#leto hangs out with her son there
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Apollo has a garden full of orange trees and apple trees
#leto hangs out with her son there#artemis joins too sometimes and brings her hunternesses with her#meg would devour those oranges#apollo#toa#meg mccaffrey#sunflower siblings#artemis#leto#love them
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Homeric Hymn III. TO APOLLO
Translated by H. G. Evelyn-White
[1] I will remember and not be unmindful of Apollo who shoots afar. As he goes through the house of Zeus, the gods tremble before him and all spring up from their seats when he draws near, as he bends his bright bow. But Leto alone stays by the side of Zeus who delights in thunder; and then she unstrings his bow, and closes his quiver, and takes his archery from his strong shoulders in her hands and hangs them on a golden peg against a pillar of his father's house. Then she leads him to a seat and makes him sit: and the Father gives him nectar in a golden cup welcoming his dear son, while the other gods make him sit down there, and queenly Leto rejoices because she bare a mighty son and an archer. Rejoice, blessed Leto, for you bare glorious children, the lord Apollo and Artemis who delights in arrows; her in Ortygia, and him in rocky Delos, as you rested against the great mass of the Cynthian hill hard by a palm-tree by the streams of Inopus.
[19] How, then, shall I sing of you who in all ways are a worthy theme of song? For everywhere, O Phoebus, the whole range of song is fallen to you, both over the mainland that rears heifers and over the isles. All mountain-peaks and high headlands of lofty hills and rivers flowing out to the deep and beaches sloping seawards and havens of the sea are your delight. Shall I sing how at the first Leto bare you to be the joy of men, as she rested against Mount Cynthus in that rocky isle, in sea-girt Delos -- while on either hand a dark wave rolled on landwards driven by shrill winds -- whence arising you rule over all mortal men?
[30] Among those who are in Crete, and in the township of Athens, and in the isle of Aegina and Euboea, famous for ships, in Aegae and Eiresiae and Peparethus near the sea, in Thracian Athos and Pelion's towering heights and Thracian Samos and the shady hills of Ida, in Scyros and Phocaea and the high hill of Autocane and fair-lying Imbros and smouldering Lemnos and rich Lesbos, home of Macar, the son of Aeolus, and Chios, brightest of all the isles that lie in the sea, and craggy Mimas and the heights of Corycus and gleaming Claros and the sheer hill of Aesagea and watered Samos and the steep heights of Mycale, in Miletus and Cos, the city of Meropian men, and steep Cnidos and windy Carpathos, in Naxos and Paros and rocky Rhenaea -- so far roamed Leto in travail with the god who shoots afar, to see if any land would be willing to make a dwelling for her son. But they greatly trembled and feared, and none, not even the richest of them, dared receive Phoebus, until queenly Leto set foot on Delos and uttered winged words and asked her:
[51] "Delos, if you would be willing to be the abode of my son "Phoebus Apollo and make him a rich temple --; for no other will touch you, as you will find: and I think you will never be rich in oxen and sheep, nor bear vintage nor yet produce plants abundantly. But if you have the temple of far-shooting Apollo, all men will bring you hecatombs and gather here, and incessant savour of rich sacrifice will always arise, and you will feed those who dwell in you from the hand of strangers; for truly your own soil is not rich."
[62] So spake Leto. And Delos rejoiced and answered and said: "Leto, most glorious daughter of great Coeus, joyfully would I receive your child the far-shooting lord; for it is all too true that I am ill-spoken of among men, whereas thus I should become very greatly honoured. But this saying I fear, and I will not hide it from you, Leto. They say that Apollo will be one that is very haughty and will greatly lord it among gods and men all over the fruitful earth. Therefore, I greatly fear in heart and spirit that as soon as he sets the light of the sun, he will scorn this island -- for truly I have but a hard, rocky soil -- and overturn me and thrust me down with his feet in the depths of the sea; then will the great ocean wash deep above my head for ever, and he will go to another land such as will please him, there to make his temple and wooded groves. So, many-footed creatures of the sea will make their lairs in me and black seals their dwellings undisturbed, because I lack people. Yet if you will but dare to sware a great oath, goddess, that here first he will build a glorious temple to be an oracle for men, then let him afterwards make temples and wooded groves amongst all men; for surely he will be greatly renowned."
[83] So said Delos. And Leto sware the great oath of the gods: "Now hear this, Earth and wide Heaven above, and dropping water of Styx (this is the strongest and most awful oath for the blessed gods), surely Phoebus shall have here his fragrant altar and precinct, and you he shall honour above all."
[89] Now when Leto had sworn and ended her oath, Delos was very glad at the birth of the far-shooting lord. But Leto was racked nine days and nine nights with pangs beyond wont. And there were with her all the chiefest of the goddesses, Dione and Rhea and Ichnaea and Themis and loud-moaning Amphitrite and the other deathless goddesses save white-armed Hera, who sat in the halls of cloud-gathering Zeus. Only Eilithyia, goddess of sore travail, had not heard of Leto's trouble, for she sat on the top of Olympus beneath golden clouds by white-armed Hera's contriving, who kept her close through envy, because Leto with the lovely tresses was soon to bear a son faultless and strong.
[102] But the goddesses sent out Iris from the well-set isle to bring Eilithyia, promising her a great necklace strung with golden threads, nine cubits long. And they bade Iris call her aside from white-armed Hera, lest she might afterwards turn her from coming with her words. When swift Iris, fleet of foot as the wind, had heard all this, she set to run; and quickly finishing all the distance she came to the home of the gods, sheer Olympus, and forthwith called Eilithyia out from the hall to the door and spoke winged words to her, telling her all as the goddesses who dwell on Olympus had bidden her. So she moved the heart of Eilithyia in her dear breast; and they went their way, like shy wild-doves in their going.
[115] And as soon as Eilithyia the goddess of sore travail set foot on Delos, the pains of birth seized Leto, and she longed to bring forth; so she cast her arms about a palm tree and kneeled on the soft meadow while the earth laughed for joy beneath. Then the child leaped forth to the light, and all the goddesses washed you purely and cleanly with sweet water, and swathed you in a white garment of fine texture, new-woven, and fastened a golden band about you.
[123] Now Leto did not give Apollo, bearer of the golden blade, her breast; but Themis duly poured nectar and ambrosia with her divine hands: and Leto was glad because she had borne a strong son and an archer. But as soon as you had tasted that divine heavenly food, O Phoebus, you could no longer then be held by golden cords nor confined with bands, but all their ends were undone. Forthwith Phoebus Apollo spoke out among the deathless goddesses: "The lyre and the curved bow shall ever be dear to me, and I will declare to men the unfailing will of Zeus."
[133] So said Phoebus, the long-haired god who shoots afar and began to walk upon the wide-pathed earth; and all goddesses were amazed at him. Then with gold all Delos was laden, beholding the child of Zeus and Leto, for joy because the god chose her above the islands and shore to make his dwelling in her: and she loved him yet more in her heart, and blossomed as does a mountain-top with woodland flowers.
[140] And you, O lord Apollo, god of the silver bow, shooting afar, now walked on craggy Cynthus, and now kept wandering about the island and the people in them. Many are your temples and wooded groves, and all peaks and towering bluffs of lofty mountains and rivers flowing to the sea are dear to you, Phoebus, yet in Delos do you most delight your heart; for there the long robed Ionians gather in your honour with their children and shy wives: mindful, they delight you with boxing and dancing and song, so often as they hold their gathering. A man would say that they were deathless and unageing if he should then come upon the Ionians so met together. For he would see the graces of them all, and would be pleased in heart gazing at the men and well-girded women with their swift ships and great wealth. And there is this great wonder besides -- and its renown shall never perish -- the girls of Delos, hand-maidens of the Far-shooter; for when they have praised Apollo first, and also Leto and Artemis who delights in arrows, they sing a strain-telling of men and women of past days, and charm the tribes of men. Also they can imitate the tongues of all men and their clattering speech: each would say that he himself were singing, so close to truth is their sweet song.
[165] And now may Apollo be favourable and Artemis; and farewell all you maidens. Remember me in after time whenever any one of men on earth, a stranger who has seen and suffered much, comes here and asks of you: "Whom think ye, girls, is the sweetest singer that comes here, and in whom do you most delight?" Then answer, each and all, with one voice: "He is a blind man, and dwells in rocky Chios: his lays are evermore supreme." As for me, I will carry your renown as far as I roam over the earth to the well-placed this thing is true. And I will never cease to praise far-shooting Apollo, god of the silver bow, whom rich-haired Leto bare.
[179] O Lord, Lycia is yours and lovely Maeonia and Miletus, charming city by the sea, but over wave-girt Delos you greatly reign your own self.
[182] Leto's all-glorious son goes to rocky Pytho, playing upon his hollow lyre, clad in divine, perfumed garments; and at the touch of the golden key his lyre sings sweet. Thence, swift as thought, he speeds from earth to Olympus, to the house of Zeus, to join the gathering of the other gods: then straightway the undying gods think only of the lyre and song, and all the Muses together, voice sweetly answering voice, hymn the unending gifts the gods enjoy and the sufferings of men, all that they endure at the hands of the deathless gods, and how they live witless and helpless and cannot find healing for death or defence against old age. Meanwhile the rich-tressed Graces and cheerful Seasons dance with Harmonia and Hebe and Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, holding each other by the wrist. And among them sings one, not mean nor puny, but tall to look upon and enviable in mien, Artemis who delights in arrows, sister of Apollo. Among them sport Ares and the keen-eyed Slayer of Argus, while Apollo plays his lyre stepping high and featly and a radiance shines around him, the gleaming of his feet and close-woven vest. And they, even gold-tressed Leto and wise Zeus, rejoice in their great hearts as they watch their dear son playing among the undying gods.
[207] How then shall I sing of you -- though in all ways you are a worthy theme for song? Shall I sing of you as wooer and in the fields of love, how you went wooing the daughter of Azan along with god-like Ischys the son of well-horsed Elatius, or with Phorbas sprung from Triops, or with Ereutheus, or with Leucippus and the wife of Leucippus ((lacuna)) . . . you on foot, he with his chariot, yet he fell not short of Triops. Or shall I sing how at the first you went about the earth seeking a place of oracle for men, O far-shooting Apollo? To Pieria first you went down from Olympus and passed by sandy Lectus and Enienae and through the land of the Perrhaebi. Soon you came to Iolcus and set foot on Cenaeum in Euboea, famed for ships: you stood in the Lelantine plain, but it pleased not your heart to make a temple there and wooded groves. From there you crossed the Euripus, far-shooting Apollo, and went up the green, holy hills, going on to Mycalessus and grassy-bedded Teumessus, and so came to the wood-clad abode of Thebe; for as yet no man lived in holy Thebe, nor were there tracks or ways about Thebe's wheat-bearing plain as yet.
[229] And further still you went, O far-shooting Apollo, and came to Onchestus, Poseidon's bright grove: there the new-broken cold distressed with drawing the trim chariot gets spirit again, and the skilled driver springs from his car and goes on his way. Then the horses for a while rattle the empty car, being rid of guidance; and if they break the chariot in the woody grove, men look after the horses, but tilt the chariot and leave it there; for this was the rite from the very first. And the drivers pray to the lord of the shrine; but the chariot falls to the lot of the god.
[239] Further yet you went, O far-shooting Apollo, and reached next Cephissus' sweet stream which pours forth its sweet- flowing water from Lilaea, and crossing over it, O worker from afar, you passed many-towered Ocalea and reached grassy Haliartus.
[244] Then you went towards Telphusa: and there the pleasant place seemed fit for making a temple and wooded grove. You came very near and spoke to her: "Telphusa, here I am minded to make a glorious temple, an oracle for men, and hither they will always bring perfect hecatombs, both those who live in rich Peloponnesus and those of Europe and all the wave-washed isles, coming to seek oracles. And I will deliver to them all counsel that cannot fail, giving answer in my rich temple."
[254] So said Phoebus Apollo, and laid out all the foundations throughout, wide and very long. But when Telphusa saw this, she was angry in heart and spoke, saying: "Lord Phoebus, worker from afar, I will speak a word of counsel to your heart, since you are minded to make here a glorious temple to be an oracle for men who will always bring hither perfect hecatombs for you; yet I will speak out, and do you lay up my words in your heart. The trampling of swift horses and the sound of mules watering at my sacred springs will always irk you, and men will like better to gaze at the well-made chariots and stamping, swift-footed horses than at your great temple and the many treasures that are within. But if you will be moved by me -- for you, lord, are stronger and mightier than I, and your strength is very great -- build at Crisa below the glades of Parnassus: there no bright chariot will clash, and there will be no noise of swift-footed horses near your well-built altar. But so the glorious tribes of men will bring gifts to you as Iepaeon (`Hail-Healer'), and you will receive with delight rich sacrifices from the people dwelling round about." So said Telphusa, that she alone, and not the Far-Shooter, should have renown there; and she persuaded the Far-Shooter.
[277] Further yet you went, far-shooting Apollo, until you came to the town of the presumptuous Phlegyae who dwell on this earth in a lovely glade near the Cephisian lake, caring not for Zeus. And thence you went speeding swiftly to the mountain ridge, and came to Crisa beneath snowy Parnassus, a foothill turned towards the west: a cliff hangs over if from above, and a hollow, rugged glade runs under. There the lord Phoebus Apollo resolved to make his lovely temple, and thus he said: "In this place I am minded to build a glorious temple to be an oracle for men, and here they will always bring perfect hecatombs, both they who dwell in rich Peloponnesus and the men of Europe and from all the wave-washed isles, coming to question me. And I will deliver to them all counsel that cannot fail, answering them in my rich temple."
[294] When he had said this, Phoebus Apollo laid out all the foundations throughout, wide and very long; and upon these the sons of Erginus, Trophonius and Agamedes, dear to the deathless gods, laid a footing of stone. And the countless tribes of men built the whole temple of wrought stones, to be sung of for ever.
[300] But near by was a sweet flowing spring, and there with his strong bow the lord, the son of Zeus, killed the bloated, great she-dragon, a fierce monster wont to do great mischief to men upon earth, to men themselves and to their thin- shanked sheep; for she was a very bloody plague. She it was who once received from gold-throned Hera and brought up fell, cruel Typhaon to be a plague to men. Once on a time Hera bare him because she was angry with father Zeus, when the Son of Cronos bare all-glorious Athena in his head. Thereupon queenly Hera was angry and spoke thus among the assembled gods:
[311] "Hear from me, all gods and goddesses, how cloud-gathering Zeus begins to dishonour me wantonly, when he has made me his true-hearted wife. See now, apart from me he has given birth to bright-eyed Athena who is foremost among all the blessed gods. But my son Hephaestus whom I bare was weakly among all the blessed gods and shrivelled of foot, a shame and disgrace to me in heaven, whom I myself took in my hands and cast out so that he fell in the great sea. But silver-shod Thetis the daughter of Nereus took and cared for him with her sisters: would that she had done other service to the blessed gods! O wicked one and crafty! What else will you now devise? How dared you by yourself give birth to bright-eyed Athena? Would not I have borne you a child -- I, who was at least called your wife among the undying gods who hold wide heaven. Beware now lest I devise some evil thing for you hereafter: yes, now I will contrive that a son be born me to be foremost among the undying gods -- and that without casting shame on the holy bond of wedlock between you and me. And I will not come to your bed, but will consort with the blessed gods far off from you."
[331] When she had so spoken, she went apart from the gods, being very angry. Then straightway large-eyed queenly Hera prayed, striking the ground flatwise with her hand, and speaking thus: "Hear now, I pray, Earth and wide Heaven above, and you Titan gods who dwell beneath the earth about great Tartarus, and from whom are sprung both gods and men! Harken you now to me, one and all, and grant that I may bear a child apart from Zeus, no wit lesser than him in strength -- nay, let him be as much stronger than Zeus as all-seeing Zeus than Cronos."
[340] Thus she cried and lashed the earth with her strong hand. Then the life-giving earth was moved: and when Hera saw it she was glad in heart, for she thought her prayer would be fulfilled. And thereafter she never came to the bed of wise Zeus for a full year, not to sit in her carved chair as aforetime to plan wise counsel for him, but stayed in her temples where many pray, and delighted in her offerings, large-eyed queenly Hera. But when the months and days were fulfilled and the seasons duly came on as the earth moved round, she bare one neither like the gods nor mortal men, fell, cruel Typhaon, to be a plague to men. Straightway large-eyed queenly Hera took him and bringing one evil thing to another such, gave him to the dragoness; and she received him. And this Typhaon used to work great mischief among the famous tribes of men. Whosoever met the dragoness, the day of doom would sweep him away, until the lord Apollo, who deals death from afar, shot a strong arrow at her. Then she, rent with bitter pangs, lay drawing great gasps for breath and rolling about that place. An awful noise swelled up unspeakable as she writhed continually this way and that amid the wood: and so she left her life, breathing it forth in blood.
