#let me know who your 'other' choice would be👀
rafecameroninterlude · 2 days
[đŸȘ] chocolate chip cookie, includes; a fic inspired by a song of your choice!
maybe frat!rafe or either dealer!rafe (👀) with friends by chase atlantic😁😁😁😁😁😁😁they’re at a party and all her friends are fucked up and yk HAKSJDKD
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₊˚âŠčᰔ đŸđ«đąđžđ§đđŹ
pairing: dealer!rafe x fem!reader
summary: ❝all of your friends have been here for too long, they must be waiting for you to move on. girl, i’m not with it, i’m way too far gone.❞ — after confessing his feelings for you, rafe gets nervous and leaves you the following morning. now you two are at a party, and he isn’t leaving without you.
warnings: friends w benefits au, mentions of drinking and dealing of drugs, arguing, suggestive ending
word count: 0.7k
a/n: wrote this with s2 rafe in mind..
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you were the only sober one at this party. along with rafe, who never drank when he was dealing, and vowed to never get high on his own supply. you knew he’d be here— a party wasn’t a party if rafe wasn’t serving up people in the corner of the living room. you stared at him from a distance, his eyes occasionally finding yours when he looked up from the stacks of money on the table. you hated how good he looked tonight. skin flushed with a sheen of sweat from having so many people around him, his bangs hanging loosely in his face, with that blue jeans and white t-shirt combo that you loved so much.
you swallowed thickly, your trance being broken when one of your, very drunk, friends grabbed onto your arm for support. “stop looking at himmm!” she slurred, cackling when you rolled your eyes. “he just wants you for himself without any real commitment.” she nearly lost her footing, a yelp leaving her lips as you decided to guide her out of the kitchen. while your friend wasn’t all the way wrong, she didn’t know enough about you and rafe’s ‘situationship’ to form an opinion on it. your friends only knew what you told them, which meant they’ve only ever heard your annoyed rants.
“let’s get you over here..” you sat her down on the couch where the rest of your friends drunkenly talked amongst each other. rafe wasn’t far from where you sat, his laugh echoing in your ears as he started stuffing his black backpack full of cash. you could tell by the smile on his face that he had a good night for shop. sensing that you were looking at him, rafe felt the burn of your gaze as he got up, having no intention of leaving this party without you on his arm. you smelled his cologne before he approached you, the scent making your heart flutter in your chest.
“hey, can we talk?” rafe stopped in front of you, your friends turning around at the sound of his voice. you looked up at him, cursing under your breath at how handsome he was. “leave her alone, asshole!” rafe smiled at your friend, flipping her off before getting you up and taking you outside. “your friends are annoying as fuck.” he stopped by his truck, backing you up against the vehicle until his thigh sat comfortably between your legs. you knew what he was doing. “they’re drunk..” you glared at him, “what do you want?” rafe tilted his head at your words. “what do i want?” he repeated.
“you gonna act like you weren’t staring me down in there?” he laughed, cupping your chin. “you look pretty.” turning your head away from him, you shrugged him off as you arched a brow. “i was looking at you, and?” you ignored his little compliment. “..and you haven’t replied to any of my messages or called me back.. why?” you shook your head. “are you seriously asking me this? you tell me you have feelings for me while you’re inside of me, and then leave without a word in the morning? excuse me if i felt like you were toying with me or something.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“i got nervous, alright! but i swear to you i meant every word. i would never mess with you like that..” he stepped closer. “i’ve been wanting this, us, for a long time, y/n. i’m not good at this stuff, but i want to try, i want to do it with you.” your gaze softened. “do you mean that?” your voice was small, a clear indication that you weren’t trying to argue with him anymore. “i fucking swear by it.” you watched as his jaw clenched. “i wont disappoint you, baby.” finally, for the first time in two weeks, he took you in his arms. you sighed, feeling a weight you didn’t know was there, lift off of your shoulders.
“is this a revenge dress?” you laughed when he pulled away, inspecting your outfit. “no, but it worked.” you teased. rafe leaned down and kissed you, in which you wasted no time in returning. “come on, let’s get out of here.. ‘before your friends threaten me.” you let him place you in the passenger seat, a squeal leaving your lips when he landed a harsh smack to your ass.
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soft-shuake · 2 years
what's your favorite akechi pair up?
we all know the right answer is akira, but we gotta pick the second best♡
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
idea : your phobia relates to your boyfriend's gifted godly abilities.
word count : 0.8k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Jason Grace / Percy Jackson / Leo Valdez / Frank Zhang / Nico Di Angelo x Reader
warning/s : phobia speaks for itself. personally, it's thalassophobia for me. 😓
here is my masterlist!
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Jason Grace | Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Due to having the same fear as his sister, Jason is completely aware of the dos and dont's when you're an acrophobic.
If you two are forced in situations where you need to be in high places, he always attempts to distract you with anything he can think of.
He prefers embarrassing stories over jokes. His delivery is too deadass and his 'i'm-trying-hard-here-it's-not-funny' look makes you laugh before the punchline.
Knowing that it can be associated with the fear of falling, Jason will reassure you every time that he's going to catch you.
If you did fall, during some battle for example, he will asks you to close your eyes and hold you tighter before slowly bringing you down.
He really lives up to that Superman nickname so much, the others started calling you Lois Lane.
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Percy Jackson | Thalassophobia (Fear of Deep Bodies of Water)
Percy would be bummed out. Being the son of Poseidon, he loves to be in the water.
Everything about him— from his favorite hobbies to his happiest of memories, revolves around it and he wants to share that with you.
He plans on taking you on trips underwater; introduce you to the majestic marine creatures nobody else has seen before, unravel mysteries the sea has to offer, and form a big bubble where you can do whatever you want without being interrupted (ehem👀).
But how can he make all of it possible when your fear is literally all of those?
Percy would want to help you get over it. He wouldn't force you but he will at least try convince you.
If you refuse, he will respect that.
But if you accept his help, he'll try to take it one step at a time. Probably by starting to show you how the sea, no matter terrifying it is, is also beautiful place.
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Leo Valdez | Pyrophobia (Fear of Fire)
Initially, Leo will laugh. I mean, who wouldn't?
You're a pyrophobic yet you're dating someone who is actually made out of fire?
After he notices that you're not joking, he will begin to be terrified for you. Expect that Leo will be extra careful when you are with him, especially when he is working on something.
His contraptions deemed too dangerous like explosives, will be kept somewhere far away.
As much as he thinks your presence will make Bunker 9 a lovelier workspace, he will understand if you don't want to go there. The essense of it is from the god of fire himself— I mean you need a blast of fire to enter.
He also will refrain himself from using his fire abilities in a fight, making do with his inventions instead.
While pyrophobia doesn't have specific causes, it may be possible that you had some traumatic experience relating to fire. Leo doesn't want to hurt you or make you feel worse.
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Frank Zhang | Zoophobia (Fear of Animals)
Frank is confused. He doesn't know that the fear of animals is a thing and would wonder why you agreed on dating him in the first place.
He will ask you tons of questions; what caused your phobia? Are you afraid of all animals, a few, or just one? What can I do? After your conversation, he's going to search more information.
If you're afraid of one animal only, Frank will forget it ever existed. He will never talk of that animal again even when you're not around.
The others will joke about it. Example, if you're scared of snakes—
"What is a snake, Frank?"
"What's that, Leo? I have no idea, so let's never speak of it again."
In the case that you're afraid of all animals (this is a rare condition), he will not use his abilities and will train harder in combat.
When he really doesn't have a choice but to shapeshift in a fight, you two will separate with your friends' assurance that they got your back.
Frank is a nice guy but if someone made an offensive comment about your phobia or hardcore pranks involving that animal? Expect the wrath and rage of Mars.
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Nico Di Angelo | Phasmophobia (Fear of Ghosts)
I'm sorry but Nico will slightly judge you. Really, a ghost? What are you, five?
Like Frank, he will ask you what caused your phobia.
He will feel terrible and comfort you if you have the same experience as Reina and Jason, who's loved ones turned into a mania. If it's because of horror movies, he will awkwardly pet your head.
You may think the subject is dropped but Nico will make sure that no ghost will ever come near you.
Having the infamous title 'Ghost King', he will not hesitate to torment and threaten the spirits who try to approach, scare, or talk to you.
He will take you on dates to McDonalds but he will not bring you to any 'ghost business'.
If you want to get rid of your phobia, Nico will summon ghosts who can entertain you; like singers, dancers, those that can do tricks, and stand up comedians.
He will also show you how easily he can bend any ghost to his will, proving to you that there's nothing to be afraid of.
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formula-nyoom · 5 months
Hello hello hope you are swell đŸ©” I see you do platonic drivers 👀👀
Could it be possible to request a platonic! Reader who is a younger sister (that is also a driver, any team) to a driver of your choice who is given either a drink or meal before going on the race and getting a severe allergic reaction. Like rushed to the hospital asap reaction please đŸ„ș
A/N: The only thing I’m allergic to is bullshit(and mosquitoes), so I don’t know what it’s like to have an allergic reaction to food. Hopefully I wrote this ok but do let me know if there are things I need to change. I decided to keep this as a blurb only because it's so similar to the last oneshot I wrote and I went with Oscar for this one
“Shouldn’t they be back by now with our drink bottles refilled?” Your teammate asked as you looked over some data. The race was set to start in just under an hour and the matter your teammate was more concerned about is the assistant that had gone to refill both your drink bottles rather than look over data with you.
 “They only left a minute ago. I know you’re used to everything going fast but they’re not a race car.”
 “Well they better be back soon with my energy drink. I have to drink one before every race. Helps with my performance.” Your teammate said. You just rolled your eyes. 
The assistant soon came back with both your drink bottles refilled. You thanked them and took it. As you were about to take a swig, your phone vibrated with a text from your brother, Oscar. 
Papaya-Bro: Chit chat before the race?
More often than not, you and Oscar would find each other in your respective drivers rooms to talk before the race. It was a small amount of time where the two of you would talk about anything but racing, giving the two of you a sense of peace before you had to face the chaos of Formula One. You sent him a text that you were on your way over and made your way to the McLaren garage. Some of the McLaren workers waved at you as you walked in, having gotten used to you making appearances in the garage to see your brother.
“Mom wants to know what she should cook for dinner when we come back home.” Oscar said, looking down at his phone while sitting in a chair.
“I’ve been craving her meatloaf for the past couple days. Ask her if she'll make that.” You said, taking a sip from your drink bottle. Your face scrunched up in disgust as you tasted something that wasn’t water on your tongue. You ended up swallowing whatever it was you just drank as your first reflex was to gag at the taste of whatever you consumed. It was sour, with a hint of fruitiness. 
 “What’s wrong?” Oscar asked.
“This isn’t water.” You said, handing him your drink bottle. “Taste this for me.”
You gagged again and then started to cough as Oscar took a swig of the mysterious drink.
 “Yea, that’s not water.” He said. “It’s got a–”
“--fruity taste.” You started to cough more violently while trying to gasp for breath. Your throat felt like it was closing in on itself as you struggled to breath.
Oscar didn’t have time to figure out exactly what the drink was. He was able to guess what was in it though as he witnessed you starting to have a severe allergic reaction to whatever the mysterious drink was.
 “I need medical assistance!” He called out into the hallway, hoping anyone heard him. Oscar quickly opened the front pocket of his backpack that always carried the spare epipen and grabbed it. By now you had gotten down to the floor, still struggling to breathe. Kneeling down in front of you, Oscar steadied the orange tip over your outer thigh, before having it make contact with the fabric of your race suit. He pushed the auto inject button till he heard the click. He then looked down at his watch to watch the seconds go by.
”Oscar then removed the epipen and checked to see if it went in. But to his horror, there was no puncture hole from the needle. Of course race suits that were designed to keep a driver safe from getting burned or injured in a crash can prevent a needle from going through the fabric. 
 “I NEED SERIOUS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE!” Oscar yelled again. This time someone seemed to have heard him as a McLaren worker came in with a medic right behind them.
“She’s having an allergic reaction! The epi pen didn’t puncture through the race suit!”
The medic took out a pair of scissors and an epi pen before they started quickly cutting the pant leg of your race suit and fire proofs. Once the material was cut away enough to reveal the skin of your upper thigh, the medic didn’t hesitate in administering the epipen, which successfully went through this time. Oscar helped steady the pen while the medic put an oxygen mask over your face to help you breathe while the medicine worked its way through your system. 
Eventually you were able to breathe again and your throat no longer felt like it was closing up. But you and Oscar both knew that you couldn’t just hop in the car and race. You’d have to be taken to the hospital to make sure whatever allegens you had consumed were fully out of your system. Oscar made sure one of the McLaren personnel went over to your team garage to inform your team that you had an allergic reaction and could no longer race today, before he helped you up off the floor and handed you off to the medical staff.
 “Kick their asses for me.” You said to Oscar before leaving, your voice raspy from coughing. 
“Will do.” He promised.
Oscar was a bit rattled throughout the race because of what had taken place just before it. That wasn’t the first time he had to administer an epipen for you, he’s seen you have allergic reactions before. But the fact that it didn’t work the first time is what really freaked him out. But knowing that you were ok and breathing was enough for him to score P3. And the fact that he beat your teammate seemed to make you happy so Oscar took that as a win.
“Because I saved your life today, can you let me freely pass you during the next race and defend me from the people behind?” Oscar asked as he drove you home from the hospital. 
 “You didn’t save my life. The medical staff did.” You said, playing with the medical band around your wrist.
“I attempted to! If our race suits weren’t made so tough to protect us from crashes, you wouldn’t have needed to be rushed here.”
 “That’s kinda a big flaw with the race suits. They can protect us from fiery crashes but prevent someone from administering an epi pen.” You noted.
 “I’ll talk with the FIA tomorrow to propose new safety regulations so race suits have to be made so a giant needle can break through the fabric. I’m sure that will go over well with the other drivers.” Oscar joked. Your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a text from yours and Oscar’s manager.
 “Mark just texted me. Apparently the energy drinks my teammate has before every race are now banned from the garage. Turns out it’s got lychee in it.” You told your brother.
 “Honestly they should have been banned from the start to prevent what happened today.” Oscar said. You nodded in agreement.
 “So you’re not going to let me pass during the next race?” Oscar asked. You rolled your eyes.
“Only if you defend me from my teammate if they end up behind you. Which is often.”
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suskz · 3 months
Hi there! Could write a Chan x reader. Reader went to a skz fansigning & got dared to give Chan a note and along with the note there was an attached hotel key card, asking him to meet her at a certain time and at first he was so hesitant about it but then when the reader waits for over an hour after the time stated on the note, she opens the hotel door ready to leave and there is chan 👀
pairing: Idol!Chan x Fan!Fem!Reader
t/w: fluff ; Chan is a tease and a flirt ; reader is delulu (even tho she says she isn’t).
w/c: around 1.3k
a/n: I’m not really sure about this. I practically wrote what you had already written. I wanted to extend the final part but it just didn’t come out right. Anyway, yours is a really great idea, I love it! I hope you still like this!
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It's a stupid idea. It's ridiculous. And yet you're doing it anyway.
You know it's impossible for it to actually happen, but if you're doing it, it's because deep down —very deep down— inside you, there's a little hope.
“You got this, girl!” you hear from the other end of the phone. This only makes you more nervous and embarrassed about what you're doing. You're so damn delusional.
Your hand moves the pen faster across the paper as you mutter a 'shut up' to your friend, who sighs yet again at your harsh choice of words.
The click of the pen marks the end of your note.
You end the call, get up from the toilet, and leave the bathroom as if nothing happened —or will happen. You get back in line behind other people waiting to see their idols, preparing yourself for the humiliation.
But when you find yourself in front of him, you realise there's no way to prepare for the humiliation from something like this.
“Hello!” he greets you with a smile, wearing the wolf ear headband that one of the fans before you gave him.
“Hi.” Your voice is anxious, and he can tell.
You hand him the album you have in your hands, and he immediately opens it and starts signing it.
Your heart beats fast because you are in front of him, Bang Chan. Your idol, the man who has captured your heart more than anyone else. And the man who will soon want to run as far away from you as possible after opening your letter.
A card, a place, and a street. 'Let’s meet at 5pm tomorrow?' written with an uncertainty you never imagined you could experience.
You already prepare to laugh to brush away the embarrassment when he opens the letter. You start to consider whether to give it to him or not. You could spare yourself an embarrassing moment and continue living your life normally. Maybe that's better; fuck the dare, it's just a silly game.
“What’s your name?” Your thoughts are interrupted by his sweet voice as he looks up from the album, perhaps a little amused.
You feel your cheeks heat up as you realise you've been silently staring at him for too long. A few seconds, but it's already too much.
“Uh, Y/n.” You try to say with as much confidence as possible, but it doesn’t come out as you would have liked.
“How are you, Y/n?” He asks kindly.
“I’m good, thanks. A bit nervous, actually.” You admit, and he looks at you still smiling.
“Oh, you don’t need to be.” He reassures you.
"It’s just, I’m sitting in front of a God, you left me speechless." You try to sound as normal as possible. You've rehearsed what to say to him in advance, and you don't want your anxiety to prevent you from talking to him.
He opens his mouth to speak but immediately shuts it, taken by surprise. Now it’s him who’s speechless.
“That’s too sweet, thank you.” His smile widens, his eyes forming crescents and his dimples more visible than before, if possible.
"That's the truth though, you're much more handsome in person than I thought." you compliment him again.
You feel more relaxed now and manage to speak with him normally for the rest of the time.
It's when you have to move on to the next member and he greets you that you give him the letter.
"This is for you, I would appreciate it if you read it later."
And indeed, he remembers to read it at the end of the fan sign.
‘From Y/n’ he reads in his mind, opening it.
And he thinks you're crazy. Maybe a maniac. Delusional enough to do something like this thinking he would show up.
And he's ready to give it to the staff to throw it in the trash, but when someone behind him calls him, he's too taken aback to think properly and puts your letter in his pocket.
It's a stupid move, but he promises himself to throw it away later, in the dressing room.
Or a few hours later, at home. Or in his room, after reading it one last time. Or after reading it twice. Or three times.
For the first time, he takes out the key card and examines it in his hands. It's real, it's not a joke.
