waiting for ganyu…
65 posts
it is the nature of things to arise and pass away.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
crawls out of pit
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hi. nice to see ya. hope y’all are doing well :)
i know i haven’t been active on this blog since… checks notes… yikes. february. i’ve had a lot going on this year, including a long break from genshin, so i’ve unfortunately not been posting!
i have started another blog since disappearing! i’m far more active on there, so i recommend checking it out if you’re into call of duty content! i’ll leave it right here for anyone interested -> @siilvan
while i’m not going to be posting here for a bit longer, i do plan on writing genshin and star rail stuff in the near future. the new kaeya skin has quite literally dragged me back in, so i’ll hopefully be putting out some new stuff soon :)
i’m very thankful for the followers sticking around despite my absence, and the fact that i’m still getting notes on my old stuff– you guys are amazing 🫶🩷
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
your writing style is amazing and i love it so much (especially when you write kaeya) 🤍🤍🤍 you deserve all the best things in the world honestly
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i appreciate this so much omg,,, i’ve not written anything since november due to irl issues and severe writers block, but things like this really help motivate me to push past that block skdhskwhd
you’re so sweet tysm 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
hi! i saw you were doing matchups and was hopping to get one w one of the guys please?? i’m ambiamorous i’m not really shy but i’m introverted and kinda hate being in places w a lot of people. i’m really physically affectionate w the people i’m close w. i laugh really easily and love rice balls and i love cats and always pet them, kiss them, and hug them (despite being allergic) i also like to feed stray cats whenever i have the chance
Hi, welcome! I have matched you with! Heizou!
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Heizou can blance out your introverted nature with his more outgoing one, and he's quite good at handling people of any temperament.
I imagine he found you while you were trying to coax one of the Inazuma stray cats towards you. He quickly deduced that you were allergic and your allergy symptoms were only serving to keep the wary strays away from you. He noted the dish nearby, filled with a cute Invigorating Kitty Meal, and smiled slightly before making his presence known to you.
You jumped a bit in surprise when he cleared his throat, and hastily stood up, straightening your clothes and tidying yourself as you muttered... apologies?
"Why are you apologizing?" he asked.
You hesitate, and before you can explain, he invites you for lunch, his treat. When you hesitate again, he remembers to properly introduce himself and then asks you again.
This time, you accept.
As the days slip by, you grow closer to the doushin, the two of you spending more and more time together, whether for "official" business or not. Heizou took to helping you with the cats, even going so far as to find a doctor in Liyue who could make allergy medicine to help you a bit.
There was never a big, dramatic confession. Despite Heizou's appearance to the public, he wasn't always an attention-seeking drama king. But the night he walked you home from Uyuu restaurant and slipped his hand around yours, the day you laced your fingers with his and squeezed, the day he looked at you with those green eyes as he kissed your hand. That was the day you knew, and the day you knew you agreed.
And you know, if he ever decided to make you his forever, you'll just look down one day to see a ring on your finger, and look up to see a mischievous yet pleading glint in his eyes.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
hi! hope you doing great! <3
can I have male genshin matchup please? i’m a girl, monogamous, an aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i deeply care about my friends, and i’m super affectionate with people who i love. also, my love language is physical touch!! and I’m touch-starved. i’m also very sensitive and emotional person, but i’m fully open with my feelings only with close people in my life. my height is 5’5, I have long brown hair and green eyes, i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine, but i also love to dress cozy! i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies and all the bunny-themed items! i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc. my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings! and also someone who would cuddle me a lot <3
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. i hope you have a nice day <3
Hi there! Congrats on being my first match up of the year! Year of the rabbit too, haha!
I have matched you with... Diluc!
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You are classy and cultured, as well as very educated. Of course, he takes some time to warm up to you, as well as learning to open up more, but your livelier personality makes it happen faster than anyone was expecting.
You impressed him from your first meeting, and every meeting after. Once you began to know each other a bit more, and he found out just how much you cared about your friends, that's when he began to fall.
Diluc's feelings manifest as protectiveness, so if you were at Angel's Share, and someone was talking to you, making you uncomfortable for any reason, and they just suddenly stopped and left. That's Diluc standing behind you. He's always gentle with you, though. Have you looked at his voicelines? He's a huge sweetheart, he's just got a lot of baggage that he's working through.
"Master Diluc has taken to personally managing the bar at Angel's Share much more frequently, I've noticed," you overheard Lisa say to Amber as you passed by Good Hunter.
"Really? I don't go in there much, I don't really enjoy drinking, but if he really is, I wonder why?"
Lisa giggled. "Rumor has it that Mondstadt's most eligible is edging closer to no longer being an eligible bachelor."
"Oh, Donna is not going to be happy about that," is the last thing you heard from Amber as you continued on your way to the aforementioned bar.
If you were honest with yourself, you were running out of good reasons to be constantly visiting the bar, and you were also running out of excuses. But the Angel's Share was someplace where you felt comfortable and at home, despite not being anywhere near home.
And also, Diluc was another reason.
Diluc had given you the impression of being a cold, stony man, but as you spent more time in his bar, you got to know him a little better. He was warm, kind in his own ways, and while he was serious and solemn, he had his moments of quiet joys.
But the thought of him possibly having a lover stung just a bit. Of course, you had no claim to him, you were just a friend. But a part of you would like a little more.
You shook the thoughts out of your mind as you pushed open the door to the bar, catching the eyes of Charles.
"You're early, he hasn't come in yet," the man offered as he wiped out a glass.
"Oh, I know. I just thought I would come in first and give him a little gift, is all."
Charles nodded and returned his focus to his task. You picked a table in the meantime, and set down the covered basket you'd been carrying through the city with you. You'd spent a few days collecting items to put into this gift, because with this gift came some unfortunate news.
News that you didn't have time to dweel on, as Diluc came in the backdoor, putting his hair up in the high ponytail you liked so much. He caught sight of you, hairtie in his teeth, and waved with a barely free hand and a small smile.
You watched as he quickly took over for Charles, and manned the bar with ease. You went up to the counter to order a small glass of juice, then returned to your seat as business picked up.
Finally, the flow of traffic settled, and Diluc slipped put from behind the counter to make his way towards you. You gently pushed the basket towards him, and he picked it up gently.
"What's this?"
You fidgeted with your top. "A goodbye gift. I have to go back to the Akademiya in a few days, as my classes start again soon." You sighed, and smiled up at Diluc sadly. "I really enjoyed my time here, and meeting you was a wonderful thing. I really enjoy your company."
"Oh." Diluc sounded.... far more upset than you had been expecting. He gently set the basket down, then tapped your hand gently, a shiver quickly running through you at the touch. "Will you... follow me outside, please?"
You nodded, and let him guide you out of the tavern, through the back door. You expected him to drop your hand there, but he surprised you by taking both your hands gently in his own.
"I know I cannot stop you from leaving. But please. Keep yourself safe. For me." Something else lingered on the edge of his voice. An emotion you couldn't name, but that your soul recognized. Something sweet, melancholy, and tinted by the sound of "goodbye".
Something clicked in your head and you pulled his hands closer to you. "Of course. Protect yourself, as well? For me?"
Diluc nodded. "As you wish." He then embraced you, and after a moment, you returned the embrace. The two of you stood there for a few minutes, just like that.
Sometimes "I love you" hides unspoken in different words, or in small actions. Especially when danger hangs around. But you both knew what the other meant.
I hope you liked it, sorry it took me so long to get to this! if the ending is weird, ah. I'm sorry. I felt like a pure "I love you" wouldn't do either of you justice, so please forgive me.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Illuminate Me
Hu Tao x Keqing
Merry christmas to @eenochian because once again this is one of her gifts <3333
Warnings: none
WC: 1823
Rating: T+
Keqing buried her face in her hands, frustration and exhaustion washing over her. Less than a month until the Lantern Rite, and she still felt no closer to finalizing everything than she had on day one. Everything was piling up, and to be fair,  everyone was overworked. Still. That didn’t stop Keqing from wanting to complain.
She slid all the papers away from her once she looked outside and noticed the sun was setting. She was ready to go home, maybe after a quick dinner. The day was ending, and Keqing did not want to trigger burnout.
Keqing waved goodbye to Ganyu and Ningguang, leaving the Qixing Headquarters for the day. As she stepped outside, she debated whether or not she was actually gonna eat out, and if so, where.
She settled for Wanmin, if only because it was close to her home, and Mao did take-out. So she trained her feet down to Chihu Rock.
She wove through all the crowds, thick despite the sun falling below the horizon. She deftly avoided so much as brushing shoulders with anyone, her quick speed and reflexes helping her in crowds more often than she’d admit to other people.
