#leta rosier
charmedcleric · 1 year
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boxdstars · 1 year
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a little sketch gift for @charmedslytherin of her mc, Leta!
it’s a bit messy my bad
she’s a wonderful underrated and under-appreciated artist here on hphl tumblr so please send her some love 🫶🏻
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zafarxtravers · 1 month
where: his place who: @fcrox (leta)
He was intrigued when he received her owl, always nice to be checked in by a friend, sending it back, inviting her over for a drink. Zafar was definitely one that did not do tea. He had the day off from work and this would give him a distraction.
Feeling the wards over his house flex, he sent his house elf to greet her, ushering her down to the study. He turned towards the door when both of them walked in. "Leta." A few strides at him in front of the blonde, giving her a hug. "It has been some time." They shared some time together at the wedding, but not private time like this. "What did you want to drink?
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alaraselwyn · 2 months
where: the garden kew, london who: @fcrox (Leta)
Alara had spotted Leta, one who would become her family, and it seemed only right to go over and speak with her. She knew of the other witch and how talented she was with clothes, considering Evan's attire was made by her. "You look lovely tonight, Leta." A smile on Alara's face and a drink in her hand.
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feliphilia · 2 years
Harry Potter characters nationality headcanons because I'm bored
(WARNING: slight spoilers for fantastic beasts and secrets of Dumbledore. If you haven't watched it yet. You've been warned)
Part-3 : 1920's era
Newt- Canadian and British
Theseus- Canadian and British
Leta- african and french
Tina- american
Queenie- american
Jacob- Russian and american (have you seen his surname? Definitely russian)
Credence/Aurelius- swiss and french
Nagini- Japanese and chinese
Vinda rosier- french
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valeria-flint · 10 hours
Starter for: @fcrox
Arriving at the wedding alone - another wedding - hadn’t been something that Val had preferred to do so. So when the offer came by Leta to visit the wedding together, she had said yes. It meant that she wasn’t going alone, but it also meant that she was able to get her reputation back on track just a little. Leta was one of the most important people right now with all of the weddings going on right now. “Thank you for inviting me to come with you.”
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alectocarrowx · 2 months
where: the garden kew, london who: @fcrox (Leta)
Alecto found herself over at the cake table once the bride and groom did their cutting and the rest was sliced up for those to help themselves. She would not admit that this was slice number three, which did not raise any red flags, considering she was not one that cared for sweets.
"Leta," she acknowledged the blonde at the table, Evan's sister, giving a small nod. "I heard you are to get a sister-in-law soon. How do you feel about it?"
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Grindelnewt WIP
Newt knew it was going to happen. It would only be a matter of time before someone slipped up. An acolyte being spotted too close to Newt; Grindelwald being spotted with Newt; or the magizoologist himself being caught doing something he shouldn’t.
Which is exactly what happened. (Rosier now owed him money).
After a much needed week of relaxation (minus a few hours spent tracking down a creature), Newt had been called into the Ministry to discuss his travel ban. It started off the same as all the other meetings where they tried to convince Newt to help them in order to reduce it while the red head adamantly refused.
After a bit of back and forth, it finally deferred.
“An anonymous wixen has informed us that you were in Sweden this past week.”
Newt frowned. “You know very well that I can’t leave the country. Who do you take me for?” He asked, looking at each person across the table up and down subtly. Including his brother, who was always in these meetings, silent.
“Don’t play stupid!” Matthews spat. He was a man Newt went to school with briefly who held a vendetta against him for no other reason than existing at the same time.
Newt looked at the table. “Well, that’s rude.”
“Mr. Scamander, were you in Sweden or not?”
“Can anyone else confirm that?”
Newt’s eyes flicked to his brother before the man speaking. “Auror Goldstein. She visited me Friday night on her way back to America.”
“Thank you, Mr. Scamander, we’re done here.”
Newt quickly left the room, almost making it down the entire hallway before being stopped. He turned around to find his brother with a concerned expression.
Theseus pulled his brother aside, standing in a small alcove along the hallway to make sure no one was eavesdropping. He proceeded to go on a bit of a rant. Exclaiming that Newt had ought to stop provoking the ministry if he ever wanted his travel ban to get lifted early or the rules laxed. Nor would he ever get a permit for a beast if his relationship with the ministry didn’t improve at least somewhat. He all but scolded Newt for not coming to any of the dinners he and Leta had hosted. Theseus looked away for a moment, claiming that he missed the company of his little brother, and the Leta would like to see her school friend more often.