[362] Then Phoebus Apollo boasted over her: "Now rot here upon the soil that feeds man! You at least shall live no more to be a fell bane to men who eat the fruit of the all-nourishing earth, and who will bring hither perfect hecatombs. Against cruel death neither Typhoeus shall avail you nor ill-famed Chimera, but here shall the Earth and shining Hyperion make you rot."
[370] Thus said Phoebus, exulting over her: and darkness covered her eyes. And the holy strength of Helios made her rot away there; wherefore the place is now called Pytho, and men call the lord Apollo by another name, Pythian; because on that spot the power of piercing Helios made the monster rot away.
[375] Then Phoebus Apollo saw that the sweet-flowing spring had beguiled him, and he started out in anger against Telphusa; and soon coming to her, he stood close by and spoke to her: "Telphusa, you were not, after all, to keep to yourself this lovely place by deceiving my mind, and pour forth your clear flowing water: here my renown shall also be and not yours alone?"
[382] Thus spoke the lord, far-working Apollo, and pushed over upon her a crag with a shower of rocks, hiding her streams: and he made himself an altar in a wooded grove very near the clear-flowing stream. In that place all men pray to the great one by the name Telphusian, because he humbled the stream of holy Telphusa.
[388] Then Phoebus Apollo pondered in his heart what men he should bring in to be his ministers in sacrifice and to serve him in rocky Pytho. And while he considered this, he became aware of a swift ship upon the wine-like sea in which were many men and goodly, Cretans from Cnossos,10 the city of Minos, they who do sacrifice to the prince and announce his decrees, whatsoever Phoebus Apollo, bearer of the golden blade, speaks in answer from his laurel tree below the dells of Parnassus. These men were sailing in their black ship for traffic and for profit to sandy Pylos and to the men of Pylos. But Phoebus Apollo met them: in the open sea he sprang upon their swift ship, like a dolphin in shape, and lay there, a great and awesome monster, and none of them gave heed so as to understand11; but they sought to cast the dolphin overboard. But he kept shaking the black ship every way and make the timbers quiver. So they sat silent in their craft for fear, and did not loose the sheets throughout the black, hollow ship, nor lowered the sail of their dark-prowed vessel, but as they had set it first of all with oxhide ropes, so they kept sailing on; for a rushing south wind hurried on the swift ship from behind. First they passed by Malea, and then along the Laconian coast they came to Taenarum, sea-garlanded town and country of Helios who gladdens men, where the thick- fleeced sheep of the lord Helios feed continually and occupy a glad-some country. There they wished to put their ship to shore, and land and comprehend the great marvel and see with their eyes whether the monster would remain upon the deck of the hollow ship, or spring back into the briny deep where fishes shoal. But the well-built ship would not obey the helm, but went on its way all along Peloponnesus: and the lord, far-working Apollo, guided it easily with the breath of the breeze. So the ship ran on its course and came to Arena and lovely Argyphea and Thryon, the ford of Alpheus, and well-placed Aepy and sandy Pylos and the men of Pylos; past Cruni it went and Chalcis and past Dyme and fair Elis, where the Epei rule. And at the time when she was making for Pherae, exulting in the breeze from Zeus, there appeared to them below the clouds the steep mountain of Ithaca, and Dulichium and Same and wooded Zacynthus. But when they were passed by all the coast of Peloponnesus, then, towards Crisa, that vast gulf began to heave in sight which through all its length cuts off the rich isle of Pelops. There came on them a strong, clear west-wind by ordinance of Zeus and blew from heaven vehemently, that with all speed the ship might finish coursing over the briny water of the sea. So they began again to voyage back towards the dawn and the sun: and the lord Apollo, son of Zeus, led them on until they reached far-seen Crisa, land of vines, and into haven: there the sea-coursing ship grounded on the sands.
[440] Then, like a star at noonday, the lord, far-working Apollo, leaped from the ship: flashes of fire flew from him thick and their brightness reached to heaven. He entered into his shrine between priceless tripods, and there made a flame to flare up bright, showing forth the splendour of his shafts, so that their radiance filled all Crisa, and the wives and well-girded daughters of the Crisaeans raised a cry at that outburst of Phoebus; for he cast great fear upon them all. From his shrine he sprang forth again, swift as a thought, to speed again to the ship, bearing the form of a man, brisk and sturdy, in the prime of his youth, while his broad shoulders were covered with his hair: and he spoke to the Cretans, uttering winged words:
[452] "Strangers, who are you? Whence come you sailing along the paths of the sea? Are you for traffic, or do you wander at random over the sea as pirates do who put their own lives to hazard and bring mischief to men of foreign parts as they roam? Why rest you so and are afraid, and do not go ashore nor stow the gear of your black ship? For that is the custom of men who live by bread, whenever they come to land in their dark ships from the main, spent with toil; at once desire for sweet food catches them about the heart."
[462] So speaking, he put courage in their hearts, and the master of the Cretans answered him and said: "Stranger -- though you are nothing like mortal men in shape or stature, but are as the deathless gods -- hail and all happiness to you, and may the gods give you good. Now tell me truly that I may surely know it: what country is this, and what land, and what men live herein? As for us, with thoughts set otherwards, we were sailing over the great sea to Pylos from Crete (for from there we declare that we are sprung), but now are come on shipboard to this place by no means willingly -- another way and other paths -- and gladly would we return. But one of the deathless gods brought us here against our will."
[474] Then far-working Apollo answered then and said: "Strangers who once dwelt about wooded Cnossos but now shall return no more each to his loved city and fair house and dear wife; here shall you keep my rich temple that is honoured by many men. I am the son of Zeus; Apollo is my name: but you I brought here over the wide gulf of the sea, meaning you no hurt; nay, here you shall keep my rich temple that is greatly honoured among men, and you shall know the plans of the deathless gods, and by their will you shall be honoured continually for all time. And now come, make haste and do as I say. First loose the sheets and lower the sail, and then draw the swift ship up upon the land. Take out your goods and the gear of the straight ship, and make an altar upon the beach of the sea: light fire upon it and make an offering of white meal. Next, stand side by side around the altar and pray: and in as much as at the first on the hazy sea I sprang upon the swift ship in the form of a dolphin, pray to me as Apollo Delphinius; also the altar itself shall be called Delphinius and overlooking12 for ever. Afterwards, sup beside your dark ship and pour an offering to the blessed gods who dwell on Olympus. But when you have put away craving for sweet food, come with me singing the hymn Ie Paean (Hail, Healer!), until you come to the place where you shall keep my rich temple."
[502] So said Apollo. And they readily harkened to him and obeyed him. First they unfastened the sheets and let down the sail and lowered the mast by the forestays upon the mast-rest. Then, landing upon the beach of the sea, they hauled up the ship from the water to dry land and fixed long stays under it. Also they made an altar upon the beach of the sea, and when they had lit a fire, made an offering of white meal, and prayed standing around the altar as Apollo had bidden them. Then they took their meal by the swift, black ship, and poured an offering to the blessed gods who dwell on Olympus. And when they had put away craving for drink and food, they started out with the lord Apollo, the son of Zeus, to lead them, holding a lyre in his hands, and playing sweetly as he stepped high and featly. So the Cretans followed him to Pytho, marching in time as they chanted the Ie Paean after the manner of the Cretan paean-singers and of those in whose hearts the heavenly Muse has put sweet-voiced song. With tireless feet they approached the ridge and straightway came to Parnassus and the lovely place where they were to dwell honoured by many men. There Apollo brought them and showed them his most holy sanctuary and rich temple.
[524] But their spirit was stirred in their dear breasts, and the master of the Cretans asked him, saying: "Lord, since you have brought us here far from our dear ones and our fatherland, -- for so it seemed good to your heart, -- tell us now how we shall live. That we would know of you. This land is not to be desired either for vineyards or for pastures so that we can live well thereon and also minister to men."
[531] Then Apollo, the son of Zeus, smiled upon them and said: "Foolish mortals and poor drudges are you, that you seek cares and hard toils and straits! Easily will I tell you a word and set it in your hearts. Though each one of you with knife in hand should slaughter sheep continually, yet would you always have abundant store, even all that the glorious tribes of men bring here for me. But guard you my temple and receive the tribes of men that gather to this place, and especially show mortal men my will, and do you keep righteousness in your heart. But if any shall be disobedient and pay no heed to my warning, of if there shall be any idle word or deed and outrage as is common among mortal men, then other men shall be your masters and with a strong hand shall make you subject for ever. All has been told you: do you keep it in your heart."
[545] And so, farewell, son of Zeus and Leto; but I will remember you and another hymn also.
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I'M ALIVE! Thank you all for your patience :) I've had so many big life changes in the last four months (and in the coming months) - it's hard being an adult, people. I've been traveling (mainly visiting @lethalchiralium a bunch <3), planning a big move, looking to land a new job...all the things. Anyway! Please enjoy. Blessed be, and Happy Yuletide!
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“He’s getting too big.”
Simon turned his chair slightly away from his desk to peek over his shoulder. In the doorway to their office stood Freyja with a six-month-old Arthur on her arm, clad in a cow-print onesie. The little hood was pulled up over his head, sporting fluffy little ears on top, along with a pair of horns.
He just about melted when Frey pouted at him and sniffled, rubbing their son’s back. Simon was up in an instant, padding across the carpet to stand by her side, a soft, sympathetic smile gracing his features. He bent his head a little and attempted to get the baby’s attention, gently brushing his back with his fingers “Art. Artie…” he hummed, the last syllable drawn out a bit. “Look at Dada, Art.”
Arthur did eventually turn his head, after a moment, preoccupied with gumming his toy and confused by the interruption. The hood that used to hang over his face and block his vision now sat snug on his fine hair. There was no need to adjust it back to meet his big, curious eyes.
“Hi, pup.”
Simon wasn’t his preferred parent by any means; that privilege was reserved for his mum. Still, on seeing a familiar face, the baby smiled around his teething ring, and his fat cheeks chubbed up as he cooed and wiggled in Freyja’s hold. He pressed his hand between the two, his palm against Arthur’s chest, and took the infant onto his forearm, his little back against his chest.
Simon let out a dramatic huff, kissed Art’s head, then patted his belly. “Oh, yeah,” he said, giving his wife a playful look. “Look at those big, manly legs of yours. Thing’s a bit tight on ye, now.”
The baby craned his neck, trying to look back at his dad as he spoke, and quickly getting frustrated and crying out. Simon chuckled and turned him around, supporting his neck and peppering kisses on Art’s rosy cheek. When he was satisfied, he leaned down for a quick kiss from Freyja.
“It lasted longer than I thought it would. He’s nearly busting out of it.”
“What? He’s six months old, Freyja. He’s been wearing it since he was born. Oversized, might I add.”
“Shut up. It’s my favorite. My little moo cow.”
“We can buy him a new one.”
“He’s growing too fast. I hate it.”
Don’t I know it?
To Simon, it felt like Artie had only been born yesterday. Where did the baby in front of him, who was sitting up on his own and already using a sign or two, come from? He had no idea, couldn’t say where the time went. God forbid he blinks, and suddenly he’ll be walking and chasing after his sister-
No. It’s fine. That’s what babies do, yeah? They start eating solids, learn to crawl, then walk. Then they go to their first day of primary school, then…secondary…
Stop it.
He settled for a soft, “I know, love.”
Arthur cooed up at him again, a sound known to pull easy smiles from the man. He would listen to it forever, if he could.
“Yeah? Do you like that idea?” Simon asked, tracing patterns on Art’s back with his fingers again. “Do you want a new cow onesie?” A little smile from Art. “Alright, pup. Dad will get you one.”
taglist: @esthervalea, @miss-leto, @sweetestcowboy, @blueoorchid, @apocalypticseagull, @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction, @covenlovenn, @330bpm-whiplash, @gnoccheyy, @jaggernauticals, @dwkfan, @untoldshortsofthefandomsdoms, @bobfloydsgf, @maviee, @thomaslefteyebrow, @kyovy, @prodyng, @scout-fang, @avalkyrieofparis, @misshoneypaper, @berryjuicyy, @voteforpedropascal, @beakami, @addictedtothefictionalworld, @kaghost, @witchy-writing, @67-angelofthelordme-67, @thychuvaluswife, @mysticalpandabear, @cabreezer0117, @halfmoth-halfman, @peachesofteal, @nirvanaaaonly, @ysljoon, @ssoliva, @fenixyrie, @voodoo-writer, @eleazarkate, @tomhardy41, @glitterypirateduck, @cringeycookies, @captainquake42
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A bits of Dionysus from Perseus' Grandson
With my attemps to put some literature to machine translation, lol
"Don't be afraid,— the Shaggy One repeated. "You're too handsome for violence. I was…"
He licked lips.
"I would be the same if I hadn't been raised by a woman. Can you imagine? Only women, no men. First the mother of this idiot, then the nymphs of Nisei…"
The third figure flashed before the Phocian — a young man with girlish habits, really similar to the Cephalus itself — flashed and disappeared. There only adult - god? mortal? - which had nothing of a woman in it.
"I like you, Prokrida's fiance. We always like those who we could have become, but didn't. It's a pity that you adore Perseus, and you don't adore me. Why? After all, Perseus and I are so similar! We're practically twins.…"
"You don't have even drop of similarity with him!"
"Do not measure the similarity by drops. Time passes quickly, Big Head, and we weep over yesterday's delusions. Look: we are both the sons of Zeus. Both are unwanted by their relatives. Perseus was hated by his grandfather Acrisius. I was hated by my grandfather Kadm. Both of us, along with our mothers, were nailed into a chest and thrown into the water.…"
"That's a lie!"
Cephalus knew that he was arguing with a drawn sword, ready to strike at any moment.
"You weren't thrown into the sea!" The lord of the gods carry you, sewn into your thigh!
"In the thigh?" Oh, how nice! How close to the crucible of passion! You fool, you should go to the seaside Brasias. Previously, this hole was called Oreyat. There they will tell you how a chest washed up on the shore, where Cadmus the Dragon Slayer imprisoned his daughter Semele with her newborn bastard. The memory of the unfortunate is alive among the Brasians. When my mother died, her sister Ino found me and nursed me in a cave. You see, the superstitious people of Oreyat were afraid to give us shelter under the roofs of their houses.… We are very similar to Perseus. We grew like thistles. As soon as we grew up, we were sent on campaign — him to the west, me to the east."
"No one sent Perseus!" He decided to save people from the Medusa himself.…"
"Well, yes, of course. Save the Danaians from Medusa, who lives on the edge of the Ecumene! If you believe the gossip, kid, your Perseus was sent to a feat by basileus Polydectes. And if you believe the voice of reason, Zeus sent him. As a father send adult son into battle; as a ruler send best warrior. Perseus went to the west and found Medusa there. A little later, I went east…"
"I want to be your friend," said the Shaggy One.
Cephalus was silent. The young man was back on the shore, alone with a dangerous interlocutor. And then, in reality, and now, in a dream, the Shaggy One said the same thing.:
"I want to be your friend. Are you really going to refuse me?"
Cephalus was silent.
"My friendship is a valuable gift. Think about it!"
"What would you ask in return?"
"In return?" - The Shaggy One burst out laughing. — "Friendship is not a commodity. Do you want me to give it away?"
Cephalus remembered Shaggy One's friends. Those whom I have heard about, whom I knew personally. The Athenian Icarius was killed by drunken shepherds — Icarius treated them to wine received from a friend; the unfortunate man's daughter hanged herself on her father's grave. The Phrygian Midas, a friend, rewarded him with the gift of the "golden touch," and Midas almost starved to death over the golden bread. Ampel, an Ismarian, climbed a tree to get a bunch of grapes hung by a friend and fell to his death.
"Your friendship is as sharp as a sword," said Cephalus.
"If that's the case," the Shaggy Man shrugged, "then what is my enmity?".
And bit with Perseus too.
"Rejoice, brother."
"I don't have any brothers. I'm alone at my mother's."
"But don't alone at your father. Rejoice, Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae of Argos! I am Dionysus, the son of Zeus and Semele of Thebes.
Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto the Chased, looked down on mortals from the height of the pedestal. The god's beautiful face was marred by a disgusted grimace. The sculptors claimed that no matter how hard you try, you can't do without a grimace. This is the will of Apollo; or perhaps, the character.
"They say you killed a Medusa?"
"They say."
"Would you like to share your experience?"
"Brothers should share the last one. I would give you everything. Do you want me?"
Perseus was silent.
