#let my boi piccolo find someone
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madman479r ¡ 1 year ago
Piccolo X Janet Gibslythe Ship Table
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Big/Little spoon: Piccolo is used to sleeping alone and doesn't really care about being the big spoon every time. Though he does sleep better having Janet in his arms. And seeing as Piccolo is over 7 feet tall, Janet ain't being the big spoon.
Lends/Borrows clothes: Wouldnt say "Lends clothes" seeing as he can just make them. During one off their dates, the pair walked by a clothes store which had a designer coat Janet thought looked beautiful but the price was out of her budget. So, casually Piccolo just used his Magic Materialization (clothes beam) and BOOM! Janet found herself wearing the exact coat she wanted. So Janet got the coat she wanted and Piccolo got a passionate surprise kiss in return.
Doesn't/Does use pet names: Piccolo always uses Janet's name, not seeing the point in "Pet names". But Janet thinks it's cute and uses Pet names for Piccolo.
Introverted/extroverted: Piccolo has come to several parties and get-togethers, though he normally keeps to himself, only socialising with the Son family and Dende, so he's not a complete Introvert.
Janet is a teacher so she has had to meet new people and students. I can imagine Janet just befriending almost everyone of the z warriors/families and immediately getting on everyone's good side.
Affection through words/actions: Piccolo isn't a man of words and believes actions speak louder so he shows affection through actions. Be it hugging and kissing Janet, making her new clothes, taking a page out of Videl's book and getting her plushies.
Piccolo is a hard person to get gifts for, so Janet can't show affection through gifts but she knows just what to say. A surprise kiss every now and then also works, especially when it makes Piccolo go red, something Janet finds cute and hilarious.
Confesses first/Waits for confession: Janet decided to be the one to bite the bullet and confessed to Piccolo. Why not? She thought he was attractive, kind hearted, good with children, he was basically ticking all boxes. Piccolo wouldn't be the one to confess first seeing as he wasn't exactly sure what he was feeling, he also saw "love" as just a means for a species to continue existing through reproduction. Piccolo never expected to feel romantic love, one reason being he never met anyone who made him feel that way and the other being that Namekians were an asexual species.
Screams about/squashes bugs: Janet can handle bugs, depending on the size that is. Anything that can fit her palm is a bug she doesn't want to be in the same room as. Piccolo doesn't care about bugs but he doesn't really squash them, seeing as Janet asks Piccolo to get rid of it instead of kill it.
Drives the car/can't drive: Both can drive, but Janet is the better of the two and Piccolo is perfectly fine with Janet driving. And after getting his licence Piccolo can count the number of times he's driven with one hand. He just prefers to fly.
Can't cook/makes dinner: Demon King Piccolo? Nah. Grill King Piccolo? Yes. Janet and Piccolo are basically similar skill level in cooking, no pro chef but can make delicious foods.
Dislikes/loves PDA: Piccolo doesn't see the point, nor wants to advertise their relationship and love for one another. But he isn't completely cold in public, he'll hold Janet's hand and give quick innocent kisses in front of others. Janet on the other hand is more open, enjoying the cute reactions she can get from Piccolo is considerate enough to not push his boundaries.
Overprotective/chill going: Piccolo is protective of Janet, how can he not be? Janet isn't a fighter, hell she looks like she never raised a fist to another so Piccolo worries about her safety. Once Janet found out about Piccolo's life, about how he was this supposed protector of earth she can be a bit worried. She knows he's he's capable warrior but she can't help feeling worried for him whenever he fights.
Has more/no relationship experience: I can imagine Janet has caught the eyes of other people before meeting Piccolo. While Piccolo on the other hand has absolutely no idea what to do in a romantic relationship. (He actually went to Krillin and 18 for advice, he saw their relationship as a healthy one and could actually answer his questions)
Horny Level: Seeing as Piccolo is Asexual and lacks sexual organs, he doesnt get horny. But Janet does get horny and Piccolo understands that, he understands that most humans have urges so he does what he can to satisfy her, such as performing oral sex, using his hands or the toys Janet bought.
Awkwardness level: Once again Piccolo isn't entirely sure what he's doing, having never really been affectionate to others in the way that's expected in a romantic relationship, he can be awkward at times but Janet just finds this adorable and understands. The only time Janet felt awkward was the first time she was introduced to the rest of the z warriors/family. She was in the presence of martial arts masters, shape shifters, famous people, aliens, and Gods alike while she was just a regular old school teacher, but Burma, Chi-Chi and the other women made her feel at home.
Jealousy level: Neither get really jealous but once in a blue moon Piccolo wonders if Janet would be happier with a human than him.
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galexibrain ¡ 10 months ago
Something that bugs me a little is the insistence that Gohan actively hates to fight period. Bc that's not true!
(This ignores everything that happened outside the original manga/the DBZ anime)
Yes, he lacks Goku's or Vegeta's laser-focus on all things martial arts, but let's be real, all half Saiyans do. Goten & Trunks sure have more passion for fighting than Gohan does but they're much more "human" about it than their dads and have other interests in their lives too.
But while Gohan originally became a fighter out of necessity and had little choice in the matter there are instances when he clearly shows that he is totally capable of enjoying himself in a fight.
For once there's obviously his fight against Cell - once he snapped his "Saiyan side" took the lead and he was enjoying himself a little too much (and ruined it, like a good Saiyan must).
But it also becomes clear in the early Buu arc. Yeah, initially he's not rly interested in the tournament and wouldn't have participated if not for Videl forcing him.
But once he was in he was in. He even got a little annoyed by Videl interrupting his training, and he did want to win. If he really hated it so much he could have entered with the plan of failing the preliminaries, or losing in the first round. But the thought never crossed his mind. I think if you'd suggested he botches it deliberately to get out of it he'd been horrified.
He was going to have fun with it! I think his most "Saiyan" trait is that he's a bit of a showman lol. He likes to be flashy! And he likes to boast! He COULD have just used a plain costume and mask to hide hid identity but nope, Great Saiyaman it is! He likes being seen and being known as a crazy strong superhero. Maybe he'd have been into pro-wrestling with their fancy costumes and showmanship
Even before things went off the rails at the tournament and Buu arc was set in motion he was ready to go. And yes his crush on Videl might have served as motivation: "haha cool she won't be disappointed if someone beats her dad! (I can date her if I beat her dad)" -> he WOULD have thrown Satan out of the ring if he'd gotten to fight him, no questions asked.
And once he, Goku & Vegeta are in Babidi's spaceship it gets even clearer: now, no one is forcing him to fight. Ofc Gohan always wanted to fight when it was necessary, even at 5yo he wouldn't stay home, he made it very clear that he was going to Namek.
But while they were going through the levels in Babidi's ship this still wasn't a serious thing. Pui Pui and Yakon were a joke for them. Vegeta was getting pissed, ok, but aside from that it was just fun and games for them, and Gohan could easily have said "nah have at it you two, I'm sitting this one out" but never once did he so much as consider NOT taking part in rock-paper-scissoring it out to decide who gets to go first.
He was eager to fight Dabra! Dabra told them to take him on 3:1 and Gohan flat out told him "no way, this is MY fight!". And if Vegeta had interfered with that fight to end it quicker I'm 100% sure Gohan would have decked him in the face and told him to fuck off. (Maybe that would have cooled Geets' mood a little lol.)
The problem isn't that Gohan hates fighting from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't. The problem is he grew up with a dad who was 100% a fighter and a mum who was 100% into education, and he didn't find a balance. He didn't even know that might be an option! He thought he'd HAVE to choose one thing, and one alone, and so he chose education.
Who could have taught him otherwise? Maaaaybe Piccolo (post-reunification with Kami), but tbh I think he didn't want to give Gohan the feeling he had to fight. I think Piccolo feels a little bad for putting 4-5yo Gohan through the wringer so much.
Like idk. Let my boy be both. Let him have Goku's legacy as well as make his own!
(I've read about Dragon Ball Online a little and tbh Gohan writing a book on ki and making it widely known? Perfect. I love it. Best idea ever. Probably the best thing that happened to DB since the original manga and Z anime ended. I am accepting this as canon 100%.)
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kidstemplatte ¡ 1 year ago
terzo as a dad headcanons
pairing: terzo x fem! reader
this is something i wrote on a whim because i think terzo would be the cutest most incredible father ever. maybe one day i’ll write a short one shot about dad terzo. i hope you enjoy!
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when terzo finds out you’re pregnant, he is THRILLED.
he secretly loves babies.
of course being a new parent is emotional for anyone, but for him especially , it means a lot. he’s been in so many relationships, however, none of them have been prolonged or particularly substantial , and the fact that he is now in a stable enough relationship to have a whole child with someone is so important to him. he’s so grateful for you.
he’s such a girl dad idk why
he leaves the nursery designing up to you because it’s more your forte but he will do anything to make sure your vision comes to life. you will not lift a finger.
takes such good care of you during your pregnancy (as any partner should)
endless massages and late night store runs to get whatever you’re craving
reads a lot of parenting books because he’s nervous and wants to be the best dad possible
cries when he holds your baby for the first time
uses a ton of cute italian nicknames for her but “la mia stellina” is his favorite. (“my little star”) (isn’t that adorable?)
another favorite is piccolo pipistrello (“little bat”)
this girl is spoiled ROTTEN let me tell you. practically everything she touches at the store is going into the shopping cart. anything for his little princess.
he takes the tea parties she throws very seriously. adds them to his calendar. will cancel meetings because he has “important business to attend to.”
will either sing or read her to sleep. he’s so good at reading stories because he gets very invested in the characters and does funny voices. despite this, she’ll always end up falling asleep because of his soothing voice.
lets his brothers babysit, but if they’re busy…
the ghouls may be feral and uncontrollable but they are loyal to a T. no funny business when your baby’s around. and for this reason they often babysit while you and terzo have date nights. only after terzo announces, “no vaping, for satan’s sake!” directed at a certain smiley ghoul.
she LOVES the ghouls.
swiss’s smile makes her burst into fits of adorable laughter. if she’s ever crying, the one thing they can count on to calm her down is swiss’s goofy smile.
she loves when mountain picks her up and spins her around.
you do NOT want to make terzo an unhappy father.
if your daughter ever came home crying about a teacher or classmate, oh boy.
he’d hold her, tell her it’s okay, that he will fix everything for her, his stellina.
but the sweetness disappears after he puts her to bed that night and walks into your bedroom.
“i’m going to kill that child.”
“TERZO! you can’t kill a child.”
“yes i can.”
if it’s a teacher who’s causing trouble though, you might let him.
late at night you notice terzo’s not in bed and you hear some rumbling in the cabinets.
you find an open spell book on the kitchen counter.
“terzo, are you HEXING our daughter’s teacher?”
“why yes, amore mio.”
“that’s horrible! now, let me help you.”
now, let’s talk about teenage years. when things get a little more complicated.
SUPER protective. the second she starts talking about boys is the second he has to step in. doesn’t even have to be a crush.
“today in class we were talking about alexander-“
“alexander? who is alexander?”
“the great-“
“great? what is so great about this boy, hm?”
“DAD, we were in HISTORY class talking about ALEXANDER THE GREAT.”
“oh.” he’s embarrassed. everyone gets a good laugh.
once your daughter is old enough to develop an attitude, he hates it. but he’s really good at leaving the room and diffusing before he loses his temper. he never wants to scare anyone.
“ay, what happened to la mia dolce bambina?” he’d say to you defeatedly after rubbing his face with his hand.
you have to remind him that as people grow up it’s only natural for them to form their own opinions and start rebelling a little bit. she may be his sweet little girl but she’s also a young woman.
but any disrespect towards YOU, and that’s when he really gets fired up.
when he gets super upset he will say things in italian he couldn’t say in english.
“satanas , cosa ho fatto per meritarmi questo?”
he just shouldn’t be surprised when he finds out his stellina’s been studying up on italian.
“not even satan can save you from wrath like mine, dad. that’s one thing i got from you.”
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changingplumbob ¡ 11 months ago
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 10
In this part Kelly may be stood down from school for the day but that doesn't mean Aaron won't find them something to do.
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CW: Mentions of body dysmorphic disorder and dysphoria
The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Kelly had asked Joey to speak to their family about her identity and, once Joey assured her it was fine, she joined the family for dinner.
Calista: Cara, I heard you got in a few fights today
Kelly was so used to being called caro, while cara was used for her sisters, that it took her a moment to realise her ma was addressing her.
Kelly: Si ma
Calista: Can we say the second fight may have had something to do with you being a girl?
Kelly: *sighs* Si ma. The dung brain said only girls needed to know about periods and stuff so I got mad and stomped on her foot
Deanna: I think that’s a sensible response even if you were a boy
Aaron: Deanna! Violence is never the answer
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Joey: You say that like you don’t want us to get arrested
Aaron gave Joey a look that could melt steel.
Joey: Sorry pa, bad joke
Calista: I'll call your school and talk to them about separating kids by gender, in this day and age it's stupid. How about the first fight cara
Kelly: What do you mean
Calista: You were having trouble in English. Do you want us to get some help
Kelly: *sighs* That jerk was saying I had dyslexia but he doesn’t know what goes on in my head
Aaron: Still, it’s better to look into help now so you won’t be hindered at university
Deanna: Pa, she’s only just started high school
Aaron: Never too early to start thinking of the future
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Aaron: But if you don’t want to talk about it tonight we can fit it in tomorrow
Kelly: What do you mean fit it in
Aaron: You don’t think I’m going to waste a day you’re not in school do you?
