Hanekawa Tsubasa (Bakemonogatari)
- Akaza Akane (Yuru Yuri)
- Kushieda Minori (Toradora)
- Yuuki Cross (Vampire Knight)
- Shindou Mikuru (Card fight vanguard)
- Nepgear (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Shirakawa Katori (Da Capo)
- Asakura Yume (Da Capo)
- Tachibana Satomi (Dumbbell)
- Charles (Fairy Tail)
- Plumeria (Fire Emblem)
- Tooru Honda (Fruit Basket 2001)
- Kaga Kouko (Golden Time)
- Nikaido Kaho (First Love Monster)
- Hanyuu (Higurashi)
- Izayoi Lico/Cure Magical (Mahou Tsukai Precure)
- Chuubou Sonken (Ikkitousen)
- Wiz (Konosuba)
- Kushina Anna (K Project)
- Tsukimiya Ayu (Kaginado)
- Riki Naoe (Kaginado)
- Numa No Himemiko (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
- Hellscythe Eucliwood (Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka)
- Yakumo Mitama (Magia Record)
- Miss Monochrome (Miss Monochrome)
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Masuda Toshiki as Composer (Fredrick Kreibrug)
Best known role :
- Sakuma Rei (Ensemble Stars)
- Kisaragi Koi (Tsukiuta)
- Sekimura Mikado (B-project)
- Izumi Iori (Idolish 7)
- Leon (I-Chuu)
- Kashuu Kiyomitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Okuike Midori (W'z)
- Nishina Kazuki (King Of Prism)
- Kirihara Atom (Marginal 4)
- Tokugawa Ieyasu (Ikemen Sengoku)
- Shindou Kiyoshi (Stand My Hero)
- Kirishima Eijurou (Hero Academia)
- Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu)
- Zaou Ryuu (Binam Koukou)
- Cedric Jeanne Elmir (Akuyaku Reijou)
- Sirius Dieke (Hamefura)
- Setagawa Masahiro (Hitorijime My Hero)
- Romanee Dimitri (Visual Prison)
- Miyamura Toranosuke (Yamada-Kun and 7 Witch)
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Shinichiro Miki as Novelist/Nightmare/Detective (Orpheus)
Best known role :
- Komado Tanjuurou (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Urahara Kisuke (BLEACH)
- Erich Von Leigen (Saga of Tanya The Devil)
- Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
- Fujiwara Takumi (Initial D)
- Sakamoto Tatsuma (Gintama)
- Kagetora Aida (Kuroko No Basket)
- Sasaki Mirai (Hero Academia)
- Roman Torchwick (RWBY)
- Hijikata Toushizou (Hakuouki)
- Shimada Kai (Sangatsu no Lion)
- Assassin (Fate/Stay Night)
- Daihannya Nagamitsu (Touken Ranbu)
- Oiwake Takurou (Haikyuu)
- Fushimi Niki (K Project)
- Norizuki Jin (King Of Prism)
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laulink · 2 years
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Momo... just how much do you observe Yuuko ? Seriously, even Lico thinks you’re a creep. LICO ! OF ALL PEOPLE !!!
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I feel your pain Momo. Somehow... I’m sorry...
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gelo-p · 2 years
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machikado mazoku without context 😳
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nimmasion · 5 years
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Did a thing on twitter, hope you like it
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The Video Shop Downtown
Hidou: Oh hey there, Licorice-kun
Hidou: Kids aren’t allowed in this shop.
Sfx: swish! 
Licorice: Um..... something fluffy... with a lovey-dovey mood... um.....
Hidou: In that case I recommend this Dvd
Sfx: bwsh
Lico Sfx: (nods)
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colaloli · 3 years
Cleaning Master - Kasumi Reha 4☆ Story -part 1-
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Kasumi: Hello, Saki-san.
Saki: Gyah!? Ah, Kasumi-san…! Hi there.
Kasumi: Oh? I’m sorry. I startled you again, didn’t I?