‘That’s crazy’, he realises. He can't show up, it would be stupid, it would be dangerous. It's the best thing to do, ignore it all.
And yet you are still waiting for him, dressed in the black leather skirt your friends chose for you. You glance at the clock and realise you've been sitting on the hotel room sofa for almost an hour.
You knew it was a stupid idea and that he would never show up. Actually, it would have been insane of Chan to do so. He probably thought you were a serial killer or something, or that you wanted to kidnap him.
You sigh. You get up from the sofa, grab your bag from where it’s placed on a chair, and head to the door.
When you open it, though, you quickly step back and almost throw your bag at the person standing in front of you. 
Your eyes widen when you realise who it is. 
 hello." He smiles awkwardly, scratching the nape of his neck.
He came.
A thought immediately flashes through your mind.
Now what?
When you sit on the sofa, after him, you are the first to speak, “I didn’t
 think you would actually come.” You find the courage to look him in the eyes.
“I didn’t think I would come either, it was a last-minute decision,” he admits. “I don’t know what was going through my mind when I decided to come.” He chuckles slightly, and you smile.
“Is it because I seemed cute to you at the fan sign?” You tease him. Embarrassing. You realize too late that you shouldn’t have said it.
You’re lucky, though, because he plays along, “I couldn’t find the words to tell you after being called a God.” He teases back, a smirk forming on his lips.
You stay silent for a while, embarrassment spreading across your cheeks and making him chuckle.
“Can you blame me? You have me obsessed over your fancams, the way you move is amazing.”
“Oh, yeah?” He grins, “I’m honored to know that a pretty girl like you watches my fancams.” He says playfully.
“Oh shut up.” You say jokingly, rolling your eyes to hide the blush coloring your cheeks.
“I will, if it’s you who says so.” He says, looking into your eyes in a way that now seems more intense.
You swallow hard, not expecting such a response, trying to hold his gaze.
“If you don’t stop talking like that, I’ll be completely yours, Mr. Bang.” You find the confidence in his eyes to say these words.
He chuckles, “I’d like to see that.”
“You’re being too much of a tease.” You say in a pouty tone, looking away like a child who didn’t get their candy.
“Don’t you like me for that very reason?” He asks rhetorically, raising an eyebrow.
You turn your head back toward him and smile, “Yes, I like you for that too.”
And he knew that at the end of this evening, he would have to leave and pretend nothing happened.
And he knew it was wrong and he would regret it when he had to face the consequences, but he did it anyway.
“Should we exchange numbers?”
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Most to least likely Stardew Valley Bachelor to be lovey dovey in a relationship
Ok peeps, I’m in the mood for some random posting. Since some of you enjoy it, I’ll commit to it ! Why not đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžso let’s goooo✈
Oh and btw: a bit of NSFW again because I’m a degenerate lol. Soz to the minors đŸ«Ł
1. Elliott:
-Elliott is the obvious choice, isn’t he ?
-this man has no chill when it comes to showing you how much he loves you
-he isn’t huge on baby talk, but he’s huge on medieval Shakespearean reenactment to show his love to you
-you might not always understand where his play on words come from, but it sure as hell makes you blush like a mess
-whenever you and him have a sleepover, he leaves a note on your table that reminds you of how much he adores you! So cute đŸ„°
-flowers, romantic dates, evenings spent at the pub sitting on his lap while he caresses your hair, marvelling at it with a slightly drunken gaze and red cheeks đŸ˜«đŸ«ĄđŸ˜đŸ˜
I just know that guy eats you out like no other
I said what I said đŸ„ž
2. Sam
-ok hear me out! Before you come for my throat, I think he is more likely to be very love drunken than some of the other choices. It’s a close call for the second place, but I believe he deserves it
-overused but I don’t care: he has the golden retriever energy. Maybe it’s his ADHD, but regardless, he’s a pure boy
-he might be a little anxiously attached to you because he won’t leave your side during your honeymoon phase
-he wants to hold your hand or touch you in some way all the time. He just loves having you close đŸ„ș
-expect him to kiss you senseless whenever he can. Preferably in private because he doesn’t want his mum to find out through bystanders, that would be embarrassing. Other than that, he wouldn’t care for the life of him. If he can pepper your neck with little kissies, he will
-speaking of kisses: he’s generally a huge fan of intense make out sessions. He prefers them over sex any time. Not that he doesn’t like the other stuff, but to him, it just hits different
-imagine that blushy, heated face when you pull away 😳 eyes hazy and hair even more disheveled than before, just adoringly gazing back into yours and smiling ever so slightly (đŸ˜©đŸ˜­đŸ«š)
3. Alex
-“still no Harvey?! What’s wrong with you!?”
-I know I KNOW. I know that Harvey is a sweet boy in the game who tells you a lot of cute stuff, but idk. Something about Alex makes me believe he will be more likely the kind of partner to be sweet and a bit cringe yet adorable when it comes to the person he loves
-he might not be a poet, but he shows his adoration in other ways
-back đŸ‘đŸ» hugs đŸ‘đŸ»
-generally hugging you? He will do it all the time. Any time. He will climb through your small living room window to hug you at least once a day if he has to
-for some reason, he likes kissing your arms. Don’t ask me to elaborate, he just does. Like kissing them up and down. Oh and your thighs 👀 it doesn’t even necessarily lead to anything explicit, he just loves them so much
-he will tell you how you’re the love of his life and how he cannot wait to see you two grow old together. He will lay in bed with you, maybe just watching tv and randomly blurt out something like this: “wow, who would have thought that we’d end up like this, meeting in this tired town. Having you by my side, I might be the luckiest guy to ever exist.”
-Alex frequents the beach to talk to his deceased mother. It’s kinda sweet in a way because he will talk to her about the things happening in his life. Pre-dating as well as in the midst of your relationship, he tells her so much about you, wishing she was still alive to have met you as you are the best thing that has ever happened to him 😭
-Alex is a hunky boy, but he loves bathing with you :3 something about it just makes him feel extremely euphoric đŸ„° but he will cup your boobs the whole time lmfao (no matter what kind you have). That might also lead to him kissing your neck the whole time till both of you are in the mood đŸ˜¶â€đŸŒ«ïžđŸ‘€
4. Harvey
-Harvey at forth ?! HARVEY?! COME OOOON
-yes, I know. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t cute and affectionate with you ! This ranking is pretty close as all of the bachelors have their qualities that make them good partners đŸ„ș it’s just based on my own headcanons or assumptions about what they might be like
-ok so Harvey is a little anxious mess but LOVES to be a real gentleman when he’s in love
-I’m talking putting on his finest Jazz and dancing with you in your living room, slow dancing while just enjoying each other’s closeness 👀😍
-Harvey shows his affection mostly through everyday things. Like making you coffee in the morning or cleaning up for you. Not to mention peppering you when you’re sick as well as doing small gestures that show you that he cares and wants to make the effort for you
-Harvey LOVES to put your foreheads together while holding you close. Since he’s way taller than you, he has to crouch a little in order to make it work (it’s so cute omfg đŸ˜­đŸ˜€đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ’€đŸ«ŁđŸ«šđŸ˜«)
-forehead kisses too đŸ˜­đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ˜« he’s all about soft, sweet affection
-there are many headcanons about spicy Harvey and I get where this is coming from, but I do believe that his sweet, pure side is predominant. Like yes he will want to sleep with you, you’re a couple and he’s not asexual, so why wouldn’t he want to do that đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž
-speaking of this, he loves to lay in bed with you in your post-coital state. Like of course he enjoys the deed, but what he enjoys even more is the after math that consists of laying together, skin to skin, just talking or laying there in silence and enjoying each other. It gives him the feeling of being one with you, of growing even closer than before đŸ„ș
5. Sebastian
-Sebby can be a really cute guy once he lets his guard down, but I don’t think he is the most obvious in love even when he is very infatuated with you
-he just isn’t that kind of guy, you know?
-Sebastian loves to cuddle with you in bed, especially while playing video games. His room is his safe space and sharing that space with you while doing something he enjoys, it’s just perfect to him
-he will show you how much he likes you by taking you on small adventures despite being a homebody. He didn’t fix up that motorcycle for nothing. Just you and him outside, discovering new places. It’s something he doesn’t offer to just anyone
-in public, he’s very reserved and doesn’t feel comfortable showing his affection, but at home? He latches on you and won’t let go. Of course he needs his space every once in a while, but it’s not rare for him to try and crawl under your shirt with you just to feel your warmth (he’s very cold most of the time)
-he loves touching your tummy. Ok ok I know this one is controversial but he just loves it. When you’re a little soft and he can grab onto something soft and warm? Oh boy, he will
.he will đŸ‘ïž he also loves kissing your abdomen. Again, don’t ask me, I have my reasons
-when it comes to intimacy, he surprisingly prefers giving over taking. I have a feeling he prefers non-penetrative sex more ? At least speaking of “traditional” straight sex. Again, don’t ask, I cannot explain. So I imagine when he’s in a relationship with an AFAB farmer, he will want to either eat them out or finger them senseless because it brings him pleasure. It’s very specific I know but it feels rightđŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž
6. Shane
-you all know by now that I have a mild obsession with this guy, but yeah
I gotta admit he isn’t cutting it in this ranking
-it’s not that he isn’t capable of giving a lot of love, but he has his barriers that keep him from showing his love freely
-he will get there eventually, but before that, he’s very
tense ? He has a hard time initiating romantic gestures or telling you nice things
-again it’s not because he doesn’t want to, it’s that he is in his own head too much that he cannot garner the courage to do so. You’re dating but he still suspects it’s all a tasteless joke on him
-in those moments when Shane beats his inner critics, he can be such a sweetheart omfg
-I’m speaking kissing you behind your ear, caressing your waist and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He isn’t very eloquent most of the time, but when the moment is right, he just knows what to say to you to make you feel loved
-Shane is the type of person to show his affection through mild bullying and joking around. He might be calling you a dwarf or giant (depending on your height difference) make fun of little things you do that he notices, but it’s never in bad taste. He always makes sure you know it’s just silly banter that usually ends in you two fighting playfully and then tumbling on top of each other, laughing and kissing đŸ„șđŸ„°
-this man, this man loves when you sleep on his chest. On a lazy Sunday watching tv or just when he wakes up in the morning, noticing your head’s weight on him. It makes him feel useful, like he can protect you (let’s ignore that the farmer slays monsters as a side hustle, k). He will kiss your head ever so softly and whisper how much he loves you while doing it 😌
-if you want him to be the kind to hold your hand in public or kiss you, you’ve set your money on the wrong horse (rehab was supposed to be a fresh start), because he is not that kind of man, sorry đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž he will start to do it once he gets comfortable enough with you, but it’s not that much. PDA just isn’t in it with this guy đŸ˜€
-his spicy side? He has plenty spice, but when he’s in the mood for some romance, he likes it slow and sensual. It’s a bit out of character for him, but sometimes he just wants to enjoy your presence and the slow build up of excitement and arousal. Expect him to enjoy guided self-pleasure. Picture it like this: he sits behind you, taking your hand and guiding it through the process of what you’d do to yourself đŸ«Ł while, again, whispering hot stuff in your ear (yeah my version of him is into whispering lmfao). That’s the good stuff đŸ˜«
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lulunothulu · 28 days
“A Bullseye to the Heart” Ch. 10
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Latina Reader
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Summary: after Bradley and Nat in vote themselves over and you tell Nat you and Jake almost kissed, Natasha had the great plan of playing spin the bottle. What could possibly go wrong? Other than feelings being caught? 👀
Content: drinking, some swearing, definitely some tom-foolery, mild smut (touching), fingering, fluff
Word Count: who even knows 😂
A/N: just like the last chapter, you don’t have to read the whole “A Bullseye to the Heart” series. This can be read alone! (However I would read the last one bc it adds more to this one) ENJOY!!! đŸ’—đŸ€ 
Chapter 10
“I cannot believe you did this,” you whisper to Natasha.
“You thank me later after you and Bagman are getting hot and heavy,” she whispers back, causing you to slap her arm. Natasha chuckles before clearing her throat for Bradley and Jake to listen. “The rules are, you spin the beer bottle, whoever you land on has to choose either kissing you, seven minutes on heaven, or passing. But you only get two passes!”
Jake and Bradley nod.
“So if you land on Jake three times, and you’ve already skipped him twice, you have to kiss him or seven minutes in heaven,” you tell Bradley.
Bradley smiles, taking a swig of his beer and winking at Jake. “Oh, I plan on planting one on him.”
“Gross,” Natasha laughs. “Okay, let’s get started.”
After an intense game of rock, paper, scissors, Bradley gets to be the first one to spin the bottle. Fortunately for Jake, it lands on Natasha who sits across from him.
“What’re you choosing, Nat?” Jake asks, eyes on you.
“Imma choose kiss,” she responds, getting up from her sitting position on the floor and crawling to Bradley who welcomes her with open arms.
With one swift peck on the lips, Natasha laughs. “That tickled. Okay my turn!”
She spins, landing on you.
“Oh miss Y/N,” she sing-songs. “What’re you choosing?”
You smile at her and wink. “I think I’ll kiss you, my love.”
“It’s not like you haven’t before,” she smiles.
“Wait what?” Jake asks.
You move to your left and plant a firm kiss on Natasha’s lips, smiling when she squeezes your left boob.
“Ah just like old times,” she says when you pull away.
“Old times?!” Jake practically squeaks.
“Hush, it’s Y/N’s turn,” Nat says.
To your right, Bradley tells Jake the short but hilarious story of the time you and Natasha got so drunk, you made out. Jake’s eyes widen and he blushes, adjusting himself in his shorts.
You take the time to spin the bottle, watching as it spins for a few seconds before landing between Jake and Bradley.
“Ooo, spinners choice!” Natasha slurs. “Who’s it gonna be, Bullseye?”
You take a swig of your beer, looking between Jake and Bradley.
As much as it would be funny to see Jake get jealous that you’re kissing Bradley, you’d rather not kiss the man who was like a brother to you.
“Jake,” you declare. Jake’s eyes sparkle in delight as you crawl your way to him and ask, “What’re you choosing, Bagman?”
“Kiss,” he says simply before grabbing your face and pressing his lips to yours.
They’re soft, and expertly moving along with yours as you deepen the kiss by pressing yourself into him more.
Around you, Bradley and Natasha whoop and holler, causing you to pull away. You crawl backwards back to your spot on the floor and smile when Jake’s eyes linger on you.
“Alright, Jakey Poo,” Bradley nudges. “Your up.”
Three rounds later, two used passes from both you and Jake in order to not kiss Bradley, and one kiss between Bradley and Jake, it’s finally your turn to choose what you want to do with Jake when the bottle finally lands on you again.
“Seven minutes,” you say, a smile forming on your lips .
“We’ll be here.” Natasha winks at you before pulling Bradley’s arm and asking Jake , “Can Bradley borrow some swim trucks? We wanna go for a swim.”
“It’s only seven minutes,” Bradley interjects. Natasha gives him a death glare before he connect the dots and smiles.
“Sure, in the top drawer,” Jake points in his room, eyes solely on you.
You lead Jake into your room, watching as he closes the door behind him and sets a timer on his phone.
“So, Bullseye,” Jake starts, looking up from the phone with a smile before setting it on your drawer.
However, he never gets to finish what he was going to say because your lips are on his, arms wrapped around his neck.
You surprised yourself—Jake too, at that.
You’d fully expected to be shy and wait for him to kiss you, but the moment his eyes landed on yours you felt the warmth and determination fill your veins.
Jake was surprised but he loved that you were being bold. Must’ve been the liquid courage.
He pulls away, blue-green eyes bright and smile wide.
“How long have you been waiting to do that?”
“Since our first kiss,” you breathe.
Jake smiles, bringing your lips to his and body close again.
You couldn’t believe you were in his arms, kissing him, touching him. You snaked am arm to Jake’s chest, feeling his heart beat steady against your palm. You could feel his hard abs on your own, his dick hardening against your hips. Almost as if on cue, you could feel your core moisten—you were ready for him if he wanted you. You moan in to his mouth when his hands slide down your back and land on your ass, his light squeeze sending you straight to the edge but not quite over.
“Jake,” you mutter into his lips.
“Yes?” He responds, pulling away slightly and eyes searching your opened ones.
“Can you touch me?”
Jake breathes a sigh of relief. “I thought you were gonna tell me to stop.”
You laugh, about to say something else when he pulls you into another deep kiss.
This time, however, his hands wander your body. They leave your ass momentarily, trailing up the curves of your waist in a slow and passionate way—like he wanted to take his time with you.
And he did.
Jake wanted to touch every inch of your body—explore it, relish in it—before he even got to taste it. He trailed his hand up to your neck again, pulling you back a bit before walking you to the edge of the bed. “Sit for me.”
You obey, loving the way his eyes darken in lust. Your eyes follow as he squats before you, large hands landing on your thighs and sliding up and down. The motion alone sent chills down your spine.
“Did you purposely wear that shirt?” He asks, looking down at the Texas Longhorns shirt you definitely forgot you were wearing.
You nod, a smile forming on your lips.
“I let you borrow that months ago,” he says, voice gravely and deep. “I love seeing you in my shirt.”
“Yeah?” You ask. The alcohol pushes you to add, “I love seeing the way you react when I wear your shirt.”
“And how is that, Sweetheart?”
Jake’s eyes are practically oozing with need and you know it. The look sends another shiver down your spine, your nipples peaking below the orange cotton fabric. You move your hands over them, suddenly realizing he can probably see them.
He does, his eyes dart from your hands—now trying to hide your nipples—and back up to your eyes.
“Move your hands,” he orders.
You listen, placing them on the bed by your hips.
Jake’s hands wander up your thighs and hips, then linger on the fabric to the base of the shirt. He twitters with it, tugging it lightly and watching how your nipples poke out even more as he pulls the fabric.
“Can I undress you?” He asks.
“Yes,” you breathe, your voice hoarse.
Instantly, Jake is tugging his shirt off your body, delight filling his chest and sparking down to the tip of his dick. You’ve just said the magic words and was more than ready to act.
As soon as the t-shirt is over your head and in his fingers, he tosses to the side. His eyes drop to your breasts, full and heavy—perfect. Your nipples are pebbled and perked, just waiting for his mouth to wrap around them.
