#lgbtq cricket
goingtolebanon · 2 years
if you transition it doesn't have to be forever. if you detransition it doesn't have to be forever. if you come out as a specific label you don't have to keep it forever. if you change your mind to something new, you don't have to keep that forever, either. we are ever-changing beings and it is okay to change your mind, and it is okay to have complicated feelings, and it is okay to be unsure about all of these things, too.
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pokimoko · 3 months
If you’re doing pride animals still do you think you could make a pan tiger maybe? If not that’s ok ofc :)
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I can absolutely do that for you, my friend. Here you are!
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bimesskaira · 5 months
You know what first I thought I wouldn't say anything regarding the ishman matter on Twitter but now it's necessary. People who ship ishman just write stories on wattpad, are true fans of them, cheer during their matches and make reels on Instagram, none of which truly affects their game or concentration unlike the "Sara chants" which btw even RR's official handle had tweeted to tell them to stop but Jugnu doesn't have a problem with that he just has a problems with people adoring the ishman bond and shipping them. In his tweet he didn't even defend ishan just said how we would feel if anybody said a wrong or bad thing to us. Basically he called people being in a same sex relationship as wrong or bad. It's not about ishman anymore its about the rights of the LGBTQIA community. Does he know how much the community has suffered for years ? How much they fought to get even the basic human rights ? And he just called their existence wrong. If virat kohli doesn't have a problem, if ishan who himself likes ishman reels doesn't have a problem, if Raj bhai doesn't have a problem then who the hell is he to have a problem ?? Shubman himself has liked ishman stuff in past and he never minds, the gt and mi admins don't have a problem then why the hell is he having a problem ? Just a typical homophobic mindset. He himself does nothing except for following shubman around have we ever see ishan's friends doing that ? All of them have their own career and are just supportive. He due to riding shubman's coattails of success is in the limelight amd thus his opinion matters to the fans of shubman and many of them even from the LGBTQIA community. He just broke the self confidence of those people and they already struggle accepting themselves due to the society. He painted his tweet as if even the implication of liking the same sex is wrong and what a cheap and lowlife mindset is that ? He said grow up in his tweet and I for one think that he should grow up because this is the 21st century and people of the LGBTQIA community have the right to exist. Why does he never say anything to the "Sara" chants ? The one which you know actually distracts the players ? People are now hesitant to even like ishman reels and support the LGBTQIA community and refuse to write stories on wattpad anymore which is so sad to see. Bcci first is after ishan and now this jugnu is trying to destroy a beautiful bond. Did he even ask shubman's permission to do so ? That's it for now there is more I want to say but it's not for the polite ears.
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yourdailyqueer · 8 months
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Danielle McGahey
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 14 April 1994
Ethnicity: White - Canadian
Occupation: Prof cricket player
Note: First transgender player in an international T20 match.
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human-wof-designs · 1 year
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more pride drawings, personal headcanon edition (although umber's might be canon? i can't recall)
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limoncats · 1 month
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was drawing Young Cricket as practice and arbitrarily decided he's gay so
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ilikebookssomuch · 4 months
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Guess what
I made another one :D
This is Aderfly, another PrideWing. I like her, she is pretty :)
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s10127470 · 3 months
Shipping Ideas: Bart Simpson
I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with crack-ships.
The act of taking two characters from completely different sources of media (and in some cases, from the same piece of media) and putting them in a romantic relationship.
And while this is largely seen as kind of a joke by most of the Internet, there is a strange beauty to it.
Not only seeing completely different characters being put together, but seeing it done in a way that still stays true to their respective characterizations.
And in some cases, the characters as they're presented in the crack-ship are actually better than where they originated from.
One of, if not, the best case of crack-ships I've seen is from an artist by the name of Flower Cannibal (Iris Lamour).
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For the past year, she's been doing a web-comic series titled The BriBob Multiverse.
Set in a weird mish-mashed world where just about every fictional character you can think of co-exists, this series primarily focuses on various same-sex crack-ships pairings.
But the main one is the titular BriBob, which is a ship between Brian Griffin from Family Guy and SpongeBob SquarePants.
This already sounds like an insane and disastrous ship given how drastically different these two are.
But believe or not, it’s actually really engaging.
For starters, there’s the characterization of the two.
SpongeBob is what you would usually expect from him, but Brian is essentially back to his characterization from the earlier seasons, when he wasn’t a egotistical douchebag.
As for how they got together.