I tried to make my presence more noticeable as possible while approaching you but it seems like it’s no use …
Hmm, it’s easier said than done, huh.
Saki: No, I’m also at fault … Anyway, that’s a lot of stuff, isn’t it? I can carry some of it for you!
Kasumi: Ah— it’s fine, I can carry it on my own if it’s just this much. It’s just the usual.
The bag may seem big but the contents are light, like cigarettes.
But still, thank you. I’ll just take your kindness.
Saki: You’re a hard worker, aren’t you, Kasumi-san? I always see you around in various places.
Kasumi: Ahaha, because that’s what I am, you know? An underling who has to move around or something like that.
I am often asked “How do you do all these?” but for me, it’s easy for me to be the errand boy~
Isn’t it just easier to follow commands from the higher-ups?
Saki: Uhh, Ah… is that so?
Kasumi: Yup, yup. You just gotta go with the flow and just be chill…
It’s such an easy position to be in~
Saki: When you say it like that, it oddly makes me think so, too.
(Kasumi’s phone rings)
Kasumi: Oops, excuse me. I’ll just check out this mail for one… … sec.
It’s from Lico. “Fill in for my cleaning duty” he says. Alright then “I got it~”... sent.
Saki: Cleaning duty … I wonder who’s his pair, huh?
Kasumi: That would be me. Lico and I are paired for today and we are supposed to do the cleaning.
Saki: What?! Doesn’t that mean you’ll do the cleaning by yourself?
Kasumi: That’s right~ But it’s alright, it’s just the usual and I’m used to it.
But well, if that’s the case, maybe I’ll just do the cleaning a little earlier~
Saki: Umm, if it’s okay with you, I can help. It’s too much work for one person.
Kasumi: Ah… hmm— well then,is it okay to ask you for one favor?
I’ve got some documents I have to deliver to Unei-kun later, so can you hand it to him for me?
It’s just one little task but it’s a big help for me.
Saki: Understood, I’ll deliver the documents to Unei-san.
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] ORIGIN -Dark and Light- Behind the scenes ②
The normal order was supposed to be Swiiiiiits profiles > backstage 2, but i ended up proofreading this first, so here’s another round of backstage moments from the origin stage-play!
This time @ryota-kunstranslations​ was my assisting translator and proofreader! Thank you so much! I still can’t tsukipro to save my life. Please check the translation notes at the end, we had some brain storming sessions.
Please don’t repost/reuse my translations! Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
✩ Introductions ③ ✩
~Third Sephirah~
Rui: …… well then, a problem has suddenly occurred here (whump)
Morihito: Eh ;
Stein: Eh ;
Rui: According to official info, Stein and I are said to be cat-like men. So, that's why the two of us are here but.... …what about Morihito?
Morihito: …… you mean…… the cat-like thing?
Rui: That’s right
Morihito: I-I’m sorry to say, but if anything, I’ve been told a lot more that I resemble a dog, I guess? (sweat)
Rui: That’s a shame. Right, Stein?
Stein: Eh, uuuhm… ;
Morihito: I’m sorry anyway?
※Rui-kun wanted to make a cat team
✩ Introductions ④ ✩
~Fourth Sephirah~
Sora: Everyone aside from me is above average height! That’s too evil! I don’t want to line up with them!! Where is the mercy!!
Dai: Do you want me to carry you on my shoulders?
Sora: I don’t want that kind of pity (cries) !!!
Kai: You’re still in your growth period, aren’t you! You’ll turn big if you eat delicious food! Shu-san will treat you!
Shu: Me, huh
※After that, everyone dined out together
✩ Introductions ⑤ ✩
~Fifth Sephirah~
Nozomu: After I was told the official title and learned about my affiliation, the first thing I did was search up the word “severity” on the internet!!
Ichiru: I know what you mean
You: I feel you. And the result was "the fact or condition of being extraordinary severe”. Eh, are we severe? What about us is? Either way, aren’t we more like, the lax ones?
Nozomu: Severe through our (representative) colour?