Kelly: I was kind of hoping to crash on the couch and play some games
Aaron steps up and pulls Kelly into a hug despite her protests.
Aaron: Cara, your ma and I love you. Very much. But a shift like the one you’ve started won’t be a simple one. We want you to get all the help available. I'm taking a vacation day and first stop tomorrow is a doctor who specialises in adolescents
Kelly smiles and tries her best not to tear up in front of her siblings, she has a reputation as an evil sim to maintain.
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Calista: Are you okay Kelly
Kelly: Si ma. I just… wasn’t sure how you’d all take… me
Calista: Oh cara, like your pa said, we love you. We’re your family. We’re always going to be on your side
Kelly: Even if I kill someone
Calista: *laughs* Please try not to kill anyone *whispers* although I have a feeling that your pa would absolutely be your lawyer
Aaron: *laughs* Well don’t just go encouraging her to be a killer
After a hug with Calista Kelly lets out a celebratory cheer.
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Deanna does not wake up feeling well. She gets dressed but can’t be bothered putting her contacts in today, glasses it is. She grabs some leftover cake and goes past Kelly and Aaron, barely taking them in.
Aaron: What’s wrong cara
Deanna: I have a horrible headache and feel like poop
Kelly: You mean you feel as bad on the inside as you look on the outside
Deanna: Probably
Kelly: No retaliation? *sighs* Just admit you don’t want me to have fun today
Deanna: You should be at school gremlin but you got in fights. Excuse me if I’m unimpressed
Kelly and Aaron head off while Deanna contemplates a nap rather than homework. What use are good grades if you’re dead?
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Kelly: Why am I seeing him
Aaron: Harvey said his son had a good time
Kelly: Pa no one has a good time at medical appointments
Aaron: *sighs* maybe not but he said it helped him, how’s that?
Kelly: Guess it’ll do. So long as he doesn’t try to un evil me
Aaron: Tell him about the trouble you’ve had in class
Kelly: Si pa
Aaron: And tell him your family support you being trans because he’ll want to know
Kelly: Si pa. Think you can stop telling me what to do now?
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Dr H: Kelly York?
Kelly: Yeah that’s me, this is my pa Aaron
Dr H: Nice to meet you. I’m Doctor Xander Hanks, the psychiatrist here. Will you be joining us Aaron?
Aaron: Kelly wanted to do this by herself if that’s okay
Dr H: Perfectly fine but I’d like to bring you in at the end to discuss next steps if that’s okay with Kelly
Kelly shrugs and walks herself into the office, choosing the couch that most faces the door. Dr Hanks sits down opposite her.
Dr H: Let me tell you a bit about myself. Following medical school I-
Kelly: Don’t care about you
Dr H: We can skip the pleasantries if you prefer
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Kelly: You talk weird
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me why you’re here today
Kelly: *shrugs and kicks foot* They kicked me out of school for a day
Dr H: They? Why did “they” do that?
Kelly: The principal got batpoop mad because I punched one kid and stomped on the foot of another, but they had it coming
Dr H: Do you often have trouble with your temper Kelly
Kelly: I’m a teen. You're a professional, don't you know we have trouble with everything
Dr H: Anything you’d care to share
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Kelly: Well ma and pa wanted me to come because…
Here she pauses. As hard as it was to tell Joey who loves her, telling a stranger is a harder task.
Dr H: Why don’t you tell me about why you got in the fights
Kelly sighs and tells him about Roger, the kid who teased her about her struggles in English class.
Dr H: Why did that upset you so much
Kelly: I don’t know. I can usually take a joke, I’m the first to make a joke after my friend Fergus. I guess… I was a bit worried he might be right. I survived middle school but now the words are longer and smaller and they can jam together sometimes in my head. But I’m not crazy!
Dr H: I wouldn’t call someone crazy Kelly. It is possible you have an undiagnosed learning disorder. I can send you to my colleague after this visit for an assessment if you’d like
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Kelly shrugs noncommittally and Dr Hanks continues.
Dr H: What about the stomped foot incident
Kelly: I was trying to talk to my best friend Anya about what she learned in health because they separate the class boy girl style. I was curious, I mean I’ve only heard a bit, and this other girl took offense at me learning because I was a boy so she complained loudly then I stomped on her foot. That just made her scream more
Dr H: Was she unaware you’re trans
Kelly: *defensively* How’d you know that
Dr H: Forgive me if I’ve overstepped. Your father used the pronoun her when he ushered you in-
Kelly: I know this outfit doesn’t exactly scream natural girl but…
Dr H: And you said you were a boy when the disagreement happened
Kelly: Oh…. Right, I did… Sorry. I’ve only just come out to my family it’s still... difficult
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Dr H: You have nothing to apologise for. I find the term “natural girl” to be unhelpful when talking about gender. If someone is the gender they were assigned at birth, they are cisgender. If they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, they are transgender. Have you heard that language before
Kelly: Here and there. I mean my friend’s older sibling is… oh shoot he did tell me the term…. Non something…
Dr H: Nonbinary?
Kelly: That’s it! So technically he, I mean they, are trans?
Dr H: *nods* You’ve got it. There are many ways to be female, just as there are many ways to be male, or both, or none. Was this why your parents wanted you to see me?
Kelly: Sort of. I mean I know I’m a girl but *sighs* I don’t know what to do about it. Transitioning just seems so big
Dr H: Maybe talking it out can make it a bit smaller huh
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The two discuss the situation a bit more and when Kelly feels ready Dr Hanks retrieves Aaron from reception.
Dr H: Your daughter certainly knows her own mind. You must be proud
Aaron: I am. She can be a handful but I am
Kelly: Being stubborn has benefits okay pa
Aaron: I know
Dr H: After this I’m going to send you to my colleague who will do a learning assessment on Kelly. She may benefit from additional academic support. We have discussed possible next steps for her identity as well
Aaron: What are they
Kelly: Basically the government is stupid and science hates me
Aaron: I’m sure that’s not true
Dr H: There are scientific debates about at what age we can start on hormones and other physical interventions. At the moment the youngest age for medical transition is 16
Kelly: But he says I don’t have to do that if I don’t want to, any changes I make will be up to me. I say who I am, I'm in charge
Aaron is glad to see Kelly smile at this.
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Dr H: There are many non-medical changes that can be made while she thinks about it. Kelly has already switched pronouns, she may want to change her name or her wardrobe. I’m going to refer her for therapy-
Kelly: He says I might get this thing called body dysmorphic disorder. Or anxiety, or depression or whatever
Dr H: Body dysmorphia can overlap with gender dysphoria so I like to make sure my trans patients have adequate support. I’ve prescribed some antidepressants which I think will be helpful as support during the transition period but I’d like to order some blood tests to make sure we don’t need to do any medical interventions yet
Aaron: What can me and her ma do
Dr H: Keep supporting her. She has expressed some anxiety about her personality traits. I would urge you and the rest of her family to remember her gender identity is not responsible for her personality or vice versa despite being a big part of who she is
Aaron: We can do that
The two get up to leave and Aaron is surprised when Kelly not only thanks the doctor but gives him a hug as well. Maybe her evil trait will be easier to balance with age.
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Results of today’s medical appointments. Kelly has dyslexia and body dysmorphic disorder. Sorry it was a bit long, I didn't want to cut her off mid session.
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darkling-books ¡ 1 year ago
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I will be dropping the 2nd Chapter of The Cardinal & His Piccolo Amore on November 1st but for now, here is chapter 1.
Summary: We meet Young Copia who is currently living in orphanage, He’s a gentle soul that loves to read but he doesn’t get on with the other inhabitants of the house. He’s an outsider, but does he find someone a young boy can depend on?
Notes: A Copia origin story, I am loosely following lore... So please don’t be angry if it all doesn’t connect. I just wanted to write something cute that’s been well planned out, and Copia is my love. I’m planning to post a chapter weekly or every few days. Let's see how it goes for now?
Warning: Bullying
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Chapter 1: The Cardinal is Born
Copia had lived in a desolate part of a small town in southern Italy for most of his short life. He was currently entering his teenage years and he had been in the barren town for most of his life, the houses were all crumbling around themselves and only had 100 other inhabitants that weren’t from the church of Satanas. 
He lived in a church-run children’s home that was dedicated to the Dark lord, the home itself was attached to the church, it was a grand home but for as long as he could remember this place was cold and repressive. The church described itself as a home for young lost souls, but it was more a place that was dark and intimidating, especially for young Copia. He didn’t know his family, had never had any contact from his birth family. All he knew was that he was handed to the church as a newborn. He was abandoned. Copia was gentle, with an old soul for such a small teen. He spent most of his time reading alone in a corner of the home, where he had made a little makeshift library of books he had been given, he didn’t like getting involved with group activities. It opened him up for bullying, and the other children thought him easy pickings and there was nothing the kids loved more than bullying Copia. After all he was different from them, why wouldn’t they? Copia was not only smarter than your average teen boy, but he also had eyes that made him stand out. One was green and the other white, the white eye grew brighter as he edged into his teen years becoming more prominent. He never understood why he was born so different; it was often a curse that inspired the bullying.
“What are you doing dork? ” An imposing figure walked in front of Copia kicking the book out of his hands. 
“Nothing ” he replied “ just reading Dante’s inferno” he said in a hushed voice.
The boy, named Marco that stood over Copia had a smirk on his face, Copia knew that meant trouble and grimaced, waiting for it. The boy answered by putting his boot to Copias face kicking him hard to the side of the head, so hard it pushed him to the floor. Another swift boot to the face busting his nose open, leaving the blood oozing from his face
“Maybe you should learn to become invisible Copia, maybe then I wouldn’t have to look at your stupid face every day.” Marco said as he walked out of the room. Copia remained on the cold floor, trying to catch his breath after the stinging in his face and nose started residing. He looked up and saw a sweet face looking back at him.
“Fucking Marco, why’s he such a thug ” she expelled, coming to your aid. Helping you back into your seated position and then pulling out a tissue from her pocket, dabbing it on her tongue. She wipes your nose to help stop the bleeding.
“Are you ok Copia?” She asked. Copia nodded. Knowing full well that he wasn’t ok, but still wanting to hide it from her.
“Celestina, I’m fine... get off ” Copia said pushing her away.
Noticing that Copia was embarrassed Celestina sat next to him and handed him back his book.
“Your reading Dante’s inferno? Aren't you a little young for that?” She giggled as she handed it to him
“What do you mean? You're only a year or two older than me” he poked at her.
She smiled “well, I suppose so... but many people aren’t that cultured around here. Most of these kids wouldn’t know lust from gluttony.” She said lifting her shoulders and head high, pretending she was a smart lady of the world but failing in her efforts.
Copia scoffed at her, His blood drying around his nose. He felt better already. Celestina always had a way of making him feel better. She often played the fool when he was hurt, she knew it helped him feel better.
Just then a sister walked in “what are you two up to? Causing trouble again Celestina? ” As she noted Copia’s face. “No, Sister. Just helping Copia. He had a nosebleed” she lied
“It’s time for bed you two, off you go, don’t forget your prayers to the dark lord” the sister hushed them out the room.
Copia walked back to his dormitory alone, feeling sad and sorry for himself he squeezed the book into his chest, pleased that Celestina had been there to aid him.
As he walked into his dormitory, he threw himself down on his bed and lay looking at the ceiling. His mind moved back to Celestina, she was sweet, pretty, intelligent just like him. She had big brown eyes, and curly hazel hair. She was somewhat of a Tom boy, who always had dirt from her adventures somewhere on her clothes. Maybe he had a small crush on her, the kind that growing boys his age had. Copia knelt at his bed, praying to thank Satanas for sending her to aide him, and as he lay back down on his bed, he thought about her as he drifted off into sleep.
The next morning, a Sunday... he quickly dressed and headed down to breakfast, it was the only part of the day he sat around the other inhabitants of the home. He didn’t have many friends, and he didn’t want any. He preferred to read and learn; learning was his way of escaping the reality of his life. That and the fact he was alone. He scanned the room to see where sit, and all the eyes looked at him with disgust as they always did but he found a seat by one of the sisters of the church he enjoyed talking too. She often gave him books and encouraged his learnings “Copia!” She said to him with a smile as he sat down. “ How are you finding Dante’s Inferno?” She asked him
“I’m enjoying it sister; I love that it’s a Devine comedy about hell... his depictions of nine circles of torment really interest me, thank you. Do you have any more books for me to read? I’d really love to study more about Satanas. I think I might want to stay in the church once I’m old enough to join fully as a member”
The sister smiled, a reply that clearly did not surprise her. “I’ll see what I can find. But don’t tell anyone, Okay? It’s our secret. We can’t be seen to be pushing you into religion” she lied
At this point everyone in the church had noticed the changes in his eyes, and rumours were beginning to spread through the clergy about the boy with the Emeritus eyes, the gift from Satan himself to mark his leader on earth. Copia hadn’t noticed the rumours, the clergy kept it all hush hush away from his ears.
“Thank you” Copia answered as he noticed that Celestina had walked into the hall. He stole a glance at her, and his heart skipped a flutter. He stood to put his plate away. As he stood putting the food into the bin, he heard someone come up behind him.
“Boo” Celestina said to him over his shoulder. Copia jumped slightly making it seem like he hadn’t heard her approaching him. He smiled and spun around to see her facing him. “Sheesh, I knew you were standing there, you need to learn to be quieter with your big feet” he laughed. She scrunched up her face in disgust at his answer. “ No, you didn’t, don’t lie! I felt you jump” she said
Copia snickered at her and smiled, letting her think she had won. The glee on her face enough for him.