We see this happen in the very first part of the comic, where Brian is attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting being held by Steven Universe.
SpongeBob is the last to arrive to the meeting, where he finds himself sitting next to Brian.
The two immediately hit it off, as Brian finds himself drawn to SpongeBob’s bright demeanor.
Though you may be wonder why the hell SpongeBob of all characters is at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Well, this where gets take a real shark turn.
So basically, sometime before the events of the comic, Mr. Krabs DIED and as a result, The Krusty Krab got shutdown.
This led SpongeBob to spiral into a deep depression, and he decided to join AA as he didn’t want his depression to reach to the point where he does become an alcoholic.
Yeah, despite this comic being crossover insanity, it’s also shockingly deep as well.
The reason why these two ended up together is that they’re both aimless souls.
We already know Brian is one (and I appreciate how it’s treated in a way that makes us sympathize with him and instead of trying to make him look like a loser) and SpongeBob now since he’s lost his job (which he loved).
And throughout the comic, we see these two really bringing the best out of each other.
SpongeBob helping Brian keep his spirits up and being his motivation for him to buckle down, and Brian amazing SpongeBob with his intellect and showing nothing but love for his unique quirks.
If you want to check this series out, here are the links to Flower Cannibal's TikTok and Instagram.
But anyway, the reason I'm sharing all of this is because I've gotten into the whole concept of crack-ships.
And in honor of Pride Month, I've decided to start a series where I take a fictional character and choose 4 other characters (2 male and 2 female) that I think they would be really good matches with.
And to start this series off, our very first guest will be the pranking master of Springfield Elementary, the eldest child of the Simpsons family, and the creator of The Bartman: Bart Simpson!
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So without further ado, let's get started!
Partner #1: Chuckie Finister (All Grown Up!)
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I had to put these two together just because of the fact that they shared the same voice actress: Nancy Cartwright.
Basically, Nancy would be in a relationship with herself!
Talk about self-love!
But apart from that, there is another reason why I think these two would really be a good couple.
AGU Chuckie, although still neurotic and cautious like when he was baby, is shown to be somewhat more courageous and a bit of risk taker, since he doesn't want to be seen as a coward anymore.
And Bart, someone who is courageous and a massive risk talker, would definitely cater to that.
These two would basically be partners-in-crime in a way while also complimenting each other really well.
Bart helps Chuckie become more courageous and stand up for himself, and Chuckie makes sure to reel Bart in so he doesn't take things too far and get them in trouble.
Also, I could totally see this maybe even leading to a potential friendship between Skinner and Pangborn.
They would definitely be the primary targets of this couple's pranks and totally bond over their shared exasperation and frustration towards them.
Partner #2: Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
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Now this is a classic!
I'm sure any of you that grew up in the 1990s and 2000s probably remember Nickelodeon Magazine.
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Well during the late 2000s, they had this issue that was essentially a parody of the celebrity magazines of the time known as Toon Weekly, which focused on the lives of fictional characters (mainly cartoon, anime and comic book ones) as if they were celebrities.
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And in that issue, one of the main articles was that of Bart and Sakura, who are shown to have a surprisingly close friendship in this universe.
And the article possibly hints that they may be more than just friends.
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But in all honesty, I could actually see them canonically being a thing.
Although Sakura is primarily compassionate, determined and courageous, she's also incredibly short-tempered and aggressive.
I could actually see Bart being attracted to that.
He definitely strikes me as a guy who, in the words of Spike Spiegel....
As for why Sakura would be into Bart.....
Well, Bart is, in all honesty, is a really kind and caring person.
While yes, he does prank and mess with people a lot.
He is by no means a malicious person and he does know when to stop before things get taken too far.
And he's willing to stand up for others.
Not to mention he's pretty confident, something Sakura exactly wasn't at the beginning.
And since Sakura is an honor roll student, this relationship honestly writes itself!
Sakura would help Bart buckle down and help him think about his future and become the best student he can be instead of coasting on a D- GPA for the rest of his life
And Bart would help Sakura become more confident and far less narcissistic, making her realize that she's already pretty and shouldn't have to worry about what others think. Along with that, Bart would definitely encourage Sakura to hone her ninja skills, which he would find totally cool.
Also, two things to note before we move on.
Bart would definitely have a good future with Sakura. Since let's be real, I think we're all sick of having every potential future for Bart being him ending up as a total loser.
Bart would be a FAR better lover to Sakura than Sasuke ever was. I mean, my God, it isn't that hard of a feat to accomplish.
