mayflyuniverse · 2 years
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y’all... February’s been non-stop go-go-go for me... but I think, mayhaps my usual schedule might JUST be returning to me. I swear, the moment I heal from covid, I was immediately thrusted into driving duties since mum had her injury so my schedule has been off-the-hook. Not to mention guests, every... week/weekend... non-stop.... the hermit in me cannot believe she survived these two months with. a good attitude and my sanity intact lmfao. 
But it seems, big changes up ahead and I just wanted to get some things off my chest, so please don’t think much of it and ignore it if possible. this tiny little blog is basically my only space to let out some thoughts without feeling like i’m out of digital space or offending anyone (only because no one follows me here), but here goes--
I’m admittedly, feeling very blue these days. I definitely try to not let it get me down! Sunflowers face the sun even when you can’t see it. It’s been my mantra since December, truth be told and it’s done me WONDERS. 
But there is an underlying sadness that i’m trying to tame, if i’m being honest. And it does eat at my already poor self-esteem.. though I suspect that it’s got more to do with the rapid changes that are happening around me as we speak.
Three of my younger sisters will all be moving out or are looking into moving out permanently within this year or so. Most, if not all are looking into full 9-5 jobs for mroe stable income.. one already has found one so she’s moving out real soon. I’m super proud of them!! as their sister, I want nothing but the best and I’m so happy to see them excited to thrive and try new things out in the world.
Though I have to admit I feel a little left behind as a person in general. As someone who is a full-time freelancer, I know it suits my criteria of life (i.e taking care of my parents, tending to the needs of the family so that the rest can do their thing, my leupus projects etc), and not having money all the time doesn’t bother me. If anything, the older I get, the more I have a bit of a disdain at how capitalistic everything has become.. Money has it’s uses, don’t get me wrong. I definitely want to have a comfortable living wage of some sort so that if I find my family or myself in need of things like medical aid or anything like that, I’d like to be able to shell out the amount needed and provide.
But no, it’s not the money aspect. Rather I find myself thinking “I wonder if my sisters and friends think of me as a loser for being a freelancer?” 
I don’t let peer pressure or outside judgement affect me much. But I think that’s because people who I don’t care for don’t really matter to me but the ones that I do care for and I think know me well, I’d like to at least make a good impression you know? If this makes any sense.
And maybe it’s just everyone transitioning into their full time jobs in the workforce makes me wonder if secretly all this time, they just think i’m a stinking loser and they’re just putting up with me haha. It’s a sad thought, coupled with how I feel like I’m slowly being left behind on the track whilst everyone else moves on does leave me feeling lonely. 
But I guess, all things considered, it’s just how things are to be and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m genuinely happy for those who I deem to be under my care and charge spread their wings and go out to make who they are in the world. It’s not like I’d never see them again, it’ll just be different. I hope this sadness, meanwhile, passes so I can go back to simply working on my craft and tending to those who are still with me at the moment. Maybe when all of them end up being strong enough to have their own life, i’ll finally be able to focus on mine. Maybe even get a quiet vacation by myself or something haha. we’ll see.
But yeah, i just want to get that off my chest. I know it’s just self-induced paranoia with no basis but I dno’t think highly of myself so I find a hard time believing anyone else, even if they love me, would think any different. But I’ll be okay. I always do.
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nieniekoto · 4 years
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if you would bestow upon me even a passing glance
i would call myself king.
michael zhang for my big sister/friend/housemate ryu! happy birthday and many many happy returns. i love you!!
[image is a portrait of a man gazing upwards somewhere to the top left of the image, off canvas. the man has long dark hair draping over his shoulders, fair skin, and red eyes that shine in the light. he is smiling, his chin resting on his palm. two hands are shown to be fitting a flower crown on the man’s head, full to bursting with large, dark pink blossoms. it is implied that the man is gazing lovingly at the owner of said hands, as he gazes off-canvas.]
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rain-n-blue-roses · 5 years
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Got @leupus ' original manga The Sommelier!! It's a cute story with lovely characters and it really does leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling ☺️
Also .Ryu is such a good artist!! Look how beautiful it all is! 😍 She inspired me to start drawing digitally so I'm really fond of her art :')
I hope if anyone sees this you decide to check out Leupus and .Ryu's art!! You can also buy the manga, adorable buttons (tea cup and tea pot) and gorgeous art prints!!
Highly recommend if you love tea, adorable stories, and amazing art! There are even recipes for teas and desserts!! 💖
Check it out here~
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ryufromleupus · 2 years
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I long for that feeling to not feel at all
A quick sketch of my immortal soldier oc, Ryu! 
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leupus · 4 years
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“At least,  despite it all,  We’re still here.”
Happy New Year, Friends.
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givenseasonszine · 5 years
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🌸We’re excited to announce our Spring contributors!🌸
These wonderful artists and writers will be showing us the beauty and renewal of spring, check them out!
Guest Artist
polymorphin_ | Instagram | Twitter 
Kayla | Twitter | AO3 
amuk | Tumblr | Twitter | AO3
mindiiw | Instagram | Twitter
ItmeZ | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Jojuki | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
huyen | Tumblr | Twitter
Merjyh | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
Kao | Twitter
Ryu from Leupus | Instagram | Twitter
✨ Stay tuned for our other seasons’ playlists that are coming out soon!✨
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featherszine · 5 years
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Give a warm welcome to page artist Ryu from Leupus!