She arrived at Wanmin after about half an hour, and slid into an empty barstool. She was surprised to see Xiangling in the kitchen, but then figured she must have returned from her latest adventure. So she gave Xiangling her order, not that she needed to, because she already knew. And as she waited, Keqing put her head down on the counter, cushioned by her arms. She closed her eyes, and let the ambient noise lull her closer and closer to dozing…
And then someone slid into the stool next to hers with a giggle. When Keqing looked up, she was met with the scheming face of Director Tao of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Keqing sighed.
“Do you need something, Ms. Tao?”
The young woman grinned even wider. “Are you all alone on a Friday night? Not anymore!”
Keqing’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Is this another marketing ploy?”
Hu Tao shook her head. “Nah, I’m just here to keep you company. You look exhausted and lonely, so I figured I’d abandon my consensual stalking of Zhongli and come hang out with you!”
Keqing’s frown only grew. “I have questions. Like, what do you mean by consensual stalking?”
“Oh, he told me it’s okay and he always spots me somehow, so it’s consensual. I only do it to Zhongli, though. I’m well aware of legality, Lady Yuheng. I stay well within it.”
“That’s why you haven’t been arrested,” Keqing agreed with a sigh. “For the record, Ms. Tao, I don’t think you deserve all the calls you get from the Millelith. You are, in fact, running a business. Does everyone agree with your methods? No, of course not. But you’re just drumming up business. No different than the jade vendor hawking his wares. People just look down on your business because of their fear.”
“So, you’re not telling me to change my tactics?”
“Why should I? So long as you aren’t trespassing or harassing people, you’re really no different from the other vendors. It’s not your fault if your ‘product’ makes people uncomfortable.” Keqing perked up as Xiangling set down a plate of golden shrimp balls and took Hu Tao’s order.
“It’s just. Some people think I should change things. Be less forward, use more euphemisms, stick only to billboards, stick only to pamphlets, shut up and let people die, then they’ll come to you.” Hu Tao pressed a hand to her eyes. “Sorry, I got a little emotional there, haha. Anyway, some company I am. How are you?”
Keqing had just stuffed a shrimp into her mouth when Hu Tao asked, so she made a point to chew slowly while making eye contact before speaking. “I am frustrated with my job, but it is nothing that I haven’t done before.”
“Oh that’s right, you must be working on the Lantern Rite festival!”
“Yes. Things seem to be moving rather slowly, and I’m not sure how to speed them up.”
Hu Tao grinned with her eyes closed, though a small tear still glimmered on one of her lashes. “Hey, I’ll help if I can! Maybe if I’m not talking about ghosts and death, people will listen! Besides, I’m an excellent director or manager. Not a single person has complained about my management skills, living or dead!”
Keqing stifled a giggle as she grabbed another shrimp ball. “Well, we’ll see, but ultimately it’s not up to me. But if we need someone to hype up the workers, we’ll give you a call, maybe.”
Hu Tao hummed. “Fine by me. Hey, you know what you- and probably me, too- should do after the festival?”
“We should go on vacation!”
“I can’t.”
“Ningguang’s labor laws apply to you, too, Keqing,” Hu Tao said, dropping the formalities.
It threw Keqing off, though, the sudden change in tone. Everyone referred to her as the Yuheng. They referred to her as authority, as someone in charge. But Hu Tao was not doing that. She was referring to Keqing… more like a friend. 
And that did something to Keqing.
She stammered over her meal. “W-well, even if I were to take a vacation, I don’t think it would be suitable for us to go together.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Keqing knew she messed up. She tried to back track and clear it up, but Hu Tao laughed and leaned on the counter with smirk.
“So, you’re thinking about going on vacation with little ol’ me? I’m flattered!” She leaned in close. “I’d love that.”
Keqing flushed, and hurriedly started shoving fried shrimp into her mouth. Hu Tao leaned back and laughed.
“Your face is priceless!” She shrieked. “Oh, Archons, I’m so sorry, but that was so funny!”
Keqing glared at Hu Tao over her stuffed cheeks, too dignified to start yelling through a mouth full of shrimp, but needing to get her point across. Hu Tao just laughed more.
“I never bought it when guys said this but, Keqing, you’re cute when you’re angry.”
Keqing felt the receding heat in her cheeks return full-force, and she swallowed and pointed her chopsticks at Hu Tao. “You. Are on thin ice.”
Hu Tao giggled, picking at the noodle dish that Keqing hadn’t even noticed was there. “Well, unfortunately I’m a Pyro! So say bye-bye to your ice, Miss. Or, rather,” she says, catching a glimpse of Keqing’s Electro vision, “Prepare to be Overloaded! By, uh. Feelings.” Hu Tao slammed her face into the counter, narrowly missing her noodles. “Way to go, hotshot,” she muttered.
Keqing paused. “What do you mean?”
Keqing quickly grabbed the cuff on Hu Tao’s jacket. “Wait, I want an explanation.”
Hu Tao looked away, and made eye contact with Xiangling, who had shamelessly stopped working to pay attention to their conversation. Xiangling giggled at the helpless face Hu Tao was making.
“May I?” Xiangling asked, leaving the kitchen for good. When Hu Tao nodded, Xiangling Turned to Keqing, a semi-serious expression on her face. “We need privacy! Ms. Keqing, if you’d be so kind as to come with us?”
Keqing was a little confused by the turn of events, but still desperately wanted to know what was happening. So she nodded, and followed the two young ladies to a more secluded area down by the docks.
When they got to a quiet area, Hu Tao looked less nervous and embarrassed, but Xiangling’s mischievous grin had only grown wider.
Xiangling spun around. “So Hu Tao has something to tell you!”
Hu Tao shot a glare at the younger girl, then started fidgeting with her hands. “Well, the truth is. I’m a lesbian.”
“Congrats,” Keqing said, not quite getting what was happening. After all, she was a demisexual herself, but even so, she didn’t get the hangup around sexualities.
“And I have a crush on you.”
Keqing felt her face flush again, and Hu Tao kept talking.
“I’m really sorry, but you’re just so smart, and strong, and cool, and you’re cute when you’re mad, and you’re so kind at your core, and you’re not afraid to express yourself. And before I knew it, I really, really liked you!”
Keqing finally finished processing everything Hu Tao was saying, her eyes going wide. Xiangling had long since departed with a song on her lips, but now all Keqing could see was Hu Tao silhouetted by the moonlight on the bay water.
“Hu Tao.”
“You don’t have to reciprocate! I just. Wanted to explain why I was being a little. Weird. I’ll leave you alone, now. Forever.”
“No, wait.” Keqing held her hands up and shook her head. “This isn’t a rejection. I may not be ready to try dating yet, is all. I’m, uh. Pretty slow when it comes to this stuff. You may have to give it some time to see if there is anything. But. Maybe, there is a chance. Don’t give up hope, Hu Tao.” She hesitantly placed her hands on Hu Tao’s. “Just. Be patient? Please?”
Hu Tao nodded with a watery smile. “I can wait. I can wait a hundred lifetimes if it means I get to spend even one with you.”
Keqing felt a tingle in her soul at that statement. A promise was wrapped inside.
The Lantern Rite was reaching its peak. The big fireworks show, this time personally overseen by the family from Inazuma, was about to launch. And instead of supervising the launch like she had in years past, Keqing was running through the crowded streets, looking for just one person.
She ran past the Feiyun guild, where Xingqiu was chatting with some Mondstadters. She ran past Yelan who was talking with Yanfei and Ganyu. She ran past Shenhe, who was perusing goods with Chongyun. Past Ningguang, Zhongli, and Beidou. Finally, down by the docks again, she found her.
Hu Tao turned around at the sound of Keqings festival heels clicking against the ground. She opened her arms up, and Keqing threw herself into them.
As the first fireworks went off, Keqing pulled back. “Hu Tao. I like you, too. I like you back. This is fast for me, but you are kind, and you are a fantastic listener, and you make me laugh. And you’re cute when you laugh with me. So yes, I like you. A lot.”
Hu Tao smiled, happy tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “So, can I ask you to be mine?”
“I already am.”
Keqing’s confession was punctuated by the largest firework of the night going off in the sky, and as the two girls leaned in close for the first time, the world seemed to fall silent.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Brother Wind and Sister Fire
Xiao and Amber centric, Platonic relationship. Another gift for @eenochian my beloved!
Summary: Amber asks Aether's opinion on Imaginary friends, but as it turns out, hers wasn't imaginary.
Set sometime before the Amber Beta Trailer video.
“So, Aether, I have a question.”
Aether looked over as Amber sat next to him and then nervously fiddled with her thumbs. “Sure, what is it?”
