#libre office downloading
bsaka7 · 2 years
ok fair warning it's just more filth. there would be more filth but i was like this is starting to get repetitive. EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
seb has given Charles - as Charles understands it - a fairly open invitation to her beach house. it's 2023. Charles is having a good season - everything isn't all out of reach like it was the year before, but she's still a little behind. she feels the weight heavy in her shoulders. she thinks to herself. well, it was so good last summer. seb was so good. and she doesn't think about how she was worried about how their feelings aligned. and how she's still gone on seb, a flame that will never die. so she texts seb the dates she wants to come over summer break and seb responds simply: yes!
in the meantime, charles tells lewis, casually but desperate at the same time, that's she's going to seb's. Lewis looks at her a little funny and then a few days later drops into conversation that seb had a new girlfriend. even shows a picture from their text thread. the girl is short and blonde. lewis says she's an autism researcher in Switzerland and later, after the race, though Charles would never admit it, she stalks her insta, her linkedin. she really is cute and she has some fancy phd. Charles turns off her phone screen and flips it over and pretends she's not thinking about it. that she doesn't have feelings about it.
but, seb said yes to her visit and Charles certainly isn't going to back out now. she hasn't seen seb in - a whole. it's fine, though, because seb is smiling at her like that. but she reminds herself that it probably doesn't mean anything, especially not anymore. seb has always had so much care in her eyes. Charles isn't special.
Seb kisses her the first night on the couch. They're watching some show about deep sea fish which is deeply unsexy (frankly Charles is a little grossed out). and she thinks seb had this girlfriend who is smart and tiny and many things Charles isn't. but Seb is kissing her like it's going somewhere. Charles knows she's going to go ahead with whatever seb offers and maybe she'll hate herself for it.
The music on the tv swells and comes to a head, surprising them both. Charles swings her eyes back to the screen and a big fish is eating a smaller one, and they both watch it, transfixed. Charles scrunches her eyes shut. Sebs hand is already under her t-shirt, resting on her waist.
Charles says - "I thought you."
"thought what"
"Lewis said..." Charles trails off
Seb holds her there for a moment, just teetering on the edge. Then she says, "about Elise? We broke up. It was never, it was never going to last." (what she doesn't say is that part of the reason why they broke up was because Seb had said the next time she went to the beach house, they'd go together. But then Charles asked and Elise had to work. And well, they had a lot of differences.)
Charles is like oh okay. Seb kisses her soft this time, tilting charles’ head with her chin. And the movie is ending and seb’s hand is under charlie’s shirt until Charlie is just taking it off……[FADE TO BLACK]
Charles DOES have a lot of nervy energy from the season, from this thing with seb. she's trying to convince seb to go out. she sort of wants to see if seb will let loose with her. for her, without – red bull and mark webber and so on. And also she wants to dance (even tho shes obv terrible). eventually Seb relents and tells her the best nearby place. Charles is like ok great!! and then seb says...you can go whenever, I could use a quiet night in (slaps charlies thigh gently). And Charles is like NO!! ur coming. And seb agrees....after some convincing.
The club scene (to be clear i've never been to a club and also this is all made up)…ok they get there and order drinks and seb finds a small table crammed into the corner and that’s where they start…seb has a beer Charlie has some fruity thing that seb will be drinking by the end of the night.
they talk for little bit, sebs hand on charlie's thigh underneath the table. Charles complains about the dj until the hour hits and someone new, better, comes on. Charles is like!! Lets dance!! Seb says baby I am NOT drunk enough for that (but she is drunk enough to call Charlie baby). Charles rolls her eyes and goes to dance and for a bit she disappears into the crowd...
seb goes up to get another drink and oh god she can SEE Charles. she’s just frozen there, looking at Charles, tiny dress, hands in the air, laughing with this gay couple on the dance floor. she forces herself to look away (from long legs, the curve of her neck) and go back to her little table but someone has already sat down so seb makes small talk with them [some young man who is clearly. Not sober].
and then seb can see Charles again, suddenly, in the bright colorful lights, and there’s hands all over her and GOD seb is so jealous she almost goes out on the dance floor herself. Charlie meets her eyes through it all and starts to wind her way through the people. Seb says to the guy – “sorry, my friend is coming over and we had this table first” and the guy says okay and disappears right as Charles gets there.