There was a sadness in his eyes, but Newt didn’t think that it was from missing him. No, there was something else going on in his brother’s life.
He didn’t get to think much of it in that moment as Theseus barrelled on, going back to the ministry. He briefly mentioned some of their upcoming plans, hinting to Newt that he should get involved to gain good graces. With hushed tones he said something about a high security transfer between them and America.
Ungraciously, Theseus fumbled into his brother’s personal space, arms out in an attempted hug. But Newt stepped back, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving (which looked like falling) closer.
With a heavy sigh, Theseus warned Newt to be extra careful. Just in case.
“I’ll be fine, ‘Seus.” Newt said, backing into the hallway. He had things to do, plus his nose twitched with every whiff of whatever atrocious perfume smothered his brother.
Theseus said he’d take the rest of the day off and go to Newt’s for afternoon tea.
Newt insisted that he do no such thing.
Unfortunately, Theseus decided to follow Newt home and give him some more warnings about continuing to piss the ministry off. When he did barge into the house, he found Newt talking softly with someone in the kitchen.
Newt’s head popped out of the archway, brows furrowed.
“Seus? What are you doing? I thought you were going home?”
“We need to talk. I need to know that you understand just how frustrated the ministry is with you right now,” he said, authority in his voice. He stepped closer as he talked, being stopped before the kitchen archway. He raised a brow. “Can I go into the kitchen?”
Newt gave an awkward smile, eyes darting away before looking his brother right in the eye. “It’s a bit of a mess right now.”
“Who’s in there? Is it your muggle friend again?” Theseus asked, pushing his way past Newt into the kitchen. He froze mid step seeing the foreigner casually leaning against the counter, fresh cake slices next to him. “What—”
“Please don’t do something stupid.” Newt slowly moved between the two men as he spoke. He wasn’t concerned, just knew things could go south pretty quickly.
“Don’t do something stupid. Newt, you have the most wanted criminal in your house and you’re telling ME to not be stupid?” Theseus scolded, voice rising, tone accusatory. He drew his wand, pointing it at the blonde hiding behind his brother. Coward, he thought, not even looking at me properly.
“Hah, er hat Eier. Kommt in dein Haus und verhält sich so. Er hat keine Manieren.” “Hah, he has balls. Comes into your house and acts like this. He has no manners.”
“Leave now and I won’t even try to hex you. There’s nothing worth your time here anyway.”
Grindelwald, however, did nothing but raise a condescending brow. He hated when people assumed things, and he disliked the elder Scamander very much. He had heard stories from Newt about how his brother would treat him sometimes. The man just did so many things to annoy Grindelwald, and saying there was nothing of worth to him in the house was just the newest reason.
“Wer glaubt er zu sein? Dümmer Mann. Er ist offensichtlich nicht so klug.” “Who does he think he is? Daft man. He is clearly not that bright.”
“Nicht jetzt Gellert, bitte.” “Not now Gellert, please.”
Theseus’ eyes twitched. “You,” he said, anger directed at Grindelwald. “Have ten seconds to leave. And you,” he turned to face Newt, words beginning to come out as shouts. “Have ten seconds to tell me what in Merlin’s name that was! Did you use his first name?!”
Gellert got off the counter, taking a step closer to Newt. “Kann ich ihn bitte verhexen? Natürlich nichts Schädliches, aber er ist ein Ärgernis.” He snaked an arm around Newt’s waist as he spoke, not even bothering to look at the man across the room. “Can I please hex him? Nothing harmful, of course, but he is being a nuisance.”
Newt smacked his arm and let out a huff. “Ihr seid jetzt beide nervig. I will drop you off at the ministry myself if you don’t be quiet.” “You’re both annoying right now.”
And Gellert Grindelwald, the feared Dark Lord, looked at Newt playfully and pouted.
Theseus was about to pop all the veins in his neck. He couldn’t handle the fondness dripping off his brother towards the criminal, and he could not stand that Grindelwald’s arm was still wound around Newt’s waist. They were comfortable. And it was sickening. The last time Theseus felt this level of nerves rattling his bones was when he was a child; it was suffocating. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to feel.
Slowly, he moved one foot backwards, not trusting enough to turn and run.
Except, when he went to take another step, he couldn’t. In fact, he couldn’t move anything.
