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sfstranslations · 25 days ago
standard-bearers for stw???
lilypad709: softies for stw? idek anymore
Anonymous: Skibidi for Song?
Anonymous: Security, slayers, shills, sellers, subordinates
Anonymous: sustenances, substantiation, speakers, speeders, seekers, socialites, storytellers, summoners, safeguards, secret plotter (Ik this is u)
Anonymous: Scouts, spies, shixiongs, senpai, students, start stream constellations, just throwing everything at the wall here 😆
Anonymous: Strength? Supplements? SHAKIRA?? I'M SORRY I TRIED 😭
Anonymous: .........sluts for stw?
Anonymous: Sidekicks for Song?
chopalate: Sympathizers for STW?
terrorofstars: good morning (is it morning for y'all? good whatever time of day <3) I'm back at it again with my harassment guessing! secretaries, subscribers (I guessed subs earlier as a perhaps shortened catch-all for subscribers, subordinates, subtitles - nothing NSFW in mind here 😇), sympathizers, singles, savants?
Anonymous: Sponsors for song???
convenientlybookish: Sympathizers for Song? Soldiers for Song? Secretaries for Song??? 😭
Anonymous: Is the word Sponsors??
li-esonthefloor: secretaries.... stewards.... stalwarts...................... suspenders? LOL
SHAKIRA…?? No, none of the above…
auroragrace-bts: Is it perhaps....soldiers for stw? Or soft toys for stw? Both provides support ig. auroragrace-bts: This is my last I swear...subscribers for stw? 🏳️‍
None of the above, buuut here's a clue since you're putting in so much effort: One of these is tangentially related to another sense of the word in question.
lilypad709: maybe "subordinates for stw?" i've gotta go to bed now unfortunately, good luck guys! (the missing word *is* in english, right? i realised we never explicitly checked)
It is in English, yes! (Hope you slept well)
Anonymous: I was genuinely confused by your latest posts until I read through the tag, and now I also want to try so let me offer: Suspenders for STW (Related to supporter only in the most literal way if my French doesn't confuse me, and I feel like clothing retention could be an interesting theme with them) — The new anon here, I'm having a terrible doubt about what I just wrote, but in any case I meant "suspenders" and not "sustainers" (but if it's the answer I'll happily take the credits)
To be honest we're also a little confused 😆 We didn't think there'd be this much interest?? Neither suspenders nor sustainers, by the way.
Anonymous: What the last letter of the first S ^_^
Last letter is S! Like we said, a plural word ^_^
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kresnikcest · 19 days ago
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@li-esonthefloor I HAVE!!! I forgot how much I loved age gap ships even without the incest 😂 Sadly there doesn’t seem to be a ton of content but maybe I gotta check FFn…
It’s very 🥺 though, Malik being the one person who’s seen Asbel through the past seven years, watching (influencing) him grow from that traumatised headstrong kid into a somewhat less traumatised reserved (still pretty headstrong) young man. Meanwhile Asbel with his little puppy love crush that super doesn’t mean anything uwu (but then the events of the game happen and oh no…)
Or during the time skip 👀 keeping it secret
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otoutonai · 2 years ago
Tagged by: @knivash
Current song: baby boy - mother mother
Currently watching: jurassic park trilogy
Currently reading: rereading trimax
Current obsession: trigun lol
Tag 9 people: @morning-glory215 @queenrojpag @li-esonthefloor @plantonplant @aguslovesthe80s @lkngfrstr @ch3wy-kom @charzea @angel-armed
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sfstranslations · 25 days ago
it's a puzzle and a mystery and now pride is on the line 😂 of course we're interested
not-the-alex: Is your clue about the soldiers, soft toys, and subscribers ask?
Why pride lmao… Yes, that's the one.
Anonymous: Sentinels/sentries for stw? Maybe to protect and warn him if shj or hyj are near and about to create problems for him xD
Another tangentially related guess…!
not-the-alex: Softies! Stormtroopers! (....swifties?)
terrorofstars: saviors? 🤠
Anonymous: Stress balls for stw?? (S-class ones i guess) That man needs to de-stress
li-esonthefloor: shoes... soles.... st..ilettos.... swords....................... ....scribes.....
Anonymous: Saviors, sugar daddies , stakers, suppliers , signees, Signers, scouts, submissions - for stw ?? (If not..then on a scale of 1-10, how commonly used that word is?) Sorry if we are bothering you too much but this is so fun hehe 😅😅
None of the above. As for common usage, in our intended sense of the word, the American team members say it's pretty common.
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
i derailed the discussion so answering this here @li-esonthefloor
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man that basically requires a world without the trial but where ludger still exists... bc even if they got together independent of ludger meeting another elle, even if ludger's identity was never a problem (ex. he doesn't have a chromatus and claudia never went into hiding over it), lara's family is still a part of the kresnik clan and it'd probably become known if elle had a chromatus watch (and all keys of kresnik are also chromatus bearers)... unless she wasn't the key and didn't have a chromatus at all?
