#let me know if i need to adjust anything xo
vulku · 1 year
" corporal, is it? " dark eyes flicker across the marine's features after sweeping across his person; there's a line determination there, of confidence that is commendable. even so, spock remains cool headed, despite being the one unarmed, and with the ithaca model 37 shotgun pointed at his person. his head tilts, though he otherwise makes no effort to move. as much as the vulcan is certain the marine has a set of rules, he too has protocol that must be followed. " that would be unwise. please holster your weapon, lest you set off a radioactive chain reaction. "
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@backonmybullshit91 liked for a canon dialogue starter.
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Different Now
Bucky Barnes x ExWife!Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, angst
For Week 5 of @buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer 2024: exes
Word Count: 6k
A/N: something about Bucky and an ex-wife really got me Thinking Thoughts. hope y'all enjoy!!! xo
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The apartment wasn’t something that you had asked for when it was all said and done. Really, you hadn’t asked for anything. The only things that you wanted weren’t things that could be divvied up by overpriced divorce lawyers.
When you had tried to tell Bucky that you weren’t interested in keeping the apartment, he wasn’t having it. You tried to argue that it had been his to begin with, that you were the one that moved in with him. It only made sense for you to be the one to move right back out again. But he was adamant—he always was. His argument then had been that he had another place to stay in the meantime until he found something else. It felt like half of his life was at the tower anyway, so it wouldn’t be a problem to treat it like a long-term stay at a hotel until he found a new apartment.
You were so sick of arguing by then that you just gave in. If he didn’t want to have it, it wasn’t the hill you were preparing to die on. You slapped your signature and initials where the lawyers told you to and just like that, the apartment was yours and Bucky wasn’t.
He did you the courtesy of letting you know when he would be stopping by to move all of his things out. When the day came, he knew that it was no stroke of luck that you happened to be out of town for a few days. The realization stung but he supposed that he couldn’t really blame you for it either.
The first few weeks after he’d moved all of his things out, the apartment felt almost painfully empty. There was a sliver of time during which you were thinking about moving out anyway, Bucky’s final parting gift be damned. It didn’t feel quite like home without him, without Alpine and all of the chaos and mess that came with the two of them.
Eventually you started to fill in the gaps that he’d left behind. New books for the shelves to fill the space where his used to be. Art and trinkets to fill in the empty spaces where his small pockets of clutter used to reside. It was the largest the apartment had ever felt and it was strange to have no one to share it with. Slowly, though, you started to adapt. It slowly started to feel like home.
Redecorating the apartment was one thing. Adjusting to your daily routine without Bucky being part of it was another. It wasn’t as though either of you had been blindsided by the divorce—it’d been coming for some time. Still, even as the distance had grown between you, there were still those tendrils of connection that hadn’t been severed yet. Attachments that only form after years spent with someone day in and day out through all of the things that the two of you had gone through together.
There were times when you were lounging on the couch in the living room and for a moment you’d find yourself wondering when he was going to come home only to realize that he wasn’t going to. Or you’d be heading home after work and you’d almost go to find his name in your phone to call and see if he needed you to pick anything up on your way. Habits you hadn’t even realized formed until you no longer needed them.
Weeks turned into months. New habits formed to replace the old ones that no longer suited you and your life. If you didn’t think too hard about it, you didn’t feel the dull ache that still existed down in your chest. You stayed busy with work, with friends. The times when you thought about reaching out to Bucky, you made every effort to reach out to just about anyone else instead. The last time you’d had any sort of conversation with him was when he moved his things out. And even then, it had been a simple text exchange. Him saying, “All set. Let me know if I missed anything.” Followed by your brief response of, “Will do”. Something short that made you glad he couldn’t see the tears that were welled up in your eyes.
Not reaching out to him was difficult. It was hard not to sit and wonder if he was having just as hard of a time with it as you were, but it wasn’t like you could reach out and ask him about it. The closest you got to any kind of communication with Bucky was the rare text from Steve. He never asked about Bucky or anything having to do with the two of you. He kept it cordial, the way that you’d expect from any acquaintance, you supposed. Because that’s what he was to you now. You got the apartment in the divorce. Bucky got all of his friends. Painful but fair.
You were halfway to falling asleep on the couch when your phone buzzed on top of the coffee table. The groan of annoyance you let out was involuntary, arm still slung across your forehead as you contemplated whether or not you wanted to see what anyone had to say. It wasn’t terribly late—not what you considered emergency late, anyway. But it was still getting close to past the time most people would be reaching out to chat.
Your arm that wasn’t covering your face reached out from underneath your throw blanket. Blindly groping around, your fingertips finally grazed over your phone. You were forcing your eyes to open back up all the way as you carefully held the phone over your face. There had been enough instances of you dropping it directly onto your nose and forehead to dissuade you, but it never stuck.
Skimming the notifications on your screen, at first you thought that your eyes were playing tricks on you. Maybe you were just exhausted. Or maybe you were stuck in a very realistic if not boring dream. Or nightmare, depending on how you wanted to look at it. There just didn’t seem to be any other reasons that there would be a text message from Bucky waiting to be opened.
It got you to sit upright, at least. The blanket fell from where it’d been pulled up to your shoulders, piling in your lap as you leaned back against the arm of the sofa. There was no universe in which you would leave the message unopened, or delete it without reading it. Even though you knew that about yourself, though, you still sat there for a few seconds and entertained the thought of it.
You typed in the passcode to your phone with the second nature ease you always did, the only difference now was that your heart was in your throat as you waited to see what the message was going to be. It’d been months, and it was late, and you had no idea what you should be expecting from him.
“Feel free to say no but I need a favor” Your heart dropped to your stomach and then another message came through. “Not an emergency”
His messages didn’t leave you feeling like you had anything in the way of answers. If anything, now you just had more questions. “You okay?” Part of you knew that if things had really been bad, he would’ve called. Or he wouldn’t have reached out at all. One of the two.
“Need a place to stay” You couldn’t help the deep sigh that you let out as you read his message. Then, as if he heard you, he sent a follow-up message. “Just one night. Promise”
If you said no, he’d drop the topic. You knew that about him beyond a shadow of a doubt. He’d let it go and realistically it would probably be the last time you heard from him. But you also knew that he wouldn’t be reaching out and asking you if he had somewhere else he felt like he could go. He had people he could lean on, places he could be. If he was reaching out to you there must’ve been something going on. It wasn’t your business to ask about anymore, though.
“Still have the address?” It was a lame pass at a joke, but you hoped it would at least convey that he could come over.
“Yeah, think I might have it somewhere. Thank you”
You didn’t reply, didn’t really feel like there was anything else that needed to be said. instead, you looked around your apartment and wondered if there was something that you were supposed to be doing. It felt strange, the idea of him being back in the apartment again. It was his first, sure. And then you shared it. But now it was yours and he was going to be a guest. However long it would take him to get there, you were sure it wasn’t enough time to unpack all of those feelings.
Bucky gripped onto the strap of the backpack he was wearing as he stood outside the door of your apartment. The halls leading to your apartment had been empty, which he should’ve expected with how late it was. He stared at the door, the same dark, mock-wood paneling staring him in the face that had each night for so many years. It felt familiar and strange to be standing in front of it again.
He adjusted his grip on his backpack, a brief distraction so he didn’t have to contemplate knocking or taking out his keys. It was later now than it had been when he first reached out. The amount of time that had passed had nothing to do with how long it took him to get from the tower to your apartment—that hadn’t taken very long at all. What made him so late was the amount of time he’d spent sitting in his car debating whether or not he was actually going to do this. The engine had been off, everything silent, and he just sat there staring at the symbol in the middle of his steering wheel as he weighed out every possible scenario, all of the pros and cons that he could think of.
But now he was here and he almost turned around and walked away again anyway. Before he could completely chicken out, he fished his keys back out of his pocket. It took him longer than he wanted to admit to realize that he still had the apartment key—it was just such a fixture on his keyring by that point. But he didn’t have it in him to bring it back. It wasn’t like he ever used it, or even thought about using it. There was something about it that he just couldn’t throw away.
He had about three seconds of thinking this was the one singular time that his sentimental streak was going to come in handy. But then when he tried to slip the key into the lock, he found that he couldn’t. He double-checked to make sure that he’d gone to the right apartment on the right floor, although he couldn’t imagine messing that up.
Then it hit him. Whether you had asked the landlord to swap out the locks after he left or if the man had done it on his own because he didn’t trust any split to be as cordial as any couple tried to make it out to be, Bucky no longer could let himself in. Pulling in a deep breath, he shoved his keys back into his pocket and reached to knock on the door.
The speed at which you leapt off the couch at the sound to get to the door would’ve been embarrassing if he had been able to see it. Luckily your shame was just for you. Stopping in front of the door, you took a couple breaths as you smoothed out the oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts that you were wearing. Maybe you should’ve thought to change but it was too late now. Besides, it wasn’t anything that Bucky hadn’t seen a million times before.
You undid all the locks. When you had first gone over to Bucky’s apartment you’d thought that he was a little paranoid. You didn’t blame him for it, but it still crossed your mind. After he’d moved out, though, you found that you had no interest in getting rid of the deadbolt or slider-chain that he’d had put onto the door.
His face was all exhaustion and worry until he found himself looking at you. Then the worry lines on his forehead eased a little, his frown didn’t stretch quite so deep. Even so, you could still see the stress on his face and in the way that he was holding himself. You were sure that the current circumstances didn’t help, but whatever had happened that resulted in him reaching out to you was just as much of a culprit.
“Hi,” he finally said when he realized that it’d just been the two of you silently staring at each other.
The sound of his voice was enough to get you to smile despite the knot in your stomach. “Hey.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, adjusting his backpack as he did. “Thank you for this. I know I shouldn’t have asked…”
You shook your head as you opened the door and gestured for him to come in. “It’s fine.” Once he was inside you turned around and redid all the locks. You ignored the endearing expression on his face when you faced him again for the sake of your own sanity. “Everything alright?”
He started off nodding but then it dissolved into a shrug as his chin tucked down towards his chest. “Didn’t want to stay at the tower. Everyone’s been at each other’s throats lately so when we got back this afternoon I just…I didn’t want to stay there.”
“Your place far away now?” you asked as you took his backpack from him and set it by the couch. You started to walk towards the kitchen, hoping he would take the hint and follow suit.
“What?” he asked, toeing off his boots before he started to trail behind you.
“Your apartment. Or house. Is it far?” You were still trying to figure out why he had decided to come here of all places.
“Um,” he stumbled on his words as he stayed by the stretch of counter kitty-corner to where you stood at the coffee pot, “n-no. Not…really.” He kicked himself immediately. He was never able to lie very well to you at all, let alone so quickly on his feet. It said plenty about him, about how he felt about you, but there was no time to get into all of that.
You looked over at him, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “Want a cup of coffee to hold onto while you tell me about whatever that means?” You kept your tone light and joking enough, but you knew that years of experience with you meant that Bucky knew he wasn’t going to be able to get out of explaining himself.
He let out a small sigh of defeat as he nodded. “Please.”
Neither of you said anything as you made a cup of coffee for each of you. You could see him out of the corner of your eye. Any other circumstance would’ve made it seem strange that he was staring at you so blatantly, but there weren’t very many other things to hold his attention at the moment. Something told you he wasn’t really in the mood to try and count all the things you’d changed after he moved out.
You brought the coffee mugs over to the small table that was tucked off to the side in your kitchen. You sat down and waited for him to do the same, which he did after a moment of hesitation. He pulled his mug closer to him, cupping it between both his hands even though only one could really feel the warmth radiating off of it.
“So?” you asked before taking a sip from your cup.
He didn’t look at you, eyes fixed on the drink in front of him. “I’ve been staying at the tower.”
You nodded, leaning back in your chair. “Okay?”
He sighed, shaking his head. He still couldn’t make himself look up. “Since I m—” he tripped on the words, still not accustomed to saying them out loud, “Since I moved out.”
Your eyes widened. “Bucky.”
He had no other choice but to look at you now. “I know.”
Gesturing briefly to the apartment, you said, “I told you to just keep th—”
“I know you did,” he cut you off. “I wanted you to have it. Still do.”
“You can’t just stay at the tower forever. It’s basically, like, a glorified frathouse.”
You both had a laugh at that before Bucky’s face sobered up. “I wasn’t planning on staying there. Just,” he took a sip of his coffee, enjoying it more than anything he’d concocted at the tower in the last few months “didn’t get to it.”
“Tony mention starting to charge you rent, then?” you asked, a joking lilt to your tone to hide the ache in your chest.
Bucky huffed out a laugh, a slight upward curl to his lips, but you could tell that he was trying to stuff down some of the same feelings that you were. “I’m sure he will once he figures out how much hot water I use.”
You let a beat pass before saying, “If you need help finding a place, I can—”
“No, no.” There was a hint of frustration in his voice but it wasn’t really directed at you. “Finding a spot isn’t the issue. I can do that.”
“Then why the fuck have you been crashing at the tower this long?”
“I wasn’t ready to get my own place!” he snapped, not meaning to. The answer came out quickly and much more honestly than he intended. He’d wanted to some up with something snarky to evade the discussion, but it was too late and he was too tired. Sitting across the table from you always left him feeling so vulnerable. He tried to ignore the sad frown on your face, the tears welling in your eyes. “I wasn’t ready to start over. Getting my own place? I just…yeah, no.”
“Sorry,” the word came out meek and mumbled. You hadn’t meant to pry open that particular can of worms, especially not on a night that he was just looking for a place to unwind and rest. Maybe it would’ve done the two of you some good to have some form of contact over the last few months, but it was too late to go back and fix that now.
“You still like it here?” he asked.
You could hear the hopefulness in the question. There was only one right answer to the question. Bucky needed to know that the one thing that he could really leave you with was something that had done you some good, something you could still enjoy even if he wasn’t around to enjoy it with you anymore.
You nodded. “I like it. It’s…you know…it’s different now. But I like it.”
He tried not to sound too relieved. “Good.”
Minutes ticked by with nothing but silence between you. Everything that either of you wanted to say, you felt like you couldn’t. every time you glanced over at Bucky, he was already looking at you. His face never really gave away much, but you could still see the sadness in his eyes. You couldn’t help but to think that this wasn’t exactly what he thought he was singing on for when he reached out needing a place to crash for the night.
Like he could read your thoughts, he spoke up. “Figured I’d just take the couch.”
“You sure?” you asked, like you had any real backup plan to offer.
He nodded as he stood up out of his seat. He picked his mug up off the table, and then yours before walking them over to the sink. You watched him as he quickly rinsed them out before setting them down in the sink basin. “It’s fine. I’ll be gone before you’re up in the morning.”
You frowned at that without meaning to. “You don’t have to—”
“It’s fine. Like I said—I just needed a break.”
There was no use in trying to turn it into an argument, so you nodded. “Okay. I’ll grab you a blanket and a pillow.”
His shoulders relaxed. “Thank you.”
When you came back out to the living room, Bucky had already changed. He was in his usual sleepwear—an told tank top and loose shorts. When the two of you were together, he’d always just foregone the shirt half of the equation, but you assumed that he was trying his best to be courteous.
You offered him the folded-up blanket and the pillow resting on top of it with a weak smile. “Here you go.”
His smile wasn’t much more convincing than yours, but at least you were trying together. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” You raked your fingers back over your scalp as you tried to figure out if there was something else you should be saying or doing. “If you need anything else, let me know. Or, you know,” the nervous laugh you let out let him know you were no more certain about this joke than he was going to be, “help yourself. Whatever it is, is probably right where you left it.”
Surprisingly enough you both chuckled quietly. “Thank you.”
