fxkelcve · 2 months
"Will you marry me?" / de quién quieras para quien quieras
“I’m kind of already married to someone else.”
Estaba increíblemente sorprendido, no iba a negarlo; podía escuchar las risitas ahogadas de Hunk y Pidge en el fondo, quienes al parecer intentaban que Lance no los escuchase, pero fallaban miserablemente. De igual manera, no pudo evitar que sus mejillas se sonrojasen un poco.
---Uhm, bueno... La verdad es que... --Se tomó un segundo para respirar y no quedarse sin aire-- Ya estoy mas o menos casado con alguien más... --Escucho a Hunk gruñendo en el fondo de exasperación, pero lo ignoró--
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sapphickx · 1 year
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i feel like all y'all moved on real quick from ep 6, meanwhile, I'M still at a gay club in amsterdam...
(click for better quality~)
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linipik · 2 years
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It is Valentine's Day and seeing all the lovey-dovey couples and everyone who is interested in any sort of dating is already with someone has Lance feeling down.
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💌Let's play~
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Because Trent’s hair is perfect
Trent comes into the office one morning and everyone is wearing t-shirts with this on them
(Listen, I was bored at work and I thought of this, and it made me laugh)
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itszvza · 5 months
istg some people act like lance killed d*niel’s firstborn or sum
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redsodaz · 3 months
despite being finished almost 8 months ago, my mind still clings desperately to 'dear reader' - which, considering how terribly oversaturated my brain is with years worth of k+l fanwork, is pretty jarring. ive seldom had a story stick with me for so long.
and i NEVER read college/uni aus. i never read any type of au, really (because i apparently have a strange sort of trauma bond with the shitshow of a source material that is voltron legendary defender). but something about it just caught my eye, and i endlessly thank some sort of non-descript higher power for that, because i was obsessed.
brilliance in the form of a fanwork. shoutout heavily_caffeinated for being THAT author.
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lesharl-eclair · 1 year
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havendance · 8 months
oooo au where babs ends up taking over the suicide squad from waller permanently and how that would effect her relationship with the rest of the birds?
Oooh, this is a fun one. I used this as a reason to finally read the last few issues of Suicide Squad that I'd been saving.
When Amanda Waller decides that she wants to wash her hands of the suicide squad and that it's time to disband it, Oracle approaches her. She thinks that there's still potential in the idea. She still thinks the squad could do some good. Waller says she can have it.
The makeup doesn't stay the same. Some people stay. Others go. Oracle recruits some new faces. Poison Ivy, Count Vertigo, and Captain Boomerang are probably among the ones who leave. Bronze Tiger and Deadshot probably stay. I think Zinda would get recruited fairly quickly. The suicide squad are the sort that could use a good pilot.
Barbara is not like Waller; she keeps her identities separate. Oracle runs the squad as a mysterious figure who knows everything. She relies on her lieutenants and staff to take care of face to face negotiations. Amy Beddoes is a woman in a wheelchair who is a member of the support staff. The old guard know the truth, but eventually as they move on to other things, that is forgotten.
Eventually, she does recruit Black Canary. She needs someone who she can trust and rely on. Someone to keep the more amoral figures she has gathered together in line. What was initially intended for as a single mission turns into a longer partnership as the two strike it off. Barbara appreciated Dinah. Dinah helps her keep from falling to deeply down.
This Barbara does not have the same issues with Helena that she has in canon. She's less tapped in to the Gotham network of heroes and she doesn't have the same moral qualms. That being said, she views Helena the same way that she does many members of the squad: as, well tools is a strong word, but as a piece on the board to move in order to bring about the greater good. Helena still does not appreciate being controlled, though their relationship does smooth out with time.