Instead of going for the chair, she climbs onto seb’s lap, right there, in the middle of the club, but it’s dark and no one has recognized them yet, and probably no one will. the dress rides up a little as she straddles seb and she leans forward and she says “I saw you watching,” and it should be hot but it’s just silly, so they laugh, but her hands are on seb’s shoulders and seb is looking up at her and Charles rocks just slightly down onto seb’s leg and suddenly it's not funny anymore.
seb goes BRIGHT RED and she’s like. Charlie are you – do you need. And Charles nods and nods and nods. Seb tries to get them to go the bathroom but Charles is like. No no. no. right here. Seb is drunk enough to think this is a good idea and they’re in a dark corner and it’s probably fine...so she sneaks her hand underneath charles’ skirt and finds she’s wearing just barely-there panties. She rocks her knuckles into the crease of charles’ leg and Charles reaches up and takes down her hair so it covers both their faces like a curtain when she tilts her head down and she’s searching, searching for seb’s fingers. So seb goes 2 fingers deep in Charles just like that because shes SO wet and then she’s rubbing at her clit with her thumb. she’s saying stuff like. Everyone could see you, Charles, how desperate you are, how much you want this, etc. Charles kisses her hot and wet and seb can feel her come through her whole body. She pulls her fingers out and there’s a wet spot on her jeans from where Charles has been dripping
Charles kisses her again and then gets them different drinks and she’s a little wobbly and dances a little more and seb is like. We should go home. We should go home. Charles says okay. they take a taxi and seb has a hand high up on her thigh, hot and possessive and Charles shifts her hips,but seb won’t...
they go home and seb fucks Charles again with her legs around her waist up against the wall, her dress pushed down and up so it’s all bunched up around her middle, and then Charles eats seb out on the table in the front room and they can see the sea. and looks up and says. last time you said. the strap and seb is tired and drunk and soo horny and shes whining like. Charles. I promise but not right now. And Charles says something flippant and  SO hot and seb’s legs r over her shoulder and its all....
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sephirajo · 11 months
Having to get an image editor for an RP banner, and well, at least Krita exists because I'm not touching GIMP.
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princessmuk · 1 year
If you use Google Docs for your writing, I highly encourage you to download your work, delete it from Google Docs, and transfer it to a different program/site, unless you want AI to start leeching off your hard work!!!
I personally have switched to Libre Office, but there are many different options. I recommend checking out r/degoogle for options.
Please reblog to spread the word!!
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maybe i should switch to linux. maybe one fucking hour updating Windows 10 (which forced me to update right bow bc It was laggy as fuck) is not normal. maybe i deserve better-
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nerianasims · 8 months
I'm seeing many posts about how to kludge Google Docs into something workable, and how to stop Google from stealing your content, today.
I have a VERY simple solution. A permanent one. One that will get you a far better writing program that you will not have to fear:
I think people don't believe that it is actually 100% free, for all of it. But it is. Completely totally utterly free. No ads. Plenty of updates, all free. Plenty of extras, all free. Plenty of customization, all free. No pop-ups asking for donations, though it does ask when you first download, and then you can say "no" and skip happily on to the totally free download for the totally free and entirely trustworthy program.
Here is the link: https://www.libreoffice.org/
Download, install, write, be free.
(Oh, and it's also compatible with Word. The Excel-type program in it is also great btw.)
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transfaguette · 8 months
libre office is the best thing ive ever downloaded that is word possessor related. i cant get over that they even have word art but of the more substantial differences its got every feature people need that companies neglect or dangle above your head to squeeze money out of you
AND then theres total customization for ui including extensive ui color changes and fount changes i just need to preach the good word of free and open source every chance i can ahahaha
looking into this....the biggest thing for me w/ google docs is its just extremely easy to access my stuff from anywhere since I move from my desktop to my bed a lot. but i see it also has android/ios apps so maybe...