You: Stop right there (My red hair is my charm point)
Ichiru: Does retorting mean being… severe?
You: We have a super boke here though?
Nozomu: Hello! I’m the super boke! Don’t fall in love with me, okay? Baby!!!
Ichiru: Amazing! You really are a super boke!! Amazing! (ノ*’ω’*)ノ
Nozomu: Huh? Am I being praised?
※For now the mood is still the same
✩ Introductions ⑥ ✩
~Sixth Sephirah~
Tsubasa: We are…the Sephirah of beauty
Kakeru: And we have great aesthetic sense so……
Tsubasa & Kakeru: Can we always take pictures from our best angles with the making camera!?
.。.:*゚゜(* ゝ∀・)(* ゝ∀・)。.
Bis Jr.: Yeah, yeah! Me too, me too!
Yoru: What should I do… I may not be able to follow them…
※The energy says it all
✩ Introductions ⑦ ✩
~Seventh Sephirah~
Haru: I see. Our Sephirah’s colour is green.
Eichi: A healing colour, isn’t it?
Kensuke: Right? Though, that's only known through a Japanese person's perspective. For the Sephirah itself, the significance seems to be “victory”.
Gli: Eeh…
Eichi: And also according to the script, Haru-kun pretty much comes across as someone who plots behind the scenes, so the meaning is by far not the one of “healing”.
Gli: Yes. At the very least, for this story, even though our image color is green, it doesn't look as if we'll be soothing
Haru: …… fu
Eichi: ?
Haru: Fufufufu, haahahahaha!
Eichi: Haru-kun!?
Haru: I was jo~king ♪ I wanted to play the villain once. Whenever I’m placed in a situation like this, even though I’m a good character, when I get told “He seems to have a dark side”, it makes me want to think that maybe I should go all out with being evil soon after. Villain role! Here I come!!
Eichi: Haru-kun is going in a totally mysterious direction!
Haru: Alriiiiight! Well then, everyone! Let’s do our best as villains! Let’s aim for absolute victory! Fight!
Kensuke: Fight!!!
Eichi & Gli: Eeeeeh
※The healing component is missing
✩ Introductions ⑧ ✩
~Eight Sephirah~
Arata: Glorious strawberry milk...
Soushi: Glorious konbu-cha*…
Lise: If it’s tea-cake then it’s gotta be the glorious almond peak...
Iku: Glorious or not isn't the problem. Isn’t this turning into an inconsistent line-up!?
✩ Introductions ⑨ ✩
~Ninth Sephirah~
Koki: Shiki-san, you could say half of our Sephirah consists of composers, right?
Shiki: Hm? Now that you mention it…
Tatsuhiko: Two out of four actually are, so you’re right. You two could compose a theme song together for this Sephirah
Mamoru: Theme…
Shiki: Song…
Shiki & Mamoru: You say!?
>Now, please listen
Shiki & Mamoru: SolidS and Growth are gonna paint the town purple*!!
Tatsuhiko: I feel like this is developing into something twisted, but is that okay?
Shiki & Mamoru: YO! YO!
Koki: And it’s rap of all things…
✩ Introductions ⑩ ✩
~Tenth Sephirah~
Koi: U, u, uhm…! Here is the tea!!!
Lico: Eh, ah, thank you! In return, please have some pocky!!
Ryota: Eh, ah, thanks...! Uuhm, share happiness!
Rikka: Oh my, those kids are so cute…!!
※Rikka-san is squealing over the innocent interactions
T/N: - all the words written in italic were written in english in the jp version. They’re not wording choices.
- konbu-cha = salted kelp tea (Ryota’s comment on this: and Soshi seems to be the old-fashioned type who'd drink it)
- “SolidS and Growth are gonna paint the town purple*” // The jp version sounded like this “そりあがってぐろーす” (Soriagatte guroosu). Ryota usually translates “soriagattekkuzo” as “We’re gonna do this the SolidS way”, though this time they added ‘Growth’ to the line, so we had to come up with something else. We chose “paint the town red” (that’s the original english expression), but we changed the colour to purple because 1) their sephirah’s colour is purple. 2) Shiki’s and Mamoru’s image colour is purple
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moonlit-manifesto · 6 years
[11/9/18 - ALIVE Twitter] Nanase Nozomu’s Birthday
☆ Today is Nanase Nozomu’s (CV. Sawashiro Chiharu) Birthday ☆
Nozomu: “Nozomu-kun! Happy...”