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file (0)X8-63-000: rewrite game
thank you @thecomfywriter for this great tag!! this game is to rewrite a snippet provided by the other author in your own style. navenna, i absolutely love the snippet you've provided, i hope i did it justice (sorry i took so long to get to it)! the snippet i'm putting up for rewriting is at the end, from TITANSPINE!
given snippet
I swayed on my feet, struggling to stand without air. The world around me was my opponent. I did not know who to fight anymore. There were too many enemies. Too many attacks, all happening at once. I was only one man. How could I fight them all? All I wanted was to protect my people… I thought balefully. All I wanted was to protect my home and finally rest. “Just let me die…” I whimpered, collapsing onto my knees in tears. My tears themselves were poisonous, scalding my skin down to the muscle. Did I extinguish the flames on my arms? I could not see anymore. Black smog and Von Doro’s silhouette blackened my vision blind. Maybe I was still burning. Maybe I was on fire. Maybe I finally get to rest. “Die?!” she hooted as another blazing inferno decorated the sky in blue and red ferality. “You don’t get to die until I allow you to! HA!” Her laughter brought a sudden awareness to my body as it withered in suffering, but not death. “Your death is MY CHOICE, daara. Mine all mine!”
my rewrite
Enemies everywhere. Too many for one man. Who was I to fight if the world was the enemy? Everything had venom in its teeth, poised to strike. Without air, I struggled to stay upright. Enemies everywhere. My people. They were mine to protect, that much I always knew. My thoughts were cluttered and baleful. I just wanted to rest for once. A protected home, a safe populus – that was all the peace I needed. “Just let me die…” the words fell through my lips. My knees gave way, tears staining the ground beside them. My tears themselves were poisonous. They infected my throat, a rueful, disgusting plague within me. Where the scars we call tears touched my skin, I burnt. Scalding waters stripped away any sense of protection I once had. If the fire ever dissipated, I couldn’t know. Von Doro’s looming visage snuffed out my vision. Black smoke festered across the corners of the land. When it reached my mouth, I was choked. When it reached my eyes, I was blind. Was it a respite? Did I finally get to rest? “Die?” Her face was a twisted cacophony of malice. Another plume of fire painted the sky white. The crown of it set the very world alight. “You don’t get to die until I say you can.” Then she laughed. At me. At my pathetic, shattered self. The sound of her joy – a sickening noise that I abhorred with every part of my being – brought awareness. I was not dead. I would not die yet. Not while she had the power to keep me alive. Withered in suffering as I was, I would not die. “Your death is my choice, daara.” A smile. A footstep. A consequence I would never escape. “Mine. All mine!”
your snippet to rewrite!
(context in tags if you want it)
The useless foresight was enough to send his blood boiling. If those damned visions would stop for just one second so he could focus on not dying– Then there was light. Something new to witness. An open field. Not a swift glimpse of inevitable doom, but instead something… bright. Brighter than the three suns. It didn’t burn, though. The sunlight was gentle, welcoming, even. An unfamiliar sense of calm overflowed within him, strong enough that he didn’t question why he was safe. He just was. There was no danger. Only the loving winter sun of Hai’lya above, and solid ground below. Peace. Respite. Not quite. Lance hit the pavement.
tagging @wyked-ao3, @48lexr, @thecrazyalchemist, @moltenwrites, @yourpenpaldee,
@glassfrogforest, @the-golden-comet, @gioiaalbanoart, @drchenquill, @paeliae-occasionally,
@tc-doherty, @corinneglass, @mysticstarlightduck, @thelovelymachinery, @kind-lion,
@leahnardo-da-veggie, @an-indecisive-nerd, @honeybewrites, + open tag!
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 5 months
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fxkelcve · 1 year
Yo tengo unooo, el tres "b" bueno, bonito y buff: Shiro(?)
Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction!
Fuck him yeah
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Justo como le gustan; las tres "b" nunca fallan (?)
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yulikisdoingstuff · 2 months
Sneak peak of Uncle Sharpie!!
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This is probably gonna take ages actually, considering how much I struggle with perfectionism... I also haven't animated a thing since a few years ago, and even then I barely did a lipsync sequence. ""
But it's fun drawing him for the first time!!
