byany--othername · 2 years
Daily OM- Lesson 4: Contribution
Have you ever posted a positive image or quote on social media? What made it special to you?                                                                                                           I post about mental health sometimes but mostly I feel like people think its attention seeking so I don't do it often unless something really speaks to me
How do you feel like you contribute to the world through your vocation?             I don't feel like the world would care too much about my contribution to that
Have you ever donated money or time to a cause? What feelings prompted you to do so?                                                                                                           yes I have, empathy I suppose and gratitude                                                  
Have you ever performed a random act of kindness?                                               all the time yeah 
How do you contribute to your family or friend group on a regular basis?         I do my friends hair for them, check in on them, tell them I love them, just always trying to make my friends feel included in things
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dygraphicdesign · 7 months
Layer Basics
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Lesson 4 covered the layer basics, gradients and text edits.
Review Questions
• Layer Basics (Pages 88 - 121) Lesson 4
What is the advantage of using layers? Working in layers allows you to work on different parts of an image without disturbing the whole image. You can isolate specific parts of to work on.
When you create a new layer, where does it appear in the Layers panel stack? It appears at the top of the selected layer or at the top of the layers list.
How can you make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another layer? You can drag layers up and down in the layers panel to make one layer appear before another.
How can you apply a layer style? You can apply a layer style by selecting it on the layers panel or going to the top of the screen and navigating layer>layer stye> (style)
To edit a Gradient Fill layer by dragging on-canvas controls, what two things should you make sure to do? You should make sure the gradient tool and gradient fill layer are selected.
Where can you see detailed options for editing a Gradient Fill layer? Detailed options for gradient fill layer are in the properties panel under gradient controls. They will only appear when gradient fill layer is selected.
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kuvaton · 1 year
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komorebinomori-photo · 6 months
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osanpo classB組
Lesson4 伏見十石舟
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rooksamoris · 3 months
Hello! Could I ask for a little bit of advice for a thing in regards to writing? Feel more than free to ignore this if you want!
I'm writing this Jamil thing, and I wanna include him, Kalim and Najma speaking bits of Arabic. I myself don't know Arabic nor do I know anyone who does, but I'm using a website I found with Arabic vocabulary as help(as well as some colloquial Egyptian Arabic phrases). I want to be able to do a similar thing like you did in 'the vagabond who avoids the oasis' (absolutely love that one btw, 10/10, amazing):
"Wa ana mashi fil bilad, sawwah.
And I walk through countries, a vagabond."
Writing it using the roman alphabet with a translation next to it. The pronunciation guides of the website I'm using aren't always helpful for this particular thing, (I don't even know how I'd pronounce '3abiiT [pl.] 3ubaTa') but copying and pasting the Arabic script into google translate does usually at least show how it might be transcribed in the roman alphabet.
The problem is when it just...doesn't. With the phrase 'مخه جزمة' for example
Do you have any advice for how I could more easily learn how a particular phrase would be written using the roman alphabet? I don't know where I'd even start in regards to learning to read Arabic script myself
SO SORRY FOR GETTING TO THIS SOOOO LATE!! i would love to read your writing whenever you finish and i hope i was able to help you!
so, when people use the number 3 to replace an arabic letter, its always this letter called "'ain" and it looks like this in the various parts of the word it may be
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like i stated earlier, im not a fan of using numbers when writing transliterated arabic because im dramatic and find it kinda ugly </3 its read with the back of your throat, think like a stitch from lilo and stitch sound?? whenever i write it, i use an apostrophe before the vowel sound to indicate the guttural sound/pause. so if i was doing it with 3abiiT or 3ubaTa' it would be like 'abiitt and 'aubutta/a'aubatta.
when they're capitalizing the T its because they're trying to make sure its not confused with the arabic letter 'ت' since it is 'ط' and while similar, they are very different sounds. usually, i just use double 't' or a 'dt' to signify 'ط' since it heavier than a 't' sound.
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if you would like, i can try transliterating the entire arabic alphabet for you??? it would take a long time, but if you want me to do it i will!! i couldn't find any sources for how to do it, sadly. the easiest way to do it would be with a guide, but i also recommend using google translate for the transliteration version of words that don't provide it. for example, the phrase you sent me "مخه جزمة"
just put it in the arabic slot in the arabic to english section, and then use the transliteration beneath the word.