"What are you doing today Copia?” Celestina asked him, they never did much on a Sunday, they had no classes today... Only church and then they had free time.
“ After church, I might go up into the attic and read, maybe it will keep Marco from bothering me again” he winched at her.
“Want some company?” She said to him.
“Sure, meet me at the bottom of the great stairs at dusk?” Copia smiled
Church was busy, it always was. It was a requirement that everyone attended from the home that Copia lived in. Even though most of the children there were not interested at all and often sat bickering or chatting while the service was going on. Copia always sat and listened intently and always asked questions when he could. He was a smart boy after all, his inquisitive nature was encouraged in Satan’s church, and he loved to gain knowledge of the church that technically speaking owned him.
After the service he walked up to the front to ask a question as he always did “sorry to bother you Cardinal” he said to the man that had just held the service. “No, problem child... what is it?”
“If Lucifer the Morningstar is the personification of evil to gods church, what does that make his twin brother Michael? Does that mean that Michael is also evil, or does that make Michael good?” Copia blurted out clearly excited by the sermon that the Cardinal just held.
The Cardinal raised his eyebrows at Copia “well, my child... I think this is more than a question I could give you the answer to right now. If I have time next Sunday, please stop by and I will try to answer your questions.” Clearly peaking the cardinal's attention of his interest in how gods church was portraying the light-bringer. He had heard rumours of the boy's heritage but hadn’t quite believed it until this moment. It didn’t surprise the cardinal that Papa Nihil might have some offspring that the clergy weren’t aware of, he was very permissive in his younger days. He wondered if the clergy at the main abbey where the Papa of the church lived knew about him.
“Sure Cardinal” Copia smiled and headed towards the door. Leaving the Cardinal confused by the whole experience.
Copia noticed the time on his small broken rusty watch and headed back to stairs where he had said he would meet Celestina.
The light had begun to dip as Copia reached the stairs, every part of the hall was dipped in an orange glow from the fading light that was flooding in through the windows. The light was giving way to the darkness, the darkness grabbing hold and pulling away the light like a demon trying to grasp at the clutches of its pray. Copia stood waiting, it was quiet in the hall… every soul was hiding away leaving it peaceful. Copia heard steps coming his way, and then Celestina appeared.
“Hi Copia ” she smiled.
“Hi Celest ” he smiled back.
“You ready to go up to the attic ” she asked
“Si, Si... Let’s go ” Copia answered her.
They started their assent to the attack, each hallway quieter than the last. Each hallway falling in and more disrepair.
When they entered the attic Copia pulled away a few cobwebs that had appeared on the wall and blew away the falling dust. It sparkled in the lowering light like glitter.
“What's this?" Celestina said intrigued
She was met with a makeshift tent, made out of old tables and chairs that had been stored away and forgotten about. Covered in old bedsheets.
“It's my fort” Copia said nervously. Hoping celestina wouldn’t laugh at him. He looked at her to see her reply appear on her face.
She brightly smiled... “It's so cool Copia! Let’s go inside!” Scrambling to her knees and disappearing inside the sheets.
He smiled. He knew she wouldn’t make fun of him, but it made him nervous all the same. This space was his safe space, somewhere nobody could find him. He could be anyone he wanted inside here; he could let his imagination run wild. He got to his knees and crawled in after her.
Celestina clicked on the small lamp in the corner, lighting up the space with an orange glow with spinning pictures of dancing devils in the light, their shadows appearing on the fabric. She let out a gasp, taking in the sight of the moving devils dancing on the white fabric.
“Wow, Copia... It’s beautiful!” she expelled.
He smiled. Grabbed his book and snuggled up in a discarded fleece blanket.
“Want me to read? ” Copia said to her.
“Sure ” Celestina said as she moved closer to him and lay her head on his chest.
She closed her eyes and listened to his words as Copia read stories of pirates and princesses. Worlds that orphans like them could only dream of... She drifted off to sleep, listening to his heartbeat echoing in her ears.
Copia smiled and pulled the blanket up to her neck making sure she was warm, and he continued to read before he drifted off to sleep himself.
The world maybe dark here, but at least he has one friend, a friend that he cared for and she cared for him. It made his little life that bit more whole.
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secretsofdbz ¡ 2 years ago
Ohai, does my fic seem too long and intimidating? But do you still want to give it a shot, but can't commit the time and energy to a longfic?
The premise you need:
Future Trunks is a girl and wears a binder / hides her gender because ~reasons~. She wanted to come clean to the gang after her birth, but main timeline Trunks was born a boy (and at a different date than she was).
The story is divided in different arcs. The first three arcs cover the entire canon Android Saga and as such, are somewhat canon compliant. Some spoilers for the story of course.. (in italics, some chapters you can read on their own).
Trunks arc:
Trunks appears, yeets Frieza, gives the warning but instead of going back home immediately, she stays for a little while to use the Dragon Balls. And train a little with Goku, Gohan and Piccolo on one hand, and Vegeta on the other.
Spar: instead of doing nothing during the 3 hours wait before Goku arrives, someone starts a fight with the mysterious youth.
Goku: Goku finally arrives, and the mysterious youth delivers the warning to the entire gang, and gives the medicine.
Vegeta; Trunks fights/trains with Vegeta before she can use the Dragon Balls.
Android Arc:
Trunks' second trip to the past makes her land a bit later than anticipated. They meet (and fight) 17 and 18, 16 doesn't fight, and the Cyborgs (+ 1 Android) decide to go on their merry way and find Goku, who, of course, fell ill. Baby Trunks was born male, and at another date than she was, enter existential crisis mode, plus a bunch of fighters who now know who she is. Or rather, who she's meant to be. And there's a new Time Machine...?
Family: just after being beaten up by the Androids, and taking that strange Time Machine back to Capsule Corp for analysis, Trunks is welcomed back to Capsule Corp as a family member.
Siblings: Trunks explains to Bulma the different timelines while dealing with the existential crisis of the new Time Machine.
Cell arc:
The Time Machine was discovered, but most importantly, its monster has appeared, and everything goes to hell. Room of Spirit and Time, the certainty that the monster killed another version of Trunks (who was, it seems, male as well) to steal the machine, the possibility of a future Bulma left alone, and dealing with the fact that Gohan, precious Gohan, wants to fight and learn to become a super Saiyan.. Trunks can't accept that and has a frank discussion about it with him and Goku, that Hybrids are different. She ends up bonding with Vegeta and finally calls him her father, all while still hiding her gender and situation. Of course that goes to hell when Vegeta decides to let Cell become perfect. Some serious punching is warranted, if they survive the Cell Games...
Birthday: Celebrating Gohan's 9th birthday (post-Cell appearing, before he became perfect) with everyone, while Goku is still recovering.
Father: the meat of the fighting in the HTC for Trunks and Vegeta.
The talks: just afterwards, some "biology" education situation.
Purpose arc:
This is where the true divergence happens. Instead of going straight home to 784, Trunks decides to make sure the Cyborgs are no threat to 767... And she goes with Gohan and Krillin to 787 to rez Dead!Trunks. And blow up a lab. And steal some hardware. And meet her older, male!self.. and 787's Gohan and Videl (!). And tell that Bulma and male!Trunks, as well as Gohan and Krillin about how she got her sword because clearly those events haven't happened in 767 nor in 787. Once back in 767, there's also a healthy dose of her relationship with Vegeta, whether to forgive him, to see what he's done and hasn't done, and Gohan confesses he's in love with her (nothing outrageous.. all while still thinking fem!Trunks is male; little by little though, some people find out she's a girl :p). There's also taking Krillin to a date with Android 18 and mayhaps be alright. Trunks eventually goes back home to 784, kills her cyborgs and blows up her lab before Cell hatches. But not all is well.
Tapion: 784-Trunks explains to 787-Trunks, 787-Bulma, 787-Dende, and 767 Gohan and 767 Krillin how she got her sword.
Uranai Baba: Uranai Baba can finally come back from Otherworld with a guest to 787.
Love: In 767, before Trunks goes back home to 784, Gohan confesses.
Solitude arc:
784's Future Bulma decides to take her Trunks back to the main timeline, but she aims for 774 instead for a bunch of reasons; she wants to enroll Trunks in school. Even if she's just under 19, she dropped out because, well, apocalypse. Main Timeline Bulma pulls some strings and gets her to be enrolled in the same year as Gohan because, well, of course she would. Future Bulma and Future Trunks take pseudonyms as to not confuse the kids, and go by Tights ("stealing my sister's name lol") and Tora (the name Trunks used when she stayed during the Trunks arc) and still present as male. This arc covers the Saiyaman Arc, except it's with Tapion (!) and the Buu arc (except it's with some other interference..)
School: Trunks ("Tora") was thrown into school and meets 16yo Gohan, who has grown taller than her since. And all of his classmates.
Flying: Where Videl wants to learn to fly and Goten and Trunks discover that 'Tora', Trunks' "cousin" can go Super.
Dares: Drinking games with the school kids. Nothing nefarious, but Android 17 is involved so expect some shenanigans...!
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2darklymelanatedstories ¡ 2 years ago
Some of y'all already know this story. Just reposted it. About time I get started on part 2.
You will be mine (ft Piccolo & Chichi)
Part 1
Everything went downhill when he left. When he died at the hands of a monster, who the police still could not find, and left Gohan and I alone, along with another baby already on the way. Having one more mouth to feed while working at my horrid job just to make ends meet and make sure my baby boy doesn't go to bed hungry.
Goku wasn't the most involved parent but he kept us living a comfortable life. He kept us safe and happy but now he's gone and we couldn't even give him a proper send off because the detectives still haven't found the body of my supposedly deceased husband.
"There was blood all over the scene. The DNA match, it's your husband. But there's footsteps leading away from the scene but they stop at a dead end."
How could his corpse just get up. Was he still alive?
"An anonymous witness said that they saw his body there before we arrived. The footprints match with the sneakers he wore."
It doesn't make sense. He couldn't have just walked away and vanished of the face of the earth.
"It's no doubt that this is a suicide. There isn't any evidence of another human being that was at the scene of the crime."
They say it was suicide but I know my Goku. He was too happy to have taken his own life. He had so much to live for. He had his life, his friends. He had us...he had me.
No. Someone must've done it. For some reason Goku's good nature got him more enemies than friends. Someone must've done it.
"Alright, ma'am. Since you keep pushing for this, who you do think would want your husband dead?"
A lot of people. The people that couldn't get rid of Goku just as he couldn't get rid them.
"Frieza? You better have some pretty tight evidence and a lot of guts to be accusing one of the most powerful people on Earth for murdering your husband."
"Cell? Cell has been locked in holding for years. He couldn't have done this and the androids have done their time. Your husband even fought for their freedom, remember?"
"Chi Chi, you honestly think the husband of Bulma Briefs could have done this? If it were Vegeta we'd have known by now. I know this is a hard time but you should stop wasting our time and going around accusing people. You have a child to look after. You don't wanna have anyone suing or pressing charges."
Could even be one of his closest friends. These guys weren't always angels when they met Goku. But maybe they were right. Maybe I let Goku's death get to me. I can't worry about that now. I have a child to look after and soon I'll have two.
Speaking of which...
"Hey mom we're back." Placing the sparkling clean plate, from my absentminded cleaning, back into the sink, I placed a smile on my face before turning to my little boy who was already running to me to trap in one of his powerful bear hugs.
"Sorry we're late. We got held up a bit.",he said.
"It was my fault." The sound of the deep baritone voice echoed in the kitchen as he stepped in with one hand stuffed in his jean pocket and the other one clutching something tightly in his palm.
"We thought we'd get you something nice." He looked at Gohan, giving him a smirk. "Right, Gohan?"
"Yeah!!" My little boy started jumping up and down excitedly then grabbed my hand impatiently to drag me to the outside.
"Ok calm down! What is it you wanted me to–"
My eyes widened. In front of me was a big red capsule Corp brand car with a large white bow on the hood. Probably a newer model since I haven't seen much of them driven around.
"What a beautiful car." I was about to ask why piccolo suddenly got himself a new car when he came up next to me swaying the keys on his finger.
"And it's all yours."
I looked at him in disbelief. "Mine?"
"Yep. I figured it'd help that you don't have to take the bus to work everyday plus it'd save you alot of time on your errands."
I was stuck between feeling happy and grateful for the thought and amazing gift, and feeling insulted to be thought of as a charity case. I don't know how many times I've told him that I was fine. I wasn't a damsel in distress that needed saving. I could do this one my own but–he's so sweet.
Ever since Goku "died" Piccolo has been nothing but helpful despite me practically chasing him away whenever he offered his services or money. Goku wasn't a very wealthy man and he didn't have life insurance so when he died he left us high and dry, but Piccolo would always be there...for some reason.
Always coming around whenever he had the chance to spend time with Gohan or just to keep me company and be my shoulder to cry on whenever I missed Goku.
Maybe it has something to do with him being very close to Gohan but I can't complain. Out of all the people I know, Piccolo proved to be the one I can trust.
"So, do you want to try it out?",he asked. I was so busy with my own thoughts I didn't even realize that he had opened the door for me.
"Uh," Gohan suddenly had a nervous look on his face. "Are you sure about this, Mr Piccolo? Mom is a already a force to be reckoned with, now imagine what her with road rage would be like.
