#lets be honest its not just elijah
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nifftydeary · 2 years ago
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Yandere!Elijah mikaelson x fem Reader headcanons
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So this is a request made by @catmikaelson20 its my first headcanon ever so be nice haha enjoy.
@accidentalslayer I hope you'll like this one too bby 🖤
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Elijah is nothing like his brother Niklaus, he is composed and reasonable and knows when to stop and we're the limits not to cross lays.
Even if he does love you like a mad man and would do anything for you he does allow you to get out and have a liberty of your own. Nonetheless, he would certainly pay some man he trusts to follow you. You stayed at Mikaelson now that you were together and since they had a lot of enemies, it was just a necessity really.
Elijah wanted you to be at your happiest and to feel like a little princess, his princess and it just wouldn't be possible if he was keeping you at home all the time and controlling your life now would it.
As a gentleman, our favorite vampire is SPOILING the shit out of you every occasion he has. Buying you expensive dresses, jewellery, anything you wanted to be honest Elijah would never say no to you.
He is really often with you, even if he is a really busy man he makes all the time in the world for his princess and makes sure to stay with you more than enough. He doesn't like to be away from you for too long anyway and if he really needs to leave you for a day or two for a really important matter, he will ask Rebecca or Niklaus to keep you company and keep an eye on you.
Even if it doesn't look like it, Elijah is a jealous man. He never shows it to you or wants you to know what happened with the men that used to text you and show even a tad bit of interest for you. He is not the type to show you this side of him. He wants you to see only the best of him. His controlled and utterly gentle and caring side. Yet, it's not to say he never killed anyone because he didn't like the way they looked at his princess or if they flirted with you. Could you really blame him, you were so innocent and pure and couldn't know what was good and bad for you when it comes to man.
We're his obsessive behaviour was principally demonstrated was when it comes to your safety...Elijah would lose his shit if you ever get in danger and he would do anything to get you back safely to his side...no matter how many people he needs to kill and no matter how much blood he'll make rain. It's not something he was playing with, just the idea of his little princess in the wrong hands and in possible arms way makes him MAD MAD. It probably would be the first time the reader sees him like this... he'll be out of control.
Even if Elijah is a prideful man and has all his beliefs in his charm and handsomeness he is still quite unfaithful in the other man's honor.
He wasn't trusting them one bit, so he was always there to make sure it was clear like glass that you belonged to him and him only. Elijah would mark you, on your neck and your shoulders even sometimes. He would even mark your tights and your hips but it was only for him to see.
Elijah is obsessed with your body, he worships it and thinks you are a literal goddess within humans. That's why he's a little controlling on what you wear sometimes. When he catches you about to get out with a really short dress there is no way he'll allow you to leave the house. Elijah would be really serious about getting changed and if you ever end up not doing what he asked, well you're just never going to get out of the house. He doesn't want his princess to look like a hooker and he certainly doesn't want you to attract even more attention to you. Don't get me wrong he isn't that strict but sometimes it's just too much.
You guys don't fight often, but when you do it often ends up with Elijah leaving you the space you need and then, he comes back to you after you thought. You love him and he loves you and he can let you stay mad at him. Elijah will do anything to make you happy and he will accept his mistakes and try to be better for you.
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mask131 · 1 year ago
I wanted to make this post last year but I got caught up in events (plus I couldn't find back my sources). But given the recent international events have completely turned away most media's attention from the Russian war on Ukraine, I thought it was finally time to make this post.
Because I want to talk about something truly crazy. Something that shows how deep Russia's distortion, warping and twisting of the Christian religion went - and how back there, we're back to the times of holy inquisitions.
Many people have covered the fact that the propaganda of Putin over Russia isn't just mediatic and politic but also religious. There were many viral reports and TV reports and investigations about how the higher-ups of the Russian Orthodox Church were in Putin's pocket, openly shared Putinist propaganda during their religious offices, declared that the war against Ukraine was a "holy war" that God wanted, that Putin was merely the agent and arm of God - there was this whole thing about the Patriarch blessing the weapons of the Russian soldiers sent to the front, and about him explicitely saying that the Devil and/or the Antichrist was in Ukraine.
But there is something that is even bigger and more shocking than that, and that shows how in Russia war = religion. It is a building: the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
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The building of this cathedral started in 2018, but it was only completed in 2020. The cathedral is technically a religious building, but the main reason of its existence is to celebrated the "various military feats of Russia", chief among which - the Russian victory over the Nazis during World War II. The completion of the cathedral was done on the Victory Day celebrating the Soviet Union crushing the Nazis ; and it was opened on the "Day of Remembrance and Sorrow" (a commemoration of when the Nazis turned against the Soviet Union and tried to march over it). There's something about "the resurrection of Christ" in there, but let's be honest, this was built exclusively for and around war.
This building is absolutely grandiose, without a doubt - and its beauty and enormity is a proof of Russia's dedication to its unique mix of religion and military matters. In fact it was considered one of the great monuments of Russia... until the Ukrainian attacks made people reconsider what this symbol ACTUALLY meant.
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And the thing with this building is that it was FILLED with carefully-thought war symbolism. For example, take the main dome's diameter: 19,45 meters... To symbolize the year when World War II stopped (1945). [Another source rather claims that the dome's diameter is 22,43 meters but it doesn't change the symbol: the Nazi capitulation was signed at 22h43]. There is a small dome that is 14,18 meters in height - because the conflict between the Nazis and the Soviet Union lasted 1 418 days and nights. And the belfry is 75 meters tall... because 75 years had passed between 2020 and the end of World War II. By the way, did you know that when Russians talk of the end of World War II and how they helped defeat the Nazis, they do not speak of the "World War"? No, they rather speak of "the end of the Great Patriotic War". Because the conflict between the USSR and the Nazis wasn't part of any world conflict, oh no! It was just one specific war against the patry - aka Russia. The total height of the Church is a reference to Saint Vladimir's (the one who Christianized the Rus lands) birth date, etc etc...
Things get better - the steps and floors of the cathedral are made of metal. Metal made from the melted war trophies taken from the Nazis - their weapons an their tanks for example. As such, the Russians will forever walk on the remains of their old ennemies. The church's saints are carefully chosen as the patron-saints of the Russian military: saint Elijah the Prophet, saint Barbara, saint Fyodor Ushakov... All organized in the four sections of the church, each dedicated to a different branch of the army; ground forces, navy, aerospace military and strategic missile forces. There's a lot of depictions of Jesus wielding a sword too.
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And then we go to the mosaics... Ah, the mosaics! These mosaics are not about the history of Christianity, but about the military history of Russia, each one depicting a great battle or a great Russian victory. You have several depictions of the orders of the Red Army overthrowing the Imperial forces in Russia, you also have depictions of the Soviet (or Communist) successes during World War II of course - there's the Battle of Stalingrad, there's the Reichstag fire... You also have more recent depictions of soldiers, with a kalashnikov in their hands... And of course, the latest mosaic depicting the latest "Russian military success" at the date of the Cathedral's fundation: the annexation of Crimea.
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This mosaic was in fact part of a dual scandal, before while the Cathedral was built, two images were leaked of two intended mosaics - one for the Crimea annexation and one for the (exclusively Soviet of course) victory over the Nazis in World War II (sorry, "The Great Patriotic War"). And the scandal was because on the latter Stalin was depicted, and on the former it was Putin who was on the mosaic. There was a big outcry, and ultimately the artists of the cathedral decided to remove the faces of Putin and Stalin... But not before asking for Putin's opinion first, and then - this is very symbolic - their faces were replaced by icons.
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Yeah all of this is kind of overwhelming - but one has to remember that in Russia, the Orthodox Church is on the same level as the various ministeries of Putin. The Patriarch Kirill, who consecrated the cathedral, has as such openly supported Putin's war and politics - invited and present at all of Putin's government meetings alongside his various ministers, the Patiarch has also placed in his sermons the exact same slogans and words used by the televisual Russian propaganda. In spring 2022, he held a whole sermon about how the Russian people had to stand together as brothers again the treacherous and wicked West - and added that the reason the Donbas distrusted the Russian Orthodox Church was because of the "vile phenomenon" of the Gay Pride - and added that it was against the corruption of the West, and the anti-religious "gay propaganda", that Russia was fighting - that it was to eliminate THIS that they threw bombs over Ukraine.