He stops himself, though. Letting his hands fall back onto your hips and slowly slide up the soft skin of your waist, finally—painfully—landing on the soft mounds of your breasts.
He hears you suck in a breath, smiling when he flicks his gaze to your eyes. Something like wonder flashes behind them and he moves his fingers to your nipples, squeezing them lightly. When you moan, he softly twiddles them between his index finger and thumb, sending another wave of moans straight to his ears.
He was already hard, his dick pressing into the silky material of the athletic shorts he’s wearing. Your moans were enough to make him cum, but he willd himself to wait. He needed to be touched by you or inside you if he was going to release.
Jake goes back to cupping your left breast, watching as you give him a confused look before bringing his lips to the soft skin around your nipple.
He kisses you at first, testing the suctioning to see what you’d do and each time, a soft moan leaves your parted lips. He moves to that peaked nipple, flicking his tongue on the surface at first. When you shudder, he wraps his mouth completely around it, lightly sucking.
“Jesus, Jake,” you lightly moan. He pulls away, doing the same to the other nipple and chuckling when you mutter, “Fuck me.”
He pulls away, leaving your once warmed nipples cold and begging to be touched again. He pulls his shirt off, grabbing the back of the shirt and pulling it forward, before tossing it along with yours.
“I figured it would be fair if I evened the playing field,” he shrugs when you raise a brow. Your laughter fills his ears and sending a warm tang down to his stomach.
Before long, he’s pressing his lips to yours again, laying you gently onto the bed, and lying between your legs. Your bare chest presses against his, warm and soft.
You curl your legs around his torso, pressing his hips into your own and groaning into his mouth when you feel his hardness against you.
Jake feels you take your nails down his back and imagines the scratches you must be forming back there. He wanted everyone who saw him undressed to know you were his.
You didn’t know it yet, but you were.
Kissing down your cheek and neck, Jake makes his way down, softly pecking your collarbone and breasts. When he reaches your stomach you let out a giggle, making him look up from where he’s hovering.
“Are you ticklish?” He asks with a smile.
“No shit,” you giggle.
Your sass makes him smile, nuzzling his nose into the side of your stomach, making you erupt in a snorting laughter.
“I’ll have to come back to that another time,” he says, pressing a kiss to your hip. “I love the sound of your laugh.”
Jake works his way to your shorts, playing with the elastic before looking to you for approval. When you nod, he slowly pulls the silky material down your hips and thighs. When he looks at you again, he finds a lacy black thong waiting for him and leaving not much to the imagination.
Jake was floored. Not only were you gorgeous, but your pussy was as well—from what he could see. He kisses over the spot where your scar is, lingering a little longer than he had with the rest of your body.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N,” he whispers into your skin.
He kisses down your hips to the pelvic area over your clit.
“Everything about you is just how I imagined it,” he continues.
“You’ve imagined it?” You ask, propping yourself in your elbows.
Jake looks up from between you legs, a small nod and a sheepish grin forming. “I’ve been waiting to touch you for three months.”
You only smile, bringing yourself closer to to his face and kissing him softly.
“So touch me then.”
You watch as Jake’s eyes gleam in excitement as he lowers himself back to your core, kissing over the flimsy fabric of your thong.
Each kiss sends a ripple through your core and up your spine, your pussy getting wetter by the second.
Jake notices and grins up at you. “You’re so wet I can taste you through the lacy fabric.”
You open your mouth to respond but he stops you by slowly licking over the material, warm and gentle. You suck in a breath, arching your back a bit before your eyes land on his.
His are full of amusement.
He likes this.
“Can I remove these?” He asks you, fingering the waistband of your thong.
“Please do,” you grin.
Without a word, Jake grabs the flimsy waistband and starts to pull it down. You raise your legs to help him pass your ass and he sucks in a breath. At that moment, your pussy—in all its glory—was right in his face.
He fully removes the underwear and tosses it behind him blindly, eyes only on your gleaming folds. Gently, he brings his fingers to your entrance, feeling the warmth and wetness before bring his fingers to his mouth and sucking the taste of you off.
“You taste delicious,” he tells you.
“Thank yo—”
You don’t get to finish because his face is buried in your cunt. Kissing and sucking at first but then lapping and flicking with his tongue. He starts front he bottom of your entrance all the way up to your clit before sucking lightly.
“Oh my god,” you moan.
“You like when I lick your pretty pussy?” He asks.
You nod, unable to speak because he’s lowered his head back onto you, licking and sucking for dear life.
Pleasure rings all over your body, your legs starting to buckle and shake around Jake’s head. You feel his hand roam to your entrance and sigh a moan when a finger enters you.
Jake pumps his finger in and out of you in a rhythmic manner, your walls clenching around him. You feel his pace quicken as he sucks and licks your clit, sending you back to edge you were so close to reaching before.
“I’m so close!” You tell him, bucking your hips to match with his pulsing. “Don’t stop, Jake!”
He pulls his mouth away from you before sneaking a second finger inside you.
“Say what you want, baby,” he instructs. “Call my name.”
He returns to his spot, mouth licking and sucking your clit, fingers deep and pulsing in your clenched cunt.
“Fuck!” You moan, eyes squeezing shut and then opening. You take your fingers into Jake’s hair, pulling slightly and bucking your hips harder into his face. “Please make me cum, Jake!”
Jake hums into you, sending a wave of vibration to your clit and sealing the last deal you needed to finally cum.
Electricity flares through you, stars and planets align, and you swear you heard an angel sing. Your orgasm ripples through you, Jake lapping up every single drop of it. He only stops when you’re a shaking mess under him.
You pull him up by pulling his face to yours and kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue.
He was right, you were delicious.
You push him back before smiling and saying, “Your turn.”
But when he’s about to speak, his timer goes off.
“Turn it off,” you whine at him.
Jake chuckles before standing from the bed and walking to his phone. He turns the alarm off before walking back to the bed and kissing you.
“Let’s go check on Nat and Bradshaw,” he tells you. Then, with a wink and devastatingly cocky smirk, “You can pay me back later.”
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
The golden trio Pt 6
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - swearing, crying
A/n - 😌😋
The golden trio
username It’s been five days since Lando was caught kissing that other chick and Y/n hasn’t posted ANYTHING!!
username He has sooooo fucked up mate it’s unbelievable and by the looks of it he hasn’t done anything to apologise yet 😖
username You know I don’t think anyone has seen her leave the apartment building either, like we know Max and Charles are around but they haven’t be looking all that happy
username Yeah cause someone who is practically their little sister has been hurt time and time again!! What do you expect?
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Spotted: Y/n L/n leaving her apartment complex with both of her roommates, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc.
Liked by username and 1,583 others
username Lando fucking Norris you are a fucking idiot 😒
username Oh mate, she looks devastated
username She can’t get a break!!
username Did you guys see Max and Charles though?! They were so annoyed
username I hope the chick is happy, she ruined a relationship 🙄
Max Fewtrell twitch live stream
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username Anybody watched Max Fewtrells twitch this evening?? Lando??
username You can tell he’s so guilty with himself!!
username Like he was so blunt!
username He had it coming, like you can’t go around kissing another girl whilst you’re in a relationship. It’s common sense.
Text (White: Reader) (Red: Carlos)
Hey, I heard about what happened with Lando I’m sorry
Yeah these things happen, it’s not your fault
Look I have a idea but you can back out if you want totally your choice
Ok?? Go on
So I’ve was thinking if we could date until Lando gets jealous
Oh right

Please don’t feel like you have to do this tho
Sure I’ll do it, I don’t want to let him down easily
Perfect! So should we go on a date tomorrow night and make sure people see??
Yeah that’ll be a good idea, the gossip instagrams just love to post about me so it’ll spread fast
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Spotted: Y/n L/n and Carlos Sainz, former McLaren teammate of Lando Norris, seen on what seems to be a date in Monte Carlo this evening. It has been a few days since Lando Norris, who seems to Y/n’s ex now, was seen kissing another girl.
Liked by yourusername and 3,263 others
username Mr Norris what will you do now??
username She really said get even bitch 😚
~~ Liked by yourusername
username Ooooo more gossip more gossip!!!
username Yk I would sell my kidney to see what is going on behind the closed doors 👀
username Y/n in her reputation era??
username Yk, Idk what to think??
Gossip Groupchat (White: Reader) (Blue: Max) (Red: Charles)
Hey Bee

Yeah I’d everything ok?

Um Lando is currently stood in our living room, pestering Charles on where you are
Why? Ask him why he’s there!
Seen 2 minutes ago
Yk I don’t like the fact that it’s taking forever!
He is here to apologise, he feels horrible and I think he means it
Well tell him that I am busy and that he should consider this relationship done
Ok soooo he’s gone but
I don’t think he was very happy that you are completely blocking him out, more angry in my opinion
Look that’s his problem, you can’t go around kissing other girls whilst you’re in a relationship it’s common fucking sense
Ok, what time are you coming back tonight?
Around 9pm, Carlos has a flight in the morning
See you then Bee
Bye guys
Bye Bee
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Since Y/n’s date this evening we have noticed that the former couple have both gone and unfollowed each other on instagram and other socials. Maybe the ship has really sailed away.
Liked username and 2,583 others
username Oh Shit!
username So that really does mean

username No I can’t do this, nope not today 😭
username True love? Yeah no that doesn’t exist
username What do we do now?!?! 😰
username Friends to Lovers to Enemies đŸ„ș
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But now you’re on your knees while I’m wrapped up in his sheets 😚
Tagged: carlossainz55
Liked by carlossainz55 and 75,925 others
username MISS GIRL!!!
username Karma really is a bitch!
carlossainz55 â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
= yourusername 😋😋😋
username Lando you know this is about you!!!
~~ Liked by yourusername
username Loving this whole thing!!!!!
username She moved onto a real man, not a little boy. Well deserved!
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife @bellaturner @roseseraj
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student 👀
Whew~ Here we go with the final part of Special Classes >////<
Have you enjoyed your History, Art, and PE classes? Yes? Oh that's good cause you'll also love your Math class đŸ€­
You are 22yo here, and a graduating student. Sanemi is 27.
Let's start now! 🌾
đ‘ș𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 đ‘Ș𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑮𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔
𝐊đČđšđŁđźđ«đš đ‘đžđ§đ đšđ€đź đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐼𝐱 đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐆𝐱đČ𝐼 đ“đšđŠïżœïżœïżœïżœđšđ€đš đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐩𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐼𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐱 đˆđ đźđ«đš đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Suggestive/Curse Words/Dom Sanemi/Degredation/Blow job/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit/Blood/Violence
Minors DNI.
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(Image is not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
🌾đ‘ș𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊 đ‘ș𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂🌾
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"Oi! That's not the answer! Have you listened to anything that I taught earlier?! Go back to your seat!"
You sat there and watched as Sanemi, your math professor, cast a critical eye over the room. You started to feel anxious because he might ask you to solve the problem in front of the class. And unfortunately, as if fate were conspiring against you, his purple eyes eventually landed on you.
Sanemi sat on your desk while maintaining an expression of irritation. "And what do you say, Y/L/N-san? Why don't you solve that math problem for me?" He asked the question sarcastically. You gave a small nod before rising from your seat, at which point you noticed that your chest felt heavy. You are aware that Sanemi is still glancing in your direction.
After a minute of solving, you turned to face the class and your professor, who was still sitting on your desk, looking amused, which surprised you. You took a deep breath and mustered up all of your courage before you spoke.
"f(x) is a quadratic function, and its graph is a parabola. As a result, it is not a one-to-one function because the parabola can be interrupted by horizontal lines at two different locations. The correct answer is a D."
Sanemi got to his feet and started walking towards you while softly clapping his hands. Your expression remained expressionless, and you experienced shyness despite the fact that you were aware that many eyes were staring at you at this very moment. You felt an arm stretched across your shoulder, and when you looked up, you noticed that Sanemi's face had finally stopped showing signs of annoyance.
"Woah! I thought this class was full of dumb brats! You surprised me, Y/L/N-san!"
You bowed your head respectfully and then proceeded to return to your seat. You no longer feel the same level of anxiety in your chest.
Because you are so accustomed to the harsh methods of teaching that Sanemi uses, these compliments seemed like a miracle that you would only hear once in your entire life.
"Sensei is so intimidating! Even if I do know the answer, I often forget it."
"So true! He's so harsh, and he is so anno—"
"Sssh, Aoi-san, if sensei hears you, he'll definitely make your life hell."
You couldn't help but overhear the conversations of the other students when your math class ended. What they are saying is true. Sanemi Shinazugawa isn't the nicest professor at the university. Oh well, he isn't soft at all, and he makes sure that you all know it.
Compared to the angel and most loved history teacher, Kyojuro, Sanemi's class is definitely an embodiment of hell. Especially if you're not studying well.
And as for you, you cannot fail any of your subjects. You are not the friendly type and you prefer to be alone than socialise. If you fail, you'll have no choice but to repeat the same subject with different people, and that would be so tiring.
Also, you already work outside your class hours aside from maintaining your scholarship. You can't lose all of that just because the professor teaching your math subject is the infamous Sanemi Shinazugawa.
After that day, on which you had successfully astonished Sanemi, a few days passed. It's well past midnight, yet you're still at the convenience store, where you are conducting an inventory check. The next thing you know, a man with a beard is grabbing your hand.
"Hey missy~ It looks like you're so busy. Need help?"
You pulled your hand away from him and took a step back. You felt a shiver when you managed to see that the man looked wasted. "No sir. Thank you." Despite the fear that started to bubble up in your stomach, you still tried to be as respectful as you are.
You were about to go when suddenly the man grabbed your hand again, tighter this time. You yelled but realised that the other employees were inside the stock room. You didn't want to shout, as you didn't want to scare the other customers, so you tried to squirm from his hold.
"Sir, let go of me."
"Come with me. I'll give you a better time counting how many times I can make you cum."
You were astounded by what he said and felt the tears almost fall from your eyes. But then, before they could fall, you suddenly heard a familiar voice that astounded you. You looked up, and there Sanemi was standing behind the man. His nails dug into the man's shoulder as he stared at him with fury in his eyes.
"One, I hate perverts. And two, I hate perverts who use numbers to rizz a poor kid. Let go of her before I make you rethink all of your life choices, you fucker."
And after only hearing his voice, the bearded man stumbled on his way out of the convenience store. And the good thing is, no commotion happened.
"You okay?" Sanemi said, pointing at your reddened arm. You looked back at him and noticed that he wasn't wearing his professor's outfit. The man looked so cool with his messy hair. He even looked cooler with that black leather jacket over his white shirt.
So, my professor looks like a normal person outside class...
You immediately recalled how tough he was earlier when he tried to save you from that pervert, and this sprang to mind before you could even think of anything else. You had no idea that he was capable of acting in such a way. And with that, you felt your heart racing as you felt heat coming up your cheeks when your eyes met.
"Hello?" He waved in front of your dumbfounded face and raised an eyebrow. It seems like Sanemi doesn't recognise you. So you shook your head and bowed in front of him.
"Sensei, thank you for saving me!"
"Hmm? Sensei?"
"I'm Y/L/N, Y/N, from the university. You're my math prof—"
"Oh, okay?"
You looked up once again and saw Sanemi looking away. He seemed preoccupied with the can of beer in front of him. Awkwardness filled the air. I think I shouldn't have told him I was his student! I hate how awkward I am when my mouth opens. You sighed and decided to thank him once again.
"Shinazugawa-sensei, thank you again. I'll get back to work."
Before you could head back to the storage room, Sanemi spoke up in a monotone.
"Uh, what time does your shift end?"
You were astounded by his question. Why would he ask that? You turned to look at him, but then you bumped your head on his chest. Apologising, you stepped back and stared into his lilac eyes as you spoke up.
"My shift's done in 30 minutes, sensei."
"It's late. Do you have someone to pick you up?"
You looked at Sanemi as if he were doing something unusual. Oh well, he does. Usually his mouth is full of curses, and his tone is always angry. But now it's different. Despite being monotone, it has a hint of... care?
"No sensei. I take the bus home."
"Okay. I'll just wait for you then."
"Uh why?"
"It's dangerous going home this late. And you're my student, so you're my responsibility. I'll drive you home."
Your heart started to toss and turn inside your chest, which almost made you want to throw up because of too much fluster. Sanemi is your saviour, and now he suddenly looks so cool that you can't take your eyes off him.
You didn't protest, as he is right. It's dangerous out there, especially since there was a man who tried to abduct you earlier.
A part of you felt a bit happy, as no one had shown you this care before, not even your parents. And with that last thought, you managed to end your shift.
You changed into a skirt and a shirt. As you walked out of the convenience store, you saw your math professor leaning against his car. "Three minutes late." He said this, checking his wristwatch before looking back at you.
You swear you could see the astonishment on his face when his eyes landed on you. But of course, that quickly faded away as he stood in front of you. "Sensei, I'm sorry if I made you wait."
"Just a favor. Don't call me sensei outside the university. People might think something's wrong if they heard you and saw you enter my car this late at night."
"Oh, sorry, Shinazugawa-san."
"Much better."
He opened the door for you, and his gestures shocked you. Last week, you saw how he almost threw a book at one of the students, and now here he is, being a gentleman. It's so not him.
You entered his car and were greeted with a minty, manly scent. Wow, this is Shinazugawa-san's vibe, for sure. You looked around and managed to settle down comfortably on the seat beside him. You tied your hair back and stared at Sanemi as he started the car. His hands looked so big. If that bearded pervert ever attempted to harm you, he wouldn't be able to withstand a punch from this man.
"Do you have a hand fetish or something?"
He asked that you cut off your thoughts. You looked away and apologised once again. Sanemi brushed it off and started driving.
"So where do you live?" He asked as his eyes peeled off the road. You told him your address, and he went on to ask you why you decided to work in a place too far from where you live.
"Oh, I have no choice. I need to grind for my future."
You felt like Sanemi wanted to say something, but he eventually stopped himself. And of course, you didn't say anything further. You don't want to make the travel more awkward than it already is. And when we say awkward, it's because you only answer when asked as if you're reading a script.
"So, what can you say about our classes? Don't tell me that I'm rude, 'cause I'm sure well aware of that."
Sanemi was the one who decided to break the silence. You played with the hem of your skirt and looked at your lap. You actually don't want to answer him, as you never wanted to offend him in any way. You sighed, and finally,
"You're cool."
