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lgcxmimi · 5 months ago
she's taking a small bite with a knowing look to her bestie, a brow raised his way but her eyes are still dancing. she knew that seyoon could be interesting in that department. not bad of course-- he was insanely talented, just... sometimes need a little push. "preparing for something?" she can't help but ask, curiosity lacing her features a bit before she's taking a full bite, humming in happiness.
she chuckles at him, covering her mouth. "ya knowwwww. maybe it's time you settle down, hm?"she jokes, before she snorts at his words. "mine? oh..." she thinks, humming. "i... well. i love doing it... really. its one of those things that... i can't just give up i guess."
his question makes her look him over. "hmm. i think you're definitely dramatic enough!" she giggles. "no but seriously, if you think you might... have more passion why not go?"
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Ah yes, the practice room.
"Same! I've been working so hard lately that it's unreal." It wasn't like Seyoon was lazy. He was just unmotivated. The whole idol path situation felt like one of those races with no ending in sight. You know you are competing with people and must strive to be the best, but you also had no idea if you'd be winning the grand prize. Or, in fact, what the grand prize was.
Fortunately, Seyoon was one of those people that would follow a crowd. So when he found himself surrounded by hardworking people, he'd keep up to make sure he blended in. "I barely have time to hook up now," he said. "That's like, bad for my mental health." Questionable, but sure. "What's your goal again? Fame? Money? I just want to make bank and every so often I wonder if I am better off going into musical acting. Do you think I'd make more there?"
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lgcyoojoon · 11 months ago
peaceful days. feat. @seyoonlgc
Group coaching had concluded, leaving only Yoojoon and Seyoon in the nearly deserted practice room. And yet, Yoojoon couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than mere coincidence; perhaps it was fate or destiny, orchestrating their presence together in this moment.
They sat side by side, the tap-tap of Yoojoon's fingertips on the plastic surface of a water bottle filling the otherwise stifling silence. He despised the awkwardness that had settled between them since their last conversation;
he longed for the days when their interactions were carefree and filled with laughter, even the occasional argument over Seyoon's forgetfulness of dirty clothes on the floor.
With the prospect of their paths parting after a possible debut, Yoojoon couldn't bear the thought of things ending on such strained terms. So, summoning his courage, he cleared his throat and turned to his brother, "Your dancing has improved a lot."
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lgchanie · 1 year ago
𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎 —
written for 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 ( @seyoonlgc ) ♡
It may be a bit mundance, but Hanbin was excited to complete the chores laid out for them. As he prepped for his task, washing his hands well, slipping gloves on, he eagerly lent a hand in collecting the fresh vegetables and other ingredients. Meanwhile, he kept a watchful eye on Seyoon. Although he did hold a lot of love for his friend, he knew that Seyoon might get distracted and lose focus, fast. This was coming from someone who did Seyoon's laundry from time to time. Despite this concern, he remained focused on the task at hand, determined to complete it successfully for everyone.
"Hey, I hope tonight's dinner is delicious. If I had to be honest, I wish we had lost; I wanted to cook..." His lips all pouty and plump, Hanbin felt a little silly for wanting a harder chore; he wanted to go the extra mile, really hone in on the farmer life. Hanbin waited for Seyoon's response, and when none came, He peeked through the cabinet door to catch a glimpse of what Seyoon might be doing. His brows furrowed, "Uh. What are you doing?"
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lgchanie · 2 years ago
𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 —
written for 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 ( @seyoonlgc ) ♡
"Ouch! That hurts," Hanbin winced at the slightest brush around his bruised knee. The (minor) pain was a reminder of his embarrassing stumble during his first concert. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he was fortunate enough to cross paths with Seyoon. Hanbin couldn't have been more grateful for the unexpected run-in and act of kindness.
His white, baggy white pants were rolled up to show the minor graze;barely bleeding. "Thank you, though... This is the worst. I should just go home..." Hanbin, who had only recently joined the label, was excited to expand his social circle and connect with new people. Hanbin felt a sense of eagerness to get to know Seyoon better and maybe that's why he fell on his knees.
The loud, thumping sounds from the concert venue echoed outside as he sat along a curb for Seyoon to take a look. "It's bad, isn't?"