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in this case, get rid of the 'N' in the end of the word since when speaking, we don't pronounce the accent that they're writing out which is this:
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its called "tanween fatha" and its at the end of most sentences, but when speaking it is not pronounced. so the transliteration of this term would look more like "makhuh jamzata"
here's a link to a busuu page with the letters and their various forms: https://www.busuu.com/en/arabic/alphabet
here's a link to a page studying arabic accent symbols: https://www.arabion.net/lesson4.html
i really hope this helped!! if you need anymore help, feel free to ask!!
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iracarterart · 11 months
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#mycollagelab #WorkingInSeries #Lesson4 First seven collages of ten to twenty
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khinmaungthet · 2 years
??? ?????????tutorial ???????????????? Piano lesson6သင်ခန်းစာလေးကိုလည်း
view/ watch လေးလုပ်ပေးကြပါအုံးဗျာ
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short video:
Chromatic scale Practise for beginners for viewing :
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mateusztrebicki · 1 year
Lesson4 the maker review
It was made by Christopher Kezelos, in 2011, using a stop-motion technique.
The movie starts very uncanny and distressing. At first I found the creatures not visually pleasing to say the least, but after a while I kind of got used to the whole aesthetic. The story is about a tall, rabbitlike doll, with clay face. He begins to make another doll, while racing agains time for unknown to us reason. The music is pretty well suited for the move, it matches with the rhythm and aids action. The visual aspect is outstanding, we can see how much time it did take to make it from the detailed room, filled with little things. Everything, down to the last details was well thought. I’ll give it a 8/10, because still, the story was nothing truly discovering and I don’t find the characters too good looking, but it might be also a intentional feature.
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#LearnArabicwithAliYousry #LearnArabic #Countriesinarabic #travelling  #Countries #Arabicforbeginners #Languagesinarabic #Languages #level1 #lesson4 #2023
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thinkingnot · 1 year
feeling ill as helllll BUTTTT (<-heh)
i made a friend today :D! maybe two actually!!!
lesson: strike conversations because maybe the distant looking person is actually the most expressive and passionate and full of excitement person you’ve ever talked to
lesson2: be openly passionate (i talked to them cuz they had a reigen & ekubo keychain it was so cute!!)
lesson4: not really related but never dry swallow a capsule pill 💊 <- these thangs they get lodged and stuck in your throat and makes breathing painful and difficult for the whole day despite you drinking like a liter of water to get it down 🥲 <- still in pain
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jusccr · 2 years
Coursera Data Analysis Tools: Lesson4
Coursera Data Analysis Tools: Lesson4
Problem: Run an ANOVA, Chi-Square Test or correlation coefficient that includes a moderator.
I will be using the gapminder dataset and specifically the following variables:
Variable: incomeperperson -> Independen Variable
Description: 2010 Gross Domestic Product per capita in constant 2000 US$. The inflation but not the differences in the cost of living between countries has been taken into account.
Source: World Bank Work Development Indicators
Variable: hivrate -> Response Variable
Description: 2009 estimated HIV Prevalence % - (Ages 15-49) Estimated number of people living with HIV per 100 population of age group 15-49.
Source: UNAIDS online database
Variable: alcconsumption -> Moderator Variable
Description: 2008 alcohol consumption per adult (age 15+), litres Recorded and estimated average alcohol consumption, adult (15+) per capita consumption in litres pure alcohol
Source: WHO
I will test if alcohol consumption moderates the relation between the HIV Rate and income per person splitting the 2 data sets by alcohol rate of 10.26 (3 first quartiles versus the last one).
Scatterplot without moderator variable
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Correlation between income and HIV Rate
PearsonRResult(statistic=-0.19957889250013813, pvalue=0.01647348228432107)
R-Square =  0.03983173433158169
Conclusion without moderator variable
The test shows almost no correlation between income and HIV Rate (Correlation = -0.19, p=0.0164) - result is statistically significant.
Splitting data sets in 2 with alcohol variable acting as a moderator
PearsonRResult(statistic=-0.17122889775532424, pvalue=0.07641660031872906)
R-Square =  0.029319335426503283
PearsonRResult(statistic=-0.23561528923376898, pvalue=0.16655263809812884)
R-Square =  0.055514564520712614 
Conclusion with Moderator variable
Dataset with Alchohol Consumption rate of less than 10.26
R = -0.17
R-square = 0.029
p = 0.076 > 0.05 (not significant)
Dataset with Alchohol Consumption rate is grater than 10.26
R = -0.23
R-square = 0.05
p = 0.166 > 0.05 (not significant)
Result is promising on the top segment with correlation improving but not by a lot and on top of it, results are not significant, thus we cannot conclude that alcohol consumption is a moderator.