Everyone: “Birthday~~~~!!! [yes, Nozomu is talking in the 3rd person lol]
*popping confettii crackers*
Sora: “WHOO!!”
Nozomu: “WOTCHAAA!!!”
Ren: “Happy birthday!”
Soushi: “We have complete soundproofing here so we can shoot off confetti crackers like we’re at a festival.”
Morihito: “Yeah (haha).”
☆ ② ☆ 
Shun: “The white pair* give you their blessing♪ ”
Tsubaki: “I wish you much happiness.”
Naosuke: “Happyyy~~ Birthdayyyyyy!!”
Sora: “All the people born in November came to celebrate!”
Ren: “Well, tomorrow is the first day of our joint stage play after all.”**
Soushi: “Nozomu, you seem to really be enjoying this.”
Nozomu: “WHEEEE!!!”
*Shun from Procellarum and Tsubaki from Seleas
**Referring to the Machine Elements “stage play” the 2D characters put on at AGF 2018
☆ ③ ☆
Lico & Gli: “Happy birthday!” [said in English]
Futaba: “I hope you have another wonderful year!”
All November People: “Happy birthday!”
Shun: “... All right then, enjoy the night, youngsters.” *munch munch*
Tsubaki: “Pardon for our intrusion.” *munch munch*
Naosuke: *munch munch!*
Morihito: “Enjoy the food properly and return home safely!”
☆ ④ ☆
Ren: “...Haah~ Their explosive celebratory comments outdid the confetti cracker fest, right, Nozomu!”
Nozomu: “When I mentioned it was my birthday today, they all came over especially for me~! I’m so happy!
Sora: “It was only for a little while, but the population density of this room was amazingly high.”
Soushi: “The amount of magical power in the room was probably high, too”
☆ ⑤ ☆
Morihito: “Alrighty, should we start the usual SOARA celebration now?”
Nozomu: “Yeah!”
Sora: “Good answer (lolol).”
Ren: “*chuckle* You seem quite happy.”
Nozomu: “I’m happy ‘cause it’s super super amazing that I get the ‘usual’ celebration from you guys!”
☆ ⑥ ☆ 
Nozomu: “It’s only recently, but we’ve gotten solo jobs, right? And that’s when I understood - in those moments, there’s a lot of people I meet for the first time and leave after. Uhh, how does the saying go? Ichigo...”
Soushi: “‘Ichi-go, ichi-e?’” [means “one time, one meeting” and reminds people to cherish time spent with others because each moment is once-in-a-lifetime.”
Nozomu: “That’s the one! I thought it was just normal. Since I don’t attend school, there’s no single person that I’m sure to see every single day.”
☆ ⑦ ☆
Nozomu: “It’s harder to make once-in-a-lifetime friends than it was in high school. I’m still going to try my hardest anyways though, since I know friends are really really important to have. Everyone in SOARA is more than just a friend to me, we’re bros, that’s why I’m happy with the usual!” 
[T/N: apologies for using “bros” but I can’t think of another way to translate “nakama” lol]
☆ ⑧ ☆
Nozomu: “From now on, we’ll have fun like usual! Laugh a lot! Occasionally think about more difficult things! But let’s sing a lot of songs that make people go ‘This is SOARA’s music!’~!”
Sora & Morihito & Soushi: “Yeah!”
Nozomu: “Ren, let’s do our best together!”
Ren: “Yeah! Of course!”
☆ ⑨ ☆
Nozomu: “Thank you for celebrating with me---!!!”
Future charismatic bassist, Nozomu, happy birthday!!