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lgcxmimi · 10 months ago
there's a part of her that hates showing up like this. it wasn't their usual bit. usually people would find them arm and arm, giggling or talking rapidly, side by side. seyoon was someone she had grown close too, despite their initial meeting of casualness. later, she had been told by friends they were shocked they hadn't met sooner, and emi had to agreed with that statement. he seemed to be her other half.
so she tries to reason with herself that if anyone could see her less than chipper... it'd be him.
she catches his phone with ease, browsing through the late night options with ease and humming a bit as she orders spicy rice cakes and fried chicken as well as a few more snacks. she's still look when his words come and she pauses, swallowing hard. she contemplates telling him, not because she didn't trust him, but mainly because it was embarrassing. she shakes her head.
"no." she sets his phone down, cuddling his jacket a bit more. it smells like him. it's warm. "well... sort of. not... not really?" she murmurs when the last one is mentioned. finally, she groaned in frustration. "... i just thought something different about someone. but..." she pauses. "it's... it's silly. it doesn't even matter."
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Oh, Miss Mimi was really upset indeed. Unusual - Seyoon was far more used to the flirty, cute, charming Emi he'd met at the bar. Just as he imagined she'd be more accustomed to the also flirty, cute, and funny (self-proclaimed) Seyoon. For such seemingly carefree people, they sure liked wearing masks.
"Want my jacket?" He grabbed his hoodie off the couch and draped it around her shoulders. "Haven't done laundry in three months. Pleasant scent not guaranteed." Seyoon grinned to show that he was just joking. Fortunately for Emi, that hoodie was clean because someone else had been suckered into washing his clothes over the weekend. "You pick what to order then," he tossed her his phone. "I'm going to try to make you that tea..." Back into the cabinets he went.
Chamomile. Seriously? That was all his old lady had? Great. What boring taste she had. Though considering the hour, perhaps something without caffeine was the right move.
"Did a coach yell at you?" Seyoon started shooting questions while the kettle boiled. "Are you struggling over the career paths and wondering if you'd be better off just trying to become some rich person's sugar baby? Did you run into a messy, apologetic ex?" Those were some of the issues that he would be personally bothered by. "If it's the last one, just forget about it. No point fretting over men - we are not worth the attention."
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lgcxmimi · 7 months ago
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❥ - q3 plot call and tracker ❕
another quarter, another plot call. it's bb, aka jasper( @lgcxjasper) and mimi's mun, back at it again. can't wait to see what this new semester has in store! for mimi, her pages have been updated, with plots still open. as far as threads go, i'll be dropping most older ones, but feel free to hit me up so we can have new ones and/or see how things have progressed! i'd love things for her and to make new friends.
profile. plots.
she's been working her ass off, and is so excited to have an opportunity with others for the radio! as far as other things go, she's working hard for the trainee mission. surprisingly she's been a bit of a cooldown. someone may or may not be distracting her from being her flirtatious self, but she's making sure she's focused on her goals more than ever.
tracker under the cut!
LGC CHARMS JAPAN: THE RADIO Host Chat: too much tmi! w/ @lgctaeha [ x ] Starring: model behavior w/ @lgcjinyoung [ x ] OTHER: OPEN TO PLOTTING ( @lgcxsarang , @lgcasami <3) TRAINEE MISSION 018 DITL: SOLO HOSTING WORKSHOP: w/ @lgcheejin, OPEN FOR PLOTTING CREATIVES: not applicable GYESEUNG: together again w/ @lgcxmax [ x ] open for plotting! NON-EVENT: another time w/ @lgcparker friend talk w/ @lgcseyoon rekindling w/ @lgcxmax ice cream cake w/ @lgcseojin
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lgcseojin · 2 years ago
"You are helping, Seojin hyung." Seyoon quickly promised, realizing he must have been frowning when the other trainee was speaking. "I was just taking in all the info." His thinking face was ugly - something else that he could work on when he has time. "I don't actually know much of anything when it comes to singing techniques. The truth is, I've been relying mostly on what my parents gave me, and passion." He was significantly better at singing songs he liked for that very reason. "You are really good at singing, hyung. I hear you from the hallway sometimes."
It is clear from the start that Seojin knows little of this young man called Seyoon. He is barely even certain of his family name, nor able to place the distinct accent placed on his words — simply that he surely was not born and raised in South Korea. He knows he is younger; knows he has quite the presence of a positive personality but there is much he cannot place about the younger, leaving his attitude toward him in a strange and awkward limbo.
He does not want to appear too standoffish nor overly friendly. Such was the dilemma he faced in front of newer trainees. Scaring them off would do nothing to help but neither would be sugar coating his words. ( If one were to pitch the question of it being preferable to be loved or feared perhaps he would simply answer 'respected'. )
"Hey, man, if you got the passion down, that's a good thing... There's people with too much technique and not enough passion. How someone can sing a ballad without a hint of emotion, I'll never understand. There's a balance somewhere."