Piccolo's eyes widened looking as if he paled at the thought. "On second thought, it's getting dark. Maybe we should try it out another–"
"Nope, too late!",I shouted, jumping into the driver's seat and clutching the steering wheel just in case the boys would try pulling me out.
Piccolo got into the driver's seat and we noticed the little scamp trying to creep away.
Piccolo honked the horn, startling him and freezing him on the spot. "Gohan, get in here!"
"But I've got homework–"
"Oh no, it was your idea to go car shopping. If I die, you're dying with me."
I rolled my eyes as I turned the key. "Jeez, you don't drive for a few years and now people are afraid you might kill them."
Hearing a laugh from my passenger I turned to find his obsidian eyes staring back at me. His eyes were filled with something, something I can't put my finger on.
I noticed his lip twitch a bit before he turned away from me and put his seatbelt on. "Let the kid stay home and I'll judge your terrible driving myself."
"It's passengers like you that make me wanna crash the car.",I teased earning a growl and slightly terrified look on his face. I rolled down my window and told Gohan to stay safe and that I'd be back soon.
Piccolo scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, covering the Namek logo on his white T-shirt. "He'll be fine, it's me I'm more worried about."
"So how was that?",I asked with a smug look on my face as I parked the car outside his home. Hey, he had to get home somehow.
He grunted. "I'm surprised I made it in one piece."
"Listen, if you're too chicken then don't ride with me next time."
"Very funny.",he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Raising my head up with a smile I replied with, "I know, I'm hilarious."
He gave me a scowl to which I just laughed at because I couldn't take him seriously no matter how intimidating he might seem.
"Thank you.",I said once I regained composure. "For everything. I really appreciate you helping our family out."
He flashed me a rare smile. "Well it wasn't easy, what with you threatening to end my life with your murderous frying pan and all."
I nudged him in the arm. "Leave my frying pan out of this."
I took his hand in mine, feeling how he stiffened lightly at my touch. He looked at me and I gave him a warm smile. "Goku was right about you and I see why Gohan loves you too. I'm lucky to have a friend like you, Piccolo."
He sighed, it sounded...sad. Maybe it was because the mention of Goku.
"Yeah, friends.",he muttered. "That's what they're for, right?"
I squeezed his hand gently and I felt him do the same. There seemed to be a lingering before he let go and got out of the car.
I said my goodbyes and drove off for home. I'm about to have another baby in 8 months. I have to find my husband's killer, with or without the stupid police. At least I know that I'll have Piccolo by my side to help me.
Intoxicated, he stepped into the dark room where the only light source was coming from the open door from which he came him and the windows where the curtains weren't shut. Finishing his glass of whiskey in one chug, he manoeuvred his way to his bed, the torturous words still replaying in his mind.
When he neared his bed, he noticed the box on his dresser. The box he forgot to put back in his hiding place. The box he didn't want to put back. He loved looking at it. The box brought back that loving memory.
The box that contained the ring.
The ring of the man he had murdered.
A devilish smirk shaped his lips as he opened it, the moonlight shining on the gold ring.
He held it up to his face as a chuckle left his lips which immediately turned into a deranged cackle.
Phase one was complete.
"You will be mine."
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bleachanimefan1 ¡ 2 years ago
Dragon ball Legend Part 26
A New Chapter Begins,
"Come on, there's got to be some way to get them back?" Ocarin asked.
"Why do you always have to be so optimistic!?" Vegeta shouted.
"Well, at least I'm not a grumpy, depressed, loser, like you!" Ocarin remarked.
"Well, I'm not going to let you take away my number one spot. And not even Kakarot is going to take that away from me!"
"You know, I'm getting really tired of you." Ocarin frowned.
"You're a jerk! You're nothing compared to my dad! He spared your life!" Gohan shouted at Vegeta.
"He shouldn't have been so soft then. Which brings me to the question of what to do with his son? Destroy him now so that he doesn't destroy me someday? That sweat it kiddo. You're the only Saiyan left besides me. That makes you a very important young man. We're the last survivors of an ancient race. Besides I need someone like you at my side to polish my boots and call me Lord Vegeta!"
"My dad will be back, just you watch!" Gohan growled at him. Vegeta laughed and flicked Gohan's forehead.
"Your dad is history, kid!" Gohan got into a fighting stance.
"Hey! Leave him alone, jerk!" Bulma shouted.
"Are you challenging me, kid? I wouldn't recommend it. It's your call, go ahead." Vegeta smirked.
"My dad will take care of you, and he will be back!" Gohan charged at Vegeta, throwing punches and kicks and managed to land a hard blow, knocking Vegeta into the air. Gohan flew up, chasing after him.
"Yes! Get him, Gohan!" Ocarin shouted. Piccolo silently watched, along with the Namekians as Gohan and Vegeta continued to clash against each other.
"Alright, kid, that does it!" Vegeta shouted. "If you want to challenge the prince of all Saiyans you can. But I promise this fight will be your last! You're making a big mistake." Vegeta fired an energy beam hitting Gohan with it. Then Vegeta quickly appeared in front of Gohan and began to throw lots of punches and kicks onto the boy.
"Gohan! He's in serious trouble!" Bulma exclaimed.
"Gohan, no!" Dende cried out. Gohan fell and crashed into the ground. Vegeta flew down and landed behind Gohan.
"What a waste of talent. Bye." Vegeta raised his hand was about to fire a blast at Gohan. But Piccolo quickly appeared behind the Saiyan.
"Not today. Back off." Piccolo growled.
"Dad, I know that you're still out there somewhere. You have to be. I need you dad." Gohan cried.
"I tough guy like you should be able to face the truth." Vegeta spatted and walked away and left. Dende quickly ran over, helping Gohan up.
"Are you okay? I can't believe you did that." He said.
"What can we do about Goku and Krillin? The planet's not there anymore. If we wish them back, they'll just end up there and they'll die from no air." Bulma murmured.
"Enough with this ridiculous babble. If you want Kakarot back, then listen. The Earth has a check in station in the spirit realm, wish him back there first then wish him back to life." Vegeta explained, leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. Everyone stared at him in surprised.
"Hey, that might just work! Vegeta what a great idea, I'm impressed." Bulma smiled.
"Excuse me, Miss Bulma. We'd like a request to make. You see we've planned to use our Dragon balls to relocate to another planet. But finding a suitable home is going to take time. Do you know of a place where we can stay temporarily until we can make other arrangements?" Moori asked.
"You can stay with me!" Bulma exclaimed. The Namekians stared at her and blinked in suprise.
"N-No, we mustn't impose." Moori said.
"It's really no biggie. It's the least I can do for you all besides you need a major credit card to stay at a hotel!" She winked. 
"Credit card?" Several Namekians looked at her and whispering to each other in confusion.
"No worries! My dad's compound is huge! There's enough room for everyone!" Bulma told them.
"We accept." Moori nodded. Bulma turned back to Vegeta.
"What about you, homeboy?" Vegeta's eyes widened a little in shock.
"Wha-homeboy?" He sputtered. Bulma laughed.
"Loosen up! You're going to need a place to crash too! So drop the arrogant tough guy act and just relax! Unwind a little and see what life has to offer you. You're actually kind of cute!" She winked at him. Vegeta blushed a little in embarrassment before it quickly disappeared.
"What are you-I'm not kind of-S-Shut up!" Vegeta hissed, gritting his teeth.
"Alright! It's all settled. I'm going to call my dad have him pick all of us up!" Bulma said.
"Thank you so much." Moori thanked her. Gohan walked over to Bulma.
"Bulma, do you think that I can stay over at your house for a little while?" He asked.
"What are you talking about kiddo? You have your own house and a wonderful mom whose probably worried sick about you." Bulma replied.
"Well, yeah. But it'll be just for a short time. Please, just until a finish my homework?" Gohan said.
"You're scared to face your mom, aren't you?" Ocarin said.  "I get it. She can be a little...insane from what I've witnessed several years ago before you were born." Bulma called her father and he came along with Purar and Oolong in a spacecraft.
"There they are!" She shouted. The ship landed on the ground and the door opened and Chichi quickly ran out. She charged through the group as everyone stared at her in shock.
"Gohan! It's mommy! Where is he!?" Chichi shouted.  She saw Gohan hiding behind a tree and he slowly stepped out when she came running over to him. "Gohan! It's you, my son!" 
Bulma and her father took everyone back to her home and they were surprised to see how big it was. 
"Well, guys, this is going to be your new home for a while. It's not the Taj Mahol but I think you're going to like it." Bulma smiled.
"Are you the one who helped Goku saved my beautiful little girl from those horrible men!?" Bulma's mom hugged Vegeta, who froze when she hugged him. Then he noticed the spaceship that Bulma's father had built and walked over to it, stepping inside with her father as he explained the ship to Vegeta. Piccolo noticed Ocarin was about to leave and he turned to her.
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm going to go check on Kami! I'll be back!" She smiled. Piccolo scoffed and looked away.
"Well, don't take too long." Ocarin blinked at him for a moment, wondering why he was acting like this. She smiled and hovered a few feet off the ground. She quickly pecked Piccolo's cheek when she kissed him, catching the Namekian of guard. Ocarin quickly flew away before Piccolo could grab her and she flew off, heading towards Kami's Lookout. As she got closer, Ocarin saw Mr. Popo watering the flowers and he met with her as she landed on the Lookout.
"Ocarin! You're back!" He smiled and ran over to her. Ocarin smiled and hugged the genie..
'It's nice to see you. It feels like its been so long since I've left Earth." 
"I see that you have returned and safe and alive." Ocarin's eyes widened when she saw Kami step out of the building. He smiled and walked over to them. Ocarin teared up and lunged at Kami, tackling the guardian. "Kami!" Catching Kami off guard and the two fell onto the ground. Ocarin began to landed many kisses on the Namek's face and hugged him tightly. Kami returned Ocarin's hug. Mr. Popo smiled happily as he watched the two's reunion.
So began a period of rest and recreation from the visitors from outer space. Bulma planned at party in celebration of Frieza's defeat. The elder Nameks learned to play golf and Moori became an expert putter. The Namek boys learned how to play poker. And a certain frog became a proud new ruler of the fishpond. Ocarin learned more about Namekian culture and biology from Moori, such as their ears are very sensitive and can hear long ranges of distances and their antennas, which is they use to express their emotions and make it easier to sense energy. The elder also told her that Namekians don't have babies, but are children, instead. When they hatch from their eggs, they are already able to talk and walk on their own. Bulma learned from Dende and Necke that Nail had fused with Piccolo and she walked over to Ocarin.
"Say Piccolo fused with another Namekian, right? I've noticed that you two seem awfully close." She said. Ocarin nodded and took a sip from her orange juice. "Yes. It's true." She wasn't used to being around so many people, not that she minded being with the Namekians. They were so nice to her and the others.
"Wow! Lucky! Two guys at once!? Does that mean you're having a threesome?" Bulma asked her. Ocarin's eyes widened, nearly spitting out her drink.
"I think I hear Gohan and Dende calling me." She quickly walked away and left.
130 days seemed to pass by very quickly and it was time to summon the eternal dragon once again. Necke had talked it over with his people and Moori and he agreed to stay on Earth. There wasn't enough food or nutrients on Planet Namek and Earth had exactly what he needed. Everyone stood outside of Bulma's capsule corp house with the Namekian Dragon balls in front of them.
"You guys are lucky. Are Dragon balls take a whole year to regenerate." Bulma said. Dende nodded.
"It's true. We Namek's just have a shorter year than you guys do."
"Let's call upon the eternal dragon while we're still young!" Bulma shouted.
"Hey! Wait!" Everyone saw Gohan and Chichi running over to them.
"Gohan, you're just in time!" Ocarin called out.
"Gohan's been making up all the extra homework that he missed since he's been gone!" Chichi said.
"Dende, are you ready?" Moori asked. Dende nodded, smiling.
"Go ahead, my friends. We can wait another 130 days to start our new life." Moori told everyone.
"You guys are so nice." Ocarin smiled.
"Let's do it! Please bring Goku and Krillin to Earth's check in station in the spirit realm!" Bulma shouted. Dende activated the magical orbs and Porunga emerged from them. He told Porunga in Namekian to bring Goku and Krillin to Earth's check in station. The dragon's eyes glowed before they diminished.
"Alright, just a second. The one called Krillin is at the Earth's check in station.  But the one called Goku cannot be brought to that place." Everyone stared up at the dragon confused as well as shocked.
"What!? Why not!?" Bulma cried out.
"Because he is alive. If I move him there, he will die." Porunga told them. Everyone's eyes widen in disbelief. Goku's alive!?
"Dad's really still alive. But how?" Gohan whispered.
"Goku's alive!" Ocarin shouted, overjoyed.
"But if Goku's alive, why hasn't he come back yet?" Bulma wondered.
"Maybe's his ship's broken or he's stuck somewhere." Gohan replied, thinking the same thing.
"My friends, he's alive, so just wish him back here." Moori said, smiling.
"That's a great idea!" Bulma smiled. "The next wish, bring Krillin back to life!" Dende told Porunga to bring Krillin back and the dragon completed the wish. Krillin instantly appeared in front of everyone, alive. Everyone cheered.
"Alright, for the last wish, let's bring Goku back to Earth!" Bulma shouted. Dende told Porunga and the dragon's eyes began to glow again.
"The one called Goku does not wish to return." The dragon's deep voice bellowed out to everyone.
"What?" Gohan said in disbelief, so did everyone else.
"He says he'll come back later."
"What? But why!?" Bulma shouted.
"I know why because he's scared! Of his wife!" Master Roshi exclaimed.