There was nothing more to say or do but it still felt wrong to turn and head off to your room. Your standing there wasn’t doing either of you any good, so you crossed your arms over your chest. “Okay. Goodnight, then.”
He nodded as he tossed the pillow onto the couch and started to unfold the blanket you’d given him. “Night.”
You took a small step backwards. “If I don’t see you in the morning, good luck. With…you know, everything.”
He gave a small smile as he draped the blanket onto the couch cushions. “Thanks, doll.”
The sharp silence that followed those two words permeated the entire room. Bucky froze, unable to look over at you. You froze, unable to look anywhere but at him. The tension in his muscles came back tenfold as he tried to figure out how to walk himself out of the minefield he’d just stepped into. He took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before over at you.
“Sorry,” he said, although he wasn’t sure how much he meant it. “Force of habit. It’s been a while.”
You wished that you’d felt nothing when he said it, but there was still the flutter in your stomach at the sweetness, the familiarity of the pet name that he hadn’t been around to call you in far too long.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him. You pulled your arms a little tighter around yourself, like that would stop you from reaching out and doing something stupid that you’d be kicking yourself for later. “I get it.”
He could see the tension in your body, could practically feel the waves of it rolling off you. “You sure it’s alright that I’m here?”
You laughed, the sound tired but still a little amused at the question. Your arms dropped back to your sides. “Yes. God. Please, it’s fine. Don’t, don’t worry about it. I’d be more upset knowing you were going back to the tower.”
He laughed, muscles in his shoulders loosening. “Okay.”
You reached out, fingertips just barely grazing against his forearm. “Goodnight.”
The touch barely lasted for a second but he could’ve sworn that he felt the warmth from your fingertips spread throughout his whole body in that moment. You were already turned away from him and making your way to the bedroom. Off to be alone in a place the two of you spent so many nights sharing.
His body was moving faster than his brain as he stepped to go after you. He knew as he was doing it that it was a terrible idea from every angle but he couldn’t stop himself. You’d heard his footsteps, and you were turning around to see what he was that he needed. Your pause caused him to have to stop short, hardly a hair’s breadth between you. You were holding your breath in anticipation, waiting for whatever was coming next, Bucky’s eyes desperately searching yours.
He brought his hand up to your cheek, his palm rough but warm against your face. You sunk into his touch the same way one sinks into their bed at home after a long trip away. Your eyes fluttered shut but it didn’t stop the tears from welling and escaping onto your cheeks.
“Bucky…” even at a whisper your voice cracked with emotion as you said his name.
He waited for you to open your eyes, to look at him again. Your eyes were glassy, the tears that weren’t staining your cheeks clinging to your lashes. But you were beautiful. In that moment he couldn’t understand how or when it had all turned into such a mess. It seemed impossible that it had all fallen apart.
He was waiting for you to pull away as he leaned in, but you didn’t. You didn’t backpedal, didn’t try to push him away from you, didn’t ask him to stop or say it was a bad idea, even though he should’ve and it was. His lips caught yours for the first time in…he didn’t want to think about how long. When you kissed him back it felt like it erased all the months of distance and silence between you. Your hands rested on his chest and suddenly the mess disappeared.
Even when you came back up for air, your lips were still practically touching. Your nose brushed against his as you shook your head. “Bucky.”
He shut his eyes tight for a moment, knowing where this was going. “Don’t.”
A knot formed in the back of your throat. “But—”
“Please.” He brought his other hand up so that they were both cupping your face. It’d been a long time since the chill of the metal made you flinch. It still felt familiar, welcoming despite the circumstances. “Please.”
Another half-hearted protest was on the tip of your tongue but he kissed you again before you could get it out. It made your knees weak, the amount of desire that he was able to pack into one gesture, a gesture that didn’t last nearly long enough.
“I know,” he said with a tiny nod. He pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “But I’m askin’ anyway.”
You knew that you were going to give in from the start, but at least now you could lie to yourself if you had to—you could tell yourself that you at least tried to put up a little bit of a fight. Satisfied with that, you nodded as you leaned in and kissed him.
Relief coursed through him as he wrapped his arms around you. With no hesitation he turned and started to walk you back towards the couch, not taking his lips off yours as he did. His hands slipped up underneath the fabric of your shirt dragging and mapping out your skin like he was trying to feel for anything that had changed since he last had you like this. Your hands slid up his chest and neck, briefly running over the stubble that was coming in along his jaw, before they wound themselves into his hair. He leaned into you, deepening your kiss further at the sensation of your nails carding through his hair and raking along the top of his head.
He pulled out of the kiss, only doing so long enough to get your shirt off, and to allow you to do the same to him. They landed haphazardly on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. They no sooner hit the floor and Bucky had you lying flat on your back on the couch. Not even a second passed before he was on top of you, settled over you and in between your legs like he was always meant to be there. He kissed you with conviction as his hands ran over your stomach and chest. You moaned into his mouth at the sensation, missing the way that it felt when he touched you like this.
You felt the smooth metal of his Vibranium hand cupping the side of your face while his other hand trailed teasingly down your stomach towards the waistband of your shorts. You felt the whine building in the base of your throat before he even reached your core. The way you felt him smile into your kiss let you know that he knew it, too. You missed him too much and wanted him too badly to care about that.
The second you felt his fingers give a teasing graze over your center, you were bucking into his touch. You felt the shaky breath he took in, like there was still some part of him that was trying to exercise some self-control. It was too late for that now as far as you were concerned. He dragged his fingers along your folds, feeling how wet you already were for him. The thought of you still wanting him so badly had him pulling his lips off of yours so that he could litter your neck and chest in love-bites and marks that would be there long after this was over.
You arched into his touch, the feeling of his teeth along your skin. His hand that had been cupping your face now had a firm grip on your jaw, keeping your chin angled in a way that gave him the most access to the sensitive skin of your neck. You didn’t fight it, helpless to do anything but whine and pant, hands tugging at his hair so that you could feel the vibrations of his moans along the column of your throat.
If things had been different, you could’ve spent hours doing just this—just the touching and teasing. The game and the chase of it all. But the invisible clock that hung over the two of you was ticking, and reality was going to set back in sooner than you wanted. You wanted him one more time in earnest before you lost him again.
“Bucky,” you whimpered.
Then he was over you, looking down into your eyes. His expression was half-arousal, half-worry, like he thought this was going to be the moment when the other shoe dropped, when you decided that this was too bad of an idea to continue.
You pulled lightly down on his bottom lip with the pad of your thumb. “I wanna feel you inside me.”
Your words, the desperation in your voice, it nearly rendered Bucky a puddle on the floor. He couldn’t conjure up a single word to say, but he didn’t have to. Instead, he quickly pulled your shorts down your legs and tossed them off to the side. He felt the way you were pushing down on the waistband of his and the breathy laugh he let out only lasted for a moment before he realized you got them halfway down his thighs. You were too needy to wait any longer, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him into you.
Bucky lined himself up at your entrance, sliding in as you wound your legs tighter around him. Your lips crashed against his in a bruising kiss as you reveled in the sensation of him pushing into you. Your moaned and gasped into his mouth at the return of the familiar sensation, your nails clawing at his back because you had to get it out of you somehow.
He left a trail of kisses along your jaw up to your ear. His voice was low as he egged you on, coaxing more out of you as he started to thrust into you. He missed this, the way you felt, the way you sounded. He missed your moans and the way you said his name, the way you asked for more, harder, don’t stop, like he was a man who would ever tell you no. He missed telling you how good you feel, like you were made for him. He missed telling you how pretty you look when he’s fucking you.
He missed everything else, too, but for now this was what he could have. And he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.
Your legs were trembling around his waist and he knew that you were close. He wasn’t far behind you. He didn’t stand a chance from the start. Then your teeth sunk into the skin where his neck met his shoulder and the last of his resolve went out the window. His thrusts became harder, faster. His face was buried in the crook of your neck when you came, and he etched the way you cried out his name into his memory.
Even in your blissful daze, you could still feel that he was getting close. You felt the way his hips began to tense and stutter. You could also feel the way that has was trying to pull out. You were a pliant mess beneath him but you still had enough strength in you to grip onto his hips and pull him towards you.
He shook his head. “I—”
“Please,” you begged, words slurred with lust, “Jus’ wanna feel you again.”
The neediness in your tone and the pout of your lips did him in. He spilled into you, continuing to thrust until after he was spent. He collapsed on top of you, still buried inside you as he rested his head on your chest. Your heart was thumping at a rabbit’s pace against his cheek, and all he had it in him to do was close his eyes and soak it in.
Neither of you said anything as you tried to catch your breath. Bucky slid his arms underneath you, hands on your back as he kept himself pulled tight to you. You had one hand flat on Bucky’s back between his shoulder blades, the other toying idly with the messy locks of hair that you could reach.
This would usually be the time when one of you started the, “You okay?” conversation, but it felt like there was too much to unpack for that question now. Instead, Bucky tilted his head and looked up at you, giving a slight raise to his eyebrows. You got the hint giving a tiny nod to let him know that, given the circumstances of it all, right now you were fine if he was fine.
He relaxed then, letting his head drop back to your chest again. You settled back into the pillow that you’d originally brought out for him to use. Eventually, when you caught your breath, you’d head back to your own bedroom. But for now, there was comfort in the cramped quarters of the couch.
When you woke up the next morning, it was to the light coming through your living room windows. You let out a tiny groan, wiping at your eyes as you tried to register your surroundings. You were on the couch, blanket draped over you. Alone. And that’s when the night before rushed back over you all at once.
Sitting up, you looked around the apartment. Your clothes were folded and left neatly on the coffee table, but Bucky’s were nowhere to be found. Glancing over to the kitchen, you saw the two coffee mugs from the night before washed and left to dry in the drainboard. Then you looked down at the floor beside you and noticed that Bucky’s backpack was gone. Just like him.
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(divider by @silkholland 💞)
MCU Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added to any of my taglists!): @garbinge @artemiseamoon @late-to-the-party-81 @beardburnsupersoldiers @blackhawkfanatic
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francixoxoxo · 3 months
With You On These Beaches
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Pardon my shilling self promotion but I write on ao3!!!! And I want to share a snippet of my Finnick one shot here so here is a snippet, full fic is here!!!
Desc; Finnick Odair teaches you spear fishing to get bad memories off his mind xo
”It’s time you taught me.” You blurted, desperate to find something to distract Finnick from his thoughts. You knew that he would whisper them to you later, in the comfort of your dark bedroom, when his poetic self had found the proper words. But now he needed a distraction, or he’d fall into a pit that needed more than assuring hugs and murmurings for you to pull him out of.
He furrowed his brows, looking up at you with confusion in his sea-green eyes. “What?”
”You said you’d teach me spear fishing. It’s about time.” You reminded him. Even though up until now you were hoping he’d forget about his determination to teach you. Not that he had, but he figured you were happier with your sun-bathing and swimming.
”You want to fish?” An amused, charming smile cracked out across his lips, but it didn’t reach his eyes like it usually did. “I thought you didn’t even wanna touch one, sweetheart?”
You huffed in mock-offense, crossing your arms. “I never said that! I’m perfectly fine with touching a fish.” You were in fact not fine with touching a fish. The thought of their slimy scales, unblinking eyes and the way they’d flop around— ugh, it irked you so bad you got a chill thinking about it. But the prospect of teaching you anything brought some life back into his eyes, if not a little shine of humor.
”You’re sure?” Finnick cocked an eyebrow.
”Positive.” You hummed, taking the spear from his grip without any protest from him. He just smiled softly at you, raising the other brow. You lifted the spear a bit, the butt end of it above your ear.
“Alright, sweet thing.” He shrugged. He gently grabbed your forearm, lifting the spear higher. He adjusted your fingers around the pole, and pushed your shoulder back. His warm, large hands moving over your bare skin sent a familiar tingle through your nerves, warming your body from head to toe. “You just throw it down like you’re pounding your fist on a table— Hey, hey, not at my feet, baby, unless you wanna carry me home.” The words bubbled from his lips in a breathy laugh as you tried aiming the spear, and he put his hands on your ribs to turn your upper body a little.
”Oh, you’re too heavy. I’d have to leave you here.” You mumbled and grinned to yourself, practicing the motion of throwing down the spear but not letting it go. Finnick shook his head beside you, another chuckle rumbling from his chest.
”Are you calling me fat?” He gasped, raising his brows in mock offense. The way you tossed your head back and laughed, the sound clear and bright as church bells, it brought a genuine smile to his lips. It filled his chest with a funny and sweet cocktail of pride, from knowing he was just about the only man who could make you laugh so hard, and appreciation, from the constant warmth that laugh had filled his life with. He just admired everything about you. The knowledge that you loved him and he loved you back was enough to make him sigh happily, chest dangerously tight with giddiness.
“I’ll throw down the net for you, and then you just toss that spear down. Got it?” Finnick hummed, watching you practice plunging the spear into the wet sand underwater. “You gotta be patient, but t’s simple.”
You nodded, wiggling the spear out of the packed sand and holding it above your ear. “Got it.”
you could see fish swimming through the long grass jutting out of the shallow water, their movements and the wind blowing the fronds rhythmically. Maybe you were spacing out, but in your defense it wasn’t exactly the most thrilling activity. But Finnick enjoyed it, for whatever reason. Your eyes drifted to him, the concentration in his eyes was palpable. His brows were pinched, lips tugging into a focused pout. So what? Maybe the only way you realized he caught a fish in the net was the way his face opened up, eyes brightening and perfect lips parting to exclaim, “Go go go, throw it!”
You scrambled to follow his instructions, more so dropping the spear than throwing it. When you lifted it, the lucky fish swam away. “Shit. Sorry.” You huffed, watching the creature as it swam back into the fronds of seagrass and reeds.
”What’re you sorry for, sweet thing? It’s your first time.” Finnick reaches out to lightly pinch your chin between the side of his pointer finger and his thumb. He tilts your face away from the water, making you look at him as he rubs his thumb over your cheek. You couldn’t help a smile cracking across your lips, knowing the touch was for his comfort more than yours…
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xbunny-k · 2 years
The Actor & I: PART TWENTY-SIX – Remember The Whole “We’re Friends And Co-Workers” Mantra
SORRY FOR THE DELAY! i had some work drama and was offline for personal stuff 🥴
This is part TWENTY SIX of a very long, SLOW BURN series on Austin Butler and a Production Assistant on set of Elvis (2022).
Masterlist here!
Anything italicized is main character’s thoughts!
Warnings: Possessiveness, smidge of misogyny, Smut, Fluff, eventual Spoilers for Elvis (2022), language (If i missed anything, please comment so i can add!)
Tags: @manddor @pumkiinpasties​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @karamelcoveredolicity @butlerstyles @feral4austinbutler @mirandastuckinthe80s @emilykolchivans @atombombbibunny @francescababy @starry-night-20 @yeetfack-blog @milaa24 @londonalozzy @xo-aurora @chaoticbilly @mamaspresley @sageskywalker @cryingabtab @readerloverlevy @jakiki94 @dancer4j @lolllasblog (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
Please, if you like this, share it, comment, like it and enjoy xx
Austin looks at Catherine and then looks at me. His gaze is friendly, but I’m still on edge. Ana, you have straddled him. Felt him harden underneath you… He said he wanted to fuck you senseless. I blush as I think back to our encounters, but quickly try to hide it.
Ana, it’s okay. That was in the past. You’re friends and colleagues now. That’s it. I discuss with Catherine and Austin which look to try on first and Austin seems most excited for an iconic white Vegas era Elvis jumpsuit. This seems to be one Catherine is most excited about too. I pull it carefully off the rack, but before I can even get the piece off the hanger, Catherine says to Austin, “Well it’s time to get undressed before we get this on you.”