"Oh. That's new." A small smile broke on Sanemi's lips, and that made you blush. Before you could say anything, Sanemi spoke up in a low tone. "I know that you're just saying that because of earlier, though. But thanks."
"Are you scared of me at class?"
"Because I study well. Why would I be afraid of you?"
"Good answer. You know, I'm tired of fucktard students who think my subject's not important."
And there, the curse words began. "I see."
"Are you really this silent? LOL"
You almost laughed when Sanemi verbally said LOL as it sounded funny. You tried to stop yourself from giggling, and you looked away. But yeah, back to his question. You just shrugged your shoulders and leaned back.
"Eh? You'll make our travels feel longer if you stay like that."
"Your shift ends at the same time every day?"
"Yes. But what do you mean by trav—"
"Now we're talking." He chuckled and continued, "Whether you like it or not, I'll be here after your shifts as I also go home to the same town. I have a friend who's dorm is beside the convenience store, so don't fucking tell me that it'll be a bother, cause nope."
"But sen—"
"Sanemi. Call me by my first or last name when we're out of the university. You weren't paying attention earlier! Tsk!"
"And stop apologising too much."
You felt your heart go fast as Sanemi smiled at you. "I told you, you're my student, so you're my responsibility. And I don't want what happened earlier to repeat."
"Thank you, Sanemi-san."
That first time Sanemi drove you home became your math professor's task every time that you were at that convenient store.
You still acted a bit awkwardly towards him, but after a few days of those moments recurring, Sanemi slowly brought you out of your shell. And also, he managed to start making you feel more flushed than before. You started liking him and the times when he was there for you.
At the university, he's still like the chaos incarnate with his harsh antics. He even made one student cry because he became mad at them for being too loud in the hallway while he was teaching. And of course, at class, he didn't show you any special treatment. He even started to call you airhead at the uni.
But yeah, you didn't have any grudges against him, as all you wanted to do at the university was learn and pass. And you're clearly aware that Sanemi's just doing his job in his own way.
It just also seems like Sanemi has this facade at school. But you won't dive deep into that, as you never wanted to pry.
"Hey airhead."
The sound of Sanemi's voice reverberating through the hallway shook you out of your stupor. You turned your head to look at him and noticed that the math professor was approaching you from behind. There are no math classes today, so you were astounded to see Sanemi.
It is impossible not to fall in love with the charming way in which the sun's rays fall on him. Because of the way that his piercing eyes were fixed on you and the way that his hands were crossed, almost exposing his bare chest, you can't help but feel as though your breath is being slowly sucked out of you.
You bit your lip, still staring at him, when he finally stopped in front of you.
"Airhead, I'm going to fucking melt if you keep staring at me like that."
You blushed and looked away. But then, before you could give an excuse, Sanemi spoke first. "Your classes are done?"
"Yes sensei."
"Come with me. Help me check your papers."
You immediately nodded and followed him to the classroom of the Math Club. The members were out early today, so Sanemi got the entire room for himself. And yes, the man likes solitude sometimes.
Sanemi closed the door behind him and sat on his desk. "Just pull a chair from somewhere there." He pointed at the empty seats, and you complied.
Sanemi has been a nice guy to look out for you after work, and you really appreciate that. You wanted to pay him back sometimes, but he declined it, so one night you told him that you'd be his apprentice at the university, and you'd even help him with his tasks if needed. There, he agreed.
It wasn't the first time that the two of you shared this room to indulge yourselves in numbers. It was a win-win for you. First, you are definitely learning. If there are mistakes, Sanemi teaches you the formula, so that's an instant special class for you. Second, you kind of want to spend time with him, so these moments make your dreams come true.
Your work is just 4 hours as you are just a student, and the owner of the convenience store is too kind to make you work for 8 hours after your 6 hours of school. So, you won't be late even if you stay here at the university, as your work starts around 9 p.m.
Sanemi cleared his throat, which made you look at him. He was staring at you intensely, and when your eyes met, it was him who averted it this time. "Uh, so, how's the day? Any homeworks?" He asked with an awkward tone, which definitely surprised you, as he was usually sounding either cocky, angry, or caring.
"Yes sensei. On Iguro-san's chemistry classes."
"Hah! I hope my friend doesn't give you a hard time." Sanemi chuckled.
"He doesn't. He's less harsh than you are."
It was late when you realised what you said. You covered your mouth and stared at Sanemi, who had the veins on his forehead popping in irritation. "You brat. Math is important! If I weren't harsh, would you all fucking listen to me?"
"I will. I like it when you're gentle."
What you said surprised Sanemi. His cheeks suddenly turned pink, but he tried his best to hide it. You noticed it but didn't say a word. But inside you, you felt hot. You like it when Sanemi blushes. You bit your lip again and crossed your leg as you felt something weird down there.
His breathing has changed, and you watched his exposed chest as he did so. Your eyes landed on his scars, and a part of you wondered how they would feel if you touched them.
On the other hand, lots of crazy thoughts suddenly filled Sanemi's head.
She likes me when I'm gentle. What does this little fuck mean?
Your words almost caused his mind to shut down. He always looks forward to when you speak, as you're always so quiet, but times like this really astound him. He's flustered around you, and that's because he likes to have his own damsel in distress.
Your math professor's attracted to you, and you have no idea.
Sanemi straightened his collar and cleared his throat before continuing to check the papers. You watched as he moved in his seat, but you couldn't help but be perplexed as to why he responded in such an unexpected manner. You stepped up, bent towards him, and reached for some additional paperwork that had been placed in front of him so that you could also check those.
But then, instead of reaching the test papers, it was Sanemi's hand that you accidentally touched. "Oh sorry... I was just trying to get some papers." You said this and proceeded to take some papers, not knowing what your actions were doing to the professor.
His eyes watched you as you gently sat back, and without you noticing, those lavender orbs fell on your breast. He was observing you the whole time. As you breathed in and out, Sanemi watched your chest rise and fall.
You finally finished checking and smiled at your professor. But he was too taken with the sight in front of him. You tucked your hair back behind your ear and stood up from your seat.
"I'm done, Shinazugawa-sensei."
"Hey airhead, can you stop doing that?"
"Huh? Doing what?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Sanemi stood up from his seat, and in just a blink of an eye, he pinned you on the wall, Kabedon style.
You blushed at what he was doing, as you didn't know why he was doing this in the first place. "S-sensei?" You asked, blinking in shock as you felt his hot breath touch your neck.
Sanemi stared at your eyes, and there you saw how they were painted with passion and... hunger? A part of you wanted to leave, but then the bigger part wanted whatever this was. He leaned in until your foreheads touched, then spoke to you in a deep, husky voice.
"The fuck are you doing with me, airhead? You don't know how much you make me want to do this."
"I don't know what you're saying..."
"You want me to be gentle, huh? What makes you think that I'll be gentle to a bitch like you?"
Before you could say any words, Sanemi smashed his lip over yours. You were stunned for a few moments before you realised that your math professor, your saviour, and your crush are pinning you on the wall and kissing you right now.
With that in mind, you slowly wrapped your hands around his neck and finally kissed him back, letting his tongue explore your mouth as you moaned.
But then...
"Oh fuck..."
Sanemi pulled out and walked far from you, his hand massaging his forehead. You stood up and watched him, feeling a bit anxious while doing so. He suddenly looks mad.
"What the hell, Y/N-san!" He suddenly said it in a roaring voice that made you shiver and almost tear up. He noticed that, so he went near you and held your shoulders. The lust in his eyes faded, and what you saw now was regret as he looked at you.
"Hey, I-I didn't want to take advantage of you. Believe me, Y/L/N-san. It's just that I didn't know what happened to me."
"I like you, sensei."
Those words just escaped your lips and left both of you stunned. You didn't want to tell him that, but you wanted him to calm down. You bit your lower lip, and with that, Sanemi finally took a step back.
"No. You can't. I'll just make you cry."
"Just follow what I'm saying."
You felt angry with what he was saying. Yes, he is older than you, but you hate the fact that he is mansplaining you now. You closed your fist in anger, with nails digging into your palm. And while glaring at him. You finally spoke up.
"Then why the fuck would you kiss me, Sanemi?"
Sanemi rubbed his face in frustration, and finally...
"Because you're fucking easy. I can fuck you if I want to. But you see, I'm doing you a favour here. If all this time you had liked me, then you might as well bend over on that table—"
You didn't care if you were inside his den or if he was your professor. What he told you hurt you, and all you wanted to do now was leave. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you watched Sanemi massage the cheek that you just slapped.
"I hate you! You're just like anybody else."
You said that and finally went out of the room, leaving the man with his guilt.
Yes, Sanemi chose to hurt your feelings instead, as he didn't want you to like a man like him. He's harsh; he even hurts the feelings of his younger brother.
He had hurt a lot of women because of that attitude, and now he didn't want to hurt you too.
So, even if he hated it, he said those words to push you away.
I like you too. But even if I wanted to give you my love, you're my student. I can't hurt you that way.
Days passed, and you still went to his classes with a heavy heart. You didn't answer his classes like before; you didn't even react if he taunted the other students. And yes, he did that; you know he avoided you like the plague. He never called your name. He didn't even try to look at you. Suddenly, you're invisible again.
The night after that encounter, all you did was cry. You didn't even go to work. You lied through your teeth when you told your manager that you were sick.
And yes, Sanemi stopped driving you home. Perhaps what he said was true. I'm fucking easy? You thought about it for the hundredth time as you finished your shift. You stepped out of the convenience store, wishing you would see him parked by the—
"Oi, Y/N. How are you?"
The sight of Sanemi again was like a blow to the chest. He had his back against the car, arms folded. You decided to ignore him, walking away, but then he caught your arm.
"Hey, please listen to me."
"What the fuck do you want? If you want to fuck someone, go to a strip club or something."
"Then what?!"
You pulled your hands away from him, glaring as if you wanted him to just disappear. His sight reminds you of all the hurtful things he said at that time.
"I'm sorry. I messed up."
"Go tell your sorry to some other easy kid. I won't buy that. You are free to fucking fail me if you so choose. I'll just transfer."
"Hey! No!"
You walked away, leaving Sanemi again, but he chased you and blocked your way. He isn't wearing any of those facades as he faces you right now. He looks distressed and sad, and a part of you wanted to give in, but men are like this. They do things like this if they need something from you, and you hate him anyway.
"I love you, Y/N."
"And now you suddenly love me? Oh, please, perhaps you're just horny again."
You tried to escape from him, but Sanemi didn't let you. He held your shoulders and stared into your eyes, begging for you to listen to him.
But then, before he could speak, a person suddenly appeared behind you.
"I hate to disturb this love quarrel, but you need to pay for messing up with me."
And suddenly, all your strength seemed to be sipped out of your body as you saw how Sanemi pushed you away as the perverted man from before tried to stab you. Sanemi received the attack on his side, which made the culprit run away.
The man who stabbed Sanemi was then unintentionally run over by a truck and sent flying, as if fate were on your side to avenge you.
Your eyes widened as everything went red. Your professor coughed blood and fell on your shoulder.
"No... No... No Sanemi! Don't die on me!"
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too. Please don't leave me."
"I love... you... Sorry..."
He said that, and then he passed out.
"What happened to Nii-chan?"
You were astounded when you met his little brother. He entered Sanemi's room with worry on his face. You always see this guy at school, and Sanemi seems to hate him so much. You're a year ahead of Genya and you didn't even think that Sanemi was his brother.
"Sanemi-san saved me earlier. I'm sorry if this happened to him, Shinazugawa-kun."
"No! Don't say that! It's not your fault at all. My Nii-san's really great. He would save people a thousand times if he only could."
You watched as Sanemi's brother sat on the couch beside you, looking at his unconscious brother. It's the first time that you've really looked at him, so it's also the first time that you've seen that he also had scars like Sanemi had.
"Sorry Shina—"
"I'm Genya. Are you my brother's girlfriend? He always speaks about a girl who seems to fit your description."
You blushed at Genya's words. So, Sanemi's thinking of you? For real? He even went all the way to telling those feelings to his little brother. You weren't able to speak as if he knew that you were a student at the same university where his brother teaches. He'll surely freak out.
"Do you think your brother will be okay?"
"Yes. He had endured this kind of injury a lot of times. I'm sure that his wound now won't be the one that kills him."
A lot of times? Questions filled your head as you stared at Genya. He seems a bit relaxed. Perhaps he trusts his brother so much.
"What do you mean, though?"
"Oh, Nii-chan saved my life when I was younger from an accident. See these scars? He also has this, but it's a lot worse. He endured all the pain just to save me. Nii-san would do anything for the people he loves. Even if it means hurting himself."
Your heart started beating fast once again as you remembered that, before he passed out, Sanemi had told you that he loved you. Perhaps that's why he took that stab at you. But why would he hurt your feelings back then in the classroom if he really did? You're confused as much as you are happy to know that the professor loves you. There were a lot of things that you wanted to hear from him.
"The fuck are you doing here, Genya?"
Both you and Genya were astounded as Sanemi's faint voice was heard. Both of you stood up and ran to his side. Sanemi groaned and tried to sit, but you stopped him.
"Hey no... Just lay down. Please."
He complied without any complaints, but then he looked at Genya. Sanemi caressed his brother's arm. "Hey, you won't get rid of Nii-san that easy." He grinned, which made Genya smile too. "I know Nii-san."
That's the first time that you've seen the innocence and peace on Sanemi's face. He looked like an angel. You smiled at them and were about to leave the siblings, but then Sanemi caught your arm and looked at you with loving eyes.
"Are you okay? What happened to the fucktard?"
"Sanemi-san, I'm good. You should relax first."
"But I want to know."
"The man died. After stabbing you, he ran onto the street and got hit."
"Oh, he got what he deserved!"
Genya spoke in a loud tone that made Sanemi chuckle. You held Sanemi's hand, caressing it as your eyes locked with each other. Then suddenly...
"Genya, I see that you've met my star student, Y/N."
"Oh? Student?!"
Genya was astounded by what Sanemi said. But no one could beat the surprise on your face. Yes, you'll always be his student, and that shit hurts.
But before you can say anything...
"And Genya, I'll punch you if you ever try hitting on her. She's not just my star student. I also love her."
"Your secret's safe with me, Nii-chan. It's nice meeting you finally, Y/N-san."
"Thank you. Genya, can you leave us alone for a while? I'll talk with you later."
After a nod, Genya walked out of the room. Sanemi held your hand tightly and smiled at you. "I'm glad you are okay, Y/N." His voice was soft as he said those words. He had a smile, as if he had just won the lottery. Perhaps saving you is really important to him.
"Yes. It's because of you, sensei— I mean, Sanemi."
He chuckled and caressed your hand with his fingers. "I'm so sorry if I told you lots of hurtful words back then. I didn't mean to tell you those. I was just scared to hurt you. I always hurt the people who become close to me."
"No. I think you're wrong. Why don't you try giving yourself credit? Like with Genya-kun. He adores you so much."
"But... I wasn't able to save our whole family."
"Don't blame yourself for everything, Sanemi. You did your best. And I think your family is proud of you. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't be harsh or whatever; I'm just saying that you shouldn't push people away because you're not saving them. You're hurting them."
"Like what I did to you. God, I hate myself for saying those things. I'm sorry."
"I've already forgiven you. Don't think about that too much."
You leaned in to kiss his lips, which surprised the man when you pulled out.
You smiled at him and caressed his face. "I don't want to lose you again, Y/N." He said this as he caressed your hand.
"You won't lose me anymore, Sanemi. I love you."
"I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Hey airhead!"
You were surprised when Sanemi's voice echoed in the hallway. You looked up at him, and there, you were astounded by how stunning he is. With the sun setting the spotlight on him, you saw his littlest details. The way his grin lights up his face, his arms swing gracefully at his sides, and his gaze follows yours.
You weren't able to look away even before he finally spoke up, teasing you. "I'm going to fucking melt if you keep staring at me like that."
This is deja vu. Sanemi crossed his arms and,
"Come with me. Help me check the papers again."
"Okay sensei."
You walked behind Sanemi, and when you reached the classroom, he locked it. You were about to pull up a chair to sit and check the papers when Sanemi sat on his chair and patted his lap. "Nope. Sit here."
"You don't want to obey me?" He asked with a challenging voice, which definitely turned you on. So, of course, you slowly sat on his lap while blushing madly.
"So, I want you to solve this for me."
Sanemi said while caressing your thighs under the table. With his touch, you felt your body tingle. You spread your legs and thanked yourself for choosing to wear a skirt today. You felt yourself becoming wetter, so you slowly rubbed yourself against Sanemi's groin, causing him to moan.
"I thought we'd check papers, sensei?" You said it innocently, teasing him.
Sanemi rested his head on the crook of your neck and used his right hand to cup your breast under your shirt. "I love it when you play innocent, baby." He said, obviously turned on by your actions.
"What am you saying, sensei? You said I need to solve something, so I'm just patiently waiting." You said this, continuously feigning innocence as you felt Sanemi's cock get harder with the friction.
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you so hard, Y/N."
He said, making you giggle. But suddenly, Sanemi stood up, making you stand up too. He pointed to the table and smirked at you. "Bend over."
You felt your titties become harder as arousal took over your body. Heat crept up to your face as you heard the change in Sanemi's breathing. Also, the fact that you're both at the university right now turned you on. You loved that it was risky.
So, with no doubt in mind, you bend over the table, exposing your wet underwear to him. Sanemi loved the view. After unbuckling his belt and removing his pants, he approached you, and you felt his hard cock rubbing against your clothed cunt.
You wanted to see how big it was, as this is your first time with him. Days before this, you had your first foreplay with him, but that was over the phone. He made you cum thrice just by his voice.
"What is two times two?"
"Yes, I will make you cum four times in this room."
You felt excited. And what made you more aroused was when Sanemi went down on you and started licking your cunt as you were bent down like a slut for him. He removed your underwear and began running his tongue through your slit.
Sanemi chuckled as you squirmed because of the pleasure. His chuckle reverberated on your skin, sending your tingles.
Then, to your astonishment, Sanemi spanked your ass, making you yelp.
Sanemi stood up and caressed your ass. "Mmm, you don't know how much you're turning me on right now. Face me and kneel down." He said, which you happily obeyed.