"What!?" Chichi glared daggers at him, holding a sword. Master Roshi chuckled nervously, while everyone stared at her a little terrified.
"Why doesn't dad want to come back?" Gohan questioned.
"Your dad said that he'll come back later. Don't worry, Gohan, he'll keep his word." Piccolo assured him. Suddenly, everyone noticed that Vegeta had disappeared, wondering where he went. Then the spaceship behind the house took off with Vegeta inside of it and went up into the sky heading into space.
"Where's Vegeta going?" Bulma wondered. 
"Forget about him. Besides don't you guys have some friends that you want to bring back from King Kai's?" Piccolo said.
"Right!" Bulma nodded.
They used the last wish to bring Yamcha back. Another 130 days later, the same darkness overtook the sky once again. The first wish was used to bring back, Chiaotsu. The second wish was used to bring back Tien. Finally, it was time to say goodbye. Moori stepped over Dende.
"Well, Dende, it's time to say goodbye."
"Yes." Dende said, sadly.
"Goodbye, friends." Moori said. Dende walked over to Gohan and Ocarin and Necke and he took Gohan's hands, holding them.
"Gohan, Ocarin, I'm sorry but i have to say goodbye now."
"Come on, don't say it like that. I know that we'll see each other again someday. So, how about, see you later." Ocarin smiled, softly and hugged him. Necke ran over and hugged Dende, who hugged him back.
"Bye, Dende."
"Necke, I hope that you find happiness here on Earth." Dende told him.
"I promise. I'll never forget you guys." Dende teared up.
"Goodbye, Dende." Gohan murmured sadly.
One by one, all the Namekians began to vanish as they were teleported off Earth then Moori, and last Dende, to begin life anew somewhere deep in space on their new home planet. 
A week had passed since the Namekians left Earth. Ocarin flew in the sky as she looked around for Piccolo. She hadn't seen him since then. It was almost like he was avoiding her for some reason. As she continued to search around for him, Ocarin sensed his energy nearby and saw Piccolo meditating next to a creek, floating in the air. She landed down next to him, but Piccolo didn't move from his spot.
"So, this is where you were. I've been looking all over for you" Ocarin asked Piccolo, walking over to him.
"..." He told her. Ocarin frowned before she smirked. She hovered a little off the ground and reached out, touching Piccolo's ears and began to gently massage them. Piccolo's eyes shot open and he grabbed her wrists, stopping her. 
"What are you doing!?" He hissed.
"You looked like you could use a massage." Ocarin replied, cheekily. Piccolo huffed and turned away from her.
"Why are you here?"
"Isn't obvious? I wanted to see you! Although I do have a question." She replied. Piccolo stayed silent, letting her continue.
"When the Namekians were here on Earth, why didn't you talk to them? Don't you want to get to know your family?" She asked.
"Knowing that I'm not the only one is enough." Piccolo said to her. Ocarin sighed. "I guess that's fair. But I'd figured Kami would. He waited so long for this. However, I'm not surprised that he didn't come. He takes his duties so seriously. I just...I just wished that you two would just think of yourselves for once. Is that selfish of me to ask?" Piccolo opened one eye before he turned to her.
"No, it's not." 
Ocarin squeaked in shock when she felt lips brushed up against hers as Piccolo kissed her. Her eyes widened as her breath hitched in her throat in shock. She didn't want to move thinking that if she did, this would disappear. She dreamed of this moment for so long and it was finally happening. Ocarin melted into Piccolo's kiss, closing her eyes, as she stood up on the toes of her feet wrapping her arms around his neck. She tugged his turban off his head and Piccolo's antennas fell out, brushing against her face as they moved.
"Is this Nail or Piccolo that I'm speaking to right now?" She joked.
"Can't it be both?" Piccolo made a small smirk.
"Let's go somewhere a little private away from here." Ocarin told him. Piccolo stared at her wondering what she meant by that. He slowly nodded. Ocarin smiled and took Piccolo's hand, lifting off from the ground and Piccolo followed her as they flew, leaving the woods. She took him to her favorite spot where they met by the lake.
The next morning, Ocarin woke up to find herself lying on the forest ground. She saw that she was covered over by a blanket that wasn't there before and neither was Piccolo. Ocarin sat up as she looked around for him but didn't see him anywhere. She figured he left to go meditate or train somewhere like he always does. Her lower body felt sore stretching down to her legs. Ocarin blushed as she recalled last night's memory in her head of her and Piccolo. The way he reacted to her touch, and she loved the feeling of his. The two declared their love for each other, glad that no one was around to hear them as they continued making love until the two of them reached their limits.
Ocarin stood up and gathered her clothes putting them back on then she flew back to the Lookout. She saw Kami walked out and landed in front of him about to head inside the Lookout to take a shower after the workout from last night.
"Is take it you had a fun night?" Kami smiled. Ocarin smiled back at him.
"Yes, I did. I've been keeping an eye on Necke. I've figured that he wanted to stay on the Lookout with us but he wanted to try his chances in the wilderness." She told him.
"Oh and nothing else exciting happened?" Kami asked her. He was hinting something he knew that she didn't. Ocarin stared at him with a confused look. Exciting? What was he talking about? Why does he have that strange look in his eyes and why is he smiling unless...Ocarin's eyes widened, realizing. Oh...Oh!
Oh no. No, no, no, no! Kami felt everything last night! What her and Piccolo did! Her face turned vibrantly red. Kami made a smug smirk.
"I'm going to take a nice long hot shower and I'm going to bed." She quickly walked past him and retreated inside the building.
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anonymous-harpy ¡ 9 months ago
Yoji (Baby Vegeta) from universe 6
Wrote a drable below
There are several fantastic ways of implementing the Tuffle parasite into super, the most interesting to me being that the parasite originates from universe 6 rather than 7. Now this could down several ways, and one day I might explore them in detail, but let’s focus on the most likely one- he’s just as much of a spiteful bastard in U6 as he was in U7, but with more Sayians around and more eyes watching in general he has to be more careful about what he does. Now why would he be from U6 and not U7? I like complicated stories and to put it simply- what if a while before the U6 Sayians joined the space age they were competing with Tuffles? And things got well out of hand, but since the victors tell the history, the “heroic” Syaians defeated the evil Tuffles, and overtime Sayians actual became goodies because of their belief in their history as heroes? Literally no one would know the truth except Yoji.
I would not be surprised if- working with the characters as cannon from the anime- he would make use of Frost, manipulating him and inevitably taking over his body (Sorry Icejinlover) and since I love the idea his presence can cause physical changes in the host (ala the white hair and red line on Vegeta), he would definitely make Frost look a bit less like his usual self to try getting around Frost’s wanted status. Also, given that Yoji can definitely peek into someone’s mind he would realize there are Sayians in different universes and would quickly determine his best bet is to bide his time in U6, but this could also be the start of the villain redemption arc (for both? Probably)
He may or may not be on the fence from the start given that he knows how kind Cabba is, and last I was aware Calfia and Kale were doing the whole Robin Hood thing? Why yes I do refuse to look that up so I’m running with that. Yoji would actually see that this generation of Sayians are goodies, but he’s still dependant on his programming (Like our man Cell) so he’s not exactly going to stray from it too easily. Independence and freewill is terrifying to Babe.
There’d be some nasty skirmishes but not quite enough to make Champa do anything about it, because how else would the U7 team be made to have adventures and explore the other universe? Seriously, I really loved GT and what little I watched of the OG dragon ball, the exploration was awesome.
So via a combination of Yoji killing U6 Sayians and not even the likes of Hit being able to stop the sneaky bugger Goku and Vegeta get pulled in to handle this. Except because of power creep, Yoji’s a major pain in the ass to try and get rid off- Still he gets knocked out of Frost which scares the hell outa him, but being much stronger now he catches several people off guard when doing his mind control stuff. And for dramatics sake we don’t see him when he hitches a ride on literally anyone to get into U7.
He’d probably watch how Goku and Vegeta are goodies with their families and start struggling to justify his actions. Maybe he even briefly gets to talk with Piccolo? Maaaaaybe? Also the Gammas and Hido. (I just love the Gammas so much, fite me)
still just for funsies He might try to grab Broly and that goes about as poorly as one could expect and at that point he starts having the break down.
Either he regains his composure and stays a villain (completely valid and what would most likely happen to him at this point in the timeline) or after everything he’s witnessed now that he’s no longer in isolation he attempts to make amends for the bullshit he’s pulled. And oddly enough Vegeta’s probably the person he can relate to the most, one some level, and actual kinda helps him. (I like Vegeta’s journey of maturing and slowly moving past his trauma in super… Yes I think it’s mostly in super. He relaxes by the end of Z, but Whis and Beerus’s constant presence I feel is helping him to find inner peace)
Now… Because I love my boy so much, and just because this is how I feel- He’d be kicked out of U6 after apologizing and he’d just be absorbed into the U7 fold given how many badies have turned into goodies… and would occasionally hitch rides to Beerus’s planet for the joy that is taking instruction from Whis for the same kinda inner peace training.
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nella09archive ¡ 1 year ago
Marriage. 7
Chapter 7: Before It Begins
It was finally my 18th birthday next week, I was so scared. Dad was going to throw me a party, like always, but I suggested something else. I asked if we could have a small tournament. Any boy who could beat me I would consider if he could be my husband. Surprising dad agree. Good, because I knew no boy in my village was stronger than me. It would be an easy win for me. But I was surprised that Li was on the list of guys who was taking part.
I was starting to feel some type of panic. Doubts started to show itself. What if he wins? What if dad tells me I had to marry him on the spot? What if… what if I could never see my Goku again? Tears started to slide down my cheeks, as I began to sob heavily into him pillow. I can’t allow that to happen. I just won’t!
During this week, until my birthday, I’m going to train extra hard. I can’t let anyone beat me. I am the strongest female of my village, and it’s going to stay that way.
“Goku, are you excited?”
“Why’s that Kami?”
“The tournament is only a few months away now.” At the news my face lit up. It’s finally almost here. I need to get some extra heavy training in before the day. I can’t wait!
“Kami, do you think I can try the ROSAT again before the tournament?”
“I’m sorry Goku, you can’t. Have you forgotten the rules of that room?” At that I frown, how could I forget. So I got back up, and started my katas till lunch.
It’s the day before my birthday, and I was walking the halls with a big smile. I was so proud of myself, for I finally mastered a new technique. After dad taught me about life energy, which is also called ki to some, I tried putting it to practice. I practice using it intertwine with my fighting style. I also learned more about channeling my chakras.
Day in and day out I practiced till my energy flowed as I landed every strike. Now as I take a break before my birthday, I walked around the castle. Then I turned the corner, and spotted father. He was speaking to one of the young maids. How dishonorable. And yet I was told I had to be a proper princess. So why can everyone else do they please, without care.
I then left without being seen, and as I continued walking, I could hear people whispering about me. “Did the king really think anyone could beat her? What a waste? She’ll never find a husband.” “What a shame she has such a temper? I’ll feel sorry for any man who marries that.” “Did you hear?” “Hear what?” “She hasn’t slept with anyone yet. What a stuck-up bitch.” “I agree.” “She thinks that she’s so proper, so reserved. But who can forget that showy outfit she worn as a child?” “Oh, don’t remind me. She still acts like a child.” “I know, right? Especially still believing that stupid promise to a boy all those years ago.” “Exactly. He probably doesn’t remember her. Heck. I bet he done it with other women already.”
And after that last comment I ran at full speed to my room. How could they? My father apologized for all his wrong doing. He even went as far as doing what he can to help everyone. On top of that I been nothing but nice to them.
Just as I reached my room, I spotted Li next to my door. He had a grin on his face as walked away. I went into my room and found a box on my bed. When I opened it, it was one of those showy customs. I got so angry. I then threw it out my window. How dare he!
I just couldn’t take it anymore. Tomorrow, at my birthday tournament, I’ll make sure he understands who he’s messing with.
Today I feel so on edge, and I don’t understand. I wasn’t training or anything. Today was my relax day, so, I should relax. But it’s strange that I feel this edginess, this eagerness to punch someone merciless. I haven’t felt that since fighting King Piccolo. Maybe it’s just due to the tournament closing in. But really, I don’t understand why I’m just so on edge. Yesterday I was fine, but just not right now. Whatever it is, I hope these feelings ends.
This edginess and uneasiness is really bothering me, not even meditation helps. On top of that, I was getting angrier by the passing minutes. I don’t know how but, it felt something was giving off that energy, and it’s really affecting me.
Li was my next opponent, and I was feeling on edge. I had already taken down the first two easily, but strangely I felt on edge with him. “Fight!” With as much speed I could master, I went in for the attack. He didn’t even see if coming, and within seconds he was out of the ring. “Winner, once again, Princess Ox Chichi!” The tournament was then announced it will resume the next day. Well, that is because there were more men trying to win me over. Most of them came from my village, some from another kingdom all together.
The next few days was brutal as I defeated every one of the males, who challenged me for my hand in marriage. Well, there was one person I hoped would show up. Yet he never did. I was very disappointed, and dad kept insisting I take one of the losers to be my husband. I just couldn’t.
Why did I feel sad out of nowhere? I was in the middle of doing another set of katas, when an overwhelming sadness fell upon me. This was just too weird.
The week before the tournament I decided to set out to find him. Maybe when I do, we can enter the tournament together. And while we’re waiting our turns, we could spend time together. Maybe I get to kiss him. With those thoughts running through my head, I couldn’t help by giggle. Maybe he’ll kiss me. That thought made me blush and having a huge smile.