Speaking of that I almost forgot! Very recently the cathedral added a new stained glass to its windows... One made with broken glass shards from Mariupol, collected during the Russian attack.
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And let's not forget how the Patriarch promised to absolve all the Russians sent to the front who would die on the battlefield against the Ukrainians (the SAME kind of words that were used in the Middle-Ages for the crusades!) - because, and I quote, "such a sacrifice will cleanse you of all human sin". And at the beginning of 2023 (if I recall well), the Patriarch went as far as to say that if Russia didn't win this war, "someone" (he didn't specify who) but SOMEONE would appear "with the intentions of dominating, and then destroying the world" (aka, the Antichrist). This was later backed up by Dmitry Medvedev, who added that the real goal of the war against Ukrainian was to "stop the supreme leader of Hell" (and this time he dropped names, but several at once - Satan, Lucifer, Iblis).
We are literaly back to medieval crusades and to the crazy witch-hunts. Russian propagandists will stop at nothing to convince people that everything is evil outside of Russia.
"But..." you're going to say, "Not all Orthodox Russian priests can be falling for this crap!". And indeed you are right, there are priests in the Russian Orthodox Church that called out the fact Christianity was about peace, not war. The problem is that the higher-ups of the Church have started a hunt for all priests that advocate for peace rather than war - and they simply kick them out of the Church and revoke their status as priests. The Orthodox priests who refuse to see their faith turned into political propaganda are forced to flee into other Orthodox countries to maintain their status as priests.
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hyperactivewhore · 9 months ago
Sorry if this is a weird question but I would want to hear someone else opinion on a matter that i hadn't pay much attention at the first time but now its really interesting..What your opinion on the fact that Klaus Mikaelson seems to be into B.D.S.M? It was kinda stated by Aurora but I don't remember the episode. Or about kol and Rebekah ,they also gives me vibes that they are into B.D.S.M too ,i cant really explain it. I never saw someone adressing this topic.
It's not a weird question, don't worry, especially when it comes to discussing the Mikaelson siblings.
Yes, you're correct, Aurora did state Klaus was into BDSM in 3x07 of The Originals and the line was "Oh, how you loathe me, so certain I've come to do you harm. Yet, as I recall, we did plenty of harm to each other. And, if I'm not mistaken, we both rather liked it, didn't we?". For me, it's not a surprise Klaus behaves that way sexually. He's desperate to be in control of everything, of course that would apply to his sexual/romantic partners as well, and with how his parents made him feel and the added bonus of his hybrid state, it's very much in character for him, at least in my opinion.
But, if I'm being honest, I mainly think Aurora just meant to let clear he likes to hurt the person he's having sex with - with their consent, obviously. Make them find pleasure in their pain, which really relates to his personal life and his personal experiences for me. Of all the Mikaelson (and honestly, all the tvdu characters) I believe Klaus is the roughest when it comes to sex, which it's quite ironic considering vampires have the highest sex drive yet Klaus is seen getting nearly no action.
Kol and Rebekah do give those vibes as well, especially Kol. I believe Rebekah is more of a merciless tease, while Kol just loves to make you cry (in the good sense). Elijah, in the other hand, seems pretty vanilla to me, just like Stefan and Caroline. Damon likes to paint himself as some kind of sex god, and yet Elena looked so ready to laugh sometimes when he talked dirty to her. Hayley, in all of her sex scenes, is always being absolutely manhandled and getting thrown into walls/tables/any surface available, so it's safe to assume she's into a more rough aspect of sex as well, which of course, makes sense considering she's a werewolf.
I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer! It was a funny ask, though.
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reachartwork · 3 months ago
Back in his room, Judas sets up his chess board—figuratively, of course. The actual game is being played across millions of kilometers, his moves transmitted via laser communication to a Jovian mathematician with an annoyingly superior attitude.
Each move takes thirty minutes to transmit, and the match has been going for days now. Judas enjoys it, partly because it requires so little actual effort on his part and partly because it lets him flex his intellect in a way his job rarely demands. The chessboard on his console gleams faintly, pieces caught mid-battle in a position that Samson had politely described as “suboptimal.”
Judas scrolls through the chat history between moves, his finger idly flicking the screen. The logs are sparse, mostly terse exchanges about the game, but every now and then, a thread of genuine conversation breaks through.
A thread from a couple of days ago catches his eye:
Elijah: What exactly is a “union”?
Judas had been half-distracted when the question came through, trying to focus on the game. His response had been automatic:
Judas: A union’s like… a group of workers getting together to make sure they’re treated fairly. You know, better conditions, more say in how things are run.
The Jovian’s reply had come back almost instantly, or as instant as the thirty minute round trip could make it.
Elijah: Treated fairly? What do you mean? Who treats you unfairly?
Judas smirks at the memory, shaking his head. The Jovian’s genuine curiosity had been baffling, almost childlike, and Judas hadn’t been in the mood to dig into it. He scrolls closer to the present day.
Elijah: Why does someone need a union? Is it a survival thing? Like a co-op for food?
Judas: It’s not just about food. It’s about... everything. Rations, time off, workload, who gets what. A union’s a way to make sure Management doesn’t decide everything for us.
Elijah: But isn’t that Management’s job?
Judas: Yeah, but that’s the problem. If they screw us over, what’re we supposed to do? Just sit there?
Elijah: Why would they screw you over? Doesn’t everyone have the same goal? Don't your centrals keep track of all the resource allocation?
Judas: In theory, sure. In practice? People in charge don’t always think about what’s best for everyone. A union’s like... insurance. Keeps them honest.
Elijah: But if they haven’t done anything wrong, why do you need the insurance?
Judas exhales, leaning back and rubbing his temples. The Jovian’s questions had been relentless, and he’d quickly realized the gulf between their perspectives. It wasn’t naivety, exactly. It was more like the Jovian had never encountered the idea that work could be anything other than perfectly structured and collaborative.
Samson’s voice breaks the silence, light and conversational. “Your queen is under threat, by the way.”
Judas glares at the board. “No kidding. Thanks for the heads-up.”
“You’ve been distracted,” Samson observes. “Are you sure you don’t want me to offer a suggestion?”
“No backseat chess,” Judas mutters, moving a pawn to block the queen. He knows it’s a weak move, but his focus is elsewhere.
The Jovian’s latest message blinks onto the screen, cutting through Judas’s thoughts:
Elijah: Do you have an example of a time when Management made a mistake?
Judas stares at the text for a moment, then types back:
Judas: Not really. They’ve been fine so far. But it’s not about what they’ve done—it’s about what they could do. You don’t wait for the fire before you build the extinguisher.
The reply takes its usual fifteen minutes to send, and their reply, the fifteen minutes to arrive, but when it does, it’s as direct as ever:
Elijah: I don’t understand. What’s the difference between being prepared and being paranoid?
Judas laughs softly, despite himself. “What’s the difference, Samson?”
“Between preparedness and paranoia?” Samson asks. “A reasonable question. The answer likely depends on the individual’s tolerance for risk.”
“Great,” Judas mutters, typing back a response:
Judas: Paranoia is thinking Management is already planning to screw us over. Preparedness is making sure they don’t get the chance.
<Read more KRAKOOM!!! over on RoyalRoad>
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peanut-butter-parkerxx · 11 months ago
Brushstrokes of New Orleans: 001
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The Mikaelson mansion stood as a silent sentinel in the heart of New Orleans, its grandeur a testament to centuries of history and tradition. As I followed Elijah through the ornate corridors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the opulence that surrounded me. The walls were adorned with priceless works of art, each piece telling a story of a bygone era.
As we walked, Elijah's presence was a comforting anchor in the sea of uncertainty that swirled within me. His voice, smooth as velvet, guided me through the halls with ease, his eyes alight with a quiet intensity that belied his calm demeanor. Eventually, we arrived at my room, a cozy sanctuary nestled within the heart of the mansion. Elijah opened the door with a flourish, gesturing for me to enter.