import pandas import numpy import scipy.stats import seaborn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pandas.read_csv('gapminder.csv', low_memory=False)
Clean variables
clean = df[['incomeperperson', 'hivrate', 'alcconsumption']].copy() clean['incomeperperson'].replace({'':numpy.nan, ' ':numpy.nan}, inplace=True ) clean['hivrate'].replace({'':numpy.nan, ' ':numpy.nan}, inplace=True ) clean['alcconsumption'].replace({'':numpy.nan, ' ':numpy.nan}, inplace=True ) clean.dropna(inplace=True) clean['incomeperperson'] = clean['incomeperperson'].astype('float64',copy=False) clean['hivrate'] = clean['hivrate'].astype('float64',copy=False) clean['alcconsumption'] = clean['alcconsumption'].astype('float64',copy=False)
scat1 = seaborn.regplot(x="incomeperperson", y="hivrate", fit_reg=True, data=clean) plt.xlabel('Income per Person') plt.ylabel('HIV Rate') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Association Income per Person and HIV Rate') plt.show()
p =scipy.stats.pearsonr(clean['incomeperperson'], clean['hivrate']) print(p) print('R-Square = ', p[0]**2)
p1 =scipy.stats.pearsonr(clean_df1['incomeperperson'], clean_df1['hivrate']) print(p1) print('R-Square = ', p1[0]**2)
p2 =scipy.stats.pearsonr(clean_df2['incomeperperson'], clean_df2['hivrate']) print(p2) print('R-Square = ', p2[0]**2)
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komorebinomori-photo · 3 months
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【有馬の学び舎/ fish house cafe】第4水曜 14:00〜16:00
🚃 神戸電鉄有馬温泉駅 徒歩10分弱。
【夙川のatelier 『petit bois 360』 (アトリエ プチ ボワ 360) 】第1土曜 10:00〜12:00
662-0035 西宮市若松町6-18 ヴィラ・ド・コアン夙川402
※パン屋さんameens oven のあるヴィンテージマンションの4Fです
🚃阪急電車 神戸本線「夙川駅」から徒歩5分。
🚃阪急電車 甲陽線「苦楽園口駅」から徒歩13分。
2024年 9/7、10/5、11/9(連休のため一週間ずれます、12/7、2025年1/11(お正月のため一週間ずれます)、2/1、3/1(お散歩撮影会)、4/5ラスト(Lightroom)
・【有馬の学び舎 / fish house cafe 】最少遂行人数 2名 定員4名
・【夙川のatelier petit bois 360】最少遂行人数3名 定員6名
・【お山の写真教室 /カミカ茶寮】最少遂行人数 2名 定員4名
◆講座内容 (毎回課題のお披露目後に座学をします。)
Lesson1  自己紹介(どんな写真を撮りたい?)、マイカメラと友達になろう
Lesson2 カメラは明るさを測ってくれる+AF・MFの使い分け。
Lesson3 写真の明るさを決める3要素 (絞り、シャッタースピード、ISO)
Lesson4 私の好きな色作り(ホワイトバランス・色温度)
Lesson5 構図を知ると写真が一気に変わる。光と影が好き。
Lesson6 いろんなカメラ、いろんなレンズ。全く同じ写真にはならないんだよ。
Lesson7 さぁ、最後のお散歩に出かけよう。
全8回 月6,600円(税込) ×8+別途/卒展時(ギャラリー代、諸費用、作品制作費 )
◆対象 (初心者さんのためのクラスです。)
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group2stem4 · 3 years
Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era
The developing pattern of Internet utilization affects the decrease in the utilization of ordinary media. The increment in the number of web clients is likewise joined by the clients' expanded admittance to social media, the new broad communications popular in the public eye. With the goal that the audience can approach the media content anytime and anywhere, the traditional broad communications started to execute its substance delivery online by means of online news destinations straightforwardly through cell phones, tablets, and computers. Social media is exceptionally beneficial for public use since it gives users the opportunity to retain the data gathered and submit input straightforwardly and promptly. Of course, every user could likewise gain criticism from different users that might influence sincere beliefs on specific issues. Social media is significant nowadays because it provides an easier and quicker way of communicating with one another. This advantage is highlighted and can be especially true in regards to gatherings whose point is to lead a group of individuals towards assessments on ongoing problems. Since social media is one effective way of gathering data, people expect those around them to use the same powerful and convenient source to learn more about happenings. With the straightforwardness of social media, people feel urged to make their self-presence known while encouraging others to do the same. Not only that, the exchange of information becomes faster and effective with the help of social media, regardless if the sender and receiver are miles apart from one another. 