"I'm going east tomorrow, my brother. You brought the head of Medusa, and I'm going to get the head of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. Our father is wise — there are heads that are better cut off with someone else's hands. They gave you the sickle of Kronos, and they also armed me well. You're older, and you've already achieved your goal. Give me your knowledge! Make my way easier…"
For a moment, a child appeared in the effeminate appearance of Dionysus. The chubby boy looked up at the hero. The confidence that the hero will not refuse a request — whether it's a request to get a star from the sky! — pride in big brother, who is mighty and brave… The look was more dizzying than the wine. I can't, Perseus thought, driving away the hops. I have no right to do this. An oath for an oath. Olympus swore not to interfere in my life. I swore to keep the truth about my campaign a secret. If I lie, Olympus will lie tomorrow. The sickle of the Cronus will not stand against the father's thunderbolts. He's a spy, this handsome one. He was sent to test my resilience.
"Go away. I have nothing to tell you."
"It's a pity. Well, I'll be back one day. Let's see how brother meets brother then."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Should I, a beggar, be threating to Gorgon Slayer?"
Forgetting to return the wreath to Apollo, Dionysus strode towards the exit. When he was already standing on the threshold, Perseus could not stand it. After all, Gorgon Slayer was far from mature. And the strange hops were still fermenting in his blood.
"Wait a minute! You said you were armed with... what?"
Dionysus laughed:
"People go crazy around me." Is the sword good?
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The Favorite (Chapter One)
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Warnings: mentions and descriptions of death, mentions and descriptions of injury
Prologue or Chapter Two
The 68th Hunger Games is a time of my life that when I look back on it, is a blurry mess in my head. The only times the memories are clear the ones I don't want to remember.
On the train to the capitol, my pa was crying, he never cried it shook me and everyone in the room. I think our district escort Leto almost started to cry from fright as he a never even seen my pa do anything other than sit quietly and brood in the corner or talk to tributes and other mentors
I know why he cried, it was my last reaping and if I had not gotten reaped I would have turned 19 before the next year and I would have been in the clear, no more reapings but that wasn't going to happen. Even with my pa being a Victor and me growing up with the privileges of a Victor's daughter like never having to take out tesserae and even living in Victor's village and having the time to go travelling around District 10 even with how big it was, there was always a foreboding sense that as the child of a Victor, I would be targeted. Being reaped for the Hunger Games was a constant threat hanging over my head. Those fears had come into reality on that day.
The parade and training had been blurs that ended up with only certain moments sticking out. How gaudy the stetson hat I wore for the parade was, it was pink and glittery. Now normally I was one for a bit of sparkle but to see a hat so similar in shape and size to the one I would wear when helping on the ranch back home was unsettling.
The male tribute from 10 was a 15-year-old boy called Lucas, I didn't know much about him other than the fact he was the butcher's son. He was quiet but was quick to fly off the handle nearly causing fights in training every hour or so with the careers, I cannot recall the names of any other tributes besides Lucas and the careers. I did well in training, Lucas and I decided to train together and ally together in the arena, this made training with the mentors easier as my pa wasn't in a state where he could remain calm enough to mentor us both, so Benji the boy who won the few years before stepped up to the plate to mentor.us both with pa I scored pretty well an 8 and that made all the years as a child learning how to lasso a cow worth it, although I had scored well enough almost as good as the careers for that year I still wasn't very confident that I had a chance, I didn't set myself apart really from the other tributes other than the fact my father was a victor to get sponsors
That was until my interview with Caesar Flickerman. My performance on that stage was the most vibrant I had ever been. Even if it was all an act, a heightened performance of who I was. During my interview with Caesar, I stole the show with a sweet demeanour, charming the audience and enchanting them like the girl next door. I was all smiles and jokes, and the audience was captivated by my performance. I knew I had nailed it and I hoped that would be enough to win over sponsors.
It was and within two weeks I was the one being lifted out of the arena alive with fractures and cuts, an acid burn across my back and my left leg broken in multiple places but alive.
Lucus and I made it out of the bloodbath unscathed. We set up camp in the arena and had a few close calls with mutts that resembled foxes but were larger. The arena looked like an abandoned town surrounded by tower-block apartment buildings and a forest. acid pits were in random places.
My first kill was a District 6 girl who had grabbed me and was trying to push me into one of the many acid pits she managed to get acid on my back from the excess of neon yellow acid spilling from the pit on the ground beneath me , and she had me pinned hand around my neck Lucas was fighting off whoever she had allied with I managed to throw her off planting my boots in her stomach and kicking her back into the pit of acid before forcing myself up and lassoing her ally giving Lucas the same opportunity to kick the boy into the pit as well
The walls of the arena moved in every 12 hours making the arena smaller and smaller over the last few days they sped up moving. an hour less every time pushing us remaining four into the centre of the arena, a large crumbling building with a large elevator shaft in the centre. The other two were the girl from 4 Pearl and the boy from 1 Lux. Lucus and I were the last remaining alliance or so I thought I had laid down, and we were alternating watches i was almost asleep when I heard—
“---Mari, are you even listening?” the voice of my Pa cuts off my train of thought. I turn my head to look over at his frustrated face losing my view out the window of the country slide that flies past as the train speeds ahead to the next destination of the victory tour “Huh” I blurt out
“Marina, you need to listen how else will you know what you will have to say when you go out on stage” Leto chastises me from beside my pa at the table “I can read cue cards leto ” I joke with a confused look on my face “ya know like how I have in every other district so far, how is district 4 any different” I add as turn my head to look back out the window
I hear my pa sigh “You know why, the female district 4 tribute–” “Pearl, her name was Pearl” I cut him off not turning my head away from the window
Another sigh “Pearl was the runner-up, normally in the runner ups district the victor says something about them to console the family” What like, ‘She could pack a good punch, sorry I killed her but not really or else I would be dead’ that would go over well with the crowd
“Okay, so what should I say then,” I ask them
"Well, you could mention her bravery and determination in the arena, and express your condolences to her family for their loss. It's important to show empathy and acknowledge the sacrifices made by all the tributes." Leto tells me and I can see in the reflection of the window as he stuffs a purple-looking pastry into his mouth smearing his black lipstick. I see my pa side-eye him in disgust, Leto being Leto doesn't notice a thing as he chews the pastry.
“Do I look down at the cue cards like I prepared what Im going to say, or just say it like I'm saying it from the heart?” I ask turning to look at my pa wanting him to answer not Leto
Pa gives me a small nod "Just say it like you're saying it from the heart." I take a deep breath and turn back to face the window.
As I do, the coastline of District 4 comes into view as the tracks now run parallel with the ocean. The sparkling blue waters of the ocean stretch as far as the eye can see, complementing the picturesque coastline of District 4. The waves crash gently against the shore, creating a soothing symphony that adds to the breathtaking view from the train.
"Let's get this over with," I mutter under my breath, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation as the train glides closer to the district.
I sat on the steps of the District 4 Hall of Justice later that night in a bright yellow tulle dress, a stark contrast to the muted shades typically worn in any district. The vibrant colour stands out against the backdrop of the dark, imposing building that is currently hosting the victory banquet I have just snuck away from. As I sit I reflect on the day, a glass of wine in my hand, I can't help but feel the weight of the speech I delivered. If looks could kill, Pearl's mother would have been arrested on the spot for my murder. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could only hope that she wasn't waiting out here for me now to jump me. Bet she can throw a good punch as well.
i lift the wine glass to my lips and drown down the contents then gag slightly at the taste of the wine
“Gah, yuck”
As I set the empty wine glass down, a sudden rustling in the bushes nearby frightens me. My heart skips a beat as I turn my head towards the source of the noise, only to see a stray cat emerge, its eyes glowing in the dim light.
“It's just a cat,” I tell myself trying to calm my nerves as I watch the cat go about its business as I begin to stand. ‘’It is a cat isn't it”
A voice suddenly says from beside me, causing me to jump and scream. The cat scampers away as I turn and have to get up to see a young man standing nearby at the top of the steps, a smirk on his face. He simply shrugs his shoulders “Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but I just had to meet District 10's newest Victor”
The smirk doesn't leave his face as he walks down a few steps to greet me properly as I see him closer I realise who he is, Finnick Odair, the charming and charismatic victor from District 4. His sea-green eyes sparkle with mischief as he extends a hand towards me for a handshake smirk still plastered across his stupidly good-looking face.
"Finnick Odair, at your service," he says with a playful wink, his voice dripping with charisma.
Shaking his hand tentatively, I try not to get flustered by his wink. I have a bad feeling about this
“Im Marina, Marina Nivera”
“Oh I know who you are Marina” He leans in closer, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "I already know all about you. I watched your games very closely" He states, his eyes narrowing slightly before going back to normal
I can't help but feel a chill run down my spine. He's too close for comfort. I try to keep my expression neutral, but I'm wary of his motives. As I let go of Finnick's hand, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. It's not just his charming demeanour, but the knowledge that he watched my games and knows more about me than I'm comfortable with.
I let a small smile onto my face
“It seems like im the only person in all of Panem who hasn't watched my games” I joke trying to figure out what conversion this is going to be and if I need to escape now
Finnick chuckles softly, his eyes still fixed on me. "Well, Marina, you'll be surprised to know that you've left quite an impression on everyone, including me. But don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to offer you my help and guidance as you navigate your newfound fame. You know Victor to Victor"
I raise my eyebrows at him slightly “Is that so, well what guidance do you have to offer me, ya know Victor to Victor”
Finnick leans in closer, his voice a teasing tone that comes across more like a warning than a joke. “The sea can be treacherous. It may seem calm on the surface but beneath lies danger. Remember, never trust a stranger, no matter how charming they may appear. They may just be waiting for the right moment to pull you under."
Um yeah nope I don't care how nice he is to look at, he's intimidating, gorgeous but scary I put on a smile “Thanks for the advice, I wish you weren't a stranger then I could use it”
A flicker of surprise crosses Finnick's face at my response, and for a moment, his charming facade slips. But just as quickly, his smile returns, covering any trace of vulnerability. "Perhaps we won't be strangers for long," he says, his voice tinged with a hint of intrigue.
I give him a polite nod, but my mind is already racing, searching for an escape plan. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to Finnick than meets the eye,
"Maybe but for now, I appreciate the offer of guidance, I really should-" I start to say with a fake smile, but before I can finish my sentence i get cut off
"Mari there you are we have been looking all over for you…" my father says, his voice trailing off as he sees Finnick sitting there. His expression immediately sours, and I can sense the tension in the air.
“Rex” “Finnick”
This is just great and I thought it was tense before Pa showed up
I cough awkwardly and my pa gives me a look “Mari it's time to go we need to get back on the train”
You don't have to tell me twice
I turn to Finnick and say my goodbye, giving him a polite smile. "It was nice to meet you, Finnick. Thank you for the advice and offer of guidance. Maybe our paths will cross again soon."
“Oh they will,” Finnick says confidently. He turns and moseys on up into the justice building past my pa giving him a smirk before disappearing into the building I rush up the steps to my pa “Please tell me not all victors are going to make me feel weird as he just did” My pa just sighs as he begins to lead me back to the rest of our group
As we walk back to the rest of our group, my pa finally speaks up about Finnick. "You know, Mari, Finnick was Pearl's mentor and he was rooting for her during the games. That's probably why he seemed a bit off with you. And In the mentor room, there was a lot of tension between us both at the time."
"But Mari, I want you to be careful around that boy ya hear? I can't tell you who to hang around with, but just keep your wits about you. There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me," my pa warns, his voice filled with concern.
‘’Okay Pa I will be careful” But that night, my dreams were filled with waves crashing against the shore, the clinking of wine glasses, mysterious cats hiding in bushes, and a pair of captivating sea-green eyes that seemed to hold secrets I couldn't quite grasp.
notes: So Mari has met Finnick yay, probably not in the cutest way, but hey gotta meet somehow. I also hope I have made it clear that her name is Marina but that she goes by Mari with all the backstory I was wondering how to make it super clear. im also pondering if Finnick will call her Mari or Rina later on in the story so I would love some feedback on that.....also if someone could please teach me how to make links pretty that would be greatly appreciated
#finnick odair#finnick x you#thg finnick#finnick odair blurb#hunger games finnick#finnick x reader#finnick odair headcanons#finnick imagine#finnick odair x reader#finnick fanfic#Finnick odair#oc hunger games
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Alright im asking you about the vision
ily <3
okay so basically this is only one of the many ways i see this going but Apollo and Hera meeting up after ToA, because she seeks him out: she grieves Jason and has no one else to turn to, and she wants to thank Apollo for honoring his memory and bringing his body back home. he’s like sure, okay. still don’t like you but i’ll give you a shoulder to cry on
Hera doesn’t understand Apollo on a fundamental level. he’s annoying and whiny and entitled and he’s her hated stepson and a much better son to Leto than Ares was to her.
and he refuses to be like his father. he refuses to take a wife just to humiliate her with countless affairs. he refuses to lay low. he refuses to allow apathy to rule his life. he’s always bright, always a star and always in her fucking way.
and Apollo hates Hera. truly it’s not like he can forgive her, right? all that she did to his mother. being somewhat of a snake in general. she’s a nasty, mean spirited, bitter woman. she wouldn’t give most demigods the time of the day.
She’s also the only goddess in the council extending compassion over what he’s been through, thanking him, and most importantly, recognizing how cruel her husband truly is.
So they bond over the two things they share: grief for Jason and hatred for Zeus. and the hatred for Zeus slowly starts to surpass the grief because Jason is one mortal boy, sixteen years of life. Zeus is an immortal god, and they have amassed thousands of debts that they feel they should make him pay.
Maybe they start courting the idea of a coup. Maybe they make half-assed plans. Maybe they only daydream about it. It really doesn’t matter because the seed is planted.
Making Zeus a cuckold wasn’t part of the equation, and the seed wasn’t really supposed to grow out that way, but gods is it satisfying. it’s satisfying and horrifying. i think they hate themselves a little more every time they do it. they are also terrified out of their minds and worried sick they might be found out but that’s just part of the game. And it is glorious, to stick it up to Zeus. they both look so good while they do it that, as Lorde said, they should be hanged in the Louvre.
and don’t ask me if it happens for a couple of months or if it happens for centuries, or if a coup is actually staged, or if they ever tell anyone, or if they fall in love, or if she starts finding his sense of humor anything but obnoxious, or if he writes a song about it, or if she ever feels as if he brought her back to life and dusted some of that depressing apathy off her, or if he manages to forgive her for what she did to Leto. i don’t know. some of it, maybe. the point is that it happens and they are both different for it.
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS version
Note that I do not own the characters from the Greek Myth, I was doing this for fun.
Mine Apollo
Apollo is the god of the Sun, music, truth, Medicine and male beauty. He is the son of Zeus and the kindhearted Leto, he is the younger twin brother of Artemis and he is the brother of Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Heracles, Hebe and others. He has many Children and many lovers, the most famous is the beautiful Naiad nymph Daphne and the beautiful Spartan prince Hyacinth.
Likes: playing on his Lyre, helping everyone, hanging out with his younger brothers (Hermes and Dionysus), hanging out with his twin sister Artemis, spending time or making love with his consorts Daphne and Hyacinth, making Theseus life Miserable, doing Ballet and making music with the muses.
Dislike: Theseus getting way with everything, losing his love ones, his ex lover Cassandra and Zeus,
Friends/Allies: Daphne (Wife), Hyacinth (Husband), Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis (Twin sister), Thanatos (sometimes), Hypnos (He likes his cheerful Personality), Helen, Hades, Persephone (close friends), Hecate (Formal lover to a friend), Helenus (Formal Lover), Ariadne (he loves her soft and Intelligent side), Peitho (likes her girly and caring Personality), Makaria (he loves her Gentle personality), Demeter, Hestia (he likes her warm personality, Adonis (sometimes a lover?), Amperios, Crorus, Iasion (he like his taste in music), Helios (sometimes), Selen, Poseidon (sees him as a father figure), Amphitrie (saw her as a mother figure), Endymion (same thing with Iasion), Leto (mother), the muses, his siblings, his children and Demi gods, Astraeus (sometimes).
Enemies: Theseus, Zeus ( because he groom and rape him, when he was a teenager), Hera (She almost kill his mother), Cassandra (She enjoys abusing and raping him) Eros (the only god he hates the most), Zephyrus (because he kills Hyacinth out of Jealousy), Helios (sometimes), Thanatos (sometimes), Astraeus (sometimes) and Thamyris (because he groom and abuse Hyacinth.
Personality: He is a kindhearted gentleman, who always telling the truth, he loves his family and his beloved Daphne and Hyacinth deeply, he is a very wise and calm guy and he will never Force a person against their will.
LO Apollo
Personality: He is a evil rapiest who enjoys being an a$$hole to other people and rapes and treats women like play things and gaslighting them and he hates hotdogs???
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Thoughts on Denis Villeneuve's "Dune: Part Two" (2024)
Following on from my recent viewing of the first part when it returned to cinemas, I've now been able to apply myself to view the second part also. Once again, in lieu of a proper essay I have merely recorded my impressions in roughly chronological order.