He nurses the bottle of apple juice in hand between each sentence, idly twirling the plastic ring beneath the cap with his callused fingertips. "But I know I'm good, and that's exactly why you're here, y'know." Without knowing Seojin well, it could be difficult to distinguish between a joke and a sincere statement. His sense of humor relied heavily on context and his preexisting confidence — the latter of which he enjoyed making a comical exaggeration of.
"Anyway, sing me a song. Anything... but, like, half of one. I wanna see how you do it... I won't give you any suggestions or instructions until after." Seojin purses his lips into a thin line, eyes drifting to the side. "Do I got permission to be harsh or do you want me to go easy on you?"
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lgcxmimi · 1 year ago
There's a bit of mischief in her eyes. She realizes a few moments later that the cutie in front of her seems vaguely familiar, and a part of her thinks she's seem him around sometime, but it doesn't seem to linger long as he speaks. He has a nice voice, and she likes that. There's a twitch of her lips at his words, looking over at J with a bit of a pout before the prospect of getting something afterwards has her eyes twinkling towards Seyoon. "Mmm you promise?" She teases, before he gets closer.
She thinks for a long moment, wondering if she should entertain him, but the prospect of winning is too great, and so she offers a pink to show she's a keeper of her word as she looks at him. With that, she's taking some and pouring it into her glass, moving to down it. "Mmm I won't even save you your pride." She tells him with a giggle, licking the rest of the liquor off her tinted lips. "Even if you want me to."
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Seyoon's eyes went from the girl's pretty pout to the slumped-over dude, his mind quickly made up as he smiled. "He can pay for our drinks." See, he would not have minded paying for hers, but he'd not want to pick up the tab for the drunken one here. If J was going to swipe his credit card at the end of the night anyway, he might as well be generous and treat everyone like the older brother at the table should.
As for the two of them.
"I'll pay for something delicious after the drinks. Everything tastes better when you are a little tipsy and I know just the place." Seyoon straightened poor J back up in his seat and brushed him down, lovingly fixing up his jacket and shirt collar for him. He was showing respect and kindness as thanks in advance for this man's patronage, so don't say he didn't have a heart!
"What do you think?" He leaned forward, resting his chin over his hand. "Though...that'll only happen if you win and...I haven't lost many drinking challenges." Seyoon picked up his next shot and tipped it back, showing her the empty glass before setting it down again. "You seem like a girl who enjoys an honest challenge. Won't want me to lose just to be a gentleman, would you?"
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lgcmilan · 1 year ago
milan doesn't miss the the averted gaze from the cross. she feels that there's a story there, but she doesn't probe. they don't know much about each other after all. plus, his next words distract her from the gesture, make her snort in amusement even. "cringe" she says while rubbing her arms vigouroursly as if she has goosebumpbs, a hint of playfulness in her voice. she doesn't voice out loud that she doubts that he could have any answers that she's looking for.
she's surprised that he asks for such a question and leans away from him a little. she feels a little defensive. isn't this quite personal? ... no, perhaps not. some people pray for answers about simple matters after all. seyoon might think that she's run into issues with her career as an idol. and yes, if it had been her issue, maybe she would consider talking about it with him. but that's not the case. so she hesitates. and he eggs her on. yes, it's important, but... her eyes dart to the the same cross seyoon eyed earlier. "guess it's not that important." she finally says softly, unable to open up about the subject. because speaking about her pain would be speaking badly of him, she's unable to talk about it, neither with friends, nor to strangers.
his suddenly mood change brings milan's attention back to him. well, good thing she has said anything, because his mind doesn't really seem to be on contemplation and sincere discussions. she almost chastises him for using such a language where they are, but decides it's not worth it. instead she quirk an eyebrow. "why should i follow you?" she asks. they know each other in passing only after all and conidering where he has found her tonight, 'fun' isn't something she's seeking right now. she doesn't want more turmoil, more excitement; for once in her life, she's begging for peace of mind and heart.
and suddenly, she frowns. "and you just came in. why are you wanting to leave so quickly?" thinking about it, this makes no sense. coming in a chuch, sitting down 5 minutes with a stranger and suddenly leaving isn't normal behavior. he must've come for a reason in the first place. does it have anything to do with him looking away from the cross?
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tw: religion
That's right, he should not stay.