Along with the rise of the internet and its capability to provide an easier way to acquire information and prompt an efficient way of communicating—is information disorder. Information disorder is defined as the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming  (igi-global.com). These are commonly found on different social media platforms where it is spread to a much larger audience and are popularly known as fake news—and people being people, we somehow tend to believe these posts as factual information simply because it is found on the internet, and that shouldn’t be the case. As we approach a contemporary era, we use social media platforms and online classes to continue educating ourselves, but how can we be certain that what we acquire on the web is a hundred percent accurate? It is an issue of critical thinking; it is okay to be cautious and to not place too much confidence in internet media, considering the prevalence of bogus information. Nowadays,  not everything you see, learn, or hear is factual. And this is why information literacy is a very much needed characteristic/trait as a responsible online user—because by being an information literate individual, we are able to assess the information that is being presented online and evaluate its accuracy, factuality, and validity.
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seansheap · 5 years
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Record 2102. #DJShadow #Lesson4 #ArchiveRemix #12inch Single sided unofficial white label release of an alternate mix of DJ Shadow's "Lesson 4". I've read this may be a #CutChemist remix, but I'm not sure if this is true? Either way, it's got some amazing additional breaks on this mix that I absolutely love. #breaks #funk #hiphop #remix #whitelabel #vinyl #records #nowspinning #vinyljunkies #recordcollection #vinyligclub https://www.instagram.com/p/B-WogE_JtMu/?igshid=5cdez8l3liw4
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danishwithemi · 6 years
Lesson 4 - Nouns As Singular (navneord i ental)
Singular Indefinite - ‘A/an’ in Danish
In Danish there are two versions for ‘a/an’. Namely, ‘en’ and ‘et’. Nouns using ‘en’ are said to have the gender ‘fælleskøn’ (literal translation: common gender) and nouns using ‘et’ to have the gender ‘intetkøn’ (literal translation: non gender). I will refer to nouns using ‘en’ as ‘en-nouns’ and nouns using ‘et’ as et-nouns.
Here are some examples for nouns using ‘en’ (fælleskøn):
En abe = a monkey
En hund = a dog
En bil = a car
En bog = a book
Examples for nouns using ‘et’ (intetkøn):
Et skib = a ship
Et æble = an apple
Et tæppe = a blanket
Et fjernsyn = a television
Unfortunately, there are no rules for when to use ‘en’ or ‘et’. This is something that you will have to memorize. However, about 75% of the nouns are en-nouns. If you mess this up it will sound unnatural but Danes will understand what you are talking about. When you are learning a new noun try your best to memorize whether it uses ‘en’ or ‘et’.
Fun fact: Sometimes even Danes can mess up when to use ‘en’ and ‘et’. Especially with the word ‘hamster’ (meaning hamster). You will hear some Danes say “en hamster” and some say “et hamster”. The correct version is: en hamster.
Singular Definite - ‘The’ in Danish (definite)
In English you put ‘the’ in front of a noun when talking about a specific “something” (e.g. the cat). In Danish it’s a little different. In Danish you add an ending to the noun. The ending is dependent on whether the noun is an en-noun (fælleskøn) or an et-noun (intetkøn).
If it is an en-noun (fælleskøn) you add -en as an ending. Example:
En hund (a dog) becomes hunden (the dog)
En bil (a car) becomes bilen (the car)
If it is an ‘et’-noun (intetkøn) you add -et as an ending.
Et skib (a ship) becomes skibet (the ship)
Et fjernsyn (a television) becomes fjernsynet (the television)
In other words: you just move ‘en’ or ‘et’ behind the noun!
Some exceptions:
If a noun is ending on -e such as in the nouns ‘abe’ (translation: monkey) and ‘tæppe’ (translation: blanket or rug) you just omit the ‘e’ from ‘en’ and ‘et’ and add -n or -t instead (depending on whether it’s an en-noun or et-noun). In other words, you omit the double ‘e’. Example:
En abe   becomes aben (not abeen!)
Et tæppe becomes tæppet (not tæppeet!)
Some nouns gets an extra consonant when conjugated. Let’s look at the noun ‘kat’, which means ‘cat’ in English:
En kat becomes katten
Here is an example of an et-noun ‘glas’ which means ‘glass’ in English:
Et glas becomes glasset
In the next lesson we will look at nouns in plural conjugation!
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