"This will be your home for the duration of your stay," he said, his voice tinged with warmth. "I hope you find it to your liking." Elijah said, gesturing towards the door of a cozy bedroom adorned with antique furnishings and soft, inviting linens. I stepped inside, taking in the elegant furnishings and soft, muted colors that adorned the space. It was a far cry from my cramped apartment downtown, a place where I could finally breathe and let my creativity flow freely. 
"It's perfect," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Elijah." I found myself caught in his gaze, my breath catching in my throat at the intensity of his stare. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, a rawness that spoke of a depth of emotion I had only glimpsed before. For a moment, we stood there in silence, the air thick with unspoken words and unspoken desires. And then, with a soft smile, Elijah broke the spell, his hand reaching out to brush against mine in a gesture of silent reassurance.
He smiled, a faint quirk of his lips that sent my heart aflutter. "You're welcome, Penny. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be just down the hall." he said, his voice as smooth as silk. 
"Rest well, Penny," he said, his voice a whispered caress. "We have much to discuss in the days to come." With that, he turned and left me alone in the quiet embrace of my new surroundings, I couldn't help but notice the way his presence seemed to linger in the air, his scent enveloping me like a warm embrace. It was a heady mixture of sandalwood and musk, and with each step he took, I found myself drawn closer to him, as if by some invisible force. 
It was not just Elijah who captivated me, if I'm being quite honest; it was his mischievous brother Klaus, with his devilish charm and infectious laughter as well. I first encountered him the next  morning - to my surprise, given his reputation - in the kitchen where he was attempting to prepare breakfast for his young daughter Hope, who was perched on his shoulder with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Ah, Penny, I presume? the elusive intern," Klaus greeted me with a smirk, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I see you've finally emerged from your lair."
I couldn't help but laugh at his antics, unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of Hope giggling gleefully in her father's arms. 
"Yes, that's me," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
"Forgive the chaos," Elijah said, appearing at my side with a tray of freshly baked pastries. "Klaus is still getting the hang of fatherhood." Klaus rolled his eyes playfully, though there was a warmth in his gaze that spoke of a deep love for his daughter. 
"I'll have you know, I'm a natural," he declared, earning another round of laughter from Hope.
As Klaus expertly flipped pancakes in the air, I couldn't help but watch in awe at the sight of his culinary prowess. His mischievous grin never left his face, and with each toss of the pancake, he seemed to grow more confident in his abilities.
"Quite the chef you are, Klaus," I remarked, unable to hide my admiration.He chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. 
"Why, thank you, Penny. Cooking is just one of my many talents," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "So, Penny, what drew you to the world of art?" Klaus asked, his curiosity evident in his voice. I paused, considering his question carefully.
"I suppose it was a combination of things," I replied, a smile playing on my lips. "Art has always been a way for me to express myself, to make sense of the world around me. There's something magical about creating something beautiful out of nothing."
Klaus nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I can understand that," he said, his voice softening. "Art has a way of touching the soul, of capturing the essence of humanity in a single brushstroke."
After the breakfast with Klaus, Elijah turned to me with a gentle smile. 
"Penny, would you care to accompany me to the garden? There are a few artifacts I'd like to show you." I nodded eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending more time alone with him.
"I would love to," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. As we made our way towards the garden, Klaus's voice called out from behind us, teasingly. "Ah, off for a romantic stroll in the garden, are we?" Elijah shot him a playful glare over his shoulder. 
"Hardly, Klaus," he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "We're simply going to admire some artifacts." Klaus chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
"Of course you are, brother," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Rolling his eyes, Elijah turned back to me, a wry smile playing on his lips. 
"Shall we?" he asked, extending his arm in invitation. I took his arm with a grin, feeling a rush of warmth at the sight of his smile. 
"Lead the way," I replied, my heart fluttering with anticipation.
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riderofblackdragons · 10 months ago
Day 9: Animal Attack
I've gotten today's out on time! Literally half an hour until tomorrow, but whatever, it's out on the right day! Returning to the Experiments in Blood AU again, because I am rather fond of that one tbh, and I plan to use it for quite a few whumpay prompts.
Sorry if its a bit all over the place, I forgot my meds today as well, so that's fun! Does make it more insane than usual tho. Hope you enjoy!
Animal attacks were a terrible excuse. If you were in the know of the supernatural, you knew it was supernatural. If you weren’t, either you’d bury your head and pretend you believed it, or you wouldn’t. And if you didn’t, well… Usually that ended with finding out about the supernatural, one way or another.
And not even in the nice, gentle way either. More often than not, it was because you’d come face to face with said supernatural, and it would then eat you. If you were lucky, you’d be left with enough of a body to recognise afterwards. If not… Well, that was why there were so many missing persons cases gone cold.
In this case, Elijah found himself musing it over. He was half tempted to let his brother, and said brother’s friends, who were just as hungry, lose onto a small village. It would cause such a mess, though, and he’d have to deal with it. And Kol still wasn’t all that willing to leave his side, either, which did severely limit the amount of places they could go.
With Elijah’s resources, it didn’t limit them too much, but it did change Elijah’s plans for the years after he’d freed his brother. The original plan, which had accounted for some trauma and reluctance to be alone, had almost relied on Kol being willing to at least hunt on his own, like how he had before this whole ordeal.
Clearly, he’d had to scrap that plan. It was a struggle to get Kol to not touch him at all (not that Elijah was trying all that hard, if he was fully honest with himself), let alone move more than a metre away.
Thankfully, it seemed that although all three had imprinted on each other, the younger vampires clung more to each other than to Kol or Elijah. He couldn’t bear to be followed around like a mother duck, the younger ones clinging to each other’s hands whilst Kol clung to his.
There was something to be said for it all, they were definitely following Elijah around now. Whether it was because they trusted him to keep them safe, for some reason, or because Kol refused to leave him and they refused to leave him, Elijah wasn’t sure. He didn’t particularly care, either. The result was what really mattered to him, and that was that he had a couple of vampires following him around now as he arranged for their food, travel, and accommodation.
Honestly, Elijah was starting to feel déjà vu towards the first century or so of being vampires. Arranging for himself and three others, he was missing a female vampire to join them and it’d be almost exactly the same. Except for the century and the actual company (Elijah missed his younger siblings, but Damon and Lorenzo were at least better company than Finn was. Less attempts to make them feel guilty for eating people, for one), it felt very similar.
If Niklaus ever found out about this, he would be extremely upset, Elijah knew. He’d rage on Elijah and Kol for “replacing” him, as if he wasn’t the one to lock their family away in coffins to begin with. And besides, neither Damon nor Lorenzo were violently dangerous enough to be like Niklaus, in Elijah’s opinion. They felt more like his children, if he thought more into it. Grown children, but ones who wouldn’t leave him alone and relied on him for everything at the moment.
Oh, and they kept killing scores of people, because they were hungry, and forgetting to compel any back for Elijah and Kol to eat too.
It was a miracle no hunters (or worse, Niklaus) had shown up in the area, given the amount of “animal attacks” that’d started occurring in this area recently. They’d know that it wasn’t actual animals, only vampires gorging themselves, thus making them a real risk.
Not really a risk to Elijah or Kol, though. More like an annoyance. But Kol didn’t like being far away from his former cellmates for too long, and Elijah had begrudgingly started becoming fond of them as well. And whilst Originals weren’t too bothered by them, they would be very upset if a hunter managed to off the baby vampires with them.
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yohangaontdj · 2 years ago
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 9 (Part 1)
This episode has so much domestic bliss that I shall spend Part 1 and Part 2 talking about it.
And it starts with Yohan bringing drinks to Gaon.
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The other time we saw Yohan serving a drink to him, it was coffee. And the whole affair was business-like as if they were in a meeting.
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This time round, the ambience is casual, intimate. The two of them in their home wear, and so like buddies or family members having a drink after a long day at work.
And we get to see Yohan being vulnerable before Gaon. His emotions, as he talked about his brother. It was there, Yohan not trying to hide it. And to me, it shows how much the two had progressed. How much closer they were that Yohan had allowed himself to be that open to Gaon. Which I believe isn't a thing that Yohan does easily, and will only do so with those that he fully trusted.
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Its just so so domestic, this scene. And it makes me feel like they're an old married couple who had been woth each other for a long time.