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chornayadrakoshig · 17 days
okay I'm tired of windows fucking up the activator for my MS office. No I'm not gonna buy it i'm just switching to libre office finally. I could've download and try a few other activators but I'm too fucking pissed that this thing happen when I a) was tired from work b) wanted to work on some fics while I had inspiration. And it's like third time in the last year. fuckit
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aidanchaser · 4 months
Fanfic writer asks: 1, 3, 12?
oh thank you! from this ask game; these are somehow all very embarrassing answers im sorry that im cringe
1. What is your favorite trope to write?
Oh geez, I don't know... does hurt/comfort count as a trope? That's probably like, my favorite tag. or similarly, "angst with a happy ending" but I know I love reading fake dating. So much.
3. What is the main program you use for writing (google docs, the ao3 writing text box, etc.)
I use Google Docs almost exclusively. I recently downloaded libre office to try out but I haven't set it up yet. It's hard to change when you've been using something for so long. Occasionally, like particularly for sprints or drabbles, I will use writtenkitten!
12. First ever fic written?
My very very first fic I ever wrote was a teen titans episode and I hand wrote it on paper and never published it anywhere but let lots of friends and family read it. My first published fic was an Inuyasha insert where my self-insert half-cat demon married my fave character and we had like 9 kids. I don't believe it is accessible anywhere, as that old fanfic website no longer exists.
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halfbit · 1 year
hey! this is chance & here’s this week’s prompt. what websites or resources do you use while you write or develop a character/story? what do you think of them and would you recommend them?
hiya chance! thanks for the ask! also i went way too detailedwith this one again, sorry adsajfhdks.
i included links to every resource i listed that is either free or freemium, aside from one's that are on most people's computers by default.
i've tried out a lot of different stuff over the years — i don't have wi-fi so i have strong preference for offline programs and tools! so the majority of these are kept on your computer.
my main tool right now is obsidian — prior to that i used quoll writer, joplin, and plain old notepad (yeah...) though, and i haven't finished transferring and reformatting everything yet ^^. i only reopen quoll now though to look at my old notes. i highly recommend obsidian, it's so much fun once you figure it out and highly responsive. quoll is useful too but i had some issues with it, including the occasional lost content, random crash, and just general slowness.
i use obsidian for keeping all of my brainstorming together, backing up my discord rambles, outlining plots, and organizing my worldbuilding and character profiles. i also sometimes write short stories or little one-off scenes in it.
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a sample of my obsidian setup for serpent's quest + a different obsidian setup i have for another project that is. a bit too cheesy and embarrassing to share.
i do dabble in conlanging for serpent's quest! originally i kept all my words in a notepad file, but i ended up downloading polyglot to help keep things organized and make it easy to generate new vocabulary offline! i keep formatted notes on my conlangs in libre office (which is also what i use to write my longer stuff). i also use polyglot to generate names and organize their meanings/origins when i'm stuck!
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my polyglot system for names specificially!
on occasion i use twine, but usually for specific things like family trees, timelines, or connecting my universe together. however i recently figured out how to do this with obsidian too so i'm probably gonna move that part over to obsidian as well (obsidian is great yall)
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a section of one of my family trees done in twine
some adjacent resources i use include:
clip studio + concepts + physical sketchbook for art & visual brainstorming. i also designed the conlang script in clip studio. i find concepts is really useful for getting rough visual ideas out quickly, although it runs a bit slow on my computer. it's a lot less polished than clip studio, but that kind of takes the pressure off and makes it easier to just experiment. it's like using ms paint but with slightly better tools.
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some rough ideas i drafted using concepts!