As a reminder I previously wrote about how I might adapt Dune, years before Villeneuve's latest effort, as well as creating some concept art (I am working on my take on Shaddam Corrino IV). I did not re-read the book ahead of my most recent viewing and therefore some of my critique might be inadvertently comparing it to my own ideas on adaptation rather than the source material.
I was amazed and a little aghast that after all the talk of not doing introspection and critiquing the 1984 version's clunky opening narration by Princess Irulan, Villeneuve's Part Two opens with ... a clunky opening narration by Irulan. Perhaps there was a desire to have the 'other woman' do the narration as the first film opened with Chani as our viewpoint character; here we start with the view from the Imperium, introducing the Emperor.
Irulan implies the Emperor loved Leto like a son and is torn up about ordering his death. Was this in the books? When she says 'And the Emperor says' - we are on the edge of our seats, waiting for Walken's dialogue - 'nothing'. I am unsure if this was a clever trick or not. Shaddam here is portrayed as an older man, perhaps infirm, manipulated by those around him and particularly women. This is part of the sexual politics Villeneuve presents to us specifically in Part Two which stood out to me as either peculiarly heterodox for a mainstream modern Hollywood production, or perhaps was intended to be progressive but poorly assembled and unable to overcome Herbert's own (but noticeably different) views - some might say hang-ups - on the sexes.
My sense is very little time has passed on Arrakis since the end of the first film, despite Irulan's narration creating the impression it is old news. The column is still carrying Jamis's body and on its way to the sietch.
This sits oddly with Stilgar's blithe dismissal that the Harkonnen are there for the two Atreides. Are you sure? In-universe that was no more than 72 hours ago (the first night in the desert and the second in Kynes' weather station, with the sun coming up during the Jamis fight). He doesn't know the Baron ordered Rabban to commit genocide against the Fremen, so the logical conclusion is they are still looking for Paul and Jessica.
The opening fight scene seemed interesting, even if I wasn't sure why Paul and Jessica were where they were or why they didn't seem to be armed. Villeneuve seems to have forgotten that at the very least Paul has his crysknife and the gun he used to threaten Stilgar just hours earlier in-universe. I didn't mind the pregnant Jessica clubbing the Harkonnen over the head to protect her son, even though I feel like if this film had been earmarked differently by the usual suspects on YouTube and Twitter it would have been viewed as ridiculous and 'woke' given criticism of the same in games like Wolfenstein II.
As a note: The Harkonnen in the opening scene are now using Sardaukar antigrav tech; I feel this works poorly because we've been conditioned from the first film to associate this with the Emperor's forces, even though they weren't involved. I wondered if they had just randomly changed up the Sardaukar uniforms (which they have, but more on that later).
Sietch Tabr felt interesting but not quite as I imagined; did I miss something or were we really not properly introduced to the terraforming effort? We see some bird nests and the precious underground water and Stilgar says when Lisan al-Gaib comes he will use the water to transform Arrakis, but we seem to have dropped any mention of the idea they were already working towards it. And indeed, Kynes won't appear in this film at all - my preference to kick off a two-parter would have been Kynes wandering in the desert, dying of dehydration while having his revelation about how the sandworm life-cycle works, re-introducing us to the setting and the worms.
I feel the need to mention Villeneuve's racial politics here, which, like his sexual politics, seem awkward in ways commentators don't seem to have entirely picked up on.
When the sietch receives Paul and Jessica with hostility, there is a noticeable shift in who the camera lingers on, to the extent that the Fremen seem abruptly almost entirely black or very dark-skinned, with the lighter Stilgar and Chani the only ones speaking up for the outsiders. I hope I shouldn't need to explain this; if it's calculated, it is calculated to induce a kind of gut-reaction fear in white audiences. I noticed this in the first film where Jamis was cast as black and presented as noticeably wilder and crazier than the other Fremen. One might be tempted to suggest this is establishing ethnic groups within the Fremen - after all, later we learn that Stilgar comes from the south, so perhaps the north is darker-skinned (which would sync with some of the black city-dwellers we see in Arrakeen). It would even make sense as the south is said to be covered with dust storms and thus not exposed to direct sun. Except, as soon as the sietch turns and becomes more welcoming, the camera begins favouring the lighter-skinned north Africa and Middle Eastern Fremen actors.
This leads quite neatly into the Fremen culture and language. David Peterson, the linguist who worked on Game of Thrones, was tapped to create languages for Dune based on the phrases in the book, and others have picked up on the strange decision to avoid using actual Arabic words wherever possible - explained in inverviews as Peterson feeling that thousands of years into the future languages would have evolved so far that any similarities are mere coincidence. This means that words that are too important to the franchise to change, such as 'Lisan al-Gaib' (which they use a *lot*, seemingly to avoid relying on real-world messianic titles like Mahdi), stay as-is but others are radically changed. "Ya Hya Chouhada", a real-world battlecry meaning 'long live the martyrs', is changed in Part Two to a fictional phrase (I didn't remember it and seemingly others I haven't either) in the Peterson conlang. This is disappointing and actually not true to life given how Latin survived for thousands of years as a holy language.
UPDATE: The new phrase based on Peterson's conlang is something like 'A t'la abisi a santar!'. I can vaguely see something like 'life' in 'santar', but it's from a Latinate root. 'Toward the fighters, life'? Maybe 'At'la savaşçı uzun ', incorporating the Turkish word for 'fighter' and '?
It also means that Villeneuve's Dune is oddly sanitised and stripped of the book's Islamic and Central Asian cultural touchpoints. Very little mention is made of God; characters pray but I think at one point Paul says that they prey to their dead relatives (?). 'Jihad' and any mention of the book's main religions (Zensunni and Orange Catholicism) are excised.
All this begs the question - where is the line between inclusion and Orientalism? Where is the line between diversity and caricature? Or between cultural sensitivity and the kind of flattening that insists on Western neoliberal values everywhere at all times, even in our fiction? In 1984, the Fremen were mostly cast as white (likely due to actor availability) - not necessarily an incorrect reading of the book, given Herbert's inspiration 'The Sabres of Paradise' was not about Arab but Caucasian mountain tribes. Change them to a mix of interchangeable 'non-white' actors and have them led by Timothee Chalamet and the accusations of 'white savior complex' gain weight. Selectively show darker extras when you want the audience to be afraid and lighter when you want them to feel sympathetic and, to be honest, you probably deserve a few thinkpieces which I haven't seen in the press.
Stilgar threatens Jessica that he'll have her killed unless she agrees to become the new Reverend Mother. I felt this went back on his development in the first film, or even a couple of scenes ago where he fought their corner against the unsympathetic female elder. Jessica's flippant, almost Marvel-esque dialogue in the next scene where she references this annoyed me. Villeneuve has Jessica's experience with the water of life happen early in the movie and long before Paul's. This is somewhat true to the book and better than the 1984 version where Paul only takes the Water when his prophetic dreams randomly stop working, but my favoured method of compressing this for film has Jessica take the Water, fall into a coma, and Paul rescue her by taking the Water himself, entering into the same vision. This is when Jessica begins to suspect they are not merely using prophecies created by the Bene Gesserit, but Paul may in fact be the Kwisatz Haderach.
In Villeneuve's version, Chani is initially skeptical of the prophecy, saying only the southerners are superstitious (an invented distinction not found in the book). This is set up fairly competently as a romantic conflict; Paul wins Chani when he only wants to be one of the Fremen, but doing so means giving up on his revenge - however, the way it's resolved is frankly offensive and one of the things that I found most disrespectful about Villeneuve's Dune as an adaptation.
The first we see of wormriding in this film (Stilgar on a small worm) didn't entirely impress me; I feel it should have been much farther off to give a greater sense of the scale of the worms. However, Paul's own wormriding trial eliminated my doubts; again, no-one is doing cinematic scale like Villeneuve right now, where the audience is absorbed completely in *witnessing* a monumental event, without the need for quick cuts or snappy quips.
The 'naming' scene was also great and felt plausible as Paul being welcomed as one of the Fedaykin (interestingly Peterson didn't rename that one, despite being almost identical to 'Fedayeen').
The Harkonnen 'evil spice harvesters' bothered me - the harvesters we saw in the first film *WERE* Harkonnen harvesters! The Atreides literally just assumed control of the operation days earlier. The ornithopter mini-guns were pretty great but also felt un-Duney. The use of lasguns also felt good even if perhaps not book-accurate.
I actually really liked Rabban's failed reprisals, with the Harkonenn getting lost in the dust of their own carpet bombings and and the big guy losing his nerve when he sees Muad'dib's shadow. Bautista is surprisingly (?) one of the stand-out performances in the two movies.
We get some much-needed off-world politics, with Irulan talking to the Reverend Mother and deducing (I feel this wasn't in the book) that Muad'dib is Paul Atreides. There's clearly an effort made to present Irulan as a more hard-nosed politician in the making, with Shaddam even saying she will be a 'formidable Empress'. Mohiam introduces us to the idea of Feyd-Rautha being an alternative 'candidate' to Paul (did they actually say 'to be the Kwisatz Haderach'?? I don't think they did).
My feelings on Giedi Prime being an insane hellplanet are a matter of public record; it goes against a central theme of Dune, which is that a harsh environment breeds both discipline in the sense of espirit de corps and discipline in moral life. Whether you agree or disagree with the 'Fremen Mirage', this is Herbert's central idea. In the book, Giedi Prime is a neo-feudal world, with a cheerfully painted blue keep where 'fearful perfection' under military jackboot is the order of the day, but just off the main street you can see dilapidation and decay. It's a Potemkin village, feeding into the idea that Baron Harkonnen and his house are fundamentally about falsity and fakeness. He wears suspensors to convey the idea he is more physically able than he is. Feyd fights in a gladiatorial arena, but the combatants are drugged to make him look more competent. When a combatant isn't drugged, it's a plot to win over the crowd and he's not really in danger. Everywhere gets a fresh coat of paint and smiles at gunpoint when visitors arrive, but under the surface they don't genuinely care for the people.
In Villeneuve's Dune, Giedi Prime is an infrared nightmare under a 'black sun' (yes, the pasty skinhead Harkonnen live under a black sun, a seemingly deliberate allusion to fascist occultism trivia that made me raise an eyebrow). No diversity among the Harkonnen; it's just an anonymous tide of bobbing bald white heads. Again, I was unsure how to read this obvious Villeneuve innovation (in the original books the Harkonnen are mentioned as having dark hair). For what it's worth, Lynch did something very similar when he decided the Harkonnen were universally ginger. I also feel we've seen this archetype quite recently in 'Mad Max' with the white-painted radiation-sick Warboys.
This decision to make the Harkonnen interchangeable mooks does somewhat detract from Austin Butler's Feyd Rautha, who is just another chalky bald guy among many. Butler tries his best to infuse the role with random acts of violence against his own minions that put the 1984 version's heartplugs to shame. Couple it with Rabban's temper tantrum smashing the overseer against his monitor and you have to ask - why does anyone follow these psychopaths? At some point the bad guys end up killing more of their own than the enemy and it makes them feel incompetent and stupid.
In this version, the undrugged slave was a 'birthday present' from the Baron, who wanted to see who Feyd really was under pressure. In the book, Feyd contrives the assassination attempt with Thufir Hawat to increase his own standing with the people. There's no poison on Feyd's blades (he even licks one) but I think (the moment was super-fast) the Bene Gesserit watching mention that he uses an implanted word to stagger the slave momentarily. Odd to see that in this version the Harkonnen seem to worship their leaders ('the holy birthday of our beloved na-Baron'?).
It's an interesting reversal as in the book, Feyd tries to poison the Baron by having one of his sex slaves implanted with a needle (foreshadowing his own use of a similar hidden device in the final fight).
Margot Fenring appears here unaccompanied as a Bene Gesserit femme fatale, and her seduction of Feyd Rautha and their subsequent discussion of his levers was well done.
Around this time Villeneuve starts deciding that the Bene Gesserit are psychic, which is jarring and I don't believe foreshadowed (Jessica communicates using sign-language with her son but not in glances). I almost wondered if this scene - and the later one where the Bene Gesserit have an impromptu psychic discussion - were rewritten after filming.
Returning to Arrakis after the harsh black and white Giedi Prime seemed like a breath of fresh air and I think that was the intent. Villeneuve uncharacteristically doesn't linger long enough on the dunes for my tastes.
I should note here that in this version, Jessica emerges from the water of life trial changed, and while her motives are to protect Paul, she is subsequently framed in a very antagonistic role, always pushing for Paul to cynically embrace the prophecies and so, in this version, drive a wedge between him and Chani. This syncs up with my observations in Part One that Villeneuve almost presents her as a romantic interest for Paul; if so, here she is almost the 'other girl', and Paul has to choose between mother/prophecy and Chani/a simple life among the Fremen (this latter choice is highlighted by him removing the signet ring when he feels welcomed by the Fremen but keeping it in his stillsuit).
Gurney Halleck in this version is not leading a ragged band of Atreides guerillas like 1984's Patrick Stewart version. Rather he is now keeping a low profile and working as a spice miner, seemingly having given up hope that any remnants of House Atreides remain. The Fremen attack the harvester but Paul recognises him and tells them to stay their hand and presumably save the rest of the crew, though I don't think we see anyone else after this and he's more or less framed as the last remnant of Paul's old retinue in the final scenes. This *really* bothered me. Gurney says he managed to get offworld after the attack. OK; we know he has knowledge of the location of the Atreides atomics and hates the Harkonnen with every bone in his body; first for killing his family prior to the events of the first movie (as he reveals for I think the first time here); and then the loss of his new family with the death of Duke Leto. And so, Villeneuve imagines, he...
...goes back to Arrakis to work for the Harkonnen (the movie really seems to have forgotten who owns the original harvesters) and forgets about the atomics. What the absolute fuck? They do establish that the door is gene-coded so only a direct descendent of the Duke can open it (the line 'your genetic heritage only, m'lord' made me visibly cringe in the theatre), but in-universe, is there *any* reason he wouldn't go to, say, House Richese and say 'The Emperor was involved in the attack on Arrakis. I saw Sardaukar among the Harkonnen. I know where there are untraceable nukes on Arrakis; send in a covert mining team and you can tunnel down to get them. All I ask is you use some of them on Giedi Prime and the rest on Kaitan.'
For all that 1984 stretched plausibility that Gurney and his men could have survived in the desert without Fremen skills, it still feels more plausible than him getting off world then just coming back to work on a harvester.
(Note: in the book he joins a smuggler crew. Did they mention in an off-hand remark in the film that the crew he was with were not Harkonnen?)
The worm-drowning scene was well-done, even if I thought they should probably have set up the sandtrouts here if they have any hope of filming 'God-Emperor'.
Feyd Rautha's anti-grav ships bombard Sietch Tabr, causing heavy casualties. I almost feel like more attention should have been placed on this and how *this* is what changes Paul's mind; seeing his own new family injured and dead, rather than continuing for several scenes with will-he won't-he back and forth. Leave me here and go south - the people will only go if you go - there's an important meeting, they call the Lisan al-Gaib to appear, etc. The reunion between Paul and Chani *should* have been the conclusion of their romance arc here. I noticed the 'I will love you as long as you stay true to yourself' and anticipated the subsequent tension, but it felt clumsy.
Paul apparently just shows up and abruptly decides to drink the Stuff on a whim. This felt really bad and rushed. There was a jarring cut between him arriving and the guardian offering him the drink that I *think* was meant to represent Jessica's Voice command taking effect; she warns him 'leave or die' and then finds herself administering the Stuff.
(as a note: just how powerful is Villeneuve's Voice? It can apparently implant suggestions that take effect days or weeks later)
The female voice in Paul's visions has apparently (I think) been Alia? I am not sure about this as my assumption after the last movie was that it was future!Jessica. I didn't think the 'mind opening' was that well done in terms of mind-warping visuals, other than seeing an ocean in the desert. We caught of a glimpse of what I think were meant to be the face of his female ancestors, but a big point in the book is that the Kwisatz Haderach can access the memories of both his female and male ancestors (for all that this makes very little sense). This was crying out for a cameo from Duke Leto, instead of all people he sees Jamis (this may have been book-accurate, I can't remember at point of writing).
In the vision, he learns that Baron Harkonnen is his grandfather and 'we are Harkonnens'. So the pasty skin, black teeth and hairlessness of the Harkonnen is just environmental? Or even just fashion? This is interesting to see given the Harkonnen have been very deliberately racially 'Othered'.
In a reverse Sleeping Beauty scenario, Chani administers some more Water of Life, mingled with her tears, which wakes Paul up, because it vaguely fits the (fake, fabricated by the Bene Gesserit) prophecy? I am struggling to see how this works in-universe, for all that they clearly wanted some more action for her as female co-lead. Was it just a 'hair of the dog'?