You faced him with your eyes trailing from his lustful expression down to his unbuttoned shirt, then down to his big and hard cock.
"You feeling scared now, Y/N?" He said this, smirking at you. But then, without any words, you knelt down and slowly caressed his cock as you adored it. It was so big that you might actually cum more than four times because of it.
Slowly, you swiped the tip on your lip and licked the cum that was already oozing out of it because of being turned on. You held it with your right hand and trailed the bottom of the shaft up to the top before putting it all inside your mouth.
"Oh fuck. Your mouth feels so good, Y/N."
Sanemi held your head and thrust on you as you bobbed your head on his cock. You felt almost gagging as it reached your throat, but you stopped it and decided to look at Sanemi in the eyes as he enjoyed your blowout. "Mmm, baby, I'll fucking make you scream in pleasure if we just weren't at uni this time." He said, patting your head like a good girl.
You were about to give him a hand when suddenly Sanemi yanked your hair and spread you out on the floor. Taking off the rest of your clothes, he started kissing you. Slowly, you felt his hands on your clit as he started rubbing them in circles.
You moaned in his mouth as you bucked your hips up in pleasure. "Shhh, the students might hear us, baby," he whispered as he pressed his lips to yours once more.
With how he stimulates your clit, you can't help but feel overwhelmed. "Mmm near baby!" You said this as you squirmed underneath him. "Yes, baby, cum for me like a good girl."
With that, Sanemi rubbed your pussy faster than before, which almost made you scream, but thankfully, he managed to cover your mouth. And there, after a few seconds, you felt the tingly sensation all over your body. Your eyes rolled with pure lust as your hips bucked up to match the pace of his fingers.
You felt the high subside, and yet Sanemi isn't done with you. Even if you're still intoxicated from your first orgasm, Sanemi lifted you onto the table once more and sucked your titties.
"That's the first one, baby. Now, let's go with the rest."
Sanemi pulled your hair, which made you moan as he kissed your neck, leaving a trail of love bites. As he did so, your hands worked to remove his remaining clothing as well. And when his clothes fell on the floor, you ran your nails on his back.
"Fuck me." You whispered that made him smile.
"Of course I will."
Slowly, Sanemi aligned his cock on your pussy, and with one swift thrust, he finally succeeded in penetrating you, compelling you to cling to him as your pleasure began to return. You bit his neck, which made him groan in your ear.
"Oh fuck. Do that again, and I'll fucking punish you, airhead."
You looked into his eyes and saw him looking at you intensely as he continued to thrust into you slowly. You caressed his face and kissed his cheek. "I love you."
That seemed to fuel him, as suddenly Sanemi's thrusts became harder and faster, making your breast jiggle beneath him. He sucked on one of your nipples and continued to fuck your brains out.
You wrapped your legs around his waist to let him go deeper. With that, Sanemi managed to repeatedly strike the perfect spot within you, and you felt your orgasm building up once more. "Ahhh, Sanemi, I'm cumming."
"Good girl."
He rubbed your clit again while continuously fucking you so hard. And there, after just three seconds, you squirted on his cock, making him smirk.
He pulled out of you and watched as you panted underneath him. "That's two for you and still zero for me." Just looking at him right now, you can really say that this man has stamina.
"But we're not done yet, babe... That was so hot when you squirted on my cock. Do it again."
He said and with that, Sanemi finally bent you over the table. You used the poor table as a support, as you felt that your strength had already escaped from your body.
Without hesitation, while holding your waist, Sanemi thrust deeply into your dripping pussy and fucked you.
With every thrust, you managed to whimper in pleasure. "Fuck Sanemi, you're so good." You muttered between your pants, and that made your math professor more aroused. You felt his thrusts become faster again as his nails dug into your waist. You whimpered in pain and pleasure, with tears already welling in your eyes.
He cupped your breasts and left love marks on your neck. "Fuck so tight for me, love." And with that, you matched his pace, also moving your hips with his rhythm. Then, for the third time, you felt your pussy increasing in temperature as his cock continued to strike your gspot.
And there, you finally squirted once again, letting out an audible moan as you did so. Sanemi covered your mouth and continued to fuck you as the tingles subsided.
Without pulling out, Sanemi turned you towards him and lifted you. "Third. I'm so done edging. I'm going to make you cum for the fourth time. And yes, baby, I will fill you with my seed. I know you want that, right?" He asked gently as he playfully squeezed your ass.
You didn't answer, as you felt weak with pleasure. Sanemi smirked and gave you a passionate kiss, biting your lip while inserting his cock into you. You held on to him tightly and wrapped your legs around his waist so that you wouldn't fall.
"Don't worry. I won't let you fall."
"Are you sure you can... your wound..."
"I can. I'm all healed, remember?"
You sobbed on his shoulder as he abruptly inserted his cock into you, preventing you from speaking. It felt so good! Sanemi moaned in your ear as he slowly let the pleasure build. He won't hold back this time.
As Sanemi lifted you up and down his cock, you couldn't help but be impressed by his strength. His thrusts were deeper this time, so to tease him, you clenched your pussy around his manhood, which made him moan loudly. "Fuck! Fuck!"
He couldn't take it anymore, so he placed you down on the table again and lifted your legs on his shoulders. He desperately desired to cum inside you, so he fucked you faster, nearly causing you to scream with pleasure. He didn't cover your mouth this time; he couldn't as he was too focused on how beautiful you are beneath him.
With the lascivious sound of your moaning and skin slapping, he can't help but feel his orgasm inside of him. You, on the other hand, are already feeling the tingles as you feel like cumming.
Sanemi smashed his lips on yours, and there, both of you cummed in unison. You squirmed as your cunt squirted on his cock while he released his seed inside of you. You felt like passing out as the high subsided. Sanemi finally pulled out, making his cum drip on the floor. But who would care? You're drunk on passion.
He lifted you and placed you on his lap as you embraced him tightly. You love this man so much, and you can't help but be happy that he is finally yours.
Sanemi ran his hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. "You're such a good girl. Came four times for... sensei." He teased you, which made you blush.
"Y/N... when I saw you in trouble back then, I told myself that I wanted to protect you. And here we are now."
"Thank you, Sanemi." You said this as your eyes locked with each other. The wind blew over your naked bodies, making you feel the shivers, but then Sanemi embraced you and let you rest on his chest.
"You're just like me when I was younger, babe. I used to do everything for myself and Genya. I even worked back in college too, like you."
"So, you saw yourself in me?"
"Kind of. But you're better. So, I am trying to protect you from bad things. Even from myself... Because a part of me knows that it's wrong to like your student."
"But do you regret loving me now?" You asked, anxious as you watched Sanemi sigh.
"No. The thing that I regret most is trying to hurt you. You're not an easy girl, Y/N. Don't ever believe any of the shitty words I said before."
You smiled at him and kissed his lips. Feeling your strength once again, you slowly sat on his lap, facing him this time. "What I regret is hating you... I love you, Sanemi. Thank you for always saving me." You said it with tears falling from your eyes. You embraced him and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Shhh... Don't cry, babe. Please."
Sanemi lifted your head and wiped away your tears. He kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek.
Eyes locked with each other again, you realised how your life would change today. And it'll change for the better with Sanemi by your side. Yes, the infamous Sanemi Shinazugawa fell in love with you, and you're happy with it.
"I love you, Sanemi."
"We're in school, baby." He teased, and that made you chuckle. So then,
"I love you, Shinazugawa-sensei."
"I'm just kidding! But I love you too, Y/N."
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You won't know how happy I am that I finally completed this~
Originally, it was supposed to be just headcanons but you know me, I can't write short fics that easy HAHA So, when I was writing đ‘ș𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 đ‘Ș𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 for Kyojuro, I revised it tonnes of times XD
But there, the series flowed until here we are with Sanemi's part! I hope you loved itđŸ€­ As promised, I made it long as it was delayed already HAHA!
Reblogs, Comments, and Requests are highly appreciated! Love you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT~ I'll see you on my other stories UwU
Ja ne~
𝐊đČđšđŁđźđ«đš đ‘đžđ§đ đšđ€đź đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐼𝐱 đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐆𝐱đČ𝐼 đ“đšđŠđąđšđ€đš đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐩𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐱𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐼𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§ | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐱 đˆđ đźđ«đš đ•đžđ«đŹđąđšđ§
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Ok, so In your response to my last spiel, you mentioned that Alexander will have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that may harm Reader and her the twins, including other wives.
It does make me wonder how Alexander would react to one of the wives (aka Roxanna 👀👀👀) trying to kill our girl. I keep picturing this scenario where it's a banquet, feast or some sort of get together with Alexander, Reader, Roxanna and maybe some of the generals. Long story short, Roxanna hands Reader a cup with a 'special' drink (ie she says promotes health, will help with the pregnancy etc). Reader, being as smart as she is, and knowing Roxanna's history, is automatically suspicious. To see if it's safe she either asks Alexander to 'taste' if for her or insists that Roxanna take the first sip. In either case, it results in Roxanna frantically slapping the cup out of Reader's hand before either she or her husband gets poisoned. At that point, everyone has noticed the commotion, and have realized that Roxanna has just tried to poison the Queen.
My question to you is this: what does Alexander do next? Lets assume reader is pregnant just to make thing extra spicy.
Since requests are open again, perhaps you could do it as a reaction blurb? I'll leave that up to you though. I'm just curious as to what you think would happen next.
Thanks, and hope you feel better ❀!
❝ 📜— lady l: this was longer than I thought and I don't know if it's good, I liked it, but let me know your opinion, anon! Forgive me for any mistakes, love you! ❀
❝tw: attempted murder, mention of poison, domestic violence (??), physical punishment and perhaps torture.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝ 📜word count: 1,246.
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It was supposed to be a happy and fun dinner.
Needless to say, that's not what happened.
You were sitting next to Alexander, being shown off as his beloved Queen and heavily pregnant. Everyone was hoping for an male heir and was happy for you, everyone except Roxanna who looked at you as if she wanted to stab you or, in this case, stab you in the stomach.
That scared the shit out of you.
You were already familiar with her story, about what she had done to Stateira and Parysatis, and you were afraid that she might try to do something to you and the baby.
You wouldn't let anything happen, though. Although you weren't excited about the pregnancy news at first, you warmed up to the idea and began to look forward to holding your baby in your arms. And you'd be damned if you let anyone try to take that away from you.
''Are you alright?'' Alexander leaned over and whispered in your ear. You looked at him and smiled, it was still strange calling him your husband, but you were getting used to it.
You gave a weak nod to his question.
Alexander frowned and placed his hands on your swollen belly. It was just a few months until the birth and he was so excited. He did want an heir, but he couldn't help but want to have a girl.
A little princess to love and spoil.
''We need to start choosing names.'' He joked, trying to ease your obvious tension, although he didn't know what was making you tense. Yet.
''I already gave you some choices.''
Alexander grimaced, ''Yes, you did and they are all horrible. What kind of name is Augustus?''
You laughed loudly, attracting attention. Augustus, yes, you had given him that option as a joke. Obviously you weren't going to name your child after the first Roman emperor, but it was fun to play with your husband about historical things.
''It's just a common name where I come from.''
''Hm...'' He half-closed his eyes and you touched his face gently, caressing him. Alexander purred and leaned into your hand.
This earned you a look of compassion and a furious, jealous look from Roxanna. You didn't notice and neither did Alexander, both too busy in your affection for each other.
''I love you.'' He murmured, looking into your eyes intensely.
You smiled at him, ''I love you too.''
''Let's make a toast!'' Nearchus' amused voice sounded and everyone turned to the admiral.
''A toast?'' Cassander asked with a loud voice looking into his cup of wine.
Nearchus laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back, ''Yes. In honor of our beloved Queen, (Y/N).''
Nearchus didn't notice Roxanna's withering look at him. But you did and the pure hatred you saw in those dark eyes gave you goosebumps.
You knew that look and you knew nothing good was coming.
Everyone raised their cups, even your husband's second wife. You were the only one drinking water, even Hephaestion was drinking wine, and he was loose and happy. And that made you happy, you liked him and he was one of his closest friends and you hated seeing how haggard he seemed lately.
''I dedicate this toast in the name of our beloved (Y/N). Our Queen, sometimes soldier and friend.'' Everyone laughed as they remembered what you had done in the Indian Campaign, ''And the child she carries in her womb. May it come healthy and, regardless of gender, we will love and protect this child. To (Y/N) and the baby!''
''To (Y/N) and the baby!'' Everyone repeated and drank the wine in your honor, you laughed, feeling loved and took a sip of water.
You took a piece of bread and bit into it, satisfying your hunger. Roxanna looked at you and smiled. She took a clay jug and poured the thick, dark liquid into a cup and handed it to you.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt as you picked up the cup.
''It's for you. My doctor told me that it helps with pregnancy and helps the health of the baby and the mother.'' Roxanna explained, biting into a piece of bread.
You mentally scoffed. She didn't think you were that stupid, did she? It was insulting that she thought she could poison you in such a blatant way.
You decided to act quickly, ''Why don't you take a sip first?''
She furrowed her dark eyebrows, ''Excuse me?''
''It's a custom among my people that the person who gave you a cup must taste it first.'' You explained, handing her the cup.
Roxanna looked at the cup in your hands with hatred.
''Take it'' You encouraged her, ''or is there some reason why you don't want to drink it?''
Alexander turned his eyes to you and Roxanna, before he could ask what was going on, Roxanna slapped your hand, making you drop the strange liquid on the table.
The noisy room fell silent in a matter of seconds as Alexander stood up from his chair and fixed his eyes on Roxanna.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Alexander's voice was so cold, so lethal that you stiffened. He ignored you, focusing entirely on his second wife.
Hephaestion, who was sitting on Alexander's left side, stood up and touched the thick liquid on the table. He grimaced as the liquid stuck to his finger.
''That's...'' Perdiccas started to speak but couldn't finish.
''Poison?'' Ptolemy finished for his friend.
''How dare you?!'' Cassander growled, also standing up and glaring furiously at Roxanna. He never liked her, he wasn't oblivious to the hateful looks that Alexander's barbaric wife sent to you, to his friend. And now she tried to poison you.
Cleitus was still sitting, watching everything with a stony expression, but his hand was on the dagger stuck in his chiton. He was prepared to act, one word from you and Roxanna would be eliminated from the world.
Alexander still didn't take his eyes off Roxanna, but he spoke to you, ''Go to our room. I'll be there in a few minutes.''
You wisely decided not to disobey.
You stood up carefully and quickly looked around, watching all your friends, your husband, stare at Roxanna who looked terrified. You should have felt bad for her, but you didn't.
Not when she threatened the life of your unborn baby.
Once you were out of sight, Alexander addressed one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the hall, ''Take the whip.''
Roxanna's small body shook in fear at her husband's words. Her shaking legs gave way and she fell to her knees on the floor, feeling hot tears fall onto the dress she was wearing.
Alexander did not feel sorry. And neither do the others. She had brought this on herself.
Actions have consequences and punishments must be applied. And Alexander would not tolerate anyone threatening your life or that of his unborn child.
Alexander felt satisfaction fill his body as the guard brought out the whip and positioned himself behind a desperate Roxanna's back. He watched with satisfaction as the whip hit her sensitive skin and felt satisfaction when he heard her screams of pain.
Roxanna was to blame for her own pain and the scars that were forever marked on her skin were true proof of that.
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
hi! clandestineloki here! clandestineloki is my side blog so i can't send asks from there lol 💀
not a request but i just want you to imagine if barracks bunny reader got treated a little too harshly one day by like ghost or someone and is walking 'round with her head down :(( not that she didnt like it but the guys got called somewhere and had to leave her so now she's gloomy cus she didn't get her aftercare cuddles :((
and she bumps into konig, mumbling a tiny sorry as she aimlessly walks past him. he grabs her arm, places a finger under her chin, lifting her head up and sees her eyes r glassy with tears :((
and he tsks in disappointment, not at you but at whoever left you this sad, lifting you up into his arms in a princess carry and taking you to his room, kissing u everywhere and pampering u like he's secretly always wanted to :(( calls you sweet pet names in german and treats you sweetly, mumbling that those other bastards dont know how to treat a princess like you right, mm? dont worry, I'll give you everything and i promise not to hurt you, okay?
cw. fluff, very vague angst, gn!reader, praise *not proofread, just pure brainrot
[don't like konig that much but yknow 👀👀] finished this a lot quicker than I thought I would- also bc let me know if the translation is wrong 🙏🙏
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being brushed aside most times bc their jobs get in the way :((
they don't like leaving you but they have little to no choice
going around the base in a hushed silence just waiting for them to come back
just for them to say "they're tired" and "maybe another time."
imagine some of the kortac members are working with 141 so konig is on base and doing whatever it is he does as a colonel
being brushed off again and silently leaving with tears glittering in your eyes
running into konig in the hall, and keeping your head down so he doesn't see the tears
konig pulling you back and lifting your head up
seeing how glassy-eyed you are and how your lips are trembling makes him sad :((
wipes your tears away with his gloved hands and doesn't say anything as he simply carries you to his makeshift room
wraps blankets around you and gives you some snacks that he keeps in that room
istfg I just know that he'd just always have snacks and little sweets with him
konig just sitting against the headboard, pulling your blanket burritoed self into his lap
just holding you close and nuzzling his face into your neck as you munch on your snacks
lifting his veil up enough to press light kisses to your neck and shoulder and being a big softie
bc who dares to make you feel so lonely and not cared for >:((
"Kein Grund, traurig zu sein. Ich werde hier sein, wenn du mich brauchst. Das verspreche ich." [No reason to be sad. I will be here if you need me. I promise.]
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
I heard you are looking for Barbie prompts👀👀
1. Ken learning to kiss (he's never done it before lol)
2. FtM reader struggling, Ken helps him realize he's just as much of a man as anyone else
3. Ken asking for advice on winning over Barbie, only to fall for reader
4. Ken revealing his struggle with toxic masculinity and his shame
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God so many amazing prompts, I wish I could write them all but I don’t wanna bore anyone with how long of a fic that would be. So if anyone wants me to do the other prompts (1, 2, or 4) plz let me know.
Prompt 3: Ken asks for advice on how to win over Barbie, only to fall for reader in the process.