She will be working on summer☀️!
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The HAUL from Comic Art Festival 5, 2018
it was a great today attending this event again. And this time it got bigger and so crowded compared to last year.
I want to thank my parents for driving all the way to the venue. I also got to talked to some of the artists there that were having their booths. They were all so nice and so good in their art works. 
HAUL REVIEW: (pls ignore chair behind~~)
3 colouring doggie prints, 2 Shiba Chan & Friends Print, Flower Stickers Pack and a Keychain >> @artsyberry‘s booth, lol she was so busy and feeling so bad making me wait. Girl, you are doing just find!! Chill~~
Girl with sweets and a monochrome princess( i think) print  at bottom left >>@pepperdisco.  
Fullmetal Alchemist Keychain >> Ryu from Leupus
 Violet Evergarden Print at middle far right>> @the-cinnaminion
Maid & Witch Print with stickers behind ( can’t see them cause it’s still in the pack, didn’t want to take them out cause i was so tired... typing this in the next day) >> Monochrome Forest Illustrations
Astronaut Deer Pink Badge >>Palettescope
Coffy and MI Postcard (girls with pink & blue hair); Comic Fiesta’s mascot print>> Comic Art Festival. My free gift for collecting all the stamps.
Ps: The postcard was from 2014. 
that’s all, if interested, go check these artists and support them in social media. 
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vilikemorgenthal · 7 years
Lexember bonus: French orthography in Zhivi
As I mentioned in the presentation post, Zhivi was designed to be possible to write and read as if it were French. So below I put all entries so far, with their example sentences, written in a possible French orthography
ia, iette
Ège allu ia saplage.
Bi, lou gont, di y on puque.
Da chabe, ège sochaut lou fabe.
Ou bol jujoulioué van ?
Jou bol saplilé glou so glein.
Mi leupu !
Lou leupageant da pélé lou gapit, bi jugea ta ?
Ça bol dice iette lande huipe !
Ça umeuda iette talme quamp.
Ège umu iette guialle on glou.
Télé dotul dogue lou Nagalande.
Oute flompal ia oute ontuvoule.
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adelzahara-blog · 6 years
Gajah Kepung Leupu
Adel Zahara Gajah Kepung Leupu Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Gajah Kepung Leupu Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Gajah Kepung Leupu Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Gajah Kepung Leupu Sebanyak tiga ekor gajah liar mengepung kawasan Gampong Leupu, Kecamatan Geumpang, Pidie http://www.unikbaca.com
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mayflyuniverse · 2 years
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using my weekend to back up all the RP Leupus has done in 2022 because 2022 really was a wringer around my neck that I couldn’t even keep up with backing up RPs we do even on a monthly basis (whenever we can with our schedules last year)........ 
It is a dousey, but I’m so glad to actually revisit these RPs. I really had to resist rereading and just save them... I think I’ll reread them later before bed hehe...
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nieniekoto · 5 years
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the lovely couple from The Sommelier for the amazing, beautiful, soft-centered powerhouse @ryufromleupus!! happy birthday, i love you lots!💕💕💕
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ryufromleupus · 4 years
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Purdié Zhang // Information Broker
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bellanurmae-blog · 7 years
BREAKING NEWS - Hujan dan Angin Kencang Landa Geumpang, Tujuh Rumah Tertimpa Pohon Durian
Bella Nurmae BREAKING NEWS - Hujan dan Angin Kencang Landa Geumpang, Tujuh Rumah Tertimpa Pohon Durian Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang BREAKING NEWS - Hujan dan Angin Kencang Landa Geumpang, Tujuh Rumah Tertimpa Pohon Durian Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita BREAKING NEWS - Hujan dan Angin Kencang Landa Geumpang, Tujuh Rumah Tertimpa Pohon Durian Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : BREAKING NEWS - Hujan dan Angin Kencang Landa Geumpang, Tujuh Rumah Tertimpa Pohon Durian Berdasarkan data dari pihak kepolisian, tujuh rumah yang rusak itu tersebar di Desa Pucuk dan Desa Leupu, http://www.unikbaca.com
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player1steve · 8 years
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Thanks so much for the amazing comission!!
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adelzahara-blog · 6 years
Bendungan Irigasi Leupu Geumpang di Pidie Hancur Akibat Banjir, Petani Gagal Tanam Padi
Adel Zahara Bendungan Irigasi Leupu Geumpang di Pidie Hancur Akibat Banjir, Petani Gagal Tanam Padi Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Bendungan Irigasi Leupu Geumpang di Pidie Hancur Akibat Banjir, Petani Gagal Tanam Padi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Bendungan Irigasi Leupu Geumpang di Pidie Hancur Akibat Banjir, Petani Gagal Tanam Padi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Bendungan Irigasi Leupu Geumpang di Pidie Hancur Akibat Banjir, Petani Gagal Tanam Padi "Kalau tidak ditangani segera bendungan itu, petani di Geumpang tidak bisa menggarap sawah 200 hektare," http://www.unikbaca.com
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