“Uh… Do you believe in imaginary friends?”
Aether laughed slightly. “Yeah. Why?”
Amber continued playing with her thumbs. “Well, I had one when I was a kid. Or I thought I did. But while looking through my grandpa’s journals that he left behind, I’m… maybe a little confused on that now.”
Aether tilted his head, inviting Amber to continue talking. He was getting more intrigued by the second, and definitely wanted to see where this was going.
“Okay, so, my grandpa came from Liyue originally, and occasionally we would go back there for some brief trips. He told me a lot of legends from Liyue, including some about the adepti.”
Aether thought he might know where she was going with this, but continued to listen closely.
“So, naturally, my imagination ran away with these legends, and not long after, I had this imaginary friend. He was an ancient adeptus, and he wasn’t around all the time. He did a lot of fighting, and had a sharp tongue sometimes, but he was kind and gentle to me most of the time. I stopped seeing him as I grew older, but… I wonder if he wasn’t imaginary.” She put her chin in one of her hands. “I remember that he had this little mantra, I guess I would say, where if you called his name, he’d come. But… I’m kind of nervous to try it.”
Aether smiled. “So, an adeptus who comes when called, a great warrior, but kind and gentle under the hard armor?”
“Yes. Why, do you know something?”
Aether grinned. “I don’t think he’s imaginary, Amber. In fact, I know him quite well.” He raised an eyebrow. “May I call him?”
Amber’s eyes were wide, but she nodded just slightly.
Aether turned his face towards Liyue, raised his hands to his mouth, and called out, “Xiao!”
Amber was on the edge of her seat, but not two seconds after Aether called, a green mist quickly appeared and solidified. The adeptus looked down at where Aether and Amber were sitting on a bench and sighed.
“Why do you call me when you’re not in danger?”
“Do I need to be in danger to see you? Besides, I wanted you to meet an old friend of yours.” Aether gestured to the girl on the bench next to him. “Amber.”
Amber waved shyly. “Hello, Xiao. You might not remember me, but when I was a kid, I thought you were my imaginary friend.” She laughed nervously. “It was pretty silly, but I was telling Aether about you, and uh. Yeah. Here we are.”
It was a rare sight to see the Outrider Amber be unsure and nervous, but there weren’t many people to see her like this.
Xiao looked Amber up and down. “You’ve grown. Yes, I remember you. You weren’t in Liyue often, but you were very fond of my company, regardless of if it harmed you or not.”
Aether grinned cheekily. “You could have always just not shown up, silly Yaksha.”
“And disappoint a child?”
“Oooh I knew you were soft to kids. First Dusky Ming, now Amber!”
Amber watched the conversation fly out of her hands rather quickly, taking in Aether’s teasing tone, and Xiao’s remarkably relaxed stance despite the provocation. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.
“Wait, just how close are you two?!”
The conversation stopped entirely, and Amber felt a flash of unnecessary guilt before it faded away. They looked at each other for a moment, then Aether turned to Amber.
“We’re, uh. Pretty close. You know how it is.”
Amber really didn’t, but her attention was caught by the adeptus. He looked rather embarrassed, and after a brief wave at her, he muttered, “I must go now,” and vanished again.
Aether sighed with disappointment. “I’ll have to find him again later. But are you satisfied now? You know he wasn’t imaginary now!” Aether seemed more excited at the idea then Amber was, and Amber couldn’t stop from drawing a comparison to the sun.
As Amber joined Aether on more and more adventures, she was surprised to see Xiao frequently. As it turned out, Xiao frequently joined Aether on his adventures. And thus, Amber, and usually Diona or Bennet, got front row seats to the strange dynamic between them.
Diona, in her sharp-tongued way, was the one who said what they were all thinking.
“They must be dating each other. No other reason to explain the idiotic looks they give each other!”
“Diona!” Amber scolded the young girl. “Lets not call them idiotic.”
“Stupid? Moronic? Ridiculously sappy lovelorn longing? Anyway, you know I’m right.”
“It doesn’t matter if you’re right or not, Diona, it’s none of our business. We’re here to help Aether out. Not gossip about him.”
Diona pouted, her ears flicking in annoyance. “Well, they’re driving me crazy!”
Diona jumped in fright at the voice from behind her, her ears flattening entirely. “Archons above, how dare you scare me!”
Xiao looked down at her. “Who’s driving you crazy? Do I need to eliminate them?”
“No!” Diona shrieked. “It’s no one. Go away.”
Amber shook her head. “Diona.”
“Fine! Please go away?”
“Aether is coming soon, our first commission of the day has been posted. I cannot do that.”
Diona growled in irritation, but did not speak any further.
Xiao observed the small girl for a minute. 
“You have a sharp tongue, but only to disguise your pain. Am I correct?”
Diona jumped again. “Eh? What are you talking about?! Mind your own business!”
Amber stood next to Xiao and leaned in. “She has a very complicated relationship with her-” “I can hear you!”
Amber stifled a giggle at Diona’s outrage.
Amber and Xiao continued to get recruited on Aether’s adventures, and Amber was beginning to think Aether was doing it to get them to catch up. But Amber was still nervous and scared around the adeptus, and she was dedicated to fulfilling the tasks she was given.
But she couldn’t stop Xiao from speaking to her. And when he finally broke the tension, she was caught by surprise.
She squealed in surprise, the campfire flaring in time with her surprise. “Adeptus Xiao! You scared me!”
“Apologies. You can simply refer to me as ‘Xiao’.” He sat down next to her and gazed at the fire.
Silence fell over them.Then Xiao inhaled sharply.
“It has not escaped me how Aether has been putting us on the same teams frequently. But even so, we have yet to hold a meaningful conversation.” He closed his eyes. “I understand how you may be embarrassed from thinking of me as an imaginary friend, but I am not offended by it. I think it’s rather, what’s the word Aether uses… Sweet? Sweet of you to think so. It kept you safer while you were still young.”
“But is it not disrespectful to have thought that?”
“I would rather someone think that than have someone constantly demand wishes and favors. Regardless, the times I spent with you were some of my much quieter times. Almost relaxing. You were a bright spark, still are. Don’t let anything put out your spark, Outrider.”
Amber almost felt like crying. “I won’t, Ade- Xiao.” She glanced over at him. “So… Just how close are you and Aether, exactly?”
He scoffed, but with no edge. “Humans and your gossip.” Amber waited patiently, and eventually Xiao spoke again. “We’re closer than I thought was possible. I thought I would never be allowed to be close to someone like this, but something about Aether… He’s different.”
“That’s what most people say about the ones they love.”
Xiao paused. “The ones they… love?”
Amber covered her mouth. “Oh, you didn’t know? My bad.”
“No, I’m glad to finally have a name for the emotions I have been trying to figure out for months. But I never thought I would experience love.”
Amber giggled. “Well, there’s a first time for everything. And you could say I’m an expert in emotions!” Amber smiled and posed. “So just rely on me to help you out! Outrider Amber, reporting for duty!”
“Oh, are you two finally talking? I’m glad!” Aether made his presence known as he brought a basket of ingredients to the fire. “Hey Diona, I told you they’d talk eventually!”
“Yeah yeah yeah, fine. I’m still not serving you anything but water and juice!”
Aether set the ingredients down and threw his arms around Xiao. “Soooooo, what did you talk about?”
Xiao grabbed Aether’s face with his hands, and gazed intensely into the blond’s eyes. “I’m in love with you.”
Aether laughed. “Did you just now figure that out?”
Xiao fell backwards. “You knew?!”
Aether frowned slightly. “You didn’t? I thought we’d been dating this whole time!”
Xiao turned bright red. “We have?!”
Amber stood up and gently guided Xiao back to the log they’d been sharing. “Okay, so there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. That’s okay. We can figure that out in a bit. But let’s not leave Diona to do all the cooking.”
“I’m fine. You all keep enjoying your drama or whatever, I’m not an employee of the Cat’s Tail for nothing, you know.”
Amber suppressed another bout of giggles, then cleared her throat. “How about…. Xiao and I take over dinner, while Aether and Diona, uh… start laying out the table!”
The remainder of the night was spent in simple dinner and laughter, and a making up of a misunderstanding. And Amber felt glad to finally be on speaking terms with her oldest friend. 
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Extended Hand, Extended Heart
General audiences.
Written as a Christmas gift for my dearly beloved @eenochian ! Merry Christmas, my love!
Summary: The Kamisatos are hosting another festival on Rito Island, and guests are coming from all over Teyvat. Ayaka meets someone special. 1808 words.
