vugnasmineralblog · 11 months
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Whats this mineral?
Lévyne! More info here: https://www.mindat.org/min-7154.html
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drathe · 27 days
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Dragon Age Keep tiles for Jowan:
Circle - Warden - Levyn
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jaywade · 2 days
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
random thoughts in Finnish about the comeback of one of my favourite bands from when I was a teenager 🦢
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massgrav · 2 years
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Demons need pets too
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yukinyaminyato · 8 months
siis onks geisha taste of peanut suklaata saatavilla levyinä vaa virossa 😭😭
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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What I wish could be my secondary Dragon Age canon in that picrew
Trinne Amell ∙ Sigi Hawke ∙ Jow- Levyn Trevelyan
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cedrellaw · 1 year
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combat-heelys · 1 year
💭 (Lévyne)
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"This suit is all fun and games for the first couple hours wearing it, then it just feels icky. I'm glad I don't sweat much in the atlas weather."
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crossdressingdeath · 3 months
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Refugee: Don't be scaring good Master Levyn. He's saved us three times over! Asterius: Stay your current course, "Levyn." Redemption suits you. Jowan: Th-thank you, Warden. I will. I swear to you.
I love this quest, thank you for mods that get it working. It's so cute with Surana/Amell, seeing their friend doing well in his new life and him swearing to them that he intends to keep doing good with this second chance they've given him... I just wish there was a way to access it that didn't involve straight up chasing Jowan away from Redcliffe as soon as you find him there. Let me tell Eamon to his face that he'll execute my best friend (or give him to the Templars) over my dead body.
Also: I think the fact that Aster very obviously has blood magic active during this conversation really adds something to the whole thing. Jowan just watching the blood dripping from Aster's arm like "I'm just not going to acknowledge that."
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jaywade · 5 months
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Character Profile: Kairo Rayos
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Full Name: Kairo Xavier Rayos
Nickname: Kai
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/him
Personality Description: He's really deadpan and sarcastic, and enjoys irony and coincidences a bit too much. He's easily annoyed but slow to show it, cares a lot about the people he loves and couldn't care less about anyone else, and is deeply religious and will happily debate about it with anyone who dares to give him a chance. (He's this world's equivalent of a Christian). He's also incredibly depressed, and will make extremely dark and depressing jokes.
Backstory: The son of an immortal (a descendant of the creator god, Solaios) and the grandson of a Ghostspeaker (a prophet of the minor gods, the Stellai Ghosts), his life has always been controversial. His father and uncle, Levyn and Oriyn Rayos, were banished from Zephan City to the abandoned and dangerous Blanklands as part of a deal they made with the current Ghostspeaker: they would leave and never come back to quell the Ghosts' rebellion, as long as Kai and the rest of his family could remain safe in the city.
Kai has always resented his dad for that, because he'd rather be in prison for being immortal and be left alone than be bullied for it day in and day out. The bullying, name-calling, and muttered wishes for his death eventually caused him to believe that maybe they were right; maybe it would be better if he were dead. If he did die, he would go to the afterlife that all followers of Solaios were heir to on death, and there would be no one that hated him for being immortal there.
But that's the problem - he is immortal, and thus can't die.
His family has since sent him to several different therapists, most of which hated him just as much as every other Stellaist citizen of Zephan City, but the day after his first almost-helpful appointment with a suspiciously encouraging therapist, Kai sees a news headline on TV:
This prompts him to venture into the Blanklands, looking for this murderer with the mysterious power to kill immortals.
Likes: Music, poetry, doodling, soft and dark colors, especially blue
Dislikes/Triggers: The Ghosts/Ghostspeaker, his immortality, talk about his dad
Relationships (By the End of the Story):
Levyn Rayos - Father
Joya Rayos - Mother
Evara Rayos - Sister
Sterling Pierce - Friend
Valentine Lucen - Girlfriend
Theme Song: Eternal Life by Palaye Royale
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massgrav · 1 year
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The road to the grave is straight as an arrow
I’m just staying around to sing your song
Some post-canon warden Jowan feels
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sky-fire-forever · 1 month
oooo for Cole & Anders this week: “it wasn’t supposed to go this far.”
happy writing!