Austin lets out a nervous chuckle and looks at me. I try to give him a look to signal can you make it less obvious we have some weird chemistry, but it seems to not land. He bites down on his bottom lip as he pulls his shirt over his head…
My god, why does he get to look like that? His tanned chest is exposed and I just want to drop the costume, run over and jump on him. He’s so toned and hot. How am I supposed to keep it together? Austin locks eyes with me and his eyes darken. He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he starts to pull his pants down.
Ana, just look away or something, my god. I start to mess with the jumpsuit and taking it off the hanger and when I look back up, Austin is just in some black briefs. Fuck me. He is so sexy. I wish I could lay him down and put my head between his…
Before I can finish my thought, I snap myself out of it and walk over to him with the jumpsuit. Baz comes in before Catherine and I can start to help Austin into the costume and asks for Catherine to come look at something. She looks at me and I just say, “I got it, don’t worry! If we need you, you’ll hear me yell for you.” I smile at her and she rubs my shoulder before walking out.
Great, now you’re alone with Austin and he’s only wearing underwear. Why did you do this to yourself? I look at Austin and he smiles an evil looking smile at me. Like he knows he won the battle or something.
“Alright, Mr. Butler, shall we make you into Elvis,” I ask as I smile at him. Good, try to keep it professional, Ana. He takes in a deep breath and jogs in place for a few seconds and then says, “Let’s do this, Anastasia.” I put the legs of the jumpsuit down so he can start to step into it and I guide his legs into each leg of the jumpsuit. As I’m helping him pull the legs up, he’s holding the top half of the jumpsuit. The jumpsuit is a tight fit and before we can get his arms into each arm of the suit, the legs are getting bunched up and twisting the torso area. I go to fix it and have to twist the leather on the thighs of each leg.
’m bent down adjusting the right leg first, twisting with both my hands the leather so it centers on his leg. I move to the left leg next and have both my hands on Austin’s left thigh and I look up at him to make sure he’s doing okay. His eyes are fixated on me, dark and he’s biting down on his bottom lip.
Well, this isn’t an ideal, friendly position now, is it? I try my hardest not to blush, but as I look down from his eyes, I realize Austin must also be noticing how unfriendly this position is. You can see the outline of Austin’s dick in the jumpsuit. My face is mere inches from his growing erection, and I can’t help but blush at the sight of it.
God, I just want to take this jumpsuit down and take him in my mouth. Feel the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat.
I look back up at him while still rubbing the fabric to move it on his thigh and he lets out a soft groan. Fuck.
I realize the jumpsuit is perfectly aligned and I release his leg as I stand up to help him into the top half of the costume. I’m behind him and guiding Austin’s arms into the costume and once he has both arms in, I come in front of him to help button it up. He’s looking at me with his darkened, blue eyes and his teeth still sinking into his bottom lip.
He grabs both my arms as I have them both fixing the chest of the costume. I can feel his growing erection on my stomach as I’m pressed against him. “Austin, I…,” I start to say, but Catherine interrupts me by saying, “Oh wow, Austin… this looks incredible. I… I’m speechless at how good you look and this is just a test costume.” I back up and Austin lets go of both my arms. His expression is disappointment, but then I see him beam as he turns around to look in the full-length mirror.
Catherine is adjusting the fit in a few places and I see her react subtly to something. I realize what she sees as I look at Austin in the mirror. Well maybe she’ll think he’s just cocky…ya know into himself in this look. I giggle softly and hope she didn’t hear me. Austin glares at me in the mirror so I know he heard me. Oops.
I decide to break the ice and say, “Austin, you look so great. Catherine, do you need any pins or need me to take any adjustment notes?” I smile at her and she looks at me in the mirror, “Ana, yes dear, that would be great. But first, Austin, do you wanna go show Baz and co?” She smiles at him, and Austin looks thrilled. He looks so happy. I love seeing him like this. I grab Austin some slides to put on quickly, which doesn’t compliment the look well, but better than the sneakers he was wearing as they’re easy on and off.
As soon as Austin walks out to where Baz is, Baz whistles and starts clapping. He looks so excited, and I’m just so elated to be here for this amazing moment. I always wanted to work on movies and Baz was a director who got me into movies. It feels like a full circle moment in my life and then I look at Austin.
My heart just feels so full looking at how happy he is. I haven’t known him long, but he just seems like such a good soul, and this is such a big moment for him. I clap alongside the Baz and the rest of the team. Austin looks a little embarrassed and Baz pulls him into a hug.
Almost an hour goes by with note taking, Austin and Baz working on some movements and other odds and ends in this costume before Catherine is ready for Austin to try on a simple suit that’s worn open, no shirt and a scarf to finish it all off. I’ve seen pictures of this exact look in one of the reference books we put together with Catherine’s team and it’s extremely sexy.
Catherine helps Austin get out of the jumpsuit and I put it back on a hanger on the rack as she helps him into the new look. I help with the scarf and as I’m tying around Austin’s neck, I blush a bit as I take him in this new look. He looks damn good; it’s not helping me remember the whole “we’re friends and co-workers” mantra I’ve been trying to keep in mind all day. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and as Austin is looking in the mirror, he looks over at me and whispers, “Stop that, Anastasia.” He follows Catherine out to show Baz and the crew the costume and he looks back at me with darkened eyes.
After the team sees Austin in this look, the team decides to wrap up for the night as it’s almost 8 PM. Austin changes pretty quickly and I put the suit back on the rack. I work with Catherine to organize the fitting room so it’s ready for the morning. Everyone heads out, but I stay behind to clean up any trash and organize a bit. As I lock up and head out to my car, I see Austin leaning against my car.
Great. Seems like it’ll be easy for me to get out of here and home to decompress after seeing this guy half naked all day.
I walk up to my car without saying anything and he says, “Well, fancy meeting you here.” I glare up at him and want to roll my eyes, but I burst out laughing. “Austin, how old are you? 84,” I giggle up at him. He laughs and I lean against my car with him. “So how do you feel? You looked so perfect in those costumes…,” I say quietly.
He looks over at me and I smile as I say, “Like Aus, I barely know you, but I’m just so proud of you and really just honored to be in the background of this experience. It already just feels…so important and I know you and Baz are just going to make it the best.” He lets out a breath it felt like he was holding and he moves his fingers into mine as he whispers, “Anastasia, I’m just so nervous… I don’t want to let anyone down.”
I move to stand in front of him and look him in the eyes as I say, “Aus, you aren’t going to let anyone down. Stop putting that pressure on yourself. You’re going to kill it, I can already feel it.” He grabs my hips and pulls me into him. Fuck, he’s so hot… I quickly react and out my hand out on his chest to stop him from completely pulling me in.
I look at him and whisper, “Friends, Austin. We’re just friends and we have to act like friends. I can’t handle the back and forth, I’m serious.” I look down so I’m not looking at him as I’m scared I’ll change my mind looking into his icy blue eyes.
He grabs my chin and pulls it up so I’m looking at him. Fuck, this is bad, I just want to jump into his arms and kiss him. “Anastasia, I’m sorry… I just feel so connected to you. You always say exactly what I need to hear but keep me on my toes at the same time…,” he says and he scratches the back of his head. He looks back at me and whispers, “It’s so hard to just be friends with you… I mean… you saw.” I blush immediately thinking of his hardening dick inches away from my face in that jumpsuit.
I giggle and look at him as I say, “It’s not easy for me, but you’re the one who said nothing can happen. You have to stop saying things like that or stop acting like this with me.”
He sighs, but before he can say anything, I hear his phone buzzing from his pocket. Saved by the bell… He pulls it out and says, “I’m sorry, it’s my dad, I have to take it or he’ll just keep calling.” I giggle and say, “I have to get home anyway, it’s late. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Presley.”
He pulls me into a hug and kisses the side of my head. Oh fuck, my whole body…is just… I… Before I can have a complete meltdown, Austin answers his phone and watches me get into my car and closes the door for me. He waves at me and it seems like he’s waiting for me to drive away before getting into his car…
I’m gonna need to start keeping a mental list of his boyfriend behaviors… This is just… a lot.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Well, it's rainy outside and kind of cold and that means it's time for some uplifting picspam. So here are some pictures of Kavan Smith that make me think of Stargate fic ideas or AUs and stuff.
Let's start with this one. Evan Lorne (sporting his trademark 'hands on my hips and looking a bit stern' stance - which, surprise! I love) learns that even when he's not on Atlantis - when he's taking some leave in a quiet cabin! - he's still going to have to mobilize his whole 'seriously?' look . Because he signed up for a quiet week away from water and nonsense, and what has shown up on the doorstep of his rented cabin? Some nonsense. It involves General O'Neill, who wants to talk about fishing. "There aren't any lakes nearby, sir," Lorne tells him. Jack just waves that away. Fishing is a state of mind. Also, he needs to hide out for a while. He's sure Lorne understands (Lorne does not).
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Wait, wait. Or what about if this is an AU where Evan Lorne (not in the USAF) is staying in his family cabin after...I don't know some kind of shock...and one morning there's this guy bleeding all over his porch, and he looks like he's been through the wars (but what wars?) and needs some help even though he's remarkably close-mouthed about how he got in this state (bloody, bruised, one arm hanging weird, etc) and after Evan's cleaned him up a bit and put that arm in a sling and given him some water, the guy pushes himself up from a chair, and sways on his feet a bit and says, "Thanks, I'm just gonna--" and he waves in the direction of the door and Evan pulls out the hands-on-hips-stern look and is like, "Nope." And the guy looks like he's going try it anyway, even though he can barely stand. Evan puts The Look into full force, and the guy sits back down. Later, when he's passed out on Evan's couch, Evan looks through his coat pockets (bloody coat) and finds some kind of ID that says Sheppard, John, with a logo he doesn't recognize. It's going to be interesting when the guy wakes up.
This one says 'Evan Lorne werewolf AU' to me. Just a werewolf who likes to hang around with his arms crossed, looking intense and thinking about chasing things down. Maybe he's in the SGC. Maybe he isn't. Maybe he lives in a little town on the edge of a massive forest, a quiet and unremarkable life (except for the whole claws/fangs/wolfy thing, but still, it's quiet) until one day he finds some dude half-dead on the edge of the forest, and whelp, there I go again thinking about the whole 'isolated werewolf/guy running from his terrible past understated romance' thing.
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This one is just dirtbag!Lorne and that's all there is to it, and I thank @dedkake for making it. Also, tongue blep is appealing.
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Post-Atlantis, Lorne is having a rough go of it and is taking some leave time. He's at a loss. Who is he when he's not XO to the least predictable CO in two galaxies? It's a big adjustment. So he's trying out cooking and romantic dinners and the like, and also the whole beard thing. He's not sure it's working for him. Though he does like the plaid. It's comfortable. It's cozy. And Rodney will eat anything Evan puts in front of his face.
(A couple of weeks later, Evan says, "I'm going to shave," and, "I got a call from the SGC." And Rodney is glad, because Evan's cooking is great, it really is, but Rodney can't just eat all day long, he's got work to do).
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This one makes me think of farmers' market AU. Every time. He looks so young. Fresh-faced! Like a farmer or a painter, or guy who likes to be outside all the time, wearing sensible shirts and smouldering a little.
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This one is small but amazing. He looks like a smouldering spy or maybe a devious corporate dude or something. I don't know. AU where Evan Lorne doesn't go into the military but instead gets recruited by the CIA or whatever, and has the cover of corporate mogul in some kind of energy-generating company that allows him to travel around the world easily and also hook up with guys like Radek Zelenka on joint US-EU missions, and then one time they meet up with Rodney McKay (PhD, PhD; CSIS operative) and there are some shenanigans and Elizabeth Weir is their slick diplomat contact. Look, I don't know anything about how the CIA and CSIS work, but it's fun to think about some spy hijinks and like, nice suits and stuff.
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Also, bonus image not of Kavan Smith - Radek Zelenka, EU partner in superspy AU. Looking very slick there, Radek!! I like it. (This stance says, "Are you looking for some fun, CIA superspy Evan Lorne?" The answer, of course, is yes.)
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(I don't even know where I found most of these images, so if I missed crediting you for something, please let me know and I'll add it).
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ladyeglantine · 2 years
-23- Three Years
Part of No Shepard without Vakarian, collection of Shakarian ficlets on AO3.
There had always been something soothing about the quiet hum of a ship at night, close to end of shift. Which is why Shepard had welcomed the ping from Garrus to hang out in the Starboard Observation lounge while she finished up reports. An unofficial date night.
The door opened and she immediately saw the back of Garrus’ head, framed by the inky sky dotted with stars outside. He turned at her arrival, smiling. “You made it.”
“Consult with Hackett and Anderson went long.” Shepard snaked around the couch. “Already claimed your spot, I see.”
“Comfiest with the best view.” He patted the space beside him. “But I’m more than willing to share.”
“How kind,” she said, readily taking her seat, bumping his shoulder as she sat.
“I try.” He set his datapad aside. “So how did your conversation with our newly-awoken Prothean go?”
Shepard let out a short laugh, not sure where or how to start. “It was…a lot to take in. He’s not what I expected.”
“To be fair, none of us really would know. Except Liara. Take it she’s living down there now?”
“No, she’s actually giving him space, recognized he needs time to adjust. She was pretty restrained all things considered. Think she’s taking it all in too.” 
Shepard glanced down at her own datapad with a frown, wishing she could will a report into existence. “Now I’ve just got to document it all.”
Unlike a lot of officers, she really didn’t mind filling out reports; templates made it all the easier. Shepard kept up logs even when Pressly as her XO would file reports, even when taking down the Collectors and she had no one to send reports to (no way was she going to send anything to the Illusive Man, that was all done by Miranda). It gave her a chance to collect her thoughts and reflect before plugging everything into the template. Her own version of journaling. But fatigue was beginning to hit her now she was finally off her feet. It’d been a long day, and they were only going to get longer. 
Glancing over at Garrus, she asked, “What are you working on?”
“Scanning through troop deployment reports across the turian colonies. See where we might need to shore up support. But we’re already stretched thin.”
“Which means more tough calls,” she finished for him.
“Yeah. And I expect them to get tougher the longer this goes.”
At hearing his own exhaustion, she lay a hand over his arm. “Let me know if you need a sounding board.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thanks.” His eyes then began to analyze her face. “You ok? Seeing those soldiers back on Eden Prime…”
Her eyes closed, pushing back the pain from seeing them gunned down in a home, the torn yellow blanket on the floor that clearly belonged to a child briefly choking her up. As much as Shepard had moved on from what happened, the lingering memories of Mindoir would never fully leave her.
“Just hard to see. But we made Cerberus pay,” she said, taking some pleasure at aiding the resistance force, helping to push Cerberus out of the colony. Hopefully for good.
He nodded, squeezing her hand again. “We did.”
Shooting him a smile, Shepard pulled away, knowing she needed to get this report done before she forgot anything, or the next crisis hit. Whichever came first.
But that didn’t mean they were no less pressed against each other, her head on his shoulder, thankful he’d changed into his casuals instead of staying in armor. She normally had classical music playing while writing and reading reports, but the sound of Garrus’ breathing and hum of the Normandy was enough to work to.
As Shepard finished her draft, she began to skim it over for anything she missed, struck by one detail.
“Still hard to believe it…”
The sound of talons clicking against datapad ceased. “Hard to believe what?”
Shepard took in the stars sailing past, the sight less unnerving compared to when she was first revived. Progress. “That it’s been over three years since this all started.”
She was about to add it feeling like a lifetime ago. But technically it had. Her old life ended with Saren and the geth and the Reapers, in every sense of the word.
