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My CAS experience allowed my to uptake many new endaveuors and develop skills outside my regular scope of work. Every week I challenged myself to new experiences and the reflection part of CAS allowed me to deepen those experiences by being self-critical of my actions. This not only helped me develop as a student but also an active memeber of society. The most rewarding and joyfull part of my CAS experience was my CAS project, where I learned how to work on a team whilist helping those in need. The most challengining part of my CAS experience was my english tutoring lessons, not only was it the most time consiuming out of my experiences, it also required a lot of patience and perseverance. Throught the time of this service I managed to learn new skills and lead by example to my students to be aware of current geopolitical issues that we have been experiencing. Throught my CAS experience I also managed to develop my sports skills. It made me realise that sports can be an amazing way to clear you mind, and were espetially helpfull during the time of the pandemic. This experience allowed me to not only grow as a person but develop some life skills such as realising my strengths and weaknesses and trying to learn from every single experience that I particpate in. This CAS blog will allow me to look back through the years and see how much I have grown, how much I achieved, and how far I still have to develop as an indivudual.
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1. Evidence for completion of CAS project.
Write name of your CAS project and give links to posts on your blog with evidence of completing the project.
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
Two examples of CAS experiences with links to appropriate blog post that show fulfillment of demands of LO1.
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
Two examples of CAS experiences with links to appropriate blog post that show fulfillment of demands of LO2.
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
Two examples of CAS experiences with links to appropriate blog post that show fulfillment of demands of LO3.
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
Two examples of LONG TERM (stretching for at last half a year) CAS experiences with links to appropriate blog posts.
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
Two examples of CAS experiences that involved the collective action. If you don't have any other collective CAS experiences, give links to CAS project posts, that showing you working together with other students.
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
Two examples of CAS experiences with links to relevant posts, that address global issues as described by LO6.
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
Two examples of CAS experiences that involved ethical issues, preferably from service strand of CAS.
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
Links to 3 posts with well developed reflection. Each post addressing different strand of CAS (one post with reflection on Activity, one post with reflection on Creativity, one post with reflection on Service).
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Activity week 35- 27.02.2022
This week for my activity part of CAS I decided to go running again. Thsi time i did 4 km but at a much fater pace. My reflection from this session is that the human body is able to quickly adapt to its new circumstances but I next time I woould like to ran 5 km at the same pace
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Creativity week 35-22.02.2022
This week for my creativity part of CAS I decided to bake a lemon Marange cake. I wanted to further develop my baking skills and incorporate different skills such as creating a pie crust. My reflection from this experience is to allow the batter to cool down before I arrage the cake so it will maintain its shape more
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Service week 35- 18.02.2022
This week for my service part of CAS I attended another one of our Amnesty International school charter meetings. This week we discussed the Russian invasion of Ukrain and the actions of Amesty International regarding this conflict. This poses a creat threat to the politcal stability of Europe. We also discussed our actions in term of facilitating the refugee crisis within Poland. At this point in time Poland has taken in more than 300 000 refugees which requires a lot of humanitarian aid. My reflection from this experience is to always educate myself about every confict to better understand the underpinnings of the olitical systems.
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Activity week 34- 08.02.2022
This week for my activity par of CAS I wen kitesurfing. This is one of my favourite sports and during my time in Cape Town I was able to further develop my skills. This time I learned how to do a backroll. My reflection from this session is to work on my landing ability and creat better stability by puttting my weight more on my back leg
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Creativity week 34-05.02.2022
This week for my creativity part of CAS I decided to bake coffee meringue cake. It was a process that took over two days due to the cooling process. This time I was able to perfect my Marange cake and filling but I should still develop a better cream filling
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Service week 34- 03.02.2022
This week for my service part of CAS I attended another one of our Amnesty International school charter meetings. This week we discussed the current situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border where troops are gathering a possibly preparing for an invasion. This conflict strikes as a great threat to Ukraine as well as the rest of the former Eastern bloc, including the country of my origin-Poland. My reflection from this experience is that the geopolitical is never too stable and poses a great threat to Europe as it is greatly dependent on Russian commodities such as oil and gas.
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Creativity week 33- 28.01.2022
This week for my creativity part of CAS I cooked a Hindu variation of the traditional Polish meatball. This was my first time cooking meatballs, which were inspired by my grandmother’s recipe combined with the Hindu cuisine that I was able to get to know throughout my travels it created a surprising variation between exotic and traditional food
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Activity week 34- 15.01.2022
This week for my activity part of CAS I went for a run. This required strong endurance since I haven’t run in awhile. My reflection from this session is to run more frequntlly because it really helps clear my head and maintain a stron endurance
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Service week 33-18.01.2022
this week for my service part of CAS I attended our weekly amnesty international meeting of our school anchor. This week we discussed the ongoing protests in Kazachstan which were fueled by the large increase in gas prices. This caused state-wide turmoil leading to the death of 225 people. My reflection from this meeting is that rising commodity prices are becoming a global issue and this is why governments should be self-reliant and therefore invest in renewable energy sources.
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Creativity week 32- 10.01.2022
This week for my creativity part of CAS I baked small Maranges. This allowed me to prepare for further exploration in this area and further construct bigger cakes out of such batter. My reflection is that I should make the paste much more fluffy for a better effect
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Activity week 32-03.01.2022
This week for my activity par of CAS I went for a hike on table mauntain in Cape Town. This was way harder than I expected it to be. It took over two hours bu the view has amazing. Table mauntain is a natural reserve which allowed me to really admire the beuty of this region. My reflection from this experience is that wild life and nature preservation is crucial to maintain the stability and biodiversity of our planet
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Service week 32- 03.01.2022
This week for my service part of CAS I attended an Amnesty International meeting within our school charter. This week we discussed a situation that is currently happening in Poland which is limiting the freedom of the media by the government, with the LEX TVN legislation which aims to limit the actions of action of the specific media outlet that is not favorable of the current government. My reflection is that the freedom of the media is crucial to the sovereignty of every state.
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CAS project
My CAS project revolves around the financial, tangible, and interpersonal help for children living in orphanages. Due to the fact that most of our range of actions was limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we still managed to offer the best help we could.
First, we gathered students to participate in the CAS project and created a group of teams to discuss the next step of our actions. First, we had to reach out to orphanages in order to offer our services and help the children and what were their needs in terms of help. As we found an orphanage in Kozienice called “Rodzinny Dom dziecka w Kozienicach”, we had meetings in order to think of ideas how can we offer our services from a distance as the pandemic circumstances did not allow us to visit the children.
We decided to compose a package with the students of our school “I SLO Jam Saheba Digvijay Sinhji IB 1531”. We had gathered things throughout the week, where people donated sweets, warm clothes, books, and stationery with the help of the students of our school.
Next, we had to compose the packages and ship them out to the orphanage. This CAS project required organizational skills and creativity as the circumstances of the pandemic were not ideal, but we still managed to make a lot of children happy thanks to our project.
LO1, LO2, LO4, LO6, LO7
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