In his mind, he was thrashing about, cursing (figuratively and literally) the Dark Lord that was clearly up to something and was obviously the one to put the hex on him.
“Look, ‘Seus,” Newt sighed out. “I’m sorry about the spell, but I now need you to understand the situation. I am never going to help the ministry find anything, especially any creatures or that poor boy. We both know I don’t need your help travelling. So, we’re going to sit down and talk about, well, Grindelwald.”
Newt stepped towards his brother and finally grabbed his wand off the counter. Slowly, he turned it anticlockwise and Theseus stumbled backwards.
The elder Scamander stood in the archway, wide eye and silent.
“Well, come on,” Newt said as he ushered his brother out of the kitchen.
Theseus moved numbly to the dining table. He sat stiffly, perched on the edge of his seat, hands splayed across the tabletop as if it holding it could stop the emotions. Apart from some clinking in the kitchen, the house was silent for a few minutes and Theseus was thankful that he was allowed those few moments to try and compose himself.
“You cast the spell?”
Newt wasn’t looking at him anymore. “Yes.”
“You were talking.” Theseus’ brows furrowed. “And you weren’t even looking at me. How did you cast it?” He asked. He took his hands off the table, gripping his wand instead but not thinking of using it.
Newt’s eyes snapped to meet his. “Well, I don’t tell everyone my business. Why would I tell people I can do wandless magic?”
“What would you tell someone who barges in and —”
“The only person who barges into my house is you,” Newt said hotly, crossing his arms. When Theseus tried to stare him down, he stared right back, refusing to look away. Even when a cup was placed in front of him and filled with tea.
The elder Scamander was the one to break the stare, unable to not watch the blonde wander about like he lived there.
A shiver ran up his spine at the thought. Revolting.
“Explain that then.” Theseus demanded, nodding towards the blonde.
Newt shrugged. “I quite like him. And you won’t tell anybody, right?” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement, a command.
“You know I have to report this.”
“No, I don’t think you do.”
“What? Will you arrest me if I try to stop you?”
“Yes, but please don’t make me do it.” Theseus said. If he could just reason with his brother, then maybe things would work out perfectly fine and he wouldn’t get in anymore trouble. Well, much more trouble.
Grindelwald, who had taken to hovering in the archway to the kitchen, scoffed.
“So, you arrest your little brother. People might feel bad for you since having to deal with such a situation would surely be terrible. People might idolize you for being so dedicated to your work that not even family matter, simply right and wrong. Or, maybe, they’ll grow suspicious of you. One pure-blood brother fell, who’s to say the other won’t follow? And maybe, those who follow the cause might grow to hate you for turning on your own brother. You’ll paint an even bigger target on your back.”
Theseus was once again, speechless – no spell needed this time. One would assume that such a rant came from the criminal in the room, but instead, to his horror, his own brother was speculating on what would happen after his own arrest. It seemed well thought out and simply put, but Newt didn’t actually seem all that interested in the words that came out of his own mouth.
“I really don’t think it’d turn out well for anyone ‘Seus,” Newt added. He turned his attention to the tea and piece of cake that had made its way onto the table as well.
Seizing the moment, Grindelwald decided to join in the conversation.
“You Aurors don’t know the lengths I would go to to free my intended,” Grindelwald casually added.
“Intended?!” Theseus spluttered, hitting his knee on the table as the word made him physically jolt.
“Gellert, Liebes, du hilfst jetzt nicht wirklich. Ich brauche ihn, um sich zu beruhigen.” “Gellert, dear, you’re not exactly helping right now. I need him to calm down.”
“Er ist zu leicht zu ärgern,” the blonde muttered but he disappeared through the door that led to the rest of the house. “He is too easy to tease”
“Why can’t I detain him?”
“As I said, I quite like him. It’d be rude of you.” Newt hummed as he savoured a sip of tea.
Theseus almost snapped his wand in half and then nearly pulled out his own hair. “Whatever he promised you, he’s lying. He’s using you, Newt. He taking advantage of you.” He tried to warn.
Newt frowned. He hated being talked to like he didn’t know what was happening. Like he was a clueless and easily misled child who couldn’t make a right decision to save himself. Like he was separate from his brilliant Auror brother. Like he was beneath him.
Setting his cup down, Newt drummed his fingers against the table.
