#lets get parascocial
philsdrivinglicence · 2 months
Can one of you freaks please tell me who is in that pic in the frame in the background pls? ty ty
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0crooked-arcade0 · 6 months
You ever sit down and think about how ALTRVERSE presents Anti and the Viewers relationship as having the potential to be a really well written commentary on the rather horrific pitfalls of parasocial relationships?
Because I do, I've been thinking about the implications of that hot mess since PAX (yes, I've been up in this bitch since day one, I went in wanting to watch a playthrough of sister location and left a changed man.)
The textbook definition of a parascocial relationship is-
'Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence.'
Sounds familiar, don't it?
Us as the viewer, we didn't know how this started, and we still don't, it seems that most of the information we have about Anti is vague at best.
But he knows us, he knows us extremely well, going so far as to shatter the fourth wall in some rather bold attempt to gain our attention.
And it only escalates as time goes on, weither it be video interruptions or full blown homicide, Anti has a way of catching our eye.
He's not just willing to let us be a silent observer anymore, in Anomaly found he goes through the trouble of pulling us out from the camera itself, he wants us to be physically present for the carnage he's inflicting.
And why is that?
Because he feels personally slighted in some way?
He's said it himself, this is all our fault, we could of been there, we could of done something, but we just watched.
From our perspective we know the chain of events had nothing to do with us, we didn't instigate this in a purposeful way, but Anti clearly assumes otherwise.
Do you get how terrifying that is? Having an absolutely rancid chain of events like this put on display, and for what? Because some entity we had absolutely zero knowledge of just a few years ago decided it would be pertanent for us to pay attention to him?
What are we missing here?
Is this a random twist of fate, or is there something more here we're unaware of?
Maybe something we forgot, somebody we forgot-
This probably comes off as a lot of incoherent rambling but no matter how you slice it there's something fundamentally fucked up about this dynamic and the power imbalance isn't lost on me.
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