And it's also interesting that this is Yohan's first time serving alcohol to Gaon. When previously, he had taken the champagne flute out of his hands in Ep 4.
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Makes me wonder if it's because Gaon couldn't drink much. I maybe wrong but in the previous episode, he had brought orange juice instead of soju when Professor Min and Soohyun had gathered at his place for a meal.
And then we also have a depressed Gaon with Soohyun at a bar. And Soohyun had to urge him to 'bottom ups'.
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This is highly unusual if you have seen a lot of Korean drama. Usually when the drama character is facing some crisis, they would be found drowning their sorrows with bottles and bottles of soju. But we don't see Gaon doing that.
And I can't help but wonder if Yohan had found out by chance that Gaon gets drunk easily. Maybe there were some chocolate with alochol that someone had gifted to Yohan. And Gaon had, after taking two or three, started doing pretty interesting antics when inebriated. (I did write a fic based on the idea that Gaon couldn't drink in my Fictober Challenge 2021).
And so, Yohan only let Gaon drink when the two were at home.
Next, we have Gaon being so at home in the mansion.
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Then getting startled and trying to hide what he was watching from Elijah.
I couldn't help be tickled by Gaon's reaction. Cause he had chosen such a public place in the mansion to watch what wasn't a very nice video. Then getting flustered when Elijah had stumbled upon him.
It's the kitchen where anyone can just walk in. And to think that Gaon hadn't thought of that. I take it as a sign he is so at ease in the Kang mansion that he pretty much do as he pleased, just like anyone will do so in their own home.
And here, we have Elijah offering her help to Gaon, her second time doing so.
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She did it in Ep 8, offering to hack into the prison system so that Gaon can kill the scumbag who had cheated his parents.
And I love how, each time, Gaon had listened to her with a smile on his face. He hadn't put her down or scoff at her suggestion just because she is a mere sixteen-year-old.
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And that takes patience as well as a willingness to treat the other party with respect, even though they are so much younger. Which, to be honest, isn't easlly found in the Asian context where seniority matters a lot.
And this next bit had me laughing so hard. How the sight of Ms Ji taking out an apron, can have Elijah becoming like this.
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And Gaon's remark about Yohan never forbidding him to cook! 🤣
And just look at their contrasting expressions in the next pic.
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Poor clueless Gaon will find out in the next bit, why Elijah's reaction had been like - Are you mad? Or are your tastebuds that bad, you want to eat Ms Ji's cooking!
I just love TDJ and their sense of humor.
More domestic bliss to come in Part 2.
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witchcraftandgeekness · 2 years ago
Kol Mikaelson headcanon
I have no evidence but I'm 100% sure that Kol read all Harry Potter books and he loves them. He is total potterhead.
Let's be honest, Kol is a witchcraft nerd. So when he heard about Harry Potter, he was curious. The book about the young boy who is neglected and abused by the people he lives with but suddenly finds out that he has magical abilities and now he is about to learn about the whole world of magic, potions and spells, and his life becomes much better, even if he is still obliged to live with his 'family'. Sounds familiar, right?
Kol would read HP books because it's a book whole of magic, even tho their wand-magic is not the same as the magic he once got in himself. Additionally, he sympathies with Harry for many personal reasons. But his favourite characters are Weasley twins, 'cause they are tricksters, pranksters and are middle children in the family of seven (its just his vibes, okay).
I don't know, I just love this headcanon, it adds to Kol's character nicely and its just adorable.
He would stalk his siblings, because he is so excited to make them go through tests like "Who are you from HP books?" or "What Hogwarts House would you be sorted in?". After some time they reluctantly give up and answer questions for those Internet tests.
Kol: You're Slytherin, Nik. Not surprising, to be honest.
Klaus: Its stupid test... What does that mean, anyway?
And Kol proceeds to explain him every detail about Slytherin house and what traits Slytherins posses, and etc. Maybe he would even make Rebekah watch Harry Potter movies with him (and might be Nik with Elijah too, but they will look like they are bored even tho they would get invested in the plot).
On Christmas he would receive Hogwarts scarf, magical wand and other HP stuff, and would be way too happy.
I just love potterhead!Kol, okay?
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year ago
Picture me this; absolutely hating Habit (as one would, lets be honest) bc he tore your friend group/family apart and took over your bestie Evan's body. BUT THEN something happens (maybe a sickness or whatever, idk) and *Habit* helps you into the pool to cool down (maybe you are overheating or whatever) and bc its been proven he has to hold you to get your heart rate and blood pressure down (this has been proven btw 🤭) and it works and it gets fixed!
*cue Vinny and Jeff just seeing the moment and just sensing a vibe* (and Habit can't help but notice that your heart is beating just a little too hard when he helps you stand 🤭)
(gif inspo bc I say so)
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PhantomStrider's Modern Cartoons Ranking And My Thoughts On Each Individual Cartoon
To Start, I First Watched This Video Back In 2016 Or 2017 (Can't Tell Which One To Be Honest). I Got Into A Handful Of Those After Seeing That Video. Here's The Video In Question:
I'm Only Speaking About Each Cartoon In Order Of His Ranking And That His Ranking May Not Reflect My Thoughts On Each Show. In A Separate Post, I'll List Off Some Of The Cartoons That Were Snubbed From The List. Now For Number 10.
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Right Off The Bat, We Have A Show That I Have An Interesting History With. This Was One Of Many Cartoons That I Was Introduced To Via This Video. I Like This Show, But I Wouldn't Call This My Favorite Nick Show. This Show Kinda Planted An Idea That Might Or Might Not Be Present In Most Future Projects Of Mine (Large Families). I Rarely Watch An Episode Of This Show Nowadays. I Haven't Seen Any Episodes Past Season 4 (I Saw The Movie And The First Season Of The Casagrandes As Well, But That's It). Watching New Episodes Wasn't As Much Of A Priority As It Used To Be. Also, Have You Ever Had That One Person Who Fell Into Controversy That You Were Sure Was Innocent When The Initial Controversy Was Happening, But With Hindsight, Now Knows That The One Person Really Was That Bad? For Me, That Was Chris Savino. Also, I'm Only Reading Fanfics For This Nowadays Instead Of Watching The Show Itself. Moving Onto Number 9:
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I Never Watched This, So I Can't Really Give My Opinion On It. I Have The Whole Thing Recorded Onto The DVR, So I Could Watch It At Some Point. It Has Elijah Wood (Frodo From "Lord Of The Rings") In It, So That Might Help Make Me Want To Watch It. For Number 8:
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Yet Another One I Haven't Watched. If It's On Paramount Plus Or Netflix, Then I'll Watch It. Let's Hope The Next One Is One That I Have Watched. Let's See If Number 7 Is It:
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Okay, This One Is It. I've Watched This Before, And Liked It, But Haven't Seen It In Years. I Was Introduced To It Through The Video. I Should Revisit It Sometime. Number 6:
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I Never Watched This Outside Of Clips And That One Simpsons Couch Gag:
That Show Was Just Always There, Y'Know? Considering That I Got Satellite TV In The Summer Of 2017, I've Definitely Seen And Heard About It When The Third Season Was Going. Let's See What Number 5 Is:
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I Watched The Whole Thing On Paramount Plus Back In 2022 And I Remember Liking It. Along With Its Predecessor, I Should Get Around To Revisiting This At Some Point. With How People Were Calling Korra A "Mary Sue" (Some Probably Still Do, IDK), I Hope Netflix Doesn't Adapt This Like They Did With ATLA, That Would Be A Whole Headache If That Were Ever To Happen. For Number 4:
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Aw Yeah, Now That's What I'm Talking About. I Finally Watched This In The Summer Of Last Year, And I Really Like This. What I Could Say About This May As Well Have Been Said By Many Others (Vailskibum94 Included). I Know It Led To A Bunch Of Successors, One Of Which Is On The List, While A Bunch Of Others Have Been Snubbed. For Number 3:
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In Hindsight, I'd Probably Have This And GF Switch Positions On The List. I'm Actually In The Process Of Revisiting This. I Posted On Here And Reddit About The Show Quite A Bit Recently. The Last Episode I Watched Was "Sophomore Slump" And, Marco Will End Up With A Rude Awakening And A Love For Linkin Park When He Finds Out About Star And Tom. Also, I Watched Saberspark's Video On This Earlier Today And Yeah, I Think Amphibia Or The Owl House Should Be In That Position On The List Instead. Also, I Heard About Star Executing Order 66 On A Lot Of Characters. After Initially Watching This, I Must Have Blocked Out A Lot Of This Show Since Initially Watching This. Whatever Excitement I Had With Seasons 1-2 And The Battle For Mewni Special Seems To Slowly Be Withering Away As The Episodes Go By. Next Up On This, For Number 2 Is:
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One Of The Few Shows On The List That I Heard Of Prior To Watching This Video. I Watched The Majority Of Season 1 On Cartoon Network And That's It. I Have A Lot Of Shows I Need To Get Around To Watching. Onto The Honorable Mentions. The First Honorable Mention Is:
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I Never Watched This. Was Weird Al Involved With This Or Something? Honorable Mention Number 2:
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Oh. That. Should I Remind You That The Video Was Made In 2016? This Was Another Show That I Had Heard Of Prior To Watching This Video. You Know How When Someone Uploads A Full Episode Or Movie, Said Episode Or Movie Is In The Bottom Corner Of The Video And The Audio Is Pitched Up To Evade Copyright? That's How Me And My Sister First Watched The Show. When She Eventually Got The DVDs Of The Show, I At Least Got To See It The Way I Should Have Seen It. I Think The Show Fell Off Harder Than SVTFOE Could Even Imagine. I Never Watched A Single Episode From Season 5. I Watched Videos From Cyrus The Great And Smarty Pants And Read Posts From Tumblr's Own The Immaturity Of Thomas Astruc And I Still Haven't Watched An Episode Of Season 5. I Watched The Movie Though. Before I Go Too Crazy About This Show, Let's Get To The Next Honorable Mention:
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Another One I've Heard Of Prior To Watching That Video. Same With We Bare Bears, I Remember Liking It, But I Haven't Seen It In Years. At Least It's On Disney Plus, So I Could Rewatch It. For The Last Honorable Mention:
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The Last One That I Heard About Prior To Watching That Video. I Never Watched The Show, But I'd Love To At Some Point. I Even Have The Happy Meal Toys From Way Back When. For Number One:
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This One I Heard A Lot About. I Watched The Show In 2020 On Hulu (Seasons 1-4) And HBO Max (Season 5, The Movie And Future) And I Remember Enjoying It. I Need To Revisit It. Thankfully, WB Is Reissuing The Complete Series Set Next Month.