“Taking advantage of me? No, I’m taking advantage of him.”
“Be serious. You—”
“Are observant,” Newt interrupted. “You seem to forget that it’s my job to watch before I interact with creatures.”
“But he’s a person! It’s different!”
 Newt gave his brother a pointed look, brow raised. “Yes it is, but considering how often I have had to deal with people lately, I would say I’ve picked up on a few things.”
“Be serious! You say yourself you prefer your weird creatures over other wizards.”
Newt abruptly pushed his seat back, crossing his arms. He stayed seated, but anyone could tell that he was fuming. The frown never left his face and his eyes never shied away, his posture perfectly straight and upright, lips almost curling as he started to speak.
“I would love to be left alone to research and help creatures, to write my book, open sanctuaries. But your wonderful friends at the ministry have problems with everything I do! I’m quite happy to keep to myself but you keep dragging me this way and that, giving me fines and travel bans while refusing to ever give me permits.”
Theseus threw his hands up. “It’s our jobs, Newt! And that lunatic isn’t any better than the ministry.”
“Gellert is honest with me. He helps me and leaves me alone when I ask. He gives me gifts, information, brings me tea.”
“Ah-ha, so he’s bribing you,” Theseus decided, looking smug as if he had won the entire argument. Chest puffed out victoriously.
A humourless laugh escaped Newt’s lips and it made him sound dangerous. “Oh please, spare me. I know all about the dragon pups you were going to try to bribe me with.”
“How did you know about that?”
“Matthews loves to boast about causing me issues.” Newt contemplated before adding, “You should muzzle him.”
“He talks too much,” Newt said slowly, dumbing down his previous sentence. “He was far too smug the last time I tried the permits department, so, we went digging.”
“You cannot be serious right now!” Theseus yelled, hastily standing up. He forgot about his wand, not even noticing it drop to the floor and roll away. It was the least of his problems, and none of his problems could be solved with his wand.
“Fine then.” Theseus pointed an accusatory finger at his brother before demanding, “Tell me something else then if you’ve been so observant.”
Newt looked his brother up and down before huffing.
“Your relationship is falling apart. Leta constantly fiddles with her engagement ring and one of your colleagues keeps trying to get her attention. There are three women in the ministry who bat their eyes at you when you go past and they all wear the same cheap perfume, which, you have stunk of for the last few months.”
Theseus fumbled for words.
“Look,” Newt started, finally moving away from the table. He glanced at the clock. “We’ll finish this later when you feel better.”
Tiredness washed over Theseus, making his eyes droop and his body sway. “No, we’re not done here.”
“Yes, we are. Get some rest,” Newt said. He put a hand on his brother’s shoulder and that was the last thing Theseus remembered before he fell asleep.
After moving his brother to a spare bed and putting up a million charms and wards on the room and his house, Newt let out a heavy sigh. It bad been a long day.
Arms snaked around his waist from behind and he let his back lean against the warm chest now there. Feather light kisses were littered up his neck.
“I can go alone?” Gellert offered, mumbling into Newts skin.
The magizoologist shook his head. “Tomorrow, though, we’re staying in.”
“Natürlich, was immer du willst.” “Of course, anything you want.”
“They won’t need our help.”
“No, they are competent enough to get the dragon pups,” Gellert confirmed. Softly, he tightened his arms around the red heads waist and began to direct them to the bedroom. “However, we do have to get going to make our reservation.”
“I know,” Newt said. He started to change into more expensive clothing, adding rings to his hands. “I’d hate to keep Vinda waiting.”
To be continued!
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fcrox · 1 month
who: @xantoninxdolohovx where: rosier manor, leta's atelier when: early afternoon
Two days of dedicated work had done wonders, allowed her to finish off the dueling robes commissioned before the wedding. Had the event that she herself considered the wedding of the century not come in between, surely things would have gone faster. When someone like Narcissa, and various of her guests, needed to look the part though, she made sure to take the time.
An owl had been sent that morning, informing him of things and requesting his presence. Small adjustments to the manor's security had allowed for easy access and while waiting the witch had kept busy, assuring all the charms on the robes were in place and working as intended. Never would the blonde be caught dead delivering clothing not worthy of her or any other name.
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When finally the sound of the door alerted her to someone's presence she drew her attention away to check who had entered. A guest, very much expected. "Mr Dolohov. Good to see you." Leta made her way over, a curious yet triumphant look within her eyes. "I think I may have outdone myself this time, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Surely you, the experienced duelist, would know best." Another challenge, polite as it may have been. Somehow she did like the idea of challenging him, every now and then.