You cringed as another one of Ken’s failed attempts of impressing stereotypical Barbie. You had to applaud your friends’ tenacity because had it been you, you would’ve just given up in the moments where Ken had done nothing but persist in his pursuit of the beautiful blonde. You honestly didn’t a clue in whether or not it’ll do Ken any good in telling him that he would be better off in giving up, or it’ll just further persuade him into trying even harder in his efforts in a desperate form of hope that one day she’ll see him. Like actually see him.
Whatever the outcome, you knew that not matter what was being said by anyone, Ken was one to never know in when it’s okay to quit. His supposed advancements weren’t advancing anything in regards to his and Barrie’s relationship; they were still on square one in your humble opinion, as it was quite blatantly obvious that Ken needed Barbie like she was the oxygen he breaths but Barbie didn’t need Ken, she could very well breath happily without him.
Quickly seeing how you and Ken were the only ones left upon the peachy pink beach, you sighed as you made your way next to your blonde friend -who was very much in the literal sense lying face down within the sand- before sitting yourself down next to him with your knees propped up so that your arms may rest atop of them, followed softly after by your head feasting atop of your arms as you stared out beyond the horizon.
‘Well, that certainly went off without a hitch, didn’t it blondie.’ You said rhetorically whilst Ken groaned as he removed himself from the sand before practically slumping himself against your side.
‘First of all, my names Ken, not blondie, and secondly what is it that I’m doing wrong?’ Ken said, ‘I’d thought that she would totally be girlfriend/boyfriend with me by now but it seems that no matter how many times I’ve tried to make her see the man behind the tan, the more she doesn’t want me
what do I have to change about me to get her to admit that she likes me?’ He adds solemnly before looking over at you with a look of sheer desperation and hopelessness. ‘Tell me what it is that I have to change about myself in order to make Barbie see me.’ He asked of you, making you look his way as he grabbed your hands in his, almost like he was pleading to you to hear him. ‘Tell me what to change and I’ll do it, tell me what will make her see me as more Ken the boyfriend then Ken the friend.’
You stayed silent for awhile as you made the conscious choice to stare into his beautiful cerulean blue eyes that looked almost midnight blue with how they perfectly mimicked the starry sky above, or how they perfectly encapsulated the deepest depths of the very ocean he often -though not that often as he liked to claim- surfed. It was without saying that the Ken before you, your best friend Ken, was probably the most beautiful Ken you’ve ever come across, and while it’s not uncommon for friends to hype up the others beauty; there was obviously lines in the sand in regards to how far one can speak so highly of another’s appearance without it having somewhat romantic implications.
Upon realising how long you had been inside your own head, whilst externally just staring at him like a weirdo, you began to talk. ‘Here’s one thing you can stop doing and that’s going to extreme lengths to impress her.’ You told him, watching as his face slightly drop before feeling a panic consume you into continuing soliciting your advice, ‘I’m not saying you should cut it out all together but maybe tone it down a little, nobody here wants you to end up badly hurt yourself one day. Besides I think it’d be best if you just let her see the so called ‘man behind the tan.’ You added on as you pulled one hand of yours away from Ken’s hold in order to press it against his chest; more specifically where his heart lies. ‘Show Barbie the Ken that I know and love, the Ken who isn’t above helping others, the Ken who loves horses despite never having ridden one, the Ken who loves the beach, the Ken who loves his friends and will go above and beyond for them.’
You paused before trailing your hand upward so that it was now resting behind his neck, your thumb running across his skin in soothing patterns as you smiled at him, causing Ken to take a sharp inhale of breath. ‘You don’t have to change Ken, I don’t want my best friend to change for someone who won’t realise how lucky she is to have you in her life Ken.’ You utter softly before adding, ‘because I am and I prefer you the way you are right now, but I’m not the one your perusing and therefore I have no say in who you change for, just hope that you never do.’ You hauled yourself onto your feet before making your way off of the beach and back to your home, leaving Ken to stare after you in wonder and in awe.
‘Have I? Have I been going after the wrong person?’ Ken asked himself as thoughts of Barbie quickly became thoughts of you instead and the feeling that usually blossoms within him for Barbie, seemed to have only blossomed more then ever in regards of when it came to you. Naturally Ken was conflicted about the sudden change, wasn’t he suppose to be with Barbie? Then why did the notion of being your boyfriend felt more natural, more likeable then being Barbie’s boyfriend? He couldn’t understand how after perusing Barbie for as long as he has, his heart and mind have seemingly made peace with the fact that she wasn’t even at all interested in him, just as they were immediate in their change of trajectory and instead decided to set their sights on you after this particular night on the beach, and engaging within a conversation that relied on him to being open and honest about his feelings.
Ken just couldn’t understand why he felt so breathless when you smiled at him not too long ago, it felt as though you knocked the wind clear out of his lungs and he was still struggling on getting it back the more his mind stayed stuck on that particular moment. Ken was afraid to admit that he had fallen for someone new, but a small part of him was telling him that he had fallen for you way before the events that lead up to tonight’s conversation, telling him that it was no longer Barbie he was trying to impress but you.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
A request for you if you feel so inclined đŸ„č this doesn’t need to be romantic unless you want to spin it that way. What if cassian or azriel at one point saved an Illyrian girl from getting her wings clipped and from that point forward she idolizes them. Every time they stop by her camp she’s always there to greet them with whatever sweets she baked that day (she helps out in the kitchens at the camp) and asks them about their missions and adventures, if they’re sleeping well or eating enough and just overall doting on them. (And then if there’s a romantic twist, one day she goes to greet them and the bond snaps and she just fumbles over whether or not to offer the cookies she made that day because wouldn’t that be WAY too soon to accept a mating bond? 👀) Maybe she wants to be trained as a Valkyrie but her parents won’t allow it. maybe the girl is devlon’s daughter? But doesn’t have to be! This was a lot sorry lol (love love LOVE all your work by the way đŸ„°)
Mere coincidence?
Summary: Y/n never thought she would ever be treated like more than trash. So it's a surprise when one of the most powerful men in the entirety of Prythian saves her.
A/n: hey darling, I love this so muchâŁïžđŸ˜Œ. Also, don't worry about it. I love when you all send me asks, especially when it has a lot of things to work with 😉
Also, I mostly try to go with someone who isn't Azriel when you tell me to choose because there's a lot of azzie stuff that I have and not enough for others Bois so I hope it's okay.
I kept this one short because I didn't want to keep you waiting. I'll be writing a part two soon. Please let me know what you think about it!
Anyways, that's all. Enjoy!
Everything was flying downhill, which was not the best choice of words, as in a moment, she would never be able to fly.
She tried again to loosen the bonds on her wrists, all in vain. She'd been tied here since dawn, and it was now afternoon. They did this all the time to females, just to make them feel more helpless. It made them feel like they had time to escape, but they didn't.
There weren't many female who had been able to get freed of the bonds on their wrists, but the few who did? They were shot down before they could even reach flying heights.
Y/n looked around. No one paid attention to her, as if she didn't exist. Maybe for them she didn't. It was common occurrence that a female, sometimes more than one, would be tied to one of the posts in the center of the camp. It was only her today.
Snow crunched behind her, and she stiffened. Her father walked around her to her front, kneeling. He studied her for a moment before standing.
"Get the equipments." He called out to someone behind him.
"Yes my lord!" The Illyrian said before running off as a crowd gathered.
She stared at him.
Her father.
But that's not what people thought of when they talked about him. No, what came to mind when people saw her father was a great warrior. That he was the Lord of the camp.
Lord Devlon.
"What are you looking at girl? Staring like that wouldn't spare you."
"I know. I'm not stupid enough to think that." She lifted her chin. Which was not the right choice, as her father looked on the verge of chopping someone to pieces. That someone being her.
But she didn't care. Being chopped to pieces was preferable to losing her wings. There was nothing she was scared of, because no matter what she did or didn't do, her wings were going to be clipped today.
She could be a brat, or she could be the most innocent and naive female, who would do anything the males asked of her. It wouldn't fucking matter, because in the end, the thing that mattered most to her, she would be stripped of.
When two Illyrians came to turn her around, she stood before they could touch her. She didn't want anyone touching her. Even if she was going to her death, she would go by her own two feet. She will not be dragged anywhere by people who had to belittle and hurt females to feel powerful.
She stood and, maintaining eye contact with her fuming father, and turned away, baring her back and wings to him, flaring them wide.
Nothing happened for a moment, and then a footstep sounded. Another and then another.
She took a deep breath, readying herself for the pain and anguish when she felt the cold press of the tools on one of her wings. She bit her tongue when the tool started slowly digging into her back, awaiting the–
A loud thump echoed through the still and silent crowd, and slowly people started dispersing. She blinked, daring to turn her head to look when the tool left her back. Her father was thrown on the ground, and the people who were still standing next to them gasped.
What the hell?
She turned as much as she could, and she found herself staring into the hazel eyes of the General of Night Court.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice low and raspy. She nodded, not knowing what to do with the fact that this male was talking to her. He nodded, slashing through the bonds on her wrist with a dagger before turning back to her father.
"Touch her or her wings again and you'll be carcass before you can blink."
Hey father snarled, trying to get up but before he could even get one leg under him, the General was on him, landing punch after punch on his face.
She stood there shocked. Why the hell was the General here? And, why in the hell was he saving her?
As she stared, wondering if she should do anything to save her father, totally not enjoying the show, another Illyrian landed nearby. This new arrival pulled the General off of her father.
A hint of disappointment entered her, but she chided herself for thinking that way.
Y/n watched as the two Illyrian murmured furiously to each other, and then the one with the blue siphons turned to her father.
"I believe you understood what he wanted to say. Don't make us repeat ourselves. The High Lord will be here shortly."
"He didn't send–"
"No he didn't. But who do you think owns this place, and, indirectly, your life?"
"Curse you, you bastards." The two Illyrians looked as indifferent to her father's insult as a cat to its owner's affection.
The General then walked to where she stood, his siphons casting a light red glow over his form and his immediate surroundings. "Are you sure you are alright?"
She nodded numbly, staring at the absolute giant of a man.
"Stay away from her you disgusting pig!" Her father spat as he climbed to his feet.
The General cocked his head, sharing a look with the Spymaster before turning away.
"Mind your language Devlon. I'll be back to check on her. And I swear to the Cauldron, if she is hurt or loses her wings, I will act on my promise."
Why the hell would he do that?
Her father barked at her to get back to her duties, cursing and grunting as he left with a few Illyrian men.
But Y/n stared after the General and Spymaster's retreating forms, clutching her left elbow with her right.
Wondering if it was a mere coincidence that they had arrived just before she lost her precious wings.
She didn't know why the General cared enough to threaten to kill her father if her wings were clipped, but she did know one thing.
She would fight. For herself and her life.
She wouldn't just sit back and take whatever the males threw at her, making herself smaller to feed their egos.
She had always tried to not be a nuisance to her father or any others, having always thought that she was worth nothing.
No. She wasn't the one who thought that way. She had been forced to think that way by the ideals and traditions that had been embedded in their minds.
And now, she would fight.
She would endure anything thrown her way, and she would face it.
She will train with the men. Of course, after she finished all the chores assigned to her.
And if she died in the process of her rebellion?
Then she would have died for a great cause.
Part 2
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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beebeetheclown · 9 months
Quiet as a Mouse
Oliver Quick x fem!reader
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Summary: You attend college with Oliver Quick. He is quiet and a little strange. You think you are nothing alike, he proves you wrong when you are assigned partners for an assignment.
Notes: This is different from what I usually write so bear with me here👀 I needed to write about Oliver as soon as I watched Saltburn because I love little freaky men and I know you do too, don’t lie😏 Hope you enjoy it😊
Also, go read my bestie’s, @aurorag98’s, Saltburn fic if you haven’t already, it is perfect in every way.
Read here on ao3
It was your second year of college when you first spoke to Oliver, he was in one of your classes. You thought you were different from one another as he was quiet and you were more talkative and went out to a lot of parties. In your first year, you weren’t as extroverted, it was actually your boyfriend who helped you come out of your shell more, he was the one who dragged you out to all the parties. Now that you have been with your boyfriend for a while, you became more like him and enjoyed things that he liked, which was mostly drinking and partying.
It was hard to focus on studies when you went out a lot as it would give you less time to study and actually focus as you would sometimes go to class with a hangover. You were very smart though, so even when you felt like shit from the other night, you managed to keep your grades high.
The only reason you had spoken to Oliver was because you had been assigned as partners for a big assignment. You would much rather have the professor let you pick your own partners but he said that it was better that he picked as it would make people fool around less. He also said that it was good to get to know others.
You figured Oliver was pretty smart, he’d attend every class and you had seen him in the library often either studying or reading. You didn’t really want to be his partner though because you knew nothing about him and he didn’t know anything about you, so it would probably be awkward.
“Switch tables and sit with your partners, this will be the seating plan now as you will be working on this project until the break. You have three weeks to complete it.” The professor says.
You sigh a little, not wanting to have to sit next to him because you knew you’d most likely have to do all the talking, but you had no choice, you collect your things and go to sit next to him.
He looks up at you, and to your surprise, he’s the first one to speak, “Looks like we’re partners.”
“Looks like it.” You reply and sit next to him, “So, I guess we just decide which part we will each work on. I’ll choose mine and you’ll choose yours, we work on it individually then share them and put them together the last week before it's due.” He just looks at you with his blue eyes before looking down at the paper, you could tell something was on his mind, “Unless, there was something else you had planned.”
“Well, the professor said we work on it together, not individually.” He says quietly, continuing to keep his eyes on the instruction paper.
You grew annoyed easily when things didn’t go your way, it was something you got from your boyfriend. You didn’t let your annoyance show as you knew that you’d be with him for the next three weeks. You had to get along with him otherwise the three weeks would feel even longer.
“Yes, it’s just harder to work together as we, you know, don’t know each other well. But it’s fine, we can figure something out.” You say and then your phone buzzes, it’s a text from your boyfriend and you immediately smile and text him back. Oliver was now annoyed with you, but like you, he didn’t let it show.
“So, I think we should pick our parts now, class is almost over, I want to start early so we can finish early. That way, we’ll have free time for a while in the end.” He says as he looks at you typing on your phone.
“Alright, you can pick your parts, I’m fine with whatever.” You say, still looking at your phone. Oliver just takes a deep breath in and exhales before he looks over the papers while you stay on your phone. A few minutes pass and he has read them over,
“Okay, I think I’ll do part 1, 5, and 8. You can have the others.” Finally, you put your phone down and look at the parts he gave you, they are a lot of work but you shrug it off.
“Cool, sounds good to me.”
“Would it
 be okay if you started tonight? You don’t have to do much, even a little research is fine.”
You look at him, “Yeah, I’ll start some, no problem.” You give him a fake little smile. You knew that you most likely wouldn’t start anything. Soon, class ends and you are done for the day. Your only plans now were to go to the library after dinner to help your boyfriend with his school work, he wasn’t the brightest at school, it was almost like his party life was more important to him.
Hardly anyone was in the campus library as it was later in the evening and it was closing in an hour or so. The two of you enter the library and laugh together as you hold hands and you walk with him to find a computer. When you sit down next to him, you look up only to see Oliver sitting at another table a few feet away from you.
“Shit.” You say quietly and laugh.
“My project partner is here. I told him that I’d work on the project. I haven’t even started.” You can’t help but laugh quietly.
“Just lie to him, no big deal. Now, help me with this essay before I fall asleep.” You begin to help him and Oliver soon notices you. He can’t seem to stop studying you. He was watching you to see if you were working, seeing who you were with. He hesitated for a second but when he sees you laugh with your boyfriend and put your hands in his hair, he stands and makes his way over to you.
“Hey, sorry I don’t mean to bother you.”
You turn and look up at him, “No, don’t worry about it. Is there something you need?”
“I just come over here to tell you that I’ve got part one started, you know, for the project.”
“Oh, okay um, that’s good. You can share it next class.”
“Yeah, okay. I was just wondering if you
 got any work for the project done?”
You side glance at your boyfriend before answering. Oliver captured the small glance, he was good at catching the small details of a person, the side glance told him everything he needed to know. He knew you hadn’t started, but he let you finish speaking anyway.
“Oh, yeah. I got a little research done earlier today.”
“Great, you can share it with me in the next class.” He grins a little, knowing now that if you were going to keep lying to him, you’d have to get work done now as you’d have to show it to him next class.
“Uh huh, right. It’s uh, that’s not a problem. See you next class Oliver.”
“Okay, see you.” Before he leaves, he looks over at your boyfriend for just a second with a blank expression.
Your boyfriend leans into you and speaks into your ear when Oliver is walking back to his own table, “Yikes.”
You playfully hit him in the arm and laugh. Little did the two of you know, Oliver heard the words leave your boyfriend's lips and he felt upset. He already hated your boyfriend. Oliver wanted to be better than him in some way, he didn’t know how yet, but he would find a way. He always found a way to get what he wanted.

The next few classes, Oliver knew that you didn’t start the work. He had listened to so many of your lies, hearing you say that you forgot your notebook, saying that your laptop with all of your work on it was dead, or that you had forgotten your USB stick. He came up with a plan, he knew how to make sure you would actually start working.
“Why don’t you just come to my dorm room tonight? That way, we can work together. I can even help you with yours.” He looks down at the table, “... Or start yours.”
You look at him, “I have started.” You lie.
This only makes him look back at you, “Look, you don’t have to lie to me anymore. I know you haven’t started. I won’t get angry with you if you come and work with me, just this one time. Please?”
You think for a moment, you really didn’t want to go to his dorm because you felt as if it would be both awkward and boring, but you did have to get work done eventually, “Okay, I’ll come over, but just this once. You can just help me get started and I’ll go from there.”
He smiles a little, “Perfect. How does six o’clock sound?”
“Six sounds fine.” He soon gives you where his dorm was located and unlike you, he was actually excited to have you over. He wanted to get closer with you, not just for the project, but in general. He found a lot of people pretty or handsome, you were one of those people.

You went out to dinner that night at a little pub with your boyfriend. You went out at four, you knew you had to be over at Oliver’s by six, but you didn’t see a problem if you would be a little late.