The Fremen war council was spectacular, in a vast cavern (?) with lit podia (or was it just one with reflections on the walls?). Chani is again regrettably throughly modern, breaching her own society's rules by barging onto the podium to lecture to her leader. Her having to be restrained in accordance with Fremen decorum by Gurney Halleck *might* have been intended to be character development for him, but I think was just clumsy writing.
In general, Chalamet's acting was up to par, but something different was needed from him after his transformation into the Kwisatz Haderach and we didn't get it (for those saying he wasn't really changed; nonsense - he now has psychic powers that would make Kyle MacLachlan's version blush, actively reading minds when this is supposed to be impossible in-universe). What was called for here was a very elevated style of talking when he is consciously assuming the messianic role, reminiscent of holy text - not necessarily thees and thous but 'shall's and 'unto you's.
I cringed a little when, for example, he threatened the Emperor later in very unelevated, thuggish language. I can somewhat forgive the sections he is speaking Peterson's conlang-Fremen language it sounds quite rough; part of this is probably the difficulty getting the actors to sound fluent but it also had some echoes of rough and tumble military braggadochio in languages like Turkish.
The Emperor's reflective sphere-ship was certainly imposing; possibly too much so as it dwarfs Arakeen, something not immediately obvious from the ground shots so later when we see it just hovering over what just looks like a landing strip I wondered why it was suddenly out in the middle of nowhere before realising the shapes on the ground were the quarters of the entire planet's capital city!
I am always annoyed at the possibly royalties-motivated redesign of uniforms in sequels, and the Sardaukar here are a particularly offensive example. It's literally been less than nine months since the Battle of Arakeen; probably less given Jessica is not (I think) massively pregnant at the end. I did wonder if the redesign was to emphasise that 'the hunter has become the hunted'; now the Sardaukar are, like the Atreides, mostly bare-faced and their opponent is now the masked Fremen. On some level I feel this was deliberate, as when later the Sardaukar assume an Atreides-like sword line. I was also annoyed that we didn't hear any throat-singing as the Sardaukar form up outside the palace-ship. This would have immediately worked to remind us 'Oh yes, those guys', and differentiate them from the Harkonnen mooks who the Fremen have been killing all movie.
The attack on Arakeen was generally great - I would have liked to have seen the nuke scene handled differently and linger more on Paul silhouetted against the mushroom cloud.
The worm attack was also good; I did notice that suddenly the Harkonnen ornithopters become significantly less powerful than in the first movie, both rockets and miniguns seeming ineffective against worms and infantry Fremen alike. There wasn't really any sense that Shaddam's hubris led to him remaining on-planet (even the Dune 2000 game did this better, with the Truthsayer whispering 'Retreat, with victory in sight? Release the Sardaukar!"). I also felt like they sneakily tried to resolve a discrepancy between the visions of the first movie and this one by putting Chani in the role of infantry leader; she ends a shot in the exact same pose as Paul in the first movie when he has a vision of killing Sardaukar in a power suit (these don't appear in the second movie). In the second movie, he arrives on a worm instead. I guess this is a slight retcon and he is seeing himself in the place of whoever the vision is about. It seems a real waste though as presumably this sequence was shot - or was this implied to be during the galactic jihad?
One thing that stood out to me was the (redesigned) Sardaukar trying to regain formation after the blast takes down the mountain and the following storm. The first thing we see is one trooper trying to lift the Corrino banner and, as the wind overcomes him, another one helping to get it upright again. This felt *immensely* true to the book's universe.
Walken wasn't as bad as I feared; he mostly resisted the mugging I feared and wasn't given any lines containing 'walk without rhythm' or 'weapon of choice'. He plays Shaddam, again, as elderly, weary and manipulated, with the suggestion of fire re-emerging when he tells Paul 'your father was a weak man' ringing true. His throne room was appropriately Villeneuve-brutalist while still feeling Dune-y, and he thankfully replaces the Palpatine robe he wears at the beginning with an understated but still decently ornate tunic when holding court. No Burseg helmet as per the books, sadly. Should we read anything into the Emperor's throneroom being lit in a very obvious cross?
I understand why the plot was changed to give Paul a chance to meet the Baron and enact his revenge personally. Feyd wasn't in the first film and despite much more screen time compared to 1984 and even the mini-series doesn't feel satisfying as a final target for Paul's vendetta.
(As a note, the Baron throughout this movie now has a floating respirator with him that I am certain he didn't have in the first film. Is this supposed to be a lingering consequence of the gas attack?)
In this version, the duel between Paul and Feyd Rautha is explicitly a challenge to Shaddam for the throne, with Feyd serving as the Emperor's champion. This felt odd; has it been established that in this version the Padishah Emperor is a role you can have a knife-fight for, like the Klingons in Star Trek? I believe in both the book and 1984 version the coup was presented as a fait accompli with the duel a simple matter of honour and arguably an unnecessary risk by Paul; Shaddam's forces are shattered with only those immediately around him still loyal.
This is further reduced in the 2024 version as Paul has his Fremen kill the remaining Sardaukar and bring the Emperor to the visitor accommodation. This was a really missed opportunity as it deprives us of a huge and obvious shot; the victorious Paul sitting on the throne.
Feyd has no secret poison spikes in this version and, annoyingly, there's no tension in Paul choosing whether or not to use the Voice (Feyd Rautha reacts to Paul commanding the Reverend Mother to be 'Silent!' as if noting and remembering the ability, but we've already established he's vulnerable to it). This continues a trend of Villeneuve forgetting about the Voice in combat, where in the first film Jessica doesn't use it against Stilgar and Paul doesn't use it against Jamis, without even a one-off line like 'and no Bene Gesserit tricks'. Rather, he wins the first two clashes, even leaving a knife embedded in Paul's shoulder, before Paul kills him in a grapple that recalls his first on-screen spar with Gurney Halleck; Feyd is focused on the knife he is pushing further and further through Paul's seemingly exhausted grip, but he - and the viewer - can't see Paul's knife further down.
I *think* we were supposed to understand that as a possible Kwisatz Haderach Feyd is outside Paul's newly acquired precognition (this was sort of foreshadowed when he says he didn't foresee the attack on the sietch), together with the mention by Feyd that he dreamed about Lady Fenring, but wasn't spelled out.
A moment somewhat mocked on social media, but which I felt rang very true, was Bardem's frantic "Lisan al-Gaib!" when it is clear Paul has just barely survived the duel. This is *not* Stilgar the believer once again extolling his messiah's supernatural powers. This is Stilgar the politician and tribal leader realising that Paul looks very vulnerable and *un-supernatural* right now, and if he doesn't quickly get the watching Fremen on board with a chant of 'Lisan al-Gaib' the spell may be broken.
I liked how the Emperor was forced to plead for his life via the medium of his daughter, and the ambiguity of Paul's gesture; I initially thought he was commanding Irulan to step away from her father and take his hand in marriage (and this might be intentional), but instead, Shaddam is forced to go down to his knees and kiss Paul's ducal ring; a good use for the ring finding its way to Paul, which I complained about in the first movie (he also uses it in this movie to seal the ultimatum to the Emperor earlier).
The other Houses refuse Paul's ultimatum to accept him as Emperor (did he say this? I thought they only asked the other Houses to hear him out), leaving Paul to command his Fremen 'Lead them to heaven', ushering in the jihad. But we see their ships leaving seemingly without ill effect. This was crying out for first a few then intensifying rockets from the ground; perhaps even one of the ships burning and falling to emphasise that, yes, Paul just declared war on the entire universe and the ships are *fleeing*.
The final shot, incomprehensibly, is a grumpy Chani on her own, preparing to ride a worm. Perhaps Villeneuve has a plan for how Dune: Messiah will play out with her, maybe even taking some of the role of Alia, who obviously doesn't have the same interaction with the original cast here, being a psychic fetus the entire film-
(At this point I should violently interject; Villeneuve's politics, by God. What are we to make of the fetal personhood on show multiple times in this movie, at this time in American politics? She isn't even called an 'abomination'; that line is transferred to refer to Paul (who irritatingly doesn't even get to declare 'Look into that place you dare not look; you'll find me there' to justify it, just use the Voice, which the Bene Gesserit already know he can do!
Is the fact that it is most clearly championed by Jessica, who in this version has an antagonistic or at least 'bad influence' bent, intended to make it ambiguous? I feel this choice was probably intended to avoid the time-jump implied by a child actor; or perhaps to avoid the controversy of Alia of the Knife being a murderous toddler. But, as with his sexual and racial politics, what emerges is something that feels very odd, like he accidentally ended up throwing in a pro-life message.)
-All this should make us wonder. Villeneuve clearly likes the idea that Chani is the viewpoint character of Dune, beginning the first film with a voiceover from her and concluding with changing the story (no "history will call us wives" here) to leave her on her own but also seemingly abandoned in favour of the swanky princess; again, I feel like this last one wasn't intentional. There was probably an intent that 'Chani is her own woman and in this version she wouldn't want to marry Paul after he gives in and embraces the messianic role', but does it read as that? Or does it read as 'Chani missed her chance and Paul has married someone more suitable' (again, there's a racial reading here that can't be ignored; something not present in the 1984 version where Chani is played by Sean Young). Is this simply neo-Puritanism over the idea of the protagonist having multiple wives (I don't think any adaptation has thrown in the fact that Paul is honour-bound to marry Jamis's wife also)? Did someone say 'this feels a bit harem anime'?
The Guild are almost completely missing, and instead of using his knowledge of the worm lifecycle to threaten to use the stored water to create a chain reaction that will poison the worms, Paul just threatens to nuke the spice fields with his family atomics. When he does that, the Emperor says something like 'You've gone insane!', but no-one chips in to explain that, in fact, if he destroys the spice, the Guild can no longer navigate space, the Imperium will fall, and most of humanity dies due to the end of interstellar trade. This is the dilemma! The jihad claiming billions of lives vs. terraforming Dune claiming *literally all the lives*.
What was needed for the final shots of Dune was something like - of all things - the denouement of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. We should see the Fremen rampaging across the universe; ships burning; the shot from the vision of Paul looking out over Caladan, his again; Giedi Prime getting bombed into ashes - just to provoke us to think 'well, they liked violent gladiatorial games, but did they *really* deserve to die en masse because of what the Baron did?'. And then we cut to Paul on the Emperor's throne, looking shocked and hollow. He, like Dr Horrible, gets 'Everything (He) Ever Wanted', and it will haunt him forever. We grasp the cyclical nature of power - Paul Atreides, the exile turned revolutionary and mystic, is back on top - the very, very top, replacing the Sardaukar with his *own* brutal shock troops from a wasteland world. We needed to see that, and other than a few visions, we don't. Instead, we finish with what might, optimistically, be the message 'the traditional Fremen life will go on'? 'Sisters are doing it for themselves'? 'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a desert'? 'You can't please everyone all of the time'? In-pardon my language, fucking-scusable.
All of this means I think there's definitely room for a different Dune at an appropriate distance in time once Villeneuve's series - however long it runs, and God-Emperor is looking like a possibility - concludes. I have suggested an animated film or series as something very different from the existing adaptations, possibly leaning into precognition as the conceit, and after viewing Villeneuve's Part Two I think I've worked out how to do it.
The first scene in the book is someone - we don't see faces - being administered the Water of Life. We then cut to the dunes and the muad'dib mouse, and then it becomes clear we are watching it from the perspective of Paul and Chani.
They discuss the mouse on the moon and Paul decides that his name 'will be Muad'Dib'. Paul then awakens years earlier on Caladan. At about the two-thirds mark, Jessica takes the Water of Life but begins seizing. She sees herself drowning deep under an endless blue ocean. Paul says 'I can't reach where you are' and impulsively drinks the Water of Life himself; as Chani holds onto him he reaches out and holds his mother's hand and we see in the now shared vision that he swims down into the ocean, grabs her hand, and pulls her up. When they surface he experiences the rest of the vision, and then, awakening, says "I saw it all - I was back on Caladan; I saw us travel to Arrakis for the first time - but I also saw Baron Harkonnen; I saw him plotting with the Emperor - Shaddam! The Emperor is behind the downfall of our family". The entire first two-thirds of the movie *is* the Water of Life experience. Paul has watched the entire movie so far and for the rest of the film knows everything we, the audience, have seen, and more.
In general, Villeneuve's Dune is still probably one of the most striking and solid sci-fi films in recent decades. It is not as clearly stand-alone as I think reviewers have been prone to claim - much like the Lynch version which infamously issued a physical guide for cinema-goers to consult to understand the universe, Villeneuve's Dune does not clearly establish some of the book's most distinctive elements.
You might reasonably assume that the shields are why this universe relies so heavily on hand-to-hand combat - but why so few lasguns? (because in the book, hitting a shield with a lasgun obliterates both parties).
Why do the Harkonnen and Sardaukar feel so much weaker in the desert? Because shields act like a thumper and call worms.
(Note: This was in fact mentioned in the first film.)
Why do some people roll their eyes and do mental maths? They're mentats, human calculators. Why do they exist, and why are there no robots in this oddly run-down, primitive-feeling future? Because a thousand years ago a war called the Butlerian Jihad resulted in the absolute prohibition of thinking machines everywhere in the Imperium (it's bizarre this wasn't mentioned given AI is such a hot topic).
By the end of the second film you've also forgotten that the spice is vital for space travel (why? because it makes Navigators able to see the future, something Villeneuve has decided to emphasise only applies to Paul, and thus able to predict where a hyperspace jump will lead).
The Harkonnen were I think handled the worst of the characters, which isn't new. Skarsgard's Baron is overall acceptable and Rabban has decent menace, but he and Feyd Rautha suffer from the Lynchian 'kill your underlings' brain bug which no longer makes villains feel scary, and the random lurid elements Villeneuve has invented (gimp spiders, child slaves, cannibal prostitutes) feel just as over-the-top as the disfigured 1984 Baron pulling his servants' heart plugs for fun. The decision to make them all pasty bald troglodytes speaks to a fear to present villains as anything more than interchangeable cannon fodder lest, perhaps, the audience find them too compelling? The Fremen suffer from weird racial politics (a need to cast for diversity applied, we notice, most diligently to the desert-dwelling tribesmen, but coupled with the apparent desire to make them darker when you're meant to find them scary, which feels distinctly un-progressive) and the Corrinos from limited screen time. The Atreides in the first film felt most like a believable future society, while the glimpses we got at the Spacing Guild seemed intriguing, with their Daft Punk helmets, but were never followed through.
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dinosaurs with grandpa
#zeke tries not to intrude but if leto wants to hang out with grandpa styx won't come between that#of course her angel son can read dinosaur books with grandpa#her own feelings about him be darned#not that zeke can handle looking after a child too much himself#it's emotionally overwhelming#oc stuff#stuff in space
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10 Anti LO Asks
1. it is good to make complex characters but rachel literally spend YEARS drilling into her readers' heads hxp are the most perfect and good people ever who always do right and everyone else is wrong so her now trying (and failing) to make them now "complex" completely fails because her readers who have no critical media consumption skills are still just going to see them as right and get pissy when theres even a little bit of complexity there. Its too little, too late at this point.
2. 184, HXP talking to Helios like they just got caught in a scandal, kinda left on a cliff hanger
185, Helios is gone and Persephone is FINALLY admitting Hades likes her back even tho they’ve made out, shared a house, met the family, talked about her being queen, etc etc. 185 is everything we already knew.
3. i should also point out printing out a webcomic doesnt actually make it a "graphic novel" that can then be discussed in english classes. thats why we dont study the printed homestuck books either. it just means its printed. also actual english classes would more likely rip LO apart not just for its greek myth butchering, but its piss poor witting as well. I think OP thinks it would be praised, but there's a reason not even actual critics mention its writing quality, bc its just not there.