“It’s funny. Joker and I both said there was more to Eden Prime than Anderson was telling us. Damn if that wasn’t true. Just never expected anything like this.”
“Me either. I knew whatever Saren was hiding was big. Never imagined anything like the Reapers.”
“Yeah…” she replied, not sure what else to say that wouldn’t lead to a heavy conversation. And they both needed a break from heavy.
As if Garrus could sense what she was thinking, he grabbed her datapad and placed it beside his. “But this also means it’s been over three years since we met.” His arm journeyed to her waist, pulling her even closer. “I’ll never forget that day.”
“Me either.” She wrapped an arm around him in turn. “One of the few good things to come out of this.”
How true that was. As shitty and hopeless a situation fighting the Reapers could feel in the darker moments, the people and crew she met along the way, the ones she could call family…on that, she could have no regrets.
Shepard brushed her brow against his. She relished in that short contact, the warmth of his plates on her skin, how it momentarily lifted the weight off her shoulders. “Even back then, I knew you were someone I wanted at my six.”
“Even when you were chewing me out for being reckless?”
“Oh, God…” She buried her face in her hand. “I was so straight-laced back then.”
“Then?” he asked, amused.
Shepard swatted his arm. “More straight-laced.” Her by the book mentality seemed to have left itself somewhere between Udina grounding them from going to Ilos and the Alliance thinking she was a Cerberus traitor. “Surprised you put up with me scolding you like that.”
He shrugged. “Not like I didn’t deserve it at times. Besides…” His mandibles and mouth shifted in a sly grin. “You’re sexy when you assert your authority.”
“Yeah?” She intentionally ran her fingers over the hide at the back of his neck in circles, earning her a pleased groan. “Tell me more.”
He clasped her wrist. “Not sure that’s the best use of our time.”
Catching the hint, Shepard climbed onto his lap, only taking the briefest of moments to steady herself before kissing him.
Editing could wait.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
January 2007
January 2, 2007
tiny hope armies fight inside my heart just outside of the greenzone of my head.you cant imagine the things i would do for you.
- xo
January 2, 2007
“start it off with a bang”
everything we do is watched and recorded, so lets try finding some new exits and new ways to time it all at. give them something real. not the way it was going last year. i mean somehing bigger and brighter than me and you.
January 2, 2007
“theres a world outside of my front door that gets off on being down”
we watched scenes from an upcoming movie the other day- they wanted to see if we were inspired to write. i never thought there was any part of anything else that made sense with fall out boy. but the character of this movie is as close as it seems to come. it inspired me. we wrote and recorded one new song in new york tentatively called 'i dont think you know who i think i am'. it strange cause it sits apart from all of the other songs in so many ways in my head. its about taking this thing we are in apart. this band and these songs we sing. whether your image is an angelic patrick that could sing anything to you, to the way andy and joe dont get enough attention, to the way i am one of the most conflicted manic people i know- you love to hate, sometimes you hate to love. but at the end its trying to make sense of this. are we really trying to feel better? am i really trying to feel better? what would i have with out this? who am i? why should i be answering anyones questions or signing a piece of paper from anyone- what have i ever done to deserve that. i am not an heir. i am not special. and i dont mean this in a self depricating way at all. our band is bigger than us simply because people have believed in it. there were so many highs and so many lows from the last year. so many rumors, so much truth. my head is back in the game. we are playing this tour to re-meet people. there wont be any pyro or cool outfits on it- just us and you and the songs. anyway, hope this can be about that again. we'll be playing some new songs and some really old ones. sorry ive been out of touch, had some strange whisperings in my ear- ive been writing everything i really feel into a real journal and into the new songs and just cant wait to get on the road. anyway, thanks for sticking in there- if youre reading this and are- and if not hope i/we get the chance to prove you wrong."we only wanted to sing you to sleep through bedroom speakers- we need umbrellas on the inside, get me right"....
January 8, 2007
how ive been feeling is sunsets everywhere.he went into the snow for the first time today.it was like watching them land on the moon.everything i write is just history from my perspective-a bit off of how it really went.giving up from the heels of my shoes all the way to the beating in my chest."are you in or out?"talk some sense into meim reeling from the altitude and from not being able to get through.the truth is strange and chaotic. nothing hurts quite like it.but i am addicted to it."ive got a big big mess on my hands " (youll know what im talking about soon).happy people find happiness in the gutter.if you are unhappy it doesnt matter how many zeros are added to your bank account. you will find unhappiness.i find that its alot easier to find faith than to lose it.though there is always a singer, preacher or doctor who acts like they are the lost and found bin for faith.when i think about you i want to be subtracted down to a particle that runs through your veins.i want to run through your body.sprint.i want to make you dizzy.i want to give you headaches.i want to be a part of what you need to get by.were just like a movie based on a book-almost. but not quite as good.i feel shut out in the cold.in my head only.its dark and my eyes have not adjusted yet.brand new boy, brand new year.i want someone or something to believe in.
January 8, 2007
i wish i was as invisible as you make me feel.
- xo
1/08/07 Q&A
what made you guys decide to wear shirts with each others names on them? i found that strangely amuzing… haha
everyone wants to be someone they are not.
Wont it be so cool when you go to your class of — reunion? Super bragging rights, brah. You think youll ever have one of those?
i cant imagine myself going. i didnt like highschool very much and didnt feel like i fit in- most of the time i thought id be dead before i ever got out. so going back probably wouldnt be that much fun.
when i first heard carpel tunnel of love i was really sketchy about if i liked it. i was into the punk thing and this record seems to be more like soul sounding. then i heard thriller and the lyrics are brillant. people on the boards were saying i like pete cause he was writing lyrics i can relate to but somehow i felt related to the thriller lyrics. oh and ctofl grew on me. its amazing to put on an old record then listen to a new song and just listen to how much patricks vocals have grown. thank you for writing such amazing music still to this day after all the shit talking.
i will tell patrick. thanks. i am worried about people reading the lyrics to the new songs. i didnt want to repeat ttyg or fuct again. i went to a new place. its different. new metaphors- much more tongue in cheek stuff. also, there are far more literary references. i am glad you connected with that song. our label told us we should dumb the lyrics down so it would be more appealing to a wider audience. but thats not really our thing. so i can only hope that you catch on to a song or two.
does hemmingway really not do pictures? thats what charlie said…i beg to differ.
charlie got demoted from security to dogwalker and hem is now head of security.
January 10, 2007
"noone cares about the man in the box"
they put us up in fancy hotels in the downtowns of every city.i think because downtowns are dead at night and i am supposed to be kept out of trouble.so me and him go on walks in between the midnight buildings.breath in the air, hands in the pockets.we walk and i talk to him and to noone.i tell him all of the ideas too stupid to tell the rest of the world.he listens or doesnt listen, i cant really tell most of the time.i am a bad talker. he is a bad walker.some how it all adds up.the ghosts of everything follow us everywhere.none of us can escape them.i have the same dream pretty much once a week:i am walking him in the dark and am mugged. i get shot and am robbed. as i lay there dying i watch him standing there with a leash with noone to hold it.the dream book says its trust issues.i am thinking more of a fascination with armed robbery,sweat and tears pretty much have the same chemical make up.we burn the weight off somehow.i dont have the heart of a fighter.i dont know how to throw a punch.i will lose 9 out of 10 fights i get into.but ill stand with my friends against anybody.win or lose.maybe we should not make it through the night.i like thinking about kissing you in the dirt and rolling across front yards.dont have much heart for exloves.thank god for the ignore button on the phone.watched the prestige again tonight.i am half a man, living half a life.i am homesick.
January 10, 2007
there is one person on this planet that i would love to lay on a curb with and count on the stars. its too bad you are asleep.
- xo
January 11, 2007
"ive got that lefty curse, where everything i do is flipped and awkwardly reversed..."
im tired of the safety of failure.i am a glass and i am dying to be filled with anything.at least thats how i feel late at night.sometimes i just want to call anyone and apologize.i had a spark,but i blue it out.i wrote your name out,just to see if it still felt natural.original.pressed it in my favorite book-to see if it might catch some luck.oasis- wonderwall.i think i was born inside out,or just kind of skipped into it.everyday i meet someone new-who doesnt get me.its this strange social nuance.sometimes i feel like my pilot light has gone out,but i always wake up in the morning anyway."you say you disturb meand you dont deserve me.but you know sometimes you lie.you say your shakinand your always achin,but you know how hard you try.sometimes it gets so hard to care,it cant be this way everywhere.im just gonna let you pass,yes, and ill go last..."
January 12, 2007
only fools rush in...
There was a moment when the last good part of me died.It was not angry or rebellious.It was not mean spirited.It was not even dramatic.It kind of just coughed, sputtered and then died in its sleep.A collective effort in giving up.Cursed.If anyone ever really knew me, they'd string me up and leave me as a sign of what not to become.How not to turn out.My head in my hands with my fingers tight over my eyes pretending that none of this is happening.The volume is loud but the screen isn't on. Just so noone can hear me thinking.There isn't a goddamned thing that sparkles in my eyes anymore. There isn't magic in there.Can't even put a sentence together.My chest feels full of sulfur and ash.I can't stop shaking.Who can I call? Hurt the ones you love. Love the ones you hurt.Funny thing about how it all works out. When I saw you lying there blood spilled slipping and sliding in that bathtub I knew how I loved you. I saw you without makeup. Without your hair perfect. Without the words you bend to make me see you a certain way. I saw you alone and scared and knew I had to be careful with how I held you. Hope is a fragile thing. But it sticks in the back of your head. It pulses through your legs and can make you run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I knew I had to meet you in an aisle on a sunday morning. I knew I had to wake up to the biggest eyes I have ever seen for the rest of my life.And its just not real.Its shadows of life.Daydreams of love.They beg for an inch and take a mile.We all become parodies of ourselves.If you looked inside you'd see artifacts that'd proved I once gave a fuck.There is a reason my real smile doesn't show up too much anymore.There is a name for it.'Fuck your futures'.
1/15/07 Q&A
i guess im 2 young 2 understand, but i hardly understand any of ur lyrics…am i just stupid or what??? its just hard 2 listen 2 ur songs if i dont understand the lyrics 2 try and relate 2 them…take this 2 ur grave is one of my fave records by u guys and those lyrics i can understand ok, i guess…but these new ones just plain confuse me and im not gonna try and act cool like i get them when i dont. i know u probably wont answer this because it makes it sound like ppl dont get ur lyrics, but hey i gave it a try.
i dont expect people to get the words really. i dont want to rewrite the same ones over and over again… i am at a different point in my life now as are alot of people who got tttyg, i am sure. i would love people to be able to connect with the words and have them mean something to them. but again, were not gonna dumb them down. we want to write about the things that move us.
I am super depressed now expecially since my brother is going to prison for something he didnt do but my family says I depend on music too much, what do you guys do if your depressed??
I dont really think you can rely on music too much. it wont leave you or stop talking to you. or give up on you. its what i do.
January 18, 2007
the truth is even if im shining, im just old light beamed out ages ago.
i have been typecast.a square peg forever trying to squeeze into round holes.you drink to forget,i write so i never will.cursed myself down and out for all time.i am always leaving you high and dry.i am always leaving you out in the cold.because i am regular.minus all of this.dont try and argue with manics.its not worth your breath.something about this year has got me crawling back inside my shell.its ok to breakdown.its ok to get out of your mind.dont sleep or eat for days on end- im forgetful when it comes to comfort and consistency. sometimes i am just letting you shine.even with all the greens and honey in these eyes.growing up became growing old.ive learned to keep myself quiet.to be a stow away in this life.to not make waves but sometimes scream and fight over nothing so great at all.ive been paranoid that friends would kill me,i know ive thought of killing some of then.maybe only in my head."You are my sweetest downfallI loved you firstBeneath the stars came fallin' on our headsBut they're just old light, they're just old light"everyone is always acting like there shit doesnt stink.mine does even when im pretending.the sun is coming up.the truth about lonliness is yr only as good as the company you keep.everyone is forever saying 'i miss the way things were' and missing old versions of eachother.were still here. all of us.brush your finger tips on my eyelids like you did in the glory days.i promise ill make it back.you are all too sweet.and i dont deserve it.i never did.sorry for calling in sick on everyone.
January 19, 2007
"I had a dream that I was in mexico and I woke up with pesos in my hand."
No news is good news.Seriously.Magazine articles try to steal the good times, the best days away.These writers are obsessive and manipulative.How do I know that? Because I am too.I think anyone that observes and writes is.Its very self-serving.It means you never have to really live or adventure outside of your own head.So I withdraw.Don't take it as anything more than that.I keep writing and keep talking but to you instead.North carolina reminds me of last year-Cashing a smile I saved back then, for a rainy day.Its pouring.But I've got a smirk.Be well.And ill try to also.
January 23, 2007
i make my guesses against star that are probably just burned out.fistfight the keyboard when i think of how i turned out.
- xo
January 23, 2007
if you gave me a course i am sure i could find a way to come off of it
he says "whats the point in starting drinking at 2am"another writes "i like looking at the bullet holes, i want to live there..."i realized what i was dreading. i dont think peopleare able to connect and relate to what i am looking for on our record. not disappointed in anyways about sales- patricks voice more than anything makes up for that. more disappointed in the feeling completely alone. rubble.writing got you in, no point in writing yourself out.ill see you in the morning with a fres perspective i hope.#your accesnts almost make up for feeling homesick.
January 23, 2007
ive adapted and evolved.
ive become only quite versatile and proficient and talking my way out of the worst.the only words we write and sing are tongue in cheek. they are exploring. they are laughing. they are in on the joke.the widow is not a widow but an idea in a man that i hates head.the carcrash heart is slogan wed put on a tshirt and sell in a mall. the trial is fred hampton jr. but as a metaphor.and so on.i hate unpacking. but i feel intrigued to do so after hearing you tell me how much you can and cant picture. i wont take it all apart. just to know there is something there to be taken apart.
January 25, 2007
you make me weak in the knees.life as of late: "usually i like to get kissed before i feel fucked".
- xo
January 25, 2007
trying to slip through the cracks
dylan went electric. so did we.but in my head kind of only.nobody cared.its hard being careless, even harder to be carefree.i fight walls in hotel rooms more than i have ever slept next to someone in them.tricking yourself into thinking you matter enough for someone to remember to forget you is the best kind of magic of all.it is fast and hard.ive seen yr world. ive breathed in it and written of it.i dont care for it though.i dont read your reviews or your clippings anymore.i try not to obsess over obsession.im lonely but like a cigarette. im always being smoked. put to mouths and then put out.my mouth moves faster than my head ever could and lets not even speak of the words at my finger tips.they are never thought through.they just come and come.like light under the door.sometimes poets speak with their fists.trying to write my way out of everything.it was simple to write "wouldnt piss to put you out" and "kiss her, kiss her".its a bit harder to mean anything to myself.its a shame that the days that are glorified are the ones i just wish would fade.sleep on a curb. wake up with a smile.dream of sometime better.