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xantoninxdolohovx · 1 month
Who: @fcrox (Leta Rosier) Where: Malfoy x Black Wedding Reception
"Expelliarmus!" The lessons never stopped and that was something important. The glasses had hover charms on them so there was less impact than he would have desired, but he was pretty sure that he had taken her by surprise. “The wedding is probably safe, but you can’t let something like that lower your guard.  There are always threats from without and within. Odd clients and professional duelists can drop out of the air.”  He moved her glass back to her hand with a flick of his wand before putting it away.  A few guests seemed annoyed at the surprise, but he quelled any anger by returning a few stares before he settled on Leta.  “How have you been, I’m sure outfits for the wedding and personal orders must have kept you from being too bored?”
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charmedcleric · 1 year
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mc is not happy, yet she still can’t bring herself to say no to Sebastian lol
Peep the Resident Evil 4 quote
Bonus ft @boxdstars oc Mara!
I know for a fact that these two would be good friends
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boxdstars · 1 year
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seventh year in sepia ft. leta, mara, and danny!
a little sketch gift for two of my buds, @charmedslytherin and @catohphm who are some of the most incredibly sweet people i’ve met on this entire hellsite. love you both dearly <3
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rsrevan · 2 months
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Evan Rosier for the Black/Malfoy Wedding, wearing a Leta Rosier @fcrox original. Accompanied by his fiancée @alaraselwyn.
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zafarxtravers · 2 months
where: the garden kew, london who: @fcrox (Leta)
Zafar was close with the Rosiers. Evan being his best friend and Leta like a sister to him. He did catch her coming in with Amycus Carrow and Emmeline Vance, which struck him odd. There was respect for the Carrow name, but he could respect a wizard coming with two dates.
Catching her alone with a glass of champagne in her hand, he made his way over. "You look stunning." A smile on his face. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
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ao3feed-romione · 1 year
Riddles & Pages
Riddles & Pages by pudifoot sugarquills
“Put the book down Hermoine” “What, aren't you curious why Dumbledore even has this?” “Your bloody ridiculous” “Ron he isn't even supposed to have this!” “I could care less ‘Mione, let's just leave before the bloody bird goes up in flames, it's not a pretty thing from what Harry told me”
Before he could speak again I felt flames ignite around me and hearing Fawkes let out a cry. I heard Ron screaming. Why was he screaming? The next thing I knew we were lying on the floor in a strange room that almost quite looked like Dumbledore office. Where was this place? What happened? Why do I feel sleepy?
“Mione-“ and the world went black.
Words: 910, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hermoine Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Albus Dumbledore, Dippet, Valeria Myriadd, Horace Slughorn, Abraxas Malfoy, Cygnus Black III | Walburga Black's Brother, Walburga Black, Druella Rosier, Dorian Nott, Cyrus Greengrass, Belvina Nott, Falco Lestrange, Leta Lestrange, Orion Black, Lucretia Black Prewett, Ignatius Prewett
Relationships: Hermoine Granger/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Angst and Romance, Tom Riddle's Diary, Very Secret Diary, 7th year, Time Travel, Possessive Tom Riddle, Manipulative Tom Riddle, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Ron Weasley Appreciation, Tom Riddle is His Own Warning, Imperio | Imperius Curse, Crucio | Cruciatus Curse, POV Hermione Granger, Slytherin Hermione Granger, Mystery, Flashbacks, Albus Dumbledore Being an Idiot, Time Turners, Marriage Proposal
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47273314
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lumosfm · 2 months
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The following have not posted in character for five or more days and therefore have 48 hours to resume activity or get in touch with the admin to avoid having their roles reopened:
Arthur Weasley @weaslcypctriarch
Bellatrix Lestrange @bellatrixblacklestrxnge
Dorcas Meadowes & Esther Alnair @wxtchswxndxr
Rafaella Burke @raffaellaburke
The following characters have come to the end of their hiatus and should resume activity to avoid being placed on an activity check:
Aemon Mulciber, Beatrice Abbott, Clara Ivanova, Estelle Delacour, Hestia Jones, Leta Rosier, Peter Pettigrew, Rita Skeeter @fcrox
Emmeline Vance @notdelicatc
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