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sometimes i also use it for "hand-written" digital notes, which is super helpful for brainstorming ideas
allusion + pureref for visual references. you could definitely use these to store moodboards too if you wanted to have some inspiration on screen while you write or brainstorm, although i haven't done that myself though. also might be good for reference images of the setting, so you know what the place looks like. pureref lets you keep things on the screen, whereas allusion allows you to create custom tags and folders for your reference images, making it easy to find them and plop them into pureref when you need them.
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this is my allusion set up! i mostly got it because i had way too many references for pureref to keep up with, i still need to go through and tag everything properly, but if you're just gonna use it for keeping moodboards or character sheets organized i think it can be super useful (and offline!)
websites i use when developing things or generating inspiration include tvtropes, wikipedia, findmypast (for old newspapers) and ofc youtube and tumblr.
when i'm developing a story or character, i like to go through tv tropes and see the different archetypes and how different works have subverted or played them straight. i almost always walk away with an idea i want to explore or flip on its head.
wikipedia is great to use as a starting point. i usually try to go through the sources and see if i can find more in depth stuff that way, or use the names it mentions to see if i can get more. i also use it to check if my names make sense if i'm pulling them from a real culture. i tend not to worry as much about the meaning being accurate, i'm more concerned with whether it makes sense for a 40 year old to be named dillian. so i usually double check the wikipedia page for a name and look at the notable people with that name, what country they're from, and what years they were born in.
i found findmypast while i was doing research for adigore, but i can see it being immensely useful (and very entertaining) for general research. it has an immense amount of newspapers you can read and search by keywords. you can't access all of them, but you can access enough that it doesn't really matter.
with youtube i love it for more casual idea acquisition! i'll sometimes listen to videos about worldbuilding or writing in the background during work. i definitely prefer it as a well of ideas or worldbuilding zone rather than a "writing advice" corner, all of these things are hugely influenced by one's own opinions, but i think you can still walk away with some cool stuff regardless (or a better idea of what doesn't work for you!)
here's a few specific channels i've been enjoying lately.
the grungeon master - explores and questions fantasy tropes and ideas, usually done in the context of d&d, but i've found the discussions to be highly transferrable to general fantasy as well
kaz rowe - modern and medieval history, culture and historical misconceptions, a gold mine if you're doing any type of writing at all regarding the victorian period as well, and also just entertaining in general. often explores media (especially queer) in a historical and cultural context too!
localscriptman - from the perspective of a screenwriter, i've found the writing advice to be very helpful especially if you sometimes need more bluntly delivered ideas. this won't be for everyone but i feel like if it is for you it'll just work.
and for tumblr well, it's all of yall! sharing cool stuff, and stumbling upon cool blogs and the recommendations they give. a treasure trove of resources and knowledge! thank you.
god why did this get so long. why did i spend so much time on this. i could have just done a bulletpoint list. i am so good at answering simple questions. aaaaaa haha </3
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Can anyone who understands technologish explain exactly what this:
If you're a technology enthusiast, early adopter or power user, this version is for you!
and this:
For business deployments, we strongly recommend support from certified partners which also offer long-term support versions of LibreOffice.
mean for someone looking to replace Microsoft Word as a go-to word processor that I don't have to pay for every year?
I use Microsoft Word for writing creatively, with chapter headings and different fonts and such. I also use it for my game data collection and garden data collection and other such things where I don't intend to print them, so I like to reduce the margins to the edges, both side to side and top to bottom. I often work in the dark, so I like my pages black and my font colours to be dark enough to not hurt my eyes. I also like to use highlights and coloured fonts to keep track of things.
All of which I used to be able to do on Microsoft Word, but for some reason I can't go to the edges on the top and bottom, only the sides. The pages can't be black in dark mode, only charcoal gray, and the font colour shades are all inverted. Which I don't know why anybody thought "dark mode" should mean "invert all shades" but those people were stupid and I don't like them.
Anyway, Libre Office is free, so I want to download it, but I don't know which version because the information next to each doesn't actually tell me anything as far as my needs and usage.
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warningsine · 8 months
Hi :D do you know if there is a way to find a deleted AO3 fic?