1/25/07 Q&A
(Disclaimer: This is a legit question.) I was listening to the new record (dont worry, I pre-ordered it anyway) and found myself thinking about where I was in my life 3 or 4 years ago listening to an unknown band that was my backpocket secret. It got me to thinking about where you were back then, so I browsed through some old school fbr journal pages. The strange thing was that I found a LOT of lyrics off of IOH in entries from 2 or 3 years ago. Some of them were actually verbatim from these entries. Did you look through them yourself and find old memories to in fact be current feelings? Im just wondering because youve been saying that you took the lyrics to a totally different place this time because YOU are in a totally different place, but this timeline seems to beg to differ.
i obsess over words. i only write an okay line like every once in awhile. i guess i would put it closer to growth spurts. maybe i just feel like noone is going to get what i am saying so i am just cutting everyone off at the pass, you know? i really hope that they mean something to someone. i get a bit tripped up and confused by nostalgia and love.
pete how was your childhood life like? and how are you doing?
really good and suburban and boring. i am so-so. thanks for asking.
hey did you like my scrapbook. I am going to write you everyday for a year (till i receive the answer)
I miss the sarcastic ass hole who used to answer our questions.
yeah some emo pussy has him tied up in the corner of a room. hopefully hell get loose sometime soon…
January 31, 2007
paris france. my ideas cant get through the narrow streets. louis the 14th has a bit more on the island than louis vuitton but you wouldnt be able to tell. "the songs we sing are going to send us all to hell". where do you begin and end ever. threw a book out the window today, words and all. literally. it felt ignorant but like just the right thing. its really all of a matter of who you become in the middle of the night. sometimes im always going, but mostly im always coming back. two talking over cold ones in a beer garden, growing carelessness- branching out, piss and make up. that kind of thing. in the family tree of paperback books you know with that spinelessness thing thats going on.... on the eve of possiblty the best thing ive ever dreamt of, with this band- but im lying on the cold tile floor. back in new york. will see you all soon. xx."the thing id like mos tin the world, " i say to her, since at this point i might as well go on talkingto her, "is to make clocks run backward." italo calvino - if on a winters night a traveller.
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dianneking · 1 year
hey love
how ya going?
can i ask some advice? (you can get others advice on this too, but i’m happy with anything really)
i had long hair last year, cut it to a bob, and i loved it. so i let it grow out (unintentionally i just couldn’t be f’ed going to the hair dressers) (also side note, apologises if i swear, it’s just i swear like there’s no tomorrow 😬), and a couple months ago, i cut it to a really short bob again, and it gave me such a confidence boost. i felt like a god, made me feel more masculine. i hated my long hair. it made me feel disgusting and i despised it. and so i tend to dress more masculine, than feminine, as i just like how i feel in it. and last night, was talking to my cousin, and she was showing me photos of people who had shorter bobs than myself, and she said that mine was bad, at an awkward angle and doesn’t suit me and that i should either shave it off or grow it long because it doesn’t suit me and i look too masculine in it (she knows i’m a raging lesbian), but her comment hurt a little bit, and people are saying i dress too “manly” and it makes me feel horrible about myself, like physically, body issue kinda thing. honestly i forgot what my question was, but like how do i overcome this, because as of recently, i’ve always been a more femme presenting person, and i don’t like myself that way anymore, and it’s just hard for me to adjust to all the comments about me presenting more masc and it’s throwing me out of wack about all of this stuff
- 🦂 (can i be this anon if it hasn’t been taken xo)
Hello dear🦂, first of all, thank you for choosing to ask me for advice <3 I hope I can be of as much help as possible. (Sorry for the cut, but long answer ahead, read at your own risk lol!)
Honestly? My knee-jerk reaction is fuck them. You like the way your hair looks when it's cut in a bob? Have it cut precisely how you like. You hate your hair when it's long? Cut it short.
People - yes, even people who are close to you - have no right telling you what to do and how to express yourself. They can offer you advice (ideally if and only if you ask for it) but need to accept that sometimes you might not take that advice.
If there are small, controllable things that make you happy, do them, because life is already a fucking dumpster fire most of the time (oh, btw don't worry about swearing, I uhm might be a serial swearer as well, as you can see) so you need to take care of yourself and your happiness as much as possible.
Second point. Masc vs fem. How do I put it? It's a lie. Ok, maybe that's extreme, but really, it is nothing more than an arbitrary decision that a group of people have agreed on for the here and now. It changes and it fluctuates with time and different cultures. What makes something masculine? What makes something feminine? Colors? Shapes? Textures? Why does it have to be one versus the other and not both or neither? It's a waste of time trying to put things into boxes that make only a small fraction of the population happy.
What's really important? That you feel good in what you choose to wear. That you look at yourself in the mirror and think "I am proud of the person I am becoming". That you try stuff out and see what works for you.
My usual addendum to this: it's okay for things to change. I have been physically unable to have my hair reach even my ears for a long time, and now I am so happy it's almost down to my shoulders. It doesn't change who I am. It doesn't change that some days I feel more masc and other days more femme. It's just how I feel like having my hair at the moment. Might shave it all off in a month, who knows?
You are valid, always.
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cryonme · 3 years
➵ 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
➵ Ethan Torchio x fem!David!reader
➵ summary: you sit with your boyfriend and have a conversation about the good, bad and the ugly.
➵ word count: 1.7k
➵ tw: mentions attempted suicide (kind of detailed), mental illness, drinking, swearing, Damiano being not very nice but then being rlly nice also, smoking, self deprecation, mentions of past fighting, really quick sexual innuendo if you blink you’ll miss it. really bad google translate Italian im so sorry if you speak Italian really I deeply apologize this is terrible haha. lmk if I missed anything!
➵ a/n: im pretty happy with the way this turned out and I hope u all love it too! xo (ps, Italian words are in italics, flashbacks in bold!)
                    ╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝
You jumped at the voice behind you, even though anyone could’ve guessed that Ethan was going to come out and check on you sooner or later.
You didn’t turn around, just took another drag from your cigarette.
Ethan plopped down next to you, letting out a small grunt as his body hit the ground, and adjusting so he could wrap his arms around his knees.
“Damiano è uno stronzo.” (Damiano’s an ass.)
You scoffed, “Parlamene.” (Tell me about it)
You were Damiano’s little sister, and boy did he never let you forget it. Which could either be heaven or hell. He could make you feel so protected, like a little princess whose throne was on top of the world, but he could also make you feel so small. Like a tiny fly on his shoulder that he repeatedly has to swat away.
Ethan had only ever seen you as you. Not a fly or a princess, just you. Which is what drew you to him in the first place. He was so caring, attentive, and so in love with you. So, when Damiano made one too many jokes at your expense in front of his friends, and after you slammed down your wine glass and cursed under your breath and stomped outside, Ethan knew to wait a couple minutes before following you out.
“Sempre il dramma.”(Always with the drama) Damiano had scoffed before taking a drink from your glass after you left the room.
“No need to be a dick, Dami.” Ethan had said before he finally followed you outside.
You handed Ethan a cigarette and lit his with the end of your own, he nodded in thanks before taking his first drag and leading you both into comfortable silence.
“Damiano, the star.” You said after a significant amount of time had passed. Ethan turned his head toward you, prompting you to continue. “Damiano this, Damiano that. None of them ever ask about me. Do they care who I’m dating?​​ They don’t until they find out it’s you. Do they care how I make my money? No, I’m not a rockstar. Did they care when I landed myself in a mental hospital because I tried slitting my wrists apart? No. Not even a fucking ‘Get Well’ card.”
Ethan winced at the last one. He remembered that night all too well, driving you to the hospital in a panic as you practically faded away in the passenger’s seat. He would never stop getting nightmares about it, and sometimes he can still hear his own cries as he tries to fall asleep and it scares him. He can remember Damiano, too.
“Please, please, Ethan tell me it isn’t true.” Damiano barreled into the waiting room, anything but calm. But your boyfriend couldn’t speak, he could only shake his head as his lip began to quiver and Damiano was beside himself. He couldn’t assure them that you were okay, he didn’t even know if you were alive.
“Non mia sorella! Non lei, Dio ti prego!” (Not my little sister, please God, not her!”)
Ethan couldn’t move, he could only let his head fall into his hands as he cried, and as his best friend nearly fell apart at his feet.
It was a night engraved into his brain.
“But, you know who was there? Every day he could be?” Ethan said after he contemplated for a moment.
You sighed and picked at your fingernail. “Damiano.”
“Damiano.” Ethan agreed. “Siblings nag and they make fun, doesn’t mean the love isn’t there. And just because you’re not a rockstar that goes on tour doesn’t mean you’re not important, or talented, or smart, or absolutely beautiful. Don’t go there.”
You nodded, agreeing with the dark haired boy next to you. It was best not to go there, he was right. It would only make you resent your brother.
You slipped into a comfortable silence once more with the raven haired boy, taking a long drag of your cigarette and wincing when a bit of smoke got in your eye.
Ethan giggled beside you, slightly shaking his head.
“What?” You asked, a hint of humor in your voice when you realized what he was probably laughing at.
“Just thinking about the night I met you.”
You mirrored his own giggles, placing one hand over your eyes in embarrassment. “God, I was trying so hard to look cool.”
You walked behind Damiano, your feet in sync with his while you kept your hands secure in your coat pockets, your hair wisped behind you as you rolled your cherry red lips into your mouth, trying to feign confidence in case you came across a certain drummer.
Damiano handed you a cigarette without turning around, and you gladly took it, lightly squeezing his shoulder as a thank you before lighting it with the lighter you kept in your jacket pocket.
Your brother found a spot that suited his liking to hang out for the time being as you smoked your cigarettes and sipped on jack and cokes, trying to loosen yourselves up before really joining the party. Your nerves were bouncing around in your chest like a pinball machine, you had never met your beloved brother’s bandmates before, and the tanned, long haired drummer had you drooling over your phone every time your brother posted him.
“Think they’ll like me?” You asked your brother, bringing a shaky hand to take a sip of your drink then immediately taking a drag from your cigarette.
Damiano laughed loudly. “Tu sei la mia carne, e loro mi amano, perciò devono adorarti.” (You are my flesh, they have to adore you.)
You just nodded, taking a deep breath in.
“There she is!” You turned to see Victoria, in all her beauty, running toward you with open arms.
You smiled and gladly welcomed the girl with a hug, rocking each other back and forth as she squeezed you tight.
She pulled back and beamed, her eyes raking up and down your face, taking you in in real life. “Looks like you got your mama’s good genes, huh? What happened to you, Dami?” She joked, a wide smile on her face as she continued to clutch your arms.
Damiano faked a laugh before rolling his eyes, “You’re a hoot, Victoria.”
“You must be Thomas.” You smiled, nodding in the direction of the tall blond, he smiled and stuck out his hand, pressing a kiss to yours when you took it. “Charmed!”
“Attento, Raggi.” (Careful, Raggi) Damiano warned, his friend getting a little too close to his little sister for his own comfort.
You sent him a sharp glare and lightly stepped on his foot, they were just being nice.
As you began to turn your head back to the blond pair your eyes caught his.
Ethan Torchio.
God, he was stunning.
He was looking at you, too.
Look cool, you thought.
You brought your cigarette to your lips, not noticing how short it had gotten after neglecting it for so long, and your eyes squeezed in pain when the smoke floated up into your eyes.
“Cazzo!” (Fuck!) You swore, bringing your hands up to rub your eyes after setting down your belongings, no doubt ruining your makeup.
“Good one, sorellina.” (Little sister)
“Fuck off.” You grumbled.
“Aw, poor babe. That hurts! Let me help you.” Vic suggested as she took your hands in hers, leading you to the bathroom, but not before literally running into the fourth Måneskin member.
You still had a hand on one of your eyes, the other barely open through tears and redness.
“I’m Ethan.” He said, a glint of playfulness in his eyes and a smile tugging at his lips. He stuck out his hand for you to take. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“Well whatever you did, amore, it worked.”
You smiled, lightly bumping your shoulder with the boy next to you.
“Do you ever wonder if we would still be together if you weren’t Dami’s little sister?” He queried, his voice tight, growing sad at the thought.
You replied instantly, “Yeah.”
You nodded. “I’d be a groupie at one of your shows, I’d eye fuck you from the front row and you’d ask for me backstage. We’d make sweet sweet love all night long until you declared your love for me.”
Ethan snorted, putting his cigarette out on the concrete next to him before swiftly pulling you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his waist, straddling him.
“Don’t know what I would do if you left me again.” You mumbled, eyes trained on Ethan’s collarbone.
He winced, frowning as he remembered the night he’ll never learn to get over.
“I can’t do this with you anymore.” Ethan all but yelled and you flinched, he never yelled at you, he was always so calm, so understanding.
“Eth, please.”
“Goddamnit!” He roared, his hand flying down to smack your marble countertop. You flinched harder this time, tears collecting in your sad irises.
“All we do is fight, (Y/n)! We’re not happy!”
You choked on a sob, feeling like someone had just pressed a knife through your chest.
“This isn’t love.”
The knife twisted.
“You don’t love me?” Your voice was shaking in disbelief, your hand clutched over your chest, as if you were desperately trying to hold it in place.
He only shook his head.
“I can never make up for the way I broke you that night.” Ethan whispered, his lips slightly quivering. You ran a thumb over his bottom lip before pressing a small kiss to it.
“Yeah, Damiano almost murdered you with his bare hands.” You joked and Ethan giggled.
He really had, when you had called Damiano he was at yours and Ethan’s formerly shared apartment almost immediately, tugging you tight into his protective big brother embrace, swearing up and down how he’d kill the drummer himself and find a new one, telling you how you deserved so much better.
After smiling at your own joke your face turned serious, love adorning your face as you looked at the boy in front of you. “You already have, amore. In too many ways to count. You love me so well. It was just a minor bump.”
Ethan nodded, gently brushing your stray hairs out of your face as he looked at you. He always looked at you with such intensity and passion, like you’re the only woman who’s ever walked the earth.
“I feel like I’ve loved you in every lifetime.”
You could’ve sworn you heard your heart sing.
“We’ll find each other in the next one?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything, cara mia.” (my beloved)
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 3 years
Mother’s Day Drabbles
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader, Miguel Galindo x Black!Reader, EZ Reyes x Black!Reader, Obispo Losa x Black!Reader
Summary: Four drabbles with my four favorite men from Mayans MC commemorating Mother’s Day with their loves.
Warning(s): Grief, loss of a child in the last drabble (sorry to my bishop girls) but the other ones are all fluffy goodness
Word count: 1,545
AN: It’s almost Father’s Day so y’know what sounds good? Reading some EXTREMELY late Mother’s Day drabbles!! lol. I haven’t posted anything in so long and these were in the drafts so here we are. Enjoy these random ideas that popped into my head. Trying to force myself to get into shorter form writing like drabbles and headcanons. As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcomed. Happy reading! xo
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Breakfast in bed - Angel (fluff)
“Daddy shhh! You gots ta be quiet.”
“Lo siento princesa.”
You fought to keep your eyes shut and not smile as they tried and failed at surprising you. You wouldn’t ruin their efforts so you just listened as they came into the bedroom and something was set on your nightstand.
It was silent for a moment before a ball of energy landed firmly on top of you, knocking the wind out of you and fully waking you up.
“Good morning mommy. I made you breakfast in bed.” Your beautiful little girl told you once she saw your eyes open.
A throat cleared and your eyes connected with your husband’s.
“Oh, Daddy helped too.” She added, getting comfortable in your lap as you sat up against your headboard and adjusted the bonnet on your head.
“Oh he did? Well thanks for helping Daddy.” You teased, as he took a seat on the bed next to you.
“Anything for you. Happy Mother’s Day.” Angel leaned in and kissed you on the lips once, twice, three times. The last peck lingered a little too long and the princess was not amused.
“Let her eat! The food is gonna get cold.” She grumbled, and you broke down in giggles. That daughter of yours was a sass machine and she stayed on her daddy’s head. He loved every bit of it.
“Okay, okay.” He relented, a grin on his face. Anything for his girls.
Coming home to a spotless clean house - Miguel (fluff)
As your driver pulled into the driveway of your large home, she sighed knowing your day had only just become. After a full day of work, she knew as soon as you stepped foot in the house you would need to pick up after the kids from their time running the nanny ragged. Then, you’d have to get dinner cooked before wrangling the kids to eat, bathe, and then sleep. No clue if you’d see your husband or if he was having a late night.