Ayaka nervously smoothed down the front of her dress, her nerves finally getting the best of her. Ayato, the entire Yashiro Commission, really, had been planning this international cultural festival for almost a year now. Ayaka really didn’t want to be the one to ruin it all.
The first guests to arrive were from Liyue. Members of the Liyue Qixing like the Tianqiang and Yuheng were among them. Ayaka could have sworn that there were two half adepti in the crowd, their horns and antlers being just too real to be headpieces. Even a funeral parlor was represented, by a young woman who made a beeline for the Yuheng, and a tall man with amber eyes who kissed the hand of the ship’s captain before making his way over to his employer and the other Qixing.
Then came guests from Mondstadt. Many of the Knights of Favonius, including Albedo and Klee, who Ayaka waved extra hard at, and another child, with cat ears, that seemed to be friends with Klee. Albedo introduced another guest to Ayaka briefly, a shy young lady by the name of Sucrose.
Even Aether showed up, bringing a guest of his own from Liyue. The two young men didn’t stay out in the crowd very long, just long enough to greet Ayaka back, and introduce the second man as Xiao, an honored adeptus, but not fond of crowds. Then they left.
Even with Thoma’s help, Ayaka was beginning to flag. And there were still more ships scheduled to land today.
Thankfully, the guests from Sumeru would be the last ones of the day, leaving tomorrow for any other guests.
Ayaka straightened up as she saw the leaf shaped boats sailing in, and she smoothed back her hair. Just one more round of guests, and then she could go to the inn and sleep until the next morning.
Footsteps echoed on the wooden planks of the dock, and Ayaka curtsied.
“Welcome to Inazuma, guests. I am Kamisato Ayaka, your hostess.”
As she stood up again and opened her eyes, she froze. Literally. She could tell the ice beneath the dock had frozen over, and a tiny part of her mentally chided herself for losing control. But the rest of her was awestruck by the lady before her.
“I’m Nilou,” she introduced herself. “I am with Zubayr Theater. It is my honor to be here.”
Her clear blue eyes gazed gracefully into Ayaka’s own. Everything about her, actually, was graceful. Ayaka felt like a newborn kitsune next to this paragon of grace and elegance. Her red hair was tidy in its pigtails despite having just walked off a boat, her traveling clothes highlighting her figure, a dancer’s figure, her hand movements like crystalflies.
Thoma came to Ayaka’s rescue. “Ah, yes, welcome welcome. I will escort you to the inn. My lady, make sure you rest well before tomorrow,” he added to Ayaka. Ayaka caught his eye, and nodded. “Good, good. I’ll be on my way soon.”
Ayaka laid awake in her bed for quite some time that night. She couldn’t stop thinking about Nilou. Her eyes, her hair, her voice.
Ayaka felt her cheeks burning as she rolled over, desperately beating her brain into unconsciousness.
-The next day-
Ayaka took her place by the docks again the next morning, only for her brother to bump her away.
“Ayato!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing?” “Greeting my guests, Ayaka. I did organize this festival, after all. Go, enjoy yourself.” He turned to the guests coming up the docks. “After all, I had my fun yesterday, and we’ll have plenty of fun this next week. But it’s only fair to split the duties.”
He shooed her away, leaving her standing, quite bewildered, alone in the crowds.
Ayaka slowly turned towards the center of the festival, not quite sure of where she was going, but wandering anyway. It wasn’t often that she got time to just enjoy herself.
She made her way through the crowds, gracefully weaving through all the people. She spotted a cluster a little ways away. Curious, she changed course and walked that way.
People parted like water before her, and when she reached the front, it was like time stopped.
The Sumeru girl was there before her, dancing her heart out. Ayaka could feel the unrestrained passion Nilou had for her art, the endless hours of devotion and practice. Ayaka was breathless just watching.
And strangely moved. She desired that kind of passion, that kind of joy and pride in her own arts and hobbies.
Ayaka really wanted to join Nilou up there. She didn’t know the music, nor did she know the choreography, but she wanted to be up there with the dancer. Free, unrestrained, and happy.
Sometimes she wondered why she ended up with a Cryo Vision instead of Anemo.
That thought fled from her mind as Nilou’s dance slowed and then stopped. As she held her final pose, one of her troupe mates stepped forward.
“Is there anyone in the crowd who would like to dance with Nilou?” He asked, his gaze sweeping the crowd.
Unsurprisingly, many people in the crowd jumped at the chance, raising their hands, jumping up and down. Nilou finally released her pose, and began to scan the crowd. Ayaka waited to see who the dancer would choose, content to just watch Nilou do her thing.
Until suddenly, Nilou was in front of her. Ayaka’s breath hitched as she looked into Nilou’s eyes. Nilou held her hand out to Ayaka.
“I want you to dance with me.” She smiled softly. “I think you’ll look beautiful.”
Ayaka felt her face heat up, and for once was at a loss for words. But she gently placed her hand in Nilou’s, and let herself be pulled onto Nilou’s stage. Nilou removed her hand with a flourish, and Ayaka felt a twinge of disappointment.
“Just follow my lead, Miss Kamisato,” Nilou said.
“So you do remember me from yesterday,” Ayaka whispered as she began to mirror Nilou’s motions. Ayaka’s internalized perfectionism combined with her years of precision practice helped her out a bit, even though she was completely unfamiliar to this style of dance.
“Of course I remember you, not only did I meet you yesterday, but you would be hard to forget,” Nilou replied softly, stepping into a slow spin. “You are quite stunning.”
Ayaka almost tripped over herself. “I… I am?”
Nilou giggled. “Of course. And may I say, you are much better at this than I was expecting, my lady.”
Ayaka felt herself flush again. “I may not be familiar with this particular style, but I do understand the basics of dance.”
The music slowed, and so did their steps. Nilou drew close to Ayaka, looking calm, serene, and gorgeous. “I would like to see you again later, if that’s acceptable. Would you agree to meet me by the docks?”
The music was fading fast as Ayaka stammered out, “Yes.” Then, as the music stopped entirely, the two dancers stepped apart. Nilou curtsied, and Ayaka did as well.
As Ayaka prepared to leave the stage, Nilou whispered, “I’ll see you soon.”
Ayaka felt her face heat up again, and with a nervous smile and shaky wave, left the stage. As she re-entered the crowd, it dawned on her that all of the people around her had just watched her dance on stage with Nilou. The eyes of the crowd suddenly rattle Ayaka like they never have before, and she rushes away.
She finds Thoma first. Desperately, she asks, “Have you seen my brother recently? I am… possibly having a crisis.”
Thoma immediately set down his items, and turned to Ayaka. “Are you hurt? Are you being followed?” He stopped, then asked a different question. “Are you sick? Your face looks red!”
Ayaka covered her face. “Oh. No, I’m not sick, I’m just- Thoma… I-”
“Ayaka, are you all right?” Ayato said from behind them both.
“Ayato! Thank the Archons. I’m having a crisis.” Ayaka said, not without some extra dramatics.
“Oh? And what kind of crisis?”
Ayaka stood up straight and cupped her cheeks in her hands in a valiant effort to hide her blush. “I ended up dancing with this really pretty dancer and now she wants to meet me by the docks later! What do I do?!”
Ayato laughed, and Ayaka smacked him. “Stop laughing, I’m serious! I’ve never done this before!”
Ayato slowly stopped laughing. “Well, if you want my advice… Just go meet her.”
“But do I bring a gift? Do I change to a different dress? Thoma?”
Thoma raised his hands in defense. “Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything.” He pulled a face. “Just the same trite ‘be yourself’ motto everyone says in books.”
Ayato hummed. “If this is your first private meeting, I doubt you will want to gift anything more than some flowers. Maybe some Inazuma specialty flowers, since I assume the dancer is a foreigner.”
Ayaka tucked a stray hair from behind her ear. “She’s from Sumeru.”
Thoma stammered, “Sumeru?! Ayaka-”
“Where she’s from doesn’t matter! Okay, so. Flowers, I can do flowers. Thank you, Ayato!” She ran off to find the best flower vendor at the festival.
Lucky for the lady of the Kamisato Clan, the best flower vendor at the festival was not too far from the docks. She purchased a medium bouquet, filled with a variety of Inazuma’s local flora. She waved at Aether’s Adeptus partner, who was purchasing a bouquet of his own alongside the girl with blue hair and horns who was also from Liyue, then took a moment to compose herself. When she was ready, she started her trip to the docks.
The sun has reached it’s zenith, and the docks are far from empty. This is not the most romantic scenario Ayaka could have dreamed of. Far from it. She could have invited Nilou to a candlelit dinner, or personally escorted her around the festival, buying her the best souvenirs, highest quality food, and showing her the best entertainment.
And yet.
Here she was.