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nifftydeary · 2 years ago
Baby i cant swim!!
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Summary : The original family decide to spend a relaxed day in their backyard around the pool. Unfortunately for you however, you forgot to mention you didn't knew how to swim.
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Today, differently that their usual movemented and kaotic lifestyle, the mikaelson had opted for a more relaxing evening in their backyard. It was sunny and pretty hot outside so the pool had seemed like a pretty good idea for all of them.
Well, all of them you none included.
The pool was the last place on earth that you wanted to be at. Water was terrifying for you, lakes, pool or beaches were your worst nightmare as a child. You hated how unpredictable it could be and how dangerous it was for someone that never got to learn how to swim like you.
Their was just no way In your right mind that you would accept to go.
Well that's what you thought before Elijah came up to you and literally pleaded for your presence...God he was just such a good negotiator and well, you just couldn't refuse him anything.
Y/n darling, please do an effort for me my love, it's going to be the first time in ages that Rebecca and Niklaus won't be causing any trouble. Just a peacefull and relaxing evening with the family. You don't even need to go for a swim if you don't want to, you can stay in my arms and take a bit of sun. Its going to be fun I promise.
Elijah said with his sweet and terribly attractive accent that you love so much. He was standing in front of you, his arms circled around your waist securely and a dashing smile on his lips.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of him and how unbelievably perfect he was and just let your head fall on his chest with a groan.
I hate you...
You whispered soundlessly before sighing and laying a gentle kiss on his neck. You both knew those words were a lie. You, in fact, loved Elijah way too much for your own good and that's why you felt exasperated of yourself sometimes.
Your boyfriend let out a gentle Lough as you spoke and groan, he really couldn't believe how adorable you really was sometime. As he kept smiling, the original took your chin between his fingers and brought your eyes back to his. Then, with all the sweetness in the world he kissed your lips and caressed your cheek.
Now darling we both know this is a lie hum.
He said smugly into your ear as his lips moved to your neck to kiss and bite on it.
A little moan escape your mouth when he did indeed bite you gently and a blush spread all over your face when his eyes met yours again.
Mh, be a good girl now and go get changed darling, I don't want to let Rebecca and Klaus alone for to long, you know how childish they can get sometimes.
You couldn't find it in you to argue with him at the moment. Your mind was all fuzzy and you felt like an innocent little girl when he spoke to you like this. Therefore, you just nod and left Elijah to wait for you on the bed, while you went to get your bikini on.
While you changed, you tried to keep thinking about being in Elijah's arms in security, away from the scary water. It felt a bit reassuring to be honest, to know he would stay with you all along and keep you safe. None the less, their still was a side of you that was scared and uncertain about all of this. What if something happened and you ended up in the pool...
No, you just had to keep your mind away from those thoughts. So with those ideas pushed away from your immediate concerns, you finished getting dressed in your cute black bikini. Then, when finally ready, you got back to Elijah's side with a cute smile on.
I'm ready Lijah, let's go.
You said with your soft innocent voice before taking his hand in your and blushing a bit at his gaze traveling all over your curves.
You look so damn beautiful my love...
Elijah whispers while laying a kiss to your cheek and smiling lovingly.
Thank you Eli.
You replied before the both of you headed outside in the huge mansion backyard.
As you finally arrived close to the pool, you saw Rebecca and Klaus water splashing each other in the it. An amused smirk crept on your features at it, god they were such children really. It was adorable thought, you couldn't say otherwise.
More and more that you got closer to the water, the further you pushed yourself against Elijah. Your breathing got a bit shaky and your eyes showed a bit of fear as it goes. You never told your boyfriend about your fear frankly. He just thought you didn't liked pools or else, Elijah never really questioned it.
So the original just didn't realised your reaction to it. Beside, his attention gor captured by Niklaus voice speaking up to the both of you.
Oh look at that Rebecca, our two lovebirds finally decided to grant us the pleasure of their presence.
Niklaus said with his cocky like voice and expression before he chuckled amused.
Rebecca on her side smiled brightly, seemingly quite happy to finally see yourself and Elijah. Then, she spoke up to.
Well, it was about time, I thought you guys would never come.
You were to concentrated in staying the closest you could to Elijah to even war what she had to say. Luckily for you thought, Elijah was there to speak.
Sorry dear sister, y/n took quite a lot of convincing to come out but here we are now.
Elijah finished to say before looking at your feature. He frowned when he saw your expression, now realizing that you seemed scared.
Darling are you alright?
He asked worried before delicately kissing your cheek and playing with your hair in a calming manner.
You took a long breath then, feeling nervous before meeting his gaze and nodding warmly.
I hum, yes...yes I'm fine love, can we... can we just go sit on the chair Lijah? You asked weakly while pointing at the lounge chair situated not so far away from were you both stood.
Your boyfriend that still looked quite worried, just shook his head gently before humming in unbelief. Then, swiftly Elijah lift you up into his arms like a little girl and walked you both to where you wanted to be.
You hugged your body to his the second he picked you up, looping your arms around his neck securely.
After that, you placed your head on his shoulder to breath him in just in time for Elijah to gently sit you both down on the chair.
There sweetheart, you feeling better?
Elijah's loving and caring voice demand to you as he continued to play with your hair delicately.
Your back was facing the pool while you sat in Elijah's lap. It was making thing much easier for you to feel safer and forget their was actually a reason to be scared. You looked into his eyes and nod reassuringly to him, then you kissed his lips. It was a quick peck but it felt good and loving none the less.
After you parted from one another, you smiled at your man and just let your head fall back on his chest. It felt right and calming surprisingly considering where you were. Soon enough, you found yourself completely at ease and relaxed.
Until...well until you felt someone rapidly grabbing you away from Elijah's arms.
You panicked and your mind went blanc the second you felt a wet body against your back.