You loved your life. You loved your family. Sometimes things could just be a little tiring. But you put that smile on your face and you made your way into the house.
The quiet was the first thing to hit and surprise you. Your home was never this quiet at this time of day. You slowly walked further into the house, your nose guiding you to the kitchen where a delicious aroma caught your attention. As you rounded the corner, you were shocked to see your husband standing at the stove.
“Miguel?” You asked, confused at his presence and the state of the house. Everything was clean and put away. He was at home at a decent time and not off somewhere handling business. Something was going on.
“Hello mi amor.” He walked closer to you before grabbing your face and kissing your lips. You’d missed him today so you added a little pressure to the kiss, but it didn’t last long as there was a burning question on your mind.
“What’s going on? Where are the kids?” You asked, head swiveling, as soon as you ended the kiss, to see if you could spot them. You didn’t even notice Miguel maneuvering you onto one of the kitchen stools.
“The kids are in their rooms, dinner is cooking, the house is clean and you are going to enjoy this chardonnay I bought for you.” He handed you a glass and you took it without complaint. A sweet smile spread across your lips as you realized he did all of this for you.
“You do so many wonderful things for this family. I want you to enjoy your night to yourself. I will handle putting the children to bed and you will relax for the night. Your dinner should be done by the time I get back downstairs but in the meantime, I know you’ve been wanting to catch up on the new season of A Black Lady Sketch Show. It’s queued up in the living room.”
A kid wrangling free night? Your favorite tv show and wine? He already bought you everything you could ask for but this? This is so much better than any present he could have come up with. “How did I get so lucky?” You pondered, a dreamy smile on your face.
“I ask myself the same question every day. Happy Mother’s Day.” He replied, kissing you again before going to fulfill his promise.
Spa day for expectant mom - EZ (fluff)
Knowing what comes with being pregnant and actually experiencing the symptoms are two very different things. You don’t wanna say you underestimated things, but you were in the middle of your third trimester and you weren’t handling things very well.
“EZ!! EZEKIEL!” You hollered for him, from where you sat propped up on the couch. Your back was killing you, you couldn’t see your feet but you knew they were a hot mess, and you just generally felt uncomfortable. You knew it would all be worth it in the end, but the end was taking too damn long to get here.
Your boyfriend had been incredibly understanding of your constant mood swings. When you first told him you were pregnant, he went out and bought a bunch of pregnancy books. He was always reading one that first trimester. Angel would tease him and say he could just google everything, but EZ had always preferred having physical copies of text. He wanted to know everything you’d go through so he could help you deal with it.
You call him now and he doesn’t respond. You grow annoyed, but also slightly concerned because he never doesn’t answer you.
It took several tries but you manage to get yourself off the couch and head back towards your bedroom. When you push the door open, a wide smile breaks out on your face. The lights in the room were dimmed and your favorite candles were lit, bathing the room in a soothing scent. Songs from your ‘self care day’ playlist filled the otherwise silent air. On the bed was the biggest, fluffiest robe you’d ever seen in your life. There was also a basket filled with goodies including face masks, different color nail polish, massage oil, and your favorite snacks.
“What is all of this?” You asked your boyfriend who had almost as big a smile on his face as you did.
“You didn’t seriously think I’d just let your first Mother's Day go by with no acknowledgment, did you?”
You blinked somewhat in surprise. “I...I mean yeah I guess. My first Mother’s Day is next year. Baby Reyes isn’t even here yet.”
“So? You’re carrying our child. You gonna let me spoil you or you gonna keep making excuses why I can’t?” He asked, his eyebrow raised and a sly smirk on his face.
“Spoil away then.” You grinned, holding out a hand for him to take before pampering you for the rest of the night.
Cuddles - Bishop (angst, heed the tw up top please)
The ray from the television was the only light source illuminating the living room. You were laying on your side on the couch, eyes on the tv but not truly paying attention to it. The light from the tv reflected off the tear stains left in her cheeks.
Bishop came back from dealing with club stuff and leaned on the doorway just watching you. He knew it was a rough day for you. Everyday was hard, but today was especially hurtful. He’d be feeling the same way just next month.
He placed his kutte onto the armchair and slipped off his shoes before climbing over you. You jumped a little at his presence but he just gently nudged you up so he could squeeze between you and the back of the couch.
One arm slid under your head and the other rested on your waist as he settled in. The hand on your waist reached out and gently ran a thumb over the little face in the picture frame you held tightly in your hands.
“Our sweet boy.” He whispered, a sad smile on his face.
Your breath hitched and your shoulders began to shake as you silently cried. You missed him so much. The whole day you stayed inside hoping to avoid all the mother celebrations, but that didn’t help. The hurt ran deep and no amount of avoidance could stop it. This day was a special slap in the face and every year the last three years have been spent like this.
Bishop curled the arm under your head until his elbow laid on your clavicle. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you tight against him.
“You’ll always be his mother. That love is forever.” He softly but firmly stated before pecking your shoulder over and over.
You released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in at the feel of him squeezing you tightly. It was comforting. He was always holding you together. He understood your pain and even though it hurt worse some days than others, you knew you had to continue on.
But for right now, you would cry in your man’s arms and hope next year went better.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Inspired by Day Three of the July Prompts list: pineapple
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: I have no idea if the myth about pineapple and sexy times is true, but the idea struck me instantly when I was reading over the prompt list hahaha. Enjoy! xo
Angel Reyes Taglist: @helli4nthus @mayans-sauce @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @withmyteeth @encounterthepast​ @lilacyennefer​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @luckyharley1903​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @black-repunzel99​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @lexondeck​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @berniesilvas​
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The house was silent and still when you got back from your morning run. Not wanting to disturb the peace, or wake the sleeping beast a few rooms over, you left your headphones on to listen to your music. You nodded your head along with the beat as you got yourself a glass of water. You downed the entire thing in one go before bracing yourself against the counter in front of the sink. Letting yourself have a few moments to really catch your breath, you shut your eyes. You could feel the sweat dripping down your chest and back and the only thought that took over your mind was that you desperately wanted to take a shower.
Shutting off your music and taking off your headphones, you made your way down towards the bathroom. You peeked into the bedroom, smiling when you saw Angel sprawled out on his stomach, snoring peacefully. Biting back a laugh, you continued down the hallway.
By the time you got out of the shower, you could hear the television playing in the living room. You tied the towel around yourself and made your way down the hall to find Angel. He was sprawled out on the couch, cup of coffee perched carefully on his chest as he watched the television.
You walked over and sat on the arm of the couch, looking down at him with a smile as you lazily raked your fingers through his hair, “Good morning, handsome.”
He looked up at you, a smile breaking out across his features, “Good morning, querida,” he reached back and dragged his fingers along the fabric of the towel, “Go for a run this morning?”
You nodded, “Yea. I don’t know why I do that shit to myself,” you laughed.
He sat up, placing his coffee on the table before leaning his head against the outside of your thigh, “Plans for the day?”
You shook your head, “None, really. You got club shit today?”
He chuckled at the bluntness of your statement before shaking his head, “Nah, not today. Day off.”
“Wow,” you smiled, cupping one side of his face in your hand, “A day off? For Angel Reyes? Sounds fake.”
He laughed before sitting up and pushing you off the arm of the couch, “Go get dressed and I’ll get started on breakfast.”
Laughing, you adjusted the towel wrapped around our torso, “Okay, okay. Get the smoothie stuff out for me, please?”
“Yea. I’ve been making them in the mornings after I run.”
He opened the freezer and saw the multiple different bags of frozen fruit you’d gotten for your morning ritual. He looked back and forth between you and the freezer, “What ones?”
“You having one?”
He shrugged, “Sure?”
You laughed, “Alright. Grab the strawberry then. Oh, and the pineapple.”
When you walked back into the kitchen, Angel was intently watching the French toast that was cooking on the stove. You smiled to yourself as you got the blender set up. You hummed quietly to yourself as you grabbed the oat milk from the fridge, pouring it in after throwing a few handfuls of frozen fruit into the blender.
Hitting the pulse button, you swayed to the song stuck in your head. You caught Angel in your peripheral, watching you with a giant grin on his face as you blended everything together.
“What?” you took your finger off the button.
He shook his head, still smiling, “Nothin’. Just, you look so happy with your fruits over there, that’s all.”
You filled a cup for each of you, handing Angel his with a curious smile on your face. You figured that he’d like it. He was many things, but picky about food and drinks wasn’t one of them. He took a sip and immediately nodded, taking a larger gulp before returning his focus to the stove.
“How long you been doin’ this?”
You shrugged, sipping on your own smoothie, “Two months? Ish? I think,” you chuckled, “Time is sort of irrelevant these days.”
“Two months and you never thought to offer any to your man?” he rolled his eyes, “Disrespectful.”
You laughed, “Drama queen. I’ll be sure to start making extra for you, alright?” you paused, “You like this one?” When he nodded in response, you smiled, “Good. Pineapple is good for you, you know.”
“Isn’t all fruit good for you?” he laughed.
“Yea, but,” you paused, taking a moment to look at his expression, “Do you not know what they say about pineapple?”
Confusion was written all over his face, “The fuck do they say about pineapple?”
You smiled knowingly, shaking your head, “Google it later,” you grabbed a couple plates out of the cabinet, “Let’s eat.”
Once breakfast was finished, you gathered up the plates and cups to bring them over to the dishwasher. Angel walked up behind you as you stacked them in, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder, “You wanna do anything today?”
You looked back over your shoulder at him, a soft smile on your face, “Wanna just get out for a bit? Or would you rather stay home on your day off?”
“Whatever you want, querida,” he kissed your shoulder.
“I was gonna get some shopping done today. Just a couple things for the house, and groceries. You can come with me if you want, but I won’t be offended if you’d rather just stay home.”
He smiled, “Will you push me around in the cart at the grocery store?”
You laughed, “Absolutely not.”
“Well,” he chuckled, kissing your neck lightly, “I’ll still go with you anyway.”
“Alright,” you shut the dishwasher and turned around to face him, “Let me go put a different shirt on and then we can go, okay?”
You were pawing through your dresser when you heard Angel shout from the other end of the house, “Babe!” his heavy footsteps came quickly down the hall and he flung himself through the doorway of the bedroom, phone gripped tight in his hand, “Is this true??” he shoved the phone screen in your face so you could see his Google search.
You laughed, shrugging, “I mean, probably. Can’t hurt, right?”
“It’ll really, you know,” he gestured vaguely to the crotch of his pants.
You tried hard to bite back the laugh bubbling up in your chest, “That’s what they say.”
He tossed the phone onto the bed and grabbed you by your shoulders, looking you in your eyes, “We need to buy every pineapple at the store today. I’ll eat a whole one every day.”
You couldn’t contain your laughter, “That seems a little excessive, Angel.”
“It’s for science, querida. We gotta do our research.”
You smiled, nodding, “Alright, whatever you want, Dr. Reyes,” you leaned in, kissing him and nipping lightly at his bottom lip, “For science.”
He turned and grabbed his phone off the bed, fingers quickly flying across the screen. You tilted your head curiously, “Whatcha doing?”
He didn’t look up from the phone, “Puttin’ this shit in the group chat. The guys gotta know about this.”
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black-bhabie-2000 · 3 years
Hii! I would like to request accidental stimulation in public by fem reader (may be she doesn't pay much attention that time about this? Or u choose ) & and then may be the Guys get flustered about this and they try to get close & get some stimulation with their S/O till they get home and then we can go all NSFW 😛 with KENNY, CHIFUYU, BAJI, MITSUYA please ♡♡ thank you for your time. Have a greattt day☆ xo
I hope I had the right idea with this.. thank you for being my first ask and sorry if it isn't right I did the ones I know and I hope you request again..
You and Mitsuya have been dating for a while and you've gotten to see every side of him. Including what he's like outside of his Toman persona but you guys were about to hit an even bigger milestone. He invited you to his house. You were brimming with excitement. You stopped at his club after school to walk with him. He spotted you " Just a sec babe, alright make sure to not hurt yourselves and anything you mews up let me know so I can help you tomorrow. " with that He grabbed his stuff and grabbed your hand pulling you alongside him. The walk to his house wasn't long. You guys walked in and changed to his slippers and he led you to his room. "Feel free to look around." He said with a smirk. You laughed " How did you know !" He smiled and closed the door. You waited to see if he was going to com back in and he didn't. So you started snooping. The first thing was dirty magazines but sadly he hide them to well but you came across something better. In his closet was a bag with your name on it. What else could you do but open it and inside was the prettiest dress you've ever seen. You immediately stripped not paying attention to the door that was slowly opening and started putting on the dress. Once on you realized it really emphasized you curves and was a little too tight in certain areas. The whole time your tugging and trying to make it fit right. Your boyfriend is on the floor watching the show your putting on. " Wow you look hot babe" you turned around flushed and embarrassed. You forgot he would eventually come in. " You look very sexy in the clothes I made for you but it looks like it needs some adjustments " he smirked and stood up slowly walking to you. Your body moving backwards till your against the wall . Mitsuya leans in his hair tickling the side of your face. He grabs your side his right hand slowly sliding down your back and he whispers in your ear. " We're going to have to rip this off and start from scratch ." Let's just say you reached more than one milestone that day and Mitsuya makes you wear the clothes he designs on dates.
You and Baji have been in the same class for 2 years and yes yall both dumber than a bag of rocks. Only thing is you were more popular because of how cute your actions were. While baji was just weird. You asked Baji out and much to your surprise he said yes. You didn't know about Toman or that he looked like out of school until he asked you on a date to an amusement park. He told you his gang was going to be there and you excited about going on your first date pulled all the stops. Im talking about cute thigh highs, brand new skirt with a baby doll top that showed off your rack quite nicely 😏. Your makeup was beat in and you snuck into your older sisters makeup for the spray that would make sure your face wouldn't melt. Your accessories showed off you curvy and cute form. You hadn't seen Baji after-school and neither had he seen you. So you arrive at your meeting spot and couldn't see him. So you waited. You hadn't noticed the group of boys next to the fountain you walked past or kept circling. Draken called attention to you first with a nod in your direction "she's cute '
Takemitchy gasped "don't say that what about Emily " Draken laughed "like Mikey would let me date his sister " Mikey silently smiled to himself ready to go into the amusement park cause he was hungry. "Baji how long is your girlfriend gonna take, we've been out here for 20 minutes " Mikey whined. I don't know man she said she was here maybe I should call her ?" Baji responded. "You should've called her in the first place" chifuyu replied. Baji typed in your number and flipped chifuyu off with lead int the guys chuckling. You had hit the roundabout and stopped in your tracks a few feet in front of the boys. You picked up your phone in a hurry and answered it . You were kinda irritated " if you weren't going to be here , you shouldn't have wasted my time dumbass and hung up on him. Baji ofc looking at you and also stunned that you cussed at didn't say a word. Better yet all the boys were looking at you because one there was no way Baji pulled a baddy like you and two did you just cuss him out. You were Bout to storm off . When Baji caught your arm and spun you around, pulling you into him. You were shocked cause one wo to was this hot ass stranger and why was he so close. You went to yell at him and " hey babe if I knew you were going to get all filled up. I wouldn't have invited the gang and 'he leans I a little too close ' we could've went to my place for a study Date. He said gazing deep in your eyes and you knew exactly what he meant and it was for sure not studying. You pulled back half in shock cause you recognized his voice anywhere and damn you got lucky. You slapped Bajis chest ' hmph show me your friends dummy and walked away. Baji chuckling behind you , slyly gripping your hand. " Hey Draken the hot babes mine "
DRAKEN (kenny)
It was a comfy afternoon , the sky was gray and it was raining true peace. Well as peaceful as it gets in the red light district. You followed Draken all the way to his house and then hid when he got out. You walked around till you met the front desk clerksman and he recognized you. Though you didn't know how . He offered you some tea and led you to Drakens room. " I don't know when he'll be back and I'm not calling him so stay comfortable " he shut the door and left . You were in Drakens room your excitement trumping your guilt because you followed your boyfriend outta jealously. " It's so neat in here" you announce to yourself in a slight mischievous tone. Looking around cautiously you start to what any girl in her boyfriend would do . Look for evidence, not bad evidence but evidence. You had been strategically Looking and putting everything back in its place just in case he might get upset with you for Looking through his stuff. You did find a porn Magazine that showed you why he was dating you. You fit the body type of the page with white residue on it to a T . I mean her ass was a bit bigger but hey what's a girl to do. You had now moved on to store i.e. his closet . You opened and marveled at how many of those damn black and white jackets he has like damn Boi buy another color shit. You now completely forgotten you are trespassing cause your boyfriend doesn't know you are there. You start to strip and try on his clothes. Draken was making his way home it was still light outside and plus he needed to Chang into his toman uniform because Mikey wanted to meet up tonight. He was in the building heading up the elevators. Wondering why he hasn't heard from you all day. TF were you doing 😒, were you mad at him. He doesn't really know or care . He's just pissed you hadn't texted him all day. "I'm going to punish that brat next time I see her 😏" the elevator door opened and he stepped off with a pep in his step to change a little faster and head to your house and mess with you before the meeting. He walked up to the desk .