5. I think the reason why a lot of people like Minthe is because Hades and Minthe relationship was so Out of character for both parties
Hades is known to be sorta a dick, a king who has too much power, controls everything and takes no bs. So he meets Minthe, she doesn’t laugh at him when his brother makes a “joke” and then she charges at him for the hat, says he’s not the asshole but needs the hat back. He hires her and later blurs their relationship. He’s the one who wanted Minthe as a gf but hades never states why. We analyze he’s got a type, young woman going through some shit (examples Hera and Persephone)
Minthe. When we first meet her, she tells hades she doesn’t want to be seen with him, later we learn it’s cause he’s planning on proposing to her in public at a party when they both agreed their relationship is casual. She does try to reach out to hades the next day but he won’t pick up. Hades is doing something shady (hanging out with a 19 year old) so clearly she gets more pissed. (I know it’s stated they have an open relationship but still shouldn’t be too pick to hangout with a 19 year old after a mini fight)However we learn more about Minthe character. She doesn’t want to be queen because she’s insecure and doesn’t feel qualified, hades in laws (who he’s had an affair with) doesn’t like her and his brother doesn’t remember her name but knew he was gonna propose. However Minthe does make an effort to be better after everything is said and done, she breaks it off with Thanatos even though we assume hades doesn’t know about that (kinda big for a character to show who they are when only one person is watching or no one). Minthe actually tries to stop Thetis from a lot of drama with Zeus and Hera despite Hera hating Minthe. Minthe even stands up to Thetis even though she doesn’t have much to gain (she lost hades and Thetis after that fight)
Which is why I find it so out of character for Minthe to go in on the AOW because I figured she’d be like “I want nothing more to do with Persephone” but RS back tracked
I also found the slap to be a little Out of character for both parties. I don’t know why hades has any fear of Minthe when he control everything and ripped some kids eye out and I still can’t really find why Minthe would slap him even though I’ve read the scene a million times (but again it’s hard to understand abuse in the first place)
Which is why I find Minthe more likeable than the other villians because you can take out the slap and you still have Minthe’s character, she still has defining moments, while Apollo has only really the (redacted) and Leto is just a classic cartoon villain trying to marry her son off to the damsel in distress.
6. LO literally has spelling, grammar, and story issues all in the first three episodes, any half way decent english teacher would rip it to shreds just off that alone if a student of theirs tried to make them dissect it, and thats before itd get into how badly it "retells" mythology (for the record I think TSOA and PJO would also be ripped apart too under a literature critical lens, but both are miles ahead better stories and actually written properly as opposed to how egregiously subpar LO is).
7. Ok but there is a good argument to be made that modern english lit curriculums SHOUD be updated, but that's via more diverse writers such as BIPOC and queer writers (especially if they're female), and to update translated works like the greek myths to be from more contemporary translators like anne carson, not poorly written YA books by horny white women and webcomics that wouldnt even pass a basic intro to writing class. this is why we don't let 15 year olds run the world, sorry to say.
8. does hades even go to therapy like all hes done is insult his therapist and say its waste of money and the comic even implies hes "getting better" bc of persephone but then?? why have persephone go?? especially when she only went because she didnt want to feel "inadequate" to hera (holy shit fuck off rachel for that), to infodump stuff we never saw, cry, and then just?? drop the whole thing?? like she went to ONE session to meet a single quota and the dropped it. the whole thing is just so bad.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
9. FP spoilers, EP 188: I cannot tell you how tired I am of RS spending weeks upon weeks with filler, only to then drop a cliffhanger on the readers at the last second. This one in particular is just... so bad. It's a blatant attempt to inflate tension. You can just hear RS patting herself on the back behind the scenes, going 'ooh, who could the new mystery-character who just got dropped into the story with no foreshadowing or set-up whatsoever beee~?' Answer: I don't know, I don't care, can we please just wrap up this goddamn trial already? It's been literal fucking MONTHS??? RS is just doing everything in her power to stall plot-points in favor of meaningless fluff.
10. Do you think RS is actually reading what antis write here? In one chapter she suddenly added a new normal looking court, Perse has a dream (really weird one considering her situation), we have a cute scene between mother and daughter out of nowhere, plot moves etc. Suddenly we are getting everything we complain about here the most. Still looks like half-assed attempt to fix everything that went bad through years in one go tho.
From OP: Probably not. She does talk to her editor and her peers for their thoughts so their thoughts could potentially align with ours. Either that or RS decided to make this new things happen on her own.
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Artemis Rising
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/969516b166fe57ac1c24c479439e5cca/66b3c4ed779b9dac-5a/s540x810/1ae2f41c2f5ed0ad6edcdf9e659aba109381d7e2.jpg)
The story of a Goddess and a Demi God, star crossed lovers whose story was lost to the complexity of history. The truth is they were wronged. All because of the jealousy of a brother. Can they escape their fate in a modern age? Can reincarnation allow her to finally reunite with the ones who loved her?
genre: angst ; reincarnation/Greek mythology au ; werewolf au
pairing: Yoongi x reader; ot7 x reader ; ft: Ateez
warnings: abusive relationship, physical abuse towards reader, vengeful ot7, inaccurate description of Ateez as aggressive (they’re sweet babies I swear! But Eomma needed a bad guy), fighting, character death, of age drinking (more to be added mayhaps?)
Word count: 3197
Chapter 2
Above the moon waned, it’s glorious light barely casting a glow upon the stilled seas that would normally grace sweet Gaia’s shores.
“My child, why do you weep so?” Leto stepped from the shadows. The soothing calm that normally encased the Titan Goddess of motherhood was gone, replaced with a sense of distress and panic at the sight of her precious daughter weeping upon a piece of sea swept driftwood.
“Mother…” Artemis sobbed, reaching out to the tall figure and crumpling into her lap.
“Artemis, my darling. Speak to me. Who is the cause of your tears?”
It took the moon goddess a while to answer, so wrapped up in her grief that her entire body trembled and the moon shed a little more of its light, now barely a sliver in the sky.
“It’s O...Orion. He’s...he’s gone mother. By mine own hand…”
Leto gasped, pulling away to stare down at Artemis with wide eyes.
“The young hunter boy? The one who’d caught your eye and joined you in your hunts?”
“The very same. Oh mother what do I do?”
The night wore on as the goddess of the moon wept, seeking comfort in the arms of Leto who could only stroke her back in comfort and attempt to soothe her broken soul.
The sun began to rise, it’s golden glow muted and pale as Apollo approached.
“Son. Is this your doing?” A hint of anger leached into the benevolent Titan’s voice as she gave her only son a heated stare.
“You knew it was him!” Artemis stood, short sword in hand as she rounded on her once beloved brother. “You knew and you challenged me anyway! All of this born of your stupid misplaced jealousy!”
“Sister, please I just…”
Artemis cut him off, lunging forward with all of the intent of driving the golden steel of the Gods through his chest.
“Artemis no!!”
Panic gripped me as I lunged forward, arm outstretched as if attempting to reach...something.
I shook my head in bewilderment, hoping the motion would wake me up enough to remember the dream that had left me with tear stained cheeks and a pillow soaked in my own grief. As with every other dream of mine though, it’d faded too fast. A wisp of a thing fading away in the morning light.
I sighed, finally allowing my hand to fall to the coolness of the bedsheet. A glance beside me let me know that once again Hongjoong had woken long before me...that or he’d never come to bed as the sheets beside me were as cold and empty as always.
I sighed again, letting the loneliness of the early morning caress my cheeks and dry the tears left over from the formless nightmare. Eventually I was able to get myself motivated enough to get up and start the day. It was honestly a perk working from home that I didn’t have a specific time to get up. But I preferred working on my writing early on in the day so that I could have the evenings to myself to relax and do whatever needed to be done before Hongjoong got home.
After a quick shower and change of clothes I made my way down to the kitchen in the hopes of having a quiet breakfast.
I couldn't help the squeak that left my lips when Yeosang's strong, deep voice echoed through the vast expanse of the kitchen. Eyes wide I stared at his broad back, confused as to how he even knew I was standing in the doorway. Standing at the stove was Seonghwa, cooking away in a world of his own.
At Yeosang’s acknowledgement of my presence Seonghwa glanced over to me. I couldn’t help but wither under his intense stare. A frown formed between his eyebrows as he took in the bruise on my left cheek that I’d failed to cover up with several layers of concealer along with the way I shrunk away from their combined stares.
Neither of them commented though and it came as a relief that they turned back to their respective tasks after a moment more of silence.
“There’s omelet rolls on the way. Meat’s cooked and on the table.” Seonghwa’s words weren’t spoken to anyone but I knew they were aimed at me. Whispering out a quick thank you I scurried over to the dining table, head down and eyes pinned to the small pile of bacon sitting before me.
The rest of the meal was delivered quickly, the imposing men’s silence deafening as usual as they seemed to tiptoe around me. I’d come to expect and accept it at this point as it seemed that each of my bodyguards was absolutely terrified of reaching out to me in any way.
I could have used the comfort. Used some sort of touch or a soothing word to get through the monotony of my days. But I suppose that’s what Yoongi was for…
So I turned to him. Once dishes were done and put away I began texting him, checking in on his day, asking the usual best friend questions and hanging on to every time the phone would vibrate while I worked in the relative quiet of my little writing corner. Before I’d even realized it, the day had moved on without me.
I glanced up out of the window, startling myself at the abrupt darkness that had swallowed the day and cast the world into the deepest recesses of twilight. Somehow I’d missed lunch and dinner, and the hunger gnawed at my stomach in a way that made me nervous just thinking about it.
Hongjoong would be home by now, and the mere thought of facing him after last night set me on edge.
“Have you been holed up in here all day?”
I couldn’t help the squeak of fear that escaped me. Whipping around I stared wide eyed at Hongjoong who’d somehow walked into my office without me hearing and was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hongjoong...I...I didn’t hear you come in…” I pressed my hand against my chest, struggling to still the rapid beating of my heart.
He smirked, dropping his arms and pushing away from the doorframe. His movements were so smooth, so calculated. My gaze swept his figure as he stalked towards me like a predator, noting he was still in his business suit and tie though the latter was untied and hung loosely from his neck.
“Good. You weren’t supposed to.”
I shrunk down in my chair as he towered over me, shadows cast on his face making it hard to gauge his mood or what he could possibly want with me.
“Your meeting. It went well I hope?” No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shove the slight quiver in my voice down and I hated myself for it. Hated that his presence alone struck such a level of fear in me even without him having done anything.
“Hmm…” His noncommittal hum echoed through the room and some part of me screamed in disgust at the way my body sagged with relief when he turned away from me and moved back to the bedroom door.
“I met with a few social acquaintances of mine.” Ever so slowly he closed the door, as if shutting the world out of our conversation. It wasn’t really necessary, no one here would ever dare walk in on him without announcing themselves first.
“Oh?” My tongue darted out to wet my lips and his eyes followed the motion almost hungrily. I couldn’t help but suppress the shudder of fear that raced through my bloodstream.
“You’re...acquaintances with that popular boy band...yes?” I couldn’t quite tell what he was after. His tone of voice was flat, almost as if he was already bored with the conversation even though he’d been the one to initiate it.
I turned in my computer chair to face him fully, watching as he leaned heavily on the closed door and folded his arms over his chest.
“I’m friends with them, yeah. Is...there…”
The sly grin that flashed across his face set every alarm bell ringing in my head. He was planning something, and the implications could honestly mean anything but none of it was anything good.
“I want you to invite them to the party tomorrow night. Make sure they come, no exceptions.”
I blinked, head tilting to the side as I followed his every move. He pushed away from the wall, stalking over to me slowly. It took everything in me to sit still instead of retreating back into myself as the predatory threat loomed over me in the form of Hongjoong’s imposing figure.
I stared at his chest for a moment as he pressed his hands on either side of me on the desk, effectively caging me in. When I’d finally found the nerve to look him in the eyes the fire there had me instantly shrinking in on myself.
“I want them there, no exceptions. No excuses.”
“Y...yes, okay Hongjoong…”
He continued staring at me for a long moment, face morphing into various emotions from distaste to mistrust and finally settling on neutral disgust. Grabbing my chin he pulled me close, sealing his lips against mine in some form of possessive dominance that had me melting in to him despite every cell of my being wanting to pull away and protect myself from him.
“That’s my good girl.” Patting my cheek he turned and marched off, leaving me confused and irritated with myself for the display of weakness.
“Hyung, remind me why we agreed to this again?” Jungkook coughed, slim fingers curled into the collar of his tie as he struggled to breathe around it.
“Because y/n asked us to, that’s why.” Seokjin growled, grabbing the young boy by the arm and twirling him just enough to reposition the tie accordingly and allow Jungkook to breathe.
“Well, I mean besides that…'' Jungkook blushed, eyes darting through the entryway and into the rest of the massive mansion. It’d taken everything Yoongi had to convince them to take their one day off to support their best friend. They’d been all for it up until he mentioned it’d been to support Kim Hongjoong’s ‘important announcement’. At that point they’d just about all gotten up and walked away until he mentioned she’d begged him specifically.
“Well here’s to hoping the food is at least good…” Taehyung muttered as he shoved his way into the entry hall and tossed his overly long coat at the poor overloaded coat rack in the corner.
“I swear if that fucker tries to make trouble for her tonight I’m going to tear his throat out.” Hoseok growled, eyes narrowed to slits as he’d just spotted the man in question.
Hongjoong strutted across the hall, disappearing through the large glass doors that led out to the lanai and the massive back yard where the main portion of the party was held.
“We’ll do no such thing.” Namjoon said. He placed a calming hand on Hoseok’s shoulder, giving the younger men each a piercing look that set them back to their relaxed state of alert once more.
“At least not until she’s ready to let him go and come home with us.” Yoongi huffed. He nodded for the lanai. “Let’s get out there, our girl needs us.”
The group complied, putting on their idol faces and smiling and waving to the small crowd that gathered as soon as they stepped out into the fairy light lit backyard. Finding her wasn’t hard. She flitted to and fro, handling one disaster or another while keeping a small smile plastered on her face as she played hostess to the hundreds of guests that’d been invited to witness whatever it was Hongjoong had planned to announce.
There even appeared to be several high ranking members of the press hanging around. Most hovering over the buffet style food tables while others interviewed various members of the staff along with guests in the hopes of getting an exclusive on what this party could be about.
“Vultures…” Yoongi muttered as he nursed the cup of punch he’d been handed by some faceless waiter.
“Aye, but they have their use. Keeps the eye on Hongjoong and off of me.” The soft voice that whispered beside him had him instantly grinning.
“Well hi there gorgeous.” He turned to her, eyes darting over her form to take in the sultry green dress she’d donned. The silken material hugged her in places that had him salivating, luckily though he was able to school his features quickly before she or anyone else could notice the hungry look he’d barely been able to control.
“Oh hush Yoongs. You know this is my least favorite dress.” She blushed, turning away from him to subtly fan the heat rising in her cheeks.
“Yeah, that may be. But anyone would be a fool not to appreciate what you’re flaunting.” He snickered half heartedly, hoping she’d take it as a joke and not as the truth he so desperately wanted to scream at her no matter who happened to be watching.
“Thank you for coming, Yoongi…” She whispered, eyes darting over to the grand stage Hongjoong had insisted be set up in the center of the garden.
“Anything for you little moon.” His words went unheard though as Hongjoong chose that moment to clear his throat into the microphone and interrupt any conversation that may have been taking place.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! I’d like to have your attention for a moment if you don’t mind!”
“As you are all aware, my family has been a leading edge to our beautiful city for many a generation. My father swore to uphold the law to the best of his ability, and when he passed several years ago it left a void in so many people’s hearts. His father before him served as well, standing with his fellow citizens to fight against oppression and the government corruption that’d been keeping us all down up until his final breath.” Hongjoong bowed his head as the crowd applauded, cheering his forefathers and shouting various praises as to Hongjoong’s own accomplishments.
He held up a hand, shooting them all a winning smile as they quieted down to allow him to continue.
“Pompous prick…” Yoongi muttered, taking a sip of his punch to hide the movement of his lips.
“Tonight we are gathered here, not only in celebration, but in unity. To come together not as reporters and millionaires and chefs and idols. But as fellow citizens brought together by a single cause, to make this city great again! To make our neighborhoods safer and our children safer. To bring us all together under one unified cause so that we can make Seoul great again!”
The crowd roared to life, cheering Hongjoong’s name and surging forward to crowd the stage as he smiled upon them on like so many obedient children.
“And so!” He spoke over the cheers, somehow making himself heard despite the noise. “I’m officially announcing myself as being in the running for mayor. Rejoice! For change is here!”
The woman beside Yoongi squeaked, her face deathly pale as she seemed to be on the verge of either throwing up or passing out. Yoongi knew that look, knew the impending panic attack that came along with it and began ushering her towards the relative safety of the house.
“Yoongi I…”
“Hush little moon, let’s get you inside and away from this crowd.” His fingers curled around her arm and she seemed to want to lean into the touch, but just before they could reach the door she stopped and turned to him with a wide eyed stare.
“I...I was supposed to make sure we had more sauce for the shrimp cocktail… I...I can’t go in just yet…”
A throat cleared behind them and Yoongi instantly dropped his hand, turning to address the newly announced politician.
“Hongjoong..” Yoongi nodded, barely a jerk of his head in confirmation of the man’s presence really but it was just visible enough as to not seem disrespectful of the man’s status.
“Ah! The famous Min Yoongi!” The politician grinned, pulling his woman close and gripping her hip tightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard many good things about you from my precious fiancé.”
Yoongi grunted in response. His fingers curled into fists at his sides, claws growing and sharpening in response to his growing rage. At the first pinch of pain as they broke the skin he released his fists, forcing his fingers to hang limply at his side.
“Y/n, have you dealt with the catering issues my dear?”Hongjoong turned to her, eyes piercing into her own. It was him dismissing her from the conversation.