Thank you so much for this prompt! I had a lot of fun with it. For @dadrunkwriting
While not featured directly, my Hawke in this one is Scorpius, who uses they/them pronouns.
It’s cold in Skyhold, which Anders supposes he should have expected. It’s a giant fortress in the mountains, after all, it’s bound to be cold. That doesn’t mean Anders has to like it. 
He isn't even supposed to be here. Hawke had specifically told him that they were doing this alone, that Anders needed to stay put and stay safe. But Anders has never been great at doing what he's told and he's even worse at sitting back and doing nothing while huge things go on around him.
Hawke needs him, if they're willing to admit it or not. 
“Maker's breath,” Anders sits with the rebel mages, breathing warmth onto his chilled hands. “It's freezing.”
One of the mages beside him laughs bitterly. “Tell me about it,” he says. 
Anders rises to his feet. “I think I'm going to take a walk,” he says. “Explore the new place.”
The mage raises an eyebrow. “Do you want company?”
“No, no. I'll be alright on my own.” He waves him off. “You can stay here, Levyn.”
Levyn nods. “Alright. Just come back in one piece.”
Anders smiles. “No promises.” He walks off.
Anders like Levyn. He's the first person Anders has been able to get close to in a long time. They'd run into each other on the road to Skyhold and decided to travel together. As much as Anders loves Hawke and Fenris, it's been nice to be around someone else for a change.
“Feeling freeing friendship. I like Levyn. He's like me. He doesn't know the real me, but he makes me smile. It's nice to not be alone.” 
Anders spins around at the sound of a voice, raising his staff. “Who goes there?” 
“No one.” A young man stands before Anders, with shaggy blond hair and an oversized hat. “I don't mean any harm. You're happy. That's good.”
Anders narrows his eyes as something inside of him bristles at the presence of this man. Man? No, there's something more there. Something different that Justice can sense. This isn't an ordinary man. 
“Declare yourself, spirit,” Anders demands, brandishing his staff at the creature. 
The spirit tilts its head. “Now you're worried. I didn't mean to upset you. Here, I'll make you forget and I'll try again.”
Something washes over Anders and for a moment, he's confused. Then, he feels the familiar warmth of Justice beneath his skin and the sensation passes. 
The creature stares at Anders, looking confused. “You won't forget.” There's bewilderment in its tone. 
Anders steps forward. “Your tricks won't work on me, demon.”
“I'm not a demon.”
“What are you then?”
“Solas calls me spirit. Varric calls me kid.”
Varric. The one who called Hawke here, who Anders hasn't seen in years. Not since Anders destroyed the chantry and Kirkwall along with it.
Guilt pools in his chest at just the thought of his old friend. At what he did to him, everything he took away. It needed to be done, but that doesn't relieve Anders of the guilt. 
“Choices had to be made and you had to be the one to make them. Friends are fleeting, just like a sense of home. You never wanted to hurt anyone, but too many were already hurting.”
“Stop that,” Anders snaps. “Get out of my head.” 
“I want to help.” The spirit takes a step closer. “Let me help.”
Anders grits his teeth. “I've had enough help from spirits, thank you.”
The spirit tilts its head, staring intently at Anders. “Justice was your friend, now it scares you.”
“I said get out of my head.” Anders doesn't like the way this kid– spirit– thing makes him feel: like he's misjudged a step and lost his balance. 
“Are you bothering people again, kid?” A familiar voice calls out from not too far away. 
Varric. Shit. Anders can't begin to describe the myriad of emotions that pass through him at the sound of his old friend's voice, still distinct and familiar despite the time that has passed.
The spirit looks at Anders and then looks over his shoulder before turning his gaze back to Anders. “If you don't want to see him, I can help.” He extends a hand. 
Anders, in his panic, accepts it. 
The spirit leads Anders through the crowd as though they're invisible, darting between people without pause until they're far enough away that Varric won't catch them.  
Anders takes a breath of air, trying to will his frantic heart to stop beating so loudly in his ears. “Thank you,” he says. 
“Why are you avoiding Varric?” The spirit asks. 
Anders studies the spirit. It seems harmless enough, but the same could have been said of Justice many years ago. “He's upset with me.”