Hey, anon.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you can find it, but you can try:
a) Asking the fandom on reddit and tumblr. A user might have downloaded it and could privately share it with you.
b) Politely asking the author to privately share it with you. Sometimes authors take their pieces down, because they hate their old writing. Sometimes they take them down due to copyright (they change and publish their fanfiction).
c) Using Duckduckgo. Atm I'd argue it's better than Google.
You can type "[name of the author] archive of our own". If the search engine gives you what you're looking for, then you right click and copy the link address.
An example:
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Go to Wayback Machine and paste the link address.
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Let's say that the author deleted the fanfiction you're looking for in 2017. This means you have to click on either the 2014 snapsnot or the 2016 one. Depends on when the fanfiction was written.
In this case, I'm redirected to:
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Say that the deleted/your target fanfiction was the BCS one.
Click on it. If you're lucky, you will be able to access it.
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d) If Wayback Machine fails, there's another solution you can try, but it requires many GBs of free space on your drive, some apps to download and a lot of patience.
First of all, download HTTP Downloader and install it. Open the app.
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Secondly, go here and click on "Show all files."
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The highlighted files are metadata. The second one contains metadata for AO3 fanfiction that was archived until 2020.
The .zip files contain .txt fanfiction files.
Now, right click on one of the metadata files, copy the link address, go to HTTP Downloader, click on File -> Add URL(s)->paste the link address.
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Click Download.
Repeat the same process for the other metadata file.
If you do not have a shitty internet connection, you can directly download the files without using an app. If not, HTTP Downloader has your back.
You can pause the download whenever you want and nothing will get lost.
When the downloads are complete, download this app in order to read the metadata files. Install the app and open it.
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Go to File->Open Database Read Only->Choose one of your metadata files.
Click on Browse Data.
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Now you can search for your target fanfiction by title, author, fandom etc.
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If you find it, consider yourself lucky.
Notice what your path says.
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In my case, this means I have to download this .zip file from here:
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Use HTTP Downloader once again for your download.
You'll need an application. e.g., Winrar, 7-zip, to unzip your .zip file.
Once the .zip download is finished, you can open your .zip file with, say, Winrar and click on Find:
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The wildcard symbols before and after the author's name are needed to create a search with unknown characters.
Once you find the file, you can extract it.
It will be a block text in .txt format so you can copy-paste it on Writer (Libre Office) or Word (Windows Office) or another word processor in order to properly format it.
Good luck.
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fordp1nes · 1 year
hey just a reminder that you can download the entire libre office suite for FREE! this software is super helpful and i love it soooo much <3
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theropoda · 3 months
downloaded and started using libre office i feel like i am in the goddamn matrix.
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rjalker · 4 months
sigh. now Libre Office is being unbearably slow. Every time I move the mouse over a tool where the little text hovers, it freezes like it doesn't want to load the hovering text. obnoxious.
edit: oh. looks like I downloaded the "experimental" version instead of the usual one. that would explain it.
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tecnowiz · 5 months
Come inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto
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Di sicuro hai sentito ancora parlare di immagini o scritte subliminali che con questo termine si intende mandare una informazione che il cervello accumula a livello inconscio sufficienti per influenzare e condizionare il comportamento, ecco con questa guida invece facciamo il contrario nascondiamo i messaggi e li criptiamo dentro in una immagine, questa tecnica viene chiamata steganografia, diciamo che facciamo il gioco all'agente segreto, quindi se sei curioso e vuoi sapere come inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto prenditi un lampo di tempo e continua a leggere la guida.