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s-lycopersicum · 3 months
Ouhgh I have such a strange urge to send you an ask.... but what do I ask...... what is your preferred honorific are you OK with me calling you lico chan or would you like something else
Oh, you can definitely call me Lico-chan! It does make me kinda cheerful
But if the situation calls for it, I do allow for the usage of -kun in a way a boss or a superior would use it. Like the "Lico-kun" in Demon Girl Next Door.
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doublesama · 2 years
The Demon Girl Next Door 2 improves upon the original season of the anime by adding my favorite character, Lico-kun.
0 notes
sunshine-overload · 3 years
[BSTS] Kasumi Rehearsal 4* Card Story
(note: Saki is the default name for the protagonist)
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chapter 1
-in hallway
kasumi: Hey there Saki-san.
saki: UWAH!? Ah, Kasumi-san...! Hello.
kasumi: Oh I'm sorry, did I surprise you again? I try to hint at my presence as much as possible when I'm approaching though... Hmm, it's difficult huh.
saki: No I'm sorry too- Woah you're carrying so many bags, let me take some!
kasumi: Oh? This amount is fine. It's always like this. The bags are large but the contents are only things like cigarettes so they're light. Thank you for the offer though, I acknowledge your feelings of wanting to help.
saki: You're such a hard worker Kasumi-san. I always see you doing tasks in various places.
kasumi: Ahaha, that's because I'm a gofer. Or rather I move around like an underling I guess? I often get told that I do a lot of work, but to me being an underling is easy peasy~ Isn't it nice to just listen to orders from above?
saki: I-I guess? So it's like that huh?
kasumi: Yep yep, just relaxing and going with the flow... this sort of position is no problem~
saki: Hearing you say so, strangely I get the same feeling.
kasumi: Ah excuse me, I just got a text message... It's from Lico, he wants me to fill in for his cleaning shift? Umm 'Alrighty' and sent.
saki: Cleaning shift... I wonder who his partner is?
kasumi: Oh it's me. Today was Lico and I's turn to clean.
saki: Huh!? Then that means, it'll only be you cleaning now?
kasumi: Guess so~ but that's fine. It's always like this so I'm used to it. Though, since the situations changed I should probably start cleaning earlier than than usual hm~
saki: Um, if it's ok I'd like to help, since it would be a lot for one person.
kasumi: Ahh... Hm, then I do have a request. I have schedule papers I needed to give to Unei-kun later, could you deliver them in my place? It's only one less job for me, but it will make things easier.
saki: Alright. I'll make sure to give them to Unei-san for you.
chapter 2
-reha room
saki: I finished delivering those documents, I wonder if Kasumi-san is alright cleaning by himself... Ah there he is.
kasumi: Since various things lean against the mirror its gotten dirty too huh. I'll wipe it down and make it spotless. Hmm, it's worth polishing a wall mirror like this~ ♪
saki: He's having a lot more fun than I thought? Actually this song he's humming... It's one of Team P's.
kasumi: ~♪ ~♪ Turn, step, slide backwards~ It became a moonwalk~
saki: Woah...! That's amazing Kasumi-san!
kasumi: What... Uwah Saki-san!? C-could it be you saw that just now?
saki: Ah I'm sorry! I was curious how you were going cleaning alone...
kasumi: Aaah, I got caught doing something embarrassing~ Umm how do I put it, I thought that I mays well have fun while cleaning. Isn't it sorta like I've booked the lesson room?
saki: Um, I'd like to help out after all, may I?
kasumi: Saki-san... I'll take you up on that offer then, there's another squeegee over there. I'll go from the left and you can take the right side.
~♪ ~♪
saki: Woah, he's matching the squeegee's movements to the song...
kasumi: Oh, there's bubbles that have fallen to the floor, so be careful not to slip ok?
saki: Alright, I'll be careful not t-- Wah!?
kasumi: ...! Saki-san! *he quickly catches her* Phew, I made it just in time~ Are you ok?
saki: I-I'm fine, sorry! Even though you just told me...
kasumi: Oh no I should've told you earlier, it's my bad. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself. Well, I think we should be done cleaning soon~ Let's do our best, I'll be counting on you.