She glanced over to Yoongi, eyes filled with apology as she bowed low to the both of them, nearly bent in half as she excused herself from the conversation.
Hongjoong watched her leave, his stare predatory in nature as he watched her disappear into the crowd.
“I heard you’re running for mayor.” Yoongi spoke quietly, knowing the puffed up man would be able to hear him over the noise of the crowd of partygoers.
“Ah, you have?” Hongjoong turned back to Yoongi, that predatory glare still filling his eyes with an insanity that only those born to create chaos and destroy others could possess. “It’s a lofty goal I know. But I feel the need to change things comes with power. And this world could really use a little bit of change don’t you think?”
Yoongi knew he didn’t mean positive change of any kind. This man was far too prone to violence to mean anything more than chaos and destruction.
“How does y/n feel about all this?” Yoongi casually took a sip of his drink. He angled his body away from Hongjoong slightly, eyes darting around the garden. He spotted Jimin and Namjoon heading towards y/n and a small part of him relaxed greatly.
“Y/n? Now why would her opinion matter in the slightest?”
At that Yoongi returned the entirety of his attention to the mad man. “Why...she’s going to be your wife soon. Doesn’t the idea that she’s being thrust into the limelight bother her?”
Hongjoong shrugged, lifting his glass to take a sip of champagne. “Honestly no. She knew my goals before she said yes. If she has anything negative to say about it she’ll tell me and we can address it accordingly.”
The pure menace in his tone let Yoongi know the discussion wouldn’t be very long and would almost surely end up with her gaining a new bruise or two, if not a trip to the hospital.
“For her sake Hongjoong...I really do hope you have her best interests at heart…” Yoongi turned to the man, his drink long forgotten as he fixed the man with a fierce glare.
“Because if anything else happens to her and I find you...you’ll wish you’d stayed in whatever gutter hole you crawled out of to get here.”
#bts x reader#bts soulmate au#bts werewolf au#bts greek god au#bts mythology au#bts angst#ateez angst#ateez greek god au#bts min yoongi x reader
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The newest chapter of LO got me like:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e053e90befb4955491f38938f0e79fed/25105bbb72962d24-00/s540x810/bc1d530c803d60c8800196d38a1aeb73a2a7dcc5.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6c398cd4f9b74a98604ebda03075cb45/25105bbb72962d24-39/s540x810/a15479c5f1e7552496aaf267e3a179b8796ab75b.jpg)
thoughts below
I’m sorry guys I really am but this chapter really did make me say “Fuck off” out loud with where this plot is going because apparently Persephone is so powerful that she can AWAKEN KRONOS and I’m just-
I’m sorry but is this plot line something we REALLY need to add on right now? I mean we’ve BARELY even had a chance to confront Apollo about the fact that he RAPED Persephone! I mean just think about all the other plots we haven’t gotten around to?!
Artemis STILL has no idea about what her bother did (cause people keep leaving her in the dark about it)
Apparently Apollo wants to force Persephone into a marriage so he can over throw Zeus??
Leto hops into the picture and see that she’s manipulating her son and probably has some bad blood with Hera
Demeter is a wanted criminal and still has no idea where her daughter is and has no idea shes been hanging round/being taken care of by an older man
DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH OF A CLUSTER FUCK THIS IS GETTING?! and now we’re gonna throw in the fact that Persephone ( by ACCIDENT because nothing is ever her fault) has awaken the old gods are or some shit and they’ve gotten a taste of her Fertility Goddess essences and now they might be coming back for more guys I can’t
Also someone is gonna have to tell me how fucking OP a Fertility Goddess is like WHAT DO THEIR POWERS EVEN DO?! Cause what I’m getting from the comics that if you’re a Fertility Goddess you are a God among Gods I hate to say this but Persephone has reached MarySue levels I haven’t seen in a long time AND YOU GUYS KNOW ME!! I AM A PROUD MARYSUE SELF INSERT SLUT but the writing in this is KILLING ME right now!
#this is just rambling#so it might not be written well#but#GOOD GOD#I need to get my feelings out#Anti LO#anti lore olympus#lore olympus critical#LO critical
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Zeus – The King of Gods and Mortals
Zeus, the king of the gods and mortals, is the most powerful god in Greek mythology. As the god of thunder and sky, he resides on the peak of Mount Olympus from where he sent storms, winds, and rain to Earth. With his wisdom, experience, and strength, Zeus surpasses all gods; with a single thunderbolt, he could throw each of them into the dark Tartarus. Therefore, they didn’t dare to defy him.
His name stems from Indo-European words dey meaning to shine or light, and dyews, which can be translated as the bright sky. In Roman mythology, his equivalent was Jupiter. Here’s a look at one of the most prominent figures of Greek mythology, Zeus.
The History of Zeus
Zeus was the youngest son of the king of the Titans, Cronus, and his wife, Rhea. It had been prophesied that one of Cronus’ sons would take his throne, and in an attempt to thwart that, Cronus swallowed all the children that Rhea gave birth to.
Cronus Swallows His Children
Before the youngest child’s birth, Rhea turned to Uranus and Gaia for advice on how to save him.
Zeus is Hidden from Cronus
According to their instructions, she went to Crete, and as soon as she gave birth to Zeus, she hid him in a cave. The next day, Rhea wrapped a large stone in swaddling clothes, and then handed it to Cronus, who, convinced that he was receiving his son, immediately swallowed it.
In Crete, Zeus was raised by the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida. They kept the baby in a golden cradle and fed him honey and milk from Amalthea, the divine goat. They would hang the cradle on a tree so that Cronus couldn’t find his son on land, sky, or sea. The five-armed Cretan warriors, called Curetes, guarded the cradle and masked the child’s cries with the sound of their weapons.
Later, when he became the lord of the world, Zeus repaid his foster parents: he turned Adrasteia, Ida, and Amalthea into stars. He gave the bees the color of gold and resistance to the harsh mountain climate.
Zeus Overthrows Cronus
When Zeus grew and became stronger, he decided to save his brothers and sisters. Metis, an Oceanid and one of three thousand daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, gave Cronus a potion forcing him to vomit the stone first, and then his children – Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades.
Together with his brothers and sisters, Zeus attacked Cronus and the Titans, and the battle, known as the Titanomachy, lasted for ten days. After they defeated Cronus, Zeus divided the rule of the world with his brothers, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus became the ruler of the sky and heavens, Poseidon ruled over the seas, and Hades became the god of the underworld. The Titans were cast into Tartarus, an underworld region, while Atlas, a Titan who had fought against Zeus, was punished by being forced to hold up the sky.
Zeus is Challenged
Zeus’ early rule was challenged by his grandmother, Gaia, who felt that he had treated her children, the Titans, with injustice. Together with the Gigantes, Gaia challenged the Olympians, but they were able to put down the Gigantomachy and continued their rule.
Another myth describes how the gods Hera, Poseidon and Apollo, who were quickly joined by all the other Olympians except Hestia. With the help of Hypnos, god of sleep, the Olympian gods stole Zeus’ thunderbolt and tied him up. Zeus was helped by Thetis and once free, severely punished Hera, Poseidon and Apollo as well as the other gods. They never challenged him again.
Zeus as a Ruler
Zeus’ home was located on the highest Greek mountain, Olympus. From its summit, Zeus could see everything. He observed and governed everything and everybody, punishing the evil and rewarding the good. He delivered justice and was considered the protector of homes, cities, properties, and guests.
Zeus is described by Hesiod as a god who laughed out loud and who was carefree. But at the same time, he was capricious and could be destructive, especially if crossed.
Zeus and the Conflict with Humans
From Mount Olympus, Zeus was disgusted at the sight of decadence and the human sacrifice taking place on earth. He flooded the earth to purify it off humans, with only Deucalion and Pyrrha surviving the flood. This myth has parallels to the story of Noah and the Ark from the Christian Bible.
The Wives and Children of Zeus
Zeus had seven immortal wives – including Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Demeter, Leto, Mnemosyne and Hera. Of these, Hera is his main wife, although Metis is his first.
Zeus and Metis: There was a prophecy stating that Metis would bear strong and powerful children who would overthrow their father. When Metis was pregnant with Zeus children, Zeus feared the fulfilment of the prophecy and so he tricked Metis and mad her turn herself into a fly. He then swallowed her, much like his father had swallowed Zeus’ siblings. Metis had already conceived a child and began creating a robe and helmet for her daughter. This caused Zeus pain and, in the end, Zeus’ asked Hephaestus to either cleave his head or to strike it with a hammer to release the pain. Athena then leaped out of Zeus’ head, fully grown and dressed in armor. Regardless of the prophecy, Athena was Zeus’ favorite child.
Zeus and Hera: Zeus married his sister Hera, but he wasn’t an exemplary husband. Due to his numerous affairs, with both immortal and mortal women, he often clashed with Hera. She was constantly jealous and hated his illegitimate children, like Heracles and Dionysus, often making life miserable for them.
Zeus’ Children: Zeus had several children. With his wife Hera he had three children, Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia; with the Titaness Leto, he had twins Artemis and Apollo; with the goddess Demeter he had his daughter Persephone, and so on and so forth. Zeus also sired one child without a woman – the goddess Athena, who is said to have leapt out of his head.
Zeus’ Disguises and Seduction
The manner in which he wooed these women is sometimes reprehensible. He would frequently resort to rape, deceit and disguises in order to sleep with them. Several stories exist of his tricks used to deceive a love interest.
Zeus pretended to be an injured bird and flew into Hera’s room, before he coupled with her, preying on her compassion and love for animals.
He seduced the mortal princess Danae in the form of a golden shower, which led to her giving birth to Perseus.
Zeus appeared in the form of a goose to Nemesis and seduced her in this manner.
He transformed himself into his daughter Artemis, goddess of the hunt, to lure Callisto into a sense of security before he raped her.
He abducted Ganymede, a handsome mortal, disguised as an eagle and takes him to Olympus where he remains as cup-bearer to the gods.
To seduce Europa, Zeus took the form of a bull. To prove she wasn’t afraid of him, Europa sat on his back, and he took her to Crete. There, Zeus exposed his true self, and they made love.
The Symbolism and Portrayal of Zeus
As the king and the ruler of all the Greek gods and men, Zeus was often portrayed in art with specific symbols and aspects describing his purpose and personality.
Powerful patriarch – Some early paintings of Zeus depict him throwing flashes of lightning, establishing him as superior deity and warrior. In this context, he’s seen as a symbol of power, authority, and dominance.
King of gods and mortals – In the classical period, Zeus is often depicted sitting on the throne and holding the scepter, with the winged goddess Nike by his side, symbolizing his duty as patriarch and king of all gods.
Justice and authority – Unlike other Greek deities, he was often portrayed as a mature and dignified man with a beard and great stamina, denoting his status as an experienced ruler greater than others. He usually holds a staff in one hand and a stylized thunderbolt in the other, both seen as symbols ofpower, control, and justice.
Wisdom – At times, he’s depicted wearing a crown made of oak leaves. The oak was considered to be his holy tree representing wisdom, morale, resistance, and strength.
Symbols of Zeus
Besides the oak tree, Zeus was often associated with various symbols that were considered sacred to him. These included:
The Thunderbolt – The thunderbolt was Zeus’ great weapon, fashioned for him by the Cyclopes. This represented his power and authority over mortals and gods.
The Eagle – Zeus held the eagle as a particularly sacred bird and was often depicted riding it or having it next to him. With its excellent vision, the eagle represented Zeus’ ability to see everything. They are solar animals commonly related to sunlight. Therefore, they are the symbols of courage and royalty, as well as pride, victory, and longevity.
The wolf – This powerful animal is both feared and respected. As the king of heavens and the master of weather, Zeus was often associated with a wolf, representing a battle, awareness, bravery, and protection. Besides many titles, the king of all gods was also referred to as oath-keeper, savior, protector, guest-patron, punisher, and peacemaker.
The bull – Another sacred animal to Zeus was the bull. In this context, the bull is the symbol of virility, confidence, stamina, and fertility.
Lessons from Zeus’ Stories
Aside from being powerful and strong, the omnipotent ruler, Zeus, was far from perfect. However, there are some lessons we can learn from Zeus’ stories:
The inevitability of fate – This is a recurring topic in Greek legends and myths. We could interpret Zeus as being both the victim and the emissary of fate. The ruler of all gods was destined to take his father’s throne. His father, Cronus, himself became the ruler of the world by dethroning his own father. The legend goes on to say that Zeus is prophesied to be taken down by his own child, who is yet to be born.
Infidelity – Although today, we wouldn’t consider Zeus’ behavior and his unpredictably lascivious character to be exemplary, we could still draw some conclusions from his actions and infidelity. For ancient Greeks, his actions were right and justified. If the all-mighty god, such as Zeus, couldn’t control his urges and resist women’s beauty, then common mortal men had no reason to. Some would argue that mythology, especially when it comes to Greek gods, was made up not to teach us a moral lesson, but to justify people’s actions.
Love – In a more positive light, we could interpret Zeus’ saving his brothers and sisters from their father as an act of love and kindness. It shows that sometimes it’s necessary to treat someone unfairly and unjustly for your loved ones’ safety.
Zeus Facts
1- Who were Zeus’ parents?
Zeus’ parents were Rhea and Cronus.
2- Where did Zeus live?
Zeus lived on Mount Olympus with the other Olympian gods.
3- Who were Zeus’ siblings?
Zeus had six siblings – Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Chiron.
4- How many consorts did Zeus have?
Zeus had several wives and numerous affairs; however, Hera remains his leading wife.
5- How many children did Zeus have?
Zeus had numerous children, including Artemis, Ares, Athena, Hebe, Hephaestus, Persephone, Perseus, the Graces, the Muses, the Moirai, Helen, Heracles, Ares and so on.
6- Who is Zeus’ Roman equivalent?
Zeus Roman equivalent is Jupiter.
7- What was Zeus the god over?
Zeus was the king of the gods, god of the sky, lightning, thunder, justice, order and law.
8- What are Zeus’ symbols?
Zeus symbols include the thunderbolt, oak, bull, eagle and swan.
To Wrap It Up
As the god of the sky and the ruler of the world, Zeus has a central role in Greek mythology representing the father, ruler, and protector of all mortals and gods. However, his conflicting personality might be confusing – his anger and fury are covered by the certain heroic endeavors, such as saving his siblings from their father’s wrath.
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Celebrity/Character Crush Tag game!!
• tag; post below ten characters, musicians, or celebrities you are attracted to/love and have people assume your type.
Tagged by the Marvelous @ellelaconiwrites 😘 love ya hun!! And yes Michelle Yeoh is AMAZING. Be warned, this list comes in no particular order...so please don’t make me choose
1. Tom Hiddleston (he’s fun, cultured, smart, talented, has a great sense of humor and is good looking; not to mention that he has a boyish charm. If you think he’s a goody goody, you haven’t seen him nasty😏....plus he has a dog named Bobby 🐶)
2. Adam Driver (OF COURSE he’s on my list...I’m not an idiot.. What can I say, he’s a tall and handsome/cute drink of water, he’s also funny and goofy, but thoughtful, talented, hard working, and smart. Not to mention that he has a doggie named Moose 🐕. Of course I Stan! )
3. Cody Fern (While I’m not usually a fan of blonde men, Cody is hmm. This beautiful Aussi falls under my list of men that play with gender. There’s nothing sexier than a man that’s confident enough to play with gender. 🤤 AND!! He’s a great dresser and when he wears make up, ufff. He can be sweet, snarky and Daddy all in one. Plus he’s never boring and is talented, thoughtful.)
4. Adam Sackler & Phillip Altman (They’re both mischievous little boys trapped in men’s bodies. They’re both endearing and obnoxious, but very sweet and emotional. I also like that Adam likes to the role of a caregiver, he likes to feel needed and responsable for someone, and that makes him a good potential to be a father.)
5. Alexander Vlahos (Actor, writer, director, and cat lover. He does it all. Alex is super funny, goofy, smart, witty, handsome and beautiful. He looks good in drag or just hanging out. We have to Stan.)
6. Alexander Ludwig (He’s a gorgeous Canadian Maple, and I can’t help but make heart eyes at him.)
7. Clyde Logan (They grow them big at West Virginia! I just wanna lie on the couch with him and read a book or cook dinner. Like with Paterson -another military vet- Clyde makes you appreciate the simple life.)
8. Toby Regbo (Actor, activist and amateur drag queen. We Stan Stella Lagoon, but I like Toby more ;). He’s so intelligent and thoughtful, he reads a lot of philosophy books and also donates his time doing charity. Plus those eyes are entrancing and I just wanna have a laugh with him while staring at them all night.)
9. Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, D.O., AKA Dr. Mike. (He has to be on this list. He’s a Russian doctor, he’s handsome AF, funny, goofy and is a doggy daddy to Roxy and Bear. He also has a YouTube channel and honestly his best moments are when he’s not perfect.)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab2f265598b492e8cb759fd534102c04/c8bc88e6c6cc0227-44/s540x810/5938e25b67179d14e678e9f6bd9e5db8a5d0e39e.jpg)
10. Jake Gyllenhaal (this is a long time coming. I don’t know if it’s his face, his eyes, his smile or his laugh, but 😍.)
Honorable mentions
Toby Grisoni (He’s a bit of a cynical asshole, but he’s a sexy AF cynical asshole. He needs someone to whip him into shape and show him a bit of humility)
Alexander Dreymon (I have no words for this beautiful German man.)
Paul Rudd (he’s been a crush of mine since the 90’s and I still adore him)
Chris Evans (That’s America’s ass ;)
Jared Leto (He’s a bit of a fuckboi but he’s an immortal one. Plus he’s fun and really smart. He contemplates things a lot and is a nature lover, he has fun with his appearance and is very creative. Plus he’s hung...I mean, there’s a reason they call it Satan...plus he’s into some sado masochist stuff. I’d try it.)
Darren Criss (I cant put my finger on it.)
Michael Langdon (He’s the son of Satan and he’s kinda sexy. He’s not always sure, and he had some help along the way, but when he finally came into his own...daaaamn.)
Nico Tortorella (I just a sucker for them. Nico is just 🤤 but they’re fun and has an adventurous soul. I am so team Josh in younger. To be clear they’re non binary.
Kylo Ren ( Complex character...need I say more. Kylo is a scholar of the force turned commander, turned Supreme Leader. He’s not evil, but also not all good -like any real person. I didn’t see enough of him to get a good grip of his personality, but that’s where we can fill the blanks -cause I can guarantee it’ll be better than whatever Disney would’ve come up with.)
Zuko (Bad guy turned good in the best way possible. Story/character wise: he’s what Kylo isn’t; a well redeemed antagonist. He fails, gets frustrated, tries to be funny but tends to be moody and humorless. But he has a soft cookie dough core underneath it all.)
James ‘Pale’ from Burn This (Jersey boy be Jersey. He’s tall, a hard worker an artist and has a motormouth. Yeah he’s obnoxious, is traumatized by his brothers death and has a cocaine habit, not to mention that he’s in a failed marriage and has issues expressing emotion, but god damn it if you can’t see the emotional vulnerability underneath.
Charlie Barber (I low key love his controlling energy. He’s probably a sub, if I’m honest. But he needs an assertive woman, the man is a controlling narcissist, so his partner can’t take his shit, has to bring him down a peg once in a while and support him, but also demand that he support them.
Sam Geggie: (Sam is a total creative power house as Gigi Goode. They’re funny and witty. I’ll be bad for them if they want. 😏. ❤️ In case you’re wondering Sam is gender fluid.)
L (So he’s basically a law breaking Sherlock Holmes. He’s actually a very engaging and intriguing character. And to be real, there’s an ego thing to being recognized by someone with his intelligence and influence.)
Bill Skarsgard (He’s beautiful.)
Sung Kang (He’s just gorgeous, and his attitude kills me.)
John Hamm (He’s masculine and traditionally handsome...plus he’s hung.)
Alexander Skarsgard (He can be my Viking any day)
Vegeta (yes I’m a dragonball fan. He is arguably the most complex character in the franchise. He is a present father and a supportive and loyal-to-fault husband. Sure he had some growing pains, but I Stan.)
Andreja Pejić (I had a crush before she came out as trans and I still have a crush on her)
Gustav Skarsgard (I cant even. There’s something there.)
Clark Gable (I don’t need to say anything, he’s just so suave and debonair.)
Kento Yamazaki (I mean c’mon. He’s cute)
Did I cheat? Maybe.. ;) Do I have a type? I don’t know, if you thinks so then leave a comment to let me know.
Tagging some friends!! @kowalskibro-adamdriverblog @ktellmeastory @adumbdryer @callmehopeless @direnightshade @commanderbensolo @tsarinastorm @jyn-z-solo @ohiobluetip @oh-adam @thomasscresswell @mind-p0llution @klauscarolove
#about Selene#tag game!#celebrity tag crush game#adam driver#adam sackler#clyde logan#kylo ren#ben solo#tom hiddleston#alexander skarsgard#bill skarsgard#gustav skarsgard#vegeta#L#sung kang#cody fern#michael langdon#darren criss#phillip altman#alexander vlahos#alexander ludwig#alexander dreymon#toby regbo#dr mike#paul rudd#chris evans#jared leto#nico tortorella#zuko#pale burn this
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My Childhood Trauma PTSD as Triggered by the Following Movie Montage
That scene in American History X. You know the one. Or maybe it was Higher Learning, I always get those confused. That curb stomp scene always reminding me of the time I tripped and face-planted in the barn while corralling bull calves, to get castrated, my two front teeth chomping down on all that jagged concrete and manure, it adds a different flavor to the recurring nightmare I have, though in my case, usually nothing to do with race relations. I wonder if everybody else who watched that movie also missed the whole point of it. Except the Curb Stomp. Everybody remembers where they were when their stoner friend with big ideas about ending racism across the world made them watch the movie with the Curb Stomp.
Mel Gibson getting drawn and quartered in Braveheart. You may take our lives, but you will never take… our… FREE-DOM!
Mel Gibson ripping his shoulder out of its socket in Lethal Weapon.
Mel Gibson torturing the shit out of Jesus, then blaming the women and Jews for everything, including his drunk-driving and plummeting career options.
Fuck pretty much any Mel Gibson movie. Except maybe that one with him and James Gardner and Jody Foster and all their comedy hijinks. It’s the gambler one but not The Gambler. But now that I think about it, isn’t Jody Foster a big Mel Gibson apologist? So I guess fuck that movie too.
Any movie where somebody gets shot or stabbed or thumbed in the eyeball or has one or both of their eyeballs squeezed or ripped out, which always reminds me of that time I got elbowed right below my eye but also on the eyeball and it literally pushed in my eyeball a millimeter and I still get double vision to this day whenever I line up a shot playing pool or line up a screw to hang a photo on the wall or sometimes re-hang the toilet paper dispenser next to the toilet. I’d been playing pickup basketball and my buddy who was like four inches taller than me elbowed me on a rebound and like I say I went down and lay there on my back and then all the blood started pooling in my eye socket and I couldn’t see anything and my friend couldn’t see my eyeball and he kept hissing through his teeth grossed out by it but then telling me it would okay and the whole time lying there thinking I’m thinking about my eyeball I’m thinking of the scene in Any Given Sunday where the guy’s eyeball is just lying there on the football field. I’m thinking of that closeup all the way to the hospital when they unwrap the mummy gauze from around my head and the ER doctor breathes a sigh of relief after peeling off all the dried blood to reveal that I needed fifteen stitches and I’d broken my orbital bone, but I still had my eye.
Any movie where somebody’s sitting there reading a book before bed, watching TV, gossiping with girlfriends, when the camera pulls back only to zoom back in on the dark night window behind them—cue the string section.
If I had to choose one, I’m thinking of that one zombie movie, something 28 Days something but not the one about Sandra Bullock finding love with Viggo in rehab. It’s not even about the zombies. It’s about the dark night window, not to be confused with the Dark Knight window, sorry that was a shitty pun for no good reason whatsoever, but also maybe not completely random with the guy from 28 Days also having played the scarecrow in Batman Begins where he sprays people with a drug and makes them see their worst fears, which never really did it for me, at least not like the secluded house with the zombies lurking around. I grew up in a big old farmhouse out in the barrens of northern Wisconsin. Lots of windows, no shades. In so many ways I grew up in the dark. It wasn’t the zombies I worried about. It was the methheads. Which, sure, I guess if you’re getting technical about it, same thing, fine, you win, I’m scared of zombies.
The Zapruder film, but as replayed by Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone’s fever dream of a conspiracy theory. The magic bullet, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left. How it gets stuck in my head, JFK’s exploding head replaced with my brother’s exploding head, sometimes my own, except unlike my brother and JFK, my head’s still mostly intact. Back and to the left, back and to the left. Sometimes I think about that too with that one Seinfeld episode with Keith Hernandez and the magic loogie, but usually the loogie gets replaced with a bullet and Kramer’s head gets replaced with my brother, mine, back and to the left.
The sound of the gun shots in the final scene of that Tom Hanks movie where he plays himself again, a good guy, a family guy, a sly sense of humor, but this time a mob hitman with a strained relationship with his oldest son. The look on Tom Hanks’ face walking back to the house from the ocean—having survived it all, the hit that his old mob boss Paul Newman had put out on him for putting a hit on his old mob boss’s son as played by James Bond who also played Ted Hughes in that movie about Sylvia Plath killing herself. But this is past all that, it’s the happy ending. They’re on beach somewhere, white sand, somebody’s house that Tom Hanks and his kid are going to live in now. The silence before and after. Jude Law! It’s Jude Law’s face, his eye all fucked up, how did it happen, I don’t really remember the specifics but I remember the specifics. Bang, bang, bang. I think it might’ve had something to do with Jude Law being a photographer, like one of those where you pose with your kid or something or say you get promoted to head CEO or godfather of the family. Smile. Click, click, except in this case with a gun.
The gunshot at the end of American Beauty, pretty much the same thing, different movie. Chris Cooper confusing Kevin Spacey as gay but before Kevin Spacey actually came out as gay and a sexual predator. Not that the latter necessarily had anything to do with the former. Neither in the movie nor real life, well not really, but sorta. You get the point.
Jared Leto as Angel Face getting his face smashed in by Ed Norton as Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden’s split personality in Fight Club. Not so much Jared Leto, but the wet mushy sounds of it. That part on the audio commentary where Chuck Palahniuk and David Fincher defend the violence of the movie, Fincher pointing out that he was not glorifying violence, he was making it realistic. That’s what it sounds like to punch your opponent into the concrete, Fincher says and Palahniuk laughs and agrees. Don’t worry I’m not going to make any puns about the first rule of fight club.
That part of that one weird depressing Robin Williams’s movie where Robin Williams’s kids get killed in a car accident while backing out of the driveway on the way to school. The one where Robin Williams later on gets plowed over by a truck going the wrong way while Robin Williams is out trying to help another couple who’d been injured in a different car accident, but before all that his wife kills herself because she can’t take it and then Robin Williams goes to the suicide afterlife to save her. But then there’s fucking Cuba Gooding Jr. who—spoiler alert—turns out to be the ghost/angel of his dead son who then explains to Robin Williams that his wife/Cuba’s mother can’t be saved because she killed herself. It doesn’t matter that she had a pretty fucking good reason too, she’s still stuck face down floating around in that black swamp of bodies of everybody else’s killed themselves and nobody’s getting to heaven. That shit really messed me up—not the car accidents, but the afterlife for selfish losers like me who kill themselves. And/or my brother.
The bulging vein in Tom Cruise’s head from Magnolia. Respect the Cock and Tame the Pussy, Respect the Cock and Tame the Pussy. I think probably my therapist would have some thoughts about all this, and some questions. Questions and thoughts.
That one version of A Christmas Carol where the Ghost of Christmas Past undoes his robe to show off the alien children living under his robe.
I got the worst set of blue balls you could imagine while taking my best friend’s girlfriend to Baz Lurman’s remake of Romeo and Juliet. That Romeo and Juliet. I missed most of it, I kept having to go to the bathroom to masturbate in agony and to no avail. Leo and Claire Danes are hot and heavy on an acid trip, and every time my best friend’s girlfriend reaches for a handful of popcorn she makes sure to wipe the butter off on the inside of my upper thigh. This is what I get for being the good guy of falling on the grenade for my best friend, the grenade in this case being Shakespeare and my best friend’s hatred of literature.
Mark Wahlberg’s flaccid rotten dick in Boogie Nights.
The Secret of the Crying Game but not in a transphobic way. No, it’s the smallness of it what got me back when I watched it as a teenager. The tenderness. The growing tent in my pants at its sudden appearance on the screen. Maybe you don’t believe me but I was a naïve podunk kid from off the farm. I didn’t have cable. I didn’t have access to the internet. His/her (now their) secret opened up a lot of questions for me. I often dream of dressing up in drag and someone sucking my little bitty dick and if that makes me a little bit gay or maybe bi or what’s it called, body dysmorphic. I mean I guess it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s the new millennium, we’re all a bit sexually confused aren’t we?
This one porno my friends and I watched at somebody’s uncle’s cabin up in the U.P. for a three-on-three basketball tournament. The Snapping Pussy. The sound her vagina made, like somebody really dramatic at clicking their tongue and slurping a half-empty malt the same time. The scene of us boys all sitting there with our boners watching a porn and wanting to masturbate but not because we were all boys and we were afraid we’d be gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a little bit gay.
There was this made-for-TV movie, me six years old and home alone while my big brother, supposed who’d to’ve been baby-sitting me, the only time he ever babysat me that I can remember, maybe because his one time—that time—he didn’t actually babysit me. He went out to a party, while I watched the made-for-tv movie about some kid who’d watched his mother get murdered, and then goes mute, keeps drawing these pictures of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. The kid’s grandfather, one of those big hooks, like the one in I Know What You Did Last Summer, but this was long before that, though I’m not sure it was before the book. Did you know that there was a book I Know What You Did Last Summer? I mean this isn’t about the book or the movie, this is about that kid whose grandfather had molested his daughter for years and then as an adult gutted her with a fishhook and then how he’d then come back to finish the job with his mute grandkid, I don’t know how this movie ever got green-lighted (green-lit?) for TV, but then it’s weird to even think about those made-for-tv movies and if they actually existed or if I’m just making this whole thing up, but then my brother, we had a walk-in basement at the time, this being before I’d accidently burned that house down with two space heaters stolen from the barn, before my brother’d killed himself, he’d come back late, or probably it was only eight or nine, but I was young and alone out in the woods where we lived, and he’d come back through the basement, which was attached to the family room, where I’d been watching and then all of a sudden that kid on TV was being stocked by his granddad with a fish hook and the door to the basement was opening, and for god knows why I’d turned off all the lights to watch the scary movie by myself, and it turns out it was just my brother who’d go on to kill himself in like a year, maybe six months, and he was just playing a little prank on me, or maybe he’d just come through the basement for some reason, he was always hanging out down there and tinkering around with things, but in my mind, I can remember that exact look on his face, that smirk, even in the dark, the light from the television in a blacked-out room, a blacked out house, reflecting off those pop-bottle glasses of his, the shiny too-big-for-his-face silver frames. My mother always tells me I should try to remember the happy times I had with my brother, and honestly, I can’t, I can only remember that smirk, those glasses, the handle turning a moment before he appeared.
Any and all sequels where it turns out that the dead character didn’t actually die at all, or maybe it’s magic, or maybe there’s time travel.
Any happy ending ever.
Every ending in my worst nightmares involves everyone I’ve ever loved or hated, their faces turning to snake faces. Snakeheads, snake arms, snake butts. Snakes snakes snakes. They slip out of their clothes and come up from under my bed, slither under my covers. They bite me, they kiss me, poison me, they consume me whole and regurgitate my bones. That’s how they always end. Me dead and abandoned.
That scene in the first Indiana Jones with Indiana Jones and getting trapped in the cave with all the snakes. I hate snakes. All my worst nightmares turn to snakes. Fuck snakes. This all might have something to do with my undersized penis. If you want to go down that path. The Secret of My Crying Game.
Has Mel Gibson ever made a movie with snakes? I don’t know, you tell me, but fuck that movie if he did. Mel Gibson is snakey enough on his own.
BENJAMIN DREVLOW is the author of Bend With the Knees and Other Love Advice from My Father, which won the 2006 Many Voices Project, and the author of Ina-Baby: A Love Story in Reverse, which was released by Cowboy Jamboree Books in 2019. Buy his books here. He is currently at work on a novel, a novella, and a collection of story-poems. He serves as the Managing Editor of BULL Magazine (@BULL_magazine_) and is a lecturer at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia.
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Not me already thinking about a modern AU for my OWN BOOK
Anyway, modern AU where Medusa isn’t a Gorgon, sadly, but IS a renowned herpetologist and Athena is an overworked business woman who is trying to live up to unbeatable standards her family has placed on her and they both meet after Athena brought her younger siblings to the local zoo, which Medusa had been doing a show at, and was chosen from the audience to help hold a snake and Medusa became very endeared in her in the process so they start hanging out
Also Medusa has a baby girl (Teddi) and Leto is like the cool family mom friend who has her gay son, Apollo, and ace lesbian daughter, Artemis
#listen I just. ship them.#I call the ship name medusathena because it flows together so well#medusa’s child#medusa#athena#theodora#medusathena#greek myth#greek myth retellings#greek au#?????
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