As I traveled to where dad said his old sparring partner lived, I felt my heart beat racing. What if he’s there? What if he’s waiting for me? Of course, he’s waiting for me! After all, we made a promise. I do everything I can to keep my promises. And how dad speaks about Gohan, I’m sure he taught him to keep his promises, too.
The moment I realized I was closing in on Mt Paozu, my excitement grew. Once I made it to where dad said it’ll be, I was soon disappointed. Goku wasn’t here, after all. I did a look around the clearing, and enjoyed my surroundings. Then a thought occur. When me and Goku gets married we’ll live out here. It’s so far from cities and towns, but it’s just so peaceful. There’s also so much to do around. Like endless hikes, and even train together. And when we have kids!
Oh my! The kids would love it here. So much room to play, and explore. I could just picture it now. A big oh happy family, enjoying the outdoors. And when they get old enough, they can train with me and Goku, and even spar. It’ll be so amazing. I can’t wait!
Now that’s weird. Why do I feel excited? And I’m not talking about getting into a fight excited. Or the type of excitement I get when I see food. This excitement feels, happy yet bubbly. Whatever this excitement is, I like it. It’s just weird that it happened so random.
0 notes
burnxngslash ¡ 6 months ago
'!!" gimmie the relevant DB boys for Nina pls thank
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Their looks : "It's funny, Nina had literally become beautiful overnight when I noticed her..I mean I've always known she was incredibly beautiful but those were days before I saw her with the eyes of a man. There's something about her smile that makes me a goner."
Their personality : "Very hard-headed but it's from a place of love. She's not going to just stay in the sidelines when there's something she could do to help and even if there wasn't anything that COULD help you, she'd still find something because that's the kind of woman she is. Always caring, always loving."
And who they are to my muse : "She's my wife and mother of our beautiful and smart daughter. I can't be more in love and that's a promise."
+ Etc! : "Whilst I can't exactly elaborate..BUT if you've seen her dance you just get..hypnotized with the way she moves. I'm not sure what it is but I can never seem to blink I've been told."
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Their looks : "She's alright, I wouldn't say she's ugly but I can't exactly give her a big head by calling her beautiful. Some people have to keep her humble."
Their personality : "She can get a little embarrassing with her constant coddling but she's incredibly nice. Okay MAYBE I enjoy it when she does coddle me a little..but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing."
And who they are to my muse : "Nina's kinda like a sister to me at this point. Before she was just that baby sitter that was always around. We'd play games and..okay I can't say 'play' games because she doesn't have the skill to use a controller properly."
+ Etc! : "Don't tell her I said this but when I was a kid, I was always excited whenever she came over. Gohan would always go back home at some point but Nina would show up a bit after he'd leave and it made me feel less lonely. I was always jealous of Goten because he had a big brother and I was always alone in my room, more toys than any kid should have but it doesn't mean anything if I couldn't share them with a sibling. Before Bulla showed up I had Nina."
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Their looks : "Nina's incredibly pretty and talented. I remember there were a lot of guys that were interested in her when she was in highschool, Trunks tricked me into this game of 'protect the princess'.
Their personality : "Oh she's incredibly nice and kind. The best person in the world honestly, if you're friends with Nina then you've got a friend for the rest of your life."
And who they are to my muse : "A big sister of mine, although she might REALLY become my big sister if she marries my big brother."
+ Etc! : N/A
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Their looks : "Ninazu is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life, which is ironic because we both met as kids and even then I can remember Mr Piccolo saying that I was bashful when we just met."
Their personality : "She's a really kind woman, very helpful and loyal. She's always been one to go above and beyond to help someone when there's something she can do."
And who they are to my muse : "Nina's my best friend (and girlfriend). We've been through so much together and believe me I know there's going to be more hurdles but we'll conquer then together."
+ Etc! : N/A
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Their looks : "She's a rather beautiful for being partially of the human species. Quite a specimen that the God of creation took his time with."
Their personality : "She was interesting, one that held so many merits to the whelps in her life and oh it was rather fun to tear those loved ones away from her until I was the only one left for her to cherish and praise."
And who they are to my muse : "Nina is mine, I've chosen her to be my goddess."
+ Etc! : N/A (Because tumblr won't let me keep this blog if he does open his mouth here."
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inkrabbit ¡ 2 years ago
My Light
Summary: After helping Primo get through the mountain of paperwork, he's whisked away by Terzo. Unable to talk to you in the comfort of his own office, he tells you to meet him in the garden for the conversation. So why can't you find him?
Word Count: 2,756
Attention: This fic is the prequel to "Primo's Favorite" and shows the reader finding Primo in the funeral home. This would take place during Chapter Three: Back on the Road, before the brothers are loaded onto the truck.
You’re gathering up Primo’s paperwork, stacking them together and tapping the ends of the paper on the desk to straighten them out. It seemed like today had been busier than usual in regards to the documents Sister Imperator had wanted him to fill out. The poor man had gotten up at the crack of dawn, already scribbling away at the papers by the time you had gotten to his office.
“Papa!” you had scolded when you saw him, the papers already in a forming pile to his right. “You should’ve woken me up! I would’ve helped you.”
“Ah, il mio piccolo fiore, you deserved your rest.” He gave you that warm smile that was irresistible to match. “Besides, I’m a big boy. I can handle a few papers that Sister throws at me.”
“Looks like it’s more than a few…” You walked over to the desk, frowning at the large stack on his left side. “Would you like some help, Papa?”
His lips parted, ready to speak but he took time to think about it. Finally, he had let out a small sigh, his voice soft when he responded, “If you wouldn’t mind, girasole.”
“Not at all, Papa.” You took a good chunk from the stack, rounding the desk and sitting across from him. He handed you one of his extra pens, but when you reached for it, he jerked it back with a playful smile.
“It’s not Papa,” he told you slowly. “When it is just us, you call me Primo. I have told you this, no?”
“I’m just trying to be respectful.” And you gave him a smile when you finally took the pen from him. “All of the other ghouls call you Papa. I didn’t want to act like I was better than them.”
He was silent for a moment. “You said it, not me.”
“Primo!” You two had shared a laugh, your tail flicking excitedly behind you.
You two got to work after that, sharing jokes here and there until the paperwork finally dwindled down. By the time he had signed the last document and placed it on the pile, he had given you a smile.
“La mia luce,” he had started slowly, and that velvety voice made you melt. “There is something I would like to discuss with you. Something more ah…” He trailed off for a bit, his hand raised and making a few small circles in the air. “Well, I suppose it’s not considered taboo anymore.”
“Taboo?” You had laughed when you heard the word. “Primo, just what could you see as taboo?”
“Don’t tease an old man, girasole. It’s not polite.” Still, he gave you a smile and straightened himself up. “Anyway, it’s something important. You see, I have been… thinking and-”
“Primo!” The two of you had jumped when his office door had been pushed open, Terzo standing in the doorway with a less-enthused Secondo behind him. “Ah, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Actually, Terzo-”
“No, no! That can wait!” Terzo had shot you one of his charming smiles, bowing slightly to you. “Scusate, ghoul, but I need mio fratello maggiore for something important.” The way he spoke the Italian was mocking, like someone talking to a child.
“Just agree, Primo,” Secondo chimed in. “He won’t shut up otherwise. Trust me, I know.”
And Primo had pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling a string of angry Italian. Still, Terzo smiled at the eldest brother.
Primo gave you an apologetic smile. “Excuse me, mia luce. I’m sure I won’t be long.”
“Of course, Papa.” You stood when he does, bowing to him.
“Mia luce?” Terzo had parroted, a smug smile on his face. “My my, fratello! Look at you!”
“Silenzio!” You moved to the side when Primo had picked up his pen, throwing it at the younger man. “È abbastanza brutto che ho dovuto fare le scartoffie tutta la mattina. Ora devo ascoltarvi!”
You tried to hide your smile when you saw Terzo use one of his hands like a little puppet, mocking Primo in a higher-pitched voice as his hips shook back and forth. Still, he had given you a small bow as Primo rounded his desk and joined his brothers.
“Always nice to see you, poca luce,” he grinned. You were still confused. Though you had worked with Primo for years, you had never heard that term before. Well, you decided to ask him later.
“We can continue our talk in the garden. Perhaps in half an hour?” Primo told you as he gave you that same warm smile from this morning. “It would be more appropriate as well.”
“Of course, Papa.” You gave him one last bow as he followed the others out of his office and into the hall.
“Onestamente, Primo. Il tuo ghoul?” You heard Terzo start, his voice echoing through the halls. “Sto iniziando a pensare che potrei essere una cattiva influenza.”
“Zitto!” Even from there, you could still hear the distinct sound of a soft scuffle, most likely Primo hitting the younger man. You smiled.
So here you were now, making sure the papers were ready. You didn’t know why Sister had wanted him to fill out so many, but you were just glad you could help. Spending time with Primo, no matter what you two were doing, had always been the favorite parts of your day. Over the years, it felt like the connection with him had gotten stronger; closer. You two had fallen into sync, and there had been several occasions where one of you would start humming a song, only for the other to say “I was just thinking of that.”
Even apart from him, you felt in tune with his emotions. Anger, embarrassment, annoyance. You assumed Terzo was having his fun annoying the eldest Emeritus. You couldn’t wait to hear what Primo had to say about it later on.
Half an hour. You take a moment to yourself, staring down at the little succulent you had gifted your Papa. What had he wanted to talk about so badly? It wasn’t like him to be nervous or to beat around the bush with anything; and yet, the scent of the anxiety had stained your senses.
You take your time, tidying up his office before you make your way to the garden. It wouldn’t be too long before he met with you, and you could finally get to hear what he wanted to talk to you about. You had planned on teasing him some more, deciding to tell him that it wasn’t polite to keep secrets from his favorite ghoul. You couldn’t stop smiling. You could already hear that playful gasp; see how he would lay a hand over his chest as he feigned offense.
While you wait, you decide to rip out some of the weeds that line the walkway by the fountain. Primo always hated these things and you were more than happy to give him a small surprise. You feel at ease as you pull the dandelions out, pleasantly surprised when some of them still have the roots attached. You stand up to discard them in the nearby trash, wiping the dirt off of your hands.
The next thing you know, a surge of adrenaline and fear courses through you, your knees buckling and sending you to the ground. Your hands ball into tight fists, claws pricking at your palms as your tail wraps around your leg. Your mouth hangs open, but you can’t find the strength to scream or even breathe. Images of Primo flash through your mind, offering you a bit of comfort before the feeling finally fades away. Still, you’re kneeling on the ground, a trembling mess as the dirt clings to your black robe, your grucifix just barely scraping the ground as it gently bounces with each heavy breath you take. This wasn’t normal and your first thought goes to Primo. Did the old man nearly fall again? You remember having the same feeling when his foot caught on the leg of his desk and he went tumbling to the ground.
You pick yourself up, dusting off your robe and straightening it out. You take a few more deep breaths, making sure you’ve completely calmed down before starting for the gate. You’d just go check on Primo real fast; tell him you had gotten a bad feeling and just wanted to make sure he was okay.
But the scent you followed led you to an empty room. While it was still flooded with the scent of the brothers, they were nowhere to be found. Maybe they had just left? You decide to retrace your steps, wondering if you possibly had missed Primo on your way through the abbey. The layout was rather huge. It could’ve easily happened.
“Primo?” You call out, slipping through the gate. To your dismay, you don’t get a response. You walk around the entire garden, calling his name, wondering if the wind was carrying off his scent so you couldn’t locate him. But still, he doesn’t turn up. You know it’s silly, but a part of you is starting to get worried. It was normally so easy to find the old man.
You decide to return to his office. Maybe he went there instead to get ready to turn the paperwork over to Sister. So back to the building you go, rubbing your face. You couldn’t wait to tell him about this little goose chase you just went on. You could hear his playful voice now: “I’m not a child, quello piccolo. I know how to care for myself.” And you fully intend to bring up the last time he got sick and pouted up and down while acting so pitiful when it was only the two of you.
“Ghoul!” You see Sister Imperator walking towards you, hands folded in front of her as she’s accompanied by one of Secondo’s ghouls.
“Good afternoon, Sister.” You give her a bow. “I trust everything is well with you?”
“Just splendid.” Her smile feels… off, but you decide to ignore it. “You can go see Papa I now.”
“Oh, you’ve found him?” You feel a wave of relief wash over you. She gives you a nod, turning to the ghoul beside her.
“Go on. You remember where he is.” There’s something about the way she says that – the way the ghoul bristles beside her that doesn’t sit right with you. But still, you follow the ghoul through the abbey and… towards the funeral home?
“Ghoul…” He looks back at you, your steps slow. “Why… why is Papa Primo out here?”
“It’s not just Primo.” His voice is strained. “It’s all of the Emeritus brothers.”
“What do you mean?” You two stop outside, his hands folded in front of him.
“I’m sorry.” No… “Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator – t-the clergy…” He takes a deep breath, steadying himself. “Ghouls weren’t allowed to decide. They appointed three ghouls to carry everything out and that was it.”
You turn away from him, pushing the door open. Your throat closes up when you see the open caskets, hot tears spilling down your eyes. The only thing you can muster through your opened mouth is a pathetic whimper. You force yourself to walk forward, hands shaky as you reach out to touch Primo’s face. He’s wearing his papal robe, along with his makeup and mitre. He looks peaceful, laying there with his hands folded across his chest. But he’s so cold.