You had lost track of all time and now was getting ballsy. You half naked was about to put on his toman uniform. All your sanity is apparently out the Window cause you are giggle Loud as fuck. Your couldn't fit the pants but his jacket and boots fit nice and the way your ass looked hanging out the bottom of the jacket oof girl, you left it open revealing your bust just enough and you had your hair in a pony tail trying to mimick your boyfriends hair. ' I'm Draken and Mikey is my leader and son and if you wanna hurt him you gotta fight mee grrr"... you had your fist up and a very sad attempt of a bad ass face. You currently fake fighting and giggling like an idiot had no idea Draken had been watching you since you put your hair in the pony tail. (Stealthy bitch) you turn around doing a bad ass kick and scream and dive to his bed and cover yourself up. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. YOU DIDN'T CALL OR TELL ME YOU WERE COMING " Draken laughed " Sweetcheeks this is my room' he approached the bed and ripped the covers off of you. You squirmed away from him till your head hit the wall. Giving Draken enough Time to place himself over you." Well hey there babe , you look pretty sexy in my uniform " his hand trailing up the side of your thigh. " I have 1 and 45 before the Toman meeting that's enough time to show you my bad ass skills huh sweetcheeks" you gasped .......... Draken was very late to the meeting that day and your brother was pissed when you went home the next day but shit that was the best sleep you ever had 😏😏😏😉🤷🏿‍♀️
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sunnysidevans · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 : 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝
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Summary: Everyone goes through stages in life, meeting new people, falling in love, getting married , having children. Some people think it won’t happen to them but maybe fate hadn’t lead you in the right direction.
Warnings: COMPLETE FLUFF , mentions of anxiety , mostly fluff an some swear words
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
AUTHORS NOTE: Holy crap!! we have made it to the end of another series!! what?! I have enjoyed writing this series so much, it was an idea that sat in the brain for a while and I can’t thank you enough for reading and enjoying it. I can’t believe I have finished this and I just hope you have enjoyed. Thank you all again. xo. 
As the alarm clock beside you blared in your ear you reached over, hitting it off and rolled over to face your husband. Groaning you opened your eyes as you felt the bed shift with his weight. Watching his back as he made his way to the closet you sighed “do you really have to go?” you asked as you tried to sit up slowly with your swollen belly. He sighed, “Yes baby, I’m sorry it’s just a quick meeting before the few weeks we take off” he said as he laid his pants out on the end of the bed with his suit, you smiled as he smiled at you from the end of the bed “i’m gonna shower alright?” he asked as you nodded slowly “yeah, I’ll go down and iron your pants” you said as you slowly made your way out of bed. Smiling Chris made his way to you as he placed his hands on your stomach with a grin, “hi little one” he smiled kissing your stomach gently as you giggled, looking up at you through his lashes he raised his eyebrows “no matter how much you do that, your beard always tickled me” you smiled as he laughed and made his way to the bathroom.
Making your way slowly downstairs,  groaning, being pregnant you were guilty of becoming clingy to Chris. Before you were completely okay with the weird schedule that came with his life but as you have progressed and as the hormones have become more powerful you couldn’t be away from him. Chris was heading out for a few days to help with his projects and you weren’t able to travel as your due date was quickly approaching. Getting everything out you began to iron his suit pants as he showered upstairs. As you hung the pants up on the hanger with his top and his tie, Chris made his way out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, dangerously low. You turned as you made eye contact with him as you knew you wouldn’t let him go if you kept the eye contact. “I know you don’t want me to go” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you from behind “I promise it won't be that long, plus mom is gonna stay a few nights with you incase you go into labor” he rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs on your stomach. You nodded as you rested your hands on his “I know I just don’t know what's happening” you admitted as he grinned “it’s just the little one making you feel your feelings more intensely”  he kissed your temple and made his way to get dressed. 
Sitting on the couch you waited for Chris. You began to pet  dodgers head as it laid in your lap as you sat back and waited. Sitting up, Dodger made his way to Chris at the end of the steps with a happy bark which soon changed, noticing the bag at his side. Slowly you made your way to your feet as you walked to him at the door. “I love you okay?” he smiled as you nodded, you felt the tears pricking your eyes as you took a deep breath. “I love you too babe” you smiled back at him as he leaned down to your belly, “Do not even think of coming while I’m gone” he grinned as you giggled at the kick, “I think I felt an okay dad in there” you smiled as he stood and kissed the top of your head. You followed him to the door as you stood on the porch and saw him off, hand on your stomach, turning to you you smiled and waved to him as he went to get in the car he blew a kiss to you, in which you caught and held to your chest. Making your way inside you shut the door with a deep breath, wiping your cheeks, You felt like a child crying as he was gone, “god damn hormones” you whispered as you sat down on the couch with dodger and began the waiting game, for three days. 
Falling asleep on the couch you groaned as you adjusted and noticed a blanket and a cup of water on the table, furrowing your eyebrows you sat up, looking around the house you noticed the light on in the kitchen. Getting up slowly you grabbed the candle sitting on the living room coffee table, making your way to the kitchen you were met with your mother in law, making soup at the stove. “Holy shit” you whispered “hey!” Lisa replied quickly “don’t scare a pregnant woman! You startled me!” you laughed, hand on your chest as she smiled. Making your way to the stove you gave a small side hug “hi ma, how are you?” you asked as she smiled “I wanted you to eat, Chris called form the airport and said you weren’t taking him leaving well” you sighed as you finally made your way to sit down at the table and nodded “I didn’t”. She turned to you with the bowl of soup and crackers, “what's going on?” she asked as she set the bowl in front of you and a bowl down for herself. “I think I’m nervous I will go into labor while he’s gone?” you questioned as you turned to face her “I of course missed him when he had to leave before but I feel, worse this time” you looked at her as she nodded “well honey, your hormones too are much higher but it’s completely normal to feel that way, he’s gonna be gone out of the area its okay!” she took your hand gently “I’m here for you the next few days and I won't let that baby out if it kills me” you laughed as you smiled and squeezed her hand gently. 
The three days Chris was gone was hard for you. Your anxiety was higher than ever as you worried the baby would come before he made it home, You couldn’t think of having the baby without him. You heard the door open from the end of the steps as you smiled, waddling your way down the steps you smiled as he looked at you. “There’s my precious cargo” he smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck “hey what about me?” you asked, as he shrugged “eh you work too” you laughed as you kissed his lips gently. “You have a good trip?” you asked as he nodded as you took his bag and made your way upstairs slowly, “Yeah! It was boring but it was great! I enjoyed it alot” you smiled at his reply and nodded. Sorting his bag out you tossed what belonged in the laundry in the bin and took care of what was clean. “Did Ma staying help you?” he asked as he climbed into the bed, sweatpants and hoodie in tow, his slippers on. You nodded eagerly as you joined him in bed “yes I appreciate her staying with me” you smiled as you climbed into his side, laying your head on his chest. “Good” he whispered as he traced shapes on your back slowly, the tv playing lowly “I’m glad the baby listened” he smiled as you nodded “Me too” you giggled nuzzling closer into his chest wrapping your arms around his waist. 
With your due date a week in sight Chris was not letting you do anything. You attempted to do laundry, couldn’t. You would attempt to do dishes, make dinner, Chris would not let you leave the sights of the bedroom or the living room, It didn’t help Dodger was in on this as well and wouldn’t let you leave his sights either. You covered yourself with the comforter as Chris made his way around the corner, carrying a tray, “what's this?” you smiled as dodger had joined you shortly after. “Well, I brought us cocoa, and some snacks and I thought we could watch a movie!” he grinned as you smiled widely, you nodded as you took the mug “that’s a wonderful idea baby” you smiled “you’re picking the movie” you sat back as you sipped the cocoa. Making himself comfortable Chris chose the movie, as you made yourself comfortable in his side you smiled. As you were comfortable you stopped and looked at him, as he took in your face he furrowed his eyebrows “what’s wrong baby?” he asked as you set your mug down “uh not to alarm you but I think my water just broke”.
As soon as your water broke Chris was in full super husband/dad mode. You didn’t have a chance to even help grab the hospital bag you two had packed. “Okay buddy you hold down the fort, when we come back you will have your new little friend!” Chris yelled as he closed the door behind him and helped you down the steps and into the car, as you continued your breathing exercises given to you in class. Holding your hand as he sped off to the hospital Chris continued his breathing “I’m the one having the baby” you laughed as you gripped his hand “I know but shit i’m nervous” he groaned as the light turned red. “Are you okay?!” he asked as he turned to you as you nodded “yes yes I’m okay I-” you cut yourself off as the contraction hit. Making it to the hospital Chris carried you to the doors where nurses got you a wheelchair and before you knew it you were in a room and in a gown, your husband beside you. 
After a thirty six hour labor and Chris almost passing out in the delivery room with you. You sat in the bed, sore and slightly sedated as you were handed the little baby in the pink blanket. You couldn’t help but coo as the nurse set her in your arms, smiling as you adjusted the blanket for her little hand to soon grab hold of your fingers. “Hi little one” you whispered as she soon opened her eyes and blue little orbs met yours. Soon you felt a presence beside you and felt Chris’s hand on your hair, stroking it slowly “can you believe we made that?” he asked as you smiled looking at him to see the tears falling down his cheeks gently, reaching out you gently wiped his cheeks and whispered “We did make her” you smiled “I can’t believe it”. “Here let me take her” he whispered, “you need to rest” you smiled as you handed her to Chris. “Hi there little one, Hi Violet” he whispered to her as he sat down in the chair and continued to make faces at his little girl. 
You laid in the bed as you listened to him talk to your little girl, if someone asked you almost five years ago if this was where you’d be, married happily with a baby, you would’ve laughed at them. You didn’t think you would ever find a man worth your time, worth the energy to put in, yet in the bar that night, he met you unexpectedly, you had no idea a plate of cheese fries and a slice of pizza would find you the love of your life, nor did you think it would bring you this. You couldn’t help but thank that plate of cheese fries for what it’s brought you. A plate of cheese fries bringing you through the stages of life, stages you never anticipated to happen for you.
TAGLIST: @onetwo3000​ | @memoriesat30 | @denise1605 | @angrybirdcr @hopefulbonkvoidland | @tessa-bl | @patzammit | @uniquebeautyqueen | @cocomel0613
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straykidsreactions · 4 years
Reaction To: S/O in Little Space
S T R A Y   K I D S  R E A C T I O N   T O : You, their S/O, in little space. 
Genre: Fluff + mildly suggestive
Disclaimer: Little space is not an inherently nsfw or suggestive topic-- it’s only marked as such in the directory as a preface for those who may be unfamiliar since the dialogue contains some mature themes. xo
His instinctive caretaker mode would sense the shift in your demeanor without you having to say a word. If the two of you were alone he would’ve scooped you up into his arms without hesitation, but being in the van with the other members made things difficult. He’d find a balance between making sure you knew he was there for you while still maintaining a level of professionalism. The other members were taking photos to post on the group instagram later that night and he didn’t want to interrupt their fun, but he’d first and foremost make sure you were comfortable and felt safe. 
*watching you with soft eyes as you curled up in your seat across from him and pulled your knees close to your chest, only turning away from you when Jisung tapped him on the shoulder to take a picture of him for social media*
“Hyung, pose!” He’d make a peace sign with one hand and face the younger member for the photo, all the while his free hand was out of shot placed firmly on your thigh, squeezing you lightly as reassurance that he’d take you somewhere quieter as soon as he could. 
*turning away form the camera and leanig in to whisper in your ear*
“You’re being such a good (girl/boy) for Daddy, just wait a little bit longer and we can go home, ok?”
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Minho may not come across as the warmest person on the outside, but your little space had a way of bringing out the softest and most adoring side of him, he couldn’t help but to smile around you and you can bet that when you’re in little space he’s giving you everything you want-- is definitely a pushover when it comes to enforcing rules.
*smiling brightly and laughing as he watched you stack up pillows from the couch to build a fort on the floor*
“Yahh, baby we need those to sit on!”
*his laughter growing louder as you teased him, playfully hitting him with a pillow and whining*
“Daddyyyy,I wanna make a fort, please?”
*smiling brightly as he placed a hand gently on the top of your head, patting your hair and giggling at how sweet you looked*
“Aish...you’re too cute to say no to, promise Daddy you’ll help me put them back after, ok?”
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Changbin: at an mv shoot and he notices you pouting bc ur sleepy
He could tell the moment you waddled up to him on set and rubbed your eyes that something was different, and as soon as he made eye contact with you he could tell you were in your little space. He’d immediately soften his expression, looking around to see if there was anywhere quiet he could have you stay until he was finished working for the night, worried that the music video set would be too hectic for you.
*staring at you sweetly as he stepped closer to you, knowing that proximity to him made you feel safer especially when you were in a little headspace*
“Is my baby sleepy?”
*nodding as you fiddled with the strings of his hoodie that you’d slipped on over your clothes, watching as your boyfriend rubbed his chin with the pad of his thumb in thought*
“Aishh... how about this, let me finish filming my shots and then I’ll take you home right now, ok honey? Can you wait for Daddy for 15 more minutes?”
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He wouldn’t notice right away that you’d become more quiet, curling up on the floor of the dance studio against your boyfriend’s duffle bag as he continued to rehearse with the other members. After they’d finished a run-through of the dance, however, he’d look over and immediately pick up on your shift into little space. he’d immediately become worried and flustered, not wanting to over-exert you physically or mentally.
*crouching down onto the floor and giving you a pouty stare as he made sure you were ok*
“Baby (girl/boy)-- what’re you doing down here, hm? Do you need anything, is it too loud in here?”
*nodding softly as you perked your head up a little, sucking absentmindedly on one of your fingers as Hyunjin nodding in understanding*
“There’s some snacks in my bag for you, why don’t you eat something and put some earbuds in, I promise I’ll be done soon, ok?”
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When you started falling asleep with your head against the table as your boyfriend worked on lyrics for the upcoming album across from you, he woudn’t notice at first that you’d slipped into little space. As soon as he looked up from his computer, however, he’d realize and wouldn’t hesitate to shift into his sweet caretaker role. 