Come inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto : Vuoi fare l'agente segreto e inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto ? Eccoti la guida per realizzare foto con file invisibili al suo interno
Allora ti sei messo comodo possiamo iniziare ? Per poter cifrare e nascondere dei messaggi di testo o dei file dentro alle foto ci appoggeremo ad un software gratuito particolare che si chiama Steg disponibile per sistemi Windows che una volta installato nel computer ti permette di stenografare le foto, ma senza perdere altro tempo vediamo il suo funzionamento. Sistema Windows Se usi un computer con sistema Windows come prima operazione apri il browser collegati al sito principale di Softpedia quindi clicca sul pulsante Download now poi nella piccola finestra che appare premi il pulsante Softpedia Secure Download (US) per iniziare a scaricare il file compresso .zip sul computer. Al termine del download devi scompattare il file in una cartella, se non lo sai fare ti invito a leggere come scompattare un file zip, quindi al termine entra nella cartella e clicca due volte con il tasto sinistro del mouse sul file Steg.exe per avviare il programma, alla prima finestra scorri verso il basso e clicca appena si attiva il pulsante Yes e poi Ok per aprire definitivamente Steg.
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Come usare Steg Da adesso il procedimento è identico per qualsiasi sistema operativo che stai usando e quindi inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto è uguale per tutti, da programma aperto fai clic sulla scritta in alto File e nel menu a tendina che scende clicca la voce Open JPEG image dalla finestra che si apre seleziona l'immagine che vuoi nascondere del testo al suo interno tramite il percorso  e clicca sul pulsante Apri per caricarla su Steg.
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A questo punto testiamo il programma, tramite un editor di testo tipo Microsoft Word, Open Office, Libre Office oppure anche il semplice Blocco note di windows scrivi e  prepara il messaggio segreto da inserire nella foto ed al termine salvalo nel computer. Adesso sempre dal programma Steg clicca sulla scritta collocata i alto Hide e nel menu a tendina che si apre seleziona la voce Hyde Data, dalla finestra tramite il percorso vai a selezionare il file che contiene il messaggio da nascondere che hai appena scritto e clicca sul pulsante Apri. Ti dovrebbe uscire una finestra con un messaggio del tipo Data Successfully Hide, vuol dire che tutto è andato a buon fine e che il messaggio è stato nascosto con successo nella foto, clicca sul pulsante Ok per chiudere la finestrina.
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Ora per completare l'opera ed inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto in modo definitivo devi andare a salvare il lavoro appena fatto, per effettuare questa operazione sempre cliccando sulla scritta Hide seleziona nel menu a tendina la voce Save, quindi nella finestra che si apre dai un nome alla foto criptata e clicca sul pulsante Salva ed il gioco è fatto, Semplice vero ? Ora puoi benissimo spedire la tua foto contenente il file nascosto e farla transitare in rete senza che nessuno se ne accorga di nulla e che cosa contenga, oppure la puoi anche condividere sui social network e la persona che conosce quella foto sà benissimo che contiene un messaggio al suo interno quindi la può salvare sul computer, diabolico vero... saper come inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto. Come far riapparire il messaggio nascosto nella foto Per fare riapparire il file dalla foto con il messaggio nascosto al suo interno il procedimento è molto semplice, logicamente chi la riceve deve essere in possesso anche lui di Steg sul computer, bene detto devi prima caricare la foto nel programma, una volta caricata clicca sulla scritta collocata in alto Extract e nel menu che scende seleziona Extract Data, ora nella finestra che si apre seleziona il percorso e clicca sul pulsante Choose per salvare e fare magicamente apparire il file con il testo segreto. Allora hai visto che inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto è molto semplice ed allo stesso tempo direi molto diabolico, bene e con questo Wiz ti saluta ma non prima di farti presente che puoi trovarmi anche sui social network semplicemente cliccando le icone appropriate che trovi nella pagina pricipale del blog, inoltre mi farebbe molto piacere se condividi questa guida attraverso i pulsanti social che trovi alla fine. Note finali E siamo arrivati ​​alle note finali di questa guida come inserire messaggi nascosti nelle foto. Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che trovi anche sui social network per entrare clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home  di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di  Facebook ,  Twitter ,  Pinterest  e  Tumblr , per di gran lunga conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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absoloutenonsense · 1 year
downloaded all my fics from google docs to libre office and it is gonna take a while to get used to
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