You heard Elijah's serious and hard voice calling Niklaus name, asking him to put you down but it was already to late. You struggled a bit and tried to tell him you couldn't swim but before you could finish your sentences, the hybrid trow you into the pool. Niklaus only did it for fun, not knowing you actually couldn't swim but soon he saw you struggling to stay out of the water and his eyes opened wide.
Oh fuck she can't swim.
To be honest, you didn't really keep track of what was happening around since you just tried with all your might to keep your head out of the water.
By chance, you didn't had to wait for rescue very long since Elijah jumped after you the very second he saw you didn't knew how to swim. His strong arms wrapped themself around you as he reached your side, making sure to keep your head out of the water. Has fast that he could manage, your vampire dragged you out of the pool then proceeded to lay you down on the ground safely. His perfect body towered over yours, looking at you to make sure you were fine and that their wasn't any apparent injury on your body. His feature showed worry and a bit of panic that you felt responsible for.
Angel are you ok?!
The first thing you did as you finally reach land was to caugh up all the water you had in your throat that was keeping you from breathing properly.
Then, when you finally got it out, you took many rushed breath and tried to get your body back to its normal beat. You struggled to do so at first but after a little while you manage to get it under control. Your eyes found Elijah's a little after coming back to your senses, finally able to concentrate on something else that your survival. That's when you took in his appearance on top of you. He was completely drenched, his dark brown hair were undone by the water and his perfectly cut suit was soaking wet. He had jumped in to save you, not caring at all about anything else. Your knight in shining armor you thought.
I'm ok Lijah...it's fine I'm not hurt. You got me out just in time luckily.
You ushered to him with a weak and soft voice before delicately reaching up to cup his cheek with your hand.
Elijah reached toward your touch and let a shaky breath out of his lips as your fingers caressed his skin. You knew he was very mad at Niklaus right now because he endangered you and came really close to killing you. He was so protective of you and even if you were yourself quite mad at the hybrid. Only a look in his direction was telling you he was regretting his actions quite badly.
I'm so sorry y/n I didn't know you couldn't swim...it was just for fun, I would have never done that if I knew. Klaus said with an apologetic voice and an expression of pure regret on his feature. Your eyes found his and you nod before turning your gaze back to Elijah. You continued to caress his cheek before you brought your face closer to his and kissed his cheek.
Elijah darling It's ok, he wasn't even aware that I couldn't swim and he didn't wanted to cause me pain in the first place. I'm fine right here in yours arms. Let's just head inside ok, we need to get change.
Elijah's eyes were so dark as you spoke to him. He was so mad and he wanted to make Klaus regret his gesture. Nonetheless, you didn't wanted to cause more problem after what happen. Their was no need for the two brother to get mad at each other. It would only cause more injury and problems. Therefore, you felt quite relieved when you saw Elijah getting calmer after your words. Your original seemed to be a bit more appeased now that you told him you were fine. He just needed to be with you alone now, to take care of his princess and keep her safe in his arms. So with that in mind, Elijah picked you up in his arms before walking straight to the house without an other look at his siblings.
With his vampire speed, Elijah got you both quickly in your shared bedroom. When you stood in it, your vampire gently sat you down on the bed before vamping away from you again to get towels and dry cloths. It took seconds before he was back in front of you and started untying your bikini top from your body. Your respiration accelerated as the tissue fell on the floor, leaving you topless in front of him. Your cheeks redden and your eyes followed his hand as he carried on with his task, delicately withdrawing your bikini bottom from you seconds later. Now that you stood completely naked and pretty in front of him, Elijah's brown eyes shined when looking at you. His strong hand that felt rough yet quite good against your skin, sent shivers along your spine and made your body tremble slightly. Your eyes met Elijah's then, he had an handsome smirk on his lips and a desire lurking on his feature. The only sight of it causing a cute whimper to leave your lips followed by his name said in a muffle plea.
Elijah's eyes came back up to yours when he heard you, feeling the desire pouring out of your voice. His expression was soft and sweet as he look at you, the love he was feeling practically overflowing. You just looked so adorable in front of him with droplet of water cascading down your body like paint on a virgin canvas. It was nearly to much for him to handle...nearly.
Shhh...it's ok baby girl, daddy is just going to dry you up before getting you dressed and comfy ok.
Elijah said with a warm voice before he kissed your forehead and grabbed the towel aside of himself.
You didn't say a single words of objection to what he just asserted to you after speaking. You felt quite content just with your daddy's attention directed on you. His hand with the towel now In possession, started to dry you out, beginning by your shoulders, your chest and belly. Elijah then continued his path to finally come to an end at your pretty feat. When he was done, your vampire smiled brightly at you and softly caressed your cheek with his hand.
There sweetheart, better isn't it?
You bite your lips at how handsome and perfect he was there in front of you before nodding cutely as an answer. After doing so, your eyes met Elijah's with a bit of playfulness in them. An idea crossed your mind and in a swift movement, you got away from your man and hurried to get under the bed huge covers.
Elijah barely had the time to understand what happened before he saw you move and hide. A smile crept on his lips then and he chuckled at how childish you were acting. God, you were just so precious he thought as he gently started to unbutton his suit. It was rather uncomfortable when soaking with water and since you wanted to play like this, he figure he'd better get comfy too. Consequently to this, Elijah hurriedly finished undressing himself before parching his body out with the towel. Thereafter finishing this task, your original vampire made his way to his dresser and put on some new boxers and a T-shirt.
Now that he was ready, Elijah got back to your side and gently slipped under the covers with you.
At first, you got a bit startled since you didn't anticipate his body to come against yours so suddenly. Yet, as you felt Elijah's lips kissing the nape of your neck, an happy sight left your lips and your body rapidly relaxed against his.
You gently let your head fall on his chest as you closed your eyes. The day has been exceptionally hard on you and now that you were in Elijah's arms securely, you just felt good.
Daddy...I'm sorry for not telling you I couldn't swim. It was my fault.
You said to him with a soft and weak voice as you tried to get even closer to him. Elijah that on his side was just trying to enjoy being with you, stayed speechless at your words. For him, there was simply no way that you caused what happen. It was exclusively Niklaus's fault for throwing you into the water. With one of his hands, Elijah started doing sweet patterns on your back as he breath you in. His lips on their side manage to go find yours and he sweetly kissed your thoughts away. It felt like seconds for you because all you wanted was never to stop. Yet, it lasted way longer. Long enough, to create a need in you for air as you parted.
My perfect princess, I don't want to hear any blame directed toward you. Klaus is the only one that deserves to receive those and you shouldn't even think about what happened anymore. I could have lost you, never again. You are way too precious for me to lose.
Elijah finished saying with a voice that was dripping with love and affection for you. His grip around your waist tightens after that, resenting the strong need to have you as close to him as possible.
You didn't say a word after those he said. It was just you and him in a comfortable silence that was gradually shooting you to sleep. Your body was starting to feel heavier and your eye to close by themselves. That, no matter how much you desired to look at Elijah forever. After a little bit, you just ceased to resist the pull of slumber, and whispered three sweet little words into Elijah's chest before falling asleep.
Good night daddy~
Good night my sweet little angel, you are safe now, ill protect you from the world...i promise.
Elijah said in a whisper, more for him than for you to hear. He gently laid a kiss on her cheek before finally letting go and falling asleep with his little girl.