Heart skipping a beat as she caught a glimpse of deep red hair. Breath stopping when she realized Nilou wasn’t wearing her headpiece. Freezing in place like her Vision had gone out of control when Nilou turned and made eye contact. Finally melting at her radiant smile.
She finally made it to Nilou, and shyly offered the bouquet. Nilou accepted with a smile, a “thank you”, and a soft blush. Ayaka felt a small flare of pride at finally getting Nilou flustered.
They stood on the docks for a moment, just like that. Finally, Ayaka took her chance.
This time, she was the one to extend a hand.
“May I escort you around the festival, Lady Nilou?”
Nilou flushed again as she accepted Ayaka’s hand with her free one. “Of course.”
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Meteor Showers
A Ganyu x Yanfei fanfic for Ganyu's birthday, based off of the song Meteor Showers by Cavetown.
Ganyu looked up from her desk at a gentle, yet insistent tapping. Her eyes met the deep teal of her partner's. Yanfei smiled at her.
"Ready to wrap it up?"
Ganyu blinked, then nodded as she stood up and began to pack up. Once she was done, Yanfei extended her hand, and Ganyu took it. The two girls left the Qixing building hand-in-hand, the sunset casting a golden glow over the harbor.
Ganyu had many regrets in her long long life, but Yanfei, and their relationship, did not fall into those regrets. Yanfei was clear cut and easy to understand, not confusing like some of Ganyu's other friends. Maybe it was just Ganyu, but either way, she was glad she had Yanfei.
The sun slowly crept beneath the horizon as they strolled down to the lower side of the city, slowly making their way to the southern wharf. Yanfei stopped to the side, and for a moment, Ganyu panicked, worrying that she'd upset Yanfei with her silence.
But Yanfei had just stopped at the jewelry shop to look at something. She brushed off the lady's attempts to persuade her into buying something, and rejoined Ganyu.
"Sorry, I thought something looked familiar. Unfortunately, I was wrong."
Ganyu nodded as Yanfei took her hand again. "So, what's the plan for tonight? You don't ask me out unless you have a plan, usually."
Yanfei giggled. "well, there's a meteor shower predicted for tonight. I wanted to show you. Even if you've seen a million of them, I wanted to see one with you."
Ganyu's heart warmed. "I would watch a billion meteor showers with you."
Yanfei grinned. "You're so sweet, Ganyu. Come on, I need to pick something up from Third Round."
Ganyu happily followed her beloved up to the restaurant, and while Yanfei was inside, gave a small wave to Zhongli. He smiled and nodded back at her, before turning his attention back to Tiang. As Ganyu waited, she saw the Tianqiang coming up as well, and she quickly looked away. She didn't need to know.
Thankfully, Yanfei returned then, and handed a covered a basket to Ganyu. "Quickly now, I don't want to miss it."
"Me neither," Ganyu agreed, excitement starting to pulse through her body.
They laft the city, and started heading towards the Golden House. Yanfei found a small clearing, and seemingly out of nowhere, she laid a blanket on the ground, and set her basket on top of it. Ganyu followed her lead, and then sat on the blanket. Yanfei sat next to her, and began to pull food out of the baskets.
"I actually didn't order much, but in the event of us not finishing any of it, we can always take it home."
Home. A word that Ganyu used frequently, but never used to associate it with any one person or place. Home used to be wherever she needed to be. Not a place to rest, relax, to hide from the world and recover.
But now her home was Yanfei, was wherever Yanfei wanted to be. And Ganyu felt she finally understood what "home" meant.
"You're drifting, love," Yanfei said, bringing Ganyu back to earth. "We still have some time before the meteor shower. Here, have my plate. You don't have to eat everything, but eat something, okay?"
Ganyu nodded as she accepted the plate from Yanfei. "I love you, you don't have to do all this."
Yanfei pressed a kiss to Ganyu's cheek. "I love you too, that's why I do it."
A half hour passed before the sky began to start changing. Unfortunately, it wasn't filling with illusions of falling stars, but instead with clouds. Yanfei quickly stood up.
"No! Go away, clouds!"
Ganyu's eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. "Yanfei, we need to get to cover! It's about to rain!"
Yanfei cursed, and quickly packed up the remains of their evening picnic. Ganyu formed an umbrella with her cryo vision and held it over both of their heads. This time, Yanfei took both baskets in one hand, and used her free hand to hold Ganyu's empty one.
"I could carry one," Ganyu insisted.
Yanfei shook her head. "I want to hold your hand. Don't worry, love, they weren't heavy to begin with, and since we both ate, they're less so now."
Yanfei was always phrasing things like that, making sure Ganyu knew she wasn't at fault for eating, whether a little or a lot. She wondered if Yanfei knew how much it meant to her.
Just as they began walking back to the harbor, Ganyu felt the shift in the clouds, and channeling more cryo energy into her umbrella, started sprinting, pulling Yanfei along. The heavens opened up, and a cold ran came pouring down.
It wasn't cold enough, though, because each drop that hit the icy umbrella over their heads melted it just a little bit more. Ganyu kept repairing it as best as she could, but it wasn't holding out. So, just before she let the umbrella go, she pulled Yanfei off the road, and dashed for the nearest ramshackle building. She vaguely recognized it as one of the impromtu inns from when Ningguang was rebuilding her Jade Chamber, but that didn't stay long. It was just shelter.
Yanfei giggled breathlessly. "Wow. So I guess we did get a shower. Even if it wasn't the shower we wanted."
She inhaled after her giggling, and just took in the moment. In the stormy darkness, her hair mingling with Ganyu's in the tiny space, the pink and the blue swirling together like sugar candy. She turned her head just enough to reach Ganyu's ear.
"How did you know that they were rain clouds?"
Ganyu flushed. "I could feel them. Half Qilin."
"Oh, right! Archons, you're so cool." Then Yanfei winked. "And not just because of your vision."
Ganyu buried her face in Yanfei's shoulder. "You continue to fluster me."
"Might as well make the most of this moment!" Yanfei said happily. "Still. I'm sorry your birthday surprise got rained on."
"My birthday?"
"Mhm. I figured you wouldn't remember, so I wanted to surprise you. Instead, it seems I've gotten you rained on."
She looked into Ganyu's eyes, which were suddenly serious. "Yes, Ganyu?"
"Can I kiss you?"
And so fire met ice under an abandoned porch roof on the outskirts of Liyue Harbor, in a simple declaration of affection.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
May I request a continuation of "Rest, Creator"? Some hurt/comfort goodness where Thoma (and whatever other characters you wish to add) help the reader adjust to life in Teyvat? Please don't feel pressured to write this if you don't wish to, and take all the time you may need. Thank you!
Of course! Thank you for asking!
(SAGAU requests are still open, though matchups are not!)
Rest, Creator (Part 2)
Thoma carried you to the Kamisato Estate, the best place he knew to keep you safe until you were more recovered. He already had many of the accomodations set up thanks to planning ahead before he had summoned you. And both Ayaka and Ayato were prepared as well.
Thoma arrived at the estate quickly, and both the Kamisatos were ready for him, shooing the guards out of the way and ushering Thoma and you into a secluded room.
When you awoke, Ayaka was sitting nearby, keeping an eye on you. She was quietly reading a book, and looked as prim and proper as she always did through... the... screen?
You sat up in a panic, drawing Ayaka's attention to you. She quickly sets her book down and rushes to your side, a small flurry left in her chair in her rush.
"Creator, you're safe here, do not worry. Thoma was able to summon you so you can finally rest."
"Wh- WHAT?" You stumbled out of the bed. "No, I must be dreaming. Or worse, dead." You started pinching yourself. "Come on, wake up!"
Ayaka sighed. "Thoma? They're awake now, and I'm afraid they're panicking."
Thoma entered the room with a tray of tea and snacks, which he immediately set aside when he saw you freaking out on the floor.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay here." He knelt down beside you. "You're free now. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do now. I brought you here so you could get the rest you deserved. Consider it a thank you for all the gifts and talents you've bestowed on me," he said, briefly summoning his weapon and artifacts.
"You brought me here?" You ask, slowly panicking less. "Why?"
Thoma sat properly next to you. "You were being overworked, neglected, and not cared for properly. I could hear you sometimes, when you'd leave in a rush, when you'd forget to sever the connection. I saw you crying."
You looked away in embarrassment. "I didn't know you could hear me, or see me." You wiped away a sudden tear. "You don't have to take care of me, I'm not anyone special."
"But you are!" Ayaka says. "You're our creator, our master. And the people you were with before did not treat you with the respect you deserve. We will be here to help you rest and recover, and then whatever you choose to do, we will support you."