The sound you finally get out is unnatural; a guttural scream that takes all of the air out of your lungs as you fall against the casket. You bury your face in the silk robe, tears staining the material.
“Wake up!” It’s the only thing you can manage to get out, aside from calling his name. You grab his hand, squeezing it, hoping that the sensation would rouse him awake. “Please, Primo! You can’t leave me!”
You raise your head, releasing his hand to cradle his face once more. “Please. Please! I need you!” Your wipe your tears on the sleeve of your robe, clearing up your vision. Your hand moves from his cheek to his shoulder, shaking him. And still, he lays there, silent and limp.
You look around. The other brothers are also dressed up, makeup and all. You feel sick. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. You turn your attention back to Primo. “Master, please. Just wake up.” You choke out another sob. “You promised! You told me I would never have to go through this!” Your grip on his shoulder tightens. “Why won’t you wake up?!”
You don’t know how long you stand there, bent over his body. Your throat hurts from your screaming and begging, your tail wrapped around yourself in a pathetic attempt for comfort. Your body is trembling again, shaky hands reaching up to tug at the chain of your grucifix. You pull it over your head before slowly lowering it into his casket, tucked right beside his body. Reality was finally setting in. No amount of begging and crying would bring him back. Still, it didn’t make you feel any better.
Your fingers curl underneath the hem of the robe’s neck. You tug at it a bit, remembering how he used to complain about it choking him. There had even been more than one occasion while on stage where he would try and casually readjust it. You hoped that, by the grace of Lucifer, you loosening the neck would give him some sort of extra peace in the afterlife. The last thing you do is lean forward, pressing your lips to his forehead.
“Ti amo, Primo.” Your voice is still shaky, but you try your best. “I’ll miss you.”
One last gentle caress and you finally pull yourself away from him, your arms wrapped around your middle. You keep trying to breathe steadily and to calm yourself, but you still let out a few pathetic sobs here and there.
Secondo’s ghoul isn’t outside the funeral home when you exit. Fine by you. You weren’t exactly in the mood to exchange any more pleasantries with him.
You let your legs take you past the abbey, mentally checked out as you walk. You don’t exactly realize where you are until you smell the flowers surrounding you. Another hard sob, your chest feeling like it’s going to cave in. It hurts just about as bad as your throat does from your wailing. By this point, you’ve run out of tears, your sleeve soaked from wiping your eyes so much.
You open the glass door to the greenhouse, slowly trudging inside. It’s warm, making a shiver run up your spine. You make your way over to the old bench, legs giving out when you sit down. Still, you bring them up and to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs as you bury your face between your knees. Why? Why did they have to take him from you? Why so soon?
“Ghoul?” You don’t respond at first, not realizing someone’s calling out to you until it’s said again, louder. “Ghoul?”
You pick your head up, still sniffling as you see that silver mask. “O-Omega?”
He’s slow as he moves further into the greenhouse. He reeks of sorrow just like you’re sure you do, the scent getting more intense as he draws closer.
“May I?” He gestures to the space beside you. Instead of answering, you shuffle over, giving him more room. “I suppose you saw.”
“Yeah.” You can’t muster anything else, trying to keep your composure in front of him as you slowly uncurl your legs. Still, you can’t stop yourself when the crying wants to start back up again.
Omega seems to notice, his arm wrapping around you and pulling you towards him. You only notice that he’s softly crying when you bury your face against his shoulder, his body bouncing with each sob. The more you two cry, the tighter your hold on each other gets.
It takes you a while, especially waiting for the moment you think you’ll be able to talk without stuttering, but you finally pull back to look at Omega. “Do you know what uh… what mia luce means?”
His ears flick and he does his best to clear his throat. “I think that’s… my light? Why?”
Another round of sobs racks through you as you curl in on yourself. Everything hurts more knowing you would never be able to know what Primo truly wanted to talk to you about.
Translation: Mia luce - my light Scusate - Excuse me mio fratello maggiore - my big brother Silenzio! - Silence! È abbastanza brutto che ho dovuto fare le scartoffie tutta la mattina. Ora devo ascoltarvi! - It's bad enough that I had to do paperwork all morning. Now I have to listen to you! Onestamente, Primo. Il tuo ghoul? - Honestly, Primo. Your ghoul? Sto iniziando a pensare di avere una cattiva influenza su di te - I'm starting to think I have a bad influence on you Zitto! - Shut up!
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carnal-lnstinct ¡ 3 years ago
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑 "𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢".
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Summary: A series of short one-shots inspired by this prompt, 1-35. I am not going to write all the prompts and I will not be writing them in order, but based off inspiration. To fuel my “horny on main” I may focus mainly on writing for Goku but there may be a few with other characters. Not all fics will be suitable for all ages. Minors should not interact with prompts rated mature/18+.
Completed Prompts:  2 / 4 / 7 / 10 / 16 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 27 / 34
10. Not said to me
Pairing: Goku x Female Saiyan Reader ( Conton City Hero ) Rating: E Warning: ( N/A ) A/N: I miss writing xenoverse 2 related fics. Context: Xenoverse 2 Goku when pair w/ Time Patroller is a version of Goku who never married Chi Chi and trains Time Patrollers.
Little Gohan followed you back to the Time Nest from your mission to escape the “scary” Piccolo who left him to fend for himself. You didn’t even notice him until his little grip found your tail and brought you down in seconds flat, paralyzing you until he let go. He was fascinated at you, having a tail that looked and acted just like his own. But then he was afraid of you for the same reason. The large man who kidnapped him also had a tail and he had beaten his father, and the way you reacted to your tail being grabbed didn’t help to ease the poor boy’s fear. Gohan suddenly let out a wail full of tears and helpless hiccups. 
It was only when the others came running at the sound along with Goku, your Goku, and entered the Time Nest did the little one’s tears suddenly stop. Gohan made a beeline for his “Father” and clung to him with all of his strength. He refused to let go, the confused Goku looking down at his occupied leg with a tilted head. It was going to be bad for the Time Scrolls of that Age for him to stay here and he needed to go back pronto, however even mentioning that brought out another outburst of cries from the small boy. The thought of returning to Piccolo or winding up finding someone else like Raditz set such a sense of dread in him. He wanted to stay with his daddy. Goku finally conceded to gather him in his arms while the rest of you discussed the matter, Gohan burying his face in his gi and curling himself up. The way he trembled and his tiny hands gripped the fabric so desperately, Goku couldn’t help but sympathize with the fear the boy displayed. It filled him with a bizarre sense of familiarity to hold this child he had never seen before. He spoke softly to him and patted a hand at his back to calm him.
The fact he shared the same name as his Grandpa and the Gohan from Trunks’ timeline who was also training Time Patrollers was enough to sway the saiyan to defend him. Besides, he was way too shaken up to be left alone right now.   
Goku sided with the little guy and offered to keep an eye on him until you all figured everything out. It wouldn’t do any of you any good to just toss him back right now, nor would it be irreparable harm if he stayed for just a little while. Just long enough to calm himself down. Supreme Kai of Time still had to gather all the scrolls together now that you returned with the distorted one “repaired” in order to stop any other small time distortions from happening. However, any bigger problems that can’t be avoided would only be fixed once Gohan was returned to his rightful place in the timeline, as she was quick to explain that much as well. 
Trunks thought it was kind of nice to see the little version of his own childhood hero and took sides with Goku as well. As long as he was returned to the exact moment he was taken from, there would be no issues.
You knew Gohan was in for a rough deal the moment he got back in his own time. Preparing for Vegeta and Nappa to get to Earth with Piccolo seemed brutal for even a half-saiyan so young, but he wasn’t too far off from getting his bearings as any other lower-class warrior as far as saiyan culture stands. If he was old enough to walk, and cry, then he was old enough to start working at a learning a useful trade or basic battle skills. Although, it certainly wouldn’t hurt him to just get to be a little kid with his “dad” for a day longer. Being an outsider looking in as a Time Patroller, you’ve watched all versions of Gohan suffer to a degree. He doesn’t really catch a break from the struggles he endures no matter the timeline, like the universe wants to build him up from a place of pain, fear, and anger. You’re not all exactly heartless enough to just throw a terrified child out on his own. Especially you for snapping at him for pulling your tail. He was going to be in good hands with Piccolo in the end, but it could wait.
You, too, agreed to let him hang out in Conton City just for a bit. It was not like he was going to remember any of it. You would all be like a dream to him once the scrolls are fixed together.  Or you presumed it would work out that way, no one’s ever followed you back from traveling with the Time Scroll before.
Much to Elder Kai’s dismay, it was just a waiting game at this time and Supreme Kai of Time agreed to allow it long enough for her to fix the scrolls. That, and maybe the cute face peeking out from Goku’s gi had played on her heart just a bit. You thought it would be interesting to see Goku interact with his young son from another timeline. He never married and had children from the timeline he comes from, but it still paralleled the main flow of history close enough with some unexpected outcomes. That life of hard training and world shaking battles did eventually bring him here where he met you. Some would call it fate the Savior of the Earth, self-proclaimed hope of the universe, would come to love The Conton City Hero, Savior of the time itself.
Thus, Gohan now had the chance to find a moment of peace and feel safe in his new surroundings. Goku didn’t have it in him to correct Gohan for calling him his dad. It wasn’t completely untrue, yet to try to explain he wasn’t but a version of him from another timeline would probably upset him again and make things more complicated than they needed to be. It felt oddly natural to just accept it.  The little one was just happy to once again be with his “father” and away from the scary bad men.
He slowly opened up to exploring Conton City, but never strayed too far from Goku’s side. Each grab at the man’s hand or cling to his leg came with a smile for the little one, encouraging Gohan to pursue whatever it was that caught his eye without fear. He admired the large hologram display of you in the city as many other denizens of Conton gathered around it as well. Goku thoughtfully had set Gohan on his shoulders so he could get a better look and not become lost in the crowd.
“See Gohan, (y/n) is a hero here. I know she makes scary faces, but (y/n) is your friend, too.” Goku explained holding little Gohan secure on his shoulders.
“Scary faces?” You repeated, brow twitching in offense to that. When Gohan looks back to you, you force a sweet smile for him and give a modest shrug. Though Goku can feel your glare in his spine when the child looks away and shudders with a brief chill of fear, quickly moving on to the next thing. In such a short time, the two had become inseparable from each other. Goku moved throughout Conton City with such excitement to share his favorite places with Gohan. You could barely keep up with them and how fast their interests changed to the next “best thing in the city”.
Gohan was immediately taken with flying around, he had no idea his father could fly without the Nimbus Cloud. Looking at Conton City from this far up really showed how dynamic and lively it was. He was initially startled at the sight of the large dragon circling the entire city, but Goku convinced him it was nothing to be afraid of. If anything, it was like a guardian watching over everyone from afar.
Goku was very eager to show Gohan off to his other students who were admittedly less thrilled and more familiar with their familial relationship than Goku thought. But never had Conton had such a young version of Gohan to charm them with his adorable, clumsy, and well-mannered ways. No one’s been this excited about a little one since Lord Beerus wandered through with Bulla. None risked getting too close then, however. This was much less stressful and more inviting. Goku allowed Gohan to even participate in some basic warm-ups that lead to him showing off the movements for the Kamehameha to him. Gohan took to mimicking it, falling in sync with Goku’s motions as they did it together. Gohan actually released a decent size blast on his own once he found the flow of power within himself. It startled him and you, but Goku was just amazed he had gotten it so easily. It was just like himself when he saw Master Roshi do it for the first time. You catch that glint in Goku’s eyes and to remind him ki blasts in the city were forbidden before he could encourage Gohan to try again.
The two then went to explore the Bamboo Forest area instead where Gohan immediately recognized the little shack before Goku could explain it, surprising him when Gohan climbed out of his hold and trotted in the direction of the structure. He knew it was Grandpa Gohan’s home, addressing it as such once he reached it.
“Don’t you remember bringing me here before, daddy?” Gohan beams up at him.
“I did?” Goku mused on the idea. It did sound like something he would do had he a kid of his own. His Grandpa may be gone, but there’s always a pleasant air around here that makes Goku feel like the Old Man was still waiting inside for him to return from his own little adventure with a story to share. Grandpa Gohan would have loved to meet the child named to carry his honor and legacy. Of course the other Goku would bring his son here to share that homey feeling that came with this place. Goku squatted down to Gohan’s level, smiling warmly at him. “Remind me what we did here.”
You watched them with a bit of distance now, letting them just have each other’s company with an adoring smile. Goku was always really good with kids and keeping up with the manner in which they like to play. Roughhousing with Trunks, hide and seek or imaginary tea parties with Marron, and airplane games with Baby Bulla, but this time with Gohan felt a little deeper. He connected with him as he had with the Gohan of Trunks’ time, only this time around he was small and not trained enough to spar with. Little Gohan didn’t know how to fight at all and he completely depended on him. He would start to cry when he thought he lost Goku and smile when he held him up high. His little tail would swing when they laughed together and Gohan would give the rest of his food to him when he had enough of it, expecting Goku to eat it too. Even so young, he was sharp enough to say “please” and “thank you” without being told, but curious and clumsy enough to fall onto his face when he ran too fast with his little legs. But Goku is watching closely and quick to act to soothe him. 
