#lgbtq sh
nancylou444 · 4 months
Canon LGBTQ+ Character of the Day
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Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters)
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banhamm3r-r3al · 4 months
huh how did i reach 6 followers
you know what heres some more garlic bread, enjoy
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lezkissgifs · 9 months
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Rap Sh!t S02E07
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sonnetforbonnet · 4 months
Don't Stream on Max, Stream Scavengers Reign on Netflix!
Hey, Don’t Stream On Max folks! If you have Netflix, stream Scavengers Reign! Show Max just what kind of success they’re missing out on! Who knows, maybe Netflix will renew it for a S2?
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@saveofmdcrewmates @adoptourcrew
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thebean-17 · 10 months
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
People who compare transition to self harm or use real people they know who've self-harmed as a metaphorical comparison to transitioning aren't making the gotcha they think they're making - they're just showing that they don't have the compassion or maturity to engage with either topic at even a conversational level.
And, frankly, it's infuriating as a person who does see those who self-harm as my equal who doesn't need to be used as a cudgel against another group of often vulnerable people.
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isukdik6969 · 4 months
⚠️ ⚠️WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️
This post contains bad graphic scenes and inappropriate language. Viewer discretion is advised.
Kermit, the stripper.
By: isukdik6969
Once upon a time, there was a stripper named Kermit. He loved his job and never wanted anything more. And one long day of pole dancing for rich millionaires and getting gang banged by a gang in a back alley, he did his daily checking for STI'S at the doctor's office, he finished up then gave the doctor some head. He took the bus ride home but there was no seats on the bus and he couldnt stand up on the bus with his stripper heels, so thankfully a nice horny man let Kermit sit on his lap, and all through the bus ride they had sex without anyone noticing. At this point Kermit's ass was hurting and dripping with cum and sex lube, but when Kermit got home from his job at the strip club, he grabbed a metal fork and began to eat some Kraft dinner he made in the morning. Suddenly, he heard a little voice in his head say, "Stick the fork in the outlet." Kermit had always trusted the little voice in his head, so he started to do as the voice said without knowing the consequences of it.
Kermit was about to stick the fork in the outlet when *RINGGGG* His phone rang. Kermit picks up his phone and answers "What do you want whore"Kermit says angrily. Ms. Piggy replies with "I did nothing wrong, but I wanna get back together." Kermit screams at Ms Piggy, "SLEEPING WITH UNCLE DEADLY IS NOTHING WRONG???!!! "Kermit hangs up and continues sticking the fork in the outlet saying "that lying, cheating, littl-"He gets cut off by a large zap noise. A few minutes later, Ms Piggy heads to his apartment to try and seduce him so he will get back to her. Ms. Piggy knocks a few times on the door and gets no response, so she gets her new bf -Uncle Deadly- to break down the door. She finally gets inside, and it's like a ghost town. She walks further in and checks every room.
Finally, she gets to the kitchen and steps on something cold she looks down and sees Kermit's lifeless corpse on the floor. Ms. Piggy gets angry because his stripper heels tracked so much dirt from the outside that it was ruining her brand new high heels. Then she heard something, her new boyfriend saying "Can we leave this place im hungry" She says to her new bf "No worries about food, babe, were having frog legs for dinner", So after Ms Piggy and Uncle Deadly had a threesome with Kermit's fried corpse. They feasted on Kermit, and thanks to him being electrocuted, they didn't need any preparation for him. They finished eating what they could of Kermit and sold the rest of him for 5,000,000$ on eBay
Then Uncle Deadly told Ms Piggy somthing that left her shocked he said " I'm sorry Ms Piggy but I wasn't in love with you, I was in love with Kermit, I was using you to get closer to him. But now he is gone, so I shall be gone too. " Ms Piggy started crying and trying to stop Uncle deadly, but she was too late. He had already cut his dick and balls off and was bleeding out. ~One hour later~ Ms. Piggy was out on the streets trying to find a new boyfriend. After a while, she got really tired and went back to Kermits' large stripper apartment. She had been so sad that she said "Fuck this shit, imma start dating women" So Ms Piggy had started sissoring Camilla aggressively. They lived together for a few months and then Kermit and Uncle Deadly (who were now together as a gay couple) haunted them and eventually killed them. And nobody lived happily ever after, but they did all die gay, so I guess that counts.