*taking your hand in his gently and pulling you up so that you were sitting up*
“Baby I know you wanna sleep but our dinner is on the way and you need to eat, ok? You need to stay awake for me sweet pea.”
*whining softly as you rubbed your eyes*
“D-daddy I’m tired...”
*flashing you a small smile as he began making cute gestures in hopes of making you smile, squeezing your cheeks and then doing the same to his own as you giggled*
“Should we do something then, baby? So you can stay awake? Or maybe just laugh at daddy’s funny faces, hmm?”
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The environment at the company dinner and was filled with boisterous laughter and chatter, so when you padded up to Felix with your gaze locked on the floor he wouldn’tt be surprised by your obvious shift into little space. He’d do his best to be there for you while still speaking quietly so that his members around him didn’t hear the two of you talking-- not wanting to embarrass you.
“What is it baby, are you ok?”
*shaking your head softly as Felix stared up at you from his seat attentively, his hand finding the hem of your shorts and playing with it absentmindedly*
“I-I left m-my stuffy in the car...”
*his expression serious as he took in what you were saying, never belittling or teasing you when you were in little space; the playful and teasing side of your relationship would completely shift into pure doting and adoration in these moments*
“You left your stuffy in the car baby? No no no, here take my hand, I’ll get the keys from manager hyung and we can walk down there together, ok?”
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The two of you are on your way to watch a late night movie and going back and forth trying to decide on what you wanted to watch. The instant that he suggested a recently released thriller movie that he’d been interested in he saw your face shift into one of fear and nervousness as you shook your head-- and he quickly caught on to your shift. He’d smile brightly as a way of reassuring you that he’d never let you watch something that made you uncomfortable, despite his playful remarks.
*raising his hands up and barring his teeth cutely as he mimicked a monster*
“Awww, my baby’s scared? Do you think there’ll be monsters that’ll jump out at us?” 
*chuckling as you shook your head rapidly, sticking your tongue out at him as he giggled and pulled you closer towards him*
“I’m teasing baby, when we get there you can pick a movie you wanna watch, ok? No extra candies though, y/n, I don’t want my pretty (girl/boy)’s teeth to rot.”
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He was always pretty perceptive when it came to your shifts, so when you sat down on his lap while he was working with tears bubbling up in your eyes he could tell you were coping with a long and difficult day. He wouldn’t ask you to talk much about it, he knew more than anything you needed someone to take care of you and brighten your spirits. 
*smiling softly as he leaned closer to you and wiped the small tears from your cheeks before adjusting the beanie on his head and fiddling with the strings on his hoodie to distract you*
“baby, look-- do I look cute like this, hm?
*sniffling as you nodded, smiling slightly*
“Don’t cry baby...I’ve got you, should we go get you something to eat? I bet that’ll make you smile.”
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sailtoafarawayland · 3 years
A WIP Wednesday Bunny that’s run away with me...
(Or, my Silver Hook NLNY hopeful) 
I already had a NLNY piece that I was working on, but the muse latched onto this and is refusing to relent, so I’m going to share the first bit with you in hopes your interest keeps her interested. 
Killian landed gracefully as the portal closed behind them, the green tint of its swirling edge casting the stone in front of them in a sickly hue before disappearing and leaving him cloaked in darkness. He found his feet, eyes adjusting to the shadows as the small hand in his tightened it's grip.
“Papa, are we...”
“Aye, love,” he murmured, folding her easily into his side, the heat of her cheek against him enough to slow the rapid beating of his heart. “Stay close. Pan may be gone, but we've no idea what reigns in his place.”
“Where are we?” his daughter whispered, her boots shuffling against stone as she crowded against him in the dark.
“Some sort of cavern, it appears.” He stroked her curls absentmindedly, for the moment assured that they were in no immediate danger. He simply needed to ascertain where they'd landed, and then find a suitable place to set up camp. “Come, we'll find our way to someplace more comfortable.”
“I'm scared,” she admitted, tugging him back when he tried to guide them forward, her lips set in a familiar line as her free hand rose to tug at the neckline of her shirt. “What if Mom can't...what if...”
“Hope, darling” Killian smiled, kneeling on the hard stone in front of her so he could see her eyes in the dim light, “I've yet to see your mother fail at anything she's set her mind to, and I have no doubts she'll find a way. We just have to – ”
“ – wait for her,” Hope sighed, gaze dropping to her feet. “We just have to wait for her.”
That’s all I’m going to share for now, but I hope you’re all intrigued and looking forward to it. Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list. XO
Tagging:  @donteattheappleshook @justanother-unluckysoul @kmomof4 @the-darkdragonfly @teamhook @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @tiganasummertree @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @alexa-fangirl-forever @alifeofdreams @superchocovian @hollyethecurious @caught-in-the-filter @snowbellewells @itsfabianadocarmo @stahlop @karlyfr13s @elizabeethan @rkrbirdgirl @batana54 @ilovemesomekillianjones 
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Title: More than Words
Pairing: Idol! yoongi x reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, thigh riding, dirty talk
Rating: 18 and over
Permanent Tag List: @heyimtavia​ @mochilicious-yoongi​
You were hustling to get to his studio before 12pm, knowing damn well once 12pm hit, you wouldn’t be able to grab his attention. You rush up the hall, iced americano in hand, and bang your knuckles onto the door of his studio.
You pace back and forth from one leg to the other waiting for him to answer the door. Impatient, you knock again. The door swings open and before you stands your boyfriend Min Yoongi. “Hi!” You smile excitedly, handing over the coffee you purchased for him. He smiles wide at you, grabbing the coffee with one hand and pulling you towards him with the other hand. He hugs you tightly, kissing your cheek and breathing you in. “Thank you so much jagi.” “You’re welcome. I wanted to give you some fuel for your day. I'm excited to spend the evening with you.” You explain stepping back to adjust your purse on your shoulder. “Uh, yeah, about that.” He winces and you feel your heart drops knowing what’s coming next. You swallow back the lump in your throat, clearing it completely. “Jagi, I completely forgot, and I told the members we could record the new track tonight. I’m so sorry, please don’t be upset. I know this is a surprise.” You felt the anger sear up inside you. How could he forget? You knew he was busy, but this was too much. “No, I’m not surprised. This is just how you are Yoongi, my busy bee. Honestly, I'd be surprised if we actually hung out tonight. Please, don’t worry about it. We can catch up another night. Have a great recording session.” You give a tight smile, blowing a kiss to him before sauntering off, leaving him standing at the studio door.
He couldn’t move. He just stood there watching her walk off. His heart thumping in his chest. Her words echoing in his head. ‘Honestly, I'd be surprised if we actually hung out tonight.’ He couldn’t lose her, not when she was the best thing to ever happen to him. He was so in love with her, how could he be so stupid and allow his work to come in the way of his relationship. He growled under his breath, pulling out his phone. “Namjoon-ah, I can't record tonight. I have to take care of some other things tonight. Let’s reschedule for next week.” He hangs up and immediately makes another phone call. “Hi yes, It’s Min Yoongi. I need a favor.” Yoongi smiles sneakily, biting his lip.
You stand sulking in front of the microwave, listening to the kernels of your popcorn settle, ready to take it out before it burns. Just as you are about to yank the door open to your microwave, you startle at the sound of your doorbell ringing, huffing at how silly you are for getting such a fright. You walk over to the door, pressing your ear to it. “Who is it?” “Courier, special delivery, signature needed.” “You have the wrong address. I’m not expecting a delivery.” “Is this Miss Y/F/N Y/L/N?” “Yes.” You almost whisper. “Uh, Ma’am, please I have a lot more drop offs tonight, and this requires a signature or else I can't leave.” Your brow furrows at what it could possibly be that’s so urgent. You open the door slightly, eyeing the courier suspiciously. “Sign here please.” He hands you clipboard. You sign it, handing it back, and he then hands you a black gift box tied with silver ribbon. “Who is this from?” “I just deliver the packages ma’am but whoever it's from, they must really like you cause these deliveries are not cheap. Have a great night.”
You make your way back into your apartment and plop down onto your couch. You pull open the ribbon and lift the lid of the box to reveal a small white card atop white tissue paper. You lift the card out of the box and read the small cursive text.
‘Meet me at the Rooftop Del Mar and wear this. A car will be by in one hour. Xo Y.’
You pull the tissue paper from the box to reveal a black drape neck mini dress. Your mouth falls open as you feel the soft material and you run to jump into the shower. You are dressed and done up in under the hour time limit. You head downstairs and are greeted by a driver who is holding a tablet with your name on it. “I’m Y/N.” You say and the driver opens the back passenger door for you. You take a seat and attempt to call Yoongi but it goes straight to voice-mail.
You are at the restaurant in no time and soon the driver is opening the door and helping you to exit. “Welcome,” A male host greets you upon entrance into the restaurant, “Please follow me. You are our guest of honor.” You can’t help but blush, unsure of what’s going on. Your head is hazy and the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your tummy has you a bit queasy. You are escorted up to the rooftop, the elevator opening to an extravagantly set up dining area. There are no tables set up, only what seems like hundreds of bouquets of roses, pillar candles, and a red carpet. Your mouth hangs open and you look around drinking everything in. “Enjoy madam.” The host bows and gets back onto the elevator to leave. “Uh, wait. I don’t know what’s going on.” You stutter, your mouth dry.
You hear a click and suddenly your favorite love song plays on the overhead and you feel your heart thump in your chest. “May I have this dance?” Yoongi appears before you. Your jaw drops at how amazing he looks dressed in a white shimmering suit with pink embroidered top. He smiles at you, taking you in. “You look beautiful, jagi.”
“How? Why? I thought you had to work?” She questions, picking at her fingers. “Work can wait. You can’t. I’ve been working too much and neglecting you, the most important person to me. I’m sorry for that jagi. I wanted to show you just how much you mean to me, just how much I love you, here, tonight. So, may I have this dance?” He smirks, holding his hand out to her.
She smiles that big beautiful smile and moves towards him, taking his hand. He pulls her towards him, her giggle filling him with joy. They begin to sway side to side, her palm resting on his chest, his hand on the small of her back. “Won’t you get in trouble for not recording the new track?” She inquires. Yoongi shrugs. “The thought of losing you trumps any trouble I could ever get in.” He says, twirling her around. She giggles again, her body pressed against him when she returns to him.
They gaze into each other’s eyes and all Yoongi can think about is how much he loves her, how he’d do anything to see her smile the way she is right now, and how he’d never do anything to jeopardize what they’ve built. “What?” She chuckles, her cheeks reddening. “You’re just so beautiful. I can’t stop looking at you.” He whispers, leaning in to plant a kiss on her soft lips. “Dinner is served outside sir.” The host appears. Yoongi nods, leading Y/N out through the decorated area, and onto the deck where a beautiful candlelit dinner has been setup.
Yoongi pulls out the chair for her to sit and takes a seat across from her on the bench. He looks up at the night sky, thinking how not one star in that sky shines as bright as his gorgeous Y/N. “Yoongi, this is so amazing. You didn’t have to do all this.” She assures almost nervously. Yoongi reaches his hand across the table to take hers. “Of course, I did. You mean the world to me and I’m sorry that I haven’t been doing right by you. It’s wrong of me to always put you on the back burner. Yes, work is important but all these accolades and then no one to share them with? If my whole world fell apart, I know I’d be ok, so long as I have you. You deserve someone who cares and I do, so much. I promise to show you that often jagi. More than words, actions. I never want to lose you, us.”
Yoongi sees the tears forming in her eyes and he brings her hand to his lips to comfort her. “Don’t cry my love.” She stands immediately, walking over to sit in Yoongi’s lap, her head in the crook of his neck. He pulls her close, the feel of her warm body against his bringing him such comfort. “I love you so much Yoongi. I was so scared earlier, like you just didn’t care anymore but this is so amazing. You’ve made me so happy. I don’t want to lose us either.” “Never jagi. Never.” He whispers, kissing her shoulder. She shifts in his lap, moving to plant kisses on his lips. He doesn’t fuss, instead letting her dig her hands in his hair to tug at his locks.
He can’t help but moan when she drags her tongue along his bottom lip. He opens his mouth for her and she wastes no time deepening the kiss, swirling her tongue around his. She breaks the kiss, licking her lips seductively as she stands. Yoongi looks past her, smirking when the host steps out to check on them then immediately turns to walk back in when Y/N straddles Yoongi. “Jagi, we’re still in public. Let’s finish dinner and we can head back home.” Yoongi pants, his breath catching in his throat when she thrust her hips forward. She shakes her head in opposition and Yoongi frowns. “I want you now.” She whines. “Not going to happen my love.” Yoongi declares.
She bites her bottom lip, her eyes glinting with that dark lustful look Yoongi knows too well. “I’m serious.” He warns. “Me too.” She teases, planting an open mouth kiss on his neck, suckling at his flesh. Her hand dripping down to massage at his manhood. Yoongi sucks in a breath, wrapping his arm around her waist and lifting her off her feet. He walks over to a secluded area, covered by greenery and potted trees. Yoongi takes a good look around, happy to have found a spot out of camera view.
“My poor naughty girl. It’s my fault you can barely control yourself.” Yoongi whispers against your collar bone, planting kisses against it. “It is.” You moan, attempting to reach down to grab his erection until Yoongi grabs both your wrist in one of his large hands. “No, no, no my love. Tonight, is all about you.” He smirks, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. He raises your hands above your head, holding them in place there. He lifts his bent knee up and anchors it into the wall between your legs, planting his flexed thigh into your heat. He grips your hip with his free hand and drags you across his thigh. You gasp out loud and watch the devilish grin spread across Yoongi’s face. “That’s it baby. Use me. I want to make you feel good, watch you cum.” You whimper at his words.
Bending your knees to gain better footing, you soon begin to rock back and forth along his firm thigh, your needy bud throbbing and hardening with each thrust. “My gorgeous girl. So needy, I’ve neglected you for too long, haven’t I? Dying for release?” “Yess. Yoongi. I need you.” “I’m right here baby. Watching you, wanting you so badly. You look so beautiful. So hot against my thigh. Soaking into my pants.” He whispers, licking at the shell of your ear. You moan out, rocking harder against him, bending your knees further to press more of your electrified bean into his tensed muscle. Your panties are completely soaked and the friction against your nerve endings has you coming undone faster than you had anticipated.
“Yoongi, so close. So…. God damn close.” You mewl, throwing your head back. Yoongi releases your hands, taking your hips into his hands now. You grip his shoulders, staring into his eyes as he presses his thigh into you more, aiding you across his thigh at an accelerated rate. Your mouth falls open, and you pant frantically, your throat drying. “That’s it jagi. Let go, soak my thigh, cum for me baby.” “Oh god,” You cry out, the coil deep inside your belly tightening. You clench your cunt suddenly, your coil snapping immediately. “Oh, yes! Yoongi, I’m cumming.” You shout, digging your nails into his shoulders. He pulls you into a kiss, one hand buried in your hair the other on your ass, still dragging you across his thigh. He swallows your sobbed moans with his tongue, slowing the pace as you come back from your high.
You pull away from him, pressing your back against the wall. Yoongi stretches his leg, the very apparent wet spot glistening in the moonlight. “I ruined your suit.” You say breathlessly. He shrugs looking down at it. “I don’t care about the suit. How do feel?” “OK, like I want more.” He smiles his wide gummy smile and moves towards you, pressing his body into yours. He kisses you softly. “Like I said it’s all actions from here forward jagi. Whatever you want. Although, maybe we should eat?” You giggle, kissing him again. “OK, maybe just a quick bite.” “That’s my girl.”
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