Fun fact I only realised while drawing, ambyu-lances face to the side on all their sprites, while Sharpie has faced forward since his reference sheet dropped. He's just so unique and brave and not like other guys
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linipik · 2 years
[PART 6]
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Headcanons where sve/sdv where are the bachelors and the bachelorettes (of your choice) just find their farmer who just lies on the grass and is like "I'm just lying here, dear, it's just that the spirits decided so today" and it's so stupid and cute, because we all need it right now ehehe
Let's write some fluff ❤️ thank you for your ask ☺️
The writer invited the Farmer to a picnic in the woods in early autumn, when it is still not so cold outside, but the leaves of the trees are already beginning to acquire red and gold hues. The weather today is sunny, which cannot but rejoice, because such days will soon end and give way to cold and rainy weather.
The Farmer and Elliott lay out the picnic blanket together, laid out the food and utensils. And just as Elliott began to open the bottle of the red wine, he heard a rustle behind him. This is his partner, who for some reason decided to lie down on the grass that had not yet turned yellow.
To Elliott's questioning look, the Farmer replied with a laugh that they were just feeling "funny". It didn't explain much, but Elliott let them do what they wanted. He found such behavior charming, one of the many fine qualities of his most beloved person.
The writer nevertheless took off his jacket, afraid to get it dirty in the earth and grass (which is then difficult to wash off), and lay down next to the Farmer.
Although the grass tickles the skin and pricks the face, Elliott found this situation very cute and funny, he especially remembered his partner's sincere and beautiful laughter when they giggled at Elliott's facial expression at the tingling of the grass.
He's definitely going to write this cute moment into his autobiography somehow.
Leah was working on her new sculpture in the small courtyard of her house, when her partner came to visit. The artist smiled at her guest, but asked me to wait a couple of minutes so that she could finish her work on the sculpture. The Farmer nodded their heads, but instead of sitting on the stump nearby, they lay down on the green grass.
"A handy stump isn't good enough for you?" joked Leah.
"I feel how the spirits favor me to approach nature as close as possible."
"Oh really?" Leah looked down to where their beloved Farmer lay with a smile. When she finished with the sculpture, she walked up to the Farmer, looking down.
"Hey, anyone on the line?"
"Yeap," the Farmer laughs and looks tenderly at Leah. She looked at them with the same tenderness, and decided to sit next to them.
"You are so silly" in her words there was not a drop of causticity, only love.
"What can I say, the spirits favor today."
It happened one summer evening when Lance was at the farm today, preparing dinner for himself and the Farmer while his hard-working spouse took care of the crops.
He noticed that the time was approaching 9 pm, and the Farmer still did not appear at home. He need to check what they are doing.
The gallant adventurer didn't have to go far, as he saw his beloved next to the porch of their house. The Farmer lay on the grass with their eyes closed.
Lance approached them, worried that they had passed out from overwork.
"My love?"
The Farmer immediately opened their eyes, letting Lance know that they were all right.
"The stars are beautiful," the Farmer beamed at Lance. “But it seems to me that I found the view even more beautiful,” and look directly into the eyes of the adventurer in the blue cloak.
Lance laughed softly. Sweet talker.
"Shall we go inside? Dinner is ready."
"With pleasure. Just... Lie with me dear, for a couple of minutes."
Lance complied with the request of his loved one. He lay down on the cool grass next to the Farmer, listening to the crickets chirping and looking at the stars in the sky.
"A beautiful view, indeed."
They both held hands, enjoying such peaceful moments together.
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In which I draw Mercutio and Tybalt within the & Juliet universe based off of a mix of Alpharad's performance of and my school's performance of Romeo & Juliet
I couldn't tell who Mercutio was and who Tybalt was so I just went off of colors I associate them with, I'm sorry if I got them wrong
Reference images under the cut:
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lindyloosims · 9 months
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(does the research centre look familiar to anyone? 🫎🐿️👼🏻)
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