The End 🫶🫶🫶
I honestly only wrote this for comedy, and if yall want, I will write real smut, just ask. Hope you enjoyed the torture and there may be misspells.
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max-is-a-tranny · 5 days
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your-queer-dad · 2 months
hey dad!
(tw sh)
you won’t believe but i accidentally r3lapsed yesterday 😭
i found my other blade since my bf flushed my main one down the toilet and i was like “hm the other one was dull this one probably is too” and i was wrong
very surprised actually
idk if i should count it since it was accidental or not-
anyways i’m kinda scared
school starts in 2 days for me and i’m a bit worried. i wasn’t worried before but now i am? idk. i have the exact same classes as my boyfriend so im really happy and i know he will be there for me every step of the way. oh yeah! i started reading school bus graveyard on webtoon today and may or may not have finished it. it was so good but i have to wait for more episodes now :(
but yeah my bio parents are those types of parents and i have to go to sleep at 9:00 when school starts and get off my phone at 8:00 right now i get off at 9:00 and sleep at 9:30. i have to leave my phone downstairs and i don’t really trust them with it.
i move rooms in a couple weeks since my brother is going to college! i’m making a hiding place at the bottom of my new closet and i’m theming it like white space from omori :3
i hope the new room is everything i could ever wish for 🤞
i am preparing for school by making post cards on what to say when teachers ask stuff like “what’d you do this summer” or smthn and i don’t stutter
anyways, bye dad!
sincerely, 🦋 <3
Hey kiddo! I'm so sorry that happened to you, and whether it counts or not completely depends on how you feel about the situation. I'm really glad you have your boyfriend there to help you and I'm so proud of you!! You got this kiddo!!
- dad x
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nancylou444 · 4 months
Canon LGBTQ+ Character of the Day
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Alexander Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters)
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banhamm3r-r3al · 4 months
food for the warriors
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muff1nqwq · 2 months
I made a few styros on my arm!! Pls welcome: Bob, Rob, Sob, and Stevie :DD
My dad asked what 'cisgender' meant and I didn't rlly know how to explain it in French and I said smth like "when ur born ur gender, for example when ur born a man. Like I'm cis" and then my dad went "oh... Ur not getting top surgery, aren't u?" And I was like "no" and he was like "good"
And I just realized what he meant by that
How do I tell him that I'm a cis girl and not a trans boy :')
+ he doesn't know that I'm bi
i came out as the wrong lgbtq term T-TTTT LMAO
( not that there's anything wrong w being trans fyi )
But istg I can't communicate properly :')
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mr-mr-mr-mr-mr · 3 months
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References I used for the final product 🥹
@albanenechi for the first one ♥︎
Follow them 🫵
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fleeglefazbeagle · 1 month
Hey, quick question.
You guys(gender neutral) know how Secret History Tails sounds, right?
I know that his voice actor(Mick Lauer) is a cis dude but what I wanna know is what way is Secret History Tails' voice(gender wise) in general (including the Mashed+ announcement and There's Something About)?
Is it male, masc aligned, female, fem aligned, neutral aligned, androgynous, mascandrogyne, femandrogyne or what?/genq
Why do I ask? It's simply just out of genuine curiosity and it's been bothering me for a bit.
Please comment your guesses in the replies, I'd like to know your takes.
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pridemonthpromptfest · 4 months
Tomorrow Starts Pride Month!
Everyday for the next month this blog will post the daily prompt. You can reblog, reply, or simply tag your Sherlock & Co Pride piece and I'll reblog it here. :)
The tags I'm following to find pieces are #sh&copride and #sh&co pride so please use one of those if you want me to see it and reblog it. :D
If you have any questions asks and messages are open!
Happy creating! Excited to see what everyone makes!
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fell-is-suffering · 5 months
You know what? Fuck you!
*takes away ur unhealthy coping mechanisms*
"i- what the fuck- give 'em back you bitch-"
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