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empressofeverything · 8 years
across the stars
Kurosaki Ichigo’s life is boring. At least, until the Jedi Knights Kuchiki Rukia and Abarai Renji crash land into his life. The galaxy is in trouble and they need his help. With the help of his smuggler friends Uryu, Orihime, and Chad and their ship the Karakura, the group heads off into the galaxy to stop the Sith Lord Aizen and his lackeys. {IRBB, Star Wars AU}
Notes: So this story is one I've wanted to write for a while and when the IRBB (IchiRuki Big Bang) opened up, I waffled on whether or not I wanted to join. I don't do well with deadlines (at all) and school has been my main concern. But I signed up thinking, oh I'll have plenty of time to write and finish this! 
I'm a fucking liar.
Anyway. Here's my IRBB Star Wars AU. Enjoy, my lovelies.
There will be art from my amazing partner, @lico-kun coming soon!! 
Also on AO3 and FF.net! 
Screaming was generally not a good sign. In any situation. And when the screaming was being done by every single sensor, alarm, and siren on a ship, it was especially not good. Bad things usually followed.
Like crash landings.
“You fool! I thought you said you fixed this problem before we left!” Jedi Knight Kuchiki Rukia screeched at a pitch to rival the sirens. The tiny woman clung with all the force she contained to the arms of her seat. This was not part of the plan. All they were trying to do was land in Dangai, ask a few questions, find a retired Jedi, convinced him to go back to Corusant with them, and save the galaxy.
Of course, the Force almost always threw a wrench in Rukia’s well-laid plans, something she should’ve been used to by now.
Was she? Of course not.
“I thought I did!” Her Zabrak copilot howled back. Abarai Renji, fellow Jedi Knight and copilot of the Seireitei, was half wedged into a a panel running along the side of the cockpit. Frantic long-nailed fingers worked at sparking wires with a haste that normally was abhorrent to him. Emergencies always called for exceptions. He hadn’t died yet and wasn’t planning on dying today. “Everything was working fine when we took off and during the flight, I don’t know why it’s acting up now! You must’ve done something!” Renji was a mechanical genius but even he couldn’t mend a serious problem amid a stomach-dropping fall.
Rukia took extreme offense to that statement and tried to burst Renji’s eardrums in retaliation. Her astromech droid, R4-D7, matched her pitch with little trouble.
The ship continued to spiral downward, dropping pieces and wailing like a demon from the pits of hell as it went. To those on the planet below, if anyone had happened to look up into the wide lavender sky, they would have seen a streak of red, orange, and pitch black burning up the atmosphere.
On Phyrrus, no one ever looked up.
It took an hour for the ship to succumb to gravity and finally crash into the planet’s surface and stop skidding across the desert. In the Serieitei’s burning wake, the skid marks had turned the sand to black glass. The Jedi made it out of the ship with minimal injuries, their packs, and Rukia’s droid, but that was it.
Renji and Rukia stood outside the burning wreck of their ship, surveying it with mingled concern and sinking dread. R4-D7 whistled a mournful tone, shaking its head back and forth.
The Serieitei didn’t actually belong to either of them, having been a loan from the Jedi Order for this mission specifically. Technically, they weren’t even supposed to have it. Only the pull of Rukia’s adopted older brother, Master Kuchiki Byakuya, and the seriousness of the mission had enabled the two junior Knights to use the ship. Now it was good for nothing but scrap metal and spare parts. There was no way they’d be able to return to Corusant in it.
The crash of an Order ship meant they’d be reimbursing the Order from their own pockets. That, more than anything else, led Renji to mutter, “Well, shit,” and kick the smoking wreckage. Naturally, having just been consumed in flames, it was hot and burned his foot. As he hopped about swearing and muttering, Rukia sighed and began preparing for the long trek ahead of them.