People were waiting for him. Friends. Fellow party kids. Eager to get the night started as soon as they get the dinner situation out of the way. Drinking and dancing, maybe a few songs to share after his brain felt sufficiently hazy. Seyoon's nights were set. Always. And the only real difference would be the pretty face he'd shut his eyes next to by the morning light.
It was what he chose - a routine that felt safe and comforting because that was the only way to ensure that no one ever got ahold of him.
Don't you judge me for it.
He narrowed his eyes at the one on the cross but averted his gaze soon after because somehow...he still hadn't drifted far enough from His influences.
"Maybe I am here to deliver you the answers you seek." Seyoon leaned back against his seat, a faint smile curving his lips. "He uses people sometimes, right? I am a person. Perhaps that's why I am here." He slung an arm around, resting it on the back of the bench behind Milan's head. Close, but not enough to touch her. He was trying to not be a total asshole because the girl did nothing to him and seemed unhappy enough as it was. "What's your question, Milan?" His eyes danced across the stained glass windows and down the beautiful pillars at the sides. "Ask, if it's important. Or..." He let his voice trail off as a different path appeared in his mind.
"We can get out of here!" He grinned, eyes bright with excitement. "Fuck all of this. Let's go somewhere fun." In fact, Seyoon knew just the place to cheer them both up. "It'll just be for a while. I promise you won't get caught."
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lgcxmax · 1 year ago
[ ☺ ]
max can't help but mirror seyoon's shock at the mere phrase 'bored of partying' to leave his lips. the older male even debates for a second if he wants to double check on the guy and check if he was actually sober and fully conscious just to be certain he wouldn't get in trouble if he ran into a coach. but the shock at his own actions has max exhale a laugh instead. "nah dude. it's called finding a balance," he reassures seyoon with another ruffle to his hair.
"I feel like- people make debut out to be this big game changer but if you don't love what you do as a trainee, you won't love what you do as an idol," he explains. "I get more opportunities. We had a gig for a variety program in Japan- I had to speedrun learning japanese. for me it was amazing cause I love composing but I know some of us struggled cause they didn't share the interest," max goes on to explain, opening the door to his chosen location and letting seyoon enter first.
"So yeah- I'm pretty happy. I still feel a bit awkward since I was tossed into a full fledged, well running group and have to find what value I can bring rather than establishing a new group with everyone, but the guys are doing their best to make me feel welcome."
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lgcxmimi · 8 months ago
"hell no. if anything they'll get into a fight and that'll be the best bit of eye candy i've had all year!" she's teasing, laughing a bit at his words before she's rolling his eyes playfully at his antics. "sounds like you're in heaven then maybe. who are you with again?" she's questioning as she's reaching for a piece of fruit herself, not realizing how famished she actually was. food was the last thing on her mind lately.
she does listen to his suggestions though, tilting her head. "mm yeah? that may be a plan. though i feel like they couldn't be different from each other. the only thing they have in common is being hot talented. just three different personalities in the same room." she smirks a bit though when she sees his face, biting her lip as she shakes her head. "definitely not that." she warns in a teasing manner.
"ah... oh yeah. that's a good point. ugh, i really hate that stupid rule. i mean who says girls and guys can't just be friends without sleeping each other!" she murmurs defiantly... as if she and seyoon were an exception to that rule.
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"Wanna switch workshops?" Seyoon took a strawberry for himself. "Just kidding~ I wouldn't trade my perfect girls for them stinky boys." Though to be fair, he did get along with everyone in Emi's group now that he'd recalled who they were. Max was a friend and someone he actually somewhat respected. Rowonie was too much of a babe to ever be on his bad side and BK he used to party with in questionable places. That guy had become terribly dull these days, however, and it was such a shame. Maybe he ought to poke at dear BK sometimes. Test the boundaries. See just how much that one really changed.
"Perhaps you guys could do something together after the workshop," Seyoon said. "Something fun and light-hearted. Build a beautiful friendship and disperse the awkwardness in the air." His grin suggested that he was about to say something wildly inappropriate, but at the very last minute, his brain managed to call off that plan. "Like, I dunno, pizza?" There, something tame. Not every friendship could be built like his and Emi's, after all.
"Or is getting pizza with your buddies of the opposite gender not acceptable now? Are we important enough for the company to care yet?" Actually, Max might be now that he was an idol. Boo.