Gohan even made an effort to include you in their activities when you chose to let them enjoy themselves. He came with such kindness and generosity to you once he warmed up to you. “Oh! By the way, thank you for saving me Miss (y/n). A-And I’m sorry for pulling your tail.” He expressed himself eloquently and bowed to you out of gratitude. As expected of Goku’s son. Who could stay mad about such a thing when that bright little smile faced you? You had put the act behind you almost as soon as it happened, but that charming Gohan wanted to make sure you knew he meant nothing ill for doing it. His smile infected you and you nodded at him. “Don’t worry about it, Gohan. But maaaybeee I owe you a little payback!” You playfully growled at him and he took off running with a loud laugh, you chasing close behind him pretending to make grabs at him.
“No please, don’t pull my tail!” He giggled, moving in a zig-zag pattern to try to throw you off. It was when you grabbed his sides and lifted him up that he let out a shriek, following an even louder burst of laughs at you tickling his sides.
Goku watching the two of you now, engaged in the idea of how his life would be had he actually been Gohan’s dad. Training the little one the way his Grandpa trained him and even Master Roshi. Sharing the same adventures he gets to take with you and watching him grow stronger with each battle he faces. Goku could sense the strength nesting inside the small boy, the thought of helping him find it within himself and bring it out to achieve a new level was a thrill he couldn’t wait for. Though, he was reminded that this was temporary. He wouldn’t be the one to see that power grow into something amazing. He could only take comfort in knowing one day it will.
 Sending Gohan back was going to be difficult for both of them, it seemed. 
The tour winds down with a last visit to the beach area meant to imitate Master Roshi’s island. Goku was internally preparing himself to let go of Gohan so he could continue to live the life he was supposed to, continuing to keep him close in the meantime. Gohan sat in his lap with an ice cream cone as they watch the waves push and pull the sands and chatted about everything they could with the time they had left. Goku was rightfully surprised to learn Gohan wanted to be a scholar instead of a fighter at his young age. Hearing his mother encouraged it for him, he knew there was no way of changing that. He was already well aware of how the other versions of him married the Ox Princess. Being a scholar seemed to make Gohan happy enough, so he was happy with the idea too. None more than he knew the pleasure and freedom in doing the things you set your heart to. He hopes Gohan will fulfill that wish for himself. In the silence that set in, Goku barely noticed Gohan starting to drift off until the cold ice cream brushed his arm. He took it in his hand and tucked Gohan under his other arm so he can rest more comfortably, smiling at the way he settled against him.
“Hey.” You walked up behind him, “It’s about that time.”
Goku nodded silently. Gohan, not quite asleep, hears you and stared up at the two of you. You could see some worry start to come back. The three of you return to the Time Nest where Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks are waiting. The scrolls are all lined up on the table with a gap between them, one scroll in her small hands meant for Gohan. 
He may have been exhausted from an eventful day, but Goku could feel his small hands clinging to his gi again. You look to him as well and place your hand on Gohan’s head, brushing down his hair a little.
 “Don’t worry. You’ll see your dad again.” You smiled to him. “We did have a lot of fun with you today. But we do want you to see your mom again, too.”
“You’re coming too, aren’t you daddy?” The worn out Gohan asks, turning his head up under your hand to look at Goku. Goku looks regrettably to the Supreme Kai of Time and then you, lowering his eyes to Gohan and throwing on his brave smile.
“I can’t go with you this time, Gohan.”
“Actually.” You speak up, taking the scroll from Supreme Kai of Time and swapping Gohan’s ice cream in Goku’s hand with it. “I’ll let you handle this one. See you in a bit... Goodbye for now, Gohan.”
“Goodbye Gohan. It was nice seeing you.” Trunks added with a small smile and a wave at him. “And good luck.”
Goku holds the scroll tightly and it envelopes the two in a light, whisking them back into the past. When the light fades, the sky is vibrant orange and the lands beneath it are illuminated by a setting sun. He can sense Piccolo’s energy nearby and knew he would be making his way to Gohan now that his energy signature would become present for him again. 
He sets Gohan down in a grassy area, Gohan letting out a big yawn and rubbing his sleepy eyes. Goku takes a seat beside him as Gohan rolls onto his stomach.
“Ya know, if you get nice and strong I guarantee we’ll meet each other again. You’ll be a brave boy until then, won’t you?” Gohan can only nod his head as he let himself settle with his arms under his head. “Don’t forget to be brave, Gohan. For yourself and your mother.”
“Okay.. I love you, daddy..” He murmurs groggily, another big yawn pulling him to finally sleep. Goku goes to place a hand on Gohan’s head again, letting his warmth linger in his palms for just a moment longer. 
“We love you too, Gohan.” He admits, for himself and the other him. “Your dad is always going to do his best to be by your side. Never be afraid to protect yourself until he finds you...Goodbye, son.“
Goku arrives back in the Time Nest with only the scroll in his hand and a weak smile when his eyes find you. He hands the scroll back to Supreme Kai of time and gives her a thumbs up.
“He’s going to be okay.” He nods.
“Of course he will, ‘Daddy’.” You lightly teased, moving to stand at his side and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “He is your son in another lifetime.”
Goku nods again, then looks up thoughtfully, placing a fist under his chin. He then looks back down at you. “Hey (y/n), you can have babies right?” You’re all taken aback by the question, Supreme Kai of Time letting out a snort and giggling behind her hand. Trunks awkwardly laughs as well, scratching at the back of his head. You gather yourself and can only scoff at him, putting on your tough front and folding your arms at your chest.
“Oh what, you spend a day with Gohan and suddenly you want ‘scary face’ babies with me?” You fuss, turning your back to him.
“Sure, why not?” He answered quickly, hopeful and radiating his bright grin. “Then we can have a Gohan, too.”
“I- You- W-We’re not having a baby!”
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dbzebra ¡ 2 years ago
Hey Erin! Thanks for the ask :)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Bra**Ten. I could go very in depth on why i dont like this but I dont want this to get too long, so ill stop here for now lol
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
For very obvious reasons, Truten. They're just friends, man. Its hard finding good content for Goten that isn't truten related, so much is either that, or he's just 'child' or accessory to someone else. Let my boy be the main character for once, ((which is what im doing lol))
3. Any fandoms that don’t appeal to you?
Tbh, Piccolo x anyone. Especially Piccolo x Pan's teacher. Like, he said two words to her, + Namekians are asexual + Piccolo canonically said he doesnt get romance. He's not interested in anyone and that's okay.
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yamchaas ¡ 3 years ago
someone please remind me to write Chichi, Goku and Piccolo into my Yamtien stories more often, I had too much fun last year-
Taking him over to a drinks trolley she picked up a champagne glass and handed it to him, he was going to protest but before he could she was speaking “Tien, you can let your hair down every once in a while, figuratively, anyway.’ She laughed at her joke.
He was not used to Chichi being so… Friendly. Not wanting to be rude, he took the glass and lifted it to his lips, taking a small sip. Chichi leaned in to him, almost conspiratorially and whispered “So you boys finally worked it out?’
“Worked what out?” Tien asked, confused.
“You know.” She waggled her eyebrows at him.
Tien swallowed another sip of champagne, avoiding Chichi’s gaze. He could guess what she was getting at.
“What have they worked out?” A deep voice asked from behind Tien, almost making him jump. Piccolo was standing with his arms crossed, a frown on his face.
Yep, this was a nightmare.
“Piccolo.” Tien nodded to him, receiving a small nod in reply before asking again. “What have you figured out?”
“Nothing. I don’t know what she’s talking about.” Tien took another big swig of his drink, still avoiding Chichi’s knowing eyes.
“Alright, fine. You keep your secrets.” She shook her head, smirking.
“What secrets is Tien keeping?” Goku asked, coming up behind Chichi with Yamcha, a confused look on his face.
“Tien doesn’t have any secrets, he’s the most honest man I know.” Yamcha joked, laying a hand on Tien’s shoulder.
“Is that right?” Chichi laughed to herself, looking at Tien. Goku, Piccolo and Yamcha looked at her, clearly perplexed. “You’re so weird when you drink, Chi.” Goku said, scratching his head.
“You’re so weird all the time, Goku.” She replied reaching up on her tippy toes to give his cheek a peck. Goku giggled, a small blush rising on his cheeks. “Chichi, you’re embarrassing me.”
Finishing off his drink, he tried to avoid Yamcha’s gaze, clearly wondering what was going on.
Yamcha was not finding out that Tien was in love with him from a drunk Chichi at a halloween party. Let alone while Tien was dressed as dracula.
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saiyanwhore ¡ 4 years ago
Arranged (Vegeta X Reader)
Chapter Eleven // Life On Earth
After giving birth, you made it your mission to give Daio a good life. You knew it would already be tough for him, not having a father figure and all.
You had taught Daio everything he knew. You built a small cottage in the middle of the forest, far away from suburban and city life.  You hunted for your and Daio's meals. You took Daio under your wing and taught him survival skills.
He was strong and as stubborn as ever. He had quite a little personality. It reminded you much of his father.
You told him stories of Planet Vegeta. Of his father, the Prince. You told him all about the truth. About Frieza, the space pod, him being born the moment you arrived. Everything. You didn't want to shelter your child, but also Earthlings confused you profusely. Even now that you've lived on Earth for over a decade, humans were odd. You tried to keep Daio away from the city, knowing that he would be confused seeing you confused. It was hard for Daio at first, but he was smart and strong willed. He came to understand everything.
As for appearance, he was almost a carbon copy of Vegeta. He had the dark eyes and everything. Even so, his power level was greater than his father's at this age. Daio was thirteen and always shocked you with his power. He would have made an amazing warrior.
And as of now, he was out searching for dinner.
"Hello mom." He entered the house, veggies in his hands. "You'll never believe what I found."
"What!?" You gasped as you looked at him, a smirk upon his face.
"I found a boy while I was out looking for dinner. He told me his name was Gohan." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door, pointing to a little boy standing in your yard.
The poor boy looked terrified. "Look, he has a tail!" Daio announced turning to Gohan and pointing to his tail.
"Daio! You can't be going around stealing children! I'm sure his family is worried sick." You grabbed your son by the ear and pulled him away from Gohan.
The little boy shrunk down against a tree, visibly shaking.
"Now, Gohan. Do you know how to get home from here?" You crouched down to be level with the boy.
He shook his head no as tears started streaming down his face.
"Hey, sweetheart it's okay. We'll find your family. Do you know your parents' names?"
"Uh huh." He sniffled. "Chi-Chi is mommy. Goku is daddy."
Goku. That name sounded awfully familiar.
You giggled as you picked him up.
"Okay Gohan. We'll get you home."
You started flying and looked over at your son. "Now you. I expect you to give me some sort of direction as to where you found him! I'm sure his house is nearby."
Daio rolled his eyes, knowing that was a risky game to play with you.
"Fine." He mumbled.
He took the lead as you followed close behind, being sure to make sure Gohan felt safe.
"How old are you Gohan?" You asked the little boy.
Jeez. A little young to be out in the woods by himself.
You traveled maybe five minutes before Daio led you to the ground. His arms crossed as he looked over to you. "Here."
"Drop the attitude." You growled. "Otherwise no training for a week."
His arms immediately dropped to his side. "Yes ma'am."
"Daddy! I'm here!" Gohan jumped up and down as you watched his father lower himself to the ground. He was riding a big, orange cloud.
"Hey kiddo! Where have you been? Your mother almost had my head!" Goku exclaimed, picking Gohan up and ruffling his hair.
"I was lost." Gohan frowned. "But this nice lady helped me!"
Goku looked at you.
Oh my gosh! He's the one who helped me when I landed here!
"Jeez! Thanks." Goku sighed in relief. "Hey! Aren't you the lady who gave birth to that-"
Goku looked over at Daio and gasped. "Wow! Not a baby anymore!"
He giggled as he scratched the back of his head. "What's your name?"
"Daio." He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.
"Wow! Talk about a bad attitude!"
"Well, if you met his father you wouldn't be surprised." You pulled your son into a tight hug.
"You've got quite the power level for a kid your age." Goku exclaimed. "Who's been training you?"
"I have, actually." You blushed, looking down at the ground. "Back on our home planet I was the strongest female saiyan."
"Well hey! Maybe I can show you two some techniques from here on Earth sometime."
"Yeah for sure!" You smiled.
"Speaking of which...what's your name again?"
"Okay Y/N. I have some questions for you. Maybe we could head back to my place and while the boys play, we can talk."
"I'm not playing with a four year old." Daio scrunched his nose and looked over at you.
"Yes you are." You grabbed his collar and dragged him over near Goku. "And yes Goku, we will talk." 
"Let's go!" Goku placed Gohan next to him and they took off, you and Daio following close behind.
Once you landed, Goku sent the boys inside and took you aside to talk to you.
"So, we had an encounter with a Saiyan not too long ago. He told us planet Vegeta was destroyed. His name was Raditz. We just barely beat him. He told us a year from now, two more Saiyans would be arriving. They're working under someone named Frieza. I need to know something..."
Your heart stopped.
Two more Saiyans.
Tears started escaping your eyes and before Goku could ask his question, you fell into his chest and sobbed.
"Woah, woah! It's okay, Y/N!" Goku hugged you tightly.
"My son's father...he's probably dead. I can't imagine Frieza allowed him to stay alive." You cried.
"Hey, look. That's why I want your help!" Goku started. "I need to know what you know about Frieza and these Saiyans coming. You'll know their combat strategies and maybe even their techniques! You can help us fight them. And I can train you and Daio while Gohan goes to train with our friend Piccolo."
You softly smiled at the goofy man in front of you. "Yeah. I'll give you any info you need Goku. And I'm sure Daio will enjoy a change of pace while learning with you."
"Great!! So we'll start tomorrow!"
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