Thoma nodded. "But for now, we want you to rest up. I know how hard it can be to be in that position, where you're exhausted and burnt out and no one cares. And so we'll be here to care. And I'm sure that plenty of people all across Teyvat will be ready to greet you when you're ready."
Ayato entered the room with a nod. "In fact, some people have already caught wind of your arrival. But don't worry, the estate is closed to visitors until further notice. You can rest."
And you did, letting yourself be tucked back into the bed, and letting your worries be washed away in the calming presence of Thoma and the Kamisato siblings.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
hi guys - friendly reminder that requests are closed currently.
i’ve got another old request (june 9th,,) that i want to get through, plus two newer ones, and i’m trying to make a few non-request posts as well.
i’m not taking any new requests until i finish that, so anything sent will be deleted or left unanswered until i feel like writing it.
edit: if you’re curious about what i’m working on, my masterlist includes the requests currently in-progress btw
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
hello.... it is i, kazuha lip piercing anon.....
just so you know, i just read your version of it and oh my. i started squealing internally and HOLY SHIT I WANT KAZUHA TO GET A RERUN 😭
btw can i request kazuha + tounge piercing? because like damn imagine him french kissing you and the cold metal of the piercing contrasts with his warm tongue making you moan and WHEN HE'S EATING YOU OUT... UGHHHHHHH INSTANTLY HORNY RIGHT THERE 😩
have fun! btw could i be 💐 anon?
Piercings (pt. 2)
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part one
characters: kazuha
summary: your boyfriend returns with a new piercing.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: afab!reader (no pronouns); pet names (dove, my love), cunnilingus; semi-proof read?
note: taking eight years to get to this really wasn’t the best way to treat my first named anon,,,, i’m so sorry </3 at least kazuha got his rerun in the meantime, i hope you got him!!!
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⋆ since you loved your boyfriend’s first piercing, kazuha decided to get a second one during his next trip.
⋆ to say you were excited when you read his letter with the news would be an understatement – you were ecstatic to see his new look, especially after he described it as something you’d “enjoy” even more than his last.
⋆ you were not-so-patiently waiting at ritou’s docks as the sun came into view over the horizon; kazuha said the alcor would be arriving early in the morning, after all.
⋆ the familiar ship approached the dock shortly thereafter. you didn’t care for the sizable crowd that gathered or the ship’s crew unloading cargo nearby as you eagerly searched for your lover.
⋆ eventually, a warm hand grasped your wrist from behind, and kazuha greeted you with an even warmer smile as you turned to face him. he looked just the same as last time, down to the first piercing that you had grown so fond of.
⋆ upon noticing your curious expression, kazuha opened his mouth just enough for you to see what had changed: a metal piercing in the middle of his tongue.
⋆ needless to say, you two were quick to escape the crowd and the watchful eyes of the alcor’s crew.
greedy, greedy hands worked to undress you - unfastening, unbuttoning, pulling your clothes off before the door even clicked shut.
kazuha was usually slow, languid even, when it came to making love to you. but today, he felt starved as the wind carried your scent to him while the ship approached ritou’s shore. his silver tongue wasted no time with prose as he peppered your lips with feverish kisses, the metal ring wrapped around his lip a stark contrast to the heat you shared.
the sweet moan you let out when his tongue slid past your parted lips, oh– kazuha sighed into your mouth as deft fingers cupped your cheek and traced the line of your jaw. “again,” he pleaded in a hushed tone. “i want to hear that lovely sound again, dove.”
and so he captured your lips once more, satisfied with the shiver that wracked your spine as the cold metal slowly dragged across your tongue. more, please more, was the only thought you could muster with his mouth on yours.
“i need more,” he spoke again, as if he heard your silent begging. “i want to taste you. can i do that, please?”
you were quick to nod your head. “please.” was all you could say as you gently nipped at his bottom lip with your teeth. kazuha let you have your fun for just a moment before he guided your still-standing form to the couch, the bedroom simply being too far away.
he knelt in front of you, deceptively strong arms wrapping around your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the cushion. he felt famished again, like an animal discovering a blooming oasis within the scorching desert.
a lazy lick with the flat of his tongue was enough to pull a gasp from your lips. he hushed you softly, maneuvering your thighs to rest atop his shoulders as he tugged the obstructing fabric to the side.
another painfully slow lick nearly had you whining for more, until the sensation of cold metal against your clit made your hips jerk upwards. “shh, shh… it’s alright, dove…”
experienced hands held your legs in an iron grip as his tongue dipped into your folds leisurely, before quickly retracting it and lavishing your lips. it became a cycle, one that soon had your thighs trembling atop his shoulders as you pulled at and gripped onto kazuha’s messy platinum locks.
the heat from his tongue, the chill from the metal, it was too much after just minutes of torture. he let out a dazed moan when you pulled his hair next, trying to keep his mouth where you desperately wanted it most. finally, he took pity on you, plunging his tongue into your folds again as he searched for your sweet spot. it took minimal effort for him to find it - once your thighs clamped shut around his ears, he focused all his efforts on that one spot that made you see stars.
kazuha knew you were getting close, he had every inch of your body memorized like it was his favorite poem. some days you thanked the divine for this, other days you cursed them.
as the coil in your stomach was getting so close to snapping, your lover stopped his ministrations. even as you whined and pleased for him to let you finish, he wouldn’t give you more than a gentle kiss against your clit.
“calm yourself, my love…” he chuckled lowly as his gaze traveled up to meet yours. “i just want to drag this out a little bit longer… it’s been so long, and i’d hate to stop before i’m thoroughly sated.”
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taglist: @stygianoir , @tsukimitsuu
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Can I get a matchup? I’m bi, mono, and go by she/they. I can be a bit reserved unless I know you, then I tend to mother people. I enjoy art, animals, sewing, and cooking. Thank you in advance!
Thank you for your request! I have matched you with Thoma!
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Thoma will be willing to meet you halfway, or even farther when you have your reservations. Thoma takes care of a lot of things, but probably needs someone to care about him too.
In his hangout quest, we see that he does a lot of housework or similar tasks, and he cares deeply about animals. You and him would make a good pair, and would take excellent care of every stray that you came across. Thoma is very kind and compassionate, but even he has his limits, and you'll help to keep him from burning out.
"Thoma!" You shouted from across the street.
He slowed down and turned around to greet you. "Oh, hello there, dear! What brings you out here?"
You held out the small basket to him. "You forgot your lunch! You can't help other people if you collapse from hunger," you scold him lightly before you give him the basket. "I also added some of the animal sweaters you'd finished, so you can hand them out as needed." You kissed his cheek. "And of course, your good luck charm."
Thoma gently returned the kiss. "Have fun with Miko."
"It's work," you reminded him. "She has to authorize my illustrations for the next batch of light novels, and I hear she can be quite intense. But I'll be back with you in just a few short hours."
"Of course, I'm not worried. Miko's gonna love your illustrations! But I think you need this-" He kissed your cheek again. "-More than I do."
You split ways after, both with an extra spring in your step.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Oh my god thank you all for the support! I'm going to close matchups for now until I catch up, but the normal SAGAU requests are still open!
Again, thank you all so much!!!!
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Hi there I go by Voidless! (She/They, albeit I'm fine with whatever). Welcome to the SAGAU space, I hope you can find some happiness here. Probably monoamorous and would prefer guys for this ask (with the exception of Childe)
To put it bluntly: I’m a child at heart, and fairly observant. It's not a challenge to figure out what someone’s feeling or thinking, their motives ect.
● I tend to be forthright with my emotions
● I like sharing bits of knowledge and fun anecdotes!
● Can be overly enthusiastic when socializing
● I’ve also gotten insecure, and assumed others don't like/distrust me without basis, proceeding to form an image in mind that's not true to who they really are. At the same time though it's really hard for me to judge a person for their past or secrets, I like to think I've seen it all
● From the outside, I’ve been described as being like Zhongli (Serious, goes on tangents and socially awkward). Very much enjoy flirty folk though, they make me feel loved
●Likes: museums, cool rocks, having a good laugh, travelling, anemo and electro slimes, civilizations of antiquity, and shopping
Hobbies: Anything under the sun! I sincerely wish I could live forever to do everything. I love to sing and tell stories and invoke the imagination. Also write and enjoy astronomy!
● I'm not unique, but I really do fear death. I can't live just to die. I still have plenty I want to experience and not enough time. Isolation is also terrifying, just being alone with your thoughts forever. But the scariest thing has to be dandelion leaves. Yeah.. I really don’t know either.
As for a scenario: How about recounting eachothers life stories. It'd be a moment of trust, relying on one another letting the wind take care of our burdens
Thank you so much for asking!