Coincidentally, he was at the pub too. Well, he was outside of the pub. He was on the street when he saw you a few feet ahead of him with your boyfriend and he watched you enter the pub. He slowly made his way closer to the building and gazed through one of the windows and he spotted you sitting at a booth. He watched you for a moment and you didn’t notice him watching. There were a few tables outside, so when one of the waiters asked if he needed something, it kicked him back into reality.
“No, sorry. Just looking.” He says, but before the waiter can walk away further, he stops her, “Hey, actually could I just get one drink?”
“Of course, would you like to sit inside or outside?”
“Inside please.”
“Of course, we should have a table open for you.” He follows the waiter inside and she begins to lead him closer to your table, you still didn’t see him as your back was to him.
He notices that the booth next to yours is empty and he knows that the waiter most likely was leading him to it, he stops in his tracks, “Hey, actually, I might just sit at the bar on one of the stools. Thanks though.” With that, he turns and walks to the bar and sits down. You were still in his vision.
While he is sitting at the bar counter, you are still at your booth just a few feet away. Your boyfriend is facing where Oliver was sitting and he sees him, “Hey, isn’t that the guy? Your nerdy project partner?”
You stop smiling before turning you back to look where your boyfriend was looking and you spot him. He is looking at you but when he catches your gaze, he quickly turns to face forward again.
“What is he doing here?” You say, half laughing and half annoyed.
“Maybe he is following you.”
“What’s the time?”
Your boyfriend checks his phone, “five thirty, why?”
“He wanted me to come over to his dorm at six so we could start this stupid project early.”
“You’re going to his place?” Your boyfriend asked with a concerned look on his face, “You didn't tell me.”
“Well, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Why can’t you just work on it at school?”
You shrug, “He seemed to really want to work on it at his place.”
“The campus isn’t far, I wonder if he walked here as well. You should ask him to walk back with us.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think we should just leave him alone. He’d probably rather walk back alone anyway.” You reply. “We should actually head back.”
He pays for your meals and begins to walk towards the door with you. In order to get to the door, you’d have to walk right past the bar where Oliver was sitting.
Your boyfriend tends to always do what he wants so when the group walks past Oliver, he stops right next to Oliver, “Hey, you’re my girlfriend's project partner, am I correct?”
You turn back to look, annoyed that he said anything even after you told him not to.
Oliver looks at him, then to you, and then to him again, “That would be correct, yes.”
Your boyfriend gives him a fake little grin, “We were just heading back to the campus. She tells me that you two are planning to work together soon. Would you like to walk back with us?”
Oliver just looks at the two of you. Before he can say anything, you speak, “You don’t have to. I can just meet you at your place. I have your dorm number.”
Your boyfriend barges in, “No, no. We insist you come with us.”
You give your boyfriend an annoyed glare but he ignores it. Oliver speaks again, “Alright, sure. I can walk back with you guys. I was planning to leave now anyway.”
“Great.” Your boyfriend replies, and soon, you along with Oliver make your way back to campus with you both.
Your boyfriend was the one who did most of the talking, once in a while, his friends would join in. They paid most of their attention to Oliver.
“So, Oliver, what brought you to the pub? We maybe thought you were following us.”
“No, I came for the same reason as you, I wanted to get out for a bit.”
“Right. But you went out alone.” Your boyfriend replies. “This must be weird to you, hey? Walking with us. I seen you around, you seem like you don’t hang out with people like us, or you are and I’m just not seeing it.”
You stay quiet and listen to what Oliver replies with,
“People like you?”
“Yeah, people like us. We party, go out, get drunk. It’s fun, you should try it sometime.” Your boyfriend continues blabbering, “I’m curious now as to why you chose my girlfriend as your partner.”
You finally speak up, “He didn’t choose, the professor did.”
“Ah, I see. That’s a shame for you isn’t it.” He jokes and nudges his arm into yours playfully.
You look at Oliver then at your boyfriend, “Stop.” You say quietly. He was beginning to get on your nerves a little. The one thing you didn’t really like about him is that he could be mean at times and he would be cocky about it.
“What? Oh, come on. It was a joke. It was a joke Oliver, clearly you aren’t offended, right?’
“No, I’m not offended.” He replies coldly.
“See? You are too soft sometimes.” He wraps his arm around you and kisses the side of your head. Oliver watched as your boyfriend held you close to him and kissed your head. There was some sort of anger building up in his stomach.
Soon, the three of you finally make it back to the campus and it is now time to break apart. You were going with Oliver to his dorm. Your boyfriend whispered “Good luck” to you before he left the two of you and it now grew silent for a moment as you both just stood still in the hallway.
“It’s just down this way.” Oliver says, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
You follow him down the hallway, the whole time your mind was only thinking about how you wanted to apologize to him for how your boyfriend was treating him. You don’t apologize right away and just walk in silence beside him. You couldn’t help but notice that Oliver smelt good, you didn’t know exactly what he smelt like, maybe a flower of some kind, but all you knew was that he smelt good.
He breaks you out of your thoughts as he makes it to the door of his dorm and unlocks it, “You don’t have your things. It’s okay, I probably have paper or something you can borrow.” He could have just sent you to go get your things as it would probably only take you about ten minutes, but he was growing impatient and he even thought that maybe if you left him, you’d run away.
When you enter his room, you look around and see that everything is clean and so organized, crazy organized. Everything everywhere was straightened out, the things on his desk, the pillows on his bed, everything. The one thing you did realize was that he had no pictures or posters on his walls, they were bare.
“No posters?” You ask.
“No, I like how it is.”
Something was on his mind, and you could tell, “Hey, I’m sorry about him. My boyfriend can sometimes say a lot of stupid things. He is kind of cocky.”
He looks at you deeply and says your name, “Your boyfriend’s a dick.”
Your eyes widen, “I’m sorry?”
“He’s a dick. I don’t know why you are with him. You deserve someone better.” He walks over to his desk and gets papers out, “We should start now.”
“Hold on, you just called my-”
“Yes, I did. Can we work now, please.”
“So that’s why you are alone often. You are quiet but when you speak to someone, you insult them.”
“I am not insulting you, I am insulting your idiot boy.”
“Okay, and? That’s basically the same thing.”
“Look, I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings, all I’m saying is,” he pauses for a minute, “What’s happened to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Last year, you were like me. Quiet, smart, focused on work. You were these things but not a total ‘nerd’. We were similar and now ever since you met this guy, you’ve acted differently. I liked you better before.”
Hearing him say all of this just makes you still in silence for a moment. You barely even remembered him from last year and he seemed to remember you so well, as if the two of you had spoken before.
“How did you know that?”
He shrugs, “I’ve seen you around. Is it fun hanging out with them? Do you like it better than how it was before?”
You think for a moment, you honestly had never thought about it before, “I don’t know.” You reply softly, “I can’t remember what I liked about being quiet rather than outgoing. Do you like it quiet? Do you like it this way?”
“I do. It’s peaceful really. But I hate being looked down on by people like your boyfriend. I sometimes want to be the way he is, not give a shit about anything and have fun.”
“Then how come you don’t go out more? You can come out with my group of friends if you’d like.” You saw Oliver in yourself now, he was alone but was too afraid to go out because everyone else felt different than him. He felt alienated.
“They wouldn’t like me. I am not like you anymore. You have changed into a copy of everyone else. At least I stay the same.”
Just as you thought you were finally getting along with him, he gets on your nerves again and you get on his. You would just be annoyed with him but his annoyance felt different, he was annoyed with you but felt a weird connection to you. He wanted you to like him but he also wanted to show you that he could be strong and that he didn’t just pretend to be strong.
“I was trying to be nice. You make it really difficult for me to like you more, you know that?”
“I don’t need you to like me, I just want you to respect me. Look at me as if I am the same as you.”
“Well, we are not the same. Maybe we were a year ago, but not anymore.”
“We are the same. Deep down, you are just like me.” He walks closer to you now, “I can see right through you.”
“You’re crazy. I came here to work on this stupid assignment and all you’re doing is insulting me and speaking nonsense.”
He chuckles softly, “You’re boyfriend was right, you are too soft, aren’t you? I am not insulting you, I am just telling you the truth. Truths aren’t always what we want to hear, most people hate the truth, but you can’t run away from it. You can’t run away from reality no matter how hard you try. Trust me.”
Your faces were inches apart now and it seems as if he has trapped you in place somehow because you feel as if you can’t move back or push him away, you just stand still and let him inch closer.
“You need help Oliver. You need fucking help. You are even crazier than I thought.”
His smile only grows, “I think you’ve got the wrong word. I am real, raw, not crazy. God, there are not enough real people here. That’s why I liked seeing you last year, you were real like me, I could feel it.” He brings his hand and tucks hair behind your ears and you let him, “You don’t have to be scared.”
“I’m not scared.” You whisper back.
“Then why’d you change yourself? You changed yourself to be better for him, changed to be how society makes people like your boyfriend cool and people like us strange. You didn’t want to be strange, so you changed.”
All of his words were true, you couldn’t believe that you only started talking to him and he was revealing truths that were hidden deeply in your mind. You thought no one else knew about your truth, but he did.
You begin to cry very quietly, a couple of tears run down your cheeks. “You are pretty when you cry, has anyone ever told you that?” He asks. You shake your head and continue to cry softly, “So quiet, so small, like a little mouse. Your eyes look all glassy when you cry, it brings out the beautiful colour of them more.”
He leans in closer and brings his tongue to your cheek, licking the tear off your skin with the tip of his tongue. You could feel his warm breath on your skin. He moves his lips to the left side of your face and does the same, bringing his tongue to lick away your tears.
He holds the sides of your face in between his hands and looks at you in the eyes, “You are like me, and I am like you. Just give it up, give in and admit that it’s the truth.”
“Okay.” You whisper.
“Let me hear you say it. I need you to say it. Tell me what I just told you.”
It takes you a couple of seconds before you obey and repeat his words, “You are like me and I am like you.”
“Good girl. Say it again.” His voice was soft but demanding. You’ve never been in a situation like this. You were under his control, his power. You were too weak to move, you couldn’t do anything else but listen to him and do as he told you. You didn’t know how he did it. Oliver was quiet, but had so much control, he had you at the palm of his hands, right where he wanted you.
“You are like me and I am like you.”
You keep on repeating the same sentence over and over again. You only stop when he runs his tongue along your lower lip very slowly before he kisses you. He still has his hands at the sides of your head as he continues to kiss you. You kiss him back and part your lips, allowing him to slip his tongue inside of your mouth to meet your tongue.
Your mind was running with so many thoughts, it was so loud and everything didn’t seem like it was real, you felt as if you were in some crazy dream, a crazy nightmare. He begins to push you gently backwards so you make it to his bed. When the back of your legs hit the edge of his bed, he pushes you so you sit on his bed.
“Who are you Oliver?” You ask.
He leans down so his lips are close to yours again, “Do you want to find out?”
You shake your head and continue to look into his eyes, “Why are you doing this? How- why can’t I stop you?”
“You can’t stop me because you want me. You want me just like I knew you would.” He begins to drag his fingers up your thigh, “Are you going to take off your clothes, or are you just going to sit there and stare?”
You finally snap back into reality, “No, Oliver. You are not doing this. I can’t. I have to switch partners, I have to tell the professor-”
He stops your words by putting his hand over your mouth, “Can’t you just give in for just a moment? You are so difficult. Are you this difficult with him? Does he even know how to fuck you?” He doesn’t remove his hand yet and he just looks you in the eyes. His eyes were the colour of water, but they were burning through you like fire, “Now, when I remove my hand, you are going to smarten up. You are going to be quiet and give in to what you want. No more lies, all we want here is truth, okay?”
You can’t help but nod your head and he removes his hand and the room falls silent for a minute. You were wet between your thighs and that was no lie. You shouldn’t have been, you liked your boyfriend. You felt like you couldn’t say you loved him yet but that didn’t mean that cheating on him was not a big deal. It was a huge deal, if he found out about it. Oliver was quiet, the secret would be in good hands.
“I don’t want to take my top off.” You whisper, “I will feel guilty.”
“Then take off your pants.” He brings the back of his hand to stroke the side of your face, “He won’t find out. If you stay quiet, it will be easy; he won’t catch on. All you have to do is be quiet about it. Be quiet like me. You get away with a lot more things when you keep to yourself.”
You look at him the whole time you begin to remove both your pants and panties, you are soaking wet, you shouldn’t be but you are. He is already hard in his pants, he was dreaming about having you like this ever since he first saw you.
“Now it’s my turn. I am going to remove everything and you are going to watch.” He says and pulls his shirt over his head. You couldn’t believe what you were doing, sitting half nude on Oliver’s bed and watching him undress himself. First of all, you had your boyfriend, and second, you never thought Oliver would be like this. You saw him like a deer, quiet with pretty eyes. But he wasn’t a deer when he was alone with you, if anything, he was the opposite. He still looked like a little deer, but he didn’t act like one.
Soon, he is standing in front of you naked, you don’t even look at his body and just keep your eyes on his, feeling as if it would make you feel less guilty of cheating on your boyfriend if you didn’t look at his body.
“What now?” You ask innocently.”
“What now? What do you mean ‘what now’? Has your boyfriend never fucked you good enough? I bet he just gets right into it doesn’t he, bet he doesn’t even excite you first.” He chuckles a little, “That dumb boy. Spread your legs, quit being so scared.”
You do as you’re told and just sit there, waiting for what to be told to do next. He kneels down in front of you now and admires your pussy, “Does he ever eat you out before fucking you?”
“Sometimes.” You reply, “I don’t want to talk about him, Oliver, not when I’m like this.”
“Like what?”
“Having you in front of me while my legs are spread. It’s so wrong.”
“Oh, but it’s so right. You want this, look at how wet you are. Stop pretending to be someone you’re not just to get him to like you. You’ll regret it, trust me.” Right after he says this, he latches his lips onto you and tastes you, gliding his tongue along your walls. Your hand falls down to his hair and you brush your fingers through it. A loud noise leaves your lips and it makes him hum into you in satisfaction. He ate your pussy as if he was starving.
He doesn’t let you cum, he removes his mouth from you and brings his lips an inch away from yours, “Kiss me. Taste yourself on me to know how good you taste.” You thought he was crazy and doing such a thing was bizarre, but you bring your lips to him and kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on him, “Now, I’m going to fuck you.” He says bluntly when he pulls away, “I was going to fuck you with my fingers like I’ve wanted, but you’ve got me so hard I can’t wait any longer. Maybe next time.”
“There will be no next-” You can’t finish what you were going to say as he pushes you down so you are now on your back and he stands. He pulls you by your legs to get closer to you,
“You’re going to see just how much pleasure you’ve never received, how much time you’ve wasted by fucking pretty boy when you could have had me this whole time.” He grinds his hips forward and fits himself inside you and you both let out sounds. He grins as he fucks you, thinking that he has won, he finally has you like this and made you pick him over your boyfriend.
He watches every part of you as he fucks you, looking at your stomach, your breasts, your face and how you reacted to the pleasure he was giving you. Your boyfriend wasn’t that bad at sex, but something about how Oliver was working you made it feel like your boyfriend was completely clueless on how to fuck. Oliver fucked you with such need, with a mixtare of love and hate.
“Oliver, wait.” you whimper out, “Let me ride you.”
He paused inside of you for a moment, “You want to ride me? You’re more of a slut than I thought.” He pulls out of you then the two of you immediately switch positions. He leans against the headboard of the bed and you climb on top of him and lower yourself down. You couldn’t get yourself to look at him, otherwise guilt came over you, so you just put your face in the nape of his neck as you kept moving your hips up and down to ride his dick.
Hearing your sounds in his ear along with having your hot breath against his skin already made him close. He grabs your hips tightly, digging his nails into your soft skin. “Fuck, I need to cum inside you.” He groans out.
“No, no, you can’t Oliver.” You don’t stop your movements, you wanted to let yourself come over the edge too, it felt too good to stop
“Why not? Let me cum inside you.”
“No.” You reply. He growls and then suddenly flips you over so you are underneath him again and he begins to fuck you harsher. The change of pace makes you even closer. He brings his fingers down to play with your clit and that’s all that it takes for you, you moan out loudly and cum around him. He finishes right after you. He wanted to spill inside of you so badly but he decides not to, he pulls out and spills onto your stomach.
In the end, you never ended up working on your project. You only let him fuck you and then you left and went back to your own dorm room. Your boyfriend called you later in the night and you have no choice but to answer it and act as if nothing happened. You smiled and laughed at his stupid jokes through the phone. You pretended and lied to yourself that nothing between you and Oliver ever happened. You knew that it would never happen again, hoped it would never happen again. But you wanted him so badly.
You ended up switching partners, telling your professor that you and Oliver were not getting along and having a hard time working together. The professor thought about it for a while but then gave in and switched you to work with someone else. Oliver was angry but he didn’t tell anyone the real reason why you wanted to switch so bad. He wouldn’t be that cruel to you, he still wanted you to like him. He liked that you and him had a little secret between the two of you.
He grew more than angry as more days passed of you ignoring him and his glances, he practically grew obsessive. He’d follow you around the hallways when your boyfriend wasn’t with you and you were alone, asking you why you didn’t want to sleep with him anymore and why you didn’t even want to speak to him anymore. You got angry at him every time he mentioned the two of you sleeping together and told him to keep his voice down even though he was already talking quietly.
Oliver was always sneaking around now, watching you. One night, your boyfriend's dorm room window was open, facing the campus fields, and Oliver stood there watching through the window. Watching how your boyfriend would kiss you and how your body and your face would react to his touch and his kisses. He felt himself getting hard the more he watched but soon, the two of you were out of his view as you moved away from the window. Oliver was only mad now.
He wanted to find a way to have you again; he would find a way, he always did.
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starrylothcat · 10 months
❛ you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜
With... 👀👀👀👀👀💀👀👀👀
Fox or Hunter or an oc of choice if you'd rather
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Alright there goes my bravado times to slink back to the blankets
Beautiful Meal
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Smut, hardly any plot. Oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), kissing, Hunter being horny (what’s new). Reader wears a dress, though dress and reader aren’t described. Established relationship.
WC: 956
Summary: You were supposed to be gathering intel for a mission, but Hunter has other ideas.
A/N: Moonlight my darling! This prompt is so delicious
thank you for inspiring some thots. I had to choose Hunter
because you know me. I just can’t help myself. I hope you enjoy it!