(although now i've distracted myself thinking of a world where ludger is born without a chromatus watch. would bisley still care about him? he presumably did love claudia, though idk if he would have been up for marrying her considering how it'd look outside of their family. would julius still love ludger eventually? i can see julius having a sort of petty superiority thing since ludger doesn't have a chromatus at all, but if bisley actually treated ludger well for claudia's sake then julius would probably still be jealous. plus there's the part where claudia is effectively raising both julius and ludger but, well, ludger is "actually" her child even though she looked after julius first. ludger i think would still admire julius a lot though. and that doesn't get into any potential wider family politics/drama over bisley having sons who are cousins and if he marries claudia, stepbrothers? (does that get cancelled out by them truthfully being half-brothers too? can you be both half-siblings and stepsiblings? i need to google.)
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
@li-esonthefloor I can excuse mass murder but I draw the line at tomato-flavoured pastries
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
@li-esonthefloor SO the official canon is that after seeing victor kill everyone, lara has flashback episodes where she thinks it's still before elle's birth and freaks out when she remembers what victor did, but she's supposedly fine when she's not experiencing that, which is supposedly when that happy photo with her and victor and smoler!elle was taken.
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but then, like, lara is on her deathbed and hums the hymn to elle and just. dies there, and that's explicitly stated to be because of the trauma of victor's actions and not any other illness. and victor just, didn't call her a doctor, but also doesn't seem to very surprised when she dies while their daughter is hugging her? (literally, he tells himself to distract elle before she realises lara's body is going cold)
and it's just such an odd and anticlimactic reason for lara to die i like to headcanon that lara's episodes made victor worried for elle's safety, and he just thought it was more merciful to just kill lara instead of letting her constantly relive the trauma of his actions, especially since after she dies is when he outlines his plan to send elle into the PD (something he literally killed everyone to stop them from doing...). sort of an extension of how he could rationalise everything he puts elle through because she won't remember any of it once they're reincarnated...
“My brother told me about it when we went camping once.” “Hehehe, you and your brother are close.” Yes. He was the best big brother anyone could ask for–until he said that. “When we got lost in the mountains, he found a cicada’s shell and had me carry it. He called it “a lucky charm that protects children”. Though, maybe he just wanted to comfort me.” “A charm… that protects children?” A light breeze brushed over my sweat-dampened neck with a rustling sound. I could feel the temperature drop. “Then… I should get one for Elle.” Ker-chunk. Like the gears of a clock, the hand in Lara’s heart rewound. “Please, I hope she stops crying. That child is going to die if she keeps crying.” At her unfeeling tone, a chill runs up my back. “It was scary… so scary… There was so much blood on you… so much blood…” “Lara, listen to me!” No matter how I cried out, your eyes had already stopped reflecting mine. “Your father… Your brother… Your friends… even that little girl… enough blood to turn the lake red…”
My problematic Lara/Victor trait is that I 100% think he killed her
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kresnikcest · 1 year ago
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truly the funniest part of the xillia 2 cutscenes is how frequently the x1 party just. doesn't do anything 😂 like they're just standing there in the background while ludger gets his ass kicked or whatever.
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
@jodieliker: brother-cousins continue to make me feral with how insane they are. these guys are so related. so cursed by their blood. bisley didn't have to do this but he's a creep and said "oh? your sister/my wife? girlfriend? died? let me comfort you so you'll provide me with more fodder for origin's trial"
Akdhskhsjs “cursed by their blood” indeed. I know they left it ambiguous if Bisley really got with Claudia for the Trial, but Claudia has every reason to believe he would given how he treated Julius...
It actually fucks me up that Lara’s family is explicitly part of the Kresnik clan because they really could not escape their family’s past.
@li-esonthefloor: i can't explain it but the double familial relation seems in a way worse than if they were 100% same parents brothers. fucking up the (already fucked up) family tree in two different ways............... :ok_hand:
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Imagine how fucked the Kresnik clan family tree would be if Ludger and Julius got together 😂 Normal shapes here.
Ludger finding out he and Julius are cousins...
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kresnikcest · 2 years ago
@li-esonthefloor: #BLOOD ON BOTH THEIR FACES#BODIES IN THE BG#HAPPY ABOUT IT#THE MOST IMPORTANT TRIO IN ANY SHIP#tox2#for how normal kresnik bros are they are so fucked up#for how fucked up they are they are so normal?#ah. the first for bad end. the second for elle end
noooooo like seriously they're simultaneously SO normal for how messed up they are in the bad ending (ludger just wants to cook julius dinner and spend the time they have left together ;-;) but also given everything in their backstory and julius' entire character pre-pasta they are SO HEALTHY AND NORMAL AND SWEET??? pre-canon they're just chilling with their cat and each other and they're happy together and it's so mundane and ordinary and ludger has no idea how much murder julius is doing
and then the part where julius isn't even mad ludger just fucked up his plan to help the party complete the trial and stop bisley, like the past thirteen years all he's wanted is to protect ludger and ludger doesn't need him anymore he has friends and he loves elle and ludger is going to survive the trial and then ludger, does NOT let him do that, throws away his friends and abandons elle and leaves the world to bisley and chronos and. it was all for julius' sake. it was just so they could stay together a little longer.
*copies your url, lies down on the floor and cries*
Someday I’ll write Julius’ POV being sane and normal about Ludger but sadly I am far too obsessed with reading into Whatever The Fuck Is Going On With Him™ (and there is so much going on with him)
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