group2stem4 · 3 years
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group2stem4 · 3 years
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group2stem4 · 3 years
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group2stem4 · 3 years
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group2stem4 · 3 years
Media: Medium of Information and Change
With the current situation our world is facing, it is evident that media is really significant as we use it on a daily basis. Currently, media is known as the best medium of communication for the mass audience. There are three types of media; Print media, Broadcast media, and New media. These three medias help us get through our lives today despite the threat of the COVID-19. Media is a vital component of our lives nowadays, and it plays a significant role in every aspect of our lives. It links us to the nation's events and teaches us about a variety of topics such as news, history, and entertainment. Media aids in bringing genuine factual information from throughout the world to our knowledge. It also addresses the need for mass communication methods if ever an unfavorable situation arises. The print machine and resulting innovative advances identified with paper assembling and conveyance prompted the foundation of print as the primary mass medium. While the capacity to handwrite original copies and even replicate them existed before the print unrest, such cycles took extensive time and ability, making books and compositions excessively costly for almost anybody in the public arena with the exception of the most special and additionally incredible to have. Furthermore, in spite of the coming of numerous different types of broad communications, print is as yet significant as a channel for data and as an industry.
Then came broadcasting as a medium of information—broadcast media started in a temporary station where the first radio transmission was first made in 1895. From then on, media went from mass publication to radio transmitting, where it is only available to radios, to being available in televisions, until it is now incorporated in the new media. True to its name, new media indeed gave us new and efficient ways of communication—this started when technology was invented and the internet was then widely used. Media, regardless of type, gives us the opportunity to learn what the world has to offer. It helps keep us in touch with reality and what is happening in the world around us. Media also allows us to analyze the information we receive. By doing so, media gives anyone and everyone the opportunity to create their own respective opinions about different topics and concepts. Such mental exercise strengthens our personality since we adhere to some opinions and oppose others. The important thing is that, in the process, our opinions and perspectives develop peacefully while respecting those who think differently from us. Because of this, the media is very important for education, as it helps to develop a critical sense in children and teenagers. Media had came all the way from stones to papers to signals to transmissions being visually available and to being easily accessed in gadgets—it simultaneously evolves with the society around it, and it always will because information brings change as change brings information.
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group2stem4 · 3 years
Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era
The developing pattern of Internet utilization affects the decrease in the utilization of ordinary media. The increment in the number of web clients is likewise joined by the clients' expanded admittance to social media, the new broad communications popular in the public eye. With the goal that the audience can approach the media content anytime and anywhere, the traditional broad communications started to execute its substance delivery online by means of online news destinations straightforwardly through cell phones, tablets, and computers. Social media is exceptionally beneficial for public use since it gives users the opportunity to retain the data gathered and submit input straightforwardly and promptly. Of course, every user could likewise gain criticism from different users that might influence sincere beliefs on specific issues. Social media is significant nowadays because it provides an easier and quicker way of communicating with one another. This advantage is highlighted and can be especially true in regards to gatherings whose point is to lead a group of individuals towards assessments on ongoing problems. Since social media is one effective way of gathering data, people expect those around them to use the same powerful and convenient source to learn more about happenings. With the straightforwardness of social media, people feel urged to make their self-presence known while encouraging others to do the same. Not only that, the exchange of information becomes faster and effective with the help of social media, regardless if the sender and receiver are miles apart from one another. 
Along with the rise of the internet and its capability to provide an easier way to acquire information and prompt an efficient way of communicating—is information disorder. Information disorder is defined as the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming  (igi-global.com). These are commonly found on different social media platforms where it is spread to a much larger audience and are popularly known as fake news—and people being people, we somehow tend to believe these posts as factual information simply because it is found on the internet, and that shouldn’t be the case. As we approach a contemporary era, we use social media platforms and online classes to continue educating ourselves, but how can we be certain that what we acquire on the web is a hundred percent accurate? It is an issue of critical thinking; it is okay to be cautious and to not place too much confidence in internet media, considering the prevalence of bogus information. Nowadays,  not everything you see, learn, or hear is factual. And this is why information literacy is a very much needed characteristic/trait as a responsible online user—because by being an information literate individual, we are able to assess the information that is being presented online and evaluate its accuracy, factuality, and validity.
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group2stem4 · 3 years
Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship
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Ever since the beginning, the media and government have mutually loved and hated one another. The government does its thing, whereas the community publicly scrutinizes their every action. Although such operations may be beneficial for one another, the government gaining exposure and the media being able to express their thoughts, it is also mutually destructive. Over the years, the media has kept an eye on the faults of public figures. It has happened multiple times to garner itself a name: Cancel culture. As the government's main priority is to care for the people, they are no exception. Criticism in itself has a fruitful, enriching, and constructive effect. It brings light to different problems and allows others to think of possible solutions. There are times, however, when the media crosses the line of what the government deems acceptable. When criticism becomes nitpicky, giving too much attention to unimportant details, tensions quickly rise between both parties.
Multiple notable instances display the love-hate relationship between the media and government. Politics is one the most well-known and the most controversial among these topics. Whenever there is an election for a government position, the media proves to be an active participant regardless of country. The media benefits by learning and expressing their opinions about the politicians who hold the country, whereas the government or politicians profit by learning about their enemies and gaining public exposure. However, when these benefits allow each party to become excessive, that is when things become worrying.  Some situations like the media becoming nitpicky while the government does questionable things may occur more often. In this modern age, social media is a powerful thing many have access to today. Social media is a place where one can share their opinions, and others can look back on it. With this power, multiple scandals and exposures may happen. In the end, the media and the government affect each other in both good and bad ways. The relationship between them is both mutually helpful and destructive. One we all consider being a love-hate relationship that is full of drama.
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group2stem4 · 3 years
The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual
Media and Information Literacy (MIL), refers to the ability to access, interpret, influence, and is necessary for citizens to assert their rights to information and expression. Commonly understood, information and technology literacy means that you are knowledgeable with and educated on how to handle various media, particularly technological media such as computers to access and use social media and the internet. It is significant to be a media and information literate individual in this digital age because media and data proficiency is fundamental for everybody—because being a media and technology-educated individual means that we get to take part in a computerized society where one should have the option to comprehend, ask, and think fundamentally. Being media and data educated can impact and alter others' viewpoints about a specific theme or issue through posting your musings and feelings via social media. By that alone, we can say that in being literate in the aspect of media and information, and even beyond, we can be influential by producing and disseminating true information. But how?
To become media literate, you must learn to identify the appropriate questions about what you are seeing, reading, or listening to. To be information literate, you must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the competence to seek, analyze, and use that information. Respect and self-control are necessary to become media and information literate. We must be cautious as to what we say and publish on social media. We must take full responsibility for every action we take. Many media and social media users are illiterate and irresponsible. We tend to overlook the appropriate behavior and basic etiquette that we must practice as individuals because of our independence and liberty. Most of the time, we are misusing the freedom that we have, and we are unaware of it. Lastly, the value is in your audience. This position, we believe, is important as culture evolves away from traditional sources and toward technology as a source. Most importantly, it does not ignore the human factor. Being a media and information literate individual has significant importance, in our opinion, if one becomes a resource and translator of current knowledge into media or possesses a good understanding of the information in the media and can work with others in using and/or sharing information.
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