“Because of what you did?”
“Guilt. Regret. Remorse. A lot of people died because of what you did, but you didn't know another way out. It hurts to think about.”
“I–” Anders swallows. “It wasn't supposed to go this far. I just wanted– but everyone blames me.” 
It hurts, being the scapegoat for an entire war. Yes, he felt that the war was necessary, but it wasn't supposed to happen like this. Templars and mages killing each other without caring about the civilians caught in the crossfire, the rebel mages taken hostage by something more dangerous than themselves, all of it is so much bigger than Anders ever could have predicted. 
He didn't want this, but this is the path he chose. 
“You think Varric hates you.” The spirit pauses. “You think the Hawke hates you too.”
Anders looks away.
“Fear. Burning bright like fire inside you. Hawke must hate you like you hate yourself, it's easy to hate you.”
Anders doesn't much care for hearing his thoughts verbalized by a spirit, so he raises his hand. “Don't,” he requests. “Please.”
The spirit opens its mouth, but then shuts it again. 
“Where's Hawke?” Anders asks the only question he cares to know the answer to. 
The spirit fidgets with its fingers. “The Hawke is gone.” 
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
16 from the codex prompts? I
16. something written to your OC by an older member of their family
[a dog-eared and faded note, carried in the pocket of Inquisitor Lavellan robes nearest his heart]
Tighe, ma'esha'lin,
We love you, and your sisters, and I regret that no matter how fierce that love, it can no longer hold off the call of the Beyond. Especially with the burden that will put on you, when you already carry the future of the clan as you follow Keeper Deshanna’s example. Take care of your sisters. We know you will all do great things. Your cleverness, Senna’s strength, Lira’s wisdom. will all serve you well as you grow. Remember we loved you. And we will wait for you in Falon’Din’s care
Plant our trees so the roots go deep, and we will watch over you even from there.
DAI Codex asks
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milesmentis · 9 months
top 5 things about Jowan that make you smile
"Send me an ask for my Top 5 anything"
His voice: Apparently I'm in the minority on this but I positively adore Desmond Askew's voice and find it very soothing to listen to. The number one reason I played ESO (aside from hanging out with Daisy) was the fact that he voiced like half the male dunmer
The way he makes fun of the Chantry: Jowan is easy to push around and traumatized as heck, but the biting sarcasm that he reserves for talking about the Chantry is delicious. He's so bitter about his lot in life, but does a good job of hiding it. It only comes out in little bits and pieces with someone he can confide in (like the player). Also his "The sun grows dark, but Lo! Here comes the Dawn" quip always makes me giggle
His potential for growth: even without the companion arc he was intended to have (yes, I will die bitter about this), the way he changes between the Circle and the Arl of Redcliffe is telling. He admits his faults, expresses his regrets about Lily and the player, and offers to make amends. If you send him into the Fade, he resists the demon - proving that he DID have the strength to pass the Harrowing all along. And in the end ... he accepts whatever fate you decide: Death or Tranquility ... his greatest fears and faces them with courage. Of course I would never choose either, so he is either recruited into my party (thank you mods!) or off protecting commoners as an apostate. "Master Levyn" my love
Being a Warden: because if the game won't give me Warden Jowan content, I'll just make it myself! Joining the wardens makes so much sense for him! Blood magic isn't outlawed there ... in fact it's respected and studied. I like to think from time to time about Jowan, a decade or two older, studying Avernus/the Architect (either in person or using their notes) and doing intense research into anatomy, surgery, blood magic, Blight, and the way they all interact to become an INCREDIBLY accomplished physician. Someone who has the respect of his colleagues ... a sense of purpose ... confidence ... yeah ...
His parallels with Morrigan: so I am down bad for Morrigan/Jowan, there is simply no denying it. I like the idea of Morrigan/Amell, and I can see a relationship with Jowan hitting a lot of the same beats. She mocks him, pressures him, scoffs and derides him ... but also takes time to teach him skills that the Circle never would. And although she would never admit it, she eventually opens up to his softness instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to his "weakness". Basically I could see them being really good for each other in the long run and doing a great job raising Keiran together
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