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cinemacentral666 · 2 years ago
Yellowjackets - Season 2 (2023)
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"Movie" #1,125 • TV TIME
The above is an archival podcast recording made before I ended my review show at moviejeff.com
Let's be honest, this was a pretty steep drop in quality from the very fun first season. Things are just as chaotic and salacious and unbelievable but outside of a moment here and there, and a few performances (I really liked Elijah Woods), it's not nearly as enjoyable anymore. This was probably inevitable given the wacky subject matter. It just never seems to lean hard enough into one single direction and embrace it (be it the comedy, the horror, or simply the impenetrable weirdness), instead opting to keep a toe in several boxes at all times. I think it's much harder to a do a layered, multiple-season show that is essentially genre-less than a film of a similar ilk where the comparative brevity of the run-time offers more freedom in a way. I fear this is heading towards Walking Dead Hell™ which is a term I've coined for content that trudges on well past its welcome and which I continue to watch out of some ill-advised sense of duty to "find out what happens," etc. We shall see.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½
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veale2006-blog · 17 days ago
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The Gap and Your Mantle Thursday, February 13, 2025 The Mantle If we're honest with ourselves, we'll admit that there's a gap between the everyday life we live and the life we know we should live in God's Word, between the always victorious saint, pure, holy, loving, and a light to the world and the person we see in the mirror. But Instead of being discouraged about this gap, be encouraged. When Elijah threw His mantle over Elisha, undoubtedly Elisha felt unworthy of wearing such a garment. The mantle was the calling and Elisha, by the grace of God, would rise up to it. In the same way, if you never had a calling on your life then there would be no gap-you'd be what you were and nothing more. The fact that there's a gap means there's something more. The calling that God has on your life is higher than what your life is right now. If it weren't that way, then you wouldn't be going anywhere. Thus, it's good news that there's a gap. But the even better news is that, by His Holy Spirit, that gap in your life will be filled.
Today's Mission Today, ask God to fill in the gap between you and your calling and believe in His power to do it.
2 Corinthians 12:9 King James Version 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
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corbinxox · 2 months ago
From gold to indigo
This is inspired by the song Indigo by Sam Barber I keep seeing a bunch of edits and all I can think about is Kol Mikaelson angst “I used to shine like gold but now I'm all indigo” idk why but the song just makes me feel things sad things but things. Sorry if the end is a bit rushed I wrote this at like 2:30 am also fuck cannon this was written for fun with a bunch of personal headcannons
Kol was playing with Henrik, showing him small demonstrations of magic in front of their family hut, his father had taken Finn and Elijah hunting, and Rebekah and Klaus were inside helping his mother. It was one of his earliest memories and also one of his happiest. His parents hated it when he did magic his mother would shriek and scold him, and his father would, in turn, beat him for disobeying his mother. But when they were busy and he was alone or with his younger brother, He loved the feeling of connection his magic gave him and letting flow out and around himself, he still remembered wandering the woods and finding injured birds cradling them carefully, and pushing his magic into them enveloping them in a warm golden glow. All his spells shined like gold, a reflection of himself or that's what one of the women of the village had told him even when he accidentally conjured storms the lighting striking molten gold, she had caught him once trying to heal a fox kit after its den was attacked by a bobcat, the parents had managed to chase it off before dying of their injuries. She had been drawn to the intensity of his magic she had shown him a proper healing spell, helping him control it. She had taught him everything she knew throughout his life before, everything his mother was supposed to but was too afraid to teach him.
Now in his new body, Kaleb’s body, He pushed his magic towards a bundle of wilting flowers, his golden light nowhere in sight, instead it was an indigo hue settling like a cloud of mist over the bundle of forget-me-nots, the feeling of it unfamiliar, he hated it, no matter how much his mother preached about undoing her mistake, The curse was too dark and they've been suffering too long. He would never get over her betrayal, even if his siblings did. Finn, being a prime example, his eldest brother hung off her every word, believing this a second chance. Kol hated hit. He was shoved into this body, brought back against his will, and then expected to be grateful and do anything his mother asked of him.
Screw that, maybe if she had been honest with him instead of spewing empty promises of fixing him, She could shove him in all the bodies he wants in the hopes of gaining his loyalty, but not even she can heal his mind. He used to shine like gold. Now, because of her and his father, he's all indigo. And for that, he will make sure she wishes she left him dead.
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riderofblackdragons · 9 months ago
Day 30: Flashbacks
Ok this one is a bit late, and for that I'm sorry. I accidentally wrecked my computer, so I had to wait and borrow a computer from another family member to put this out. Rest assured, it has been done since yesterday lol. But Day 31 might also take some time bc of this
Today's is a return to An Original Mother, wherein Elijah tries to decide how much she really hates her brother. Also, another 2 of her children are revealed! I do have favourites of Elijah's children in this tbh
Elijah mostly tuned out Klaus’ rant, if she was perfectly honest. Ask her what it had been about later, and despite how interested she’d looked, she could not recall anything besides the fact that Marcel had a way to track when witches in the city were doing magic.
Just another reason not to bring Lukas here, she supposed. Her son enjoyed playing with his magic, even after he’d lost his usual playmate to his uncle.
It was one of many, Elijah knew. Lukas’ grudge against Klaus, for the death of said brother, was the main one, of course. Her brother required some very powerful magic to kill, even when he was at his weakest, and whilst she had no doubt that her son would be able to gather it, channelling all the other members of their family coven, and his mother as an Original vampire, Elijah wasn’t willing to risk Lukas’ life.
No matter how much she disliked her brother at the time.
“We all swore the same vow,” She reminded Klaus, tuning back into the conversation, and the words she was actually saying. Something about Rebekah hating their brother at the moment? Elijah couldn’t honestly blame her for it.
The words felt ironic in her mouth as she said them. That vow, as Kol had once said, haunted her, more than their father had ever done. She kept her vows, and she wasn’t about to stop, but she had been willing to break it, when she’d thought it was just them, and her remaining children, left in the world.
Elijah’s brother had murdered two of her sons, and she was still there for him, all for a vow that clearly meant nothing to him. But her word was everything to her, was how she made her way in life, through honouring her deals and her bargains.
If it wasn’t more likely to kill him than Klaus, she would be quietly encouraging Lukas on his journey of vengeance. In the meanwhile, setting him up in Zurich, sending him off to university there, was the best she could do.
“I hope she stays far away,” Klaus admitted, although he acted as though he didn’t care. He took a drink from his glass of whiskey, and Elijah wondered if he thought she should’ve stayed away as well.
After all, Elijah was only here because someone was angling for Klaus, and she needed to find out if they would be a threat to the rest of their family as well. Just a baby, that neither of its parents seemed to actually want. She may have promised her protection to Hayley, but Elijah wasn’t truly expecting there to be a foetus a few months from now.
“In my desire to reclaim this town as mine, to take it back from Marcel, I have realised one massive vulnerability,” Klaus continued, unaware of Elijah’s racing thoughts. “One weakness that, if Marcel realises as well, he could exploit,”
He stepped around the table, walking over to Elijah. She felt her insides freeze, her instincts screaming at her to run, but she carefully didn’t let it show. Something had changed, some slight difference in Klaus’ body movements, it had slipped from casual conversation to a hunter stalking its prey, and it set all the instincts in Elijah’s body screaming.
“And what is it?” She asked, the curiosity getting the better of her. If she’d had a drink also, she would have sipped it, but her brother hadn’t bothered to even offer her one.
Before Elijah could fully register what he’d said, she felt Klaus slip a hidden dagger into her chest. A gasp escaped her, her mouth forming a curse that died upon her  lips, as Elijah’s eyes flew wide in surprise. For all that she was cautious, she hadn’t expected him to dagger her again.
And for all her anger, she couldn’t deny the curl of satisfaction in her chest, hearing that she was his weakness. It was something, alright, to hear the confirmation that she was his favourite sibling, at least at the moment. It didn’t make up for how he’d daggered her, but it was something, at least.
Didn’t make her any less upset, or any more willing to forgive him for what he’d done to her and her children over the years, but it was something. Maybe, if he hadn’t involved her children, Elijah would have eventually forgiven him for everything, and continued staying by his side.
But this was the icing on the cake, and Elijah was not a fool. As soon as she was undaggered, she did not care by whom, she was leaving.
“Forgive me, my sister,” Klaus whispered, gently guiding her body to the ground. As if it would do anything, when she was glaring daggers at him with what little she had left in her. “But I know of your little meetings with Marcel, and I cannot have you revealing anything to him.
“Your love for him makes you weak, Elijah. If he had these daggers, he would do the same, to ensure you couldn’t help me. Love makes you weak. Family makes you weak. Your mercy, your forgiveness, is what makes you weak.
“If I am to reclaim New Orleans, I must do it without you.”
If she could have, Elijah would have laughed in Klaus’ face. Love made her weak? Family made her weak? He’d clearly forgotten all the work she’d done for him throughout the centuries, the ways she’d propped up his various empires, all in the name of family.
Maybe if she’d known that he would continue thinking like this, thinking that caring made them weak, she would’ve left him to rule alone, and not given her help even if he’d asked. But it was too late for regrets now, she supposed.