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lgcxmimi · 10 months ago
she knew it was late, and it probably wasn't the best idea to just head to his apartment, but frankly, she'd rather do that than be alone with her thoughts for the rest of the night. she gnaws on her bottom lip as fingers clumsily text a roommate to let them know she'd be out a bit later than she originally thought before she's walking to his place.
it's not long before she's slipping into his door, her bottom lip uncharacteristically trembling for the love of everything she can't figure out why she feels so bad. it shouldn't matter. it doesn't matter. it never mattered, after all, she had gotten what she wanted-- right.
his words pulled her away from her thoughts, dark eyes widening a bit at his concern. they were close, probably too close considering they frequently slept together, but to see her crack was... not quite what she had in mind, and she shakes her head slowly. "ah.. uh. no. i'm fine... j-just cold." she murmurs, probably a bit too quietly.
it wasn't a lie. she was cold. she was always cold-- damn anemia.
"we... we can order something if you want."
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Yeah, he was free. Always for dear Emi.
When Seyoon received the text, he was on his knees on the bathroom floor, scrubbing the toilet so clean that he could see his reflection.
You might wonder, my god, why was Kim Seyoon cleaning? This must be a sign of the apocalypse! And look, no. His messiness was reserved for people who were close to him like his unfortunate dormmates. This apartment he kept pristine because though it might have his name now, it did not belong to him.
He told Emi they could meet here and sent her the location, only regretting the decision after he buzzed her up because he recalled they hadn't got much of anything in this house, food and beverage-wise.
"Yo, do you want a cuppa tea-" He looked up from digging around in the cabinets.
The hell? Why did Emi look pale and unhappy?
"What's wrong?" He walked over at once and warmed her hands between his toasty palms. "Did someone...die?" Shit, was that an insensitive question to ask?
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lgcxmimi · 1 year ago
she had a choice really. to spend money, resources, and time with her family for christmas-- which truly, only made her heart desperately ache to be back home.
or, stay in seoul, have the privilege of mainly empty training rooms, an empty dorm, and save money while she was at it.
she liked to think she chose the right option. she knew debuting wouldn't make it any easier, but at least she could afford, eventually, to spoil her mother and sister in the way that they truly deserved. until then, sacrifices should be made.
eventually, though, the itch comes, to be with people, to experience the closeness of others and enjoy herself while she can. and what better way to do that then with the reigning in of a new year? and it is easy to get in a skirt and heels, bat her eyelashes, and have the time of her life with soju and beer. and, its always fun to pretend to be unassuming. its why she finds herself in this position, a smirk on her face as she downs another shot, much to the other's dismay in shock of how much she could put away.
it's the interruption that is... gladly welcome actually, dark eyes scanning the other with a bright mischief that has her head tilting. a new challenger? a new, cute challenger? sure, why not.
"mmm, sure." she plays coy, running a hand through dark hair with a biting of her lip. "and what's the prize? he was going to pay for my drinks for the rest of the night... are you the same?" she questions, looking up at him with a slight pout of her lips.
drinking contest @lgcxmimi
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Almost 2024.
The dorm felt empty around the holiday season, mostly because people went home to be with their loved ones. Seyoon's family was mostly in Canada and though they expressed interest in seeing him and offered to pay for the plane ticket, he wasn't sure if he could still be comfortable in his old bed. His mother - the cold woman who had birthed him - was the only one in Korea and summoned him for dinner as per usual, but he turned her down for the first time.
And with that small act of defiance, he was completely and utterly free. No obligations. No responsibilities.
But God, he felt so...
The heaviness in Seyoon's chest had him chasing neon signs. From one bar to the next, he went, searching for something or someone who could distract him from the subtle pain that was spreading inside. And eventually, he did find her. Pretty face, smiling lips. Incredible ability to hold her liquor and was in desperate need of a challenge.
"Don't drink with J," he brushed aside the guy who was already drooping in his seat - they met at a party last week. "Play with me instead." He studied the number of drinks the other guy downed and took an equal amount of shots so they'd match.
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lgcyoojoon · 10 months ago
A swirl of emotions stirred within him, each one blending into the following like colors on an artist's palette: relief, gratitude, happiness, or perhaps a mixture of all three? He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He sensed that something was troubling Seyoon, yet despite his best efforts, he couldn't break through the barriers his brother had built.
In a way, this realization saddened him. He had hoped to be someone Seyoon could rely on to offer support and understanding. But blood indeed was thicker than water, and they didn't share the same blood.