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The moment Hunter’s hand traced up your thigh under your dress, you knew what he wanted.
You were in a casino, sitting at a dirty booth trying to gather intel. Or that was the intended plan.
Hunter’s eyes haven’t left your body since you slipped into a dress to blend in at the gambling den. You knew his senses were honed in on you, rather than the crime lord you were trying to track down.
You locked gazes with him, his eyes seemingly glowing in the dark, smoky shadows of the casino. His hand was now tracing further up your thigh, dangerously close to your panty line.
” you warned, knowing you were powerless against his touch, wanting, needing more.
Hunter smirked, grazing his finger over your thin, silken panties.
“You’re wet. I can feel it. I can smell it.” He whispered, leaning into your ear, his lips barely brushing against your lobe. Goosebumps erupted up your legs as he began rubbing small, deliberate circles over your clothed clit.
You bit your lip, trying to stifle the moan that was threatening to leave your throat, not wanting to attract attention.
Luckily, your booth was at the back of the seedy gambling institution, and given how dark it was in there, no one would know what was going on unless they had a reason to look at you.
we need this info.” You managed to whisper, his finger still languidly rubbing over your now very wet panties. “We can’t be distracted.”
You were trying to stay professional, but crumbling by the second. It was hard when your boyfriend was now slipping his finger under your panties, reveling in the small sounds you couldn't hold back.
Hunter hummed, his body pressed into your side.
“I’ve been distracted since you slipped into this dress, sweetheart.”
You were gripping your drink so hard you thought you might shatter it, your breath becoming labored.
“Besides, we’ve been here for a while, and from what I can tell, we have the info we need for Cid.”
“Hunter, we - “ Your words were cut off by a sharp gasp as his thick finger probed your entrance.
“What was that?” He teased, teasing you with his finger in such a way you wanted to scream.
“Let’s get out of here.” You whined, knowing you sounded desperate.
Hunter hummed and pressed a kiss right under your ear. “Lead the way, sweetheart.”
Soon, you were back in the small motel room you were sharing, splayed out on the small bed. Your dress was shoved up past your hips as Hunter kissed and nipped up and down your thighs.
He had already thoroughly lavished your neck, leaving love marks precisely where they could be covered by your normal clothing.
He was now working on your thighs, saving himself for his eventual feast between your legs.
Your panties were still on, thoroughly soaked by now, needing him to continue what he started earlier.
” you whined, his lips now ghosting over your clothed cunt. “Please
” Hunter licked a stripe up your clothed pussy, groaning at your taste.
He sat up slightly, gazing at you and your disheveled form with heavy eyes.
You were beautiful.
The way your lips parted as you panted, your cheeks and chest flushed a deeper color, your hair a mess, the desperation in your eyes for him to please you in the ways only he knew how.
“You’re gorgeous like this, you know that?” Hunter mumbled, hooking his fingers under your panties and sliding them down your legs.
“All spread out like a good girl
” His lips met your lower ones, kissing your pussy, sliding his tongue up and down. “A good girl who just wants to be eaten.”
Hunter gripped your hips to keep you in place as he plunged his tongue into you, feeling your body convulse with pleasure as he began his meal.
Your moans and gasps were a melody, your fingers gripping his hair and head tightly, anchoring yourself even more to him, trying to bring his face even closer to your aching core.
The sounds were obscene, your choked cries and the wet sounds of his mouth working you to release.
When Hunter began working your clit with the tip of his tongue, he knew you would be coming undone soon.
He could hear your breathing hitch, your heart rate change, the scent of your arousal becoming impossibly stronger.
With a final circle of his tongue over your clit, your orgasm crashed over you, wave after wave of hot bliss starting at your core and pulsating through your body.
Hunter greedily drank every drop you gave him, still working you with his mouth until you were gently pushing him away from you.
You lay boneless and satisfied as Hunter crawled up your body to lay next to you. He traced his finger up your arm, letting you catch your breath.
You smiled, turning your head toward him. “You’re impossible, you know that?” You let out a breathy laugh. “I can’t take you anywhere.”
Hunter chuckled, kissing your shoulder. “Are you complaining?”
You reached down to palm the large bulge that was tenting his pants. “Of course not, darling.”
You watched Hunter’s eyelids flutter close and his brows knit together as you rubbed along his length, which you knew was aching for attention.
“Now, be a good boy and lay down. It’s your turn to spread out nice and pretty for me.” You gently squeezed his cock, a deep groan escaping his lips.
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” Hunter rumbled as you sat on top of him, ready to deliver him the same attention he gave you.
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Horny List: @crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501 @coraex @cw80831 @dangraccoon @din-miller @mythical-illustrator @eternal-transcience @the-cantina
Dividers by @dystopicjumpsuit
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bengals-ix · 10 months
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Summary: A late night drive through downtown Cincinnati after a rough day at work helps your blossoming relationship with Tee become even more serious.
Warnings: just straight up sickening fluff; allusions to a potential spicy part 2 👀 and it’s also just really freaking long so 😅
Also, thank you again @balanceingrace for helping with framework and helping me love this story again. I love you alwaysđŸ€
You shuffle into your little house after an extremely long and busy shift at the hospital, throwing your purse lord knows where and your shoes in the general vicinity of the little shoe rack by the door.
You loved your job, but a day like today made you want to break down and never go back. It was one thing after the other, difficult patients, difficult family members, there was no time for time management, and not to mention losing a patient halfway through the day. That was your straw, but you had no choice but to swallow back the tears and keep moving.
You peel off your scrubs after slugging off to your bedroom, and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Your mind was numb, your body was numb.
After a few minutes, you finally slide off the bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower, the borderline scorching heat of the water soothing your achy, and extremely tense muscles. You let a couple tears slip out but you always tried to make sure you didn’t bring work home with you, because that would just make your job and home life worse. You refused to combine the two.
You step out of the shower and quickly dry yourself off and half ass-ly drying your hair. You realized once you started that you quite frankly didn’t care. You slip on an oversized shirt and panties before slipping into your bed, the tears wanting to flow but you wouldn’t let them. You just took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling once again.
Your brain started running 100 miles a minute. Replaying the day in your head, if this was what you still want you wanted to do for the rest of your life, what tomorrow what was going to consist of, your relationship with Tee that has become VERY serious recently, the big black hole in the middle of our galaxy. You know, all the things.
At one point, you turn over and the clock read 10:47pm.
“Oh shit” you groan. You had laid here for an hour and a half just thinking. You wanted to go to sleep but you couldn’t shut your brain off.
Your phone dings and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You lazily picked up your phone off of your nightstand, and it was almost like your favorite person read your mind.
Tee đŸ€
wanna go on a drive?
You smile at the text, your heart that has been cold most of the day flooding with warmth almost instantly and a couple tears make their way down your cheeks. It’s like he knew, he had that instinct of needing to take care of you, and that’s what he was going to do.
how did you know I needed that?
bc I know you
I need to see you and I feel like you need to see me
I was just hoping you were up since it’s way past gma’s bed time 😉
You roll your eyes, that smile not leaving your face. You did normally go to bed at 8:30pm. You loved your sleep, who doesn’t? But he loved to make fun of you for it.
I do need to see you, really bad.
come get me
on my way baby
You take another deep breath, not only thanking Joe and Olivia for introducing you two but thanking God for placing Tee into your life. The longer you guys have been together, the more he knows you, how you operate, which faces mean certain feelings, even as much as knowing when something is wrong even when he’s apart from you. It was the little things.
You throw on a pair of biker shorts and a long sleeve. It was fall time and temp was in the 60s. It was beautiful outside lately.
You fix your hair as best you can, still keeping it up but making it look like you weren’t just about to go to bed. 15 minutes later, Tee texts you saying that he had just pulled in and you throw some shoes on before heading out of the house.
You walk down to his car and open the door, leaning down to peek at him. He smiles at you, one arm leaning on the console and the other resting on the steering wheel and you couldn’t help but match his smile.
“Hey you” you say.
“Hey you” he repeats, his smile radiating. His smile killed you. It was so bright, so genuine. He was someone who was genuine. Very kind hearted and caring. You adored him.
You climbed into the passenger seat and made eye contact once again. You two look at each other for a moment before he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek and then on your lips.
You pull away a few moments later and bump your nose against his, smiling like a love sick puppy. The way he makes your mood change instantly still blows your mind.
“Missed you” he murmurs.
“I’ve missed you too” your voice cracks, not intentionally, but those tears were making their way back. Little did you know that you just needed him to help you feel better.
“I knew something was up, what’s wrong?” He asks, resting his hand on your thigh, his eyebrows furrowed as he watches the tears form in your eyes.
“It was just my day. I can tell you while you drive” you assure him.
“Driving can wait” he gives your thigh a squeeze.
“No Tee, it’s okay. I’ll be over it by tomorrow. Just go ahead and drive, for me, please?” You quietly beg. He stares at you for a moment before nodding and backing out of your driveway.
You two ride in silence for awhile before you tuck a foot under you, getting comfortable since who knew how long you two were going to be driving around for. At one point, the air was getting colder and you were getting cold but you didn’t want to say anything because you were enjoying the windows down.
Tee easily read your body language so at the next red light, he put the car in park and unbuckled before slipping his hoodie off and handing it to you.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine” you smile at him as he buckles himself again.
“No you’re not. Can’t have my girl freezing” he smiles back before hitting the gas as the light turns green. You roll your eyes and throw his hoodie on, sneakily smelling his cologne.
Tee’s hand slides onto your thigh, giving it a nice squeeze. You smile over at him and you rub your hand up and down his tattooed arm. Sexy ass.
“Do you want to talk about your day now?” He asks, glancing over at you. You let out a deep sigh before starting to explain one thing after the other, and he listened attentively, he was a very good listener and you were thankful, especially on the days where you needed to rant.
.and everything just piled on top of each other and it became almost unbearable. I tried to wind down so I could go to sleep and just forget about today but my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up” you let out a huff of annoyance and he quietly chuckles at the last part.
“First off, I wanna say how much of a badass you are. I could never do what you do in a day. That’s a hell of a lot of brain power to use and energy that I don’t have”
“You’re a fucking wide receiver, Tee, you have a lot of both of those things” you giggle.
“But it’s different, you know what I’m sayin’? Like you are having to keep people alive, some you can’t help and it was written in the cards from when they were even thought of. But you are so fucking brave and so strong to do what you do everyday. I hope you know how badass you are, because seriously, you are and I admire you for it every single day” he looks over at you as he arrives at another stop light.
Your heart floods with a familiar feeling you’ve experienced honestly since you started dating Tee but you kept pushing it off because you didn’t want to believe it so early but it was happening; hell, it happened already, you fell in love with him, truly, madly, deeply. It was pathetic.
He was the most generous and loving person. He was supportive and encouraging in everything you did. Always looking out for you, checking on you, making sure you feel beautiful always. You were his queen, his number one, other than his Momma, and rightfully so.
You’ve had a few serious relationships over the years but all of those men turned out to be trash and honestly gave you trust issues but this was different in only the best way possible. You saw a future with Tee, even after this short time that felt like a lifetime.
Not to mention he was a hottie. His handsome face, that stunning smile, his tall and muscular frame, his tattoos; the man was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.
Tee glanced over at you, feeling your eyes on him, he gives you his bright smile that makes you want to squeeze him tightly and never let him go.
You love him.
“You want to tell me what’s on your mind right now? Did I say something wrong?” He asks, turning his eyes back to the road, a small and almost worried smile gracing his face.
And speaking of heart racing, yours was about to beat out of your chest at what was spilling out of your mouth.
“I love you” you breathe out.
Tee’s heart could about explode. He’s been so scared to say it, afraid of how you would react when he would say those exact three words to you. He honestly fell for you a lot sooner than you fell for him but that was another story for another time.
“I am so glad you said that, because I love you too” he says, his smile the brightest it’s ever been.
“I really need a damn stop light because I need to kiss you so bad right now” you say and he laughs.
“Hold on, I gotchu”
He turns onto a different street and the light turned yellow and he slowly comes to a stop, placing the car in park and looking over at you.
“Thank you Jesus” you breathe out and grab his face, smashing your lips against his. You two smiled against each other’s lips, thinking about how you both finally made the long awaited confession.
Then to make it even more perfect, “Snooze” by SZA comes on shuffle. You two finally pull away from each other, not without another sweet kiss from Tee.
“I fucking love you” he says just above a whisper. Your stomach was doing backflips. Just hearing him say those words meant the world to you.
“And I love you” you smile.
He gives you one more firm but tender kiss before he shifts the car back into drive as the light turns green.
That just happened.
When you first started dating Tee, “Snooze” was y’all’s vibe, and still is. You dreamt about him. There was never a moment where you wanted to be somewhere else. He made you feel so important, so wanted, cared for, loved.
Everything in this moment couldn’t have been more perfect. This song playing as you two drove through mildly quiet downtown Cincinnati, windows down, the cooler air slipping into the car, nipping your skin but in a comforting way.
The sky was clear so despite the city lights, you could still see the beautiful stars in the sky. The man you loved to the left of you, his tattooed hand on your thigh, you wearing his hoodie, and both finally saying out loud that you loved each other. Your heart was surely the size of both of your lungs combined at this point. Every bad thing that happened today vanished from your brain like it never even happened. This was what heaven looked like to you.
He must have felt this moment too because his hand finds yours and laces your fingers together, giving it a soft squeeze.
“Long as you dreamin' 'bout me, ain't no problem
I don't got nobody, just with you right now
Tell the truth, I look better under you
I can't lose when I'm with you
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do”
“Damn” Tee murmurs and shakes his head.
“What?” You ask.
the way you make me feel. It’s just wild” he says, full on blushing and you couldn’t help but blush in return.
“Quit Tee” you smile down at your clasped hands.
“You quit” he chuckles.
“Ain't a home when you not here
Hard to grow when you not here, I'm sayin'
I can't lose when I'm with you”
“You should stay over tonight” he glances over at you with hopeful eyes.
“Teeee” you sigh.
“Please? It’ll kill me to take you home tonight” he juts his bottom lip out.
“That’s very dramatic” you giggle and flick his lip.
“It’s not dramatic. I don’t wanna take you home, especially now” he says, squeezing your thigh. You smile sadly and rest your head on his arm, your mind already working to figure something out. You didn’t want him to take you home either.
After another half an hour or so, he pulls back up to your house. He leans his head back onto the head rest and looks at you, his eyes sad.
“Don’t look at me like that, Tee” you whine.
“I don’t want you to leave. It’s been a week and I miss you” he sighs, looking down at your hands intertwined, his thumb rubbing back and forth on your hand.
“You’ll see me at the game this weekend” you tell him but he still didn’t like that. You wanted to play a little hard to get now.
He turns his head back, looking forward. You knew he was pouting.
You sigh when he doesn’t answer you. His hand still rested on your thigh as you watched him. You get an idea.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over the console and into his lap, straddling his hips. He looks up at you, eyes widened slightly. He gave you a quick glance up and down before his eyes meeting yours as you speak up.
“Can I suggest something?” You ask and he hums.
“I would stay at your place, but I have stuff to do here tomorrow, stuff that I could get done while you’re at practice. So what if we stayed at my place tonight? I know it’s not as nice as y-“
“Okay” he smiles, his hands running up your thighs and holds onto your hips.
“Okay. But I might have to run home to grab stuff for tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
“Well yeah, of course, whatever you need to do. Are you sure it’s okay?” You ask running yours hands up and down his shoulders.
“More than okay. I don’t care where we stay, as long as you’re there” he smiles again and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“And then I could stay with you this weekend?” You suggest.
“Absolutely” he nods.
You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into neck.
“I’ve also missed you” you say, pressing gentle kisses onto his neck, your breath sending chills down his spine. He wraps his arms around you tightly in a hug. He couldn’t get enough of you, ever.
“I’m going to go home and grab my iPad for our meetings and grab more clothes so I can stay a couple days, okay?” He asks, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“That okay with you?”
“More than okay with me” you kiss his lips multiple times, him giving you a loving and healthy smack to the ass before you crawl out of his lap and out of the car.
“I’ll be back. I love you” he smiles. God, it felt so good for him to say that, and it felt so good for you to hear it.
“I love you. Be careful” you smile back, giving him another kiss before shutting his door and making your way back into the house.
Holy shit. What a day.
45 minutes later, as you laid on the couch, you get a knock on your door.
“Damn it” you curse under your breath as you hop off the couch and run to the door. You accidentally locked the door out of habit.
You unlock the door and open it to be greeted by Tee who had a bookbag on his shoulder and a duffel bag hanging by his side.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to lock it” you say grimacing.
“Don’t want me to stay, huh?” He smirks pushing his body up against yours, backing you further into your living room, shutting the door behind him.
“Don’t you start being dramatic again. You know I want you to stay. I want you to stay all the time” you cock an eyebrow at him, sliding your hands up his arms and around his neck as he drops his bags.
“Mhm” he hums as he presses his lips to yours, his tongue making its way into your mouth, giving you all the feels.
Tee’s hands slide from your hips to your ass, squeezing it with his large hands. You moan into his mouth and he presses his hands into your ass so your hips press into his.
After a couple minutes of your make out sesh in the middle of your living room, he pulls away slightly, his breath fanning your face. He must have brushed his teeth before coming back over to your house because you tasted and smelled mint.
“You make me feel
insane” he says.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” You ask and he smiles at you.
“So good” he chuckles, reattaching your lips for a few more minutes before you break away again.
“As much as I want to continue this, it’s so late and you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning if you don’t go to sleep” you breathe out.
“You right. Tomorrow, after I get back?” He smirks.
“If you’re lucky” you shrug, giggling at his expression.
“I’m very lucky, damn it” he says nuzzling his face into your neck making you laugh.
“Let’s go to bed, you exhaust me” you sigh, walking past him towards your bedroom.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, baby” he says, giving a harsh smack to your ass as he walks behind you.
“Tee!” You gasp and he smiles innocently.
You two eventually get changed into more comfortable clothes and get comfy in bed, your back pressed against his front, his long arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled into your neck, mumbling “I love you’s” to each other that still didn’t feel real.
And that’s when he starts to slowly hum a melody that you both listened to earlier in the night, allowing you to relax and finally drift to sleep.
I can't lose when I'm with you.
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important.
Nobody do body like you do, you do.
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