I have matched you with: Venti!
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Venti can also be childish yet observant. He loves music, and is also afraid of death. And, as an Archon, he is far less likely to die than almost anyone else.
You said that you enjoy flirty people, and I think, in the right situations, Venti can be a HUGE flirt.
Venti is a very reassuring person, and I feel like even if he's having to keep secrets, he'd assure you that they won't come between you.
He's very physically affectionate. Venti tells a lot of stories through songs, and I'm sure he would tell you more and more jokes just to hear your laugh.
"... and so that's how I ended up in Mondstadt," you finished, waving your hand dramatically at the sky. You turned your head to Venti, who was laying on the ground next to you. "And the rest is history."
Venti snorted. "Not yet, but someday it will be."
"Okay fine, someday. But what about you?"
Venti laughed a quiet, solemn laugh. "My life is a bit hard to sum up, sweet songbird. Let me see." He raised his fingers off and started counting off on them. "I was born, helped in a rebellion when I was pretty young, lost a friend..." He went on for quite some time. "And then there was that whole deal with Dvalin and the traveler. That was a rough time."
You giggled. "You sound a thousand years old," you teased, fully aware as to why.
"Hmm, I can't imagine what reason that might be for."
A peaceful silence fell between the two of you. Venti laced his fingers with yours. "Should you ever feel afraid or worried, love. I'll be here."
You squeezed his hand. "And I will be here for you," you replied, free hand brushing on the glowing teal tattoo on your occupied wrist.
(I'm sorry if the scenario is really short, I'm not used to writing for Venti 😅)
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Spark Knight, Dark Knight.
(note: so apparently Klee's actual dad isn't dead but I didn't know that until *after* I wrote this so i'm terribly sorry but here have some fun found family fluff. Dainslief and Alice are 100% platonice, nothing between them except a small child apparently.)
Dainslief is not Klee's father. And he never wanted to be. He ran into Alice from time to time, and in recent years she had spoken of a daughter. Spoken of her like the joy she is, the joy a daughter should be. The young girl was adventurous, creative, and busy.
A part of Dainslief's soul ached. He had long ago wished for that joy, for that happiness. But then the Cataclysm, and the Curse. And Dainslief's people were gone, gone, gone. He knew when it happened that he was never fated for that kind of joy.
He began to avoid Alice. Selfish? Perhaps. But Dain never described himself as selfless, and he was in enough pain and misery as it was. Of course, Alice herself was never the issue. Her wit was a relief at times. But he did not want to hear of her daughter anymore, or he would lose himself to the pain.
Alice never told him exactly who she'd left her daughter with. He assumed that perhaps Sumeru with it's embracing of knowledge and learning. So when he arrived in Mondstadt again, he was surprised to find a mini Alice destroying a hilichurl camp.
He came to a full stop as the young girl demolished a mitichurl with one large bomb, and then jumped up in excitement. The forbidden, horrible, painful longing struck him again, and he turned away. He didn't need to be here.
"You're a weird adult, mister!" Dainslief froze at the young girl's voice.
Dainslief slowly turned around, and met the shining ruby eyes. He cleared his throat quickly.
"Yes, I am. You probably don't want to be around me, little one. I have places to be."
She pouted. "But you just got here. Don't you want to play with me? I still have three whole camps to clean up!"
"I am afraid I'm not suitable to be a young girl's playmate," Dainslief said, a hint of bitterness creeping in. "Go on, leave me be." He began walking away. He'd go to Liyue, he decided. Perhaps the Adepti would be of help.
"Aren't you lonely like this?" She asked, following him. "You don't even have a Dodoco!"
"I don't need a Dodoco," Dainslief said, not even sure what a Dodoco was. "I do what I need to just fine on my own."
"Everyone needs a friend! Dodoco is my friend! And Diona, but she's working today," Klee said, a frown audibly tinting her words. "And since Dodoco is being sooooooo quiet today, you'll be my friend today. Won't you?"
Dainslief makes the mistake of looking down, of making eye contact. His heart melts, and he's furious at himself, but knows it's ridiculous. "I did not plan to remain in Mondstadt," he started. "Are you completely unsupervised?"
Klee shrugs. "Master Jean told me where to go and sent me out, but it's possible that Mister Kaeya is watching. Though if he was, he probably would have come yelled at you by now."
Dainslief felt a brief moment of recognition at that name. A Khaenri'ahn name. But he didn't need to speak to this man. He focused on the child beside him.
"Well, then, little one, where are you going next?" He asked, sifting through his mind for her name, if Alice ever gave it.
He didn't need to, though, because she gave it freely. "Just follow Klee! That's me," she whispered conspiratorially. She dashed off, her backpack jingling as she ran towards her next destination.
Dainslief followed, making a mental not to apologize to Alice next time he met her, even if there was nothing to apologize for. For now, he would keep Klee out of trouble and help her in her little mission.
The first two camps went well. Dainslief barely did anything. Klee was a formidable opponent, and Dainslief felt nothing as he dispatched enemies alongside her.
Well. That's not true.
He felt a small measure of warmth, deep inside his soul, as he fought alongside the young girl. He could definitely tell that she was Alice's child.
And before he could get a reign on it, the longing turned to fierce protectiveness.
The third and final camp set Dainslief's danger sense off. It's too quiet, and Abyssal magic lay over the entire camp. He put a hand on Klee's shoulder, touching her for the first time.
"Wait. Something is wrong."
Klee didn't ask any questions, but waited quietly as she was told. Dain looked over the camp as best as he could from where he was. Despite the abyssal magic, the hilichurls seemed to be normal.
"Be careful, Klee, but I think it's okay."
"Okay, if you say so, Mister Dain!"
Klee bounced into the camp then, not a trace of doubt or fear in her steps. Dainslief followed much more cautiously, always keeping an eye on her. She was considerate of him, keeping her blasts and explosions directed away from him.
The last hilichurl disintegrated around Dainslief's sword, and he slowly lowered it.
Then a shriek echoed from behind him, and he twirled around.
A pyro abyss mage had captured Klee by her backpack, and was holding her captive. Klee reached towards him.
"Mister Dain!" she cried, tears running down her face.
"Let her go!" Dainslief snapped. "She is not yours to take!"
"Oh hoho, but she is not yours to claim either!" the mage taunted, cackling. "You have nothing, not even this!"
Dainslief lunged forward, just barely snagging Klee away from the mage before it formed its pyro shield. He placed himself between the young girl and the mage, desperate to keep her out of its hands.
"Stay behind me, Klee. I'll deal with him."
"He hurt Dodoco," she said, so quietly that Dainslief was barely able to pick it up.
Pure rage flowed up from the depths of his soul. Unreasonable? Maybe. But it was there nonetheless.
"I'll take care of the mage for you. And Dodoco," Dainslief said, summoning his sword again.
He still didn't know what a Dodoco was.
It didn't matter. Dodoco was important to Klee.
And once he had dispatched the Abyss mage, he realized.
Klee was important to him.
He knelt down in front of Klee. "Are you alright?"
Klee nodded, her eyes still watery, but she wasn't actively crying. "Dodoco needs surgery!" She held up a charred stuffed toy to him. "The mage was mean to him and now he's hurt! But Miss Barbara and Amber know how to take care of him."
Dainslief sighed in relief.
Then he scooped the young girl into a hug. Then he pulled back and picked her up, gently, not wanting to scrape her on his armor.
"Show me the way, little one." He sighed again. "Alice is going to kill me."
"And why would I do that?"
Dainslief froze, again. Klee wiggled out of his arms.
"Mama!!!" She threw herself at the older woman. "Mister Dain just saved me and Dodoco!"
"I saw that!" Alice said, pressing a kiss to her daughter's head. "I'm very glad he did, I was beginning to think he hated me," she teased.
Dainslief recovered quickly. "I'm sure anyone would have done the same, Alice. I just happened to be who found her today."
"You didn't have to stay with her," Alice said, hoisting Klee onto her hip and walking towards the city. "But you did anyway. You've got a soft spot, Dain."
"Don't call me that," he grumbled.
"Can I still say that?" Klee asked from her mother's shoulder.
Dain felt himself melt. "Yes."
"So you know Mama?"
"We've spoken a few times, yes."
"You're nice," Klee said quietly. "That's why Mama is friends with you."
"No, we're-"
"Yes, we're very good friends," Alice cut him off. "Even if he's ignored me the last two years."
"Mister Dain!" Klee gasped. "Why?"
"I was… busy." He said, then after a moment, added, "And maybe. Jealous."
Alice hummed. "You know, I don't mind sharing."
"She's your daughter, Alice, and I am a corrupt man. I have no place in her life," Dain said bitterly.