"You're not too messed up to debut," Yoojoon responded, fidgeting with the letter in his hand. "Or messed up at all. You're just going through some things, and it might actually help to talk to someone outside of all this." Despite the gravity of the situation, Yoojoon managed a small, hopeful smile. "Thank you for apologizing. It means a lot to me. I've been struggling with how things have changed between us and have blamed myself a lot. I'm sorry, too, if I've done anything to contribute to that."
Reaching out his hand as if to bridge the gap between them, he continued, "Let's focus on debuting together."
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He was trying to practice four things at once - dancing, doing numbers in his head, Japanese, and singing for this Team Unknown thing. Beautiful pain. Uh-huh. Yeah, there was actually nothing beautiful about pain.
And therefore it must end.
"Take this." Seyoon offered Yoojoon a folded-up piece of paper. "I was going to give it to you yesterday after practice but I chickened out." He looked down at the floor, suddenly a bit nervous. "It might smell a bit because it got drenched in my sweat. Sorry." Seyoon shifted his weight from one foot to another, willing himself to endure the discomfort instead of fleeing as his instincts demanded. "It's an apology letter...for being a dipshit."
It was messily written. The first and only draft. He wrote everything in an ugly stream-of-consciousness style. "To summarize, my mood's been weird lately and I've been acting like an ass to people. It's unreasonable and I am aware. I just can't fix it. And I am sorry."
He pulled them into the corner of the practice room. "Maybe I'll talk to somebody about it...just not in the company." Seyoon lowered his voice. "Don't want the big boss to think I am too fucked up in the head to debut, right?"
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lgcmilan · 1 year ago
"I tried to change. Closed my mouth more. Tried to be soft, prettier. Less… awake"
it's a fact that milan's mouth has gotten her in this situation. for the sake of honesty, for the sanctity of keeping a friendship secret-free.
had she known...
sometimes, she wonders if she would've kept her mouth shut if she had known the consequences. if she had know that she would break more than her own heart and lose the most precious thing in her life. perhaps losing isn't the right word, but trying to hold the pieces together seems impossible at this point. something's gotta give and this something has to be her. like always, it's her.
contemplation. silence. it's all she's been doing the past few days. she's been erasing her presence purposely, because her mouth got her where she is. and where she is isn't a nice place.
she's been coming at the church more often than during the past several years. becoming a trainee had made it difficult to even attend once a week. and now, she's been here almost every evening after training. sitting at the same spot, bible on her lap. in contemplation. in silence.
maybe if she hadn't been trying to be less present, less awake, less vocal, she would've been surprised at the sudden apparition of seyoon. but as it is, his presence and voice only drags her out of her musings and she turns her head towards him. it takes her a second to recognize the trainee.
funny story he said? to milan, this sounds like the most plausible explanation as to how the infamous seyoon ended up in a church. not that she really knows much about him. she just heard stuff about him. and the things she heard makes her wonder if his question at her is asked in good faith. does he just want to make fun of her? "for answers." she finally replies quietly, so unlike her usual bubbly and boisterous self. "if you got lost, why are you staying? no one's waiting for you wherever you were supposed to go?"
under the shadow of his wing @lgcmilan
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In the summer, the days were long, but now the light drained early. He watched the sky turn, from a clear blue to a somber grey, then dark with the beginning of the night.
Seyoon was supposed to go to a friend's for dinner to kick off his evening, but accidentally entered a wrong number into the address line so the map app took him somewhere else. Tall building, cold stone steps. Stained glass windows and elegant woodwork. His eyes narrowed, fists subconsciously clenching as he prepared internally for battle.
But lightning did not come and strike him dead. Instead, there was only a soft creak of the wooden door as an elderly woman made her exit. Upon seeing him, she paused. He waited for her reaction, well aware of how unchurchly his outfit was, but if the woman had any judging thoughts, she did not share them. Instead, she offered a smile, and held the door open for him to enter.
And for some bizarre reason, he actually did.
He saw her right away - Seyoon's eyes were trained to spot the most beautiful person in any given room. Now, how should he behave again? Got to greet the debuted artist, right? He should be finding his smile, humble bows and whatever else.
Or fuck it. A voice said. He could just say fuck it to everything because this whole situation was probably an illusion, cleverly weaved together by the power of alcohol. His actual body was likely crumpled at a corner of the dance floor, out cold. Otherwise why would he be at a church?
"Hey," he still offered up a greeting in passionless monotone. "Funny story, I got lost and ended up here." But instead of getting back on track to his party, he sat down next to Milan because he suddenly felt tired. This place made him feel exhausted in a way he never should. "Whacha praying for?"
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