The darkness stole her away from him, thankfully, leaving Elijah floating in a sea of nothingness. Nothing but her thoughts, and her memories, accompanied her here, regrets and happiness wandering through in equal turns.
She hung there indefinitely, letting it all pass by. Time was always so difficult to tell, under the dagger. A century could feel like seconds, whilst a day felt like a millennium. At least when she was living, Elijah had the bonus of night and day to keep track by.
At one point, her thoughts turned to Marcel. Oh, her little Marcellus. Her adoring nephew had done so well for himself in her absence, taking over New Orleans. Turning it into a vampire sanctuary.
Elijah could still remember the day they’d gotten him – the way Klaus had strutted up to her, a waif of a boy following after him with stars in his eyes. She’d known, even then, that her brother would inevitably crush those stars out, one way or another. Elijah had hated it, but it hadn’t stopped her from knowing.
“This is Marcellus,” Klaus had introduced, proud as ever. “My new son,”
He’s stared her down then, as though daring Elijah to object to it. She hadn’t planned on it, at the time, although she did think that picking up a son at the funeral of a man that he’d killed was rather distasteful. Although, maybe raising a child of his own would be what was needed for Klaus to stop disregarding Elijah’s own? She’d hoped, anyways.
And she’d stuck around for Marcellus’ childhood, no matter her arguments with his new father. Elijah didn’t want to see Marcellus become a new Eirikur, after all, and Marcellus would actually understand what was going on. If there was one blessing from her first son’s death, Elijah knew, it was that the four-year-old hadn’t been alive long enough to truly realise that his uncle was going to kill him, and wasn’t just going to play.
Still, even though she remained on standby, just in case, Elijah had hoped that Klaus would do the majority of the raising of Marcellus. It was his son, after all, his choice to pick the boy up. And Elijah had still been grieving at the time – her daughter, Greta, had died 15 years beforehand, but for a vampire of their years, it was not that long before. A new child to look after was a most unwelcome gift, in her eyes.
Thankfully, it hadn’t been entirely up to her. She’d forced Klaus to be involved with Marcellus, despite his complaints of how the women of the household typically did the raising of children -honestly, Elijah would be surprised if she didn’t have to force him into the life of this biological child to be, as well.
But her son Magnus, Greta’s twin, had returned during Marcellus’ teen years, Elijah recalled fondly. Her poor boy, turned into a vampire far too young, he and Greta had clung to each other from the moment they were born, only forming completely distinct identities after Magnus had died.
And now, in the present, trapped in a prison world, all alone. If Elijah ever caught up to the ones who’d done it, well… Well. Neither of her twins would have wanted her to kill for them, she knew. Still, Elijah couldn’t help it if the culprits had died in a mysterious fire, leaving their families and loved ones behind.
She had faith that they’d catch up to her, one day. And when they did, Elijah knew that she’d use their blood to free her son, releasing him into the world once again.
Magnus had adored his little cousin when they’d met, Elijah remembered. He’d surely be happy to know how well Marcel was doing now, as king of New Orleans. It’d been one of the things she’d dreaded most, when she’d thought Marcel was dead. She loved the child, of course she did, and she’d been devastated by his loss in her own right, but the thought of her freeing her son, and knowing that his cousin had died without him knowing… It would break him.
Honestly, Magnus had been more excited by his new cousin than his mother was, Elijah had reckoned. He definitely enjoyed being around Marcellus more, but Elijah had always chalked that up to Magnus still being so young, and still operating on human schedules, as opposed to vampire ones.
As far as Elijah knew, Marcel still cared for Magnus as well, although he hadn’t mentioned him when they’d last spoke. Which was fair, she had to admit. After all, she never spoke of her son either – it was one thing to speak of her late children, that she had expected to lose, although maybe not as soon as she had, it was another to speak of her trapped child, who she still held out hope that she could get to someday.
But Marcel had definitely liked Magnus when he was younger, even if Elijah wasn’t sure on his thoughts on their family now. Magnus had been in the prison world since the late 1800’s, it wouldn’t be impossible for Marcel to think over the time he’d spent with Elijah’s son, and decide that he’d soured on the former siphon witch.
Outside her mind, Elijah suddenly felt something happen. A weight lifted off her chest… The dagger had been pulled out. And not by Klaus, she realised, as the weight fell back on but the darkness receded. The dagger was back in her body, but there was no ash on it. Nothing to keep her locked in her mind, trapped with her thoughts.
So her brother had given her away, she realised. Klaus wouldn’t have made such a novice mistake as this, but then the question remained, who did he trust enough to give his siblings to? And which of them would be dumb enough to pull the dagger from her chest?
A familiar (well, semi-familiar. A century of not talking made her not quite certain of it) voice came to her ears. Marcel. Of course, Elijah realised. They’d never fully explained what the white oak ash Klaus carried with him truly did. He’d probably assume that the dagger did all the work.
Which was partially true. The dagger slowed down the healing, made it take far longer than it otherwise would to wake up after being stabbed. But they would wake up, eventually. The white oak ash ensured that they could stay in there for centuries, unable to wake, hence why Klaus preferred it.
But the fact remained, Elijah was aware, that Klaus had given her over to Marcel after he’d daggered her. He’d given her to the person he said he was protecting her from, like he hadn’t expected her to discover that it was bullshit as soon as she’d woken up.
Sometimes Elijah despaired from her brother’s lack of forethought, honestly.
She heard someone talking to Marcel, outside of her coffin. A younger voice, female. A young girl? Elijah was about to be furious with her nephew – what was he doing with such a young girl? A minor? She barely sounded grown enough to wash her own laundry, let alone get into a relationship with him.
And then Elijah listened a little longer, and settled herself. Of course Marcel wasn’t getting strange with a teenager. From the sounds of it, he was protecting her from the coven of witches, although Elijah picked up the sounds of paternal concern in his voice.
A great-niece, then. She looked forward to meeting this girl, that Marcel had taken under his wing, and made his daughter. In her own time, however. Elijah hadn’t had a break for years, and her children weren’t in any danger at the moment – she was going to take some ‘me time’ before she threw herself back into it!
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romcombc · 8 months ago
Book Review for Hazel and Elijah Find Out
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Having read “Just Fake Married” by Marty Vee, I have a true appreciation for her female protagonists. The personalities they project and the inner turmoil make them such well-rounded and relatable characters. Hazel was no exception in “Hazel and Elijah Find Out.” I feel that this was more established in the prequel, “Hazel and Elijah Don’t Get Caught,” and I will reference the importance of reading it first several times, as it may have an impact on how this story appeals to you.
Being invisible in the small town of Grand Ridge is a life to which Hazel had become accustomed. That was until a gorgeous pair of green eyes turned her world upside down. For one blissful night, the man she had coveted since high school was hers. Fifteen months later, despite seeing Dennis and attempting to move on, Elijah was still the only man she wanted. If it weren’t for his father, Dr. March, they could have had something. Instead, to protect her acquisition of the vet clinic, he skipped town. Holding onto his number, which she had gotten from his friends, she still hadn’t found the courage to contact him. Little did she know, Elijah couldn’t let her go either, and despite the animosity of his so-called hometown, he was willing to face the consequences to see her again. The problem is, was invisibility so bad when all eyes are on you, the legendary bad boy, and the only option left to save your business is a bachelor auction? Thrust into the spotlight, Hazel has to decide if the feelings she had for Elijah are worth the scrutiny she now has to endure or if it was better being the good girl everyone knew and loved.
If it were possible to place “Hazel and Elijah Don’t Get Caught” inside of “Hazel and Elijah Find Out” as a prologue or Part One, I think this would greatly improve the readers’ experience. Otherwise, the book on its own, while enjoyable, may leave some feeling a little disjointed but still entertained. I can’t wait to see what else Marty creates within this series. She has piqued my interest with the possibility of Nora and Brooks, so hopefully, we have more fascinating tales from Grand Ridge coming soon.
Thank you Marty Vee for allowing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Check out the spoiler-free review in the Facebook Group - The Romantic Comedy Book Club or the full review on the main website: https://romcombc.com/book/hazel-and-elijah-find-out/
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