Partner #3: Cricket Green (Big City Greens)
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Now this one literally writes itself.
Cricket is incredibly mischievous and fun-loving, which would jive really well with Bart.
As you expect, the two would definitely be partners-in-crime when it comes to their pranks and antics.
In addition to that, Cricket would just find Bart really cool to hang around and smart due to him being more knowledgeable about the outside world than him, while Bart would find Cricket really endearing and kinda cute because of his optimism.
Also, I just feel the multiple aneurysms coming for Homer and Bill.
Not because they would be against their sons being a couple.
(Well, maybe expect for Homer...)
But because of the absolute mayhem and chaos they would be causing together.
Partner #4: Reggie Rocket (Rocket Power)
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We all know Bart is a EPIC SKATER!
So why not give him a love interest whose also an EPIC SKATER as well?
Apart from that, I can just see these two having really strong chemistry.
I’d imagine that Bart would probably gain an interest in the much greater world of extreme sports thanks to Reggie.
Reggie would definitely make sure that Bart doesn’t do something stupid, which she would be a master of thanks to Otto.
I’d could actually see a moment between these two taking place after Reggie saved Bart’s ass from something he caused.
Reggie would be furious and Bart would apologize and try to calm her down.
And I’d imagine it would accumulate with Reggie finally calming down and saying…
“You’re lucky that your cute….”
Also, how do you think Raymundo gonna feel about Bart and Reggie dating?
After dealing with Otto all the time, I’d imagine his tolerance for antics are really fucking low.
Well that’s all I have for now!
Let me know what you guys think about this little series I’ve decided to start and the characters I chose for Bart.
Also if you could, send me some ideas for who you want me to talk about next time!
But until then….
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eucalyptusnomore · 3 months
Queers from Pantala
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“Oh do you like (person I ha en’t seen in 3 years)?” Oh do you like being hit with a bat
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howler-the-rainwing · 4 months
Wings of Fire Sexuality headcannons
Clay: I think he would be asexual and then panromantic
Tsunami: I think she is very straight
Glory: I think she would be bisexual
Starflight: I feel like he would be straight but also maybe slightly asexual
Sunny: I think she is asexual and potentially aromantic
Moon: I feel that she would be bisexual leaning towards straight, but also maybe demisexual
Winter: I think he is straight (Except for qibli obviously)
Peril: I think she is straight
Qibli: I feel like he would be pansexual
Turtle: I feel that turtle is straight
Blue: I think he is for sure asexual and panromantic
Cricket: I feel like cricket is asexual and panromantic
Sundew (snudoo): She is obviously a lesbian
Snowfall: I feel like she is a lesbian (I also really ship lynx and snowfall)
Luna: I think she is bisexual but leans more towards being straight
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hanaahaa · 4 months
Hey! I'm Hana 🙎‍♀️and I would be posting ishman & bl stuff here so do follow me . And kindly help me as I'm new to the Tumblr Ishman fandom.☺️🤍
-T h a n k y o u -
My instagram account : @adoreishman
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bimesskaira · 7 months
Incorrect quotes pt.2
Virat: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don't murder someone right now.
Rohit: There is no WiFi in prison.
Virat: Thank you.
Ishu: shubi kissed me!
Mayank: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Ishu: It was unbelievable!
Mayank: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Hardik: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Mayank, get the wine and unplug the phone. Ishu, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Ishu: Oh, it ended very well.
Mayank: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Hardik: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Ishu: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Hardik: Ohh… So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back?
Ishu: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Mayank and Hardik: Ohhh.
Shubi, eating pizza: And, uh, and then I kissed him.
Virat: Tongue?
Shubi: Yeah.
Virat: Cool.
Yashasvi: Can I be frank with you guys?
Ishu: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Shubi: Can I still be Shubman?
Siraj: Shh, let Frank speak.
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cricketblabbers · 2 years
Every once in a while I'll see new pronouns I've never encountered before and I snatch them up like a little pronoun goblin and tak them back to my gender-queer cave and stuff them in my pronoun hoard
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softichill · 2 years
I love you microlabels I love you generic labels I love you identifying with 5 different identities I love you only ever calling yourself queer I love you words made for incredibly specific feelings I love you expressing feelings without words I love you comfort in finding the correct words for you I love you comfort in not pressuring yourself to find exact labels!!!!!!!
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ilikebookssomuch · 4 months
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this is Hawk, my SkyWing PrideWing
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