"And yet you stayed with her when she was alone, and kept her safe when it mattered," Alice reminded him. "That doesn't sound like someone who needs to stay away from my daughter."
Dain looked away. "It still stands that-"
"Can you be my papa?"
Alice burst out laughing at Klee's question, while Dainslief wished for the earth to swallow him whole for the first time in five hundred years. His face was warm, and he felt unnecessarily put on the spot.
And yet.
He felt more human after the question.
So he ruffled Klee's hair, and told her, "We'll see, little one."
Dainslief is not Klee's father, and he never wanted to be.
But if she needs someone, if she needs someone to protect her, whether from the very real dangers in the world, or from something as simple as a nightmare…
If Dainslief is around, he'll be there for her.
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Hello! Can I ask for a match-up?
I'm attracted to males and I'm ambiamorous. My personality is kinda wack, I'm quiet but occasionally I can be loud, I'm curious about most things, kind and empathic (also kind of a bimbo but also not). I guess the scenario could be what life would be like dating them/matching up with them, headcannons or a drabble?
Hello, and welcome!
After some deliberation, I have matched you with:
Diluc and Albedo!
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With Diluc, you met at the Tavern one night while he was actually in the city serving customers (and justice, not that you knew that). You were obviously curious about what he was doing behind the counter, so he silently showed you how he mixed drinks. He even gave you one on the house!
You fell hard and fast not long after that. You had been trying to catch your cat and bring it back inside, but had stumbled upon an Abyss mage. The creature cackled at you as it caught your cat in a bubble of water.
Before your distressed even fully registered in your mind, a dart of fire came from the rooftops and popped the bubble, dropping your cat down. The Abyss mage swore in a language you didn't recognize as you scooped your cat up. Both you and the mage looked up at where the flames had come from, and saw a dark figure jumping down.
You jumped back as the person fought the mage, pushing it out of the city. As the mage fell to the relentless onslaught, the hood and mask of your cat's savior fell away. You gasped and pointed.
"The wine guy!"
He scowled, though his eyes didn't say he was exactly displeased. "Sill don't know my name?"
You faltered. "Darknight Hero?"
He sighed gently. "That's... an alias. Don't spread it around." He extended his hand. "Let's start again. Diluc."
You took his hand enthusiastically, telling him your name.
You became quite the good influence for DIluc, your empathy and kindness helping him to grow a little more outside of his shell. He appreciated your curiousity, and did his best to explain what he could to you.
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Albedo was an introverted, mysterious person. But while shopping at the Mondstadt general good store, you ran into him. He was leaving the alchemy station where he had clearly just finished talking with his alchemy assistant, Timaeus.
You asked excitedly what he was doing and how alchemy worked, and while he was a little confused at first, he gave you a brief overview of the basics.
Getting into a relationship with the great Chief Alchemist was a long game of trial and error, but when you finally got through to him, he was the most attentive boyfriend you'd ever had.
Albedo keeps a detailed list of things that make you happy, and things to avoid. He's a good listener for those times where you like to talk, but much prefers to shower you in gifts and physical affection. Albedo is even more willing to and capable of explaining things to you, as he has many experiences or has read many books and papers. Should you have a question about something he doesn't know of, he researches until he has the answer you want or need.
He gets along fairly well with Diluc, so long as they keep discussions away from official Mondstadt business. Albedo always has a tip or two for helping the Winery, whether in the alcoholic drinks or even jsut improving juice quality. Meanwhile, Diluc helps Albedo with his more artistic pursuits, often having detailed descriptions of how certain things looked.
Diluc also "sponsors" Albedo's research sprees, especially if he finds out that Albedo is doing one for you, consider it fully funded, and with plenty of refreshments for the both of you should you get a little too absorbed into the papers.
Should you be invited to a formal event, Albedo is more than happy to accompany you, his refined demeanor coming to the surface, yet staying just icy enough to keep you comfortable from the other guests. He's very in tune with how you're feeling, so the moment you start to get tired, he's ready to make the necessary excuses and carry you away.
Thank you for requesting! I hope you liked it!
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pleniloon · 2 years ago
Hey how does you think sagau would react from a neglectful family? How would our housekeepers react to a reader who's forced to live in a place that's absolutely filthy? Like anything they do to help ends up being a Sisyphean task. The stress keeps surmounting until they feel doomed by their environment. And the people themselves are.. uncoordinated to say the least. I like to imagine Thoma would have a few choice words.
Thank you so much for being my first requester <333 I hope this is to your liking.
Since you only mentioned Thoma specifically, I only wrote for him. I hope that's okay <33
Ft. Thoma
Gender neutral reader.
Rest, Creator, In Thoma's Arms
Ft. Thoma, Ayaka, Ayato, Itto, Heizou, and Kuki Shinobu.
Gender neutral reader.
The first time you'd left Thoma facing your screen while you ran off to handle yet another task, he was bewildered. The room he could see wasn't exactly a disaster per say, but it wasn't as well kept as he was expecting from one such as you.
He waited for almost an hour for you to return, and when you did, he was shocked to see tears on your face. You seemed startled to find your screen on.
You wiped the tears off as you mumbled, "Must have forgotten to turn this off. Oh well, since I'm back, I might as well keep playing. It's not like I can do anything more. Not yet. Please. Not yet."
You broke down in front of the screen, your face hidden in your arms. But that wasn't the end of it. You stood up, still frustrated and crying, and started to roughly move things around the room.
"Useless, pointless, there's so much to do, I'm the only one who can do anything around here! Why won't they care?! What did they even have that was so much more important than giving us, giving me, a little attention!" You dunked another handful of laundry into the basket again, breathing heavily.
"I shouldn't have to waste my life doing my parents' jobs for them," you whispered.
Thoma struggled with every bit of his power to break the code controlling him, to tell you that you weren't alone. To tell you that even if your parents were awful, neglectful people, that you still had support. That you had him. Oh, how he longed to jump through the mysterious barrier between you and him and give you a hug, and to make you rest while he gave the other people in your home a stern talking to.
The next time it happened, he waited for two and a half hours. Then, when you came back, you couldn't even stay, because you were up to your elbows in dust and soot? And you were around just long enough to grab fresh clothes and disappear again.
Thoma watched time and time again as you were worked to the bone, your dysfunctional siblings not even making the situation easier for you. His conviction in helping you grew stronger and stronger, and in the times where you had logged off the game, or even times where you'd left the game on, he would research a million different way to try to get you out of there.
As far as Thoma, and other he asked, could tell, you turned to them for an escape, for a slim bit of comfort of somewhere where you were more in control of your situations.
So what if...
He brought you here?
For real?
For good?
You would never have to work yourself to the point of falling asleep while doing your commissions (He took over then and always made sure you finished them). You'd never have to have another fight about how much work you did compared to your siblings. You'd never have to cry because you went unattended to.
You would be safe. Cared for. Able to rest.
And Thoma would finally be able to do something for the Creator who'd expanded his world like no one else.
So the next time you fell asleep while playing, he would finally be able to save you.
You were exhausted. Down to the bone. A kind of fatigue that can't be slept away, can't be bathed away. A kind of fatigue that you might never recover from.
You'd turned on Genshin Impact, just long enough to do your commisions you swore, and smiled at the sight of Thoma on your screen. Your commissions were set in Mondstadt, so they were fairly easy, but halfway through the first one you were already struggling to stay awake. By the time you'd finished the second one, you had just closed your eyes for half a second....
Thoma risked a glance behind him, and breathed a sigh of relief to see that you had indeed fallen asleep. He quietly pulled out the bag of shiny gems that he'd gotten from the traveller and Paimon after asking them how they'd gotten so many companions.
To anyone else, maybe it was silly or dumb, but Thoma was taking this seriously.
Traveler and Paimon weren't the only ones who'd managed to summon people in Teyvat.
So Thoma threw the sparkling gems into the sky. One wish, two wishes, three wishes. More and more wishes. He wish he'd asked how many he'd need. He didn't want to waste any, though, so he just kept doing one wish at a time.
Finally, wish 57. Gold appeared in the sky. Even brighter than the gold that had encompassed Lady Ayaka or Lord Ayato. He turned to where he had seen you before only to see nothing. As the star fell, he opened his arms for you, catching you gently.
And when you opened your eyes, he grinned. "Welcome to Teyvat, Creator. You'll never have to work so hard, ever again. Please rest now."
Despite the shock and fear you might have felt at first, and how you wanted to cry over his thoughtfullness, you did. Even if this was just a dream, being told to rest and that things would be different put you at ease. So you let Thoma take care of you, the exhaustion dragging you back under again as he carried you to Windrise.
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