They still had a mission to complete, after all.
There was only one man who looked up into the sky to see the faintest wisps of black.
Kurosaki Ichigo tugged off his goggles, squinting up into the darkening horizon with a confused look. Had…there just been smoke crossing the sky? Or had it been an approaching sandstorm? He shrugged, curiosity piqued but decided it wasn’t worth pursuing. Nothing worth caring about ever happened on his backwater homeworld. “Besides,” he said aloud. “It’s probably just Uryu being stupid with the Karakura again.” Ichigo never got tired of mocking his cousin. He was just so easy to provoke, what with his uptight Quincy heritage and high-strung manner. Thankfully he had started to calm down a bit after his marriage.
Kon nudged him from behind, breaking his contemplation of the sky. Ichigo grinned and replaced his goggles. Patting the nexu’s head, he sent one last look toward the sky to a chorus of Kon’s purrs. “C’mon, Kon, let’s get home. Goat-face’ll be waiting for these supplies.”
Within moments, Ichigo’s footprints vanished in the blowing wind. No sign of human or nexu passage was left.
“Your sense of direction sucks.”
Renji ground his teeth together and continued to trudge onward. Ignore her…you can’t throttle your partner…murder is wrong…goes against the tenants of the Jedi Order…
“Seriously Renji, how did you pass astro-navigation during the Academy? Master Zaraki has better directional sense than you do!”
If she says anything else about my navigational skills, I’m going to run her through with no regret. Little midget needs to bite her tongue. Damn noble best friend. Why is she like this. I hate her so much sometimes. No, no, hate is wrong. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. But ugh am I suffering now. Rukia, if you value your life, SHUT UP.
“Actually, I think you’re about on Jedi Yachiru's level. That girl can get lost in an empty room and you’re not much better.”
Before Renji could spin around and strangle Rukia in aggravation, a voice broke through the blowing wind.
“Need some help, strangers? You look lost.”
Their reactions were instantaneous. R4 squealed like a stuck sandpig as Renji and Rukia dropped their packs, lightsabers igniting as they whirled to face the newcomer. He merely grinned at them, paws up to show his lack of weapon.
“Now, now, is that how you greet someone who’s simply trying to assist you?” His fanged muzzle twitched in unhidden amusement. Neither Jedi dropped their guard. He sighed dramatically, whipping out a fan to wave in front of his face. “Please, if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it already. You stand out a bit too much to be from around here.” Beady eyes peeked knowingly over the fan, shadowed by his striped hat.
Slowly, Rukia lowered her humming lightsaber but didn’t deactivate it. After a few moments and an intensely odd stare-off with the strange alien he’d identified as a Bothan, Renji followed suit. Reluctantly, but Rukia was lead on this mission. He had to obey her.
“What is it you want?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing at all. I just thought to my self that it would be terribly tragic if you came all this way and couldn’t reach your goal because you got swallowed up by a sandstorm and couldn’t, in fact, save the galaxy.”
The two Jedi stared. The Bothan continued on blithely.
“If you follow this trail for a few miles, you’ll come across a farmer and his family who should be willing to help you. I make no guarantees, and if they aren’t going to help you, you’ll soon find out. The farmer’s eldest is a crack shot with his blaster rifle.” He winked at their nervous expressions. “Just shout ‘Hello the camp’ before you get too close to the house. Got to give something for them to shoot at, after all! Ta-ta!” With that, he vanished in a swirl of dust and sand.
Renji stared at the place he’d stood, brow horns twitching. “That…was really weird.”
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laulink · 2 years
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Momo is going to fucking kill them for ruining her first date with Yuuko XD
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jinjojess · 9 years
What was revealed?
Lico is apparently Mikagami Rei. Mikagami Rei is his title though, not necessarily his real name (like how Shinsen's title is "The Variationist") so I guess they're still going to call him Lico.I'd been hoping that there was at least one 000 lady detective, but it's cool. Maybe Lico can tell us how he solved the Jack the Ripper case or something.
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